PB 1999.11
PB 1999.11
PB 1999.11
The w~estler fOrmerly k,nO'lWl ,as Sable 1&e)!ed more Uilan. a gmil.e irn iher' secooa PI;.A"flBfXili' lP~storia~ Lhi'5lPas~' yem;. Ai: the Man9ion to p:roJfLOLe IPla.yboy Expo. me· !O.rovetl you don1 tJave 10 d~ puS:h.,l.Ips! to se.: everyone's attertdon.
KEF AND WMREN H 001( UPr I Wanen, Be~tty ·!Stopped b'y Hefs ta'oJa at 1I'rad;~~ Vic's to say 'heUo to, Ihf.s oJd ~rI~n~ I as: wen as to fifliI;Ii!ft Manid~. 89ndy aMI S:~allildD. LOOK tm W'anQfI i~ 1!llWJi1 antt Coon· try. ;;II 'oom~'iJ co--51itaning !3;flatln;r Did frililroid. Diane Keaton.
Pals. ~nc:llJdrll'lg Heir' and Playmatie or t1:le Vearr 1999 ,HlMtltitef !Kozar, hadl SJ bla5~ helpilng Tony. 'Cuflils ~I~w o~t h1s binthdall eand~e:s a1 ~ Dome.
VfI'ma 11roy.eJ' plays IMlnl·Me fn Aust/ill PQwef,s; The' ~pY' . 00 &hB~!!lad Ma. l4ere. 1"1 Ell R,lla.ys ,8JI!OOndf with Pla~mate Ava Fa-bfilfi ;it ,a BI 0(: Khliu5t.e r Hom·e Vlideo fece~~a:n !!tUne M8.rulio:n. Aus- 1in :5ihoWildl 'be so IlWky.
H.et r,.itl'fl ltlb) J~_;son eUg~s ~a.bove)--he'l6 oJJrle of dl'el stars of Amerrc~n ~l ~ ,~~ ('@'r sill'ligta;~ 'Britl!!i~y' S ~HlHlIiS iIflt 1M 0 II}! wood ·s. 11'11 p.p tt"S t ha n g.ollJ t, 'llh e· Stall ~ar,:di !WI ctel o'n S'l.II'i·· :re-I Str~p'. Sleppin~l oul 'tOf atlClhllr wl9n.lng :aI. me ot HEI'~'S fav~:une tlub!l, ttl!!' G~denl 11)1' Scan, I@UIi Adam .~fi.d SfiIovcn IE~iflS ~leTl:llPre-
p:l're to e8i~: 'Ih;Ci ap,p.le. 15
'The barr~r betwe.n pwbU" Dna pri¥o' ... CIvil r.d, 1 h.,. di:ll: apo· pllflCll ,..d ~G m pt •• _J} G'Si "ex be r Citll\e part of th. ~- Mudon~ nG rocke-d fhe world. rib i!rDtic "",tcqie$. D.m,~ RadmcA I,nd m.. a5 did fUan ~..,e:s, .Marilyn MOn'lGh and MClr\l AlbC:iI. u..s. s ... rg.on G .. n I'ra ( JlCIiyeely III fld.rs cont .. mplated 'telO(~jnt kMk mOi-'tlo'rbatillllor.l. 'WooGl fl.1lI and schoo~n~r Mlil!l' ~ Le~ tQl)rn&Du afflPrl!d orMr •• III-k'l!;.
core wokelin is the one 'who olmosr qor away
-~, aim y,.,;".tlieitinis, mothn er made her do ~t- 11 ~ Wall ,a (lQid dar in Oaoher 1 998, and ,"'he'D Gam's mom :read that rthc f~al'.!boy 200@ P1.aymarte sea Ire lrID bus. 'Yi,: 8.S. ,cQmi ng ,~o dlei hQm~()wn, of. 10~OJ1J~)Q 11001.io I fo r Jl t'w PLa yma~~," she urged. her hesitsnt daughU::r to go ifo:r a p,hrno rest, Thank gnodness she did-
Ifl: 11Ms is yomi' br:s [ modf!l~
ing " ., H'il}W did ytnm mother persuade yoP, to try" OU~ £OJ' PU\:VEovt
A:. "V..fb 1'1 'She ~'!i\1 rilie newspap.e1" article aoout mot' Pb)':liiJialt: 20001 sean:~" s~u~ . ta._1'100 jl),1jmpi ng 'IJ,p and d"bWfi, ~ayi:i:lJ. ~"lbn Ihil~ '00 do ihis, \bu can cli;QJ; iiL.io ,~."iI! never been '1{~T)' c'Qxlficicrn( abo, ... [ mv appearanee, A.s w~ IP~ Ued jn~o the parking !ot~ I saw ten m.-atildfu] blondes ~"'a'iril!!i.S j:n; li.ne_ I said, ~_;Mom.t 'tak1f:' me ~iJ,omilil'. '\'V!litac. ~m I doing here ~I<; She 'said,. '~Car.a, if you don"'[ g~'~ ouL of rhis car right now, "m. dr:ag~ ,gimm,g you in Lherr..e:" A.ffi:m t.h~ t~~ !5h001. 1 ehouglu, h wodd have been I[rag~£ if 1 had ha:iil!d (ru[ ~i the lasr mmutJ.:. Q,; 'fuu m'l~il \Wil;,~ houa.dess for a yeru-. Has rha'[ innu~nmd your wews on money?
A: F OT varie us :reasons.) '"fit'! w,~'rc finanei ,ill)1 in the hole. \t\Te wou]d reut pJa.Q~S ~,nd mnve from ho UM:: 'W house, ~)ufing my chiiJJdh,ood, "'H~ moved! 15 limes. I ,remJ~m~r SQm~ days 'eating notbing but SOill.Wp, lr los. '1,i" .... ;tght b~H:::a~:se m rre W3$n't ene a,gtI r'OOd Be .. i,n g peor ~ee.ms Ii l.1e sue h a Inlt-gatir'VC' tWo. btu my mO'~b,, r t~ght IDe '[ill turn it ini(JO a p'OJitl;v,e expr!ri:rncc. 'Th~te
AnYJ)ne wtJ Co we-I'll' tol s"IiIIQ~1 with Cl!!i;i"(I WIilitisliQ wililbe 's:u~iH:d by '~h.is pid!l>crial -i ~ 'Ie be ext.-eIl'OE!lI, !Shy iJiifOl!llnd b:oys," ~hQ :s.nys. h~ 'WaS '!l 'IiIQt~ che~ledi 'l'CfIi"Ioo¥ dat(tboorde-Jf wilh CI pap-Elir mlllo. Some' ~irl5 nfJd '_I1!'lI!!!:$S!ivt;, iuB!5'. 'Ii'! r'i!d I th't!iV~'ht. Wheo wm I gm mj~o~ Am i ~o:ing to li~ wilh grapes m;y whQ'e ~r~~' Thel'1~ ill Ql"ade 12. "they grew, ..
'Garo',51 D:fI' pcrltfol fQ :sho~ he .. [~lgn f~rr fuffi;re" "n wDlllld Ibc ~(KIiito, work, {it ii::iI me or cd 'lIlI'iM '~il'IIirnal flh!C:I~l'~.·! :5i"1e s~. ""In "telTm! of a eem'iC:E:f, l'Il try.o ohllflO'Bt tlnytl1inSi r~pe~a.b]e Hrlat eOm5 my way. ~.~ semeene ,afiers me an atitrf1lg ~.(Iib. I'ill 'ffy it. Srudyifi91 SOt:im.!logyififid phi~s-· o;ph" hH ,~:er'!!ed my h~~ tlmd open",d ITI:Y mlrul fn ~ ~p I'm sura mi~ d~~:J h~o It:iro~ped prepare me 'f~ ,d-otng f~i.:!l ,pidm;rhCII1,!!'
n I'I.~ ~I~l!-
"NAME' ,: '>...J1..r Q.. y"J,Cl A.:==i \' n
ll~],ST; 3'+ C r WAllST: 1-4:: IJ[PS~ 35,
("Q't~'e1i 9t 0"., n"
HEIGH!" i 5 I S II WEl .. CHT: ~____;l ,~~_ . .....__~~
BIllTH 'CA,TE: C2j'O:S _tJ'] B![RTHPLACI: Me 100, f.CIO!E:-::" A,y£.jy;o.u C1...
AMHl'TIONS: A~~ tboct: leo..ds to ~eSJ!" .
ho..wiOE-!:.!:a-l\,'<'!, open., t'o M"'""j po",s,,\biliilu!
TllJll[lI-OIU;; In "' e..o I i of e.. UioenC"e.., cb wi Sma. q,.. b u...m g yJ. 1", \i .£ e. ~ ~lLCI .. Li:tj 1: S~e.e±';' •
1 ,r-. Ii ,~.
TUlUlOrrs: ~" ~,e.n ~ ,se...:l't"~$;nne.Sa'S \ PO'$$.e.SS"ve__ne,S,S,
blq, :e.Qn& .... igooro..nc:.e " 1'1"\ 'ire. I "n S!..L.lis..
~ \.J (( ~
KY: FAVORltK qUOf.E,: IW'I!. V\?ou,.lcln':\' 'e..1Qf:c;;:i &0 ~j:J
~,bg~h~ _~e. =~Q~b: I ~(_' '~s. ',f N~
_!Ole.""", _QWi.J ~lac!IC:J .J.....D::S::j i2..i.a., I,-,-g,.n_~e.r §tJ
I 'WIliH 1 HAD, .' L-e...j~ qS lO'TI os. ropes. 1
S~ ADVICE, ~Q __r:;:Uru.ct:e..S .jllSt clo~ s.,n'-4: cu± it a,
MY PHILOSOPHY: ti,e..y,ec b\:ce tntJ--g' IQ·SS of· tke."
e_-o;IA,j, ±bo:t -te.e.d..s. fJ:::::
D u r.ing \~odd 'WarT' II • an AlI]~.dc.an ¥t:anh~1P wm, under li:Jitli:U:1li. by dw Japane:;e. i\ torpedo 'w,a~ headed toOl!A1;dt"d -[h,e ship and a strike seemed ine1:'tab1e,. The CilJU.ain. {oid tbe 6,["i1.[ wfficet' [.0 ,gol do,,~ (0 the crew 'q I!JlIlliDer!:l and tell a joke, itO at least the m,en 'Would c_llii~ I1!JYgh.i ng. G.ath er:i'r,!JS', Ith e :me'o ~'D"l)'Ll nd h:1 fl[t , tb~ fj r i oflice r sald. "What wouLd you think if I [:(!u ld s;pJi,1 IlLhe w~;u:dt: ship in two by hitting my d.id .iIlg-...un!!it the !n..ab~ei"
~v hell ~i];e crew bUiSI out laughing the offirer pulled ~U'~ h'i~ :p.en~"" and whack£:d ~n on ulc table. J'IL'uH tiliH:en,,:l [m,~f:! '~&pLo.Mo n 'WF.r.!l ehe ~mp ~part. 'Ine only survivors '~t¢ ehe captain and I he Jirsl: oBlice:r; M dlcy fJica:ft:'d around :~ n :21! Ii l'~b Oal me captain re ntMrk~d. ~ ¥OlJ sure gar. the crew liiiiAghing. "¥hal did )Ni)U do?" The :tint Orffh:eli told hhocl- "'Veil. 'You'd benet b~ careful ~'j[h t'lnH dick of }'DU,f!l/' Ih~ c~pta'ifi 3ilj(ti, "The torpedo rnissedi"
Wh:il'S the first thing Da1iill Quayle 'W~Q1l:$" I:Q d~ if ht; becomes president? f u l r he E OOC k ,i'[l NA O.
,A m iddU~..agcd ~ouplc bad l 'r.' 0 beautiful 'teen." ag~ d3.ugh L~ rs. They decided to try ope I a st I~i'llu fo:r the sun d:-a ~ (l"te)~ had alw ays h'~nted.. Mtc[" several nmruiilths., tr1e wif"C became pn;:gn a nt a d I ate del i'l,le1'iBd a h mdd] y ho}', Th c' j o~fful fudu~ , rushed 10 rlu'.:!' m{IIJlrs~r)' and was i1 OT riul!:d m see t he ugli~s'~ child 'il(:' h ~ld e ver irnagined, ",\'Ve hiID~'C 'l wO bt.'ilut.ifLll daughters, How ro1J~d this ooj' tU1)'n aif to be SOl ugly?" ne moam::d. TIi'!'& 11 UJ riling supidoll:;', lt1e glrued. at h is w ife, ""1 ave you bee n foo lang aro ILl n d on IDe? 1
"N -1- I" i"1 h 1· ,..J .. I llI",t • 'I!-.. ,
s ,0" "...;u mg; '50 ,C 1'i2! p, ICu Il!WOOu y, 1.." O( nus
- i'1
A rl ~~riGa.n vi n age was troub'h.:d by a nan-ear'amg ]i,Oll. So ; I.S l~ad~J-~ sent a ntcssage ~o M~w'riiott'~SmaUcy, [he:' gre,u white hunte .... ro came O:iIIRd kill rn," was't.
for several nig'h~ the hunreJi' ~y in wait for the liollJl J ll! Brit nev~r sh owt."d 1II pl. f. ~na.U ~, he tQ~d the nihf.-'l ~h..ief t.~ !ill a 00"' and, give h~m i~!i hide, D l"a pin ~ [h~ skiiiHlJ over his .311 OIU ldevs, Ma[,,:Jl'iotl-S,maU(_·y ent to the pasru re to w!lit fhr "t!IJJ.e' lie 11.
lli n ~ht· flII i,j cUe of the n1gh t, t~e ''i,fiUa~e nil 'Woke I~O the i'j@1Jn d 'of b iood~C'ul[';dLm,g sh ir[(:k ~ com ing fro m th II!' p.8iS'~UTe. & th~y ci3i.r~fu.ny ;a;ppwml<.-hed,,, lhey sa~ M.arri.oH-S~ U.tllley.lyiilg_ there, groan:tn.,g m pain. Ihere was ,t11J £-agD 'lI)t d'l~ ,1]0'0.
"'~bill lnjippe_n~d" bW;'~J'fIia? \'Vl1iellj'e i~ the ~i- 10m? asked the (i:'h'Ief.
L!Fo:rgtt the darsn Iilon[" me hunter hO"I'I~d. "'\\fhkh oJyQ'iJI tnoecrrs let the bull !OO$~("
Bumper liiil]d'l~rS of lite moneh:
'. ~,oo,ooo SP£ltM AND tOU 'WF.IUo.l ,En: ,fAS1,n"f'~
ill '\10'0:..1 'UU' DU 1~1 V~,.. C SOMfI B,~Pt)R V[LLIIo.GIR OF rrs m l'OT,
T t-IIS MOWI "':>to MOil 'H~.EQU NT 5VSMISSlI!)N~ Dan '8;0t a frantic rnU from h:hs giTlfdcnd. ill W 've got ~ profule!TI)·' ~ hI! said,
foI>"'1<h,at'~ the mauer]" h!.: Mk,~.
!.j W~U. I bOtJ.!l[Rll this j i~;u .. ' p1,[7.l.le, but if's too haul. None of the ~i'!E<~s fIlrtr Itog~.e~ jjlllldJ 1 Q.!,'t. fin d ~ ny dIes,,'
llV\fhat's the picrnN:'" of?'"
'~A big l'"CH::i'aler."'· _ "AU right."" Dan B£tid, ., III (orne ov,ef' and
ba"li'e it 1001."
''"[hit:: wOITl.i:tln [!Bd D,an ~m'tf.l! Ih.~;r kitchen ntld. s]10w~,d himl . be puz~h'!' DEli I:he rt~b] . '~'~Q:r Pere"'s sa~e. I u 1lY,"'-' he exdai med after ~ ~ ~aw i l- ., fiu l the r.-or:nIDtale.s b.a£l in l.lh,l: box."
h~t do ym,1 t,a]! it botdt: blonde w~ (ti belo:ti1J~ to M~iE'L5id? A puollZymoron,
PI.A \' ~uv Ct~ Ie: A ,VOma'r.L ",ali in he r p:hysi,Ician':s, offi,rce wDen she ~1Jj dd~nly aLSled hb]l 1.0 klss her:. "No, M.:Lli)'~ Lba[ w10uLd ~ against my code ,0 ethics,"
1 ~~lcnt}1 m~n lues ~~tll ~,y arnd ~~ e WOnUIl'1l a.p;JJfi !p~ea;d~d for hI m to :kiss heJl', O[[j[~ more he efused, e:.r!p~ ann ing lh3.1 as a dJIX' tum;' h~ ~unp~y eould ~o .. After another l 5 DDil'jn;l](C~ pa!S&ed,
h L d':" ""L 11
t e w"ommn ~~t~ ,LUm, a~nl, . I. -00 . ~ In :s.~~-
ry" J JLu;t G3J1i:iL11[ 1.1~:s ~'Q!l], rn fact. he sighed" f prroh;ab~ Y' sh ou Ldn"t even be fuc1ilng' ~ou,,"
A!eM \,\i,il,iS,~ SpIDrD:MmJi wbM~ face was .a'Dw~ys le~ther l:nlTied 10 'tlt~, 5,ort,s, pagecS orr translixed by the lt~levJ$io~ creen, One n i g~ as be La f in ~d next to hls ~fe 'Ij.~ td~ing a fnoclxiJJll ~mc. she gal up" walk"ed aiL"f'O~.8 i[b~ rcoen Md 1J.i~:p~uggeil the TV. ""'r,i~y.'" AI~~ ~1hou~ed. "wh.aJt
do you tnillfllk ~'nul,n.: domg'?" _
j. I' ~n ~tick of ~p![JI HiS, J"m sick of TV:' ~he :rep,lioo. ~YOli l~a~'~[l' [ w\tdud _ me in m ?mws, ~'J>~' gtJllm'Dg W l3Jk abOlJt sex ngbl n(mrt·
"0 K. 0 K. So~'" he ;as,k-ecl :;Ii n.f:T a mome D.l, .. ho\ td't.cn do you dli n k B[,'i~t~ F'av:J.~ gets ,I.:tJd?"
S.e:-"tUIy.o.ttT jriks. mt fJQ&tcQ rds t.o i~J' j~ Edi!or, 19L1tV il'~)V, 68f) NOfih ,La~t Sif:}.u Drive. C;'i(.~~ fUrno-i.E 60'6 J 1. or by IN.1iwii' lrl' joltP..s@pid1bOj, C"t"l1n',
J()fJ ~wiJ1be ~;U] to, ike em.t~rW-utar whose ff,ut:J.m~~~;§ibtl is $eleCi2tl. S~rry, joke!; Ci'HU1~~ b.t 1't~urned"
"""S'UMidwJrt! - , ~ ]Il)l~ gave·~ quite a !IrlJ.~! . . . ~~ know ~01'd jumpy IiJ;e iP:M sutce stt:lng ~hal R}'mll/k~ of Psydw. . . "
GIRL PDWEI' The worn~n ge~ aU the atten1ii D,'J!1 in Better Than Ch~roJate 'f.altQ~e left) i wiD, M aggij e (Karyn Dwye:~) meet· ing Iii:e tuseleus kim U::'ltIIri-stijna COl); Uk I~I a. Gigolo (a'bove ~ightll ~n which i-mreslI,ptive jOl!l.rnalic5t Lauren H,ays ~eafWl$ phmly from a 'female pimp 'tGwe!1l1 Somef."$Ji and Surrender (,below)~ wherejn the legendary mtJ,ht of the pod of love} ErOcS', iPi:5p3feS Annle· (Sh~l":3 DeLalTuil~ to join GaJI (Chas:e Conville) ,ala-di EB!i'ian [BrilL) Bartfi:llm) in a threesom.!i!~
WST' WEEKE'ND Ftienrh." tm~{.$ I(abmve) feawres ;iii ,s.met of ;I'ourlg caiifnm~allls find in..: arid chaf1giiJig p~rtfUi~fS 11)11 a sWing holida~From lef~ are Ci a udla Sehil@r d~nl'i'l!1g wr~, ,a,s.ki iirisln.!! t;wr fa peffl:tifd~Hj' Robe~ DoWJ!l ey J~.), AJ ison w1m wOOd up against trrIe wa11 \firth NIi!UI Barry, and Suzanne Cff)er wtIJ Getfle' Ne-wbemf whose dad plays host.
SJARSTUDD1N'G Among 1999"5 ~nematiGan~ CQuplMcelebrities:: Juna RDherls -and Hu:8,h Grant 'in the romanl!DiJ:; co rrned'y NoH;", ,Hili (lielow left) i devious heiress EI!'klra' King (Sophie Mal"Cfiiul afldl a captilVe' Agent DD7 Pieroe' IIr~s· ,fiIa'I!I' fn the latst James iBend flh:k" lhe World Is Nrd ffloa,gh (bottom !e1t);. and lDiane lalileand '\liMO M-oJ1el1!lrs.en a:re~ alfult e*amafiU:alsparlts in a revisit to the. orugin_al Woas'tack surnmef'~ JI Wal8 all' ~~'e,~ (below right).
lE U 10 PIAN S IZZl.IE, I In P ~rted fillm§ tll~1 hi!at ~p the Scr'@li!J!I indude (ll!f1. fr~m tb e top) ttte· Jltal· ta n-Canad ian eo- predud i DnJ The Red ViollfJ ~ wh ~c h traces, a 17 U, ee rmt iii ry f[ddle ~ITI"a ll'gh h is~o.lI'kaJl adventu res rhe'i'e, Vlcl'C t~~ n e r]~ Jasom FI~'my:ng pl.a,s i~ for mlstress. Greta 'Scacchil; the Frall'l· cO .... BtiHsh Hide(J~S Kink,. wll'th KalteWililsl~t falling for Mcn.r(u=.~ can acrobat SaId lagllm.:unfi; and. from U.ClIYr li n.fJ WertmuUer's ,F~ IrJlnanrJo e (arolina I sta (ring Se rgin AsiSi'Si and Gabrie-lia Pesswna:s, King Fe rdiifland iDf N"iples a~d his, bridct. M a r{it Cill rc1ina of AlJ!sbia. Gnn'trn'i(e~ia I ~o9ter.s, for' Franeels uUw.,;a graph te ;Romanc-e I wj tal l:ta,l· i.a.n porn 5~jJ r Rocco S iHr8'di and Caro!nn.e Ducey (figtl~), we·r·e· tom d~!!Ii, in Farrsl w~ ife lhe Dlif'amr life rJ.f An,eeJs {rw-i\h Nataoha Rep ier a n d G ~eioire Co~i Ii1II below) won a te:st-ph:~lIie CeYf I(Franc.t!ls equ Tva lent of the OSGaii").
BY ~A'if LAGO IJID BILl.. ..;C~ WTlH ~ WI ...... E"
1. 6tJE5§ IT:§. UItE "I-'t:, OLP a,y~, "tOIJ WAVe. 1'0
. UNPIlES', FOIt , :5-tJ'~E55"
Gross. n::!iJrional P~Qd~il;t in 1990; ELG trilJlicm. Gro~ [latiomd ~l'O-d uot in [900= ~ 8.5 Itrillor:-l~ NlltlonaL de'b[ in 1'990; . 3.2 niHioH, National surplu ~ f~J" Ei cal year endi n g Sepl- lO~ 1998:' ss billiGln,
"'1"tA.T~S EN [ER1:tuNM ~N1"
.AmCHJ.lJI t of mOllle<y grossed in the U oS, by the film Tilantft: fi J [) million, N u mher of ~ uta OJfiL ~larbll)r5. fn~~ w~bMte p ~F day:.5 million. : unjher of'hard-core '!.I~deos p:rodll.~ c¢d: in 1996: ~OOO- N~;be:r of new X-mted litl!:!s per W(;€K: l 5 O. N urnbel' of X-lt8U': d rentals in .[ 985: '15 mill ien. in 199(1: 665 mi I lion.
Num.ber Dr ..-\merican:s '..,,·110 engage iiJJ C01TIJjD ftr("ial p hunt!' !!.tEi(. ~;a~h 'lIl~g'h~: 2S0J~OO, lengl'h of 1f.}'PECal c3D in minUleS; 6 to is. Amount i~.ml!2':riQfiiS· spent on phoa e :S~l!(. In 1996 :15 (] ~[]d~ i~rr1 to . .1 billion. Total amount rt.lml Panc:rican.s spen ( 'On hard-core videes, p~p :!j·htHII,'.5. ii"te ,~x :~Il:C:S! • dulr ('aniif' pl'Qgl'amm.ing~ S-t::!iWlll dc"o!(cc'.$. compu[,t'r porn ana Se~. magarln~ tn 19'96;8 b LUi an.
]:5 rr SEX?
Nor-plalnl. Ne- ~ ". Irom Johu. Same:sex man ~a;goe. ,M£:n A nr ,Hqm Mm~ Wm7i'~ All!' From lbuM, World lIJ\fidc '\!cb. N "-''1E ~c~p'e-., Yahoo. - rnaZQu.ICom. Pl~rboy, com. Hubble Space Teles~opf". DVD.Tae- 8,'0 .. ,til:::.!! r \' l!:!Uj 11'1; S pe'F m. D n:: a tn ~f~ 3 m, }"irSt fICJift,Hle Attorney Genera I. first female Sec1l'\C tary of Sla~, Female of!Ol1 oom, MOl'ning..:~frer pil], Protease in1'll,iMto:1I" coc.k:m.ils, '~gm, \J\'omcD in combat, The MipllC .ftlrnwl!Jgue:s:.
\~rHOFS nor
.B in c U tU:O:M. M tn,m:tJ . ea Lie wi u o;:,k y. _B in Ga,tes. Helen HUl1tJac.k N:khtll~oQ. H~'ti" .. rison Ford. Bruce ,,\p[ni~~.. MnrlQnna. Dem] Mooll'~. 1lJUj Hanks, 'lorn Cruise: N:i~ oQle Kidman. Cindy Crawford. '~lafiUn iii '>\,l'iu. h:FDlida, r\.ndenQA. J en ~ 1')' M c;Ca:rthy. 'NG}\fof: CaUJ:pheU. Jay leBO. Her. Xe-. na. CaJi~i'[3_ ~lor.:khan, jcnnH~J Lopez. till' TYIt:'F. Ste,,rem Spjelbe~'8"l G-t~rlrge lucas. Drew Ba l' rymore, Cameron Diaz, Ji'Iil1ICalrl:1li'Y' M,~u Damon, Ben AElk:ck. Deasti¢ BOl's. Spjb't. Gids. Seinf~ld. \'(m SmruW,- Adam S~nd~r. Me! GibSI::JD. janel J :al[k~~ n, Courm~y Love, Leonardo D,iChrpno. G£1.J~~ CfuGoi1{!:Y. K.ev1n C(!Isiner, La~~' n1 HiU. Camille ~gD la, I'M IflI cess Dt E'VilndeT Holyfiei d. @sca1' Df" La H,!D)1ll-' 1I.1idl~ld J DF~. Dcnmis Roo ruan, J~k M(Gwire. Samm)~ Sosa.
Pe~"'wet:' .U::nnai1. H '!l.llg.h C rant, Eddi~ Mu¥phr. GOOtKt ~~tdt tllt"m'lk GilFiUn). M::~TV AJb rt, Ch,:JJrf~,e Sht!eT'L. ~ (Db Living:i[on. Bob Han', .H den Ch-=fiL-owcih. He11]1rY tl )ide, 'Bin Clinton,
Rob Lawe, m~meb Anderson. Tb:mnr:J}!
Lee. TonY!1l Hard~ng.
VVlbTHE rE.'O'PLt:
U, S- pilPIJ,_~ IfJJtion i~ [9~: 250 mi~ I i ~]"I.
Pmpllll~:ci:iDil in [999: 271 mil ~ion. Perce nr uf M BAs 'f't:(i&~\'ctd til}' women in ]:_ 9' o~ 4. Pe1iO~TIt bll 1999: almo.s~ 40. I~T('t:n( ef ~2JJli"i" ,d.e~ee~ I'e-c,elved bry women ] n. ~ 9c70: ,5, PeK'eltll by liOO: 40. PeFCIETIt of st?rniij);F' lnaE'Hi'gtrn ,l:II[ Fort U Ut'! l.t1lHJ i D d U!!!i1 t i 8.1 and Fortune 500 service companies iu [gElS who \"rllereWOIne1ll: 6. t n 1'9191. amount p~~d b;y Mitsubj:shi M!Ou)l!'~ 1[.0 women on asst:'mb~:r nne Ito scule S~xlii al' ha,IjI;:(s.m en~ lH i'lS~ $ ~4 mlUH 0111.
i'n 19101, ,pt! cetuage (if U .J5. house- 50 holds; occupied by ~~"a~.itional fj:J 111]1 Y (t ,e_.
luan:-~t"d couple wid. k.idcS);, 40. ln [9:98. pf!T~en[~,ge' Of U. S. bOllt5leh old . O~Ii:U Iliff! by t!lf,ad]tiorl~l f.:uuily: 25,. In 1 97(}, p-ereentage elf U,S ... households occupied by UIf1 related roorarnates (illidudi.nG'ga,y O]Uples and ~nma~ded It eteli'OSexillalli!!i ~¥iDg u~g~lher): '2, ~ n HHJS~ IH~ITentaJge of bOlJJse-hQld:s oocUJpied bj!/ rooo.nulatee~ 5.
IF..slimiued number of Vla:gnl prescriptions 'lined iu:JJ eight montffiiL~ (1~98}: n~,1'~}' 4· .afliUion, N umber 'Of men who died aflter Ii;! k~ oS" Vi a.graJ d u r.i n,g fi.r .;;t, f,ou r mull db i [ Wi11S on matk.d: 6i!:t Alluoun'l received by the DepalfurH.~nt of Defense
~c p:ro\"tde Viab~:-d t,u m uhlaF.f perse ~eJ;'
'50 roillion. '
.I)~'[e @f irsl Amt:'dr~n ;[Wcademk- con[ere-nee 'ID~ ay and ~:;;bi~n !>itudJ>e~: 198-7. N w n.b ... rr of pa]l"lIicipa:ru~: ~OO. N IUiIIIrll:J;e]' '(Jf p~n~;~ ki]lan~.~ ~TlJ I g;92: 2'000 i Nil rnber of p~pJ:;~ presented ~ ~,OO.
N umber of p.:.~ ~n tin:: Searr report: 44.5, Num~l:" nf w(!!rds~ 119))59. Number of t~m.«s O[aI ~t:'X ~ :rn~nti.oiru~cl: 92. N II m~r of thTiJit',s, b:r.easi. ::l!lf:'Ie mentioned: 6'2. Nu m her of tim~s ~] e: wo:n:l genit.w..ia ,~s u~ed ~ 39. '. u'm:~eT of re:feirt::fu::es to phone sex: 29. Number of tii.n;n;.',~cipr' i.~ mttnUOfliOO; '2", Numher of 'runes :s-ernen is m~1IIItiQni:fdl ~ 19. N umbeli"' of t:~mes 'b ,;a is m~ntionvd: 8~ N'!Jj_mb~T of limt:s I'hong ~ m en't.io.:oed: ~.
liow Mt::rtiafll1l.~\Veb~t~r~:s d.ufinCS "sex aet" ~ .s.'e:JU am baen'YJoll rse, How h de 6fIL If: 5, "sexual ~lation'l!:''': eaitus, How it define.-'!1, I. (;OiL'U.IJ~ ': 4·P~11.aicaJ u Ilion of mah: and f"~'r male ~fill'illia 3CCO'mfI pUIlJ led by rbvtbmic rnoveme "(!If leading to theejaculauon of ie m e.n frCi'm thE" pe nis i nto the female liep~o-d.uc-ci~ tract: also inli!:n~Ou.I"St'.,J How Mer]'iam-~Veh~kl··S dt nile~ "orgasm": ~n ·'intense· e •. p::uoxysm;;d emllltiofl,{I.1 t:'xc]t~,men(. The eli IITG3!X om-' .11-!f::'X [Joi3![ exdlem~fU'l typit:aUy occurring ww~]'d the end of C01W!l' '!ipecifl ~ Iy, 'the . udden re~e-a.se of tensions developed during enit us, usu ally acrom panied .in the male by eja'Cu'fiati!H:l . OJ
~ ~90: G£~lti G--d=9. bu. 'ar!W!l(!:uc(: GllJdd Md.
J\~a Gard 51 err Rei rh Haring; Leona rd B ernstein. S;5!IID 11iIJ}' Davis J;r: m.'~ !!ill,: Fran k. ClJJP:f~. M~ktli [)'a\'i~,. Dr, Seuss, 1'!)92:
J!r!a rlene Dit rrieh. iIJleo.: Br(,aley" ]J,e~ullJ)t H iU. Sam Rini~;OfL 1'9'93;; ThlJ,:rso~d M'anl~aU. :rUrrO!1 [0)" LiUian Gish. RudoH N II!U't;y'€y, lo(~elti.co, feUini. .Arthur Ashe. .,9,4,; Richard '.' ikon. j~,ckje Ker~,irfedy On:1l So'i:t:.. Cab CaII01rW~Y· J oh_1:] Gandy. 1995: J ml~ S;tlk~ ~g ~6: TI,m.othy. Leaq'. Ella ~ltlgt:t.ald. '~Yi~ Allen Cil1$h~li'g, lVi'll b3;:IIlt B rem na ml" Prh:I:Cc,s8 Di. 1'998: Fr:an[k Si Ilil tm. Dr. ~{a.~}' C..,alderon£' , 19'99: Stan Ie}' ~u hrid:. Harry lL B ladm U D. ~ 1 ,,} "lfunnc. Sll~d Si]\·C["iSlelo.
If 'you b lOSt. 11:., [hey will come, Wbi:ch ~s w!la' , happesed wbemm, Hel ~ndl h 1 S P~3Jfbo~ famHy b~.ld th c:' lint P~avboy Expo .. ,~t the- Pacific Desi IpJI Gelner ~ n Lns, A.iul!~lts~ On JW)< 17 Mi.d. 18, hlorc' 1l1~fJj 0000 enU1u~lir: film~ '~ked. to, 'We51 H 01 ~ [-)?Wood. 'D!O chetk OU:~ fiy,e decades of
On Her"s 1egendla!rY rID'll:ncl bt!d aud lis~noo to jaB: OIl the outdoor pade ~Thrtle i[]d~lgimg ~n pizza and ~d,wi.cb~s by Wolfgang ruck, To cap offlthc
ltIh; M~s~ mAUOijf ]9% Vi~, ~rl>llll I;.ilter wears th'l}.~h:;!$!iik F'LArSOY cove rs cam p :!iniirl'. l3elQw: M~u Mlllrt.:i1 1981 K}lm 'berlv H ~f rln ll'l'1d Mi:!iS Febr'\Ja f)' 1 968 Nor:'lc)' Hm· ¥(Q~ !5ohQ'n;i t! chuckle
~e'~ H~' glv:£l$ V',dOflC Sl<1 'jst~d' 01 IQ1.l'i 119 hogrld Rigl-d: M~~ Al,tgyi! 1 9!3'& Ayo fo,bioila shows QU her- merd'ltJnd i:a;e·. BtllG ..... MI~~ Ma rcl'i 1 990 Dcbo .. roh Driggi ooJTi'1 '-OI!'I nln her escl tamel"'l.
Left: fMoY 1995 Julfi!!l Lyni'l CU:llli",. enhcn ces a leble ol J~I.II,J men:l1ond ;'5 l:' W~Gt· s ;s hoe is mi rId I!IIg cbe IJf~ %I'll never kn.tN.o,
successful lwo-dat), fBU:~. a O!J.py of ~1e 6nt issue of FoUVliOV was o[d fO'I" $ ~ $1600, j[l~h:~!S isrr'ra record, ho-w-,
ever," Hef ays. "Th e m.ol'l. p ~dl for
2'- 'YEAR'S. AGO THIS MO . Tit
1·1 wa t 1.0 have my en n rnreer~ my DlA'O idenbtyr'" Behe uell said in her ,1P]aymate S'tD~. Since then, B~be ha become ollie paw,~rli.d 'r-oc~drell poster ~rJ, D .. sides havi ni a rd:;)~ rio]1smp with Tcdd R.1J.Jlnd.r (who W35 f eatn 'f'€:d ; lEn B rbl!!'s ND'V<I!i.tnbt!T [974· piuorm). Be~ bei notorious fo.r d all lance l:fb M kit J iJggeit'. 199y ~V! E.lVI!l. CO;3teIJO and Iud SL,("w,;n Sh has allio 'm' ed a mevie tar (Uv Tylerl h eo;r dlaug h~ [' wi [h. A~FC:S mi rh , !'ngt:1" Sh::vcn 1)lerL fronted two 'bar.lld, (the 'B -Sides and the GargoyLes) aud, as we reported in Septe.mbcelr. rE:emer.ged 'IOn the music ei reo it. .." like the :5e.K:~ W~ pow~r.' and the noise of roe:k at d :roil. J. like i L d i rt y an d dan gerGUS,,'" B~ iaf1'- Rock QU.
a fIJi t, issue to dale ~~ " 1614~1D. Thajj: is tw.i~t:;, ttb" wnitin1 inv'E'n.mc:nt dla.l~ lau Dcked the magaziue' in 1'953."1'
Jonel Pi!gnm, M~i JIJ~ 1 Sl55, ~'Cemb~r 19S5 CJl& OdQber 1956----0nd On~ ot ~tJe met!]. papu 10 r P[!J~l'OOt.f ~,..=ffIOOi! .on Ii:l pjlII!];orollte 01 t~ PlI!II~)! b:po. "The rornpljmell~ ~ Qiii)t were i.[]{;.redii}le .... sa~'9 Jc~e:I. ~ P'OOple wid' thing~ sucil Q~f j:PlA'OO'1' 't'IOlJk!I1I't b~ Pl ..... \BbY w~th(tlyll '(OV_I 1' ... 9 iJiBiPlfl Ofi .0 high ~r!; n~~ ,.; Jlln~ wes ~Iudoo Otit of !PtAl1Of~'S. Cif(>JliJ-hor'i De~ p~r1m-enl by Hel toO pose f!'JJ ihe 1TI!:I'ijpzine hShl;! W'Q50 he girl ni;:xt dQQJ WI' h~r 1:l¢.fhe-!!: off." H!!f $oOf!i. U~~(:U il fllt'foilJliOfl
~fiol f1ot~e<n w6i:_dd i ns,p.l"Ifii. ~ le'1'~ kJnet rJ.fld t~", eimcn lisl~w= Gl'!eie.ifl~ a de~,ed fill1
IPUtl!BOY J~g'C!lnds and memerabll: . On hand 'WeTe m@re ehan 140 PI· y~ mate (hadlll ding I~bree""time Plla rna te J :mel Pilgri m) ~ artist URoy . ,t'lman. comedian Bill 'MabC~, former l!l.A Y ij()1( (OVer girl jessica HahJill J Ki~~ bassist IGenu e Simm,ons" photo,lP~phet. David Me("f!1 (wh@ dispensed advite on hlOW' to P hot'O:~a'ph beauufu I wcrnlen), PlaybQly Advisor C,ffiTh.ip Row I PU'riBQY Sdtio S'taifW'riter jame R~ Fe:tenen ~alll.gdu~r ,of Tiu ~ry (jf ,m,:
PZay'~".s H'istory of ~ht! S X1U1i Rtrooluti.(rn)~ Ki:mlh:rrlc1 . urrradJ H~~t,"r and. efeeurse, Hef ( he ""crail fo ~is autograph was Tepolite'cUy mor,~ [ham. an th.ou:r and a hallif lliong) , tn addition m m~edng PUl'1IiUl legends, fan~ ~ung CI et at '~he Fem lin ~pr barlrit g'"..,imbled O:U the futix c.asl.inolS, pos~ :For photos
My favorite PIa]. mate- is e~'ery ~flss N D '!,He m b e!1r" 5i1;U;: h a'S M ~,'lIS N eve mbe I '9~3, .rn ulianna ~o'itllng. My birthda')' llS OIl Novf'w· ~1' 291~ alml d ~ li e I~ think tjJ rat each N ovem her fill y~ Dli.ii (1:' Ib:.a.s n~)2: iii. se~ just fOf meo. I s.ay to eve.lj'OI'l I! , "Leek ~t wha!L Hef did fur me, In Iit"u OIf a birth~, rue) h,e gave 'me thi pictnria]]"
. --
rrs HER PARfY'
[)e'ViJai De VasqUt:l; (Mis.s.June 19M) W,ij hoarse ~i heir biiIFdid.ay pany. bus ~be:-didn~t let that BPOll. the _fti _ _ ~Ii Ftlt;ent bash, whkh aruso celebr-alted
l~e Jle:R~uncb of her we~JiIie (de\' i nd Ii:v.:aiSque.l.. n~t), I ook p~ace ia'[ ,B a:r" y h'JJ Lc'5 Angeles and arttatted such C~n~ ~o]w as Neria~1L navis litenee TelJi~ sen amad £nke Jein:!en. Devin'Si guests alie usbl and ~ood whlle the birthday g~r~ werked th . Foom. "I na:d no '1.'0 lee' ... !She lS3ys wiJt.h. ~ laugh. '.:i~o' ~ ~ eould do was ab ~tc' hanw whh everyone' ::3!IId smile, ,~
Don't mess, with !F.lk/e' J'l!!imieD. M' ss M.a.y l~99S, is a serious mar~ IDs, 0..de-D'~. Sh~ ~Ta.1l8 in \fcs ~ Los Ang-e .. ~es ~,b:: da}1:S :!Ii we~ k, i n tra d ~ ti O.D ~ am la:rnte jitsu, lYnda' ~c¥enth-d~g[lce black belt Srntihan 'RDben Coilir.:aij "It stl!rled. when ~ ,at,'iIj.-. dido~ eli for an Ar~ n~id -5ch~~z~ll.g'. gl!l..'::t rilll:!ttioD, m 0l1' ie , They a~k;ed me if I couLd do ka rat~, l~d. ! lied ~,d mid 'yes., Wbe:n i 'l:am~' b:a~k mr ml' seQOnd ,audi1Ei~nf t.h-e~. ked me til perform a ~~·m~.
:nd ] haJd no ildea
what they W~1'e tlIking QJ~Ul. ~ wa~ pfe'Uy embae rass .. d, i· lUke s 13::r~ed s~ydying m.am"uaHi am after du::;I.~! ,aftd "he has jUS'1 earned her black kk, r(Ched{ our~ eH::ej .eem for more pho~os.) .. RnQw'J~ IS' self-dc:r~,~ i:31 awe- 8o:me~ II E~[l, , !ta,rs, 4~ ~ ~m filot af!f,a~d of arryone afiymo~. Plus, I ':ViI!!' hem !I'et,1.. 1Un-g It lot more: job Qflier.s.I"I' Did you hear that, J\rnond?
PIl.A¥MATE IliTH DIY,S NQV«IL1x1'i 1: ~. Octobe:F ] 00:5 and PMOY 1 ~G4 JitnD:r MeC Hli", Nmemhe .. 4; Mi~ ID-el)j~mbew 19i9 lP~ffij ".I!!~_lk
N'Q"~mti!IT ll: M~J.n:u,Jl.ary ]007 .s M'~ lit! ht'
:N~mDer 20: 'Milt$ AlJ..!Igu 1972 Lind'a. SDm~enll
NQ"!I;mkr 25: MiM Sellue.mhtw 196.8 D'r!U H
If youlve ~,ad the eh Ii;\.o! 10 meet J I4Wne 1969 Playmak Hdeoa Antoma.c- 0.0. me-n, yrn.D,·"'~ b&am h~r.' iml!(lbG1l!! gjggJe. \IVe called the Galldep Sla'te nauve and, benv~en ~u_ghspr Me filled us :in on hB rife.
Q,:, What. ha ve been tlhJe higblighrtts. of 1999?
A; Going to the ,P1a'pey Expo. .. stan.~ ~ng' my 'web.sill1:!l!!, hele'IHl.anltona~do. WIll], and paring U,P '~O w-ri~ a book. Q:A MV';:[?
A: No, it's going to be iii hoot. ,about m.3JinllaJi DWBrg 'OHIC 's he:8i]th and be~.I1, y illS o,ne ,age - l'm it.bi '81' about rmllins lit w1l4t~ ThUJ" S~r~1. r Ib eca1!.nJl!!l~ e"'eryQ.n~ liC(!Il9l.fS up and a~ks m._~ that. Q: An dgh~1 th,en-what' you r gcre~~
A: ~ 'I!rW 01 liJ' k LIi U I~ Ha1e:ntfl AIri'OOij]~io,
eve ry day, Fjnt1 Qn a ba]fe N and tfucn wio w~]ghts_ AJmer dlaJt m, waitt fol' lloun in the wood~.
Q~ YlinJi' was yO'U!f fiTs~ M~SClent JUlP crum?
A: I U~ ed 10 IGrve Ringo SUU"li7 I know rlh.at h£ 'w'H:~r.h the millst 1P00pll.bm' Beat· Ie, but be i1:aJ ~ ;great ~fII.M:: mh~mOJr :and; mc:r~ impOill'Uinil :aJ ~at!n.o •
SI-oianricn Tweedj on n(H DO,),fri end I Gene 5 Iln,nc",s; '1 don~t think Gene I rkss being up' sfoge:d by breti sts. J.
Cume- on down! N i Ii~~ Sehj~" ~H has Ianded a prime gjg as oae Inf 8~:II',kelt" Beaude.s, duo !: ~i!!xy women who showC:8L!j;e me: prizes
On 'The Pric~ Ii nwu . ~ . PETA a;'c~ivbu
Pam la Ande.l1'li,on hiiU 1:2IJ~l..ulJdlf!d a me'W Jjne (l!f eruel!y_'f1"ee cosme rlcs, In 'D2ube news, P~m·~ hlt. series ~ v'1,P', g.aJl'tmI.!l:reil, m:lIi Em my neminadon, . .. y,a FarD,I,:itm. an d
Hre f ~ ga I pa I ~ok ... girts-
'lh'aude Rmderi¢ were sharp in ma:rrch i i!I g snake ' in p:l!FI ts at ::!L reeern Ma.D:.-!ion fiik:, , , , [hJLlffer
.'sa, m~ whom we've dubbed tb~ frllIDlale Tigre ti \f,ood .. can Ib " ~eejiir in .a: recen l issue of Avid G~f " map2..1ri e.. ! ' , ,De~nD;a B'fQOD (at ~en) joined 'ream P1a'y-OOY ~In the armual Lus An g ales Rell'Wo"
..... 1.. ~ Run I~O be file flit. '1"'- 'hnn.~1. cancer re-
sean:h. . . . JlUllia 51: bultz Tf}~~ dy
Deorm.o. b.ecame a mem-
b ~ if of rrhe p!re,~ ~tgi O'U~, Aa:r Ii) n SpeUing TV &:I]ri~" Look fm;- berm n a lead~in;g rol en Ws mltw 'mow TOOi'M RQJ4[,', ••• Layb. Roberts sb .. iI~d On ~~CreeiR in the action nil::l A,ftltagt'ddon.. Ne ~ I up f A parvl run a '1et-w:....:'be-tjd ltd ir-oma nde comedy s.tiI:u-ing Jom FEII'O'e:au and Famk.e J3D~!i!!fla. , . - W.a b do.sdy, £ha't 's \~es.S3 Gfea5Q!!I! in ,81.. Inlew fepli1 lIl:om merclal. . , . Whe'n Bloomingdalt:"s l.muached its fl e ow rIa y boy c h:nhing b ~)LI· r..ique:, KeU.y M'on_·~ C~., ~iIlIl BII!.u:l0Y .ait],.r~, made ure t~~e' pany w:;1S hopp:1ng.
. !
, ~
i ;;
,o. .
, .
favori'Le arlin
I E--------~~
filifm er 0 ~ tQ'; iI1hy 11;0
mi, i1'I1:n~. iBHIlld"y ImorJ.. ~I .nd uill!w 'r ill! ~ r pmnm Air~ k~1i~A (;lW50 ~ i , ,( IlinS 'U!.I! I a . i]ll: dw h: • flow ~u kr !l;MI.W'cpU'
.51r'i - e a Poe 'ItEn"f MILLER ¥'o'en~ 'West ~Ol p~dmp~te· ~ljJ th~' HoOt Bod- Butgty (_ollik~1' ~fld 'Wa5 r\'!cat!llmd IURi l.fI1l!;l! "'Q~ !Of ~ Ac'liiim 1i!i\'A pring. 'Wtl:'Iin!'!' iC:~~r1'llin~d thie b~~y and Ua~, I~"" 1iih"1' ,d4!~r~' !h~ ~Jibilll~.
Su m:m erl 11 tth,e C~'I.y
lily n!ml!m'b~r' CREE SUMMER, hom A Oif" ,{~"WIt iWOtid. But n!OW "old I iI!l:rfU~", her rm ftN album ~~r ,F',Jl"ll"lef produced! b¥ L~n,. If1ir Kr:a'it,ulz', JilU'f~ gr~jn'Y~'I;!\oi~ed ,;iflid Siilii.l~ \tfi; 5u mrner is ill:-lwar; in ~n.