Me 2009 Gate Paper
Me 2009 Gate Paper
Me 2009 Gate Paper
GATE Paper 2009
3 4
5 5
1. For a matrix [M]= , the transpose of the matrix is equal to the inverse of
x 3
T −1
the matrix M = M . The value of x is given by
4 3 3 4
(A) − (B) − (C) (D)
5 5 5 5
2. The divergence of the vector field 3xzˆi + 2xyj ˆ at a point (1,1,1 ) is equal to
ˆ − yz2k
3. The inverse Laplace transform of is
+s )
(A) 1 + et (B) 1 − et (C) 1 − e− t (D) 1 + e− t
4. If three coins are tossed simultaneously, the probability of getting at least one
(A) 1/8 (B) 3/8 (C) 1/2 (D) 7/8
6. A coolant fluid at 30°C flows over a heated flat plate maintained at a constant
temperature of 100°C. The boundary layer temperature distribution at a given
location on the plate may be approximated as T = 30 + 70 exp ( −y ) where y (in m)
is the distance normal to the plate and T is in °C. If thermal conductivity of the
fluid is 1.0W/mK, the local convective heat transfer coefficient (in W/m2K) at that
location will be
(A) 0.2 (B) 1 (C) 5 (D) 10
9. A compressor undergoes a reversible, steady flow process. The gas at inlet and
outlet of the compressor is designated as state 1 and state 2 respectively.
Potential and kinetic energy changes are to be ignored. The following notations
are used:
v= specific volume and P=pressure of the gas.
The specific work required to be supplied to the compressor for this gas
compression process is
2 2
(A) ∫ Pdv (B) ∫ vdP (C) v1 (P2 − P1 ) (D) −P2 ( v1 − v2 )
1 1
µ = 0.2
11. If the principal stresses in a plane stress problem, are σ1 = 100MPa, σ2 = 40MPa ,
the magnitude of the maximum shear stress (in MPa) will be
(A) 60 (B) 50 (C) 30 (D) 20
12. A simple quick return mechanism is shown in the figure. The forward to return
ratio of the quick return mechanism is 2:1. If the radius of the crank O1P is 125
mm, then the distance 'd' (in mm) between the crank centre to lever pivot centre
point should be
13. The rotor shaft of a large electric motor supported between short bearings at
both deflection of 1.8mm in the middle of the rotor. Assuming the rotor to be
perfectly balanced and supported at knife edges at both the ends, the likely
critical speed (in rpm) of the shaft is
(A) 350 (B) 705 (C) 2810 (D) 4430
(A) ultimate tensile strength (Su) (B) tensile yield strength (Sy)
(C) torsional yield strength (Ssy) (D) endurance strength (Se)
15. The effective number of lattice points in the unit cell of simple cubic, body
centered cubic, and face centered cubic space lattices, respectively, are
(A) 1,2,2 (B) 1,2,4 (C) 2,3,4 (D) 2,4,4
17. Two streams of liquid metal, which are not hot enough to fuse properly, result
into a casting defect known as
(A) cold shut (B) swell (C) sand wash (D) scab
18. The expected time (te) of a PERT activity in terms of optimistic time (t0),
pessimistic time (tp) and most likely time (tl) is given by
t o + 4tl + tp t o + 4tp + tl
(A) t e = (B) t e =
6 6
t o + 4tl + tp t o + 4tl + tl
(C) t e = (D) t e =
3 3
19. Which of the following is the correct data structure for solid models?
(A) solid part faces edges vertices
(B) solid part edges faces vertices
(C) vertices edges faces solid parts
(D) vertices faces edges solid parts
20. Which of the following forecasting methods takes a fraction of forecast error into
account for the next period forecast?
(A) simple average method (B) moving average method
(C) weighted moving average method (D) exponential smoothening method
(x + y ) (x − y )
2 2
x2 − y2 y2 − x2
(A) +k (B) +k (C) +k (D) +k
2 2 2 2
dy 6
22. The solution of x + y = x 4 with the condition y (1) = is
dx 5
x4 1 4x 4 4 x4 x5
(A) y = + (B) y = + (C) y = +1 (D) y = +1
5 x 5 5x 5 5
23. A path AB in the form of one quarter of a circle of unit radius is shown in the
figure. Integration of ( x + y ) on path AB traversed in a counter-clockwise sense
is Y
π π
(A) −1 (B) +1
2 2
(C) (D) 1
2 A
24. The distance between the origin and the point nearest to it on the surface
z2 = 1 + xy is
(A) 1 (B) (C) 3 (D) 2
26. The standard deviation of a uniformly distributed random variable between 0 and
1 is
1 1 5 7
(A) (B) (C) (D)
12 3 12 12
28. In a parallel flow heat exchanger operating under steady state, the heat capacity
rates (product of specific heat at constant pressure and mass flow rate) of the
hot and cold fluid are equal. The hot fluid, flowing at 1kg/s with Cp = 4kJ/kgK,
enters the heat exchanger at 102°C while the cold fluid has an inlet temperature
of 15°C. The overall heat transfer coefficient for the heat exchanger is estimated
to be 1kW/m2K and the corresponding heat transfer surface area is 5m2. Neglect
heat transfer between the heat exchanger and the ambient. The heat exchanger
is characterized by the following relation:
2ε = 1 − exp ( −2NTU) .
29. In an air-standard Otto cycle, the compression ratio is 10. The condition at the
beginning of the compression process is 100kPa and 27°C. Heat added at
constant volume is 1500kJ/kg, while 700kJ/kg of heat is rejected during the other
constant volume process in the cycle. Specific gas constant for air=0.287 kJ/kgK.
The mean effective pressure (in kPa) of the cycle is
(A) 103 (B) 310 (C) 515 (D) 1032
30. An irreversible heat engine extracts heat from a high temperature source at a
rate of 100kW and rejects heat to a sink at a rate of 50kW. The entire work
output of the heat engine is used to drive a reversible heat pump operating
between a set of independent isothermal heat reservoirs at 17°C and 75°C. The
rate (in kW) at which the heat pump delivers heat to its high temperature sink is
(A) 50 (B) 250 (C) 300 (D) 360
31. You are asked to evaluate assorted fluid flows for their suitability in a given
laboratory application. The following three flow choices, expressed in terms of the
two-dimensional velocity fields in the xy-plane, are made available.
P. u = 2y, v = −3x
Q. u = 3xy, v = 0
R. u = −2x, v = 2y
Which flow(s) should be recommended when the application requires the flow to
be incompressible and irrotational?
(A) P and R (B) Q (C) Q and R (D) R
32. Water at 25°C is flowing through a 1.0km long G.I pipe of 200mm diameter at
the rate of 0.07m3/s. If value of Darcy friction factor for this pipe is 0.02 and
density of water is 1000kg/m3, the pumping power (in kW) required to maintain
the flow is
(A) 1.8 (B) 17.4 (C) 20.5 (D) 41.0
33. Consider steady-state heat conduction across the thickness in a plane composite
wall (as shown in the figure) exposed to convection conditions on both sides.
1 2
L1 L2
hi = 20W / m2K; h0 = 50W / m2K; T∞,i = 200 C; T∞,0 = −20 C; k1 = 20W / mK; k2 = 50W / mK;
L1 = 0.30m and L 2 = 0.15m.
Assuming negligible contact resistance between the wall surfaces, the interface
temperature, T (in °C), of the two walls will be
(A) -0.50 (B) 2.75 (C) 3.75 (D) 4.50
34. The velocity profile of a fully developed laminar flow in a straight circular pipe, as
R2 dp r2
shown in the figure, is given by the expression u (r ) = − 1 − 2 where
4µ dx R
is a constant. The average velocity of fluid in the pipe is
u (r )
R2 dp R 2 dp R 2 dp R 2 dp
(A) − (B) − (C) − (D) −
8µ dx 4µ dx 2µ dx µ dx
35. A solid shaft of diameter, d and length L is fixed at both the ends. A torque, T0 is
applied at a distance, L/4 from the left end as shown in the figure given below
L /4 3L / 4
3 •4
(A) 10 rpm ccw (B) 10 rpm cw (C) 12 rpm cw (D) 12 rpm ccw
37. A forged steel link with uniform diameter of 30mm at the centre is subjected to
an axial force that varies from 40kN in compression to 160kN in tension. The
tensile (Su), yield (Sy) and corrected endurance (Se) strengths of the steel
material are 600MPa, 420MPa and 240MPa respectively. The factor of safety
against fatigue endurance as per Soderberg’s criterion is
(A) 1.26 (B) 1.37 (C) 1.45 (D) 2.00
38. An automotive engine weighing 240kg is supported on four springs with linear
characteristics. Each of the front two springs have a stiffness of 16MN/m while
the stiffness of each rear spring is 32MN/m. The engine speed (in rpm), at which
resonance is likely to occur, is
(A) 6040 (B) 3020 (C) 1424 (D) 955
39. A vehicle suspension system consists of a spring and a damper. The stiffness of
the spring is 3.6kN/m and the damping constant of the damper is 400Ns/m. If
the mass is 50kg, then the damping factor (d) and damped natural frequency
(fn), respectively, are
(A) 0.471 and 1.19Hz (B) 0.471 and 7.48Hz
(C) 0.666 and 1.35Hz (D) 0.666 and 8.50Hz
40. A frame of two arms of equal length L is shown in the adjacent figure. The
flexural rigidity of each arm of the frame is EI. The vertical deflection at the point
of application of load P is
2PL3 L
41. A uniform rigid rod of mass M and length L is hinged at one end as shown in the
adjacent figure. A force P is applied at a distance of 2L/3 from the hinge so that
the rod swings to the right. The reaction at the hinge is
(A) -P
(B) 0 2L / 3
(C) P/3 P
(D) 2P/3
42. Match the approaches given below to perform stated kinematics / dynamics
analysis of machine.
Analysis Approach
P. Continuous relative rotation 1. D’ Alembert’s principle
Q. Velocity and acceleration 2. Grubler’s criterion
R. Mobility 3. Grashoff’s law
S. Dynamic-static analysis 4. Kennedy’s theorem
(A) P-1,Q-2,R-3,S-4 (B) P-3,Q-4,R-2,S-1
(C) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 (D) P-4,Q-2,R-1,S-3
43. A company uses 2555 units of an item annually. Delivery lead time is 8 days. The
recorder point (in number of units) to achieve optimum inventory is
(A) 7 (B) 8 (C) 56 (D) 60
46. Minimum shear strain in orthogonal turning with a cutting tool of zero rake angle
(A) 0.0 (B) 0.5 (C) 1.0 (D) 2.0
NC Code Definition
P. M05 1. Absolute coordinate system
Q. G01 2. Dwell
R. G04 3. Spindle stop
S. G90 4. Linear interpolation
(A) P-2,Q-3,R-4,S-1 (B) P-3,Q-4,R-1,S-2
(C) P-3,Q-4,R-2,S-1 (D) P-4,Q-3,R-2,S-1
49. What are the upper and lower limits of the shaft represented by 60 f8?
Use the following data:
Diameter 60 lies in the diameter step of 50-80mm
Fundamental tolerance unit, i, in µm=0.45D1/3+0.001D, where D is the
representative size in mm;
Tolerance value for IT8=25i. Fundamental deviation for ‘f’ shaft = -5.5D0.41
(A) Lower limit = 59.924mm, Upper Limit = 59.970mm
(B) Lower limit = 59.954mm, Upper Limit = 60.000mm
(C) Lower limit = 59.970mm, Upper Limit = 60.016mm
(D) Lower limit = 60.000mm, Upper Limit = 60.046mm
Column I Column II
P. Metallic Chills 1. Support for the core
Q. Metallic Chaplets 2. Reservoir of the molten metal
R. Riser 3. Control cooling of critical sections
S. Exothermic Padding 4. Progressive solidification
(A) P-1,Q-3,R-2,S-4 (B) P-1,Q-4,R-2,S-3
(C) P-3,Q-4,R-2,S-1 (D) P-4,Q-1,R-2,S-3
The inlet and the outlet conditions of stream for an adiabatic steam turbine are
as indicated in the notations are as usually followed
h1 = 3200kJ / kg
V1 = 160m / s
Z1 = 10m
P1 = 3MPa
h2 = 2600kJ / kg
V2 = 100m / s
Z2 = 6m
P2 = 70kPa
51. If mass flow rate of steam through the turbine is 20kg/s, the power output of the
turbine (in MW) is
(A) 12.157 (B) 12.941 (C) 168.001 (D) 168.785
52. Assume the above turbine to be part of a simple Rankine cycle. The density of
water at the inlet to the pump is 1000kg/m3. Ignoring kinetic and potential
energy effects, the specific work (in kJ/kg) supplied to the pump is
(A) 0.293 (B) 0.351 (C) 2.930 (D) 3.510
Radiative heat transfer is intended between the inner surfaces of two very large
isothermal parallel metal plates. While the upper plate (designated as plate 1) is
a black surface and is the warmer one being maintained at 727ºC, the lower
plate (plate 2) is a diffuse and gray surface with an emissivity of 0.7 and is kept
at 227ºC. Assume that the surfaces are sufficiently large to form a two-surface
enclosure and steady state conditions to exist. Stefan Boltzmann constant is
given as 5.67×10-8W/m2K4
53. The irradiation (in kW/m2) for the upper plate (plate 1) is
(A) 2.5 (B) 3.6 (C) 17.0 (D) 19.5
54. If plate 1 is also a diffuse and gray surface with an emissivity value of 0.8, the
net radiation heat exchange (in kW/m2) between plate 1 and plate 2 is
(A) 17.0 (B) 19.0 (C) 23.0 (D) 31.7
3 6
1 2 5 7
The optimistic time, most likely time and pessimistic time of all the activities are
given in the table below
Optimistic Most likely Pessimistic
Activity time (days) time (days) time (days)
1-2 1 2 3
1-3 5 6 7
1-4 3 5 7
2-5 5 7 9
3-5 2 4 6
5-6 4 5 6
4-7 4 6 8
6-7 2 3 4
In a machining experiment, tool life was found to vary with the cutting speed in
the following manner:
60 81
90 36
57. The exponent (n) and constant (k) of the Taylor’s tool life equation are
(A) n = 0.5 and k = 540 (B) n = 1 and k = 4860
58. What is the percentage increase in tool life when the cutting speed is halved?
(A) 50% (B) 200% (C) 300% (D) 400%
A 20º full depth involute spur pinion of 4mm module and 21 teeth is to transmit
15kW at 960rpm. Its face width is 25mm.
59. The tangential force transmitted (in N) is
(A) 3552 (B) 2611 (C) 1776 (D) 1305
60. Given that the tooth geometry factor is 0.32 and the combined effect of dynamic
load and allied factors intensifying the stress is 1.5; the minimum allowable
stress (in MPa) for the gear material is
(A) 242.0 (B) 166.5 (C) 121.0 (D) 74.0