Quality Work Life
Quality Work Life
Quality Work Life
Priya Mudgal
Company profile
HDFC Standard Life
Insurance Company Ltd. is
one of India's leading private
insurance companies, which
offers a range of individual
and group insurance
solutions. It is a joint venture
HousingDevelopment Finance
Corporation Limited (HDFC
Ltd.), India's leading housing
finance institution and a
Group Company of the
Standard Life, UK. HDFC as
on December 31, 2007 holds
72.38 percent of equity in the
joint venture.
Concept of QWL
The concept of “QWL originated in India in
mid1970s when the country was passing trough
a phase of intense labour unrest.
The primary data has been obtained by
interaction with the officials and staff in
the division in the organization and also
obtained through the observation of the
staff members in different departments in
that particular division