Cargo Work Full Notes
Cargo Work Full Notes
Cargo Work Full Notes
Metals Liquids
These covers the whole range from raw base Sea borne liquids range from drums of
materials to metal articles e.g. steel products products such as bitumen capable of carriage
to scrap metal. All steel products are liable to in conventional tween deck ships, to parcels of
shift at sea and need careful stowage, not edible oils transported in specially coated and
only to prevent any movement, but also to heated tanks and to huge homogenous cargo
avoid seriously damaging the ship. of crude mineral oil carried by VLCC’s.
Rust will seriously affect the value of steel Most of these products are inflammable with a
products and every effort should thus be low flash point and many are dangerous in
made to avoid its occurrence. other ways, either emitting toxic gases or
possessing corrosive qualities or both.
Unitised Cargo
Any two or more cargo joined together is said Gases
to be unitised - strapping together, pre- Consists mainly of liquefied petroleum gas -
slinging, palletisation, containerization, etc. LPG and liquefied natural gas - LNG. LPG
consists mainly of propane and butane and are
Although unitisation may increase costs to carried either under pressure at ambient
some extent (extra packaging cost), it temperature, fully refrigerated (-30° to 48°C) or
enhances cargo handling operations, reduce semi refrigerated under a combination of
pilferages simplify tallying, reduce the number pressure and reduced temperature. Any gas
of people per gang. In another words it that vaporises during handling and carriage will
contributes greatly to a faster turn around be reliquefied and circulated back to the tanks.
time for the ship. Example of unitised cargo is
of soft drinks packed on pallet. LNG is mainly ethane with propane and butane
making up the balance. It is carried at or near
Containers its boiling point temperature of - 164°C at
Containers are basically just a box in which atmospheric pressure. One of the particular
cargoes are placed and the box itself is features of LNG is that cargo boil off is used as
transported. Majority of general purpose fuel by the ship. However, given the high value
containers are boxes constructed with walls of natural gas, the use of boil off for such
of aluminium or thin steel sheeting, purpose is becoming uneconomic and efforts
corrugated to provide strength and rigidity, are being made to reduce the daily rate of boil
reinforced corner posts with double watertight off to below 0.25% of cargo quantity.
doors at one end. Used to carry various types
of cargo e.g. tobacco, electronic components, Dangerous Cargo
clothing etc. Under the auspices of IMO, a Dangerous
Goods Code has evolved encompassing
Reefer recommendations as to stowage, carriage,
These are mainly concerned with the carriage packaging, documentation and labeling of most
of fruits and vegetables and are seasonal, dangerous commodities. Bulk carriers are likely
relying on the harvesting of crops around the to be affected by the carriage by one
world. Other reefer cargoes include frozen homogenous dangerous cargo at a time e.g.
fruit juices, flowers and bulbs, dairy products, sulphur in bulk or a chemical tanker is likely to
meat, poultry and fish, pharmaceuticals, x-ray carry several lots of dangerous bulk liquids at
films etc. They are handled either as a break any one time.
bulk, in pallets or in containers. They require
scrupulously clean and odorless cargo However, it is the general cargo ships or
compartments to avoid contamination and the container ships, which can be expected to
carriage temperature is absolutely critical. carry several classes of dangerous goods at
any one time, the relative effect of which in
relation to stowage and reaction between advantage, with due regard to the necessary
cargoes can be somewhat complicated. care and attention to conditions of stowage.
Thus, the freight earning capability of the
IMDG code covers carriage of dangerous vessel is kept at a maximum. To do this it is
goods in packaged from or in solid form in necessary to know the amount of space, which
bulk. each tonne of a commodity will occupy.
The IMDG code comes in 4 volumes plus a STOWAGE FACTOR is defined as the volume
supplement. Another publication dealing with in cubic meters a tonne of that cargo will
carriage of dangerous goods in UK is known occupy.
as “Blue Book”.
The figure does not express the actual
NOTE - Detail description of specific cargoes measurement of a tonne of the cargo but takes
will be given in the subsequent modules into consideration the necessary for dunnage
where appropriate. and the form and design of the packages.
shipped on board. It should show the correct ‘backlash’ does not occur when the bilge pump
technical name of the commodity, its ‘class’ is stopped.
as per the I.M.D.G. Code, its quantity and
weight, position of stowage on board, port of 2.3 Checking the hold fire detection /
loading and the port of discharge. extinguishing systems - most ships are fitted
with the CO2 extinguishing system and the
Preparation Of Hold Prior CO2 lines to the hold are cleared by passing
compressed air. Using artificial smoke usually
To Loading General Cargo checks the detection system.
As temporary custodians of the cargo, it is the
duty of the ship’s officers to ensure that cargo 2.4 Checking oil/water tightness of the Double
is delivered in the same condition as it was Bottom tank top and its manhole covers - this is
received on board. Besides ensuring that done by pressing up the tank to a head of
damage to cargo does not occur during oil/water and checking for leaks.
handling (slinging, lifting by derricks/cranes,
working forklifts etc), it is also important to 3.0 Making the Hold vermin free
prevent damage as a result of the condition of Vermin such as rats, cockroaches, silver fish
the hold itself. etc, in the holds, can cause extensive damage
to cargo on board resulting in huge damage
1.0 Cleaning the Hold claims from shippers/consignees.
1.1 The method and amount of cleaning
required will depend upon the type of cargo It is a requirement by law that every ship must
previously carried in the hold. Generally be in possession of a valid Derating Certificate.
speaking, a hold which is ready to receive The Port Medical Officer issues this certificate
cargo should be swept clean, dry, well after fumigation by the burning of sulphur or the
ventilated and free from odour of the previous release of cyanide gas has been carried out.
cargo(es). The certificate is valid for six months, after
which a Derating Exemption certificate will be
1.2 The hold should be cleaned prior to issued if no diseased rats or a large number of
loading. The degree of cleanliness required rats are found on board. The rat population
will depend on the nature of the cargo to be may be kept to a minimum by the use of anti-
loaded. Cargoes such as grain, sugar etc. will coagulant bait, such as sodium fluoracetate.
need a scrupulously clean hold (and usually Cockroach bait, pesticides and insecticides
surveyed) before loading can commence, may be used to exterminate cockroaches and
whilst cargoes such as coal, steel etc. may other insects. Cleanliness is the most important
not require the same level of cleanliness. factor in keeping a ship vermin free. When
certain cargoes such as rice, are loaded, the
2.0 Inspecting the Hold for damages, holds are fumigated after loading to rid the
testing bilge and fire systems cargo of weevils.
After cleaning the hold the following
inspections/tests are normally carried out:
Please submit the following assignment to
2.1 Inspection of the hold for internal
damages - e.g. pipe guard, ladder rungs,
leaking pipes, bilge sounding striker plates,
1) A hold, bale capacity 2000 cu m contains,
leaking rivets/welding seams etc.
1200 tonnes of bagged flour, (stowage factor
2.2 Testing the Bilge pumping system - This
1.15 cu m/tonnes). Calculate the broken
is done if it has not been carried out earlier
during washing of the hold etc. Particular
2) Describe a cargo hold preparation in your
attention is paid to ensure that the bilge
last ship and state the cargo loaded. State the
suction non-return valve is working and
preparation of hold prior to load general cargo.
4) It is a general rule that fragile and light b) Safety of the crew and port workers
packages are stowed in tween deck(s) to preventing unstable cargo blocks
avoid the effects of roll and pitch of vessels. avoiding blocking of escape routes /safety
5) Ensure packages stowed evenly (not protection from toxic fumes/fire hazards
tilting), for example near turn of bilge, end
holds by the proper use of dunnage to c) Avoiding damage to cargo
achieve compactness of cargo stowage. avoiding condensation/water damage
protection from taint / contamination /
6) Light packages (cartons, etc.) stowed interaction
away from cargo hold obstructions such as - preventing physical damage to cargo
frames, deck beams, stiffeners. preventing pilferage
loading plans produced by shore personnel at reference. A summary of total tonnages loaded
the loading ports. Copies of the plan will in each hold and other information regarding
usually be sent ahead of the ship to the dead light, as fuel, stores and water; means of
discharge ports. separation used between particular parcels and
the total space remaining are also appended to
Whilst the plan is not a scale drawing, it the plan.
should show with some accuracy the location
of specific parcels of cargoes in the locker Note: The typical cargo plan of a general cargo
doors, hatchways so that the order of ship is shown on the opposite page.
discharge may be planned Whilst the format The cargo plan has a number of functions: -
of the plan will vary from company to it helps to avert overcarriage and short
company, most plans will show the lower delivery.
holds in elevation (side view) and other the discharge sequence can be planned in
compartments such as tween decks and deck advantage.
lockers, in plan view. Where possible, each the necessary cargo handling gear
parcel of cargo should be identified can be rigged in advance.
separately, but this is not always possible discharge time can be estimated.
when many small parcels are involved (in transport arrangement for a particular
which case they are grouped together). parcel of cargo can be made.
proper decisions can be made on
A typical entry on the plan could be as ventilation can be arranged with the aid of the
follows: - cargo plan.
L’POOL/PNG in the event of a fire breaking out in the
400 CASES CORNED BEEF compartment, the cargo plan is invaluable in
“SPAR” 23t. fighting the fire, particularly if dangerous
i.e. 400 cases of corned beef, loaded at cargoes are in the compartment.
Liverpool for discharge at Penang, all cases should any cargo shift while the vessel is at
marked “SPAR” for identification and the total sea, prompt action can be taken with the aid of
weight of the parcel is 23 tones. the plan.
the plan, enables the shipowner to
It is usual to colour the plan according to the assess the position regarding to diverting
port of discharge, so that the likelihood of the vessel enroute to load further parcels
overlooking a parcel of cargo and carrying it of cargo.
to the next port (i.e. overcarriage) is reduced.
In the case of cargo having optional ports of Cargo Plan On Tankers
discharge it is coloured in both port’s colours. Like the cargo ships, the tanker cargo plan is
Where there is unused space adjacent to particularly useful when a number of diverse
stowed cargo, it is measured up, and the cargoes are to be loaded. Unlike the cargo
calculated volume measured, and entered on ship, it is only necessary to show the
the plan. Various symbols and conventions disposition of the tanker cargoes in plan view,
may be used: - for example, parcels at one level. It is sometime the practice to
separated by a diagonal line on a side overprint the comparable importance. Most of
elevation, are side by side in the hold. the functions of the plan are similar to that of
the general cargo plan. It is particularly useful
In addition to the actual drawing, other useful to deck officers when loading or discharging to
information is shown in the plan. The name of the chief officer for planning tank cleaning and
the ship, master’s name, the voyage number, to the chief engineer for maintaining cargo
cargo loaded ON DECK, in masthouses, and temperature. The cargo plan enables a visual
in various other extraneous places such as record to be kept of previous cargoes, which is
the mate’s office and the draft at the last of significant importance to the chief officer
loading port are shown in the cargo plan. It is when planning the disposition of future
good practice to append a statement of cargoes.
dangerous cargo on board for quick
Can Hooks
‘Pre-slinging’ of cargo, where slings are left on
after loading so as to facilitate quicker
discharge at the other end (by avoiding the
building up of sling loads again) is a form of May be made of either rope or wire by forming
unitization and is used on some trades. an eye at each end of a 16mm - 20mm wire
(2” - 2.5 “) or 50mm - 60mm rope (6” - 7”) 4 to
‘Containerisation” is a special form of 6 metres (2-3 fathoms) in length. It is used for
unitization and will be discussed later. slinging cases, bales, wet hides and timber.
Chain Sling
Cargo Hooks
Similar to the tray by a wooden side is fixed The use of these implements is indispensable
around it. Used for handling explosives. in the handling of a large variety of
commodities, but with bag cargo, fine bale
goods, hides, fire rolls of paper and matting,
Trays etc., light packages, liquid containers, crates
and like packages whose contents are
exposed or unprotected, the use of cargo
hooks should be strictly prohibited.
Improper Slinging
Too much weight in a draft endangers the
safety of packages situated at the outside
edge of bottom and top tiers into which the
sling is liable to be drawn by weight below and
compression above.
Sometimes such an arrangement does not side frames with the distance between the
prove satisfactory and hence the exhausting is ‘battens’ of about 230mm (9”).
also done mechanically by means of a suitable
exhaust fan. The delivery and exhaust is Cargo battens are sometimes fitted vertically
properly balanced to provided good airflow. and in such cases the initial expense is
generally greater. However there tends to be
less subsequent damage to the battens and
better protection is afforded to the cargo.
With some cargoes such as bagged rice etc, These definitions include pump rooms on
the hold pillars should be lagged with bamboo tankers. There may be special instructions for
mats. When battens are not fitted on bulkhead routine entry into pump rooms on your ship.
stiffeners, a lattice of bamboos may have to be Make sure you know what they are.
erected as a temporary measure.
It must be noted that dunnage need not be laid AN ENCLOSED SPACE SHOULD
if the cargo does not require ventilation. For NEVER BE ENTERED UNLESS
example, when coal is loaded in bulk, the AUTHORITY HAS BEEN GIVEN BY
cargo battens are removed and no portable THE MASTER OR A RESPONSIBLE
dunnage is laid. OFFICER
Please complete the assignment and return to
Basic Characteristics
i) The twin topping lift/slewing guy principle
Precautions is used which gives good control of a single
The following criteria must be complied with at derrick.
all times: ii) The capability of handling heavier loads
)a The minimum operating angle of either than the union purchase system.
derrick should be not less than 15° to the iii) Combined slewing and topping (luffing)
horizontal, and it is recommended that the tackles.
angle be not less than 30°; iv) Very good spot loading facilities. i.e. the
)b The maximum included angle between the load can be set down in most positions within
cargo runners must not exceed 120°; the hatch area.
)c The outreach beyond the midship breadth v) A high degree of centralized control with
of the ship should not less than 4m. the operation being conducted by one man.
vi) The derrick is rigged at all times and can
The main advantage of this system is that it is quickly be brought into operation.
probably the fastest method used for vii) The use of new technology reduces the
discharging break-bulk, non-unitized general stresses encountered with the union purchase
cargo. system.
controls the luffing while the third winch is 3) Contact with frame cause chafing. Reduce
used solely for slewing. Each of the topping lift by fitting rollers.
winches has a split or divided barrel on to
which the ends of falls are secured. On the Two Levers
luffing winch the falls are laid on to the split 1) One operates the cargo.
barrels in the same direction. Thus both falls 2) Other (multi-position) for topping & slewing
will hoist or lower the derrick simultaneously. position.
On the slewing winch the falls are laid on to
the split barrels in opposite directions. Thus
when the barrels rotate, one fall pays out while
the other heaves in and the derricks slews to Some modern ships are fitted with cranes
port or starboard. The topping lift luffing and instead of derricks. Basically they are provided
slewing winches are operated by a multi- with individual electrical driven motors to
position control lever which is positioned permit lifting of the ‘JIB’, slewing of the jib and
adjacent to the cargo purchase control lever. the working of the cargo hoist.
The operator stands between the levers and
operates the cargo purchase with his left hand The ‘JIB’ is a projecting hinged arm and is
and controls the derrick movements with his usually of the luffing type which allows it to
right hand. ensures hat the hook carrying the weight
remains at the same level.
Figure C shows a plan view of an early version
of the Velle derrick in which a bridle bar was The lifting wire rope is rigged usually as a
used to spread the topping lift spans at the single whip. It leads over a sheave at the head
derrick head. The bridle bar evolved into the of the jib and is called the purchase. Between
“T”- shaped derrick head shown in Figure 5. the purchase and the hook is a weight called
Both arrangements make very wide slewing the ‘ponder ball’. Its function is to help the
angles possible due to the good lateral purchase to over-haul when there is no load.
stability achieved by the spread of the spans
at the derrick head. The derrick can be swung The crane may be set to move on rails the
outboard until it is almost perpendicular to the ship or along the ship or may be fixed centrally
ship’s side, even with an adverse list. with a large reach and angle of slew.
Pendulous swinging of the load has been a Cranes offer the following advantages: -
greater ‘spotting area’ particularly when
major problem with derricks in which the load
hangs a “single points”. Good load installed on the vessel centre line, providing
stabilization is achieved with the T-shaped greater flexibility.
faster loading/discharging rate.
derrick head as the spread of the cargo runner
less time in preparing for operations.
reduces pendulous swinging and load rotation.
decks clear of guys, stays and other
The Velle derrick is noted for its comparatively standing/running riggings.
self contained and easier to operate.
simple design, reliability, and versatility. The
standard designs operate up to a capacity of
approximately 35 tonnes but heavy-duty The main disadvantages of the crane are its
designs are capable of lifting approximately higher initial cost and the possible pendulous
100 tonnes. swinging of the load when slewing is done in a
fast manner.
Disadvantages of ‘D’ frame
1) When swung outboard, sharp angles
Derrick Testing
created by topping guy with frame cause Ship’s derricks are initially tested (initial test)
excess strain in topping guy. with the boom at an angle of not more than
2) At difficult angles single topping pennant to 15° to the horizontal or, if this is impracticable,
slip above or below “D” frame - excessive 30°.
During its working life, it is recommended that is parallel to the boom, the safe working load
the derrick be retested after any repair to the marked on the upper block in the purchase
derrick or permanent fittings, or after any should be greater than that marked on the
alteration of the rig is not covered by the ship’s lower block. This takes into account the
plan. increased resultant load due to the tension in
the hauling part of the purchase.
When carrying out a test, the Decks
Regulations, form 99 should be consulted, to Before applying a proof load to the derrick, all
ascertain whether the accessory gear permanent attachments on the mast and
complies with the statutory requirements. If all derrick should be carefully examined. It is
is in order, the test may be carried out; also good practice to rig an adequate
otherwise, all loose gear, blocks, shackles, preventer span wire rope as a precautionary
etc., should be sent to works for the necessary measure against any part of the span gear
treatment in accordance with the statutory ‘carrying away’. This additional span wire
requirements laid down in form 99. rope should not take the mass of the mass of
the derrick during test.
The safe working load of the derrick ‘as rigged’
should be checked by reference to the When proceeding with the test, the proof load
individual safe working loads of the blocks and should be applied steadily, and all fittings
shackles in the rig, either by direct calculation, should be carefully watched for any indication
or by the preparation of load diagrams. The of failure. Apart from watching, it is also
strength of the wire ropes in the cargo and desirable to ‘listen’ for any signs of failure.
span purchases should also the checked for
the required factor of safety. When testing heavy-lift derricks, care should
be taken to ensure that the anchorage for the
If any items of gear are found to be of test clock is of adequate strength, avoiding
insufficient strength, either they should be any risk of structural damage to the ship. For
replaced by gear of the appropriate size and derricks of 30 t safe working load and over, it
strength, or the safe working load of the is advisable to lift moving loads or use a
derrick reduced. specially designed anchorage on the vessel,
and to ensure that there is sufficient stability to
Tests are generally carried out by the use of avoid excessive list under test. It is also
loads (known as a ‘dead load test’); or by the important that shrouds and preventers are
use of a dynamometer (test clock). It is properly set up to give adequate support to the
preferable that the ‘initial test’ be carried out mast. Furthermore, slewing guys should be so
by ‘dead load’. placed that the angle they make with the
derrick boom is not unduly narrow, so that
If no particular derrick a single whip is when the vessel heels over under load, they
normally used but the derrick boom and span will control the derrick without developing
gear are capable of supporting a cargo load excessive tension.
greater than that which may be lifted by a
single whip, a proof load may be applied with On completion of the test, a final visual
the cargo runner double up at the derrick examination of all parts of the derrick rig, and
head, provided that the ship’s blocks and of all permanent attachments on the mast and
shackles are used for the test. Where it is derrick, should be made before issuing the
found necessary to use the doubling-up certificate of test and examination.
method (i.e. a gun-tackle rig), this should be
stated on the certificate of test, also the safe In all cases the winches should be carefully
working load that may be lifted on a single examined to ensure that they are in good
whip. working order, and that the controls act
effectively. Information to this effect should be
When a derrick is rigged with a cargo noted on the certificate of test and
purchase, and the hauling part of the purchase examination.
Every derrick boom should be clearly marked All beams used for hatch covering to have
with its safe working load. A certificate of test suitable gear for lifting on/off without persons
for this safe working load is required for the having to go upon them to adjust. All hatch
derrick ‘as rigged’, and further certificates of covers to be marked to indicate deck, hatch
test are required for the individual blocks and and position unless covers are
shackles in the rig, including such items as interchangeable.
guy blocks, chain stoppers, etc. The Adequate handgrips on hatchcovers.
appropriate statutory forms should be used. In Working space around hatch at least 2 ft.
the case of wire ropes, a breaking load test
(form 87) is required. Part 3. Tests Etc. Of Lifting
A copy of the Docks Regulations, form 99,
All lifting machinery to be tested before
containing all the prescribed particulars,
together with copies of all the appropriate being brought into use and examined by a
certificates should be kept on board. competent person.
All derricks and attachments to masts and
deck must be inspected every 12 month and
DOCK REGULATIONS - thoroughly examined every 4 years. Other
Summary lifting machinery thoroughly examined at least
Apply to the process of loading, unloading, every 12 months. (Through examination =
moving and handling goods on any wharf, visual examination and hammer test or similar
quay or ship. dismantling if necessary).
Chains, rings, hooks, shackles, swivels
Part 1. Safety Measures At and pulley blocks used in lifting and lowering
must be tested and examined before being
Dock, Wharf And Quays brought into use.
1) Fencing. Height of fence not less than 2’ Annealing or similar treatment - ½ “ or
06” (0.76m). smaller at least every 6 months, other at least
2) LSA in readiness at wharf or quay. every 12 months.(Thorough examination =
3) Efficient lighting. visual examination and hammer test or similar
4) First aid boxes, ambulance facilities - dismantling if necessary).
whereabouts indicated by notices. Gears to be inspected before use, unless
previously inspected within last 3 months.
Part 2. Access To And From Ropes to be of suitable quality and free
Ship And Part Of The Ships from obvious defect.
Alongside quay: Wire rope to be tested before being
Accommodation ladder properly secured - brought into use, inspected every 3 months
22” wide, fence each side to height of 2’ 09”. and if any wire in the rope is broken, every
Alongside other ship month. If number of broken wires in a length of
Safe means of access, provided by vessel 8 diameters exceeds 10% of total wire in the
with the higher freeboard. rope, it must not be used, nor if it shows signs
Access to holds etc of excessive wear or corrosion.
Applies where hold depth exceeds 5 ft. SWL to be marked on blocks and on ring
Ladders in line attached to chain sling.
Ladders provide foothold to depth of not Chain/Wire slings not to be shortened by
less than 4½” for width of 10” and a firm tying knots in them.
handhold - Cargo to be stowed so as to leave Machinery to be securely fenced.
this clearance. Efficient lighting in holds, on Safe access and fencing to crane cabs
decks, in accessways and all parts where and driver’s platform.
persons employed may go during the course SWL is to be marked on derricks and
of their work. cranes.
Hatchcovers Exhaust steam not to obscure any part of
deck or access.
n = number of sheaves in the system including the weight of the lifting tackle suspended
lead sheaves from the derrick head
P = theoretical Power Gained (M.A.) part of the weight of the derrick boom (it is
usual to take this as ½ the weight of the
(a ‘frictional allowance’ of 1/10 of the load, for boom).
every sheave, is normally used hence As given in the figure, this is resolved by
extending the vector DC (representing the
Therefore in the example: load to be lifted) by a scaled amount CE equal
( 2 × 5) to the sum of the weight of the lifting tackle
5+ and ½ the boom weight (0.2 + 0.5 = 0.7
S= 10 tonnes in this example) and drawing EF
2 parallel to the topping lift span (parallelogram
M.A. of Guntackle = 2 (disadvantage) DEFG).
60 1 The tension in the topping lift span is then
= ×
10 2 represented by the scale value FE (3.4 tonnes
No. of Sheaves = 2 in this case).
= 3 tonnes
d) Estimating the Thrust on the Derrick
NOTE: If a single cargo runner (single The forces which produce the thrust on the
whip) was used for lifting, instead of the derrick boom are:
gun-tackle, the stress on the hauling part the tension in the topping lift span
would have been 1/10 of the load more the resultant load on the cargo head block
than the load itself - allowing for friction in
the cargo head block. This is represented by the scaled value of AF,
which is equal to AD + DF (10 tonnes in the
b) Estimating the Resultant Load on the case).
Cargo Head Block
The final load on the cargo head block is a e) Estimating the Resultant Load on the
result of: Heel Block
the forces exerted by the suspended load, The final load on the heel block results from
and the stresses in:
the stress on the hauling part of the cargo the cargo runner, acting in the direction of
runner/tackle. the cargo head block, and
the cargo runner, acting in the direction of
In the figure, the ‘parallelogram of forces’ the winch
ABCD is resolved using the scaled values of
the load AB (5 tonnes in this case) and the In the example, the stress in the direction of
calculated stress on the hauling part AD (3 the cargo head block is 3 tonnes (as
tonnes as determined by the formula). determined in para 1(a)) whilst the stress in
the direction of the winch would be 3.3 tonnes
The resultant force at ‘A’ represented by the (allowing for 1/10 of the load for friction in the
scaled value of AC, is the resultant load on the heel block - using the empirical formula for
cargo head block (equals 7.8 tonnes in this stress on the hauling part with three sheaves).
The forces are then resolved using the
c) Estimating the Tension in the Topping ‘parallelogram of forces’ WXYZ, where XY =
Lift Span scaled value of stress towards the derrick
The tension in the topping lift span results head and XW = scaled value of stress towards
from the combined effects of: the winch.
weight of the load being lifted
It is a practice of grouping loads of cargo Its rigid in construction and its components are
together and stowing them in ONE container permanently assembled.
to protect and preserve them and to ensure 2) Collapsible Freight Container
their efficient distribution. Containers are It can easily be dismantled and parts of which
“PHYSICAL CAPSULES”, made of steel, easily folded and then fitted together again.
aluminium, plastic or wood to hold a large
member of individual units for shipment. In 3) Side Loader
short, they are boxes usually of metal with It is also of standard size, having one or more
doors and lifting points. openings on its sides.
This is the size most commonly used in the 350 TEU will carry 350 number of standard
world container traffic, to facilitate carriage by twenty feet containers.
sea, road or air having standard points for
lashing, scurrying and lifting. Containers are Advantages Using
made of steel having a capacity of about 1000
cubic feet. Each container weighs about 2
tons and can handle cargo of about 20 tons. 1) Speed and economy in handling,
particularly at the ports. One gang of twelve or
thirteen men can discharge and load a fully
loaded container ship in three to four days
instead of a hundred men taking three to four
2) Safety, both as regards breakages and
pilferage, especially when transporting
sophisticated electrical goods like radios, TVs,
VCRs etc.
3) Packing can be reduced.
4) A real door-to-door service can be offered.
1) Financial: Massive capital outlay for the
2) Two TEUs (40 Feet X 8 Feet X 8 Feet) ship which is more expensive than a
Weight of container = 3.5 tons conventional general cargo ship.
CARGO CARRYING CAPACITY = 30 to 2) Each ship needs three sets of containers,
35 tons that is one at loading terminal, one on the ship
and one at the discharging terminal. An
ordinary container is a very expensive item of
3) Repairs and maintenance of containers
being very expensive. Reefer containers are
even more expensive to get, repair and
4) Special terminals will have to be
constructed with expensive high speed cranes
capable of lifting forty tons and more weights.
5) Expensive machines must also procured to
move the containers around the terminal.
6) Unprofitable movement of empty
containers produces a problem of an
imbalance of trace.
7) In certain countries there are customs,
3) Small Size (10 Feet X 8 Feet X 8 Feet) documentation and legal difficulties.
certification of containers granted on the basis 4) DOORS: Doors may be at the ends or
of conformity to an approved type, have sides, which can be opened fully to give
established regulations and procedures of a complete access to the cargo. Rubber strips
rigorous nature, mostly based on ISO around each door and strong bolting system
recommendations. ensures that the container is watertight. The
frame of the door is also made of steel for
strength and rigidity. For security reasons, the
bolts of the doors are sealed.
Material Used
Steel seems to be the best basic material. It is
superior in yield, tensile and sheer strength
and at the same time its elasticity is of a high
rank. Steel is also cheaper. Some containers
are of mixed construction with frames and
castings of steel and sides and walls of
aluminium. Some countries are using wooden,
plywood and plastic containers. Fibreglass
reinforced plastic overlaid plywood containers
are successfully produced. Stainless steel
containers are used for transporting
specialised cargoes, like foodstuff, chemicals,
liquor, wines etc.
Hatchway is divided into three sections and
two long hatch girders are fitted. These girders
are continuous, so that the longitudinal
bending strength is shared throughout the
Container Cells
length of the girders and also provide The individual container cell is formed by four
additional section modulus. vertical guides located at each corner of the
container stack running from the hatch coming
down to the tank top. The guides have three
Hatches related functions which are as follows: -
Hatches or container spaces are suited for the a) To guide the containers down to their
standard size of container (20 feet or 40 feet stowed position even though the vessel may
units). A form of bulkhead is fitted at interclass be listing or the crane not perfectly centered
of 14.70 metres (48.2 feet), center to center over the cell.
with watertight bulkheads as per the b) To land any container on top of the
Classification Society Rules and container below it within prescribed tolerances
Specifications. These bulkheads resist racking so that the superimposed loads on these lower
stresses, giving support to the double bottom containers do not exceed the peculiarities for
structure. which they are designed.
c) To hold the containers in their stacked
position and absorb the horizontal forces
Line projected a big ship, 14,000 dwt for the unitised as well as bulk, liquid, commodities or
Japan to Australia rotate. even heavy lift items.
palletised, containerised, and heavy lifts. She equipment is that ships can call at ports which
can also be converted into a roll-on/roll-off have no costly custom-built installations like
vessel and can exclusively move containers. gantry cranes etc.
The barges which carry cargoes, are the
extensions of mothership allowing the Seabee Cranes
herself to avoid the risk run by any big ship In the major ports of the world there are
going into port and to develop the technique of special CONTAINER BERTHS, where two
discharging offshore. kinds of cranes are used: -
a) Portainer Crane
Particulars of a typical Seabee are: - This is a gantry with usually ONE boom, which
CARRYING CAPACITY = 1,500 tonnes to merely moves the containers from the ship’s
1,800 containers of standard 20 feet. Plus hold onto flat beds of lorries and forklift trucks
15,000 tonnes of liquid in deep tanks. on the quay. This crane is employed in major
AS ROLL-ON/ROLL-OFF = 5 kilometres of container ports, where large container ships
ALLEYS with a width of 2.8 metres. arrive regularly and where storage space and
LENGTH = 276 metres marshalling yards are consequently big or
BEAM = 32.5 metres situated near the quay.
DEADWEIGHT = 27000 tonnes approx. b) Transtainer Crane
SPEED = 20 knots It is a crane of the overhead travelling type,
BARGES SIZE = 29.1 metres x 10.7 metres which spans a storage place or marshalling
NO. OF BARGES = 38 each weighing 800 yard. It is multipurpose crane, capable of
tonnes unloading ships, moving containers to their
BALE CAPACITY = 39,000 cubic feet storage place, loading trucks and trains and,
between the arrivals of vessel it can be
They also have a heavy lift subversive employed for marshalling. Its speed is low in
elevator at their stern with a capacity of 2000 comparison with portainer crane. This crane is
tonnes to load and discharge two barges at perfectly suitable for ports with moderate
the same time. Theoretically, the complete output.
loading or discharging operation takes about
13 hours. From the elevators, power operated
transporters bring the lighters to and from their
storage location.
Fork Lifts
Front loading or side loading fork lifts are in
common use as container handling
When loading containers on deck of the full
container and roll-on/roll-off vessels, separate
lashing arrangements would have to be made.
The problem of lashing different sizes of
containers is further aggravated by different
container heights and maximum permissible
gross weights of various types of boxes. Each
ship carries a large stock of fittings, wires,
bottle screws, turnbuckles and ratchets.
Hooks and chain tensioning devices secure
the vehicles to an elephants’ foot located in a
deck flush fitting with four slots in the form of a
cross, radiating from a central hole. First tier of
container is lowered over removable stud on
the hatch covers and decks and a safety metal
pin inserted through corner castings and
studs. The second tier is fixed into the first tier
by inserting single or double bridging pieces
into the corner castings, or both the tiers.
The carriage of deck cargo - governed by 4) Where the cargo is stowed on the hatches
Statutory Instrument 1968 No. 1089. - properly battened down, sufficient strength to
take the intended cargo.
1) The vessel must have adequate stability at
all stages of the voyage. Cargoes such as 5) Deck - sufficient strength for the intended
coke and timber can absorb upto about a third cargo. If necessary strengthened by tomming
of their own weight of water. Losses of weight or shoring underneath.
such as those due to consumption of fuel,
water and stores must also be considered. 6) Deck cargo - well secured, protected from
Upsetting moments - wind taken into account. weather. Not so high as to interfere with the
navigation of the ship.
2) Adequate provision for safety of crew
when passing from one part of the vessel to
another - a walkway has to be provided over
the cargo. Walkway not less than 1 metre in
width, not less 3 courses of guard rails or
wires supported by stanchions intervals not
more than 1.5m. The vertical opening between
lowest rails or wires not to exceed 230mm and
no opening above that shall exceed 380mm.
Any cargo that has to be loaded, maintained A) Refrigeration Machinery
and/or carried at a certain temperature in 1) Refrigeration machinery should be
order for it to reach its destination without checked and tested. Brine pipes should be
deterioration is classed as refrigerated cargo. tested to a pressure 1½ times their normal
This includes meat, fish, poultry products, working pressure to check for any possible
dairy products, drugs and experimental leaks. A close inspection must also be made
samples. of all insulation and defects rectified. Insulated
ventilator plugs must be closely fitted in place
and sealed with saw dust.
Types Of Refrigerated 2) Scuppers and other water drainage system
Cargoes around and near refrigeration machinery must
1) Goods carried in frozen state i.e. meats, be checked to ensure that moisture will have
fish and butter; an easy and free access to the bilges.
2) Goods carried in chilled state i.e. beef, 3) Test CO2 extraction, generation and
vegetables, cheese and eggs; injection equipment.
3) Goods carried in air cooled condition i.e.
fruit. B) Preparation Of Compartment
1) Sweep and clean thoroughly with particular
Note: Drugs and experimental samples may attention to brine pipes, insulation, bins,
be frozen or chilled. gratings, air ducts in order to remove all
traces, stains and odour of previous cargo.
Properties Of Refrigerated After cleaning these should be wiped down
Cargoes with a disinfectant fluid to prevent formation of
1) Rapid deterioration if proper temperatures mould there on.
are not maintained during loading, voyage and 2) Bilges should be made dry, cleaned and
discharging. ventilated in order to remove foreign matter
2) Susceptible to tainting and moisture and odour. Brine traps should be checked and
contact damage. topped up to prevent cold air from entering the
3) Effected by presence of CO2. bilges and freezing them or odour from
reaching the refrigerated compartment.
3) Strum boxes should be cleared and bilge
Requirements For Safe suction tested.
Transport 4) Clean dunnage, likely to be used, meat
a) Efficient refrigeration machinery and good hooks, bars chains or any other equipment or
insulation of the compartment. appliances to be used for loading or stowage
b) Careful preparation of the compartment of cargo should be placed in the compartment
including cleaning, dunnaging and precooling. after they have been cleaned and sterilised.
c) Effective system for monitoring and 5) Thermometers should be tested and kept
maintaining specified temperature during ready and thermometer pipes, if removed,
loading, transportation and discharging. should be fitted, or extended to enable
d) Segregation of cargo. recording of temperatures at the top, middle
e) Monitoring and control of CO2 and lower levels of the compartments.
concentration in the compartment, and good 6) Portable trunks in holds of battery
ventilation. compartments must be assembled in place.
7) The compartment should be pre-cooled to
Precautions Relating To a temperature lower than the normal carrying
temperature, to allow for fluctuations during
Transportation Of loading, 24/48 hours before commencement of
Refrigeration Cargoes loading.
8) If lead, copper or tin ingots are also loaded efficiency but on melting will result in water
in refrigerated compartments, additional pre- accumulation in the compartment and possible
cooling is necessary. Chilled compartments damage to cargo there in. Any snow formation
should be maintained at their transit on pipes should be carefully swept off.
temperature and frozen compartments at 14oF 4) Compartments not being worked should be
for 6 hours for each floor tier of ingots. kept closed. If necessary to keep them open to
9) Approximate pre-cooling temperatures: - permit loading in adjoining hold or space,
Frozen compartments 10oF escape of cold air should be prevented by
Chilled compartments 22oF rigging tarpaulin screens or some similar
Apples, pears, peaches and grapes 28oF device. Air screens may be fitted on some
Oranges, lemon, grape fruit 36oF ships.
Cheese 40oF 5) Monitor temperature in the compartment
during loading and should it rise above the
10) The pre-cooled compartment should be specified level, close the compartment and re-
inspected by the appointed surveyor and cool it.
certified ‘fit to load’ before loading can 6) No walling should be permitted on cases of
commence. fruit, eggs or cheese as they are fragile Over
other frozen cargo, shoes should be covered
C) Loading, Discharging, Handling with clean gunny sacking or similar material.
1) Dunnaging should be so arranged so as 7) Cargo should not be dragged, pushed or
to: - thrown. Slings should be made in the hatch
a) provide adequate support to the cargo, square.
b) ensure sufficient clearance from deck and 8) Proper cargo gear should be used e.g.
sides to prevent contact between cargo and canvas nets for meat and trays for
the cooling pipes, air ducts, baffle plates and crates/cases of cheese, butter, eggs and fruit.
any water likely to condense in the 9) Heavy meat should not be stowed over
compartment, light meat.
c) in the event of different temperatures being 10) Taintable cargo should not be stowed with
maintained in adjoining compartments liberal fruit nor loaded in a compartment which has
use should be made of saw dust on deck carried fruit unless it has been de-odourised.
dunnage on the sides and drip trays under 11) Thick paper should be pasted over joints to
deck head to prevent water contamination in prevent air leak.
the warmer compartment,
d) to prevent damage to bottom tiers by over D) During Voyage
stowed cargo, 1) Monitor and record temperature in all
e) to permit unobstructed circulation of cooled compartments and ensure that it is maintained
air below, around and through the cargo at the desired level.
including dunnaging at intermediate tiers for 2) Monitor CO2 concentration in
cargo of tight block stow type so that uniform compartments carrying fruit and arrange
temperature can be maintained throughout the extraction to ensure that it does not exceed
compartment. 5%.
2) Cargo tendered for shipment should be 3) In compartments containing meat CO2 may
inspected thoroughly: - be injected upto 6 kg per 1000 cubic feet to
a) frozen cargo should be hard frozen and help pressure it for a longer time.
free of spots or mould. There should be no 4) For chilled meat ventilation should be
blood stains on the wrappings, arranged to achieve complete air change 20-
b) fruit should not be in advanced stated of 25 times every hour.
ripeness, skin should not be discoloured and
should not be brown on the inside. Random CO2 Control
samples should be taken and cut open. 1) Ripening of fruit generates heat and CO2
3) Cooling in compartment opened for which must be removed to preserve the cargo.
loading should be stopped to prevent frosting Maximum permitted concentration is 5%.
of grid pipes which will not only reduce cooling
2) Presence of CO2 helps preserve meat for a thus becomes very cold. It then passes
longer time and CO2 should be injected into through the evaporator, containing brine,
the compartment loaded with meat, if before being drawn back into the compressor.
necessary, upto 10% concentration.
3) CO2 concentration should be checked and Cooled brine is circulated through grids or
recorded at least once daily, but preferably batteries and thus cools the refrigerated
once every watch at sea. compartment directly or indirectly.
4) In the past litmus paper cartridge was used
to determine CO2 concentration by lowering it
into the hold. Its degree of discolouration
indicated CO2 concentration.
5) Modern method is thermoscope in which a
sample of air is drawn from the hold and
allowed to mix with caustic soda. This
generates heat which, when measured,
indicates CO2 concentration.
A considerable amount of refrigerated cargo is
carried in containers. These are of two types: -
Grid System Or Direct
Reefers Grids of 2” pipes are fitted around the
compartment through which cooled brine is
containers with an independent electrical
circulated. Grids are so arranged that damage
or diesel driven refrigeration system.
to one section can be compensated by extra
portholes which depend on external source
cooling of other sections.
for cooling.
13) Personnel should not remain on internal jamming occur, care should be taken in case
deck ramps which are being raised or lowered. of sudden release of the jam.
3) Portable stanchions and hand rails should
Ventilation always be in position when portable decks are
1) Ventilation systems serving the vehicle in use.
decks should be in operation during loading 4) Care should be taken to ensure that
and unloading and as many be necessary on portable decks are properly stowed and
passage to avoid the accumulation of secured when not in use.
flammable and toxic vapors. 5) When portable decks are in the stowed
2) Connecting doors between car-decks and position, access doors should be secured.
machinery, service and accommodation
spaces should be kept closed while the ship is
at sea.
3) Conspicuous notices should be posted
warning against the starting of vehicle engines
before doors leading to ramps are opened and
before the vehicle is required to move.
4) Any refrigerated vehicle needing to run its
refrigeration plant during the voyage should
utilize the ship’s electrical supply where
practicable, in preference to running its
In many trades timber is carried in large
quantities and may be loose or packaged.
Loose timber can be individual planks, cubic
units, pit props or logs but the carriage of
loose timber is mostly taken over by packaged
timber mainly because packaged timber is
much less cumbersome, more easily
transportable, easily handled by mechanical
means and therefore more economical.
Loose Timber
But the carriage of logs is still a common trade Timber Deck Cargo
although is usually done by vessels which are Timber is not only carried in holds but also on
specially constructed for the purpose, and deck. When timber is carried on deck there
have their own suitable gear. In many African are great chances of its shifting, and with it not
countries from which timber is exported, logs only the less of the cargo but damage to the
are kept in floating ponds and are towed to the vessel itself. It should therefore always be
vessel by tugs. In some ports of discharge the compactly, stowed and secured with adequate
timber is similarly discharged into the water lashings. Some of the important procedures
and then transported by tug towage inland that must be observed when loading such
through canals and waterways. cargoes are as follows: -
a) The packages should be securely bound
Loose timber carriage involves high costs and and in solid form.
a waste of labour. Much time and many has to b) One tier of dunnage should be laid with the
be spent on handling and sorting out and the planks close up on each other and placed
operation of loading or unloading loose timber athwartships. This helps to spread the weight
cannot be carried out with speed. This is more of the cargo over the deck.
the case with conventional ships which are not c) After every tier of cargo all loose space
specially constructed for the carriage of should be properly filled in or checked, to
timber. minimize the chances of shifting.
Packaged Timber d) The packages should be stowed such that
Being packaged this form of timber carriage is the lashing arrangements are not blocked or
much more speedy and economical, and can obscured.
be easily and quickly handled by fork lifts and e) Packages of different weight and size are
mechanical means. Packaged timber is to be stowed separately or with suitable
presently increasingly carried in unit loads of separation if stowed together, so as to prevent
uniform size, and specialized vessels having chances of damage.
suitable gear for unit loads are increasing in f) As far as possible the packages should be
number. Several ports have separate stowed in a fore-and-aft direction so as to
terminals marked off for the working of such prevent shifting, also so as to enable proper
unit loads and the saving in terms of port stay lashings to be taken.
and turnaround are great. Overall, the g) Necessary arrangements should be made
advantages of packaged timber are increased to tighten the lashings during the voyage, as
efficiency of handling, use of less manpower this might be necessary due to vibrations or
at both the loading ends, faster turnaround of movement of the vessel.
the vessel, and lesser damage and breakage. h) As far as possible only uniform sized
packages should be loaded on deck and
irregular packages stowed (in holds), so that
lashing and securing of the cargo on deck end event of an emergency. The lashings should
be easier. be of 19mm chain or wire rope of equal
Whenever timber is stowed on deck it must strength and should be examined at least
comply with the regulations of the IMO code of once in 12 months. If wire lashings are used
safe practice for ships carrying timber deck they must be provided with a short length of
cargoes. This code applied to all vessels of 24 chain so that their lengths can be regulated.
metres (79 feet) or more in length and deals The lashing spacing as shown in Figure 1.
with following:
3) Compactness
The stow should be as compact and tight as
possible, with each tier properly chocked
before loading the next tier. All spaces in the
wells of vessels should be stowed as solidly
as possible, this is more so in the case of
vessels assigned timber loadlines, where the
deckline is virtually raised to the level of the
superstructure deck.
Careful attention is to be paid to the stability of
the vessel when loading timber cargoes. It
should be remembered that during the voyage
timber deck cargo would absorb considerable
moisture by way of rain, ice or snow. Due
allowance must be given to this and the vessel
should have adequate initial GM to allow for
this factor. It would therefore be seen that the
amount of timber carried on deck would have
an important bearing on the ultimate safety of
the ship. It is felt that as a general rule, on
vessels fully loaded with timber, not more than
of the weight of timber carried should be
stowed on the open deck.
The main consideration to keep in mind with Bulkheads between coal carrying
coal is that it emits methane, an odorless, compartments and accommodation or
flammable gas which is less dense than air. machinery spaces must be gas tight.
This gas is emitted particularly if the coal has
been freshly mined or if it is dropped into the Deck houses and other compartments on deck
hold when loading, causing it to break up. may collect methane and must be well
Thus a risk of fire and explosion is always ventilated at all times.
present on a ship carrying coal.
No naked lights or smoking must be allowed in
Methane levels of between 5% and 15% in air or near a coal-carrying compartment. Care
constitute an atmosphere which can be readily must be taken not to create sparks as a result
ignited and explode. of impacts of steel on steel.
Many classes of coal, including anthracite, are The absorption of oxygen from the air by the
liable to spontaneous combustion if allowed to coal loads to oxidation and the evaluation of
heat excessively. more methane and heat generation. The cargo
must therefore not receive through ventilation,
Spaces in which coal is to be stowed should but generous surface ventilation must be
be carefully cleaned, ensuring that all traces of provided to quickly remove any evolved gas
oil or grease and of previous coal cargoes are and keep the cargo cool. Hatch covers may be
removed. Bilges and scuppers must be tested opened during suitable weather to assist this.
and in working order and electrical wiring in
the compartment disconnected or sheeted in If the temperature of the coal is found to rise
heavy gauge screwed steel conduit. too much, it may be necessary to cool the
adjacent bulkhead by directing hoses at it and
Fire fighting, life saving and smoke detection removing the water via the bilge pumps.
equipment must be carefully examined and
tested. The fire fighting equipment should be A methanometer being carried on board to test
available for immediate use at all times when for the presence of methane around the
loading and on passage. The smoke detection vessel.
equipment must be continuously operated and
monitored regularly. Only intrinsically safe torches and other
equipment may be used in or near coal
Arrangements should be made before loading compartments.
to enable temperatures to be taken at the
ends of compartments and in the bottom of the Coal must be segregated from any other cargo
stow via suitable pipes from the deck, to liable to spontaneous heating and must be
ensure rapid detection of a temperature rise. kept clear of warm bulkheads.
When loading in the hatch square using It must also be stowed away from cargoes
chutes, extra boards should be provided in the liable to damage from coal dust. If necessary,
hold to prevent damage to the tank top plating. other cargo in the same compartment may be
completely covered with tarpaulins or other
The arrangements for carrying a coal may, if dust-proof materials.
the master so requires, be examined by a When loading small coal, shifting boards may
Marine Department Surveyor to ensure that be necessary to prevent the movement of
the vessel is in all respects satisfactory. cargo on passage. During loading, the coal
should be carefully trimmed into the winds and
ends of compartment to achieve a level stow,
preventing any shifting and also the
What Is Grain b) When Carried In Bulk
All cereals e.g. wheat, rice, barely, oats Both air intake and extractors are to be
pulses, seeds, corn and rye, in processed and directed at the surface.
unprocessed forms, are classified as grain in
so far as their transportation by sea is 3) Shifting Boards
concerned. It can be carried in bags or in bulk. Grain in bulk, when tilted beyond its angle of
repose will shift and will not return readily to its
original position. This will cause a
Properties Of Grain corresponding shift in the position of centre of
a) It is easily taintable gravity ‘G’ of the ship and thus influence
b) It is subject to heating and condensation righting moments and endanger the ship’s
particularly if it is shipped at the beginning of stability. Therefore, measures have to be
the season. It readily absorbs moisture. taken to ensure that shift of grain due to
c) It is likely to move if tilted beyond its angle hauling movements of the ship is restricted to
of repose. the minimum. These comprise of:
a) Erecting of shifting boards;
Precautions Relating To b) Over stowing bulk grain with bagged cargo
Carriage Of Grain or other suitably packed cargo or strapping it
1) Cleanliness c) Construction of feeders to fill void spaces
a) Compartment where grain is to be loaded resulting from settling of cargo during the
should be perfectly clean and free of any voyage.
b) The bilges should be free and clean
particular attention being given to the strum
box. A coating of lime and cement wash is
c) The limber boards should be in good
condition and repair, seams caulked. Burlap
should be laid over the limber boards and
nailed down to prevent grain from entering the
bilges and bilge well.
d) The tank-top ceiling, if fitted, should be
clean, dry and free from any stains and with
seams properly caulked. If ceiling is damp
and stained, sprinkle lime all over, leave for a
while and then sweep it away.
e) The entire compartment including bilges,
limber boards, spar ceiling, side battens, pipe
guards, fittings and all spaces including those
over the top of deck hold beams and frames
should be free of infestation of any kind.
2) Ventilation
a) When Carried In Bags
The air intakes are to be at the bottom layers Detailed specifications of shifting boards,
of cargo while the air extractors are to be feeders and other methods for securing grain
aimed at the top layers. cargoes are given in IMO GRAIN RULES
which also specify stability requirements of reduce the effect of grain shifting depends
ships used for carriage of grain in bulk.. upon the stability of the vessel.
Strapping or Lashing
The surface of the grain in partly filled
compartment may also be secured by
strapping or lashing. In this case the surface of
the grain is levelled, but slightly crowned. The
surface is then covered with separation cloth
or tarpaulin, whose joints overlap at least
1.8m. Over this two solid floors of 25mm
timber should be laid. The first tier
athwartships and the top tier for-and-aft.
These floors are lashed down with double
steel strapping, wires or chain with a breaking
strength of at least 5000 kg. and their ends
attached to shackle or beam attachments at a
point approx 450mm below the final grain
surface. The lashings should not be placed
more than 2.4 metres apart. The lashings
must have tensioning arrangements and these
must be checked and adjusted regularly
during the voyage.
Regulation 1 - Application
1) Unless expressly provided otherwise, this
part applies to dangerous goods classified Regulation 2 - Classification
under regulation 2 which are carried in Dangerous goods shall be divided into the
packaged form or in solid form in bulk following classes:
(hereinafter referred to as ‘dangerous goods’), Class 1
in all ships to which the present regulations Explosive.
apply and in cargo ships of less than 500 tons Class 2
gross tonnage. Gases: compressed, liquefied or dissolved
2) The provisions of this part do not apply to under pressure.
ships’ stores and equipment. Class 3
3) The carriage of dangerous goods is Flammable liquids.
prohibited except in accordance with the Class 4.1
provisions of this part. Flammable solids.
4) To supplement the provisions of this part, Class 4.2
each Contracting Government shall issue, or Substances liable to spontaneous combustion.
cause to be issued, detailed instructions on Class 4.3
safe packaging and stowage of dangerous Substances which, in contact with water, emit
flammable gases.
Tankers vary in size, type and design
depending upon the trade that they may be
engaged in. The construction of tankers,
although changed greatly and advanced with
the various types of cargoes, is basically the
same for all types. The operation of tankers
must comply with many local and International
rules, some of them being IMO rules regarding
oil pollution, personal safety, maritime safety
and loading constraints. Also at national level
tankers have to comply with the MOT
regulations, DTI of U.K., Coast Guard
regulations of the USA, Maritime Safety
Agency regulations of Japan, etc.
Oil cargoes are generally divided into two
Light oil which include various spirits such
as gasoline white spirit, alcohol, kerosene,
light gas oil, etc. and
Heavy oils which include crude oils,
asphalt, fuel oils, heavy gas oils, diesel oil,
lubrication oils, etc.
The quality of liquids whereby they resist
internal flow.
The pressure that a pump might have to
counter due to oil already contained in a
length of pipeline, frictional resistance, or
bends in the line. The pump has to overcome
this pressure, which is registered on the
pressure gauge as soon as the pump is
Small quantities of oil are taken from the ship’s
tanks into bottles after the completion of
loading. These are tested in the laboratory for
Inert Condition
quality and grade and on satisfactory testing When a tank or compartment has its oxygen
one sample is kept with the loading terminal content reduced to below 8% by volume by
while another is sealed and sent back to the the addition of inert gas.
ship for delivery at the discharge port where
the sealed sample is compared again with
fresh samples taken from the tanks prior to Static Electricity
discharge. The electricity produced on dissimilar
materials through physical contact and
Bonding separation.
The connecting together of metal parts to
ensure electrical continuity Stripping
The final operation in pumping out of liquids
(the last quantity) from a tank or pipeline.
the accurate measurement of ullage, which 11) Cargo PLAN - check this for the following
measures the height remaining in the tank information: -
above the top of the oil. a) Products to be loaded in each tank
the quantity of water if any is determined b) Final ullage for each tank
by the use of a dip rod at the end of which is c) SG and approx. temperature of each
applied water finding litmus paste, which product
changes colour when in contact with water. d) Total weight or quantity in barrels of each
temperature of the cargo at three levels product
should be taken to arrive at a mean e) Final draft and trim
temperature. Changes in temperature affect
the volume of a liquid, causing expansion or 12) Start loading slowly and ensure that cargo
contraction. A rise in temperature causes a is flowing into the desired tanks.
decrease in SG and an increase in volume
and vice versa with a fall in temperature.
11) Are scuppers effectively plugged, and drip carrying capacity. All oil and sediment be
trays in position both onboard and ashore? removed from cargo tanks, which are to be
12) Are unused cargo and bunker connections, used for clean ballast.
including stern discharge line if fitted are
blanked? Why Crude Oil And
13) Have sea and overboard discharge v/v's,
when not in use, closed and lashed?
Why Not Water?
14) Are all cargo and bunker tank lids closed? Traditionally, tanks have been cleaned by
15) Is the agreed venting system being used? washing with jets of water, but such method of
16) Are hand torches of an approved type? washing produces a large amount of oily
17) Are portable VHF/UHF transceivers of an water, which must be separated. The
approved type? separation process is complicated by the oil
18) Are the ships main radio transmitter aerials and water emulsions which are produced
earthed? during washing. This has led to the retention
19) Are electrical cables to portable electrical on board of large quantities of water along
equipment disconnected from power? with the slop oil, recovered by the load-on-top
20) Are all external doors and ports in the procedure. Under the load-on-top procedure,
midships accommodation closed? cargo is subsequently mixed with the oil
21) Are all doors and ports in the after and/or water and is discharged as part of the
accommodation leading to or over looking the cargo at the receiving port.
tank deck closed?
22) Are air conditioning intakes, which may Crude oil washing is a process whereby part
permit the entry of petroleum gas, closed? of the cargo is circulated through the fixed
23) Are window type air conditioning units tank cleaning equipment to remove the waxy
disconnected? asphaltic deposits. This is normally carried out
24) Are smoking requirements being during discharge. Crude oil washing has
observed? proved to be more effective than water
25) Are the requirements for the use of galley washing for this purpose because the crude oil
and other cooking appliances being observed? acts to disperse and suspend the sediments
26) Are naked lights requirements being and tends to restore the cargo to its as -
observed? (To be signed on behalf of the ship loaded condition. If the tank is required for
and also on behalf of the terminal) clean ballast or for entering into it for survey,
repairs etc, after crude oil washing, water
washing will become necessary.
Tank Washing With Crude
Oil Historical Background
Crude oil washing has been practiced by In the past it has been recognized that crude
major tanker operators for several years. oil itself might be the most effective medium
Experience gained suggests that it is in the for removing crude oil sediments from tanks.
interests of the industry and community as a Then came the invention of tank cleaning
whole to adopt crude oil washing on all apparatus fitted within the tanks and served by
suitably equipped vessels. permanent piping, which made it possible for
cargo to be circulated through the tank
After Discharge Of Crude Oil cleaning system without risk of escape from
After discharge of cargo, ship’s tanks, which hose connections or deck openings. Inert gas
have held crude oil, usually contain deposits of was then introduced, which provided a means
sediment on the tank bottoms and other of controlling the tank atmosphere and
horizontal surfaces of the tanks structures. keeping it outside the flammable range.
This sediment, which has settled from the
cargo on passage, consists mainly of waxy Advantages Of
and asphaltic substances. If allowed to remain
it will build up after several voyages and
Crude Oil Washing
impede draining and also reduce cargo- 1. Cargo Outturn
The most important advantage, and the one In the LOAD-ON-TOP procedures, the ship’s
from which the other advantages come to the capacity to load new cargo is reduced by the
limelight, is that substantially the whole of the weight of retained slops and sediments on
sediment can be discharged with the bulk of board. Crude oil washing increases the
the cargo. This is refinable material, which is effective cargo capacity of a vessel. Typical
part of and entirely suitable for discharge with, oil/water quantity for a 215,000-dwt tanker in
the remainder of the cargo. After crude oil the tanks as retained sediment is: -
washing only small quantities of cargo will After water 1200/1300 tonnes approx.
remain in the tanks, pumps and pipelines. The washing
comparative figures for oil remaining in the After crude 360 tonnes approx
cargo system of a 215,000-dwt ship after oil washing
discharge are:-
After crude oil wash 300 tonnes approx 5. WORK LOAD
After conventional 1000/2000 tonnes Crude oil washing generates its own load and
discharge approx this usually occurs when personnel are
occupied with cargo discharge. The overall
2. Pollution Avoidance time and effort applied to tank cleaning is
The load-on-top procedure is established as much reduced, benefiting the ship’s personnel,
an acceptable method of controlling oil thereby reducing to risks of pollution due to
pollution of the sea. Its principle feature is the human error.
separation and retention aboard of the oil 6. CORROSION
content of the oil/water mixtures generated by Crude oil washing reduces corrosion.
the ballasting and water washing of oil tanks.
Without crude oil washing, large quantities of SAFETY PROCEDURES
water are needed to clean crude oil tanks and During the process of crude oil washing,
the resulting mixtures and emulsions, together following safety measures should be strictly
with dirty ballast mixtures, must be retained on adhered to: -
board until they have been settled and 1) To prevent the escape of oil or vapour.
separated. This process is much simplified 2) To maintain the tank atmosphere within
when tanks have first been crude oil washed. NON-FLAMMABLE LIMITS.
The oil content of dirty ballast is greatly 3) To prevent the development of a source of
reduced. Cargo tanks, which are to be used ignition.
for clean ballast, need only a short rinse with 4) Oil to be introduced into the tank for crude
water after oil washing, but pumps and lines oil washing at a point outside the engine room.
will need to be thoroughly flushed with water. 5) Personnel to be well trained and familiar
Tanks, which are not required for ballast, need with the crude oil washing, and possess
not be water, washed, because the sediment thorough understanding of the entire
is kept under control by crude oil washing. operation.
Hence, not only is the quantity of residue in 6) Usually crude oil washing should be
the ship greatly reduced, but also tank carried out in a port while the cargo is being
washing is much smaller. These factors pumped ashore.
reduce the pollution. 7) Stage by stage cleaning of tanks must be
3. CARGO CONTAMINATION 8) Before clean ballast is loaded, tanks
The salt-water content of crude oil cargoes should be water-washed and the pumps and
poses a continuing problem for oil refineries. lines flushed with water.
Crude oil washing reduces salt-water 9) Control of atmospheric emissions is
contamination of the cargoes, due to the necessary by preventing ventilation of tanks.
elimination of water from tanks and reduction Hydrocarbons from tanks are not allowed to
in the quantity of slops. escape out into the atmosphere, nor is air
allowed to enter from outside into the tanks.
4. Increased Carrying Capacity 10) All crude oil washing operations must be
entered in the OIL RECORD BOOK.
1 Is quality of inert gas in tanks satisfactory (maximum 8% oxygen)? YES
2 Is Inert Gas pressure satisfactory? YES
1 Are valves open to machines on selected tanks? YES
2 Are responsible persons positioned around the deck to watch for leaks? YES
3 Are tanks ullage gauge floats lifted on tanks to be washed? YES
4 Is Inert Gas system operating? YES
5 Are all tanks closed to outside atmosphere? YES
6 Have tanks positive Inert Gas pressure? YES
1 Are all lines oil tight? YES
2 Are tanks washing machines functioning correctly? YES
3 Is quality of Inert Gas in tanks satisfactory (maximum 8% OXYGEN)? YES
4 Is positive pressure available on Inert gas system? YES
1 Are all valves between discharge line and tank washing line shut down? YES
2 Has the tank washing main pressure been equalized and line drained? YES
3 Are all tank washing machine valves shut? YES
1 Have any tanks to be inspected been purged to below the Critical Dilution YES
Level prior to introducing fresh air?
2 Has oil been drained from tank washing lines before opening hydrants to YES
c) The system must be capable of (other than the inert gas main), which passes
maintaining a positive pressure in the cargo through the safety barrier and through which
tanks at all times, regardless of the cargo or hydrocarbons could pass, are also fitted with
ballast discharge rate. “U” seals.
d) The cargo tanks must NOT be capable of
being OVER PRESSURIZED by the inert gas ‘Pollution By Ships’
or by cargo vapours. Operational And Accidental
In the lat one hundred years, in the so-called
The Basic Inert Gas Systems ‘age of oil’, escapes of oil into the environment
The basic inert gas system will consist of the has increased in quantity and has become
following: - objectionable, and so, ‘oil pollution’ has
1) An inert gas source, that is, boiler flue gas arrived. In 1979 the oil production was 3000
or an inert gas generator. million tons. At every stage of its
2) A boiler flue gas valve at the uptake. transportation, oil can escape into the sea
3) A scrubbing tower, which normally acts as from ships.
a cooler.
4) A demister unit. The two main causes of sea pollution by
5) Two electric motor or steam turbine driven tankers are: -
inert gas blowers complete with isolating Accidental pollution
valves. Operational pollution
6) An inert gas pressure-regulating valve.
7) A means of stabilizing the plant on start- Accidental Pollution
up, which also serves the purpose of
During a voyage of an oil tanker while
maintaining a minimum inert gas flow through
conveying the oil to the refineries, accident
the scrubber and blowers. This may be either
can occur, such as collision between two
a gas
tankers or grounding of a tanker due to a
8) recirculating line or a bleed-off line at
Navigational error. Both these can result in
atmosphere, which incorporates, some form of
seepage of oil into the sea. The two important
control valve.
incidents that resulted in extensive sea
9) A liquid non-return device, (deck seal), in
pollution are the grounding of the ‘Torrey
the inert gas main, The deck seal and seal
Canyon’ and the ‘Amoco Cadiz’. The effect on
water supply line are to be fitted with means to
the environment due to these accidents has
prevent freezing of the water.
been catastrophic and the cost for cleaning up
10) A mechanical non-return device in the inert
was huge. 93% of oil over 5000 bbl is a result
gas main.
of grounding or collision.
11) A deck main with branch lines for delivery
of inert gas to the various cargo tanks. Each
cargo tank will be capable of being isolated Operation Pollution
from the deck main. The deck main is to be But by far the highest percentages of spills are
fitted with isolating valves if the mechanical caused due to operational reasons, associated
non-return valve is not of the positive closing with: -
type. The deck main is also fitted with drain a) Tank cleaning with water
valves sited at suitable points. A vent line and b) Loading and discharging
valve is fitted in the main at some point c) Ballasting and deballasting
between the gas regulating valve is open
when the inert gas plant is not in use. Thus, in complete round trip of a tanker oil can
12) A means to prevent excessive pressure or enter the sea due to a number of operational
vacuum building up in the deck main and reasons. In the following pages some of
individual cargo tanks, that is, P/V breather causes of the operational pollution are
valves and P/V breaker. highlighted and explained.
13) “U” seals and siphon breakers are fitted to
the scrubber tower effluent line deck seal drain
line, deck seal water supply line. And line
Misjudging The Filling Rate widely different loading rates without incident
Many tank overflows occur simply because and without any sense of urgency.
ships’ personnel midjudge the filling rate (i.e.,
the rate at which the tank ullages change) but Fuel Oil Loading
not infrequently this misjudgment is associated Heavy fuel oil presents a special case with
with an unexpected change in the filling rate. regard to varying loading rates, for if the
contents of the shore lines are inadequately
These changes can arise from operational heated, or in particular, if failure of a section of
changes on shore - for example, changing steam trace leads to the formation of a ‘cold
from low to high level tanks or from a for the a plug’ the initial loading rate will be extremely
near tank, both of which can result in an low until the relatively cold oil is displaced from
increased loading rate. the line, where upon the rate will increase
They can also arise from aboard activities
such as closing down tanks as they top off or This sudden increase can catch ships’ staff off
transferring from loading a large tank to guard and is particularly serious when loading
loading a small tank. bunkers to capacity, which operation involves
filling double bottom and deep tanks.
Some authorities seek to overcome this
problem by recommending loading all tanks The best way to guard against mishaps under
initially to ullage short of the final ullage and these circumstances is to ascertain the
thereafter topping off each tank individually at capacity of the shore line in advance and
reduced loading rate. However, this is ‘having direct the contents of the line into one of the
two bites at the cherry’ and does not main tanks before embarking upon topping off
guarantee against overflows during the initial the smaller and more difficult tanks.
loading phase. An alternative, practiced by
many experienced tanker men, is to open up Leaks From Manifold
as many tanks as possible consistent with
stability and stress as by so doing the filling
rates of individual tanks, and thereby the effect Leakage of oil from manifold joints is not only
of changes in loading rate, are minimized. common but can be extremely messy should
the joint fall completely under pressure, for the
The filling rates to individual tanks are so oil is then sprayed into the air and spreads
arranged that tanks reach completion ullage in over a wide area of the deck and
sequence and the time interval between superstructure. There are two kinds of failure -
completion of one tank and completion of the failure of a blank securing a manifold not in
next is sufficient to allow a check that follow use, and failure of the joint between hose or
into the tank just completed has ceased. flow boom and manifold flange.
Normally trim plus the varying lengths of line
serving the tanks effects the stepping of levels Overfilling Slop Tanks
automatically but if the difference in levels is The possibility of overflowing slop tanks
considered in adequate it is increased by through valves left open to the main line has
partly closing selected tank valves. been mentioned already, but these tanks can
also overflow from the oil introduced during
As the first group of tanks fill and are shut off stripping and operations. The introduction of
other tanks in the next group are opened in eductors for stripping and crude washing has
order to maintain an acceptable filling rate. added a new dimension to this problem.
The rate into the final group is adjusted by
bleeding off to one or emptier tanks, which are In the older type of system, based on positive
reserved for that purpose and used finally as displacement pumps, only the oil from the tank
balance, or completion tanks. Using these being stripped entered the slop tank and it was
techniques product vessels have repeatedly usually sufficient precaution to lower the level
loaded three and four grades concurrently at to half tank before commencing stripping
operations. With eductors the drive liquid as regulation is only partly effective for there have
well as the stripping liquid enters the slop tank been several instances of oil escaping
and the drive liquid continues even when the overboard before the scuppers would be
cargo tank being stripped is empty. Crude resealed and others in which rain has
washing adds a further complication because subsequently waterlogged the decks and
the oil used for washing plus the oil used to carried the oil overboard.
drive the eductor is discharged to the slop
tank. Terminal Staff
In this matter terminal staff can play a useful
The situation can be alleviated by lining up the role by recognizing that strangers to the
cargo pump supplying drive and washing terminal pose a potential pollution risk, which
liquid to take suction only from the slop tank, requires special attention on their part. They
in which case the next input to the slop tank must be prepared to allow such vessels extra
will be the normal stripping from the tank being time to double check line-up before embarking
washed. This technique, however, is not upon cargo operations and, in so far as they
always feasible. are able, back up the ship’s staff by carrying
out their own check. Above all they must
An alternative is to discharge the slop tank to recognize that such vessels cannot be
a low level prior to start of stripping and then, expected to perform safely as efficiently as
when the eductor discharge has stabilized, regular traders and take care that they do not
crack open the slop tank suction until the tank inadvertently pressurize the vessels into
level remains constant or falls slowly. embarking upon operations beyond their
However, even with this technique there can capabilities.
be no guarantee that the tank will not gain
liquid as the discharge progresses and the However, regardless of caliber and
only way to prevent an overflow is to keep the experience, no vessel can claim immunity
tank under constant observation. from the possibility of a mishap during cargo
operations and if the consequences of such
Containment Of Oil On Deck mishaps are to be minimized careful attention
Oil escaping on to the decks, from whatever must be paid to emergency procedures and
source, does not become polluted until such contingency plans must be introduced to deal
time as it flows overboard on to the water with any spillages which may arise.
Emergency Procedures
Most regulations recognized this fact and seek To be effective, emergency procedures must
to confine the oil onboard, pending its involve the whole crew regardless of rank or
removal, by calling for deck scuppers to be rating and, in the absence of a responsible
securely plugged throughout the vessel’s time officer, individual crew member, must be
alongside. However, for this regulation to be vested with the authority to order an
effective there must be a sufficiently high up emergency stop should they have reason to
stand at the ship’s side to contain the oil and suspect that all is not well. They should, if
this is by no means always the case. It will be necessary, to be permitted to actuate the
appreciated that many modern vessels, onboard main pump emergency stops and
including VLCC's, have similar small up stripping pump controls themselves.
stands. Nor is the regulation effective if the
decks become waterlogged from heavy rain, However, in order that crewmembers not
which carries the oil over the top of the up normally involved in cargo operations are in a
stand. position to judge between the normal and the
abnormal, and thereby act responsibly, they
This fact is also recognized by the regulation should be instructed in basic cargo handling
which call for a crew member to be stationed techniques.
at the aftermost scuppers in order to
periodically drain off the water, but again the
Ship Board Planning Communication Watch Keeping Clearing Decks
Personnel Transfer Emergency Operational Checks Departure
Terminal Check Containment shore Spill containment Stow Hoses
Prepare persons in-charge Monitoring jetty
Ships Adequate Adequate for tide
moorings weather
Scuppers Plugged Excess water draining Unplugged
Drip trays In position Means available for Drained
draining excess water
Sea valves Secured Ballast
Hose arms Good condition Sufficient length Drained
Firmly secured Disconnected
Cargo Checked Properly lined up for Shut down
system transfer Manifolds
Cargo tanks Ullages monitored
Arrival /Port Commence Transfer Sailing
Check lists
voltage). And no electrostatic can exist edge of the opening, i.e. earthed, a spark
between the ship and the jetty. could occur between the bob and the surface
of the liquid. I the tape is held clear of the
The length of time the charge is retained by opening (i.e. not earthed) until the bob is
the liquid depends on its electrical conductivity immersed in the product, the charge collected
but even with light petroleum distillates, which from holding the tape or, if he is insulated from
in general have relatively low conductivities, the deck, discharge as a spark between the
the time required is usually of the order of a tape and the tank opening.
minute or less. Exceptions are, highly purified Similarly a metal sampling “can” could collect
hydrocarbons and also where high charge when immersed in the product and
concentrations of water are dispersed within create by discharging to the tank structure
cargoes of light petroleum distillates. Then, a inside the tank or to the rim of the tank
significant voltage may be observed for up to opening as it is withdrawn.
30 minutes sue to settling of water through the
oil. As any isolated metal object can act as a
charge collector, particular care should be
The normal precaution taken to keep taken after a dry-dock period to ensure that
electrostatic generation down to an acceptable objects, such as tins, which might float about
level is to keep the linear rate of flow of liquid in the cargo, are removed.
below a specified value, which is frequently
taken as 7 meters/second. This level is, Hose Bonding
however, considered to be too high when The accumulation of electrostatic charges on
there is a large amount of free water mixed metal hose couplings is normally prevented by
with the oil, as the presence of water droplets connecting the couplings to earth through the
increases charge separation in flow through internal bonding wire in the hose. Without this
pipelines and pumps as well as settling of the bonding wire, intermediate coupling in a hose
water through the oil in the tank. In the initial string could be isolated from earth, even
stages of loading when water that may have although the end couplings are earthed, and
collected in pipelines or at the bottom of a tank could therefore collect electrical charge from
may be disturbed the linear rate of flow is the liquid flowing in the hose. Such isolated
generally restricted to 1 meter/second until the couplings might acquire a high static voltage
bottom girders of the tank are covered. This and provide a spark by discharging to any
also helps to reduce splashing and spray nearby earthed conductor.
formation, which is another charge separation
Tank Cleaning
The precaution of not introducing an isolated
Ullaging and Sampling conductor into a tank applied to tank washing
When loading clean products it should be machines; the machine itself and all metal
assumed that static electricity could be couplings on the hose are bonded together
generated. Safety regulations therefore and earthed through the integral bonding wire
require that no conducting object be in the hose. During water washing the
introduced into a tank, which loading is in machine is in fact earthed via the seawater
progress and a 30-minute delay period is slowing through the hose. The amount of
necessary on completion to allow for the static produced by water washing is very
dissipation of any static electricity. To obviate small.
this, clean product vessels are supplied with
linen tapes to be used in conjunction with a Steaming tanks is potentially dangerous as an
circular wooden float, to enable bilges to be electrostatic charged mist may be produced
taken when the level of liquid is below and where steaming out is necessary the
convenient gauging by a wooden ullage stick. steam should be introduced at low velocity to
If a conducting metal dip tape is lowered lessen the charge separation.
through a deck opening into a tank containing
a charged product so that it is contact with the
Water should not be loaded into a tank which Similarly, electrical currents may result from
has contained volatile clean oil until after the ship’s external cathodic protection system,
tank has been stripped because large static which protects the ship’s hull from corrosion.
voltages could be generated by water droplet Another source may be current leakage from
settling through the oil layer, if this is of any electrical installations ashore.
depth, and the tank could be in a flammable
state. The solution to the problem of stray currents is
to block their passage completely by means of
an insulating flange in the loading line, as
STRAY CURRENTS illustrated in Figure 3. Since no current can
Cathodic Protection now flow in the internal bonding wire, hose
Currents connections can be made and broken at the
In order to prevent corrosion, jetties of metallic ships manifold without any risk or arcing.
construction are provided with a cathodic
protection system, which maintains the jetties The same result could be achieved by using
at an electrical potential slightly negative to the hoses without an internal bonding wire but
water in which they are immersed. This is where more than one length is used; the risk
done by making the jetty one electrode (the from static charges on isolated intermediate
cathode) in large electrolytic cell, as illustrated hose couplings again arises. This however
in Figure 2a. The other electrode (the anode) becomes a problem only when the hoses are
may be a mass of a suitable dissimilar metal, used for pumping clean oils. It should be noted
such as magnesium, which maintains a that when an insulating flange in the loading
voltage difference between itself and the jetty line all parts of the hoses system remain
by electrochemical means, and is itself securely earthed, either from the flange
consumed in the process. Alternatively, the shoreward or from the flange in the opposite
required driving voltage may be provided from direction to the ship.
a suitable external power source through an
electrode, which may or may not be consumed
Extract of IMO Code for the 2) Health hazard
3) Water pollution hazard
Construction and Equipment 4) Air pollution hazard
of Ships carrying Dangerous 5) Reactivity hazard
Chemicals in Bulk 1980
Chemical cargoes carried onboard tankers A chemical tanker may be damaged as the
today include solvents, heavy chemicals, result of a collision, stranding or from some
acids, alkalis, alcohols, additives, vegetable other circumstances, which may lead to an
and animal oils and molasses. uncontrollable release of cargo. Consequently
to afford the cargo containment system some
These cargoes may possess one or more of protection from external damage,
the following properties, which influence the consideration must be paid to the sitting of the
design of the ship: - cargo tanks in relation to the ship’s sides and
1) High Specific Gravity up to 2.2 bottom. In order to determine the criteria for
2) High viscosity cargo tank sittings and ship stability, it is
3) Highly corrosive necessary to define the assumed damages
4) Poisonous and to state the conditions of survival and of
5) Flammability cargo containment.
6) Self-reactive
7) Heat sensitive DAMAGE ASSUMPTIONS
8) High heat required to prevent solidification
9) Highly sensitive to impurities because of 1) Collision Damage
possible reaction or cargo impairment. Longitudinal extent 1/3 L or 14.5 m
whichever is less
The IMO code applies to bulk cargoes having Transverse extent B/5 or 11.5 m
fire hazards in excess of petroleum, or having whichever is less
significant hazards other then flammability. Vertical extent From baseline
upwards without
The purpose of the Code is to recommend limit.
suitable design criteria, constructional
standards and other safety measures, for 2) Stranding Damage
ships used in transporting dangerous Longitudinal L/10 for 0.3L from the forward
chemicals in bulk so as to minimize the risk to extent perpendicular; and L/10 or 5
the ship, its crew and to the neighborhood. m (whichever is less) over
The Code provides for three types of ships, any other part of the ship
Type I, II and III, corresponding to three
Transverse B/6 or 10 m (whichever is
classes of hazardous chemicals.
extent less) for 0.3 L from the
forward perpendicular; and 5
Type I is the most hazardous m over any other part of the
Type II is the moderate hazard ship.
Type III is the least hazardous Vertical From baseline upward 3/15
extent or 6 m whichever is less.
The ship type classification is based on the
ship’s ability to survive specific extents of
3) Minor Damage
damage, and to prevent or limit the cargo
This is damage, which may occur during
release and also is influenced by the hazards
harbor maneuvers due to tugs, piers, etc.
associated with the release of a particular
The transverse extent, inboard from the sip’s
cargo: -
side, at right angles to the center line, at the
1) Fire hazard
There are no special requirements for cargo Cargo piping should not pass through any
tank location in Type III ships. accommodation or machinery space other
than cargo pumprooms.
A cargo subject to the provisions of the Code above such gangway, if vent is fitted within 4
should not be stowed in the fore and after m of such gangway.
The height of vent exit may be reduced to 3 m
Access To Void Spaces above deck fore and aft gangway, provided
high velocity vent valve are fitted, directing the
Cargo Tanks And Other vapour/air upward in an unimpeded jet with an
Spaces In The Cargo Tank exit velocity of at least 30 m/s.
Arrangements for void spaces, cargo tanks The vent exist should be at least 10 m from
and other spaces in the cargo tank area, nearest air intake or opening in
should be such as to ensure adequate access accommodation, service, spaces and ignition
for complete inspection. sources. Flammable vapour outlets should be
provided with readily renewable and effective
Access to the cargo tanks should be direct flame screw or safety heads of approved type.
from the open deck. For access through
horizontal openings dimensions to be such as Materials Of Construction
to permit passage of person wearing breathing Structural materials used for tank construction,
apparatus, and allow the hoisting of an injured together with associated piping, pumps, vents,
person from the bottom of the space. Minimum valves and their joining materials, should be
clear opening to be 600 mm x 600 mm. suitable at the carriage temperature and
pressure for the cargo to be carried. Steel is
For access through vertical openings, assumed to be the normal material of
providing passage through length and breadth construction.
of the space, the minimum clear opening shall
be 600 mm x 800 mm, at a height not more Where applicable, the following should be
than 600 mm from the bottom shall be plating, taken into account in selecting the material of
unless gratings or other footholds are construction: -
provided. a) Notch ductility at the operating
Tank Vent Systems b) Corrosive effect of the cargo;
All cargo tanks should be provided with a c) Possibility of hazardous reactions between
venting system appropriate to the cargo being the cargo and the material of construction; and
carried. Systems to be so designed as to d) Suitability of linings and coatings.
minimize the possibility of cargo vapour
accumulating about the decks, entering Maximum Allowable
accommodation and machinery spaces, and in Quantity Of Cargo Per Tank
the case of flammable vapours, other spaces The quantity of cargo, required to be carried in
containing sources of ignition. They should a Type I ship, should not exceed 1,250 cubic
also be designed to minimize possible meters in any one tank.
spraying on deck.
The quantity of cargo, required to be carried in
Tank vent outlets should be arranged to a Type II ship, should not exceed 3,000 cubic
prevent entrance of water into the cargo tanks, meters.
and at the same time, should direct the vapour
discharge upwards in the form of unimpeded
jets. Certificate Of Fitness For
The Carriage Of Dangerous
Vent Exits Chemicals In Bulk
The height of vent exits should not be less After satisfactory inspection of a ship, a
than 4 m above the weather deck or, if a fore certificate should be issued, containing the
and aft gangway is fitted, not less than 4 m following information: -
4) Ethylene Sips
The cargo is usually fully refrigerated at -
104°C, and the tanks are made from
aluminum, nickel steel or stainless steel. They CARGO TANKS
are insulated and a reliquefaction plant is The cargo tanks on LPG and LNG ships are
fitted. These ships tend to be specialized with divided into three groups.
cargo capacities varying from 1000m3 - a) Independent tanks
12000m3. b) Membrane or Semi Membrane tanks
c) Integral Tanks
a) Independent tanks
1) Type A Tank
These are independent rectangular and
prismatic tanks which support their own weight
and the weight of the cargo, which is carried in
a refrigerated, or semi refrigerated condition.
2) Type B Tank
This is a low pressure tank based on pressure
vessel design, is normally spherical in shape
and made from aluminum alloy or 9½ nickel
3) Type C Tank
This type of tank is basically a pressure
vessel, and is either cylindrical or spherical in
shape. It is used either with fully pressurized
or with semi refrigerated cargoes.
b) Membrane Tank
This type of tank has a primary barrier made
of a thin material, which is supported by the
inner hull via insulation. ‘Technigas’ and ‘Gas-
transport’. Membranes are some of the latest
designs. These tanks are very large and do
not have centerline bulkheads.
5) LPG, LNG Ships
The cargo is carried fully refrigerated at - c) Integral Tanks
163°C. The cargo tanks are either self- These tanks form part of the ships hull.
supporting or membrane type and are made Normally the design pressure is 0.25 kg/cm
from aluminum, nickel steel or stainless steel, and under normal circumstances the
and are insulated. Generally a reliquefaction temperature should not fall below - 10°C.
plant is not fitted. The ‘boil off’ gas is either
vented or burnt in the main machinery. These
ships are large with cargo capacities varying
from 40,000m3 to 135,000m3.