PEMF Machine Destroys Parasitic Infections
PEMF Machine Destroys Parasitic Infections
PEMF Machine Destroys Parasitic Infections
The famous Miracle PEMF machine can treat and eradicate Parasitic Infections.
New Lenox, Il, 1/1/2016 -- At one time, not that long a go if a person had Paras
.html) In Humans and or Parasitic Infection one would need to seek a medical doc
tor. The treatment from a medical doctor are pharmaceutical medications. However
, the medication does not always work. Many times it partially helps the symptom
s. Other times the Parasites would return.
An alternative to the standard medical industry treatment one could seek treatme
nt fro a holistic machine called a Rife machine. Now here is some really good ne
ws. A company called Miracle Alternatives, LLC has developed and sells a "pulsed
electro magnetic field" machine. Also referred to as a (PEMF) machine.
The (PEMF) Machine offered by Miracle Alternatives, LLC is called the Miracle PE
MF Machine. The machine offers three different applicators for treating Parasiti
c Infection condition but hundreds of other unwanted even life threatening healt
h conditions.
The Miracle PEMF Machine includes a full-size body therapy mattress, 2 highly po
wered electrodes and a high-powered laser.
The Miracle PEMF Machine is so technology advanced, it is so versatile, and so p
owerful that it not only treats and attempts to eradicate Parasitic Infections b
ut it can be used to treat hundreds of other unwanted health conditions. A list
of other unwanted health conditions are listed below;
Pain Relief * Alzheimers Disease * Amyotropic Lateral Sclerosis * Arthritis * As
thma * Atherosclerosis * Bone Healing * Bronchitis * Burns * Cervical Osteoarthr
itis * Osteoarthritis * Chronic Venous Insufficiency * Dental Problems * Depress
ion * Diabetes * Elbow Pain * Endometriosis/Endometritis * Epilepsy * Eye Disord
ers * Facial Nerve Neuropathy/Paralysis * Fibromyalgia * Glaucoma * Gynecology *
Headache * Hearing Loss * Heart Disease * Herpetic Stomatitis * Hypertension *
Insomnia * Kidney Failure/Inflammation/Stones * Knee Pain * Laryngeal Inflammati
on * Leprosy * Limb Lengthening * Liver/ Hepatitis * Lupus Erythematosus * Lymph
adenitis * Mandibular Osteomyelitis * Maxillofacial Disorders * Migraine * Enhan
ces Meditation * Multiple Sclerosis * Muscle Rehabilitation * Muscular Dystrophy
* Neck Pain * Nerve Regeneration * Neuropathy * Optic Nerve Atrophy * Osteochon
drosis * Osteoporosis * Pain * Pancreatitis * Parkinson*s Disease * Paroxysmal D
yskinesia * Pelvic Pain * Peptic - Duodenal Ulcer * Periodontitis * Peripheral N
europathy * Pneumonia * Poisoning * Detoxification * Parasites In Humans * Paras
itic Infection * Post-Mastectomy * Post-Polio Syndrome * Post-Herpetic Pain * Pr
ostatitis * Pseudoarthrosis * Psoriasis *preventative Health Care * Rheumatoid A
rthritis * Schizophrenia * Seasonal Affective Disorder * Shoulder Pain * Sinusit
is * Sleep * Insomnia * Spinal Cord Injury * Stomach Ulcers * Stroke * Tendoniti
s * Tinnitus * Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation * Trophic Ulcer * Tubal Pregnan
cy * Tuberculosis * Urinary Incontinence * Urinary Inflammation * Trauma * Uteri
ne Myoma * Vasomotor Rhinitis * Vestibular Dysfunction * Whiplash * Wound Healin
g * osteoporosis * Wrinkles * Post Traumatic Stress Disorder * Erectile Dysfunct
ion Disorder * Chakra Energy Balancing Osteoporosis * Helps Reduce Chemotherapy
Side Effects Such As Nausea Bone And Muscle Strengthening
For additional information please contact: James Matthew at Miracle Alternatives
, LLC by phone (1.888.870.5581), Fax (1.815.854.4601) or email (
You will also find further information on our web site at http://MiracelAlternat
Summary: To learn more about the amazing Miracle PEMF machine visit product webs
ite. There you can read full descriptions, read customer testimonials, and watch
product video demonstrations.
About Miracle Alternatives, LLC: Miracle Alternatives, LLC has been in business
since 2013.
Legal disclaimer: Miracle Alternatives, LLC.
The success stories are representative outcomes. However, there are no guarantee
s, promises, representations and/or assurances concerning the level of future re
sults. Furthermore Miracle Alternatives, LLC does not claim and or guarantee the
products they sell will prevent or cure any type of sickness, illness, pain, vi
rus and diseases.
James Matthew
Miracle Alternatives, LLC