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Vinay Sharma: Director, Ni2designs

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Vinay Sharma

Director, ni2designs

Gireesh M.
Scientist, ISRO

Spurred by technological advancement, the number of devices decades for testing IC's. Boundary Scan (BS) and Built in Self
that can be included in an integrated circuit is increasing every Test (BIST) are the most popular and industrially adopted DFT
year. As the complexity and density are increasing, improved and techniques. This article also deals with implementation of

efficient testing techniques are needed. Testing of complex Boundary Scan (BS) technique and Built In Self Test.
integrated circuits is a tedious and time consuming task. Testing

improves the quality of parts that are shipped. Testing devices in Implementing IEEE 1149.1 (JTAG) Standard:
production is meant to screen out defective parts. Tests have to The IEEE 1149.1 Test Access Port and Boundary Scan Standard
be generated that ensure a high probability of uncovering popularly called by the name JTAG (Joint Test Action Group)
physical defects like shorts to ground or Vdd, bridges to standard have been developed as an efficient standard for

neighboring signal lines, incorrect resistance of lines or via's and implementing boundary scan architecture. Due to increased
many more. complexity of integrated circuits, BIST is emerging as the state-
of-art testing technique. BIST gets rid of the need for test pattern

Testing costs are increasing because as the circuit grows in size generation and reduced test overhead. In addition it enables
and complexity, the controllability and observability of individual high-speed testability.
elements decreases, which lead to dramatically increased test

generation time. To generate test patterns using ATPG This article discusses the techniques of developing a low cost
(Automated Test Pattern Generator) algorithms and hardware Design for Testability (DFT) core generator which can be
penalty in Design for Testability (DFT) techniques are configured depending upon the design core that has to be tested.

impediments to enhancing the fault coverage. To improve The DFT core include sub cores for JTAG controller for boundary
product quality, either test pattern generation algorithm or scanning and Memory Built In Self Test (MBIST) controller for
hardware overhead has to be tolerated. Out of these two, testing embedded RAM memory cells.
increasing testability by increasing area overhead is preferred,
even-though it is at reduced performance, as it can result in more Boundary Scan Standard Concept
testable circuits. But industries are reluctant in adding additional Boundary scanning testing is a general strategy used that allows
hardware. Testing time and testing cost can be reduced greatly by controllability and observability of input/output pins of integrated
selecting the appropriate DFT techniques. circuits or die embedded in a system. The IEEE/ANSI
1149.1.1990 standard is a widely accepted industry standard for
This article deals with methods by which different DFT implementing boundary scan technique. The group that started
techniques can be added in an integrated circuit, at reduced test working on this standard is called Joint Test Action Group (JTAG),
cost and testing time. Also this article introduces a “DFT Core thus this standard is widely known as JTAG standard.
Generator” software which is capable of generating JTAG cores
for the digital circuit. The research with DFT core generator can In Boundary Scan architecture a memory cell is associated with
be carried forward to develop cost effective test circuits and every input and output pins of the IC. These memory cells, called
various DFT techniques. boundary scan register, are serially connected forming a shift
register. The JTAG standard also describes about a Test Access
Different DFT techniques have been used over the few past

Test Data Registers

Boundary Scan Register

Device Identification Register


Device Specific Test Data Register Sel

Boundary Scan Control
Pad Bypass Register

Instruction Decode
D Q Pad
Instruction Register

Pad Tap Clock
TRST Enable

Figure 1: Boundary Scan Architecture Asynchronous Implementation.


Port (TAP) which provides test access to shift registers and pin is high for 5 successive test clocks, the TAP controller state will
controls the various chip test modes. The figure1 shows the basic be transferred to the test logic rest state. The state diagram of TAP
architecture of JTAG standard. controller is shown in figure 2.
Port (TAP) which provides test access to shift registers and TAP controller generates eight different control signals - ShiftDR,
controls the various chip test modes. The figure1 shows the basic ClockDR, UpdataeDR, ShiftIR, ClockIR, UpdataeIR, Select and
architecture of JTAG standard. Enable. During every state of TAP controller, corresponding
The test bus circuitry of boundary scan technique consists of the control signals are generated. TAP controller consists of a
boundary scan registers, 1-bit bypass registers, instruction instruction cycle and a data cycle. ShiftIR, ClockIR and UpdateIR
register and decoder, some miscellaneous registers and Test control signals are used during instruction cycle and ShiftDR,
Access Ports (TAP). TAP consists of five I/O pins. They are TDI ClockDR and UpdateDR are used during data cycle. Select
(Test Data In), TDO (Test Data Out), TCK (Test Clock), TMS (Test control signal is used to select instruction register. Enable signal is
Mode Select) and TRST (Test reset). Out of these TRST pin is used as enable signal for output buffers used during the execution
optional. It is used for asynchronous reset in circuits where power of HIGHZ instruction.
on reset option is not provided. But it can also be used in circuits
having power-on-reset. The test instruction and data are fed Test Instructions:
serially through the TDI pin. Test result and status information are JTAG standard specifies some instructions for testing as well as to
send out from the chip through TDO pin. access internal logic circuitry. The mandatory instructions that are
specified by the standard are SAMPLE, PRELOAD, BYPASS and
The status of the test circuitry is decided by TAP controller. TAP EXTEST. There are some optional instructions specified by the
controller is 16-state FSM (Finite State Machine). Status of a TAP standard - IDCODE, INTEST, CLAMP, HIGHZ and RUNBIST. In
controller is decided by the state transition on TMS pin and addition provisions are given to add user defined instruction.
decoded at every positive transition of Test clock (TCK). Mainly testing of systems or devices are done through EXTEST,
INTEST and RUNBIST instructions.
TAP controller is designed such that whenever the value at TMS


1 Test - logic- reset

Run - Test/Idle 0

Select - DR - Scan Select - IR - Scan

Capture - DR Capture - IR

Shift - DR Shift - IR 0

Exit1 - DR Exit1 - IR

Pause - DR Pause - IR 0

Exit2 - DR Exit2 - IR

Update - DR Update -IR

Figure 2: TAP Controller State Machine.

46 Magnitudesigns | Issue2

In this article & in our DFT core generator, RUNBIST instruction is

used to control Memory BIST controller so that input pin reduction
can be achieved. EXTEST instruction is mainly used for testing
external board connectivity and is used generally for checking
PCB's. For INTEST instruction the test pattern that are applied
will flow through the internal shift register path other than the
boundary scan path, to check the underlying circuitry of an
integrated circuit.

The instructions are fed to instruction register through TDI pin. By

default the instruction stored in the instruction register will be that
of the IDCODE instruction, used for retrieving the JEDEC
standard identification code, stored in the 32 bit long identification
register. If identification register is not at all implemented then,
IDCODE instruction code will be assigned to BYPASS
instruction. The width of the instruction register is dependent on
the number of instructions implemented. The instructions are
loaded during the Shift-IR state of the TAP controller. The
instructions loaded will be latched onto the instruction decoder
only during the Update IR state of TAP controller. The instruction
decoder decodes and selects the appropriate register.

The width of the instruction register is not specified by the

standard. It is only stated that it should not be less than 2 bit wide.
The user can select the width depending upon the number of Figure 3: Supported Test Instructions.
instructions used and the area overhead of the decoding circuitry.
In this article, a 6 bit wide instruction register is used to implement Memory Built In Self Test (MBIST) Concept
9 instructions. For implementing 9 instructions a 4 bit wide Most of the present day micro-electronic systems contain high
instruction register is sufficient, but the area occupied by the density embedded memories. Besides production time testing,
decoding circuitry is greater than the area overhead of a 6 bit wide periodic testing of memories is essential to deal with problems
instruction register. Six bit wide instruction register is used so that such as data retention. Testing of memories using conventional
additional user defined instruction can be implemented with techniques for microprocessors and digital communication
minimum area overhead. equipment is not a feasible option. So testing techniques like Built
In Self Test for memories are developed. Different types of MBIST
The designer of an ASIC chip is free to select the different architecture hardware centric MBIST, software centric MBIST and
configuration of optional instructions specified by the standard. software/hardware centric MBIST are used. The block diagram of
Depending upon the instructions selected the decoding logic is a Memory testing technique is illustrated in the figure 4.
reconfigured. For the ease of reconfiguration 6 bit wide
instruction register is selected. Figure 3 shows the list of Hardwired MBIST is selected even though it offers zero flexibility,
instructions supported by DFT core generator. it is due to its short testing time and low area overhead. The
MBIST architecture used in this article uses MARCH-C algorithm
Bypass instruction is provided to facilitate board level testing. In for generating test pattern. MARCH-C algorithm is preferred over
board level testing when ever a particular chip in the scanning others due to its high fault coverage for both bit-oriented and word
chain has not to be tested, then bypass instructions is fed to that oriented memories. The block diagram of MBIST controller is
IC through TDI. All the instructions codes that are not used are shown in the figure 5.
assigned for BYPASS instruction
The MBIST architecture consist of a clock divider, pattern
One output multiplexer is implemented to select from which of the generator, address generator and a comparator. Memory BIST
registers the value has to be transferred to Test Data Output operation is activated by RUNBIST instruction loaded into the TAP
(TDO) pin. The select lines of the output multiplexer are controller. The testing time of the MBIST operation depends upon
controlled by the instruction decoder. the width and capacity of the embedded RAM. The same test
clock is used by both JTAG controller and MBIST controller, for
In this article since we are incorporating MBIST controller with achieving reduced input pins.
TAP controller, BIST result also will be routed through TDO pin.
The insertion of these components into the core logic is illustrated The clock divider will divide the test clock (TCK) into four different
later in article. clocks Read, Write, Address Clock and Compare. Read and
Write control signals are connected to the memory block through
a collar. Address Clock is used to drive the address generator,

Figure 4: Block Diagram of BIST.


while compare clock is given to the comparator block of the When ever the Test result goes high the testing process is halted. If
architecture. no mismatch occurs during testing, then once all the test patterns
are applied Test End signal goes high. When Test End signal goes
Collar is a set of multiplexers used for interfacing MBIST high, the chip comes out of the memory testing process and it will
controller with the embedded memory. It used for multiplexing be free for normal operation.
read and write control signals and data and address bus
generated by the MBIST controller and the memory controller of DFT Core Generator Software:
the core logic. DFT Core generator or inserter are softwares which are capable of
generating and insertion of DFT cores in digital circuits. To study
Address generator is triggered by address clock address and research more towards development of such software we
generator is made of a n-bit gray counter. Each test pattern has to designed our own DFT core generator for MICROWIND software.
be fed to all addresses in the memory. The gray counter is used to
generate address because of area overhead and due to the fact The software offers intelligent insertion of boundary scan
that the address generated will not be of sequential order, which architecture and memory BIST controller into any existing switch
is necessary for detection of some fault models. The width of the level Verilog design code. It takes switch level Verilog code file as
address generator depends upon the width of the memory to be input and manipulates it in such a manner so that all the previously

The pattern generator is triggered by a control signal pattern_clk

generated by the address generator once all the memories are
accessed. The pattern generator is also a address generator
which points the address of LUT used to store the test pattern.
The test pattern is generated by the software which will be
mentioned later. Pattern generator also uses a gray counter to
locate the position of test pattern in the look up table. The depth of
the LUT again depends upon the capacity of embedded memory.
The test pattern is based on MARCH-C algorithm. Each test
pattern will be given to each and every memory cell. Pattern
generator also generates a control signal (UPDOWN) in addition
to the test patterns. UPDOWN control signal is supplied to the
address generator.

MARCH-C algorithms is preferred for generating test pattern

because it can detect faults like stuck-at-fault (SAF), transition
fault (TF), coupling fault (CF), neighborhood pattern sensitive
fault(NPSF) and address fault (AF) with very high fault coverage.
MARCH-C algorithm also decides the direction of memory flow.
Figure 6: GUI of DFT Core Generator.
Comparator is used as the output data analyzer. It consists of two
register having the width of memory. One register is used to store discussed blocks are added appropriately. Figure 6 shows the
the value of instantaneous test pattern. It is loaded while write main GUI of the DFT core generator.
control signal is applied. During read control signal content of the
memory cell will be loaded into the second register. During The software will detect the input and output pins from the input
compare phase, it will compare the contents of two register, and Verilog file. Once the input and output pins are detected, the
whenever a mismatch occurs, it makes Test Result signal high. appropriate boundary scan cells are inserted. Then the software

48 Magnitudesigns | Issue2

will ask for what all instructions are to be included. If IDCODE to the satisfactory levels, with very low development time.
instruction is selected for inclusion, then the software will prompt
(figure 7) for identification code. Once instructions and Figure 10 shows the DFT core's Verilog circuit compiled
identification register is given, the program will insert the completely without errors using the layout compiler of
instruction register and instruction decoder depending upon the
instruction selected. The software is also capable to identify all
input nodes as shown in figure 8. Users can select and mark any
input as clock signal used in the circuit. So once the generate
button is pressed a complete DFT core is inserted in the main
circuit and then it generates a Verilog description of the complete
DFT circuit.
For inserting Memory BIST controller, the software prompt for

Figure 7: ID code Insertion. Figure 10: Verilog Compiler of MICROWIND.

MICROWIND. The MICROWIND’s Verilog layout compiler offers

control over the row width of the layout and selection on number of
routing layers, transistor sizes, I/O pad bonding, etc.

The layout generated from the Verilog compiler looks like in figure
11. All transistors are laid out uniformly and routing is done
automatically by the MICROWIND software.

Figure 8: Detection and Selection of Clocks.

whether any memory block is inserted. If any memory block is

present, then user must indicate the width and depth of memory
block and the names specified for indicating control signals. The
user must also specify the name of address bus and data bus.
The user should select RUNBIST instruction, whenever a
memory block is in the design. Figure 9 shows the GUI of the
Memory BIST generator.

Figure 11: CMOS layout of DFT Core Generator.

The software developed for inserting Design for Testability (DFT)
Core provides the designer with a convenient and reliable method
for testing their digital circuitry. The software automatically inserts
the JTAG and/or MEMBIST circuitry to any ASIC design using
lesser number of transistors. It used 1020 nMOS and 1014 pMOS
transistors for this design.

Figure 9: Memory BIST Generator GUI. DFT core generator motivates researchers and learning engineers
to work towards area of testability and come with more solutions.
Implementing DFT Core using MICROWIND
The DFT core generator gives a switch level Verilog code which For more information about MICROWIND software, please visit
can be compiled using Verilog compiler of MICROWIND www.microwind.net
software, to see the layout of the core logic with DFT facility
We used MICROWIND 3.1 with 0.12 um technology for design
and testing of the generated Verilog circuit file. The results were


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