Gospel of John - The Spirit
Gospel of John - The Spirit
Gospel of John - The Spirit
The Gospel of John
Northwest London Christian Church
The Context
The teaching of Jesus about the Holy Spirit is connected with his departure from the earth.
He knows that his time here is short and so teaches his followers about the Spirit. He
emphasises the work of the Spirit as explaining his teachings – so there will be no real break
between him in the act of teaching while on this earth and the Spirit explaining the teaching
once he has returned to his father. The Spirit is not independent of Jesus but subordinates
himself and his mission to Jesus.
The Functions
The Spirit functions on at least three different levels: (1) living inside believers; (2) instructing
and leading believers; and (3) witnessing to and convicting the world of sin and
John wants us to know what Jesus taught about the Spirit because the Spirit gives life! Lets’
resolve to know more of this life-giving Spirit and ask him to help us, teach us and guide us
into all truth.
Malcolm Cox