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Workers' Party Manifesto 2011

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Published by The Workers’ Party

All rights reserved © 2011. This book, or parts thereof, may not reproduced
in any form without the written permission of The Workers’ Party.
Printed by Targa Lithography Services
Chapter 6
Education 30
6A. Reducing Stress and 31
More Focused Resources
Workers’ Party Manifesto 2011 6B. Tertiary Education 32
6C. Special Needs Education 32
6D. Others 33
Table of Contents
Chapter 7
Healthcare 34
7A. Acute and Primary Care 36
Introduction 5 7B. Containing Healthcare Costs 37
7C. Step Down / Long Term Care 38
Chapter 1 Governance and Civil Liberties 8
1A. Constitution 10 Chapter 8
Public Housing 39
1B. Elections & Parliament 10
1C. Cabinet 11 Chapter 9
Transport 41
1D. Civil Service 11 9A. Buses and Trains 43
1E Civil Liberties 11 9B. Taxis 44
9C. Private Vehicles 44
Chapter 2 Justice, Law and Order 13
2A. The Courts 14 Chapter 10
Labour Policy 45
2B. Legal Aid 15 10A. Income 47
2C. Protection of Victims 15 10B. Foreign Workforce 47
2D. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure 16 10C. Training 48
2E. Resource Allocation 17 10D. Trade Unions 48
10E. Employment 48
Chapter 3
Economic Policy 18 10F. Equal Opportunities Legislation 49
Chapter 4
Society 21 Chapter 11 Central Provident Fund 50
4A. People with Disabilities 22
4B. Elderly and Family 23 Chapter 12 Defence and Foreign Affairs 53
4C. Children 23 Chapter 13 Sustainable Development 55
4D. Community 24
4E. Social Cohesion 24 Chapter 14 Arts, Media, Information and New Technology 58
4F. Others 24 14A. Arts 59
14B. Media 59
Chapter 5 Population and Immigration 25
14C. Information 59
5A. Immigration 27 14D. New Technology 60
5B. Procreation 28
5C. Overseas Singaporeans 29 Chapter 15 Sports and Recreation 61
The Workers’ Party (WP) was founded in pre-independence Singapore in 1957.
Foremost in our founding members’ minds was to promote Parliamentary
Democracy. WP has been defending Parliamentary Democracy by contesting
in General Elections and By-Elections for more than 50 years.
WP continues to believe that it is in the national interest for the governing
party to be subject to political competition, so as to promote higher standards
of performance and guard against complacency. We also believe it is in the
national interest to ensure that Singaporeans are not held ransom, by having
another political party capable to taking over should the ruling People’s
Action Party falter or lose its mandate to govern.
WP’s long-term aim is to form the government. While in opposition, we
will promote Parliamentary Democracy by seeking the people’s mandate to
be Elected Members of Parliament, so that we can call the government to
account at the national level.

Our Manifestoes and Policy Ideas

WP is pleased to note that some of the ideas from our 2006 Manifesto have
been implemented by the government.
For instance, in the area of education, we proposed setting up a Professional
Teachers’ Association to look into professionalising teaching and boosting
their welfare and morale. Today, the government has set up an Academy
of Singapore Teachers, officially launched in September 2010, with similar
aims. In the area of criminal justice, we had highlighted the need for fair-
play in trial preparations by mutual disclosure of evidence and statements,
and that crime victims’ rights needed recognition. The Criminal Procedure
Code 2010 makes some key changes to promote more disclosure and victim
compensation. In the area of healthcare, we continued to highlight the
inadequacy of Medisave and Medishield as financing tools, and proposed
a public health insurance scheme for hospitalisation. WP notes that the
government is still overhauling the Medishield scheme to provide better

In this Manifesto, WP updates our proposals on government policies, based A First World Parliament is able to balance a strong executive government
on our belief in diversity, respect, human dignity, tolerance and equal if there is a credible and responsible opposition with a mandate from the
opportunity as the underlying philosophy of governance. electorate. This will generate a culture of accountability and enable citizens
of different political stripes to contribute to nation building and policy
The ideas contained in this Manifesto also revolve around the theme of formulation in a vital Organ of State.
empowering Singaporeans so that everyone will see Singapore as home and
a place worth fighting for. It is consistent with the theme WP has championed A First World Parliament leaves nothing to chance and prepares for
over the years -- Power to the People. eventualities, including the decline of political parties which are strong today.
The higher the number of established players in Parliament, the greater the
Our Philosophy insurance for the future.
WP believes that the elected government must work for the people who are,
Let us insure Singapore’s future and move towards a First World Parliament.
after all, the source of the government’s legitimacy. At the same time, the
ordinary person must be free to engage as much as possible in shaping and
developing our society so as to foster a sense of belonging.
WP believes that for a robust society, the ruling party should not dominate
spheres of Singapore life such as business, unions and sports, but should
instead welcome organic leadership and voluntary participation of diverse
interests and groups. The government must respect civil liberties, be more
transparent and recognise the right of the public to information. The rights
and dignity of older workers and senior citizens must be respected and
promoted. The disabled should be integrated into society on an equal basis
as everyone else.
To build a humane society, it is important that the government places human
dignity, diversity, tolerance, respect and equal opportunity as the principle
considerations in policy formulation and implementation.

WP - A Vehicle To Move Towards a First World Parliament

Singapore has come a long way towards First World infrastructure and
economic advancement. However, it cannot claim to be a truly First World
country until its governance mechanisms of checks and balances match up.
The Parliament of Singapore today consists of 82 elected Members from
the ruling People’s Action Party (“PAP”) and 2 elected Members from the
opposition. If this imbalance is not corrected, we run the risk that Parliament
will be seen as a rubber stamp for government agenda.

6 7

1 Miscellaneous Offences Act also criminalises a lot of anti-social behaviour such as

abusive language and disorderly behaviour.

It is fundamental that we protect our civil liberties and hold the government to
GOVERNANCE AND accountability.

Our Beliefs
Preamble Governance
1. The Constitution is the supreme law of Singapore. All Constitutional
Governance amendments must be carefully scrutinized and public opinion canvassed
The office of Elected President, with his powers to veto key decisions of a popularly- wherever possible.
elected government, conflicts with the tenets of Parliamentary democracy.
2. There should be no Constitutional amendments for partisan advantage at
The political changes made in 2009-2010 to increase the number of Non-Constituency elections.
MPs (NCMPs) in Parliament while retaining the Group Representation Constituency
3. In a Parliamentary democracy, the government must be open and accountable
(GRC) system and gerrymandering of political boundaries is not the answer for a
to the people and true to the rule of law.
robust democracy. Increasing the number of Single Member Constituencies from 9
to 12 still leaves 86% of constituencies under the GRC system. Having a `cooling 4. Parliamentary elections should be conducted such as to encourage maximum
off-day’ is an insult to Singaporean voters; similar arrangements have also been participation from citizens.
shown to be susceptible to abuse by incumbents in other countries.
5. Parliament shall consist only of Members elected by the people in free and fair
Civil Liberties
The PAP government has consistently tinkered with the structure and processes 6. For Parliament to function effectively as a check on the Executive Government,
of government to ensure minimal accountability to the public. Citizen activism is it is necessary for the House to consist of elected Members from political parties
encouraged only if the PAP government “leads”. other than the ruling party. A significant presence of elected Members from
other parties will promote more rigorous scrutiny of government agenda, and
The Public Order Act (POA), which was passed on April 13, 2009 gives our law provide an insurance against ruling party decline.
enforcement agencies such wide discretionary powers that it further erodes the
7. Political leaders should be paid in accordance with the public character of their
Constitutional rights of citizens to freedom of expression and assembly. Of particular
concerns are three areas – Public Assembly, Move-on Order and restriction on
filming of law enforcement activities. Under the Public Assembly provision, even 8. The civil service must be politically neutral, true to the rule of law.
one person acting alone is now classified as an `assembly’. The Move-on order gives
the police a new power to order one to leave a place for up to 24 hours, while Civil Liberties
the restriction on filming allows them to stop one from filming law enforcement 1. There should be an environment conducive to citizen activism and citizens
activities, including crowd control, crime investigation or other routine matters, so should be free to form associations. Singaporeans should be assured of liberty,
long as the police deem it necessary. and freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention.
It should be noted that the Penal Code already allows police to charge people 2. The local mass media should be socially responsible and free from political
with criminal conspiracy for merely agreeing to commit an offence. The Criminal influence in respect of content.
Procedure Code gives the police powers to prevent offences before they occur. The

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Our Proposals C. Cabinet:

1. Ministers should be rewarded fairly and equitably for their contribution to the
A. Constitution: country.
1. All amendments to the Constitution must be sent to a Select Committee
consisting of Members of Parliament from different political parties. 2. Ministers’ remuneration should be benchmarked internationally against the
political office of developed countries. Their remuneration should also take
2. The right of every citizen to vote should be entrenched in the Constitution. into account all associated benefits (e.g. benefits-in-kind) under the total
remuneration or total employment costs.
3. The voting age should be brought down from 21 to 18. This will encourage
young people to have an early interest in political governance. It will bring 3. Ministers should declare all their assets to the public, including deemed interests
Singapore in line with many countries in the world which have voting ages before, during and after office.
below 21, and be consistent with other local laws which set 18 as the benchmark
age (e.g. to enter contracts and to be mobilised to defend Singapore in military D. Civil Service:
service). 1. The civil service should be guided only by law and policy which should be
applied consistently, and without fear or favour.
B. Elections & Parliament:
2. The office of Parliamentary Ombudsman should be established. Any citizen
1. The Office of Elected President should be abolished and the Presidency should
aggrieved by the action of any public servant may, instead of commencing an
be reverted to its former ceremonial position. The power of Parliament as the
expensive law suit, lodge a complaint with this office. The Ombudsman will be
people’s representatives should be unfettered.
empowered to investigate with full cooperation of the civil service, at nominal
2. Parliamentary elections should not be organized by the Prime Minister’s Office. cost to the citizen, with powers to advise on corrective actions and recommend
Instead, an independent election commission should be tasked with this role, prosecutions. This process will enhance government accountability and give
reporting to the Chief Justice, to ensure political neutrality. more options for citizen redress.

3. Delineation of electoral boundaries should not be under the Prime Minister’s 3. While discretion must be given to civil servants to make decisions, such
Office. It should be undertaken by an independent committee reporting to discretion should not be absolute and should be subject to either judicial review
President, and open to public scrutiny. The rationale for electoral boundary (for rationality, not on merits) or review by an independent ombudsman.
changes and the proposed boundaries should be announced at least one year 4. There should not be laws which make the decisions of the Executive un-
before a General Election is called. reviewable. Any such existing laws should be reviewed.
4. Group Representation Constituencies should be abolished, as they dilute the
individual voter’s voice. Instead, the elections should be run on single seats. E. Civil Liberties:
The Non-Constituency MP (NCMP) scheme would then be unnecessary. 1. The Internal Security Act, which provides for detention without trial in cases of
alleged subversion, should be abolished. Singapore shall be brought in line with
5. The Nominated Member of Parliament (NMP) scheme should be abolished. international practices to try such cases, including espionage, with modified
6. For better representation of voter diversity, we should work towards an procedures to protect official secrets if necessary.
alternative system of proportional representation so that party votes can be 2. In cases of alleged terrorism, the government should be enabled by a dedicated
reflected at the national level. anti-terrorism law to make swift arrests and detain suspects without trial.
However, these suspects must be afforded real avenues to challenge the legality
7. The one-day cooling off period before polling day should be removed.
of their arrests through the courts and an advisory board. These bodies should
8. All registered electors overseas should be entitled to vote. This can be facilitated be empowered to order the person’s release if not satisfied as to the legality of
by all Singapore Overseas Missions and / or postal voting. the detention.

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3. The Public Order Act (POA) should not be used to curtail active citizenry. In
particular, the provisions on Public Assembly, Move-on order and Restrictions
on filming of law enforcement operations should be reviewed.
4. Peaceful demonstrations shall be allowed, subject to prior notification to the JUSTICE, LAW AND ORDER
police, to ensure minimum disruption to traffic and public convenience.

Singapore’s legal and judicial system may be well-ranked on efficiency, corruption
indices and calibre of staff. However, these do not adequately measure important
aspects where the system still needs to improve, such as in the areas of due process,
balancing the interests of stakeholders, and having sufficient accountability for
Executive actions.

WP is pleased to note that some of our suggestions towards the review of the Penal
Code in 2007 and Criminal Procedure Code in 2010 have been adopted by the
government. In addition, the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 has introduced several
community-based sentences for offenders of minor crimes, which was an approach
advocated in the WP’s previous Manifestos.

However, WP concurrently notes with concern the severe enhancements to maximum

imprisonment terms for many offences in the Penal Code amendments in 2007, for
which weak justifications were given.

Existing procedures in criminal cases are weighted in favour of the prosecution

and in certain areas are unfair to the accused. While WP notes some progressive
amendments to the Criminal Procedure Code in 2010 relating to pre-trial processes,
Singapore still falls short of international best practices.

Our Beliefs
1. The independence of the Judiciary must be protected. Justice should be
dispensed by judges and magistrates who must be impartial and are guided
only by legal principles.

2. Our legal system must strive for quality and fairness in its processes, balancing
the rights and interests of victims, suspects and the general public.

3. When faced with crime trends of concern, a balanced approach should be taken
to tackle the problem at its roots, rather than simply enhancing penalties alone.
This may require more resources and even addressing social conditions or
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4. Mandatory sentences for capital offences should be removed as they take serve either as government legal or judicial officers will initially be recruited
away the discretion of the judge to adjust a sentence to suit the individual case into a common pool for posting into various non-judicial legal posts. After a
circumstances. Under the current system of mandatory sentences, the real power minimum period in these posts, those considered suitable will be selected for
to determine the offender’s sentence shifts from the Courts to the prosecution entry into the judicial service and will not be liable for transfer back to the
who will decide which charge to proceed on to produce the appropriate sentence. mainstream unless they so request.
This encourages plea-bargaining which makes justice less transparent, as the
4. The fees charged by the Courts for initiating and maintaining proceedings must
exercise of prosecutorial discretion cannot be reviewed or appealed against.
be kept moderate and in keeping with the public character of their services.
5. The justice system, both civil and criminal, should be accessible to all. Every Courts should be prudent in their spending and resource management so as not
person facing investigations or court proceedings should be allowed adequate to fuel unnecessary fee increases. There should be flexibility in the review of
representation and full opportunity to a fair hearing, including a right of appeal. waivers of fees in cases of financial hardship.
6. The litigation process should promote fair-play and an adequate presentation of 5. Appeals from Subordinate Court criminal cases will continue to go to the High
cases by the parties involved. Court which should be free to roster judges at random to hear appeals. This will
7. The court system should strive for efficiency and quality in its processes. provide for continuity and stability in the system.
However, the pursuit of efficiency must not be at the expense of due process. 6. For capital cases, the trial should be conducted by a tribunal of two judges
8. Victims of crime should be adequately taken care of in our criminal justice whose decision to impose the death sentence must be unanimous. On appeal,
system. At present, the victim incurs expense and suffers inconveniences, and the death sentence should be upheld only if it is confirmed unanimously by all
stands to recover nothing in most crime cases. The victim’s interests should be three judges in the Court of Appeal.
protected in the criminal justice system. 7. For capital offences, discretion should be given to judges to decide whether the
9. We need more transparency in crime information, so that more focused crime death penalty or a lesser penalty is justified for each case. Parliament can set
prevention measures can be undertaken by the authorities and the public. limits on the degree of discretion, depending on the offence.
10. Law enforcement agencies such as the Police must be adequately resourced.
B. Legal Aid:
1. For civil legal aid, the means test under the Legal Aid and Advice Act should be
Our Proposals continuously reviewed to reflect a reasonable cut off income.

A. The Courts: 2. Government legal aid should be provided for criminal cases. A statutory
1. The Constitution should be amended to extend the retirement age of Supreme criminal legal aid scheme should be set up to replace the present voluntary
Court Judges from 65 to 70 years and there should be no extension of this legal aid scheme run by the Law Society. The Law Society scheme is highly
tenure. commendable but legal representation for the poor in criminal cases should be
a government concern. This will also ensure continuity and resources.
2. The present provisions for the appointment of Supreme Court Judicial
Commissioners who function as Supreme Court Judges for fixed terms
C. Protection of Victims:
should be removed. Such schemes are convenient but risk undermining the
1. WP notes progress in Criminal Procedure Code 2010 to include in the sentencing
independence of such officers.
procedure a formal recognition of the Victim Impact Statement. The next step
3. A Judicial Service should be created, separate from the Legal Service, for is to ensure that such statements are recorded widely rather than only in limited
judicial posts such as Registrars, Deputy Registrars, Magistrates and District cases. Such statements should be used not only in sentencing but also at pre-
Judges in the Subordinate Courts, and Registrars and Assistant Registrars in trial stages such as bail, so that the Court can comprehensively consider the
the High Court. The structure will exclude members of the Executive from victim’s well-being at earlier stages of the case, such as in deciding whether to
decisions concerning their career or their advancement. All persons desiring to release the suspect on bail and under what conditions.
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2. A state funded Board should be set up to offer financial assistance to the victims 7. The Criminal Procedure Code should be amended to make it clear that an
of violent crimes, at least for the medical expenses incurred, and to work with appellate court hearing an appeal from an accused person against sentence
community-based agencies to assist victims to recover from their ordeal. does not have the power to increase the sentence unless the prosecution cross-
appeals to increase the sentence.
3. The official statistics on crime, which reflect only reported crime as classified
by the law enforcement authorities, should be supplemented. In line with best 8. While the Criminal Procedure Code 2010 has made important progress in the
practices internationally, surveys should be conducted to ascertain the extent area of pre-trial disclosures between prosecution and defence, it is still confined
of unreported crime, the reasons for non-reporting and why the authorities re- to disclosure of accused’s statements and material that each side has obtained
classify reports. Such victimisation surveys will enable more focused crime and intends to use. We should work towards the higher standards practised
prevention measures. elsewhere, such as the United Kingdom practice of requiring the prosecution to
disclose to the defence material which it has obtained during investigations but
D. Criminal Law and Criminal Procedure: does not intend to use.
1. Criminal procedures should be reviewed to ensure that an arrested person’s 9. Video recording of accused’s statements should be implemented, to serve
Constitutional right to consult legal counsel is protected by allowing early the dual purpose of reducing frivolous challenges in court and for more
access. accountability.
2. Persons in custody for investigations by law enforcement agencies should 10. The Criminal Law (Temporary Provisions) Act allowing detention of suspected
only be detained beyond 48 hours by order of a court made in the presence criminals without trial should constantly be re-examined and its necessity and
of the suspect. The Constitutional amendment in 2010 to allow orders for use closely scrutinised, with the goal of abolishing its use in favour of having
initial remand to be made via video-link while still within the law enforcement the usual trial process.
agencies’ premises should be repealed, so as to enhance confidence in this
critical check on the Executive.
E. Resource Allocation:
3. A person arrested should be told his legal rights upon arrest, especially his 1. Adequate resources should be allocated to the Home Team to fight crime. The
Constitutional right to counsel under Article 9 and the right against self- government should continue to monitor and moderate the workload demands in
incrimination. terms of population growth, new crime concerns and events security, to ensure
that the community is not adversely affected.
4. Accused persons who are factually innocent but who have been mistakenly
arrested and/or prosecuted should be compensated. A mistaken arrest and
prosecution brings income loss, stress, loss of reputation and payment of legal
costs of defence. The burden of the executive’s errors should not be borne by
the innocent.
5. The heavier sentences in the Penal Code amendments in 2007 should be
reviewed and specifically justified for each offence type.
6. The Penal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code should be re-examined to
review the classification of cases which are non-arrestable. For instance, more
situations of voluntarily causing hurt may need to be classified as arrestable for
better protection of the public.

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3 3. There should be a re-distribution of wealth through fiscal and tax measures and
social policy to ensure that the fruits of the economy are shared equitably.
4. The government should contribute to the growth of local SMEs by levelling the
ECONOMIC POLICY playing field for them to compete with government-linked companies (GLCs)
and multinational corporations (MNCs).
5. WP believes that by empowering the individual and the private sector, we
Preamble will have a creative economy that will propel us forward in our next stage of
1. Despite record economic growth in 2010, and a burgeoning number of economic development.
millionaires, many Singaporean workers continue to experience low wages, 6. Singapore needs to move away from its over-reliance on GLCs and MNCs. 
long working hours by multiple family members to maintain living standards, Their monopoly power in our small domestic market crowds out local
job insecurity and unrelenting price increases.  entrepreneurs and chokes off market-based channels of upward social mobility. 
2. The PAP government’s preoccupation with economic growth has led to the Instead, we should focus on nurturing home grown enterprises and encouraging
opening of the floodgates to foreign workers to boost growth through labour our best talents to start companies and work in local enterprises.
inputs.  This has suppressed low-income Singaporean workers’ wages, 7. GLCs should focus on growing Singapore’s external economic wing and helping
heightened job insecurity and caused overcrowding in land-scarce Singapore. local enterprises to venture abroad, instead of crowding out local SMEs.
The liberal foreign labour policy has also come at the price of lagging
productivity, forcing low-wage workers to depend on government hand-outs to 8. Independent thinking, self-reliance, and the courage to be different are necessary
subsist. ingredients of entrepreneurship. We must cultivate resilience through the spirit
of risk-taking and a “not-afraid-to-fail” attitude.
3. Economic growth is meaningful only if the fruits of growth are equitably
distributed; otherwise, we risk becoming an ever more divided and polarised 9. Companies should be encouraged to exercise corporate social responsibility
society. and get involved in building and developing the community they are benefiting
from. In the long run, it will benefit their businesses too.
4. Despite the many schemes devoted to encouraging entrepreneurship, Singapore
still lags behind other Asian economies like Taiwan and South Korea in terms 10. We must be mindful of escalating land costs in land-scarce Singapore, which
of successful home-grown enterprises. could impact our economic competitiveness.

5. While a free market economy has its benefits, the consequential effect is
income disparity.  Those with economic power tend to congregate with those Our Proposals
with political power resulting in a power elite network. The consequence of
such a structure could result in imbalance in policy formulation. 1. Government agencies should give local SMEs a fair chance at contracts, rather
than choosing GLCs and MNCs because they are the “safe” option.
2. Instead of crowding out local business with their government-linked status and
Our Beliefs financial muscle, GLCs should instead invest in SMEs to propel their growth
1. WP is committed to economic growth where each citizen is provided and development.
opportunities to contribute to the best of his or her ability, and live a dignified 3. GLCs should, where practicable, be broken up into smaller entities and divest
life. their non-core entities to the private sector.  This will reduce the crowding out
2. Social mobility should not be disrupted and taken over by the “free market” effect that large GLCs currently have on smaller local companies.
based on the financial might of the individual.

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4. Singapore should leverage on its huge reserves and existing business networks
that the GLCs and the Government of Singapore Investment Corporation (GIC)
have built up over the years to strengthen the economic position of Singapore
5. High rentals and land costs negatively affect the costs of businesses. Effective
measures to curb property and land speculation should be in place to maintain
the cost competitiveness of businesses, especially SMEs. Preamble
6. The number of government scholarships with service bonds awarded each year Every citizen has a right to a decent standard of living, work and a life of choices and
should be reduced.  Instead, these scholarships should bond their recipients to opportunities without discrimination. The government has the responsibility to look
only work in Singapore for a number of years, which could include setting up after its citizens and should not just play a “charity role” when tackling the needs of
their own local companies.  This will better spread local talent to the private the people and building a community.
The government’s minimalist approach to social welfare, in particular its rigid
7. Our tertiary institutions should seek to send their students on exchange emphasis on family as the first line of defence, has caused much stress to poor and
programmes to places renowned for entrepreneurship, so that our students are sandwiched Singaporeans.
better exposed to an entrepreneurial culture.
There is disconnect in Singaporeans’ sense of place and identity. While urbanization
8. The government should seek to attract more venture capital firms to Singapore
and re-settlement from kampongs was inevitable, the deliberate government policy
so that they not only provide the funding to promising start ups, but the
of splitting communities to different housing estates resulted in a weakening of
managerial expertise as well.
community bonds and the spirit of self-reliance and mutual assistance, preciously
9. The annual reports of GIC should reflect its annual performance, instead of its built up over decades. Today, even after 45 years of nation-building, many young
current reporting of only its annualised rolling 20-year rate of return.  This will Singaporeans have little idea of living in a community.
increase transparency and accountability to Singaporeans, who are the ultimate
stakeholders and beneficiaries of the investments.  This is in line with the The income gap in Singapore has also been rising steadily. The Gini coefficient,
practice of well-managed sovereign wealth funds like the Norwegian Pension which measures income inequality, rose from 0.44 in 2000 to 0.48 in 2009. Even
Fund. after taking into account government transfers, the rise was from 0.43 to 0.45.
Protecting our children is also key to the security of our future. Although current
legislation provides some protection against sexual predators, they are primarily
deterrent measures. Preventive measures need to be implemented to reduce the risk
of children being neglected or abused physically, emotionally and psychologically.

Our Beliefs
1. WP is for a caring society and believes that social justice must be intrinsic to
the concept of government. It also recognizes that Singapore is a multicultural
society and everyone should be treated equally.
2. The society, as a whole, must direct resources to support the underprivileged.
3. The government has the obligation to protect and provide for vulnerable groups
of people, especially the poor.
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4. The government must provide needs-based social welfare to ensure that no 3. Better infrastructure must be put in place for the public transport needs of
one who needs help is left stranded. Social workers should be given discretion people with disabilities. Barrier-free access should continuously be reviewed
to assess each case on its merits. Although it may mean that more resources for improvement.
and effort will be needed to examine some cases, no citizen in need should be
4. Early intervention programmes for children with disabilities should be better
deprived of assistance.
resourced to reduce waiting time.
5. People with disabilities have the right to live a dignified and fulfilling life and
5. More incentives should be given to employers to encourage them to employ
be integrated with the rest of the community.
those capable of work. Public education is also necessary to eradicate any
6. The problems of the aged, especially the chronically ill, do not only refer to misconceptions and prejudice against them and their ability to contribute to
those who are destitute but also those whose families are unable to care for society. The government, as the largest employer, should lead by example.
them for genuine reasons. Affordable healthcare and support facilities for them
are essential. Voluntary welfare organisations are playing important roles here B. Elderly and Family:
and more support from the government is necessary. 1. We need to provide more avenues to train the “younger elderly” to provide care
7. Besides physical health, the mental health of the elderly is equally important. and organise social events for the aged within their neighbourhoods. This could
Many retirees are still able to contribute to society and should be encouraged be done through clan associations, community-based entities or voluntary
and given the opportunities to do so. welfare organisations with support from the government.

8. Single parents must not be left out of available assistance schemes. 2. There should be sufficient choices for the elderly to live within the community
rather than being confined to an institution. A care centre can be built in each
9. The development of a strong and vibrant community will strengthen our social precinct for those elderly whose family members are unable to look after them.
fabric, foster social cohesion and in the process build a national identity. We The centre can be jointly maintained by those using it and volunteers from the
need to encourage individuals within the community to serve the neighbourhood neighbourhood.
to foster the organic growth of a natural community leadership.
3. We should extend the current policy of encouraging children living near parents
10. Multiculturalism should be actively promoted and should form a corner stone to living near siblings and close relatives.
of our social policies.
11. All children have the right to grow up with dignity in a safe environment free C. Children
from the risk of abuse. Deterrence alone is no guarantee to ensuring the safety 1. The government should conduct studies to determine which child-safe
of our children. The environment must inherently reduce the risk of abuse and policies have been most effective at combating sexual grooming and other
thus, safeguard the well-being of children. similar offences in other countries. A roadmap should be developed for the
implementation of child-safe policies on a stage-by-stage basis.
2. We should look at setting up a Child Safety Council. Having a coordinated
Our Proposals
approach for protecting our children allows for better allocation of resources.
A. People with Disabilities: It will provide focus on implementing child safety policies across the board.
1. The government should ratify the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child Safety Officers should be appointed to ensure compliance with child-
Persons with Disabilities and take a whole-of-government approach to ensure safety policies in the country
that its key provisions are implemented in Singapore.
2. More resources should be developed to cater to the education needs of people D. Community:
with disabilities, including lifelong learning for adults. This includes more 1. The system of Resident Committees (RCs) and the Citizens Consultative
resources to adequately equip them with necessary life-skills. The Ministry of Committee (CCC) should be abolished. Government grassroots serving as eyes
Education should take the lead in providing special education. and ears of the government cripple the growth of natural community leadership
22 23

and hinder the development of community living. The attempts by RCs in some
areas to segregate the neighbourhood by zones further hinder the population
from developing a true sense of community identity.
2. The Group Representation Constituency (GRC) system, which leads to the POPULATION AND
artificial aggregation of estates, should be abolished. We should revert to single
constituencies based on geographical areas to promote community identity. IMMIGRATION
3. Rules and controls on individuals organising events for the community should
be relaxed.
4. Community Clubs (CCs) should be run for the purpose of providing amenities
and services, disseminating information and gathering feedback for the The population policies of the PAP government over the past 40 years have been
government on policy and community issues. They must be non-partisan; the erratic. Singaporeans have experienced the strong population control policies of the
chairman and members of the management committee should be elected by the 1970s and the discriminatory eugenic policies of the 1980s. The government’s use of
community through a localised election. penalties and disincentives to discourage childbirth to achieve its desired population
size alienated many Singaporeans. Now it has put in place costly incentives to
5. The policy of upgrading older estates and building new flats in mature estates encourage Singaporeans to have more children. It is apparent that the government
to minimise the movement of population should be continued. lacks a consistent direction and objective in its population policies.

E. Social Cohesion: Strong population controls were put in place in the 1970s, including the liberalisation
1. We should declare a Social Cohesion Public Holiday to mark the successful of abortion laws, sterilisation programmes and low priority admission to primary
integration of Singapore as a multi-racial and multi-religious society and to schools for the fourth child and beyond. These caused the birth rate to plummet to
remind ourselves of the need to continue the social cohesion process and not to replacement level by as early as 1975. Yet, it was not until the mid-1980s that the
take religious and racial harmony for granted. The integration of citizens and government made an about turn in its anti-natalist programmes. This has contributed
permanent residents should also be promoted. to our current low birth rate, labour shortage and ageing population problem.
2. We should increase the number of Community Mediation Centres (CMCs) and Singapore’s Total Fertility Rate as at 2010 is 1.16, one of the lowest in the world.
promote it as “the” place to settle community disputes if individual efforts fail. Our nation faces a real threat of a declining population in the coming decades, which
In line with its work to help “Build Bridges to Reconciliation”, the Centres could lead to slower economic growth and an increasingly ageing population.
should also promote and educate the public on the harmony of community living.
Singapore’s population has grown from 4.03 million in 2000 to over 5.08 million
F. Others: in 2010 - a 26% increase over just 10 years, mainly due to the PAP government’s
1. All discriminatory policies against single parents should be removed. In extremely liberal immigration and foreign worker policies. This was effected
particular, the denial of Housing and Development Board subsidies to single without consultation with Singaporeans or any clear public communication about
parents has created much hardship and ends up punishing innocent children. the population goals and strategic objectives. This huge influx of new arrivals has
contributed to overcrowding on our public transport system and hospitals. There
2. There should be a Board of Equal Opportunities to ensure that there is no is now a shortage of public housing and flat prices have gone beyond what many
discrimination on account of ethnic origin, religious belief, gender, socio- homebuyers consider affordable. The current population growth trajectory is
economic class or age. unsustainable and requires an urgent re-evaluation before the strain becomes too
much for Singaporeans to bear.

The PAP government’s immigration policies appear to be focused mainly on meeting

the manpower demands of businesses, and ostensibly to grow our population in the
24 25

face of declining local birth rates. However, increasing the population by granting Overseas Singaporeans
citizenship and permanent residence status to working-age foreigners may make our 1. There are currently over 180,000 Singaporeans living, studying or working
ageing problem even worse in the future. This is because these immigrants will abroad. We need to find more tangible and meaningful ways to engage overseas
eventually grow old and retire, and this could increase the dependency ratio if their Singaporeans, in order to help them maintain their links to Singapore and
fertility rates are also below replacement level. Data from the Singapore Census continue to contribute to our nation, either while overseas or when they return
2010 already shows that birth rates among foreign-born women are on the downward to Singapore.

Our Proposals
Our Beliefs
A. Immigration
Immigration 1. The overall rate of population increase should be moderated to allow for the
1. WP is not an anti-immigrant party. We welcome immigrants who contribute to nation’s infrastructure improvements to catch up with the huge population
the economic vibrancy, diversity and future population growth of our nation. increase of the past decade.
However, we believe that the rate of immigration should not exceed the capacity
of the country’s infrastructure and the comfort level of the local population. 2. A points-based system should be developed to assess individuals applying
for citizenship and permanent residency, while retaining the government’s
2. The most important objective for our immigration policies should be to improve discretion to make the final decision. The criteria for the points system should
the well-being of individual Singaporeans and their families. be made public. This will provide more transparency and reduce unhealthy
3. The criteria for qualifying for citizenship and permanent residency should be bureaucratic discretion in deciding on such applications. Best practices in
made transparent and open to public scrutiny. developed countries should be studied. The criteria for the points system
should include the following:
Procreation • Educational Qualifications
1. Lowering workplace and career impediments to childbearing and childrearing • Language Proficiency (including English)
are critical if we hope to increase Singapore’s total fertility rate.
• Work Experience
2. Material incentives alone are not enough to encourage Singaporeans to have • Job Offer in Singapore for an occupation in the Qualifying Occupations
more children. A sense of nationhood and belonging, a vision and hope of a List (which should be developed in consultation with industry groups to
better future, and a less stressful schooling and working environment are identify occupations that face a shortage of workers)
essential elements in encouraging procreation. This might also stem the flow of
Singaporeans emigrating. • Family relationships with Singaporeans
• Qualifications of spouse
3. Single parents should not be left out or disadvantaged by ostensibly pro-family
policies. • Period of stay in Singapore
4. There is a need to look into new and less conventional ways of increasing • Entrepreneur or investor points
Singapore’s total fertility rate, without compromising on the social values that • Commitment to National Service
Singaporeans hold dear.
3. In assessing citizenship and permanent residency applications, priority should
5. There are over 12,000 abortions carried out each year in Singapore, with the be given to applications by family units as compared with individuals or
majority performed on married women. There is a need to look into ways to couples. This will encourage applicants to sink roots here, commit their male
encourage parents to keep their babies. children to National Service, and facilitate better integration.

26 27

4. All foreign spouses of Singaporeans should be issued with residential visas and lowering the cost of assisted conception procedures should be initiated and
be allowed to work locally. Priority should be given to their PR applications encouraged by the Government. More public funds should be made available
and eventually their citizenship applications. This will ensure the unity of the for such research.
family and possibly encourage the couples to have more children who grow up
in Singapore. C. Overseas Singaporeans
5. The Department of Statistics should be more transparent and publish the annual 1. All overseas Singaporeans should be allowed to vote in General Elections
numbers of new citizens and PRs with their country of origin. The number of and Presidential Elections by postal votes, as is done in many other advanced
Singaporeans giving up their citizenship annually should also be published. democracies. This will save them the effort of travelling to the designated
Singapore overseas missions, which could be thousands of kilometres away from
where they reside, or even in another country. Facilitating their involvement in
B. Procreation
the electoral process will help them to remain more engaged and feel a greater
1. More time should be set aside in the school curriculum to impart to students
stake in Singapore, even while they are abroad.
the joys and responsibilities of family, marriage and parenthood, so as to better
prepare them to take on these responsibilities in the future.
2. There should be increased support and strong incentives for employers to
implement better work-life balance practices and flexi-work arrangements. The
civil service should set the example for the private sector to follow.
3. To recognise the important role of fathers in sharing the responsibilities of
infant care, paternity leave of at least 6 days, half of which will be funded by
the government, should be introduced and legislated.
4. There should be more affordable, conveniently-located and quality infant care
and childcare facilities made available in Singapore.
5. Stay-at-home mothers should receive the same infant care and childcare
subsidies as working mothers. They have chosen a noble profession that is no
less important than any other salaried job, and have often put their careers on
hold to nurture the next generation.
6. While having children outside of marriage should continue to be discouraged
in our society, children born to single parents should not be denied the benefits
that children of married parents receive. The children are innocent parties and
should not start life being disadvantaged. Single parents should receive the
same parenthood benefits packages as married parents.
7. Adoption of children should be actively promoted.
8. Assisted conception procedures such as in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) should
be partially subsidised by the Government for up to the first three treatment
cycles. This will help Singaporean couples who want to have children but
have difficulty conceiving. More research on improving the success rate and

28 29

6 2. Apart from having a carefully planned curriculum, the well-being of teachers is an

essential catalyst to a successful education system. WP believes an environment
conducive for learning begins with an inspired teacher in a small class size setting.
EDUCATION 3. Teaching content should be reduced so that teachers can move beyond textbooks
and share with students life skills in areas such as current affairs, inter-personal
communication, enterprising initiatives and creative development in the arts,
Preamble music and culture.
4. Schools should promote moral values and social responsibility.
Developing our people to the best of their abilities and talents is of utmost importance
in our nation building. Creative and inclusive approaches should be adopted to bring 5. Cross training and learning should be encouraged and we should not narrowly
the best out of our students. define the fields of learning for our students.

The current education system has spawned a stressful culture highly dependent on 6. To effectively cope with globalisation, we should put emphasis on multi-
private tuition to deliver the results. Even self-help groups are spending an inordinate lingualism.
amount of their public funds on tuition for needy students. 7. Every student should be required to learn his mother tongue and to attain as
high a standard of proficiency as possible.
In the past four decades, some ill-conceived streaming policies have stigmatised
many young children as slow learners and underachievers. The obsession with 8. Learning of Bahasa Melayu, which is our national language, should be
testing, benchmarking and grouping young talents in our education system has encouraged.
caused unnecessary anxiety and bred pockets of elitism in our schools and society.
9. Public funding for local tertiary education must be seen as an investment
Flexibility and autonomy given to schools in the pursuit of a broad-based, holistic in human capital development. Tertiary education will benefit not only the
education must not affect the fundamental duty of teachers which is to teach. individual student but Singapore as a whole.
10. Every child matters. Special needs children are no different. MOE should
WP is pleased to note that the government has set up the Academy of Singapore
assume greater social responsibility in SPED and be seen as driving the
Teachers to look after the professionalism and well-being of teachers. We are also
educational goals of all children.
pleased that the government is leaning towards a flexible and diverse approach to
educating our children. Such initiatives were proposed in our 2006 Manifesto.

One of the key findings of the Enabling Masterplan (2007-2011), targeted at helping
Our Proposals
special needs Singaporeans ‘to reach their full potential and be included as part of A. Reducing Stress and More Focused Resources:
Singapore’, was that Special Education (SPED) should be viewed as education and 1. A small class size will reduce the workload of a teacher, which in turn, will
the Ministry of Education (MOE) should take the lead in this sector. To date, there facilitate more interaction between teacher and students. It will allow a teacher
is still no clear leadership from MOE to better coordinate SPED among Volunteer to focus more attention on weaker students and get to know their strengths and
Welfare Organisations (VWOs) and National Council of Social Services (NCSS). weaknesses better. We should target to reduce the class size for all levels of
primary and secondary schools to approximately 20 pupils.
2. Taking the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) is a stressful
Our Beliefs
experience for children and parents alike. At a tender age of 12, a young pupil
1. The formative years of our young children should be better spent on cultivating has to face the most important examination of his pre-adolescence life - an
their love for learning and exploring rather than on grooming them for high- examination that may affect his entire future. We should study the feasibility of
stakes examinations. a primary-secondary integrated programme.

30 31

3. Additional funding and support should be given to neighbourhood schools, 3. The SPED school fee should not be means tested. Parents of special needs
as independent schools already have their own strong community support children are already saddled with higher maintenance costs. They should not be
and well-established alumni network and are better able to garner sufficient penalised further with a means-tested school fee.
4. SPED teachers and Allied Educators should be given more certainty in their
4. More administrative staff should be hired to assist teachers in managing non- career development. SPED teachers should come under the direct employment
academic duties like co-curricular activities, projects, etc. This will allow of MOE.
teachers to spend more time on what they do best – teach.
D. Others:
B. Tertiary Education: 1. The curriculum content of the National Education should be reviewed
1. The tuition grant for local undergraduates should be increased to better reflect to incorporate the teaching of our Constitution, the political system of
the value of our citizenship and make tertiary education more affordable. Parliamentary Democracy, the rights and obligations of being a citizen and
Currently, the tuition grant for all undergraduates is the same regardless of the meaning and spirit of our national symbols such as the national flag and
nationality. national pledge.
2. The co-payment portion of the university tuition fee by citizens should be 2. The Community Involvement Programme in secondary schools should be
capped at 10 per cent of operating expenditure of local universities. reviewed to empower students to explore diverse ways to serve the community
and appreciate the underlying rationale.
3. The intellectual climate of all tertiary institutions in Singapore should be
kept free whereby lecturers and students are able to explore the full limits of
4. Local tertiary institutions should ensure that there is a sizeable community of
local students and staff.
5. Local academic staff in our tertiary institutions should be paid equitable salaries
to non-resident colleagues of equivalent standing and expertise.
6. Any tuition fee increases for tertiary institutions should be subject to scrutiny
by an independent watchdog that will ensure that increases are minimal and
justifiable. It is imprudent to fix a quantum for permitted tuition fee increases
per year.
7. The Government should fund the infrastructure costs of local tertiary institutions.

C. Special Needs Education:

1. While WP recognises the complexity of SPED, MOE should bring SPED
schools (including early intervention programmes) under its direct funding and
total administration. VWOs should then be invited to work closely with MOE
to support these fully funded SPED schools.
2. Any additional funds raised by VWOs should be used to enrich the programmes
for special needs children.

32 33

There have been significant hospital bed shortages since 2006, showing the lack of
7 planning between health services and the deliberate foreign population surge.

The cost of step-down care in Singapore is too high for the average family. Some
HEALTHCARE Singaporeans are now leaving their sick elderly family members in long-term care
institutions in neighbouring countries for cost reasons.

While WP recognizes the need for prudence in public health care expenditure, we
Preamble should be mindful that if we continue to tighten the Health Budget, it would inevitably
result in “cutting corners” and a deterioration of basic standards of medical services.
“We can die but cannot afford to be sick.” This common refrain from the people is
By correspondingly placing higher payment burdens on patients, there is the danger
certainly no laughing matter. Health care is an essential service and no one should be
that Singaporeans will ration their consumption of necessary medical treatment and
deprived of health care for any reason.
services, worsening their health problems. For instance, WP notes the high incidence
While the World Health Organization ranks Singapore 6th in overall performance of of leg amputations due to the under-treatment of diabetes.
the healthcare system, it is placed 101st for fairness in financial contribution. There
The government has attempted to limit its obligations towards healthcare by
is a risk that some Singaporean families face catastrophic payments for healthcare.
emphasising self-reliance and family support. This poses difficulties for sickly
Some families have even been advised to sell their flats to pay medical bills.
persons from the working and sandwiched classes, especially those with few or no
Current government expenditure on healthcare is about 1% of GDP, which accounts children.
for only about 25% of total health expenditures. This is far lower than the OECD
The 3 Ms of Medisave, Medishield and Medifund, while touted as the pillars of
average of about 75% (Miles et al, 2003). While the government may be proud of
Singapore’s healthcare financing system, account for only a small part of healthcare
this achievement, questions of fairness and sustainability arise.
The government health budget must increase over time due to the following factors:
As financing tools, Medisave and Medishield have significant limitations. For a start,
(a) Relative longevity; some of those who need healthcare most, such as elderly women who have never
(b) Ageing population; formally worked, are not covered.
(c) Weaker disposable earnings; Medisave, which relies on individual savings, will not be able to keep up with
(d) Emergence of more virulent and hardier strains of viruses and bacteria; medical inflation.
(e) More sedate lifestyle; MediShield covers catastrophic illnesses, now up to 80% of hospital bills. However,
(f) Medical inflation. the coverage is unsatisfactory. There is a high deductible and various excluded
conditions. There are also monetary limits on specific items, with annual limits of
Around 2005, the government indicated its intention to introduce means-testing for $50,000 and a lifetime limit of $200,000. Patients over 85 years old and children
subsidies at C class hospital wards. WP campaigned against this move in the 2006 born with congenital conditions are excluded from coverage. The premiums increase
General Election, which resulted in the PAP Health Minister announcing in mid- significantly with age and add to the healthcare burden of the elderly.
campaign that the government might not implement it if it was not cost-effective to
do so. However, during Budget 2008, the government announced that it was going
ahead with the move, commencing Jan 2009. Patients admitted to B2 and C class Our Beliefs
wards in public hospitals now get different levels of subsidy depending on their
1. It is the fundamental duty of the government to ensure that our citizens have
income or home values. By doing this, an important bedrock of social protection has
access to the best possible healthcare the nation can afford. All citizens should
been removed.
be provided with quality basic healthcare services, regardless of their income.
34 35

2. The core goals of any healthcare system are to provide patient care and promote f) Deductibles and co-insurance requirements should be worked out subject
public health. Availability and affordability are central to a good healthcare to an absolute cap. These amounts would be fixed and not vary with the
system. age of the patient. This is to discourage over-consumption, but not deter
necessary consumption. One factor will be affordability to 90% of the
3. We need to develop a proper healthcare financing model and an effective
working population. In any case, these limits should not be stricter than
system of checks to prevent runaway costs.
the current Medishield requirements.
4. In checking costs, we should take care not to undermine the quality of our g) Patients who opt for a better class of ward will pay the difference between
healthcare services. the insurance payout and the charges of the class of ward opted for.
5. It would be more cost effective to pool the risks of the population in meeting h) Singaporeans who wish to have insurance cover for higher classes of
healthcare needs. wards and for better terms of coverage may do so, on top of the basic
hospitalisation insurance scheme at their own cost.
6. The government should promote healthy living through proper nutrition and
wellness, so as to enhance the quality of life, encourage active ageing and 2. Subsidies to government hospitals for hospitalisation treatment can be removed
prevent health conditions. after full implementation of the above basic hospitalisation insurance scheme
to allow private hospitals to compete based on pricing benchmarks.
7. As our population ages, early detection of chronic conditions and the
affordability of long-term care are critical. 3. Patients should not be required to be referred by polyclinics in order to receive
subsidised rates at specialist clinics at public hospitals.
8. A comprehensive approach to mental health issues should be undertaken.
4. Medisave withdrawals for outpatient medical treatment should be further
facilitated (e.g. for specialist and major outpatient services), subject to a cap
Our Proposals on usage. Patients above 75 years old should be allowed to use Medisave for
A. Acute and Primary Care: medical treatment without restriction.
1. To cover acute hospital bills, there should be a compulsory Basic Hospitalisation 5. We should maintain Medifund as a safety net for health care. The amount
Insurance Scheme with co-payment of the premium from the government. placed in Medifund and the criteria for assistance should be reviewed on the
Lessons can be drawn from other countries with experience in such schemes. side of generosity.
In essence, the scheme should aim to achieve the following:
a) There should be universal coverage for all basic hospital health care, based B. Containing Healthcare Costs:
on the costs of the class B2 ward of government re-structured hospitals. 1. A National Basic Health Care Council could be set up to decide what should
be included in the Health Care package covered by the Basic Hospitalisation
b) The premium should be the same regardless of age. Once a person reaches
Insurance Scheme.
75 years, he will pay a special one-time premium to cover the rest of his
life. 2. We need to study how advancements in medical technology can reduce rather
c) There will be no maximum coverage age. than increase healthcare costs.

d) There should be a maximum life-time payout, but no annual claim limit. 3. Information technology could be used to reduce administrative and manpower
costs in healthcare.
e) The premium should be kept affordable to the 90th percentile of the
working population based on Medisave contributions. The government 4. Outsourcing of some areas of healthcare delivery could reduce costs.
should pay (e.g. through Medifund) the premiums of those who have 5. All hospitals should provide detailed costing of each medical treatment and
insufficient Medisave savings, subject to a means assessment. make such information public.

36 37

6. A National Medical Standards Board should be set up to ensure quality of

health care services, treatment and delivery.
7. HIV/AIDS medication and treatment should be covered under the Basic Health
Care package. PUBLIC HOUSING
8. The government should ensure that basic health care at primary healthcare
level, such as polyclinics, and step-down institutional care, is affordable.
9. A National Central Pharmacy should be set up to monitor and manage the supply
and inventory of drugs of the pharmacies and medical community of Singapore. The PAP government has admitted that the surge of immigrants in 2007 and 2008
It should negotiate bulk rates with drug manufacturers for the benefit of patients caught them by surprise and it did not provide for this in its housing plans.
and ensure the availability of ample supply of drugs in a national emergency. The rapid increases in the cost of public housing in the past 10 years have far exceeded
10. The List of Standard (or Subsidised) Drugs should be published. The decision- inflation and wage growth. This has placed a heavy strain on many Singaporeans
making process leading to the inclusion or exclusion of specific drugs should who are in need of housing. This could lead to some couples deferring childbearing,
be transparent. which could have a knock on effect on our already low birth rates.
The PAP government continues to insist that HDB flats are “affordable” because
C. Step Down / Long Term Care: the majority of lessees use less than 30% of their income to pay their mortgage.
1. Though the Long Term Care sector services are provided largely by Voluntary However, this argument is flawed as it does not take into account the length of the
Welfare Organisations (VWOs) and commercial enterprises, the government loan. Most Singaporeans now spend practically their entire working lives paying off
must play its role to monitor them and provide support and intervention, where their 30-year housing loans. This high investment in property leaves less disposable
necessary, to ensure that long term care services are available, of good quality, income for consumption.
and affordable.
2. Sufficient institutional care facilities such as convalescent homes, community Our Beliefs
hospitals, rehabilitation centres, and hospices should be provided to cater to the
1. The goal of public housing schemes should be to make housing affordable to all
different needs of patients.
Singaporeans, including lower income groups.
3. Step-down care within the community and at the home of the patient should be
2. Singaporeans should not be spending their entire working lives paying off their
encouraged. The government should support facilities and private providers of HDB flat loans.
medical care and equipment.
3. HDB flats should be seen as primarily a home for Singaporeans to live in. They
4. Subsidies for each patient should be based on a means test, and Medifund will should not be used for property speculation.
fund those who cannot afford to pay. Medisave withdrawals should also be
allowed for such purposes, subject to a set of guidelines to prevent abuse. 4. Housing planning should be a key component of population planning. Steps
must be taken to ensure that there is sufficient housing to accommodate any
5. The means test used for deciding subsidies for long term care should take into changes in population.
account the net disposable income of families after deduction of the typical bill
for long-term care. In view of medical inflation, the means test should build in
a formula for annual review. Our Proposals
6. For coverage and sustainability, risk pooling to finance Long Term Care will 1. The prices of new HDB flats should not be pegged to the resale market price
need to be studied seriously. The Eldershield scheme is a start, but the viability and then discounted to take into account overall median salaries, as is the
of a broader-based insurance scheme with higher coverage should be pursued. current practice. This formula fuels inflation as resale prices climb. Instead,
the prices of new flats should be pegged to median incomes of Singaporean
38 39

households who qualify to buy HDB flats. This will ensure that new flats are
always affordable for the majority of Singaporeans.
2. The price of new HDB flats should be affordable enough to enable most lessees
to pay off their loans in 20 years rather than 30 years. TRANSPORT
3. In order to reduce the demand on resale HDB flats during times of a housing
crunch, permanent residents (PRs) should only be allowed to buy resale flats if
they have been PRs for at least 3 years. Preamble
4. HDB should be fully transparent about the breakdowns of development costs of Most Singaporeans depend on public transport for their daily transportation needs.
new flats. Because of this, an affordable, reliable and convenient public transport system is
critical for Singapore’s economic and social development. Increasing ridership on
5. HDB policies should be continually adjusted to ensure that flat lessees do not
public transport will also help to reduce the demand for private cars and all their
use their flats for speculative purposes.
attendant problems like air pollution and road congestion.
6. The relevant ministries and agencies should coordinate in their planning to
ensure that the supply of housing is adjusted according to anticipated changes While the Land Transport Master Plan 2008 indicates that the Land Transport
in population. Authority (LTA) will take on the role of being a central bus network planner, the
government’s role must go further than this.
7. Many Singaporeans who sell their flats and cannot afford to buy another flat
are left stranded for long periods of time because of strict HDB rules on rental The PAP government’s policy of outsourcing public transport to the Public Transport
housing. The criteria to qualify for public rental housing should be more flexible Operators (PTOs) SBS Transit and SMRT, which are profit driven, results in conflicts
to cater to families who are financially straitened. The number of flats available against public interest. Given that public transport is a basic necessity of modern life,
under the Public Rental Scheme should be increased significantly to cope with serving the public interest should be paramount.
increasing demand.
The percentage share of peak hour morning travel on public transport fell from 63%
8. As our society has now attained a level of multi-racial integration, the ethnic (in 2004) to 59% (in 2008). The government has admitted that the fall is due to the
quotas governing home ownership of HDB flats should be removed to allow lack of major infrastructural improvements to the public transport system between
all Singaporeans freedom of choice of home locations, regardless of race. The 2004 and 2008, while the human population and vehicle numbers were allowed to
ethnic quota system also contradicts the policy of encouraging young families grow.
to live close to their parents, and can prevent young Malay and Indian families
The justification of having two PTOs so as to enable the public to reap benefits
from buying homes close to their parents’.
from competition has proven to be hollow. Most commuters have no choice between
9. The HDB’s Lease Buyback Scheme has seen a very low take-up rate since its operators, due to the carving up of rail and bus routes between the two operators.
inception. The eligibility criteria for the Scheme should be reviewed to extend Maintaining two PTOs also means the inefficiency of maintaining two managements
it to more households who may be in financial need. It should be extended and administrative support teams.
to lessees of 4-room or larger flats so that more elderly will benefit from the
scheme. In addition, HDB should provide better public education on this The government has failed to ensure that the capacity of Singapore’s public transport
complex scheme so that there will be a higher take up rate among the elderly. infrastructure has kept pace with the sharp population increase in the past decade.
This has resulted in overcrowding of our commuter trains and buses, particularly in
10. A Housing Tribunal could be set up to handle disputes between the HDB and the last 5 years. Commuters often have to endure extremely crowded MRT trains,
flat lessees, and disputes between lessees. Currently, lessees and HDB would buses and MRT station platforms, to get to and from work. Often, even after the
have to settle their disputes through the court, which is a tedious process. In rush hour, trains and buses are still very crowded. MRT stations like Jurong East
cases where the HDB or Town Council fails to settle disputes between lessees, Interchange regularly experience crowds so huge that the platforms are unable to
the lessees can bring the matter before the tribunal for adjudication. accommodate them.
40 41

Singaporeans have been the victims of poor co-ordination of town planning and Our Proposals
transport infrastructure. While the towns of Sengkang and Punggol were developed,
A. Buses and Trains:
the building of the Kallang - Paya Lebar Expressway lagged behind, resulting in
1. The Public Transport Council should be dissolved. All public transport including
motorists losing precious hours and forking out high Electronic Road Pricing (ERP)
the MRT and public buses servicing major trunk/inter-town routes should be
payments day and night on the congested Central Expressway.
brought under a National Transport Corporation which will oversee and provide
Taxi fares have also seen several increases over the past 5 years. Since 1998, the universal transport service to all. This will ensure a smooth integration of the
Government has stopped regulating taxi fares, purportedly to increase greater overall national transport network to avoid unnecessary duplication of services
competition in the market. However, ComfortDelGro is still the overwhelmingly and cost of overheads incurred by multiple operators.
dominant player in the market. 2. The National Transport Corporation should not be profit-oriented and should
aim to provide public transportation service on the basis of cost and depreciation
Our Beliefs
3. The National Transport Corporation should be allowed to operate shops and
1. The most `liveable’ cities in the world commonly have strong public transport outlets within the property under its control to cross-subsidise its operation.
systems provided by public agencies. Transport policy is a cornerstone which
4. The National Transport Corporation should concentrate on providing trunk
will directly affect the quality of life of Singaporeans and others who choose to
live, stay or visit. As such, the government must play a leading role in policy
formulation and implementation, as well as in the provision of public transport. 5. The government should build the infrastructure and pay for the initial
operational equipment of public transport service as a social investment. The
2. Given the density of population in land-scarce Singapore, it is critical to have National Transport Corporation is to ensure its proper routine and cyclical
excellent public transport infrastructure, with auto (car) disincentives. maintenance as well as timely replacement, the costs of which should be borne
3. Town / urban development and transport infrastructure planning should be by the Corporation.
integrated and co-ordinated. 6. The train network should be comprehensive to cover all the main population
4. Public transport should be provided as a public good and not for profit. centres.

5. The transport system must be efficient and run cost-effectively. 7. Intra-town feeder bus services should be de-regulated to allow individual
private operators to operate mini-bus services, as is the case in Hong Kong. The
6. To have direct public accountability, the government rather than an independent high mobility and relatively low overheads of the private operators would give
body such as the Public Transport Council should regulate public transportation them the flexibility to effectively meet the requirements of the local residents,
including deciding licence conditions, fare revisions and service standards. according to market demand.
7. Transport costs must be kept affordable for all Singaporeans, especially the low 8. Service levels should be benchmarked with other relevant service industries
income earners, who spend a large proportion of their income on transport. and monitored regularly by the relevant regulatory authority.
8. Cycling as an alternative transportation mode should be promoted if road 9. A unit should be set up under the Land Transport Authority to:
conditions can be made safer for cyclists. a. Receive feedback and complaints regarding public transport services;
9. Taxis provide an important supplement to public transport for residents who do b. Audit the standard of services;
not own cars. Low-income earners occasionally need to take taxis when riding c. Regularly review productivity of the National Transport Corporation;
on public transport is not an option---for example, ferrying a sick relative to d. Examine the need to adjust fares.
hospital, travelling to a remote location or for the disabled to travel to areas not
covered by wheelchair accessible buses. It is therefore important that taxi fares 10. Public buses should be exempted from unnecessary or additional taxes such as
are also kept affordable. ERP, so as to contain transport costs.

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11. The frequency of buses and trains should be increased during both peak and
off-peak hours so as to reduce overcrowding in trains and buses. Currently, the
frequency of trains and buses during “peak hour timings” are only for a narrow
a 45 to 90 minute window. The duration for increased frequency of trains and
buses during peak hours should be increased to at least 2.5 to 3 hours, to take LABOUR POLICY
into account the realities of morning and evening peak travel. This would also
bring it in line with the periods during which taxis have peak hour surcharges.
12. Wheelchair accessible buses (WAB) should be made available on all trunk
and feeder bus routes. This should be done much earlier than the currently Singapore has one of the most competitive and skilled labour forces in the world.
targeted date of 2023. The cost of purchasing WAB should be borne primarily The progress of our economy and our nation has been built on the backs of our
by the government. Besides enabling the disabled to work and integrate into workers, to whom our nation owes a debt of gratitude.
society, WABs also benefit the elderly and parents with infants in prams. The
government should take up the responsibility and bear the cost of modifying all The incomes of the bottom 20% of households have seen a decrease in the past
bus stops to make them wheelchair accessible. decade, in contrast to a more than 50% increase for the top 20% of households.
The wage gap between the top and bottom income earners has also widened from a
13. All public buses should be converted to use clean fuel, like compressed natural decade ago. In 2009, the top 20% of households earned 12.7 times the income of the
gas (CNG). This is already being done in many major cities, even those in bottom 20%, which is one of the highest income gaps in the world.
developing countries, like New Delhi, India.
The current situation of high and increasing cost of living paired with stagnant low
14. Concession passes on public transport for the elderly should be extended to all wages is not just a by-product of globalisation which the government has no control
operating hours. There should be more generous concessions given to senior over. The influx of foreign labour into our country has depressed the wages of many
citizens, and these should be funded by the government, not by public transport workers.
15. To make public transport affordable to the disabled, the government should The Workers’ Party has, on numerous occasions, pressed the government to assist
fund disabled transport concessions, in line with the best practices in other lower-income workers, either by helping them to cope with the increased cost of
developed countries. living, or to upgrade their skills and improve their employment opportunities. We
have also stressed the need to have a strong social safety net in place for lower-
income Singaporeans. We welcome the introduction of the Workfare Income
B. Taxis Supplement (WIS) scheme.
1. Taxi fares should be regulated by the government.
2. Some private ownership of taxis should be re-introduced. Over 90% of trade unions in Singapore are affiliated with the National Trades Union
Congress (NTUC), which has publicly proclaimed a “symbiotic relationship” with
3. ERP for taxis should be abolished to keep fares affordable and to encourage the PAP. This leaves workers without much bargaining power vis-à-vis the PAP
taxis to ply into ERP zones. government.

C Private Vehicles We are pleased to note that the definition of an “employee” under the Employment
1. COEs for motorcycles requiring Class 2B licences should be abolished, as these Act has been amended to allow certain employees in the managerial, executive
are lower capacity motorcycles usually used by lower income persons for work positions to enjoy some protections under the Act. This was proposed in our 2006
purposes. Manifesto.

2. Hybrid cars should be priced lower than petrol cars through reduction of the The employment outlook for older workers is a concern. The employment rate for
Additional Registration Fee (ARF). workers aged 55 to 64 was only 59% as at 2010. In 2007, the government pushed

44 45

back the draw down age for Central Provident Fund account balances from 62 to 10. Employment legislation should protect the rights and ensure the welfare of
65, while the statutory retirement age remains at 62. Re-employment provisions all workers, including professionals, managers, executives and technicians
introduced in January 2011 provide opportunities for re-employment of older (PMETs).
workers by their employers after 62, but weak obligations on the part of employers
11. Older workers must be protected from exploitation and financial hardship upon
to offer re-employment or reasonable terms for re-employment.
turning after 62.
As the economy transforms and growth moderates, cyclical and structural
unemployment will come about; people will face increasing risks of retrenchment.
Looking for alternative employment takes time. There must be some level of support Our Proposals
for the unemployed to continue to live a decent and dignified life. A. Income
1. The Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) should be expanded to better narrow
the income gap. There should not be a minimum 3-month work requirement
Our Beliefs to qualify for WIS. WIS should be paid out for every month that the worker
1. WP strongly advocates uplifting the wages and welfare of lower-income remains employed, instead of the current half-yearly or yearly payouts. This
Singaporeans. will be more effective in helping them meet their monthly expenses.

2. Wages must keep pace with the increasing cost of living. Every Singaporean 2. The current policy requires informal workers to make Medisave contributions
who is employed should receive an income that is sufficient for a decent and before qualifying for WIS payments which are credited entirely into their
dignified life. Medisave accounts. This policy should be revamped, as it discourages
participation in the WIS scheme. Informal workers should receive their WIS
3. WP recognises the contributions of foreigners to the economic vibrancy of our payments without any preliminary Medisave contributions. A portion of their
nation and the need for foreign expertise in certain fields. However, the reason WIS payments should be in cash.
for admitting foreigners into our country should be to enhance the quality of
life of Singaporeans. 3. WIS payments should be increased so as to benchmark against the cost of living
and an income sufficient for a decent and dignified life in Singapore. The major
4. There must be sufficient opportunities for Singaporeans to earn a decent living portion of WIS payments should be in cash.
and to advance their careers in their own country.
4. The quantum of WIS payments for informal workers should be raised to match
5. Employers should give priority to hiring Singaporeans. Foreign manpower that of formally employed workers.
should primarily be employed in positions Singaporeans are unable to fill.
5. An unemployment insurance scheme should be introduced to help workers
6. Singapore should reduce its over-reliance on foreign workers through increased cope during the difficult period of unemployment and retraining while seeking
automation and productivity improvements of our local workforce. a new job. The premiums can be covered by both the employer and employee
7. The government and employers have a responsibility to ensure that foreign contributing a percentage of the workers’ monthly income. The insurance funds
workers in Singapore enjoy decent and safe working and living conditions, should be managed by third-party corporations. Employees will be eligible to
including sufficient rest. make a claim if they are retrenched. The payout will be a proportion (e.g., 75%)
of their last drawn salary. This would be reduced by 7.5% each month until the
8. While we support continued government investment in worker training, funding payout is zero.
should continue only for training programmes which deliver expected benefits
to both employers and workers. Fulfilling training hour targets should not be an
B. Foreign workforce
end in itself.
1. The inflow of the foreign workforce at all skill levels should be calibrated for
9. Trade unions should be independent and should be free to carry out their duty each industry, taking into account the suitability of Singaporeans for those
of protecting the rights of workers without political interference or obligations. industries, productivity targets and sustainability.
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2. The dependency ratio or quota for foreign manpower should be further fine- 2. In the absence of an agreement on retrenchment benefits, the mandatory
tuned to the specific industry, rather than broad sectors such as manufacturing retrenchment benefit should be increased from one to two weeks of the basic
or services, to better ascertain and calibrate the need for foreign manpower vis- salary. This will provide recourse to such employees in cases of unlawful
à-vis employment prospects for Singaporeans. dismissal or to claim arrears of salary through the Commissioner for Labour/
Ministry of Manpower. A salary ceiling should be fixed for this category of
3. Analysis and tracking should be done to ascertain if there are occupations employees to be eligible for protection under the Act.
which Singaporeans will not take up at all (e.g. as live-in domestic helpers).
For such occupations, the foreign worker levy should be reviewed with a view 3. The provisions in the Employment Act allowing employers not to pay workers
to removing it, which will reduce employers’ costs. for overtime should be repealed.
4. The re-employment provisions under the Retirement and Re-employment Act
C. Training need to be re-worked to provide stronger protections for older workers. Since
1. All government-funded training programmes should have an outcome-based the government has delayed the draw down age for Central Provident Fund
training effectiveness measuring system in place. This will measure if the withdrawals from 62 to 65 years, it should move the statutory retirement age to
training programmes are delivering expected benefits for both companies and 65 or otherwise provide for seamless continuity of employment.
workers. Government funding should be adjusted according to the results of
these measurements. F. Equal Opportunities Legislation
2. On-the-job training (OJT) is recognised as one of the most effective forms 1. In line with the spirit of Article 12 of the Constitution (Equal Protection), Equal
of training, especially for blue-collar workers. There should be greater Opportunities Legislation should be enacted to prohibit unjustified employment
government funding for companies to provide structured OJT programmes for discrimination on the basis of age, race, religion, gender or disability.
their workers and new hires. This could include payroll subsidies and funding 2. The Board of Equal Opportunities should hear complaints from job applicants
for OJT supervisor training. OJT subsidies could help companies overcome or employees who have been discriminated against.
their resistance to hiring local workers who may lack the necessary experience
and skills. In addition, workers do not need to miss work in order to attend

D. Trade Unions
1. Instead of just negotiating on retrenchment benefits, trade unions should be
allowed to discuss with the management the rationale for retrenchments. This
would enable unions to be involved and explore with the management if an
alternative solution might be viable.
2. Government ministers and political party leaders should not be allowed to
accept leadership positions in trade unions in order to preserve the political
independence of these organisations.

E. Employment
1. Given today’s increasingly volatile employment situation, the number of years
of continuous service required to qualify for retrenchment benefits should be
reduced from three to two years.

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11 Our Beliefs
1. CPF should not be used as a tool to manage business costs in the economic
CENTRAL PROVIDENT FUND 2. CPF should be re-focused towards providing for retirement. This will include
housing needs.
Preamble 3. Since the government investment companies have leveraged on CPF monies
to bring in consistently much higher returns than the CPF interest rate, the
The Central Provident Fund (CPF) scheme, initially designed to provide mainly for government should share some of these gains at periodic intervals with CPF
the social security needs of Singaporeans, has instead been subject to conflicting members.
government objectives which weaken the nest egg for retirement. The CPF has been
relied upon to support retirement, housing, medical and even education needs (loans 4. Senior citizens (aged 60 and above) are a diverse group, with varying financial
for tertiary education). In its 2007 review of the CPF scheme, the Prime Minister has resources, health conditions, and employment opportunities. Flexibility should
admitted that its scheme `is flawed’, and inadequate to cater for the retirement needs be built into the CPF system to cater for CPF members to choose to commence
of Singaporeans. their draw-down from age 60 and above. The draw-down age should not be
linked to the statutory retirement age or re-employment age.
Losing sight of CPF’s main purpose, the government has used the CPF contribution
5. Since a major part (estimated at about 70%) of a member’s CPF savings is
rates as a tool to cut employers’ costs during a downturn. During periods of economic
sunk into housing, maximum flexibility should be given to senior citizens to
growth, increases in CPF contribution rates are used to justify higher HDB flat prices
monetise the value of their homes.
and healthcare costs.
6. Given that many individuals will not be able to save enough for retirement,
Singaporeans have committed significant portions of their CPF savings into housing society has a responsibility to ensure that those with insufficient resources are
purchases. While the rise in property values from the 1970s to date has been provided for through the use of public funds.
significant and given good returns overall in asset enhancement, the current high
levels of property prices throw into doubt how much return younger Singaporeans
will get by sinking much higher amounts into housing purchases today. Our Proposals
The floor rate of return on CPF monies, legislated at 2.5%, barely keeps up with 1. The total long-term CPF contribution rate should be 35% for employees age 55
inflation. While the rate for SMRA (Special, Medisave, Retirement Accounts) and below. The employer and the employee should each contribute 17.5% to
balances up to $60,000 is now pegged to the yield of the 10-year Singapore the Fund.
Government Security plus 1%, there is uncertainty about how the rate will change
over time. 2. For employees aged above 55, a reduced CPF rate will increase their competitive
advantage in the employment market.
CPF Life was introduced in 2007 as a compulsory national annuity scheme, to
3. There should be a more comprehensive scheme for CPF savings. The
provide income to Singaporeans should they live beyond the period of draw-down
government should look at ways to pool the funds together to enable members
on their CPF balances. Though the rationale is justifiable, the scheme is subject to
to enjoy economies of scale when making investments. They can then avoid
solvency risks and its outcomes not guaranteed.
paying the hefty financial charges incurred should they invest on their own.
There is a lack of transparency in the way CPF monies are invested and what returns 4. A comprehensive study should be done on the feasibility of a pension fund
have been obtained by the government through the use of CPF monies. model to enhance returns on CPF monies.

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5. For as long as the CPF Life scheme is in place, the government should
underwrite its solvency to protect senior citizens.
6. Monies should be set aside by the government through transfers from budget
surpluses into a Longevity Fund. Singaporeans aged 85 and above who are DEFENCE AND FOREIGN AFFAIRS
not covered by CPF Life or whose CPF Life payouts are below the prevailing
Public Assistance allowance should be supplemented with a monthly Longevity
Allowance drawn from the Fund to make up the difference. Our Beliefs
7. Citizens who are in dire financial straits should be allowed to withdraw from 1. WP recognises the need for a strong military defence force that will be able to
their own Central Provident Fund accounts. To avoid abuse, withdrawals must present a credible deterrent to any potential aggressors.
fulfill strict guidelines.
2. We believe it is equally important to cultivate strong diplomatic relations with
countries in the region and around the world, based on mutual respect and
3. A strong military deterrent together with active diplomacy are needed to
safeguard Singapore’s national interests and sovereignty.
4. Every citizen has a responsibility to contribute to national defence and security.
5. While advanced technology provides a force multiplier to our defence
capabilities, the morale and fighting spirit of our military personnel are essential
if Singapore is to prevail in the event of a conflict.
6. It is important that our citizen-soldiers feel a sense of belonging to Singapore
such that they will be motivated to defend our country.
7. We should seek greater cooperation with other countries to counter the scourge
of terrorism, and adopt all precautionary measures to ensure the safety of
Singapore against terrorist threats.
8. There must be transparency in the expenditure of national defence without
compromising defence security.
9. We must maintain a balanced relationship between our strategic partners
regionally and internationally.
10. We support Singapore Armed Forces’ (SAF’s) participation in internationally
sanctioned peacekeeping and relief activities.

Our Proposals - Defence

1. Defence expenditure should be subject to the same degree of scrutiny as all other
government expenditure, with the necessary safeguards to prevent disclosure of
military secrets.
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2. With the advent of information technology and more sophisticated military

hardware, we could explore a framework of external defence wings that can
respond effectively to the defence needs of Singapore.
3. National Service should not unnecessarily burden our young men during the SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
prime years of their lives. The government should continually look into the
possibility of reducing full-time National Service from the current 2 years.
4. All Singaporeans should be given equal opportunities for advancement in the Preamble
SAF, subject to the necessary security and background checks. The scarcity of land and resources in Singapore makes sustainability a top priority.
5. Singapore’s arms exports should be strictly restricted to only responsible While economic development is important, it should not overshadow the importance
members of the international community. of environmental sustainability. A sustainable environment is essential to economic
Singapore’s economic development has taken a toll on our natural resources and
Our Proposals – Foreign Affairs
created pollutants in our environment in the process. We are rapidly losing our
1. Singapore should seek to build deeper and more multifaceted relations with our natural heritage as a result of urbanization and rapid development.
Southeast Asian neighbours. This includes promoting more cultural exchanges
not just at the government-to-government level, but at the semi-formal level While we are mindful of the scarcity of land in Singapore for housing and economic
(such as through Non-Governmental Organisations) and people-to-people level development, we must balance the needs of urban development and preserving
as well. nature.

2. Young Singaporeans should be better educated about the culture and languages Ecological awareness to protect and preserve our biodiversity is low in Singapore.
of countries in our region. This will lessen the occurrences of unnecessary Recycling is not yet a way of life in Singapore. Increasing recycling rates is key in
misunderstandings and tension, and promote greater economic, security and extending the lifespan of our landfills.
cultural cooperation within our region.
Noise pollution is often a problem in Singapore. We should be mindful to ensure a
3. Singapore should remain non-aligned so as not to be left beholden to only one ‘civic and gracious’ social environment.
global power.
Climate change is a reality, and extreme changes in the weather can be expected in
4. We should actively support and participate in the initiatives of the United future. We should be ready to react to sudden changes in the environment.
Nations which are in Singapore’s national interest.
Most of Singapore’s food today is imported. There is little certainty that food supplies
5. Singapore should not feel compelled to participate in non-internationally
can be sustained through prolonged periods of emergency.
sanctioned activities beyond our shores.
6. Singapore should seek to build closer and more substantive relations with
countries in the Middle East, Central Asia, Africa and South America. This Our Beliefs
could help expand our trade with these emerging economies, and also garner
1. We should encourage research and implementation of the use of sustainable
more support at international fora for Singapore when the need arises.
energy and related products.
7. As more Singaporeans start living, studying and working overseas, Singapore
2. Commercial users should be incentivised to conserve energy and water.
should grow the ranks of Non-Resident Ambassadors and Honorary Consuls-
General, so as to provide better consular and diplomatic representation for our 3. Corporations should be encouraged to exercise corporate social responsibility
citizens abroad. to protect the environment.

54 55

4. A rich ecosystem is necessary for a quality environment, and it is the 4. More programmes should be implemented to encourage local farming. We
responsibility of the government and our people to protect our natural heritage. should explore vertical farming or high-rise farming technology to offset the
problem of limited land for food production. We should also further diversify
5. The government must educate and encourage greater awareness of indigenous
our food sources to enhance our food security.
flora and fauna, as well as marine life.
5. As an equatorial country, we should explore alternative ways such as fuel cell
6. Natural habitats like the marshland habitats, mangrove swamps and coral reefs,
and solar energy to mitigate the worldwide shortage of natural gases and fossil
marine animals and wild birds must be protected for our future generations.
fuel. This has potential to create maintenance and engineering jobs and reduce
7. A clean and healthy environment is also essential to ensure the physical well expenditure on raw energy resources. We could also export our knowledge and
being of our people. We need to do more to motivate every individual to take products based on fuel cell and solar technology.
up environmental ownership and to care for the environment as a way of life.
6. Green vehicle adoption should be encouraged via price incentives and improved
8. The culture of recycling should be imbued from young. refuelling infrastructure support.
9. There should be a more holistic approach to deal with noise pollution. 7. We can provide tax relief and incentives for companies to encourage innovative
ways to recycle waste and increase energy conservation.
10. We have to explore ways to increase our self-sufficiency in food supplies.
8. “Social noise pollution” such as karaoke sessions at home, dog barks and
11. We need to be prepared for extreme weather changes. Contingency plans should
children playing at common areas disturbs the comfort of others. We should
be drawn up according to various possible scenarios.
cultivate civic awareness to prevent such noise pollution in a high-density
12. We require sustainable energy to ensure water sustainability for the country via living environment.
technologies like NEWater. Energy costs should also be reined in; otherwise
9. A comprehensive approach including a legal framework and a centralised
water costs will increase in tandem.
agency to regulate noise pollution should be set up.
13. Budget should be provided for research into solar power usage for water
10. Noise meters should be installed around potential noise pollution ‘hot-spots’,
reclamation plants. A possible investment in offshore water catchments and
including MRT/LRT rails and roads to ensure noise levels remain within the
processing plants should be studied.
legal limits.
11. A dispute resolution mechanism should be set up at the Community Development
Our Proposals Council level for greater accessibility.
1. Natural habitats with ecological and educational value should be gazetted as 12. A Climate Change Risk Assessment (CCRA) should be performed to understand
permanent natural reserves. the risk posed to Singapore by climate change. Adaptation policies should be
2. We need to strive for more regional cooperation to contain environmental communicated to citizens. As part of this, a task force needs to perform scenario
hazards such as forest fires or chemical leaks so as not to affect air quality. planning for adverse and extreme weather changes. Contingency plans should
be drawn up in response to these scenarios.
3. Plans for projects likely to adversely affect the natural environment should
be accompanied by Environment Impact Assessments (EIA) and mitigation
plans before they are approved. This is especially important in the case of the
feasibility study on nuclear power use in Singapore. Radiation monitoring
capabilities should also be strengthened in view of this.

56 57

14 Our Proposals
 A. Arts:
1. The licensing of the arts should be taken out of government control and given
ARTS, MEDIA, INFORMATION to an independent body with representation from the arts community.

AND NEW TECHNOLOGY 2. Financial and infrastructural assistance should be provided for community-
based arts at the grassroots level.
3. More diverse and well-defined arts programmes in educational institutions that
Preamble channel students’ creative energies should be created. This will give them more
options in their career and lifestyle choices. 
Singapore aims to be an arts and cultural hub.  Yet, global rankings of liveable cities
give Singapore relatively low scores on culture and freedom of information.  
B. Media:
Strict censorship laws apply to various art forms like film making.   1. We should create competition by issuing licences to allow local private and
commercial media to operate broadcast services and newspapers in Singapore.
Provisions of the Official Secrets Act and the Evidence Act protect most official
2. The Newspapers and Printing Presses Act should be amended to abolish clauses
information from disclosure to the public, without any counter-balancing provisions
which give the government the right to approve the holders of the management
for citizen access or de-classification after the passage of time.      
shares and to control the shareholdings and voting power of newspaper
companies. Similarly, the Broadcasting Act should be amended to remove the
Our Beliefs government’s right to approve the top management of broadcasting companies
and to control their shareholdings and voting power.
1. To develop a vibrant nation and to allow people to develop their potential, there
3. Independent and professional organisations should be established to monitor
must be a free and open environment where the arts, media and information can
the media. These organisations can include ex-journalists and civil society
activists, for the purpose of making journalists and media companies more
2. We must foster a social milieu where creativity can be explored in a wide variety accountable to Singaporeans when they report on issues of national interests.
of ways and yet respect the beliefs and sensitivities of Singapore’s multi-ethnic, 4. The Films Act should be further amended to liberalise the law on making
multi-religious, cosmopolitan and globalised population. “political” films, allowing groups and individuals to express their views by
3. There should also be support for art activities at grassroots level. making such films. 

4. Support for the arts must cater to the needs of the local arts community in order C. Information: 
for them to gain international exposure. 1. We should enact a Freedom of Information Act containing provisions to allow
citizens to gather information from the State and to ensure that the government
5. The media should not only be socially responsible but also be free from political puts out sufficient information.
influence with respect to content.
2. Temporary statistics and information collected by the government, particularly
6. Citizens have a right to access information of public interest. aggregated social statistics, shall, as far as possible, be de-classified and made
available in the public domain to promote research and informed debate on
7. There is a need to look into protection of information relating to individuals.
matters of public interest.

58 59

3. Official secrets should be de-classified after a maximum period of time has

passed or as soon as the information is no longer sensitive.  This will enable the 15
public to debate the course of history and deepen citizens’ understanding of key
4. A Privacy Act should be enacted to ensure that ordinary citizens’ rights to
privacy are protected. 
D. New technology:
1. The restriction on use and ownership of satellite dishes should be removed. 1. Taking part in sports and other recreational activities improves physical fitness,
uncovers talent, instils discipline, perseverance and teamwork, and cultivates
2. We need to amend the Internet Code of Practice to remove the requirement for important social skills.
religious and political sites to register.
2. In Singapore’s highly competitive and urbanised environment, sports and
recreation provide healthy outlets for many Singaporeans to manage their
stressful lifestyles.

Our Beliefs
1. We support the building of a strong sports culture in Singapore, nurturing
competitive athletes as well as providing facilities and opportunities for
recreational sports participants.
2. While we do not object to the pursuit of international sporting glory for the
nation, there should be a fair allocation of resources for mass sports participation
by ordinary Singaporeans.
3. The objective of Sports Excellence should be to forge greater patriotism,
national unity, promote friendship with other countries, and inspire young
people to pursue their dreams. Winning medals at international competitions
should not be the over-arching goal of Sports Excellence.
4. We should seek to increase participation in recreational sports, in order to
promote a healthy lifestyle among all segments of society, including home-
makers, the elderly and people with disabilities.
5. We welcome the contributions of foreigners to our sporting scene. However,
their purpose should be primarily to transfer skills and knowledge to home-
grown Singaporean athletes, and inspire the next generation of Singaporean
sportsmen and women. Foreigners should not be brought in just to win medals
for us.
6. Promising young athletes should be provided the necessary support they need
to excel in their sporting endeavours.

60 61

7. Schools should aim to provide maximum opportunities for their students to 5. The Singapore Sports School (SSS) is a key institution for grooming the
participate in sports that they enjoy, rather than being overly fixated on pursuing next generation of national athletes. SSS should admit students who meet the
sporting glory. While we recognise that resources and facilities are limited, performance criteria for their respective sports, even if they have not performed
popular sports should not be dropped just because they do not stand a chance of as well in their studies. Students who qualify for the Normal stream should be
winning national championships for the schools. admitted to SSS, provided they meet the sport performance selection criteria.
8. Participation in sports should be motivated by the spirit of sportsmanship and 6. The leaders of National Sports Associations should be elected from among the
fair play. sporting fraternity. Politicians should not hold such positions.
9. Sports activities and organisations should be community initiatives. Hence, 7. Sports development at the grassroots level should be improved by fostering
leaders of such organisations should come from the sporting fraternity. the appreciation and enjoyment of sports at the precinct level in order to more
effectively reach out to residents.
10. Sports and recreational facilities should be accessible to all and public facilities
where possible should be free. 8. Elderly persons should be provided more opportunities to participate in sports
by introducing more activities suitable for them (e.g., gateball, lawn bowling)
at the community level.
Our Proposals
9. Low-cost sports and recreational facilities should continue to be developed
1. The goals for Sports Excellence should be revised. There should be stronger within HDB estates so that youths and residents can easily access them.
emphasis placed on sports that are popular among Singaporeans and have a
10. Sufficient vacant space should be incorporated in the design of all new HDB
greater ability to rally the nation together, rather than sports with only medal-
housing estates to provide avenues for youths to enjoy sporting activities.
winning potential but which do not have a large local following.
2. The Foreign Sports Talent scheme should be revamped to focus on engaging
qualified foreigners to support our local athletes (e.g., through coaching, sports
science/medicine, sports management). Foreign athletes should not be recruited
and granted citizenship for the sole purpose of winning medals for Singapore.
3. Disabled athletes should get their fair share of sports funding and support, so
as to further build up their capabilities to compete in regional and international
competitions like the Paralympics.
4. Singapore’s previous participation in the Malaysia Cup football championship
galvanised and united our nation, and drew huge crowds of fans like no other
event since. The Football Association of Singapore (FAS) should explore re-
entry of a Singaporean team into the Malaysia Cup on terms that are fair to our
players, fans and other local stakeholders. The domestic S-League should also
be strengthened in terms of playing standards and marketing, so as to resurrect
it to a state of health, provide good career opportunities for local players and
support the national team.

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