The Science of PEMF PDF
The Science of PEMF PDF
The Science of PEMF PDF
His mind wanders incredibly complex worlds of eleven dimensions and he is trying
to complete Einstein's unfinished masterpiece: a 'theory of everything'. Meet one
of the world's leading theoretical physicists, Michio Kaku, a founder of string field
theory and a man as charming as he is imposing.
The Synchronized Universe - A new scientific revolution!
Physicist Dr. Claude Swanson, educated at MIT and Princeton
University, describes the latest discoveries in Energy Medicine.
The Synchronized Universe Model (S.U.M.)
Assumes that all the particles in the universe interact with one another.
Local electrons are tied to distant matter via photons. The “virtual photons” in
space are assumed to be created by the motions of other electrons. Most of them
are created by the “distant matter” which contains almost all the matter of the
The seemingly random “zig zag” dance they do is not random – it is really the
communication between it and the distant matter – a purposeful, intimate and
conscious dance with one another.
Momentum and energy that is created here (locally) is absorbed there
(universally) and vice versa, virtually instantaneously, able to travel backward in
time as well as forward.
Photons which travel backwards in time are called “advanced waves”, and are a
perfectly valid solution of Maxwell’s Equations which govern electromagnetism.
(from pgs 241 – 242 of The Synchronized Universe – Claude Swanson, PhD)
Conscious Creation
The law of gravity + the law of energy + The law of observation
The Law of Attraction is one of the most powerful laws governing the energy of
the universe. Whether or not we understand it, like gravity, it affects our lives
without fail and without discrimination.
The law of attraction operates upon the vibration of our thoughts, with “like
attracting like”. Wherever we place our attention, energy and focus, with the
corresponding emotional state or “feelings” about it… those frequencies will
vibrationally attract the same of its kind.
Applying the Law deliberately to attract what we want in our lives is a practice of
Conscious Creation through our thought process. It teaches the use of ‘attention’
and ‘intention’ to deliberately attract higher vibrations to enhance the quality of
our lives…
Backster Effect – experiment postulating that plants can communicate with other
lifeforms. By measuring the rate at which water rises from a philodendron's root into
its leaves, using a polygraph to record altered electrical resistance signals
from the plant taking up the water – surprisingly the graph tracing began to
show a pattern typical of the response you get when you subject a human
to emotional stimulation of short duration".
Now It has been proven that a “sick” cell radiates something, and when a
healthy cell receives this radiation, it too becomes sick (Kaznachayev, 1967, 1981,
1982). The opposite also occurs, sick cells can be brought back to health
with radiation from healthy cells.
Can this explain “energy healing”? Source, strength and intention of the
energy being radiated?
(from p. 234 of The Synchronized Universe – Claude Swanson, PhD)
Dr. Bruce Lipton is an internationally recognized leader
in bridging science and spirit.
The new sciences quantum physics and epigenetics
are revolutionizing our understanding of the link
between mind and matter.
By retraining our minds to create healthy beliefs, we
can change the physiology of our trillion-celled bodies.
We’re living the end of time. Not the end of the world, but the end of a world
age – a 5,125 year cycle of time – and the way we’ve known the world through
out that time. The present world began in 3,113 B.C. and will end in A.D. 2012.
Because the end of anything also marks the beginning of what comes next,
we’re also living the start of what follows the end of time: the next world age,
which ancient traditions called the great cycle.
Solar Storms – increasing activity and intensity thru 2012
Image provided by NASA, taken
Sunday night, Jan. 22, 2012,
shows a solar flare erupting on
the Sun's northeastern
hemisphere. Space weather
officials say the strongest solar
storm in more than six years is
already bombarding Earth with
radiation with more to come.
Scientists have been expecting solar eruptions to become more intense as the sun
enters a more active phase of its 11-year cycle, with an expected peak in 2013.
The Earth’s Magnetic Field
is Weakening
Over the last 165 years, scientists have
measured the Earth's magnetic field and
have recorded a decline of its' strength.
Today the magnetic field of the Earth is measured at 0.5 gauss. It is
estimated that the field of the Earth 4,000 years ago was 5.0 gauss.
Electromagn Biol Med. 2010 Aug;29(3):105-12.
We advance the hypothesis that biological systems utilize the geomagnetic field
(GMF) for functional purposes by means of ion cyclotron resonance-like (ICR)
We found that the long-term shielding of the GMF could influence the
functioning of the immune system in a sex-dependent manner.
The deprivation of the GMF delayed physiological thymus involution, that
effect being more strongly expressed in females. The weakening of the GMF
resulted in an increased number of peritoneal macrophages, especially in
The shielding of the GMF diminished the ability of macrophages to release NO
and to synthesize O2(-), those effects being more powerfully expressed in
males and females, respectively.
It is proposed that the observed changes in the immune system occur as a
consequence of the protective effect of GMF shielding on the circadian
rhythm-dependent level of melatonin.
PEMF – The Fifth Element
Most people know we need food (earth),
water (water) and oxygen (air) to survive.
And many people also know they need full
spectrum sunlight (fire) or you get what is
referred to as SAD (seasonal affective disorder).
That makes FOUR critical elements:
However, every organism on earth (that includes people) has evolved to the
natural magnetic signals of the earth and that part of the solar radiation that
is able to penetrate our atmosphere.
We have learned that these PEMF signals are of great importance to internal
regulation of every organism.
PEMF's are like a spark plug or catalyst
for energy production in the cell.
We can also think of PEMF as a battery recharger for the human cell. We now
know that the voltage of a healthy cell is about 70-110 millivolts and when we get
sick that voltage drops below 50 millivolts or less and cancer cells are 30 millivolts
or less. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) act like a catalyst and battery
recharger for the human cells and these PEMF's are critical for human metabolism.
Dr. Oz Recommends PEMF
Pulsating Electromagnetic Therapy
is shifting the paradigm of
pain management
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) work
on the same physics.
All energy is electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals and cells produce
electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Every organ in the body produces it own signature bioelectromagnetic field.
Science has proven that our bodies actually project their own magnetic fields and that
all 70 trillion cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.
Nothing happens in the body without an electromagnetic exchange. When the
electromagnetic activity of the body ceases, life ceases.
Watch this amazing 10 minute video to learn more…
Dr. William Pawluk, MD, MSc,
appeared as PEMF Specialist on the
Doctor Oz TV Show in November
2011, where they discussed the most
effective types of pulsed
electromagnetic field therapy.
The PEMF-100 device is an
innovative, high intensity, very low
frequency pulsed electromagnetic
field generator. It is one of the most
intense clinically useful
electromagnetic devices available.
The maximum field intensity is
around 1920 Gauss (192 mT). The
lowest field intensity is still likely
close to 1000 Gauss.
Magnetic Therapy in Eastern Europe: A Review of 30 Years of Research
By Jiri Jerabek, MD, PhD and William Pawluk, MD, MSc
The book presents information summarizing conditions studied, magnetic field strength and type of
field used, frequency and duration of application and summary of actual results. There are detailed
descriptions of many studies on both static (permanent) and frequency (pulsed) fields.
· Atherosclerosis
· Brain neurosecretion
· Breast fissures
· Burns
· Carpal tunnel syndrome
· Cervicitis
· Chronic bronchitis
· Controlled Studies Animals
· Corneal trauma
· Edema
· Endometriosis
· Femoral artery surgery
· Fractures
· Increased circulation
· Infected skin wounds
· Ischemic heart disease
· Limb grafts
· Liver function
And more…
We are only as healthy as our cells.
“By regenerating the cells in our bodies we can help our cells
become and stay healthy with pulsed electromagnetic fields.
The earth creates magnetic fields, without which life would not be
possible. Science teaches that everything is energy. All energy is
electromagnetic in nature. All atoms, chemicals, and cells produce
electromagnetic fields. Science has proven that our bodies
actually project their own magnetic fields and our seventy trillion
cells in the body communicate via electromagnetic frequencies.
Disruption of electromagnetic energy in cells causes
impaired cell metabolism. This is the final common pathway
of disease. If cells are not healthy, the body is not healthy.”
Power Failure
Does mitochondrial dysfunction lie at the heart of
common, complex diseases like cancer and autism?
By Megan Scudellari
Leading the charge is a respected and renowned member of the National Academy
of Sciences, Dr. Douglas Wallace, founder of the field of human mitochondrial
“Every one of the diseases we can’t solve is absolutely logical if we put
energy at the center,” Dr. Wallace says.
Medicine fails to solve many of today’s common, complex diseases, Wallace
asserts, because the fundamental paradigm is wrong: the medical establishment
has spent far too long focusing on anatomy and ignoring energy—specifically,
The cells of living tissue are electrical
direct current (DC) systems
They have low oxygen levels, are high in sodium levels, and have a
faltered electrochemical gradient. By inducing a mild electrical current
into damaged cells, PEMF therapy slows or stops the release of pain and
inflammatory mediators, increases blood flow, and re-establishes normal
cell interaction.
PEMF stimulates and restores the electrochemical gradient, the cell starts
pumping sodium out, potassium enters the cell, the swelling resolves,
oxygen starts flowing back in, and pain improves. Due to the density of
the cell tissue, change requires stronger pulsed magnetic fields to be
able to restore the healthy TMP to its optimal -70 mV.
Reported PEMF Benefits:
Reduced pain
Reduced inflammation
Increased range of motion
Faster functional recovery
Reduced muscle loss after surgery
Increased tensile strength in ligaments
Faster healing of skin wounds
Enhanced capillary formation
Accelerated nerve regeneration
Reduced tissue necrosis
In the “Beneficial effects of electromagnetic fields”,
Bassett C. (Bioelectric Research Center, Columbia University,
NY, 1993)
Dr. Aleksandr Samuilovich Presman in his 1970 book Electromagnetic Fields and Life
identified several significant effects of the interaction of electromagnetic fields with
living organisms.
Electromagnetic fields:
1) have information and communication roles in that they are employed by living
organisms as information conveyors from the environment to the organism, within
the organism and among organisms, and,
2) Are involved in life’s vital processes in that they facilitate pattern formation,
organization and growth control within the organism (Presman, 1970).
If living organisms possess the ability to utilize electromagnetic fields and electricity
there must exist physical structures within the cells that facilitate the sensing,
transducing, storing and transmitting of this form of energy.
Normal cells possess the ability to communicate information inside themselves and
between other cells. The coordination of information by the cells of the body is
involved in the regulation and integration of cellular functions and cell growth.
When cancer arises cancer cells are no longer regulated by the normal control
mechanisms. (Pg 3)
PEMF Therapy Stimulates Cellular Communication
and Replication
Since magnetic fields interact with changing electrical charges and recent
studies (Dandliker et al., 1997) show that DNA conducts electrons along
the stacked bases within the DNA double helix, electro-magnetic fields
may initiate transcription of the precursor mRNA by accelerating
electrons moving within the DNA helix (McLean et al., 2003).
British Journal of Cancer - 17 January 2012
Treating cancer with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields: a potential
paradigm shift, again?
C F Blackman - Integrated Systems Toxicology Division (B-105-03), US Environmental Protection Agency,
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711, USA
The Zimmerman et al (2012) study published here, coupled with the group's two
preceding papers (Barbault et al, 2009; Costa et al, 2011), identify a potential modality
for treating tumours at a dramatic reduction in trauma and cost. This set of clinical and
explanatory laboratory results should be understood in the context of the history of
research into the biological effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs).
Costa et al (2011) reported surprising clinical benefits from using the specific AM-EMF
signals to treat advanced hepatocellular carcinoma, stabilising the disease and even
producing partial responses up to 58 months in a subset of the patients.
Now Zimmerman et al have examined the growth rate of human tumour cell lines from
liver and breast cancers along with normal cells from those tissues exposed to AM-EMF.
Reduced growth rate was observed for tumour cells exposed to tissue-specific AM-EMF,
but no change in growth rate in normal cells derived from the same tissue type, or in
tumour or normal cells from the other tissue type.
In August, Pasche and his colleagues published a British Journal of Cancer paper
showing that they could slow tumor growth in some HCC patients by treating them
with low-level electromagnetic fields on a regular basis. In total, 41 patients received
the treatments… after 6 months of treatment, tumor growth in 14 of those patients had
stabilized, and none experienced negative side effects.
Cancer as a Metabolic Disease
[excerpts from pg(s) 5-6 and 17]
Radiation therapy is given to many cancer
patients. Radiation will kill both cancer cells
and normal cells.
Some normal cells that are not killed outright
can be metabolically transformed into tumor
Moreover, those tumor cells that survive the
radiation treatment will sometimes grow back
as more aggressive and less manageable
cancers in the future.
Emerging evidence suggests that cancer is a
metabolic rather than genetic disease.
Cancer is a disease of defective cellular energy
metabolism, and most of the genomic defects
found in cancer arise as secondary
downstream effects of defective energy
Advanced cancer patients overoptimistic
about chemotherapy's ability to cure,
study finds…
October 24, 2012
The study, published in the Oct. 25 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine, found
that 69 percent of patients with advanced lung cancer and 81 percent of patients with
advanced colorectal cancer did not understand that the chemotherapy they were
receiving was not at all likely to cure their disease.
Their expectations run counter to the fact that although chemotherapy can alleviate pain
and extend life in such patients by weeks or months, it is not a cure for these types of
advanced cancer except in the rarest of circumstances.
"There is a lot of harm in not having patients understand the finality of the
disease," said Borghaei. Chemo drugs "are very powerful, they have a lot of
side effects, the chemotherapy is going to harm you more than it helps you,
and it can actually shorten your life. All of this should be taken into account."
40% of cancers stem from
factors that we CAN control
Key causes of
“preventable” cancer
include unhealthy diets,
lack of exercise, being
overweight, alcohol and
“we can do more to protect
ourselves against cancer
than our doctors can do for
us” ~ Dr. Anthony Komaroff
editor-in-chief, Harvard
Health Letter
The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer
Dr.Otto Warburg – 1931 Nobel Laureate
Dr. Warburg stated “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas
healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH-
ions, if there is an access of H+, it is acidic; if there is an
excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline.”
The last decade has witnessed a renaissance of Otto Warburg's fundamental
hypothesis, which he put forward more than 80 years ago, that mitochondrial
malfunction and subsequent stimulation of cellular glucose utilization lead to the
development of cancer.
Since most tumor cells demonstrate a remarkable resistance to drugs that kill non-
malignant cells, the question has arisen whether such resistance might be a
consequence of the abnormalities in tumor mitochondria predicted by Warburg.
If the condition of our extra cellular fluids, especially the blood, becomes
acidic, our physical condition will first manifest tiredness, proneness to
catching colds, etc. When these fluids become more acidic, our condition
then manifests pains and suffering such as headaches, chest pains,
stomach aches, etc.
They do not correspond with brain function, nor with our own DNS memory
code. This is cancer.
pH (Hydrogen potential) and Electrons
An Overlooked Key Nutrient
All physical things are comprised of atoms. An atom consists of a central
nucleus which is positively charged, and electrons which are negatively
charged in shells or orbits around that central nucleus.
Atoms combine with one another because of their desire to lose, gain, or
share electrons.
The phenomenon of electrons from one atom being shared with another
atom is essential for construction of the complex biochemical compounds,
organelles, cells, tissues, and organs comprising life.
The release of energy as electrons move from one energy level to another is
responsible for the energy required in all body processes.
Atoms combine with one another because of their desire to lose, gain, or
share electrons.
The phenomenon of electrons from one atom being shared with another
atom is essential for construction of the complex biochemical compounds,
organelles, cells, tissues, and organs comprising life.
The release of energy as electrons move from one energy level to another is
responsible for the energy required in all body processes.
combine hydrogen
derived from dietary
carbs and fats with
oxygen to generate
heat and ATP.
Electrons flowing
through the electron
transport chain,
made up of OXPHOS
complexes I through
V, are used to pump
protons out of the
This creates an
used to generate
ATP, which powers
most of the cell’s
Pappas’ equation of nuclear fusion
on the level of the living cell, indicating its relation to the involved
vital energies as an exothermic reaction:
PEMF Therapy Increases Energy Storage and Cellular Activity
At the sub-atomic level, as the pulsed fields expand and collapse through a tissue, the
protein molecules, such as the cytochromes in the cells’ mitochondria, gain electrons
and, in doing so, store energy.
The average total energy transmitted to the tissues does not create heat within the
cells, nor cause the cells’ atoms to vibrate much causing a thermal increase, nor cause
an electron to jump to a higher orbit and emit heat as it returns to its orbit of origin.
So, we see naturally why the tumor grows or diffuses to adjacent areas and
tissues, a phenomenon known as “cancer diffusion”, i.e., cancers ability to
diffuse to adjacent healthy cells and tissues.
Fundamental principle for cancer in relation to the
physical energy condition of a cell.
PEMF induces Electro-poration – Increasing Cellular (TMP)
Transmembrane Potential
Applied PEMF
electroporation of the
cell membrane, where
tiny pores or “ion
channels” are opened
during pulses.
This effect increases
potential, electron
transport, and free
radical scavenging,
which is significantly
important for anti-agine
and treating chronic
diseases including
TMP - transmembrane potential is the difference in voltage (or electrical
potential difference) between the interior and exterior of a cell (Vinterior − Vexterior).
As early as 1940, it was suggested that magnetic fields affect the TMP and the flow of
ions in and out of the cells and might therefore influence cellular membrane
It has since been established that magnetic fields can influence ATP (Adenosine Tri-
phosphate) production; increase the supply of oxygen and nutrients via the vascular
and lymphatic systems; improve the removal of waste via the lymphatic system; and
help re-balance the distribution of ions across the cell membrane.
Healthy cells in tissue have a voltage difference between the inner and outer
membrane referred to as the membrane resting potential that ranges from -70 to -80
mV. This causes a steady flow of ions through its voltage-dependant ion channels.
These studies describe the effects of nanosecond (10-300 ns) pulsed electric fields
(nsPEF) on mammalian cell structure and function. As the pulse durations decrease,
effects on the plasma membrane (PM) decrease and effects on intracellular signal
transduction mechanisms increase.
When nsPEF-induced
NsPEF PM electroporation
with durations effects field
and electric occur,intensities
they are distinct from
that doclassical PM cause PM
or do not
electroporation effects, suggesting unique, nsPEF-induced PM modulations. In HL-60 cells, nsPEF
that are induce
well below the threshold forapoptosis in mammalian
PM electroporation cells
and apoptosis with ainduce
induction well-characterized
effects that
are similar typified
to purinergic by externalization
agonistmediated of phosphatidylserine
calcium release from intracellular stores,on thesecondarily
which outer PM an
initiate capacitive of caspase
calcium proteases.
influx through store-operated calcium channels in the PM.
Treatment of mouse fibrosarcoma tumors with nsPEF also results in apoptosis induction. When
Jurkat cells were transfected by electroporation and then treated with nsPEF, green fluorescent
protein expression was enhanced compared to electroporation alone.
The results indicate that nsPEF activate intracellular mechanisms that can
determine cell function and fate, providing an important new tool for probing
signal transduction mechanisms that modulate cell structure and function and
for potential therapeutic applications for cancer and gene therapy.
We have recently shown that low intensity, intermediate frequency, electric fields inhibit by an
anti-microtubule mechanism of action, cancerous cell growth in vitro. Using implanted
electrodes, these fields were also shown to inhibit the growth of dermal tumors in mice. The
present study extends these findings to additional cell lines [human breast carcinoma; MDA-
MB-231, and human non-small-cell lung carcinoma (H1299)] and to animal tumor models
(intradermal B16F1 melanoma and intracranial F-98 glioma) using external insulated
electrodes. These findings led to the initiation of a pilot clinical trial of the effects of TTFields
in 10 patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GBM). Median time to disease progression in
these patients was 26.1 weeks and median overall survival was 62.2 weeks. These time to
disease progression and OS values are more than double the reported medians of historical
control patients. No device-related serious adverse events were seen after >70 months of
cumulative treatment in all of the patients. The only device-related side effect seen was a
mild to moderate contact dermatitis beneath the field delivering electrodes.
We conclude that TTFields are a safe and effective new treatment modality
which effectively slows down tumor growth in vitro, in vivo and, as
demonstrated here, in human cancer patients.
Technol Cancer Res Treat. 2011 Jun;10(3):281-6.
Pulsed electric fields with nanosecond duration and high amplitude have effects on biological subjects
and bring new venue in disease diagnosis and therapy. To address this respect, we investigated the
responses of paired tumor and normal human skin cells - a basal cell carcinoma (BCC) cell line, and its
sister normal cell line (TE) - to nanosecond, megavolt-per-meter pulses. When BCC (TE 354.T) and TE
(TE 353.SK) cells, cultured under standard conditions, were exposed to 30 ns, 3 MV/m, 50 Hz pulses
and tested for membrane permeabilization, viability, morphology, and caspase activation, we found
that nanoelectropulse exposure: 1) increased cell membrane permeability in both cell
lines but to a greater extent in BCC cells than in normal cells; 2) decreased cell viabilities
with BCC cells affected more than normal cells; 3) induced morphological changes in
both cell lines including condensed and fragmented chromatin with enlarged nuclei; 4)
induced about twice as much caspase activation in BCC cells compared to normal cells.
We concluded that in paired tumor and normal skin cell lines, the response of
the tumor cells to nanoelectropulse exposure is stronger than the response of
normal cells, indicating the potential for selectivity in therapeutic applications.
Exercise can delay the onset of diabetes by boosting the expression of genes
involved in muscle oxidation and glucose regulation. A new study, published on
March 6th in Cell Metabolism, suggests that DNA methylation drives some of these
changes, and that they can occur within just a few hours of exercise, providing a
potential mechanism for how exercise protects the body from metabolic disease.
People with type 2 diabetes are less responsive to insulin than healthy individuals,
and thus have difficulties maintaining normal blood sugar levels. Certain metabolic
genes, such as those involved in glucose transport and mitochondrial regulation,
have been shown to be expressed at lower levels in diabetics, possibly explaining
their decreased insulin responsiveness.
Natural “exercise” hormone transforms fat cells
Exercise makes cells burn extra energy—that’s one way it helps control weight. It
also generates a newly discovered hormone, called irisin, that transforms energy-
storing white fat cells into energy-burning brown fat cells. Irisin also appears to
help prevent or overcome cellular changes that lead to type 2 diabetes.
“Irisin travels throughout the body in the blood and alters fat cells,” explains Dr.
Anthony Komaroff, editor in chief of the Harvard Health Letter, in the June 2012
issue. “If your goal is to lose weight, you want to increase the number of brown fat
cells and decrease white fat cells.”
Exercise as Housecleaning
for the Body
New York Times
February 1, 2012
It’s long been known that cells accumulate flotsam from the wear and tear of everyday living.
Broken or misshapen proteins, shreds of cellular membranes, invasive viruses or bacteria,
and worn-out, broken-down cellular components, like aged mitochondria, the tiny organelles
within cells that produce energy, form a kind of trash heap inside the cell.
Through a process with the expressive name of autophagy, or “self-eating,” cells create
specialized membranes that engulf junk in the cell’s cytoplasm and carry it to a part of the
cell known as the lysosome, where the trash is broken apart and then burned by the cell for
Without this efficient system, cells could become choked with trash and malfunction or die.
In recent years, some scientists have begun to suspect that faulty autophagy mechanisms
contribute to the development of a range of diseases, including diabetes, muscular
dystrophy, Alzheimer’s and cancer. The slowing of autophagy as we reach middle age is also
believed to play a role in aging.
The Enigmatic Membrane
By Muriel Mari, Sharon A. Tooze, and Fulvio Reggiori
February 1, 2012
Recent developments reveal a
crucial role for the autophagy
pathway and proteins in
immunity and inflammation.
They balance the beneficial
and detrimental effects of
immunity and inflammation,
and thereby may protect
against infectious,
autoimmune and
inflammatory diseases.
Autophagy helps the cell fight
infection by some kinds of
invading bacteria and viruses,
by cleaning them out of the
cell's interior without having
to discard the entire cell.
Sustained autophagy may
also increase longevity by
protecting cells against free
radical damage and mutations
in DNA.
"Autophagy is the only way to get rid of damaged parts of the cell without trashing the
whole thing. So in a nerve cell, for example, you'd want autophagy to correct problems
without destroying the cell." ~ Daniel Klionsky, research professor at University of
Michigan Life Sciences Institute
Autophagy is the
process by which cells
recycle cytoplasm,
proteins, and dispose of
excess or defective
The resulting
autophagosome fuses
with the lysosome
(green sphere), allowing
the cargo to be broken
down and reused, or
disposed of.
Image:Design by D.J. Klionsky and B.A. Rafferty, 3D Modeling and Rendering
by B.A. Rafferty
Review Article
Journal of Molecular and Cellular Cardiology
Volume 51, Issue 4, October 2011, Pages 584–593
Autophagy as a therapeutic target in cardiovascular
Andriy Nemchenko, Mario Chiong, Aslan Turer, Sergio Lavandero, Joseph A. Hill
Whereas basal levels of autophagy are required for cell survival, excessive levels – or
perhaps distinct forms of autophagic flux – contribute to disease pathogenesis. Our
challenge will be to distinguish mechanisms that drive adaptive versus maladaptive
autophagy and to manipulate those pathways for therapeutic gain. Recent evidence
suggests this may be possible.
Here, we review the fundamental biology of autophagy and its role in a variety of forms
of cardiovascular disease. We discuss ways in which this evolutionarily conserved
catabolic mechanism can be manipulated, discuss studies presently underway in heart
disease, and provide our perspective on where this exciting field may lead in the
future. This article is part of a special issue entitled ‘‘Key Signaling Molecules in
Hypertrophy and Heart Failure.’’
Article by Martin
Milner, ND
featured in the
May 2010 issue
of Townsend
along with
article by Dr.
Garry Gordon
“Chelation and
Cellular Workout: Autophagy
The cell’s recycling system, may be responsible
for the health benefits of exercise.
By Megan Scudellari | January 18, 2012
Targeting the pathway could mimic the health effects of exercise—all the
perks with none of the sweat—and help treat type II diabetes, the authors
Autophagy is an internal recycling system that degrades damaged or unwanted
organelles and proteins in a cell and produces energy. In animal models, this
process has been shown to protect against cancer, neurodegenerative
disorders, infections, diabetes, and more. “Exercise is known to protect against
all these same diseases,” said Beth Levine, a biologist at the University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center, “so it made sense to us that exercise might
induce autophagy.”
The GRIT Group ® Gordon Research Institute Technologies
Exercise Protects the Heart Via Nitric Oxide
Research , School of Medicine
May 4, 2011
Nitric oxide, a short-lived gas generated within the body, turns on chemical
pathways that relax blood vessels to increase blood flow and activate survival
pathways. Both the chemical nitrite and nitrosothiols, where nitric oxide is attached to
proteins via sulfur, appear to act as convertible reservoirs for nitric oxide in situations
where the body needs it, such as a lack of blood flow or oxygen.
In experiments with mice, the researchers showed that four weeks of being able to run
on a wheel protected the mice from having a blocked coronary artery; the amount of
heart muscle damaged by the blockage was less after the exercise period. Importantly,
the mice were still protected a week after the wheel was taken away.
PEMF Therapy and Nitric Oxide Production
Many cells in the body produce nitric oxide; however, its production by
the vascular endothelium is particularly important in the regulation
of blood flow. Abnormal production of nitric oxide, as occurs in different
disease states, can adversely affect blood flow and other vascular
functions. Nitric oxide is one of the few gaseous signaling molecules
known and is additionally exceptional due to the fact that it is a radical
gas. It is a key vertebrate biological messenger, playing a role in
biological processes.
EXERCISE is a "wonder drug" for cancer survivors and may even prevent the disease
coming back, according to a report published today. Macmillan Cancer Support said
physical activity should be "prescribed" by doctors after "hard evidence" showed it
can significantly help recovery and prevent other long-term illnesses.
The research also showed exercise had an impact on preventing recurrence of a few
specific cancers.
Women with breast cancer who exercise for 150 minutes a week at moderate
intensity have a more than 40% lower risk of dying and recurrence of disease
compared to women who are active for less than one hour a week.
Results of two studies on bowel cancer also show the risk of dying or the disease
coming back is cut by about 50% in patients taking six hours a week of moderate
intensity exercise.
Prostate cancer patients have around a 30% lower risk of dying from the disease
and a 57% lower rate of disease progression if they do three hours of moderate
intensity exercise a week.
Exercise Associated With Longer Survival
After Brain Cancer Diagnosis
ScienceDaily (June 21, 2011)
Brain cancer patients who are able to exercise live significantly longer than
sedentary patients, scientists at the Duke Cancer Institute report.
The finding, published online June 20 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, adds to
recent research that exercise improves how cancer patients feel during and after
treatments, and may also extend their lives. The study enrolled 243 patients at the
Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke with advanced recurrent gliomas,
lethal brain malignancies that typically result in a median life expectancy of less than
six months.
The patients who reported participating in
regular, brisk exercise - the equivalent of an 18
energetic walk five days a week for 30 minutes,
had significantly prolonged survival, living a 12 sedentary
median 21.84 months vs. 13.03 months for exercisers
As shown in the following diagram, this mechanism has been
proposed as a working model for PEMF therapeutics.
Nitric oxide, known as the 'endothelium-derived relaxing factor', or 'EDRF', is
biosynthesized endogenously from L-arginine, oxygen and NADPH by various nitric
oxide synthase (NOS) enzymes. The endothelium (inner lining) of blood vessels
uses nitric oxide to signal the surrounding smooth muscle to relax, thus resulting in
vasodilation and increasing blood flow. Under normal conditions, nitric oxide is
continually being produced by cNOS in the blood vessels.
The activity of iNOS is stimulated during inflammation by bacterial endotoxins or
cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukins. During
inflammation, the amount of nitric oxide produced by iNOS may be a 1,000-fold
greater than that produced by cNOS.
Intracellular Mechanisms
When nitric oxide forms, it is highly reactive (having a lifetime of a few seconds), yet
diffuses freely across membranes, primarely because superoxide anion has a high
affinity for nitric oxide. Superoxide and its products can have vasoactive activities in
addition to their tissue damaging effects.
Nitric oxide also avidly binds to hemoglobin (in red blood cells) and the enzyme
guanylyl cyclase, which is found in vascular smooth muscle cells and most other cells
of the body. It also diffuses into the vascular smooth muscle cells adjacent to the
endothelium where it binds to and activates guanylyl cyclase. This enzyme catalyzes
the dephosphorylation of GTP to cGMP, which serves as a second messenger for many
important cellular functions, particularly for signaling smooth muscle relaxation.
During the last 100 years, theories of pain mechanism have evolved from
specificity and summation models to the popular Gate Control Theory. The
latter pain theory, proposed by Melzack/Wall/Casey (Wall and Melzack, 1989)
has become the most important development in the field of pain management.
Pain perception is no longer a straightforward afferent transmission of pain
Given the prevalence of chronic pain — often defined as recurrent pain that lasts
more than three to six months — you might expect that by now medical science
would have figured out how to alleviate it and that health insurers would routinely
cover its treatment.
If only it were that simple. Pain is a sneaky opponent. What one person considers
intolerable may be only moderately uncomfortable to another. This makes treatment
challenging. And insurers often do not make it any easier.
Magnetic Therapy and Migraine Headache; a pulsed electromagnetic
field (PEMF) therapy and repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation
(rTMS/TMS)research bibliography.
Pulsed magnetic field research suggests that pulsed electromagnetic field therapy can
reduce migraine as well as promote sleep and relaxation in insomniacs. Transcranial
magnetic stimulation (TMS/rTMS) research has proven for decades that pulsed
electromagnetic fields safely reduce anxiety and depression using magnetic fields
that are hundreds, even thousands of times the magnetic field density used to produce
deep, restful sleep and improved sense of wellbeing induced through EarthPulse™
magnetic field supplementation.
PEMF Therapy Reduces Pain
Many studies have demonstrated the positive effects of PEMF therapy on patients
with pain, even as opposed to receiving traditional treatment as well as against a
placebo group getting no treatment. Some studies focused on the rapid, short-term
relief while others demonstrate the long-term effects. The effectiveness of PEMF
therapy has been demonstrated in a wide variety of painful conditions.
In a March, 2003 publication on Pain Management with PEMF Treatment, Dr. William
Pawluk explains:
”Magnetic fields affect pain perception in many different ways. These
actions are both direct and indirect. Direct effects of magnetic fields
are: neuron firing, calcium ion movement, membrane potentials,
endorphin levels, nitric oxide, dopamine levels, acupuncture actions
and nerve regeneration. Indirect benefits of magnetic fields on
physiologic function are on: circulation, muscle, edema, tissue
oxygen, inflammation, healing, prostaglandins, cellular metabolism
and cell energy levels… Short-term effects are thought due to a
decrease in cortisol and noradrenaline, and an increase in serotonin,
endorphins and enkephalins. Longer term effects may be due to CNS
and/or peripheral nervous system biochemical and neuronal effects in
which correction of pain messages occur; and the pain is not just
masked as in the case of medication”.
PEMF Therapy Blocks Pain
PEMF therapy has shown to be effective at reducing pain both in the short-term
and in the long-term. The ways by which PEMF therapy relieves pain include pain
blocking, decreased inflammation, increased cellular flexibility, increased blood
and fluids circulation, and increased tissue oxygenation.
As PEMF therapy
stimulates blood
vessels and
blood flow,
the blood vessels
pump blood and
oxygen into
the cells.
PEMF therapy
stimulates the
vessels and waste products are hauled away from the cells more efficiently.
PEMF therapy supports immune health by mechanically stimulating lymphatic
drainage and blood flow.
Evidence-based use of pulsed electromagnetic field therapy in clinical
plastic surgery.
Strauch B, Herman C, Dabb R, Icznarro LJ, Pilla AA.
Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA.
Our objective was to review the major scientific breakthroughs and current understanding of
the mechanism of action of PEMF therapy, providing clinicians with a sound basis for optimal
METHODS: A literature review was conducted, including mechanism of action and biologic
and clinical studies of PEMF. Using case illustrations, a holistic exposition on the clinical use
of PEMF in plastic surgery was performed.
RESULTS: PEMF therapy has been used successfully in the management of post surgicai pain
and edema, the treatment of chronic wounds, and in facilitating vasodiiatation and angio-
genesis. Using scientific support, the authors present the currently accepted mechanism of
action of PEMF therapy.
CONCLUSIONS: This review shows that plastic surgeons have at hand a powerful tool with no
known side effects for the adjunctive, noninvasive, nonpharmacologic management of
postoperative pain and edema.
Given the recent rapid advances in development of portable and economical PEMF devices,
what has been of most significance to the plastic surgeon is the laboratory and clinical
confirmation of decreased pain and swelling following injury or surgery.
Effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on postoperative pain:
a double-blind randomized pilot study in breast augmentation patients.
Hedén P, Pilla AA. Department of Plastic Surgery, Akademikliniken, Storängsvägen 10, 115 42,
Stockholm, Sweden.
METHODS: Forty-t\No healthy females undergoing breast augmentation for aesthetic reasons
entered the study. They were separated into three cohorts, one group (n = 14) received bilateral
PEMF treatment, the second group (n = 14) received bilateral sham devices, and in the third
group (n = 14) one of the breasts had an active device and the other a sham device. A total of 80
breasts were available for final analysis.
RESULTS: VAS data showed that pain had decreased in the active cohort by nearly a factor of
three times that for the sham cohort by POD 3 (p 0.001), and persisted at this ievel to POD 7.
Patient use of postoperative pain medication correspondingly also decreased nearly three times
faster in the active versus the sham cohorts by POD 3 (p 0.001).
CONCLUSION: Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy, adjunctive to standard of care, can provide
pain control with a noninvasive modality and reduce morbidity due to pain medication after
breast augmentation surgery.
PEMF Therapy Reduces Inflammation
Tissue cells are inherently like tiny electrically charged machines. When a cell is
traumatized, the cell’s electrical charge is diminished; this causes normal cell
functions and operations to shut down. Cells that are scarred or fibrotic with
adhesions have a TMP charge of approximately -15 mV, degenerative or immune-
compromised cells average -30 mV, both low TMPs.
With the raised TMP, the body releases chemical signals that cause inflammation
swelling and bruising resulting in pain and inhibiting the cell communication
pathways necessary for healing to begin. Numerous clinical studies have
demonstrated that PEMF therapy has been successful in reducing inflammation.
The many intra and inter cellular processes and activity stimulated by PEMF
therapy lead to faster cellular and tissue regeneration. This fact is shown by
the results of many studies on a variety of tissues, including bones, spine,
cartilage, intestines, blood vessels, nerves, brain, and muscles.
In December 2004, the Swiss Medical Tribune stated that PEMF therapy
Pressure ulcers, also called decubitus ulcers, are a common challenge of humanity and
are exceptionally difficult to heal. They are wounds that are initiated by relatively short
periods of pressure on the skin that blocks blood circulation causing the skin and
underlying tissues to die, leading to an open Wound. Pressure release can prevent
further tissue degeneration, and some ulcers heal and disappear by themselves.
However, many pressure ulcers never heal and continue to grow in diameter and depth.
By one year, such unhealing ulcers are referred to as chronic ulcers. Chronic ulcers
frequently jeopardize the life of the patient due to infections that become increasingly
deep until they invade bones and the circulatory system.
We concluded that the electrical stimulation induced the healing of the pressure ulcer.
The ulcer elimination is quite surprising due to the exceptionally low electric being
generated by the stimulator at a distance of 45 cm.
Many Severe Diabetic Neuropathy Patients Have Their
Scheduled Amputations Cancelled After
Electrotherapy Treatments .
Fusion succeeded in 97.6% of the 42 patients who received PEMF stimulation for
only 52.6% of the 19 patients who did not receive electrical stimulation of any kind.
A similar study by Richard A. Silver, M.D. (Tucson Orthopaedic & Fracture Surgery
Associates, Ltd., Tucson, AZ, USA) with 85 patients who had undergone surgery of
posterior lumbar interbody fusion (PLIF) and had risk factors associated with a poor
prognosis for healing, including smoking, prior back surgery, multiple spinal levels
fused, diabetes millitus, and obesity, roentgenographic examination and clinical
evidence indicated that all but two patients achieved successful fusion. Of the 83
patients with successful spinal fusion, 29 (34.9%) were assessed as "excellent," 45
(54.2%) as "good," 3 (3.6%) as "fair", and 6 (7.2%) as "poor".
Properly applied pulsed electromagnetic fields, if scaled for whole body use, have
clear clinical benefits in the treatment of bone diseases and related pain, often caused
by micro-fractures in vertebrae. In addition, joint pain caused by worn out cartilage
layers can be treated successfully, through electromagnetic stimulation.
PEMF application promotes bone union by electric current induction, which changes
the permeability of cell membrane allowing more ions across, affects the activity of
intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) and cyclic guanosine
monophosphate (cGMP), and accelerates osteoblast differentiation by activation of
p38 phosphorylation.
PEMF stimulation also increases the partial oxygen pressure and calcium
transport. Repair and growth of cartilage is thus stimulated, preventing
grinding of the bones.
Bone Has Electrical Qualities
Bone has electrical qualities in its healthy
physiological condition. Healthy bone
maintains a dynamic balance between
positive and negative charges.
PEMF Bone Growth Stimulation
A prospective series of 32 consecutive patients, with 33 long-bone fractures
suffering from delayed- or non-union were treated by pulsed electromagnetic fields
(PEMF) or by PEMF with surgery. The management regime for the PEMF treatment
was simpler and less rigid than that reported by Bassett et al. and our stimulation
waveform was also different.
Nineteen fractures (100%) treated with surgery and PEMF united within
nine months of the commencement of PEMF treatment. Fourteen
fractures were treated with PEMF alone. Twelve (86%) united within ten
months and two failed to unite.
The results of this study suggest that the stimulating waveform is less critical than
is claimed by Bassett et al. and that a simpler and easier management regime for
PEMF treatment can be just as effective. Alternatively PEMF may have no effect on
fracture healing.
Objective to identify the effects of application methods and indications of direct
muscle electrostimulation on strength gain.
Literature review and analysis of articles from Medline database with the following
entries: muscular or neuromuscular, electromyostimulation, electrical stimulation,
strengthening, strength training, immobilization, muscle dystrophy, bed-rest, bed-
bound, knee or hip surgery, postoperative phase, cachexia, sarcopenia, and their
French equivalent.
Because of its specific muscle recruitment order, different from that of voluntary
contraction, direct muscle electrostimulation is theoretically a complementary tool for
muscle strengthening. It can be used in healthy subjects and in several affections
associated with muscle function loss.
Recently, a histologic study has also shown that widespread axonal damage
occurs in MS along with demyelination. What is the possible connection between
MS and bio-electromagnetic fields? We recently published a review entitled "Bio-
electromagnetic applications for multiple sclerosis," which examined several
scientific studies that demonstrated the effects of electromagnetic fields on nerve
regeneration, brain electrical activity (electro-encephalography), neurochemistry,
and immune system components. All of these effects are important for disease
pathology and clinical symptoms in MS”.
MS patients were exposed to a magnetic pulsing device that was either active
(PEMF) or inactive (placebo) for two months. Each MS patient received a set of
tests to evaluate MS disease status before and after wearing the device.
This study was inspired by coalescing evidence that magnetic therapy may be a viable
treatment option for certain diseases. This premise is based on the ability of moderate
strength fields (i.e., 0.1 to 1 Tesla) to alter the biophysical properties of lipid bilayers and
in turn modulate cellular signaling pathways. In particular, previous results from our
laboratory (Wang et al., BMC Genomics, 10, 356 (2009)) established that moderate
strength static magnetic field (SMF) exposure altered cellular endpoints associated with
neuronal function and differentiation. Building on this background, the current paper
investigated SMF by focusing on the adenosine A2A receptor (A2AR) in the PC12 rat
adrenal pheochromocytoma cell line that displays metabolic features of Parkinson’s
disease (PD).
This review provides a comprehensive overview of the clinical
uses of neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) for functional
and therapeutic applications in subjects with spinal cord injury or
Stunning results were obtained in a study entitled “Protection against focal cerebral
ischemia following exposure to a pulsed electro-magnetic field”, Grant G (1994
Department of Neurosurgery, Stanford University, CA, USA) stated: “There is evidence
that electro-magnetic stimulation may accelerate the healing of tissue damage
following ischemia. Exposure to pulsed electro-magnetic field attenuated cortical
ischemia edema on MRI at the most anterior coronal level by 65%. On histological
examination, PEMF exposure reduced ischemic neuronal damage in this same cortical
area by 69% and by 43% in the striatum. Preliminary data suggest that exposure to a
PEMF of short duration may have implications for the treatment of acute stroke”.
Christian was diagnosed with
Cerebral Palsy, Autism and
ADHD. He had anxiety and
anger issues stemming from
associated problems
including limited verbal and
communication skills,
stuttering, inability to focus or
look people in the eye. He
also had physical difficulty
walking and maintaining his
After just a month and a half of PEMF treatments, Christian no longer stutters or
loses his balance. He is calmer, more peaceful, has energy and focus and feels like
he has awakened from a long sleep. His mom Christine says “he even has a
girlfriend now!”
Biol Psychiatgy. 2010 Jul 15;68(2):163-9. Epub 2010 Apr 10.
Transcranial low voltage pulsed electromagnetic fields in patients with
treatment-resistant depression.
|\/Iartinv K, Lunde M, Bech P. Psychiatric Research Unit, Mental Health Center North Zealand, Hillerad, Denmark.
BACKGROUND: Approximately 30% of patients with depression are resistant to antidepressant drugs.
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation has been found effective in combination with
antidepressants in this patient group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antidepressant effect
of a new principle using low-intensity transcranially applied pulsed electromagnetic fields (T-PEMF) in
combination with antidepressants in patients with treatment-resistant depression.
METHODS: This was a sham-controlled double-blind study comparing 5 Weeks of active or sham T-
PEMF in patients with treatment-resistant major depression. The antidepressant treatment, to which
patients had been resistant, was unchanged 4 weeks before and during the study period. Weekly
assessments were performed using both clinician-rated and patientrated scales. The equipment was
designed as a helmet containing seven separate coils located over the skull that generated an
electrical field in tissue with orders of magnitude weaker than those generated by rTMS equipment.
RESULTS: Patients on active T-PEMF showed a clinically and statistically significant better outcome
than patients treated with sham T-PEMF, with an onset of action Within the first Weeks of therapy.
Effect size on the Hamilton 17-item Depression Rating Scale Was .62 (95% conñdence interval
Treatment-emergent side effects were few and mild.
CONCLUSION: The T-PEMF treatment was superior to sham treatment in patients with treatment-
resistant depression. Few side effects were observed. Mechanism of the antidepressant action, in light
of the known effects of PEMF stimulation to the brain, is discussed.
Copyright 2010 Society of Biological Psychiatry. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Experimental Magnetic Pulses May Help Heal A
Brain After Stroke
by Jon Hamilton – December 15, 2011
The latest evidence that stimulation works comes from Italy, where researchers treated
patients with a condition called hernispatial neglect.
Scientists suspect the problem occurs when a stroke causes damage that upsets the
normal balance between the two sides ofthe brain. A stroke in the right side of the
brain, for example, often seems to cause the healthy left side ofthe brain to become
overactive and overload circuits involved in perception.
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in civilian and military
populations. Inter1eukin1beta is a proinflammatory cytokine with a key role in the
inflammatory response following TBI and studies indicate that attenuation of this cytokine
improves behavioral outcomes. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) can reduce
inflammation after soft tissue injuries in animals and humans.
Therefore, we explored Whether PEMF signals could alter the course of production in rats
subjected to closedhead contusive Weightdrop injuries (Marmarou method) and penetrating
needle-stick brain injuries. Protein levels, measured by the Biorad assay, were not altered by
injuries or PEMF treatment.
In addition, we verified that levels in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) were proportional to injury
severity in the contusion model. Results demonstrate that PEMF treatment attenuated levels
up to 10~fold in CSF Within 6h after contusive injury and also significantly suppressed Within
after penetrating injury. In contrast, no differences in IL-1 ß were seen between PEMF-treated
and control groups in brain homogenates. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of
the use of PEMF to modulate an inflammatory cytokine after TBI. These results warrant further
studies to assess the effects of PEMF on other inflammatory markers and functional
Copyright@ 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Alzheimer's disease: improvement of visual memory and
visuoconstructive performance by treatment with picotesla
range magnetic fields.
Sandyk R.
NeuroCommunication Research Laboratories, Danbury, CT 06811.
Impairments in visual memory and visuoconstructive functions commonly occur in
patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD). Recently, I reported that external application of
electromagnetic fields (EMF) of extremely low intensity (in the picotesla range) and of
low frequency (in the range of 5Hz-8Hz) improved visual memory and visuoperceptive
functions in patients with Parkinson's disease. Since a subgroup of Parkinsonian
patients, specifically those with dementia, have coexisting pathological and clinical
features of AD, I investigated in two AD patients the effects of these extremely weak
EMF on visual memory and visuoconstructive performance.
Recharge Your Life with PEMF!
Advanced cellular exercise providing electro-nutrient therapy
This increase could be much higher in vivo with the brain's pulsed DC
electromagnetic field interacting with an enhanced earth-type field
resulting in increased resonance of the mitochondria. All of this
leading to enhance electron transfer in the creb cycle resulting in more
ATP production.
T = Toxins - BPA, phtalates, and other toxins including household chemicals and
everyday products: Exercise, IR/FIR Sauna, PEMF, Magnetics, Electrotherapy,
cold (soft) lasers.
Health Consultations
Get a personalized health consultation! Dr. Garry Gordon offers his 53+
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for $300 per hour.
Arrangements may be made with Katie Isham, by calling her at the Gordon
Research Institute at 928-472-4263, ext. 134, Fax to 928-474-3819, or by
emailing Katie at, to learn more.
Appointments may include a review of all prior medical records and/or any new
tests that can be ordered in preparation for your personalized consultation. Test
panels can be more focused on ANTI-AGING, or cancer, depending on your
Since Dr. Gordon does not accept insurance, he has made arrangements for cash
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Gordon Research
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Garry F. Gordon MD, DO, MD(H)