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Definitions: What Is The Difference Between Data Flow Diagram and Flow Chart

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 A flowchart is a type of diagram that
 A data flow diagram (DFD) is graphic
represents an algorithm or process,
representation of the "flow" of data
showing the steps as boxes of various
through business functions or processes.
kinds, and their order by connecting
More generally, a data flow diagram is
these with arrows.
used for the visualization of data
 The flowchart is a means of visually
presenting the flow of data through
 Graphical representation of a system’s
an information processing systems, the
data and how the processes transform
operations performed within the system
the data is known as Data Flow Diagram.
and the sequence in which they are

 Data flow diagrams are used to describe  Flowcharts are used to describe the
data flow within a system. They can detailed logic of a business process or
depict transformations on data as well as business rule.
storage locations. They trace the route  The program flowchart describes boxes
that data travels in a system, from start to that describe computations, decisions,
finish. interactions & loops.
 Data flow diagrams are not program  A flow chart details the processes to
flowcharts and do not include control follow.
elements.  A flow chart shows the flow of control.
 A DFD details the flow of data through a  In a flow chart, a reader can determine
system. Data flow diagrams represent what operations will be performed, in
the flow of data. what order, and under what
 In a data flow diagram, identifying the circumstances. 
procedural information is not necessary.  In a flow chart, the arrows represent
 In a DFD, the arrows are actually data transfer of control (not data) between
transfer between the elements, which are elements and the elements are
themselves parts of a system. instructions or decision
 Data flow diagram shows the flow of data  A flow chart shows the steps involved to
between the different entities and carried out a task
datastores in a system.  A flow chart is a lower level view
 Data flow diagram provides a very high (basically showing the algorithm).
level view of the system.  At the higher level, a flowchart is a
 At high level, DFDs are analysis. design level tool.
 A DFD shows how the data moves  A flowchart is closer to the operations
through a system. that system does.
 A data flow diagram is concerned with  A flow chart is concerned with the
the logical aspects of an activity physical aspects of a task and as such is
 Data flow diagram is functional used to represent something as it
relationship which includes input values is currently. This is useful in developing
and output values and internal data understanding about a
stored. situation/communication/training etc.
 Data flow diagrams are welcomed tools  Flow chart is process relationship which
used in structured analysis and design includes input and output values.
methods, showing the flow of information  Flow charts are easy-to-understand
through a system. diagrams, which visually illustrate how
 The data flow diagram results are a each process works by being broken
series of diagrams representing the down into steps.
system activity in a clear and concise  A flowchart is a schematic representation
manner. of a process. They are commonly used in
 Data Flow Diagram commonly used by business/economic presentations to help
business, industries or by cellular the audience visualize the content better,
companies to show the relationships or to find flaws in the process.
among the business processes within an
organization to external systems,
external organizations, customers and
other business processes.

When using a data flow diagram to illustrate
the processes of a system, it is necessary to Using a flow chart typically requires the use of
use five symbols. They are: three types of symbols: They
YES are:

Represents an activity that processes / Use to represent a decision point in the
transforms data process.
Represents a source or destination of a
data flow outside the area of study.
Use to represent an event which is controlled
within the process.

A data store is a storage bin for information Represent the start and the end of a process.
within the system.


It shows the data flow direction, typically from its

source to its destination.


It shows the flow of any physical material from

its source to its destination.
Macro Level: Generally, a macro-level
Level 0: On Level 0, a DFD shows all the data flowchart has fewer than six steps.
flows from the system to the external entities,
with the whole system being represented as Mini Level: The term (mini or midi) is used for
one large process a flowchart that falls between the big picture of
the macro level and the fine detail of the micro
Level 1: A Level 1 DFD normally shows very level. Typically, it focuses on only one part of
few (8 - 10) processes, and is intended to the macro-level flowchart.
explain the basic functioning of the system.
Micro level: The micro-level, or ground level,
Higher Levels: Higher levels break down view provides a very detailed picture of a
single processes to show internal data flows. specific portion of the process by documenting
Higher levels of the diagram break up any every action and decision. It is commonly used
single process into subprocesses, and show to chart how a particular task is performed.
that process's interaction with the system as
well as the internal composition of the process.
Breaking down is done until no further break-
down is possible. DIFFERENCE IN DIAGRAM
DATA FLOW DIAGRAM  In drawing a proper flowchart, all
necessary requirements should be listed
 Each process should have both input and out in logical order.
 The flowchart should be clear, neat and
 Each data store probably has both input easy to follow. There should not be any
and output room for ambiguity in understanding the
 Data flows cannot flow between data flowchart.
stores  The usual direction of flow of Procedure
 Data flows cannot flow between entities or is from left to right or top to bottom.
and data stores
 Diagrams must be balanced across  Only one flow line should come out from
levels a process symbol.
 A data flow cannot be output and input of  If the flowchart becomes complex, it is
the same process. better to use connector symbols to
 Flows connected with a process with reduce the number of flow lines.
opposite directions should not have the  Avoid the intersection of flow lines if you
same name want to make it more effective and better
 Data flows should not cross one another. way of communication.
 Each diagram has a name (title)  Ensure that the flowchart has a logical
 Each object has name unique names for: start and finish.
processes, terminators, data stores.
 Name of each object should precisely
reflect its features.



When building a data flow diagram, the When building a flow chart, the following items
following items should be considered: should be considered:

Allocating the entities: A start and end point are set:

What are the process entities, it could be The purpose of a flow chart is to accomplish a
person place, department, organization or thing. goal or document a process of any kind from
Entities are the means of data entering in the start point to end point. To get started, you need
main process. They are the sender or recipient to decide what the problem is, or where you are
of data. now, and label that as your starting point and
  ending point.
Main process: Actions are added:
Represents an activity that processes/transform Once you know where you are and where you
data. The process plays a significant role in the need to go, you need to fill in the appropriate
business process. Labeling processes is used actions in order to make your flow chart. Each
to develop levels of DFDs that describe action should be a single, simple sentence, and
increasingly detailed levels of a process. Each detail one action.
process must have a unique ID Dependant actions are added.
If you have actions that are complex and require
decisions create diamonds with arrows that
point towards action dependent on the outcome
of the statement in question. Note: diamond
boxes usually contain yes/no answers.
Otherwise, the flow charts can become too
complex to follow in a directly linear way.

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