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Ac 120-72

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eo Advisory sense Circular Federal Aviation Administration Subject: MAINTENANCE RESOURCE, Date: 9/28/00 AC No: 120-72 MANAGEMENT TRAINING Initiated By: AFS-300 Change 1, PURPOSE. a. This advisory circular (AC) presents guidelines for developing, implementing, reinforcing, and assessing Maintenance Resource Management (MRM) training programs for improving communication, effectiveness, and safety in maintenance operations, These programs are designed to become an integral part of training and maintenance operations b. This AC presents one method, but not necessarily the only method, to address MRM training. MRM training focuses on situational awareness, communication skills, teamwork, task allocation, and decision making, 2, RELATED REGULATIONS. Title 14, Code of Federal Regulations; Sections 121.375 and 135.433. 3. DEFINITIONS. For the purposes of this AC the terms listed below have the following meanings: a. Active Failure: A type of human error whose effects are felt immediately in a system, b. Assertiveness: The ability to verbalize a series of “rights” that belong to every employee. Some of these “rights” include: the right to say no, the right to express feelings and ideas, and the right to ask for information, ¢. Asynchronous Communication: Communication in which there exists a time delay between responses. Asynchronous communication is typified by a unique set of characteristics, such as the lack of non-verbal communication cues (e.g., body language, verbal inflection, etc.) Examples of asynchronous communication include an e-mail ‘message sent from the day supervisor to the night supervisor or memos left between shifts or passed between a shop and the hanger. AC 120-72 9/28/00 d. Authoritarian Leader: A person who dictates the action and the course of a team with little input from team members. €. Communication: The process of exchanging information from one party to another, £. Complacency: Satisfaction with a situation to the extent that a degradation of vigilance occurs, g Crew Resouree Management: ‘Team-based human factors training for flight crews. h. Dirty Dozen: The twelve most common maintenance-related causes of errors These twelve causes are: (1) Lack of Communication (2) Complacency (3) Lack of Knowledge (4) Distraction (5) Lack of Teamwork (6) Fatigue (7) Lack of Resources (8) Pressure (9) Lack of Assertivenes (10) Stress (11) Lack of Awareness (12) Norms i. Egalitarian: Relating to the doctrine of equal political, economic, and legal rights for all human beings. j. Ergonomics: The applied science having the objective of adapting work or working conditions to enhance performance of the worker. k, Human Factors: The scientific study of the interaction between people and machines, L. Inter-team: Occurring between separate teams. m, Intra-t eam: Occurring within a team. n, Instructional Systems Design: A generic term for the methodology of creating and implementing a training program. o, Latent Failure: A type of human error whose effects may lie dormant until triggered later, usually by other factors. Page 2 Par 3 9/28/00 AC 120-72 p. Leadership: The ability to direct and coordinate the activities of group members and stimulate them to work together as a team, 4. Maintenance Resource Management: A general process for maintaining an effective level of communication and safety in maintenance operations. r. Mental Model: A depiction ofa system in a person’s mind, ie. how a person thinks a system is put together and how it works, s. Norms: Expected, yet implicit rules of behavior that dictate a person’s dress, speech, and basic interaction, t. Participatory Leader: A person who encourages member participation and input to help lead the team's course of action. u. Safety Culture: A pervasive, organization-wide attitude placing safety as the primary priority driving the way employees perform their work. y. Situational Awareness: Maintaining a complete mental picture of surrounding objects and events as well as the ability to interpret those events for future use. Situational awareness encompasses such concepts as attention, and vigilance. W. Stressor: An event or object that causes stress in an individual. x. Synchronous Communication: Communication in which a minimal delay exists between the message being sent and the message being received. Examples include face- to-face conversation and communication via radio. y. Team: A group of interdependent individuals working together to complete a specific task.. z. Team Situational Awareness: Maintaining a collective awareness across the entire team of important job-related conditions. aa, Teamwork: Joint action by a group of people, in which each person subordinates his individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group. 4, ACRONYMS. a. CRM: Crew Resource Management b. HF: Human Factors ¢. ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization Par 3 Page 3 AC 120-72 9/28/00 4. ISD: Instructional Systems Design e, MRM: Maintenance Resource Management f, SOP: Standard Operating Procedure(s). S. RELATED MATERIAL. a, Crew Resource Management. (1) AC 120-51, Crew Resource Management Training. (2) Driskell, J. B., & Adams, R. J. (1992). Crew Resource Management: An Introductory Handbook (DOT/FAA/RD-92-26). Washington, DC: Federal Aviation Administration, (3) Wiener, E. Kanki, B. G., & Helmreich, R. L. (1985). Cockpit Resource Management. Orlando, FL: Academic Press. b. Human Factors. (1) Bailey, R. W. (1989). Human Performance Engineering: Using Human Factors/Ergonomies to Achieve Computer System Usability (2nd edition), Englewood Cliffs NJ: Prentice Hall. (2) Brown, O., & Hendrick, H.W. (Eds.) (1986). Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management II. Amsterdam, Holland: North Holland, (3) Federal Aviation Administration (1991). National Plan for Aviation Human Factors, Springfield, VA: National Technical Information Service (4) Federal Aviation Administration, The Human Factors Guide for Aviation Maintenance and Inspection (Version 3), [CD ROM] (1998) and FAA Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance and Inspection Intemet web site http://hfskyway.faa.gov. The Human Factors Guide reviews and summarizes a variety of human factors issues, from workplace design to human error to training, as they apply specifically to aviation maintenance. To request a CD ROM free of charge (to those within the United States), you may do so on-line via the Internet web site location. (8) Federal Aviation Administration. Aviation Maintenance and Inspection Phase 9 report via FAA Human Factors in Aviation Maintenance and Inspection Intemet web site htip:/*hiskyway.faa.gov. (6) Reason, J. T. (1990). Human Error. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Press, Page 4 Par4 9/28/00 AC 120-72 (7) Salvendy, G. (Ed.) (1997). Handbook of Human Factors. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. c. Training. (1) Goldstein, I. L. (1986). Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (2nd Ed). Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole, (2) Knirk, F. G., & Gustafson, K. L. (1986). Instructional Technology: A Systematic Approach to Education, New York, NY: Holt Rinchart and Winston. (3) Reigeluth, C. M. (1983). Instructional-Design Theories and Models: An Overview of Courseware. In D. H. Jonassen (Ed.), Instructional Designs for Microcomputer Courseware. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (4) Wexley, K.N., & Latham, G. P. (1991). Developing and Training Human Resources in Organizations (2! Ed). Glenview, IL: Scott Foresman, 4. ICAO Documents. The following ICAO documents are available from: ICAO Document Sales Unit 1000 Sherbrooke Street West, Suite 400 Montreal, Quebec Canada H3A 2R2 Phone: (514) 285-8022 Fax: (514) 285-6769 E-mail: sales unit@icao.org (2) Human Factors in Aircraft Maintenance & Inspection (Digest No. 12). This document provides a very good overview of the problems in aviation maintenance. It uses a few high profile accidents to illustrate its points and discusses the importance of looking past the obvious micro issues to organizational culture factors, which contribute to latent failures and overall systems problems. (2) Human Factors Digest No. 2 - Flight Crew Training: Cockpit Resource Management. (3) Circular 217 Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT), (4) Circular 247 Human factors, Management and Organization. Par § Page 5

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