Q6 Bstep 4
Q6 Bstep 4
Q6 Bstep 4
This Guideline has been developed by the appropriate ICH Expert Working
Group and has been subject to consultation by the regulatory parties, in
accordance with the ICH Process. At Step 4 of the Process the final draft is
recommended for adoption to the regulatory bodies of the European Union,
Japan and USA.
Document History
First Codification
History Date
Codification November
Having reached Step 4 of the ICH Process at the ICH Steering Committee
on 10 March 1999, this guideline is recommended for
adoption to the three regulatory parties to ICH
1. INTRODUCTION............................................................... .............1
1.1 Objective..............................................................................................1
1.2 Background..........................................................................................1
1.3 Scope...................................................................................................1
2.1 Characterization...................................................................................2
2.1.1Physicochemical properties.......................................................2
2.1.2Biological activity......................................................................3
2.1.3 Immunochemical properties...................................................4
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
4.1.5 Quantity.................................................................................12
4.2.5 Quantity.................................................................................13
4.2.6 General tests..........................................................................13
5. GLOSSARY............................................. ...................................13
6. APPENDICES....................................................... ......................16
6.1 Appendix for Physicochemical Characterization.................................16
6.1.1 Structural characterization and confirmation.........................16
6.1.2 Physicochemical properties....................................................17
1.1 Objective
This guidance document provides general principles on the setting and
justification, to the extent possible, of a uniform set of international
specifications for biotechnological and biological products to support new
marketing applications.
1.2 Background
A specification is defined as a list of tests, references to analytical procedures,
and appropriate acceptance criteria which are numerical limits, ranges, or
other criteria for the tests described. It establishes the set of criteria to which
a drug substance, drug product or materials at other stages of its manufacture
should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use.
“Conformance to specification” means that the drug substance and drug
product, when tested according to the listed analytical procedures, will meet
the acceptance criteria. Specifications are critical quality standards that are
proposed and justified by the manufacturer and approved by regulatory
authorities as conditions of approval.
Specifications are chosen to confirm the quality of the drug substance and
drug product rather than to establish full characterization and should focus on
those molecular and biological characteristics found to be useful in ensuring
the safety and efficacy of the product.
1.3 Scope
The principles adopted and explained in this document apply to proteins and
polypeptides, their derivatives, and products of which they are components
(e.g., conjugates). These proteins and polypeptides are produced from
recombinant or non-recombinant cell-culture expression systems and can be
highly purified and characterized using an appropriate set of analytical
The principles outlined in this document may also apply to other product types
such as proteins and polypeptides isolated from tissues and body fluids. To
determine applicability, manufacturers should consult with the appropriate
regulatory authorities.
This document does not cover antibiotics, synthetic peptides and polypeptides,
heparins, vitamins, cell metabolites, DNA products, allergenic extracts,
conventional vaccines, cells, whole blood, and cellular blood components. A
separate ICH Guideline, ”Specifications: Test Procedures and Acceptance
Criteria for New Drugs Substances and New Drug Products: Chemical
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
with respect to activity, efficacy and safety, they are considered product-
related substances. When process changes and degradation products result in
heterogeneity patterns which differ from those observed in the material used
during preclinical and clinical development, the significance of these
alterations should be evaluated.
For the purpose of lot release (section 4), an appropriate subset of these
methods should be selected and justified.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
For the purpose of lot release (section 4), the choice of relevant quantitative
assay (biological and/or physicochemical) should be justified by the
For some drug substances or drug products, the protein molecule may need to
be examined using immunochemical procedures (e.g., ELISA, Western-blot)
utilizing antibodies which recognize different epitopes of the protein molecule.
Immunochemical properties of a protein may serve to establish its identity,
homogeneity or purity, or serve to quantify it.
If immunochemical properties constitute lot release criteria, all relevant
information pertaining to the antibody should be made available.
• Purity
The determination of absolute, as well as relative purity, presents considerable
analytical challenges, and the results are highly method-dependent.
Historically, the relative purity of a biological product has been expressed in
terms of specific activity (units of biological activity per mg of product) which
is also highly method-dependent. Consequently, the purity of the drug
substance and drug product is assessed by a combination of analytical
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
For the purpose of lot release, (section 4), an appropriate subset of methods
should be selected and justified for determination of purity.
• Impurities
In addition to evaluating the purity of the drug substance and drug product,
which may be composed of the desired product and multiple product-related
substances, the manufacturer should also assess impurities which may be
present. Impurities may be either process or product-related. They can be of
known structure, partially characterized, or unidentified. When adequate
quantities of impurities can be generated, these materials should be
characterized to the extent possible and, where possible, their biological
activities should be evaluated.
• Contaminants
Contaminants in a product include all adventitiously introduced materials not
intended to be part of the manufacturing process, such as chemical and
biochemical materials (e.g., microbial proteases), and/or microbial species.
Contaminants should be strictly avoided and/or suitably controlled with
appropriate in-process acceptance criteria or action limits for drug substance
or drug product specifications (section 2.3). For the special case of
adventitious viral or mycoplasma contamination, the concept of action limits is
not applicable, and the strategies proposed in ICH Harmonised Tripartite
Guidelines “Quality of Biotechnological/Biological Products: Viral Safety
Evaluation of Biotechnology Derived Products Derived from Cell Lines of
Human or Animal Origin” and “Quality of Biotechnological/Biological Products:
Derivation and Characterization of Cell Substrates Used for Production of
Biotechnological/Biological Products“ should be considered.
2.1.5 Quantity
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
For certain impurities, testing of either the drug substance or the drug product
may not be necessary and may not need to be included in the specifications if
efficient control or removal to acceptable levels is demonstrated by suitable
studies. This testing can include verification at commercial scale in
accordance with regional regulations. It is recognized that only limited data
may be available at the time of submission of an application. This concept
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
The use of internal action limits by the manufacturer to assess the consistency
of the process at less critical steps is also important. Data obtained during
development and validation runs should provide the basis for provisional
action limits to be set for the manufacturing process. These limits, which are
the responsibility of the manufacturer, may be used to initiate investigation or
further action. They should be further refined as additional manufacturing
experience and data are obtained after product approval.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
The quality of the excipients used in the drug product formulation (and in
some cases, in the drug substance), as well as the container/closure systems,
should meet pharmacopoeial standards, where available and appropriate.
Otherwise, suitable acceptance criteria should be established for the non-
pharmacopoeial excipients.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
manufacturer should provide the rationale and justification for including and/or
excluding testing for specific quality attributes. The following points should be
taken into consideration when establishing scientifically justifiable
• Specifications should account for the stability of drug substance and drug
Degradation of drug substance and drug product, which may occur during
storage, should be considered when establishing specifications. Due to the
inherent complexity of these products, there is no single stability-indicating
assay or parameter that profiles the stability characteristics. Consequently,
the manufacturer should propose a stability-indicating profile. The result of this
stability-indicating profile will then provide assurance that changes in the
quality of the product will be detected. The determination of which tests
should be included will be product-specific. The manufacturer is referred to
the ICH Harmonised Tripartite Guideline: “Stability Testing of
Biotechnological/Biological Products”.
Critical quality attributes may include items such as potency, the nature and
quantity of product-related substances, product-related impurities, and
process-related impurities. Such attributes can be assessed by multiple
analytical procedures, each yielding different results. In the course of product
development, it is not unusual for the analytical technology to evolve in
parallel with the product. Therefore, it is important to confirm that data
generated during development correlate with those generated at the time the
marketing application is filed.
Selection of tests to be included in the specifications is product specific. The
rationale used to establish the acceptable range of acceptance criteria should
be described. Acceptance criteria should be established and justified based on
data obtained from lots used in preclinical and/or clinical studies, data from
lots used for demonstration of manufacturing consistency, and data from
stability studies, and relevant development data.
In some cases, testing at production stages rather than at the drug substance
or drug product stages may be appropriate and acceptable. In such
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
4.1.2 Identity
The identity test(s) should be highly specific for the drug substance and should
be based on unique aspects of its molecular structure and/or other specific
properties. More than one test (physicochemical, biological and/or
immunochemical) may be necessary to establish identity. The identity test(s)
can be qualitative in nature. Some of the methods typically used for
characterization of the product as described in section 2.1 and in Appendix 6.1
may be employed and/or modified as appropriate for the purpose of
establishing identity.
For the impurities, the choice and optimization of analytical procedures should
focus on the separation of the desired product and product-related substances
from impurities. Individual and/or collective acceptance criteria for impurities
should be set, as appropriate. Under certain circumstances, acceptance
criteria for selected impurities may not be required (section 2.3).
4.1.4 Potency
A relevant, validated potency assay (section 2.1.2) should be part of the
specifications for a biotechnological or biological drug substance and/or drug
product. When an appropriate potency assay is used for the drug product
(section 4.2.4), an alternative method (physicochemical and/or biological) may
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
4.1.5 Quantity
The quantity of the drug substance, usually based on protein content (mass),
should be determined using an appropriate assay. The quantity determination
may be independent of a reference standard or material. In cases where
product manufacture is based upon potency, there may be no need for an
alternate determination of quantity.
4.2.2 Identity
The identity test(s) should be highly specific for the drug product and should
be based on unique aspects of its molecular structure and for other specific
properties. The identity test(s) can be qualitative in nature. While it is
recognized that in most cases, a single test is adequate, more than one test
(physicochemical, biological and/or immunochemical) may be necessary to
establish identity for some products. Some of the methods typically used for
characterization of the product as described in section 2.1 and in Appendix 6.1
may be employed and/or modified as appropriate for the purpose of
establishing identity.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
4.2.4 Potency
A relevant, validated potency assay (section 2.1.2) should be part of the
specifications for a biotechnological and biological drug substance and/or drug
product. When an appropriate potency assay is used for the drug substance,
an alternative method (physicochemical and/or biological) may suffice for
quantitative assessment of the drug product. However, the rationale for such a
choice should be provided.
4.2.5 Quantity
The quantity of the drug substance in the drug product, usually based on
protein content (mass), should be determined using an appropriate assay. In
cases where product manufacture is based upon potency, there may be no
need for an alternate determination of quantity.
Acceptance Criteria
Numerical limits, ranges, or other suitable measures for acceptance of the
results of analytical procedures which the drug substance or drug product or
materials at other stages of their manufacture should meet.
Action Limit
An internal (in-house) value used to assess the consistency of the process at
less critical steps.
Biological Activity
The specific ability or capacity of the product to achieve a defined biological
effect. Potency is the quantitative measure of the biological activity.
Any adventitiously introduced materials (e.g., chemical, biochemical, or
microbial species) not intended to be part of the manufacturing process of the
drug substance or drug product.
Degradation Products
Molecular variants resulting from changes in the desired product or product-
related substances brought about over time and/or by the action of, e.g., light,
temperature, pH, water, or by reaction with an excipient and/or the immediate
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
Desired Product
(1) The protein which has the expected structure, or (2) the protein which is
expected from the DNA sequence and anticipated post-translational
modification (including glycoforms), and from the intended downstream
modification to produce an active biological molecule.
An ingredient added intentionally to the drug substance which should not have
pharmacological properties in the quantity used.
Any component present in the drug substance or drug product which is not the
desired product, a product-related substance, or excipient including buffer
components. It may be either process- or product-related.
The measure of the biological activity using a suitably quantitative biological
assay (also called potency assay or bioassay), based on the attribute of the
product which is linked to the relevant biological properties.
Process-Related Impurities
Impurities that are derived from the manufacturing process. They may be
derived from cell substrates (e.g., host cell proteins, host cell DNA), cell culture
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
Product-Related Impurities
Molecular variants of the desired product (e.g., precursors, certain degradation
products arising during manufacture and/or storage) which do not have
properties comparable to those of the desired product with respect to activity,
efficacy, and safety.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
Product-Related Substances
Molecular variants of the desired product formed during manufacture and/or
storage which are active and have no deleterious effect on the safety and
efficacy of the drug product. These variants possess properties comparable to
the desired product and are not considered impurities.
Reference Standards
Refer to international or national standards.
A specification is defined as a list of tests, references to analytical procedures,
and appropriate acceptance criteria which are numerical limits, ranges, or
other criteria for the tests described. It establishes the set of criteria to which
a drug substance, drug product or materials at other stages of its manufacture
should conform to be considered acceptable for its intended use.
“Conformance to specification” means that the drug substance and drug
product, when tested according to the listed analytical procedures, will meet
the acceptance criteria. Specifications are critical quality standards that are
proposed and justified by the manufacturer and approved by regulatory
authorities as conditions of approval.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
d) Peptide map
Selective fragmentation of the product into discrete peptides is
performed using suitable enzymes or chemicals and the resulting
peptide fragments are analyzed by HPLC or other appropriate analytical
procedure. The peptide fragments should be identified to the extent
possible using techniques such as amino acid compositional analysis, N-
terminal sequencing, or mass spectrometry. Peptide mapping of the
drug substance or drug product using an appropriately validated
procedure is a method that is frequently used to confirm desired product
structure for lot release purposes.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
d) Electrophoretic patterns
Electrophoretic patterns and data on identity, homogeneity and purity
can be obtained by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, isoelectric
focusing, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Western-blot,
capillary electrophoresis, or other suitable procedures.
e) Liquid chromatographic patterns
f) Spectroscopic profiles
The ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra are determined as
appropriate. The higher-order structure of the product is examined
using procedures such as circular dichroism, nuclear magnetic
resonance (NMR), or other suitable techniques, as appropriate.
Test Procedures and Acceptance Criteria for Biotechnological/Biological Products
b) Cell culture-derived impurities include, but are not limited to, inducers
antibiotics, serum, and other media components.
c) Downstream-derived impurities include, but are not limited to, enzymes,
chemical and biochemical processing reagents (e.g., cyanogen bromide,
guanidine, oxidizing and reducing agents), inorganic salts (e.g., heavy
metals, arsenic, non metallic ion), solvents, carriers, ligands (e.g.,
monoclonal antibodies), and other leachables.