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STEM csus


The body can


produce its own

stein cells in the (Iuantity it needs

and direct then} to wherever thev're


required, as long as

a sufficient number of silver ions ere present ill the bloodstream.

by Marvin-Lee Robey © 2008

Email: rOOeysilver@verizon.net Websites: htlp:/Iwww.live-silver.c.om http://www.candid-x.com

JUNE - JULY 2008


A Modem Healing Miracle

We continually pick up !he newspaper or IWD on the news and hear about tbe latest research on producing "stem cells". It may therefore come as quite a surprise to many to find that some of the leading medical researchers have proven that the highest-quality stem cells tan be easily produced, both artificially and where and when needed. Not only wI, but it has been proven that !.he human body and the animal body can predict exactly the number of stem cells needed to heal a wound. Under the right conditions. the body can produce exactly that number. use them all and have no extra left overl Amazing! Still more surprising is that you can -easily do the same thing yourself at bome.

It So wbat is the big posh for stem cells all about? The real search is for a stem cell production process that can be patented and thereby controlled and sold for a huge amount of .money by the drug companies. If these companies can patent the process of producing these stem cells and then store, ship and inject tbero according to complex procedures and make big money in the process, and if the knowledge of how to produce them can be kepi out of the hands of the common people, they can hold the fear of life or deatb over the sick: and injured and dole the cells out at their price. They are dJe wizards holding the

wands of healing. .

NormalJy a cell can only reproduce as the kind of cell it is. A skin cell can only reproduce itself as another skin cell. but only of the skin layer thaI it is from. A bean cell can only reproduce a heart cell, A stem cell is a cell that luis no tissue signature. II can become a skin cell. a heart cell, a lung cell, a bone cell, etc. It can become anything.

To understand tbe subject better, you need 10 know the differen.ce between stem cells, - undifferentiated cells and dedifferentiated cells. Stem cells have not become any particular type of cells. They usually come from an embryo, a foetus or an umbilical cord. Undifferentiated cell come from bone marrow, primarily from tbe femur. Dedifferentiated cells are cells that have been differentiated as red blood cells, skin cells. muscle cells, etc., but have changed into uniliffetentialed cells. Now they can become any type of cells needed. The only differc:ucc with the three types is their b_j tory. They are all the sam as stem cells and have !he DNA of the donor. For tbc sake of simplicity, they will all be called "stem cells" herein. except where the difference is important to understanding the subject

Some pareats have produced an embryo for the sole purpose of providing stem cells for a member of the family. Laboratories routinely produce embryos for making stem cells. The use of embryos and foetuses to source stem cells has become 3. hotly debated issue. The embryo may be killed in order to obtain the stem cells, which then can be used in other humans if the DNA is close enough match.

The DNA is a big problem in thaI it is foreign 10 the stem cells recipient. A stem ceU is Ijke a donated organ: the immune system tends to rejeGt it, therefore the immune system must usually be suppressed in order to accept it. And like a donated organ, lbe tem cell reproduces with its still-foreign DNA and the recipient's immune system will probably have to be suppres ed indefinitely. .

A strong immunc system is certainly one of our most valuable assets. One or our highest goals bealthwise is to build bwng immune system. Are we then to rrMie our immune ysrern ~ r the truly fantasric healing quality of tem cells and become permanently deptodent on medication as a replacement for our immune system?

The body bas some undifferentiated cells coming from the bone marrow and other tissues



Dr Becker showed that in the presence of sufficient silver ions, the body would produce all the stem cells it needed.

Without the silver, it could not do so.

all the time, So. in some hospiml , doctors are experimeanng with separaling these cells out of their patients' blood and making an embryo from the nucleus of each cell for implantation or freezing the cells and saving tbem for planned futuro use. It' very Oltpcnsive process. However, assuming these cells are not damaged during freezing, they are of the patieots' own DNA and the process has produced some impressive results, These ~tem cells can then be injtCred where needed. But this process can be expensive and time oon uming-and the patients may DOl bave mucb time left.

Recently, scientists in WicoDsin and Japan have reported succcs in taking orne cell from a patient and injecting a genetically altered virus into them to produce cell which bell vo almost like tem cells and have the DNA of the patient. But so far, the cells thus produced are not the same as the patient' and it is doubtfuJ thaI we will ever be sure th:It they are. Will !hey then reproduce defective cells?

It seems Ibat without stem cells, the body can only heal by the tissue growing from the existing tissue of the same kind. Where a lot of ti ue i missing, the beating tissoo must grow from wbat is stln there. Thus. where a large patch of skin is missing, the wound must beaJ from the edges inward, In an

effort to heal where proper healing is nOI possible, scar tissue develops. Scar tissue is composed of deformed cells. and when they are worn out !.hey reproduce themselves in the deformed condition. Thus scars usually last indefmite.ly.

BUI there is a solution.

The Silver Magic Wand

You can make as many of your own dedifferentiated cell as yon Deed! And they will contain your own DNA. It is very implc and easy. In the presence of silver ions, produced by "Bredig' process", the body dedifferentiates as many cells as it needs!

In his co-authored best-seller The Body Electric (1985) Doted orthopaedic surgeon and re earcb scientist Robert O. Becker. MD. reviews his experiments in attempting to regenerate full limb in human . Although he rao out of research funds before he succeeded in fully accomplishing this, be did establish much in understanding healing processes. Basically, in seven years of research he found that a v ry low DC electrical current, run between 8 positive electrode and a negative electrode, produced a healing effect in bones. He experimented with everal metals for his eieceodes: gold, pLatinum, titanium, stainless steel and ilver, TIle results with the silver were many time. s more effective than with any of the others. He proceeded to experiment to find out why. His findings were that the DC electrical current was drawing positive

ilver ions off the po iii e electrode, and thai it was the silver ions thai increased the healing so dramatically. Dr Becket showed that ill the presenc« of ~ufficitml silver ions. lilt body would product all IIII! stem cells if Medtd. Without the silver, ir could Dot do so.

The technique known as "Bredig's process", inv ted by Georg Bredig in tne I 80s. is the basic method by which I produce th product that I call "Colloidal Ionic Silver".

Medical cience InSISts that a fed blood cell cannot dedifferentiate because it bas no nucleus. That seems like an obvious conclusion. Dr Becker wa of this opinion to begin wi~ yet, when he studied the changes in tbe productio.o of stem cells in fine increments, he found that mosr of the stem cells came from red blood cellsl An extended study revealed that a red blood cell has a nucleus before becoming a red blood cell In the process of dedifferentiating, !he red blood cell fU'St redevelops its nucleus and then becomes dedifferentiated. Thus, when :I scab forms over a wound it has aU the potential cell. to dediffureoMu:. bul commonly these cells do not do so. However, in the presence of silver, they do dedi.ffccentiate.

In TIle &dy Electric. Dr Becker devotes 3 whole cbapter. "The SiJver Wand", to the effects of "the amazing silver ion". The ·silver wand" be refers to is his silver eteeeoee. On page 175, Dr Becker states: "We may have only scratched the surface of

positive iJvec's medical brilliance. AIready it's an amazing tool. It stimulate boneforming cells, cures the most stubborn infections of all kinds of bacteria and stimulates bealing in skill and other soft tissues .... rnb0re may be other marvels latent in this magic caduceus... Whatever its

precise mode of action may be, the electrically generated silver ion can produce enough cells fOI human blastemas [the material that is produced from stem cells and becomes the healthy healed tissue]; it has restored my belief that fun regeneration of limbs, and perbaps other body parts, can be accompli bed in huD'llUlS ••• ~

Note that Dr Becker makes the cleat statement that, with silver, "the technique IIlllkcs it possible to prodoce large numbers of dedifferentiated cells(page 175). Note also that these "dedifferentiated cells" (stem cells) would be of the patient's own D A. If this is true (and 1 will how further evidence that it is), then why all the struggle to produce stem cells from embryo -and with the associated moral questions as well a . expensive: techniques? Could it be because it is so simple and safe that anyone can do it. even at bome? 11 is already be.ing dent by thousands of people in the alternative health field without thciJ realising it. If the common people ever wake up to this. tht medical establishment will lose billions of dollars.

Dr Becker describes in d~liil the healing of various patienu with multiple infections of the bone and flesh that were no treatable by conventional medical practices but responde, dramatically to these "silver ions", the product resulting froD Btedjg's process. He has wnuen/co-wriuee several papers 8m books on th.is subject, e.g., R. O. Becker and J. A. Spadaro "Treatment of Orthopedic Infections with Electric lly Generate> Silver Ions: A preliminary rep-ort", J Bone Join! Sura Am 197 (X;t; 60(7):871-81.

Stem Cells and Cancer Treatment

Cancer researcher Gary Smith, MD, independe(\tly arrived at similar conclusion from researching cancer. In an unpubli.she letter, he states: "Success [in cancer tn:atmentl depends on silvc




infected. If he was not taken to the horse hospital immediately to bave the bone scraped and the wound thoroughly cleaned, the horse would not survive, Even tben, he said. this would leave only a thin layer of tissue over the bone. with a depressed and scarred area and no hair. The horse would be ruined. The v t gave the owner an estimate of $28.000 to save the animal. but tbe owner could not afford Ibis bigh cost. Instead. the owner flushed out the wound wilh a garden bose, poured hydrogen peroxide from the grocery store inlO it, Ilusbed OUl the wound again with a garden bose. and then flooded il with 20 ppm "ionic silver". A large wad of cotton was soaked with this solution. packed into the hole and held in place with an elastic bandage. The OWDct did this every day until the wound healed. The horse completely recovered, with not the slightest ign of a scar. and the hair grew back natumUy.

Looking at figur 1. you can see the bealing well under way

The Power of the Medical 11 ,.----------------.;;._--, with what Dr Becker de cribes as

Establishment "the granular growth over the bone"

Jf we already know how to "She changed the dressing daily and even the "pink carpet", The new

produce stem cells easily and with d · ed th dressi muscle has grown over the bone and

the patient's own DNA. then why an I moisten e ressmg it is 'also filling in from the sides,

aren't the scicnti Is and doctors several times each day with ionic with no scar tissue. Note that almost

producing and using lhem this way? I both ed no infection formed at any time, and

Dr Becker throws some light on this si ver. We were amaz the little that did was quickJy treated.

subject. Despite hi most careful and how fast the wound healed. One day. the fllly chewed off tbe

well-documented research OVC( a bandage. flies got into the wound and

period of even years. the medical Instead of taking months to heal, the wound was black with fly

establishment in general refused to this time it took 16 days. II faeces--but that infection cleared up

pay any serious attention to his in a couple of days with no problems.

amazing results. Dr Becker suggest In figure 2, you can see that the

one reason for !.hi is because of early ...... .. wound has almost healed. 1be white

research, going back far as 200 years ago, where researchers spots on the hair are from hydrogen peroxide bleaching. The

using electrical currents in tberapy were ridiculed and denied any evidence is clear that the wound wa healed by stem cells

examination of their work. Tb ir research was completely produced by the ·silv~ ions", Dr Becker describes. In figure 3

unrelated to the chemical concepts of the day. Since electrical [.not shown here]. there is no sign of where the injury was. Even

therapy in it then form bad its problems. improved version. are upon close examinati n, lhere is no way to tell where the wouod

rejected without consideration in this "enlightened" age. (ndeed, wa . The horse shows no limp or favouritism to the leg. Jt is as

the history of science i full of stories of "new developments" though the injury never happened. The horse was trained and

received with great enthusiasm bUI which had been made public ridden as a yearling and is now being trained as ajumper,

long. long ago-tbe scieati ts of that time denigrated. thoir work refused examination.

Another fC2SOD why new research i not accepted hy the medical profession is that virtually all the information doctors and legislators get conceming health topics comes from drug companies. Any idea tbat tbe oommon people can easily and safely produce and use their own stem cells is oompletely repugnant to the entire scientific' DlewcaJ/phannaceutical est blishment. rt would cost the establishment billions of dollars.

in the person' body. Wh.en silver is present. tbe cancer cells dedif/ertflli.ate and the body is restored... When silver level are ... ace-existent, the cancer growth rate ... continues ... because the cells cannot dedifferentiate ... I suspect a silver deficiency i possibly one of the reasons cancer exists and is increasing at such a rapid rare, M (Emphasis added.)

Dr Smith suggests thaI it is naJuraI to have enough silver in the body to produce all the stem cells we need, and that we do not have

that silver beea our food is grown or raised on depleted land.

A lot of the experimentation in stem cells at present is in the treatment of cancer; and th results are reponed to be dramatic. We are now being told thaI the main problem is in obtaining sufficient stem cells to treat cancers. Some researchers are now collecting stern cells from cancer patients in a series or processes, freezing the the cells and then using them in later cancer treatment.

ase Studies with Silver

Outside of medical research. wh t evidence do we have that thi "ionic silver' wiIJ produce stem cell ? We have reports on the experience of many users,

A good example is the injury to the thoroughbred filly shown in figures 1,2 and 3. She ripped a hole, everal inches in diameter. all the way to the bone. The vet

aid tbat the bone would certainly be

JUNE - JULY 2008



ionic silver. We were both amazed how fast thc wound healed. Instead of taking months to beaJ, tbis time it took 16 days. And, instead of a large scar. there wa only a narrow reddened line where !he injury bad been. After several months the kin in the area of the wound has returned to normal, Unless you knew whete 1 injured my arm, you would not be able to see where the wound had been ... "

I have received a number of similar stories to these, but no accompanying pictures. I did receive word from a pig farmer in Japan that he bad excessive ~ths in his pigs and SQ began giving them "ionic silver", This brought the death rate way down. bur also unexpectedly increased their growth rate dramatically. A a result, another pig fanner in Korea tried the silver in the drinking water of his pigs and his report was identical. Is this due to the stem cells produced, or to the killing of the trichinosis 0 common in pigs? I don't know. However, a couple of backyard

gardeners have experimented with using the silver on tomatoes. One of them repons thar the treated tomato plants grew to three times the size of otherwise identical tomatoes. producing three times as many tomatoes than the untreated plant: the tomatoes were three limes tbc weight individually and of better quality than the untreated. is this due to stem cell production? Certainly these cases prove nothing, but they do raise questions and hint at lIle

. possibility that stem ceIJ are produced in the same way in plants and animals.

History and Science of Silver

Silver has been recorded through history as a preventive and 3S a treatment for disease. Silver "scalpels" were used in surgery by tile ancient Egyptians. Copper was said to produce an uncontroll.able decay of the flesb. and a wound from a copper sword was dreaded. During the Crusades. the knights carried a silver cup with them which many drank from, and it was said that a person could not catch a disease from another by drinking out of the same silver cup. Most of the super-wealthy used silver tableware. e\'eI1 though they could have bad gold and even though the silver tarnished and the gold did not. Before the days of refrigeration. it was common to put a silver coin in a bottle of

Figure 2. The Illy's wound considerably healed.

Another case of interest is t.bnl of Betty S. of Huntington Beach, California (see figurc4). In her words: - ... AI age 89 my skin has become very thin and my body no longer heals as fast as it used to. l stumbled and eraped my arm against Ibe wall, cau ing an abrasion about ~ inches long aod ~ inch wide [6.4 and 1.9 ern]. It bled heavily. A medical aide changed the dressing and applied antibiotic cream daily. It took nearly four months to finally beat and left a large scar the size of the original wound.

"About two month after the first injury healed I 'tumbled again, causing :1 second wound of nearly the same size as the first. This lime the medical aide used your ionic silver instead of antibiotic cream to treat the wound. She changed the dressing daily and 1 moistened the dressing several times each ~Y with

2nd wound:

'/. size of 1st wound. Treated with "ionic silver'. Took 16 days to heal. Almost no scar.

1st wound:

2.5 in. by % in.

Standard medical treatment with antibiotic ointment.

Took 120+ days to heal.

Large scar.

Figure 4. Betty'S arm wounds: The wound on the right was treated by a doctor, but took 120 days to heal and left a huge scar. On the left, a similar-sized wound, treated with Live Silver", healed in 16 days with little scarring.



JUNE - JULY 2008

milk 10 provent spoiling. Untjj very recent times, doctors used the bacteria". nd that i what antibiotics lend to do. The use of

silver when necessary to hold bones t gcther and to cover holes in antibiotics often results in the Idlling of essential bacteria in lh.e

the skull. digestive system and probably other pans of the body. For its

Almost 200 years ago, doctors learned that they could grind chemical production, the liver often uses certain bacteria. just as

silver into a fine powder, much like flour, and u e it to treat the pharmaceutical companies do. Antibiotics leill

olbelwise incurable diseases such as syphilis. Doctors usually in.discriminately.

avoided using it, however. because it commooly produced argyrea, While the medical doctors treated fungi and viruses effectively

a pennancnt bluing of the sk:in. iJver nitrate was also commonly with silver before the days of antibiotic. , once antibiotics entered

used as a disinfectant.. The negative nitrate ion Is poisonous. the picture the medical ficld then took the position that vim e

Around 1880, scientist Georg .8redig developed a process for and (uogi 3l'C untreatable, They gave their antibiotics to patients

producing a much superior product by placing two silver for viruses, although 311 official positions were that antibiotic

electrode underwater, causing an elcctrical arc between the would not treat viruses. In more recent times, \be drug companies

electrodes. He used a very high voltage (thousands of volt) 10 have developed antifungal products, but these are well known to

produce this arc, which ale away the silver to form a silver colloid be very h rd on the liver and of minor effect. Even such

of very small particle size in a positive ionic form (an ion is an substances as iodine and mercurochrome kill indiscriminately and

clectrically charged atom). This product did DOt cause argyria and usually attack the n h to some degree. The right silver product,

was much more effective than the powdered ,....- -, instead. is very healing.

silv or ilver nitrate. Brcdik! silver did ha two disadvantage • however. Pirst, the extremely bigh voltage could be quite dangerous, especially around water, Second,

!.be process was extremely slow.

As a result, the pharmaceutical companies preferred to produce and sell more easily obtainable silver salts, preferably silver nitrate. They went 0 far as to convince everal governments to bring in legislation requiring il to be used in every newborn baby's eyes. to prevent blindaess caused by infection from the mother during birth. How ver, ilver nitrate bas severe problems, It attacks the flesh and staias everything it touches black, the stain being vcry hard to remove. 11 bad to be used carefully or it would attack the eyes and itself produc a permanent blindness. Some people believed it alway damaged a baby' eyes 10 ome extent, and it was often said that a baby treated with it had duller ey than tho not treated.

The continued use of silver nifrate and occasionally ground sliver by doctors

gave silver a bad reputation, and it was coosidered a treaun nt of more or les last resort. Then came the antibiotics with a huge push from the drug companies. White the silver could treat almost every strain of bacteria, viroses and fungi effectively, the new antibiotics treated only certain bacteria. An exact diagnosi was often required before the proper antibiotic could be prescribed

Tile silver had another very strange and desirable quality which the antibiotics did not; it was very selective in tbe bacteria it killed. It distinguished between the beneficial and the uofriendly bacteria and only ltilled the unfriendly bacteria. Unfortunately, tbe medical field took up Pasteu(s fanding about bacteria and their relationship to disea and built tbeir unquestioned science around disease as a product of bacteria. Their general attitude was that all bacteria are to be avoided,

II is DOW wclJ known that many bacteria are essential to good beaJtb. It is also known thaI very few bacteria will cause disease unles som thing in Ole person is badly out of balence, There is far more money in treating the symptoms of disease than in treating the cause. StiU, the general attitude of doctors is to ·1011

There is far more money in treating the symptoms of disease than in treating the cause.

Still, the general attitude of doctors is to IIkili the bacteria", and th.at is what antibiotics tend

to do.

Developments in Production

In more recent times. a process of

producing "ionic silver" by a very-lowvoltage current has been developed. I have been working to improve this procedure or 14 years. It is a very safe ver ion of Bredig's process. Unfortunately, it has one problem: if water containing any impurilie j used, the ilver often combines with the impuritie to produce unde irable produc > t without the impurities. the water will not conduct the necessary electrical current to produce the llver in the water.

A a result, many people arc producing a product by tbi means. using common table alt 8S an electrolyte. Thi largely produces silver chloride. which is ill oluble in water and therefore collects in the tissues. When used in large amounts. silver chloride wHl produce tbat discolourarion of the skin known as argyria. Perhaps you have een pictures of -the blue mao" 01) TV or in the news. H was producing his silver in this manner and drinking it like water over a long period of time.

Another common form i II. "silver protein", a mixmre of silver and gelatin or other protein. It i often used by medical researebers because it is convenient for them, whiJe the prodnction of highqu:aJity "ionic silver" is not. Silver proteins can be produced ca ily and Cheaply in high coocentratioos. They are often promoted as having very high parts per million and there ore assumed to be very effective. The high concentrati n is largely the protein rather than the silver conten Therefore, the surface area covered by the silver is small, reducing lhe effectiveness.

For 14 years, my daughter and 1 have been selling an automated "ionic silvct' generator which worXs quite well using only distilled water. We have sold well over 6,000 of these, and not one customer bas ever complained of any disoolou:ratioo of the skin. We talk on the phone with customers a huge part of the time and

JUNE - JULY 2008

Cnntimred on p.'~I' 110



Continued fron) ['IISI' 37

Stem Cells: The Silver Connection

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