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Star Trek RPG Characters (Revisions)

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Character Training
Player Name:_______________________________ Character Name:____________________________________

Star Fleet Academy

1 & 2. Pre-academy skills: Roll 1D10 INT / 10 times, rounding
down, and record the results here. Allocate evenly (within one if
odd) between columns 1 and 2. Each skill may be taken up to twice.
3. Curriculum skills: As shown in column 3, plus (at 10 each) one of Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Planetary
Sciences, and two Space Sciences other than Astronomy.
4. Outside electives: Five skills as shown in column 4, at 10 each.
5. Advanced study: Roll 1D10 INT
/ 10 + 5 times, rounding up, and re-
cord the results here. Allocate to skills already known. Skills may be chosen multiple times.
Total: Add columns 1–5 for each skill. For Language, Native and Language, Galacta, add 40 to to the total. The re-
sult for each skill is the score after training.

Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Tot Skill 1 2 3 4 5 Tot

Artistic Expression, ________________ Personal Weapons Technology 5
Artistic Expression, ________________ Physical Sciences, ________________
Carousing Physical Sciences, ________________
Communications Systems Operation Physical Sciences, ________________
Communications Systems Technology Physical Sciences, ________________
Computer Operation 20 Planetary Sciences, _______________
Computer Technology Planetary Sciences, _______________
Damage Control Procedures 10 Planetary Sciences, _______________
Electronics Technology Planetary Survival, ________________
Environmental Suit Operation 10 Planetary Survival, ________________
Gaming, ________________________ Shuttlecraft Pilot
Gaming, ________________________ Small Equipment Systems Operation 10
Instruction 10 Social Sciences, Fed. Culture/History 15
Language, Native (40) Social Sciences, Federation Law 15
Language, Galacta (40) Social Sciences, __________________
Language, _______________________ Social Sciences, __________________
Language, _______________________ Social Sciences, __________________
Leadership 10 Space Sciences, Astronomy 10
Life Sciences, ____________________ Space Sciences, __________________
Life Sciences, ____________________ Space Sciences, __________________
Life Sciences, ____________________ Space Sciences, __________________
Life Sciences, ____________________ Sports, _________________________
Marksmanship, Archaic, ____________ Sports, _________________________
Marksmanship, Archaic, ____________ Starship Sensors 10
Marksmanship, Modern 20 Streetwise
Mechanical Engineering Transporter Operation Procedures 10
Medical Sciences, Gen. Med., Native 10 Trivia, __________________________
Medical Sciences, _________________ Trivia, __________________________
Medical Sciences, _________________ Vehicle Operation, ________________
Medical Sciences, _________________ Vehicle Operation, ________________
Medical Sciences, _________________ Zero-G Operations 10
Personal Combat, Armed, ___________
Personal Combat, Armed, ___________
Personal Combat, Unarmed 20
Branch School
1. Curriculum Skills: As shown in the appropriate table.
2. Outside Electives: Roll 1D10 twice and record the results here. Allocate to any skills.
3. Advanced Training: Roll 1D10 (INT – 50) / 10 times, rounding down, and record the
results here. Allocate to any skills learned in 1 or 2 above.
4. Academy Training: Copy the score, if any, from the Academy Skills table.
Total: Sum columns 1–4. The result is the new skill after training.

Communications/Damage Control Branch (2 Years) Helm Branch (2 Years)

In 1, skills shown plus Language and Racial Culture/ Skill 1 2 3 4 Tot
History (total of 30 each).
Shuttlecraft Pilot 10
Skills 1 2 3 4 Tot Space Sciences, Astrogation 10
Communications Systems Operation 40 Space Sciences, __________________ 10
Communications Systems Technology 10 Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics 10
Computer Technology 10 Starship Helm Operation 40
Damage Control Procedures 30 Starship Sensors 10
Language, _______________________ Starship Weaponry Operation 40
Language, _______________________ Starship Weaponry Technology 10
Language, _______________________ Warp Drive Technology 10
Language, _______________________
Social Sciences, Federation Cult./Hist.
Social Sciences, __________ Cult./Hist.
Social Sciences, __________ Cult./Hist.
Social Sciences, __________ Cult./Hist. Medical Branch (4 Years)
In 1, skills shown plus Language (20), General Medicine
(specialty race 60, other races total of 40), Psychology
(specialty race 40, other races total of 40), and other
specialties (total of 50).
Engineering Branch (3 Years) Skill 1 2 3 4 Tot
In 1a, specialties in the skills shown in 1: three at 30, Computer Operation 20
one at 10, and one at 5. Language, _______________________
Skill 1 1a 2 3 4 Tot Language, _______________________
Communications Systems Technology 10 Life Sciences, ____________________ 10
Computer Technology 10 Life Sciences, ____________________ 10
Deflector Shield Technology 10 Life Sciences, ____________________ 10
Electronics Technology 10 Med. Sci., Gen. Med., ______________
Life Support Systems Technology 10 Med. Sci., Gen. Med., ______________
Mechanical Engineering 10 Med. Sci., Gen. Med., ______________
Personal Weapons Technology 5 Med. Sci., Gen. Med., ______________
Shuttlecraft Systems Technology 10 Med. Sci., _______________________
Small Equipment Systems Technology 10 Med. Sci., _______________________
Space Sciences, Astronautics 10 Med. Sci., _______________________
Starship Weaponry Technology 10 Med. Sci., _______________________
Transporter Systems Technology 10
Warp Drive Technology 10
Navigation Branch (2 Years) Science Branch (4 Years)
Skill 1 2 3 4 Tot As shown, plus Language (20) and any Sciences except
Computer Operation 20 Medical or Social: two related majors (40 each), two
minors (30 each), four other fields (10 each), and any
Deflector Shield Operation 40
field(s) (total of 20).
Deflector Shield Technology 10
Space Sciences, Astrogation 40 Skill 1 2 3 4 Tot
Space Sciences, __________________ 10 Computer Operation 30
Space Sciences, __________________ 10 Computer Technology 10
Starship Sensors 10 Electronics Technology 10
Environmental Suit Operation 20
Language, _______________________
Language, _______________________
Starship Sensors 30
Security Branch (2 Years)
Skill 1 2 3 4 Tot
Environmental Suit Operation 10
Social Science, Federation Law 5
Marksmanship, Modern 20
Personal Combat, Unarmed 20
Personal Weapons Technology 5
Medical Science, Psychology, Native 10
Security Procedures 40
Small Unit Tactics 20
Shuttlecraft Pilot 20

Department Head and Command School

1. Curriculum Skills: As shown in the appropriate table.
2. Advanced Training: Roll 1D10 INT / 10 times, rounding down, and record the results in the boxes above the ap-
propriate table. Allocate to any skills already learned.
3. Prior Training: Copy the score, if any, from the appropriate table (Branch School or Department Head School).
Total: Sum columns 1–3. This is the new score for the skill after training.

Department Head School Command School

Skills 1 2 3 Total Skills 1 2 3 Total

Administration 40 Leadership 10
Computer Operation 15 Negotiation/Diplomacy 10
Leadership 10 Social Sciences, Federation Cult./Hist. 5
Social Sciences, Federation Law 10
Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics 40

1. Previously Learned Skills. Complete the table be- Compute the total and roll 1D10 that number of times
low. All lines are for post-academy experience only. Record the results here.
Service Score
Years of service / 2, round down
Years on Constitution-class ship / 2, round down 4. Allocate to Skills. Allocate the rolls in 1–4 above to
skills as indicated in each section. Combine with the
INT bonus (70+ = 2, 60–69 = 1)
previous score to get the new total.
LUC bonus (70+ = 2, 60–69 = 1)
Total Skill Alloc Prev Total
Compute the total and roll 1D10 that number of times
Record the results here.

2. Rolls in Instruction. Roll 1D10 once for each post-

Academy tour as an Academy instructor and record the
results here.

3. Rolls in Administration. Roll 1D10 once for each

post-Academy tour on Star Base duty and record the
results here.

4. Rolls in Carousing or Streetwise. Complete the

table below.
Service Score
Number of post-Academy tours with Merchant Marine
Number of post-Academy tours on Star Base
Number of Cadet Cruises after the first

Skills List

Administration Mechanical Engineering Social Sciences

Artistic Expression Medical Sciences Archaeology
Carousing General Medicine Economics
Communication Systems Operation Pathology Law (including Federation Law)
Communication Systems Technology Psychology Political Science
Computer Operation Surgery Racial Culture/History (including Fed-
Computer Technology Negotiation/Diplomacy eration History)
Damage Control Procedures Personal Combat, Armed Space Sciences
Deflector Shield Operation Personal Combat, Unarmed Astrogation (Starship Navigation)
Deflector Shield Technology Personal Weapons Technology Astronautics (Starship Engineering)
Electronics Technology Physical Sciences Astronomy
Environmental Suit Operation Chemistry Astrophysics
Gaming Computer Science Sports
Instruction Mathematics Starship Combat Strategy/Tactics
Language Physics Starship Helm Operation
Leadership Planetary Sciences Starship Sensors
Life Sciences Geology Starship Weaponry Operation
Bionics Hydrology Starship Weaponry Technology
Botany Meteorology Streetwise
Ecology Planetary Survival Transporter Operational Procedures
Exobiology Security Procedures Transporter Systems Technology
Genetics Shuttlecraft Pilot Trivia
Zoology Shuttlecraft Systems Technology Vehicle Operation
Life Support Systems Technology Small Equipment Systems Operation Warp Drive Technology
Marksmanship, Archaic Weapon Small Equipment Systems Technology Zero-G Operations
Marksmanship, Modern Weapon Small Unit Tactics

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