Materials Management
Materials Management
Materials Management
Putting in the simplest terms materials management is about moving the
materials within an organization. What do “materials” mean? Materials can
basically be defined as those objects or things that are to be moved in order
to produce goods. Material is one of the 5M’s that a manager has at his
command, the other being Men, Machine, Methods and Money. Materials
could be in the form of raw materials, paperwork, messages or information
etc. So materials can be both tangible and intangible. You see the newspaper
boy delivering the newspaper to your doorstep everyday or the milkman
delivering the milk packets to you. These are tangible materials. There is also
some material moved when you watch a movie on your television or when
you receive a phone call. These are the intangible materials that are moved.
So materials management is an important function of every business. The
better is the materials management in a company the better is the health of
that company.
The material management system works under the broad basic objectives of
an organization that is “maximum profit with sustained growth and research,
satisfied customers and staff of the organization”. The material management
supports this objective by providing support through:
· Continuity of supply by maintaining a uniform flow of materials,
· Reducing the costs of materials purchased and handling by using scientific
techniques and electronic tools. The use of scientific tools and techniques for
materials and information management,
· Minimizing holdups of working capital and performing effective inventory
· Releasing working capital by ensuring effective control over inventories,
· Providing high quality at the lowest price, and
· Development of better relationships with customers and suppliers.
Material Planning and Controlling: One of the key functions that identify
the scope of the materials management is the materials planning and control.
This function is based on the sales forecast and the production plans of an
organization. The activities of this function are:
· Estimation of materials requirements
· Preparation of materials budget of the organization
· Estimating the levels of inventories required in the organization
· Scheduling the orders placed with the vendors to ensure availability of
· Controlling by monitoring of production vis a vis sales.
Purchasing: The purchasing is another major function for the materials
management. This function contains the following activities:
· Identification and selection of possible Suppliers
· Finalizing the terms and references of purchases that are to be made.
· Placing the purchase orders this activity may be staggered as per the
inventory control function.
· Managing the purchase orders till delivery of materials
· Giving clearance to payment of received good; and
· Analyzing the performance of the suppliers and rating them.
Stores and Inventory Control: This function helps in physical control of
materials. It has the following list of activities:
Source: Dutta A.K (1998), Materials Management: Procedures, Text and Cases
In order to further define the strategic role of the material management let us
relate it to the internal interfaces of material management in somewhat more
detail. It is to be noted that material management’s indirect benefits already
have related it to the external interface. A brief introduction to interfaces of
materials management as described in “Source: Dutta A.K (1998), Materials