Oxygen-Ozone Therapy - A Critical Evaluation PDF
Oxygen-Ozone Therapy - A Critical Evaluation PDF
Oxygen-Ozone Therapy - A Critical Evaluation PDF
A Critical Evaluation
Medical Doctor; Specialist in Respiratory Diseases and Haematology,
Professor of General Physiology at the University of Siena,
Siena, ltaly
First published 2002
Institute ofThoraeie Surgery, Cardiovascular and Biomedical Technologies
University ofSiena
Institute ofThoracic Surgery, Cardiovascular and Biomedical Technologies
University ofSiena
Department of Ophthalmology, University of Siena
When I was about fifteen , my Biological Seiences teacher, Prof. N. Benacchio, lent
me a book by Paul de Kruif "The Microbe Hunters" and I remained fascinated by
infectious diseases. I was intrigued by the potency of virulent bacteria which are
constantly trying to invade our bodies and often overcome what today we call innate
and adoptive immunity. Indeed, shortly after that, I was struck by his tragic death
due to peritonitis. Later, while studying medicine (although medical knowledge in
the 1950s was almost primordial compared with today), I soon realised how the
various biological systems were wonderfully organised but at the same time frail and
how our life could end in a few minutes. Slowly it became obvious that our
"wellness" was the result of a dynamic and very unstable equilibrium between
health and disease . This unstable equilibrium could be broken forever if the body's
response could not reverse the pathological state . I stuck a sort of poster on the wall
of my room with these three words and connecting arrows :
As I don 't believe in another world after death, it became obvious to me that we
should make every possible effort not only to delay death, but to try always to shift
the equilibrium to the left. In this book, I will try to show that this can be achieved,
as a last resort, even with ozonetherapy.
The progressive prolongation of the human life-span in the last fifty years is the
best evidence of the immense progress of biology and orthodox medicine. I have
been extremely lucky to work and contribute, albeit minimally , during this period .
Particularly after the 1990s, with the advent of molecular biology , the pace of
progress is so fast it is becoming more and more difficult to grasp the final practical
applications. It is actually disturbing that after the almost daily discovery of another
gene, one can jump to the conclusion that another disease can be cured . This is
practically unrealistic and unfair because diseases are not necessarily linked to a
single cause but rather to a number of factors . Moreover, it eventually disappoints
the hopeful patient. This remark is not intended to diminish the validity of any
discovery but simply to caution that there is always a great delay between the
observation at the laboratory bench and the therapeutic act at the patient's bed. This
exuberant enthusiasm is, however, comprehensible and, with even less justification,
also occurs in the field of natural medicine where progress has been painfully slow.
The bio-oxidative therapies, including oxygen-ozone therapy , are one of the least
known of the many branches of natural medicine, in comparison with acupuncture,
homeopathy and phytotherapy. Owing to a growing world-wide interest in natural
medicine , it is always correct to warn patients against the risk of the placebo effect
or worse of plain damage , as occurred in orthodox medicine with regard to
thalidomide and fenfluramine.
About a decade ago, I knew nothing about ozone except that I had heard about
the "ozone hole". From my chemistry course I remembered that it was a strong
oxidant gas but I did not know that ozone had been used since World War I as a
therapeutic agent against gaseous gangrene caused by anaerobic Clostridium. It was
by mere coincidence that, at a meeting on blood substitutes, a colleague asked me
why ozonization of blood ex vivo followed by reinfusion into the donor could be
useful for treating chronic viral hepatitis. It was also coincidental that this
conversation occurred when I was trying to se1ect an inducer of interferon (JFN) so
that we could obtain at will the release of endogenous IFN and possibly other
cytokines. We had examined hundreds of potential indueers but it proved very
difficult to find a eompound that would be effective, atoxic and possibly
inexpensive. Owing to the finding of my friend Ferdinando Dianzani, I remembered
that oxidising agents, sueh as periodate, galactose oxidase, etc., added to human
blood mononuclear cells (BMC) in vitro eould induee the release of huge amounts
of IFN y, particularly in the presence of a Ca 2+ ionophore. Thus, it was easy to
imagine that I) exposing blood to ozone eould aetivate immune cells, 2) after blood
reinfusion, BMC would horne in their mieroenvironments and start to release
eytokines, and 3) in a paraerine fashion, the cytokines eould switeh on a self-
arnplifying meehanism of immune aetivation. The idea was even more attraetive
beeause sinee 1981 (and against eurrent wisdom) I had proposed the existenee of the
physiologieal IFN response, i.e. the eoneept that IFN and other eytokines were
always produeed in traee amounts even during "health", thus priming leukocytes and
keeping the immune system in astate of eontinuous alert or "surveillance" against
The idea seemed so stimulating that I decided to explore it experimentally, even
though I realised that , for the few physicians who knew of its existenee,
ozonetherapy was in the eentre of a thick cloud of seepticism and ineredulity .
However, in Science, prejudiees ean save time, but they can also be detrimental. So I
started my relationship with ozone and I soon realised that sinee the medieal world
was very much eoneemed with the cellular formation of free radieals, the medieal
application of ozone would be strongly rejeeted. The oxygen (0 2 ) level in the
atmosphere reaehed the current levels of 2 1% about two billion years aga and all
living beings, in order to profitably use O 2 and to survive, have had to develop
numerous detoxifying meehanisms. However, in spite of these mechanisms, we all
suffer, more or less rapidly, the eonsequenees of "oxidative stress". There is no
doubt that many seemingly unrelated diseases are due to an exeessive produetion of
free radicals, and ozone is a master in generating them. This ereates a formidable
problem and offers a good reason not to use ozone in medieine. Indeed its toxicity
for plants and humans, partieularly for the respiratory traet in large eities, is very
weil known. This problem has dominated my mind for several years . Although more
reeently I have eome to realise that ozone toxieity ean be tamed, in this book I wish
to leave the question open so that the reader will deeide for his or herself on the
basis of several positive and negative arguments.
It took some time before we were able to handle ozone eorreetly. Firstly we tried
to understand how ozone works and how toxie it ean be. Then, in eollaboration with
a few c1inieians, we started some medieal investigations, although this proved to be
very frustrating, as most colleagues refuse to collaborate. However, I have been able
to witness incredible results particularly in patients with awful ulcers due to hind-
limb ischaemia. Unfortunately most of the c1inical data, although encouraging, are
based on anecdotes that may be exaggerated by the enthusiasm of the physician.
Today I can say that we have at least some ideas about the mechanisms of action of
ozone . Yet the Achille's heel remains the lack of controlled, double-blind c1inical
studies. For this reason, I feel that under any circumstance we must first take
advantage of conventional medicine and only when this fails or the patient refuses it,
can we seriously think about what ozonetherapy can do. Surprisingly, in spite ofthe
enormous progress of modern medicine, this occurs more frequently than one might
imagine .
A reasonable question is whether there is areal reason to write this book in
English . In 1999, I wrote a similar book in Italian because a few serious
ozonetherapists asked me to do so: no other book was available except an English
translation of abrief compendium written by Renate Viebahn and an overly
enthusiastic book entitled: "Oxygen Healing Therapies" written by the journalist
Nathaniel Altman . I am an admirer ofthe conciseness and elegance of good English
and, in spite of my best effort, I must apologize for my poor style. Yet my hope is to
provide a scientific and truly objective account of ozonetherapy for all English-
speaking physicians.
Although ozonetherapy was invented and has been practised in Germany during
the last fifty years, very little scientific work has been produced because it has been
mainly a private medical activity . Similarly, in Italy during the last eighteen years,
more importance has been given to the use of ozone in cosmetics and in creating a
profitable business selling instruments and accessories. I deplore the fact that the
mercantile aspect prevails over scientific endeavours and I have over-emphasised
that OUf new International Medical Ozone Society (IMOS) has no commercial
interest and strongly opposes the monopoly of a single ozone generator. We hope
that, in spite of economic difficulties, the enthusiasm and efforts of OUf members
will permit scientific progress.
The purpose of the book is to give the physician a practical idea about how
ozone works when comes into contact with body fluids and cells and how it can
elicit toxic effects if one disregards its powerful oxidising properties. It is not meant
to give simple medical recipes but rather to create a "forma mentis", i.e. the ability
to understand and adjust the therapy to the patient 's need. The book is also meant to
give an objective assessment of what is known and what we should try to learn
about ozonetherapy. Moreover many anguished people who daily ask me questions
or solicit advice via Internet may find satisfactory answers in this book .
A very ambitious goal is to provide sceptics and opponents with an objective
basis to discuss whether ozonetherapy deserves to be evaluated or disregarded. I
would be very grateful to anyone willing to open a dialogue or a collaborative effort.
Only after controlled clinical trials performed in various institutions will we be able
to decide whether ozonetherapy is really valid or worthless, as was demonstrated for
Laetrile and other drugs in the recent past.
Obviously I tried to do my best but the reader will find faults in this book. One
may be the repetition that ozonetherapv induces only a brief and calculated
oxidative stress not to be confused with the life-Iong endogenaus stress. I apologize
but I said this on purpose in almost every chapter because it is a crucial remark and
will help dispel the idea that "ozone is toxic any way you deal with it"
This book will suceeed if it is able to promote the e1ucidation of the issue : is
ozonetherapy therapeutic? I feel that the Medieal Establishment must take this
responsability because it would be deplorable to further neglect a possible treatment
for millions ofpatients, partieularly in poor eountries.
Velio Bocci
It has taken almost two years to write and have this book ready for publieation.
However, without the help of several friends, it would have taken twenty years. I am
very grateful to Dr. Emma Borrelli and Dr. Julian Blaneo Gareia for typewriting the
manuseript and to Dr. Peter W. Christie, B.Se., M.Se., Ph.D., for the linguistic
revision . Mrs. Patrizia Marroeehesi, with her usual zeal and skilI, has taken eare of
the extensive bibliography. All ozonetherapists should be grateful to her for having
now a souree of information that was badly needed . Moreover she deserves the full
merit for having prepared the manuseript for printing . Dr. Carlo Aldinueei has been
very helpful during the preparation of ieonography. I would like to express my
gratitude to many eollaborators that, throughout the years, have worked with me in
studying the biologieal effeets of ozone .
I thank all Authors and Publishers for kindly allowing the publieation of their
data and diagrams . I gratefully aeknowledge the eneouragement and support given
by Mr. Colin Tongs, President of the Medical Seienees Teehnology Corporation,
UK, who aims to expand the use of ozonetherapy all over the world. A grant from
the Bank Monte dei Pasehi di Siena has partly helped us to develop the EBOO
I am grateful to Mr. Peter Butler, Manager of the Biomedieal Unit of Kluwer
Academic Publishers for the enthusiastie support ofthe projeet.
Last but not least, I am deeply grateful to my wife Helen and to my children
Erica and Robert who, for many years, have been exeeedingly tolerant and patient
with me and my work.
I have known Prof. Velio Bocc i for the last forty years and for some time, even if
pursuing different aims, we shared the research .on interferons. At that time, he
produced major contributions in a rather neglected area such as the study of
metaboIism and pharmacokinetics of these proteins. During the last decade his
interest shifted mainly to the analysis of the biological and clinical effects of ozone.
Although this seems a rather unusual subject, he once told me that his interest was
aroused by a fortuitous observation he connected to one of our previous discovery,
that interferon gamma eould be induced by some oxidants, particularly galactose-
oxidase. From this hint , with his eollaborators, he has clarified that ozone dissolves
in biological fluids and generates reactive oxygen speeies (ROS) of which hydrogen
peroxide is one of the most important. At the same time, other scientists have
clarified that hydrogen peroxide is a erueial physiological messenger and Velio has
been able to show how, indireetly, ozone ean elieit a variety of biologieal aetivities,
such as the induetion of eytokines, hormonal effects and the aetivation of
metabolism either by faeilitating oxygen transport and delivery or/and biochemical
pathways. Interestingly ROS activate also platelets and endothelial cells leading to a
tremendous amplification of effeets. Another stimulating and apparently paradoxieal
development is that ozone, one of the most potent oxidant, if properly used , can
induce the adaptation to a chronic oxidative stress , a phenomenon not really new ,
because we know that any stressful agent ean either kill an organism or allow the
induction of resistanee. The fact is praetically important because today this is a
possible way to reverse, or stabilise a chronie imbalanee between an excess of
oxidants and adefeet of antioxidants.
In the 90s ozonetherapy was, among several eomplementary approaches, still
immersed in a fog of magic but, thanks to these researches, it has now become
amenable to a truly scientific investigation. This is the only way to proceed if one
wants to validate a medical approach. Velio correctly says we cannot forget that
ozone is intrinsically toxic and, consequently, must be used with great precision and
care . He now has come to consider ozone as areal drug with all its inherent
advantages and disadvantages. Another surprising aspect is the one presented by the
therapeutic use of ozone in medicine, where the dominant dogma is that many
pathologies, if not generated, are maintained by an excessive production of free
radicals. Thus, as Velio admits, the idea of using ozone seems a crazy one and
indeed, most of the medical world is very much against it. However he maintains
that this dominant concept is born out either by a plain prejudice from lack of
knowledge, or by not recognising that ozone induces only-an exogenous, transitory
and calculated oxidative stress that represents an important way to counteract the
endogenous chronic oxidative stress. If he is correct, .this new idea may indeed help
to explain why ozonotherapy appears therapeutically useful. Moreover, the concept
that ozone is not a panacea for a11 illnesses has been well clarified and it is due to the
acti vation of several mechanisms relevant in disparate diseases.
I must say I appreciate that Velio, throughout the book, strives to be very
objective and critical. Although he is c1early in love with this story, he does not
spare his harsh criticisms on the many problems plaguing ozonetherapy, as he
believes that only by following a scientific approach, ozonetherapy may have the
chance to enter mainstream medicine. Indeed , so far, although medical results
appear promising and , in some cases, almost too good to be true, there is the
absolute need to perform randomised c1inical trials in appropriate institutions.
In conclusion, Velio's book, in my opinion, represents a serious attempt to
understand the fundamental basis of ozonetherapy and is a relevant step for
achieving further progress. Velio has already written a similar book for Italian
ozonetherapists but this is a completely new version with deepened scientific and
medieal backgrounds: as such it can be useful to all ozonetherapists, to physicians
and scientists that may be interested to know how ozone truly acts . There are also
some autobiographieal annotations that show Velio's personal involvement with this
problem and some ofhis disputes with other scientists. The present evidence, albeit
imperfect, may be helpful to advance this approach and hopefully to be useful to
many patients.
Glu Glutamate
Gly Glycine
GM-CSF Granulocyte-monocyte Colony Stimulating Factor
GMP Guanosine monophosphate
GRP Glucose-regulated proteins
GRPs Glucose-regulated proteins
GS Glass syringe
GSH Glutahione reduced form
GSH-Px Glutathione peroxidase
GSHT Glutathione transferase
GS-NO Gluthatione nitrothiols
GSSG Glutathione disulfide
GSSGR Glutathione reductase
GTP Guanosine triphosphate
GTPase Guanosine triphosphatase
GVDH Graft versus host disease
H.p . Helicobacter pylori
H2 Hydrogen
H 202 Hydrogen peroxide
H2S Sulphidric acid
HAART Highly active anti-retroviral therapy
HAV Hepatitis A virus
Hb Haemoglobin
HbCO Carboxyhaemoglobin
Hb0 2 Oxyhaemoglobin
Hbs Haemoglobin sickle cell
HBV Hepatitis B virus
HCV Hepatitis C virus
HDL High-density lipoprotein
HDV Hepatitis delta virus
HES Hydroxy ethyl starch
HETE Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid
Hg Mercury
HGF Hepatocyte growth factor
HIF-I Hypoxia induced factor-I
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HK Hexokinase
HLA Human leukocyte antigens
4-HNE 4-hydroxy-2,3-trans-nonenal
HO-I Haeme-oxygenase I (HSP 32)
H0 2 Hydroperoxy radieal
HOCI Hypoclorous acid
HOT Hyperbarie oxygen therapy
H-O -U Heat, ozone and ultraviolet light
HPLC High pressure liquid chromatography
Hr Hours
MB Methylene blue
MCP-l/JE Monocyte chemotactic protein I
MDA Malonyldialdehyde
MDR-MT Multi-Drug-Resistant-Mycobacterium Tubercolosis
MegaU I million units
MEM Minimum essential medium
MHb Methaemoglobin
MHC Major histocompatibility complex
Min Minutes
MIP-Ia Macrophage intlammatory protein la
MIP-Iß Macrophage intlammatory protein I ß
MM Muscularis mucosae
Mn Manganese
Mn-SOD Manganese-superoxide dismutase
MPO Myeloperoxidase
mRNA Messenger RNA
Mx Mxprotein (lFN marker)
Nz Nitrogen
NzO Nitrous oxide
Na/K-ATPase Na/K ATPase
Na ZS Z0 3 Sodium thiosulphate
NAC N-acetyl-cysteine
NAD Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, oxidised form
NADH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, reduced form
NADP Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, oxidised
NADPH Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, reduced
NaHC0 3 Sodium bicarbonate
NaOCI Sodium hypochloride
NFKB Nuclear factor Kappa B
NGF Nerve Growth Factor
NH 3 Ammonia
Ni Nickel
NK Natural Killer
NMR Nuclear magnetic resonance
NO' Nitric oxide
NO"z Nitrogen dioxide
NO x Nitrogen oxides
NOs Nitric oxide synthase
NSAID Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
°zOZ,· Oxygen
Anion superoxide
03 Ozone
102 Singlet oxygen
As often happens for many discoveries, two preliminary observations were made for
ozone suggesting the generation of a new gas: firstly, around 1785, Van Marum
observed that when oxygen was exposed to an electric discharge, it was activated
and reacted with mercury; secondly, in 180 I, Cruikschank noted that an unknown
gas could be formed during electrolysis. It is unclear if Christian Friederich
Schönbein was aware of these results since he was not able to follow a proper
Chemistry course .
Sch önbein (Fig. I) was born on October 18, 1799 in the small town of
Metzingen, near Stuttgart in southern Germany . He was the first of eight children of
a humble dyer, who was obliged to do other jobs to provide a living for his family.
This seems to be the reason why Schönbein, only thirteen years old, started an
apprenticeship to become a practical chemist. Later, he worked in a chemical plant
near Erlangen but since he could not afford to enrol at the University, he tried hard
to become a self-taught man. However, he did manage to artend lectures by Faraday,
Dumas, Ampere, Gay-Lussac, and was certainly inspired by their genial minds and
their experimental approaches. In Erlangen, he also established a great friendship
with Justus von Liebig (1803 -1873) who became a leading chemist and most likely
gave good advice to Schönbein when, in 1839, he presented a lecture at the Basel
Natural Science Society entitled "On the smell at the positive electrode during
electrolysis of water". Schönbein had perfonned research in both Physics and
Chemistry, namely electricity, polarisation and electrolysis. Working with voltaic
piles in the presence of oxygen, he noticed the emergence of a pungent gas with an
"electric smell" and, with good intuition , discovered a new form of oxygen also
defined as "active oxygen", In nature, ozone is produced during thunderstonns
owing to the electric discharge of lightning which catalyses the fonnation of ozone
from atmospheric oxygen.
In 1835, he was appointed Professor ofPhysics and Chemistry at the University
of Basel and subsequently made other discoveries. Most notably, he demonstrated
the usefulness of galvanic deposition of zinc to protect iron from corrosion and the
production of ammonia from air and water for making fertilizers . It must also be
remembered that he invented Nitrocellulose or "gun cotton", which however did not
reward hirn fmancially as dynamite did for Alfred Nobel. Schönbein was a very
productive scientist. Among bis 343 papers, the one published in 1861 reported that
qualitative analyses can be perfonned using filter paper, a new notion that marked
the very first description of chromatography. Later, he became interested in
biochemical processes, particularly the ability of hydrocyanide acid to stop meat
putrefaction; thus he succeeded in showing the possibility of conserving meat for a
long time. While conducting this study , he contracted a Bacillus anthracis infection,
most likely from perished meat, and he died in Baden-Baden on August 29, 1868. In
acknowledgement of his great scientific merits and outstanding contributions to his
University, he was buried in Basel. It is ironically sad that although Schönbein had
certainly envisioned the possibility that ozone could act as a strong disinfectant for
the syphilis and gonorrhoea pathogens, he was unable to take advantage of ozone
himself(Nolte, 1999).
At the opening ofthe International Congress ofOzonetherapy (Glaxo-Wellcome
Research Centre, Verona , March 11-13, 1999), I had the privilege of
commemorating the 200 lh anniversary of Schönbein's birth. Firstly, I tried to
emphasize that important discoveries often seem to be the result of a stroke of luck
or, as we say, of serendipity. In reality, this is not the case : Jenner, Sch önbein ,
Fleming, Furchgott, Isaacs, Levi-Montalcini, just to mention a few innovators, made
their crucial observations ,as a result of their insight in explaining an apparentIy
casual result occurring during their daily work in their particular fields .
Moreover, Schönbein realized that ozone existed everywhere in nature and he
observed that its concentration increased with altitude. Indeed, in 1853 in the
Austrian mountains, he made the first measurement of different sampies of air and
invented a simple ozonometer consisting of test paper activated with iodide and
starch .
In my talk, I pointed out that Schönbein, a pioneer of atmospheric chernistry,
could not envisage the relevance of the ozone layer (about 10 ppm) in the
stratosphere which , at about 20 Km from the earth 's surface , neutralises most
ultraviolet rays (bands C:100-280 nm and B:281-315 nrrr), thus minimising their
mutagenie effeets on living beings. Nor eould he imagine that some 100 years later,
human negligenee in allowing the release of ehlorofluoroearbons (CFCs) into the
atmosphere would eause partial destruetion of the ozone layer, the renowned "ozone
hole", due to ehlorine free radieals (Harris and Bishop, 1999). Molina and Rowland
(1974) were awarded the Nobel prize in 1995 for explaining the eatalytie ozone loss
in the stratosphere. Today, we are learning the hard way that the ozone
eoneentration, which used to be extremely low in the troposphere (about 0.03 ppm,
i.e. about 300 fold lower than in the stratosphere), is dangerously inereasing
everywhere and is now at exeeptionally high levels in large eities. Ozone, mixed
with nitrogen oxide (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO) and other acid ehernieals,
composes the photochemieal smog that is very toxie for the respiratory tract,
beeause there are not enough neutralizing substances for this murderous mixture . It
is also sad to see wonderful marble and bronze statues in Florenee or Veniee
deteriorating due to aeid smog. It seems we never do enough to preserve or restore
If Sch önbein eould have participated in the Basel Symposium (October 21-22,
1999) organized by the International Ozone Assoeiation (IOA) to honour bis
memory, he would have been pleased to see how important ozone has beeome in
many industrial proeesses and in our daily life, i.e. in the treatment of waste and
drinking water . These teehnologies will become more and more important as there is
a growing need to purify and save water. Today, nobody doubts the versatile oxidant
and disinfectant properties of ozone . After the first installation of a drinking water
treatment plant in Holland (1893), there are now more than 3,000 munieipal
treatment facilities in the world (Chapter 31). Indeed, Rice (1999) concluded bis
leeture saying that "the future for ozone in this area is indeed bright".
Finally, it wouldn't be fair if I didn't mention that, besides looking for the
practical application of his diseoveries, Sch önbein tried to understand how physical
and ehemieal phenomena could be related to the fundamental laws of nature .
Although he never had the opportunity of serious theoretieal training, he must have
been greatly influeneed by the oceasional teaehing and eonversations with the
philosopher Schelling. He eonsidered this friendship "to be a gift from heaven" and
it eertainly helped hirn to realize our transitoriness and short-sightedness when he
humbly wrote "although nature appears to us by space and time as an infinite mass
of unrelated details, a eolourful mixture of astonishing diversity, this is only caused
by the terrible narrowness of our vision" (Nolte, 1999).
Some eleven years before Sch önbein's death , the chemist Werner von Siemens
invented and patented the so-ealled "super-induction tube", so that even today we
talk about Siemens'stube. This was an important step forward: it was realized that
ozone was a very reaetive, unstable and unstorable gas and that it had to be produced
"ex tempore" from oxygen and used at once. At first, ozonisers were used for
preliminary industrial applications and disinfection of water after it was shown that
ozone displayed broad and potent bactericidal activity . Several decades elapsed
before a valid and praetical medieal ozoniser was devised by the physieist Joaehim
Hansler (1908-1981). He founded a manufacturing company and the invention of a
simple, reliable ozoniser greatly enhanced the diffusion of ozonetherapy. The
underdeveloped or poor countries, such as Eastem Europe, Cuba, Mexico and South
America. It is accepted in the motherland Germany, Austria and Switzerland but it
has elicited very little interest at the university level. It is more or less tolerated in
Italy, France, England, Canada and in a few states of the USA, while it is severely
prohibited in other states. We will examine the many reasons for this opposition in
Chapters 16 and 38.
Almost every country has one or more scientific societies for the development of
oxygen-ozone therapy . In Germany, the first society was founded in 1972 by Wolff
and Hansler while in Italy a society was founded in 1984. A respectable scientific
society should aim to promote basic and clinical research, as weIl as the serious
preparation of ozonetherapists in the hope of eventually obtaining valid data that
will be accepted by official Medicine. It would have been good if this had been
achieved because it would have implied that ozonetherapy had an irreplaceable
treatment to offer. However, it is deplorable that most of these so-called scientific
societies have mainly commercial interests linked to the manufacture of a generator
and accessories (often not even of good quality). For this reason , in 1999, we
founded the International Medical Ozone Society (IMOS , Italy) which has no
mercantile relations and tries honestly to promote the progress of ozonetherapy.
This ehapter has little seientifie relevanee but the reader may be interested to know
why I started this investigation and the type of problems that I have eneountered.
The most eritieal problem was whether ozonetherapy was a worthwhile undertaking
at all. Some twelve years ago, the leading idea was that ozone will transfer some
energy to the blood, henee to the body. However, this seemed nebulous and rather
simplistie, resembling faneiful ideas typieal of natural medieine. A seeond
formidable problem was to understand why the proponents of ozonetherapy,
represented by physicians and naturopaths but also by unqualified people that ean be
eategorized as charlatans, were so enthusiastic while the opponents, represented by
allopathie physieians, exeellent biochemists and pathologists, eonsidered
ozonetherapy worthless and toxic . As often happens, both groups might have been
partly right and partly wrong and it was challenging to find the truth . Yet it was
obvious that the path of ozonetherapy would be bumpy and uphill.
In the prefaee, I mentioned that I eame aeross ozonetherapy by chance and I was
attraeted by the idea that ozone might aet as a eytokine indueer, as had been
demonstrated for other oxidants (Novogrodsky et al., 1977; Antonelli et al., 1985;
Dianzani et al, 1985). For some time, we had searched for an interferon (IFN)
indueer that needed to be effeetive, non-tolerogenic, non-antigenic and atoxie and
we wondered if ozone would be suitable. After Isaacs and Lindenman had
diseovered IFN in 1957, it took about 25 years before it eould be tested elinieally
and the amounts produeed by buffy-eoat leukoeytes were so small to make a
eontrolled clinical trial almost impossible. One sehool of thought was to produee
large amounts of IFN in vitro to be administered as an exogenous eompound and
this beeame feasible only with the advent of reeombinant technology; another was to
induce the production of endogenous IFN and other cytokines with some substance
(polynucleotides, lectins , etc.). Although vaecines are no more important than
antisera , I thought that the latter idea was rational and praetieal. Unfortunately,
however, the available indueers were toxie and thus the approach was abandoned in
the 1980s. It has turned out (Bocei, 1990a,b, 1991a,b, 1992a,b,c, 1993) that
exogenous administration of eytokines does not render them a "wonder drug" and
there is now a reconsideration of immunologieally specific indueers (Krieg and
Wagner, 2000 ; Tazulakhova et al., 2001) .
volume/min of blood exposed to air over some 100 m2 of the alveolar space.
Moreover, as we shall discuss in Chapters 4 and 13, oxygen and ozone not only have
different solubility coefficients, but ozone never reaches an equilibrium since, on ce
dissolved, it reacts IMMEDIATELY with various blood substrates. However, it is
perhaps necessary to re-emphasize that not all ozone dissolves at onee in the wbole
volume of blood owing to the surface constraint.
It is distressing to note that our advice is disregarded by either incompetent or
careless ozonetherapists, either to be quick or because by using the wrong AHT
system a long delay will allow blood coagulation in the reinfusion tubing. I never
miss an opportunity to condemn this sort of malpractice because this is one of the
countless difficulties of ozonetherapy.
Coming back to our initial experimental problem, we made the hypothesis that
ozone will activate some leukocytic cells (probably monocytes and lymphocytes
nonnally defined as peripheral blood mononuclear cells, BMC).
When ozonized blood is reinfused into the donor, BMC will horne in several
microenvironments (likely in the lung, spleen, Iymph nodes and bone marrow) and
will find the ideal habitat to synthesise and secrete cytokines in the following hours.
In vitro, we could imitate this situation reasonably weIl in a thennostat where
sterility, temperature, humidity, p02, pC0 2 and pH are closely regulated. The
obvious limitation is that incubation is time-limited because of the progressive lack
of nutrients and increase of catabolites. To make a long story short, I will say that
we tested different conditions and various incubation times. After that, sampies were
centrifuged and the supematant was stored frozen until Luana could measure the
IFN activity by biological assay. This is a long, tedious procedure but if it is unable
to defme IFN types , it assurnes that any measured IFN molecule is biologically
active . It took several months of hard work but eventually we demonstrated that
ozone can induce the production of IFN, possibly type y according to a preliminary
characterization. IFN was released by either isolated BMC or leukocytes in either
whole blood or in buffy coats treated with ozone at concentrations from 2 to 108
ug/rnl of gas per ml of cell suspension or blood. Wemade a few interesting
observations: isolated BMC, resuspended in tissue culture medium, responded only
at very low (2 ug/ml) 0 3 concentrations while leukocytes in whole blood produced
more IFN when exposed to an ozone concentration of 42 ug/ml and progressively
less at higher 0 3 concentrations. The kinetics of IFN release was similar to that
measured using an extremely active stimulator, Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B
(SEB), but ozone appeared to be a far weaker inducer. Air or oxygen tested as
control gases were ineffective. At that time, although we could not yet grasp the
mechanism of action, we realized that increasing ozone concentrations inhibited the
process and reduced viability because of toxicity. These were the very first results
showing that ozone could act as a cytokine inducer (Bocci and Paulesu, 1990); for
better or for worse, they have been followed by many others in various cell types
(Beck et al., 1994; Arsalane et al., 1995; Takahashi et al., 1995; Jaspers et al., 1997).
Being sure to have made an original observation, I wrote areport that was submitted
to the Scandinavian Journal of Immunology. We remained very disappointed by the
harsh critical comments of two referees who considered ozone a toxic gas and
difficult to measure; as a consequence, they invalidated OUf results. At this point, I
apologise to the reader for the necessity of a short digression . Besides the weil
known aphorism "publish or perish", any scientist has the right, if not the duty, to
inform the scientific community at large of herlhis new results . However,
competition has become very fierce and the space in internationally renowned
journals is very limited . Moreover, although the anonymous referee system, meant
to critically evaluate the paper and eventually to perfect it or reject it, is generally
positive and useful, it is not fool-proof. There are clamorous examples of excellent
papers of Nobel prize calibre that have been rejected in the first instance . This was
certainly not the case of our paper but nonetheless we feit that the prejudice against
the use of ozone had no justification. In deciding to evaluate the biological effects of
ozone , perhaps naively, I had not anticipated the beginning of an endless ordeal. As
a matter of fact, we could have published our first report immediately in the
Newsletter the so-called scientific Italian Society of Ozonetherapy published every
3-4 months . But we refused to do that because the Newsletter is virtually unknown,
printed only in Italian (therefore useless for the English-speaking scientific
community), without an editorial committee and worst of all published to support a
commercial enterprise . In synthesis, to publish in this Newsletter would be
equivalent to burying a result. Once again, I take the opportunity to emphasize
another chronic problem with ozonetherapy: scientific data have been very
scarce, ofpoor quality, and at best published in obscure journals that nobody reads.
Thus the "impact factor" is zero.
With rare exceptions duly reported in the References, it seems as if ozonetherapy
has been performed on a desert island without any contact with official Medicine.
This situation initiated a vicious circ1e in which scepticism was fed by scarce and
unreliable data often presented without any control.
In conc1usion, the refusal of our first paper was not altogether negative because
we became weil aware of the obstac1es to overcome and that we could not succeed
easily. We then submitted the manuscript to "Haernatologica" which, although not
considered a first-class journal, is sponsored by the Italian Haematological Society,
has a serious editorial committee, publishes in English and is regularly reported in
Current Contents, Life Sciences. In this case, the referees comments were objective
and, after a modest revision and addition of some data, the paper was published in
1990 (Bocci and Paulesu).
This was only a small step ahead because every day I could perceive the ostracism
ofthe medical world. There were several reasons for that: firstly, the toxicity of ozone,
which in Summer is the daily concern of the mass media on account of increased
ozone levels in cities with consequent pulmonary pathology; secondly, the widely
accepted and hardly disputable concept that several diseases and ageing are due to free
radicals; thirdly, ozone is a master in generating free radicals; fourthly, a profound
disbelief that ozonetherapy is beneficial, due to a lack of a serious data in conjunction
with vaunting, triumphant claims; and fifthly, the widespread derision of ozonetherapy
as a sort of"panacea" able to eure all human iIlnesses.
Therefore, it appeared neeessary not only to publish experimental papers but to
objectively clarify whether there was any benefit from the ozonetherapeutie
approach and to pursue any possibility to prove or disprove it with controlled
clinieal studies. Sinee 1991, I have tried to break the isolation and the aseertainment
that, albeit with some good reasons, ozonetherapists were held in contempt. By
painfully searching and analysing the scarce and usually poor literature, I tried to
distil what seemed relevant and to present it in brief reviews . This was a frustrating
time because lieft myself open to criticism. Yet I paid attention to the criticism
since in most cases the objections were substantially correct. At the same time, I
found it beneficial to leam from our mistakes and I hope that the reader will be
willing to participate in this sort of catharsis .
In 1992, I tried to give a new interpretation to the empirical use of ozonetherapy
in chronic viral diseases, particularly chronic hepatitis and recurrent herpes
infections . The new hypothesis was based on our experimental results showing the
induction of IFN and possibly of other cytokines. If it was correct, in addition to
improving the general metabolism, repeated treatments of OrAHT might have
enhanced priming and activation of the immune system, a fundamental requirement
for recognizing and destroying virally infected cells. The editor of Medical
Hypotheses found the article interesting and, after minor editorial revision,
published it (Bocci, 1992a). I remained somewhat disappointed by the lack of
response by infectivologists because the availability of effective immunomodulators
was meagre and I was proposing to evaluate an approach able to trigger a
physiological cascade of events "with a more comprehensive activation of the
immune network. However, I carmot forget Mr. W. Martin's (Fairhope, Alabama,
USA) letter, received on November 1992. He was somehow related to Dr. Helen
Coley Nauts, daughter of Dr. W.B. Coley, who in 1906 had proposed the use of
mixed bacterial toxins (now known to elicit release of several pro-inflammatory
cytokines) to treat cancer patients. Mr . Martin urged me to continue even though he
wamed that it may take a long time to get things going : Dr. H. Coley was able to
establish the Cancer Research Institute only in 1955 but the FDA was still
maintaining a ban on Coley's mixed toxins, which had to be tested at the Children's
Hospital in Beijing.
After gaining good experience in handling ozone from 1991 to 1993, we
managed to publish two papers in "Lyrnphokine and Cytokine Research" (LCR):
one showing the induction of tumour necrosis factor a (TNFa) and the other of
IFNy and IFNß, Interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-2, and Granulocyte-Monocyte colony
stimulating factor (GM-CSF) (Paulesu et al., 1991; Bocci et al., 1993a). In the 1993
paper, we attempted to define conditions for optimal induction of cytokines,
particularly in regard to anticoagulants: in cornparison to citrate, which chelates the
plasma Caz+, heparin enhances the production of cytokines by leukocytes in whole
blood. Actually the addition of 5 mM CaClz strengthens the process but causes a
modest increase in haemolysis . It was suggested that OrAHT could be potentiated
using heparinized and Ca2+-supplemented blood in patients with chronic viral
hepatitis. I was recently informed by a group of ozonetherapists working in New
York that this formulation was found to be very effective, but regretfully 00 clinical
or virological data could be provided. Later on in our study ofHIV patients, we did not
use the CaH addition since it might have enhanced platelet aggregation (Chapter 14).
I gratefully acknowledge the help of Dr. L.B. Lachman, who, as chief editor of
LCR, was extremely helpful during the revision phase of these two papers. At that
The referees were right but how could I discuss significant clinical data when
ozonetherapists at best report only a few anecdotes . My hope to elicit interest in the
approach so as to promote clinical trials in other institutions was shattered.
Eventually I restructured the manuscript and, only after a lengthy revision , it was
published in the "Journal International Medical Research" (Bocci , 1994b), but again
it evoked very little interest.
In mid- I994, the spread of the HIV epidemic was of great concern and, except
for the minimal efficacy of azidothymidine (AZT), there was no therapy. On the
other hand, Oxylist and the popular mass media propagandized the claim timt
ozonetherapy was "curing" HIV patients. Charlatans without any medical
qualifications in Canada, USA, Mexico, Caribbean Islands, etc. were attracting
desperate patients by promising that two weeks of therapy eonsisting of direet
intravenous (IV) injeetion of O 2-03 at a eost of 8-10,000 US dollars would make
them HIV-negative. I feit that this was a shameful exploitation. Nonetheless , the
potent virucidal activity of ozone and the recently discovered induction of cytokines
raised the question as to whether an appropriate programme of OrAHT perfonned
in the hospital at no expense would be of some use to patients in Italy. After
evaluating the pros and cons, I prepared a c1inical protocol to be submitted to the
Health Authorities as weil as to patients in order to obtain their informed consent.
Both the risk and toxicity of the treatment appeared nil on the basis of the extensive
evaluation of OrAHT by Jacobs (1982) . Hoping to receive a comment or advice, I
sent the programme to Prof L. Montagnier, whom I had met at an IFN meeting in
Siena, to Prof R. Gallo, to Prof. A. Fauci, to several ltalian infectivologists and also
to Prof E. Guzzanti, then Minister of Health. To my dismay, no one answered
except Prof Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and
blessing ..." to the Editors of two important journals, but to no avail. The answers
follow :
" Immunology Today " Septemb er 1994. "Many thanks for your manuscript
eoneeming the therapeutie effieaey of autohaemotherapy as a elini eal treatment. At the
moment I must decline your offer for the reason you have alluded to in your letter : i.e.,
that the data so far, though striking, are still aneedotal . Given the pressure on spaee in
"Immunology Today" , until data from 11 large c1inical trial ure availahle we eould
not prioritise this subjeet for diseussion. My apologies for being the bearer of
diseouraging news on this occasion , however, onee more data ean be added to the initial
studies I would be interested to hear from you again " .
And then :
"British Medieal Journal" April 1995. "Thank you for sending us your paper, whieh
I regret we do not wish 10 publish . Allhough what you had to say is undo ubtedl y
interest ing, we are not inlerested in 11 review whlch is really just 11 selection of
anecdotes, If there is now sueh enthusiasm around, why don ' t you iniuate rigorous
studies of ozone therapy in single eonditions, whieh eould then be reported in medieal
journals and would do mueh more for your eause than one of experien ees gained by
private mcdical practitioners" .
Even my appeal to the Deputy Editor did not serve the purpose:
"Thank you for your letter appealing against our deeision to reject your discussion
of ozone . Before devoting mueh space to sueh a topie we would need a hody of sound
research on wh ich to base such a dehnte. In the ease of hyperbarie oxygen at least
there was more than aneedolal reports to go on. I am sorry 10 disappoin l you".
In contrast, it was much too easy to publish reports on the occasion of the XII
Congress of the International Ozone Association (IOA) in Lilie (Bocci, 1995a) or in
the Ozon-Handbuch edited by Dr. R. Viebahn (Bocci, 1995b). Each year, this book
collects the best publications in German but unfortunately remains unknown.
Obviously there is no criticism in the small ozone circ1e and because contributions
are so few, almost everything is accepted. This attitude does not favour competition
or progress and if the reader scrutinizes some of the abstracts of the Lilie
Symposium he/she will remain astonished by the contents.
As a further dreary example, in 1994 I presented two papers at the National
Congress ofOzonetherapy organized by the Italian Society (SIOOT) in Rome. With
the exception of a pompous ceremony and the demonstration of only one type of
ozone generator produced by the firm owned by the president, it was the usual
fanfaronade . Worst of all, I was told that the papers were going to be published later
(?) in a journal that nobody reads but in fact I never saw them. The journal is
probably kept in a cellar with old wine!
The paper entitled "Ozone: a mixed blessing ..." was eventually published in
"Forschende komplernentarmedizine" (Bocci, 1996d) but once again it received
little attention because the journal focuses on other approaches of natural medicine .
In September 1995, the Russian Ozone Society organized an international
Congress at Nizhni Novgorod and I was invited to give the keynote speech . When
we visited the hospital, I was impressed that ozonetherapy was used everywhere.
Certainly as a disinfectant, ozone was useful in infections and in awful war traumas
and bums (conflict in Chechnya) but, in other cases, such as the questionable
infusion of weakly ozonized saline, it was probably little more than a placebo
(Chapter 34) . As in Cuba, it was sad to see that a great country was so impoverished
to have to rely mostly upon ozone, even though the Russian doctors seemed satisfied
with the c1inical results. On returning to Italy, I thought it would be interesting to
write a short letter "Ozonetherapy has come of age in Russia" and I sent it to the
editor of"Nature" in October 1995. The response was:
"Thank you for your leiter, but I am afraid we cannot publish it in its present form.
The difficulty is this. As you yourself say in your letter, there is a prejudice against
ozone therapy in the West, and the reason is simple: there has been a lot of quackery
and there have been no convincing demonstratlons to the contrary. I know that
there are many readers who would take your description of what the Russians are doing
as proof, but there are many other readers who would remain sceptical , saying that they
would have been more convinced if somebody (Iike you) were to describe some
particular circumstances in which data have shown that ozone therapy can be benefic ial.
If there is something that sticks in your mind from the conference you went to that
would have that effect, it would be worth putting it in a letter . You will, I am sure, know
that letters in "Nature" should be as short as possible ".
At this point, I gave up and I sent the paper to Dr. S. Peretyagin who, 1 believe,
translated it into Russian and published it in a local journal (1996b). In June 1996, I
went back to the University of Nizhni Novgorod because in the meantime they had
received a grant from the Soros Foundation. The plan was to investigate whether
ozonized erythrocytes labelIed with TC99 remained in the circulation or were quickly
removed by the spleen (see Chapter 14). We performed good preliminary
experiments in about a week and then lieft, hoping that they would continue to
examine the actual half-life by testing Cr 51-labelled erythrocytes, Yet I later heard
that they could not carry out the experiments owing to insurmountable difficulties.
In 1996, the Italian Ministry of Health ratified a 1992 decree that stated that
ozonetherapy was still an uncertain medical practice and could only be investigated
in university clinics and large hospitals. On reading the decree, I realized that the so-
called Superior Council of Health did not have the slightest idea about
ozonetherapy, but being a Superior Council they didn't need any information. Worst
of all, the council left ozonetherapy in a vacuum for private physicians and thus
allowed a very equivocal way ofpractising ozonetherapy.
As a matter of fact , no comprehensive review of the topic had ever been
published and I spent considerable time in collecting all available data, in tenns of
biochemistry, immunology, toxicology and clinical data . I thought that I had done a
useful job when I submitted it to the editor of "Pharmacology and Therapeutics"
(New Haven University), a good journal specializing in pharmacological reviews. I
was rather hopeful that the present work would be as well appreciated as two
previous reviews of mine (Bocci, 1981b, 1987b). The foIlowing reply by a highly
qualified referee proved that ozonetherapy was anathema in the U.S .A. :
"Dr . Bocci admirably attempts to put forth a rationale for ozonated
autohemotherapy, e.g., exposing ex vivo human blood to agas mixture including ozone,
followed by reinfusion . As one of a group of investigators who has studied the
biopathologies of ozone toxicity for over two decades , who has been a member of the
Europcan and American Free Radical Societies for over a decade, and who is a
practici ng physician , I cun envision no rationale for the mcdicul upplicution of this
archaic practice, which I would put in the same cutegory as the 18th und 19th
I found these comments too general and I appealed to the Editor for a further
evaluation, but to no avail because two associate editors answered as folIows:
Editor 1.- " I too have considerable reservations. This is fringc medieine whose rationale
is diffieult to justify. On oeeasions such as this, one often tries to think of a ploy when a
change of titlc or emphasis might render a review aeeeptable but on this occasion I
believc we would be stretching the eredulity of our readers by publishing on the topic .
" Pharmacology aud Therapeutics" has built up an enviable reputation as a high quality
review journal and I bclieve we must proteet that position. 1 would emphatically reject
the rcview" .
Editor 2.- " I have read the review of the paper by Dr. Boeei . 1 agree with your decision
to reject it. I think it would be quite inappropriate for a journal such as P&T 10 embark
on this kind of topie . It may weil be that it requircs serious seientifie examination, but
ours is a review journal, not an experimental journal, and so P&T is not the relevant
publieation . Ir a time comes whcn ozone is prnved to be un effective therapeutic
agent, then a review ofthe evidenee in P&T might weil be welcome, but until such time
comes I think we should steer elear nf unything thut sounds quuckery and thereforc
could bring the journal into disrepute" ,
I don't agree at all about this last remark; indeed, although there are many ways,
none is good . Anyway I must infonn the reader that this time I didn't give up and I
What I cannot understand is why some physicians (see Chapter 24) who claim to
have treated hundreds of cancer patients with spectacular results do not publish their
results at least as "best case series".
Believing that ozonetherapy can be beneficial particularly in elderly patients
where chemotherapy makes Iife unbearable, I submitted the article entitled
I feit that Prof. Emst's comments, although instructive, were not totally correct
and I asked to publish my counterpoint as folIows :
"Antwork der Autoren . Forsch Komplemcntärmed 5:78 (1998)
Antwort Bocci
I regret that Prof. Ernst did not have the opportunity to read my prcvious monograph
[I], in wh ich the problern of the potential toxicity of ozone was exhaustively discussed .
At least four deaths have been due to foolish direct intravenous administration of gas
(02-0J) in spite of the fact that, since 1984, this route has been prohibited. The cases of
hepatitis are not pcrtinent because all ozonctherapeutic procedures are carried out with
disposable material and the two cases in question were duc to a different approach (UV
treatment of blood in contaminatcd glass container) that has nothing to do with
My personal expericnce based upon ample biological and clinical results is that , if
ozone is used properly in a concentration up to about 70 J.lg/ml pcr g of blood , there are
neither acute nor ehrenie (up to 60 sessions) toxic effects. The only problem is
rcpresentcd by a progressive deterioration of venous access due also to previous
prolonged therapies.
On the othcr hand, intramuscular injection of 02-0J (when used for the treatment of
hernial disc) is very painful for a few minutes but, iuterestingly, pain elicits analgesia
subsequently and appears to alleviate back pain in somc patients .
As far as cancer is concerned, either as minimal residual disease or metastatic
cancer in patients with a good Karnovsky's index refusing radio- or chemothcrapy, a
'best case se ries' should be cvaluated as soon as possible using ozonated
autohaemotherapy with the options of either rectal ozone insuffiation or body exposure
[I J. I could not agree more with Prof. Ernst about the need of standardizing the
procedure, the schcdule, the tolerance and the relevance of RCT, either versus a
standard treatment or/and versus O 2 autohacmotherapy. There is indeed the compelling
need of assessing the importance of the placebo effect because
psychoneuroimmunologic effccts are most likely involved with this approach.
Physicians practicing complementary medicine, bclieving that their treatment is
effective, feel that randomization is unethical. Most of them do not care about the
possibility of a 'placebo effect' and actually they welcome it. This attitude is totally
wrong and prevents acceptance of ozonetherapy. On the other hand , results obtained
with a positive, well-conducted randomized pilot trial could be published by a peer-
reviewed jeumal and stimulate confirmatory studics.
I am grateful to Prof. K. Zanker for his constructive criticism and I would like to
add that the possibility of an autovaccination (section I) is becoming more substantial
after the demonstration [2J that ozone induces the expression of heat shock proteins
(HSPs). The interesting and novel aspect is that HSPs chaperone the antigenic repertoire
of tumour cells and that the HSP-tulJlour antigen complex can elicit a potent T-cell
response against the autologous tumour [3J.
Finally, I take the opportunity to say that the future of ozonetherapy is in our hands
and until the time that we will produce biological and clinical data according to the
standard set by orthodox medicine, this approach will remain in the hands of
practitioners and quacks .
I Bocci V : Ozone as a bioregulator. Pharmacology and toxicology of ozonetherapy
today . J Biol Regul Horneost Agents 1996 ;10:31-53 .
2 Su WY , Gordon T : In vivo exposure to ozone produces an increase in a 72-kDa heat
sho ck protein in guinea pig . J Appl Physiol 1997;83 :707-711.
3 Tamura Y, Peng P, Liu K, Daou M, Srivastava PK : Immunotherapy of tumors with
autologous tumor-derived heat shock protein prcparations. Science 1997 ;278 :117-120."
In January 1995, I sent some of our publications to the editor of the prestigious
joumal "Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine" (FRBM), one of the most expert
chemists on ozone and asked if he was interested in examining a review on
ozonetherapy. He readily answered:
" As far as writing a review on the use of ozone for therapy, I am skeptical. The little
reading 1 have done in this field suggests to me that there is a great deal of bad science
going on here . Ozone is toxic, no matter how you deal with it . Do you have
publications in this field that would argue otherwise?"
On reading it I was a little bit shocked: I could not agree more about the "bad
science" but I found the sentence about toxicity overly dogmatic. He was certainly a
good chemist but was not reasoning as a biologist: what is true in Chemistry is not
necessarily correct in Biology and Medicine. A few days later I replied to hirn:
"I never doubted that FRBM is an excellcnt journal and I mentioned that ozone therapy
has been badly used by quacks or totally inexpert physicians. I regret that you , as the
vast majority, arc taking a skeptical position towards a properly performed ozonated
autohemotherapy. If you remember, I was saying that ozonc can be highly toxic and
indeed any drug is. All depends on selccting the therapeutically active and minimally
toxic dose . Fortunately, although the therapeutic window is narrow, we can obtain this ,
thanks to onr highly integratcd antioxidant systems. By the same token , NO and H20 2
can defend us from bacteria. I learnt that in Biology one should never be dogmatic.
Finallv I would like to assure vou for what it mav serve, that ozone toxicitv can be
cntirely controlled and if we ~sc judicious doses we can achieve a clinic~1 benefit
without any side effeet. But oncc again I repeat that ozone must be carefully used as a
drug knowing what we are doing .'
I deeided not to submit a review to FRBM. But after almost three years. In
Oetober 1997, I reeeived a letter from the editor that truly surprised me:
" Dear Prof. Boeei,
I very mueh cnjoyed your review on ozone in J. Biol. Regul. Homeost. Agents .lQ3 I -53
(1996). I wonder if you would be kind enough to send me a reprint. I had always
thought that " ozone therapy" was a very bad idea. but you re viewcd the literature
would welcome suggestions from you of reviewers to use as weil . If you are interested
in pursuing an article along those lines, just let me know when you think it might be
On reading it, I became enthusiastic and I thought that the golden opportunity to
start a dialogue had appeared. Thus I replied:
"Many thanks for your lctter of December 16 commenting on ozone toxicity. I share
your concern only in part and it has always struck me the fact that in Europe, millions of
people have undergone ozone therapy and there is not one significant note of
dissatisfaction, provided of course one uses ozone with care , I do not think that all these
paticnts are absolutely uncritical. The ozone concentration is the critical point and
whoie human blood should not be exposed to concentrations higher than 80 ug/ml per g
of blood. Unfortunately, in the past, too many experiments have becn performed using
washed erythrocytes suspended in saline and this unphysiological situation, due to the
lack of crucial antioxidants , has been totally misleading .
Although I have still somc reservation , on the whole, my personal experimental and
clinical experience compels me to go ahead until, hopefully , I can find what is really
good or bad. It is true that so far cells do not seem to produce 0 3 (one never knows
insofar NO has taught us!) but phagocytic cells produce all the RaS that 0 3 can
generate . The problern can arise when our powerful antioxidant defense system is
impaired but we have means to check it.
Thus I am glad that your vicw is now somewhat more open and you will be willing
to examine a minireview. As an afterthought , I feeI that your decision is a wise one
bccause my first idea of a FORUM now appears premature in the sense that biologieal,
and above all clinical work, on the topic is scanty and rather poor. However, if
evcntually you can acccpt thc paper , it may be good bccausc somehow it might kindIe
critical comments and hopefull y some interest . If you wish, you can even make abrief
introduction with your reservations, like the one Prof. Dianzani wrote on my 1996
In conclusion, I am grateful for this opportunity and I promise you that the
minireview will be as critical as possible . After all our research work is to find the truth!
I will do my bestto send it to you at the end of next May, or slightly before, if 1
Thanks again"
I started irnmediately to work so that the minireview was submitted by the end of
March 1998. I really tried my best to explain that although ozone is intrinsically
toxic, a large part of the ozone dose is quenched by the blood' s antioxidant system,
as shown by many experimental data . I went a little further to clarify that too little
ozone can be useless (placebo effect), that too much can be toxic (easily assessed
with several parameters) and that we need to use the ozone concentration that
transitorily just overcomes the antioxidants and allows the generation of messengers
necessary for triggering biological activities. I was optimistic that, at long last, we
could open a frank and constructive dialogue between supporters and detractors of
ozonetherapy. Shortly after (May I, 1998), I received a laconic response:
"Your manuscript was sent to three referees who are expert in the field. I regret that,
after evaluation of their comments , I cannot accept your paper for publication in Free
Radical Biology & Medicine . In fact, the referee comments were so strongly negative
that I feel I cannot consider any revised version of this paper.
This is one of those situations in pubfishing research that, although distasteful to the
author as weil as to the editor, inevitably occurs from time to time. Although I cannot
consider your paper for FRBM, I wish you success in getting it published elsewhere.
With warm regards,"
My answer was:
"Dear Editor,
Many Ihanks for your letter of May I informing me that thc minirevicw on
ozonetherapy (MS#569-R-97-wp) has been rejected . Of course I feel depressed but
angry as weil for this , The reason is easily explained : on one hand there are thousands
of patients and physieians performing ozonetherapy and it seems that patients are like
guinea-pigs and doetors are crazy and practising Nazi medieine. On the other hand there
are the opponents of this therapy and they may weil be right, but they also may be
extremely biascd because they have no real practical experienee. In an)' event they
remain anonymous but , as I am sure they have the courage of Iheir convictions, they
ought 10 express their opinions openly as has happen cd in the Laneet rccently when the
editor published a long review (Linde et al.; Are the c1inieal effeets ... 350 :R34-43,
1997) on homeopathy that is still far from being surely effective and at the same time
two signed commentaries (see pages 824, 825), one of whieh had the title : Homcopathy
trials: going nowhere.
Opening up this problem has been extremely positive.
Would it be possible to do the same for ozonetherapy in FRB&M'!
I would be very grateful for your final dceision regarding this.
Whatever you decide, I wnuld greatly appreciute receiving und to be able to rcud
the strongly negative commcnts of the three referces. I fccl thnt it is fair thut I reut!
them as I muy Icarn something useful from thern ."
By rnid-July, I had not yet received a reply and I begged hirn to send the
referees' cornrnents:
"Dear Edilor,
I 6/07/19RR
In my e-mail leiter of June 26 I said I was eagerly waiting 10 read the three strongly
negative eomments of the referees in regard to Ihe rejeeted minirevicw. As to datc I
have not yet reeeived them , I am asking again if you would be so kind to forward thcm
to me . Probably you do nol agree but I think it is the right of the Author to read Ihem
and the duty of the editor 10 provide thcm. Otherwise the whole system is very unfair."
After this, there was nothing I could do except give rny final cornments to the
Editor :
" Many thanks for your e-mail lctter of July 20, where you explained your reasons for
nol sending me the referees' answcrs . However, even if cxtremely negative and even if
offensive, as you suggested they are, I would have preferred to read thcm . The main
objcctive of thc minirevicw was in fact 10 show that ozone therapy is a ver)'
controversial issue and I pointcd out pros and eons clearly. I still believe that in nOI
publ ishing it, you may have acted for the interest of the journal but certainly you have
not played a useful role for clar ifying whcther a medical treatment is valid or not.
Obviously, neither you, nor the referees have appreciated the importance of an open and
objective discussion."
The reader may find the detailed account of the correspondence between the
Editor and myself rather distasteful. It seems fair to clarify that my intention was
neither to open a fruitless dispute nor to scorn the Editor, who acted in the exclusive
interest of his journal. The point that cannot be missed is that a chemist and a
medical biologist could not reach mutual comprehension.
I never doubted that his statement "ozone is toxie ..." was correct in so far as
lipid peroxidation and ozonization products are tested either in tissue culture or are
examined in the context of the delicate respiratory system . What I was trying to
advocate is that blood is a much more ozone-resistant "tissue", Even more important
is that reinfusion of ozonized blood into the patient implies five crucial
Would it not be better that the ehernist, the biologist and the physician cooperate
to ascertain ifthis is correct?
In retrospect, I was not overly upset because another paper of mine had been
rejected , but I found the rejection of an open discussion extremely unscientific;
indeed , I thought that one advantage of a FORUM would have been to air the
opposite opinions in public .
This episode also made me wonder why in so many countries there are many
mad men like me and millions of human beings who, by undergoing ozonetherapy,
have to behave like laboratory mice, and why the saviours are unable to stop this
disgrace if it is such. Moreover, the whole story may serve to inform proud
ozonetherapists, who believe they are providing wonderful therapy, that
conventional medicine ranks them as charlatans.
As I deeply trust my aim to c1arify the value , if any, of ozonetherapy, I decided
to go on hoping that sooner or later someone would share my enthusiasm. The
unlucky minireview was purposefully revised for submission to "Perspectives in
Biology and Medicine" printed by the University of Chicago. The title itself " Is
ozonetherapy therapeutic?" was meant to be an invitation to objecti vely discuss the
issue. Ozone had become one of the most controversial gases . Indeed, I liked to
compare it to Janus gerninus, the Latin God with two faces : ozone is protective in
the stratosphere and toxic in the troposphere, hannful to the lungs while valuable for
vascular and infectious diseases, damaging at high concentrations and stimulating at
low doses . The editor did not approve the comparison with Janus and I had to adapt
the text to his Iiking (Bocci, 1998b). Outing this period, two English physicians (one
of German origin) visited my lab and, in telling me that they could practise
ozonetherapy in England, they urged me to publish a paper in an English medical
journal that was fairly broadly based and had an editor open to new perspectives.
Mindful of past experience, I prepared a less fanciful text than the previous one and
asked the question: does ozonetherapy have any future in medicine?
The editorial process was lang and slow ; I was asked to include all possible
clinical data and I obliged the request since the editor correctly intended to infonn
even the G.P . of all possibilities offered by ozonetherapy (Bocci, 1999a). After the
publication of these two articles, I expected to receive plenty of reprint request
cards , as used to happen in the 1980s when I was working on the metabolism and
pharmacokinetics of IFN. The requests numbered about 40, i.e. almost nothing in
view of the fact that the papers were reported in the index of the weekly Current
Contents. They were from Cuba , Poland, Germany but very few from the USA and
England. Perhaps two were from ltaly! To me, this meant that ozonetherapists either
do not read or are not interested. Yet this is not surprising, busy as they are to work
in their private clinics! Obviously orthodox physicians or scientists were either
uninterested or considered ozonetherapy to be rubbish.
However, the reader of this book should know that I haveri't told this story to be
pitied, To the contrary, I have chosen this unusual subject by my free will, I will
pursue it and I will not miss any opportunity to remind ozonetherapists that if we
don 't begin to work SERIOUSLY we will remain only CHARLATANS. To make
the argument c1ear, Ireport the reply of the deputy editor of the New England
Journal of Medicine. This first class journal had published a review article on
hyperbatic oxygen therapy, a procedure that is absolutely life-saving for some
diseases but which, in my humble opinion, could be substituted by ozonetherapy for
many other diseases, with the advantage of simplicity, rapidity, minimal cost and
most likely enhanced efficacy (Chapter 35) . In the USA , there are many facilities
but in Italy there are too few hyperbaric chambers, one of which recently exploded
in Milan, killing several people. Unfortunately, it is rare to find a physician who
honestly and intelligently thinks that the two approaches could weil be
For this reason, I proposed to submit an article explaining the state of the art of
oxygen-ozone therapy. The response was :
" I am SOfTY, but a review on oxygen-ozone thcrapy would not be right for our
journal. Our rcviews on therapies foeus on Ireatments which are in general use and for
whieh there is a substuntial hmly of scientiflc evidence. Our c1inieal readers do not
want rcviews on methods that are insufflciently resenrched, even if they ure
promising, Thank you for your interest in our journal ."
What can I say as a btief conclusion? I must admit that occasionally I feit
discouraged, but not too much because, perhaps wrongly , I have caught a glimpse of
how ozone works (Chapter 13). It is hard to understand why other scientists do not
even want to think about it, and apriori reject the idea as non sense, when many
patients have gratified me immensely just by saying how well they feel doing
ozonetherapy. I can only think that my 47 years of lab work and reading so many
good papers have helped me to examine this problem from several angles . I shall
discuss later on how today we can reconcile this old and "barbaric" approach with
the fantastic progress and promises of modem medicine. I had no reason to be
depressed because several objections raised to my endeavours are indisputable and it
is up to us to find the correct solution. However, on the whole about 15 experimental
papers have been published fairly easily , although some were published after a long
struggle. They are easily traceable in the scientific literature even though, as fashion
goes, my "impact factor " is low . It was indispensable to publish because if the
problem is not exposed to the criticism of the medical world , we will forever remain
in limbo.
I would like to thank all the editors who, with more or less reluctance, have
published our papers but I am particularly grateful to Prof. I.L. Bonta and Prof. F.
Dianzani for their generous and constructive decisions. In brief, the outlook for the
future remains dreary but at the same time challenging.
Finally, I must confess I have been surprised that the worst offences I received
have come from the Italian Society of Oxygen-Ozone Therapy (SIOOT). In
November 1998, without being asked , I was nominated President of the
International Congress of Ozonetherapy to be held the following March at the
Glaxo-Welcome Research Centre in Verona. At first, I was puzzled but I decided to
accept when I received the written assurance: firstly , to deliver the commemoration
of Schönbein ; secondly, to give the Schönbein opening lecture and to receive the
related award; thirdly, and most important, to organize and moderate a round table
entitled "The ozonetherapy dilernma", for which I had perrnission to invite four
dist inguished American scientists who oppose the use of medical ozone, as well as
one German, one Cuban, one Italian and one Japanese who favour its use. I had
dreamt that we would be able to open a dialogue that would have important
consequences. I must mention that the organizer, who was president of SIOOT,
signed a document stating that travel expenses would either be anticipated or
reimbursed to the lecturers. After a couple of months, I was informed that , with
regard to the scientific exhibition, only one firm producing ozone generators would
be allowed to be present and two competing firms, one German and one Italian,
would be forbidden unless they paid an exorbitant fee. I must add the not irrelevant
detail that the only firm allowed to exhibit its instruments was owned and directed
by the president's wife.
Although I was not responsible for the administrative part, I was indignant at this
plot because the Congress was officially organized by the scientific society and not
bya commercial enterprise; ifthe latter had been the case , I could not have objected.
Therefore, I wrote letters to the president and to the SIOOT Committee affirming
that any respectable scientific society could not impose such grave discrimination.
As I explain at length in Chapters 6 and 7, the future of ozonetherapy depends at
least in part on the reliability and validity of ozone generators. Therefore, a truly
scientific Society has the duty to present all possible instruments to the participants.
I firmly believe that monopoly is wrong and that we can improve the quality and
countries! Nonetheless, our non-profit society has scientific purposes only and
forbids any commerciallinks.
The reader must be informed that the truly International Ozone Association
(IOA) has been in existence for at least three decades, organizes a world Congress
every two years, has many members and is dedicated to supporting industrial
applications of ozone and water disinfection. It also publishes a good scientific
journal "Ozone in Science and Engineering" (OSE), which is the only one known
for ozone and has an impact factor of 1.085 (2000). The only problem is that until
very recently, the editors chose to steer clear of medical ozone . This has been a
serious but comprehensible drawback. I am sure that a reliable International Journal
of Ozonetherapy devoted to publishing serious controlled biological and c1inical
papers would be a great advantage for the cause of medical ozone, in contrast to
worthless newsletters printed only for mercantile purposes. Yet how and from where
could we rely on a good stream of valid papers? This is yet another vicious circ1e
that cannot be solved if ozonetherapy is carried out by physicians in private practice.
To do proper research, we need government support, but in both Germany and Italy
there has not been the will to help. Only during the last few years has there been a
slight opening for some approaches ofnatural medicine.
I greatly appreciated that Mr. N. Naef, president of the 10A Comrnittee for
Schönbein celebration in Basel (October 1999), invited me to give a lecture on
"Ozone in Medicine". On that occasion, r was fascinated by the keynote lecture
delivered by Dr. Molina.
Unfortunately my talk was scheduled to be the last one, which was too bad
because many people were in a hurry to leave (me too), and very few physicians
were present. After a very lengthy revision (one referee asked for more c1inical
evidence and less biochemistry while the second one wanted to expand the
biochemical part) , the editor accepted the manuscript for .OSE, saying that it was
time to publish a paper on ozonetherapy (Bocci , I999b; Bocci et al., 200Ia). The
XV rOA Congress will be held in London at the Imperial College (September 2001)
and we will have a day-Iong session on ozonetherapy. For the future , Dr. R. Viebahn
and r will try to convince the new president Mr. R. Lowndes and the new Editor Mr.
B.L. Loeb to allow some space in the journal for a few reliable papers on
Thus , although it will be very difficult, I will erase the awful Verona story from
my mind . However, I will still have to deal with ozonetherapists without any
scientific interest or with those boasting about great uncontrolled results just to
acquire a good name and earn more money. Obviously, I cannot prevent that a few
unprofessional persons taint the field and these are the worst lot because they will
discredit ozonetherapy. At least for now, our society is armed with several good
intent ions: the primary objective is to implement each year effective theoretical and
practical teaching courses for serious physicians; in 2001, after the previous exciting
experience, I will direct the third course at my University. Another two courses will
be held in northern (Padua) and southern (Bari) Italy. Moreover, we will organize
periodic meetings to update selected topics . r organized the 1si IMOS Congress at
my University in November 2000 with reasonable success.
I believe that good training is crucial, so that the ozonetherapist will understand
what he/she is doing and will be able to change the dose , schedule, etc. depending
on the patient and the disease. It is disheartening when , during a meeting or too
frequentlyon the phone, a physician asks me abruptly: what ozone dose should I
give in such a disease? It is as if he is asking for a recipe to make a tart; indeed ,
several physicians openly criticised my previous book (in Italian ) because it did not
provide recipes. It is most unfortunate that, in the past, a physician could become an
ozonetherapist in a few hours provided he bought a certain instrument.
The second ambitious project is to establish and keep up to date precise and
complete regulations on how an ozonetherapy clinic should be set up, organized and
run. Hopefully, this project will soon be presented to the Italian Ministry of Health
for discussion and approval.
If we succeed in this endeavour, it may be hard on inexpert and superficial
ozonetherapists at first, but eventually it will be a great improvement because some
clinics today are of substandard quality. A third goal will be to introduce
ozonetherapy in every hospital as a free treatment for vascular and infectious
diseases, which are, in my opinion, the war-horses of ozonetherapy. This will be a
difficult project, but certainly not impossible if we can find favourable politicians
and unprejudiced hospital directors. University clinics appear to be a farfetched
target, mostly because they have no money to support expensive clinical trials .
However, if we can take the first step we may in time obtain the badly needed
clinical results: if they are positive, we will move ahead rapidly and if they are
negative, we can conclude that ozonetherapy is only a type of placebo . Fourthly, we
will favour fair competition among the manufacturers of ozone generators. So far, I
have been gratified to see that our simple philosophy is weil accepted and enhan ces
improvements of the apparatus.
I have summarized an ambitious but not unrealistic programme, but as things go
it is not impossible that I will also be expelIed from the new Society. If I am lucky,
my odyssey in the field of ozonetherapy will continue and although we may fall into
new ambushes (the ferocious Scylla and the treacherous Charybdis), we can hope
one day to happily land on Ithaca or, in other words , to be gratified by the extensive
use of ozonetherapy for all patients.
Figure 2. The ozone hole (indicated by arrow) over the Antarctic as seen hy a satellite.
Chaotic and short-sighted human activities in the last 7-8 decades have led to a
dangerous environmental disorder, not only for stratospheric ozone but also for
tropospheric ozone . The troposphere extends from the earth's surface to the
tropopause, which ranges from 8 Km above the poles to 17 Km over the equator .
The average tr0f-0spheric amount of ozone ought to be far less than 40 ppbv (parts
per billion 1:10 ), i.e. far less than that in the stratosphere. Yet in large metropolises
like Mexieo City, but also ' in Florenee and Milan, ozone ean reaeh toxie
eoneentrations during Summer. Anthropogenie emissions, mainly of NO x = NO +
N0 2 but also of methane (CH 4 ) , earbon monoxide (CO) and sulphurie eompounds,
have eaused a progressive inerease of the ozone eoneentration up to 100 ppbv or
more (Zimmermann, 1999). A large series of intereonneeted reaetions (Ehhalt,
1999) leads to the formation of NO , N0 2, hydroxyl radieal (OH-) and
hydroperoxyradieal (H0 2- ) , whieh aet as eatalysts and maintain a reaction chain
recycling OH·:
CO + OH· ) CO 2 + H
H+0 2 ) H0 2-
NO· + HO/ ~ NO/ + OH·
N0 2• + UV ) NO· .+ 0
0+0 2 )~
N0 2·+ O 2 (+UV)~ 0 3 + NO-
NO·+0 3 ) N0 2·+02
H0 2• + 0 3 ) OB" + 20 2
CO + 0 3 ) CO 2 + O 2
CO + 20 2 (+UV) ~ CO 2 + 0 3
OH· + 0 3 ) H0 2- + O 2
R0 2- + NO·--~) RO- + N0 2•
N0 2• + O 2 (+UV) ) 0 3 + NO·
thus eontributing to the produetion of ozone. Indeed, one NO x moleeule ean produee
hundreds of ozone moleeules before being destroyed by photolysis or removed by
deposition (Zimmermann, 1999).
At the street level , ozone has beeome the main toxieant not only for the
respiratory traet but also for the eyes and nose and to a lesser extent the skin. It
should be noted that it is the acidic mixture eomposing the photoehemieal smog that
potentiates the irritation of mueosae (Warren and Last, 1987) . Certainly ozone has
aequired a bad name beeause the daily information in mass media about its
concentration in the air has ereated ozone toxicomania. Thus it is obvious and
reasonable that the lay public begins to wonder why ozone, being toxic in the street,
should be used as a therapeutie agent. Moreover, ozone-induced lung inflammation
has beeome an important problem for health authorities, toxicologists and
respiratory disease specialists, as demonstrated by the weekly publication of 3-4
papers in important journals such as "Am. 1. Respir . Crit. Care Med .", "J. Appl.
Physiol .", "The Lancet", etc . (Aris et al., 1993; Kelly et al., 1995; Kinney et al.,
1996; Torres et al., 1997; van Hoofet al., 1997; Broeckaert et al., 1999; Frampton et
al., 1999; Foster et al., 2000; Cho et al., 200 I; Long et al., 2001) . Ozonetherapists
ought to be aware that, while there are practically no studies on ozonetherapy,
studies on ozone toxieity thrive , c1early indicating how much official medicine
disregards ozonetherapy and worries about toxieity . This trend is reinforced by
numerous high -quality studies of ozone toxicity in plants, which interestingly lend
support to the potential importance ofthe induction of ozone tolerance (Chapter 22).
There is plenty of evidence that acute and chronic inhalation of ozone is toxic for
the respiratory mucosa and there are indieations that asthmatic patients are at greater
risk than normal subjects (Hatch, 1991; Bayram et al., 2001) . It is more difficult to
decide if chronic exposure can predispose to lung cancer because ozone toxicity is
compounded by many other substances present in the photochemieal smog . Animal
studies do NOT support the idea that ozone is a pulmonary carcinogen (Witschi et
al., 1999). However, it is more than obvious that ozone shou1d never be inspired,
because the respiratory tract Iining fluids (RTLFs) have a negligible protective
capacity. Yet the point that needs to be stressed is that, on the basis of my
experience, dogmatic statements such as "ozone is toxie any way you deal with it"
cannot be accepted because human blood has a multi form and redundant system for
coping with ozone provided it is correct1y used .
It is almost needless to say that, in ozonetherapy c1inies, not even a trace of
ozone should be present and a suitable exchange of air must be assured. Although
we don 't have a highly developed sense of smell, it does help because our odour
perception threshold for ozone is about 0.01 ppmv (- 20 ug/rrr'), ten times lower
than the maximum work site concentration (WSC) of 0.1 ppmv (0.2 mg/rrr' = 0.2
ug /L) over a breathing period of one hour. According to the World Health
Organization (WHO), it is permissible to work for 8 hours when the ozone
concentration is 0.06 ppmv (120 ug/nr' = 0.12 ug /L). However, nobody should be
chronically exposed to this concentration.
It must be emphasized that, because of tolerance, olfaction cannot be considered
a reliable parameter and that a sensitive monitor analyzer with alarm should be
installed, if necessary. It is unfortunate that there are different ways of reporting
ozone concentrations in Europe and the USA. Hence Table 1 may be useful to avoid
Weber (2000) has reported the new environmental limits agreed upon by the
European Union. Until 20 I0, ozone levels may exeeed the threshold of 120 ug/rrr'
air during a maximum of 25 days per year . However, if the values exeeed 240 ug/rrr'
air for more than I hour, the population must be wamed and effeetive
eountermeasures must be taken at onee, e.g. the prohibition of vehieular traffic
(Kondro , 1999).
In eonclusion, ozone appears to be a eontroversial gas in nature . Similarly, while
it is weil aeeepted for water disinfeetion and industrial applieations, it is objeeted to
in Medieine.
The word ozone derives from the Greek 06<0, whieh means "to give off a smell" . It
is an unstable gas of a soft sky-blue eolour, with a pungent, aerid smell already
perceptible at a eoneentration of 0.005-0.01 ppmv. The moleeu1e is composed of
three oxygen atoms (0 3) and has a moleeular weight of 48.00. It has a eyc1ieal
strueture assessed by the speetrum absorption in the infrared region, with a distanee
among oxygen atoms of 1.26 A. Figure 3 shows that ozone does not have a stable
strueture but exists in several mesomerie states in dynamic equilibrium.
, @~ @,
/0' ~ 0..... ~ 0'
.c >: ",,~ ~ <, <, < r >,> ~
8 \9- --9@ \0 --9/8 8\9- 0/
In the liquid state, ozone has a dark blue colour and, as seen in Table 2, has a
boiling point quite different from oxygen .
Ozone Oxygen
Boiling point (at 760 mmHg) -111.9 °C -182 .96°C
Fusion point -192.7°C -218.4 -c
Molecular weight 48 32
Specifie weight ofthe gas in liquid form at 1.571 1.14
-183 °C
Solubility (crrr') in 100 ml water (at 0 °C) 49.0 4.89
0.02 M 1.5 x 10- 3 M
In the liquid and solid state, ozone is highly explosive. Among oxidant agents, it
is the third strongest (03 , E"=+2.076 V), after fluorine (Eo=+3.0353 V) and
persulphate (Szot, E"=+2.866 V) . It violently reaets with oxidizable organie
eompounds sueh as benzol, dienes and alkanes. Ozone is soluble in methanol and
CFC in equal volumes and, of interest from the medieal point of view , is far more
soluble in water than is oxygen (Table 2). Dipole moments for CO z, 0 3 and H20
eorrespond to 0, 1.8 and 6.1711 x 1030 Coulombs.m, respeetively.
Ozone is formed from oxygen via an endothermie proeess:
C 20
:0:- 15
C 10
Q) 9
U 8
C 7
o t.
Q) 5
0 ..
1 2 1 .. 5
Time (minutes and hours)
traces of ozone in the air are quickly removed. A monitor analyzer with an alarm
may be quite useful and is compulsory in Italy. If leakage of ozone occurs, the
generator must be tumed off and repaired before further use .
For industrial purposes only, ozone can be temporarily stored in stainless steel
tanks at low temperature and in a weil ventilated storehouse. For medical purposes,
it is not possible to transport ozone, even in the neutral glass bottle used for 0J-
AHT : besides the loss in concentration due to natural decomposition, ozone may
attack the tap closing the bottle under vacuum (unless it is a special ozone-resistant
one). I am aware that careless ozonetherapists load aseries ofbottles in the moming
to perform OJ-AHT 'during the day for domiciliary treatments, with questionable
results. It is also prohibited to add sodium citrate solution (as an anticoagulant) to
ozone in a bottle for later use ; in any case , the correct sequence would be :
anticoagulant-blood-ozone. In exceptional cases, ozone could be collected in the
typic al ozone-resistant polyethylene bag used to deliver the gas for rectaI
insufflation with a manual pump . Knowing the precise delay time, one could load
the bag with a higher ozone concentration that would decrease to the desired
concentration, say in one hour. The bag should be transported in an ice-box with ice
to control the temperature. However, if the ozonetherapist must perform domiciliary
treatments, he should use a reliable portable generator, thus resolving a11 problems.
It has been mentioned (Chapter 3) that inhalation of ozone ean be very deleterious to
the pulmonary system and possibly other organs, as demonstrated by a number of
studies (Mehlman and Borek, 1987; Lippman, 1989; Mustafa, 1990; Devlin et al.,
1991; Rahman et al., 1991, 1992; Pryor, 1992; Aris et al., 1993; Stevens et al.,
1995). Prolonged breathing of ozone eauses progressive toxieity whieh ean be
exemplified as folIows :
The DL so toxieity in the rat after ozone inhalation at a coneentration of 4-6 ppmv
is 4 hours. The toxicologieal effeets are worse if the subjeet breathes ozonized air
mixed with CO, NO x, aeid vapour, ete., as oeeurs in inhalation of very polluted air
(Warren and Last, 1987; Fujimaki, 1989; Sagai and Iehinose, 1991; Hateh, 1991;
Foster et al., 2000). This gaseous mixture may have a pH as low as 3 and eannot be
neutralized by the weak buffering and antioxidant eapaeity ofRTLFs ofthe mueosa.
It must be pointed out that the toxicity of ozone for the respiratory traet eannot
be extrapolated to blood owing to strikingly different anatomieal, bioehemical and
metabolie eonditions (see Chapters 12 and 14).
It is almost unnecessary to warn that workers involved in risky industrial
applieations must wear a suitable respirator, while the ozonetherapy clinic must be
equipped with an efficient exhaust fan, even though no leakage of ozone is allowed.
In ease of aeeidental ozone inhalation, the subjeet must lay down and rest in a weil
aerated room and , if necessary , wear a mask and breathe humidified oxygen.
Chapter 36 will describe in detail the most urgent steps to be performed in an
emergency. However, I am not aware of any serious accident in a c1inic invol ving
the breathing of ozone.
Slow intravenous (IV ) administration of ascorbic acid and reduced GSH in 5%
glucose solution may help limit the damage (Samet et al., 200 I). Ascorbic acid ,
vitamin E and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can also be administered by oral route, but as
we shall see (Chapter 13) this type oftreatment is more rational as a preventi ve than
curative therapy . In fact , the higher is the anti-oxidant status of biological fluids, the
lower is the possible oxidative damage .
It is unfortunate that ozone cannot be stored and thus that a standard ozone sampie is
not available. Ozone must be generated only when needed and used at onee. The
ozonetherapist must have an ozone generator that is safe , atoxic, reliable and
reproducible. The manufacturing industries must exercise the utmost eare in
providing these requirements, using the best ozone-resistant materials, such as
INOX 316 L stainless steel , pure titanium grade 2, Pyrex glass, pure Teflon, Viton
or medieal silicone, and avo iding polyvinyl chloride (PVC) or any other plastic
material containing additives that could be released due to ozone oxidation. Even
heavily anodized (>4 um) aluminium is not ideal and certainly inferior to stainless
steel. The photometer's performance must be checked against the c1assical
iodometrie method.
As acti vated charcoal is not very durable, the destructor must be filled with a
matrix incorporating Pd, Ni, Mn oxides maintained at about +70 "C by an electric
thermostat. This works very weil for years, as we have experienced during
extracorporeal cireulation with a eonstant flow of Or03. If the exhaust gas mixture
(0 2 +0 3) contains water vapour, it must be removed beeause it will spoil the
destructor. In this case, we use a first trap immersed in ice water and a second trap
filled with renewable silica gel.
Schematically, the medical ozone generator eonsists of 2-4 high-voItage tubes
connected in series to either a rheostat (in older models) or to an electronic
programme able to set up voltage differences between 4,000 and 13,000 volts (Fig.
5). For more technical details, one can read Stiehl ' s report (1998) . The energy from
the electric discharge allows the breakdown of oxygen moleeules into oxygen atoms
whieh, in the presence of an excess of oxygen molecules, form the three-atom ozone
moleeule. The generator is fed with pure medical oxygen and , at the supply nozzle, a
gas mixture eomposed ofno more than 5 % ozone and 95 % oxygen can be collected
at a slightl y hyperbaric pressure (Table 4). The synthesis of ozone requires an
energy of ~H=140 KJ/Mol while the decomposition of ozone is aceompanied by
energy release. As unused ozone cannot be dispersed into the environment, it
undergoes decomposition to oxygen by a eatalytie reaction inside the destructor
containing heavy metal oxides bound to a matrix.
For medieal purposes, air eannot be used; sinee it eontains about 78%
nitrogen (N 2) , variable amounts of highly toxie NO x will be formed . It should be
noted that when ozone is not present, or has been exhausted, the addit ion of air is not
toxic because the dissociation of nitrogen molecules into atoms requires an energy
far superior to that released by ozone.
220 V...
Figure 5. A sehemaue view ofan ozone generator: 0 1 inlet, transformer, ozone destructor.
nozzle for collecting 0 ] + 0.1' Ozone is generated while oxygenflows througli the two tubes.
1. The voltage : the final ozone concentration increases with the voltage, albeit in a
non-proportional manner.
2. The space between the electrodes: this serves to modulate a gradual increase of
ozone concentration.
3. The oxygen flow: this is expressed as a volume of Iitres per minute (L/min) and
normally can be regulated from 1 to 10 Llmin . The final ozone concentration is
inversely proportional to the oxygen flow; hence, per time unit, the higher the
oxygen flow, the lower the ozone concentration and vice versa (Table 4).
about 30 ug/ml . In general , ozone concentrations range between 2-3 and lOO-llO
ug/rnl, which is more than enough for medical applications (useful range 3-80
ug /rnl). One type of generator on the market delivers an oxygen flow of only I
Llmin, which is considered disadvantageous when collecting large volumes of gas
(50 ml in 3.1 seconds) from the nozzle . Clearly the ozonetherapist should follow a
serious teaching course and gain personal experience before using any apparatus.
OrO] Osflow LW
(as relative percentages) (miimin)
100.0-0% +++
99.5-0.5% +++ +
95.0-5.0% + +++
The total ozone dose is equivalent to the gas volume (mi) multiplied by the
ozone concentration (J.tg/ml).
~ 7KV
0,1 1 10
Gas flow rate (Llm in)
We must honestly admit that until the advent of a standardized measurement method
by photometry, a number of ozone generators did not yield a precise ozone
concentration and even anecdotal results were doubtful. Even today, I frequently
observe that ozonetherapists use poor, or obsolete, or unchecked instruments so that
any c1inical result remains questionable and cannot be reproducible. The fault is
with careless manufacturers, with irrexpert technicians unable to do a proper check ,
with the lack of constant controls by health authorities and, last but not least, with
the superficial preparation of the ozonetherapist, who should demand the most
effective instrument. To my knowledge, instruments are supposed to pass a serious
test and have a certificate of origin. Yet it is my experience that some producers may
even exhibit two certificates for a poor instrument!
I don 't want to discourage the reader but if we really want ozonetherapy to
progress, we must be very serious about the efficiency and reliability of ozone
generators. This is also the reason why only open and fair competition (and not a
monopol y) can permit a selection of the best instruments. In the course of this book ,
it will become c1ear why I consider the precision ofthe ozone concentration to be so
crucial. Indeed , if my interpretation is correct, ozone must be considered as areal,
although atypical, drug and as such its precise concentration is essential. As
indicated in Table 1 (Chapter 3), this can be expressed in different ways, but luckily
European generators give the concentration directly in terms of ug /ml . There are
either small (portable) or medium-size medical generators able to deliver ozone
concentrations up to either 70 or 110 ug/ml, respectively, quite sufficient for
medical use. Until now, portable instruments did not have a photometer and some ,
still in use, are unreliable. To tell the truth, until about 1995, the ozonetherapist had
to trust a table near the control panel where, depending upon the voltage and the gas
flow, he could select the desired ozone concentration. Table 5 gives a typical
example and shows that either low, medium or high concentrations could be
obtained by switching on either programme I, 2 or 3, respectively. Oxygen pressure
was set at 1.5 bar and the final ozone concentration was inversely proportional to the
gas flow (L/min). Table 5 also shows that the reproducibility of ozone
concentrations measured at different times is reasonably good , except in a few cases.
How were the data on the table determined?
The iodometric method has always been the standard method for the
determination of ozone ; the revised procedure of the IOA was reported by
Massehelein in 1996. When ozone reacts with buffered potassium iodide (KI),
iodine is generated and the solution acquires an amber colour which , upon reduction
Table 5. A typical set 0/03 concentrations. Bold typed values checked after one month.
However, the delivered ozone concentrations tend to decrease in time and with
frequent use and the instrument needs to be recalibrated. The worst problem I have
observed is that some portable generators built with inferior material (poor quality
anodized aluminium tends to be oxidized by ozone) can deliver ozone
concentrations corresponding to 30 1% or less of the nominal value. It is disgraceful
that there are about 500 such instruments still in use in Italy!!
The ozonetherapist who is unaware of all this can be in trouble and the effect of
the treatment is probably due to a placebo effect. However, "if we have to choose the
lesser of two evils, it is preferable that ozone concentrations decrease because
otherwise we could induce serious toxicity.
From what has been discussed, it is c1ear that we must have a reliable system,
able to measure the ozone concentration just before withdrawal. Luckily, we can
now do that by photometrie determination. The rOA recommends a procedure based
on the pronounced absorption of ozone within the Hartley band (between 200 and
300 nm) with a peak at 253 .7 nm. At this wavelength, UV radiation (mercury vapour
lamp) is linearly absorbed in a concentration-dependent fashion (in agreement with
Lambert-Beer's law) on being passed through a tube containing ozone (Wallner,
1998) . The system is quite sensitive and precise but tends to decay due to lamp
ageing . The spectrophotometric measurement at 600 nm (Chappuis band) is less
sensitive but more stable (Fig. 8).
/ \
/ \
/ \
2000 / \
c: / \
~o l- V -,
200 250 Joo J50
r-r-------r------r------,-----...., b)
Wavelenght (nm)
Figure 8. Typical absorption peaks ofozone at 253.7 III1l (a) and at 600 III1l (b), usefulfor
measuring the ozone concentration with a photometer
Chronie torpid ulcers, exposed dirty traumatie lesions, infected wounds, bums,
inseet stings, herpetic skin lesions, fungal infections, etc. are advantageously treated
with ozonized water and/or oil rather than gas beeause it is easy to apply a eompress
soaked with ozonized water/oil to any part ofthe body. Moreover, there is no risk of
breathing ozone, partieularly with a generator not equipped with a suetion pump
eonneeted to an ozone destructor.
In Chapter 4, it was pointed out that ozone is far more soluble in water than
oxygen (Table 2) and there is a simple, praetieal way of preparing ozonized water.
The system consists of a glass or ozone-resistant cylinder about % filled with
bidistilled water through whieh the gas mixture is bubbled eontinuously for at least 5
minutes. The unused ozone is converted to oxygen through the destructor. The
system is either sold incorporated in the generator or independently as shown in
Figure 9.
Figure 9. Systemfor the preparation ofozonized water . After suitable ozonization, the water
is collected by open ing the tap at the bottom ofthe cylinder.
D: destructor: R: reservoi r ofbidistilled water.
Solution of ozone in water takes place according to the law defined by Henry in
1803: under ideal thermodynamic conditions, the saturation concentration of a gas in
water is proportional to its concentration. However, this is correct only if the water
is absolutely pure (bidistilled) and the temperature and ozone pressure remain
constant. Figure 10 is interesting because it shows that ozone saturation in pure
water is reached only after 5-6 minutes of continuous bubbling of ozone at three
different concentrations. The data plotted in the diagram fit a linear relationship.
This resuIt must be remembered because I do not agree with hurried ozonetherapists
who boast of performing the whole OJ-AHT in 6 minutes, incorrectly c1aiming that
blood equilibrates instantaneously with ozone, mostly because blood should not
undergo either bubbling or violent mixing with ozone.
100 ·
0 10
5 10 lS 20 25
Figure 10. Concentration-time diagram showing three curves ofozone concentration in pure
bidistilled water after bubbling ozonefor IIp to 25 min at concentrations of 1) 80 ug/ml; 2) 42
ug/m! and 3) 20 ug/ml. Temperature at 22 oe. 752 Torr and column of water of42 cm. At the
highest ozone concentration. the saturation is 26% (=20.8 ug/ml) within 51/1in (Viebahn.
After reaching the plateauphase, the ozonized, bidistilled water can be used or
stored in a glass bottle tightly closed with a teflon cap, possibly in a refrigerator.
Ozone decomposition depends largely on the temperature, as shown in Figure 11. If
it is kept at +5 "C, the theoretical half-life (tll2) is about 110 hours, i.e. after this
period the initial ozone concentration of 20.8 ug/ml (26% of 80 ug/ml) would
decrease to about 10 ug /ml . This is of practical importance because ozonized water,
if maintained properly, can be used for at least 48 hours at the patient's horne for
domiciliary treatment.
100 0;:-_ _
30 2S 20 -c 1S -c 10 -c
On the other hand, the stability of ozonized water also depends on the ionic
content and pH of the water: as occurs for either deionized or monodistilled water,
even residual traces of ions markedly shorten the half-life (t1/2 of about 80 and 20
minutes, respectively), as shown in Figure 12. The latter two solutions are prepared
and used extempore.
.c 6
f:- ..
Therefore, the instability of ozone is due not only to its metastable nature but
mainJy to its high reactivity with ions and an array of organic molecules such as
those present in biological fluids , namely PUF As, compounds with sulphydryl
groups (-SH), several amino acids and carbohydrates. In such cases, ozone solubi lity
no longer follows Henry's law because as soon as ozone dissolves in water, it
encounters a moleeule and reacts immediately with it. As a corollary, if ozone is still
present in the gas phase, it will dissolve in the water phase but again it will react
instantaneously with other moleeules and disappear from the water. It folio ws that ,
in these circumstances, the plateau phase achieved in Figure 10 cannot be reached
and the unattainable equilibrium implies that, if ozone remains present in the gas
phase, an "infinite" amount of ozone can pass into the solution and reaet with
substrates. The situation is quite different for oxygen, which is far less reactive than
ozone and remains physically dissolved in the plasmatic water depending on the
temperature, pressure and its solubility coefficient. We will eome back to this point
in Chapters 13 and 20 because it is fundamental to understand why even very low
but stable ozone concentrations in the gas phase overlaying the tissue culture
fluid can be cytotoxic, while one volume of gas (Oz + 0 3 ) added to one volume
of blood for the preparation of ozonized blood is not. Cell biologists studying
ozone toxicity in vitro should ponder on this point.
At the beginning of the Chapter, it was suggested that ozonized water could be
successfully employed in various pathologieal eonditions. Interna I use is also
possible : an empirical and fashionable treatment of gastritis due to Helicobacter
pyloris consists of drinking a glass of mildly ozonized water in the morning before
eating (Chapter 24) .
After draining of the pus in purulent cysts, chronic osteomyelitis infections and
empyemas, they could be quickly rinsed with ozonized water to remove residual pus
and necrotic debris . Then, after draining the water, the cavity can be insufflated with
the Or03 gas mixture at least twice daily . I am aware of a few precise, albeit
anecdotal reports, in which' ordinary medication became desperately hopeless and
yet, with great patience and acuity, dedicated ozonetherapists were able to eliminate
serious infections. Gas insufflation must be performed in a few minutes in a well
ventilated room leaving the polyethylene (or Teflon) cannula clamped to prevent the
exit of gas. It is up to the ingenuity ofthe ozonetherapist to evaluate for each patient
the sequence and combination of gas, ozonized water and oil. Moreover, it is fairly
obvious that one should use a high (80 ug/ml) concentration of ozone during the
septic phase and to progressively lower it as soon as the infection subsides, to
prevent the inhibition of cell proliferation.
Decubitus and dystrophic ulcers tend not to heal spontaneously and require
prolonged treatment (Chapter 24). The use of gas (after appropriate bagging or in a
suitable container with or without slight decompression) or of a pack soaked with
freshly ozonized water are useful for cleansing, disinfection and stimulation oftissue
granulation but the treatment is usually suspended during the night. To avoid
possible deterioration, it was thought that the application of ozonized oil might keep
the lesion in either a "stand-by' situation or even enhance healing.
In the last decade, there has been a growing interest in the application of
ozonized oils. In Cuba, probably because of the lack of other pomades, ozonized oil
has been widely employed in torpid ulcers, bacterial, viral, fungal and parasitic
infections. As a natural preparation, ozonized oil is now available in several
countries but, to the best of my knowledge, neither chemical data nor a standard
preparation have been published. However, very recently, ozonized sunflower oil
(Oleozon) from Cuba was tested by Sechi et al. (2001) and it was found to have
valuable antimicrobial activity against all the micro-organisms tested. At our
University Hospital, we make our own preparation by bubbling O 2-03 in pure olive
oil for at least 30 min in a cooled bath . This is obviously a temporary solution and it
is becoming necessary that the hospital pharmacy make standard preparations. At
the IOA Congress in London (September 14-15, 2001), Miura et al. (2001)
presented an interesting and very useful report on the elucidation of the structure of
ozonized olive oil. Pure olive oil (sunflower oil is employed in Cuba) is ozonized by
bubbling O 2-03 gas through it for two days until it solidifies. Olive oil contains
about 80% oleic acid (18: 1 n-6) and, according to Miura (who works at the College
of Medical Technology, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan), 1.0 g of oil can
absorb up to 160 mg of ozone. After ozonization, characteristic modifications were
assessed by observing a 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum: new
carbon signals could be related to Criegee's ozonides peaking at around 105 ppm,
with complete disappearance of olefinic carbon signals at about 130 ppm . The
absence of carbonyl compounds and carboxylic acids, in conjunction with data
obtained by NMR spectrum, elemental analysis and high-performance liquid
chromatography (HPLC), led to the conclusion that prolonged ozonization results in
Remarkably, no spectrum changes were noted in ozonized olive oil stored in the
refrigerator for two years . There is no real need to have asolid oil preparation,
except for commercial purposes and long stability. Indeed , the pathological
situations are so variable they require great flexibility; thus one can use fairly liquid
or very viscous ozonized olive oiI after keeping it in the cold .
How ozonized olive oil acts is open to speeulation. However, it seems likely that
when the triozonide eomes into eontact with the wound, the body temperature and
the presenee of serum favour its deeomposition to reaetive ozone, whieh readily
dissolves in water, generating H202 and a variety of oxidized eompounds. This may
explain the strong and prolonged disinfeetant aetivity, whieh however must be
tempered so as not to damage the living tissue. This reasoning implies that we
should have titrated preparations with either high, medium or low triozonide
eoneentrations to be used during either the inflammatory pus-rich phase I,
regenerating phase II or remodelling phase III, respeetively. In Chapter 16, these
phases have been related in some details to the rapidly changing cell types and to the
release of cytokines and growth faetors that modulate the complex healing proeess.
In the Department of Surgery, Chi ba-Tokushukai Hospital , Japan , Matsumoto et
al. (2001) tested the efficaey ofthe oil prepared by Miura et al. in intraetable fistula
and wounds after surgieal operations (acute appendicitis with peritonitis, intrapel vie,
abdominal and perianal abseesses, ete .). In aseries of 28 patients, the ozonized oil
proved to be fully effeetive in 27 eases, without adverse side effeets .
Finally, I will mention that there are several pharmaceutieal vehicles for
ozonized oil, sueh as capsules, pessaries, suppositories and collyriums, to be used in
various infections. The smell of ozonized oil is similar to rancid fat (henee
unpleasant) and capsules ingested by mouth, although distasteful, are tolerable.
Their therapeutic efficaey also remains to be demonstrated in eontrolled c1inical
studies. Today, we are c1early using ozonized oil in a very empirieal fashion, but
hopefully further studies will permit its rational applieation. I am eonvineed that
ozonized oil will become a very useful medical treatment, onee physieians and
nurses realize its therapeutie potentiality
In Chapter 13, I will try to explain how ozone works when dissolved in
biological fluids , generating a easeade of reaetive oxygen speeies (ROS) and lipid
peroxidation produets (LOPs), whieh help to c1arify the multiple biologieal aetions
and potential toxieity.
0 2 + 2H ' + e'
- ) H20 2+ e' ) OH- + OH o
OH + e' + H+
) H 20
0 3 + H-
- ) OW + O 2
• when two radieals meet, they combine their unpaired electrons and join to form a
stable covalent bond. A simple example is the hydrogen atom with one unpaired
electron (therefore a radical) : when it combines with another hydrogen atom, it
forms the diatornie hydrogen molecule :
• A radical may take an electron from another moleeule in order to form a pair and
to achieve a more stable state , acting as an oxidizing radical (electron
abstraction) ,
Ions ofCu, Co and Ni can also participate in this type ofreaction (Rotilio, 2001).
Moreo ver, Haber and Weiss (1934) described another metal-catalyzed reaction with
the formation of Oll" :
O2. ' + H 202
As another example, OH· can also be formed during the gamma radiation usually
occurring during cancer treatment. The radiation splits one oxygen-hydrogen
covalent bond in water and generates two radicals, one with a single electron on
hydrogen and another with an impaired electron on oxygen:
H-O-H--~) H·+OH·
OH· is the most potent oxidant known to chemistry. It has an extremely short
half-li fe (10.9 seconds) and attacks the nearest moleeule in living cells, setting off
chain reactions. In doing so , OH· is neutralized to water:
Obviously we are concemed with what may happen when blood is exposed to
and mixed with the gas mixture O 2-03 . Haemolysis must be carefully avoided
because any trace of Fe 2+ released from haemoglobin switches on the Fenton
reaction (Winterboum, 1995) . We will come back to this point in more detail in
Chapter 12.
It has been c1arified that ozone can dissolve as any other gas in pure bidistilled
water and remain in solution for some time (Chapter 8). However, once ozone
)(.0.)( (1)
H H R R'
\ / Cr iegee ozonide
/ \ H
R R' /
R-C + R'-C-- (2)
lipid \ \ OH
Aldehyde Hydroxyhydroperox ide
I! ° + HJOJ (3)
Net reaetion
I!° I!°
\ / (4)
C=C + 0) + HJO -R-C + R'-C + HJOJ
I \ \ \
R R' H H
The stoich iometry of this reaction shows the produ ction of compounds with
biolog ical and cytoto xic activities. Lipid perox idation in plasma membranes may
result in chan ges in fluidity, alterations in the ion transport mechan ism with
distortion of signal transduction (Kourie, 1998), increased permeability and possibly
Figure 14. The sequence ofreactions (from I to V) occurring during lipid peroxidation wuh
production ofmalonyldialdehyde and 4-hydroxy-2 .3 trans-nonenal.
can be considered the prototype of the LOPs and seemingly the most noxious .
In conclusion, it appears that even one moleeule of 0 3 , 01' eventually one OHo,
can result in the conversion of hundreds of PUFA chains into lipid hydroperoxides
and then into cytotoxic aldehydes. Luckily the reaction can terminate in several
ways , as ind icated by the following reactions in which RO symbol izes a free radical :
a) R0 2° + R02°--~) ROOR + Oz
b) RO/ + RO ) ROOR
c) RO + RO ) RR
Other possibitities of stopping the chain reaction are due to the activity of GSH
peroxidase (GSH-Px) and a crucial intracellular antioxidant such as GSH :
Saline Plasma
15 f
20000 1500
°2 15000 30 °2 1250
': L
- 10000 20 - 750
5000 10
0 0 -0 0
_._ ... _
......... .... ..... ..... .... ..-
I- 250
50 ~g 50 ~g 1250
15 15000 30
. !:
10 ! 10000 20 - I- 750
! . ................. ......................• 500 s
5 - 5000 10 CI>
iJ 250 E
~ .2
2; 0 E
0 0 CI>
0':r;N" L:
70 ~g I- 1250
15 15000 30 -
I- 1000
10 10000 20 - 750
5 5000 10 -
0 ·0 0
.. ... 250
: t..
30 100 ~g
10000 20 750
5 5000 10
0 0 0 ' I
' I 'T 'I 'T 0
o 10 20 30 40 50 60 o 10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)
Figur e l i .Kinetics ofthe chemiluminescent signals and ofthe production ofHzOz after
exposing either sa line 01' human p lasma to O2 alone 0 1' to three concentrations of O, (50, 70,
100 ug/ml p er ml ofsolvent). The rapid production and decay ofH Z0 2 in plasma is
notewort hy.
Although OH" is short-li ved, when it triggers the lipid peroxidation chain
reaction, it can lead to alteration and breakdown of the cell membrane (Fig. 16), to
oxidation of enzymes with loss of activity and to profound damage to DNA.
Luckily, the cell has evolved a number of defensive reactions to neutralize OH".
However, before examining them , I will brietly return to the critical point that,
normally and continuously throughout life, the cell produces abundant amounts of
0/-, and thus H 20 2 and possibly OH·. It was already mentioned that mitochondria
produce O 2. ' because the electron carriers remain in the reduced form at low oxygen
pressure. Halliwell (1994, 1996) calculated that, even at rest, we produce about 5 g
of O," daily, which can increase to 30 g during intense physical activity.
"- Protein
Phosphol ipids
Another important site of the formation of O2. ' is represented by cells at the site
of a transitory ischaemia followed by reperfusion. The enzyme xanthine
dehydrogenase (XDH) reduces nicotinamide adenindinucleotide (NAD) :
H~ }-__ o)'
0 2-)
02 ··
is ealled a dismutation because the substrate reacts with itself to give an oxidized
molecule (Oz) and a reduced compound (HzOz). At low concentrations of Ozo., the
rate of the spontaneous reaction is very slow at pH 7.4. Yet it can be greatl y
accelerated by the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD) discovered by McCord and
Fridovich (1969) because the enzyme requires only one molecule of O, This was a
0 ,.
real breakthrough and opened the field of reactive oxidant biology. During
evolution, to minimize damage to eukaryotic cells, the process of dismutation has
been compartrnentalized, so that now two enzymes with two different transition
metals are known : a manganese enzyme Mn-SOD is found in mitochondria and a
copper-zinc enzyme Cu/Zn-SOD is present in the cytoplasm. In mice, Mn-SOD
appears essential for life while Cu/Zn-SOD' mice can survive, since the animal
probably compensates for lack of the enzyme by using other enzymes (HalliweIl ,
As a preliminary conclusion, one can say that it is HzOz (from 0/') that can act
as a second messenger to switch on various biological effects and there are many
other enzymes, namely glucose oxidase, urate oxidase, monoamine oxidase, etc .,
that can produce HzOz without the intermediary Ozo'. On the other hand , if HzOz is
unquenched it can be deleterious, particularly by the formation of OHo, if iron or
copper are present in a low valence state :
According to Saran et al. (1999), Pullar et al. (2000), chlorine atoms may have
an extraordinarily strong intluence in the killing ofbacteria.
The constitutive NO synthase present in the vascular endothelium and the central
nervous system (CNS) is a low-activity enzyme that makes small amounts of NO·
for signalling purposes. The inducible form (iNOS) is a high-activity (Ca 2 + and
calmodulin independent) enzyme produced mostly by phagocytes after stimulation
with bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS) andlor cytokines. The regulation of vasal
tone (Michel and Feron, 1997) is finely modulated by vasodilator moleeules such as
NO· and CO (another toxic gas!), as weIl as by an array of moleeules such as
endothelins, leukotriene (LTB4), thromboxane A2, noradrenaline, angiotensin 11,
etc. Moncada (1992) and Hobbs et al. (1994) have demonstrated that, after binding
to the receptor situated on the plasma membrane of vascular smooth muscle ceIls,
NO· activates guanylate cyclase. Using guanosine triphosphate (GTP) as a substrate,
guanylate cyclase forms cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP), which is
responsible for smooth muscle relaxation and thus vasodilatation. We shall discuss
the relevan ce of this process to ozonetherapy in Chapters 14 and 24 with regard to
ischaemic vasculopathies, particularly noting that the formation of nitrosothiols with
cysteine and GSH (Cys-NO and GS-NO) produces prolonged vasodilatation
(Koppenol, 1998; Gaston, 1999; Kashiba et al., 1999).
Physiological amounts of NO· playa beneficial role in innate immunity because
of their bactericidal and antitumoural activities (Nathan, 1997; Wink and MitcheIl,
1998). Yet excessive production, following induction of iNOS, contributes to acute
and chronic inflammation and cancer (Miller and Grisham, 1995; Titheradge, 1999).
However, as shown by Landino et al. (1996) and Squadrito and Pryor (1998),
excessive amounts of'Nö" after combination with 0/':
generate peroxynitrite, OH· and nitrogen dioxide, which are powerful cytotoxic
oxidants .
The formation of peroxynitrite is controlled by SOD, which can lower the
concentration of O2. -, Cell damage by peroxynitrite can be lirnited because it is
scavenged mostly by the ubiquitous CO2 (for details see Squadrito and Pryor, 1998).
As we noted for ozone, the recurring theme is that either high or low amounts of
oxidants can be toxic or even beneficial, respectively.
It was purposefully shown that practically all the most reactive oxidants are
generated by aerobic respiration and that ozone, being a triatomic oxygen, does not
produce new toxic oxidants. If this conclusion is accepted, why should the judicious
and weil controlled use of ozone in medicine scare anyone? However, the usual
exception is the inhalation of ozone, particularly when associated with NO z• and
acidie eompounds. Also in this ease, the toxicity depends on the oxidant dose and
the time of exposure. Mustafa (1990) hypothesized that, when OJ and NO z• enter the
lung, they can generate several gas-phase reaetion products (NO J, NzOs, HNO z and
HNO J) that cause additive or synergistie toxie effeets on the minimally protected
respiratory epithelium. As we use only pure O 2 and OJ, these products are not
fonned during ozonetherapy.
In conclusion, a summary of the main points may be useful:
I) a volume ofgas (02+0J) is added to blood (1/1 volume) only once, at the desired
0J eoncentration.
2) When blood is exposed to OZ-OJ at the gas-liquid interface in a closed glass
container, both gases dissolve into plasmatic water. The ozone reacts
immediately with a myriad of organic molecutes, but certainly a good deal of
ozone is promptly neutralized by hydrophilie antioxidants. Nonetheless, a variety
of new compounds are forrned (ozonides, HzOz, hydroperoxides, free radieals
and aldehydes). These compounds are intrinsically toxie and generally have a
very short half-life (Table 6).
Table 6. The half-life ofnew compounds genera ted after the interactton ofozone
with biologicalfluids .
Molecular species
HO· I X 10'9
RO· 1 x 10- 6
ROO· 0 .1-7
1 X 10-3
I X 10-6 in the presence ofSOD
1 X 10,6
From 0.1 to - 5 sec
Fairly stable in HzO
2.5 sec in plasma
< I sec in blood
HOCI Fairly stable
O=NOO' 1-4
O2 >10 2
gradients. The gas mixture should never be bubbled into blood . A kinetic
evaluation of the p02 values and formation of peroxidation and oxidation
produets has shown that the plateau phase is approached in no less than five
minutes .
4) To obtain a homogeneous stimulation ofblood components without any toxicity,
it is essential to know the exaet gas and blood volumes (the usual ratio is I : 1)
and the preeise ozone eoncentration (ug/ml). The latter multiplied by the gas
volume yields the ozone dose (e.g. 225 ml ofblood are exposed to 225 ml ofgas
with an 0 3 concentration of 40 ug/rnl. The total ozone dose is 9 mg).
5) In addition to free radicals with an extremely short half-life, the ozonized blood,
whieh is being promptly reinfused into the donor in the following 15-20 min.,
contains a variety of LOPs derived from peroxidation of PUFAs (Madden et al.,
1993; Serhan, 1994; Serhan et al., 1996; Morrow and Roberts, 1997; Parola et
al., 1999). Since they are subject to dilution, receptor-binding, metabolism and
exeretion, they do not appear to display any toxieity in patients . Moreover, they
reach in trace amounts all organs and can represent messengers triggering
multiform biological activities .
6) At least in theory , the ozonized blood may contain many other compounds,
particularly if ozonization is (wrongly) carried out with an ozone concentration
higher than 80 ug/ml of gas per ml ofblood and the oxidant status ofthe blood is
subnormal. It has been stated (Chapter 2) that "any Western world Drug
Regulating Agency should condemn the infusion of the hodgepodge of ozonized
products to treat diseases", It is known that classical pharmacology and orthodox
medicine have selected the controllable approach of "one drug-one receptor-one
effect" . Yet this approach is often oflimited effectiveness when dealing with the
complexity of some human diseases . Thus the heterogeneous composition of
ozonized blood, which can potentially initiate and/or modulate a wide spectrum
of biological processes, may be seen as both the weak and the strong point of
ozonetherapy. Instead of taking a skeptical position, it would be preferable to
evaluate if the infusion of "the hodgepodge of ozonized products" yields a
beneficial effect not otherwise obtainable with conventional medication.
7) The available literature clearly indicates that 4-HNE, 4-hydroxyhexenal and
malonaldehyde derived frorn the breakdown of lipid hydroperoxides are
eytotoxic, genotoxic and have other deleterious actions. However, most of the
results have been obtained in vitro with aldehyde concentrations higher than 1
~M in fairly static conditions. The LDso of 4-HNE administered intraperitoneally
in mice is 0.44 mM or 68.6 mg/Kg body weight (Esterbauer et al., 1991). It has
been suggested that 1000-fold lower concentrations (0.05-0.5 ~M) may acquire a
physiological and perhaps pharmacological significance in vivo (Esterbauer et
a1. , 1991; Dianzani, 1998). Besides the initial ISO-fold dilution occurring in
plasma and interstitial fluid, the metabolism of aldehydes is far more effective in
vivo owing to the wealth of enzymes (aldehyde and alcohol dehydrogenases,
aldose reductase and GSH transferases) present in different cells (Esterbauer et
al., 1991; Xie et al., 1998; Srivastava et al., 2000). Moreover, hepatic
detoxification and renal exeretion ofthese toxie produets may help to understand
why we do not observe either aeute or chronie toxicity in patients.
with an absorption peak at 535 nm. Several aldehydes have been measured in the
urine, but unfortunately aldehyde excretion is strongly influenced by several factors
that make the measurement unreliable (Draper et al., 2000) .
Measurement of ethane (from omega-6 fatty acids) and pentane (from omega-3
fatty acids) in the exhaled air by gas-chrornatography is an interesting non-invasive
method to assess lipid peroxidation in vivo, provided technical pitfalls are avoided
(Sagai and Ichinose, 1980; Drury et al., 1997; Andreoni et al., 1999). Interestingly,
Nowak et al. (2001) have measured TBARS and H202 in expired breath condensate
as a marker of airway inflammation. Measurement of Frisoprostanes is becoming a
valuable approach (Morrow et al., 1995) because they are specific products of lipid
peroxidation; moreover, their assay as urinary metabolites allows their investigation
in large clinical studies (Roberts 11 and Morrow, 2000) . Several immunological
assays (ELISAs, RIA) for proteins modified by LOPs or also for F2 -isoprostanes
have been proposed and are under evaluation.
Proteins undergoing free radieal damage generate a variety of oxidation products
due to oxidation of phenylalanine and tyrosine (Verweij et al., 1982; Berlett et al.,
1991; De Zwart et al., 1999). Carbonyl derivatives of proteins may result from
oxidative modifications of amino acid side chains and are an excellent index of
oxidative free radical damage (Stadt man and Levine, 2000) . The protein thiol group
(PTG) measured in plasma sampies after ozonization (Hu, 1994) is very useful for
routine evaluation of clinical sampIes. After oxidation, proteins cannot be repaired .
However, serum albumin is rapidly removed from the circulation by RES (Retieular
endothelial system) uptake and the albumin pool is promptly replenished by hepatic
synthesis. Damage to endocellular proteins and enzymes is far more critical because,
besides the loss of functional activities, the accumulation of oxidized proteins before
degradation may disturb the microenvironment.
The chemical basis for the action of radicals on DNA is likely oxidation and
chemical modification of the bases . If not promptly repaired by endonucleases and
glycosylases, such point mutations will lead to mod ified protein structure, with
unforeseeable consequences.
Both mitochondrial and nuclear DNA can be attacked by ROS, but ozone is
unlikely to proeure DNA damage if properly used . On the other hand, an excessive
ozone dose , or the IV infusion of ozonized saline (Foksinski et al., 1999), or
exposure of isolated cells suspended in physiologicaI media without antioxidants
(Leist et al., 1996) to even very low ozone concentrations can induce genotoxicity. It
is unfortunate that all of these unphysiological data, instead of being interpreted as
laboratory exercises, have led some people to believe that "ozone is toxic any way
you deal with it".
Wiseman and Halliwell (1996) have carefully reviewed the problem of
measuring oxidative DNA damage, particularly regarding 8-hydroxyguanine (8-
OHG) and 8-hydroxy-2'deoxyguanosine (8-0HdG). As the latter compound may
yield falsely elevated values due to sampIe handling and processing, it was proposed
to measure another three major oxidation products, one of which is 5-hydroxy-2'-
deoxycytidine (5-0H-dCyd) (Wagner et al., 1992; Beckman and Ames, 1997).
In spite of a large number of available assays, De Zwart et al. concluded their
review by stating that "there is still a great need for additional research on the
Compounds References
A variety of lipid hydroperoxides, Serhan, 1994; Serhan et al. 1996
peroxyradicals, conjugated dienes,
cycloperoxides, eicosanoids,
platelet activating factor (PAF),
Ethane, pentane, H202 and TBARS Drury et al., 1997; Andreoni et al.,
1999; Nowak et al., 2001
Oxidized amino acids and proteins. Stadtman and Oliver, 1991; Stadtman
Protein carbonyl content and Levine , 2000
"It is better 10 stir up 0 question withoutdeciding it, than 10 deckle il without stlrring it up"
Joseph Joubert
Oxidative stress has also been documented during strenuous physical competition (Ji,
1995; Sen, 1995), such as the marathon , and even in ageing, albeit in a milder but
continuous way. Hannan (1956) was the first to propose the free radical theory of
ageing by assuming that ROS continually damage lipids, proteins and DNA. It has
been weil estabJished that the common denominator in all these diseases is that, once
started, oxidative stress goes on all the time until death (HaIliweIl et aJ., 1992; Ames et
al., 1993; Yu, 1994, 1996; Meydani et aJ., 1995; Halliwell, 1996, I999b, 2001;
Beckman and Ames, 1998; Floyd, 1999; Fukagawa, 1999; Hamilton et al., 200 I).
Why is it that Jiving organisms that have been able to counteract the offensive
action of oxygen during evolution can tolerate and then succumb to oxidative stress?
It seems as if this chronic state induces a sort of anergy or a total inability to
reverse the situation. There may be some spontaneous remissions or quieter
phases, and administration of antioxidants (since they are not harmful) may
ameliorate or delay, but not reverse, the oxidative stress . Dietary restrictions (Yu ,
1996; Harnilton et aJ., 200 I) may be helpful , but they are difficult to implement and
can yield uncertain results in patients. While nobody can doubt the efficacy of the
disinfectant properties of ozone, everyone knows that ozone can be toxic . Therefore,
is it rational to propose ozonetherapy?
Dr. E. Payr (1871-1946) and Dr. E. Fisch (1899-1966) were the first to propose
the medical use of ozone. Yet, in those days, orthodox medicine had Iittle to offer
and their pioneering idea could be justified. Today , the situation is radically different
and the proposal of a medical therapy based on ozone seems to border on insanity.
Nevertheless, a large body of medical evidence produced during the last decade,
even though anecdotal and fragrnentary, compels our attention. One of the aims of
this book is to search for valid reasons to use ozone and to point out mistakes
and false claims, Most important, however, is to demonstrate that the toxicity
of ozone can be tamed and to evaluate whether ozonetherapy is truly
The hypothesis that ozone can reverse chronic oxidative stress (Bocci , 1996a,d,
1988c; Leon et al., 1998; Barber et al., 1999) when we know (Chapters 5 and 9) that
ozone is a master generator of ROS sounds paradoxicaJ. What then are the ideas
behind the proposal to verify or refute the validity of ozonetherapy?
I) The toxicity of ozone as it is used for 03-AHT can be weil controlled and there is
overwhelming evidence that is insignificant. The oxidative stress imposed on the
blood is "calculated" (on the basis of ozone/blood concentrations) and is
extremely "transitory". In fact, rather than talking of an acute oxidative stress ,
it would be preferable to introduce the concept of a "multivaried therapeutic
response following smaJl and repeated oxidative stresses" or simply of a
therapeutic "shock".
2) The therapeutic "shock" is exogenous, i.e. it occurs ex vivo in a precisel y
controlled situation and , as such , must not be added to the chronic oxidative
stress (COS ) occurring inside the celJ. It appears most unlikely that ROS
generated during the therapeutic "shock" can reach and damage leukocytic DNA .
3) The amounts of LOPs produced ex vivo during 0 3-AHT (nonn ally 225 ml of
blood + 225 ml of O 2-03, with 0 3 concentrations in the range 20-80 ug /ml ; total
It is possible that, in future, gene therapy or the use of stem cells may work
miracles and make ozonetherapy truly obsolete. But when?
Since the fonnation of the earth, for almost three billion years, there was no oxygen
in the atrnosphere . Praeticall y all the O 2 produced by early photosynthetie baeteria
eaused the oxidat ion of Fe2+ to Fe 3+ , with preeipitation of ferrie oxides in the sea .
Once the reserve of Fe 2+ was exhausted, cyanobaeteria, having developed the ability
to split water to obtain more energy, started to "pollute" the air with oxygen, which
slowly reached its current levels about two billion years aga (Dismukes et al., 200 I;
Kasting, 2001). In the meantime, baeteria had to face the option of either dying or
remaining anaerobic or adapting to the oxygenated environment. AIthough the
oxidation of substrates allowed the release of more energy (hence the possibility of
synthesizing more ATP ), it also raised the problem of evolving mechanisms of
protection against O 2 tox icity . Indeed , oxygen probably created one of the first
paradoxes on earth when the advantage of oxidation had to be paid for by either cell
damage or the development of antioxidant defences.
Today in Biology, we have plenty of these contrasting examples magically
represented by the Chinese symbol Yin-Yang (Fig . 17). Ozone started to be
synthesized as a protective agent and only recently has become a controversial gas,
as discussed in Chapters 3 and 9.
Here , we wish to evaluate the eomposition of the antioxidant system and how it
works to neutralize or limit damage indueed by RaS . At first sight, the system
appears to be composed of many parts , which on superficial examination appear
redundant: the aggressive power of RaS seems to have stimulated the cell to
"invent" various types of control that, by operating together or in tandem, maximize
the effieaey. However Ames et al. (1993 ) have estimated that the number of
endogenous oxidative hits on DNA per cell per day is up to 100,000 in the rat and
about 10,000 in the human, who has a lower metabolie rate . On this basis, the
antioxidant system does not seem to be perfect. Luckily, the cell is capable of
repairing most of the oxidative damage by means of glycosylases, whieh excise
oxidized bases from double-stranded DNA , and phospholipase A2, which c1eaves
lipid peroxides from phospholipids (Beckman and Ames, 1998). Oxidized structural
proteins and enzymes can be eatabolized and synthesized ex novo. There are a
number of eompounding factors, such as genetic background, gender difference,
type of diet and quantity of ingested food , age and life-style, that render indiv iduals
differently sensitive to RaS . As an extreme example, there are two typical diseases,
Wemer syndrome and progeria, in which very high levels of oxidized proteins are
highly correlated with premature ageing . This scenario, which helps explain ageing ,
would seem to forbid the use of any extra oxidative insult, i.e. ozonetherapy. Yet,
onee again, we should bear in mind that this medical approach is based on an
extremely transitory and calculated oxidative stress imposed ex vivo and tamed
by antioxidants in plasma (Chapter 9).
Yin Yang
Oncogenes Antioncogenes
Hormones Chalones
Proteinases Antiproteinases
Oxidants Antiox idants
Insulin Glucagon
Thrombin Antithrombin 111
Norepinephrine Acetylcholine
Glutammic acid GABA
Thromboxane Prostacyclin
Angiogenin Angiostatin
Endothelin NO
CD4+, Thl CD4 +, Th2
IL-2, IL-12, IFNy IL-4, IL- 10, TGFßl
However, from a didaetie point of view, it seems easier to diseus s the antioxidant
enzymes separately frorn the hydrophilie and lipophilie antioxidant compounds
(Table 8).
Uric acid plays an important protective role in blood to be used for 03-AHT
(using a therapeutic concentration of ozone below 80 ug/rnl per ml of blood). The
contribution from urate to the Total (peroxyl) Radical-trapping Antioxidant
Parameter (TRAP) was found to be as much as 58 ± 18% (Wayner et al., 1987) .
Even though uric acid and bilirubin are moleeules to be excreted, they have great
value because of their antioxidant properties (Meadows et al., 1986; Meadows and
Smith, 1987).
100 Air 100
o '---'-........L_"----'-_'---'-........L----l
o 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Time (min)
Figure 19. Oxidation of'ascorbic acid and uric acid in human plasma samples exposed
forup to 120 min to either air 01' to increasing OZOl1e concentrations (2,4.8 and 16 ppm).
From Van der Vliet et al.. 1995,
0 20 40 60 80 100 120
0) (llg/mL)
Figure 20. Levels 0/ antioxidants in plasma ofwhole hlood reacted with low levels 01'
ozone: (0) bilirubin (10.3:1:1. 7 nmol/ml): (0) a-Toc (13.8:1: 1,5 nmol/ml); (.) uric acid (278
:1: 30 l1moI111l/); (0) ascorbic acid (50.2 :1:8,8 nmol/ml) . Control group (0 J.1g O/ml blood)
values are defined as 100 %, The initial concentrations are in parentheses. Values are
expressed as the AI :tSE of7 subjects. Significantly differentfrom control group (0 J.1g O./ml
hlood). '"p <0.05. "''''p <O.OI. (From Shinriki et al.. 1998).
ozone is able to progressively reduce uric acid levels in plasma until exhaustion.
Cross et al. (1992a) proposed that a physiological function of uric acid in upper
RTLFs , which contain little ascorbic acid and albumin (Hatch, 1991), is to scavenge
inhaled ozone, thus protecting the epithelium. The findings of Shinriki et al. (1998)
are particularly relevant because they have perfectly imitated what happens during
blood ozonization. Contrary to what is normally thought , an ozone concentration of
I00 ug/ml per ml of blood practically exhausts the ascorbate while about 70% of
uric acid remains unoxidized.
In conclusion, serum uric acid levels are important in reducing oxidative
damage . In fact, Hooper et al. (2000) even suggested that low levels may predispose
an individual to the development of multiple sclerosis. Presumably, abnormally high
TAS levels may be present in hyperuricemic patients and it remains unchecked
whether hyperuricemia reduces ozone activity .
• It scavenges O 2°', OHO, H0 2°, R0 2°, thiyl (RSO) and sulphenyl (RSOO) radicals,
NO°,10 2 , O=NOO', 0 3 •
• It slows down or blocks the formation of HOCI, acting as a substrate for the
enzyme myeloperoxidase.
• It inhibits lipid peroxidation by activated neutrophils, haemoglobin or
myoglobin-Hjö, mixtures and, acting as a competitive substrate , prevents haeme
breakdown, hence the release of Fe2+ that may favour OHo formation .
• By reducing o-tocopheryl radicals in lipoproteins and membranes, it regenerates
• In the stomaeh, it can reduce carcinogenic nitrosamines to inactive compounds,
thus inhibiting carcinogenesis.
• It protects uric acid frorn OHo attack.
All of these useful activities of ascorbic acid are due to the transfer of electrons
in one or two steps, with the formation of either semidehydroascorbate radical anion
(A , ) , a poorly-reactive radieal or dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) . The ascorbyl radieal
can be reconverted to ascorbate by NADH-semidehydroascorbate reductase while
dehydroascorbate either decomposes irreversibly to 2,3-diketogulonic acid or is
recycled to ascorbate by GSH-dependent enzymes.
H\H 2
o OH
Figure 21. Two successive one electron ox idations transform ascorbate (AH) into ascorbyl
radical (A) and then into dehydroascorbic acid (DHA) . The reaction can be reversed hy
successive redu ction .
mechanism ofrecovery, we would have needed a daily intake of AH' far higher than
60 mg and we would probably have to ingest about 100 g throughout the day to
maintain a plasma level around 50 11M. Levine et al. (1996, 1998) have shown in
healthy volunteers that, if the dietary intake is already saturating, further
supplementation will have no positive effect. This point needs to be discussed
because there are contrasting opinions and some physicians think it correct to
administer megadoses of ascorbate (10-20 g) daily . The pharmacokinetic study by
Levine et al. (1996) convincingly demonstrated that a dose of 400 mg pro die is
already oversaturating (plasma level of about 50 11M or 0.9 mg/dL) and therefore
megadoses appear useless because they are either poorly absorbed or mostly
elirninated in the urine.
Even more convincing is the analysis of the ascorbate gradient between the
cellular/extracellular environment, When ascorbate plasma levels are at a value of
50 11M, the ascorbate concentration in normal erythrocytes and lymphocytes is up to
1.5-3 mM (30-60 fold higher) and cannot increase further because the intracellular
concentration has reached the plateau (Tmax). The data beautifully illustrate that the
cell considers ascorbate to be very important as a protective agent. There may be
pathological conditions (viral infections, particularly HIV) where the transport
mechanism and/or the GSH-DHA cycle is impaired. However, in these cases, rather
than administering megadoses of ascorbate, it is better to specifically block viral
replication and restore the transport mechanism.
In pat ients with advanced cancer, a controlled double-blind trial with ascorbate
revealed no improvement in comparison with patients who received only placebo
(Moertel et al., 1985). Nonetheless, Linus Pauling's idea still lingers (Gottlieb,
1999) and it appears difficult to clarify the anticarcinogenic role of ascorbate alone ,
since there is always a contribution of other antioxidants.
Moreover, megadoses of ascorbate may have a drawback. At least in vitro,
ascorbate may become pro-oxidant (Halliwell, 1994, 1999a,b; Berger et al., 1997;
Carr and Frei, 1999; Frei, 1999). This may occur in the presence of transition metal
ions and generate O 2. ' , OH and H20 2 • The combination of ascorbic acid with FeH
Consequently, the Fenton reaction can take place with formation of Oll":
0 .6
0 .5
0 .4
0 .3
0 .2 -
0 .1
Jj2!fS "1c ! 2
~ i 1 ~ 2 lf S
lf 2 !f S
J 0 J0
1 2 lf S jj2lfS
A 8 C o E F
Figure 22. Total antioxidant status 0/ six samples eontaining araehidonic acid (3 mg/ml).
sample B contains uric acid (5 mg/dl)
sample C eontains aseorbie acid (1 mg/d1)
sample D contains both uric and aseorbic acid
samp le E contains human albumin (40 mg/ml)
sample F contains uric and ascorbic acid and album in.
TAS values are significantly higher (" p <0.05. ** p <0.01. *** p <0.001) in samp les
eontaining either albumin alone 0 1' all three antioxidants. Sampies were either not treated
(control) 01' exposed to oxygen alone 0 1' to three ozone coneentrations (20. 40, 80 jlg/ml per
ml 0/ sampie).101' 10 min (Larini and Bocci, in preparatio n).
Both Wayner et al. (1987) and later Miller et al. (1993) developed methods to
measure the total antioxidant capacity of human plasma and blood. The acronyms
used are TRAP and TAS, respectively . With the TRAP method, it was shown that
contributions from urate (35-65%), plasma proteins (10-50 %) ascorbate (0-24%) and
vitamin E (5-10%) account for all of the peroxyl radical-trapping antioxidant
activity of plasma. With the TAS method , the antioxidant hierarchy in plasmatic
water was 43% for albumin, 33% for urate, 9% for ascorbate, 3% for vitamin E, 2%
for bilirubin and 10% for unknown antioxidants (probably cysteine, GSH, ß-
carotene, dihydrolipoate and ubiquinol). The TRAP method showed a chain-
breaking antioxidant activity, which allowed it to trap 0.7-1 mM ofradicals; this is
not much different from the range 1.30-1.77 mM plasma measured by the TAS
method .
T9All S ~M
A 10
C 10
': _ d .
F ~ I_ cont rol
_ ----'='----..~
· ><'(9"" 20
c=- _
Figure 23. TBARS values (j1M) determined in the same six sampies described in Figure 22.
Interestingly lipid peroxidation is significantly (* p <O.05, ** p <O.OI, *** p <O.OOI) inhibited
by the presence 0/ either albumin alone or by all ofthe three antioxidants. Uric and ascorb ic
acids are less effective than albumin (Larini and Bocci, in preporation).
2.1. Vitamin E
EH + ROO· ~ ROOH + E·
Figure 24 shows the chemical structure with the OH group that, after donating
the electron, becomes 0·.
These examples iIIustrate the cooperation among various redox systems (Wefers
and Sies, 1988; Wang et al., 1996). The RDA of EH is 30 IU (10 mg) but even a
daily dose of 100 mg (300 IU) is probably weil tolerated (Kappus and Diplock,
1992). After extensively analyzing the role of vitamin E in heart disease, Pryor
(2000) suggested a supplementation of 100 to 400 IU daily as part of a "program of
heart-healthy behaviour that ineludes a fruit- and vegetables-rich diet and regular
exercise". As usual , some practitioners suggest the use of megadoses of 1200-2400
IU daily but these are likely to be superfluous if not outright deleterious: in the
absence of co-antioxidants such as ascorbate and ubiquinol, vitamin E associated
with LDL can behave as a pro-oxidant (Stocker et al., 1991; Bowry and Stocker,
1993; Frei, 1999) :
retinal (aldehyde form), retinol (alcohol) and retinoic acid, essential for vision and
maintenance of differentiated epithelia. In body fluids , they are always bound and
transported by retinol-binding protein (RBP). The mean values of these compounds
in plasma are : retinol, about 2.9 11M (interestingly centenarians have a mean value of
5.4!); n-carotene, 0.14 11M; ß-carotene, 0.77 11M; lycopene, 0.9 11M (Mecocci et al.,
2000; Polidori et al., 2001) . The RDA of retinol is about 5000 IV and exaggerated
daily supplementation (4-6 times the RDA) of retinol and ß-carotene for long
periods can be noxious and result in toxic effects.
Figure 25. Chemical stru cture ofß-carotene (above) and vitamin A (below) .
Figure 26. The oxidisedform ofcoenzyme Q (Q.. ubiquinone) is reduced to afree radical
semiquinone (QH') hy the uptake ofa single electron. Reduction o/QH' hya second electron
yields ubiquinol (QH;).
Figure 27. Structure oflipoic acid in the oxidisedform (ahove) and in the reducedform
(below) .
2.5. Bilirubin
Bilirubin is a physiological constituent deriving from degradation (catalyzed by
haeme oxygenase) of the haeme group to biliverdin which is then reduced to
bilirubin through biliverdin reductase (Fig . 28). As the life span of human
erythrocytes is about 4 months, about 0.8% of the erythrocyte mass is broken down
every day in erythrocatheretic sites. Another relevant aspect of this catabolic
reaction is that a methene-bridge carbon is released as CO .
+ co
o HH H'l::l
Figure 28. Haeme oxygenase degrades haeme to biliverdin (above) and carbon monoxide.
The uptake ofone electron reduces biliv erdin to bilirubin (below) .
2.6. Thioredoxin
Thioredoxin (Trx) is a ubiquitous protein with two redox -active cystine residues
within the active centre, -having the amino acid sequence -Cys-Gly-Pro-Cys
(Luthman and Holmgren, 1982). The Trx system is composed of NADPH, Trx, two
Trx reductases (TrxR) and Trx peroxidase (TrxPx) (Holmgren, 1989; Chae et al.,
1999; Mustacich and Powis, 2000; Tanaka et al., 2000) .
Figure 29. Reactions andfunctions o(TJ:tR in the cell. TrxR utilizes NADPH to catalyse the
conversion ofoxidised (ox.) Trx into reduced (red.) Trx, and to reduce the oxidisedforrns Q(
ascorbate into reduced ascorbate. Reduced Trx provides reducing equivalents to (i) Trx
peroxidase......hich breaks down H202 to water; (ii) ribonucleotide reductase, which reduces
ribonucleotides to deoxyribonucleotides for DNA synthesis, and (iii) transcriptionfactors,
which leads to their increased btnding to DNA and altered gene transcription. In addiüon,
Trx increases cell growth and inhibit apoptosis. (From Mustaci cli and Powis, 2000).
Oxidized Trx with a disulphide on its active site is reduced by NADPH and
TrxR, and the reduced compound can function as a protein disulphide reductase. The
availability of Se is a crucial factor determining the activity of TrxR in vitro and in
vivo (Mustacich and Powis, 2000) . TrxPx can reduce H20 2 and alkyl
hydroperoxides using e1ectrons provided by Trx , TrxR and NADPH (Chae et al.,
1999). The complex involvement of TrxR in biological functions is weil illustrated
in the scheme presented in Figure 29 (Mustacich and Powis, 2000) .
Trx and adult T-cellleukemia-derived factor ADF, first characterized by Tagaya
et al. (1988), are stress-proteins that can be induced by various stressors, namely
mitogens, cytokines, estrogen, viral infectious agents and oxidative stress like I-h02,
UV and probably also ozone (Makino et al., 1996; Sasada and Yodoi, 1999).
Trx l ADF appears to be a key regulator of intracellular signalling in the cellular
response against stresses, through the reduction/oxidation of protein cysteine
residues (Schenk et al., 1996; Sasada and Yodoi, 1999). It is not surprising that Trx
is not only strongly expressed in malignant celIs associated with viral infections but
also shows higher serum levels in patients with hepato-cellular carcinoma (Miyazaki
et al., 1999). It would be interesting to investigate whether ozonetherapy induces an
upregulation of the Trx system.
2.7. Biojlavonoids
These are compounds of vegetable origin (Gingko biloba, red wine, citrus fruits)
with either a polyphenolic or stilbene structure. These compounds have recently
become very popular and appear to be useful : they ean queneh PUFAperoxidation,
proteet capilIaries (vitamin P-like) and block the synthesis of prostaglandins and
leukotrienes by inhibiting both cyclooxygenase and 5-lipoxygenase (Laughton et al.,
1991). A diet rich in fruit and vegetables with the addition of a glass of genuine red
wine may be sufficient to prevent or delay cell damage by oxidative stress (Jang et
al., 1997; Fremont, 2000).
2.8. Melatonin
Melatonin is an indole (N-acetyl-5-methoxytryptamine) synthesized from
tryptophan via 5-hydroxytryptamine (serotonin) and secreted by the pineal gland
during the night (Fig. 30).
"'r.-----.-CH:CH: NH -C-CH.•
It is a !ipophi!ie moleeule that rapidly enters the eell and may aceumulate in the
nucleus. Melatonin displays pleiotropie aetivities : it is an important eonveyor of
photoperiodie information to the animal kingdom, it influences haematopoiesis, it
modifies the !ife span in ageing miee and appears to modulate the immune response
(Reiter, 1991). It seems that non-pineal tissues , such as the retina and other organs,
can also synthesize and release melatonin into the blood . This is interesting because
melatonin is an endogenous free radical seavenger of OH", 10Z, HzOz and O-NOO'
(Tan et al., 1993, 2000; Marshall et al., 1996; Cuzzoerea et al., 1999). The
intracellular presence of melatonin may be eomplementary to many other
antioxidant components in maintaining ROS concentrations at minimal levels . It is
not known if ozonetherapy influences melatonin release. However, so many virtues
have been attributed to melatonin reeently that it would not be surprising if this
hormone, in conjunction with other faetors (serotonin and other hormones), is
responsible for the feeling of wellness reported by the majority of patients after 0 3-
The active site of the cytosolic enzymes in mammalian cells contains a copper
ion and a zinc ion coordinated to the side chain of a histidine residue . The reaction
develops in two phases during which one Cu 2t is first reduced to Cu l and then
oxidized to Cu 2+. It is noteworthy that the enzymatic reaction proceeds about 10,000
times more rapidly than spontaneous dismutation, particularly when the 0 2
3.2. Cata/ase
This is a ubiquitous haeme protein particularly present in erythrocytes, kidney and
hepatic peroxisomes. It catalyzes the dismutation of H202 according to the reaction :
However, these enzymes have different affinities and specificities, at least as far
as H202 and hydroperoxides are concemed.
100 CHAPTER 12
H2 0 2 is not a free radieal and is a relatively strong oxidant with a long half-li fe in
comparison to other radieals (Chapter 9, Table 6). We must bear in mind that
ozonization of human blood ex vivo leads to a very transient production of H20 2 in
plasma: because H 2 0 2 is not an ionized molecule, any increase in extracellular water
causes a rapid passage through the plasma membrane into cytosol water, This
represents a signal of great physiological importance and can be interpreted as
the ozone second messenger because it can trigger various biological processes
(Chapters 13 and 34). However, it is also a risky phase because an excessive
increase of H 2 0 2 in the presence of a trace of Fe2 +can generate OH·.
Therefore, it is necessary to carefully control the ozone dose in such a way that it
allows generation in the plasma of an extracellular-intracellular gradient of H20 2 and
consequently an amount of H 20 2 in the cytosol able to reach a threshold level below
which there is no biological activation and above which may cause toxicity if H20 2
is not promptly reduced to H 20 + O 2 • In erythrocytes, catalase is important in
preventing haemolysis (Gaetani et al., 1996) .
I 11 I I
HOOC - C- CH2 - CH 2 - C ~ N",,"""" CH - C _ .- N-CH2 - COOH
I I 11
H H 0
Figure 31. Chemical structure ofreduced glutathione (GSH) . The sulphydryl group is
indicated by the arrow
are typical examples of the thiol interplay occurring during intracellular oxidative
stress .
The redox reactions are catalyzed by GSH peroxidases (GSH-Pxs) and GSSG
reductases (GSSGR) while the enzymes involved in thioether formation are GSH
transferases (GST) .
GSH is localized mainly in the mitochondria and cytoplasm, but it is also present
in the nuclear matrix . Although GSH is ubiquitous, the liver is the major source of
synthesis but high concentrations are present in the kidneys, erythrocytes, CNS,
102 CHAPTER 12
crystallin and in the bile as GSSG (Sies and Wendel , 1978). Intracellular levels vary
widely from 0.1 to 10 mM and no less than 95% is present as GSH . Human plasma
contains 5-50 11M of GSH (i.e. a 30-200 fold lower concentration than in cells ) and
is rapidly converted to GSSG.
After IV administration, the half-life of GSH is extremely short (about 1.6 min).
Since GSH does not penetrate into the cell, it is irrational to infuse it intravenousl y
hoping to increase the intracellular concentration where it is reall y needed.
In ARMD, diabetes and surprisingly in the elderly (centenarians), a signifieantl y
lower plasma GSH than in normal or young individuals (from 387 down to 127 ~l M)
has been repeatedly noted (Ceballos-Pieot et al., 1996a; Samiee et al., 1998;
Mecoeei et al., 2000) .
The main role of GSH and GSH-Px is to proteet the "internal milieu" from
possible damage due to exeess H20 2 , aceording to the reaetion :
The following examples show the impressive proteetive ability of GSH in the
eell (Sies, 1978; Meister, 1994; Wang and Ballatori, 1998; Cotgreave and Gerdes,
• DNA proteetion:
• Neutralization of 4-HNE :
This reaetion is eatalyzed by GST isozyme 4-4 and allows inaeti vation of the
most toxie aldehyde of lipid peroxidation (Xie et al., 1998).
Moreover, by preserving the -SH group of several proteins (Ca 2 '-ATPases,
hormonal receptors), GSH maintains Ca 2+ homeostasis, thus preventing the
triggering of apoptosis. GSH also plays a role in signal transduetion and in gene
expression. Therefore, it is obvious that the eell needs to maintain a high
GSH/GSSG ratio . How is this done? There are several possibilities . Firstly, GSSG is
redueed through the eooperation of either aseorbate to DHA or vitamin E to (X -
toeopheryl. Secondly, the redueing power for GSSG is donated by NADPH
generated in the pentose phosphate pathway.
The aetivation of GSSGR (tla vinproteins) eatal yzes the reaetion between GSSG
and NADPH :
8 .,--------------TD.4
6 0.3
0 ·..· •• 0.2
........ J. ~
....... Cl
- 0 - - GSH
2 0.1
......~ GSSG
o +---.-----,.---r---.----+ 0
o 25 50 75 100 m
Figure 32. The diagram shows the modest decrease 0/ erythrocytic GSH (and the increase
0/ GSSG) when human hlood is briefly exposed to ozone up to a concentration 0/100 ug/ml
(Shinriki et al.. 1998)
104 CHAPTER 12
0 600
c 42 78
OZ()f\E J,Jg/ml
Figure 33. Modification ofGSH levels in human blood after delivering one volume ot ozone
at concentrations 0/42 and 78 ug/ml with a syringe into the same volume 0/ blood. Control
sampies (c) were insufflated with air. GSH levels were determined after 30 sec. ofexposure.
Values are reported as M :±SDoffour blood samples. Variations were not statistically
E 840
Ö 720
8c 600
ihCl 360
C (B'42 59 78 C (F)42 59 78 C (842 59 78
Dose flQ/ml
Figure 34 Erythrocytic GSH and GSSG modifications 1 minute after exposing blood 0/
three healthy volunteers (B, Fand E) to Os-O, concentrations 0/42. 59, 78 ug/ml per ml 0/
OZONE =========::::l
Albumin oxidation
Lipid peroxidation
~..../~~ ~ Ib=-Sawen...
0a~ • HaOa C'" ~ 0a' + F.....
" Transferrln
G-4-P NAI'O+) 2GSH ' \ + tIl°a
G) ( M'.R
Figure 35. The complex series of biochemical reactions elicited after the exposure of human
blood to ozone. After dissol ving into the plasmatic water, ozone reacts immediately with
hydrosoluble antioxidants (uric acid, ascorbic acid and albumin) and PUFAs. H202promptly
diffuses into the cells and activates a numb er ofmetabol ic pathways. However H202 is
rapidly reduced by the intracellular antioxidant system
The reader may be bored by this long excursion into the field of antioxidants, but
it was necessary to clarify how they act and interact outside and inside the cell. A
man of about 70 Kg consumes about 650 g of oxygen every day, so that in 70 years
he consumes about 17 tons of oxygen with an approximate production of 0.8 tons of
ROS . Most of them are freed intracellularly and they (particularly OH") act so
quicklyon adjacent biomolecules it is difficult to neutralize them in time . It is c1ear,
therefore, that the antioxidant system, even at its greatest efficiency, cannot entirely
cope with the continuous ROS bombardment. Thus ageing and progressive ceJl
degeneration are inevitable.
preeise and ealculated fashion, for an extremely brief period, hoping to aehieve a
multitude of biologieal effeets that ean lead to bloeking an infeetion, improving
oxygen delivery to anoxie tissue and upregulating the antioxidant system that may
paradoxically re-equilibrate the redox system. Thus, instead of thinking of
ozonetherapy only as a further oxidative stress, we hope to induce a multivaried
therapeutic response following small and repeated oxidative stresses.
In eomparison to the daily eonsumption of oxygen, how mueh ozone are we
using during therapy? At the highest dosage of 80 ug/ml per ml of blood for each
0 3-AHT (225 mI blood) , we are using 18 mg of Oj, two (or sometimes three) times
per week. In eonclusion, less than 54 mg of 0 3 against a minimum of 35 g of
endogenously produeed Oz•.. Moreover, the ozone exposure happens ex vivo and
lasts only a few minutes against the wealth of soluble antioxidants present in plasma.
In praetieal terms, most of the ozone dose is aetually neutralized by the soluble
antioxidants and the final aim is to induee the produetion of only a small surplus of
mediators (HzO z, LOPs, ete.) neeessary to trigger biologieal aetivities but readily
neutralized by several detoxifying mechanisms.
In eonclusion, it appears reasonable to use ozone as a drug and without toxie
risks if:
I. the ozone dose (eoneentration x total volume of gas) is preeise and proportional
to either the blood volume or to the site (gut lumen, muscie, etc.) where it is
applied . As any other drug, ozone has a therapeutie window whieh must be
known and strietiy observed (Boeei 1994a, 1996a,d, 1998b, I999a,b, 2000) .
2. To induee ozone toleranee, obeying the prineiple "start low, go slow", it appears
rational to use esealating doses.
3. Exposure of blood or an interna I site (exeept the pulmonary system,
eerebrospinal fluid (CSF), ete.) to ozone must be brief, transitory and oceur at
most 2-3 times per week. If deemed useful, an oral supplement of antioxidants
ean be administered daily .
4. The expression therapeutie "shock" in itself seems nonsensical and is really
meant to be a response to COS . Yet it does not exciude the fact that ozone
induces a transitory oxidative stress necessary to induce biological effects.
Thus, the stress must be adequate (not subliminal) to aetivate biochemical and
physiological mechanisms, but not excessive so that it overwhelms the
intracellular antioxidant system and eauses damage .
5. An excessive ozone dose or incompetence in manipulating the ozone can be very
deleterious. A very low ozone dose (below the threshold) is fully neutralized by
antioxidants and can produce only a placebo effect. It remains to be
demonstrated unequivocally that ozone does indeed have therapeutic activity .
Trying to explain how ozone acts seems presumptuous but, after several years of
experimental work, some ideas have emerged and at least they can be used as
working hypotheses. For the sake of brevity, early ideas are not mentioned, because
they are either fanciful or unrealistic. Often data have been uncritically reported and
the primary source cannot be traced .
The gas mixture O2-03 is adrninistered by various routes : topical application on
skin and mucosae, parenteral injection and exposure to blood (see details in Chapter
16). In any event, ozone will come into contact with a film of water present on the
skin surface or in the interstitial fluids or in plasma . We reasoned that the most
precise, reproducible and easy system to study the interaction between the gas-water
phases , hence the reactions among biological compounds present in water and
ozone, would be the autohaemotherapy procedure : one volume of blood is exposed
in a closed ozone-resistant container (syringe, glass bottle) to an equal volume of gas
with varying ozone concentrations or oxygen only.
Figure 36. The scheme shows the variety ofcells and blood components susceptible to the
action % zone-ROS.
110 CHAPTER 13
a) The TAS (total antioxidant status) is a simple and rapid method (Miller et al.,
1993 ; improved by Re et al., 1999) used to monitor the antioxidant status during
ozonetherapy. When 2,2'-azinobis-(3 ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid)
(ABTS) is incubated with aperoxidase and H2 0 2 , the relatively long-lived
radieal cation with ABTSO+ is fonned . A number of ROS induced by ozone
reacting with blood react rapidly with ABTS to form ABTS·+, which has a fairly
stable blue-green colour and is measured at 600 nm . Antioxidants in the plasma
cause suppression of this colour production to a degree which is proportional to
their concentration. In anormal European population the reference ranges
between 1.28 and 1.83 mmol /L plasma.
b) Measurement ofprotein thiol groups (PTG). Most ofthe plasma - S H groups are
present in albumin and the rnethod described by Hu (1994) is simple and
reasonably accurate to detect the effect of ozonization of blood. Interferences are
first removed by precipitation of proteins with trichloroacetic acid (TCA),
followed by procedure 2. Protein - SH groups are highly susceptible to oxidative
damage by ozone and the decrease of their level is easily detected and depends
upon the ozone dose.
c) The TBARS assay is based on measuring MDA with the TCA-TBA -HCI reagent
followed by butanol extraction as a practical index for determining the extent of
the peroxidation reaction before and after exposure ofblood to ozone (Buege and
Aust, 1994). Although the method has some limitations, it appears precise
enough for monitoring lipid peroxidation in plasma and is very informative.
d) The Hb detennination is carried out using 20 111 of original blood and an equal
volume of plasma collected after the ozonization . SampIes are mixed with 5 ml
of the c1assie cyanide-methaemoglobin reagent. Optical density, read
spectrophotometrically at 540 nm, is converted to haemoglobin according to a
standard curve and referred to as a percentage oftotal haemoglobin .
Figur e 3 7. The scheme helps to imagine the multiplicity ofsubstrates reacting with ozone
dissolved in the plasmatic water. Small circle s, triangles and squares sy mbolize hydrosoluble
antioxidants present in 100 ml of human blood (uric acid 4.5 mg/dL , ascorbic acid 1.5 mg/dl;
gluc ose 80 mg/dl; etc). Large albumin molecules (2700 mg/dL) exposing -SH groupsform a
cloud over the cell membrane and protect it. Molecules such as transferrin and ceruloplasmin
bind Fe 3 + and Cu + and prevent fo rmation 0/011. A LDL mole cule is shown on the left side .
The exogenous addition 0/4-8 mg ot ozone to j 00 ml 0/ blood is transitory and controlled by
antioxidants. In contrast, the endogenous production 0/ ROS is cont inuous and barely
quen ched by intracellular antioxidants.
112 CHAPTER 13
~ 03
/ ' n ( I'<'5)P'
1~C3 >+
Figure 38. The glyeoprotein domain 0/ a plasma membrane receptor emerges in the
extraeellularfluid and may undergo oxidation by ROS. Activation 0/ enzymatic activities
(adenylate eyclase: AC; phospholipase C: PLC; protein kinase C: PKC) and the opening 0/
ion channels result in eell depolarization and activation ofmetabolic pathways.
Diaeylglycerol: DAG; Inositol-Le.S-trtsphosphate: IP 3 ; Pro tein G: G; Cyclic adenosine
3 '-5 'nnonophospluue: cAMP.
Both oxygen and ozone present in the gas phase overlying the superficial layer of
blood (about 10 u) pass into solution in plasmatic water and this process of gas
solubilization goes on continuously when the blood is mixed gently in a glass bottle
for at least 5 min. Oxygen slowly equilibrates with the extracellular and intracellular
water and becomes bound to Hb until it is fully oxygenated (venous blood has a pOz of
about 30-40 mmHg) . However, as soon as it is dissolved, ozone reacts instantaneously
with several substrates, namely soluble antioxidants, albumin moleeules and more or
less accessible lipids, i.e. PUFAs. Lipoproteins and blood cells are suspended in
plasma but, as we shall see, are somewhat shielded from ROS attack.
As blood mixing goes on during the first five minutes, new layers of blood
become continuously exposed to O 2-0 3 ; ascorbic acid, uric acid, free cysteine, GSH
~ 0,0
o 5 10 15 20
Figure 39. Kinetics oftotal antioxidant (TAS) levels in pla sma and in blood sampies offour
normal donors. Plasma and blood samples were exposedfor J min to either O2 (control 0) or
Os-O, witb ozone concentrations 0/ 40 (~ and 80 (~ ug/ml. It can be noted that antioxidant
levels are rapidly reconstituted only in blood sampIes. Statistically significant differences
(p<O.OJ) between O2 and ara] are indicated by the asterisk.
There is no doubt that these molecules represent the first line of defense against
the ozone which, at least in part, is destroyed in sacrificial reactions (Fig . 40).
Similarly, oxidized protein thiol groups (PTG) significantly decrease in an
approximate ozone dose-dependent fashion while oxygen is practically ineffective.
In contrast, PUFAs bound to albumin and other lipids undergo progressive
peroxidation and TB ARS values reach the highest level in plasma at the end of the
mixing period (Fig . 40) .
114 CHAPTER 13
~ 4
~ 3
I- 2
>- 1,0
.s 1.0
0,00 -j---l.--r--'--
Figure 40. Thirteen human hlood samp les were exposed to air (control), or Ob or OrO./
with ozone concentrations of40 anti 80 ug/mlfor J min . While TBARS. TAS and PTG Levels
vmy significantly (p<O.OJ) aft er ozon e exp osure. there is a negligihle increase ofhaemolysis
. 150 20-.--------------,
T :;; 15
.. ..........•........~
........~......... ~ 1 1 o
~ ö- • :;; ;;:) .
~ _··..··..·..·..····..·0·· ..J
~ 10
b 50
......<>..... Plasma
== .. ö
- - 0 - RBC membranes
o+ - - - - r - - - r - - - - r - - , - - - !
25 50 75 100 125 25 50 75 100
03hlg/mL blood) 3 (lIg/mL blood)
Figure 41.Modification 0/ a-tocopherol (left) and MDA (right) levels in plasma 01' in
erythro cytic (RBC) membranes after exposure 0/ human blood to ozone at concentrations up
to 100 ug/m! o(blood. No lipid peroxidation occurs in the RBC membranes because there is
neither a decrease 0/ a-tocopherol nor an increase 0/ MDA (Shinriki et al.. 1998).
Other studies by Galleano and Puntarulo (1995), Caglayan and Bayer (1995),
Mudd et al. (1997) and Mendiratta et al. (1998a,b) have clearly shown that when
erythrocytes are protected by plasmatic antioxidants, peroxidation of membrane
phospholipids is absent. In practical terms, it appears that only one (probably an old
cell) out of 200-400 erythrocytes undergoes breakdown, at least in part due to
manipulation rather than peroxidation. This does not exclude that some membrane
glycoproteins, acting as receptors, undergo oxidation, as has been hypothesized in
the scheme reported in Figure 38. At medium-high ozone concentrations (40-80
116 CHAPTER 13
extracorporeal circulation ofblood against Or03 (Chapter 17), in each minute a blood
volume ofabout 80 ml runs outside thousands ofhol1ow capillary fibres (about 1.7 rn')
in which Or03 flows continuously at an ozone concentration as low as 4-llg/rnl.
The results of Figure 40 are interesting and appear complementary: once again,
oxygen is ineffective in comparison to the untreated 13 normal blood sarnples, but
ozone (40 and 80 ug /ml ) is able to significantly reduce both T AS and PTG levels.
There is no doubt that ozonization was effective because T.BARS increased up to 5
fold while, reassuringly, haemolysis was negligible. However, it must be added at
once that haemolysis increases steeply as soon as ozone concentrations become
higher than 100 ug/ml (see next chapter). It is regretful that until now the lack of a
pre cise experimental approach allowed a number of conjectures to thrive and to
insinuate false concepts in the ozonetherapist's mind. On the basis of imprecisely
defined biochemical measurements, Rokitansky's group (1981) claimed that
ozonization of blood led to peroxidation of the membrane phospholipids. The
successive relaxation of these molecules would have increased the fluidity of the
membrane, enhanced the erythrocytic deformability and the negative charge of the
membrane. All of these favourable changes would improve blood microrheology,
but are they true? And how can ozonization of small volumes of blood lead to a
generalized circulatory improvement? These claims have been refuted by
experimental data (Morgan et al., 1988) that actual1y showed a loss of
deformability and decreased filterability. As discussed in Chapter 14, there is
clearly the need to carry out further careful work on this problem. Another
unresolved issue is the role of LOPs, which are certainly generated during
ozonization , as shown by the significant increase of TBARS. It is not yet clear
which PUF As are the main contributors but they are probably those bound to
albumin and present in chylomicrons, since oxidation of LDL and of the membrane
does not seem to occur. In Chapter 9, we specified a large nurnber of LOPs that are
more or less toxic, more or less susceptible to be catabolized and excreted, and more
or less capable of binding to specific receptors all over the body and triggering a
number of biological responses. This remains an enigma to be solved and hopefully
this book will elicit the interest of other biologists and clinicians. In the meantime, it
seems useful to delineate some conclusions regarding several processes occurring
when blood is mixed in the presence of OZ-03 just prior to reinfusion into the donor:
I) Tfthe preparation is performed correctly, blood pOz rises from about 35 to 400
mmHg. Hb is fully saturated with Oz and about 1 ml of O 2 is physically
dissolved in 100 ml plasmatic HzO. No significant changes of pH, pCO z, Na",
K+, Cl', Ca z+, NaHC0 3 have been observed during 5-10 min .
2) Ozone passes continuously into solution and reacts with biomolecules. After the
mixing period, the ozone is practical1y exhausted and only some oxygen remains
in the gas phase.
3) During the ozonization process, the antioxidant reservoir decreases into the range
of 20-30%. TAS values vary among normal individuals and may be lower than
norm al in patients. At least one TAS test should be performed before
ozonetherapy. If it is below 1.3 mM, an oral supplement of antioxidants in the
morning before breakfast should be administered for 7-10 days before therapy ,
118 CHAPTER 13
when the TAS value (see Chapters 22 and 24) ought to be checked again .
Experimental evidence has shown that the TAS value returns to preozonization
levels by the time of reinfusion. Antiox idants should neither be added to the
blood sampIe nor administered IV before or after autohaemotherapy. They da
not serve any purpose because the antioxidant reservoir in plasma and interstitial
fluids is enormaus. It should be remembered that in the ozonized blood sampies
Hb0 2 is not oxidized to methaemoglobin, haemolysis is practically absent, the
PTG value is reduced and remains so (the PTG value does not recover, as does
TAS , because albumin oxidized-SH groups cannot be reduced) and TBARS are
increased 2-5 fold in relation to the ozone dose . As blood is reinfused, TBARS
mix with the blood pool but peroxidation is blocked and TBARS in the donor's
blood do not change from the preinfusion value.
4) The ozonetherapist does not need to carry out the outlined laboratory tests ,
except the TAS value. It is important, however, that he takes care concerning the
precision of 0 3 concentration and that he delivers the O 2-03 gas mixture in a I :I
ratio (i .e, 200 ml of blood, excluding the volume of citrate, + 200 ml of gas) and
then mixes the blood gently for at least 5 min .
5) The problem of the 0 3 concentration is critical because ozone is used as a real
"drug" and must be dosed according to the TAS value , the type and stage of the
disease, the patient's weight, the schedule, etc. (see following chapters for details) .
6) Experimental evidence gathered from hundreds of normal blood sampies has
indicated that the ozone therapeutic window ranges from 10 to 80 ug /ml (per ml
of blood). It is not possible to give an absolute value because each individual has
her/his own TAS that varies throughout the day , without mentioning the variable
capacity of intracellular antioxidants which is never assessed. Thus, an ozone
concentration of 10 ug/ml may be either effective or ineffective if the blood
sampIe has aTAS value of either 1.2 or 1.8 mM , respectively, because the latter
concentration may totally quench the ozone activity. In other words, the lowest
ozone concentration may be unable to generate a sufficient amount of H202 and
LOPs to trigger biological effects. In such a case, 0 3-AHT may elicit only a
placebo effect simply due to autotransfusion, oxygenation, the medical act and
other psychological effects. On the other hand , blood with a TAS value below
1.2 mM , exposed to an 0 3 concentration of 80 ug /ml , may reach a critical stage
and even present slight haemolysis and a minimal risk of toxicity. These two
extreme examples may never occur as they are at the opposite ends of the
therapeutic window and most cases will fall in between, as suggested in the
scheme reported in Figure 42 . If one thinks about it, one can sense the
uncertainties intrinsic to ozonization of blood and this must be stated c1early.
Although we must make an effort to identify the optimal dose, this is difficult
because an effector molecule, Iike H202, is influenced by the c1assical "all or
none law", by the efficiency ofbiochemical pathways, by the variability ofblood
composition in different pathologies and by the uncertain pharmacodynamics of
a number of LOPs. It is needless to say that the dynamism and complexity of the
ozonization process require that the procedure be performed in a standard
fashion if reliable and reproducible results are desired.
7) Skeptica1 physicians like to say that 03-AHT is a panacea for all diseases and
indeed it looks like that. However, it is easy to dismiss this superficial defmition
by considering the heterogeneity of blood components and their widely different
functions. Although some overlapping of the ozone concentration seems
unavoidable, we have experimental evidence that different cells are activated by
different ozone concentrations. Therefore , the aim is to identify a range of ozone
concentrations suitable for treating either vascu1ar (10-40 ug/ml) or infectious
(20-80 ug/rnl) or autoimmune (the range remains uncertain) diseases (for details
see Chapter 24). Thus the request for fixed "recipes" shows that the
ozonetherapist has not understood the subtlety ofthe ozonization process .
80 - .- "- "- .- "_ .. _ .- .- .- _ ._.. _ ._ ._.. _ .. _ .
20 Threshold
10 .· l lnaclive
o -L.. --'--_--'-_-l-_-..l-._----'-_.....-lL-_.L-_...l...---=-- _
o 10 o 10 o
8) In any case, bearing in rnind that the therapeutic "shock" always remains abrief
oxidative stress, in order to induce an adaptation, or ozone tolerance, it appears
rational to adopt the old strategy of "start low, go slow", i.e. in a patient with
hind limb ischaemia the initial ozone concentration of 20 ug/rnl can be
120 CHAPTER 13
It has just been deseribed that ozone, after dissolv ing in plasma, generates H202
and LOPs . The eoneentration of H202 in the plasma results from adynamie
equilibrium between its synthesis and diffusion into intraeellular water due to the
eoneentration gradient formed between plasma and eytoplasm. Onee inside the cell
at a eoncentration above threshold levels, H 202 can switch on bioehemical
pathways, but it is simultaneously reduced by the potent antioxidant system
(Chapter 12). Most of the LOPs can interaet with cell receptors, membrane
cytoplasmic and even nuclear components. Owing to the heterogeneity and
potential toxicity of LOPs , the extent and relevance of their activities is currently
beyond our grasp , a situation that compels cautious action . On the other hand, the
ozone dose is calibrated agains t: a) the antioxidant capacity of blood, b) the
enormous cellular surface area (about 70 m2 for erythrocytes in 100 rnl of blood) ,
c) the plasma and cellular fluid and d) the capae ity of metabolie breakdown. It is
intriguing to think that this phase of "oxidative" stress ex vivo subsides in about
five minutes and it is indispensable for generation ofthe therapeutic "shock" to the
organism once the ozonized blood returns to the donor 's blood circulation.
How do the blood components behave under this stress? Erythrocytes,
leukocytes and platelets will be examined separately . Last but not least, it is
important to investigate if and how the blood container, i.e. the vascular system,
reacts to the ozone-acti vated blood .
These cells are very suitable for the examination of any toxic and biologieal effects
of ozone and represent an ideal marker. It is unfortunate that past studies
(Goldstein and Balchum, 1967; Freeman et al., 1979; Freeman and Mudd, 1981;
van der Zee et al., 1987; Fukunaga et al., 1999) carried out on washed and
resuspended erythrocytes in physiological saline have concluded that direct
ozonization of erythrocytic membranes invariably causes: deerease in membrane
fluidity , hence diminished deformability and filterability, and formation of
hydrophilie eentres (peroxide and carbonyl groups) in the hydrophobie regions of
phospholipids, with eventual breakdown. These molecular modifieations have dire
functional consequences, such as disruption of ion transport meehanisms (Kourie,
1998) and consequently cell lysis with leakage of Hb and enzymes into the plasma .
Moreover, enzymatic functions may be impaired by loss of the normal lipid-lipid
122 CHAPTER 14
influx. These data clearly establish that the ozone concentrat ion should not
exceed 80 ug/ml .
1 -.-
120 ControI
I - 2 5 ~ml
.. 5O~ml
7 5 ~ml
100 IJ9ImI
80 150lJ9Iml
200 lJ9lml
~ 40 I
20 '1
o i o ~ o
0.9 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.4 0,4 0.3 0.2
NOCI (',{,)
Blood ozonization implies the generation of an H202 gradient but its increase
in the cytoplasm is transient and kept under control by AH- , GSH, catalase and
GSHPx . In the erythrocyte, the GSH concentration is very high (- 2 mM) and the
GSH /GSSG ratio is about 50. The GSH tumover has a half-life of 70-100 hours
because GSSG is either extruded as such or is rapidly reduced to GSH by the
GSSGR. During ozonization, the intra-erythrocytic GSH level decreases by no
more than 20% because contemporaneously there is a new synthesis of GSH and,
more readily , reduction of GSSG at the expense of NADPH which serves as an
electron donor (Chapter 12). The decrease of NADPH/NADP ", or in other words
the increased level ofNADP+, switches on the hexose monophosphate pathway, in
which G-6PD is the rate-limiting enzyme. This leads to generation of NADPH and
ATP (Fig. 35). It is perhaps useful to remember that erythrocytes lack
mitochondria for the production of high-energy compounds and rely on the
anaerobic glycolytie (Embden-Meyerhoff) pathway and the just-mentioned aerobic
hexose monophosphate shunt. Normally, 90% of the glucose entering the
erythrocyte is metabolized by the former pathway and about 10% by the latter. The
glycolytie pathway yields three products: I) NADH, which is a crucial cofactor in
the methaemoglobin (MHb) reductase reaction regulating the constant conversion
of MHb (oxidized Hb) into oxyhaemoglobin (Hb0 2) , particularly during oxidative
stress; 2) adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the high-energy phosphate nucleotide that
powers the cell pumps; 3) the intermediate metabolite 2,3-diphosphoglycerate
(2,3-DPG), which regulates the globin chain interaction and thus modulates
oxygenation-deoxygenation of Hb, i.e. the release of O2 to tissues .
Of the eleven enzymes in the glycolytic pathway, the main regulators of the
rate of glycolysis are hexokinase (HK) , pyruvate kinase (PK), glyceraldehyde 3-
phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and particularly phosphofructokinase (PFK)
(Magnani et al., 1988).
Does ozonetherapy exert any effect on glycolysis? It seems so. We found
increased ATP levels (from 1389 to 1968 11M) in patients with age-related macular
degeneration (ARMD) (atrophie form) after a therapeutic cycle (13-14 sessions) of
03-AHT (Fig . 45) (Diadori and Bocci, Chapter 24). Moreover, Viebahn (l999,b)
reported the same effect in athletes and elderly patients after rectal insufflation of
O 2-03. These results are surprising and the mechanisms of enzymatic activation or
induction have not yet been studied . Again in ARMD patients, Micheli et a1.
(2000) showed an increased (from 0.9227 ± 0.011 to 0.9456 ± 0.0039 , not
significant) energy charge (E.C.) as defined by Daniel Atkinson:
In this fonnula, the values can range from 0 (all nucleotides are present as
AMP) to I (all nucleotides are present as ATP) . In particular, PFK and PK are
strongly inhibited by a high ATP level, as shown in the scheme reported in Figure
46. Thus ATP-generating pathways are inhibited by a high E.C., while ATP-
utilizing pathways are stimulated by a high E.C. Increased glycolysis likely
renders erythrocytes more effective and less susceptible to premature lysis.
Figure 45 shows that the ATP increase occurs only after prolonged therapy:
indeed there was no change in ATP levels at the middle ofthe OrAHT cyc1e (6-7
sessions). We intend to investigate if the increase becomes more marked with
further 0 3-AHT sessions.
1,00 -
- °rOl ~ 200 -
0 ° 2 l.
U e,
w 0,95 ~ 100 -
Q,90 °1 ° -0 ,
1 n = 13
1500 "- 150
~ ~
1000 50
~ 0,6 ° 8 n -l l
p s 0,05
"- 0,4
-c 0,2
1,0 "- 500
0 300
p :; 0,025
Figure 46. Mechanisms ofpositive and negativefeedback o(erythrocytic enzymes after
transient exposure of blood to ozone. High levels ofA TP inhibit phosphofiuctokinase
(PFK). while low levels activate pyruvate kinase (PK) . At the same time . lowered levels of
NADPH activate glucose-ti-Psdehydrogenase (G6PD)
Hb402 ) Hb4 + Oz
depend on the Oz tension in the tissues. Figure 47 shows that the dissociation eurve
of HbOz shifts to the right (p50 value inereases) as blood passes from pulmonary
(P) to systemie (S) eapillaries and even further ifthe 2,3-DPG level inereases . The
same shift oeeurs ifthe blood pH deereases (from pH 7.4 to 7.2, aeidosis) or the
pCO z value inereases (from about 40 to 60 mmHg, the Bohr effeet) or the body
temperature rises from 37°C to 39°C.
, ,," 75
I ,,
,, ."
8 10 --- --i' 50 ~
,, ::
,, .:'
20 40 60 10 .00 120 _
Figure 47. The dissociation curve ofRb0] shifts regularly from P (pulmonary capillaries)
to S (systemic capillaries). The increase oI2,3·DPG in the erythrocytes shifts the curve to
the right (broken Une). The presence ofCO (HhCO) and a decrease oI2,3-DPG shifls the
curve to the left
128 CHAPTER 14
_ _ 0, - 0,
:;}1 -o.~
~ 1
2,3 DrG
1 Atroph ie 150
~ 100
C 1
~· __·_-··_·-l-- --_.. .~ 50
2,3 DPG
0 J lJ
0 - 10
P <:0.05
Figure 48. Modifications oferythrocytic 2,3-DPG in patients with ARMD (leftside) before
(PRE), during (interim) and after (POST) J3-14 0rAHT treatments with either O2 01' with 0 ;-03
(see Figure 45) (Micheliet al.. 2000). In comparison (light side), a modest increase oJ
erythrocytic2.3-DPG levels has heen observed in young athletes by Jakl (ahove) and in elderly
people (middleand below) after rectal insufflation o(ozonefor 8 and J3 weeks (Viehahn, 1999)
Thus , at this stage we cannot make a definitive conclusion. In the near future,
we will ascertain whether the 2,3-DPG level remains stationary or increases by
treating POAD patients with extracorporeal circulation of blood against Or03
(EBOO), which is a more intense therapy than the ordinary 03-AHT. Clarification
of this problem is important because areal increase of 2,3-DPG levels markedly
shifts the Hb0 2 dissociation curve to the right (p50 value increases) and the
peripheral venous blood p02 level may decrease to 15-20 mmHg with a 20-25%
increase of O 2 delivery to ischaemic tissue (Fig. 47) . The enhanced oxygenation,
possibly associated with microrelease of ATP from erythrocytes and with
vasodilatation (see endothelial cells for NO· release), can explain the beneficial
effect of ozonetherapy in ischaernic diseases. In 1956, Wenning suggested that the
polycythemia achieved after reinfusion of blood exposed to UV could be an
important factor, but we have observed neither an increased number of
erythrocytes nor an increase of the mean corpuscular Hb (27-31 pg).
A more theoretical problem to solve is why and how ozonetherapy should
increase the 2,3-DPG level in the first place? At first glance, oxygenation should
inhibit it. However, ischaemic tissues may try to release mediators attempting to
correct local hypoxia. A regulatory protein , hypoxia-inducible factor (Wang and
Semenza, 1996, Gassmann and Wenger, 1997), has been identified and it remains
to be seen whether factors released upon blood ozonization enhance the enzymatic
activity of 2,3-DPGM or upregulate its synthesis and/or inhibit 2,3-DPGP. In this
context, we should also check for any change of the erythropoietin level. It is now
feasible to use molecular biology methods to examine any change of expression of
proteins during erythrogenesis in order to explore the possibility of a continuous
output of"supergiftederythrocytes" during ozonetherapy. This study is within our
reach : by using appropriate density gradients, we can separate old (heavier)
erythrocytes from young (lighter) ones released during ozonetherapy and slowly
accumulating in the blood pool. If the hypothesis is correct, the young "supergifted
erythrocytes" may show subtle differences in the composition of the membrane, in
the phospholipid/cholesterol ratio, in the type and frequency of membrane
glycoproteins and they may display enhanced metabolie characteristics.
Examination of the life-span of ozonized erythrocytes has received minimal
attention. This is surprising because even slight peroxidative damage to the
membrane is bound to be recognized by the RES, with uptake of the impaired
erythrocytes. Numerous studies have shown that genetically comprornised human
erythrocytes, or those treated with heavy metals , xenobiotics or heat, have a far
shorter life-span than the normal 120 days . In 1996, on the basis of my project, Dr.
C. Kontorschikova and Dr. S. Peretyagin of the Central Health Institute at Niznhy
Novgorod (Russia) received funding from the Soros Foundation. By labelling
normal human erythrocytes with Technetium 99, we examined the fate of
untreated, Oj-treated and O 2-03 (40 ug /mlj-treated erythrocytes in normal
volunteers. The scheme reported in Figure 49 aims to clarify that, when ozonized
blood is reinfused into the donor, erythrocytes will rnix within the vascular system
and, if normal, will continue to circulate according to their age. In four months,
human erythrocytes undergo an average of 160,000 deoxygenation cycles, which
occur at random in more or less pervious sites . Every day, some 2xlO ll
130 CHAPTER 14
02/03 Primary
Figure 49. After reinfusion , the ozonized hlood is distributed throughout the whole
organism. After OrAHT, the volume of'plasma (about J30 ml), slightly depleted of
antioxidants, returns to normal after mixing with 3 L plasma and 9-JJ L interstitialfluid.
Oxidized albumin is taken IIp by RES and cataholized. Erythrocytes, if not damaged.
continue to circulate while leukocytes migrate through post-capillary venules into various
organs and may return to the blood pool via lymph . The reinfused LOPs undergo dilution
but will deliver their message to the whole body. After ozonization. platelets will likely
release rheir hormonal contents into the blood and will disappear.
Experimental results obtained after measuring the hepatic and splenie uptake of
Tc 99-labeled erythrocytes (either oxygenated or ozonized), 10, 30 and 60 min after
reinfusion into the donor, show only an initial (10min) small uptake, which
suggests negligible cell damage (Fig . 50). Preliminary experiments in another two
subjects showed a similar trend . Subsequent technical difficulties prevented us
from completing the study by measuring the half-li fe of differently ozonized Cr 51_
60 Tc (liver).imp/nun
Tc (lJIlcen), imp/min
Tc (blood), unp/l1Iin
60 Tc (livec).unp/min
Tc (FPleen). unp/min
Tc (blood). imp/min
Figure 50. Erythrocytes were labelIed with Tc~~ and either exposed to oxygen (ox) 01' to
ozone (oz: 40 ug/ml) . Blood sampies were then reinfused into two respective donors and
Tc99 was detected by scintigraphy in blood. liver and spleen after 10.30, 60 and 90 (only
ox) min. Hepatic and splenie uptake Q! ozonized erythrocytes were only slightly higher than
those Q! oxygenated erythrocytes
does not seem to even reach the membrane and induce peroxidation. There is good
evidence that oxidative damage is prevented by the powerful antioxidant system
and the activation of the pentose phosphate pathway certainly plays a role in that.
An increase of 2,3-DPG levels during ozonetherapy remains controversial and
must be verified with a more prolonged and reliable method than rectal
insufflation of O 2- ° 3' The activation of glycolysis and an increase of the E.C. have
led to the suggestion that a continuous flow of messengers present in ozonized
blood reaches the bone marrow and, by upregulating gene expression, may
improve the biochemical characteristics of differentiating erythroblasts.
Adaptation to the controlled oxidative stress may allow the generation of
"supergifted erythrocytes", which slowly increase in the circulation and may be
responsible for the therapeutic "shock", i.e. a revival of functional activities able to
explain the beneficial effect observed in patients with ischaemic diseases.
Table 9. The variety ofinducers activating the production 0/cy tokines in BMC.
Mitogens Antigens Antibodies Proteinases Interleukins Oxidhing er:
Agents lonophores
PHA Virus Anti-CD3 Trypsin IL-Iß Periodate A23187
ConA Endotoxins Anti-CD4 Bromelain IL-2 HzO z
PWM Muramyl Anti-CD28 Thrombin IL-12 Galactose-
peptides oxidase
Phorbol Polynucleotides
·2 0 2 4 6 8
Figure 51. Kinetics ofIL-6 production measured in hlood sampIes ofthree donors after
ozonization (concentration : 59 ug/ml per ml ofblood) and incubation at 37 °C in air-Cü,
for IIp to 8 hr. The increase oJ IL-6 was significantly (p-d), 05) higher than in control
sampIes after 8 hr
These initial studies shed light on several aspects, such as the protective effect
ofblood antioxidants, the dissimilar production of different cytokines (Fig . 52) and
the progressive inhibitory activity of increasing ozone concentrations, particularly
above 80 ug/ml. However, they had some limitations because whole blood can be
incubated only for a limited time and, most irnportantly, we could not decide
which cell type produced the cytokines. Moreover, in investigating the induction
of IL-8 in 13 sampies of blood donors, we noticed again, as was weil known for
IFN production, that there are high, medium and low responders (Bocci et al.,
I998b). Actually, in this case we went a step further because we could detect an
approximate relationship between the production of IL-8 and the TAS values.
Figure 53 shows that there are two high responders (no. 7 and no. 8) and two nil
responders (no. 3 and no. 12). Interestingly, the latter donors had very high TAS
values (1.90 and 1.98 mM) whereas the high responders had average values (1.45
and 1.56 mM). Most likely, genetic and other factors are also at play but this
observation needs to be investigated further by checking the values of PTG
oxidation and TBARS . These results suggest that a very high TAS can quench
most of the ozone dose and they emphasize that the ordinary empirical
performance of 03-AHT without knowing the basic TAS of the patient can easily
134 CHAPTER 14
20 5
c::J TNf cl
_ 'FNy
~ I L- 2
15 -
...e 3
10 ·
- 2
5 w
r I :'";-':
,~, ~
~ ..~
, :.;s; ,_ , - ~
.~~-- - 0
0. 0 , 36 0 . 70
Figure 52. Production ofthree cytokines after treatment ofthree hlood samplesfrom
normal donors with either oxygen or ozone (36 and 70 ug/ml) and incubation .for 9 hr. The
asterisks indicate a significant difference (p<O.05) in comparison to oxygen
10 11 12 13
_ 0,
-400 § C, 4O.,pl
m O,to.......'
Figure 53. Effect of 1 min exposure ofeither 0 1 0 1' 0 3 (40 and 80 ug/ml) on the production
0/1L-8 after 8 hr incubation of 13 hlood samples. Average va lues are reported in the lower
panel ofter subtraction 0/ control values.
'"Significant difference (p<O.01) compared with samp les treated with O 2• The variable
production of1L-8 among donors is noteworthy. particularly the lack ofproduction 01'
donors 110. 3 and 12 likely due to a high TAS level
During the last year, we decided to isolate from normal blood donors either
BMC or granulocytes in order to investigate their viability and production of
cytokines after ozonization . This is important because we do not know their
relative contribution and, as an example (Fig. 54), BMC produce mainly TNF-a.,
IFNy and small amounts of IL-2 (Larini et al., 2001). On the other hand
granulocytes release other cytokines (Larini et al., in preparation) .
38 h 62 h 86 h
' - -_ _- I : i:L.J....L"-'"=.L:>.L:.l_ .L..l hL
} 1000
l!l eco
E 1000
~ 500
r "'!ll<: lil ~I:! ~ 1
r'" SI I<: fi1 s g~
Figure 54. Pattern o(cytokine production by BMC suspended in human serum before
ozonization. Samples were not exposed (control) 01' exposed to either O2 alone 01' Os-O, at
increasing concentrations (ug/ml). PHA indicates values after mitogen addition. Diagrams
represent the values ot one donor (H) who was a high responder
In contrast, Iymphocytes have high levels of GSH and, although they have less
catalase than erythrocytes, they are equipped with GSH-Px and GSSGR.
Professional phagocytes (neutrophil granulocytes, monocytes and macrophages)
can also defend themselves, up to a point, against O2 . ' , H z0 2 and HOCI released
during phagocytosis. In the last decade, there has been great progress in
understanding the role of antioxidants and redox regulation of gene transcription
(Oe Forge et al., 1992; Anderson et al., 1994; Schenk et al., 1996; Sen and Packer,
1996; Flohe et al., 1997; Suzuki et al., 1997; Ginn -Pease and Whisler, 1998; Hack
et al., 1998, Arrigo, 1999; Tatla et al., 1999; Allen and Tresini, 2000) . The whole
story started in 1986 when Sen and Baltimore identified a transcription factor
called NF-KB (i.e, nuclear factor bound to an enhancer element in the K light
chain gene) present in the cytoplasm in association with inhibitory proteins, IKBs
(c, ß, y, etc .). NF-KB has subsequently been found in different cells ; it is
composed of several proteins (the Rei farnily) , of which a p65 (rel A) subunit and
a p50 subunit bind to specific sequences in the promoter regions of several cellular
and viral target genes, including transcription factors, viruses, cell adhesion
molecules, cytokines, immunoreceptors, haematopoietic growth factors and acute
phase proteins (Baeuerle and Henkel, 1994). This means that activated cells can
synthesize a variety of proteins, including IFNs, IL-I, 2, 6, TNFa., chemokines
such as IL-8, class land II proteins belonging to the major histocompatibility
complex (MHC), proteins ofthe HIV, orosomucoid and C-reactive protein.
A variety of inducers, such as growth factors, cytokines, mitogens, UV, ozone
and H2 0 2 , cause translocation of the heterodimer p65-p50 to the nucleus . This
happens when specific kinases (IKK-1/2) phosphorylate IKBa. and cause its
detachment from the inactive complex NF-KB-IKB, allowing rapid migration of
the heterodimer to the nucleus (Verma and Stevenson, 1997). IKBa. acts as a brake
in the quiescent cell and, after phosphorylation, enters the ubiquitin-proteasome
pathway where it undergoes rapid degradation (DeMartino and Slaughter, 1999;
Komitzer and Ciechanover, 2000) . Figure 55 depicts a scheme c1arifying the
sequences leading to NF-KB activation with consequent protein synthesis.
Ca++ - : I
~ t
New protein
T- H202--+-~
AlP j.PO:f
."". - - % ~XIDANTS
IKB --+-IKB.P0:f
, . . . . . . . - - p50 p65
NUCLEUS ~ Proteasome
Gene induction \
Figure 55.A schematic view ofsignal transduction in lymphoeytes due to oxidattve stress.
The nuclear transcriptionfactor NF-KB is a heterodimer composed oftwo subunits (p50
and p65). In resting T lymphocytes, it exists in an inactiveform complexed witb the
inhibitor IKB . Ozone decomposes in plasma and generates ROS. These may aet on lectins
situated in the plasma membrane, possibly opening Ca + + channels, and/or by aetivating
pro tein kinases. H10 1 activates a tyrosine kinase which phosphorylates IKB and causes its
detachmentfrom the inactive complex. While IKB -P01 is being degraded in the proteasome,
the heterodimer moves promptlyfrom the cytosol into the nucleus, where it regulates gene
expression. Activation 0/ a phosphatase (PPase) 01' an excess ofintracytoplasmic
antioxidants (GSH. NAC, CAT. thioredoxin. a-lipoic acid, ete.) inhibits the process
138 CHAPTER 14
The observation that NAC coul d suppress the activity of NF-KB was made in
1990 by Staal et al. and direct evidence of the activating role of 50-100 11M of
H 202 in Jurkat T cells was reported the following year (Schreck et al., 1991). In
Chapter 13, it was shown that ozone dissolved in plasma causes lipid peroxidat ion,
hence production of LOPs and H 202 • The sudden increase of H 202 concentration
allows its passive diffus ion through the cell membrane from plasma: "202
becomes the ozone messenger able to activate the specific kinäse (IKK-l/2)
which, by phosphorylating IKB, allows the migration of the transcription
heterodimer into the nucleus. The critical issue is that H 202 must reach a
concentration able to activate the kinase without be ing instantaneously reduced by
either GSH or the catalase-GSH-Px, thioredoxin system or be transformed into
OH". A c1ear demonstration of the dose -dependent activity of H202 is presented in
Figure 56, reported by Los et al. (1995).
20 000 -
1-0- . l-HEI
___ - l.H E
e 15 000-
.E 30 .'0~"
2- ~
~ 20 8 1000 0-
10 :;;
1 5000-
25 50 100 200
0 10 20 50 100 150 300
H10 1111M)
-4QOOO '
Ea. 30 000 -
S 20 000 •
:;; 10 000 -
b) 2 r= b)
Figure 56. H}O} induces the expression 0/ /L-2 in tissue culture. a) Maximum release of
/L-2 was achie ved wirh 100 I-JM H }O} (above left). b) Maximum expression of 1L-2 mRNA
appeared 12 hr after H}O} addit ion (below left). Thymidtne incorporation (right) is
influenced by 2-mercaptoethanol and catalase, below (Los et al., 1995) .
It can be seen in vitro that 100 J.1M ofH 2 0 2 achieve the maximal activity while
a double amount is partly inhibitory. The process is rapid and the maximal
expression of lL-2 mRNA is reached 12 hours after H 20 2 stimulation. Addition of
either catalase or 2-mercaptoethanol are partly inhibitory, as expected. Indeed
there are several antioxidants able to prevent or impair the generation of active
NF-KB (Schreck et al., 1992); conversely, the HIV-I TAT protein, being able to
suppress the expression of Mn-dependent SOD, acts as a strong inducer of NF-KB
(Chapter 24).
Although I could not go into details, the reader may have perceived the central
importance of NF-KB in the regulation of many immune and inflammatory
responses. Excellent and extensive reviews of this subject are available (Baeuerle
and Henkel, 1994; Barnes and Karin, 1997; May and Gosh, 1998).
We have been very interested in this factor because ozone induces the
formation of H2 0 2 , which acts as an intracellular messenger and has recently
acquired importance in animal and plant cells (Haddad et a1., 1996; Remick and
Villarete, 1996; Josse et al., 1998; Chua et al., 1998; Valen et al., 1998, 1999; Dei
Bello et al., 1999; Korzets et al., 1999; Pellinen et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2000a;
Desikan et al., 2000; Lee and Schacter, 2000 ; Kim et al., 2001). Obviously the
type of response depends on the H2 0 2 levels and these may act as either "Iife or
death signals". The ozonetherapist must be aware of the dilemma that either
too low or too high ozone doses ean be either ineffeetive or toxie, respeetively.
The dark side of excessive NF-KB activation has become evident in toxic/septic
shock, in acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and in chronic inflarnmatory
diseases such as multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease and rheumatoid arthritis .
While the ozone dose can be carefully checked and adjusted to the disease and
patient, it is far more difficult to handle rather unspecific drugs that dampen the
transcription factor activities . Inhibitors such as glucocorticoids, gold salts, aspirin
and sodium salicylate are effective but displaya variety of side effects , and thus
selective inhibitors of IKB kinases are needed . IL-lO is an anti-inflammatory
cytokine that appears promising since it inhibits the action ofNF-KB (Wang et al.,
1995; Schreiber et al., 1995). Currently available antioxidants (Chapter 12) are
relatively useful and it remains to be seen whether prolonged ozonetherapy can
paradoxically reverse chronic inflammation by inducing an adaptation to chronic
oxidative stress . .
In order to clarify whether exposing leukocytes to ozone can lead to either
immune stimulation or suppression, we have addressed the following problems :
2.1. How Important is the Maintenance ofthe Plasmatic Cal + Level during Blood
normal donors, a more rational approach may be to examine the cytokine response
during relapse of either autoimmune diseases or allergie diseases . From an
immunological point ofview, these pathologies have an opposite polarity.
Figure 57 shows a simplified scheme regarding the interaction between 0 3 and
cytokine production by leukocytes of healthy blood donors . However, this situation
does not apply to the above-mentioned pathologies because after the pioneering
work ofMossman and Sad (1996), it has been shown that CD4+Iymphocytes (helper
T cells) undergo a profound shift towards either the Th l-phenotype (generally
producing IL-l , IL-2, IL-18, IFNy, TNFo.) or the Thl-phenotype (produc ing IL-3,
IL-4, IL-5, IL-I0 and TGFß I).
Clon,l e.pan,lon
Figure 57. An overall view ofinteractions among OrROS and immune cells which.
after cytokine induction. home into various lymphoid microenvironments andfurther
release cytokines, thus enhancing humoral and cell-mediated immunity
support the pattern of cytokine production linked with the Th I or Th2 predorninant
immune state. Th I-type responses are associated with inflammation and defense
reactions, including cytolytic reactions, while Th2-type responses are antibody-
mediated immunity. It must be kept in mind that the interaction between the two
types of responses is reciprocal and thus Th I-type cytokines are inhibitory to Th2-
type responses and vice versa . As an example, IL-4 can inhibit IL-12 production,
while IL-4, IL-lO and IL-13 antagonise the macrophage-activating properties of
IFNy and IL-2.
Th 1 Th2
IL-1, IL-2, IL-12 IL-4, IL-5, IL-6
IL-15,IL-18 IL-10, IL·13
Cell-mediated Immunity
and so on for at least 16 treatments (8 weeks), unless serious side effects appear.
Assuming that the patient has a high TAS and the disease symptoms tend to
ease, it may be reasonable to increase the ozone concentration to 90-100 ug/ml.
This may enhance the upregulation of oxidative stress proteins, strengthen the
adaptation to stress and further inhibit the clone of cytotoxic Iymphocytes.
Obviously, this possibility has many mighty "ifs" to be dispelled during the trial.
2.4. On the Experimental Basis that Ozone Can Act as a Modest Cytokine Inducer,
Does Reinfusion ofOzonized Blood Mod!fj: the Plasma Cytokine Level in Vivo?
146 CHAPTER 14
( Venous circulation ( )
Figure 59.A sehematte view of'cytokine induction in the GALT by a number oflnducers.
among which ozone. The GALT is an important component able to interact with other parts
ofthe immune system
o ?L...2'-
4 -4J-8-7.J-2-9.J-18-2.J..4-:'::48-=':72~9,8~24-:--'48:-:72~9,~6""':2':-4--:48~7~2--:9'!::,8--:2-::4-4-::8-::72:-:!9t·8
Figure 60. Kinetics of Mt protein levels measured in 21 blood samp ies collected el'elY day
from one healthy volunteer. The six arrows indicate the time ofsix DrAHT performed using
300 ml ofblood (heparin) exposed to 70 mg/ml 0 3 (total dose 21 mg). There is a
progressive but variable increase ofMx pro tein levels. likely due to the release ofIFN in
lymphoid microenvironments
is interesting and suggests that the "biochemical memory" of the cell is fairly
short; however, two treatments per week may be sufficient to maintain an anti viral
state. In contrast, both Neopterin and 132 microglobulin (132M) plasma levels (data
not shown) remained within the normal range and 132M levels remained unvaried,
even during repeated autohaemotherapy. Plasma levels of acute phase proteins,
namely orosomucoid, C reactive protein and haptoglobin, remained constant 24,
48 and 96 hours after autohaemotherapy. This excludes the possibility that liver
synthesis was influenced by IL-6 . We plan to repeat this experiment with the
method of extracorporeal blood circulation, involving ozonization of the whole
blood volume.
In conclusion, the use of this amplification marker suggests that the reinfused
ozonized blood cells release IFN in vivo but, as discussed in Chapter 24 , the
efficacy of 0 3-AHT in chronic HCV infection remains controversial. It remains to
be seen whether more intensive treatment or a different schedule can improve the
outcome. A typical and frequently posed question is: how many autotransfusions
are needed to achieve a valid reactivation of the immune system? It is almost
impossible to provide an answer because each chronic HCV patient presents
variable parameters. However, the number of BMC producing IFNa/ß must be
substantial. On the whole, the immune system is a fairly large organ comprising
about 10 12 cells dispersed in the spleen, lymph nodes, Iymph pool, thymus, bone
marrow and lymphoid tissue associated with the gut (GALT), bronchi (BALT),
skin (SALT), etc . About 1% of these cells die every day and are replaced by virgin
cells (Westermann and Pabst, 1992) . Our approximate calculation estimated that
ozonization of 300 ml of blood with an ozone dose of 21 mg (70 ug/ml x 300 ml
gas) may stimulate - 6 x 10R cells, i.e. only 0.06% ofthe total cell number. After
50 treatments (twice weekly for 6 months), we may have activated - 3 x 10 10 cells,
equivalent to a mere 3% ofthe cell pool (Bocci, 1998c) . However, when activated
T cells horne in lymphoid microenvironments, they produce cytokines and express
co-stimulatory molecules. By inducing proliferation of bystander Iymphocytes,
these substances may amplify this process several fold, probably yielding 10 11
cells which is considered a desirable dose to treat human tumours by mononuclear
cell adoptive immunotherapy (Rosenberg et al., 1987 ; Lee and Klein, 1994) . It
would be interesting to investigate the distribution and fate of Indium'{'vlabelled
BMC and neutrophils after ozonization and to check whether they horne in the
lungs or throughout the body. This methodology has been used for LAK and TIL
cells (Rosenberg et al., 1987) .
2.6. Does the Induction o/OSP and ofAdaptation to Chronic Oxidative Stress
have an 1111111uno111odulat01Y Effect?
This is the most fascinating topic because ozone, the dreadful toxic gas, may
paradoxically become an important drug to induce adaptation to chronic oxidative
stress. There is a wealth of experimental data reported since the 1970s showing
that both animals and plants can develop resistance by upregulating the expression
of a number of proteins, generically denominated chaperones.
150 CHAPTER 14
Table 10. Possible parameters to test the activation ofthe immune system
before, eil/ring and after 0J-AHT.
Constituents Activitv
ADP Aggregation
Dense bodies: CA 2+ Pro-aggregation
Serotonin Aggregation
Platelet factor 4 (PF4) Heparin-neutralizing
Thrombomodulin Inhibition of thrombin
ß thromboglobulin (ß- TBG) Antiheparin
Thrombospondin (TSP -1)
Fibronectin Adhesive glycoprotein
von Willebrand factor (vWF)
u-granules: Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) Growth factors for
Basic fibroblast growth factor fibroblasts, endothel ial
(bFGF) keratinocytes and museIe
Vascular endothelial growth factors cells
Epidermal growth factor (EGF)
Cl inhibitor Inhibitor
Fibrinogen Procoagulant
Factor VIII antigen Enhancer of platelet
U2macroglobulin Antiproteases
Lysosomes : Acid hydrolases
0 3-AHT has always been performed using blood anticoagulated with citrate, and
we and others have never observed any tendency to blood clotting. On the other
hand, by preserving the physiological Ca2+ level, the use of heparin may not be
sufficient to avoid minimal coagulation, a risk that cannot be underrated. Thus, using
biochemical and morphological criteria, we investigated the behaviour of platelets in
the presence of either citrate or heparin. Results of the evaluation of both ACD and
heparinized platelet-rich plasma (PRP) from five healthy donors are briefly
summarised, as details can be found in the original paper (Bocci et al., 1999a).
Figure 61 clearly shows that ozonization of both ACD- and heparin-treated
PRP induces an almost linear increase ofTBARS, which (as mentioned in Chapter
10) have been used as a practical ozone marker. Both plasma PTG and, to a lesser
extent, TAS also decrease progressively during ozonization carried out within the
usual therapeutic window used in medical practice (20-80 ug/ml per m1 of PRP).
As expected on the basis of the high capacity of platelets to restore their GSH
content after oxidation (Bosia et al., 1989), the intracellular GSH content does not
appear to be modified, even after exposing PRP samples to 0 3 concentrations as
high as 80 ug/ml (lower panel of Fig. 61). It is remarkable that under similar
experimental conditions, a GSH decrease of about 20% has been measured in
erythrocytes , although even these cells recover their normal GSH content soon
thereafter (Bocci et al., 1993b).
The surprise came when we monitored platelet aggregation:
control and 02-treated sarnples did not show spontaneous aggregation . However,
when heparinized PRP was pretreated for 30 seconds with three concentrations of
0 3 (20, 40 and 80 ug/rnl per ml PRP), there was a striking dose-effect relationship
(Fig. 62, right panel) : a mean spontaneous aggregation of either 20 ± 6% or 68 ±
14%) occurs immediately with an 0 3 concentration of 40 or 80 ug/ml, respectively.
However, the aggregation appears reversible (at least in part) and the addition of
ADP 4 min afterward induces the second wave. The phenomenon is quite
reproducible and it could easily be missed if the exposure to 80 ug/ml 0 3 lasts
longer than 30 sec. In contrast, PRP, lacking extracellular Ca2r, shows negligible
aggregation (left panel). The platelet aggregation can be observed
macroscopically , but Figure 63 illustrates, by both scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), how the platelets are
clumped together. At present , the biochernical andrnolecular events leading to
aggregation remain unclear. However, extracellular Caz+ certainly has a crucial
role, since aggregation does not occur after its chelation. Another important factor
is the transient formation ofH 202 in the plasma, which, as was hypothesized, may
Figure 61. Effect 0/30 sec exposure to either O2 or 0 3 (20, 400/1(180 ug/ml) per 1111 0/
human platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) on lipid peroxidation (TBARS), total antioxidant status
(TAS). protein thiol groups (PTG) and platelet GSH content . PRP was anticoagulated witti
either ACD (Cl) or heparin (~ .
cause a Ca 2 + influx or activate enzymes in the cell membrane. Other studies (Dei
Principe et a\., 1985; Iuliano et a\., 1991, 1997) have shown that H202 can trigger
aggregat ion of platelets even at nanomolar concentrations, when ozonization of
PRP yields concentrations up to 40 J..1M (Vala cchi and Bocci, 1999).
ACD Heparin
100 c.m...
c: 60
-c 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 4 6 8 10
t Time (mln) t
Figu re 62. Rep resentati ve p atterns ofplatelet aggregation induced by p rogressively
increas ing 0 3 concentrat ions (20. 40 and 80 ug/ml p er ml PRP) . 0 3 causes imm ediate and
dose -depende nt aggrega tion only in heparinized PRP (right panel). Aggregation profiles 0/
PRP in ACD are reported in the left pa nel. After 4 min, ADP inducesfull aggregation
The problem ofplatelet sensitivity to ozone has been tackled by Matsuno et a\.,
who presented a poster at the 13th Ozone World Congress (IOA, Kyoto 1997). Yet
they examined only PRP anticoagulated with citrate or washed plateiet suspension.
Moreover, the experimental approaches cannot be compared because those authors
did not study the direct effect of ozone on aggregation. Using 0 3 concentration in
the range 9-71 ug/ml, they observed that pretreatrnent of PRP with ozone actually
inhibited, in a dose-dependent manner, ADP-, collagen- and thrombin-induced
platelet aggregat ion. Matsuno et al. suggested that the inhibition was due to
reduced express ion of activation antigens, CD62P and particularly CD63,
accompanied by a reduced appearance of cytosolic free Ca 2+. We cannot confirm
their data because our measurements of CPD-PRP (Fig . 62, left panel) do not show
any inhibition when ADP was added 4-5 min after ozon ization . Thus , at present it
appears that platelets in heparin ized blood are sensitive to ozonization and tend to
aggregate, while Ca2 +-chelated platelets are either insensitive (Bocci et al., 1999)
or may become resistant to ozone (Matsuno et a\., 1997). Further studies are
needed to clarify this uncertainl y but, clearly, blood ozonization would seem
superfluous if we want only to inhibit platelet aggregation; this is better
156 CHAPTER 14
accomplished with drugs. Although no side effects appeared in the few patients for
whom we noted miniclots retained in the filter , we have nonetheless to be cautious
and avoid the use of heparin if we intend to use an 0 3 concentration above 40
ug/ml. Jt would seem that the simple use of citrate eliminates any risk and platelets
remain either insensitive or resistant to ozone. However, this simplification does
not answer the question of whether heparin is more or less beneficial than citrate .
It was mentioned that platelets contain a number of growth factors : Platelet-
derived growth factor (PDGF), TGFß 1, Yascular endothelial growth factors
(YEGFs), etc. (see arecent minireview by Browder et al, 2000), that may be
responsible (at least in part) for accelerating the healing of torpid ulcers observed
in hind limb ischaemia patients. If this is true, a slight activation of platelets ex
vivo by heparin-ozone may be more proficient than ACD .
Figure 63. Scanning electron microseopie (SEM, left panel) and transmission electron
microscopic (TEM. right panel) examinations o(human PRPs in heparin. Platelets exposed
to 0; (ahove) appear normal, while after exposure to ozone (concentration 80 pg/lIIl) they
form visible aggregates (below) . In contrast, PRP in ACD do not undergo aggregation afte r
exposure to ozone.For the total sequence see Bocci et a!. (/999a)
,I, ,..J: ,r.
o -- :--
- '- '-'-
0,4 +
. . +
~ 0,3
~ 0,2 -
0,1 -
... _-
0 ,0
.. '--
.= 0 4
~ ,
s 0,2
0,0 --'------'----.I....:::!--...I.-
20 40 80
Figure 64. Effect 0130 sec exposure ofeither Oz 01' Or03 (20, 40 and 80 ug/ml p er ml
ofp lasma) on total antioxidant status (TAS). protein thiol group (PTG) and thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS) ofthe same human PRP samples col!ected either in
heparin or in ACD. Statisti cal significance is indicated by (*) for intergroup analysis and
(+)./i}r intragroup analysis
Moreover, we observed that oxidation of PTG was far higher in the heparinized
sampies than in the Ca 2+-chelated sampIes , suggesting that physiological Ca 2+
levels favour ROS activity. Indeed, intragroup analysis showed a significant
difference at medium (40 ug/ml) and high (80 ug/ml) 0 3 concentration. After a 30-
sec ozonization in sterile silicone-coated syringes , PRP samples were dispensed
158 CHAPTER 14
into tissue culture plates and incubated at 37°C in air-C0 2 for I, 2 and 4 hours.
Control sampies were either untreated or mixed with an equal volume of O 2 • After
incubation, sampies were centrifuged and the supematant platelet-free plasma was
used to measure human PDGF-AB, TGFß 1 (after activation of the latent form),
IL-8 and the stable compound thromboxane B2 (TxB 2, derived from TxA2) as
typical platelet markers. Results obtained from five donors were expressed as the
mean ± standard deviation (Fig . 65) .
• +
O...L~LULlJLLa.l""'--.I LaJ...IIL.LlLU --LlILLA..l..ILJLA..La.....J
6000 TGFIlI
~ 0 ..L..J~.A.l..a..LA..L ~w...u.a..La.L.A.-.l...A..l..a..LA..L-..w~.
::: ~ .I
L-.- '---
JillJ • '. •
•• iIi ,.
3000 TBX2 +
__--l...ILJLA..La~LUII___LlLUILLA..l L.a-l
Cant,. 0, Cant,. 0,
Cont,. O. 20 40 10 20 40 10 20 40 10
Figure 65. Release offactorsfrom human platelets during I. 2 and 4 hr incubation. The
same PRP samples collected either in heparin or ACD were not exposed (control). 01'
exposed 10 O2 alone or to OrO.! at concentrations 0/20. 40 and 80 pglml/or 30 sec before
incubation. Statistical significance is indicated hy (*)/01' intergroup analysis and (+)/01'
intragroup analysis
Figure 65 shows the striking and significant difference between the heparinized
and Ca 2 +-chelated PRP sampIes in the release of POGF AB, TGF131 and IL-8. For
the first two cytok ines the difference is c1ear at all times, while for IL-8 it becomes
evident only after 4 hours of incubat ion. As far as the release of TXB2 is
concerned, heparin does not appear to prevail over citrate .
Thus experimental results have proved the hypothesis that activation of
platelets by heparin -ozone (even at a concentration of 40 ug/ml) significantly
favours the release of at least two important healing factors : POGF and TGFß I .
These findings should not be underestimated because, after reinfusion of ozonized
blood, the release occurs in vivo ; in patients with chronic limb ischaemia, this may
permit healing of necrotic ulcers. Mustoe et al. (1987) speculated on the
physiological role of TGFI3, both in wound healing and in the formation of scar
tissue , and Beck et al. (1993) showed that IV administration of TGF131 in rats
enhanced defective healing . This presaged important clinical application has not
yet materialized (Shah et al., 1999).
There are three isoforms ofTGF-ß (131, 132 and 133). The prototype (TGF-ßI),
identified as a growth factor for transformed cells, was first purified from human
platelets (Assoian et aL, 1983). They display pleiotropic activities (Sporn and
Roberts, 1993; Lawrence, 1996) but they are most active in promoting deposition
of collagen and matrix (Schrnid et aL, 1993). Slavin (1996) wrote that "if any
particular cytokine deserves to be described as a wound hormone it is TGF-
13". As yet, there is no consensus on how much TGF-ß I is present in normal
human plasma (Grainger et al., 2000).
There is no doubt that human blood and platelets release TGF -ß after ozone
treatment (Bocci et aL, 1994b, 1999a) and, most interestingly, Murphy-Ullrich and
Poczatek (2000) have identified mechanisms for the activation of latent (inactive)
TGF-13 by thrombospondin-l. Thus platelets contain all the ingredients to make
TGF-131 pharmacologically active.
If the healing of a skin wound is a complex process requiring the participation
of several growth factors and cytokines acting together or sequentially (Moulin,
1995; Martin, 1997; Browder et aL, 2000), the healing of a necrotic infected ulcer
in hind limb ischaemia is a paramount enterprise that often ends with amputation.
OJ-AHT can often avoid that and we must obviously ask what other compounds
are generated in the ozonized blood to explain the incredible improvement that
Rokitansky et al. (1981), Werkmeister (1995) and ourselves have observed
(Chapter 24) in several hind limb ischaemia patients (lII-IV stages) with
apparently incurable lesions?
Table 11 reports other critical factors released by platelets, such as VEGF
(Mohle et al., 1997). Furthermore, TGF-ß, angiopoietins and HGF have a potent
ability to induce angiogenesis (Roberts et aL, 1986; Yang and Moses, 1990;
Browder et aL, 2000) which , in association with vasodilatation and enhanced
oxygen delivery , is critical for reducing ischaemia .
Figure 65 shows the more marked release of POGF AB in the presence of
heparin in comparison to citrate; it also shows that there is no advantage in
doubling the ozone concentration (from 40 to 80 ug/ml). PDGF is one of the
160 CHAPTER 14
growth factor signals at the wound site (Ross, 1987) and besides being
chemotactic, it enhances fibroblast proliferation and extracellular matrix
production (Pierce et al., 1995).
The fairly late release of IL-8 has been interpreted as due to the time lag
necessary for its synthesis. It is known that induction of IL-8 by 0), while it is
promoted by a temporary rise of HzOz (Bocci , 1996d, 1998b; Jaspers et al., 1997)
in cytoplasmic water via the activation of NFKB, is inhibited by ROS scavengers
(DeForge et al., 1992). As this chemokine is capable of initiating the chemotactic
gradient that draws leukocytes from the circulation into tissues, it may have the
additional role of favouring phagocytosis of bacteria and necrotic tissue present in
torpid ulcers. Finally, release of TXB2 appears to be a drawback but we cannot
draw a conclusion unless we carry out determinations of other eicosanoids, such as
PGE2 and prostacyclin, that induce vasodilatation and inhibit aggregation.
These results suggest that ozonized blood may transport a wealth of growth
factors . Thus it is reasonable that we make a comparative evaluation of the
effectiveness of O)-AHT in patients with chronic limb ischaemia treated with
either citrated or heparinized blood exposed to low-medium ozone concentrations
(from 20 up to 40 ug/ml) . While these mild concentrations have never yielded
miniclots, they appear to generate pharmacologically relevant doses of growth
factors and may represent the optimal treatment. Low molecular weight heparins
have not proved to be advantageous but, as soon as hirudin (a specific inhibitor of
thrombin extracted from the salivary gland of the leech) becomes available, it will
be interesting to test it; unlike heparin, it does not appear to cause any negative
potentiation of platelet response.
If the reader has browsed Chapter 2, he/she has realized that ozonetherapy is
very unpopular and scorned by orthodox scientists. The paper on the release of
factors from ozonized human platelets (Valacchi and Bocci, 1999) was submitted
to the journal "Platelets" in 1998 and, onee aga in, it may be interesting to read the
cornments of a senior referee, who advised the editor to reject it:
"Thanks for sending me the manuscript from Valacchi and Bocci to review . I had
very mixed feelings on reading this article . On the one hand I know that you want to
keep Platelets as a very "open " journal where a wide range of contributions are
acceptable. On the other hand I found that although this article contains some solid
results, on the whole it has a very naive approach to the subject that it treats in a
preliminary fashion . I assume that the basic reason for treating autologous blood with
ozone is because it is recuperated during operations and has to be steri lized before
transfusion although this is never mentioned. The criteria for optimal levels of ozone
during such treatment are not discussed either. It is weil known that reacti ve oxygen
species are harmful to the body in general and to the cardiovascular system in
particular, hence the protective effects of vitamin E and the polyphenols from red
wine and other sources . The authors suppose however that the ozonized blood might
have positive effects on the patient's circulation, without providing any evidence that
this is effecti vely the case, and propose that this might be an effect of increased
release of factors such as PDGF and TGFßI. Indeed they go on to show that ozone
treatment of blood does increase release of these two components . However , as they
themselves note, this is accompan ied by a high degree of platelet aggregation.
lt seems to me that this can be possibly a very dangerous approach to treatment of
chronic limb ischemia by transfusing already partly, or even mostly, activated
platelets could contribute to a worsening of the condit ion. If the presence of platelet -
derived growth factors might alleviate chronic limb ischemia this could be tested (first
of all in animal models) by administering the growth factors in the absence of
activated platelets to see if it really has positive effects. If this is a current practice to
use autologous transfusion with ozonated blood the incidence of vascular problems
could be compared with that in surgery accompanied by conventional transfusions . At
present 1would advise rejection ofthis manuscript."
This is another typical response by an anonymous referee who, firstly, did not
carefully read the methodology and wrongly assumed that blood has to be
sterilized. Secondly, as usual, he repeated the old stories that ROS are always
harmful to the body and polyphenols from red wine are protective. Finally, he
pontificated by advising the use of animal models when we know already that
there is absolutely no risk at low-rnedium 0 3 concentrations and that those
experiments would be uninformative.
Thus we should not get discouraged by this continued criticism and we must
hope to carry out controlled clinical trials that may dissipate doubts even in the
most skeptical referees.
Finally I must mention an important detail : the application of ozonized water
and oil in torpid ulcers does not only exert disinfectant activity but induces the
local release ofthe mentioned growth factors. This explain why the combination of
03 -AHT with topical therapy is so effective.
Endothelial cells (Ecs) have long been considered a simple lining of blood vessels
with the unique property of being a non-thrombogenic substrate for blood. The
first breakthrough occurred in 1973, when laffe et al. learned to cuItivate human
endothelial cells (HUVECs) obtained from umbilical veins. The second was in
1980 when Furchgott and Zawadski described the endothelial-derived relaxing
factor (EDRF).
Today, we know that the vascular system is lined by about 10 13 cells covering
an enormous surface of about 400 m 2 . It is a real organ weighing about 900 g, with
innumerable paracrine-endocrine activities, the last one being to facilitate the
growth of metastasis.
In the last three decades, great progress has been made in understanding the
elose relationships among endothelium, platelets, leukocytes, procoagulant and
ant icoagulant factors during haemostasis, inflammatory and immunological
reactions. In spite of this new knowledge, thrombosis or haemorrhage remains the
primary cause of death in Western countries. Moreover, ischaemic diseases of the
hind limbs, heart, brain and kidneys take the heaviest socioeconomic toll and lead
to a very poor quality of life for several millions of people worldwide. A
discussion of the several factors involved in vascular deterioration is beyond the
scope of this book. The main purpose of this section is to discuss how
ozonetherapy may contribute to attenuate this devilish situation.
162 CHAPTER 14
4 _._- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - ---.
_ 24 hours
CJ 48 hours
:E 2
[=:J PTG 5 50
300 HZ02 ij1' 4@ 40 :::r:
~~~ ~ '"0
:E 250 **
l'f 3C1:l '"
::1. 3::
200 3::
t j ** fit 2 20
150 ~!\ j i~~
100 .1"J 1"1
1f.4 10
rJi. ~.
50 in
0 ~~ 0 0
Control 02 0 2-0 3 0 2-03
40 80
_ Untreated
c:::J + L-Arg 20 ~M
+ L-NAM E 20 mM
.I ..
3 .... ~
.. cl-
o '--
0 2-03 0 2-0 3
Control 02
40 80
Having observed that 0 3 induces H20 2 production (Pryor, 1994; Bocci et al.,
1998c and Fig. 67), we checked if H202 , on its own, is able to influence NO·
Figure 69 shows that there is an almost linear relationship between NO· releas e
and the H 20 2 dose (20 , 40 and 100 I-lM) added to HUVECs. To be sure , addition of
L-arginine reinforces NO· production while L-NAME inhibits it.
-.- I ;
_ . _' -:""I . ~ .•!or._ .......... _ ..r... Ie<"',
Unneated - - - -
Ozone Jlglml - 0 .&0 .0 0 010 SO 0 -4 0 Rn
Figure 70. Kinetics of release ofendothelin-I , E-selectin and lL-8/i'0111 HUVECI' after
addition ofhuman serum, after either oxygenation or ozonization. Effect ofthe addition o{
l-arginine and L-NAME. The data are presented as the M :f: SD of 6 different expe riments
These NO-donor drugs act as slow-release compounds with half-lives of 5-50
min. and may allow prolonged vasodilatation even at distant sites. In our
experiments, we have also detected a small amount ofRSNO.
168 CHAPTER 14
ozonized serum . It is also possible that the release of VEGF may be accentuated
during hypoxia, as occurs in ischaemic tissues . If this was true, ozonetherapy
would provide another useful factor, although it may not be as effective as
localized gene transfer owing to dilution .
A final remark concems the phenomenon of adaptation to chronie oxidative
stress (Chapter 22) and to the induction of stress proteins, particularly haeme
oxygenase (HO 1 or HSP32). This enzyme allows the formation of an antioxidant
(bilirubin) and CO (Verma et al., 1993; Otterbein et al., 1999; Snyder and
Baranano, 2001), a vasodilator that, like NO·, increases the level of cGMP via the
reaction catalyzed by guanylate cyelase.
It is truly remarkable that two gaseous moleeules thought to be toxic until
1987 have now become crucial physiological and pharmacological molecules.
I cannot envisage any mysterious chemical pathway able to synthesize labile
0 3, but I remain with the idea that ozone , when properly used, can reactivate a
series of biochemical processes gone astray . Unfortunately, as discussed in the
previous ehapter, besides the role of H20 2 , we have only a vague idea when,
where and how the array of LOPs genera ted during ozonization aet after blood
reinfusion. The ozonized plasma , disdainfully designated a "hodgepodge of
ozonized products" by an authoritative scientist, may offer the elue to solve the
puzzle of ozonetherapy.
This chapter dealing with blood cells may appear boring and useless but I have
purposefully dwelt on describing some biological processes and the complex ,
almost infinite interaetions among erythrocytes, leukocytes, platelets , endothelial
cells and plasma components. In physiological conditions, these dynamie
relationships appear reasonably equilibrated but, if a pathological event intervenes,
many other actors , such as ROS, cytokines, adhesion factors and activated
enzymes, enter the scene and often lead to a chaotic situation. Orthodox medicine
strives to understand what is going wrong and is often able to restore normal
function . Yet it does not always succeed because if the therapeutic act is based on
a reduetionist approach, it may be unable to correet the complexity of some
diseases . It was and continues to be naive to expeet to eure ischaemie diseases by
the single gene transfer of VEGF or to eure cancer simply by reinfusing cells
eloned with the IL-2 gene. It will be equally naive, and even dishonest , to promise
to eure these disease with ozonetherapy. However, this approach should not be
neglected beeause it is simple , inexpensive, minimally invasive, without side
effeets and, by simultaneously activating several mechanisms in different cells,
may lead to an integrated and beneficial response.
I ) the entry of a circulating monocyte into the intima, probably due to endothelial
ageing or a subtle inflammation.
2) inside the intima, native LOLs undergo oxidation by various agents (ROS, ONOO',
transition metals, lipoxygenase, myeloperoxidase) and are scavenged by the
monocyte which is activated to a macrophage, thus triggering a vicious circle.
3) The macrophage releases growth factors , which enhance the proliferation of
smooth muscle cells , and proinflammatory cytokines and chemokines, which in
turn upregulate the expression of adhesion receptors on endothelial cells.
4) Atherogenesis occurs progressively with macrophages transformed into foam
cells, endothelial thickening, platelet and leukocyte adhesion, plaque formation
with possible detachment and thrombus formation. As is weil known, some
factors that delay atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathology are : NO·, low
LOL content «100 mg/dl ), high HOL content ( ~6 5 mg/dl), 10w plasmatic
cholesterol «190 mg/dl) and triglycerides «170 mg /dl) levels, normal glycemic
levels «100 mg/dl), high levels ofantioxidants (particularly vitamin E), etc .
172 CHAPTER 15
During the last five decades, several methods have been devised to perform
ozonetherapy. Surprisingly, except for the inhalation route (prevented by tracheo-
bronchial-pulmonary toxicity), many parenteral and topical routes have been used to
administer ozone without side effects or minimal discomfort (Table 14).
174 CHAPTER 16
1.1. Can the Gas Mixture Be Directly Iniected Via the IV Route ?
No. Today It is Prohibited!
The idea to injeet the O 2-0 3 gas mixture direetly via the IV route was proposed by
Payr in 1935. Although extremely dangerous, it was used at first with good eommon
sense by very slow injeetion (in about 5 min) via the eubital vein of no more than 20
ml gas with ozone eoneentrations between 3 and 57 ug/ml (more frequently 20-33
ug /rnl) . The very slow injeetion favours the formation of a train of bubble gas,
where ozone (more soluble than oxygen) dissolves and reaets quiekly with blood
while oxygen (more than 95% of the gas mixture) reaches the right ventricle and
then the pulmonary artery . Oxygen solubility at 37 (Je is only about 0.23 ml per 100
ml of plasmatic water and therefore venous plasma cannot solubilize the excess
oxygen, leading inevitably to formation of agas embol us.
Unfortunately, it appears that some naturalist praetitioners and quacks without
any medical qualification perform this practice in Canada, Mexieo, Jamaica, Kenya,
etc . and actuaJly teach this technique in underdeveloped countries where there is no
medical control (see Oxylist in Intemet). On the basis of Sartori's protocol, they
proclaim excellent therapeutie achievements in HIV patients and it seems that
Sartori and Yuan have even published a book in eight chapters entitled: "Ozone. The
etemal purifier of the earth and c1eanser of all living beings". To the best of my
knowledge, it seems that up to 500 ml of gas with an ozone concentration of 70
ug /ml (about 2 ml/min for a total ozone dose of 35 mg) are directly injected IV, with
the idea that ozone, once dissolved in the plasma, inactivates HIV present in the
circulatory system, just as ozone is used to purify water flowing in an aqueduct. In
Sartori 's protocol, the gas infusion is intercalated with the infusion of "minerals"
and "vitarnins". It must be added that ozonetherapy was only one part of these eight
magical treatments, the other seven including a homeopathic AIDS treatment,
microcurrent therapy, vitamin-mineral and immunostimulating herbai treatments ,
mental reconditioning program, etc. Although patients reported acute thoracic pain,
cough, Iipothymia (possibly due to pulmonary and even cerebral embolization),
shivers and fever, the gas infusion continued relentlessly because these side effects
were considered positive reactions, showing that the body was "getting rid of toxins
and viruses" . In September 1992, it was c1aimed that more than 300 HIV patients,
after two weeks of treatment at a cost of about 8,000 US dollars, seroconverted to
HIV negative and were cured! These results were further supported by the
seroconversion noted in 30 horses affected by equine infective anaemia (EIA). Why
have these wonderful results not been submitted for objective scientific scrutiny? In
contrast, some years ago, two young American men came to ask my opinion and
told me that the two-week treatment had been a nightrnare without any
It is not surprising that the US Food and Drug. Administration and the Medieal
Establishment has beeome dead against the use of ozone. Health Authorities of all
eountries should devote great attention to bloeking this abuse and preventing
desperate patients from being enticed to undergo this sort of praetiee, exploited and
perhaps even killed . The number of deaths is uneertain but, in Italy, negligenee and
ineompetenee have resulted in at least one well doeumented death (1997) . At
autopsy , air was even found in the suprahepatie veins! However, it must be said that
sinee 1984, the praetice ofIV infusion of gas has been prohibited in a few European
eountries, even though the law is not always respeeted. This deeree followed the
exhaustive study of ozonetherapy by Jacobs (1982), which showed the surprising
lack of side effects but also clearly pointed out that four previous deaths were due to
lung embolization after IV gas injeetion. The practice of hyperbaric
autohaemotherapy, still performed in Germany and Austria, is also dangerous, as
shown by some deaths ; moreover, we have no data about the chemical effects of
ozone under pressure . Nitrogen (N 2) or air (78% N 2) must never be present during
ozone formation, because N0 2 compounds are highly toxie and nitrogen, per se, is
poorly soluble and far more likely to eause emboli.
Is there any rationale bebind direct IV gas injeetion? As mentioned, about 500
ml of gas mixture are injeeted in 4 hours (-2 ml per min) with a total ozone dose of
35 mg (70 ug /rnl X 500 ml = 35,000 ug) . Anormal 70 Kg human has about 5 L of
blood whieh, at rest, circulate entirely in one minute . This means that a total blood
volume of 1,000 L circulates in 4 hours . The plasma volume is about 3 L but it
continuously exchanges eomponents (and antioxidants) with 10-12 L of
extravascular liquid . This means that 35 mg ozone will dissolve and react with a
plasma volume that far exceeds the theoretical 3 litres .
Therefore, the final ozone concentration may range between 0.3 and less than 3.0
ug /rnl, which is equivalent to a placebo effect. This is so because of the enormous
capacity ofregenerating antioxidants (Chapter 12); thus the ozone concentration is
unable to reach a virucidal concentration in the plasma. Seeondly, the bulk of
infective viruses and proviruses is intracellular and, ironically, remains weil
protected by the intracellular antioxidant system . A slightly higher ozone
concentration may be achieved in the cubital-subclavian vein during gas infusion but
this possibility depends upon the variable venous blood flow . This is undefined and
if it has a very low rate , the gas may even cause haemolysis with unpredictable
consequences. Similar difficulties occur during the infusion of a solution of HZ02
(Chapter 34). The proponents of the IV method emphasize the therapeutic role of
oxygenation. However, considering the risk of embolization, this becomes
irrelevant. Needless to say, oxygen therapy can be performed efficaciously by
breathing hurnidified oxygen for a couple of hours at horne or under pressure in a
hyperbaric chamber for one hour according to a standard proeedure (Kindwall,
1993; Tibbles and Edelsberg, 1996).
A final consideration is that the awful side effects of direct IV gas injection are
not due to ozone but rather to oxygen embolization.
176 CHAPTER 16
The application of ozonized water and gas will also be evaluated in Chapter 24
(section: Infectious diseases and cancer) .
178 CHAPTER 16
A Swiss dentist, Dr . E. A. Fisch, was the first to insufflate ozone into a tooth cavity
complicated by gangrenous pulpite. Subsequently, either ozone or ozonized water
were used to treat nasal, tubal and oral (gingival, mucosal and tonsillary) affections
by means of suitable metal or silicone catheters. 5-20 ml of gas (the initial ozone
concentration is about 20 ug /rnl and is scaled down as the infection recedes) can be
cautiously insufflated while the patient is in apnoea. The patient must be instructed
to take a deep breath and remain apnoeic for 30-60 seconds while the insufflation is
performed. He can then expire deeply to avoid breathing in ozone. The treatment can
be repeated a few times.
Ozone treatment of chronic vaginal (bacterial, fungal, protozoan) infections that
are resistant to conventional treatments are particularly successful and one can adapt
the most suitable seheme for each patient. After inserting about 10 cm of a
polyethylene catheter (lubricated with olive oil) , we can start to wash the vaginal
cavity with ozonized water if the secretion is abundant and purulent. Then, we can
insufflate 30-50 ml of gas (03 concentration no higher than 40 ug/ml) for a few
minutes, keeping the ostium closed, followed by the insertion of ozonized oil , either
directly or in the form of a vaginal suppository to be reapplied before going to bed at
night. It should be remembered that the ozone concentration must be progressively
scaled down to about 5 ug/rnl to avoid any damage to the regenerating epithelial
mucosa, normally protected by the physiological mucoprotein layer.
A similar strategy can be used to treat urethral and bladder infections. Siow and
careful insufflation of 50-100 ml gas (03 concentration between 5 and 15 ug /ml) is
occasionally painful and can be substituted with small volumes of ozonized water
every other day .
Cutaneous applications of either ozonized water or oil, as weil as gas , involve an
array of pathological situations, such as accidental and war trauma, bums and all
sorts of infections. These will be dealt with specifically in Chapter 24 but some
basic concepts can be outlined here . The gas mixture can be used whenever possible
but we must be careful to avoid contamination of the room, even if an efficient
exhaust fan is operative. A monitor sensing up to 0.1 ppm 0 3 , with an alarm system,
must be tumed on all the time.
The skin to be treated must be sealed hermetically with various devices, e.g. a
perspex bell or a teflon cup, with an inlet to deli ver the gas and an outlet connected
to the suction pump and the ozone destructor. With the rigid cup , a slight vacuum
(localised hypobaric pressure) can be achieved; according to Werkmeister (1995), it
favours local vasodilatation and may enhance healing. If adynamie exposure is not
feasible, particularly in the case of large wounds, the static system can be achieved
with a large polyethylene bag sealed with a wide adhesive tape (not too tight to
cause venous stasis).
All ofthese devices must contain sterile water. The internal environment must be
saturated with water vapour so that the ozone can dissolve in it and react with the
organic material of the wound . Usually 15-20 min exposure sufftces and the
remaining gas can be aspirated with the pump.
If the use of gas is risky, ozonized water can be freely used to clean the wound
and a wet compress can be applied for about 20 min in the moming and aftemoon,
followed by application of ozonized olive oil throughout the night.
Both ozone gas and ozonized water are excellent disinfectants (probably only
inferior to iodine, whieh is aetually too harsh) and eause a marked deerease of
bacterial, viral and fungal loads . Most infectious agents, either Gram negative
tSerratia marcescens, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella
pneumoniae), Gram positive (Staphylococcus aureus, Staphylococcus epidermidis,
Streptococcus pyogenes, Enterococcus faecalisi or myeetes (Candida albicans) do
not resist ozone during a 20 min exposure. In a careful study (Polignano et al.,
2000) , ozonized water and iodine were found to be equally effective, far more than
hydrogen peroxide and K permanganate. Only Streptococcus pyogenes needed a
contact period longer than 5 min before irreversible inhibition. The treatment is weil
tolerated, painless, does not have noxious effeets and the healing time is far shorter
than with any eonventional treatment. The latter point is important and is likely due
to a number of concomitant factors, such as vasodilatation, enhanced oxygenation,
normalisation of tissue pH, reabsorption of oedema. These proeesses of metabolie
aetivation are diffieult to docurnent scientifieally and step by step, but beeome
evident and very gratifying when one can follow the positive day-by-day progress of
the ulcers. Obviously, the primary point is the disinfeetant action, whieh initially
requires a rather high ozone eoneentration and then a progressive deerease as the
tissue begins to regenerate. This aspeet has been sehematieally represented by a
diagram (Martin, 1997), where the three stages of wound healing are also reported
(Figure 71). Number I indieates the inflammation stage, whieh is more or less
rapidly reduced (depending on the gravity and ehronieity of the baeterial infeetion)
after ozone application. Number II indicates the intermediate stage, when tissue
granulation oeeurs. The final phase III includes sear tissue remodelling and may take
a long time, partieularly in e1derly and/or diabetie patients.
It must be emphasized that successful and fairly rapid healing of a necrotic
ulcer in arteriopathic patients (probably the worst of all wounds) can be
achieved only by combining the parenteral treatment (OJ-AHT, EROO) with
the appropriate and necessarily tedious local application of ozonized water and
oil. Onee the patient notiees the improvement, eomplianee beeomes perfect.
Personal experienee has weil taught me about the validity of the eombination of
these therapies, whieh seem to act synergistieally. I had the fortune to follow several
patients at our hospital, and the results were so striking that today I feel it would be
unjustified and unethieal to perform a trial eomparing a) the exclusive loeal
treatment, b) the exclusive parenteral treatment, e) both treatments and d) both
treatments using only oxygen.
Table 15 surnmarizes the known and still hypothetical biological effeets of the
eombined treatment.
180 CHAPTER 16
Tahle J5. A summar y ofbiological effects induced in blood and tissue compo nents
by combining O;-AHT with the local application ofozone on necroti c ulcers
in patients with limh ischa emia.
I do hope that some angiologists, most likely unaware of the advantages of the
ozonetherapeutic treatment, will abandon the laborious and hardly useful orthodox
treatment and try ozonetherapy. For the sake of the patients, let us hope that they
cease to be sceptical and have the courage to try ozone.
80 ·
2: 80
8 20
ro 11 111
6 12 15 18 21 24 27 30
Figure 71. The three phases ofwound healing. In thefirst (I) phase. inflammation prevails,
with the presence 0/ neutrophils, macrophages. mastocytes, platelets. bacteria and toxins .
Application ot ozone inhibits the infection and promotes the second (Il) phase, lasting about
nm weeks. During this phase, the constant application ot ozone at progressively lower
concentrations not only prevents a sup erinfection but stimulates cell proliferation, the
sy nthes is offibronectin. collagen !lI/I. hyaluronic acid and chondroitin sulphate.
Macrophages are still present but there is an active proliferationoffibroblasts and
keratinocytes. The restitutio ad integrum, i.e. comp lete reconstruction ofthe wound, occurs
during the last (IlI) phase. However, excessive release 0/ TGFßl may stimulate excessive
fibrogenesis with cheloidformation. The above diagram shows the approximate ozone
concentrations that must be progressively lowered to avoid inhibition ofhealing.
182 CHAPTER 16
a) not only did phthalates inerease several fold but mieroparticles (2,5, 10,20 and
25 /1) ofplastie material eould be measured in suspension . Their value inereased
from 3.3 to 10.7 times the minimum aeeepted level.
b) Table 30 also shows that the proliferation index ofhuman BMC ineubated with a
eomparable dilution (after reinfusion) of ozonized saline was inhibited up to
27.2%, resembling the immunosuppression typieal of dialysis patients .
e) during the elinieal trial in ARMD, a few patients have presented allergie
manifestations (Chapter 21) possibly due to the plastie material or phthalates
aeting as a hapten.
corresponding gas volume that has to react slowly with blood (for at least 5 min) and
must be absolutely safe .
How can we compare anecdotal results (already questionable) if everyone
disagrees about the blood and gas volume, ozone concentration (and its reliability),
exposure time , etc.? What is most disheartening about this chaos is that behind it
there are comrnercial interests (plastic or glass, small or large glass bottles, very
cheap system, etc .), mental reservations, lack of basic knowledge and plain
stupidity. One ltalian ozonetherapist has boasted of performing the whole OrAHT
procedure in 6 min when the correct time is 30-40 min !
Besides these depressing remarks, two modifications need to be c1arified: the
first regards the technique of exposing blood to O 2-0 3 . One system proposed to
circulate blood (collected in the usual glass bottle) by means of a peristaltic pump
through hollow capillary fibres against O2-0 3 to ensure ozonization. Needless to say ,
this system was expensive, unnecessarily complex and without any advantage. lt
was a blunder resulting in a comrnercial faHure. Another system allows the delivery
of gas in "micro-bubbles" and claims that full blood ozonization is achieved in a few
seconds. We tested it and we repeatedly found considerable blood foaming , with
greater haemolysis than normal and with a finallow p02 (about 90 mmHg).
By comparison, Wolffs classical method (Appendix) is simple, inexpensive and
very effective provided the gas is insufflated correctly into the glass bottle kept in
the horizontal position with slow manual blood mixing. Kinetic measurements of
both oxygenation and ozonization reach the plateau (p02 - 500 mmHg) only after 5
min of gentle mixing. Foaming and haemolysis are minimized.
The second issue that remains to be settled scientifically is the volume of blood
to be treated in each session. Obviously the volume of blood should not be imposed
by any comrnercial bottle or bag preparation. It must be flexible and the volume of
blood withdrawn must be in approximate relation to the patient's body weight, sex
and blood volume. To avoid any risk of lipothymia, no more than 250 ml blood
should be withdrawn. Thus a 500 ml glass bottle appears to be suitable. The problem
is that some ozonetherapists, particularly in Germany, believe that 50 ml, or at most
100 ml, are optimal. There is absolutely no experimental support for this contention
but the fanciful idea is that just "a little volume of ozonized blood ean trigger the
biological effects with the speed of fire driven by the wind through the dry
undershrubs" . This reasoning is bewildering and disagrees with the ordinary
biochemical and pharmacological concepts expressed in Chapters 9, 13 and 14. If
we aeeept the idea that ozone generates erucial messengers (0 202, LOPs,
metabelle intermediates, autaeoids, etc.) that are subjeet to dilution, eatabolism
and exeretion but ean express pharmaeologieal efTeets, we have to eonsider that
minimal stimulation may eorrespond only to a placebo effect (Chapter 25) . Our
contention is supported by the finding that, in a few terminal cases (stage IV,
Fontaine) of hind limb ischaemia, a dramatic improvement was observed
immediately after the first treatment performed with ESOO (ozonization of about
5 L blood in one hour). The problem of blood volume, appropriate 0 3
concentrations, the schedule and the induction of ozone tolerance will be discussed
from different angles in the next few chapters. Our standard approach has been to
perform 2 (or at most 3) treatments weekly, using 225 ml ofblood each time , for 13-
15 sessions. This schedule is practical and appears effective in responsive patients.
Has classical 03-AHT any other disadvantage? The limitation ofblood volume can
be laboriously overcome by performing up to three classical 03-AHT in a row (about
750 ml blood ozonized and reinfused in two hours), as I have tested on myself.
Unless the ozonetherapist owns a reliable portable generator, dorniciliary treatment
cannot be perfonned. Nevertheless, superficiality and malpractice are endless: one
famous German ozonetherapist boasted of perforrning several 03-AHT every morning
by first loading small glass botdes at his clinic and then going around town to the
patients' hornes for the treatments. When I mentioned the fact that, firstly, the tap is
somewhat sensitive to ozone and, secondly, that the ozone concentration decreases
rapidly and a precise time cannot be calculated, he looked at me with commiseration
and replied that I was giving too much importance to scientific details and that it was
better to do a treatment (placebo I would say!) than nothing.
A correct reinfusion of 250 ml (225 ml blood + 25 ml Na citrate 3.8%) takes
about 20 min and then we must carefully check the haemostasis and avoid haematic
extravasation which may compromise the continuation of the therapy. Great care
must be exercised to maintain the venous access in the best condition, particularly in
women . Risk of infections (HIV and HCV) among patients and ozonetherapists must
be prevented; we fully agree with Daschner (1998) and Webster et al. (2000) that
some mistakes, e.g. repeatedly using a contarninated syringe, are inadrnissible.
Finally, if several AHTs are performed simultaneously, all glass bottles must
have the patient's name to prevent mistakes during reinfusion, with possible
dramatic consequences.
Fairly often, I have been asked: in AIDS patients or in cachectic, immunosuppressed
and anaemic patients, can we perform an ozonized allogeneic blood transfusion?
Obviously it would be exceptional to find homozygous twins (syngeneic
transfusion). To my knowledge, this has not been done and we can briefly exarnine
this thomy subject. Human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-identical donors must be
excluded to avoid the risk of a GVHD or graft versus host disease (Anderson and
Weinstein, 1990; Ludewig et al., 2000) . Donor leukocytes, partly like the receiver
(HLA haplotype-related donors), have been used in metastatic cancer and could be
effective in AIDS as weIl. However, after a long debate (at least in the UK) about
the advantages and disadvantages of the blood (allogeneic) transfusion effect, it was
dec ided for several good reasons that, since November 1999, all blood components
must be subjected to a leukocyte depletion (LD) step (Williamson, 2000). For our
specific problem, this does more good than hann. I would suggest that both
leukocytes and platelets should be removed before ozonization and reinfusion into
the patient. With these precautions, also the problem of TRAU (transfusion-related
acute lung injury) (Popovsky et al., 1992) is unlikely to develop; it must be said,
however, that it has never been observed during 03-AHT. We can conclude then that
the ozonized allogeneic (LD) blood transfusion may help critical patients provided it
is done with great caution. If venous access is not available, the c1assical 03-AHT
cannot be accomplished, but now we have four options: a) cannulation of a central
vein, with inherent drawbacks, b) quasi-total body exposure to O 2-03 (Chapter 18),
c) rectal insufflation of gas (Chapter 19), and d) IV infusion of ozonized solutions. It
186 CHAPTER 16
is in fact possible to slowly inject solutions into small veins , but is there an ideal
solution to substitute blood? Medical personnel working in infectious disease wards
are somewhat reluctant to deal continuously with infected blood and needles, and
they often ask me to develop a blood substitute. This is not a trivial request and
requires a serious analysis ofhow we can solve this problem (Chapter 34) .
In the 1950s, when I was a medical student, we did not have immunomodulators and
we used to do IM injection of either autologous freshly drawn blood or sterile milk .
Thus the pract ice of "minor" autohaemotherapy is quite old and even these days
continues to be used without ozone (Olwin et al., 1997). Wolfprobably had the idea
of ozonizing blood in the hope of activating it. The technical procedure is very
empirical and I will describe our procedure: firstly, we collect the blood (5 ml) in a
10 ml syringe, and secondly, via a two-way stopcock we add an equal volume of
filtered O 2-03 • The blood, vigorously mixed with the gas, develops abundant
foarning and certainly in this case all the ozone dose reacts in one minute . After
disinfecting the buttock skin and checking to have not penetrated avessei , we inject
the blood and foam in one site, usually without causing pain . As far as 1 know, a
negative aspect is that everyone claims to have his own method.
What is the rationale of this sort of unspecific proteintherapy coupled with Or
0 3? There are no experimental data that , with appropriate funding, could easily be
obtained frorn laboratory animals. Thus we can only speculate. There is no doubt
that blood infiltrates the muscle tissue and undergoes rapid coagulation due to
platelet activation, etc. This happens already in the syringe, if we delay IM injection .
A number of biological processes, such as fibrinolysis, serum reabsorption via
Iymphatic vessels and mild sterile inflammatory reactions, likely take place , as
indicated by the symptoms (slight swelling and pain at the injection site) reported by
the majority of patients during the next few days . Chemotactic compounds released
at the site may favour the local infiltration of monocytes and neutrophils, which
degrade haemolyzed erythrocytes, and proteinaceous compounds. If they become
activated, they may release cytokines either in loco or along the Iymphatic system ,
upregulating the physiological cytokine response (see Chapter 14, Leukocytes and
the immune system) . Thus it would be very interesting to evaluate some
immunological parameters and ascertain if there is a concomitant induction of
haeme-oxygenase I (HOI) and some heat shock proteins (Tamura et al., 1997) that
may enhance immune reactivity.
These hypothetical possibilities are not farfetched and , if demonstrated, would
justify and support the practice of minor 03-AHT, which is simple, atoxic ,
inexpensive and easy to perform. However, we have no data from controlled clinical
trials, which ought to have been carried out already, at least with an O 2 control. So
far there are only anecdotal data without controls in patients with herpes land B,
and herpes zoster (Mattassi, 1985; Konrad, 1995). At the IOA meeting (London,
September 200 I), Konrad reported further data regarding post-herpetic neuralgia. A
similar approach has been publicized by the commercial firm "Vasogen Inc.", whieh
claims great advantages by using a particular formulation in which blood is treated
with ozone, heat and UV light ; this closely resembles the methodology published by
Garber et al. (1991) that proved use1ess in AIDS patients. The "Vasogen" approach
seems to have yielded good results in patients with Raynaud's disease (Cooke et al.,
1997). I do not share their enthusiasm because we know almost nothing about the
effects of ozone alone and it becomes even more difficult to understand the
contributing role of heat and UV irradiation. Most likely, the association of all of
these factors leads to total blood denaturation and to the hypothetical formation of
an autovaccine.
In this connection, I feel that we should pursue the idea of a possible
autovaccination by heavily ozonizing small volumes (3-5 ml) of plasma with ozone
at high concentration (up to 100 ug/ml), having previously shown that they
inactivate the virus in plasma. Although this seems a naive idea, oxidation of viral
components may represent an effective immune stimulant in several chronic viral
diseases, from herpes to HIV and HCV . Instead ofplasma, why not use the infected
blood containing intracellular virus es as wel\? lt mayaIso have an adjuvant activity,
but I am concemed about the potential development of an autoimmune reaction
against oxidised cellular proteins. For this reason, if I were able to perform a trial, I
would prefer the local use of a safe immunoadjuvant like GM-CSF added to the
ozonized plasma. It remains to be ascertained if an autovaccine would be more
effective after a single IM or SC injection, or rather after several small (0.1-0 .2 ml)
intra-epidermal injections, in which immunologically active Langerhans cells (as
antigen-presenting cells, APC) are concentrated.
There is no record of significant side effects due to rninor OJ-AHT. However, I
recently refereed an excellent paper by Webster et al. (2000), who reported that
care1ess operators performing minor AHT (without ozone) in a naturopathic clinic in
London infected over 70 patients with HCV simply by diluting blood (was it
necessary?) with saline collected from a contaminated bottle. This episode iIIustrates
once again how trusting patients can run into danger.
It is almost needless to say that one can use a double or tripIe dose of ozone by
adding 2 or 3 volumes of gas (at an ozone concentration of 100 ug/ml) to I volurne
of plasma. According to the evidence that multi-drug-resistant Mycobacterium
tubercolosis (MDR-MT) bacteria already kill about 2 million people each year,
there is an urgent need of a new vaccine. MDR-MT has a lipid coat and it is
probably inactivated by ozone so that it would be interesting to evaluate the degree
of inactivation and immunogenicity after ozonization. If it works it will help to
reduce TB infection in India and Africa .
During the 1980s, I became acquainted with several methods to activate immune cells
in cancer patients during extracorporeal circulation of blood . In Chapter 14, section
Leukocytes and the Immune System, an approximate calculation indicated that to
activate a sizable proportion of immune cells, we should perform at least 50 03-AHT
in a six month period. In 1992, after we had shown that 0 3 can act as a mild inducer of
cytokines, I became very keen on examining whether intensive blood ozonization
could help terminal cancer patients , thus overcoming the disadvantage of classical 0 3-
AHT. This could be realized by a dialysis-like system, substituting the dialysis liquid
with a continuous flow of Or03. It seems that, around that time, other people in
various countries had a similar idea. However, regretfully without any scientific and
medical background, they lured and exploited desperate patients . I remember distinctly
the winter morning when I was passing by the Siena Polyclinie and I suddenly decided
to go and talk with the Director of the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Prof. Nicola di
Paolo. Unlike many other distinguished clinicians, he let me talk and immediately
grasped the meaning and the possible implieations, with an enthusiastic mood that I
eould never have even dreamt of. It has taken almost a decade of laboratory,
preclinieal and preliminary clinical work before optimizing the method and I can reeall
many ups and downs. In the end, we shall see if it was a good or irrelevant idea. Yet,
whatever the outeome, I owe Nieola much gratitude, as without him nothing would
have been aecomplished.
The following is a sehematie aeeount of our results, detailed elsewhere (Bocei et
al., 1999b, 2001e ; Di Paolo et al., 2000):
I ) after several phases, the final EBOO system is shown in Figure 72. It eonsists of a
precise ozone generator, fed by therapeutie oxygen on line, able to deliver a
constant flow of the gas mixture (- 99% O2- - 1% 0 3) for hours. Wehave assessed
biochemical parameters and toxieity using 0 3 concentrations from 3 to 80 ug/ml,
but now we routinely use 4 ug/ml throughout the session. The 0 3 eoneentration is
continuously monitored by photometry and visualized in real time. We periodically
check the photometry by iodometrie titration.
190 CHAPTER 17
Figure 72. A schematic view ofthe simplified EBOO apparatus. J) Oxygen supply 2) Ozone
generator with photometer 3) Roller blood pump 4) Hollow-flbre oxygenator-ozonizer 5) Two
air traps with bloodfilters in series 6) Blood pressure monitor 7) Silica gel trap 8) Ozone
2) All materials used in the system are the best available and ozone resistant (teflon,
silicone tubing, etc .).
3) The oxygenator is a crucial part, representing (so to speak) the lungs ofthe system .
In the course of the years, we have tested some 20 types of dialysis filters (I believe
that quacks use them) made of various materials (cuprophane, cellulose acetate,
polysulphone, etc.) but only one ofthem allowed blood to be reasonably ozonized.
Moreover, they activate the complement and leukocytes (Rousseau et al., 2000) . In
this case, the blood circulated inside the hollow fibres and the ventilating gas
flowed outside the fibres in the opposite direction. Naturally, all dialysis filters
produced more or less ultrafiltrate which could be compensated for, but the major
risk was the release of potentially toxic materials because dialysis exchangers are
not supposed to be ozone-resistant. During the last three years , we have
experimented with typical oxygenators, currently used during cardiovascular
surgery. After testing various types, we selected the hollow polypropylene fibres
enclosed in a polycarbonate housing and a suitable potting . We studied the
problem in the lab, firstly using saline , then pig blood and then heparinized human
blood. With the oxygenator, the blood flows outside the hollow fibres while the gas
flows inside . Figure 73 shows two representative sets of data obtained by
eomparing the oxygenator that (C) does not work (left panel) and the one (E) that
works satisfaetorily (right panel) (Bocci et al., 2001c).
Figure 73. The diagrams show the modification 0/ several parameters such as p02.
TBARS. PTG and venous pressure (VP) before the gas exchanger throughout the EROO
session. The basic sampie was collected by ventilating the gas exchanger with oxygen only.
Then, blood sampies were collected before (Pre = venous blood, white column) and after
(Post = arterial blood, grey column) the gas exchanger at 10. 30. 45 and 60 min during Or
0 3 exposure (0 3 concentration : -t ug/ml) , The comparison between exchangers C and E
clearly shows the inefficiency oftheformer, particularly the small trans/er ot ozone and the
progressive increase of VP. indicating clogging ofthe exchanger. Numbers on the abscissa
indicate the time 0/pe/fusion.
Blood sarnples were eolleeted before and after the oxygenator, before returning into
the patient who represents the blood reservoir. Several parameters were followed from
the start (time 0), with O 2 alone and then after 10, 30, 45 and 60 min during OrO)
exposure . Only the most critical data are presented, i.e. p02, TBARS (peroxidation
marker), PTG (marker showing oxidation of protein-SH) and hydrostatic pressure
(mmHg), continuously monitored before the oxygenator (for details see Bocci et al.,
2001e). It ean be noted that oxygenator C functions poorly even in the first 10 min:
although it allows a good oxygenation, the increase of peroxidation is negligible,
indicating a minimal transfer of ozone. The worst result is the progressive increase of
hydrostatie pressure, which after 30'-45' indieates irreversible clogging of the
oxygenator. Indeed a transitory saline washing is ineffective. In contrast, oxygenator E
allows such a high exchange of oxygen-ozone, particularly during the initial 10min,
192 CHAPTER 17
that we must keep the ozone concentration at the rmrurnum level (3-4 ug/rnl).
Subsequently, peroxidation levels and PTG values progressively decline but indicate
sufficient transfer of ozone . Importantly, venous pressure remains stable, suggesting
good exchanger viability after one hour of perfusion . Blood flow is kept at 75-90 ml
per min, so that about 5 L blood are exposed in one hour. Thereafter, the gas flow is
stopped and 250 ml of saline are added to the circuit so that blood loss is minimal. A
elose inspection of the oxygenator highlights the presence of a very thin, irregular
coating in most ofthe fibres, but the lack ofminiclots. Needless to say, the oxygenator
is used only once and each session is perfonned with a new sterile set. There is no
need of a heat exchanger, thus reducing the priming volume , and the oxygenator in
current use has a surface of 1.7 m 2.
4) Venovenous circulation: blood, nonnally drawn frorn a large vein of one arm, is
directed toward the oxygenator by a standard roller pump and returned to the vein
of the contralateral arm with the interposition of two blood filters and air-traps .
Two are virtually unnecessary but eliminate any risk of embolization. Standard
arterial-venous fistula needle sets (usually G 17) are used and great care is taken to
maintain the venous access in good condition .
5) Five minutes before beginning the extracorporeal circulation, we slowly inject a 10
ml bolus of 10,000 IU Na-heparin diluted with saline, and a subsequent slow
delivery of a diluted solution has proved unnecessary . In the preclinical study, we
used a standard Na citrate solution (ACD) that was continuously mixed with blood
before the oxygenator: chelation of Ca 2+, in the presence of ozone, minimized
platelet activation , but subsequent recalcification with calcium gluconate and often
correction of acidosis by NaHC03 infusion was necessary . Even the use of heparin
may present the shortcoming of thrombocytopenia (Chong, 1995) but, on the
whole, with monitoring of platelet counts and use of a biocompatible oxygenator, it
appears to be less problematic.
6) Although there is no ultrafiltration , the outflow gas still passes though a trap of
silica gel to remove any trace of humidity and protect the thermostatically
controlled ozone destructor.
7) An ozone-sensing monitor with audio alann is always turned on in the EBOO
Why did the usual oxygenators give us so much trouble? They have been used
regularly in cardiovascular surgery and although the polypropylene surface is not
biocompatible and elicits an immune response (Acseil and Riley, 1993), it allows
stable and efficient oxygenation. Conversely, owing to the critical fact that we were
using agas mixture with ozone, the oxygenators in our hands had a useful Iife of less
than 10min. The explanation has come from a collateral study on the effect of ozone
on platelet-rich plasma either with citrate or with heparin (Bocci et al., I999a). With
the latter anticoagulant (Chapter 14, section Platelets, Haemostasis and Growth Factor
Release), we showed that ozone almost instantaneously activates platelets, causes their
aggregation and the subsequent chain of events leading to coagulation. The same
reactions occur in a few minutes on the external surface of the fibres between the
flowing blood and the gas. As ozone solubilizes in the blood, it immediately causes
platelet adhesion and the progressive fonnation of a coating composed of platelets,
fibrin and trapped erythrocytes. At' first, oxygenation is not much affected, but ozone
movement toward the flowing blood is totally impeded because the gas remains
blocked and reacts at the coating level. Eventually the oxygenator is clogged with
coagulated blood, weil indicated by the progressive increase ofvenous pressure and no
exit of oxygenated blood. Luckily this problem has now been practically resolved by
the preparation ofbiocompatible oxygenators.
From a selection of polypropylene fibres either heparin-coated (which as expected
did not solve our problem), paraffin-coated, Trillium-coated or albumin- coated, we
are now using the last type .
About four years ago, we performed several experiments in sheep using ACD and
we obtained much information about the priming solution, volume of blood flow per
min, volume and concentration of the O 2-03 mixture flowing counter-current with
respect to blood and the time necessary for perfusion in vivo. The parameters showed
that an 0 3 concentration as low as I0 ug/ml was biochemically effective in terms of
P02' TBARS, T AS, PTG, GSH and GSSG changes measured in the post-oxygenator
blood. This meant that the gas exchange and 0 3 reactivity were rapid and capable of
inducing biological effects. The sheep showed no adverse effects even after 50 min of
extracorporeal circulation at high 0 3 concentrations (20 to 40 ug/ml), but the
exchanger became less effective (low pOz values) due to progressive clogging with
cells (Bocci et al., 1999b).
Figure 74. After the preclinical study, the author was the.first volunteer to prove that
extracorporeal blood circulation against OrO] was atoxic. P: Roller blood pump ; S: Hollow-
fibre oxygenutor-ozonizer; G: Ozone generator.
University Ethical Committee and informed consent frorn patients, we started a pilot
study in one patient with Madelung disease, a few serious cases of hind limb
ischaemia, ischaernic cardiopathy and one case ofnecrotizing fascitis (Chapter 24).
A prelirninary report (Oi Paolo et al., 2000) on seven patients included 98 EBOO
treatments . The patients were treated twice a week for a total of 14 sessions using
heparin . Outing and after treatment , body temperature, breathing and blood pressure
were unchanged. The patients did not note any subjective feeling of any kind but five
of them reported a sense of wellness and euphoria after the first few treatments. Three
patients reported improved visual acuity which, based on OUT ARMO study, is not
surprising. All chemical, biochernical and enzymatic parameters measured in the blood
before, at the end ofthe entire cycle and after 4 months remained unmodified .
0 .5 De
Wilco.on a,b.c,d.o,f,g,h,i,l,m.n,o.p P<O05 no
~ 0.2
CI. 0 .2
basal 02 03 51J9/rrl 03 1 O~g/m 03 151J9/ml
C preaft!tar • posl-fifter
Figure 75. Pre- and Post-gas exchanger TBARS and PTG plasma levels during thefirst
EROO treatment. A three-fold increase ofozone concentration does increase the oxidative
effect, but it is not necessaryfor the efficacy and rapidly leads to clogging ofthe exchanger
The scientists that eritieise the use of ozonetherapy may be interested in observing
the ehanges in TBARS and PTG values measured in plasma during the EBOO (Fig .
75) and throughout it (Fig. 76).
:2 03
~ 0.2
n=7 n=4 n=4
0 .2
0 .1
n=7 n=4 n=4
basal 1st treatment basal7lh treatrrent bual14th trealment
Figure 76. TBARS and PTG basal levels (M i:SD) he(ore the Ist. 7th and 14th EBOO
treatment. It is reassuring that these values, indicative ot'oxidative stress, remain practically
the sante throughout the study.
During this pilot trial, we were still searehing für the optimal 0 3 eoneentration and
it ean noted that 15 ug/ml gave the highest inerease ofTBARS and deerease ofPTG.
In spite of this dosage, the values of both TB ARS and PTG remained markedly stable
throughout the whole cycle (Fig. 76). These data indicate that ozonetherapy does not
irreversibly inerease lipid peroxidation and that the dilution, eatabolism and exeretion
of LPOs are effeetive and unaltered . Moreover, these seven patients (and myself as
weil) have shown no side effeets. Thus the dogmatie sentenee that "ozone is toxie any
way you deal with it" does not appear to be true, and indeed this is not surprising to a
biologist. It suffiees to eonsider the enorrnous potentiality of the antioxidant system
and the eapacity to renew itself all the time. Even though seeptical seientists may not
196 CHAPTER 17
believe this result , they ought to seriously ponder on it. This group of patients was
heterogeneous, but all of them showed c!inical improvement. In fact, the Madelung
case, two peripheral vasculopathy patients (one with cholesterol embolism) and one
subject with severe coronary disease showed very great improvement that lasted
several months . To maintain the improvement, the treatment has to be resumed after 3-
6 months and repeated twice a month . The study has continued with the albumin-
coated oxygenator and by lune 200 I the number of patients had grown to 21. Thus we
were able to draw some conc!usions:
a) critical, inoperable ischaemic limbs (stage III and IV, Fontaine) when amputation
remains the only option. Medical treatments (iIoprost infusion, pentoxyphylline,
electrical spinal-cord stimulation, anticoagulants, platelet anti-aggregation, anti-
atherosc!erotic drugs, etc.) help but are rarely successful (Bergquist, 1999). The
This is an ambitious program that we will tackle in the next three to four years .
Hopefully it will finally c1arify the validity and cost-benefit not only of EBOO but of
all ozonetherapy.
Some six years ago, we raised the possibility of exposing the body (excluding the
head and neck to avoid pulmonary toxicity) in an ozone-resistant container (even a
very large polyethylene bag could be used) for patients who refused rectal
insufflation and for those who had no pervious venous access for OrAHT or EBOO
(Bocci 1996c,d). However several problems must be evaluated:
1) Is ozone as toxic for the skin as it is for the respiratory mucosa (Menzel,1984
Lippman, 1989; Devlin et al., 1991; Kelly et al., 1995; Chen and Qu, 1997)? In
common with ozone, chronie UV irradiation of the skin generates ROS, which
after life-long exposure can result in skin changes such as wrinkles, pigmented
spots and possibly cancer. Interestingly, Maeda et al. (1991) showed that hairless
mice initially enhance defence mechanisms, but these deteriorate later with
prolonged irradiation. Further studies have shown that both ozone treatment and
UV-irradiation of epidermallayers of murine and human skin cause peroxidation
and depletion of vitamins C and E (Thiele et al., 1997a,b; Podda et al., 1998;
Fuchs and Kern, 1998). It has also been shown that these oxidizing agents, hence
ROS, activate NFKB and activator protein-l (AP-I), but that LA, NAC, Trx and
Selenium can inhibit the activation to a large extent and induce adaptive
protection, such as over-expression of MnSOD and GSHPx as a response to
oxidative damage (Haas et al., 1998; Saliou et al., 1999; Meewes et al., 2001;
Didier et al., 2001). Arecent book entitled "Oxidants and Antioxidants in
Cutaneous Biology", edited by 1. Thiele and P. Elsner (2001), reports a wealth of
information. It is clear that the skin has a multiform antioxidant defence system,
far more potent than that present in RTLF, and that it cannot be overwhelmed
provided the attack by ozone or UV irradiation is not too harsh. These fmdings
lend support to the empirical observation that during topical ozonetherapy of
necrotic ulcers, we have never noticed any damage to normal skin. Moreover,
during balneotherapy with slightly ozonized water, no local or generalized
untoward effects have been reported.
2) Are there anatomical-physiological reasons for the relative tolerance of skin to
ozone? Yes, if one examines the scheme of Figure 77 showing the structure of
skin, with the epidermis, the derma and the disposition of the vascular system.
The most external layer is the stratum corneum, i.e. the end product of
keratinocyte function, which is a compressed and tough layer. This "dead layer"
is more or less overlain by a very dynamic film, containing some proteins and
200 CHAPTER 18
water, due to the secretion of the eccrine glands. 1t is partly responsible for
thennoregulation, since it allows cooling of the skin surface (-580 cal/g) as the
water changes frorn liquid to vapour. Moreover, the layer of lipids, produced by
sebaceous glands, consists of unusual oily material, partly modified by the
resident microflora (Nicolaides, 1974); in our opinion , this represents the first
line of defence against ozone and UV rays . Progressing towards the dennis, there
are the stratum granulosum, the stratum Malpighi and the proliferating basal cell
layer. The dennis and the subcutaneous tissue contain a very flexible vascular
system with a heat-exchanger, represented by capillaries and mainly by the
venous plexus associated with the opening of arteriovenous shunts. 1t is able to
accommodate up to 30% of the cardiac output so that heat transfer through the
skin can increase up to 8 fold from astate of total vasoconstriction to extreme
Figure 77. A sehematie view 0/ the skin and cutaneous circulation. Numbers indicate:
J)The stratum corneum overlain hy a superficial hydrolipid film, in whieh ozone dissolves and
generates RaS and LOPs. 2) Malpighi 's layer. 3) The basal eelllayer and basement
membrane. 4) The dermis , with a sebaceous gland and a sweat gland. 5) The arterial and
venous vasculature with arteriovenous anastomosis. 6) The subcutaneousfatty tissue
3) A crucial question is: when the skin is exposed to ozone , does this gas penetrate
all the cell layers to reach the dermis and enter the capillaries? Advertising
would have one believe that ozone reaches the blood circulation and has a
c1eansing effect, with the elimination of viruses and toxins. Yet this claim is not
correct and has only commercial purposes. O2 and CO 2 do indeed move freely
through cell membranes . However, owing to its dipolar moment (Chapter 4) and
high solubility , ozone dissolves in the superficial water film and reacts
immediately with PUFAs of the sebum, generating H202 and an array of peroxyl
radicals, 4-HNE , on the whole denominated LOPs . Therefore , it is more than
likely that ozone does not even reach the phospholipids of the outer corneocytes,
a conclusion already advanced by Pryor in 1992 for the pulmonary air-tissue
boundary . However, the generated ROS and LOPs can be partly absorbed and
pass through the epidermis , derma and capillary wall to enter into the blood
stream. Obviously H202 and other ROS have a very short half-life and will be
quickly reduced ; indeed it has been c1early reported that several antioxidants
(vitamins E and C, etc.) are readily oxidized (Thiele et al., 1997a,b; Podda et al.,
1998; Fuchs and Kern, 1998).
4) The obvious corollary that comes to rnind is: does skin vasodilatation enhance
the transfer of O2, CO 2, ROS and LOPs? It probably does and we will examine
some experimental results . The "thermal stress" that is easily induced with sauna
bathing (Finnish bath) increases cutaneous capillary perfusion, which may
greatly increase the "perspiratio sensibilis" through activation of sweat glands
and mayaIso favour absorption of ROS and LOPs produced during an "ozonized
sauna" . Around 1995, we were informed that beauty centres in Italy had used
sauna bathing with a trace of ozone for a decade, but this had remained only in
the realm of cosmetic treatment of lipodystrophy and obesity. Moreover, on
October 10, 1997, we received a letter from Canada stating that steam sauna
combined with ozone had come into widespread use and "weil over 2,000 people
had been treated with uniformly excellent results" . Apparently some terminal
cancer patients had been cured!!! Needless to say, no scientific reports had been
published . At that time, we were still developing the EBOO system, but we
thought that the ozonized sauna might be another therapeutic option with the
advantage of non-invasiveness, particularly important in patients with
deteriorated venous access .
a) possible variations of arterial and venous P02, pC0 2, pH, exarnined before (pre),
immediately after (end) and then 0.5, 1.0 and 24 hours after aperiod in a sauna
cabin in the presence of either O2-0.1 (May 1998) or only O2 (control, September
1998). Unfortunately , only venous p02 values were obtained because our
colleagues objected to the arterial blood collection .
202 CHAPTER 18
The cabin was made of laminated plastic and, after subtraction of the body volume,
had an internal residual volume of about 440 L. The flow of gas through the cabin
(either a mixture of about 97 % O 2 and 3%. 0 3 or pure medical O 2) was I Llmin. The
0 3 concentration was assessed in real time with a portable photometer. Any internal
increase of barometrie pressure in the cabin was prevented by an external silicone
tubing connected to an 0 3 destructor. The maximum 0 3 concentration was reached
at the end of the session and was estimated to be no higher than 0.90 ug/rnl, i.e.
many times lower than the minimal 0 3 concentration used during local treatment of
torpid ulcers for the same period (Werkmeister, 1995) . Steam was generated in the
cabin by a thermostatically controlled heater set at 90 Co and turned on 10 min
before the subject ente red the cabin. Two towels and one polyethylene sheet were
wrapped around the subject's neck. Although the doors were tightl y closed by
means of Oj-resistant gaskets, they were further insulated with the pol yethylene
sheet and towels to avoid any leakage of 0 3 into the room. An improved, better
insulated cabin is now being tested. The session lasted 20 min , during which the
maximum temperature inside the cabin reached 46-50 Co. Just before the doors were
opened, the gas flow was interrupted and the internal gas was rap idly aspirated via
the outlet to prevent any breathing of 0 3 by the subject and the assistant.
Determination of several variables was performed before, immediately after, and
then 0.5 , 1.0,24 hours after the session. Body (oral) temperature was also measured
in the middle of session. Standard 12-lead e1ectrocardiograms were recorded before
and after the session. Body mass was assessed with an electronic balance with an
error of ± 50 g. Blood gas analysis was performed with an IL-1620 blood gas
analyser (Instrumentation Laboratory, Lexington, MA,USA). Systolic and diastolie
arterial blood pressures were measured with a standard cuff sphygmomanometer.
As mentioned before, biochemieal determinations in fresh plasma sampies
(namely TAS, PTG, TBARS, free Hb, levels of hepatic enzymes and creatinine)
were measured according to standard methods. Haemocytometric determinations
were performed with an automated haematology analyser. Cytokines (IL-8 , TGFß 1
and myeloperoxidase) were quantified with commercial ELISA kits . Latent TGFß 1
was determined after acid activation. The results are expressed as the mean ± SD
and the level of statistical significance (indicated with an asterisk) was set at p<O.05.
On the whole, the results were more interesting than we had expected:
Each volunteer was subjected to one 20-min exposure in the water vapour-
saturated cabin, in the presence of O 2-0 3 (black bars) or O 2 only (white bars ), i.e. he
served as his own controI. Modifications ofbody mass, oral temperature and systolic
and diastolic pressures are shown in Figure 78.
80 _ ozone
c::::J control
.~ 70
-g 65
E 36
~ f100
~ ~ 80
a. 120
~ ~100
~ 80
pre end 0.5 1.0 24
Figure 78. Modification ofbody mass. oral temperature, diastolic and systolic blood pressure
(Diast BP and Syst BP, respectively) ofsix subjects before (pre). at the end (end), and 0.5, 1.0
and 24 h after aperiod in the sauna cabin in the presence 0/ either OrOs (black bars) 01' O2
only (control, white bars). Values represent the M :tSD. No significant intragroup 01'
intergroup differences were found.
80 _ -
o ozone ..
. ..
60 -
40 -
20 -
.. ..
E .. ..
'-'" 40 -
> 20-
0-- -~ ~ ~- -
pre end 0.5 1.0 24
Figure 79. Modiflcation ofpartial pressure 0/0] in the venous blood (P,'o ]) and partial
pressure ofCO] in the venous blood (PvCO;) ofsix subje cts before (pre), at the end (end). and
0.5, 1.0 and 24 hr after aperiod in the sauna cabin in the presence 0/ either Or03 (black
bars) 0 1' 0] only (control, white bars) . Values represent the M :f:SD. Asterisks indicate
stat istical difference (p<O.05)/or the intragroup comparison
There was a significant increase of PV02 and decrease of PvC0 2 at the end of the
session and for I h after exposure to both O 2-03 and O 2 alone ; the increase in PV02
after exposure to O 2 alone was not significantiy higher than that after exposure to O 2-
0 3. Values for both erythrocytes and haematocrit increased immediately after the 20-
min exposure. They decreased thereafter, probably due to rehydration, and were
almost normal after 24 h (Table 16).
We noted an initial significant increase in leukocytes, followed by a decrease 1 h
after O 2-03 exposure (Fig . 80) .
Figure 81 shows the interesting results observed after O 2-03 exposure. TAS and
PTO decreased after both O 2-03 and O 2 exposure, but the PTO values were
significantly lower only after 0r03 exposure. Surprisingly, the baseline values of
both TAS and PTO were lower in mid -September (0 2 alone) than 3.5 months before
(0 2-03), in spite of the fact that the same subjects were studied. The difference may
have been due to seasonal variation. There was a concomitant, progressive and
significant increase of TBARS in the plasma after O 2-0 3 exposure, which receded
completely 24 h after the end ofthe exposure. In spite ofthis increase, it is important
to emphasize that no haemolysis was noted at any time.
. . Ozone
7,5 c=JControl
oT'"" 5,0
~ 2,5
E 20
~ 15 + +
~ 10
pre end 0.5 1.0 24
Figure 80. Modification ofleukocyte (WBC) and interleukin 8 (IL-8) plasma levels ofsix
subjects before (pre), at the end (end). and 0.5. 1.0 and 24 hr after aperiod in the sauna
cabin in the presence 0/ either OrOj (black bars) 01' Oionly (control, white bars). Values
represent the M :1:SD. Asterisks indicate statistical difference (p<0.05)/or the intragroup
comparison . Crosses indicate statistical difference (p<O.05)/or the intergroup comparison .
~0,4 -
r- -02
0 , -
0,0 -'--
~2 * +
Cf) * +
0::: +
~ 1
pre end 0.5 1.0 24
Figure 81. Modification oftotal antioxidant status (TAS). protein thiol groups (PTG) and
thiobarbituric acid reactive substan ces (TBARS) in the plasma ofsix subjects before (pre). at
the end (end). and 0.5. 1.0 and 24 hr after a period in the sauna cabin in the presence 0/
either OrOJ (black bars) or O2 only (control. white bars). Values represent the M i:SD.
Asterisks indicate statistical difference (p<0.05J/or the intragroup comparison. Crosses
indicate statistical differen ce (p<O.05)/or the intergroup comparison.
Table 16 A summary ofparameters measured before (PRE). at the end (END), and 0.5 h, 1.0 h
and 24 h after a period in the sauna cabin in the presence ofeither ara; (experimental) 01' O2
only (control) . Values are given as the mean (SD). Intragroup and intergroup comparisons
revealed no significant differences, (n.d. Not determined), RBC red blood cells, Ht
haematocrit. Pl.T'platelets, [HCO;] bicarbonate concentration, Sv02 venous oxygen
saturation, TGFß transforming growthfactor ßl. AST aspartate amino transferase, ALT
alanine amino transferase)
Then we could have examined the effect of the sauna alone, which in itself is
quite interesting. We enjoyed reading arecent review on the "Benefits and risks of
sauna bathing" (Hannuksela and ElIahham, 2001). Unlike the Turkish bath, the
sauna has a high temperature (80-100 °C at the level of the bather's face and 30°C
at floor level) and a relative humidity of about 20%. One good point of our study
was to control the same subjects with O 2 alone. In fact , Figure 81 surprisingly shows
that insufflation of O 2 alone is weil able to reduce plasma levels of T AS and PTG
and to increase peroxidation (TBARS levels) during the sauna period. The results
are even more surprising if we consider that the gas flow was only 1 Llmin and thus
the total volume of 20 L of O 2 was diluted in about 440 L of air contained in the
cabin. This suggests that the heating per se must overwhelm the effect of O 2 alone.
However, ozone must account for the significant linear increase of TBARS values
measured up to 40 rnin after the session.
208 CHAPTER 18
Naturally the project was evaluated and authorized by the Ethical Committee of
our University and all volunteers knew the problem and potential risks very weil .
My own data were not included for not increasing the variability of the age statistics.
Let us examine the risks : frrstly, ozone toxicity for the respiratory tract. There
must be neither contamination of environmental air with ozone nor any ozone
inhalation and we took precautions to avoid that. The cabin must be tightly c1osed,
the room must be weil ventilated, the gaseous contents of the cabin must be quickl y
aspirated before it is opened and a monitor sensing the ozone level must be switched on.
Secondly, ozone toxicity for the skin . Oepletion of antioxidants and the increase
of MOA in the outer epidermal layers are welI documented, but in our study the
final ozone concentration in the cabin could reach at most 0.9 ug/ml at the end ofthe
20 min session. The final ozone concentration increases slowly because we must
take into account the large dilution, a slight loss because the cabin remains at normal
pressure and the rapid ozone decay at about 40°C (about 18 min) . Thus the final
concentration is about 10 times lower than that used during the final topical
applications in skin ulcers or decubitus (Werkmeister, 1995). In conclusion, we did
not observe any acute or chronic toxicity.
Thirdly, systemic toxicity of ozone. We had no information about this but we
reasoned that ozone would decompose entirely on the cutaneous surface and only
some of the generated ROS and LOPs might be absorbed and enter the circulation.
The scheme shown in Figure 82 gives an idea of the site of action and fate of ozone
in the skin . However, we knew already that blood is quite resistant to ozone, and
body tissues and fluids have a great reservoir of antioxidant compounds, as weil as
the ability to regenerate them (Chapters 12 and 13). We envisaged that dilution,
metabolie breakdown and renal exeretion would minimize the inerea se, if any, of
TBARS in the plasma pool. Contrary to our expectation, there was a very signifieant
increase of TBARS, which eontinued long after the session , suggesting a slow
steady inflow prevailing over catabolism. It would be interesting to follow the
kinetics at 1.5-2-3-4 ho urs to localize the peak and the pattern of decrease. PTG
va lues showed a consistent decrease, while (reassuringly) TAS values declined only
slightly and temporarily. The induced oxidative stress had abrief lifetime and did
not cause haemolysis or any modification of important blood parameters (Table 16).
Hepatic enzymes and creatinine plasma levels remained unmodified. Plasma levels
of myeloperoxidase (MPO), a sensitive marker of the activity of neutrophils
(Weissman et al., 1980; Boxer and Smolen, 1988), did not change. At this stage , we
cannot say anything about toxicity after repeated BOEX, but it is most probably
harmless for the skin. However, subjects with moles at risk may protect them with a
crearn rich in vitamin E.
None of our volunteers, nor several patients, have reported acute or late side
effects. For experimental reasons, one of us (VB) has undergone four BOEX , at
different times, and he has experienced a feeling of great energy and euphoria for
the next couple of days. In fact, it would be pleasant to have the time to do it twice
weekly! A similar sense of welIness has been claimed by most of the patients
(mostly vasculopathic), some ofwhom were in very poor condition.
Is there an explanation for this good feeling and is it due to ozone or the sauna or
both? We can certainly say that 0 3-AHT and EBOO (rectal insuftlation is less
effective) also give a sense of weil being, but in the case of BOEX the sauna itself
may contribute . For a long time, we have wanted to evaluate the hormonal changes
related to ozonetherapy and such a study would probably clarify this issue and
broaden our vision. We found that the short-tenn hormonal changes during and after
sauna bathing, particularly the increase of growth honnone and beta-endorphin, are
quite interesting (Hannuksela and Ellahham, 2001). It is intriguing that long-tenn
sauna bathing helps to lower blood pressure in hypertensive patients in spite of
transient activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. As expected, these
changes are brief and reversible, and the same may occur for ozonetherapy. Whether
ozone potentiates the effects ofthe sauna remains to be seen.
Figure 82. A schematic view ofthefate ot ozone in the skin during BOEX Ozone
dissolves in the water-sebum film overlaying the outer layer ofthe stratum eorneum and
reacts immediately witb PUFAs . generating ROS (among whieh H 20JJ and LOPs . These
compounds ean he partly absorbed and pass througb the transcutaneous barrier, facilitated
by the intense vasodilatation indueed hy the sauna . Botk lymphatic and venous eapillaries ean
rapidly trans/er LOPs into the general circulation, thus inducing systemie effects . Numbers
indicate : J) The stratum corneum overlain by a superflcial hydrolipidfilm. in whiclt ozone
dissolves and generates RaS and LOPs . 2) Malpighi's layer.3) The basal eel/layer. 4) The
210 CHAPTER 18
By assessing several parameters and comparing them after each of these four
procedures, we could gain a fair idea of the magnitude of the biochemical
modifications and their therapeutic benefit.
Another important study is to evaluate which of these four procedures is most
effective in raising the adaptation to COS and, in so doing, yielding c1inical
improvement (Chapter 22) .
Fifthly, does BOEX to 02::llJ have some advantages? During the treatment, there
is a loss of 300-500 g of water due to intense perspiration, normal for sauna bath ing.
This loss of water is ridiculously advertised as greatly bencficial because the "body
gets rid of oxidised toxins" in this way! Transitory hyperoxygenation is also
considered relevant, but it would be absurd to increase pOz levels through the skin
when we could increase them far more simply by breathing humidified oxygen for
one hour. The transitory thermal stress (due to the sauna) associated with the acute
oxidative stress is possibly an advantage because it may enhance and accelerate the
adaptation to COS . It is weil known that moderate hyperthermia positively
modulates the immune system during infection and cancer, and we will discuss this
topic in Chapter 24 (cancer section). On the other hand , excessive hyperthermia
presents several risks (cardiovascular failure, etc .), induces a hypercatabolic state
and immune depression; hence it must be avoided. An initial leukocytosis, followed
by a modest leucopenia, was observed after exposure to OZ-03 , as weil as to Oz
atone, in our study and was probably due to a transient release of IL-8. This agrees
weil with our previous data (Bocci et al., 1998b) showing that [L-8 is a chemokine
that is released rapidly by leukocytes in blood that has been briefly exposed to O 2-
0 3. It may be useful in patients with infections, but it is necessary to explore this
finding further and look for other cytokines such as 11-2, 11-12, IFNy and GM-CSF.
The observed hyperthermia is more likely due to the sauna than to the pyrogenic
effect of some cytokines.
In spite of our necessarily approximate approach, we feel that our studies have
some merit because they were the first to evaluate scientifically new ideas which
have revived a stagnant field, restricted for three decades to 03-AHT and rectal
What might be the practical usefulness ofBOEX and does it have a future? Ifwe
listen to commercial advertising, which claims to eure cancer and AIDS, it will have
a bright future. Yet we do not believe that the future of ozonetherapy lies in the
claims of charlatans. However, we would like to compare the pros and cons of the
four current methods. If one uses the standard, optimised 03-AHT method (Chapter
16 and Appendix), one is able to slowly treat several ailments without any risk to the
patient, but one venous puncture is necessary. EBOO (Chapter 17) seems to be more
rapid and perhaps more effective (it is too early to be sure), but two venous
punctures are necessary and the technical application is more costly and complex.
Rectal insufflation is extremely easy to do (once instructed by the
ozonetherapist, the patient can do it at horne by hirnself), very cheap and practically
free of risk . Yet it is often objected to and the delivery of a precise dosage is always
uncertain , although it may be beneficial in certain pathologies (see Chapter 19).
BOEX has distinct advantages: it is simple to perform, fairly inexpensive, non-
invasive (no venous puncture) and does not involve the handling of potentially
infectious blood, a point highly appreciated by medical personnel. We have noted
some problems: the cabin must be technically improved and BOEX is best
performed in a well-organised c1inie or in athermal resort with an entrance room,
treatment room , adjacent room to allow a comfortable one-hour rest for the patient
and another room with a shower. Whether this approach will truly become useful
remains to be established by RCTs , but at this stage it seems to represent a
promising tool to rnodify the biologieal response in some pathological states:
• Chronic viral diseases (HBV, HCV, herpes I and II, HIV, HPV). It may be useful to
treat chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), even though it is probably not a viral disease.
• Metastatic cancer, to avoid palliative chemotherapy, whieh is usually useless and
associated with a very poor quality of life. However, it could be tried as an
immunoadjuvant at earlier stages with polychemotherapy.
• Vasculopathies, particularly hind limb ischaemia due to atherosclerosis, Buerger
disease and diabetes. Necrotic ulcers and dystrophie lesions must be
simultaneously treated with topical therapy (Chapter 16). Patients with severe
coronary atherosclerosis, recent myocardial infarction or severe hypertension
may undergo BOEX, but without sauna bathing, starting with a lO-min period
and scaling up slowly . Patients with asthma and BPCO must be treated
cautiousl y.
• ARMD , particularly the atrophic form. Keeping the sauna at a low level.
212 CHAPTER 18
Our provisional protocols involve a course of therapy every other day (three
times weekly) during the first and second weeks . We always insist on the "start low,
go slow" paradigm to allowing for adaptation to COS . The sauna temperature should
be gradually scaled up from 70 °C to no more than 90 °C, with periods from 10 min
to a maximum of 25 min.
Only time, careful observation and hard work can tell us how best to proceed.
As early as 1935, before the advent ofOJ-AHT, Payr and Aubourg (1936) suggested
to insufflate 02-0J into the colon-rectum. This approach has been widely adopted in
Europe, as weil as in Russia , Cuba and other countries, because of its
inexpensiveness and the lack of aversion to rectal medication. Even in several states
of the USA, where ozonetherapy has been prohibited (mostly because it is badly
used by quacks) , many HIV patients used to do their own auto-insufflation using a
smalI, often imprecise generator. In Califomia, Carpendale et al. (1993) were
allowed to carry out a study in AIDS patients with profuse diarrhoea due to
opportunistic Cryptosporidium infection; they obtained temporary improvement in
some of the patients. The main field of application is represented by rhagases, anal
and rectal abscesses with fistulae, proctitis , bacterial cholitis, Crohn's disease,
ulcerative cholitis and chronic viral (8 and C) hepatitis (Knock et al., 1987; Knock
and Klug, 1990). Even ischaemic diseases and dementias (Gomez Moraleda, 1995)
have been treated with RI, which was postulated to have a systemic effect.
Anecdotes reporting beneficial results are scientifically worthless and, besides the
Cuban study in patients with dementias , there is an urgent need of RCTs . A possible
systemic effect seems supported by recent studies in the rat (Leon et al., 1998;
Barber et aI., 1999; Peralta et aI., 1999, 2000), in which it was shown that IR for two
weeks induced adaptation to COS .
Rectal insufflation of 02-0J is an easy, inexpensive method of delivering ozone,
which is practically risk-free, apparently beneficial and without side effects . In spite
of the fact that hundreds of thousands of treatments are performed in patients every
year, it is not really known whether and how these gases affect some fundamental
physiological and biochemical parameters. It is unfortunate that this simple
treatment has been neglected, indeed scomed, by mainstream medicine . Thus there
are several questions to be addressed:
Only Knoch et aI. (1987) have examined the PV02 modifications after rectal
insufflation in the rabbit. They found that PV02 values in a mesocolonic vein, portal
vein and liver parenchyma increased by about 230, 121 and 127% of the basal
values, respectively, 8-20 min after rectal insufflation of 150 ml gas. The PV02
values retumed to baseline after 50 min.
214 CHAPTER 19
The result that oxygen is absorbed is not surprising because it is weil known that
several gases (C0 2, CH 4 , N 2, H2, O 2, H 2S) either ingested or produced by the
bacterial flora are partly absorbed and even exhaled with expired air. But what about
ozone? As we cannot measure a PV03 directly, we have to assess it indirectly by
measuring compounds generated by ozone. As explained in the previous chapter,
ozone is not passively absorbed Iike oxygen. In contrast to the respiratory mucosa,
overlain by a thin film of fluids (hence, almost unable to quench the harsh oxidant
activity of ozone), the gut mucosa is abundantly covered by the glycocalyx and a
thick coating of water containing mucoproteins and other secretion products with
marked antioxidant activity. Luminal contents mayaIso have a higher antioxidant
concentration than plasma (HaIliweIl et al., 2000). However this gel-mucous layer is
not uniformly dispensed and certainly there are more or less protected areas.
Residual faecal contents are also variably present and may interfere with gas
absorption. In order to c1arify this problem, we carried out experiments in two rabbit
models after insufflation of either O 2 alone or O 2-03 into the colorectal lumen. Two
approaches were used: firstly , conscious animals were slightly seda ted with 5 mg
diazepam and kept comfortably in arestrainer cage that allowed the collection of
small blood sampIes after cannulation of the marginal vein of the ear . Secondly,
owing to the need to simultaneously examine portal and peripheral (jugular vein)
blood after laparotomy, the animals were deeply anaesthetised for the experimental
period (up to 65 min) . AIthough the results cannot be translated into the human
situation owing to profound anatomical differences, they are informative about a
systemic effect. Details are reported in Bocci et al. (2000).
To minimize the experimental stress, we first evaluated the effect of colorectal
insufflation of O2-03 in non-anaesthetised rabbits, simply collecting blood sampies
from the marg inal vein ofthe ear. The results reported in Figures 83 and 84 show:
a) a slight increase of PV02 values already 20 min after gas insufflation, confirming
the rapid absorption of O 2 previously described by Knock et al. (1987) . PvC0 2
and pH values remain within the physiological range;
b) concomitantly, there is a constant increase (not statistically significant) of
TBARS va lues up to 60 min after gas insufflation, when they start to decline.
Conversely, the PTG values decrease and reach a minimum after 90 min . Both
parameters return to baseline values 24 hours thereafter.
and reach a minimum at 50-65 min in both portal and jugular blood. Thus for both
parameters, the effects of ozone are more evident and rapid for portal blood but they
appear to die off about 40 min after gas insufflation. Control animals insufflated
with oxygen showed only negligible modifications of TBARS and PTG values
indicating that the experimental procedure was not responsible for the change
observed after O 2 -0 3 insufflation.
Er.r 60 •.
40 J
30 r---
. - - .--.-----..- / ~--'-------i
-.'1~ _...
"C) · 40 ~ 1
~ !i T
35 -j
~ 30 ~
:r: 7,4
7,2 ·~__r-..,.I7'
O' 20' 35' 60' .90' 120' 24h
Figure 83. Modification ofpartial pressure 0/02 (PvO?J. CO 2 (PvCO?J and pH values 0/
venous blood withdrawnfrom the marginal ear vein ofsix rabbits before (0) and after
colorectal insufflation 0/150 ml gas mixture (Or03) with an ozone concentration of 20
ug/ml. Values represent the M :f: SD.
216 CHAPTER 19
0,6 -,---- - - -- - - -- - - -,
i 0,4
~ 0,3
__ 0,2
0,0 _'--TUu.=-
~ 0,5
Cl 0,4
li: 0,3
0' 20' 35' 60 ' 90' 120' 24h
Figure 84. Modification ofthiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and protein
thiol groups (PTG) in the plasma (marginal ear vein) ofsix rabbits before (0) and aft er
colorectal insufflation 0/ J50 ml gas mixture (02-0 J) with an ozone con centration 0[20
IJg11l11. Values represent the M r SD
~ ..
.~ .0 '
o~ ~5
~ ae
25 -J-- - - - - - -...-.- .- - ...- -
.0 ·
~ 40
7,5 +-- - - -
--,----,.---- - ,'- -
o 10 25 40 so 05
Tkne (min)
Figure 85. Modi/kation ofpartial pressure 0[02 (P,.o2Y. CO 2 (Pl'C0 2) and pH values of
venous blood withdrawnfrom portal (0) andjugular (~ veins offive rabbits before (0) and
after colorectal insufflation 0/ J50 ml gas mixture (Or03) with an ozone concentration 0{20
ug/ml. Values represent the M rSD,
In conclusion, it appears that RI can exert a local and a rapid systemic effect
due to absorption of compounds generated by the interaction of ozone with the
luminal contents. Figure 87 attempts to illustrate that ozone dissol ves rapidly in the
lumin al wate r, where it partly reacts with faecal material or/and is reduced by a
myriad of antio xidants. It cert ainly gen erates both ROS (some H 202 ) and LOPs by
reacting with residual, un absorbed PUF As. The former compounds, like oxygen,
pass through the muscularis mucosa (MM) and enter the circulation via lymphatic
and venous capillaries . This is interesting and would support the contention by
Mattassi et al. (persona l communicat ion) that the beneficial effect of RI in chronic
limb ischa emia is equ ivalent to 0 3-AHT. If this result can be confirmed, it will be
helpful for patients because they will be able to do automedication and avoid
repeated ven ous punctures. Furthermore, in Chapter 14, Figures 45 and 48 show that
prolonged RI in athletes and aged subjects caused an increase of both ATP and 2,3-
DPG in erythrocytes. These results are the more surprising because every
ozonetherapist knows how imprecise and uncertain can be the application of ozone
and the volume of gas ret ained in the gut.
0,7 .f.
_ Jugular • • .,..L
0,6 ~ c::J Portal r= ,.
~ 0,5 -i
~~ 0,41 T
,.I I ,·r
0,3 I
... 0,2
r-- II
0,0 _..
-- '-- ,~-
0,6 -
T .*
.,:;,Q.4 .
0,0 I
0 10 25 40 50 .65
Time (min)
Figure 86. Mod ification of thiobarb ituric acid reactive substan ces (TBARS) and protein
thiol groups (PTG) in plasma withdrawnfrom the portal (emp ty boxes) andjugular (black
boxes) veins of five rabbits befor e (0) antialter colorectal insufflation of 150 ml gas mixture
(Or O.!) with an ozone concen tration o{ 20 ug/ml. Values represent the M ± SD. Statistical
signific ance (p <O.05) is indicated hy an asterisk
218 CHAPTER 19
Figure 87. A schematic vie w ofthe trans/ er ofthe 0 r0.! gas mixturefrom the colonic lumen
into the submucosa. Both gases dissolve in the luminal mucous lay er. but ozone reacts
immediately and decomposes into a number 0/ ROS and LOPs. These are absorbed with
water via venous and lymphatic capillaries in the submucosa below the muscula ris mucosac
(M M) .
This leads to the discussion of some technical details in terms of gas volume, 0 .1
concentration and schedule of administration.
RI should be done after defecation or after an enema, when the rectal ampulla is
empty. The patient must lay on one side and try to rela x; often he/she prefers to
personally insert the disposable, oil-lubricated polyethylene (rubber must never be
used ) catheter (30-40 cm long ). The insert ion is easy and it should not stimulate
peristaIsis. In this regard, the gas has to be introduced slowl y and in step s of 50- 100
ml every 1-2 min . If it is done quickly , the gas will be expelled at once. The gas can
be introduced via a) a manual two-wa y silicone pump connected to the gas just
collected in a polyeth ylene bag , or better with b) a 50 ml silicone-coated syring e,
clarnping the catheter each time after insufflation. We can obta in goo d compliance if
we start with 150 ml and slowly scale up to about 500 ml depending on the patient's
tolerance. This volume can easily be retained for at least 20-30 min. Knock et al.
( 1987) insufflated up to 800 rnl in 1 min, but I cannot confirm this and it is likely
that the patient would rapidly expel most of the gas . Carpendale et al. insuffiated
from 700 to 1300 ml of gas (up to 30 mg ozone daily) in AIDS patients, hoping the
gas would diffuse into the whole colon. This was adesperate, almost useless
enterprise because Cryptosporidium contaminates the whole gastro-intestinal and
biliary tract.
The patient should be left to rest for at least 15 min after RI to avoid rapid gas
expulsion and to allow the reaction of ozone with the luminal contents.
The 0 3 concentration is important to induce local and generalized effects but
there is general consensus that it should not exceed 40 ug/ml, In my experience, this
concentration often elicits painful cramps, particularly in patients with ulcerous
cholitis or when the application is done after an enema, suggesting a dangerous
stimulation ofthe local gut reflexes. Ifthe overlaying mucus has been washed away,
this high concentration might cause direct damage to the enterocytes and we sho uld
not forget that ozone can be mutagenic (Chapter 20) . Thus I suggest to begin
treatments with 3-5 ug /ml and slowly scale up to 30 ug/ml if the patient tolerates it
weil. It has been written that in the case of haemorrhagic ulcerative cholitis, an
ozone concentration of 70-80 ug/ml should be used for haemostatic purposes, but
this could induce cytotoxic damage and is not advisable. Moreover, on the basis of
the concept of inducing ozone tolerance, it appears reas onable to reach the
concentration of 30 ug /ml in 2-3 weeks. Whether it is worthwhile reaching the
highest ozone concentration of 40 ug /ml will depend on the type of pathology,
patient tolerance and other information that can only be obtained by daily
observations during a weIl controlled clinical study. Treatment can be done daily or
every other day . Table 17 provides an example of a flexible schedule.
If the patient responds positively to the therapy, it could be continued 2-3 times
per week , maintaining a high or medium 0 3 concentration.
I am not in favour of the IR approach because the effective ozone dose is never
known due to the faecal contents and other variables. Yet ladmit that it is the
simplest and most practical option to be adopted in poor countries. I must
emphasize, however, that the catheter and syringe must be disposed of after each
treatment to avoid cross-contamination.
If we can prove (by appropriate RCTs) that IR also has therapeutic activity in
vascular disease, chronic hepatitis and intestinal diseases, we will have to promote
RI, the Cinderella ofapproaches, to the rank of0 3-AHT and EBOO .
Sixty-six years after the introduction of RI and after millions of applications with
no cause for complaint, we can say that this approach, if properly performed, does
not seem to induce adverse local effects. It appears reasonable to think that a
judicious ozone dosage, the mucous layer, the antioxidant system and the adaptive
response of enterocytes are all responsible for the lack of toxicity. In Chapter 24, we
will briefly examine the pathogenesis of the diseases where RI is best employed, but
here it may be useful to speculate (unfortunately I have no experimental data) about
the local effects of ozone. These may be as folIows :
a) Biochemical effects. In the studies already cited (Leon et al., 1998; Barber et al.,
1999; Peralta et al., 1999, 2000), RI in rats upgraded the enzymatic antioxidant
response in liver and kidney but the enterocytes were not examined.
b) Bactericidal effects. The human colon-rectum contains up to 500 g of about 400
species of mostly anaerobic bacteria, and O2-03 may partly change the
environment for a short while. Except in particular conditions, like clindamycin-
associated enterocolitis (Schulz, 1986), bactericidal activity per se is probably
unimportant but may cause the release of LPSs and muramyl peptides. These
compounds are among the most potent cytokine inducers (Chapter 14, Table 9)
and in large amounts are responsible for toxic shock syndrome and likely death .
However, in physiological conditions, the daily absorption of traces of LPSs
bound to specific proteins and to lipoproteins is considered essenti al for
maintenance of the basic cytokine response and an alert immune system (Bocci,
1981b, 1988b, 1992c) . Particularly in the last paper, it was postulated that the
somewhat neglected gut flora has a crucial immunostimulatory role. This idea
remains valid today and it is possible that RI favours a slight increase of LPS
absorption with the consequence of enhanced activation of intrahepatic
lymphocytes, Ito 's and Kupffer's cells (O'Farrelly and Crispe, 1999), which may
change the evolution of chronic hepatitis.
c) Modification of the bacterial flora eguilibrium. Ow ing to the multiplicity of
bacterial species, this remains a complex area . However, the normal flora
contains Lactobacillus (Lb) acidophilus, Lb. bifldus, Lb. fermentum , Lb. casei,
Streptococcus faecalis , S. thermophilus, S. bulgaricus, Escherichia coli, Proteils
and a variety of enterocci. The bacteria and their products interact with each
other and with the enterocytes, goblet and enteroendocrine cells (producing a
myriad of hormones) and the GALT (Hooper and Gordon, 200 I) . On the other
hand, it is weil known that contaminated food, water and antibiotics can subvert
predict if ozone will be able to re-equilibrate the immune response and lead to
normal mucosal metabolism. There is only one thing that is certain today and that is
that official Medicine does not even mention ozonetherapy. Hanauer and
Dassopoulos (2001) have reviewed some 20 therapeutic approaches and ifwe do not
start to be serious, ozone will remain a quack remedy.
One reason for the unpopularity of ozonetherapy in the medical field is that the
toxicity of ozone is considered equal to that of RaS. In fact, there are substantial
differences because ozonetherapy is occasional and can be controlled whereas
endogenous ROS formation goes on unperturbed throughout Iife (Farber et al.,
1990; Ames et al., 1993).
The topography of formation of RaS is also quite different: mitochondria, which
convert 95% of the inhaled oxygen to harmless H20 , are the main source of RaS
since at least 3% of oxygen is converted to O2. ' (Richter et al., 1995). Dismutation of
O 2. ' by SODs (Fridovich, 1995; Carlsson et al., 1995) is the source of H 202, whose
reduction may generate the fearsome, non-specific OH·. Halliwell (1994) estimated
that a 70 Kg human produces no less than 0.147 moles or 5 g/day of O,", whereas
one 03-AHT uses less than 20 mg of ozone, equivalent to less than 0.4% of the
minimum daily production of O,"!
The huge formation of endogenous RaS in mitochondria, deeply imrnersed in
the cell, explains the damage to mitochondrial DNA (Wiseman and Halliwell, 1996),
which is oxidized about 10 times more than nuclear DNA (Richter et al., 1988) and
remains persistently damaged (Yakes and Van Houten, 1997) .
Conversely, ozone acts frorn the outside on the plasma, which is a huge reservoir
of antioxidants. Nonetheless, the ozone dose added to blood must reach a threshold
level in order to generate sufficient H202', which passes from the plasma into the
cytoplasm where it triggers several biological effects . It must be very c1ear that for
ozone to act we have to induce a calculated, transitory, acute oxidative stress
that is rapidly corrected by the antioxidant system. Thus, there is no doubt
regarding the formation of peroxyl radicals, hydroxyaldehydes and perhaps traces of
OH· and HOCl in the plasma. What is important to note is that all the vital cell
compounds, such as enzymes, proteins, RNA and DNA (Van der Zee et al., 1987;
Stadtman and Oliver, 1991; Ames et al., 1993), are spared during the extracellular
ozone decomposition.
Particularly in the USA, ozonetherapy is regarded as a "barbaric" therapy
(Chapter 2) and unscrupulous ozonetherapists and quacks have done their best to
reinforce this concept. However, it is now time to c1arify this issue; without
prejudices, we must evaluate the merits and demerits and put an end to the
confusion between the constant oxidative stress due to oxygen and the
occasional acute stress due to ozone.
224 CHAPTER 20
Trying to sum up this important topic, it appears that the lack of natural
antioxidants is critical in allowing mutagenic changes in cells exposed to ozone
in vitro for a length of time . After the removal of plasma, washing and
resuspension in physiological media without or with only a small amount of
antioxidants, erythrocytes and other cells become very sensitive to even very low
ozone concentrations, as demonstrated by intense haemolysis or apoptosis . Instead
of stigmatizing ozonetherapy as toxic, published papers (Goldstein and Bachum,
1967; Gooch et al., 1976; Freeman et al., 1979; Sato et al., 1999; Fukunaga et al.,
1999) ought to have pointed out the importance of antioxidants in preventing
damage. It has correctly been shown that genotoxicity induced by H202 or iron
overload can be checked if tissue culture media contain adequate amounts of
antioxidants (Leist et al., 1996; Matos et al., 2000).
Another blunder has been made by several cell biologists by keeping ce11
cultures under constant ozone exposure (Tarkington et al., 1994) at extremely low
levels, but for several hours or days. The conclusion that ozone is toxic even at
minimal levels is misleading : firstly, the level of antioxidants in tissue culture media
is far lower than in plasma and, more seriously , the authors have not taken into
account the cumulative ozone dose . Although I have already mentioned this point
(Chapters 4 and 8), it is appropriate to remind the reader that ozone solubility is very
high : according to Henry's law, every second, ozone solubilizes into water, reacts
and disappears, so that more ozone solubilizes and reacts, and so on. Although
minimal, all ofthese continuous reactions lead to increasing concentrations ofH20 2,
OHo, 4-HNE, etc., which go unquenched on account ofthe scarcity and consumption
of antioxidants and thus become toxic . Therefore, with time, even the lowest ozone
concentration becomes toxic.
In contrast, exposure of blood to O2-03 is performed with ozone concentrations
within the therapeutic window and is over after one min during EBOO and about 5
min during 0 3-AHT . However, if the ozonetherapist uses either ozone
concentrations above 80 ug/ml or ozonized saline, he makes another blunder. A
typical example is represented by the IV infusion of ozonized saline : Foksinski et al.
(1999) infused into POAD patients 500 ml of saline ozonized for I h, obviously
without worrying about the high content of newly formed HOCI; they recorded a
450% increase of 8-0HdG in the Iymphocyte DNA isolated from some of these
unlucky patients . In Chapter 10, it was mentioned that 8-0HdG is a marker
indicating the occurrence of DNA oxidation. Thus Foksinski 's result should
preclude the use of ozonized saline . An interesting, but not unexpected, result ofthis
study was that only 3 of 6 patients showed the appearance of this marker, suggesting
a possible genetic sensitivity to oxidative agents . Kleeberger et al. (1997) were the
first to show that a susceptible strain of mice presents a different ozone sensitivity
(see also Cho et al., 2001). Unfortunately, the state of the ozonetherapeutic art is still
too primordial to allow examination of the genetic pattern of antioxidant enzymes in
putative patients. Nevertheless, it is necessary to check TAS levels in plasma and
ascertain ifpatients have a G-6PD deficiency.
A reassuring fact is that after millions of 0rAHT sessions performed in
Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy, neither serious acute nor chronic side
effects, nor an increased cancer incidence has been reported (Chapter 21). Yet this
does not absolve us from improving our eontrols by monitoring oxidative stress and
lipid peroxidation in patients during and after ozonetherapy, e.g. by measuring F2-iP,
hydroperoxides andlor other parameters in plasma or urine. This is easier said than put
into praetiee, but I am hopeful that a speeifie and reliable assay for routine clinieal use
will soon beeome available. Furthermore , we must never lower our attention to the use
ofprecise ozone generators and ozone doses that are biologically aetive but atoxie. If
we work eorreet1y, perhaps in due time the scientifie eommunity will aeeept the
eoneept that ozonethe rapy is not eomparable to life-long endogenous ROS toxicity .
In eonc1usion, I eannot avoid saying that ozone is potentially toxic and
mutagenic (like all cytotoxic drugs!). Yet so rar, our experimental data and
c1inical evidence (albeit not entirely reliable) has not shown any risk.
Jacobs (1982) is the only one to have published an extensive study on the negative
effects of ozonetherapy. In spite of the famous "toxicity" of ozone, it appears that
the incidence is only 0.0007 %, one of the lowest in medicine. Four deaths due to
direct IV injection oithe gas were included in his data , but since 1982 other deaths
for a similar reason have occurred, of which at least two (1997 and 1998) in Italy.
However, due to the HIV epidem ic and improper use of ozone , it is likely that other
deaths have occurred but have not been reported. Thus Jacobs' data are valuable
only with regard to side effects such as nausea, headache, tiredness and the like.
The reader will have to trust the Italian experience: at the Verona Congress
(1999 ), Dr. Giuseppe Amato , who has always worked at the Hospital in Conegliano
(Veneto) and is a very scrupulous ozonetherapist, reported only rninor side effects
and no sequelae in a thousand patients treated with 03-AHT for several years. Our
experience at the Siena University Hospital is also significant: since 1995, we have
performed about 6000 0 3-AHT in ARMD patients and about 100 in patients with
fibromyositis , as wel1 as about 350 EBOO sessions, countless topical applications in
chronic ulcers of the limbs , and either direct (intradisc) or indirect (chemical
acupuncture with Or03 in the para vertebral muscles) O 2-03 applications in about 40
patients with backache.
Firstly, regarding side effects occurring during and after 0 3-AHT, we have to
distinguish about 5000 treatments performed between 1995 and June 2000,
unfortunately using PVC autotransfusion bags. These contained 63 m1 of CPD (up to
450 ml blood could be collected), but usual1y only 200-250 ml blood was withdrawn
to treat ARMD patients . In order to avoid any contamination, the excess of CPD
(about 30 ml) was not discarded and it was likely responsible for one of the fol1owing
side effects. Plastic autotransfusion bags have the foUowing disadvantages:
a) Venous puncture must be done with a venous fistula needle set (G 17) and
occasional1y some patients faint with fear. No case of lipothymia has been
observed, probably because, after blood collection during the ozonization
process, about 100 ml saline was infused via the same needle.
b) Some patients (almost always women) reported a tingling sensation in the lips
and tongue, most frequently towards the end ofthe reinfusion. This did not occur
with very slow infusion, nor with the new atoxic system (ACD wel1 calibrated to
the blood volume), nor with heparinized blood; hence this symptom has been
attributed to a transitory slight hypocalcaemia due to the excess of citrate.
c) During blood reinfusion, more frequently women (l 0-15%) have reported nausea,
a feeling of stornach bloating and a strange metallic taste in their mouth, which
could be due to Zn-stearate or Zn-2-ethyl hexanoate present as additives in PVc.
d) For about 1 day after the first 4-5 treatments, 20-30% of both male and female
patients reported feeling tired . Another 10-20% had no symptoms, while 50%
reported a feeling ofwellness. It must be noted that in all ofthese patients (60-80
years old), the 03-AHT were perfonned with a constant ozone concentration of
65-70 ug /ml per ml of blood , without scaling up the dosage . In retrospect, this
was amistake and particularly in aged patients we must begin with a low 0 3
dose (20 ug/ml) and slowly scale up to 40-50 ug /ml .
e) After 4-12 OrAHT sessions, four women patients (one with the history of an
episode of anaphylactic shock to a wasp-sting) had a sudden appearance of a
diffuse erythematous skin rash, with itching, nausea , hot flushes and slight
hypotension, at the end of a blood reinfusion . IV infusion of I g methyl-
prednisolone Na-succinate relieved the symptoms in about 2 h. Interestingly,
before undergoing ozonetherapy , one ofthese patients had participated as a control
and had received 12 02-AHT without any problem . These eases of definitive
intolerance were attributed to progressive sensitization to an immunogen due to
phthalates bound to lipoproteins or to other PVC-additive components.
From June 2000 until the present, we have been using the new atoxie system
(gIass, etc.), a precise volume of 3.8% Na Citrate to blood (l :9 v/v or 25-225 rnl)
and the slow scaling up ofthe ozone concentration (from 20 to 50 ug/ml) . All ofthe
above-mentioned side effects have disappeared, and no others have appeared.
Moreover, no allergic-Iike intolerance has been observed. Because the glass bottle is
under vacuum, blood is easily drawn with a smaller needle (G 19).
generator salesman, begin to practise the indirect method without knowing anything
about ozone. This situation has some risks : in May 200 I, one death in Naples was
due to this therapy. Immediately after IM injection, ozone dissolves locally in the
interstitial H 20 and generates several ROS: if the 0 3 concentration is around 20
ug /rnl and the gas volume exceeds 5 ml, a very acute pain may cause vagal
hypertone (inotropic and chronotropic negative effects) , which may culminate in
cardiac arrest. If the patient is lucky , he will recover or undergo only transitory
lipothymia (bradycardia, hypotension, profuse perspiration, transitory loss of
consciousness, etc.). Therefore, it is advisable to practise "chemical acupuncture" with
appropriate precautions (Chapters 24 and 36). If these are taken, the backache may
show remarkable improvement after 6-10 sessions, but the patient must be warned
about the aphorism "no pain, no gain" and that, with the appropriate technique , the
pain will be bearable and will last for only 5-10 min. In general, the improvement of
baekaehe outweighs the transitory therapeutic pain, so that the compliance is good.
With a proper injeetion, the risk of oxygen embolization is nil and only one case of
subcutaneous haematoma has been reported (Fabris et al., 2001).
The direet intradisc injeetion may present very slight side effects and rare
transitory cephalea. However, in the case of a herniated eervical disk in a young
athlete, Alexandre et al. (1999) reported that the patient presented abilateral
amaurosis fugax after the injection, which fortunately reversed after one day . This
serious eomplieation ean more likely be attributed to transitory ischaemia of the
vertebral arteries due to an erroneous position of the head during ozonetherapy than
to the ozone itself.
For all of these negative effects of ozonetherapy, the physician must be ready to
resolve the problem (Chapter 36). Instead, it seems that a prompt intervention was
tragically de1ayed in the three cases of death . In this regard, a specific training
course would be most useful.
A positive side effect already mentioned in Chapters 16-19 is that most patients,
particularly those that feel depressed and asthenie before 03-AHT, EBOO , BOEX or
RI, report a feeling of weil being and euphoria. Whether this is due to the "staging"
of the proeedure or to ozone or to oxygen, or to all these factors, remains unknown.
For a long time , I have wished to perform a kinetic study of the hormonal pattern
(CRH, ACTH, Cortisol , DHEA, GH, ß-endorphin, somatostatin plasma levels) after
these types of treatment. Needless to say, such a study must be performed with
appropriate eontrols and this, unfortunately, will imply the collection of many blood
sampies. It will be more difficult to evaluate whether there is also a eoncomitant
serotonin and/or dopamine upsurge .
Wehave no reason to be1ieve that ozonetherapy represents an inflammatory
stimulation. Yet to be sure, we must also assess the kinetics of positive acute phase
reaetants (APR) , namely C-reactive protein (CRP) , serum amyloid A (SAA), 0.1-
antitrypsin, al -acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid), haptoglobin, C3 and C4 , ß-2-
mieroglobulin (ß2-M). In contrast to other ozonetherapists, we have often noted a
slight increase of plasma fibrinogen and prothrombin, which we have referred to
improved hepatic metabolism.
A final unresolved question is the optimal time of day to perform the systemic
approaches . On the basis of circadian rhythms of crucial honnones, I believe that the late
aftemoon is the preferable period (Bocei, 1985b), but this is not neeessarily praetieal.
This is partieulariy important for systemic therapy and the burden of ozonetherapy
(not so irrelevant for BOEX with sauna) must be weighed against the clinieal
eondition ofthe patient. Moreover, the following situations preclude its use :
The question is theoretically appropriate because ozone induces ROS and these are
at least partly responsible for many ailments and ageing. This is the fourth time that
I propose that all national Health Authorities should oblige al1 ozonetherapists (who
ought to be physieians with appropriate specifie training) to keep a medieal register
in whieh to preeisely folIowand reeord all pathologieal events appearing in patients
during and after ozonetherapy.
The following form may be useful :
Whenever possible, the patient should be followed during subsequent years and
it should be noted if the disease improves or persists or worsens, as weIl as the
possible appearance ofnew pathologies related to oxidative stress .
Great attention should be given to:
agranulocytosis, asthma, atherosclerosis, bone marrow dysplasia or atrophy,
cataract, degenerative diseases, emphysema, fibrosis (paravertebral muscles),
gastrointestinal diseases, hepatitis, hypertension, leukemia and other haematological
neoplasias, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative diseases (Parkinson, dementias),
renal sclerosis, rheurnatoid arthritis, scleroderma, skin carcinomas, SLE, solid
turnours, others .
a) They are universally present from bacteria to fungi to plants to mammals. The
anti-ozone responses in plants (Kangasjarvi et a1. , 1994; Benes et a1., 1995;
Schmieden and Wild, 1995; Robinson and Rowland, 1996; Ranieri et a1., 1996;
Sharma et a1., 1996; Maccarrone et a1. , 1997; Pell et a1., 1997; Sharma and
Davis, 1997; Bilodeau and Chevrier, 1998; Desikan et a1., 2000; Ranieri et al.,
2000) are fascinating and strongly suggest that humans can do the same.
b) The HSPs from organisms of the animal kingdom are highly conserved in regard
to their structure and functional activities.
c) The cell's ability to promptly and continuously respond to a moderate stress
d) At least some HSPs help to maintain protein folding and translocation of
polypeptides across membranes. That is why they have been indicated as
molecular chaperones (Hightower, 1980; Ellis and Van der Vies, 1991).
e) The role of HSPs varies widely from the induction of thermotolerance to
protection against ROS by upregulating the synthesis of antioxidant enzymes.
Moreover, they regulate inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, antigen
presentation, recognition of malignant cells and even inhibition of tumour cell
death . In this case, they do not display a useful activity because the over-
expression of HSP70 inhibits apoptosis, thus favouring proliferation of breast
tumour cells (Nylandsted et al., 2000) . Some ozonetherapists may find this story
boring and thus I must explain where it might lead .
specifies the inducing agent. We face a real paradox ; since ozone , the "toxic gas",
can be tumed into a useful drug able to readjust an otherwise irreversible state of
chronic oxidative stress. There are several pathologies, such as neurodegenerative
diseases, chronic viral infections (HIV and HCV) and autoimmune diseases, in
which a vicious imbalance between oxidants and antioxidants becomes firmly
established, leading more or less rapidly to death .
How can modem medicine correct this? In Chapter 24, we shall see that there are
several therapeutic possibilities, but in most cases they are not entirely successful.
While they can limit the damage, they are unable to modify the involution. What can
ozone do? It cannot remove the primary causes of these diseases, but it may reverse
the chronic oxidative stress (Fig . 88).
HIV infection,
autoimmune and
Figure 88. The normal and pathological redox balance. The scheme suggests that, by
upregulating the expression ofantioxidant enzymes, ozonetherapy mayfavour normalization
0/ the impaired redox balance
In Chapters 11 -13, the ozone treatment has been envisaged as a transitory and
calculated oxidative stress resulting in a sort of therapeutic "shock" for the ailing
organism . Ozone realizes this shock because generates a number of messengers
that can reach all cells in the organism. It is not easy to imagine how it works, but
we must have some hypotheses and ascertain if they are correct. First of all, it is
necessary to distinguish local from parenteral treatments. Among the latter, OJ-AHT
and EBOO are reasonably precise, and perhaps HzOz, but especially LOPs with a
long half-life, are the most important putative agents. BOEX and RI are somewhat
imprecise approaches, but nonetheless likely to put LOPs, generated on the
cutaneous and mucosal surface, into the circulation. Thus, during and immediately
after one of these treatments, cells throughout the body will suddenly receive a
pulse of LOPs and newly generated autacoids. As discussed in Chapters 12 and
13, these compounds are heterogeneous and undergo dilution and metabolism
(Vasiliou et al., 2000) . Over a certain level they are cytotoxic, while below I 11M
they can act as physiological messengers after binding to cell receptors. Liu et al.
(2000) recently reminded us that 4-HNE is a key mediator (but not the only one!) of
oxidative stress-induced cell death; thus it would seem crazy to increase plasma
levels of LOPs. A possible idea is that cells undergoing intracellular COS (of
endogenous origin due to a virus or a mitochondrial dysfunction or inactivation of
antioxidant enzymes) are PARALYSED and unable to reverse it,
One possible way to interrupt this anergy might be an adequate and atoxic
stimulation ofthe cell membrane receptors via a few LOP molecules. Ifthe cell is still
able to transduce the message to the nucleus, via phosphorylation of protein kinases
and the like, it may represent the alarm signal able to reactivate gene expression,
leading to the synthesis of HSPs and antioxidant enzymes. While a too high LOP
concentration will detinitively kill the cell, a very low and gradual stimulation
may favour a re-equilibration of the oxidant-antioxidant balance, as shown in the
lower part ofFigure 88. Ifthe idea is correct, this strategy prescribes that ozonetherapy
should start at low concentrations just above the threshold level , which is in line with
the old concept "start low, go slow", Experiments in laboratory animals (Leon et al.,
1998; Barber et al., 1999; Peralta et al., 1999, 2000) treated daily with RI of ozone (I
mg per kg body weight) have shown that the adaptation to COS , with consequent
resistance to prolonged ischaemia or toxic compounds, can be achieved in two weeks
(10 treatments). In a healthy volunteer (Fig . 89), as weil as in HIV patients, we found
that it took from 2 to 4 weeks (5 to 9 O]-AHT; twice weekly) to detect an increased
plasma level of SOD and a concomitant decrease of the TBARS level.
Which proteins and enzymes are important in correcting the COS ? This problem
has been investigated in the last 15 years and it has been shown that hyperoxia and
ROS can induce increased levels of SODs, GSH-Pxs, GSSGR and catalase (Heng et
al., 1987; Rahman et al., 1991; Shull et al., 1991; Doroshow, 1995; Hernandez et al.
1995; Bocci, 1996a ; Tacchini et al., 1996; Sagara et al. 1998; Wang et al., 1998;
Barber et al., 1999; Chen et al., 2000b; Csonka et al., 2000), encouraging us to
evaluate the effects of ozonetherapy.
The practical application of EBOO in a gradual form should allow us to clarify
the problem. Indeed, we plan to systemically investigate the levels of antioxidant
enzymes, G6PD (Puskas et al., 2000) and some HSPs inducible by H 20 2 and ozone
(Jornot et al., 1991 ; Cardile et al., 1995; Kiang and Tsokos, 1998), before, during
and after EBOO. We are particularly interested in analysing the pattern of HO-I (or
HSP-32) because EBOO is likely to release traces of haeme and its breakdown
generates beneficial molecules, such as CO and bilirubin (Abraham et al., 1996), as
weil as free Fe 2 + whieh, if not promptly ehelated, may aet as a pro-oxidant (Dong et
al., 2000; Ryter and Tyrrell, 2000 ; Snyder and Baranano, 2001) . On the whole, HO-
l is beeoming a most interesting enzyme (Galbraith, 1999), involved in proteeting
the skin (Reeve and Tyrrell, 1999), in avoiding aeute haeme toxicity and iron
overload (Nath et al., 2000) , in suppressing endothelial eell apoptosis (Brouard et
al., 2000) , in rejeetion of mouse to rat eardiae transplants (Sato et al., 200 I) and in
proteeting heart, liver and lung against isehaemialreperfusion and hyperoxia injury
(Csonka et al., 1999; Amersi et al., 1999; Otterbein, 1999).
1,2 ~
Q 0.8
:=. 0,6 0-_
- '"":9'"
0,4 ./
,..- . /
0,2 o:
°t 5 10 15 20 30
Mln DllYS
t t t t
Figure 89. An AMRD patient 's response to a single (left side) 01' tntermittent (right side)
infusion of 0 3-AHT (300 g blood treated with an ozone dose of 21 mg per session). MDA ,
malonyldialdehyde (0) and Mn-SOD (U/ml plasma. 0) are reported on the ordinate. Arrows
indicate the time of blood reinfusion.
Thus there is already supporting evidenee that the adaptation to COS ean be
realized with ozonetherapy. This seems the most effieacious possibility but ean the
same result be obtained with passive administration of antioxidants?
0.5 g of vitamin C (morning ). As stated at pag. 85, this dose saturates the body
(Levine et al., 1996);
0.6 g of NAC (either morning or evening), see pag. 104 (Bridgeman et al., 1991;
Hack et al. , 1998);
an approved multivitamin complex (RD doses) including vitamin E and se1enium;
a rich dietary intake of fresh fruit and vegetables.
This AT regimen can be maintained throughout the therapy and it will allow us
to progressively increase the ozone dose without risk .
It may be useful to outline our standard treatment schedules:
initiaI final
Infectious diseases 25 70
Vascular diseases 20 40
Degenerative diseases 20 40
Respiratory diseases 20 40
Autoimmune diseases 50 80
Metastatic tumours 25 70
From examination of the table, two facts emerge: firstly, the idea "more is
better" is not always appropriate for ozone and its concentration must be calibrated
in relation to the effector and target cells; secondly, the need of serious
experimentation with appropriate controls to genera te valid c1inical data.
A RCT is ademanding enterprise (see next chapter) that will require a fairly
large number of patients, who will undergo either AHT with O 2-0 3 or only O2 . For
comparative purposes, a third arm involving AHT with the addition of an inert gas
240 CHAPTER 22
1) preparation of a "best case series". This will not pronounce the final word but
will encourage further research. Interestingly, the National Cancer Institute has
clar ified that the Best Case Series programme was founded in 1991 to apply the
principles of evidence-based medicine to therapies not yet rigorously tested
(Vanchieri, 2000) . Patients included in a "best case series" MUST meet the
following criteria:
a) The diagnosis and stage of the disease MUST be clearly documented and all
pathological fmdings MUST be available for review.
b) Surnmaries ofpatients' previous therapies and responses MUST be provided.
c) A detailed description of patients' treatment with the complementary
approach MUST be available.
d) The treatment administered MUST be defined in detail so that other
clinicians can independently reproduce it.
e) NO OTHER THERAPY should be concurrently administered that could
account for the clinical response .
f) Valid supporting documentation (laboratory, radiological and clinical data)
MUST clearly show a positive response.
g) Depending on the entity of the clinical response a "sufficient" number of
patients SHOULD BE EVALUATED. Anecdotal experience of a few cases
is NOT relevant.
What Tacitus asserted remains true even today with modem medicine, although he
could not know that some diseases (atherosclerosis, cancer) take years to set in.
The title of the 14th Annual Euro Meeting (March 5-8, 2002, Basel) is "The
Patient is Waiting", meaning that "At the start of the 21'1 century only a relatively
small proportion of all diseases can be adequately treated or even cured and only a
small proportion of all patients have access to medicinal products at affordable
prices" . Although this seems a pretty harsh judgement, it is true that for some
diseases we do not yet have a rational drug treatment, that diseases are often poorly
treated , and that too many patients in poor countries do not receive any benefit or
even worse are the prey of quacks . However, we can forget neither the value of
antibiotics and vaccines nor the long effort to fulfil Paul Erhlich's dream of the
magic bullet, which , in spite of enormous expenses, has so far yielded meagre
results and remains amirage.
I often complain that basic and clinical research on ozonetherapy has been too
little and too slow . Yet, therapeutic progress in cancer therapy has also not been as
fast and positive as had been predicted. Three decades have already passed since
President Richard Nixon dec1ared war on cancer and , although knowledge about
tumorigenesis has shown an incredible expansion, the mortality rate has barely
decreased. I very much hope that the new generation of drugs , like the specific
inhibitor 2-phenylamino pyrimidine (STI-57 1), which precisely targets the AbI
tyrosine kinase in chronic myeloid leukemia cells , lives up to expectations and does
not disappo int us as several potential miracle eures have done (Gorre et a1., 2001).
Indeed there always appears to be unforeseen toxicity observed during prolonged
treatment, as occurred for the HAART (Hruz et al., 2001 ; Fellay et a1. , 2001) which
in 1996 seemed to have resolved the problem of HIV disease.
All the hype during the last decade about research on gene therapy of tumours
and more recently therapeutic angiogenesis (Isner et al., 1996; Patterson and Runge,
2000; Simons, 2001), once again obtained at huge cost, has indeed generated new
knowledge and allowed authors to publish interesting papers in the best medical
journals. Yet, all ofthis has , so far, yielded only minimal practical results and even a
few deaths .
Recent developments in autoimmune diseases have highlighted potentially useful
new therapies with an anti-TNFa monoclonal IgG 1 antibody and a protein made of
two chains of p75 TNF receptor monomer fused to the Fe domain of IgG 1 (Hanauer
and Oassopoulos, 2001). However, it remains uneertain whether they are simply
able to alleviate symptoms for a while or, more importantly, to modify the course of
these diseases.
If I believed aneedotal results of ozonetherapy, obtained with minimal resourees
and manpower, I would say that perhaps ozonetherapy is not as bad or obsolete as
orthodox medicine depiets it. Yet rather than resting on false laureIs, I would incite
ozonetherapists to work hard and seriously; the sooner we clarify the validity of
ozonetherapy the better it will be for everyone.
As will be discussed in this chapter, the medical applications of ozonetherapy are
innumerable (Table 19) and this fact exposes the approach to medical derision. Is it
possible that ozone acts as a panacea or the ill-famed Theriaca? Aecording to
tradition, Andromachus (who was Nero's quack) invented Theriaea, a very complex
mixture able to neutralize poisoning and eure every illness! Indeed, he wrote a poem
in 175 verses (Oe Theriaca) to describe and praise it.
these cells will be more or less affected depending on the ozone concentration
and the ozonization modality, which in any case must be absolutely risk-free.
Figure 90. The multivaried biological response of the organism to ozonized blood can he
envisaged hy considering that ozonized hlood cells and compounds interact with a number of
organ s. Some of these represent real targets (liver in chronic hepatitis, vascular systemfor
vasculopathies) , while other argan s are prohahly involved in restoring normal homeostasis
It is intuitive that ozone can have an important therapeutic role in various types of
infections because it generates ROS (0 2 OH', HzOz, NO' and HOCI), also produced
' ,
treatment. In this case, it was the EBOO approach three times weekly in
conjunction with intensive local therapy consisting in the continuous change of
compresses soaked in freshly ozonized water during the day, substituted with
ozonized oil at night. The therapeutic activity of ozonized oil is simply
unbelievable. The patient returned practically to new after two months . I
personally followed this case and I was amazed at her rapid recovery (Di Paolo
et al., manuscript in preparation).
Figure 91. (June 14. 1999). a)Radiograph ofthe rightfemoral head and iliac bone: the aspect
of thefemoral neck indicates the presence of an osteomyelitic process. b) The external aspect
250 CHAPTER 24
Figure 92. (June 14. 1999) Radiographie image 0/ the osteomyelitic process visualized after
injection ofradiopaque material via a catheter. The catheter was also used to insufflate ozone
into the purulent cavity
Figure 93. (September 25. 1999) After Figure 94. (April 11. 20(0) The
topical ozone application and OJ-ART. the radiograph shows an intense
radiograph shows a striking improvement osteometaplasia with disappearance of
and a marked reduction ofthe abscess. the abscess cavity and resolution of'the
There are signs ofosteoblastic osteomyelitis
Figure 95. The amazing results obtained in one patient with necrotizingfasciitis treated with
parenteral (EBOO) and topical (ozonized water and oil) treatments. Extensive necrotic
lesions were present between the buttocks , Oll the legs and heels. Before (left) and after (right)
the treatment
much ozonized water to avoid the loss of cytoprotective mucus, with the risk of
insulting epithelial cells.
There is a practical disadvantage since the patient must take freshly prepared
ozonized water or perhaps milk from the hospital pharrnacy at least every other day
(for four weeks). Ozonized oil is quite stable in the refrigerator. I have no doubt that
an effective vaccine will eventually be developed; this mayaiso solve the problem
in poor countries where Hp infection is widespread.
a test using 10 rnl ofblood (HIV infected) treated with an unknown 0 3 concentration
plus heat (?) plus irradiation with IV (?) and then reinjected IM.
In 1994, I feit as if I was between the devil and the deep blue sea : many patients
at the hospital refused AZT and other therapies and solicited me to perform
ozonetherapy. Garber's study was uninformative but news from Germany was
c1aiming exceIlent results and I wondered what was true. I must confess that even in
these days, when I receive news that ozone (direct IV injection or hyperbaric 0 3 !!)
works weIl, I get confused and I start to wonder if I am mistaken.
I had mixed feelings when I tried to evaluate the pros and cons (Bocci , I994a, b,
1996a) in order to elaborate a rational approach : I) By oxidizing the viral gp 120 or
gp41 , ozone may inactivate some free viruses in plasma, but the required
concentration is between 40 and 80 ug /rnl gas per ml of blood. 2) If it were true that
infected leukocytes have a decreased content of antioxidant enzymes, we might even
induce their death, but this could lead to further viral dissemination. In any case , the
ozonization of 250 mI blood (about 1/20 of the blood mass) would have only a
negligible impact on the total viral load. 3) It remained uncertain whether the free
inactivated viruses may either induce tolerance or may act as an endogenous
immunogen and/or as an activator of cell-rnediated immunity. While an increase of
antibodies is hardly helpful, the activation of cytotoxic T Iymphocytes (CTL) could
be . 4) By acting on BMC, ozone may stirnulate the production of irnmunoregulatory
cytokines; in 1994, we hoped that CD8 + T Iyrnphocytes present in long-term
survivors might either release the phantom cell antiviral factor (CAF; Walker and
Levy, 1989) or Th l -type cytokines, such as IFNy and IL-2, to block the shift
towards the production of Th2-type cytokines (IL-4, 5, 6, 10) (Clerici and Shearer,
1993, 1994). At that time, we did not know that CTL could release ß-chemokines
(MIP-Ia, MIP-Iß and Rantes) , which by binding to the second receptor (CCR5) on
CD4 T Iymphocytes (the first receptor is known as CD4) impede the infection of
ceIls by HIV-I (Cocchi et al., 1995; Feng et al., 1996; Alkhatib et al., 1996; Deng et
al., 1996; Zagury et al., 1998). On the other hand, release of GM -CSF and TNF-a
may have increased viral replication and accelerate the progression of the disease
(Pemo et al., 1989; Mellors et al., 1991). 5) It was difficult to predict if improved
oxygenation and activation of rnetabolism could have exerted a prevalently
beneficial or negative effect. 6) One great hope was the possibility of inducing the
adaptation to COS and I don 't think that the daily oral antioxidant supplement could
inhibit the process. 7) Activation of psychosomatic factor might have been helpful
but , at the same time, an increase of ACTH-cortisol release with a reduced DHEA
secretion may have enhanced imrnunosuppression (Clerici et al., 1994; Corley,
1995). 8) A pitfall was that in 1995 we were using PVC bags for autotransfusion,
which we now know may cause immunosuppression and PVC toxicity, to the
patients' disadvantage.
In July 1995, we began a trial on 10 patients (8 men, 2 wornen), aJl of them also
HCV positive. The patients had CD4 + T cell counts of about 260 cells /ul and an
average plasrna HIV-I RNA level of 138,000 copies per ml.
After a few sessions, the women refused to continue owing to emotional stress
and one man was very depressed and gave up because his girlfriend had left hirn.
They were between 26 and 37 years old and, after talking with them often, I realised
how unhappy and strained they were. They were very grateful for what we were
trying to do and occasionally when I apologized for an imperfect venous puncture,
they were most kind and said: don 't worry , we have been so stupid to inject and
drug ourselves so many times , throwing away our lives , that you are always perfect.
Obviously I wished very much that the treatment would be beneficial, but in any
case their gratitude was so sincere that I rarely feit more rewarded.
The patients had never been treated, because they refused AZT and other
complementary therapies, and they signed an informed consent form for
ozonetherapy. The trial ended in February 1996 and three patients underwent as
many as 54 OJ-AHT, receiving an overall ozone dose of 1080 mg evenly distributed
in 16.2 I of blood. Although the study analysed a limited number of patients,
repeated measurements of relevant virological markers indicated that ozonetherapy
carried out with great care neither improves nor worsens the dynamics of HIV-1
replication. CD4 + lymphocytes slightly increased (p=0.066) from 272±99 to
341±133. Therapy was stopped in one patient after two months because the viral
load in plasma showed a marked increase. Plasma HIV-I DNA remained stable
(-57,000 copies/Iü" CD4) and HIV -I RNA levels also remained practically
unvaried, except in one case . Serum ß2-micro-globulin increased significantly,
possibly as a result of OJ-AHT -mediated immunological enhancement. Analysis of
the three long-term ozone-treated patients at week 24 confirmed sustained CD4
counts and a stable viral load . While in the lay press there have been many
undocumented claims that OJ-AHT is effective in HIV -I infection, we could not
document any substantial advantage, even though no patient reported side effects,
haematology parameters remained stable and some patients reported a feeling of
well-being and a decreased incidence of oral candidosis and herpes labialis. The full
report has been published (Bocci et al., 1998c). In any event, against the most
pessimistic predictions of distinguished scientists, ozonetherapy did not harm the
patients and it is possible that the adaptation to COS induced by ozonetherapy
countered the COS established by the virus . Indeed in two patients, we measured a
significant increase of erythrocytic SOD after 4 and 5 OJ-AHT (Bocci, 1996a).
Even in these days, I continue to ask myself if I was wrong in selecting the ozone
concentration (-68 ug /ml per ml blood), or the schedule, or the use of PVC bags or
what else? I also very much regret that I was unable to retrace these patients and see
how they fared, but the physicians in charge at the hospital did not bother to help me.
Needless to say, I have often been solicited to perform 03-AHT in the occasional
patient, but the ID unit at the Polyclinic is not willing to perform a study. One good
reason is that HAART (no venous punctures) can be done at horne and is usually
very effective. This therapy has been able to inhibit HIV -1 replication, resulting in
undetectable levels of free viruses in plasma in about two-thirds of patients for at
least 3 years, and thus has been a great success (Pomerantz, 1999; Gulick et al.,
2000 ; Montaner and Mellors, 200 I) because it has reduced morbidity and mortality.
Unfortunately, the initial hope to totally eradicate the virus has not come true
because the virus remains hidden in resting CD4 + T cells and in sanctuaries (Chun
and Fauci , 1999); as soon as HAART is stopped, plasma viremia becomes detectable
in about 3 weeks (Chun et al., 1999). The benefit of complementing the therapy
with SC admin istration of IL-2 (Levy et al., 1999; Davey et a\., 2000) or with the
promising option of "structured intermittent therapy" (Ruiz et a\., 2001) remains to
be assessed, but it is now eertain that eontinuous HAART is toxie (Hruz et a\., 2001 ;
Fellay et a\., 2001), diffieult to adhere to and very expensive, even for Amerieans
(Steinbrook, 2001) .
Does it make any sense today to think that ozonetherapy eould help HIV
patients? My answer is: yes and no! No, if we want to substitute HAART with
ozone . The former is in eontinuous evolution and there is great hope of having even
more potent and less toxie drugs, thus redueing treatment failures due to the
induetion of resistanee or poor eomplianee (Weller and Williams, 2001) . Despite the
news I reeeive from quaeks, I am eonvineed that ozone eannot match HAART in
removing HIV from the plasma, when we know that blocking viral replication is a
fundamental step . There is no need to eomment about the belief that HIV is not the
erucial eulprit.
However, ozonetherapy may be useful as a eomplementary therapy for the
following reasons:
a) Now, with the new option of BOEX (or at least RI), we have a praetieal ,
inexpensive and above all non-invasive approach (no venous puncture or risk of
infeetion) .
b) Using a gradual increase of ozone eoneentrations (from low to medium : 20-40
ug/rnl), we may aehieve:
• adaptation to COS, hence a re-equilibration of the eellular redox state , which
is a fundamental proeess for inhibition of HIV replication;
• eorrection of hyperlipidemia and peripheral lipodystrophy . With the EBOO
proeedure, we have already eorreeted two serious eases ofMadelung's disease;
• a eorreetion of the wasting syndrome instead of adm inistering reeombinant
GH and DHEA (Murphy and Longo, 2000) ;
• a feeling of euphoria, counteraeting asthenia and depression.
The same objeetives can be aehieved using EBOO or OJ-AHT (in very
preearious patients, even using allogeneic AHT with LD blood), but these
approaches are technically more eomplex , invasive and more expensive.
It is not yet elear what will be the most profieient strategy for intermittent
therapy, i.e. HAART either on a monthly or a seven-day-on-off sehedule, with
ozonetherapy performed during the periods ofHAART interruptions.
I would Iike to elose this section by offering my enthusiastic eollaboration to
anyone seriously interested in eondueting a eontrolled study . I cannot do it here
beeause I have neither funds nor support . Yet I would bet that official medicine will
disregard my offer and eontinue to test IL-2 and hormones because , eoneeptually,
the injection of drugs is preferred. Nonetheless, I insist in saying that if we want to
assess whether ozonetherapy has any value, we must eonduet appropriate studies in
eollaboration with expert infectivologists, virologists, pathologists and statistieians.
et al., 1998). In line with this ftnding is the fact that administration of NAC (plus
IFN) reduces the plasma level of transaminases (Larrea et al., 1998). The local
release of TGFß is doubly deleterious because it inhibits the synthesis of
MnSOD (while IL-I and IFNy increase it) and enhances hepatic fibrogenesis
(Poynard et al., 1997; Poli and Parola, 1997). It can be hypothesized that
prolonged ozonetherapy may be able to reverse the COS by upregulating
antioxidant enzymes in the liver. This would be an interesting and positive
result, but it remains to be demonstrated. It is also unknown whether
ozonetherapy can induce the release of growth-stimulating factors (mainly
hepatocyte growth factor, HGF, and TGFo.) and/or growth- inhibitory factors to
regulate liver homeostasis during infections, which implies continuous destruction
and regeneration ofliver tissue (Fausto et al., 1995; Ankoma-Sey, 1999).
100 2 \
'J I r , \
50 I "
' , '\
Figure 96. In the ozonetherapy literature, there is only this diagram showing the improvement
0/ three markers in a patient with chronic HB V hepatitis. 21 DrAHT were p erform ed between
August 25. 1980 and June 1981. The bilirubin (BILl) level increased during theflrst month
and then declined to normal values (Viehahn. 1994) .
does not overcome the problem of lack of funding to pay for laboratory exams and
medical personnel and we are now at astandstill.
-. , \
120 . , - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ,
100 ···..··SGOT
.., \ - ·SGPT
.......... " --GGT
- ----
60 "
.•......'-. -----
.... ......_-~----
.. '*
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Sam pie number
Figure 97. The pattern oftransaminase plasma levels ofpatients with chronic Hel'
hepatitis treated with OrAHT throughout one year. Ordinate: lU/mi enzymes. All three
decreased levels are statistically significant (p<.O.01) (Amato et al.• 2000)
I must mention that, at the Siena congress, areport was presented by Luongo et
al. (2000) regarding 0 3-AHT in 82 HCV patients. They c1aimed to have monitored
and recorded the redox potential of cell membranes (?) with a non-invasive method
for each patient so that, on the basis of the ongoing measurements, they could
modify and optimize the 0 3 concentration. This was not specified but presumably
ranged from 0 to 60 ug/ml, according to the redox potential.
My comment was that the results sounded too good to be true, but the proof of
the pudding is in the eating. Several types of the redox potent ial apparatus appear
often in the field of complementary medicine; while their real validity remains
questionable, the fee of the "physician" goes up. Nonetheless, I have the duty to
summarize their data :
a) 30% of patients initially presented between 250,000 and 1,000,000 HCV
b) 40% of patients initially presented between 1,000,000 and 5,000,000 HCV
c) 20% of patients initially presented between 5,000,000 and 7,000,000 HCV
d) 10% of patients initially presented between 7,000,000 and 10,200,000 HCV
copies /ml
The HCV-RNA was quantitatively assessed by the Reverse PCR method.
The amazing results are that 99% of the 82 patients treated for 3 to 6 months
(schedule unknown) showed a more than 80% reduction of the viral load, with 9
patients achieving negativity between 4 and 16 weeks. Biochemical and histological
responses were not mentioned. Patients previously pretreated with IFN or diabetic
subjects were particularly resistant to the treatment and this is not surprising.
I very much hope that this group will publish these data in an international, peer-
reviewedjournal, because, iftrue, they will represent a significant advancement.
In conclusion, ozonetherapy may be useful in chronic HCV hepatitis, but firm
evidence ofthis is stilliacking.
Therefore, the refusal of orthodox hepatologists to test this approach is
comprehensible. It is more so because, since the 1980s, IFNs (particularly u type)
have proved to be useful, although not always resolutive. Indeed even after intensive
6-12 months therapy, up to 50% of patients may show a good clinical response, but
about 1/3 of them soon relapse. Particularly during the first month of therapy, most
patients report significant and well known side effects, which partially recede later
on. Moreover, elderly patients may show a worrisome depressive state (Bocci,
1988a; Spat-Schwalbe et al., 2000; Malaguarnera et al., 200 I; Musselman et al.,
2001 ). About 20% of patients do not tolerate IFN therapy, while about 70%
experience acceptable side effects and a lucky 10% have no problems. Patients with
extensive liver fibrosis or thrombocytopenia or anaemia have to be treated with great
Resistance to IFN is frequent in older patients, in those with a highly chronicized
disease or with high serum viral load or with HCV genotypes land 4 (while
genotypes 2 and 3 are favourable), in men more than women, in black patients, in
alcoholic or immunodeficient (HIV) patients, or in hepatitis complicated by
cryoglobulinemia, vasculitis, membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis, arthritis,
etc. (Johnson et al., 1994).
Hundreds of good studies (Dusheiko, 1995; Hoofnagle and Bisceglie, 1997) have
been performed, mostly using IFNu, and to make a long story short, IFN is now
considered the treatment of choice. The use of Peg IFNu-2a (with a very long half-
life, so that only one dose per week is required to maintain effective levels in the
blood) in combination with ribavirin (1 .0-1.2 g a day) for at least six months appears
effective in about 40% of patients, although half of them may continue to have
viremia once the treatment is stopped. (Heathcote et al., 2000; Zeuzem et al., 2000;
Manns et al., 2001). Ribavirin, an oral purine nucleoside analogue, is modestly
effective on its own, but it seems to develop asynergie effect with either IFNu alone
or Peg IFNu (Reichard et al., 1998; McHutchison et al., 1998; Poynard et al., 1998;
Andreone et al., 1999; Cummings et al., 200 I; Younossi et al., 200 I) . Ribavirin may
induce haemolytic anaemia, which occasionally is severe enough to require the
discontinuation oftreatment. Even though Peg IFNu-2a is a "retard" IFN, it induces
adverse effects similar to those with the unpegylated counterpart.
Chronic HBV infection affects more than 350 million people worldwide, Like
HCV infection, it carries the risk of developing cirrhosis and , once viral DNA has
been integrated into hepatocytes, liver cancer. The therapeutic aim is to stimulate a
valid immune response, which with time may lead to viral clearance and reduce liver
a) permanent serum HCV RNA clearance, tested with the most precise system .
Viral load should be assessed before treatment, after 3 and 6 months therapy and
then after a further 3 months .
b) normalization of hepatic biochemistry (SGOT , SGPT, GGT, bilirubin levels).
Test as in (a).
c) liver histological results, whenever possible before and 3 months after the 6-
month course . If liver biopsy is refused, a surrogate test to indirectly evaluate
liver fibrosis may be used. Moreover, in addition to all the routine biochemical
tests, TAS, TBARS and PTG should be measured every 3 months. Of particular
interest is the evaluation of cholesterol, LOL, HOL, albumin, fibrinogen,
prothrombin and CRP .
Moreover, as I doubt that a brief course of ozonetherapy can reduce the viral
load (as observed with HIV infection), we could test a hybrid approach: firstly ,
knock down the viral load with a short (1-2 weeks) intensive treatment with IFNa
(Neumann et al., 1998) or IFN-ß (Ikeda et al., 2000) followed by 0 3-AHT according
to the schedule described above. ladmit that these may be hopeless speculations.
Yet, for many reasons, hepatitis C is a very heterogeneous and difficult disease, for
which ozonetherapy might be useful in complementing conventional therapies to
achieve a favourable outcome.
Finally, a sort of minor plasma autotherapy can be envisaged and utilized for
priming and activating natural immunity: it may be worth while to evaluate a
protocol based on repeated, weekly IM injections of 1-2 ml autologous plasma
heavily ozonized to produce a viral immunogenic vaccine.
Herpes simplex viruses (HSV-I and HSV -2) cause human infections involving
mucocutaneous surfaces, the CNS and possibly visceral organs in
immunosuppressed patients.
HSV-I is mostly responsible for causing oral-facial herpes, but it can spread to
give an herpetic eye infection that may lead to corneal blindness. HSV-2 is mostly
responsible for lesions on the genitalia, and it recurs petiodically. HSV infection of
the finger (herpetic whitlow) usually represents a complication of oral or genital
Although these infections are usually limited, their frequent recurrence
compromises the patient's quality of life (Arvin and Prober, 1997). Current antiviral
chemotherapy is prevalently based on systemic (oral andJor IV) administration of
nucleoside analogues: aciclovir, famciclovir and valaciclovir. These drugs are not
always effective because of aciclovir-resistant strains .
Control of HSV infection may be achieved by a vaccine, which has been late in
coming and has showed effectiveness only in women not previously infected with
HSV-I (Stephenson, 2000) . A promising therapy for genital herpes is the local use
of a gel containing an immune response modifier called resiquimod, which is able to
stimulate antibody and cytokine production (Bishop et al., 2001) .
Herpetic cheratitis can be treated with ophthalmic IFNa or IFNß plus aciclovir.
Herpes zoster (HZ), or shingles, is a distressing disease affecting about 1% of the
over-60 population. It is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, which remains in a
quiescent state in the nerve root ganglia after recovery from chicken pox . The virus
may be reactivated during an immunosuppressive state. It causes a unilateral
dermatomal, vesicular rash associated with severe pain . The frequency of location
is: trigeminal (16%), thoracic (50'%), cervical (14%) and lumbar (12%)
dermatomers. If the disease goes untreated, the pain can last for months and can be
complicated by post-herpetic neuralgia (PHN). This complication is rare in young
middle-age patients (30-50 years) but is frequent in elderly patients. PHN should be
prevented by intensive therapy as early as possible. Unfortunately, the incidence of
this complication increases with age and with immune depression. It seems that
microinfusion of anaesthetics via the peridural route, initiated no later than I week
from the appearance of the cutaneous exanthema, may reduce the incidence and
minimize the pain . By blocking the axonplasmatic transport, local anaesthetics can
prevent diffusion of the HZ virus to neurones in the spinal cord, thus reducing
neuronal death and the consequent allodynia and abnormal sensations. The anti-
epileptic, gabapentin, is widely used, but is not always effective. The sooner an
appropriate treatment is started, the better. Prophylaxis in patients over 60 and at
risk has been partially accomplished by the administration of specific zoster immune
globulin (ZIG) or by shingles vaccine (NIAID, Bethesda, USA, 1999). Antiviral
chemotherapy is based on aciclovir, valaciclovir or, probably even better,
famciclovir with or without prednisolone (Wood et aI., 1994, Whitley and Roizman,
200 I), but they have little effect on the healing of skin lesions or pain. The use of
corticosteroids is controversial: although they reduce inflammation, they inhibit
healing and enhance immunosuppression, which is exactly what favours the virus.
Administration of amitryptline (25 mg for 3 months) seems to reduce the pain
(Dworkin, 1999). Taking drugs continuously can reduce or suppress herpetic
infections, but it is expensive, can cause adverse effects and induce viral resistance.
This is what official medicine offers today, but it cannot necessarily satisfy all
patients. Although these diseases are not deadly, they are serious and we must foster
a sense of concern and the need ofbetter therapeutics.
As this book is aimed at critically evaluating ozonetherapy, I have the duty to
report the usual litany of wonderful results obtained with ozonetherapy. The
problem is that these results have been reported at best in an abstract form, are very
difficult to trace and analyse, and can be considered anecdotaI. It seems that
Mattassi (1981 , 1983) treated 20 patients, of which ll presented herpes simplex and
9 had HZ. I believe the pat ients were treated with 5 to 12 IV injections of 02-03!
After a few injections, all patients overcame the infectious episode and only a few
had a recurrence over several years. None of the patients had side effects. Mattassi
(1981) stated that results were incredibly rapid and that to be successful the therapy
should be started as soon as the lesion appears. Dr . J. Delgado, of the Center of
Medical and Surgical Research in Havana, treated 15 patients suffering from HZ
with daily IM infections of Or03 and topical applications of ozonized sunflower oil.
He noted a marked improvement after a few days and alI patients were cured after
two weeks, without showing any relapse. He concluded that "the low cost , the easy
ava ilability and simple application made ozonetherapy the treatment of choice". I
believe that Dr . H. Konrad works in Sao Paulo (Brazil); he has reported (1995,
2001) that 03-AHT was effective in both herpetic infections and was able to
minimize the complication of PHN evaluated in 55 patients.
I think it is important to report the experience of Dr . Giuseppe Amato, already
cited for the study performed in chronic HCV infection. I believe that bis work in
treating PHN patients is outstanding; it has been performed at the Hospital
"DeGironcoli" at Conegliano Veneto in Italy during the last decade. Although this is
an open study, it is praiseworthy and regards 180 patients (84 men and 96 women)
between 40 and 85 years of age :
Patients always arrived at the hospital with some delay when previous physicians
feit unable to deal with the intense pain of acute HZ infection. Evaluation of pain
was carried out with the visual analogue scale (VAS) . On the basis of previous
experience, Dr. Amato decided to abandon all conventional med ication and examine
ozonetherapy associated with the microinfusion of anaesthetics (usually 12 ml of
marcaine at 0.25% daily) mostly via the epidural route to block the sympathetic
system in relation to the dennatome presenting the cutaneous rash.
The concomitant use of two therapies or the lack of a control is usually open to
criticism, but in the case of PHN it had be done for ethical reasons in order to reduce
the pain.
Dr. Amato proceeded systematically to perfonn :
a) 03-AHT (150 ml of blood collected in Na citrate and a total ozone dose of 10.5
mg or 70 ug /ml) every day for 4 consecutive days and then every other day for 2
weeks (at least 10 treatments).
b) Local treatment using compresses moistened with ozonized water during the day .
The applicatlon of ozonized oil at night is effective and most irnportant.
c) Sympathicolysis ofthe stellate ganglion or other ganglia at various levels .
Owing to the fact that patients below 50 years rarely develop PHN, they
underwent only ozonetherapy. Pain disappeared after 2-3 days (i.e. after 2-3 0 3-
AHT) and the exanthema also improved very rapidly. Three patients (out of 30)
developed PHN after 2 months and they were promptly treated with anaesthetics.
However, in the subjects over 50 (150 patients), Dr. Amato believed it ethically
correct to practise both therapies on a prophylactic basis, because they are at areal
risk of developing PHN.
Anaesthetic treatment was perfonned daily for no more than 10 days at the level
ofthe stellate ganglion and for no more than 20 days in other locations .
. On average, pain disappeared after the first application:
After 3-4 days, the pain disappeared in about 90% of patients; although further
treatment seemed unnecessary, it continued for up to 20 days in order to prevent
PHN later on. All patients were followed for 2 to 5 years : of 99 patients older than
50 and treated as indicated above in the first week, only 12 developed mild PHN that
was successfully treated with both therapies . Of the remaining 51 patients treated
with a delay longer than one week, the percentage increased and was in relation to
the delay. In conclusion, it appears that the combination of ozonetherapy with
anaesthetic intervention is most effective in preventing PHN in patients older than 50.
In view of the difficulty of managing PHN, the results appear impressive. By
sheer necessity, they lack controls (0 2 only) and, in this regard, I must report another
surprising study. Olwin et al. (1997) found that minor AHT (10 ml of blood not
treated with O 2-03 or O 2) was effective in eliminating clinical sequelae in 8 of
12 (66%) patients with thoracic HZ, in 9 of9 (100%) patients with ophthalmic HZ
and in I with lurnbar-thigh HZ. They claimed (data not presented) that IFNa., IFNß
and IL-4 levels were increased in the patients within 24 hours after the IM blood
injection . They also mentioned that another 25 cases of herpes infections of various
types yielded favourable results , noting that the rate of success depends on early
intervention. A delay of 2-13 months between the first symptoms and treatment
yields negative results. As this report originates from reliable institutions (Rush
Presbyterian St. Luke's Medical Center and Life Seiences Department, IIT Research
Institute, Chicago, USA), the data ought to be true. If they are, they partly support
Amato's data; yet they totally refute the value of oxygen-ozone, Moreover, if they
are true, Health Authorities and official Medicine have the obligation to verify
them: irrespective of the skepticism toward ozone, it is outrageous that we
intoxicate HZ patients with expensive, but modestly effective, pills when a few
trivial injections of autologous blood into the patient's buttock could relieve awful
pain in 2 to 8 days. However , authoritative scientists and clinicians obviously do not
bother to believe, or to read, papers published in the Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine and prefer to administer expensive drugs. This is even
more reproachable because simple AHT is an old medical practice (Maddox and
Back, 1935; Hardwick , 1940; Martindale and Capper, 1952); even I performed it in
1953 when I was an intern in Clinical Medicine!
If dermatologists and neurologists, as weil as general practitioners, ever read this
section, they might think that everything I have written is false and it would be
better to forget everything. I have no direct experience, but I fully trust Dr. Amato
and I am inclined to believe that, bearing in mind that orthodox medicine does not
offer much to highly distressed patients, we should attempt to prove or disprove the
validity of either simple AHT or 0 3-AHT. As soon as I fmish writing this book, I
will revive my proposal of a protocol evaluating herpetic infections and HZ, which
in 1999 was refused by the Professor of Dermatology . In spite of everything , I am
still optimistic that many physicians are not aware of ozonetherapy and that they
may be willing to try it. I am certainly ready to help anyone .
Most of these diseases are present in hot-humid countries and are seen less
frequently in Europe, either as opportunistic infections or after a trip to the tropies .
Among fungal infections, those that have been treated with ozone are
onychomycosis (tinea pedis or athlete's foot) and eandidiasis. Owing to the US
embargo against Cuba, scientists and physieians in Havana have used ozone , as
necessity is the mother of invention. At the XII IOA Congress (LiIle 1995), it was
reported that treatment of a sick nail with 1-2 drops of ozonized sunflower oil for
several days led to a complete eure in 69% of patients (the remaining 31'% showed
marked improvement). In contrast, in the group treated with tolnaftate solution twiee
a day, only 7% were eured, 25'% improved and there was no change in 68'%,
probably owing to drug resistance (Menendez et al., 1995) . Using ozonized olive oil
topically, we have achieved incredible results; in fact, we now believe that this
simple preparation is really effective because it is amply disinfectant and able to
stimulate the healing proeess. I predict that , as soon as prejudiees disappear and
physieians beeome aware of this fact and try ozonized oil with good results, it wiIl
become widely used worldwide with great patient satisfaction .
Candidiasis and any other fungal infection can obviously be treated with
systemic and topical antifungals, but I can guarantee that gas insufflation (whenever
possible), ozonized water and ozonized oil applied topically have equal , if not
superior, effectiveness.
Giardiasis is a parasitic infeetion eaused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia,
common in areas with poor sanitation and present even in the United States .
Cryptosporidiosis is also a diarrhoeal disease, caused by protozoa of the genus
Cryptosporidium . Good drugs Iike metronidazole are effective but have some side
effects. In Cuba, at first they used to drink ozonized water, at least four of five
glasses per day on an empty stornach for repeated periods of 10 days separated by a
I week interval. According to Sardina et al. (1991), up to 48% of patients became
asymptomatic after the second cycle . Ingestion of ozonized oil seems more
effective, but it is hard to swaIlow. An improved administration is represented by
capsules filled with ozonized oil. A 10-day cycle "cured" 79% of children, while the
remaining 21% showed a marked improvement of symptoms but still had cysts or
trophozoites in the faeces (Menendez et al., 1995) . No side effects were reported.
There is no need to report other studies because the therapeutic modality is the
same . However, it is certainly worth keeping this approach in mind for use in poor
countries of Africa, Asia and South America affected by several fungal and parasitic
diseases. Areas lacking electricity cannot produee ozone and ozonized water . Thus
the World Health Organization (WHO) ought to promote a standard and very
eeonomical production of ozonized oil (which keeps weil) and distribute it where
needed. I should try to promote this enterprise, although it may have little value
unless we ean reduce the rate of infection by improving sanitation in all directions.
Just a few .words about malaria, which remains another scourge of our time ,
exacting atoll of I million deaths each year . Unfortunately, both the mosquitoes and
the protozoan Plasmodium falciparum have become resistant , the former to
insecticides and the latter to drugs . Almost 20 years ago, Dockrell and Playfair
showed in mice that H202 is able to kill Plasmodium yoelii. At the XV 10A
Congress (London, September 10-15, 200 I), Viebahn-Hansler et al. reported that
parasite growth can be inhibited by ozone at a concentration of 80 ug/ml after
ozonization of a blood cell suspension. However, in contrast to the sarcastic opinion
of many scientists that ozone is a panacea, I doubt that ozonetherapy would ever be
useful because parasites are well protected by the plasma and cellular antioxidant
system , as weil as being hidden in the spleen and other sanctuaries. Moreover, 0 3-
AHT or EBOO are demanding approaches and would be difficult to organize in
tropical countries for the treatment of millions of people. I feel pessimistic about
wasting our meagre resources on diseases such as HIV and malaria for which the
administration of oral drugs or a long-sought vaccine appear rational and could be
more useful on a large scale.
Autoimmune diseases are areal thomy problem because serious diseases such as
rheumatoid arthritis (RA), Sjögren's syndrome, vaseulitis, multiple sc1erosis (MS) ,
systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Crohn's disease, systemic sc1erosis (SSc)
should have attracted our attention a long time ago, instead of treating unaesthetic,
albeit very lucrative, lipodystrophy. Since 1983, this has been the almost exclus ive
interest of Italian ozonetherapists, which explains why today ozonetherapy is
regarded so poorly. It is even worse that at the annual meetings, two or three
ozonetherapists claim , with great rhetoric, that they are able to obtain such
wonderful results with a few OrAHT (ozone concentrations and schedule are
always uncertain) so that invalid patients are able to rise frorn the wheelchair and go
bicycling or dancing . In obedience to holistic therapy and to the patient's advantage
(so they say), they invariably mix ozonetherapy with magnetotherapy, phytotherapy,
homeopathy, chelation therapy, etc., so that it becomes impossible to c1arify the role of
ozonetherapy . Assuming that this exerts areal effect, it would be important to confirm
the results with a proper RCT in order to understand what mechanisms have been
activated, how relevant is the placebo effect and how long the improvement lasts.
The aetiology of these diseases remains hypothetical, while the pathogenetic
mechanisms are fairly common, obviously with different locations and with a strong
prevalence in women. Different tissues (articular, gut mucosa, myelin, etc.) are
infiltrated by macrophages, neutrophils and CTL, responsible for an abnormal
release of ROS and proinflammatory cytokines (IL-I ß, IL-2, IL-8, IL-12, IL-15, IL-
18, TNFa, IFNy), while inhibitory cytokines (lL-IO, IL- I I, TGFß 1) are largely
suppressed (Kuruvilla et al., 1991; Brandes et al., 1991; Taga et al., 1993; Akdis et
al. , 1998; Letterio and Roberts , 1998; Mclnnes and Liew, 1998; Pizarro et al., 1999;
Perdue, 1999; Dinarello, 1999; Herrrnann et al., 2000) .
in the submucosa (Steidler et al., 2000) . TGFßl mayaiso be efficacious but has
not yet been tested . The usefulness of IFNa remains equivocal.
• Oral tolerance. If the responsible autoantigens ean be identified , their oral
administration eould induee an immune tolerance and represent a rational
• Probiotics. In Chapter 19, the critical role of genetic susceptibility of the gut
mieroflora and its interaction with enterocytes and the MALT was discussed .
There are promising, yet unsubstantiated, results after administration of
laetobaeilli, bifidobacteria, Strepto coccus thermophilus, ete. This complementary
approach should not be disregarded, since it is non-toxie and may become more
useful by modifying the luminal environment by intermittent hydrocolon
therapy. A correet ecologieal environment can be restored by microflora
administered via enema .
• Dietetic support. As previously mentioned, a diet enriehed with n-3 PUFAs
present in fish oil generates (via cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase) 3-series PGs
and 5-series LTs, which are anti-inflammatory and may re-equilibrate the Th l-
Th2 pattern (Hodgson, 1996). n-3 PUFAs can easily be taken in eapsules
(Belluzzi et al., 1996) or emulsionated with milk. Although this approach is
probably not sufficient to solve the problem, it is recommended and obviously
has to be continued for life.
• SC administration 0/ growth hormone for four months (Slonim et al., 2000) . The
optimal dose, schedule and duration of response remain to be defined .
• The last approach regards a biotechnological "jewel", i.e. the licensing in the
USA and Europe of infliximab, an antibody against TNFa (anti-TNFa). This
chimeric antibody is about 25% mouse and 75% human and is still
immunogenic. A humanised antibody, CDP571 (only 5% mouse and 95%
human) , is probably better, but is not yet available. RCTs involving the IV
infusion of these antibodies have shown clinical benefits in about 65% of
patients with severe Crohn's disease and fistulae. Four trials have examined a
total of 306 patients (Targan et al., 1997; Present et al., 1999) and a very
informative commentary has been published in which Bell and Kamm (2000)
conclude that "although treatment with anti-TNFa has improved the quality 0/
life for some patients with Crohn's disease, knowledge ofits proper clinical role
will come only with time". Another geneticallyengineered product is the soluble
TNFa receptors consisting of two identical chains of the extracellular human
p75 TNF reeeptor monomer fused to the Fe domain of human IgG I. This is
known as etanercept and is administered SC twice a week. These new products
are now limited by their cost, not only in Europe but also in the U.S.
Orthodox therapy aims to relieve pain , reduce and possibly resolve inflammation
and enhance healing.
Lets us now consider the official therapeutic arsenal of Crohn's disease and
RA versus ozonetherapy. Because someone may think that I am biased against
official medicine, I invite everyone to read Sartor's commentary (2000) about new
approaches to Crohn's disease and the commentaries ofO'Dell (1999) and Pisetsky
(2000) about RA. Although all three authors agree that a new era of improved
treatment has arrived, they caution that a multitude of bad effects may appear. Sartor
(but also Bell and Kamm, 2000) is particularly critical. Possible problems include :
allergic reactions and serum-sickness-like reaction, induction of antibodies to
double-stranded DNA, occurrence of lymphoma (shown already in 6 patients) and
development of tubercolosis (Keane et al., 200 I). Use of infliximab costs about
12,000 pounds per year . About 33% of patients are unresponsive and some pat ients
are not suitable for immunological therapy. All previous therapies , as reviewed by
Sartor, are both scarcely effective and present serious adverse effects .
Regarding ozonetherapy, besides a few unbelievable anecdotes or scanty results
by Knock and Klug (1990) , there is only the study performed at Cuba's Institute of
Rheumatology in 1988 on 17 patients treated with IM injections of Os-O, (total dose
of ozone : 700 ug) for 8 weeks combined with NSAID . Apparently about 25% of
ozone-treated patients scored 25% better than controls (Menendez et al., 1989). It is
Who can pay the cost of endoscopic, radiological, histologieal, biochemical and
clinical exams? We are not backed by any pharmaceutical and/or biotechnological
firm because ozonetherapy does not produce profits. However, if ozonetherapy
proved to be useful, it would save money for the National Health Service. Yet, I
doubt that the Ministry of Health, biased and myopie as it has proved to be in the
past, will ever support this research.
(COP) 01' glatiramer acetate (Duda et al., 2000; Kipnis et al., 2000; Neuhaus et a\.,
2000), which induces a shift from a Th -I to a Th-2 cytokine profile in COP-treated
patients. The present treatment of choice (for r-rMS) is IFNß-Ia (glycosylated) and
IFNß-Ib (a mutein). All of these drugs can cause immunosuppression to different
degrees, and particularly those indicated in a) and b) may cause serious adverse
effects. Despite their biochemical difference, both fonns of IFNß (approved by US
and European regulatory authorities) have a positive elinical effect, characterized by
a elear reduction of both the frequency and severity of exacerbations (Amason,
1993; Rudick et al., 1997; Polman and Uitdehaag, 2000). IFNßs are fairly weil
tolerated. Unfortunately, owing to striking phannacokinetic and pharmaeodynamic
differenees (Bocci, 1981b; 1987b; 1988a; 1990a; Bocci et al., 1988), IFNa-2a,
which eould be therapeutically useful, causes adverse events that negatively affect
the already poor quality of life of these patients (Nortvedt et al., 1999). IFNsß are
now in wide use, but problems such as the optimal dose and sehedule, the
appearance of neutralising antibodies (mostly to IFNß-I b) that may jeopardize
efficacy (AntoneIli et al., 1998), a possible relapse when stopping therapy and the
eonsiderable cost, provide a glimmer of hope that a serious RCT based on
ozonetherapy is still meaningful. In the ease of MS, nothing serious has been done
and my attempt to interest three neurologists was in vain beeause they were weil
sponsored by finns producing IFNß . Two ozonetherapists (one in Turin and another
in Milan) reported to me that they had achieved "good rcsults" treating MS patients
with OJ-AHT eombined with either magnetotherapy 01' ehelation therapy. No
Thus very \ittle hope remains and it also seems useless to speculate that in these
diseases, as weil as in others cited at the beginning of this section , it might have
been useful to combine 01' to alternate cyeles of IFNß 01' anti-TNFa antibodies with
ozonetherapy. An old adage says: "Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of
standing still".
The problem of Raynaud's phenomenon (Block and Sequeira, 2001) in
selerodenna patients will be considered in the next section .
It appears logical to think that if blood briefly exposed to oxygen-ozone can exert a
benefit, this would be best noted in isehaemic tissues . Even a partial obstruction of
limb arteries due to atheroselerosis (Lusis, 2000) 01' diabetes 01' Buerger's disease
(thromboangiitis obliterans) leads to a progressive reduction of blood flow to the feet.
Lack ofperfusion leads to tissue ischaemia and possibly cell death. Any minor trauma ,
nonnally irrelevant, facilitates the fonnation of an ulcer, which will not heal beeause
oxygen , nutrients and soluble media tors involved in the repair process are laeking.
Aeute \imb ischaemia is frequently eaused by aeute thrombotie oeclusion of a
pre-existing stenosis 01' by an embolus; it requires immediate surgieal 01' medieal
Stage J: Feeling of cold or nurnbness in the foot and toes. Skin temperature is
reduced. The foot is pale and frequently becomes cyanotic.
Stage JI: Paresthesia and hypoesthesia, firstly localized and successively diffused to
the whole foot. Hyporeflexia. This is the phase with incipient neurological defect.
Intermittent claudication. Pain may cease with rest.
Stage IJI: Pain at rest with noctumal exacerbation. Cyanosis becomes weil evident in
one or several toes , with an incipient trophic lesion or a frank uleer. (Rate of
amputation is - 15%).
Stage IV: Partial or total necrosis of one or several toes. Pain often becomes
unbearable (Rate of amputation is - 50%) .
improve POAD, but also cause frequent headaches, palpitations and dizziness
and should not be used with patients who also have heart failure.
2) Progression of atherosclerosis may be delayed by treatment of
hypercholesterolemia and platelet aggregation inhibitors (aspirin, ticlopidine,
clopidogrel), while thrombolytic intervention does not help POAD patients .
Propionyl levocamitine improves muscle metabolism and seems useful in
improving the quality of life, but certainly does not solve the central problem.
Needless to say, diabetic patients must be weil und er control (although it hardl y
helps), the homocysteine serurn concentration must be lowered and hypertension
must be treated with caution. The prognosis of POAD patients is dirn, with
progressive deterioration that limits their ability to perform daily activities.
In these circumstances, patients look for a treatment that may real1y improve
their condition. Thus oxygen-ozone therapy has attracted much attention. Whether it
deserves it and is really better than the multi form traditional therapy remains to be
seen, because most of the following data are questionable.
In the ozonetherapy field, the work by Rokitansky, who was president of the
Austrian Society ofOzonetherapy, is revered as the best. In 1981, he presented data
for 152 patients treated with OJ-AHT between 1974 and 1980.
Fontaine stage:
Patient number: 62 51 39
Very good
improvement: 87.1 % 70.6 % 53.8 %
Walking distance: > 1000 m > 800 m > 500 m
no pain at rest gangrene healed
Improved: 9.7 % 21.6 % 25.6 %
Walking distance: > 400-500 m > 300-400 m Amputation oftoes
occasional pain with healing of
No improvement
or progression: 3.2 % 7.8% 20.6%
The rate of amputations declined from 15 to 10% for stage III and from 50 to
27% for patients (Stage IV) treated with IA Ozone plus topical bagging.
This study is of no use today because IA injection of ozone has been abandoned
and the traditional treatment at that time is no match for the modern integrated
In 1987, Mattassi et al., working at the Vascular Surgical Unit at Garbagnate
Hospital near Milan, compared the old approach of IA injection of ozone (20 ml, 0 3
concentration: 40 ug/ml; 3 times per week or every day) to the c1assical 03-AHT
(200 ml blood in citrate, 0 3 concentration not specified, probably 30-40 ug/mI; one
session per week for a total of five sessions). They found that that OrAHT yielded
slightly better results than IA ozone (Table 22). They also reported (it is unclear if
they pooled the data) a significant increase of HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides.
Tahle 22. Comparison between IA ozone administration (IA03) and OrAHT in 101
patients (II stage). 53 patients (III stage) and 65 patients (IV stage).
After Rokitansky et al. (1981) asserted that ozone increases 2,3-DPG, lowers
fibrinogen and plasma viscosity, and reduces plasma cholesterol, it has become a
regular ritual to confirm these data.
The aim of orthodox therapy is to improve blood rheology by changing the
lifestyle (no smoking, almost a vegetarian diet , exercise, etc.) and using several
drugs aimed at different targets . Yet, in spite of a great effort, the success has been
meagre . As discussed in Chapter 14 (Erythrocytes), it is hard to believe that ozone
can produce all these magie results , because during the last 6 years of c1inical work
(with 0 3-AHT and EBOO) we have not been able to confirm them. We have not
observed a decrease of cholesterol plasma levels, nor a change of LDL ; if anything,
the fibrinogen level tends to increase slightly. In our ARMD study (about 5,000 0 3-
AHT) , often with 13-14 sessions , we observed a slight increase of2,3-DPG only in a
few patients who had a very low level prior to therapy . This result was also obtained
by Mattassi (1985) before uso Romero et al. (1993) conducted a useful study ,
comparing the relative efficacy of ozone adrninistered to POAD patients by: a) IM
gas injection, b) OrAHT, c) RI, and d) standard conventional treatment. Irrespective
of the administration route, ozonetherapy markedly improved the ABI and reduced
c1audication. Thus the authors reached the conclusion that RI was as effective but far
easier to perform than 03-AHT. As I am not enthusiastic about RI, I was surprised
when Mattassi confirmed, at the Verona Congress (1999), that among IA, OJ-AHT
and RI, the last approach is as effective as the first two and concluded that we must
bear in mind this finding because the patient who owns a generator can perform a
self-administration at horne. Russian c1inicians working at the Ozonetherapy Centre
in Nizhni Novgorod reported at the XII 10A Congress in Lille (1995) that ozone
admin istered by various techniques to 132 elderly patients (IV and SC injections of
O 2-0 3, IV infusion of ozonized rheomacrodex solution and 3-4 0 3-AHT) is "highly
effective" and induces "significant improvement ofpatients' weil being".
Amato's observations (2000) on the effect of 03-AHT as a unique therapy for
angina abdominis (AA) cannot be overlooked. AA is arare, painful abdominal
syndrome that manifests itself after a meal , probably owing to a localized transitory
ischaemia of the gut. Surgical vascular correction normally solves the problern. but
in the three elderly patients studied by Amato it was not feasible . A cycle of 10 Or
AHT (150 ml of blood treated with 0 3: 20-40 ug/rnl per ml of blood) followed by
maintenance therapy (one treatment every month) resolved the problem very weil
and patients, no Ionger afraid to have a meal , showed a marked improvement
without any side effects. The oldest patient, a woman of 87 years, has undergone
this therapy since 1994!
Who says that ozone is toxic?
A final remark can be made regarding the extraordinary capacity of combining
03-AHT with topical therapy (either gas or, better, ozonized water and oil) to allow
healing of awful decubitus or neerotie ulcers in the limbs (also see Chapter 14,
Platelets, and this Chapter). It takes some time but they do heal. Figure 98, taken
from Werkmeister's work (1995), shows that extensive lesions after X irradiation
took up to 190 days with only loeal treatment, but I believe that association with
parenteral treatment would have shortened the resolution time. Regarding ulcers on
limbs, irrespective of the aetiology (atherosclerosis, Buerger's disease, diabetes,
Raynaud's phenomenon), they do heal, even in the two exceptional cases described
by De Monte and van der Zee (2001).
160 r--------------------------,
E 100
c:: 80 -
:3 60
, ,
o 50 100 150 200 250
Figure 98. The diagram reports the time necessary /01' the healing 0/ decubitus ulcers in 8
patients after only topical hypobaric application o/OrOJ. according to Werkmeister (1995).
The ulcer q{ 153 cm' took about 190 days to heal. This time can be markedly shortened by
combining the parenteral (DrAHT) and topical (ozonized water and oil) treatments
In the first, a woman was initially treated with a percutaneous chemical (phenol)
lumbar sympathectomy, supplemented with a continuous infusion (0.5 ml/hour) of
bupivacaine 0.15% via an epidural catheter; this treatment only controlled the pain.
The second case was a man with painful bilateral leg ulcerations due to a vaseulitis.
A lumbar epidural catheter delivering 0.5 ml/hour of bupivacaine 0.20% and 0.125
mg/hour ofmorphine (3 mg/day) bare1y controlled the pain.and the ulcers worsened.
In both cases, healing was achieved by removing the catheters and perfonning 40
and 45 03-AHT, respectively, plus topical treatment with ozone.
Uleers from venous stasis have been treated and they also heal rapidly with the
combined treatment. However, phlebopathies have attracted less interest than
arteriopathies. If venous hypertension cannot be compensated by physiological
mechanisms, it leads to increased penneability at the level of the microcirculation,
Iymphatic hypertension, oedema and possibly torpid ulcers. I can report only one
investigation (Lo Prete, 2000) perfonned in patients with extended varicosity, which
examined subjective parameters (phlebalgia, feeling of orthostatic weight or pain,
fonnication and paresthesia), objective parameters (evening oedema, constant
oedema, haemosiderinic dermitis, fibrous hypodennitis, eczema, skin ulcerations)
and instrumental parameters (plethysmography, videocapillaroscopy and evaluation
of circumference at the calf and at the ankle-malleolus) , There were 15 patients (14
women and 1 man), from 20-60 years old, with marked varicosity complicated by
chronic venous insufficiency. Ozonetherapy was perfonned by SC and perivenous
injection ofup to 300 ml of gas (O~ + Oj) at an ozone concentration of 8 ug/ml in 60
sites (5 ml per site) . There were two treatments per week, repeated for 12 weeks
(total 24 sessions). The results are presented in the following tables:
There was a marked reduction of the peripheral venous stasis, likely due to
improved microcirculation. The SC and perivenous administration of gas caused
modest but transitory pain. No more than 5 ml per site ought to be injected. There are
no other adverse effects . Simultaneous topical treatment enhances the healing oftorpid
ulcers. The association with OrAHT may further improve the treatment.
Let us now try to reach some conclusions. It is unfortunate that the possibility of
improving tissue ischaemia with ozonetherapy has interested only a few vascular
surgeons. Conceptually, ozonetherapy is the warhorse of this approach and appears
to be very useful in skeletal muscle, myocardial and cerebraI ischaemia, because it
may : increase oxygen and glucose delivery by several mechanisms (Chapters 12 to
14), b) enhance angiogenesis via activation of resident stern cells, c) induce the
preconditioning phenomena by upregulating the expression of antioxidant enzymes
and HSPs, and d) trigger a neuro-humoral response to improve the quality of life .
This is exciting, but objectively we can conclude that none of the several studies is
Clearly Kraft et a\. are very critical and, in my opinion, they have verified the
validity of ozonetherapy on the wrong disease. Indeed mild hypertension is a life-
long ailment and there are optimal conventional remedies (Iow-sait diet, statins,
ACE-inhibitors, etc.) to keep it under control, so that the use of ozonetherapy is
unjustified. Moreover, the conclusions of these authors have been influenced by
prejudice and an incomplete knowledge of the potentials of ozonetherapy.
With regard to the standard set by official Medicine, we are practically back to
square one and if we really want to define the value of ozonetherapy in POAD
patients we must first define standard conditions and then perforrn serious RCTs .
The following guidelines are suggested:
I) among the four approaches, 03-AHT, RI, BOEX and EBOO, we can select the
first or the second because they are easy to perforrn and inexpensive. IA, IV or
SC injection of ozone as gas should be excluded. After a convenient wash-out
period, patient groups may switch over to compare 0rAHT and RI in the same
patient. For OrAHT, suitable ozone concentrations may range from an initial 20
ug/ml per ml of blood up to 40 ug /rnl at the beginning of the 3'd week. Two
treatments per week for a total of 16 treatments (8 weeks). In our experience a
shorter schedule is not valid. For RI, ozone concentrations may range frorn an
initial 5 J.lg up to 30 ug/rnl, increasing the gas volume progressively frorn 150 ml
to 600 ml in 2 weeks. Five treatments per week for 8 weeks. This schedule is not
practical for patients.
2) Groups of POAD patients belonging to stage 11, III and IV should be as
homogeneous as possible.
Two RCTs, one dealing with POAD and another with terminal cardiopathic
patients, will evaluate the toxicity and efficacy of EBOO according to the optimized
methodology (reported in Chapter 17) at the Siena and Modena University clinics.
We hope to be able to report the results within 2003 .
Owing to the systemic nature of atherosclerosis, both the heart and CNS are at
high risk in POAD, and there is a rather high incidence of myocardial infarction or
ischaemic stroke and/or terminal stage lirnb ischaemia. That is why we are testing
the validity of EBOO in end-stage cardiopathic patients when either transplantation
or surgical revascularization is not feasible . Our preliminary study (Di Paolo et al.,
2000) on three patients yielded results that are encouraging but regarded as
anecdotal because angiocardiographic examination could not be repeated after the
treatment. This project is ongoing and we have already treated 15 patients
(manuscript in preparation). For the time being, there are two studies: the Russian
trial was carried out in 39 patients with advanced coronary atherosclerosis. They
underwent five daily infusions (for 20 days) of ozonized saline solution. I believe
that ozonization was carried out at a very low ozone concentration (perhaps 2-3
ug /rnl), so the levels of HOCI were not too high and thus not too caustic! I must say
that I am dead against this procedure. However, Zhulina et al. (1993) concluded that
the treatment was effective because angina attacks decreased from an average of 6 to
about 2 per day . There were no controls with either oxygenated saline or simple
saline, which may have shown a significant placebo effect.
The second study is one ofthe best reported in the field and I am glad to say that
the editor of "Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine", who strongly opposes ozone
in Medicine (Chapter 2), decided to publish this paper. Hemandez et al. (1995) quite
correctly performed 03-AHT, five days per week for a total of 15 treatments, in 22
cardiopathic patients. They found a significant decrease in plasma cholesterol and
LDL levels (we shall see ifwe can confinn this finding after EBOO) and an increase
of erythrocytic GSH-Px and G-6PD , which is in line with the phenomenon of
adaptation to COS paradoxically induced by ozone.
It is fair to mention that the great hope of modem medicine is to use gene
therapy to elicit therapeutic angiogenesis in patients with chronic myocardial
ischaemia (Patterson and Runge, 2000 ; Jackson et al., 2001) . However, while this
new approach matures, I do not see anything wrong in evaluating ozonetherapy.
In about 80% of patients, ischaemic stroke results from atherothrombotic or
thromboembolic processes. Stroke can strike relatively young persons at the peak of
their intellectual activity and, if not fatal, can be highly debilitating. Fortunately,
Handel, Pasteur and Roosevelt, to cite a few, were able to make great contributions
to music, science and politics in spite of suffering a stroke .
Modem medicine has developed prophylactic measures able to reduce the risk of
transient ischaemic attacks (TIAs) or of stroke in prone individuals by 20-30%
(Gubitz and Sandercock, 2000). Moreover, anti-atherosclerotic drugs and, if
necessary, carotid endarcterectomy appear beneficial. In case of an acute stroke,
therapy must begun within the shortest possible time (from 0.5 to 2-3 hours) to
reperfuse the ischaemic penumbra surrounding the core of a cerebral infarction .
Time deIays are predominantly in the pre-hospital phase and can be fatal. Hypoxia
induces a cascade of metabolic disorders, such as tissue acidosis, reduction of ATP
levels, Ca 2+ overload, activation of glutamate receptors, N-methyl-D-aspartate
(NMDA) channel opening and release ofproteinases, leading to neuronal death . The
interested reader will appreciate the complex sequence of events carefully analyzed
by Besson and Bogousslavsky (1995) , Back (1998), Small et al. (1999) and
Rosenberg (1999) . Since the 1990s, IV thrombolysis using recombinant tissue
plasminogen activator (Tpa), with due caution to avoid cerebral haemorrhage, has
been applied to reduce the time of reperfusion and neuronal damage . In Cuba, where
there is a lack of Tpa (owing to the embargo), many hospital emergency units have
ozone generators at hand and patients with stroke are luckily treated as soon as
possible with oxygen-ozone therapy . Thus, we again face the old dilemma, which
need not exist if we have been able to weigh the risks and advantages of the two
To my knowledge, only a preliminary study has been reported by Wasser, a
German ozonetherapist, who has treated stroke patients privately, with all possible
inherent disadvantages. He reported at the XII IOA Congress (Lilie, 1995) that he had
treated several patients some time after they suffered an acute stroke. In spite of this
limitation, the use of 0 3-AHT every day seems to have improved the outcome, in the
sense that no patient died and they apparently recovered very rapidly. A1though the
study has obvious limitations, Dr. Wasser (1995b) has to be congratulated for his
adventurous enterprise, which deserves to be pursued. At my University, I have found
great disinterest; neurologists do not want to risk what they consider a reasonably valid
treatment (thrombolysis) for the uncertainty of ozonetherapy .
For what it is worth, my opinion is that a controlled study using either Tpa or
ozonetherapy, or a combination of the two, performed at the earliest possible time
after a stroke would be very informative. Indeed it would probably save lives or
reduce the disability.
On the basis of some experimental findings and on the uncertain validity of the cited
c1inical open studies, I believe that ozonetherapy could be useful in vascular diseases,
particularly in poor countries. However, it must be validated by RCTs in developed
countries. Regretfully, no support from Health Authorities or private organizations is
foreseeable and thus we have to continue the struggle and try to do our best.
Pholo receplo rs
Relinal vessels
Figure 99. Image ofthe ocularfundus (left side) with the macula lutea at the centre.
Schematic drawing (right side) 0/ the several retinal layers, from the internal limiting
membrane to the sclera . RPE: retinal pigment ep ithelium
• "dry" or atrophie form (the most eommon, aeeounting for 80-95% of eases),
eharaeterized by disturbanee of the RPE with varying degrees of drusen
(hard, soft, mixed) and areolar (geographie) atrophy, in whieh loss of the
RPE is aeeompanied by fallout of photoreeeptors and ehorioeapillaris. The
visual deterioration is usually slow and gradual, and beeomes really
important only in 5-10% of eases, depending on the extent and loeation of
the area of atrophy.
• "Wet" or exudative-neovaseular form, eharaeterized by detaehment of the RPE
(serous or haemorrhagic), subretinal neovaseularization, and flbrovascular
disciform searring. It is less eommon (5-20% ofeases), but is associated with an
even worse visual prognosis (severe loss of eentral vision in 70-80% of eases).
deereased visual aeuity (loss of eentral vision, eolour vision, ability to see
fine details)
metamorphopsia (distortion ofthe shape ofobjeets in view)
paraeentral-central seotoma
Blood pressure.
Haematochemical data (blood cell count, plasma proteins, plasma lipids,
coagulation and fibrinolysis tests) .
These data were recorded at the baseline time (before starting the therapy), at
the end of the last 03-AHT sessions, and then every 3 months for up to 1 year.
In all the follow-up examinations, the examiners were blind to the results of
each patient's initial examination.
4.4. Results
4.4.1. Ophthalmologie Results
Change in visual acuity from baseline at each examination was the primary
parameter used to verify the response, if any, to 03-AHT.
Mean distance visual acuity (ETDRS charts) was significantly improved in ARMD
patients (p<0.05), while no significant improvement was observed in the control
group . This data was confirmed by the results of the visual field (increased mean
sensitivity and foveal threshold in 54% oftreated patients and in 18% ofcontrols) and
the self-assessment test of quality of vision (improved quality of vision in 60% of the
treated patients and 23% of controls) .
In the treatment group, the improvement rema ined stable in the first quarter
and declined slightly in the next six months after the treatment (Fig . 100); at 12
months, up to 41.6% showed either a regression to their pre-treatment values
(33.3%) or had worse V.A. (8 .3%).
• • 175
ä 0,20
~'" 150 .
0,15 12S
Pr. Post 6 9 12 Pr. Post 6 9 12
Figure 100. Modifications ofvisual acuity before, during and after (3, 6, 9 and 12 months)
one cycle 0/ /3-14 OrAHT sessions. The left diagram reports the actual change, expressed as
a percentage ofthe right diagram .
Tahle 24a. Laboratory tests carried out in 34 ARAfD patients before and after 12-13
sessions ofOJ-AHT .
Blood cells:
RBC (M/~I) 4.58 ± 0.7 4.50 ± 0.7
HGB (g/dl) 14± 0.2 13.6 ± 0.2
HCT (%) 41.7 ± 0.6 40.6 ± 0.7
MCV (0) 91 ± 0.8 9 1.4 ± 0.8
MCH (pg) 30.5 ± 0.3 30.7 ± 0.3
MCHC (g/dl) 33.5 ± 0.1 33.5 ± 0. 1
PLT (K1~1) 232.2 ± 9.2 237.4 ± 9.8
WBC (KfI.,t1) 6.3 ± 0.3 6.4 ± 0.3
Coagulation tests:
Fibrinogen (rng/dl) 293 .6± 12.5 327.6 ± 14.7
F.VIIIvV (%) 151.6±12.8 153.6± 14.0
F l +2 (nM/I) 1.42±0. 14 1.15 ± 0.11
AT III (%) 100.9 ± 3.6 100.9 ± 2.6
PT(%) 96.2 ± 3.1 96.1 ± 1.8
a PTT (sec) 31.7 ± 0.7 30.3 ± 0.6
TT (sec) 19.4±0.7 19.6 ± 0.3
Fibrinolysis tests:
t-PA (ng/ml) 11.2 ± 0.8 10.4 ± 0.9
PAli (IU/ml) 11.2 ± 1.4 13.1±1.6
FM test (uz/ml) lO.1 ± 1.2 13.5 ± 3.0
FDP (ug/ml) 6.4 ± 0.8 7.6 ± 2.4
D dimer (ng/ml) 111.3 ± 5.5 114.5 ± 8.4
Lp (a) (rng/dl) 43 .8± 10.4 35.7 ± 8.2
Plate/et tests :
PF4 (lU/mi) 4.6 ± 0.8 3.8 ± 0.5
ß-TG (IU/ml) 27.1 ±2.0 29 .2 ± 2.9
Plasma proteins:
Proteinemia (g/dl) 6.8 ± 0.4 6.9 ± 0.5
Plasminogen (g/l) 0.12 ± 0.4 0.12 ± 0.6
Fibronectin (mg/dl) 43 .3 ± 1.5 45.4 ± 2.2
Plasma lipids:
HOL (mgf/dl) 60.2 ± 2.6 54.9 ± 2.8
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 285 .5 ± 8.9 278 .9 ± 8.5
Triglycerides (mg/dl) 119.9 ± 13.9 114.4± 10.5
Table 24b reports the data on TBARS, 2,3-DPG and SüD content measured in
the blood of the ARMD patients before and at the 5th, 9th and 13th Ü3-AHT
treatment. Unfortunately, these determinations could be reliably carried out in only
some of the patients. It appears that there is no increased peroxidation and 2,3-DPG
levels remained constant. SüD levels increased after the first five sessions and then
retumed to normal. The slight increase of G-6PD was also not significant.
Table 24b. Evaluation ofplasma TBARS, 2.3-DPG content, SOD and G-6PD activities before
(0), at the 5th (5), 9th (9) and 13th (13) OrAHT treatment in ARMD patients.
Parameters Treatment
() 5 9 13
TBARS 32 .6±8 .10 (15) 28.4±8.9 (15) 36.4±13.7 (16) 26 .1±6.4 (15)
4.4.4. Conclusions
At the present time, there is no effective medical therapy for dry ARMD: the use
of minerals and antioxidant vitamins, while harmless, may delay but does not
recover vision loss. Most ARMD patients, still physically and mentally active,
are very concemed about the lack of an effective treatment and although there
are now interesting avenues of research, it will take time before the results
appear on the pharmacist's shelf.
On this basis, ozonetherapy could be proposed to ARMD patients as a
reliable cornplementary therapy able to offer, in most patients, a significant
In 1989, the Director of the Institute of Dermatology of Siena University
surprisingly asked me to help study the value of O)-AHT in psoriasis, because one
of his colleagues was privately performing this therapy and c1aiming great success.
Unfortunately, at that time I had no practical experience. Firstly , I noted that an
assistant 'collected ozone in a syringe and, without closing the tip,' walked a long
corridor before insufflating it into the blood bottle. Secondly, they assured me that
the ozone concentration must be very 10w (probably 2-5 ug /ml ) and it was not really
very important because blood would become "very red" in any case . The surprising
result was that after 7-10 treatments, one patient showed extraordinary
improvement, another was slightly better and three patients remained the same.
They tried to publish a paper but it was rejected because there were no controls.
Thus my first c1inical experience was very disconcerting. Since then , I have heard
several other anecdotes of splendid results and 11eave the judgement to the readers.
In spite of this puzzling story, it seems that Russian dermatologists and a
German ozonetherapist (Kief, 1993b) also succeeded in treating various forms of
eczema and atopic dermatitis (AD) , which, to my knowledge, is challenging and
frustrating to treat. I had been interested in this disease from an immunological point
of view : the hallmark of AD is a Th l/Th2 imbalance (Bohn and Bauer, 1997;
Campbell et al., 1999) with a reduced production of IFNy and an elevated release of
IL-4 and IL-5, which favours IgE production and eosinophilia, a typical disorder of
atopic diathesis (Beltrani, 1999; Leung, 1999) .
Prophylactic measures such as avoidance of irritants, allergic food (eggs, soy ,
peanuts, etc.), contact with house-dust mites or other aeroallergens, are helpful but
the mainstays of therapy have been and still are topical corticosteroids. More
recently, in severe forms , phototherapy, cyclosporin A, azathioprine and tacrol imus
ointment appear to be effective but with some side effects (Rudikoff and Lebwohl ,
1998; Hanifin and Tofte, 1999; Fleischer Jr., 1999).
Does ozonetherapy have any future in dermatology? If seriously performed, 0 )-
AHT may be useful and my "gut feeling" is that we should progressively try from
medium (40-50 ug/ml) to high ozone concentrations (80 ug /ml), as discussed in
Chapter 14 (Leukocytes), to readjust the Thl/Th2 balance. However, it should be
remembered that this is a proposal that may not be effective.
The BOEX procedure, combining systemic and cutaneous treatment, may be an
ideal approach. However, patients with these diseases are often very distressed and
understandably anxious to receive the most effective treatment immediately .
Therefore, they are not interested in our controversies and this rnakes it awkward to
recruit patients for a RCT . Ozonetherapy may yield some benefit at a slow pace and
patients will accept it only if, at least in the initial period, they are assisted with the
proven topical anti-inflammatory options.
Ozonetherapy has not yet been tested in pulmonary disease, probably because
everybody knows that breathing air polluted with ozone is toxic to the respiratory
system (Kelly et al., 1995). Two or three papers on this topic are published every
week in international journals and this problem has been discussed in Chapters 3 and
5. However, an almost irrelevant episode that occurred about four years aga suggests
that this fact has misled us. Among our numerous ARMD patients treated with 0 3-
AHT, one, with emphysema , told us that after about fourteen sessions his dyspnea was
alleviated and he could walk up to the third floor of his apartment with little effort. I
sensed that he had given us a good tip and I took him to the Pneumology Unit where
the specialist, Dr. Maria Trusso, was bewildered by the result. Actually, at first she
imagined that the treatment for ARMD was based on breathing ozone and the proposal
to continue this sort of treatment appeared crazy to her. After 1 explained that we
simply ozonized and reinfused the patient's blood, she became interested and correctly
asked how ozonized blood eould improve lung funetion. That was a good question and
I had to use the best of my imagination to provide a few answers:
the simple one was improved blood oxygenation. Yet this is not quite valid
because , although we reinfuse hyperoxygenated blood (p02 is easily at 500 mmHg),
the infusion rate is so small (about 15 ml per minute, compared with a cardiae output
of about 5 L) that the p02 of venous blood reaehing the lungs is hardly modified.
However, if ozonetherapy enhanees the delivery of oxygen at the tissue level,
metabolie conditions may improve, even though ideas such as decreased blood
viscosity and increased 2,3-DPG levels in erythrocytes have not been definitively
demonstrated. I advaneed the hypothesis that perhaps ozonized blood acting on
endothelium could aetivate the release of prostacyclin. Only last year, we deteeted
an enhanced release of NO in HUVECs in vitro, but we have not yet evaluated
prostaeyclin. It appears that release of NO and NOthiols may represent a mechanism
for vasodilatation, although NO could also be a double-edged sword (Barnes and
Liew, 1995; Warren and Higenbottam, 1996; Jindal and Dellinger, 2000) .
A eommon denominator of asthma, emphysema, chronie obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) and aeute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is oxidative stress. It
is demonstrated by an increase ofROS (H202) and 8-isoprostane, activation ofNF-KB
with inereased synthesis ofTNF-a, IL-6, IL-8, and inaetivation (by oxidative damage)
of o l-antitrypsin and leukoproteinase inhibitor, unable to counteraet elastase,
cathepsins and matrix metalloproteinases (Smith et al., 1997; Barnes, 2000). In 1996,
we postulated that the paradoxieal action of ozone in inducing an adaptation to COS
could be critical in readjusting the oxidant-antioxidant balance.
Finally, we searehed for other eases of emphysema and COPD . We found two
patients, a man and a woman, who after two eycles of therapy had noticed an
improvement in their performance of daily activities . This response was subjective
and could have been due to a placebo effect, but it encouraged us to make a
protocol. The Director of the Pneumology Unit agreed although he was somewhat
skeptical, but not so much as the University's Professor of Pneumology, who was
absolutely antagonistic. The protocol was then prepared, submitted to the Ethical
Committee and, after revision, approved after about seven months . Unfortunately,
the health of Dr. Trusso deteriorated (she had a metastatie breast tumour) and she
died shortly afterward, leaving four young children practically alone . We lost a very
nice, energetic woman, who after accepting the idea became very enthusiastic to try
this unusual therapy .
I hoped that one of her colleagues would accept the challenge, but he thought
that the project was too laborious to develop and uncertain, so I found myself back
where I started . Nothing has been done, but luckily there has been some progress in
conventional Medicine , since COPD morbidity and mortality is increasing due to the
use oftobacco. Indeed it may soon become the third most common cause of death .
In addition to rehabilitation with exercise training, anti-smoking measures and
domiciliary oxygen therapy, new bronchodilators and appropriate antibiotics can
control acute exacerbations. After a long incubation (1957), surgical removal of the
most emphysematous parts of the lung has come of age; when the operation is
successful, short-term results are good, with marked improvement of the quality of
life (Hillerdal 1997; Bames, 2000) .
However, some of the patients do not benefit from surgery (National
Emphysema Treatment Trial Research Group , 2001) and the value and cost-
effectiveness of the volume reduction surgery remain uncertain in the long run ,
Moreover, medieal expenditures to treat COPD, associated with invalidity , represent
a significant economic and social burden for Health Authorities and society in
general. I believe that these are sufficiently good reasons to justify serious and wide-
ranging experimentation with ozonetherapy. We can take advantage of OJ-AHT and
even more of BaEX and RI (non-invasive procedures), always starting with a low
dose (20 ug/rnl) with gradual dose escalation up to 35-40 ug /rnl. Needless to say,
supporting measures, particularly oxygen therapy, remain available to the patient.
Prof. N. Di Paolo is the head physician of the Nephrology and Dialysis Unit at the
Siena Polyclinic. He is a good friend of mine and his role in developing EBOO has
been crucial . However, when I proposed to evaluate ozonetherapy in not too
advanced dialysis patients, he answered that the kidney does not have the
regenerative ability of liver and there is no hope to improve the function of a
sclerotic kidney . He may weil be right in regard to terminal patients but my idea was
to limit progression, possibly achieving regression of initial chronic diseases . A few
recent reports have further convinced me that during infective glomerulo-nephritis
or at the initial stage ofrenal failure, ozonetherapy could have a beneficial influence .
It is not worth repeating the usual mechanisms, but I wish to re-emphasize the
possibility of adaptation to COS, typically present in chronic renal failure (Ceballos-
Picot et al., 1996b; Witko-Sarsat et al., 1998). It is weil established that
haemodialysis in itself generates RaS and consequently enhances oxidative stress. I
feel that it is wrong to passively accept the concept of unavoidable irreversibility
because, in addition to potentiating the antioxidant system, ozonetherapy may switch
on angiogenesis or favour the release of unknown nephropoietins. Unscientifically,
ß thalassaemia major, fairly frequent in Italy, and sickle cell anaemia (SCA),
affecting black populations, are genetic diseases leading to oxygen blood deficiency
and other serious manifestations. Ozonetherapy cannot correct the gene alteration
but in SCA it can apparently reduce the frequency of vessel occ1usive crises with
related infarctions. SCA involves a modified Hb (Hbs), which tends to crystallize
during deoxygenation ; this leads to a change in the shape of the erythrocytes , which
aggregate and cause vessel occ1usion. At least conceptually , ozonetherapy may
increase oxygenation and, as often c1aimed, may improve cell pliability, although I
am not convinced about this change. A RCT, which must be reported because they
are so rare in this field, was performed in 55 SCA patients (25 control and 30
experimental) at the National Center for Scientific Research at Havana. Ozone was
administered daily (5 days per week) for 3 weeks in 30 patients via the rectal route.
The control group received only analgesics, vasodilatators and IV saline infusion.
The results showed that the ozone-treated group displayed a rise in arterial blood
pOz, the frequency and severity of painful crises was significantly reduced (by about
50%) and there were no adverse reactions (Gomez et al., 1995). This work was
supported by a firm producing ozone generators and it is surprising that no further
experimentation has been reported.
SCA is a serious disease and it suffices to say that only 2% of about 120,000
affected babies born in Africa survive to the age of five . What can official Medicine
do to help patients in poor countries? Practically nothing, because transplantation
can only be perfonned in about 1% of patients: in 1999, the number of bone marrow
transplants was only 100 and 800 for SCA and ß-thalassaemia, respectively .
Moreover, 10-15% of patients do not survive.
For SCA, it would be important to have an effective and atoxic oral drug that could
be widely and easily used . So far, hydroxyurea appears useful as it reduces Hbs and
increases the percentage of HbF, but the drug is mutagenic and somewhat toxic
(Steinberg, 1999) . Clotrimazole, a specific Ca 2+-activated K-I- channel (Gardos
channel) inhibitor able to reduce the deleterious dehydration of sickle erythrocytes, is
being tested and seems promising (Brugnara et al., 1996) . Morris et al. (2000) have
reported that oral arginine administration may benefit SCA patients by increasing NO
production during a vaso-occlusive crisis. Clearly, these approaches are experimental
and only partly satisfactory and the promise of gene therapy is far from being
materialized. Thus, I do not see anything wrong in using ozone; with small generators,
patients (after careful instruction) could do horne autotreatment using RI. However,
ozonetherapy has the serious drawback that ozone must be generated and used
extempore. The unavailability of generators, medical oxygen, electricity and the need
of an almost daily use for life makes ozonetherapy a solution that cannot be practically
proposed in poor countries for SCA, malaria and HIV infection.
As always, the possibility of ozonetherapy is never mentioned by official
Medicine and 1 must presume that it is unknown. This is one of our weak points,
which can only be overcome by presenting good controlled results to peer-reviewed
international journals. However, someone has written that hydroxyurea advocates
are covering up its long-term carcinogenic potential, but I want to think that this
cannot be true . I hope that this book will serve to make this topic known and
promote unbiased clinical trials to evaluate the validity of ozonetherapy.
Finally, I must mention that I often receive calls frorn desperate people because a
relative is affected by a haematological malignancy. I have great respect for what
haematologists are able to achieve in these diseases and unless we can produce good
experimental evidence, I am not certain that the addition of ozonetherapy would be
useful. This aspect will be discussed further in the section "Cancer", although the
pathophysiology of solid tumours is immensely different from haematological ones.
For the inexpert ozonetherapist, I would like to remark that ozone cannot displaya
direct cytotoxic effect on malignant cells.
and Wilson's disease, senile dementia, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, optic nerve
dysfunction, primary open angle glaueoma, neurosensorial bilateral hypoacusia and
maeulopathies (Halliwell et al., 1992; Halliwell, 2001; Yu, 1994; Ames et al., 1993;
Cohen et al., 1994; Jenner, 1994; Bondy, 1995; Carlsson et al., 1995; Jaeschke,
1995; Pardo et al., 1995; Yoritaka et al., 1996; Simonian and Coyle, 1996; Rotilio et
al., 2000; Poli and Schaur, 2000; Rotilio, 2001). Authoritative scientists, such as
Ames, Halliwell, Gutteridge, Pryor, Cross, Packer, Rotilio, ete., have suggested that
neurodegenerative diseases triggered by an uneertain primary eause are perpetuated as
the cellular redox system goes awry. The pathophysiology is quite variable: in some
cases, there is ehronic inflammation with the release of ROS and pro-inflammatory
cytokines; in other cases, we ean observe a biochemical defect such as low GSH
content or a deerease of antioxidant enzymes (GSH-Pxs, SOD, catalase) associated
with improper metal binding; in other cases, there is an excessive release of NO'
(hence ONOO) or of noradrenaline from presynaptic terminals or of glutamate with
Ca2+ influx and activation of protein kinases, phospholipases, ete. (Pardo et al., 1995;
Nakao et al., 1995; Ceballos-Picot et al., 1996a; Markesbery 1997; Aejmelaeus et al.,
1997; Sagara et al., 1998; Floyd 1999; Li et al., 1999; Perry et a\., 2000; Rotilio,
Ozonetherapists must know that there is intense research activity trying to find
drugs able to delay or block the neuronal degeneration and death : the usual
hydrophilie and lipophilie antioxidants taken in appropriate amounts via os are not
harmful but are minimally effeetive (McCall and Frei, 1999), also because only a
small percentage reach the CNS. Metal chelators may help by reducing free
transition metals and OH' formation, but one must pay attention not to exceed with
the dose. Moreover, several inhibitors of the reuptake of doparnine, of NO' synthesis
and of ionotropic reeeptors to block glutamate neurotoxicity are being tested. The
more biologically oriented approaches are attempting to use neurotrophic factors or
to transplant dopaminergic foetal cells (or, probably very soon, stern cells) into
seleeted areas (Weber and Buteher, 2001). Among neurodegenerative diseases,
Parkinson's disease is the ideal one, because the degeneration is fairly restricted to
partieular areas of dopaminergic neurons (Lang and Lozano, 1998a,b).
In spite of all this tremendous effort and biIlions of dollars spent in basic and
clinieal research, we can eonc1ude that pharmaeologicaI therapy is certainly useful
(levodopa is still the most effective therapy after three decades !) but only for a
limited time and it does not arrest progression of the disease. The combination of
several experimental therapies promises to improve on the present limitations, but
still we are fighting a virtually lost war beeause neurodegenerative diseases are
projected to surpass even cancer as the second eause of death by the year 2040
(Lilienfeld and Perl, 1993).
Can ozonetherapy be of any use?
At first glance, it seems irrational to propose a treatment of neurodegenerative
diseases based on aseries of brief and ealculated oxidative stress (therapeutie
"shock"). However, this approach (which is not a panacea) may paradoxically break
and stabilize an otherwise irreversible situation. The idea (already discussed in
Chapter 22) is that a gradual escalation ofthe ozone dose (from 15 to 40 ug/ml) may
Although a number of haematological cancers are now being treated successfully,
the common solid cancers, which are the great majority, continue to be a problem
for mankind (Bailar III and Gornik, 1997). Owing to earlier diagnoses and some
therapeutic advances, for the first time in western European countries, the total
cancer mortality was moderate1y reduced for both sexes in the period 1990-1994
(Levi et al., 1999) . However, due to prolongation of the life-span, the figures for
overall mortality from cancer (in Italy about 160,000 and in the USA about 520,000
in 1993) are still dramatic. Moreover, in the same period, cancer mortality was still
increasing in eastern European countries. This is not likely to change ovemight
because a highly desirable improvement of chemotherapeutic compounds, so far
rather unspecific and toxic , may come too slowly . An appropriate cancer prevention
campaign, aimed at early detection and the use of an appropriate diet rich in fibre
and antioxidants (Dreher and Junod , 1996; Bailar III and Gamick, 1997; Kramer and
Klausner, 1997), may help up to a point. Yet, on the whole, smoking is not
decreasing and has partly shifted from men to women and to Third World countries.
At least theoretically, immunotherapy (the fifth modality of cancer treatment)
aims specifically at destroying only neoplastic cells, but unfortunately these cells are
poorly immunogenic and diabolically equipped to evade or suppress the immune
system. In addition to showing the multiform conventional anti-neoplastic therapy,
Figure 101 indicates that since 1980 a considerable effort has been made to develop
new and efficient immunotherapeutic approaches, which however have failed to
achieve substantial advances (Rosenberg et al., 1987; Rosenberg, 200 I ; Bocci, 1985,
1987b, 1990b; Kim et al., 1996; Fenton et al., 1996; Wemer and Jolles , 1996; Reddy
et al., 1997; Ernst, 1997; Motzer et al., 2001) .
I\~- •.
adminIstration wlth Inhibitors of
chemoreslstance and wlth granulopoletlns rescue
' - - - - - - - -- -'
3) Photodynaml c therapy
Therapy with ribozymes
particularly in the vast field 'of complementary medical practices (Cassileth and
Chapman, 1996; Burstein et al., 1999) such as diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes,
therapeutic touch (Rosa et al., 1998), mind-body control (Flach and Seachrist, 1994)
and anthroposophie medicine based on the use of mistletoe lectins (Bocci, 1993b;
Ernst, 2001; Steuer-Vogt et al., 2001).
In June 1995, the National Institutes of Health (NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA)
included the use of oxidizing agents (ozone, hydrogen peroxide) in class 5, among
chelation and metabolie therapies, cell treatment and anti-oxidizing agents. It is
noteworthy that H20 2 has been evaluated as an anti-neoplastic agent by Zanvil Cohn
at the Rockefeller University (Nathan et al., 1979; Nathan and Cohn, 1981). Other
studies have been performed by Sasaki et al. (1967) and Samoszuk et al. (1989).
At an earlier stage, ozone was tested in cancer by Varro (1966, 1974, 1983) and
Zabel (1960). Thus, although ozonetherapy is more than 40 years old, it has been
carried out in a few private clinics in central Europe but it has never been accepted
by official Medicine and is currently despised in France, England, the USA and
barely tolerated in Italy. Several reasons, mostly right but partly wrong, have been
discussed at length previously (Chapters 2 and 11).
Is ozonetherapy useful in cancer? Varro (1983) claimed that, after undergoing
surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, most of his private cancer patients
benefited from ozonetherapy , as their quality of life improved and they survived for
a long period. However, these statements were not validated by statistical data and
have no scientific value. There are other anecdotal reports of major or minor
autohaemotherapy having beneficial effects: for example, Beyerle (1996) treated
prostate cancer with "phenornenal" (?) results. For other types of cancer (throat,
ovarian, colon and breast), he comments:
"We are seeing patients who were bedridden two years ago and sent home to die. They
are becoming ambulatory. Their energy level is coming up. They are gaining weight.
And we see these spontaneous fractures in the spine are gradually disappearing.
Strength is retuming to the musculature. There is no spinal pain ".
It is unclear why Dr. Beyerle has not reported the data in a peer-reviewed
medical journal, because as presented they are worthless . His comments were
actually recorded by a journalist (Null, 1996) during an interview published, fancy
that!, in Penthouse, where certainly you can admire beautiful women! Another
confusing example was the abstract entitled "Ozonetherapy in oncology",
surprisingly selected for presentation at the 12th Ozone World Congress in Lille in
May 1995 (Baltin). If one reads the abstract, it becomes clear why ozonetherapy has
such a low reputation in the medical field. Kief (1993a), at his clinic at
Ludwigshafen (Germany), has used Auto-homologous Immunetherapy (AHIT) to
treat a variety of malignancies . AHIT was administered daily for aperiod of four
months and he claimed that it is:
"cost-effective, individually-oriented, has no-side effects, decreases pain in 70% of alI cases
and increases the life-qualityand vitality in approximately 90% ofthe cancer patients",
What AHIT really was remains a mystery (apparently a mixture of the patient's
blood and urine treated with ozone!) and, to the best of my knowledge, the German
Health Authorities have now prohibited its use. My personal experience is very
limited, mostly because I have found that oncologists are very reluctant to evaluate
ozonetherapy. The only three cases that I had a chance to follow (two terminal lung
carcinoma and one metastatic and ulcerated breast carcinoma) did not show, as
expected, any objective improvement after repeated o.,-AHT. My feeling is that once
the disease has reached the point ofno return, any therapy becomes practically useless .
In conclusion, today there is no evidence that ozonetherapy can be beneficial to
cancer patients because:
• Randomized, double-blind clinical trials have not been performed as they should
have been done (Ernst and Resch, 1996).
• It is unclear whether biological and/or clinical effects, if any, are due to either
oxygen or ozone or to both, or simply to blood retransfusion.
• The relevance ofthe placebo effect is unknown.
• Too often ozonetherapy is carried out together with other conventional or natural
therapies, so that any result remains questionable.
In spite of these negative conclusions, let me enumerate (Table 25) and discuss
some biological mechanisms of action that potentialIy could be activated by
lactic acid , but unless they are in anoxia their intracellular pH remains neutral
(pH 7.0-7 .2) while the pH is slightly acidic (6 .8) in the interstitial fluid . It is also
noteworthy that epithelial and haematopoietic tumour cell lines actively take up
DHA and , by reductase activity, reduce it to AR (Agus et al., 1999) . Vitamin C
has many functions (Chapter 12) but the administration of megadoses, as often
done by charlatans, may even give a metabolic advantage to malignant cells .
Throughout the years, I have found reviews on tumour hypoxia very stimulating
(Coleman 1988; Brown, 1999; Vaupel and Hockei , 2000; Hockel and Vaupel,
2001). In conclusion, improving tumour oxygenation by significantly and
constantly increasing O 2 availability and the microcirculation may slow down
tumour growth and inhibit metastatization.
Can ozone be of any help? It has been shown (Sweet et al., 1980; Van der Zee
et al., 1987; Washuttl et al., 1990) that the growth of human cancer is inhibited
by ozone in culture, suggesting that cancer cells have an impaired defence
system against ozone damage. The fact that cancer cells live bett er in a hypoxie
environment may imply that they have a rudimentary antioxidant system to get
rid of ROS . However, it remains uncertain whether this is true for all human
tumour cells in vivo , as they have high levels of AR and produce large amounts
of H 20 2 (Szatrowski and Nathan, 1991) . It also remains controversial whether
lipid peroxidation is low or high in tumours and when 4-HNE induces cell
proliferation or cell death (Dianzani 1993; Kondo et al., 1999). This is an
important point because ozonization ofblood produces LOPs which, upon blood
reinfusion, could exert important cytotoxie effects on neoplastic cells if they
have a poor defensive system. Zanker and Kroczek (1990) found that incubating
neoplastic cells in the continuous presence of a low dose of ozone «0.5 ppm) for
24 h was distinctly cytotoxic. Moreover, ozone was able to potentiate the
cytotoxicity of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) and to increase the sensitivity in a 5-FU-
resistant colon carcinoma variant in vitro . However, I do not feel that the direct
cytotoxic action of ozone in tissue culture is important and may be misleading
because cancer cells never come in direct contact with ozone, not even when a
mad charlatan injects the gas intravenously.
In practice, a cytotoxic effect could be obtained only by intratumoural injection
of 0 2-0 J. Cutaneöus malignancies could be infiltrated with gas or ozonized H 20
or oil. Hepatic metastasis could be embolized with OrOJ via the hepatic artery
(Chapter 16).
2) Improved oxygenation and metabolism
This topic received attention in Chapter 14 (Erythrocytes) and again in this
chapter when we examined the problem in ischaemic tissues after reinfusion of
ozonized blood. Oxygenation ofblood during ozonization has a negligible value,
but the biochemical modifications induced by ozone on erythrocytes seem
important because ischaemic muscles and perhaps hypoxie tumours will receive
more oxygen. In the case of muscles, after ozonetherapy, the venous p02
decreased to 10-15 mmHg instead of 35-40, suggesting that oxygen was
delivered to the ischaemic tissue (Rokitansky et al., 1981) .
If indeed ozone is able to induce new generations of "supergifted erythrocytes",
with an increased content of ATP , 2,3-DPG, antioxidant enzymes as well as an
of blood is carried out when the ozone dose per gram of blood is precisely
known, the reservoir of non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants is capable of
minirnizing any possible damage to blood cell components. It has already been
explained (Chapters 13 and 14) that during the ozonization procedure a
"calculated" oxidative stress must occur in order to generate a certain amount of
ROS and LOPs, which act as crucial signalling molecules to elicit biochemical
and immunological responses i.e. the therapeutic "shock". This means that the
oxidative stress ought to be strong enough to trigger signals above the threshold
level (as otherwise they would be ineffective) but also be abated in a very short
time by the antioxidant system. Thus ozonetherapy is a procedure that involves a
"calculated", very transient oxidative stress capable of inducing cellular
responses without adverse effects. The exciting novelty is that ozonetherapy,
cautiously carried out with a scaling-up of ozone doses, stimulates the increase of
cellular antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GSH-Pxs) capable of inhibiting chronic
oxidative stress. What now seems a paradoxical effect of ozone has been described
since 1984 as an adaptive response. Olivieri et al. (1984) were probably the first to
observe that human lymphocytes undergoing very low doses of ionizing radiation
become resistant to a high dose of x-rays , Other studies cited in Chapter 22 clearly
showed that animals kept in a hyperoxygenated environment could survive by
upregulating the expression and activity of antioxidant enzymes.
This interesting new phenomenon of oxidative stress adaptation may explain, at
least in part, why ozonetherapy has a therapeutic activity in ischaemic,
degenerative and autoimmune diseases, and possibly in cancer in which a
persistent oxidative stress has been noted as a factor favouring the progression of
invasion and metastasis (Toyokuni et al., 1995).
4) Effects on the immune system .
It is obvious that, due to its strong disinfectant effect, ozone kills bacteria,
viruses, fungi, etc., thus facilitating their phagocytosis by leucocytes. The next
step was to understand how ozone activates both the humoral and cell-mediated
immune system. We discovered that ozone acts as a mild inducer of cytokines
because the generated H2 0 2 crosses the cell membrane freely and activates the
cytoplasmic NFKB, ultimately causing the transcription of mRNAs of several
cytokines (Los et al., 1995; Sen and Packer, 1996). Since the production of
several ILs, TNFa and IFNs is very small and transient , it appears unlikely that
induction occurs via stimulation of a membrane lectin. In fact, in the same
experimental conditions, the use of amitogen (PHA) that persistently activates a
cascade of protein kinases allows the synthesis of cytokines in amounts 1000
times higher than when using ozone. Similarly, the proliferation index of BMC
barely increases after blood exposure to ozone. This interpretation is in line with
the results of Schreck et al. (1991), who found that human lymphocytes can
express specific mRNAs after a transient exposure to 30-100 u M H20 2 •
It has taken several years of research to understand how ozone works and why
even a small activation of BMC can be useful in an immune-depressed patient. If
ozone acted as amitogen upon blood reinfusion, causing the massive release of
cytokines, we would have noted a frightening clinical response similar to that
observed after intravenous injection of LPS, characterized by shivering,
(Coleman, 1992). Aseries of circumstances, e.g. being attentively cared for and
observing the AHT steps with "energized" blood being reinfused, compose the
so-called "Hawthorne's effect", which may have a boosting effect and evoke a
psycho-hormonal-immune response, the significance of which cannot be under-
estimated (Cassileth et a1., 1991; Cassileth and Chapman, 1996; Trussel, 1999).
It is weil documented that a few cancer patients have been miraculously healed
after a pilgrimage to Lourdes!
(phys lcll , ehomlell, omDthle>
As exemplified in Figure 103, the war on cancer is won when all cells have been
killed. There is no doubt that tumour debulking with surgery or other therapies (Fig .
10 I) is essential, because a large tumour load or extensive metastasis enhances the
anergie state (Elgert et al., 1998) and reduces the chance of a eure . Figure 103
schematically indicates that the primary tumour could be either eradicated or more
or less extensively removed. The former case is rare because haematogenous
dissemination of individual tumour cells occurs at early stages of the malignancy, as
has been clearly shown by immunocytochemical detection of epithelial tumour cells
in bone marrow (Riethmuller et al., 1999).
. ....
--------_. ...· .. level
minimal residual disease
Thus, if only about 104 neoplastic cells have been disseminated, there is hope of
either destroying them or preventing metastatic growth if the surveillance of the immune
system remains active. Today conventional medicine offers several approaches
attempting to achieve this goal (Fig. 10I). The most promising appear to be
immunotherapy and the various forms of gene therapy. However, all these approaches
are still experimental and it may take several years before they are validated.
If metastases are present, the problem is far more complex and chemotherapy is
widely used with mixed results; indeed the side effects frequently impoverish the
quality oflife.
Can ozonetherapy be more useful than chemotherapy in metastatic cancer? It is
very difficult to answer this quest ion because the few anecdotal reports are not valid .
Only unbiased, randomized, double-blind clinical studies for several cancer types,
possibly carried out in several oncological institutions, can ultimately prove whether
ozonetherapy can really be useful . Due to the lack of serious biological and clinical
research in the past , this approach remains in limbo today and is totally disregarded
by conventional oncology, particularly by chemotherapists. This is very
unsatisfactory, mostly because, in spite of some progress, the death rate remains
high and real breakthroughs are not yet in sight . Because I feel that this is one of the
most important issues, I have tried to objectively review several, albeit hypothetical,
reasons to pursue the evaluation of ozonetherapy, not as a procedure able to eure
the neoplasia but rather as a means to stabilize its progression, particularly in
elderly patients susceptible to the serious side effects of high-dose chemotherapy.
In the last few years, I have made a useless effort to explain that this approach has
a rational basis and can be carried out in a scientific and reproducible fashion. The
ozone dose can be precisely adjusted to the blood volume or patient's weight, and
optimal ozone concentrations for the proposed methods are based on experimental data
and not on homoeopathic or imaginary beliefs. Almost needless to say, a lot of basic
work remains to be done, particularly in order to define the molecular and
immunological modifications of erythrocytes and leukocytes . Analysis of the
adaptation to COS may weil be able to show that ozone can profoundly modify the
biochemistry and functionality of these ceUs in order to create an environment
hostile to cancer cells. In my opinion, this a new line of thought stating that the cell
malignancy can be tamed simply through the use of a potent biological modifier .
However , only reliable c1inical data can ultimately inform us about the validity of the
approach; indeed we have often observed that an improvement of immunological
parameters is not necessarily paralleled by a complete response and prolonged survival
(Bocci, 1987b; 1990b; Reddy et a1., 1997).
What will be the future of this approach? As usual, we are facing the same story .
It looks unpromising unless we carry out controlled c1inical trials. At the moment,
on the basis of my frustrating experience, I doubt very much that we will be able to
perform them, due to the disinterest and skepticism of oncologists. Obviously the
pressure of pharmaceutical companies does not allow them to experiment with
anything other than cytotoxic drugs. Although I have a great admiration for the
scientific strides in biology and medicine, I feet that the biased attitude of most
oncologists towards ozonetherapy is wrong and unjustified. On the other hand, most
physicians performing ozonetherapy in private practice are unable to perform a
c1inical t)-(al and the habit of mixing other therapies makes any conclusion
impossible.Donsequently, the only hope is that serious and concerted efforts will be
made in the next few years . For the moment, however, it seems that, because of the
314 CHAPTER 24
laek of dialogue and eooperation, a potential therapeutie advantage will eont inue to
remain in Iimbo , perhaps to the patient's disadvantage.
These are just hypothetical ideas, which shouldbe verified by examining the
synovial fluid and bioptic fragments to c1arify these really paradoxical ozone
effects. Ozone never ceases to surprise us!
In RA, the use of0 3-AHT at high doses has been suggested (Chapter 14). Yet it
remains untested whether the association of one treatment (per week) of 03-AHT at
a low-medium ozone dose would improve the outcome in osteoarthritis.
Low back pain is a very disturbing symptom that can affect, at least for a while,
up to about 80% of the worId's population. Luckily, in most cases, physicaI
therap ies (exercise, manipulation therapy, etc.) can solve the problem (Cherkin et
al., 1998; Samanta and Beardsley, 1999). However , if a herniated disc (protrusion of
the nucleus puIposus through the annulus fibrosus) is present and causes
considerable pain , it must be removed with the least invasive procedure.
Up to the I970s, the typical orthopaedic operation removed the compression but
often destabilized the mechanical and functional stability of the vertebral colurnn .
Thus it has been substituted by a mini-invasive intervention. This trend was
accentuated by chemonucleolysis, introduced by Smith in 1969. However, the
intradiscal injection of chymopapain and collagenase, potent enzymes able to digest
the components of the nucleus pulposus, has been abandoned because of occasional
risk of allergie reactions and the exorbitant cost of the pure enzymes. Subsequently,
Onik et al. (1987) introduced the alternative concept of aspirating the degenerated
disc including part of the herniated material, thus reducing the abnormal pressure
and relieving the nerve root compression. This technique is still in use with a
success rate of about 75% (Bocchi et al., 1998). There are other variants of this type
of approach, the latest being nucleoplasty.
In 1988, Verga , a private ozonetherapist, noted pain relief after infiltrating
trigger points in myalgias with O 2-0 3 and proposed to use an indireet technique by
injecting the gas into the points localizable in the paravertebral muscle (locus
dolendi) corresponding to the metamer of the hemiated disc , This approach is now
widely used by many ozonetherapists in Italy and it can be defined as the indirect
approach, or as I call it: "chemical acupuncture" (Bocci, 1998a).
The "chymopapain model" probably inspired a neurosurgeon, Jucopilla et al.
(1995), to test whether intradiscal injection of ozone would be nucleolytic and
beneficial. This can be defined as the direct intradiscal injection of 0 2-03' More
recently, another indirect variant has been introduced by the epidural injection of O 2-
0 3 in correspondence to the lesion. This is being performed by anaesthesiologists and
seems promising. The use of O2-0 3 to treat back pain syndrome is now widely used in
Italy, while it is unknown abroad . As it is a minimally invasive treatment with a
negligible cost and rare side effects, it is worth trying before surgical intervention . At
our University, on the basis of our protocol , over 100 patients have been treated and
about 80% have shown marked improvement (Bocchi et al., 2000) . Thus there are as
many as three technical approaches, which are exemplified in Figure 104.
Figure J04. Schematic view ofa transverse section of the lumbar region: NP: nucleus
pulposus. MC: medullarycana!. The arrows indicate the three possible routes O!Or03
administration. ID: intradiscal; CA: "chemical acupuncture " in the paravertebral muscle,
PM and EP: epidural injection
Figure 105. The intradiscal approachfor direct injection o/OrOJ into the nucleus pulposus.
The radiograph (above) shows the correct positioning 0/ the needle in a frontal scan
(Andreula , 2001). Discographie view (below) 0/ a transverse lesion in the fibres ofthe
annulus in disc L4-L5. in continuity with ascending disc herniation (Simonetti et al.. 2001)
ug/rnl. Several thousand patients have been treated, with a success rate of 54-86'%
(Alexandre and Fumo, 1998; Jucopilla et a1., 2000; Bonetti et a1., 200 I; Fabris et al.,
200 I; Leonardi et al., 2001 a; Petralia et al., 200 I) . It remains unc1ear how ozone
acts . One real possibility, previously discussed at length (Bocci 1998a, 1999), is that
ozone dissolves in the interstitial water and reacts immediately, generating a cascade
of ROS, among which HzOz and possibly the hydroxyl radical, OHo, whieh is most
reactive. The hydroxyl radieal appears to react with carbohydrates and amino acids
composing proteoglycans and collagen type land 11, major components of the
degenerate nuc1eus pulposus, leading to its breakdown (MeCord, 1974; Curran et a1. ,
1984; Hawkins and Davies, 1996; Bocci et al., 2001b; Leonardi et a1. , 2001b). These
studies, as weil as those performed on human blood, have been carried out using the
Electron Paramagnetie Resonance (EPR) spin trapping technique (Ueno et al.,
1998). Consequently, reabsorption of hydrolytic products and water may lead to
progressive shrinkage and disappearance of the hemiated material. Reduced
mechanical irritation decreases the sensitivity of nerve axons, but nociceptors are
also excited by endogenous algesie substances released during perineural ischaemia
or neural inflammation present in the spinal ganglion and neural roots (WiIIis,
1995). Thus, more than the mechanical compression as primum movens, it is the
inflammatory reaction that sustains chronic pain by releasing PLA z, several
proteinases and cytokines. The continued release of ROS, PGE z, serotonin,
bradykinin, cathepsins, IL-I , IL-6, substance P, etc ., causes oedema, possibly
demyelination and increased excitability of nociceptors (Fields, 1986). Indeed , it has
been observed that even a large hemia can be painless. Moreover, the hemia may
remain after an operation (as seen radiographically), but the pain disappears once the
inflammatory disorder dies down . Interestingly, epidural injections of the anti-
inflammatory methylprednisolone transitorily improve leg pain and sensory deficits
in patients with sciatica due to a hemiated disc (Carette et al., 1997).
So, how does ozone act? We are again facing the ozone paradox : although OHo can
degrade the degenerated material and reduce pressure, it often exerts a rapid "anti-
inflammatory action", partieularly because only a few ml of gas can be introduced
inside the nucleus pulposus and most of the gas invades the intraforaminal space . This
may mean that ozone rapidly blocks inflammatory reactants and stimulates the
restitutio ad integrum. What is even more surprising is that this change remains stable
(unlike corticosteroids) and it does not necessarily coincide with the disappearance of
the herniated material. In fact, CAT or NMR controls in 612 patients, 5 months after
treatment, showed that the hemia disappeared in 226 (37%), was reduced in 251 (41%)
and was unmodified in 135 (22%). After another 5 months, CAT/NMR controls were
performed again in 200 (of251) patients in whom the hernia was reduced : a further
reduction and improvement was noted in 44 patients (22%) . In 120 patients (of 135) in
whom the hernia was unmodified, there was an improvement in 11.6'% (14 of 120)
(Alexandre et al., 2000) .
Thus the ozone effect is deployed in successive phases: there is an initial rapid
change, probably with disappearance of oedema and improvement of circulatory and
metabolic conditions, followed by stasis and then a further improvement possibly
due to release of TGFß 1 and bFGF (Silver and Glasgold, 1995; TrippeI, 1995),
favouring the reorganization of the residual nucleus pulposus with incipient fibrosis.
So far, attempts to examine the histopathological changes have been inconclusive .
A few problems have been reported. In young patients, it is often very difficult to
introduce more than 1-2 rnl of gas inside the nucleus pulposus, so that the gas is
released into the intraforaminal space. I have been wondering if, in these cases, a
preliminary aspiration of the nucleus followed by the gas introduction might
improve the result. Apparently, the intraforaminal administration of gas yields good
results even in the case of sclerotic hernias (Fabris et a1., 2001). Side effects are very
rare: one patient had a transient lipothymia and one reported by Alexandre et a1.
(1999) presented amaurosis fugax (bilateral blindness which reversed after about 24
hours) after cervical discolysis in a young athlete (Chapter 21).
Figure 106.The iliac crests are palpated and the transiliac line is determined to identify the
L4 spinous process, the interspinous spaces are identified by selecting the space
corresponding 10 the herniated disc. Roughly 2 cm are calculated bilaterally to the spinous
process (above). Once the needle is inserted througb thefasciae, material is aspirated while
holding the needle still and a 20 ug/ml concentration 0/ an oxygen-ozone mixture is injected
velY slowly up to a maximum 0/10 ml per infiltration . Aspiration is repeated during
infiltration (below) (Tabaracci, 2001)
This approach, which seems technically simple, has become very popular in Italy .
Indeed some physicians think they can become ozonetherapists ovemight and start
to inject a patient with an excessive dose of ozone, which might kill hirn owing to a
complex neurovegetative over-reaction. This has happened on ce and that is why it is
important to have precise guidelines and mies for the practice of ozonetherapy.
In reality, it is an easy approach consisting in one or several (up to four)
injections of 5-1 0 rn1 of O 2-0 3 per site. The ozone concentration must not exceed
15-20 IJglml because it is painful . At first, it is wise to test the patient's reactivity
with an injection of sterile saline and then start with 10 ug/ml ozone. The injection
must be done very slowly into the trigger points corresponding to the metamers of
the hemiated disk. The length of the needle varies (from G22 to G25) depending on
the patient's obesity. Usually two symmetrical injections (total dose 10-20 ml gas
with at most 200-400 ug ozone) repeated twice per week for about 5-6 weeks (I0-12
sessions) are sufficient; ifnot, the patient is unresponsive to this approach .
I repeat that injection of O 2-03 e1icits a sharp pain lasting a few minutes and the
injection must be done very slowly to avoid any risk of embolization. If we act
carefully, we can avoid serious adverse effects, such as sud den hypotension,
bradycardia, mydriasis, intense perspiration and cardiac arrest (vasovagal reflex) .
Any serious ozonetherapist must be prepared for this emergency, which is very rare
but can happen (see Chapter 36) .
The results of a number of studies vary somewhat (Cinnella and Brayda-Bruno,
2001), but they can be summarized as : about 40% optimal, 35-40'% marked
improvement 15-25% minimal or no result. Gionovich et al. (2001) compared three
The term "chemical acupuncture" was coined (Bocci, 1998a) because we must
c1arify the role of the needle, oxygen and ozone. It was proposed to compare this
procedure against a waiting-list control, two placebo controls (one with oxygen
alone and another without any gas) and a standard-treatment control. Gionovich et
al. have now shown that, as expected, even an anaesthetic has some effect. Owing to
an unexpected, unintentional incorrect use of the medical generator (delivering
medical oxygen only), we can now give a reasonable answer to the above-mentioned
uncertainty. Torri et al. (1999) treated a group of 66 patients with O 2-03 and a group
of 30 patients with oxygen alone. Interestingly, excellent or good responses were
observed in 86% of patients of both groups but the O 2-03 group showed a
statistically significant improvement of some c1inical parameters. This suggests that
the needle and oxygen together already have a therapeutic role, wh ich is potentiated
by the addition of ozone.
Then the question is: how does ozone injected intramuscularly work? The gas
infiltrates the musele and after 24 hours some gas bubbles move towards the
vertebral canal (as seen radiologically). It was postulated that ozone will reach the
site of the hemiated material and will Iyse it. This is an untenable idea : ozone
dissolves rapidly into the interstitial water of the muscle and will generate H202
within a few minutes; by inhibiting amyelinic fibres (C-nociceptors), the H202 will
activate the anti -nociceptive system via the descending antinociceptive system (Fig .
107). As occurs during acupuncture (Ceccherelli et al., 1995), the introduction ofthe
needle, reinforced by the pressure of O 2-03 , induces strong inhibition of nociceptors,
perhaps a prolonged stunning due to H 202 • It is known that an algic stimulation of
the skin and muscles can reduce pain through the mechanism of diffuse noxious
inhibitory control (DNIC) . That is why the needle + H 202 + oxygen pressure can be
translated into chemical acupuncture.
Figure J07. The scheme indicates the mechanismsfor the control ofalgesie signals. By
releasing endorphins (End.), the enkephalinergic interneuron may inhibit the presynaptic
connection ofa neurocyte (C) of a spinal ganglion which, under compression ofa herniated
disc, stimulates the release ofsubstance P (SP). Endorphins ean inhibit the transmission of
the algesie signal to neuron D. hence to the ascending spinal-thalamicfibres. The
monoam inergic 01' serotoninergic neuron A. as a component ofantinociceptive descending
fibres , ean reinforce the analgesie effect of neuron B
This mechanism is likely correct because too low 0 3 concentrations (3-10 ug/rnl)
or gas volumes (1-2 ml) are ineffective, whereas too high 0 3 concentrations (above 20
ug/rnl) or gas volumes can cause lipothymia . It is unclear whether pre-infiltration with
an anaesthetic reduces the effect of ozone . We do not know whether the generated
H20 2 causes irreversible damage and death of the nociceptors, with a consequent
increase of the activation threshold . Furthermore, it is not known if this means a
blocked release of algesie compounds, with a simultaneous release of endorphins .
In conclusion, the probable mechanisms playing a role are the following :
pathophysiology. Recent papers have added some new ideas and the interested
reader may consult them (Komaroff, 2000; Manu , 2000; Reid et al., 2000; Spence et
al., 2000; Natelson, 2001 ; Powell et al., 2001 ; Prins et al., 2001; Wessely, 2001).
Conventional treatment is based on antidepressants, low-dose glucocorticoids,
exercise (in contrast, prolonged rest seems harmful), immunotherapy and oral
nicotinamide adenine dinueleotide to increase the generation of ATP . Benefits are
limited and there are adverse effects . Cognitive behavioural therapy performed by
skilled therapists appears to be an effective intervention without harmful effects . In
this book, I have reported that 03-AHT often yields a feeling of well-being and
euphoria . This is quite true, even though we can only speculate about the reasons for
these positive effects . In search of a good therapy , CFS patients go from one
physician to another. Last year, at the hospital of Conegliano Veneto, they treated
six patients diagnosed with CFS. 03-AHT was carried out twice per week for 8
weeks and the physician in charge assured me that four patients showed a
"remarkable improvement". He could not give information about the follow-up.
In our hospital, Dr. Cosentino treated one patient with a modest outcome. I
apologize for such a crude report but, given the severity of the disease, I would not
hesitate one second to do 03-AHT if the patient wanted to try it. I would suspend
any other drug and c1early explain that ozonetherapy may readjust the metabolie,
immunological and hormonal derangements, causing only the discomfort of the
venous puncture.
Fibromyalgia is another mysterious disease . The American College of
Rheumatology (ACR) has established a procedure for examining 18 tender points on
the patient. A tentative diagnosis can be made if at least 11 ofthese points elicit pain
when pressed. In Italy, fibromyalgia is considered a disease causing considerable
socio-economic problems, since it affects about 6 million people between 30 and 60
years of age. The aetiology is unknown but initially seems caused by a
psychosomatic factor later complicated by biochemical modifications in the musele,
possibly similar to those found in CFS (Fulle et al., 2000), and neuro-psycho-
immune endocrine disorder.'
Two studies have been carried out in Italy and they were reported at the IMOS
congress last year at Siena University (November 2-4, 2000). Unfortunately, they
have not yet been published and I will give a short summary. From 1988 to 2000,
Dr. Salvatore Loconte (Andria, Bari) has treated 150 patients by infiltrating 5 mI gas
directly on the trigger points (0 3 concentration: 5-10 ug/ml) and perforrning a cycle
of 03-AHT with about 150 ml blood and a total ozone dose of 4500 Ilg (30 ug/ml),
He is a private ozonetherapist and cannot do a control but he has elaimed to achieve
total remission in about 60% of patients and partial improvement in 15%.
A RCT has been performed in the Institute of Rheurnatology of our University
on 40 women (age 30-50) diagnosed as having fibromyalgia on the basis ofthe ACR
criteria . The scope of the study was to evaluate the effect of A) AHT with O2-03 (20
patients, with 0 3 concentrations scaling up from 20 to 40 ug/ml , twice per week for
a total of 16 treatments), B) AHT with O 2 alone (10 patients), and C) simple AHT
without gas (10 patients). Several standard end-points were tested before treatment,
after 8 weeks and I month thereafter.
Patients of group C did not show any improvement and are now under Or03
treatment. Three patients of group B (30%) showed good improvement. Seven
patients of group A (35%) showed excellent improvement, while one (5%) had good
improvement. Cosentino et al. (2000) conc1uded that 03-AHT has therapeutic
validity and no side effects. However, in comparison to conventional
automedication, it is time-consuming for hospital personnel.
Regarding the first topic, I never managed to convince the chief doctor of intensive
therapy of the potential usefulness of AHT performed with O 2 and 0 3 at low
concentrations (15-25 ug/ml of blood) in patients with permanently cannulated
central or peripheral veins . They are mostly concemed about the legal aspect of
using a non -validated and somewhat controversial therapy in high-risk patients.
When I visited Russian hospitals, I was told that they do not worry about it and use
ozonetherapy to disinfect traumatic and war wounds, bums (due most frequently to
flames) , radiation injuries and abdominal surgery after stomach or intestinal
perforations. Disinfection with ozonized bidistilled water and application of
ozonized oil has been found to be most useful in bums. It is unfortunate that they
abundantly use ozonized saline instead of ozonized blood for systemic treatment. On
this point, our opinions are greatly divergent. I cannot agree with their assertion that
ozonized saline is as effective as blood, because on several occasions we have noted
the multidirectional potentialities of ozonized blood. Serious trauma, bums and
peritonitis lead more or less rapidly to systemic alterations of several organs,
particularly the cardiopulmonary (AROS), coagulative (DIC) and renal systems.
Because of an adverse series of metabolic impairments, these alterations cause the
patient's death . Thus, using all the most appropriate conventional supporting
therapies combined with OrAHT (every 3-4 hours throughout the day), I "feel" that
we could save some lives .
The second topic is less tragic, but no less serious. I have often wondered if a
cardiac patient waiting for a heart transplant might gain increased resistance to
infections and to immunesuppression (unavoidably linked to deep anaesthesia and
surgery) ifhe could undergo two OJ-AHT per week (at low 0J concentrations: 20 to
40 ug/ml) for 3-8 weeks before transplantation. This strategy is all too obvious and
may induce a sort of ischaemic preconditioning or, to use language comprehensible
to most people, the adaptation to chronic oxidative stress (Chapter 22). During heart
transplantation, all organs (particularly the CNS, retina and kidneys) undergo a
bland ischaemia-reperfusion syndrome, which in unlucky cases may have dire
consequences even if the operation is technically perfect. Thus prophylactic
ozonetherapy, with little effort and expense, might be useful.
The final point worth pursuing involves the scheduled operation for application
of a prosthesis, particularly joint implants. In particular, as a precaution, coxo-
femoral surgery requires the collection of I or 2 standard units of blood from the
patient. Discussing this problem with several orthopaedic surgeons, J found that at
least three were interested in evaluating whether performing at least four 03-AHT
(ozone at low concentrations) during the 2 weeks before the operation and then
every day immediately after it for 4-5 days (using the predeposits as weil) would
reduce the complications by enhancing healing and the patient's mood. I presented a
protocol to our Ethical Committee, which was approved. However, no trial has
started as yet because the orthopaedic surgeons do not have supporting personnel to
do AHT.
" The pla cebo ejJect is the heal ing force ofnature"
Zajiceck (1995)
How these "sham" group patients managed to recover (to the same degree as
most "verum" group patients) remains undefined. Most likely, the continuous "drip"
infusion of saline and the physician's attention must have positively influenced their
endogenous release of CRH-ACTH and cortisol. Zajiceck (1995) noted that the
placebo simply triggers the body's natural responses and is the manifestation of the
"Wisdom of the body", which must have evolved in a Darwinian fashion over
millions ofyears. .
Complementary (or even magical) approaches are much more susceptible to a
placebo effect than science-based ones. In ozonetherapy, the methodological
scenario of O]-AHT, and even more so EBOO and BOEX, impresses the patient,
and the invisible, yet important, fact of using agas mixture containing either OrO],
or O2 alone, or only air becomes less relevant. The kind manner and attentive
attitude, especially of the private ozonetherapist, may complete the idyllic picture in
which the patient is certainly going to regain health , which is considered the
supreme blessing (Fig. 102).
Almost needless to say, most ozonetherapists consider randornization and
evaluation of the placebo effect as unethical. As we shall see, any patient at risk must
be exempted. It is also understandable that private ozonetherapists cannot participate
in a RCT, as has been done, surreptitiously, in Italy by an entrepreneur. Actually,
ozonetherapists value the placebo effect like manna from heaven (Ernst, 1996b), and
while I am glad that patients benefit from it, I remain very concerned about the
scientific validity of the approach. Ozonetherapists frequently resent the medical
establishment, since they feel that it considers them quacks and occasionally
persecutes them because of the overwhelming power of the phannaceutical industry
and medical lobbies arid the fact that ozone is non-patentable and rather inexpensive
compared with modem therapies. A few ('f' these comments may be correct, but most
are inappropriate ; it is useless to accuse oll. ~rs in order to excuse our own inadequacy .
In writing Chapter 24, I realised (and here I agree with the skeptics) that most of
the c1inical work published on ozonetherapy in obscure journals is outdated and of
poor quality, except for a few RCTs perfonned in Cuba, Gennany and ltaly. The data
are often very promising but not scientifically documented . I believe that if we leave
ozonetherapy indefinitely in limbo, we will do a disservice to Medicine, patients and
ourselves. Therefore, in order to dissipate prejudices and critically discuss new ideas,
we must get on with serious basic and clinical investigations (Kaptchuk, 1998).
The fifth revision of the Dec1aration of Helsinki is very welcome and it gives us
the possibility of objectively deciding what is the best strategy regarding the
controversial problem of the placebo effect in our field (Christie, 2000 ; Simon,
2000) . Article 11.3 of the Declaration cannot be taken literally because it is not
consistent with the ethics of medical experimentation. As often happens , the
pendulum has swung too far in the opposite direction. Two crucial considerations
have been identified and must be obligatory: respect for patient autonomy and
beneficence on the part of the physician. I cannot agree more with the World
Medical Association (WMA) when it wams phannaceutical companies and research
organizations throughout the world (hence, also Societies of ozonetherapy) against
exploiting patients, particularly poor ones, by using them to test new treatments
from which they will never benefit. The new declaration emphasizes our duties
towards patients who have decided to undergo ozonetherapy. Against the wrong
idea of many ozonetherapists that the study of placebo is immoral, I emphasize
that ozonetherapy is an experimental approach not yet approved as an effective
medical treatment. We must offer and discuss with the patient, possibly
accompanied by relatives and an independent physician, all the best
therapeutic options and we must clarify all the pros and cons of ozonetherapy.
Once the patient feels well infonned, he may decide without coercion to sign an
infonned consent to enter a randomized c1inical trial. The ozonetherapist leading the
research must not have any financial interest and he must dec1are any possible
financial or other conflict of interest. Furthennore, the revised declaration calls for
the testing of any new treatment to be compared against the best current method
where it exists or is available, and NOT against a placebo. Obviously, this does not
strictly apply to ozonetherapy because official medicine has not acknowledged its
validity . Therefore, cornmon sense suggests the schedulihg of three arms for an
ozonetherapy RCT : one testing O2-03 , another testing O 2 alone and another testing
the best current medical treatment (or using a suitabie historical control). I believe
that if we reaDy want to identify the role of ozone, we must check what oxygen
alone (representing 95-98% of the gas mixture) plus the stress of treating blood
ex vivo are able to ac hieve. Obviously this can only be done for diseases in which the
patient's life is not at risk: for example, we should not include IV stage POAD . In any
case, the protocol must clearly specify that, once the study is completed, control
patients have the right to receive the best treatment identified by the study, free of cost.
The oral cavity nonnally hosts some 20 g of comrnensal bacteria, which are weil
kept in check by the MALT . However, they can became pathogenic and are mostly
responsible for dental decay. As reported in Chapter I, Dr. E. Fisch (1899-1966) is
considered the first dentist to use ozone in his practice and to have shown to Dr. E.
Payr ( 187 1- 1946) the potent disinfectant activity of ozone . After a couple of
discussions with dentists, it has become c1ear that they have a vast annamentarium
to fight oral and dental infections. Nonetheless, since 1995 in Gennany, Filippi and
Kirschner have used ozonized water under pressure as a spray during dental
treatment and surgical operations. Obviously, one needs an ozone generator and a
reservoir of bidistilled water to freshly prepare ozonized water throughout the day.
Dr. Filippi is enthusiastic about this old-new possibility and has often asked me why
ozonized water works so weil. Obviously, the jet of water removes all purulent
material and disinfects the area. The ozone probably activates the local circulation
and may stimulate the production of the usual cytokines, promoting the healing
process . Indeed Filippi , at the 151h World Congress (IOA, 200 I), reported that the
application of ozonized water in the oral cavity significantly accelerated wound
healing in comparison to placebo treatment.
However, direct use of the gas is prohibited because one must never breathe
ozone , although now a new invention has circum vented the problem .
In aseries ofpapers, Prof. E. Lynch's group (Baysan et al., 7000; Baysan A. and
Lynch E., "Management ofroot caries using a novel ozone delivery system in vivo",
subrnitted for publication) has shown that primary root carious lesions (PRCLs) can
be successfully treated with a novel ozone delivery system able to avoid any toxie
risk. The system includes a source of ozone and a dental handpiece with a
removable silicon cup for exposing the tooth's lesion to the gas. Escape of ozone is
prevented by the tightly fitting cup including a resilient edge for sealing the edge of
the cup against the selected area on the tooth. The tooth's lesion is exposed to ozone
for aperiod of 10 sec sufficient to kill all micro-organisms in the PRCL.
Interestingly 60% of PRCLs become hard after ozone application supporting the
observation that the use of an oxidant on root dentine carious lesions improves
In conclusion this new treatment regime using ozone appears extremely
effective , without any side effects and can be considered a valid alternative to
conventional "drilling and filling" for the management of PRCLs . It will be
interesting to follow this revolutionary and promising lead in the near future.
It seems ironical that, although ozonetherapy may eventually be accepted and used
in important pathologies, in Italy it is mostly known for its application in
cosmetology. This is due to the myopic and selfish vision of a few ozonetherapists,
who have caused this approach to be discredited. This trend has been favoured
during the last decade by the continuous opening of new beauty centres , making
large profits . It is sad to think that, while every day in the world 600 million people
are starving, in the so-called developed countries a huge amount of money is being
spent to delay skin ageing or mask small imperfections.
There are two problems that mainly afflict women and that require the attention
of most ozonetherapists: one is the constantly increasing obesity and, particularly for
aesthetic reasons , localised lipomatosis; the second is chronic panniculitis. The first
problem can easily be prevented, in most cases, with an appropriate diet and healthy
lifestyle . However, multiple symmetric lipomatosis is areal disease, found mainly in
men. It is characterized by the formation of multiple lipomas, primarily present in
the nape of the neck (Madelung collar) and in the supraclavicular, deltoid and
abdominal regions . However, most women worry about localized layers of fat
around the pelvis and on the thighs (steatopygic Venus). This excess of fat can now
be removed in aesthetic medical centres by several techniques: surgery , but more
frequently liposuction, carboxytherapy and ozonetherapy.
There is no doubt that ozone acts efficientiy as a lipolytic agent .
In Chapter 13, we mentioned that once ozone is dissolved in the interstitial water,
lipids are the preferential substrate for attack; they are broken down to a number of
derivatives, such as lipoperoxides, hydroperoxides and small molecular weight LOPs.
The methodology is simple : injections of 5-10 ml O 2-0 3 (0 3 concentrations must
range from 2-3 to a maximum of 7-8 ug/ml) per site (abdomen, thighs, hips and
gluteal areas) are carried out subcutaneously in the various areas as a mosaic , once a
week. Five-eight sessions are generally sufficient to markedly and homogeneously
dissolve the excessive fat. Using a disposable ozone-resistant (polypropylene,
siliconated) 50 ml syringe, the gas can be applied in 5-10 sites at a time . Practical
needles are the 26-27 G x 12 mm. During each session, no more than 100 or 200 rnl
(20 or 40 sites respectively) may be injected very slowly and with extreme care to
avoid the risk of embolization. Side effects may include a transitory slight burning
sensation at the site of injection and occasional ecchymosis. After the treatment, the
patient must rest for about 20 rnin and a gentle massage may relieve possible pain .
The death of a 30 year-old women occurred three years aga in Italy, apparently after
receiving too many SC injections, for a volume of 600 rnI! As usual, it seems that
the ozonetherapist was ill-prepared for the job.
The total dose of ozone ranges from 200-2000 ug and does not elicit any toxicity;
indeed it may give a sense ofwellness. However, this aspect has not been evaluated . We
have very successfully treated two male Madelung disease patients using the EBOO
approach (Di Paolo et al., 2000). In Chapter 24, I mentioned that a complication during
HAART (due to protease inhibitors) is the appearance oflipodystrophy, and this may be
a rational reason to use ozonetherapy in addition to HAART.
There are several types of pathological panniculitis. I would say that the least
pathologieal is the chronie type, which today worries so many women who wish to
remain sexually desirable. The etiopathogenesis remains unclear but hereditary
factors, an excessively fat-rich diet, a sedentary life and smoking combine to
pro duce an ugly cutaneous appearance (like an orange peel) on the thighs, hips and
gluteal areas. It may start as a rnicrovascular disturbance that slowly induces an
uneven fibrosclerotic process, with intercellular oedema, frequent venous ectasis,
occasional microhaemorrhages and abnormal lipocytes. It can be defined as an
oedematous-fibro-sclerotic panniculitis (OFSP), according to Agostini and Agostini
(1994) . The skin is no Ionger smooth and the patient may report slight pa in during
palpation. It is really nothing very serious, but the ugly appearance of the skin
pro duces patients, i.e. bread and butter for many ozonetherapists.
Ozonetherapy is performed with 20-40 SC injections of 10-5 ml gas each,
respectively, for a total gas volume of 200 ml once a week for 5-8 weeks.
Depending on the stage of the panniculitis, the ozone concentration has been
differentiated as : tough-type - 2 ug /ml; soft-type - 1.5-2 .6 ug/ml ; oedematous-type -
3-4 ug /ml . However, I realty must laugh at the finesse of these details, because I
seriously doubt that these cosmetologists have such precise ozone gene rators to
select these concentrations. Most of them use portable generators of a firm that
produces very poor quality apparatuses; they lack a photometrie control and, even
w;..m new, produce very imprecise ozone concentrations. Every year at our course
on ozonetherapy, several ozonetherapists come with their portable generators to
check the real concentration on the basis of the iodometrie method. Luckily, we
always find rar lower ozone concentrations than expected : 1-2 instead of 20 and
17-19 instead of 70 ug/ml! I always tell them a true story: several years ago, after a
lecture in which I had pointed out the serious problern of unreliability of ozone
generators, one famous ozonetherapist working in Milan looked very worried. In a
very reserved way, he asked me what might be the reason why , during the last year,
he injected the gas as usual in many women but with no success at alt . So r asked
hirn : when did you last check your instrument? He said: I have never checked it!
This means simply, I replied, that your generator does not produce ozone any longer
and you inject only oxygen or air. He thanked me very profusely saying that r had
saved his workjust in time.
r have often said that ozonetherapy is vexed by several problems: the serious
control and maintenance of generators is a crucial one and, only recently after
several warnings, some ozonetherapists have become aware of this (Chapter 6 and
7) . Health authorities do not understand and care about this problem either.
Moreover, poor quality generators easily undergo corrosion and , if air mixes with
oxygen, they may produce a very toxie mixture containing NOx .
Coming back to the treatment, I insist that gas injections must be done very
slowly with Iittle pressure, taking care not to be inside a vein to avoid embolization.
Always for cosmetic reasons, small superficial telangiectasis can be sclerotized
by first blocking the blood flow and then slowly injecting 1-3 m1 of gas (at high 0 3
concentration : 80 ug/ml), remaining still for 30-60 sec. A compressive bandage
must be left for one day. Almost needless to add, for the topical treatment of these
unaesthetic features, there are many products prepared as gel or cream containing
either ozonized oil or other substances, which are fairly effective and quite
After speaking with several veterinarians, I have eome to the eonclusion that ,
pro vided the ozone is used judiciously, ozonetherapy is very useful ; it effeetively
resolves chronie and often very difficult problems, with no toxieity and in a shorter
time than eon ventional therapy.
Regarding the routes of administration, IV and IA are very rarely used or, at
most, only a few ml ofgas are injeeted very slowly. IM and SC routes are frequently
used during various infeetions, the ozone coneentration never exeeeding 15 ug/ml.
10 ml of gas can be injected per site .
Reetal insufflation, via a 20-30 em long polyethylene eatheter, is often earried
out during intestinal and systemic infeetions in pet animals beeause it is easy to
perform and not painful. The gas volume may range from 25 to 600 ml depending
on the size of the animal, while the 0 3eoneentration ranges from 20 to 35 ug/ml ,
Minor 0 3-AHT is also frequently performed in pet animals: 3-5 ml blood are
exposed to 3-5 m1 gas (0 3 concentration 40-80 ug/ml) and promptly reinjected IM.
For major 0 rAHT, as in humans a volume ofblood corresponding to 1120-1125 of
the whole mass is collected from a superficial vein in Na Citrate 3.8% (1.5 ml every
9 ml). It is then mixed, without bubbling, with an equal gas volume (ozone
concentrations : eats and dogs, 10-40 ug/rnl; sheep and pigs, 20-50 ug/ml; horses and
cows , about 1.5 L of blood + 1.5 L of gas, 0 3 concentration 20-50 ug/ml), It is
suggested to always use the up-dosing system.
Intra- or peri-artieular injections: 1-3 ml of gas (0 3 concentration 20 ug/rnl)
possibl y preceded byflushing with ozonized water. After the gas, 1 ml of sterile
ozonized oil can be injected. These administrations are perforrned for infectious
arthritis and coxo-femoral arthrosis in dogs.
Intra-Iesional (abscesses, superficial tumours, osteomyelitis, cysts) gas in;ection :
initially at a high ozone concentration (60-80 ug/ml) followed by progressively
lower concentrations (40-10 ug/ml) . If necessary, the lesion can be washed with
ozonized water.
Bagging, for cutaneous infections (pyoderrnitis, decubitus, chronic wounds and
ulcers, mycosis, etc.): the animal is placed inside a robust polyethylene bag
containing some water, with the head weil insulated outside. Depending on the
seriousness of the illness , the ozone concentration may vary from 60 to 20 ug/ml for
15-20 min. Bagging must be repeated for several days until the infection recedes .
Intravaginal and endometrial (vaginitis, endometritis) administration with ozonized
water followed by gas (0) concentration 20 ug/ml) and sterile ozonized oil.
Intra-urethral and bladder infections in cats and dogs are treated with gentle
washing with ozonized water, insufflation of gas at an ozone concentration of 15
ug/ml (volume 20-50 ml).
Intramammary injection: gas can be slowly injected at a low concentration (10-
20 ug/rnl) followed by sterile ozonized oil (Silva et al., 1999) .
In conclusion, ozone doses and schedules are generally similar to those used in
human patients.
What is the daily activity of a veterinarian using ozonetherapy? It may start with
a few operations to sterilize cats and dogs . Obviously under aseptic conditions, the
use of freshly ozonized water (20 ug/rnl) and the moistening of surgical wounds
with sterile ozonized oil prevents infections and allows rapid healing. Rectal
insufflation of 20-30 ml gas (0) : 20 ug/rnl) helps to wake the animal very quickly
after anaesthesia. The same strategy is applied for any operation to be perforrned in
dogs after dirty traumatic accidents. Fistulae are insufflated with ozonized water and
gas and then with ozonized oil, and they heal very rapidly. Minor 03-AHT seems to
accelerate the recovery . Ticks can be removed completely if ozonized oil is applied
some 15 min before removal.
Dogs frequently arrive with an ear infection due to foreign bodies, which may
have already perforated the tympanie membrane. After removal and insufflation of
ozone (20 ug/ml), it is useful to instil some ozonized oil. A similar tactic is used for
eye infections, and a few drops of oil also help to eure the infection. Ozonized oil for
animal use must have a low peroxide concentration to avoid irritation and pain .
Operations in valuable large animals, and perhaps also in a zoo, are rare but do take
place . Scrollavezza et al. (1997a) have found that major OrAHT (1-1.5 L blood + 1-
1.5 L of gas with an ozone concentration of 20-50 ug/ml) perforrned the day before
the operation, just before anaesthesia, and then for 4-5 consecutive days is a
tremendous help for the quick recovery of horses. Indeed this animal is notoriously
at high risk, particularly during anaesthesia. The same strategy is used in cows for
post-partum paralysis (Scrollavezza et al., 1997b; Silva et al., 1999). Post-partum
endometritis can be advantageously treated with gentle insufflation of ozonized
water and application of a couple of pessaries containing ozon ized oil.
Finally, I must mention that as soon as it was leamed that O]-AHT, or even RI
with ozone, stimulates the competitive performance of horses and dogs, someone
began to dope these animals . I hope that this is not true but, as I will briefly discuss
in the next chapter , it may well be.
The problem of doping in athletes has become an almost daily issue . It is often
carried out with dangerous compounds or, in any case, with biological compounds,
such as hormones and EPO , which may improve the physical performance but
unavoidably have side effects.
I have heard rumours that some bicycle racers have used ozone. If they do, I am
convinced that they use rectal insufflation of O2-0 3 just before the competition.
However, one would need at least a portable generator and, as far as I know, in Italy
the athletes are now operating under strict contro!. RI of Or03 would be
undetectable and it could represent a fairly good support. Yet, in my opinion, it is a
form of doping and must be prohibited. The International Sport Association says
"blood doping, w'hich is the administration of blood, red blood cells, artificial oxygen
carriers and related blood products to an athlete including the use ofEPO, is prohibited."
There have been a few studies in athletes to check if ozonetherapy really improves
the physical performance: one by Jakl in Vienna (reported by Viebahn, 1999) and the
other by Gionovich et al. (1995) in Italy. Both have used 03-AHT with ozone
concentrations of 30-40 ug/rnl and have concluded that ozonetherapy induces a
significant improvement ofphysical activity. I regret I could read only the two abstracts,
since the full papers have not yet been published, as often occurs in this field.
My lab is on the same floor as the "Sport Medicine Unit" and I asked the
Director if we could organise a serious study of this topic. However, he adamantly
refused to collaborate, adding that he cannot participate in any form of study
possibly related to doping. Obviously, I was not interested in the possibility of
doping anyone, only in ascertaining, by means of reliable parameters, how and if
oxygen or oxygen-ozone are able to influence oxygen transport and delivery.
As far as I can judge, some sport competitions (bicycling, marathon, tennis) are
now stretched to the extreme of physical capabilities and it has been found that an
excessive effort induces significant oxidative stress, immunosuppression and even
cardiovascular damage. I wonder if all these athletes should not be helped, in the light
of day, by professional sport physicians with suitable, weil controlled measures so that
they will not undergo an awful stress and will no longer have any reason to be doped .
"Ifthe degeneration ofthe senile alterations are diseases, a day will come when iI will
be possible to C-11re them. The question is certainly not whether the injections (of
aqueous testicular e:ctracts) rejuvenate, the question is 10 know ifone can approximate
Ihe strength ofa younger person , and 10 me that appears certain. "
C.E. Brown-Sequard, Physiology and Normal Pathology 1:719 (1889)
In a eonsumer society, when well-off people believe that the power of money is
almost infinite, it is unavoidable that we hope to buy extra time for our terrestrial
life. Everyone knows that the life expeetaney in Europe has inereased throughout the
last eentury from an average of 47 to about 78. The advent of vaeeines, antibioties,
vitamins, a low-fat and low-ealorie diet rieh in antioxidants (Youngman et al., 1992;
Ames et al., 1993), a regimen of moderate physieal exereise and the avoidanee of
smoking and drinking have been the main faetors in lengthening the life span and in
improving the quality of life.
There has been an inereasing knowledge of the ageing proeess and we have
beeome aware that chronie oxidative stress, the formation of advaneed glyeosylation
end substanees (AG ES), shortening of telomeres, ehronie exposure to pollutants, a
stressful lifestyle and the physiologie decline of circulating hormones are alt factors
that, to different extents, playa role in ending life.
Ouring the last three deeades , the theory that hormonal decline may be an
important cause of ageing has gathered momenturn, with the postulation that
hormonal replaeement may result in a rejuvenating process (Seeman and Robbins,
1994). Thus numerous hormones have been proposed and variably tested : estrogen,
which produces numerous benefits in post-menopausal women (Grady et al., 1992;
Peterson, 1998); growth hormone (Rudman et a1., 1990); dehydroepiandrosterone
(OHEA) and OHEA-sulphate, a sort of mother steroid (Bilger, 1995; Baulieu and
Robel, 1998); melatonin (Reiter, 1991) and, last but not least, testosterone for
androgen defieieney (Morley and Perry III, 2000) in ageing men.
Many experiments have been eondueted in rodents, frequently using very high
doses of hormones. However, it remains unclear whether the results obtained in
these non-primate models ean be extrapolated to human beings, also beeause rodents
often have a different hormonal pattern frorn man . Several studies in humans have
shown benefieial aetions of some hormones : prevention of osteoporosis,
improvement of memory and of the HOLILOL ratio due to estrogen; inereased
energy and sex drive during testosterone replaeement therapy; an apparent
improvement of mental aetivities after OHEA, promoted to the role of a
neurosteroid. Nevertheless, improvement of the quality of life is not a eonsistent
finding and many quest ions remain to be explored, mostly beeause long-term
therapy may be associated with serious adverse effects. Another problem is that, in
order to achieve striking results, enthusiastic c1inicians tend to administer
pharmacological doses of a single hormone, thus possibly disrupting the
physiological equilibrium with unforeseeable consequences. Indeed it remains
unclear what is the optimal method of hormone replacement, although slow-release
patches and creams are probably better than oral administration or injection. Without
minimizing the importance of this approach, I must conclude that we have not yet
reached the stage of an equilibrated and optimised exogenous therapy , which is
conceptually difficult to individualize.
The justification of this prologue can be found in the following question : is there
any possibility of inducing a harmonious release of hormones and how might this be
achieved? Throughout the book , I have reported (Chapter 16 and 25) that most
patients report a feeling of euphoria and a sense of wellness after ozonetherapy. Is
this simply due to faith in this medical treatment (the power of the mindl), or are the
generated messengers actually able to modify the secretion and release of several
hormones? We ought to have answered this question a long time ago; indeed it would
not be too difficult to evaluate, before and after 0rAHT, the complete hormonal
pattern and cycling in the plasma throughout the day . This study would be very
enlightening and might help to understand why the patient feels better after OJ-AHT
and to identify the best time of the day to perform it. On the other hand I never heard
saying that ozonetherapy consistently improves sexual desire and performance and this
is surprising because one of the most powerful hook for catching media attention is
sex . I can only report that a few vasculopathic (III and IV stage) patients informed us
that, after a few EBOO treatments, they noticed areturn of early morn ing penile
erection. This may be due to improved oxygenation or/and enhanced DHEA
Another thing that has always puzzled me is why and how ozonetherapy relieves
pain . Is it able to enhance the effects of some endogenous neurotransmitters such as
serotonin and dopamine, similar to the effects of endorphins observed after intense
physical exercise (Viru and Tendzegolskis, 1995)?
1t has been postulated (Chapter 22) that ozonetherapy can paradoxicall y
strengthen the antioxidant defences against a transitory and controlled oxidati ve
stress. The exciting possibility is that, by performing two brief cycles (6-8
treatments per cycle) of ozonetherapy each year (around March and October), we
may be able to delay ageing. Low doses of ozone should be used for either OJ-AHT
(15-30 ug/ml) or RI (5-20 ug/rnl) or BOEX (0 .2-1 ug/rnl) .
We have noted that ageing is a multifactorial process and consequently
administration of a single hormone, while temporarily beneficial , is unlikely to be
useful in the long run . Longevity, and even better "longevityfreefrom disability and
fun ctional dependence" as Hayflick (2000) has written, may be more rationally
achieved by the yearly repetition of agentie, yet paradoxical, treatment Iike
ozonetherapy, which is probably able to simultaneously reactivate several functions ,
such as antioxidant defences, T-cell mediated functions, the network of enzyme
repair, a sustained and balanced hormonal release, with the inherent benefits of more
energy, improved mood and memory, prevention of cancer and atherosclerosis, and
retention of sexual activity . However, I refuse to dream that ozone will represent the
etemal fountain of youth (as hoped for melatonin) nor that it will prolong the life-
span by some 15-20 years so as to have an extra decade of a good and productive
life . After all , the earth already hosts 6 billion people and it is far better to give space
and opportunity to young people rather than to maintain too many almost
mummified centenarians.
The antiputrefactive activity of chlorine has been known since 1774 and this
halogenous gas is still in use, although its toxicity and other drawbacks now limit its
application as a water disinfectant. It has been used as agas, or as a calcium
hypochlorite, or as chloramines, but in any case the "active" chlorine is represented by
a mixture of HOCI and OCr. HOCl is a powerful oxidizing agent that can react with
thiol groups and thioethers (cysteine and methionine), haeme proteins, nucleotides,
DNA, PUFAs and cholesterol. It is weil known that HOCI produced by the
myeloperoxidase (an enzyme present in phagocytesj-Hjöj-Cl' system is responsible
for killing a wide range of pathogens in vivo. The in vitro bactericidal activity of
HOCl is conditioned by various factors, such as pH, the excessive presence of organic
materials, metals, etc.; although it is effective, several chlorinated compounds remain,
which have unsatisfactory organoleptic characteristics .
Ozone is now substituting chlorine as a potent drinking water disinfectant able to
inactivate several human pathogens, e.g. as many as 63 different bacteria
(Salmonella , Shigella, Vibrio, Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica,
Legionella, etc.), some 15 viruses (polio- , echo-, Coxsackie viruses, etc.), some 25
fungi and mould spores (Aspergillus, Penicillium , Trichoderma , etc.), several yeast
varieties, and up to 13 fungal pathogens (Altemaria, Monilinia, Rhizopus, etc.) .
More recently, due to contamination of groundwater with faecal material, the
problem of disinfection has become more complex, since encysted protozoa, such as
Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts and helminth eggs (Ascaris suum
and Ascaris lumbricoides), require a much Ionger time of contact with ozone than
bacteria and viruses. Every year Cryptosporidium causes outbreaks of sickness,
which can be fatal for elderly and very ill patients (AIDS).
Water is rapidly becoming a precious commodity and wastewater from cities,
animal breeding (particularly cattle, sheep, swine) and industrial plants must be
reused for irrigation in order to increase agricultural production. This happens most
frequently in underdeveloped countries, but also in the USA and Italy, and poses a
health risk by causing serious gastro-intestinal diseases (Stein and Schwartzbrod,
1990; Ayres et al., 1992; Johnson et al., 1998; Orta de Velasquez et al., 2001) . Toze
(1999) has reported that, in countries with poor sanitation systems, about 250
million people are infected each year by waterbome pathogens, with about 10
million deaths. The oxidation of organic and inorganic materials during ozonization
(gas to water phaser'occurs via a combination of molecular ozone and OH·. Water
companies throughout the world are evaluating several methods to optimize the
various steps of the water-treatment process, which varies in different countries
depending on the quality of the water (concentration of organic matter, turbidity, salt
348 CHAPTER 31
content) (Kadokawa et al., 2001 ; Evans et al., 2001; Courbat et al., 2001 ; Hijnen et al.,
2001). Ozone appears very effective in inactivating most bacteria and viruses, while
protozoan cysts and helminth eggs are far more resistant; only by using realistic
ozonization conditions can one achieve a moderate degree ofinactivation (Graham and
Paraskeva, 2001; Lewin et al., 2001). This is an important problem that requires more
intensive sanitation ofwastewater, particularly from animal breeding.
Another aspect for prevention of outbreaks of intestinal infections is the
possibility of using ozone as an antimicrobial agent in direct contact with food and
fruits . On June 26, 2001, the V.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
formally approved the use of ozone, in the gaseous and aqueous phase, as an
antimicrobial agent for the treatment, storage and processing of foods . This is
good news and raises the hope that, as soon as we can provide reliable data on the
c1inical benefit of ozonetherapy, this approach will be assimilated into orthodox
Medicine. It must be mentioned that, in addition to the dis infection of drinking
water, the use of ozone can also improve its organoleptic properties. In fact , it
enhances the eoaguIation and flocculation process, oxidizes bad taste and odour
compounds (as weil as iron and manganese), and improves particle removal in filters
or through bioactive granular activated carbon. The effieacy of ozone has now been
validated by more than 3,000 municipal water treatment plants around the world .
In his keynote speech at the 15th World Congress of the IOA (September 11-15,
2001, London) entitled "Century 21 - pregnant with ozone", Dr. R.G. Rice pointed out
that, besides the classical applications for ozone, there are a great many more uses, those
in agrieulture, food proeessing and medieal therapy being very active and promising.
During the last decade, the resistance of pathogens to antibiotics has increased to a
point where we no longer have an effective drug for some strains . This is a complex
story, partly due to the extensive use of antibiotics in animal food and the improper
use in patients. The result is dramatic because almost every month, we hear of a
series of deaths due to incontrollable infections breaking out in hospitals after more
or less complex operations and in intensive therapy units. With some approximation,
it seems that several thousand deaths could be avoided each year if we could
eliminate the resistant bacteria. The problem is so important that some 1000 papers
per year report relevant data (Aitken and Jeffries, 2001; Guerrero et al., 2001; Kollef
and Fraser, 2001; Olsen et al., 2001; Shiomori et al., 2001; Slonim and Singh, 2001;
Stephan et al., 2001; Stover et al., 200 I; Wenzel and Edmond, 2001) .
At the end of the previous chapter, I mentioned that Rice (2001) had reported
new applications for ozone, to which most bacteria are unable to become resistant.
Applications for ozone can be divided into two phases :
a) to allow enough time, even days if necessary, for the ozone gas (which is less
active and slower than aqueous solubilized ozone) to be in contact with the
contaminants to be oxidized and destroyed;
b) when confined spaces are treated with gaseous ozone, people must not be present.
The ozone generator must be regulated by a timer, which can be operated by every
user . Ozone release must stop weil before people re-enter the facility;
c) prior to returning the air mixed with ozone into the atrnosphere, the gas mixture
must pass through an ozone destructor. Personnel can usually re-enter an area
treated with ozone, after appropriate de-aeration, after a short while ;
d) to prevent lung toxicity, an ozone monitor must be instalIed to check for any
residual ozone concentration.
Ozone fumigation ofbedding, bedclothes and any other object can be carried out
according to the instructions given by Inui and Ichiyanaghi (200 I). Ozone is used in
conjunction with a negative ion generator and, if necessary, a heater to control mites
and ticks.
Several pharmaceutical firms in the USA have recently started to package
pharmaceutical products in an ozone-containing atmosphere to maintain a sterile
packaged product line .
"Blood transfusion is like marriage; it should not be entered upon lightly , unadvisedly
01' wantonly, 01' more often than ts absolutely necessary"
Seal ,l976
There are a few problems involved with this question. The first is to examine whether
ozonization of blood, blood fractions or plasma is able to further reduce the risk of
infection. Although it is unlikely that zero-risk transfusion will ever be achieved, the
safety of blood has been greatly improved by carefully checking eligible blood donors
at various levels and then applying sensitive and precise screening tests. The
achievement has been quite remarkable in the USA (Schreiber et al., 1996; Glynn et
al., 2000) but there remains the risk of infectious blood collected during the window
period (Ling et al., 2000). Moreover, two-thirds ofthe countries throughout the world,
in which the number of infected donors is significant, do not yet have appropriate
systems to ensure a safe blood supply (WHO, 2000).
Ozone is a very good disinfectant but, being a potent oxidant, may damage plasma
protein components and blood cells. It remains doubtful that we can ozonize whole
blood to the extent of destroying pathogenic agents without affecting the function of
cells, particularly after a storage period. There is one report (by Mattassi, 1985) that, to
prevent the transmission of HBV, Wehrli (in 1957) treated 10,000 blood donations
with ozone (unknown concentration and dose) and did not record any infection. For
many reasons, this result is superficial and hard to believe unless, by a stroke of luck,
the ozone inactivated virus particles in the plasma and made then immunogenic,
creating a sort of vaccine. There are also a number of patents in this regard. The one
by Y.c. Zee and D.C. Bolton (U.S. patent no. 4,632,980, December 30, 1986) does
not, in my opinion, give the assurance of absolute sterilization of blood according to
today's standards. A second one by R. Schmitthaeusler (Eur. pat. appl. 0261032,
March 23, 1988) regards either a resuspended cryoprecipitate containing fibrinogen,
fibronectin, factor XIII, some albumin and IgG or a sampie of fresh plasma. This
patent, after appropriate checking, may be taken into consideration.
As far as blood is concemed, it may be worthwhile re-examining the problem
after LD. This important step, enforced in the UK since November 1999
(Williamson, 2000), offers many benefits : it removes leukocyte-associated viruses
and bacteria, and it avoids TRAU, possible HLA alloimmunization and
immunomodulation, and the release of cytokines, which (with traces of LPS) may
cause febrile reactions . It has taken several decades to understand and remove
the prejudice that blood, as the "gift of Iife", should not be touched. Yet it is
now c1ear that carefully and freshly leukocyte-depleted blood has a far higher
therapeutic index and safety than the original sampIe. Thus the remaining
erythrocytes and plasma could undergo careful ozonization in a glass (ozone-
resistant) container and perhaps then we may able to achieve total viral inactivation .
The addition of antioxidants (GSH and AR) may restore anormal TAS and improve
storage (Dumaswala et a1. , 1999, 2000). Obviously, it will be necessary to examine
several virological markers, the activity of protein components, and biochemical
markers of erythrocytes after ozonization and subsequent storage.
A second intriguing problem concems the possibility that ozonization may
rapidly restore a suitable 2,3-DPG concentration in stored erythrocytes before
transfusion. 2,3-DPG levels decrease more rapidly in erythrocyte concentrates than
in plasma, but they are almost nil after either 12 or 27 days storage at 4°C,
respectively. After 20 days storage, transfused erythrocytes recover their ATP , K
and 2,3-DPG content within 3-24 hours in vivo (Beutler et al., 1969; Valeri and
Hirsch, 1969; Beutler and Wood, 1969) . However, during the first few hours, their
2,3 -DPG concentration remains low and it does not allow a satisfactory oxygen
release. Thus, the issue has been raised whether ozonization prior to transfusion
accelerates the resynthesis of 2,3 -DPG to the point of representing areal c1inical
advantage. Hoffmann and Viebahn (2001) reported that ozonization (50 ug/rnl 0 3
per ml for 35 sec) of cold erythrocyte concentrate stored for 27 days , using the
microbubble flask, accelerates the 2,3-DPG synthesis by 10-30% in comparison to
contro!. It seems that an ozone concentration of 50 ug/ml is critical, since a lower
concentration is ineffective and higher ones cause extensive haemolysis. That ozone
may enhance the synthesis of 2,3-DPG remains a controversial topic, but it is
nonetheless interesting. However, in practical terms, the cost-benefit of this
additional step remains to be assessed.
A third problem of future practical importance is the viral inactivation of fresh
frozen plasma (FFP). Pamphilon (2000) precisely reviewed the current options for
viral inactivation of FFP, i.e, treatment with solvent-detergent, or methylene blue , or
psolaren S-59 and ultraviolet A light exposure. These treatments, as well as others
under development, seem to be effective and probably atoxic: the first one (S-D) is
widely used in the USA, the second one (MB) is used in Europe and the third one
(S-59-UVA) is not yet licensed. Since all of them are expensive treatments, I
wonder why ozonization of FFP has not been mentioned, not even to say that it is a
bad idea . Recently, I proposed to our Blood Centre to evaluate the pros and cons of
ozonization of LD plasma in glass containers, since ozone should not cause the
release of xenocompounds after the reaction in plastic bags . Evaluation of this
inexpensive approach will take some time but, if coagulation factors and protein
functions are not compromised, viral inactivation is likely to be optimal. In Chapter
34, it will be made c1ear that ozonized FFP derived from LD blood may become a
good option to substitute ozonized blood.
Direct ozonization of blood appears to be the most effective procedure to obtain the
biological and ciinical effects of ozone. However, this requires the handling ofblood
and its reinfusion. Some physicians and nurses in infectious diseases units are often
reluctant to perform 03-AHT because they are afraid of accidentally pricking
themselves with an infected needle. In poor countries, National Health Services
cannot afford to buy the autotransfusion sets, which cost about ten dollars each . In
affluent countries, it is deplorable that some ozonetherapists do not like "to waste"
their time and thus look for a rapid procedure. For these reasons, I have often been
asked ifthere is any way to substitute OrAHT.
In 1994, I spent several months searching for a suitable solution and, after a long
screening, I found a few possibilities. The first was to ozonize physiological saline
(Oj-saline)! In fact, we tested several isotonic and isoionic solutions, with or without
glucose, but eventually realized that simple saline (NaCI:O.9%) could trap more
ozone and derivatives than any other solution. We also tested plasma expanders such
as the weil known Emagel and hydroxy ethyl starch (HES) solution. Emagel
solution could be weil ozonized but I was very concemed that the oxidation of
polypeptides could produce immunogens, which during repeated infusion could
eventually cause an anaphylactic reaction. The HES solution also gave us a bad
surprise. Initially, the idea that HES might trap 0 3 molecules seemed interesting.
Yet when we tested ozonized HES solutions with BMC cultured in vitro, we
observed a striking ozone concentration-dependent cell death . The result was
interpreted as due to cell uptake of 03-HES particies, followed by excessive
intracellular oxidation during HES degradation and ozone release. Thus, it is far
preferable to solubilize ozone in plasma (exogenous oxidation), as occurs when
blood is exposed to O 2-03.
In spite of the simplicity and rapidity of preparation, I disliked the concept of 0 3-
saline; although it could contain some H202 , a variable amount of HOCI could also
be formed. Moreover traces of Fe2+ can allow the formation of OH·. It is possible I
made the mistake of ozonizing saline with an excessive amount of ozone (80 ug/ml),
but I deemed it useful to prepare a fairly strong solution to be injected very slowly,
possibly with a very thin needle (027), in patients lacking a venous access. I tried it
on myself twice in a large vein and, in spite of considerable blood dilution, the next
day I feit a painful irritation along the venous path up to the axilla . The vein tended
to harden and I concluded that Oi-saline was somewhat caustic and could cause a
chemical phlebitis.
The following year, I visited the regional hospital in Niznhy Novgorod and I was
surprised that Russian doctors were using Oj -saline extensively and c1aiming good
results . However, they ozonized the saline with only 1.5-2 ug/rnl, i.e. with a
concentration 40-50 times lower than mine . We had a heated discussion whether 0 3-
saline could be as efficacious 03-AHT and, against my doubts, two doctors asserted
that it was . Yet the lack of comparative data and of control solutions did not allow to
reach any conclusion.
In Russia, they continue to perform Oj-saline in many hospitals, as can be noted from
their papers presented at the 2001 10A meeting in London. They remained convinced
that Oj-saline is efficacious and they agreed that the ozonization has to be very weak. I
suspect that they have weak 0 3 generators and no easy access to blood autotransfusion
sets. In any case, my firm opinion is that we should not use this procedure .
By 1997, we became sure that H202 is one of the most important ROS , as an
early ozone messenger (Bocci et al., 1998a) . This helped to remind me that a
solution of H 202 had been used by Dr . LN. Love , working in St. Louis (USA). He
published a note entitled "Hydrogen peroxide as aremedial agent" (Love, 1888). At
that time , he could only instil a diluted solution of H20 2 into the nostrils of patients
affected by diphtheria, whooping cough and tonsillitis, obtaining beneficial effects. I
believe that Dr. Love had a wonderful insight into a problem that has taken several
decades to c1arify, i.e. that phagocytes can win their battle against pathogenic
bacteria only ifthey can deliver O 2•• , H 202 , NO· and HOCI. Today, everyone knows
that the topical use of a 3.6% solution of H202 is very useful for the disinfection of
wounds. Subsequently, Dr. C.H . Farr (1993) promoted the use of IV administration
of a dilute solution of H 202 in several iIInesses, very sirnilar to those treated with
ozonetherapy. Needless to say, H 202 must be considerably diluted before contact
with blood in order to avoid dangerous oxygen embolism and damage to
endothelium. Dr . Farr is acknowledged as one of the founders of bio-oxidative
therapy, included among the complementary medical approaches by the NIH .
The precise formulation of the H 202 solution for IV administration, first
elaborated by Dr. Farr, consists of a few steps that I have simplified and improved:
1) A 15% stock solution is prepared by diluting 30% reagent grade H 202 with an
equal volume of apyrogenic, sterile bidistilled water. The sterile container is
stored in the dark at +2°C.
2) In order to prepare the final solution when needed, it is necessary to dilute 0.5 ml
of the sterile 15% H 202 solution with 250 ml of 5% sterile glucose solution. I
would like to recommend: a) to withdraw the 0.5 rn1 without the use of a metal
needle because iron (from the needle) will contaminate the solution and enhance
formation of OH·; b) to filter the 15% stock solution through a 0.22 um filter
and to directly inject 0.5 ml, via a plastic spike, into the 5% glucose solution
flask; c) to never dilute H202 into saline, to avoid the risk of HOCI formation .
My procedure eliminates one step and avoids iron contamination. Moreover, the
solution must be infused via an angiocath (plastic catheter) . The final "202
concentration is equivalent to 0.03%, is isotonic and suitable for direct slow
(2-3 hr) IV infusion. It may be worthwhile reminding physicians, who like to
make strange solutions, to avoid mixing the 0.03 % H202 solution with
antioxidants (vitamin C, GSH), amino acids, minerals, etc., to avoid negative
interference. Depending on the stage and type of disease, treatments can be
carried out daily , every other day or twice weekly.
I have been told that, for serious illnesses, Dr. Farr has slowly infused a five-fold
greater concentration (0.15%, i.e. 2.5 ml of the 15% H202 solution diluted into 250
ml of 5% glucose solution), with "excellent results". In order to avoid toxicity and to
allow adaptation to COS, I would suggest a gradual increase of the total volume
(from 125 to 250 ml) and an increase of the concentration to 0.09%, at most. I have
tried on myself two 250 rnl infusions at 0.03 % without any adverse effects, in
contrast to Oj-saline. Dr. Farr has performed IV infusions of a 0.03% solution in
very many patients affected by several diseases. Yet so far my protocol has not been
accepted by any c1inician in Italy.
The IV administration of H202 solutions in arterial and heart ischaemia and in
cancer has been reported by Ursche! Jr. (1967) . Interesting studies on the
antitumoural effects ofH 202 have been reported by Sasaki et al. (1967), Nathan and
Cohn (1981) and Symons et al. (200 I). While this approach has been widely used in
the USA, Canada and Mexico, it has not been used in Russia , Germany or Italy.
However, I believe it may be more effective and less toxic than Oj-saline.
To start with, it would be interesting to compare laboratory and c1inical results
by testing the classical OJ-AHT and the H202 solution in chronic limb ischaemia and
chronic C hepatitis. Such a study appears very difficult because to achieve c1ear
statistical significance, it may be necessary to evaluate thousands of patients . The
crucial question is: can the H20 2 solution satisfactorily substitute OJ-AHT or other
approaches using ozone?
The proposal of H202 is not senseless, particularly since we know that H202 is
one of the early ozone messengers. However, it may be less effective because late
products, like LOPs, may not be generated in vivo owing to rapid reduction of H202 .
Moreover, although certainly not presenting the same risk as direct gas infusion
(Chapter 16), direct IV infusion of H202 solution involves similar uncertainties. In
fact, infusion can never be precisely related to the venous blood flow, with the
inherent consequence that it may be either toxic or useless if antioxidants quench the
H 202 totally before it diffuses intracellularly. Nonetheless, I believe that this
approach deserves to be tested because if it works :
• Ozone generators, with all their problems and cost , would become superfluous.
Electric energy is unnecessary.
• The cost of the H202 solution is almost negligible. Preparation of the solution is
simple, weil standardized and reliable , and the solution is more stable than
ozone . Moreover, it can be transported everywhere and can be injected with a
small angiocath into any patient at horne.
• One needs reagent grade H202 (30%), sterile bidistilled water, a 5% glucose
solution , an antibacterial filter and a few plastic disposable tools . The advantage
is that the therapy can be performed in poor countries in the most remote corners
356 CHAPTER 34
of the Earth, particularly to alleviate diseases. r will do the best I can to promote
its application by the WHO, which probably has not been sufficiently informed
about it.
In 1993, Dr . Farr reported that injection of a 0.03% HzOz solution into joints and
muscles relieved pain quickly. This paradoxical result is similar to the one r
discussed after ozone injection (Chapter 24, Orthopaedic diseases). Last year, the
Ethical Committee of Siena University approved my protocol for the IM
administration of a 0.15-0 .30% solution (49-98 ,..M HzOz). Preliminary results have
shown that these concentrations are suitable (depending on the patient's reactivity)
for IM injection (5 rnI .per site) into trigger points present in paravertebral rnuscles,
as a substitute for gas injection (0 3 at 20 ug/ml) , in patients with backache. In
Chapter 24, the effect of so-ca lied "chernical acupuncture" with OZ-03 was
attributed to the local release of HzOz acting on nociceptors and eliciting the
analgesic response. I am hopeful that this study will c1arify the role of HzOz as an
"antinociceptive" drug.
If the HzOz-glucose solution is not acceptable, two possibilities remain :
After blood, FFP seems a reasonable solution because it contains all the basic
reactants preferred by the solubilized ozone. However, as blood cells are absent, the
formed HzOz will not diffuse into them and will not activate metabolie pathways ex
vivo . As noted in Chapters 13 and 14, HzOz will be reduced in a couple of minutes
after ozonization and the infused plasma will contain late ROS and LOPs and will
have a reduced T AS . It is unlikely that it will be as effective as ozonized blood. Yet
perhaps if altemated with HzOz solution, it may represent a good compromise.
However, while HzOz solution is sterile, FFP can still transmit infections, in spite of
a highly redueed risk . To enhance its validity, FFP should be obtained after strict
screening and controls and only from LD blood. Moreover, it should be subjected to
one ofthe currently used and expensive methods to ensure viral inactivation, such as
solvent-detergent or methylene blue treatment, unless the ozonization process has an
equivalent potency (Chapter 33) . 1fthis can be proved, it would be useful and reduce
the cost. Even so, there remains the problem of the availability of FFP , as it is
widely employed to obtain precious plasma components.
The final option is a lipid emulsion. There are several already employed for
parenteral nutrition. Indeed we have spent some time evaluating one, which I will
simply indicate as LE, rich in phospholipids, partly unsaturated medium and long-
chain triglycerides, glycerol and water. It is isotonic, practically ion -free and
obviously sterile. When exposed to OZ-03, ozone dissolves as usual, reacts
immediately with PUF As and forms ROS and LOPs, which by mixing with blood
during reinfusion may at least partly activate blood cells . Thus, it shows advantages
and is a promising solution. After obtaining permission from the Ethical Committee
and the Ministry of Health in April 1998, we conducted a preclinical study to assess the
toxicity in rabbits (manuscript in preparation). Initially, we investigated which ozone
dose (20, 40, 60, 80 ug/ml) would be most suitable for the ozonization of LE. More
recently, we examined the effect of 5, 11 and 21 treatments (within 56 days) (slow
infusion via the ear marginal vein) of LE exposed to O 2-03 or only O 2 • Results showed
that a medium ozonization (40 ug/ml of LE) markedly enhanced (in comparison to
control) the animal 's body weight (mean increase of 550 g). Haematological parameters,
TBARS, PTG and TAS plasma levels did not show abnormal variations. Histological
examinations performed at the end ofthe experimental period on many organs from each
rabbit group failed to show any pathological variations.
We are now characterizing the chemical change in composition of LE after
ozonization. This line of research is interesting and we will take a step forward if we
can use ozonized LE in patients, thus avoiding the problem of blood handling.
Moreover, we envisage the possibility of dissolving a precise volume of filtered
15% H 20 2 solution directly in the LE, thus excluding the use of ozone and extending
its therapeutic use to poor countries. This study is in progress in our laboratory
because we feel important to develop a useful possibility for patients who are not
treated today . I would like to remind that hardly 10% of the world population
receives proper medical attention and we ought to make an effort to help the
remaining majority.
I have realized that oxygen-ozone therapy is unknown to many physicians and they
often ask me if it is a sort of HOT. HOT is a medical procedure by which 100%
medical oxygen (Kindwall, 1993; Tibbles and Edelsberg, 1996; Leach et al., 1998)
is delivered at 2-3 times (usually 2.6) the atmospheric pressure (l atmosphere = 760
mmHg ) at sea level. In physiological conditions, at this level with normal air, the
p02 in the alveolar space (0 2:14%) is equivalent to 100 mmHg and the p02 of
arterial blood is about 98 mmHg ; Hb is fully saturated to Hb 40S and there is about
0.3 ml per decilitre of O 2 solubilized in the plasma. Tissues at rest extract from
blood an average of about 25% O 2 (i.e. 5-6 ml of 02/dL), so that venous blood has a
p02 of about 40 mmHg and Hb 40S , having released at least one molecule of O2,
becomes Hb 406 . Thus the amount of O2 physically dissolved in the plasma is grossly
insufficient for the requirements of the tissues and the necessary 5.5 ml of O2 derive
from deoxygenation of Hb40S ' In the hyperbaric chamber, administering 100% O 2 at
3 atmospheres, the O2 solubilized in plasma is as much as 6 ml/dL and the Hb is
fully saturated with O 2 • In this situation, the dissolved O2 content is suffieient to
satisfy the cellular requirements and Hb40S hardly release any O2 .
Rapid deeompression (say from 4-5 to 1-2 atmospheres) causes deeompression
sickness due to nitrogen dissolved in plasmatic water, which suddenly forms inert gas
bubbles that cause disseminated embolization. The diver can be saved if rapidly placed
in the hyperbarie ehamber, because during slow deeompression the nitrogen is
replaced by oxygen and slowly expired while the oxygen is metabolized by the tissues.
Carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning is a cause of death all over the world (Ernst
and Zibrak, 1998) due to the fact that CO binds to Hb with an affinity 240 times that
of O2. In the presence of CO, the Hb0 2 dissociation curve shifts to the left and
changes to a more hyperbolie shape , with the result of impaired release of O2 at the
tissue level, where CO also binds to myoglobin.
The hyperbaric chamber ean save the intoxieated subject by delivering O 2
dissolved in the plasma to anoxie tissues and by aecelerating the dissociation of
COHb : its half-life decreases from about 300 min while air is breathed to about 20
min with hyperbaric 100% O2. Moreover, HOT allows the dissociation of CO from
cytoehrome C oxidase, thus improving the eel1ular energy state. The immediate
administration of normobaric oxygen to a CO-intoxicated patient is certainly useful,
because the half life of CO-Hb is only about 60 min and tissue oxygenation is
improved , but it is not as effeetiv e as HOT .
In Table 26, I attempt to summarize the diseases for which either HOT or
ozonetherapy are used and to express an opinion, based on personal experience and
not on hard data, about which of the two approaches seems more beneficiaI.
Table 26. Diseases for wb ich HOT and ozonetherapy are used.
I) Arterial gas embolism +++
2) Decompression sickness +++
3) Severe CO poisoning and smoke inhalation +++
4) Severe blood-loss anaemia +++
5) Clostridial myonecrosis (gas gangrene) +++ ?
6) Compromised skin grafts and flaps + +++
7) Prevention of osteo-radionecrosis + +++
8) Radiation damage + +++
9) Refractory osteomyelitis + +++
10) Necrotizing fascitis + +++
11) Traumatic ischaemic injury + +++
12) Thermal bums + +++
13) Chronic ulcers and failure ofwound healing + +++
14) Multiple sclerosis +?
15) Chronic fatigue syndrome + ++
16) HIV-AIDS +? +
17) Senility ++
Legend : + Iittle ++ modest +++ good activity --- no activity
It may seem that I favour ozonetherapy and the reason is that, in these affections,
ozonetherapy is really more effective. In most cases, we can apply both parenteral
administration, in the form of OJ-AHT, EBOO, BOEX and RI, and topical
application, either as OrOJ gas mixture (bagging and dynamic insufflation) or
ozonized water and oil. The combination favours an incredible synergistic efTect,
which acts on several targets. Indeed this explains the efficacy of ozonetherapy
where there are several components at work simultaneously (infection,
inflammation, cell necrosis, ischaernia, dysmetabolism, impaired healing, etc.).
Several ofthese affections have been discussed in Chapters 24 and 30 .
Bevers et al. (1995) proposed HOT (20 sessions at 100% O2 at 3 bar for 90 rnin)
for patients with severe radiation-induced haematuria. Yet Dr . R. Dall' Aglio
recently solved this problem with only three applications of ozone gas (once
weekly!). It is regrettable that in 1996 Dr. Bevers failed to accept my proposal to
conduct a comparative, controlled study.
HOT was proposed for patients with AIDS (Bocci, 1987a) and a subsequent
study showed a transitory improvement of the quality of life ("Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy for the Treatment of Debilitating Fatigue Associated With HIV/AIDS",
Janac, vol.4, issue 3, July-Septernber, 1993) . There is no doubt that HOT has a
precise and unique rationale in affections no. 1 to 5. In all other diseases, the use of
362 CHAPTER 35
HOT is not weil supported and the risks of transferring the patient, who often Iives
far away from the site ofthe chamber, discourage its use.
The purpose of this chapter was to clarify that ozonetherapy is very versatile,
practical, inexpensive, without side effects and quite heneficial in several affections
Iisted in Tahle 26. I would like to believe that orthodox physicians, rather than being
hiased against ozonetherapy, simply do not know about it nor how to perform the
therapy. I live with the hope that , in the future, we will ahle to help many patients
much hetter than today .
In spite of intrinsic toxicity (Chapter 5), ozone, if properly used, is not toxic and ·can be
useful. Consequently, adverse effects of ozonetherapy are rare and modest. However,
owing to a lack of control, charlatans (and not real ozonetherapists, who should be
physicians with definitive knowledge of ozonetherapy) have in the past directly injected
the gas via the IV route and killed six patients . This should never happen again because
since 1983, the European Society of Ozonetherapy has prohibited this malpraetice. It is
unfortunate that Regulatory Agencies in many countries are barely interested in
ozonetherapy and do not enforce precise regulation. Death is due to oxygen embolism
because the amount of ozone is small and dissolves and reacts rapidly with plasmatic
water. It has been amply shown that ozone can be administered via numerous routes
described in Chapter 16. Exposure of blood to O 2-03 ex vivo, as occurs in classical
autohaemotherapy or during extracorporeal circulation or with the interface of skin
(body exposure) or the rectal mucosa (rectal insuftlation), cannot lead to embolism or
other problems and one needs only to control the ozone concentration and total dose.
Modest and rare adverse effects were described in Chapter 2 I.
On the other hand, IM or SC administration of Or03 can be fatal, although rarely.
During the last three years in Italy, we recorded two deaths: one during lipodystrophy
treatment owing to an excessive volume of gas injected subcutaneously and another due
to gas injection into the paravertebral muscles in the attempt to elicit an antinociceptive
response in a patient with backache. Regrettably , we do not have the final autopsy report,
but we have been told that the latter case was likely due to a vago-vasal reflex with
cardiac arrest. We know that in Medicine any invasive procedure, even ofmodest entity,
can induce an abnormal and risky response . However, IM administration of Or03 has
the peculiarity of causing a transitory, burning pain and the ozonetherapist must be able
and ready to control it promptly. Ozonetherapy Societies, rather than increasing in
number (there are now three in ltaly!), should cooperate and establish guidelines and
instruct ozonetherapists for any emergency. One must also consider that the
ozonetherapist treating a chronic Iimb ischaernia patient must be aware of the risk that,
during treatment, the patient can develop an ictus or cardiac infarction not directly linked
to the ozone treatment but to the generalized cardiovascular pathology .
Thus, first of all, it is essential that the ozonetherapist performs a complete evaluation
of the patient. He must know the medical history and make an objective and extensive
examination of the respiratory, cardiovascular and reflexogenic activities of the patient.
By talking with hirn, he must also appreciate if he has a calm or anxious temperament
and he must be informed of any medication taken by the patient , particularly regarding
coagulation disorders, circulatory and pulmonary problems. It is weil known that sudden
death due to acute central or peripheral circulatory failure may happen at any time,
irrespective ofthe ozonetherapeutic treatment and due to a precarlous situation unknown
to the patient (Myerburg and Castellanos, 1997; Engelstein and Zipes, 1998).
Ozonetherapy has been found to be useful in neurodegenerative diseases and perhaps
also in pulmonary diseases such as emphysema and COPD . Therefore, before starting
any treatment, the ozonetherapist must consider the risk of a sudden respiratory arrest or
a worsening respiratory activity.
If oxygen transport and delivery become insufficient or absent for aperiod longer
than 4-5 min, the CNS can undergo irreversible damage and cerebral death. However, if
the ozonetherapist is prepared for this dramatic circumstance, he can promptly apply
basic life support (BLS) and save the patient. Indeed, it seems that at least some of the
recent deaths cited above could have been avoided if the ozonetherapist had the ability to
irnmediately apply BLS instead of wasting precious time calling for help that arrived
after 20-30 min.
Detailed descriptions of resuscitation guidelines (2000) are readily available and can
be consulted at either the Web site: http://www :resus.org.ukIpageslbls.htm or in
Curnmins's book (1994) and the llcor advisory statements (1997). For these, the site is
http ://www.americanheart.org/ScientifidstatementsiI 997/049705 .html.
For the sake of space, only the essential elements can be reported here: first, check
the responsiveness of the patient by gently shaking bis shoulder and asking loudly two or
three times "are you all right?". If he/she is unconscious, it is immediately necessary to
open the airway by appropriately tilting the head and lifting the chin. Then one must
look, listen or feel if the patient is breathing. Next, one must check if there is a sign of
cardiac arrest, i.e. an absent carotid pulse. Unfortunately, an inexpert physician may be
unable in 50% of cases to detect a carotid pulse and, in any event, the assessment of the
circulation must be no longer than 10 sec. If there is no sign of circulation, the reseuer
must start appropriate ehest compressions at a rate of about 100 times a minute (just a
little less than 2 compressions per second) by counting aloud. Rescue breathing and ehest
compression must be combined according to precise rules until qualified help arrives or
the patient shows signs oflife. At any time during all these phases, one must ask for help
because BLS is very exhausting.
Obviously, reading these notes does not really help and it is strongly advised to
follow a BLS course with appropriate training. The ozonetherapist in bis private clinic is
advised to repeat all the basic steps from time to time. Moreover, he must have a face
mask ready, several sizes oftracheal tubes, the Ambu, medical oxygen and possibly an
automated external defibrillator to be used if the rhythm is ventricular fibrillation or
pulseless ventricular tachycardia.
The ozonetherapist must also be ready to do 2-3 IV bolus injections of epinephrine (1
mg) diluted with saline every 3 min. The avaiJability of solution buffers, antiarrhythmics,
atropine and corticosteroids is highly recommended. In some cases of strong pain, an
injection of morphine (l0 mg) or valium is very useful.
Since our first course on ozonetherapy, we have included a full four hours dedicated
to these resuscitation guidelines, which must be supplemented by suitable training.
As we mentioned, if performed correctly, ozonetherapy per se tends not to cause
problems. However, ozonetherapists must be able to overcome any emergency.
" Ofall the ills that suffe ring man endu res
The largest fra ction liberal nature eures ,
Of the remainlng, 'tts the smaJlest part
Yields 10the effort ofj udicious art"
Oliver Wendel! Holmes, 1892
It is already late moming but a gentle breeze mitigates the heat. Under a large
baobab, almost covering the sparse huts of a Kenyan village, lies a woman with a
desperate look on her face. Another woman, wearing a dress with splendid colours,
sits next to her talking and making large gestures so as to dispel fears and worries .
She is a highly respected healer, weIl known from Nanyuki to Maralal. Her
ancestors called her to become an "isangomas", a diviner, and she has helped and
saved many women who wanted to die. Her power to understand and care is
immense and, with her ritual, she will deliver new strength to the sad woman, who
will regain the desire to live. After a little while, a noisy jeep stops nearby in a cloud
of dust. A tall, robust black man with a white coat gets out of the car and silently
waits until the healer is ready to talk to him. He is also a weIl known doctor , who
sees his patients every two-three days and gives them different coloured pills. There
is not a shadow of contrast between the physician and the healer. She knows she has
no power to treat malaria, pneumonia or trachoma and he has no cure for mental
patients . Yet both of them care very much about suffering souls .
In Italy or in England, a GP works hard to write prescriptions and fill out forms
and he hardly has the time to say Hello! and gaze at the patient's face . Hopefully, he
knows his patient 's problem, but he can spare only eight minutes to talk and tell him
that he has to undergo a sophisticated test. After one or two weeks, the patient is
caIled for the exam at the regional hospital , but the specialist has no time to see him
because he is terribly busy pushing buttons on a very expensive apparatus, which
immodestly visualizes and describes in detail what is wrong. After another week, the
patient will go back to the hospital and will get a sealed envelope to take back to his
GP, who has little time to explain the problem. Often the patient will have to go
back to the hospital for additional exams and after further time a diagnosis will be
made. Then , perhaps, the patient needs an operation and, in such a case, a good
move would be to have a private examination by the surgeon . This may cost 200
pounds, but it is money weIl spent because now the patient has really been examined
by the surgeon, who has had time to see the colour ofhis eyes .
If the patient does not need an operation and is unhappy about taking untrusted
pills, he decides to see a famous physician, who privately practices homeopathy and
aromatherapy. At long last , he has the pleasure of seeing another human being
sitting near hirn, who kindly asks many questions, discusses the problem at length
and evaluates the pros and cons of a wonderful therapy that he will follow with eare
and faith . Ifthe disease is not too serious, the patient will soon be better and happily
will tell friends he has found a very good doctor with admirable bed-side manners.
I beg both the reader's and the physician's pardon for this Iittle story. Yet, in reality,
it summarizes the long ordeal which many patients report these days of super-
technological medicine. Unfortunately, I don't think I have exaggerated what happens
every day. With the permission of a friend of ours, Dr. Michael Alms, M.B. Ch.B
(Bristol), M.Ch.Orth (Liverpool) and FRCS (UK and Canada), now living in Vancouver,
BC, Canada, I would like to report the letter he sent to the editor of the British Columbia
Medical Journal and to us after bis wife's death some IO months ago.
One often hears the claim that in Canada we enjoy the best healthcare system in the
world , and that we should protect it. On the other hand the British National Health
Service is sometimes criticised as an efficient but impersonal and uncaring sausage
machine. I regret to say that in its hospital services that is sometimes true. It was with
satisfaction, therefore, that nearly forty years ago I experienced the establishment in
Canada of universal insurance of private practice by the srate . As a consultant surge on
working in teaching hospitals in Saskatchewan, where our present health care system
was introduced, I feit that we had combined the best of two worlds . I have now retired
in Vancouver and am no longer a doctor but a patient , and a patient 's relative and I am
beginning to wonder what has happened to that ideal.
It is alarming to disco ver that one may wait over three months to consult a specialist, or
four months to have a CAT-scan to determine ifone is suffering a malignant proce ss. lt
is demeaning on visiting a specialist for the first time to be taken by the receptionist to a
small empty room and invited to take off one's clothes and wait for the arrival of an
unknown doctor. I have not worked in the National Health Ser vice for a long time but
not even in that impersonal scene did patients in the service that I worked in wait that
long or be treated so inconsiderately.
My wife was recently admitted to a Vancouver teaching hospital in the terminal stages
of an illness. She was presumably under the care of a consulting internist but I do not
believe that he ever saw her . She was certainly never seen by hirn in the four days after
she was admitted, for members of her family were there ever y minute of the day and
night and never met hirn. I am satisfied that she was weil cared for by the resident
physicians in training who may have been guided off-stage in the managernent of the
technical problems encountered. They might have benefited from learn ing how a trusted
physician deals with a dying patient and her worried relatives. Instead they learned how
to work the sausage machine.
One hundred years ago the doctor would have had nothing effective to offer my wife.
He could have done little more than sit by her bed, hold her hand, and comfort her . He
would have reassured and consoled us, her relatives. He might have prescribed some
useless potions. Scientific medicine has long discredited those potions but do we have
to throw out the baby with the bath-water? There is still a need for the personal touch ,
the reassurance that the doctor in charge is a friend that is on one 's side in difficult
times . There are still times when that is all that is left.
I feel that Dr. Alms' letter needs no comment, only that we must really think
seriously why an increasing number of people are interested in Complementary
Medicine. In saying this, I am in good company beeause several authoritative
experts on this topic (Astin, 1998; Eisenberg et a1., 1993, 1998; Sugarman and Burk,
1998; Ernst, 1996a, 2000; Ernst and Resch, 1996; lwu and Gbodossou, 2000) have
stated the same thing. In England, the House of Lords Select Committee on Science
and Technology (2000) has recently examined the heterogeneous world of
Complementary Medieine and has made (6th report) several recommendations to the
Govemment. The Govemment will likely consider them in tenns of voters ' opinions
but not with regard to funding badly needed RCTs.
I believe that objective basic and clinical research is fundamental in order to
demonstrate that a complementary approach is important and useful, so that
eventually it can be included in orthodox Medicine (Chapter 24).
Unfortunately, most complementary approaches are based on more or less arcane
theories that defy any scientific demonstration (at least at the present time). Only a
few approaches, such as acupuncture (Hsu and Diehl, 1998; Galloway, 2001),
oxygen-ozone therapy and phytotherapy (or herbalism), are conceptually easy to
understand and can be experimentally proved.
Throughout this book, I have tried to show that, by reacting with body fluids,
ozone induces weil known chemical reactions and that reactants, such as ROS and
LOPs, can activate a number of metabolic and immunological pathways. I am
convinced that this is a crucial advantage, which, after appropriate clinieal
investigations, will show the advantage of ozonetherapy over the frequently
reductionist approach of conventional medicine for the treatment of several diseases .
With this, I do not deny the practical significance of conventional medicine; actually
I am in favour, whenever possible, of a combined treatment.
The paradoxieal concept that ozone, one of the most potent oxidants, becomes
(with appropriate doses and schedules) a generator of antioxidant defences, and may
be able to improve and block the progress of degenerative diseases, is quite
fascinating. After three decades of medical use in over ten million people, the
often extolled toxicity of ozone in patients appears to be a colossal blunder, due
to ignorance of biological mechanisms and the body's defence capabilities and,
worst of all, to prejudice. It is time that all those who have expressed the opinion
that "ozone is toxic any way you deal with it" start to think and humbly revise their
position. I regret that Prof. Ernst, in his brief review (2000), did not include
ozonetherapy in the list. Yet it is true that at present in England, ozonetherapy is less
known than iridology and chelation therapy, which according to Ernst have yet to
produce convincing benefits.
We cannot lower our guard concerning the toxicity of any of the complementary
approaches : there is no doubt that ozone is toxic for the respiratory system and, if
used improperly, presents some risks. Acupuncture, although rarely hannful, is not
completely safe either (Ernst and White, 1997). Moreover, herbs must be carefully
controlled for their activity and possible toxie contamination (Nortier et a1., 2000;
Escher et a1. , 2001).
There remains plenty of work to do and all of us who are seriously interested in
the progress of these approaches must accelerate the pace of basic and clinical
studies, so that they may soon become a solid part of integrated Medicine (Rees and
Weil, 2001). Besides the importance of research, it will be necessary to establish
guidelines, which will have to be revised from time to time, and we will have to
In answering this question, I have mixed feelings and I would be interested to know
the reactions of the readers in the near future . Table 27 sumrnarizes the most
important problems plaguing ozonetherapy.
Table 27. Why ozonetherapy has not yet been accepted by official medicine in the west?
Luckily there are some positive aspects. I will not bore the reader further by
describing them in detail, but I would like simply to say that :
a) we now have some ideas about how ozone works after dissolving in body fluids .
b) An increased release of oxygen in ischemic tissues with enhanced cell
metabolism, the release of autacoids, the possible activation of resident stern
cells are just a few possibilities that can be experimentally tested to explain the
c1inical results in vasculopathies.
c) Most importantly, we now know for sure that ozone used within the therapeutic
window IS NOT TOXIe.
d) We are also convinced that ozone is areal drug and it must be used with all the
relative precautions.
e) Ozone, one of the supreme oxidants, can induce upregulation of the antioxidant
defences and likely correct a chronie oxidative stress. This possibility is most
interesting and unexpected because during the last thirty years thousands of
excellent papers have provided the concept that ageing and many other human
afflictions are due to the continuous and progressive oxidative stress. While this
is perfectly true , it has somehow clouded our critical judgement leading to the
conclusion that any other stress should be avoided. Ozonetherapists, with all
their crude empiricism, have not helped to reach a realistic perception of this
therapy. I would plead with scientists and clinicians to abandon the prejudice and
consider the profound difference between the endogenous oxidative stress and
the ozonetherapeutic "shock".
f) We have scientifically developed two new techniques (EBOO and BOEX) that
are far more powernd than the old 0 3-AHT and RI. While BOEX is still under
study, EBOO has already provided important clinical results. It is even more
striking that even the ozonization of 5 L of blood in I hr does not show any
toxicity. Throughout the years, I have tried all the ozonetherapeutic procedures
on myself many times and thus I represent living proof of the lack of any
toxicity. The skeptics and those who disparage the use of medical ozone are
challenged to disprove scientifically these results.
g) We must perform RCTs in selected diseases, for which we have good evidence
of ozone's activity. In order to convince skeptics, the results must be more than
adequate and be published in peer-reviewedjournals.
However, I do not expect that the existing skepticism will fade overnight.
Authoritative scientists know all too weil that free radicals are dangerous, but ozone
induces only abrief and calculated oxidative stress that should not be confused
with all the pathologies maintained by a chronic oxidative stress.
History shows that we have to revise our ideas from time to time and that not all
dogmas have a long life in Biology and Medicine. Until 1987, we thought that
gaseous moleeules such as NO· and CO (the silent killer) were nasty molecules, but
now we know that in physiological concentrations they have crucial functions.
Indeed Perutz (1996) considered the discovery of NO to be one of the most relevant
in Physiology. Although it is unlikely that cells synthesize 0 3 (unlike what occurs in
372 CHAPTER 38
the stratosphere), why should we not think that judicious amounts of 0 3 can be as
useful as CO and NO?
I agree with everyone that ozone can be a toxic molecule. At the Verona
Congress (1999), when I moderated a round table entitled "The ozonetherapy
dilemma", I tried to play down the contrast between OPPONENTS and
PROPONENTS by comparing ozone to the ambivalent character described by
Robert Louis Stevenson in his novel of 1866 "The Strange Case of Dr. Jekylt and
MI'. Hyde". Figure 108 shows both characters, masterly played by Spencer Tracy in
the c1assic 1941 Victor Fleming movie . By night, MI'. Hyde behaved as a cold-
blooded murderer, Iike ozone when breathed 01' incubated with cells with low
antioxidant content, while during the day Dr. Jekyll was an amiable and valid
physician, like ozone when used carefully as a drug .
Figure 108. Ozone has become a controversial gas : it is providential in the stratosphere
by blocking UV radiation but is toxicfor the respiratory system and plants in the troposph ere.
What is less known, but no less important, is that a judicious use ot ozone can he ve,y useful
as a therapeutic agent. 71IUs ozone can be symbolically personified by a respectable DI'.
Jekyll (left) and an odious MI'. Hyde (right)
Figure 109. Today, ozonetherapy is not meant to substitute con ventional Medi cine unless
we ean demonstrate a specific excellence. In practice. it ean comp lement orthodox Medicine
if the latter does nOI provide satisfactory results
humanity into opposite parties! Are human beings really intelligent? There is only
one religion that commands us to honour life every day , while we are really alive. I
know that is a vain hope but let us try in the future to be less selfish , to talk, to help
each other, so that when death comes, we will dissolve happily, knowing that we did
our best.
The question : His ozonetherapy therapeutic?" (Bocci , 1998b) remains open and I
am rather pessimistic that will be answered. However I know that some Western
countries, the United States and Japan have powerful medieal resources and in a
couple of years could examine the three main possibilities of oxygen-ozone therapy :
infections, vascular diseases and cancer.
IF commercial interests and prejudice will not prevent this research and IF
results will prove useful, oxygen-ozone therapy could commence in all hospitals and
be quickly extended in less developed countries. Will this dream come true?
January 1i" 2002
AHT by exposing human blood to UV irradiation in the presenee of oxygen was
firstly earried out in 1954 by Wehrly and Steinbart. However it is Wolff's (1974)
merit to have defined the proeedure by exposing blood direetly to agas mixture
eomposed of medical oxygen-ozone (Or03) and to have perforrned preliminary
clinical studies. It is necessary to remember that up to 1990 the ozonization was
carried out in neutral glass bottles that are ozone resistant.
Unfortunately, later on 0 3-AHT has never undergone the necessary
standardization so that several variants of the original procedure have been used
generating an enorrnous confusion.
A critical examination of the various methodologies used in the last decade for
carrying out 03-AHT in Italy and Germany has pointed out serious pitfalls that are
potentially risky for the patient. It has been ascertained that, very often, blood is
collected and reinfused via the same tubing with, or even without, the appropriate
filter indispensable for blood transfusion. In order to avoid coagulation and hence
the possibility of either needle clogging or infusion of a coagulum, the exposure of
blood to O 2-03 is too brief (30-40 sec) and we have demonstrated that this period of
time is insufficient for the complete solubilization of0 2-03 in blood.
In Italy another worrisome problem is the widespread use of plastic (PVC)
autotransfusion bags that , while suitable for storing blood, release various plastic
microparticles and phthalates into the blood even during a short exposure to O 2-0 3
(Valeri et al., 1973; Thomas et al., 1978; Callahan et al., 1982; Estep et al., 1984;
Labow et al., 1986; Quinn et al., 1986; Whysner et al., 1996). As it has been noted in
patients undergoing dialysis, the mutagenic and toxic activity of these compounds is
a matter ofgrave concern (Lawrence, 1978; Divincenzo et al., 1985). For all ofthese
reasons, the use of a new device is now strongly recommended and this paper
reports a new system that is practical, flexible and atoxie.
55% while for achieving a good elasticity additional materials amount to about 45%•.
With small differences the composition is the following :
While all bags are sterile and suitable for storing blood, they are NOT
chemically inert when a strong oxidant such as 0 3 is insuffIated into the bag .
Particularly DEHP and butyl-glycobutyl phthalate (BGBP) are immediately released
and bound extensively to plasma lipids . The plasma is likely to yield a higher
content of DEHP than physiological saline. In line with the criteria expressed by the
European Pharmacopea (1997), we carried out the investigation by using sterile
physiological saline that is considered the optimal "medical device" for evaluating
release and size ofplastic particles (2,5, 10,20 and 25 ~ size), phthalates and other
compounds. Sampies were numbered and a11 the following tests have been carried
out in a blind fashion . The code was open after the final results were available.
Particles were measured by an automatic counter (Royco) by Dr. G. Gavioli and
collaborators at Braun Carex, Mirandola (Modena, Italy) while several chemical
compounds among which phthalates were detected by HPLC by a specialized Institute
(Istituto di Ricerche Agroindustria, Director: Dr. G.C. Angeli, Modena , Jtaly).
The proliferation index (PI) of blood mononuclear cells (BMC) has been
assessed after isolation of BMC from human blood of normal donors. PBMC were
isolated by Ficoll-Hypaque (Sigma Chemical Co ., St. Louis, MO) gradient
centrifugation, washed twice in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 20 mM
HEPES buffer, spun down at low speed to remove platelets, and resuspended in
RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 2 mM HEPES, 10% heat-inactivated fetal
calf serum (FCS), 2 mM L-glutamine, 100 U/ml penicillin and 100 ug /ml
streptomycin (all from Life Technologies, Gaithersburg, MD) at the final
concentration of I x 106 viable celis/mI. Cell viability was assayed by the trypan
blue exclusion technique and light microscope observation.
Aliquots (0.1 ml) of BMC suspension were added per well in triplicate wells to
96-well flat bottomed tissue culture plates (Costar, Cambridge, MA). BMC were
cultured without stimulation or stimulated with PHA at a final concentration of 5
ug /rnl (Sigma Chemical Co.). After 12 hours incubation, either control saline, or
ozonized saline in a glass syringe, or in blood bags was added to the culture medium
in a I : 4 proportion. Thereafter incubation continued for 40 and 64 hours . Cell
proliferation was evaluated by a colorimetric immunoassay (Boehringer Mannheim ,
Mannheim, Germany) based on BrdU incorporation. Briefly, after either 40 and 64
hours of incubation at 37° with 5% CO 2 in air and 100 % humidity, the cells were
labelIed with BrdU for 6 hr (10 IU/well) . The cells were then fixed, anti-BrdU-POD
antibody added and the immune complexes detected by the subsequent substrate
reaction. The proliferative index (PI) was obtained, calculating the ratio between
ApPENDlX 377
Tahle 28 . Numb ers ofplastic particles (size of 2. 5, 10, 20 and 25 u) countedfor each ml of
physiological saline after the indicated tests.
Tahle 29. Numbers ofplastic particles (size of2. 5. 10. 20 and 25 u) countedfor each 1111
ofphysiological saline after tests in PVC tubings in current use.
Table 30. Evaluation ofthe p roliferation index (PI) of human isolated blood mononu clear
cells after 40 and 64 hours of incubation in culture medium after addition (see Methods) 0/
physiological saline (PS) collectedfrom control orfrom ozonized saline (80 ug/ml) in glass
syringes (OS) orfrom saline previously ozonized
in a blood bagfor either 10 min (A) orfor 12 hours (8) .
For all of these reasons, the use of a new deviee is now strong ly reeornrnended
(Fig. 110). This is eomposed of a) a neutral 500 ml glass bottle (sterile and under
vaeuum), b) a new atoxie tubing for eolleeting blood and insufflating sterile-filtered
O 2-03 via an antibaeterial (0,2 /-I), hydrophobie ozone-resistant filter and e) an
appropriate tubing with filter that is used , firstIy for infusing saline, and seeondly for
retuming the ozonized blood to the donor.
It is importan t that the exposure of blood to Or03 lasts at least 5 min beeause
mixing of blood must be gentle to avoid foaming. Beeause blood is very viseous, it
takes about 5 min to aehieve a eomplete and homogenous equilibriurn . It ean be noted
that the p02 slowly reaehes supraphysiologieal values (up to 400 mmHg) and then it
remains eonstant. On the other hand, 0 3 dissolves in the water of plasma but then
reaets instantaneously so that all ofthe 0 3 dose is praetieally exhausted within 5 min.
The ozonetherapists must follow this proeedure for avoiding either negative
effeets on the patients, or being found guilty of medieal malpraetiee.
Ildterlly G Ig
WIlh Lu~-Ick ecm ectlon _
Segme nt A _ __
Segment B
Figu re 110. A sehematte drawing ofthe several comp onents necessary 10pe/f orm 0 3-AHT
with a glass bottle.
A critical examination of the various methodologies used in the last decade for
carrying out AHT in Italy and Germany has pointed out serious pitfalls that are
potentially risky for the patient. It has been ascertained that , very often , blood is
collected and reinfused via the same tubing with, or even without, the appropriate
filter, indispensable for blood transfusion. In order to avoid coagulation, hence the
possibility of either needle clogging or infusion of a coagulum, the exposure of
blood to O 2-0 3 is too brief (30-40 sec) and we have demonstrated that this period of
time is insufficient for the complete solubilization of O 2-0 3 in btood . The p02
reaches at best values of about 90 mmHg that is far below the supraphysiological
values (about 400) determined after 5 min of gentle mixing. Another worrisome
problem is the widespread use ofptastic autotransfusion bags that, while suitable for
storing blood, release various plastic cornpounds into the blood even during a short
exposure to O 2-0 3 , As it has been noted in patients undergoing dialysis, the
mutagenic and toxic activity of these compounds is a matter of grave concern. For
all of these reasons, the use of a new device is now strongly recommended. This is
composed of a neutral 500 ml glass bottle (sterile and under vacuum of about 0,9
bar), a new atoxic tubing for collecting blood and insufflating sterile-fiItered OrOj
and an appropriate tubing with another filter that is used , first1y for infusing saline ,
and secondly for returning the ozonized blood to the donor.
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Acetylcholine: 162
Acid hydrolases: 152
Acidosis : 162
Acquired immune defieieney syndrome (AIDS) : 13, 174
Activatorprotein I (AP-I): 199
Aeupuneture: 367
Aeute care : 363
Acute cerebral isehemia : 197
Aeute oxidative stress : 76, 107,210,223
Aeute phase reaetants (APR) : 229
Aeute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): 75, 139,297
Adaptation to ehronie oxidative stress (COS) : 213,233 ,309
Adenosine diphosphate (ADP) : 124,137,152
Adenosine monophosphate (AMP ): 124, 126
Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) : 112,124,125 ,126,137,152,180
Adenosine : 162
Adeny1ate cyclase (AC) : 112
Adrenoeortieotrophie hormone (ACTH) : 196,229,254
Advanced glyeation end produets (AGE) : 343
Age related macular degeneration (ARMD): 102, 125, 128,211 ,280,286
Ageing : 235
Alanine aminotransferase (SGPT): 207
Albumin : 87, 1I1
Aldehydes: 60, 73
Alkalosis : 162
Alkoperoxyl radical (Raa'): 61,62
Alkoxyl radieal (Ra'): 68
Allogenie blood transfusion : 185
Alpha.vantitrypsin : 229
Alphaj-antiplasmin: 152
Alpha-macroglobuhn: 152
Alpha-linolenic acid : 71
Alpha-lipoic acid (Thioetie acid) (LA): 93
Alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) (EH) : 42,62,82, 89, 115,238
Alpha-tocopheryl radieal (E): 105
Alternative medieine : 57
Aluminium : 43
Amaurosis fugax : 229
American College of Rheumatology (ACR) : 323
Amputation : 278
Anal abseesses : 213
Angina abdominis (Aa) : 280
Angiogcnes is: 243
Angiostatin : 80,304
Angiotensin Il (Agil): 162
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) : 228, 230
Anion superoxide (0 2 ") : 64,65,68, 162
Anion-exchange protein (AE 1): 168
Ankle-brachial index (ABI) : 277
Antibodies : 132,273
Antibody-depcndent eellular citotoxieity (ADCC) : 150
Bacillus anthracis: 2
Back -Ache: 314,315
Bacteria: 57 , 66 , 79,99, 146. 160, 179, 220 . 221 , 233 , 244, 24 7, 2411, 272. 309 , 331, 347, 3411, 349 , 351 ,
Bacterial flora : 214 , 220 , 221 , 275
Banked blood : 351
Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF): 152,IRO
Basic Iife support (BLS): 364
Beta carotene: 91
Beta thromboglobulin (ß-TBG): 152
Beta- Mieroglobulin (ß1M): 255
Bilirubin : 62 , 112, 94 , 106, 170
Bioflavonoids : 96
Blood : 113
Blood letting : 16
Blood mononuclear cells (BMC) : 9, \35
Blood pressure: 203
Blood substitutes : 353
Bod y ozonc exposure (BOEX): 199,256, 262 , 2113 , 296, 3011, 360 , 371
Body weight: 203
Bohr effect : 127
Bone marrow : \30
Bradykinin : 162
5-bromo-2 ' -dcoxyuridine (BrdU): 376
Bronchial-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) : 146
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF): 132
Bums : 212 ,324,361
CI inhibitor 152
Ca l > adenosine triphosphataso (Ca 1' -ATPase): 102
Calcium lcvels: 11 , 140, 152
Cancer: rs, 19,303
Candidiasis : 270
Carbon dioxide (CO"): 215
Carbon monoxide (CO) : 3, 21, 33,162,170,359,361 ,371
Carboxyhaemoglobin (HbCO) : 127
Cardiae angiosteno sis : 197,244
Carotenoids : 90
Catalase (CAT) : 99, 138,236
Cathepsins: 152, 272
CD4 >Th-I response : 221,254,272,296
CD4+Th-2 response : 221,254,272, 296
Cell antiviral faetor (CAF): 254
Cell-mediated immunity: 143,257
Central nervous system (CNS) : 364
Cerebral ischaemia : 276
Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF): 107
Ceruloplasmin : 98 ,111
Chelation therapy: 367
Chemieal aeupuneture : 228,319,356
Chemilumineseenee: 63
Chlorine (CI): 32,66
Chlorofluoroearbons (CFCs) : 31
Cholesterol : 171,180 ,196,284,294
Cholitis : 213
Chronie fatigue syndrome (CFS) : 211,322,361
Chronie hepat itis: 197,211
Chronie obstruetive pulmonary disease (CO PD): 297
Chronie Oxidative Stress (COS) : 76,371
Cilostazol : 277
Citrate-phosphate dextrose (ePD): 122
Citrie acid-citrate, dcxtrose solution (ACD) : 153, 155
Clostridial myonecrosis : 361
Collagen I!III: 180
Common cold : 269
Complementary medieine : 57,365
Coneanavalin A (ConA) : 132
Conjugated dienes : 61, 73
Contraetion faetor I (EDCF -I): 162
Copper (Cu) : 98
Copper/Zinc superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SOD): 98, 236
Cortieotrophie releasing honnone (CRH) : 196, 229
Cortisol : 196, 229, 254
Cosmetolog y : 244,333
C-reaetive protein (CRP) : 149,180,229
Creatinine : 207
Crohn 's disease : 139,213 ,274
Cryptosporidium infeetion: 213, 252, 270,347
Cutaneous infeetions : 178
Cutaneous route : 173
Cyclic adenosine 3' -5'-monophosphate (cAMP) : 112,151 ,277
Cyclooxygenases : 153
Cyelopcroxides : 61,73
Cysteine nitrosothiols (Cys-NO): 167
Cytokine indueers : 132
Cvtokines: 180, 271
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CD8 +) : 257
Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) : 257
Eicosanoids: 73
Eicosapentanoic acid (EPA): 7
Electron paramagnetic resonance spin trapping technique (EPR): 31ll
Emergency surgcry : 324
Emphyema: 55
Emphysema: 297
Endorphins : 196,229
Endothelial cells (Ecs): 161, IllO
Endothelial-derived relaxing faclor (EDRF): 162
Endothelin-I (ET -I): 162, 166, 16ll
Endothelium-derived contracting factor (EDCF): 162
Endothelium-derived hyperpolarizing factor (EDHF): 162, 16ll
Endotoxins : 132
Energy charge (EC) : 124, 125
Enzymaue system: 9ll
Enzyme-Linked lmmunosorbent Assay (ELlSA) : 72, 202
Epidermal growth factor (EGF): 152, IllU
Epinephrine : 162
Erythrocyte sedimcntation rate (ESR): IllO
Erythrocytes - Tc 99 uptake: 130, 131
Erythrocytcs : 109, 121, iso, 207
Erythropoietin (EPO): 341
E-selectin : 166
Estrogen : 343
Ethane: 72, 73
Euphoria: 344
European Phannacopea (EP) : 376
Extracorporcal blood eireulation against OZ-Ol (EBOO): 129, 179,lll9, 2ll3, sos, 360, 371
Haematoerit: 122,207
Haematological : diseases: 299
Haeme-oxygenase I (HSP 32) (HO-I): 170,236
Haemoglobin (Hb) : 97.110,127
Haemoglobin sickle eell (Hbs) : 299
Haemolysis: 61,114,122
Haemostasis : 151
Half-life (TV,): 38, 53, 54, 68
Haptoglobin : 149,229
Heart ischaemia : 276
Heat shoek proteins (HSPs) : 233,234
Heat, ozone and ultraviol et light (H-O-V) : 4,254
Hclieobacter pylori (H.p.): 54, 252
Helminth eggs : 347
Heparin : 122, 155
Hepatitis A virus (HAV): 257
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) : 257,261
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) : 75, 197,257
434 INDE X
lIopros t: 277
Immune sys tcm: 132
Immunoglob ulin A (lgA): 221
Immuno globulin E (lgE): 143. 296
Immun oglobu lin G (lgG) : 143
Immunesuppressive thcrap y: 272, 274 , 275
Inducers : 7, 132. 143
Infectious disea se (Idis): 239,24 6
Initiat ion : 59
Inositol -l ,4, 5-trisphosphate (lP 3) : 112, 140
Intens ive therap y: 244
Interferons (l FNs): 7,11 ,1 32, 261
Interleukin (lL ): 11,13 2.133,134.1 35,142,1 58,1 66.205
Internat ional Medi cal Ozonc Socic ty (IMOS): 5.28
International Ozone Association (IOA) : 29
Intraarter ial (lA) : 173, 176, 278
Intraarticular (la t): 173
lntr abladder route : 173
Intrad isc (10) : 173
Intraforaminal (l F): 173
Intralesional (lies): 173
Palladium (Pd) : 43
Vaseulitis . 271
Vas culopathies : 211,239, 244
Vasopressin : 162
Venous C O 2 (pvC0 2): 204,215,216
Venous O 2 (PV02): 180,104 ,215,216
Venous stas is : 276,28 I
Very low density lipoprotein (VLDL): 171
Vetcrinary mcdicine: 337
Viral discases: 211
Visual acuity (V A): 293
Visual analogue scalc (VAS): 266
von Willebrand factor (vWF): 152
Yin-Yang: 80