Uaspl Info
Uaspl Info
Uaspl Info
water lines, showers and taps and spots on walls, floors, bathtubs and mirrors. Unitech Softener Can easily Removes These Solids from water
up to 99.9%. Making it soft. Unitech water softener treatment device due to the many benefits of softened water. Our water softeners range
Ordinary Water Filters use a screen to separate particles from water streams. The
from time-clock operated models up to fully programmable, digital systems. We have a water softener for every home, commercial Industrial
holes that these filters have are fairly large. This allows just about everything that is
bout Us dissolved in the water to pass through as well.An Unitech RO system employs a
semi-permeable membrane.
Unitech Aqua Systems Pvt.Ltd, An ISO 9001 : 2008 Certified company for the Design, manufacture, Supply, Erection The membrane is a thin, Multy-layered sheet with pores so small that
and commissioning of Turnkey Water Treatment Plants . we have a team of resourceful, creative and professional Engineers water molecules can pass through, but it acts as a barrier to dissolved solids like
who design the plants for optimum flow-rates with minimum usage of electricity .We are also constantly improving upon all our salts and other chemicals. Thus even Bacteria and Viruses are trapped and not
processes so as to give a highly quality product to our valued customer. Understanding the customer need and providing the right allowed to pass through... Unitech R.O is the most effective method of Removing
90% to 99% of all Contaminants.
solution is the core of our excellence. Moreover we also have a complete team of after-sales service technicians who take care of
the installed plants on regular basis. Unitech R.O Systems have a complete Range of water treatment plants
for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial Purposes.
We can offer you State-of- the art fully automatic operational plants, which confirm to the Standards set by B.I.S (Bureau
of Indian Standards), W.H.O (World Health Organization).
Quality Policy: UASPL Strives For Total Customer Satisfaction By Providing, Installing and Maintaining Quality Water
Treatment Systems Through Continual improvement of Quality Management System.
We cater to the needs of Industrial Establishments, Nuclear Power Research centers, Pharmaceuticals, Beverage, Textile Unitech R.O Domestic Series starts from 8 LPH to 50 LPH This
industries, greenhouses, farmhouses, Hospitals, MajorHotels, Swimming pool filteration, shoppingmalls, Multiplexes, Residential systems are suitable for Domestic Purpose.
complexes, Townships,Huge Landries,schools, Colleges, All Govt and Private Institutions, NGO's Social Communities and
ISI Packaged Drinking water Treatment Plants are the mainly concentrate segments.
Using our vast experience in total water management, UASPL offers solutions that COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS
+ Assured Supply and quality of water Unitech R.O Commercial and Industrial series starts from 50 LPH to
1,00,000 LPH .This systems are suitable for Hospitals ,Educational
+ Provide safe drinking water at an affordable cost Institutions like Schools & Colleges ,Major Hotels, Swimming pools, UASPL Demineralisation process utilizes acid regenerated cation resin & caustic
+ 3600 Turnkey water Management Green houses,FarmHouses, Poultries, Shopping Malls,Multiplexex, regenerated anion resin to remove minerals from water. These systems are designed for use
Townships,Huge Laundries ,Textile Industries, Beverages, where ultra-pure water was needed. Applications include pharmaceutical plants, medical
+ Creative Ownership options Pharmaceuticals and Nuclear Power Research Centers. facilities, dialysis centers, and other industrial applications where electronics are involved.
+ Innovation, Expertise and solutions for water treatment Our mixed bed system gives ultrapure water of conductivity as low as 0.1 micorsiemens.We
offer DM Plants of Different sizes as per Client Requirement.
UASPL have complete range of Water Treatment plants, Equipments, and Services like, Quality Of treated water Depends on Raw Water Quality
v Water Treatment Reverse Osmosis (R.O) Systems for Domestic, Commercial and Industrial ULTRA SAFE AND ULTRA VIOLET FILTRATION SYSTEMS Raw water Should be clean,cold,colorless and free from organic matters and oil
v Water Hardness Removal Softners for Residential and Commercial UASPL in this use a variety of membrane filtration in which hydrostatic pressure forces a liquid against a The treated water is not pyrogen free but it confirms to IS 1069/64
v Demineralisation (DM) Plants semi permeable membrane. Suspended solids and solutes of high molecular weight are retained, while Capacity per Regeneration depends on ionic load present in Raw water
v Desalination of Sea water and Brackish water water and low molecular weight solutes pass through the membrane. This separation process is used in
v Waste water Sullage /Sewage treatment and recycle industry and research for purifying and concentrating macromolecular solutions, especially protein
v Effluent Treatment Plants for Chemical and Pharma Industries. solutions. Ultra filtration is not fundamentally different from reverse osmosis.
v Water & Waste Water Treatment Chemicals When dissolved solids are less in the water, UF in combination with Ultra violet is very effective. UASPL full Suite of Equipment and Chemical for both R.O & Thermal Applications to desalinate
v Disaster management for drinking water Application Areas of these are residential, hotel, restaurants, syrup making, tea, coffee & soft drink brackish water and Sea water. Reverse Osmosis Plants to convert seawater to Potable drinking
v BOT's/Annual maintenance contracts . vending, food processing industries, etc. water and for other usages. These offerings are backed by Industry Experience and Guarentee
v Semi/Fully Automatic Pouch Packing ,Bottle Rinsing,Soda filling,Capping & Sealing Machines v Percentages of waste water are very nominal comared to R.O. customer service.
v All Types of Filters, Memberanes, UVSystems, Pumps, Ozone Generators Digital Testing Meters, spares and components for v UF does not reduce the mineral contents of water.
water treatment industry. v Very effective in combination with Ultra Violet Purifier Desalination Flatform is
v Safe affordable and Reliable
Disinfecting your drinking water Ultra Filtration with UV makes good sense. It's environmentally safe, it's well proven, and it's the way of the v Cost Effective
UASPL Provide 24X7 Customer Service v Environment Friendly
future for water disinfection requirements around the globe.
UASPL Meet the Demands of our clients, With our efficient services for water
treatment plants.our services include annual maintenance, consultancy and up
gradation and services of existing plants.with the aid of our experienced
engineersand technocrats,We have been able to offer our services in accordance
with international standards and practices .our services have gained appreciation OUR OVERSEAS SUPPLIERS
from our customers professional approach,timely execution and cost effective