Patient was given Oxytocin as ordered by the doctor during labor, because contractions are not
strong enough to complete a delivery, which will help her labor along. This drug plays a vital role in
triggering and regulating uterine contractions. During the third stage of labor of the client, oxytocin
helps to ensure that the placenta and membranes are delivered. After birth, the drug helps the mother
because it causes the uterus to contract down and stop bleeding.
Oxytocin plays a crucial role in breast feeding because it causes the “let down reflex” allowing
the milk to flow and enabling patient Tamaquin to feed her baby.
Action:SYnthetic compound similar to the natural hormone isolated from the posterior pituitary. Has
uterine stimulant, vasopressor, and weak antidiuretic properties. Increase the number of contracting
myofibrils. Facilitates ejection of milk from the breast by stimulating smooth muscle.
To induce or stimulate labor
To reduce postpartum bleeding after expulsion of placenta
Contraindicated in patients hypersensitive to drugs.
Contraindicated when vaginal delivery isn’t advised, when cephalopelvic disproportion is
present, or when delivery requires conversion, as in transverse lie.
Use cautiously during first and second stages of labor because cervical laceration, uterine
rupture, and maternal and fetal death have been reported.
Side effects:
CNS: Subarachnoid hemorrhage, seizures, coma
CV: Hypertension, increased heart rate, systemic venous return and cardiac output, arrhythmias.
GI: Nausea and vomiting
GU: titanic uterine contraction, abruption placenta
Nursing consideration:
Drug isn’t recommended for routine I.M use but 10 units may be given I.M after delivery of
placenta to control postpartum uterine bleeding
Never give oxytocin simultaneously by more than one route