Comp Plan Chapter 2
Comp Plan Chapter 2
Comp Plan Chapter 2
Chapter 2 – Land Use
Land Use is considered by most people to be the heart of the
Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan serves to coordinate
public and private decisions that affect the physical development
of Winfield. By establishing a vision for the future, the plan strives
to create a desirable pattern of development toward which present
activities can be directed.
The Land Use Plan designates areas as low density residential, low-
medium density residential, suburban and high density commercial
and public land uses. The designation of these areas is based on the
following underlying principles:
This chapter sets the policies and guiding principles for the
future development of the Town, based upon accepted growth
management and “smart growth” principles. Development trends
and their land use implications for the future are considered. Finally,
recommended changes to land use will be discussed and goals,
objectives and action strategies to be pursued in implementing the
land use plan are set forth in this document.
Growth Management
The concept of growth management has been around since the
1970’s and is an extremely complex issue. Growth management has
often been misguided and used in ways to attempt to limit or control
growth. Instead, growth in Winfield should be shaped in such a
manner as to benefit the entire community. How the Town responds
and attempts to guide or “manage” growth and the form of that
growth is the issue. Growth can either be beneficial or detrimental.
Winfield, through its development policies, can influence the
quality, rate and timing of development.
Existing and future land use patterns will directly affect the
provision of services. Transportation, schools, utilities, parks
and recreation, and public safety are all affected by land use
development patterns. As such, the following growth management
principles should guide Winfield’s planning and development
spreads development costs to all who benefit;
Current Land Use Analysis
The overwhelming majority of land in Winfield is zoned R-1 and the
nature of the growth in Winfield since the 1970’s has been single family
residential subdivisions. Zoning efforts in the Town are relatively
recent. The current Zoning and Subdivision Ordinance were enacted
on September 6, 1994. Significant effort was made when creating the
required Zoning Map to honor prior land uses to the extent possible.
However some existing uses became and continue to be nonconforming
in nature. A copy of the current zoning map is attached as (Attachment
2-1). The following table delineates the breakdown of existing zoning
classifications in Winfield.
Commercial land uses in the Town can be classified in one of two categories:
C-1 (Suburban Commercial) and C-2 (High Density Commercial). A vast
majority of the commercial uses in Town are clustered around Route 817.
Many of them were constructed prior to the adoption of Zoning in Winfield
and they are neither located nor designed to any particular Town standard.
Many parcels of land in Winfield are dedicated to public use. Winfield is the
County Seat of Putnam County and houses a substantial government complex
in the center of town. Winfield also has three schools (Winfield Elementary,
Winfield Middle and Winfield High), a sewage treatment plant, a Town Hall
and Community Center, and a City Park. These uses are long established and
are not likely to change in the future. As can be seen on the attached Zoning
Map (Attachment 2-1) the underlying Zoning on these parcels is R-1.
Land Use Plan
The overall land use plan for the Town includes specific land use
categories and indicates that development within each of these areas
should be based on a comprehensive approach that provides the
mechanism to look at the overall benefits and impacts of a particular
development, as opposed to a parcel by parcel basis.
All of the area plans have been designed with the intent of incorporating
“smart growth” concepts into the plans. Smart growth is a term for
policies that integrate transportation and land use decisions into one plan.
The components of smart growth include the following:
• Foster Dis!nc!ve, A%rac!ve Communi!es with a Strong Sense of Place - Smart
growth encourages communi!es to cra& a vision and set standards for develop-
ment and construc!on, which respond to community values of architectural
beauty and dis!nc!veness, as well as expanded choices in housing and trans-
• Make Development Decisions Predictable, Fair and Cost Effec!ve - For a com-
munity to be successful in implemen!ng smart growth, it must be embraced by
the private sector.
• Mix Land Uses - Smart growth supports the integra!on of various land uses into
the community as a cri!cal component of achieving be%er places to live.
• Preserve Open Space, Natural Beauty and Cri!cal Environmental Areas - Open
space preserva!on supports smart growth goals by bolstering local economies,
preserving cri!cal environmental areas and improving quality of life within the
Those who consult the Land Use Plan should keep in mind the following:
• Boundaries of areas designated for specific land uses should be considered gen-
eral and approximate;
• The plan is a statement of long range goals for achieving land use changes.
Current uses that are in conflict with the plan will not change immediately, but
must be changed over!me; and
• The Land Use Map cannot simply be u!lized by itself to make development de-
cisions, but must be consulted and used in conjunc!on with specific area plans,
chapters of the plan, the goals, objec!ves policies and implementa!on strate-
gies within the plan, as well as other planning documents.
The Winfield Future Land Use Map (See Attachment 2-2) is the
graphic representation of proposed land uses in the Comprehensive
Plan. The Land Use Map identifies the following general land use
designations: low density residential, low-medium density residential,
suburban and high density commercial and public land uses. Each is
discussed below:
Area Analysis - Future Land Use Map
The por!on of Winfield between the Kanawha River and Winfield Road
contains a series of residen!al subdivisions and single family dwellings
and is planned predominantly for Low Density Residen!al Development.
Also included are a few nonconforming businesses fron!ng upon Win-
field Road and Winfield Middle and High Schools.
• Old Town Winfield-Sco" Lane to Bridge
The Old Town por!on of Winfield located south of Winfield Road currently
contains a mix of small residen!al lots and older business housed in repur-
posed and nonconforming structures. Current zoning is split between the R-1
and C-2 districts. The land use plan designates that area between Third Street
and Winfield Road bounded by Sco% Lane and Walters Street for Suburban
and High Density Commercial Areas. Flexibility in design that integrates and
encourages a mixture of commercial uses should be encouraged. The part of
Old Town located north of Winfield Road contains the historic Putnam County
Courthouse and Hoge House, both of which are included in a County Govern-
ment Complex that is currently unregulated by Town Ordinances. Frontage
along both the northern and southern faces of Winfield Road in Old Town re-
mains essen!ally unchanged since the mid 1900s.
• Southern Sec!on- South of CR817 Ridgeline to Winfield Southern Cor-
porate Limits
• Western Sec!on-River to Ridgeline Bridge to Western Corporate Limits
The western por!on of Winfield located south of Winfield Road contains a mix
of subdivisions, some commercial development, Winfield Elementary School
and Winfield Town Park. Several parcels north of Winfield Road remain un-
developed. The areas between the River and CR 817 along with those parcels
abu$ng it to the south are planned for Suburban and High Density Commer-
cial uses. The remaining southern por!on of this sec!on is planned for Low
Density Residen!al Development.
Ensure that adequate infrastructure, services and growth areas are available
to the citizens of Winfield by:
Goal 2-1 Identifying and planning for the physical expansion of Winfield
through the creation and implementation of an annexation plan that will
result in the normalization of Winfield’s town boundaries and will guide in
appropriately locating beneficial expansion/growth areas
• Task 2-1.2 – Seek out new funding partners, both public and private, to
share in growth-related costs that are not directly a"ributable to new
• Task 2-1.6 – strive for a sustainable, long-term rate of growth and de-
velop implementa!on mechanisms to ensure development does not
unduly burden Winfield’s infrastructure and services
Goal 2-2 Continue to create, review and refine policies, regulations, and
procedures to ensure that all new development meets Winfield’s high quality
development standards
• Task 2-2.1 - Rewrite the Winfield Subdivision Ordinance to bring it into com-
pliance with the Comprehensive Plan and to address other needed changes
• Task 2-2.2 - Rewrite the Winfield Zoning Ordinance to bring it into compli-
ance with the Comprehensive Plan and to address other needed changes
• Task 2-2.3 - Prepare and adopt a Design Guidelines Manual to ensure that
new development meets Winfield’s design standards