I.R.R - Internal Rate of Return Explained: Finance & Property Research Pty LTD
I.R.R - Internal Rate of Return Explained: Finance & Property Research Pty LTD
I.R.R - Internal Rate of Return Explained: Finance & Property Research Pty LTD
‘Internal Rate of Return’ – a term to strike fear in the hearts of many a tough (and successful)
businessmen. It’s built its own mystique while becoming a part of everyday language. It’s
used by many who don’t really understand it while hoping like crazy no-one will ask them to
explain it. (If you’re one of these then take this article home so your colleagues can’t see you
reading it).
This article points out how simple the concept of ‘Internal Rate of Return’ or IRR is. The
easiest way to do this is by example.
Suppose you invest a dollar today and get back $1.10 in a year’s time. What’s your rate of
return or your ‘Internal Rate of Return’? You’re right, it’s 10%.
Now what if you invest your dollar at 10% per year for three years? You get 10c dividend
each year plus your original 100c returned at the end of the third year. Let’s put that scenario
into an income stream:
To take this further, we now introduce the idea of Discount Rate. This is a measure of how much
more you prefer money now rather than later – say in a year or two.
If you’re prepared to accept a 10% return, that means you’re equally happy with 100c now or 110c
after one year. Or 100c now and 121c in two years. In other words, 110c after one year has a present
value to you of 100c. Or, 121c at the end of two years has a present value of 100c.
It also means that you would be equally happy with 10c after one year and 9.09c now since 9.09c
invested at 10% will yield 10c in one year (9.09 plus 10% equals 10c. Similarly, 8.265c in two years
has a present value of 10c now.
Lets apply these figures to our cash flow and look at our scenario in terms of present values (bottom
row of table below).
IRR Explained
You will notice that the present values add to zero. This means that your internal rate of return is 10%.
Yes, that’s all it is! The IRR tells you how hard your money is working for you over the period of the
Let’s go over what we have just discussed. We took the first year’s cash flow and divided it by 1.1 (i.e,
1 + 10%) to get its present value. We took the second year’s cash flow and divided it by 1.12 to get its
present value. And we divided the third year’s cash flow by 1.13 to get its present value.
Note that we could have used dollars, thousands of dollars or percentages instead of cents in the cash
flow and still got the same IRR.
Now for another scenario you wouldn’t bother working out by hand i.e. without Microsoft EXCEL or
End of Year
Invest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
What’s the internal rate of return here? This one’s much harder to work out because the income flow is
variable and, at the end of years 2 and 6, the managers have asked you to tip in 4 and 19 cents per unit.
But the answer is that the IRR is again 10%. In other words the above scenario results in the same IRR
as the one below, for which the IRR is (rather more obviously) 10%.
End of Year
Invest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
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Finance & Property Research Pty Ltd
IRR Explained
In Microsoft Excel:
For the example above with the varied cashflows, in a cell, type:
=IRR(C1:C9) <return>
where C1 = the initial investment (-100) and C9 = the final cash flow (147). Using the “:”
notation in the middle means all the other cashflows between the first and the last will
also be included.
If you’re still with us you’re way ahead of a lot of others. For a more in-depth understanding read on.
When we incur costs or make our initial investment our cash flow is negative. These negative figures
are discounted in the same way as the positives. So we end up with present values for negative cash
flow years and present values for positive cash flow years.
When the present value (‘PV’) for the positive cash flow years is the same as the PV from the negative
cash flow years, the discount rate used is the Internal Rate of Return.
End of year
Invest 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total
In practice the computer works out the IRR by randomly selecting an IRR figure, say 8%, and
calculating a PV which (in the above case) is positive. It then repeats this process with different
discount rates until it finds the discount rate which gives a PV of zero. It can do this in a fraction of a
second where it would take you or I hours to work out.
A present value that incorporates negative returns as well as positive returns, as in this example, is
sometimes called Net Present Value or NPV.
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Finance & Property Research Pty Ltd
IRR Explained
In the extreme example, the rate of return in some timber plantation investments is very
high in year 25 when trees are harvested. But there is no income in the first 24 years! An
IRR is essential to get a real perspective on rate of return.
What this shows is that returns in the early years are more important to IRRs than returns
in later years.
So beware of investments which show high rates of return in later years and publish these
figures (and not IRRs) in prospectuses. Always use the IRR for the most accurate
indication of return.
IRRs will tell you exactly how hard your money is working for you irrespective of the
pattern of income distributions over time. No other measure of return will do this.
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