Objection To Final Order
Objection To Final Order
Objection To Final Order
1. Prior to Petitioner commencing this action, I pleaded with her to settle our
to consider mediation and told me that she would let me know about her decision
later. However, she never gave me an answer and while living with Respondent at
4336 Manhattan Ave in Brooklyn started this litigation by quietly filing an order
of protection based on false allegations and proceeding to provoke violence by
Respondent which I figured out and left above mentioned premises to avoid
arrest. Petitioner illegally leased the parties' property having an address of 120
Oceana Drive West, Apt. 5D, Brooklyn, NY 11235 (the "Premises") and kept all
of the rent from such leasing ($2,850.00 a month), while I was paying the
income was not considered by Support Magistrate Fasone during trial. The
Petitioner also stole my personal property and trashed our apartment at 4336
$5000 to his attorney to prove that the Order of Protection was frivolous.
Petitioner in attempt to settle this matter, including offering to pay child support.
Both Petitioner and her attorney refused to negotiate on this point. I also
attempted to obviate the need for a paternity proceeding by requesting that the
knowledge to a DNA test not so 1 could avoid paying child support but so I would
know for certain once and for all if David Svenson my son. Again, Petitioner
treat him after she told him that I deny fatherhood - a move designed to damage
my relationship with Child.
this Court allow DNA testing as I had good reason to believe that I was not the
father of the Child including the fact that the Child has the same last name
(Svenson) as Petitioner's former husband with whom she was married while
having relationship with me in 1992. Later I learned that they used me to commit
immigration marriage fraud. These facts I only discovered during this action.
- Rather than simply allow the DNA tests to go forward, Petitioner decided to make
a motion to estop the DNA tests. Thereafter, after several months of motion
practice and before any decision on the motion was rendered by the Court,
Petitioner decided to withdraw the motion - exactly what she did with Order of
Protection! Indeed, Petitioner could have saved the Court time, thousands of
dollars of her own money, and thousands of my money if she would have simply
5. From October, 2008 till August, 2009 she was not concerned with her not getting
possible. She succeeded at this endeavor to the point that while she was
while admitting to the Court that she is not working, still has money to pay her
attorney $300 an hour. Moreover, she tells the Court that she is not going to work
either. And yet her Financial Disclosure Affidavit appears to indicate that she has
no money. The reason I am saying all this is to show the Court that she is clearly
dishonest and yet gets favorable treatment.
4. The trial or hearing whichever this proceeding is called was conducted with
complete disregard of Civil Practice Law and Rules. Respondent's Discovery was
stayed before trial began. Petitioner's attorney used every delay tactics in
scheduling depositions in order to avoid taking them. The record is clear that
Petitioner and her counsel have been engaging in a pattern of malicious litigation
5. During trial Petitioner alleged that she has no money and that she borrowed
money from her sister Larissa Gaber in order to finance this litigation.
Respondent knows for a fact that her sister is on public assistance in Germany.
Respondent's attorney served a trial subpoena on her sister in New York but Ms.
Fasone refused to enforce subpoena and brushed off this issue completely.
6. Real evidence was ignored. The trial was one sided and conducted ufjustly based
an officer of the court, that Respondent's gross income is $4000 per month. And
lastly, Respondent produced original W-2 form for 2009 during last hearing day
formation of the W-2 form and it is not reliable evidence. That being the case he
7. During the trial, Support Magistrate John Fasone ignored my attorney's objection
to Petitioner's Financial Affidavit i.e. that it was untruthhl and did not let him
attorney pointed out to the Court that her Financial Affidavit was.mathematically
8. Petitioner's attorney did not produce any admissible document while using
should have been ordered along with production of documents such as bank
10. On August 6, 2009 Support Magistrate Fasone ordered temporary child support
in the amount of $627. He used the same pay stubs provided by Respondent for
11. In his final order Support Magistrate Fasone chose to use my 2005 tax return
2009 and 2010. However, Petitioner conveniently omits my 2006 W-2 form in her
possession (also stolen from me) that shows $46,000 gross income fiom evidence
she presented to Support Magistrate Fasone. Her attorney accused me of tax
in order to pay less child support. I pointed out to Support Magistrate Fasone that
in 2006 Petitioner did not file for child support and that I did not have any
was unjustly brushed off by Support Magistrate John Fasone from consideration.
evidence was conveniently selected in order to reward Petitioner for her refusal to
work. At one point, Support Magistrate Fasone asked Petitioner why she is not
working. Petitioner replied that she is not going to work since IRS will withhold
most of her pay. Again, Petitioner alleges that it is all Respondent's fault and it
Petitioner rather than just child support. If I subtract temporary support amount of
$627 from permanent support amount of $2045 ordered I will arrive at $1,418 per
month which is her reward amount. It is obvious that Petitioner will spend this
money on herself and not on my son since she is not going to work.
13. Support Magistrate Jennifer Castaldi verbally ordered Petitioner to obtain health
continued. Petitioner willfully ignored that order and kept my son uninsured in
order for her to keep this issue alive. She hypocritically alleged that I intentionally
insurance. Respondent learned that it would cost about $200 per month, but could
not apply on behalf of my son due to the fact that I am the noncustodial parent. As
a result, my son was uninsured and still is for more than one year. He is
essentially held hostage by Petitioner so she can continue to abuse the process.
14. Closiilg argument was not allowed. Last hearing on January 6, 201 0 started very
late. Support Magistrate John Fasone apologized for the late start and Respondent
was under impression that this hearing would be continued. Every one was rushed
with questions and answers. So when it ended late and court officer asked to
new hearing date. Respondent had no idea that the trial had ended.
the amount of $2045 ordered per month could not be withheld from $4000 gross
Credit Protection Act Limitations on Withholding for Support 15 U.S.C. and Fair
Debt Collection Practice the Law allows withholding maximum of 65% from my
pay. Accordingly, no more than $1 882 per month would be possible to collect
from $4000 gross income. That 65% must include $2045 per inonth plus
Also, with such a small income above mentioned Law does not allow to withhold
additional $700 per month for child's health insurance ordered. Hence, the whole
John Fasone be set aside and a new proceeding started in accordance with CPLR of
The State of New York, and for such other and further relief as to this Court may
seem just and proper.
Michael Krichevsky,
A petition under Article 8 of the Family Court Act, having been filed in this Court on October
27,2008 for the following: Order of Protection;
The Petitioner having appeared with counsel; and the Respondent having appeared with counsel;
And the Court finds that after hearing the proofs and testimony offered in relation to the case.
It is hereby ordered that the petition is DISMISSED for the following reason(s): PETITION
IS WITHDRAWN; and it is further
ORDERED that the within petition is withdrawn and the parties' dispute is settled upon the
following terms and condition:
Respondent agrees not to have any contact with theparties' child, David Svenson d.0.b. 8/14/94,
except as may be agreed upon by the parties through counsel or as may be ordered by the court.