Elegant Themes Bluesky
Elegant Themes Bluesky
Elegant Themes Bluesky
The easiest way to uploading your theme is using the WordPress Dashboard. Because the theme package includes more that just theme files
(such as Photoshop Files and/or Plugin files), the entire BlueskyTheme.zip file that you downloaded cannot be uploaded. Instead, you need to
unzip this folder and locate the "Bluesky" folder located in the BlueskyTheme/Theme/ directory. ZIP this folder, creating
BlueskyTheme/Theme/Bluesky.zip. Now you can upload this newly created "Bluesky.zip" file using the WordPress theme uploader. Log in to the
WordPress Dashboard and click Appearances > Themes. Once the page loads, click the "Install Themes" tab and choose/upload your theme.
Once uploaded, you can activate it via the Appearances > Themes page.
If your theme folder includes a Plugins folder, then these plugins will also ned to be installed. The contents of this Plugins/ folder should be
uploaded to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory and then activated via the Plugins page in the WordPress Dashboard.
There are several files included in the ZIP folder. These include wordpress Theme files, Plugin files (in a select few themes only), and Photoshop
First you are going to upload the theme folder. Inside the ZIP folder you downloaded you will see a folder named "theme." Within it is a folder
named "Bluesky." Via ftp, upload the "Bluesky" folder to your Wordpress themes directory. Depending on where you installed Wordpress on your
server, the wp themes folder will be located in a path similar to: /public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/.
Next you need to select Bluesky and make it your default theme. Click the Appearances > Themes link and locate Bluesky from the selection of
available themes and activate it. Your blog should now be updated with your new theme.
If your theme folder includes a Plugins folder, then these plugins will also ned to be installed. The contents of this PLugins folder should be
uploaded to the /wp-content/plugins folder and then activated via the Plugins page in the WordPress Dashboard.
Finally, once the theme has been activated, you should navigate to the Appearances > Bluesky Theme Options page. Here you can adjust
settings pertaining to theme's display. Once you have adjusted whatever settings you would like to change click the "save" button. You must click
the "save" button for the options to be saved to the database. Even if you did not change anything you should click the save button once before
using the theme to insure that the database has been written correctly.
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Additional Instructions
Using Sample Data to populate your first installation
If you are starting from scratch, and installing Nova onto a WordPress blog that does not have any content yet (posts, pages, categories, etc),
then you can choose to import our sample data file, which will populate your new WorPress blog with "dummy content." This dummy content is
just a bunch of gibberish text, however, it will give you a good template to work with. Instead of following the above instructions, some people
prefer to simply upload the sample data first, and then replace the dummy content with their own. To do this, you can use the Tools > Import
feature in wp-admin to import the included sample data file. This sample data file comes with all themes, and is located in your theme folder here:
sampledata/sample.xml. When performing the import procedure, be sure to check the "Import epanel settings" box.
All of our themes come with a comprehensive collection of shortcodes. These shortcodes allow you to use pre-made design elements to create
advanced page/post layouts without any HTML knowledge. When you install the theme, you will notice that some new buttons have been added
to the WordPress text editor. Clicking these buttons will reveal options for adding shortcodes to your post. For complete shortcode documentation
you can refer to the video on the left, as well as the following documentation page:http://www.elegantthemes.com/preview/TheProfessional/357-2/
All of our themes come with a collection of page templates that can be used for a variety of purposes. You can apply each of these page
templates to any page that you have created. When you edit a page in wp-admin, you will notice a Templates dropdown menu to the right of the
text editor. Here you can select from a list of available page templates. Once a template is selected, additional settings will appear in the "ET
Page Templates Settings" box below the dropdown menu. These settings should be configured to acheive the desired result, as outlined in this
video tutorial.
You can use the included Mo and Po files (located in the /lang folder of your theme) to translate the various English words that occur throughout
the design. You can learn more about translating WordPress here: Translating WordPress