Days of Summer
Days of Summer
Days of Summer
Michael H. Weber
EXT. ANGELUS PLAZA - DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES, CA - DAY And we're looking at a MAN (20s) and a WOMAN (20s) on a bench, high above the city of Los Angeles. Their names are TOM and SUMMER and right now neither one says a word.
CLOSE ON their HANDS, intertwined. Notice the wedding ring on her finger. CLOSE ON Torn, looking at Summer the way every woman wants to be looked at. And then a DISTINGUISHED VOICE begins to speak to us.
TOM HANSEN sits at a very long rectangular conference table. The walls are lined with framed blow-up sized greeting cards. Torn, dark hair and blue eyes, wears a t-shirt under his sports coat and Adidas tennis shoes to balance out the corporate dress code. He looks pretty bored. NARRATOR The boy, Torn Hansen of Margate, New Jersey, grew up believing that he'd never truly be happy until the day he met... "the one."
PRE-TEEN TOM sits alone on his bed engrossed in a movie. His walls are covered in posters of obscure bands. From the TV, we hear: "Elaine! Elaine!" NARRATOR This belief stemmed from early exposure to sad British pop music and a total misreading of the movie, "The Graduate."
SUMMER FINN files folders and answers phones in a plain white office. She has cropped brown hair almost like a boy's but her face is feminine and pretty enough to get away with it. NARRATOR The girl, Summer Finn of Shinnecock, Michigan, did not share this belief. 5 INT BATHROOM - 1994 PRE-TEEN Summer stares at herself in the mirror. Her hair extends down to her lower back. NARRATOR Since the disintegration of her parents' marriage, she'd only loved two things. The first was her long brown hair. She picks up scissors from the counter and begins to slice. NARRATOR The second was how easily she could cut it off ... And feel nothing.
Summer answers a call, takes a message, and walks out of her cubicle down a long narrow hallway. NARRATOR Tornmeets Summer on June the 8th. He knows almost immediately ... she's who he's been searching for. CU Summer opening the door to the boardroom, face to face with Torn for the first time. NARRATOR This is a story of boy meets girl. But before they do, BLACK. about to corne
NARRATOR You should know up front, this is not a love story. 7 INT/EXT OPENING CREDITS SEQUENCE:
Summer runs through a field of dandelions, flying in the wind all around her. It should look like the dandelions originated with Torn's breath. That sort of thing. Anyway ... FADE IN:
EXT DOWNTOWN LA - NIGHT A 12 year old GIRL rides her bicycle down the block towards the Downtown skyline.
The girl arrives at an apartment complex, jumps off the bike and races up the front stairs. She rings the doorbell.
PAUL and MCKENZIE open the door. These are Torn's best friends. Paul is a doctor and wears hospital scrubs. McKenzie works in the cubicle next to Torn. PAUL We didn't know who else to call. The Girl removes her helmet. MCKENZIE It's Amanda Heller allover again.
As he does, we should notice a few things about his place. One, though it isn't big, it is organized by a master. Two, on the walls, is a series of framed portraits, each one a famous building and its architectural blueprint. As we'll soon learn, Torn has a big interest in architecture. About to smash a plate on the floor, he's interrupted by: Thomas. Torn freezes. TOM Rachel? What are you doing here? Rachel is Torn's 12-year old half-sister. RACHEL I'm here to help you. TOM Help me how? RACHEL First, put down the plate. CUT TO: 11 INT TOM'S APARTMENT - LATER 11 sit on either side GIRL
Torn sits next to Rachel. Paul and Mckenzie of them. TOM I'm gonna be sick. RACHEL Drink this. She hands him a glass. Torn drinks it down. MCKENZIE what is that? vodka. RACHEL
TOM (grimacing at the taste) More. He gulps another down. TOM Does Mom know you're here? It's gotta be past 10. RACHEL Don't worry about it. start from the beginning. Tell us what happened ... Tom takes a deep breath.
EXT ANGELUS PLAZA - EARLIER THAT DAY Tom and Summer eat sandwiches on the bench. TOM (V.O.) We spent the whole day together.
EXT DOWNTOWN FOOD MARKET - EARLIER THAT DAY Tom and Summer walk through the stalls.
Tom and Summer seated outside drinking coffee. He reads the newspaper, she reads a novel. 15 EXT MOVIE THEATER - EARLIER THAT DAY Tom and Summer walk out of a movie theatre.
Tom and Summer shop for music. Tom excitedly shows Summer a Ringo Starr solo album.
INT DINER - EARLIER THAT NIGHT Tom and Summer in a booth ordering dinner.
TOM (to WAITRESS) You know ...let's go crazy, I'll have BOTH. (to Summer) God, I love eating pancakes at night. It's like the greatest thing ever. How great is this? SUMMER I think we should stop seeing each other. 19 INT TOM'S PLACE - AS BEFORE RACHEL Just like that? TOM Just like that. PAUL Did she say why? 20 INT DINER - AS BEFORE SUMMER This thing. This whatever it is. You and me. Do you think this is normal? TOM I don't know. Who cares?! I'm happy. Aren't you happy? SUMMER You're happy? TOM You're not? SUMMER All we do is argue! TOM That is bullshit! 21 INT TOM'S PLACE - AS BEFORE RACHEL Maybe she was just in a bad mood. 21 20 19
TOM (to Rachel) What do you know about PMS? RACHEL More than you. Oh my god. Then what? 22 TOM MCKENZIE 22
INT DINER - AS BEFORE SUMMER This can't be a total surprise. I mean, we've been like sid and Nancy for months. TOM Summer, sid stabbed Nancy seven times with a kitchen knife. We've had some disagreements but I hardly think I'm sid vicious. SUMMER No ... I'm sid. TOM (beat) oh so I'm Nancy?! The waitress comes out with the food. Torn and Summer stop their discussion until the meal is served and the waitress leaves. Summer starts to eat. SUMMER Let's just eat and we'll talk about it after. without another word she goes back to her pancakes. Torn watches her eat like this is the worst travesty in the history of mankind.
SUMMER (mouth full) Mmrn, you're so right. These are great pancakes! Torn looks at his food in disgust. He may never eat again. SUMMER (innocent) what? Torn stands up to go. SUMMER Torn, don't. Corne back. You're still my best fr--The sound slows down on the word "friend" (which is an awful, awful word). THE IMAGE FREEZES AND WE ZOOM IN ON TOM'S STUNNED FACE. 23 INT TOM'S PLACE - AS BEFORE Silence for a few beats. Jesus. Here. PAUL RACHEL 23
Torn drinks more vodka. RACHEL Let's be rational for a second. TOM Yes. Let's. RACHEL You've broken up with girls before. Right. TOM
RACHEL Girls have broken up with you before. TOM This is different.
TOM Cause it's Summer. MCKENZIE Corne on, she wasn't that special. Both Paul and Rachel look at McKenzie with faces that suggest he's wrong there. MCKENZIE So you'll find someone else. Point is, Hansen. You're the best guy I know. You'll get over her. PAUL It's like they say ...there's plenty other fish in the sea. No. TOM
PAUL Sure they do. They say that. TOM Well they're lying, Paul. It isn't true. This is the girl I've been looking for. I don't want to get over her. (beat) I want to get her back.
MCKENZIE ...and if we want the jump on those conservative, right-wing neo-Nazis at Hallmark, maybe playing it safe is the wrong approach. The nuclear family is dead and we need a new holiday to recognize that. McKenzie holds up a home-made photoshopped family portrait of Martina Navratilova, Ellen DeGeneres, and the kid from "Jerry Maguire". MCKENZIE May 21st. other Mother's Day. The co-workers nod and digest this idea. VANCE is the head of the department. VANCE Hmmm. That's an intriguing idea McKenzie. Along with Grossman's "Magellan Day" I'd say we've got some potential here. what do you think Hansen? Could you write up some prototypes for these? Tom is about to answer when ... the door opens. SUMMER Excuse me, Mr. Vance? There's a call for you on line 3. And in walks this girl. Summer. We've met her by now but Tom hasn't. This is the first time. His eyes go wide and from that moment on, he can't take them off her. VANCE (to the table) Everyone this is Summer, my new assistant. Summer just moved here from ... Michigan. SUMMER
VANCE Right. Michigan. Well, Summer, everyone. Everyone, Summer. Excuse me, I have to take this. SUMMER Nice to meet you all.
Summer gives a little wave before following Vance out. Torn looks like he's just seen God. And on his face, we hear: NARRATOR There's only two kinds of people in the world. There's women ... and there's men. CUT TO: 25 EXT STREET - DAY - 16MM B&W Summer rides a bicycle down the street. NARRATOR Summer Finn was a woman. FREEZE on SUMMER. (Throughout the following, reveal specifics of the Narrator's points.) NARRATOR Height: average. Titles reveal specifics: 5' 5" NARRATOR Weight: average. Titles: 121 pounds. NARRATOR Shoe size: slightly above average. Titles: Size 8. NARRATOR For all intents and purposes, Summer Finn ... just another girl. RESUME regular speed. NARRATOR Except she wasn't. 26 SUBTITLES will 25
INSERT - Summer's High School Yearbook, from classmates.
NARRATOR To wit: in 1999, Summer quoted a song by the Scottish band Belle & Sebastian in her high school yearbook. 27 INSERT - Sales chart of the LP "The Boy with the Arab Strap" by Region, showing an unusual spike in the greater Michigan area. NARRATOR This spike in Michigan sales of their album "Boy with the Arab Strap" continues to puzzle industry analysts. 27
Summer works as a dipper at a busy old timey campus creamery. NARRATOR Summer's employment at Two Cents Plain during second semester sophomore year coincided with an inexplicable 212% increase in revenue. In between orders, Summer sneaks a taste of one of the flavors.
29 INT APARTMENT - DAY - 16MM B&W 29 Summer is shown a vacant apartment by a SEEDY-LOOKING LANDLORD. NARRATOR Every apartment Summer rented was offered at an average rate of 9.2% below market value.
EXT/ INT CITY BUS - DAY - 16MM B&W Summer climbs on to a city bus during a busy morning.
NARRATOR And her round-trip commute to work averaged 18.4 double-takes per day. Sure enough, several MALE RIDERS and the DRIVER have to look twice. NARRATOR It was a rare quality, this "esprit special." Rare, and yet something every post-adolescent male has encountered at least once in their lives. 31 EXT STREET - DAY - 16MM B&W Summer continues to ride her bicycle down the street. NARRATOR That's the third kind of person in the world ... Alone, oblivious, and in her own world. 31
32 MCKENZIE Dude. I hear she's a bitch from hell! TOM (disappointed) Really? MCKENZIE Patel tried to talk to her in the copy room. She was totally not having it. TOM Maybe she was just in a hurry.
INT. OFFICE - DAY Torn trying to work. And failing. He turns to McKenzie.
MCKENZIE And maybe she's some uppity, better than everyone, superskank. Damn. TOM
MCKENZIE I know. She's pretty hot. TOM That sucks, man! Why is it pretty girls always think they can treat people like crap and get away with it? MCKENZIE centuries of reinforcement. TOM Like, just cause she has high cheekbones and soft skin ... MCKENZIE ...and really good teeth. TOM And those eyes ... Just cause of that, she can walk around like she's center of the universe? MCKENZIE (as explanation) Women. TOM Ugh. You know what? Fine. whatever. I hope I don't meet her.
Torn is listening to headphones. Summer enters the elevator and Torn actively puts on a show to ignore her. Summer hears the music. SUMMER The smiths. Torn, pretending not to hear or care, gives her an unenthusiastic wave.
SUMMER I love The smiths. Torn, still pretending, Sorry? takes off his headphones.
SUMMER I said. I love The smiths. You have good taste in music. A beat as Torn processes this information. TOM (amazed) You like the smiths? SUMMER (singing) UTo die by your side is such a heavenly way to die.u Love it. The elevator doors open and she gets off. TOM (accidentally out loud) Holy shit.
INT OFFICE LOBBY - LATER The office is gathered round a 60-something co-worker, MILLIE, African-American. They toast her with cake and champagne. A banner above reads UHappy Engagement Millie!U Tornmaneuvers so that he's standing right next to Summer. TOM Hey, uh, Summer, right? SUMMER smiths fan. TOM That's me. Torn. SUMMER Nice to meet you.
TOM So how's it going? SUMMER Pretty good. TOM You just moved here, when? Saturday. Wow. SUMMER
SUMMER Boredom, mostly. Got tired of what I was doing, who I was with. Figured I'd try something new, exciting. TOM (re: mild office party) Well you've clearly corne to the right place. Summer laughs. It's adorable. TOM What happens when you're bored again? SUMMER (beat) Good question. They both start to walk. CUT TO:
INT OFFICE HALLWAY - SAME SUMMER And you? Been working here long? TOM Eh, you know, bout 4 or 5 ... years. SUMMER Years?! Jesus. So ... you've always wanted to write greeting cards? TOM oh I don't even want to do it now.
(laughs, it's still amazing) Maybe you should do something else. TOM Yeah. I studied to be an architect, actually.
That's cool! what happened? TOM Didn't work out. Needed a job. Here we are.
You any good? TOM (points to a framed card) Well I wrote that one.
(reading) "Today You're a Man. Mazel Tov on your Bar Mitzvah." TOM It's a big seller.
I meant, are you any good as an architect? TOM oh ... I doubt it.
Well you are a perfectly ...adequate ... greeting card writer. TOM That was my nickame in college. "Perfectly adequate" Hansen.
They used to call me "Anal Girl." Tom does a spit-take and almost chokes.
SUMMER (explaining) I was very neat and organized. There's an awkward silence. SUMMER Anyway, I should get back. TOM Ok, well, I'll see you around. She walks back to her cubicle at the other end of the hall. Tornwatches her walk away, completely enamored. He sits down at his desk and sets out to work. His eyes fall on a sketch of a house (dated 2001), which is the only architecture sketch on his wall. Torn has some mojo and starts a new one. He makes a few moves with the pencil. Looks it over. And COMPLETELY ERASES WHAT HE DREW. He goes back to his "real work."
EXT SIDEWALK - DAY Tornwalks alongside his friend PAUL. Nonchalantly, TOM It's official. Summer. I'm in love with
he says:
CU - SUMMER'S SMILE TOM (V.O.) I love her smile. CU - SUMMER'S HAIR TOM (V.O.) I love her hair. CU - SUMMER'S KNEES TOM (V.O.) I love her knees.
CU - SUMMER'S EYES TOM (V.O.) I love how one eye is higher up on her face than the other eye. CU - SUMMER'S NECK TOM (V.O.) I love the scar on her neck from this operation she had as a kid. CU - SUMMER ASLEEP TOM (V.O.) I love how she looks when she's sleeping. CU - SUMMER'S LAUGH TOM (V.O.) I love the sound of her laugh. OVER BLACK, play the opening bars of some over-the-top romantic song. TOM (V.O.) I love how I hear this song every time I think of her.
CU - TOM, STARING DIRECTLY AT THE CAMERA. TOM (V.O.) I love how she makes me feel. Like anything's possible. Like, I don't know life is worth it. CUT TO:
EXT SIDEWALK - SAME Paul and Torn. Paul is silent for a beat. PAUL Oh this is not good.
( 11 )
40 INT TOM'S PARENTS' PLACE - DAY Tom is playing wii Tennis with Rachel. TOM She loves Magritte and Hopper. Oh and we talked about uBananafishu for like 20 minutes. We're so compatible it's insane! Seriously! She's not like I thought at all. She's ... amazing. oh boy. what? RACHEL TOM 40
RACHEL You know ...just cause some cute girl likes the same bizarro crap you do doesn't make her your soulmate. TOM (beat) Of course it does. Dinner! SARAH (O.S.)
SARAH, 50s, Tom and Rachel's mother, stands in the doorway. SARAH Pause and come eat. They do. Tom enter: 40A INT. LIVING ROOM -SAME Tom sits down next to his stepdad Martin, professorial Southern gentleman type. TOM Hey Martin. ANGLE ON RACHEL and Sarah. 60s, a quiet, 40A
41 INT - PACMAN CAFE - DAY McKenzie is playing table top Pac Man. Tom and Paul lean against the machine. It's off. What? TOM PAUL 41
TOM Me and Summer. MCKENZIE Was it ever on? TOM No. But it could have been. In a world where good things happen to me. PAUL Yeah well, that's not really where we live. No. TOM
INT ELEVATOR - THE DAY BEFORE Tom is alone. The door opens. In walks Summer.
TOM (V.O.) There we are. All alone. Nine more floors to ride. Plenty of time. I figure ...this is my chance. If not now when, right? They ride in silence for a few beats. Summer ... Yeah? TOM SUMMER
INT - PACMAN CAFE - AS BEFORE The friends wait for more. TOM You believe that shit? Torn's friends look confused. what shit? MCKENZIE
PAUL I think I missed something. TOM "It was good." She didn't say "It was good." She said "It was good." Emphasis on the good. She basically said "I spent the weekend having sex with this guy I met at the gym," the skank. Screw her. It's over. Torn's friends stare at him. We hear the sound of McKenzie's Pac Man being eaten. Everyone's silent, until: MCKENZIE what the hell is wrong with you?!
MCKENZIE Based on ..."it was good?" TOM And some other things. PAUL Like what, she said "hey" instead of "hi" cause that totally means she's a lesbian. TOM I gave her all sorts of chances. 44 INT OFFICE - DAY Tom types at his desk. Summer approaches the cubicle Tom shares with McKenzie. SUMMER I'm going to the supply room. Anyone need anything? No thanks. MCKENZIE 44
TOM I think you know what I need. There's a beat. Toner. TOM
The office is emptying out. Only a few people remain but Tom and Summer are two of them. Tom takes this opportunity to hit up Itunes on his computer and play a cheesy love song really loud, intending to send Summer a message. He gets no reaction. Tom turns it up. still nothing. Tom turns it down, defeated.
- PACMAN CAFE - AS BEFORE TOM Screw it. I'm done with her. I don't need this crap, you know? I'm good on my own. Comfortable. Unhassled. People don't realize this but loneliness ... underrated. PAUL You could just ask her out. TOM Don't be ridiculous.
Torn sits at his desk with headphones on trying to work. But with Summer down at the end of the hall, he's having a hard time concentrating. McKenzie shares a cubicle with Torn. MCKENZIE This Friday. All you can Karaoke at The Mill. TOM No way McKenzie. Corne on! MCKENZIE
TOM They won't let you back in there after last time. MCKENZIE I wasn't that bad. TOM Nooo. You just threw up on the stage, tried to fight the bartender, and threatened to burn the place down. Quiet night for you.
MCKENZIE (reverential) You saved my life that day. TOM We are not going back there. MCKENZIE It won't be like that. It's a work thing. The whole office is going. TOM I really can't. Even if I wanted to. There's a lot of stuff I gotta take care of. MCKENZIE You're not listening to me. What? TOM
MCKENZIE The whole office is going. Tom looks over to where Summer sits. And the realization dawns on him ... 48 INT KARAOKE BAR - NIGHT 48
Summer is in a back booth with some co-workers when Tom walks in to the crowded place. McKenzie has the microphone and he's singing some treacly 80s hair metal ballad. He's real into it and, well, it's kinda sad. Tom waves to McKenzie and walks over to the booth. Hi. TOM
SUMMER Hey! They said you weren't coming. TOM (shocked) You asked if I was MCKENZIE (already drunk) Goddamn that song is brilliant! what's up Hansen? Summer sees the next song come up on the screen.
SUMMER Ooh that's me. She downs a shot and jumps up on stage. SUMMER (into mic) ok. I'm the new girl so no making fun of me. Her co-workers whistle and cheer her on. She takes a deep breath as her song begins (something exceedingly awesome!) Summer starts to sing unabashed. Even her uncoolness is cool. Torn is awed. 49 LATER. Torn sits in the booth with McKenzie (doing a shot) 49 as Summer chats with co-workers at another table. Torn can't help but stare at Summer. She notices and waves. He smiles, hopeful that she'll corne over. She doesn't. He hides his disappointment. LATER. Tornwalks back to his table with drinks. Summer is 50 there in mid-conversation with McKenzie. TOM You were great up there. SUMMER Thanks. I was hoping to sing "Born to Run" but they didn't have it. TOM I love "Born to Run." MCKENZIE Torn here's from New Jersey. Yeah? SUMMER
TOM Lived there til I was 12. SUMMER I named my cat after Springsteen. TOM No kidding? What's his name? Bruce. SUMMER
TOM (beat) That makes sense. she laughs. She's really cute when she laughs. MCKENZIE So you got a boyfriend?
Torn shoots daggers at McKenzie for that comment. McKenzie mouths "what?" Summer sees nothing. Why not? MCKENZIE
SUMMER Don't really want one. MCKENZIE Corne on. I don't believe that. SUMMER You don't believe a woman could enjoy being free and independent? MCKENZIE Are you a lesbian? SUMMER No, I'm not a lesbian. I'm just not comfortable being somebody's "girlfriend." I don't want to be anybody's anything, you know? MCKENZIE I have no idea what you're talking about. SUMMER It sounds selfish, I know, but ... I just like being on my own. Relationships are messy and feelings get hurt. who needs all that? We're young. We're in one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I say, let's have as much fun as we can have and leave the serious stuff for later. MCKENZIE Holy shit. You're a dude. TOM (ignoring him) So then ... what happens if you fall in love? Summer laughs at this.
SUMMER You don't actually believe that, do you? TOM Believe what? It's love, it's not Santa Claus. SUMMER what does that word even mean? I've been in relationships before and I can tell you right now I've never seen it. TOM Well maybe that's cause -SUMMER And I know that today most marriages end in divorce. Like my parents. TOM Well mine too but SUMMER I read an article in the New Yorker, says that by stimulating a part of the brain with electrodes you can make a person fall in "love" with a rock. Is that the love you're talking about? MCKENZIE Me thinks the lady doth protest too much. SUMMER (matter-of-fact) The lady dothn't. (to Tom) There's no such thing as "love." It's a fantasy. TOM I think you're wrong.
SUMMER Really? And what exactly is it I'm missing? CUT TO: 51 AN ANIMATION SEQUENCE, real quick. AN EXPLOSION OF MANY 51 DIFFERENT COLORS, COMPLETE WITH A CHOIR AND A CHURCH ORGAN ALL BUILDING TO A HUGE CRESCENDO. BACK TO: 52 INT KARAOKE BAR On Torn: TOM You'll know it when you feel it. SUMMER (rolls her eyes) How bout we just agree to disagree. McKenzie senses some discomfort. MCKENZIE So, uh, who's singing next? SUMMER (re: singing) I nominate Young werther here. TOM Nooo. I don't sing in public. SUMMER Sure you do. You lip-synch to your headphones every morning. I don't ... TOM 52
MCKENZIE You really do. SUMMER It's ok. I like it. Takes a lot of self-confidence to look ridiculous. TOM Ridiculous?! (her smile disarms him) (MORE)
Yellow Revised 5/14/08 TOM (cont'd) Anyway, I'm not near drunk enough to sing in front of all these people. Bartender! 53 SUMMER
TEN MINUTES LATER. Tom is up there kicking ass. You 53 wouldn't know it till now but he's a ROCK STAR, totally coming out of his shell. He's dancing like Jagger, he's got everyone in the bar singing along. It's a sight to behold. Summer is all smiles watching. LATER. Tom and Summer back at the table. Summer is humming54 something. TOM That's not it. SUMMER what is that then? TOM I have no idea. They're both having a good time. SUMMER I used to watch it every week. TOM Me too. Why can't we think of the stupid "Knight Rider" theme song. This is gonna bother me for weeks. Totally. SUMMER
They share another laugh and then it gets quiet. In that good way. ANGLE ON McKenzie, wasted, singing the shit out of something patriotic. At any minute he might start to cry. MCKENZIE "And I'd proudly stand UP!" (aggressive drunk) I said stand! BACK ON TOM and SUMMER, seeing McKenzie TOM Here we go. start to lose it.
Tom helps a nearly comatose McKenzie exit the place. Summer is with them. SUMMER (laughing) Is he gonna be ok? TOM He'll be fine. A cab arrives. Tom and Summer help McKenzie inside. Hey. what's up? MCKENZIE TOM
MCKENZIE Not you. You. (beat, to Summer) He likes you. TOM (quickly) Ok, goodnight McKenzie! MCKENZIE I mean ... likes you, likes you. For real. Tell her Tom. Tom shuts the door on McKenzie as fast as he can. Now it's just Tom and Summer. Tom talks a mile a minute to try and erase McKenzie's last exchange from her mind. TOM Sorry you had to see that. Happens every time we come here. It's unbelievable. Something about that guy and singing -SUMMER Is that true? TOM Yeah, totally, he drinks and he just loses his shit. SUMMER Not McKenzie. The other thing.
TOM what thing? SUMMER (serious) Do you me? TOM Yeah. I like you. Of course I do. SUMMER As a friend. TOM Right. As a friend. SUMMER Just as a friend? The wheels are spinning in Torn's head. what's the right answer here? TOM Yes. I mean thought about I haven't really Yes. Why?
SUMMER Nothing. I just ... You're interesting. I'd like us to be friends. Is that ok? Torn hides his disappointment the best he can.
TOM oh yeah totally. Friends. You and me. That's ... perfect. Cool. Silence. SUMMER Well, I'm that way. Good night Torn. TOM G'night Summer. Tornwatches her walk away for a beat before he turns to go the other way. SUMMER
TOM (under his breath) Friends. Awesome. That's just great. Well done Hansen, you idiot.
56 INT OFFICE - COPY ROOM - SAME Tornmakes copies. Making copies sure is dull. Summer comes in. Hey there. SUMMER 56
TOM (brightens)
Summer makes some copies of her own at the neighboring machine. Torn steals a glance but Summer is all business. Torn thinks about saying something more. Nothing comes. He goes back to copying. They are two people, making photocopies, nothing to see here. TOM That was fun last When suddenly, without his even noticing, SUMMER IS PRESSING AGAINST HIM. And then they're kissing. And it's unbelievable. There's a few seconds where Torn isn't sure if he's dreaming or not. But then he realizes, just like that ... somehow he's living his best case scenario. 57 INT TOM'S PLACE - THAT NIGHT Torn answers the door. It's Paul PAUL You son of a bitch. He walks inside without waiting TOM (anxious) shhh. PAUL The same girl you'd been obsessing over for weeks now? for an invite. (in hospital scrubs). 57
TOM I have not been ... PAUL The same girl you said was way out of your league and you wouldn't have a chance with. That girl? TOM Paul, seriously ... PAUL Did you bang her? No! Blow job? No! Hand job? TOM PAUL TOM PAUL
TOM No, Paul, no jobs. I'm still unemployed. We just kissed. PAUL Corne on, level with me. As your best friend, who tolerated all this talk ... Summer this, Summer that, Summer Summer Summer, I mean you were practically stalking her ... TOM Paul, shhh! Suddenly, the sound of a toilet flushing is heard. From the bathroom emerges Summer, dressed to go out. Oh. PAUL
PAUL Summer, wow what an unusual name. Torn, how corne you've never mentioned you knew such a lovely little lady? (off Torn's nasty look) Or perhaps you have and I've just forgot. I mean, with all the women in Torn's life it's hard to keep track ... (not helping) Ok, well, I was just ... I'm Paul. Hi Paul. SUMMER
PAUL (not sure what else to say) I'm a doctor. SUMMER Nice to meet you. PAUL Anyway, I'm leaving now. Pretend I was never here. Torn, talk to you later? .. Hey, If any jobs open
up ...
Torn quickly shuts the door on Paul. TOM If you heard ... SUMMER Heard what? Excellent. TOM You ready to go.
SUMMER I'm stalking, STARVING! Torn realizes she's heard it all. Summer elbows him playfully. TOM He exaggerates!
58 INT IKEA - DAY 58 Tom follows Summer around the store. He eyes a row of sinks. He turns the handle on one of them but no water comes out. TOM (mock surprise) Honey, our sink is broken! SUMMER Not now, Tom. TOM (tries the next few) Hmm. Seems like all of our sinks are broken. SUMMER (serious) Just stop it! Summer walks ahead of him. Tom is surprised by her reaction. Here's why:
INT IKEA - DAY Tom and Summer browse the maze of furnished rooms. TOM what is it you're looking for again? Trivets. SUMMER
TOM (indicates an Ikea item) How bout a "fluehg?" A what? "Fluehg." SUMMER TOM
SUMMER I'm ok for now. They walk on, stopping at a fully decorated plops down on the recliner. TOM (CONT'D) Ah, horne sweet horne. Summer joins in immediately. She sits down on the couch. living room. Torn
SUMMER Our place is lovely, isn't it? (trying to turn on the fake TV) Ooh I think "Idol"'s on. (fake annoyance) Hun, something's wrong with the TV. TOM (stands) oh well. Let's eat. I'm famished. Torn enters the adjacent kitchen, sits down at the table. TOM (CONT'D) Smells delicious. Summer follows, doing her best Donna Reed impression. SUMMER I made it myself. It's your favorite. TOM Bald eagle? Gross. SUMMER
TOM Ever try it? Summer goes to turn on the sink but no water comes out. SUMMER Uh-oh. The sink is broken! TOM Not to worry. He jumps up and pulls her into the next room, another kitchen. TOM (CONT'D) That's why we bought a house with two kitchens. SUMMER You're so smart. She pulls him into the next room, a bedroom.
SUMMER (CONT'D) I must have you now. They embrace. Torn looks over her shoulder to the next room. TOM Darling, I don't know how to tell you this, but there's a Chinese family in our bathroom. Summer feigns shock. The OTHER CUSTOMERS are looking at them like they're crazy, but they don't care. Torn and Summer collapse onto the bed, laughing. SUMMER This is fun. You're fun. Thanks. TOM
SUMMER I mean, I just want to say, up front, I'm not looking for anything serious. Torn is a little surprised. The tone of the conversation switches gears a bit. SUMMER Are you cool with that? TOM (unconvincing) oh yeah. SUMMER It freaks some guys out when I say that. TOM (still confused) Not me. You sure? SUMMER
TOM Casual. I get it. See where it goes. See what happens. Take it slow.
SUMMER Exactly. No pressure, no labels, no obligations. Right? Torn is visibly disappointed by this but he tries to hide it. Summer hops off the bed. Torn follows. As they step out of their fantasy horne and back into the store, Summer grabs Torn's hand. They holding hands. In the real world. Torn is surprised. 60 INT TOM'S BEDROOM - LATER THAT NIGHT 60
Summer and Torn corne bounding in, lip-locked and allover each other. They fallon his bed and begin undressing each other. Suddenly, Torn stops. TOM I'll be ...back in a sec. He walks into: 60A INT BATHROOM - SAME Out of sight, Torn looks in the bathroom mirror. TOM Settle. Don't get too excited. She's just a girl. Wants to keep it casual. Which is why she's in your bed right now. without clothes. That's casual, right? That's what ... casual people do. He takes a few deep breaths and makes his move. 60B INT TOM'S BEDROOM - SAME We watch from behind as he re-enters his bedroom. Where Summer waits. Under the covers. Naked. Hi. SUMMER 60B 60A
TOM Oh sweet Jesus! FADE UP: "YOU MAKE MY DREAMS COME TRUE" by Hall and Oates. CUT TO:
EXT DOWNTOWN STREET - MORNING It's the greatest morning of all time!
Tornwalks down the street. Or, more accurately, Torn struts down the street. People wave as he passes, they clap, they give him thumbs up. Torn points at people as he passes, winking, doing a little shuffle. He is the man. He checks out his reflection in a window. A YOUNG PAUL NEWMAN stares back. A GROUP of BUSINESSMEN break into a Busby Berkeley-style choreographed dance. A whole parade is forming behind Torn. The POSTMAN, a POLICE OFFICER, the HOT DOG VENDOR, the MICHELIN MAN, the SAN DIEGO CHICKEN, everybody loves Torn today. HALL and OATES themselves walk with Torn singing the song. Cars stop at crosswalks to let Torn go by. The DRIVERS also pump their fists in celebration of Torn's achievement last night. He walks on, the man. We notice the sidewalk lights up every time he touches the pavement like in "Billie Jean". CARTOON BIRDS fly onto Torn's shoulder. He smiles and winks at them. Torn breaks off from the parade as he approaches Steps:
his office.
INT ELEVATOR - SAME Torn steps into the elevator, and as the doors close, the music stops abruptly.
INT TOM'S OFFICE - DAY The elevator opens to reveal Torn, looking very unkept, unshaven, and unwell. He walks to his cubicle. CUT TO:
LATER. Torn is staring off in the direction of Summer's office. REVEAL a NEW SECRETARY sitting there.
The New Secretary is more than a little skeeved out by Torn's stare.
SFX: a "New Message" chime. Tom gets excited. He's been waiting for this. ANGLE ON THE COMPUTER -- it's just spam. Tom balls his fist in anger. Totally stressed. McKenzie pops up from his station. MCKENZIE So ... get her back yet?
TOM Working on it. MCKENZIE Maybe you should write a book. Huh? TOM
MCKENZIE Henry Miller said the best way to get over a girl -- turn her into literature. TOM That guy had a lot more sex than me. And then ... another "New Message" chime. TOM Here we go! Takes a deep breath, swallows, and opens the email. And it's from her. McKenzie maneuvers to look over Torn's shoulder. As he reads: SUMMER (V.o. ) So great to hear from you. I can't this week but maybe next? I hope this means you're ready to be fr-On that word again, the sound slows down to reinforce its power. THE SCENE FREEZES AND WE QUICK ZOOM in on Torn's face. Hearing "friends" is like a punch in the gut. RESUME NORMAL SPEED. McKenzie pats Torn on the shoulder. Torn scratches his head, takes a second to think about it. Clicks delete. BLACK. FADE UP: Someone is humming the "Knight Rider" Theme song.
Summer is on her cell phone in the office copy room, humming the theme song.
That's it!
TOM (V.O.)
McKenzie enters and sees her singing into the phone. Turns without a word and leaves.
INT TOM'S CUBICLE - SAME Tom listening to her sing, loving every minute of it. McKenzie comes over. MCKENZIE Your girl is losing it.
INT. DOWNTOWN ART GALLERY - DAY CU: a painting -- some avant guard surrealist depiction of two dogs humping. ANGLE ON Summer and Tom looking curiously at it. TOM Very. .. complex. SUMMER Complex. Yes. CU: a second painting which is nothing but red. ANGLE ON Summer and Tom looking at it with the same expressions. SUMMER In a way, it speaks so much by saying ... so little. TOM I feel the same way. CU: a third painting which could only be, well, poop. ANGLE ON Summer and Tom, still perplexed but trying. They say nothing, until: TOM You wanna go to the movies?
EXT. MOVIE THEATER - LATER The marquee reads "Part Vampire. Part Giant. 'VAGIANT!'II
The theater is packed. Everyone is laughing and screaming and throwing popcorn. Torn and Summer are having a great time.
( 87)
71 INT RECORD STORE - NIGHT Torn and Summer wander through the aisles. TOM There's no way. Why not? SUMMER 71
TOM "Octopus's Garden?" You may as well just say "Piggies?" SUMMER I told you. I love Ringo. TOM You're insane. Why? SUMMER
TOM Cause nobody loves Ringo. SUMMER That's what I love about him. Summer drags Torn into the curtained-off picks up a box, "Sweet and Shower." SUMMER (flirtatious) This got great reviews. "Porn" section. She
Tom and Summer get comfortable. Both are excited and looking forward to this. The movie starts, the credits roll. Tom and Summer start to make out a bit, both keeping an eye on the TV. SUMMER Looks easy enough. 73 INT. SHOWER - LATER 73
We just see the curtain, but we can see their silhouettes behind it. Summer and Tom are trying to have sex in the shower. They're trying to stabilize themselves, to grip something so as not to fall, elbows are flying, it's a mess. Ow! TOM
The curtain rips and the bar comes crashing down. They fall on top of each other laughing. Shower sex is hard.
( 95)
Tom is pointing out to Summer some of what he loves about the city. TOM If you're just looking at the street, I admit -- doesn't look like much. But if you look up ... They do. And it's beautiful. 75 EXT ANOTHER STREET CORNER - DAY Summer and Tom in front of the famous Fine Arts building. TOM The guys who designed this... Geniuses.
* * *
Tom and Summer sit down on a bench. This is the same bench they sat at on the very first page (and will sit at again), overlooking the city.
TOM This is my favorite spot. They take in the expanse. Old, almost dilapidated Downtown LA. Definitely not scenic. Mostly parking garages. This? Yeah. SUMMER TOM
SUMMER Sure you do. TOM No, it's ... it's hard to explain. Summer shoots him a look, encouraging TOM You really wanna know? Absolutely. SUMMER him to go on.
TOM (points) You see that building with the orange hue? That's been there since 1911. Over there, that's the continental. LA's first skyscraper. Built in 1904. People think of LA as this place with no history, you know, where nothing is real. That's only cause they're not paying attention. SUMMER (points) what's that? TOM That's ... a parking lot. Most of that is parking lots. But there's so much beauty too. See, if it was
me .••
TOM I just ... I'd make sure people noticed. That's what I would do. Integrate the buildings better. Playoff the facades, maximize the light capacity, there's really so much ...
SUMMER Don't just talk about it, Torn. (beat) Do it. Summer gives him a pen from her purse and the underside of her arm. Torn thinks about this. Then he starts to draw a sketch on her skin. We catch her watching his face as he draws. She's attracted to his enthusiasm. TOM So we start with this, right here ... (PRODUCTION NOTE: Put AUTUMN somewhere subtle in the background.)
Music plays as Torn follows Summer inside her apartment for the first time. The significance of this isn't lost on him. SUMMER It's a bit of a mess. That's ok. TOM
NARRATOR For Torn Hansen, this was the night where everything changed. Torn takes in the unpacked boxes, the photographs, wall decorations, books, CDs, everything that one can't know about a person outside their bedroom.
NARRATOR That wall Summer so often hid behind, a wall of distance, of space, of "casual" ... that wall was slowly corning down. For here was Torn, in her world, a place few had been invited to see with their own eyes ... (From the disparity of stuff, we should get a sense that unlike Torn, whose room reflects his interest in architecture, Summer is allover the place).
QUICK CUTS FROM DURING THE NIGHT: - Summer laughing at something Torn said. NARRATOR (CONT'D) and here was Summer, wanting him there. Him, no one else. - Torn and Summer in bed together. Tornados? SUMMER
TOM Weird, right? SUMMER You live in LA. Why would you dream of tornados? TOM I don't know but I do. Tornados. And my teeth falling out. SUMMER I have that too! That's so funny. TOM What about you? SUMMER Earthquakes. For real? TOM
Yellow Revised 5/14/08 SUMMER (cont'd) (beat) There's this one ... nevermind. (MORE)
SUMMER It's nothing. TOM I wanna hear. SUMMER (beat) I dream about flying. You do? TOM
SUMMER Not really flying. More like ... floating. Like, it starts out I'm running really fast. - Summer playfully sticking her tongue out at Torn and the two of them fake wrestling. SUMMER And then the ... terrain ... gets all rocky and steep. But I don't slow down. I just climb higher and higher with every stride. Before I know it, I'm ... floating. - Summer wiping an eyelash from Torn's cheek. SUMMER I'm going so fast my feet don't even touch the ground. I'm up in the air and I'm ... I don't know ... free. It's this incredible feeling. - Summer and Torn continuing their intimate conversation. TOM Sounds amazing.
SUMMER But then I look down. And the minute I do everything changes. There I am I'm floating, high above the earth, nothing can touch me, right? I'm free and I'm safe and it hits me, just like that ... I'm completely, utterly, alone. It's silent for a beat. SUMMER And then I wake up. NARRATOR (V.O.) As he listened, Torn began to realize that these weren't stories routinely told. These were stories one had to earn. He could feel the wall corning down. He wondered if anyone else had made it this far. Which is why the next five words changed everything. SUMMER I've never told anyone that. Torn's face changes as he's hit with a realization. Yes, Summer has chosen to let him in. It's beginning. On Torn's face, determined to close the deal ... TOM I guess I'm ... not just anyone.
INT - PACMAN CAFE - DAY Torn plays the table top Pac Man game with his friends surrounding. PAUL So what are you exactly?
TOM I don't know. PAUL Are you her boyfriend now? TOM It's not that simple. MCKENZIE Sure it is. TOM Like, are we "going steady?" Corne on, guys. We're adults. We know how we feel. We don't need to label it. "Boyfriend, girlfriend." That stuff is very ... juvenile. Beat. Torn looks up from the game. MCKENZIE You're so gay. PAUL You really are. TOM ok. Number one. Your last girlfriend was Amy Sussman in the 7th grade and you "dated" for an hour. And you ... you've been with Robyn and no one else since you were ten. I hardly think you two are the authorities on modern relationships.
80 EXT FIELD - DAY 80 Torn is watching Rachel play soccer from behind the players' bench. A whistle blows and Rachel comes back and sits down. She's the authority. TOM So what should I do?
RACHEL You should ask her. (off his silence) what? TOM (beat) "Why rock the boat?" is what I'm thinking. Things are going well. If we start putting labels on it, that's like the kiss of death. Like saying to a girl "I love you." RACHEL I know what you mean. That's what happened with me and Sean. TOM who the hell's Sean? RACHEL My boyfriend before Mark. TOM who the f--! Never mind. So you're saying ... RACHEL I'm saying ... you do want to ask her. That's obvious. You're just afraid you'll get an answer you don't want which will shatter your illusions of how good everything's been these past few months. Now if it were me, I'd find out now before you show up to her place and she's in bed with Lars from Norway. TOM who's Lars from Norway? RACHEL Just some guy she met at the gym with Brad pitt's face and Jesus's abs. Bastard. TOM
The whistle blows again and Rachel gets up to go back on the field.
TOM Coach, wait! We're not done. RACHEL (calling back) It's easy Tom ... just don't be a pussy! On Tom, we: CUT TO: 81 INT TOM'S CAR - LATER 81
Tom and Summer driving. Tom is very conflicted and we can see it in his face. They're silent a few beats, before: SUMMER Are you ok? Yeah. You sure? TOM SUMMER
He's not. He clenches his teeth. And begins ... TOM Summer, I've gotta ask you something.
TOM what are we doing? SUMMER I thought we were going to the movies. TOM No, I mean ... what's going on here? with us. SUMMER I don't know. Who cares? I'm happy. Aren't you happy? Yeah. TOM
Summer has noticed the song on the radio. SUMMER oh my god. We totally can't talk during this song. Tom listens and Tom watches Summer listening. There's something about this moment, the way she sings along, the way her eyes close during certain notes, the way her smile rises and falls like she could cry at any minute from being overwhelmingly happy or just simply overwhelmed. Tom is powerless to stop his feelings for this girl. We know, as well as he does: he will not press the issue tonight. The car drives into the 3rd street tunnel and disappears the dark. into
The song from the car is now playing in the background of a rooftop party. Tom and Summer are there, in conversation with several PARTYGOERS. PARTYGOER (to Tom) And what is it you do? TOM I write greeting cards. No shit. ANOTHER PARTYGOER
PARTYGOER That's ... unusual. what made you go from one to the other? TOM Well I thought, why make something totally disposable -- like a building -- when I could make something that lasts forever. Like a birthday card. Everyone laughs at this. Everyone but Summer. 83 TIME CUTS reveal that Tom is against the railing by 83 himself. Meanwhile, Summer is talking with, laughing with, drinking with, and possibly flirting with many of them. Tom notices, smiles, pretends it doesn't mean anything, but he's clearly jealous. Not in a sexual way but of the attention they're getting from her. He misses that attention.
84 CU - TOM. HE'S A MESS. TOM (into CAMERA) I hate Summer. 85 CU - SUMMER'S SMILE (as before) TOM (V.O.) I hate her crooked teeth. CU - SUMMER'S HAIR (as before) TOM (V.O.) I hate her 1950s haircut. CU - SUMMER'S KNEES (as before) 85 84
TOM (V.O.) I hate her knobby knees. CU - SUMMER'S EYES (as before)
TOM (V.O.) I hate her lopsided, asymmetrical, cock-eyed head. CU - SUMMER'S NECK (as before)
TOM (V.O.) I hate the way she sleeps. CU - SUMMER'S LAUGH TOM (V.O.) I hate the way she laughs. OVER BLACK, play the opening bars of that same over-the-top romantic song. TOM (V.O.) I HATE THIS EFFING SONG! 86 CU - TOM. REVERSE ANGLE on A BUS FULL OF PEOPLE, terrified of this raving lunatic. BUS DRIVER Son, you're gonna have to exit the vehicle. 86
INT GOLDEN GOPHER - DOWNTOWN BAR - NIGHT Summer and Torn stand by the bar. TOM London 1964. Those girls knew how to dress. Nowadays it's all giant sunglasses, tattoos, little handbags with dogs in them. who okayed this? SUMMER Some people like it. TOM I like how you dress.
SUMMER Darn. I was just thinking about getting a butterfly on my calf, bout yay big ... TOM (beat) please don't. Yo. DOUCHE (O.S.) DOUCHEBAG GUY has
And now this tall, well-built, GOOD-LOOKING suddenly appeared next to them. DOUCHE (to Summer) How's it going? K. SUMMER
Tom puts his hands in his pockets and watches this exchange go down. Not sure what else to do. At this point he's more amused than concerned. DOUCHE You live around here? SUMMER Yeah not too far. DOUCHE I've never seen you here before. SUMMER You're not too observant. DOUCHE Ha. That's funny. You're funny. Tom smiles to himself. This guy's a tool. Nothing to worry about. DOUCHE So, uh, let me buy you a drink. SUMMER No thank you. As she answers Summer gives a quick glance over to Tom. The Guy notices. Up to this point he had not connected the two of them together.
DOUCHE Are you with this guy? Torn realizes he has to sort of say something now. TOM (beat) Hi. I'm Torn. DOUCHE whatever. (to Summer) Corne on, one drink. what are you drinking? SUMMER Sorry, no thank you. DOUCHE You're serious? This guy? Hey buddy TOM
SUMMER (to the Douche) Don't be rude. I'm flattered, I'm just not interested. Now why don't you go back over there and leave us alone, ok? DOUCHE It's a free country. Summer and Torn make eye contact again, as if to say "now what?" After a beat: DOUCHE I can't believe this is your boyfriend. And with that in the air, Torn, panicked, decides to cut the silence. All the pent up uncertainty and confusion, coupled with the challenge to his manhood in front of the woman he loves, all manifests in one single, solid, almost automatic RIGHT CROSS TO THE GOOD LOOKING DOUCHEBAG'S FACE. Which connects spot on and sends the Douche reeling. Both Douche and Tornwince at the pain fist) . (Douche's chin, Torn's
There's a beat of calm where Torn is actually sorta surprised. And then the Douche spins around and starts PUMMELLING TOM. CUT TO: 88 INT SUMMER'S APARTMENT - LATER 88
Torn follows Summer inside. He still holds a bandage to his nose and his shirt is bloody. Still, he feels pretty great about it. TOM I mean, that was crazy! Did you see that? I was like Ali. I just wound up and (tries to make a fist) ow! Jesus. Torn's fist is still totally sore. It's around this point that Torn notices Summer hasn't been talking to him. Hey. TOM
(nothing) what's the matter? SUMMER I just ... I can't believe you. TOM Can't believe me? SUMMER You were so completely uncool in there. TOM wait. You're mad? I just got my ass kicked for you. SUMMER Oh was that for my benefit? You were protecting me? Yes I was. TOM
SUMMER Well next time Tommy, don't. I don't need your protection. I just -TOM
SUMMER Look. I'm tired. Can we talk about this tomorrow? Torn, completely exasperated, throws his hands in the air and walks towards the door. But then he turns around. TOM No, screw this. I'm not going anywhere til you tell me what's going on. SUMMER Nothing, Torn. Nothing is going on. We're just ... TOM What ...? What are we? SUMMER We're just fr-TOM Oh no ... Oh no you don'tl Don't even think about saying that! You're gonna pull that shit with me? This is not how you treat your friends. Kissing in the copy room. Holding hands in Ikea? Shower sex? Friends, my balls. SUMMER I like you, Torn. I just don't wantTOM Well guess what? It's not up to you! I get a say in this. And I say we're a couple goddamit. Torn -SUMMER
INT STAIRWELL - SAME Racing down the stairs, muttering angrily to himself the whole time. He passes TWO GIRLS walking up. TOM Anyone else wanna kick my ass tonight?
Tom exits in a huff. He walks down the street, continuing to talk himself into a fury. Then he stops. TOM No, you know what ... Tom turns around. He has more to say. He marches up to Summer's door and is going back up there. Except the door is locked. Tom's shoulders sag. He has no choice but to buzz. Hello? It's me. Beat. SUMMER Can I help you? (THROUGH BUZZER) SUMMER TOM (THROUGH BUZZER)
TOM (reluctantly) There's more I want to say. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Beat. Finally, he hears the buzzer. He opens the door, we follow him:
INT STAIRWELL - SAME As he walks back up the stairs. There's a lot of fucking stairs.
By the time Tom gets up there, he's a little winded. Summer meets him in the doorway. Yes? SUMMER
TOM This was very different in my head. SUMMER I bet you get that a lot. And with that she shuts the door, leaving Torn outside to pick up the pieces. SPLITSCREEN
93 94 95 96 97
93 94 95 96 97
Left: Torn tosses and turns in his sleep. Right: Summer lies awake, staring at the ceiling. Left: Torn picks up the phone. Is about to dial when he stops himself and hangs up. Right: Summer looks at her phone, willing doesn't. INT TOM'S BEDROOM - HOURS LATER Torn is awakened by the doorbell. He gets up, concerned, goes to answer it. It's Summer. SUMMER I shouldn't have done that. What? TOM it to ring. It
SUMMER Gotten mad at you. I'm sorry. TOM Summer ... we don't have to label what we're doing. I just ... I need I know SUMMER
TOM Consistency. I need to know you won't wake up tomorrow and feel a different way. SUMMER I can't promise you that. Nobody can. (beat) I can only tell you how I feel right now ... or I can show you. She comes in and kisses him. He thinks about it for a second. Is this enough? Damn it, she wins again. He shuts the door in our faces.
INT TOM'S BEDROOM - MORNING still bruised Tom and Summer, early in the morning. TOM Her name was Amanda. And I just ... what can I say, I really liked her. SUMMER You loooved her. TOM (re: back of his hand) Don't make me use this. Bring it! SUMMER
Tom tickles her. She squirms out of it. They return to position. TOM I thought I loved her. Now I don't know. Silence. Tom decides to change the subject. Sort of. TOM What about you? You ever even have a "boyfriend?" SUMMER Well ... yeah, of course. TOM Tell me about em.
oh no way. Why?
SUMMER There's nothing to tell. TOM Corne on, I'm interested. SUMMER You wanna go there? TOM Why not? I can take it. SUMMER Alright ... well ... there was Markus in high school. 99 INSERT: still photograph of MARKUS. Or at least how he 99 appears in Torn's mind. Arm cocked, about to throw the winning touchdown pass. TOM Quarterback slash homecoming king? SUMMER He was a rower. Very hot. TOM And what happened to Markus? SUMMER He works for the Republican party. Very successful. Just not for me. And then? TOM 100
SUMMER Well, for a short time in college, there was Charlie. 101 INSERT: still photograph of CHARLIE. As Torn envisions him. Playing the guitar on stage in some hair band, surrounded by groupies. SUMMER She was nice but ... 101
Torn's eyes bug out. SUMMER Then there was ... my semester in Spain. Fernando Belardelli. AKA "The Puma." 103 INSERT: still photograph of THE PUMA. A swarthy Spaniard 103 posing in front of a Vespa moped in tight Gucci pants, his boner clearly trying to escape. The Puma? TOM 104
SUMMER Yeah, cause, you know ... Torn has no idea. And he doesn't want to know. TOM And that's it? SUMMER The ones that lasted. TOM What happened? Why didn't they work out? SUMMER what always happens ... life. On TOM. Silent for a few beats. Did he want to hear that?
105 EXT ANGELUS PLAZA - DAY 105 Torn and Summer walk through the park. It's a beautiful day out, mobbed with pedestrians. They're in mid-conversation. TOM That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. SUMMER It's not dumb. It's awesome. Trust me. Torn is reluctant to participate in whatever this is.
SUMMER I'll go first. After a beat: SUMMER (whispers) Penis. Torn looks at Summer like she's insane. Corne on. Torn rolls his eyes. TOM (only slightly louder) Penis. SUMMER (slightly louder) Penis. TOM (slightly louder) Penis. SUMMER (louder) Penis. TOM There's kids around. SUMMER No there isn't. Torn looks over his shoulders. People are gonna hear him now. Penis. TOM SUMMER
SUMMER (no holds barred) Penis! TOM Shhh, Jesus! They get dirty looks from some passersby. is hilarious. She has no shame. Summer thinks this
TOM This is what you used to do with the Puma, isn't it? SUMMER God no ... We rarely left his room. (loud) Penis! ! TOM
Everyone turns and looks at them. Summer cracks up. Tom does too. The game is kinda fun. TOM (to ONLOOKER) Sorry. Tourette's. is. SUMMER (yelling) Penis! TOM She has it too. (louder even) Penis! ! SUMMER (really loud) Peni-Tom grabs Summer and throws her over his shoulder in an effort to silence her. He spins her around in the air. ok ok! SUMMER
Together, they fall to the ground. Tom covers her mouth with his fingers. TOM Are you finished? (off her nod) Promise? (more nodding)
Torn releases her. They lay on the ground, face to face. It's a charged moment between them. Summer smiles. SUMMER (the loudest yet) Pee --! But Torn is quick. He covers her mouth with his. And on Torn and Summer, kissing, laughing, rolling around on the ground, we hear: MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) "Misery. Loneliness. Pain." MUSIC CUE: A MELODRAMATIC following: INSTRUMENTAL which plays over the
106 107
106 107
lIlA INT. MOVIE THEATRE - DAY lIlA Tom has taken refuge in a movie theatre, the light of the film reflecting on his face, and we hear: MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) This was his life now. Each day, the same dull throbbing ache of a wounded heart. CUT TO: 111B THE BLACK AND WHITE FILM 111B
REVEAL Tom has put himself in the film that he's watching. In this shot, he is dressed like Belmondo in "Breathless" complete with cigarette and hat. He makes serious faces at the camera. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) He is a song without melody. A bird without wings. Or anything purchased at Radio Shack. (beat) He is broken. CUT TO: ANOTHER SHOT FROM THE BLACK AND WHITE FILM 111C EXT STREET - DAY 111C
Sad Tom wanders down a desolate street holding a balloon. There is no one else around save a SAD-LOOKING MIME. JUMP CUTS of Tom as he walks, the Sad Mime following closely all the while. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) More than broken, he is alone. For who but he could ever understand the tangled, twisted mess of his now empty soul?
MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) Now his only friend is grief. The grief that he carries like a badge, a badge he can never take off ... Torn gives him the balloon. The Mime almost immediately go of it. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) which, corne to think of it, is pretty unusual for a badge. Not so much like a badge, then, more like a tattoo. A tatoo he can never take off. (beat) Yes, that's better. Torn looks at the Mime incredulously fuck was that for, Mime?" as if to say, "what the CUT TO: 111D ANOTHER SHOT FROM THE BLACK AND WHITE FILM 111D lets
This is the famous Bergman PERSONA symmetrical face blocking shot. Half of Torn's face looking at us and half of Summer's looking off to the side, set against a dramatic black backdrop. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) In any case ... suffering. Suffering. TOM (ON SCREEN)
MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) Endless suffering. SUMMER (ON SCREEN) So much suffering. MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) The kind of suffering that never ends.
Suffering. Suffering.
MAN'S VOICE (V.O.) (in French wi Subtitles) A shitload of suffering is what I'm saying. CUT TO: 111E FINAL SHOT OF THE BLACK AND WHITE FILM 111E
Tom playing chess against DEATH. Only it isn't Death. It's a half-naked cherub with wings and an arrow -- it's CUPID. TOM (in French wi Subtitles) Your move. Cupid thinks for a beat then makes his move. He wins the game and knocks over Tom's King. CUPID (in French wi Subtitles) Better luck next time ... bitch. Tom hides his head in his hands. A loser at love yet again. At which point the film burns out. BACK TO: 111F INT MOVIE THEATRE - SAME 111F
Tom who has dozed off wakes up from the sound. Looks at his watch. Grabs his coat. Nods a thanks to the projectionist and leaves. Back to reality. Sort of.
FADE UP: "YOU MAKE MY DREAM COME TRUE" by Hall and Oates. 112 EXT STREET - MORNING Now everything fucking sucks! 112
Tom walks down the street. Or, more accurately, Tom sulks down the street. Though it's sunny and warm, Tom is a sad, broken man and the world is an awful place.
Yellow Revised 5/14/08 Tom checks out his reflection cartoonish face glares back. in a window and an ugly
Tom walks by a COUPLE making out on a bench. He grimaces. He walks by a sign that says "TODAY ONLY: FREE BEER." He doesn't even stop. Cartoon Bird returns but Tom swats it away.
The WORLD'S MOST BEAUTIFUL WOMAN stops to ask him for directions. He doesn't even look up. Torn's parade of supporters shake their heads and give him disapproving looks. The Cartoon Bird takes a cartoon shit on Torn's shoulder. Torn tries to kill the bird. Can't even manage that.
113 INT OFFICE - DAY 113 Torn sits at his desk, miserable. A NEW SECRETARY, not Summer, comes by. NEW SECRETARY Torn. Mr. Vance would like to see you in his office? 114 INT VANCE'S OFFICE - DAY Torn has been called into the Principal's VANCE sit down, Torn. (he does) Has something happened to you recently? TOM what do you mean? VANCE A death in the family, someone taken ill ...anything like that? No. TOM office. 114
VANCE Look, I don't mean to pry. Does this have something to do with Summer leaving. Who? TOM
VANCE. My assistant. TOM (faking badly) Your ...? VANCE. Tom ...everyone knows. Nevermind. The reason I'm asking ...lately your work performance has been ... a little off. TOM I'm not following. VANCE For example, here's something you wrote last week ... (reads from a card on his desk) URoses are Red, Violets are Blue ... Fuck You Whore." NOw, most shoppers on Valentine's Day --TOM (almost hopeful) Mr. Vance ... are you firing me? VANCE No, no, no. Relax Hansen. You're one of the good ones. TOM ok. Well, I'm sorry. Things for me have been a little difficult. VANCE That's ok. I understand that. I was just thinking ... perhaps you could channel your energy into ... this. He hands him some sympathy cards. TOM Funerals and sympathy? VANCE Misery, sadness, loss of faith, no reasons to live ... it's perfect for you. Whaddaya say? Good? Good. Now back to work you go.
He quickly ushers him out of the office. Torn stands face to face with a framed card of two hearts holding hands. The card reads "I. Love. Us." Torn stares at it for a second.
115 INT OFFICE - DAY Torn is wandering through the office whistling. 115 MCKENZIE Don't you have like twenty cards to write by Friday? TOM Nope. All finished. MCKENZIE Can you help me? I've run out of ways to say "congrats." I've got "Good job," "well done," "way to go" ... About it. TOM Why don't you try ... "Everyday you make me proud. But today, you get a card." MCKENZIE (beat) shit. That's not bad. TOM No worries. Tornwalks by the room marked "Religious." going when he pauses. 116 INT RELIGIOUS HOLIDAYS WING - LATER Workers are again all gathered around Torn. TOM Did you try... "Merry?" ALL Whoa/Perfect/Yes! TOM What else you got? He's about to keep 116
TOM "Alay-bin oyf dine kUpp. Hag Sameyach, meyntayera kinder." No one knows what the hell he just said except for one Employee who bursts out in tears of joy. 117 INT WEDDINGS AND ANNIVERSARIES SUITE - LATER 117
All of the people who work in here are MIDDLE AGED WOMEN. Currently, they are standing around one desk where Tom sits helping everyone with their cards. MILLIE We've been stuck on this for an hour. Tom looks it over. Thinks. TOM Here's what I would say ... Tom sees the side of Summer's face across the room. TOM "I. Love. Us." (beat) what do you think? MILLIE (clutching her heart) It's beautiful. The Women are so moved they might faint. 118 INT OFFICE HALLWAY - LATER 118
Tom passes Summer at her desk. She waves. He waves back. He's so in love with her.
119 EXT. DOWNTOWN STREET - DAY 119 Tom, unshaven, un-showered, walks by himself. He gets to his favorite intersection and sees Summer walking towards him. As she gets closer he sees it's not her after all and breathes a sigh of relief.
Tom continues walking, passing an electronics store. Thinks he sees Summer on all the TVs. He continues to walk. 119B EXT BUS STOP - DAY Tom gets on a bus. 119C INT. BUS - SAME 119C 119B
120 INT. HOTEL FIGUEROA BAR - NIGHT Tom sits alone at the bar. He drinks vodka, waiting for something. And pretty soon, something arrives. ALISON Excuse me? Are you Tom? Alison? TOM not bad looking 120
Her name is ALISON, red hair, full-figured, at all. ALISON Yeah. Phew! I was afraid you were that guy.
TOM Nope. Hope you're not disappointed. ALISON No. This is much better. TOM Yeah totally. So, uh, shall we? Tom grabs his coat, is about to walk out with her, but swigs what's left of his drink before he does. Tom puts on a brave face and they walk out into: 121 EXT DOWNTOWN STREET - NIGHT 121
Tom and Alison walk down the street, heading for a different restaurant. ALISON I normally don't do blind dates but Paul and Robyn spoke very highly of you. They said you write greeting cards. That's so interesting. I wanted to write. I majored in English at college but ... what are you gonna do with that degree, you know? I went to Brown. Where did -Tom stops in his tracks, right outside the diner.
TOM Listen ... It's great to meet you, really. You're a very attractive girl. But I should tell you right off the bat ... this is not going anywhere. Oh. ALISON
TOM It's not you. It's me. You seem like a real sweet girl and I, just, I don't want you to get hurt. You know what I mean?
Urn •••
TOM I know we just met like 3 minutes ago but you're probably looking for someone to get serious with, someone with potential ... someone who will take you out to eat a few times, see a movie, fool around a little bit, next thing you know you're we're getting a dog and you're moving in. And that's not me. You want to come inside, have some chicken fingers awesome. But that other stuff I gotta tell you up front ... I'm just not ready, Alison. Alison can't believe this guy. Tom holds the door open for Alison. Does she dare go in or does she run away now? ALISON (fuck it) Chicken fingers sound fine. 122 INT DOWNTOWN DINER RESTAURANT - LATER 122
Tom and Alison, believe it or not, are now eating. There are three empty shot glasses in front of Tom, one empty bottle of beer in front of Alison. Tom is feeling the effects. TOM Maybe it's uncool to say. But, you know what, screw it. I have feelings. Does that make me a woman? Hell no. (MORE)
Yellow Revised 5/14/08 TOM (cont'd) I cried in Jerry Maguire. That's me, that's who I am.
Alison, listening politely, takes a very large gulp of her beer. waiter! ALISON
She signals for one more drink. TOM I liked this girl. Loved her even. And what did she do? She took a giant shit on my face. Literally. Literally? ALISON
TOM (beat) Not literally. Jesus, that's disgusting, what's wrong with you? The point is I'm messed up. On one hand, I want to forget her. On the other, I think she's the only person on Earth who can make me happy. Uh-huh. ALISON
TOM Every time I think I'm over the hump, I'll have a dream or I'll see some girl who looks like her from the back. And that's it. Back to square one. And you know what ... ALISON (waits to see if it's rhetorical; it isn't) What? TOM I'm gonna get her back. You'll see. Oh will I? ALISON
TOM Absolutely. I think the key is for me to figure out what went wrong. Do you ever do this? (MORE)
Yellow Revised 5/14/08 TOM (cont'd) Go back and think about all the things you did together. Everything that happened. Replay it over again in your mind, looking for that first sign of trouble. Sure. ALISON
TOM For example ... QUICK CUTS: 123 EXT ANGELUS PLAZA - (BACK ON DAY 95) Summer and Tom sit in the park looking at buildings. Tom writes on summers forearm. Summer looks directly at the camera with a face that says "help me god." 124 INT TOM'S BEDROOM - NIGHT - (FROM DAY 31) 124 123
From the scene in which Tom and Summer first slept together. He's sleeping like a baby, probably the best sleep he's had in a long while. Summer lies next to him. Wide awake. Unfulfilled. 125 INT ELEVATOR - DAY - (FROM DAY 22) Tom and Summer ride in silence for a few beats. SUMMER (V.O. ) please don't talk to me. please don't talk to me. TOM How was your weekend? 126 INT DINER - SAME TOM Two options really. Either she's an evil, emotionless miserable human being. Or she's a robot. vicki from "Small Wonder." Would explain a lot, actually. ALISON Can I ask you a question? Shoot. TOM 126 125
ALISON She ever steal or take advantage of you in some way? TOM Not. .. really. ALISON And she told you up front she didn't want a relationship? TOM Well ... yeah. ALISON Jesus Tom ... Did she break your heart or did you? They're silent for a few beats. Tom downs the rest of his vodka. TOM I got a great idea! 127 INT KARAOKE BAR - LATER 127
Tom is, yes, on stage singing HTrain in vainH by The Clash. The song is usually quite peppy but Tom's version is a cross between Henry Rollins and Alice Cooper. He is losing his fucking mind! Alison sits by herself in a booth trying to hide her face, having the worst date ever.
128 EXT - UNION STATION TRAIN PLATFORM - DAY 128 Tom runs to catch a departing train, bound for San Diego. He has a backpack and is carrying a suit and tie on hangers. He runs:
INT TRAIN - SAME And starts walking through it. He's looking for someone. Doesn't see him or her. Takes out his cell.
McKenzie, TOM
in Pacman Cafe.
TOM What do you mean hell no? MCKENZIE I'm not going to that. TOM Yes you are. MCKENZIE It's gonna be all old people. TOM I know! You said you were going. That's why I'm going. The train starts moving. MCKENZIE I left a message last night, said I was sick. Like a Ninja. TOM Dude, now I won't know anyone at this thing. MCKENZIE Maybe you'll meet a hot granddaughter or something. TOM I'm hanging up now. He does. Torn continues to look for a seat. He's looking for two together so he can at least lounge but so far most doubles are taken. He moves into:
Tom continues to look for a seat. So far nothing. Tom walks by one seat and sees Summer listening to her headphones. He keeps walking. ANGLE ON TOM. Fuck! Did that just happen? Is she really there? He keeps walking. Probably wasn't her. Just his imagination. Yeah. Finds an open seat at the back. sits down. Once situated, he slowly peeks back towards what he thought was Summer. She's looking back too! They both turn away at the same time! Tom mouths "shit!" It's totally her! Tom moves to the seat by the window, hoping that maybe if he can't see her, she can't see him. Quickly grabs a book from his backpack and buries his face in it. Hi Tom. SUMMER (0 • S .)
TOM (mock surprise) oh wow, Summer, hey! Must have walked right by you. Yeah. SUMMER
TOM Are you going to Millie's? SUMMER Yup. You too? (he nods, trying not to scream) I love Millie. She's the sweetest. TOM God I totally forgot you knew her. SUMMER Yeah. We ... worked together all that time. TOM Right. Yes. I remember now. Silence. What the hell do you say here? So ... SUMMER
I mean ...
SUMMER How you been? I haven't TOM Good. Good. Good. SUMMER
SUMMER You didn't write back when I -TOM No. I know. It got crazy. You know ... Holiday season and all. SUMMER still working for Vance? Yeah. Hmm. Silence. SUMMER I was gonna go get coffee. I don't know if you ... Looks like you're really into that ... (reading) HThe Architecture of Happiness.H Wow. That sounds great. You should keep reading, I don't mean to bother you -She stops, realizes she was rambling. Which is why Torn feels good about saying: TOM Yes. Let's get coffee. 132 INT TRAIN - LOUNGE AREA 132 TOM SUMMER
Torn and Summer at the counter. We don't hear what they're saying over the din of the train. But they're laughing. Both of them. Like old times.
EXT TRAIN STATION - LATER The train stops. Tom and Summer get out. Look around. SUMMER The place is right over there. Shall we?
GUESTS are taking their seats. Tom, in suit and tie, waits in the corridor. A few beats later, Summer appears. Off-white sundress. Headband. Perfect. Tom forgets to breathe. SUMMER You look nice. TOM Same here. I mean, yeah. I like your. .. thingy. Standing at the entrance to the room is an USHER who greets them. USHER Bride or groom. Neither. TOM
Summer elbows Tom in the side. Tom looks down at his side, almost surprised by her actions. It's as if we've reset to the early part of their relationship. SUMMER Bride's side. USHER Right this way. Tom follows Summer in to the room. They take their seats. Soon enough, the giggles begin. SUMMER (whispers) Penis. stop it! 135 TOM GROOM. 135