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Radio Frequency Identification Technology: Himavanth - 666@yahoo - Co.in

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Radio Frequency Identification Technology

Ravi Teja Vupasi <05391A1240>

Himavanth K <05391A1225>
III/IV Dept of Information Technology,
Vignan’s Engineering College.
E-mail: rteja.it@gmail.com

Abstract: Perhaps the first work exploring RFID

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is the landmark 1948 paper by Harry
is a method of remotely storing and retrieving Stockman, entitled “Communication by
data using devices called RFID tags. An Means of Reflected Power” (Proceedings of
RFID tag is a small object, such as an the IRE, pp1196-1204, October 1948).
adhesive sticker, that can be attached to or Stockman predicted that “…considerable
incorporated into a product. RFID tags research and development work has to be
contain antennae to enable them to receive done before the remaining basic problems in
and respond to radio-frequency queries from reflected-power communication are solved,
an RFID transceiver. and before the field of useful applications is
explored.” It required thirty years of advances
History of RFID tags: in many different fields before RFID became
Although some people think that the a reality.25
first known device may have been invented 25
by Leon Theremin as an espionage tool for
the Russian Government in 1945, the first real Types of RFID tags:
usage of RFID devices predates that. During RFID tags can be either active or passive.
World War II the United Kingdom used Passive RFID tags do not have their
RFID devices to distinguish returning English own power supply: the minute electrical
airplanes from inbound German ones. current induced in the antenna by the
RADAR was only able to signal the presence incoming radio-frequency scan provides
of a plane, not the kind of plane it was. enough power for the tag to send a response.
Due to power and cost concerns, the response
of a passive RFID tag is necessarily brief, demand is too low for prices to come down
typically just an ID number (GUID). Lack of soon. Analysts from independent research
its own power supply makes the device quite companies like Gartner and Forrester
small: commercially available products exist Research agree that a price level of less than
that can be embedded under the skin. As of $0.10 is only achievable in 6-8 years.
2004, the smallest such devices commercially
available measured 0.4 mm × 0.4 mm, and There are four different kinds of tags
thinner than a sheet of paper; such devices are commonly in use. They are categorized by
practically invisible. Passive tags have their radio frequency: Low frequency tags
practical read ranges that vary from about 10 (between 125 to 134 kilohertz), High
mm up to about 5 meters. frequency tags (13.56 megahertz), UHF tags
(868 to 956 megahertz), and Microwave tags
Active RFID tags, on the other hand, (2.45 gigahertz). UHF tags cannot be used
must have a power source, and may have globally as there aren't any global regulations
longer ranges and larger memories than for its usage.
passive tags, as well as the ability to store
additional information sent by the transceiver. See also for some Transponder
At present, the smallest active tags are about devices which deliver a similar function, and
the size of a coin. Many active tags have contact less chip cards.
practical ranges of tens of meters, and a
battery life of up to several years. The RFID System:
An RFID system may consist of
As passive tags are much cheaper to several components: tags, tag readers, tag
manufacture and do not depend on a battery, programming stations, circulation readers,
the vast majority of RFID tags in existence sorting equipment, and tag inventory wands.
are of the passive variety. As of 2004, tags Security can be handled in two ways. Security
cost from US$0.40. The aim is to produce gates can query the ILS to determine its
tags for less than US$0.05 to make security status or the tag may contain a
widespread RFID tagging commercially security bit which would be turned on and off
viable. However, chip manufacturers supply by circulation or self-check reader stations.
of integrated circuits is not sufficient and
The purpose of an RFID system is to Security gates can then detect whether
enable data to be transmitted by a portable or not the item has been properly checked out
device, called a tag, which is read by an RFID of the library. When users return items, the
reader and processed according to the needs security bit is re-set and the item record in the
of a particular application. The data ILS is automatically updated. In some RFID
transmitted by the tag may provide solutions a return receipt can be generated. At
identification or location information, or this point, materials can be roughly sorted
specifics about the product tagged, such as into bins by the return equipment. Inventory
price, color, date of purchase, etc. The use of wands provide a finer detail of sorting. This
RFID in tracking and access applications first tool can be used to put books into shelf-ready
appeared during the 1980s. RFID quickly order.
gained attention because of its ability to track
moving objects. As the technology is refined, Current usage:
more pervasive - and invasive - uses for RFID Low -frequency RFID tags are
tags are in the works. commonly used for animal identification,
beer keg tracking, and automobile key-and-
In a typical RFID system, individual lock, anti-theft systems. Pets are often
objects are equipped with a small, embedded with small chips so that they may
inexpensive tag which contains a transponder be returned to their owners if lost. In the
with a digital memory chip that is given a United States, two RFID frequencies are
unique electronic product code. The used: 125 kHz (the original standard) and
interrogator, an antenna packaged with a 134.5 kHz, the international standard.
transceiver and decoder, emits a signal
activating the RFID tag so it can read and High-frequency RFID tags are used in
write data to it. When an RFID tag passes library book or bookstore tracking, pallet
through the electromagnetic zone, it detects tracking, building access control, airline
the reader's activation signal. The reader baggage tracking, and apparel item tracking.
decodes the data encoded in the tag's High-frequency tags are widely used in
integrated circuit (silicon chip) and the data is identification badges, replacing earlier
passed to the host computer for processing. magnetic stripe cards. These badges need
only be held within a certain distance of the tracking in compliance with the United States
reader to authenticate the holder. Transportation, Recall, Enhancement,
Accountability and Documentation Act
UHF RFID tags are commonly used (TREAD Act).
commercially in pallet and container tracking,
and truck and trailer tracking in shipping Cards embedded with RFID chips are
yards. widely used as electronic cash, e.g. Octopus
Card in Hong Kong and the Netherlands to
Microwave RFID tags are used in pay fares in mass transit systems and/or
long range access control for vehicles, an retails.
example being General Motors' OnStar
system. Starting from the 2004 model year, a
"Smart Key" option is available to the Toyota
Some toll booths, such as California's Prius and some Lexus models. The key fob
FasTrak and Illinois' I-Pass system, use RFID uses active RFID circuits, which allow the car
tags for electronic toll collection. The tags are to acknowledge the key's presence within 3
read as vehicles pass; the information is used feet of the sensor. The driver can open the
to debit the toll from a prepaid account. The doors and start the car while the key remains
system helps to speed traffic through toll in a purse or pocket.
In August 2004, the Ohio Department
Sensors such as seismic sensors may of Rehabilitation and Correction (ODRH)
be read using RFID transceivers, greatly approved a $415,000 contract to trial the
simplifying remote data collection. tracking technology with Alanco
Technologies. Inmates will wear "wristwatch-
In January 2003, Michelin announced sized" transmitters that can detect if prisoners
that it has begun testing RFID transponders have been trying to remove them and send an
embedded into tires. After a testing period alert to prison computers. This project is not
that is expected to last 18 months, the the first such rollout of tracking chips in US
manufacturer will offer RFID-enabled tires to prisons. Facilities in Michigan, California and
car-makers. Their primary purpose is tire- Illinois already employ the technology.
Implantable RFID "chips", originally may be individually tracked as it moves from
designed for animal tagging are being used location to location, finally ending up in the
and contemplated for humans as well. consumer's hands. This may help companies
Applied Digital Solutions proposes their to combat theft and other forms of product
chip's "unique under-the-skin format" as a loss. It has also been proposed to use RFID
solution to identity fraud, secure building for point-of-sale store checkout to replace the
access, computer access, storage of medical cashier with an automatic system which needs
records, anti-kidnapping initiatives and a no barcode scanning.
variety of law-enforcement applications.
Combined with sensors to monitor body An organization called EPCglobal is
functions, the Digital Angel device could working on a proposed international standard
provide monitoring for patients. The Baja for the use of RFID and the Electronic
Beach Club in Barcelona, Spain uses an Product Code (EPC) in the identification of
implantable Verichip to identify their VIP any item in the supply chain for companies in
customers, who in turn use it to pay for any industry, anywhere in the world. The
drinks. The Mexico City police department organization's board of governors includes
has implanted approximately 170 of their representatives from EAN International,
police officers with the Verichip, to allow Uniform Code Council, The Gillette
access to police databases and possibly track Company, Procter & Gamble, Wal-Mart,
them in case of kidnapping. Hewlett-Packard, Johnson & Johnson, and
Auto-ID Labs. Some RFID systems use
Potential uses: alternative standards based on the ISO-
RFID tags are often envisioned as a classification 18000-6.
replacement for UPC or EAN bar-codes,
having a number of important advantages In July 2004, the Food and Drug
over the older bar-code technology. RFID Administration issued a ruling that essentially
codes are long enough that every RFID tag begins a final review process that will
may have a unique code, while current UPC determine whether hospitals can use RFID
codes are limited to a single code for all systems to identify patients and/or permit
instances of a particular product. The relevant hospital staff to access medical
uniqueness of RFID tags means that a product records.
Also, the FDA recently approved the USA: FCC (Federal Communications
country's first RFID chips that can be Commission), Canada: DOC (Department of
implanted in humans. The 134.2 kHz RFID Communication)
chips, from VeriChip Corp., a subsidiary of
Applied Digital Solutions Inc., can Europe: ERO, CEPT, ETSI, and national
incorporate personal medical information and administrations. Note that the national
could save lives and limit injuries from errors administrations have to ratify the usage of a
in medical treatments, according to the specific frequency before it can be used in
company. The FDA approval was disclosed that country
during a conference call with investors.
Japan: MPHPT (Ministry of Public
Some in-home uses, such as allowing Management, Home Affairs, Post and
a refrigerator to track the expiration dates of Telecommunication)
the food it contains, have also been proposed,
but few have moved beyond the prototype China: Ministry of Information Industry
Oceania: Australian Communication
Another proposed application is the Authority, New Zealand Ministry of
use of RFID as intelligent traffic signals on Economic Development
the road (Road Beacon System or RBS).
More details in: [1]. Low frequency (LF: 125 - 134 KHz
and 140 - 148.5 KHz) and High-frequency
Regulation and standardization: (HF: 13.56 MHz) RFID tags can be used
There is no global public body that globally without a license. Ultra-high
governs the frequencies used for RFID. In frequency (UHF: 868 MHz-928 MHz) cannot
principle, every country can set its own rules be used globally as there isn’t one single
for this. The main bodies governing global standard. In North America, UHF can
frequency allocation for RFID are: be used unlicensed for 908 - 928 MHz, but
restrictions exist for transmission power. In
Europe UHF is under consideration for 865.6
- 867.6 MHz. Its usage is unlicensed for
869.40 - 869.65 MHz only, but restrictions
exist for transmission power. The North- Controversy:
American UHF standard (908-928 MHz) is How would you like it if, for instance,
not accepted in France as it interferes with its one day you realized your underwear was
military bandwidths. For China and Japan, reporting on your whereabouts? [2] -
there is no regulation for the use of UHF. California Senator Debra Bowen, at a 2003
Each application for UHF in these countries hearing
needs a site license, which needs to be RFID technology has been subject to
applied for at the local authorities, and can be controversy. The main concerns relate to
revoked. For Australia and New Zealand, 918 privacy, and include:
- 926 MHz for unlicensed use, but restrictions  Whether the purchaser of an item will be
exists for transmission power. aware of the presence of the tag or be
able to remove or deactivate it;
Additional regulations exist regarding  Whether the tag can be read at a distance
health and environmental issues. For without the knowledge of the
example, in Europe, the WEEE regulation individual;
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)  If a tagged item is paid for by credit card
does not allow for RFID tags to be thrown or in conjunction with use of a loyalty
away. This means that RFID tags in card, whether it would be possible to tie
cardboard boxes have to be removed before the unique ID of that item to the identity
disposing them. Additional health regulations of the purchaser
exist as well; see EMF (Electromagnetic
field). The standard proposed by EPCglobal
includes privacy-related guidelines for the use
Some standards that have been made of RFID-based EPC. These guidelines [3]
regarding RFID technology include: include the requirement to give consumers
clear notice of the presence of EPC and to
 ISO 10536 inform them of the choice that they have to
 ISO 14443 discard, disable or remove EPC tags. These
 ISO 15693 guidelines are non-binding.
 ISO 18000
Passports: false documents were valid, officially issued
A number of countries have proposed documents obtained for a false identity. That
to embed RFID devices in new passports, to is, the current weakness in the system is not
facilitate efficient machine reading of inspecting documents in the field, but
biometric data. Like all passports, the RFID- verifying identities before issuing documents.
enabled passport uniquely identifies its
holder, and in the proposal currently under Under the proposal, no information
consideration, the RFID tag will also include would be stored on the tag other than a
a variety of other personal information. number corresponding to the holder's
information in a database, only accessible by
Driver's Licenses: authorized personnel. Also, to deter identity
The US state of Virginia has thieves one would simply need to wrap ones
considered putting RFID tags into drivers' driver's license in aluminum foil.
licenses in order to make lookups faster for
Police Officers and other government
officials. The Virginia General Assembly also
hopes that by including the tags fake identity
documents would become much harder to
obtain. The proposal was first introduced in
the "Driver's License Modernization Act" of
2002, which lapsed without vote, but as of
2004 the concept is still under consideration
by a committee.

The idea was supposedly prompted by

the fact that several of the September 11
hijackers held fake Virginia drivers' licenses.
However the American Civil Liberties Union
has claimed that in addition to being a risk to
privacy and liberty, the proposal in fact would
not have hindered the hijackers, since all their

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