K.P.College of Engineering, Agra (2010-11) : Section A
K.P.College of Engineering, Agra (2010-11) : Section A
K.P.College of Engineering, Agra (2010-11) : Section A
Section A
Attempt any three of the following 3x4
Section B
Attempt all the questions 3x 6
Q 6. Define industrial relations. What are the main parties involved in an Industrial
Relations System?
Explain the concept of Industrial Relation. List the functions of the field of
Industrial Relations.
Q 7. Explain the different type of strikes. Differentiate between retrenchment and
Write short notes on :
(i) Mediation 1
(ii) Arbitration 1
(iii) Adjudication 3
Q8. Explain the model of grievance procedure with the help of appropriate flow