Web Quest
Web Quest
Web Quest
I. Technology in Education
Author: Andrés Eliseo Subject Technological Education
N Nowadays, technology has became to be an interesting and
useful tool in our daily life. Wehave been obligated to walk
next to it, in order to succeed in this challenged life
otherswise, we are going to be like lost people in an
unknown world. So, in this opportunity students are going to
develop a helpful and technological task applied to
The required task consists in the creation of an educational
blog and wiki as well. In the educational blog, students have
to do five entries, all of them should have a relationship with
what has been told within the classroom about the use of
technological resources applied in education. While in the
educational blog,students have to do five entries as well.
However, in each entry students have to embed an
educational video and at the same time write What the video
is about? How important is it? What is it its purpose? and
How can it help us in the educational field?
Students have to make groups of three or four students to
work together in order to reach the task. Then, they should
have a computer connected to internet. They should to
check the webpages that the teacher gave them to lead
themselves. In the webpages students are going to find the
way how they are going to develop the task so, they have
not to worry about. Each webpage is oriented to help
students in the process. If students find any trouble in a step
of the task they already have the teacher email to ask him.
Each group will have 30 minutes to explain the task in front
of the class......
Over here it has provided to students with a number of
webpages which they have to use in order to develop the
task. All the webpages are important because each one has
a purpose to complete the task so, student need to check all
of them...
The teacher is going to evaluate the clearity of each entry.
The relationship that each entry has with what he asked
them.The impact of the video, if is it important or not? The
desscription of the video and so forth.... if they are on time
the day of the explanation of the task.
To develop this task will be a helpful challenge to the
students that later is going to help them in the daily life. After
that, students are not going to ignore how to create a wiki
and a blog because they have already done.... So, students
should to use technology in the education because will help
them in the future
Thaks to our teacher, Mr. Aparicio,we have learnt a lots
about technology throug him... So, It was possible to do this
webquest just with the knowledge that I got in Mr Aparicio
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