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Kult - Beyond The Veil

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The passage describes a competition between Jenkins and Holland for a promotion and the consequences that follow.

Jenkins and Holland are competing for a promotion at their company. Jenkins believes Holland's past studies give her a disadvantage while Holland remains determined.

After Holland receives the promotion, Jenkins is knocked unconscious and awakens restrained. He is then killed in a ritual sacrifice overseen by Holland, who has gained new power.


Scanned by: HeroOfTheDay

Jcnkim (Jt1d Holland stood beside tach other and tried This is a world of h.. isting corridors, alley~ and
s treets \\ithin the maze of the great city. Secret words arc spo-
to not look nervous in front of their boss. 'Old eagle ken over sweating bourbon glasses in seedy corner bars. For-
eyes' Martine could smell fear at one hundred yards, gOllen gods are revived by the neon lights and the stI'CCt noise.
and wcaknw at fifty. Their careers hung in the ba- and live to tread their dance of death in trend), clubs. F\e'f)'
lance, and neither one WaJ about to let the other gel the doorway, every rusted iron staircase leading underground can
be an entrance to lieU.
promotio" . They had stepped 01/ too many people for
this chana, (Jndnow it WaJ down to just them. Secret societies meet in elegant conference centers 10
Martine looked up and smiled at both of tbem. Finally. plot and reach for the po\\crs they ha\e glimpsed in the ~ha­
his stul grey eyes lighted upon nol/and. "From what I dows beyond. Condemned men hunt for the secret of immorta-
understand, you actually studied Primitive Religions lity. International corporations waste unfathomable fortunes
Jor years before you went into business, Mrs. HoI/and. trying 10 decipher characters can-ed b) madmen on \\-alls in
the subwa)s. The witches of our lime seek the paths to
b that CO"tct.?' His voice was razor-sharp. and rich~s in their own dark souls. They all cl'8\oe for
Jenkins chuckled to himself 'Primitive religiom.1 He had mony, searching for keys to solve the riddles that the) see
the promotion in the htlg. lIe had been studying accoun- the diversity of our real it)'.
ting dnd businw while she had been wasting her time
with uscless coursts. 'Too bad, so sad, chicM' he thought. But nothing is y,..hat it seems to be. Onl} 'h""~
the many facels of realit) are accessible 10 our
Holland nodded sadly, and answered. "Three years, sir. world we see around us is an illusion, created by our
It would have been my Major if J hadn't switched my tion to stave off madness. Those who fancy th~";~;'I~:8!~
academic career path. " Martine smiled softly, and offi· ters of the imisible forces will be cruel I) disappointed
red his hand to the woman. "Congratulations Mrs. their illusions crumble and the demo~ arrive [0 coll(JI..1.
Holland. You are the first woman to receive this pro- worshippers.
motion. Only one thing remains to be done. " Martine In the borderland between darkness and
looked Q'Ver the pair's shoulders and nodded. "Gentle- dreams and death, there is a reality beyond the sense~_
men, ifyou would. " and illusion can shape matter. Horror can conl(lrt hodi~
Jenkins was so stunned by the lou of the promotion; be provide insanity a road inlo ph)sical realit). The barrier bc1.
was totally caught offguard when the cudgel struck \\-een the outer and the imler is an illusion.
him over the back ofthe head. He awoke later, strapped Not long ago there was a crea[Or God and a finn
to a long autopsy table. The cold surface chilled his order of nature. But God has abandoned hb children and di-
naked flesh. He blinked and squinted his eyes to see past sappeared out into the darkness. Perhaps dead, perhaps in
the glare of the bright light above him. Around him exile. Lost angels and demons bear weak memories of a higher
stood the Board of Directors, all were dressed in long. power, a force of order that once ruled their lives. But gra-
dually, they forget.
flowing robes. He heard Martine speak from the dark.
"He is yours, Mrs. Holland. Take him and grow in The boundaries of reality have been \\-e~l1ed. in-
power." The woman stepped from the darkness to Jen- creasing numbers of people are the barriers
kins'right, the surgical steel of the scalpel glittering in and encountering the chaos that lies on
her delicate hand. and Hell do not have the same meaning f~:;~~;;! I~":":'I!'''''
ereates one's own purgatory. Dreams and ,
Later tbat day, Jenkins and the things from his desk and further out into the dark. away from what
were disposed of in seven leak-proof plastic bags. No familiar and reasonable.
one questioned his absence from the office thinking he
had been transferred or quit. Big busineJS was like that The Prince of Darkness
~anders far, seeking God, the onl)
being who can justify his exis-
tence and give it meaning. Hea-
vens and hells have broken open

or hcen abandoned. Demons and angels roam homeless on Kuh is a role-playing game sel in the world of large
I·.arth and look for the worshippers they need for their 0\1 n citie~althe end of the 20lh cemury. It is a world where human
SUI"\ ivai in a \\orld without a god. In the cities, where all truths wickedness is mingled \Iith terrors from other parts ofa true.
are equal. the) forget the old boundaries between elil and unseen reality. Fascism, TOOled in the Se<:ond World War, still
p:ood. pervades European politics and commerce. Sensitile people
are crushed by the anonymity of the cities, and become ps)-
Old gods linger powerless and bewildered in Ihe chotic monsters. Under the surface, primitive passions. still
sluns, remnants of the past. Perhaps they "'ere abandoned held at ba) by the moral it) of past civilizations. grow and fe~­
th re wilh old beliefs, or perhaps they were created ane", by ter untillhe) crupI in sick per.ersions.
hi man hopes of a better life in a distant and half-forgotten
"".. But human darkness is nOi all that threatens. The
el it that humans do corrodes the boundaries of real it) and ad-
But in the end. all is 10m asunder and destro)oo. mits creatures from the other side. Our dreams assume ph)si.
Scientists put forward theories that chaos is the fundanlental cal form and chase us. Creatures from the past are reborn inlo
principle of the universe. Increasing disorder around them the present, to re-arrange our liles. Our own fear ghes birth to
echoes their findings, as if the vel"} knOll- monsters that threaten to delour us. Misfits not !Clerated in or-
ledge of reality's nothingness was de~ouring dered society hide themsellcs in abandoned cities, dilapidated
the ancient patterns. industrial complexes and condemned buildings in the inner ci·
ties. There the) are transformed into something nOI quite

Occult teachings can be used to establish openings
into different worlds, and tap power from the unkno .... n. But
few, if any humans know anything about the po ....ers they
L he ~o.lse W ORld
conjure up. Sooner or later, they are all consumed by the de-
mons they cannot control. 'Rea(ity is a fie
Such is the .... orld in which the heroes of our game The .... orld ",e see around u!> i~ a false facade, ",hil:h
must li\e. Are they helpless leaves blown aoout by the cosmic hides a larger Wld more frighlening reality. Our senses are not
\\<inds? No. They are vehicles of destiny, oound to act in myths acule enough to sense the true ..... orld. Our minds are too fragile
that they have nc\<er heard of. MythS, which peoplc have for- 10 handle a confrontation with the reality outside. So we un·
gotten, but which are reoom in the thronging cities \\ here no consciously son away most of the information arotlnd us. and
truth is greater than another. onl)' see that "hich doesn't disturb us too much.

The heroes of the game can be seekers of truth, per- Our world is pan of a larger reality. It i~n't comple-
haps motivated by a desire to regain a forgotten past, or to tely false. onl) incomplete. There is probably no one true rea-
have revenge, or by simple curiosity. The) aren't pure-hearted IiI), but se\-cra1. and .... hat this set of rules deseribes mirrol"'\
I;rusaders against evil. Rather, "'e should think ofthem as lost just onc facet of the true reality. Our cities are quiet back
souls ..... ho need to k.iIl their 0"""T1 demons to ha\e peace. streets of Metropolis. the origin and model of al1 citie!>. beyond
time and sp.'1cc. Metropolis is the birthplal:e of the human race.
The)' are .... oven into tales that arc tied to their own an endless city of winding allcys and dark sk;.scrapcrc; in Mone
pa5t. Old crimes o"ertake them and demand satisfaction. Ter- and steel. Most of the city is in\'isible to us. Onl) the most
rors from childhood pop up and assume physical forms. HOlTor harmless picces can be glimpsed in our great citic~. Our ceme-
is created inside us. We cannot behold \\ hatever is there wi- teries and death camps are also just fragments of a larger n:a-
thout seeing oursehes milTored. Every man has his own de· lity. They are anterooms and foyers of hell, where we normally
mons. his own purgatory. In this game. tnc heroes are forced to can only go through death.
go into darkness. perhaps into death, only to disco\<er that there
is no end and death. only a beginning. Since we only pef"(:ehe a fraction of "hat n.'ilily goe<.
on, we often fail to understand how the world "orks, what is
The game can ~ played very darkly. with doomed cause and effect. We see a random car accident, II hen in reality
heroes who must perish ..... hen they have fulfilled their desti- the driver was harassed to death by A.lghouls, or subcon~­
nies. But that is not the point. Rather. we like to think that the ciously sought death to escape a curse. ""e sec a fire in the
heroes should seek out the darkness and accomplish something Gypsies' house and look for a pyromaniac or a raci~t '" hom we
by fighting it. In a ""ay, it's their o""n fears they struggle can blame. but in reality it "as our o\\n hatred for the allen.,
against; when they win they gain some wisdom and a few that tore a hole in the veil of realil) and hrought out th..: lires of
more scars in their souls. hell.

The world of Kult is founded in modern Western It is our minds and senses, which maintain the'
thought, formed by two thousand years of civilization based on sion. Whcn we begin to see the world in a diA'crc nt
Christian ideas. Good and evil really do exist. in a cosmic can perceive all those things we were not a",are of
sense. There are ange ls and demons and an absent god ""ho few people manage that. Most of us go in~ane if we are
abandoned his children in the terrors of war. In man, there is a to see beyond the mental barriers.
desire to \\Tcck and do evil. But there is also light that can
drive a.... ay the darkness. There are some places and situations, which force us 10
lruth. whether we want to or not. Whe re the most
fte would like to add that this is not a statement about Ollr own things are real, in tonure chambers and death camps and
religious beliefs. or a creed, which we in any way desire to im- lums, the illusions are shattered and we see through the hes,
pori 10 lite reader. Murder and ""3f, illness and extreme emotions can also 10K..:
us to see clearly.

Nole This is 0 description of the cosmology of Kull Ite haI.>e

designed our imoginary world us a warped wrsiOll oj Iht' rea-
lity we know. because this is 011 ejfi>clive way 10 aeate terrI·
fying am'entllrc.f and chilling expericllces. tie would W:e 10 un-
derscore rha/ .....hat folloY>s if pllre fictiOn. II is mcrc~\" Ih., set-
ting of Ihis role-playing game. It is tire .vel/ing oj tlti.~ role-
playing game. and nothing else


"Once, men were gods. lYle saw clearly dnd had the
jxrdJer to dct. But the Demiurge stole our divinity dnd Lhc CD"chmc
locked our senses. 'Yea shall be hlind to truth and only
see what is folse. Your powers art fittered in your twin Mankind is shackled. tocked inside a prison designed
SQII/J, and never again shall they become part of yea', to keep us ignor3ru. Likc pawns in a greatcr g.amc our destini.:~
said the Demiurge. and locked us in the prison of reo- are controlled b) a lost tyrant. In our prison .... e lin: togcthcr
lity. If-e ore follen angels, shipwrecked in d folse reality, with unkno ..... n creatures and dark forces. We live our li\es \\0 i-
which hides even the foct that we are prisoners. For thout ever knowing I>.hat surrounds us. that which is hiddcll
behind tile iIIusiolls.
thousands of years, we thought thot we were mortals,
cOlltrolled by higher powers. \% lived short lives and Our I>.orlds. and the kno .... n dimensions. rotate
endured puniJhments in burning purgatories, without around the heart of darkness. a comple\ dock\~nrk ofillusinns
ever dskingfor Tr·lIth. " and real it}. This heart of darkne~s i~ the Citadd of the De.
Theodor Mimesis "Human GnasiJ" miurge. In its al>.esome halls. fearsomc beings and sacr~d arte-
facts ay,ait the relurn of their master.

Darkness and light emanate from the Citadel

Mankind has nol alwu)s been ignorant. Before the fierce storms rage abo~e its cloud-shrouded to\\ef<>. The
dawn of his lOry. "c had senses thai could percehe the ",hole dows are black. and there arc no signs of lile I>. ithin.
of reality. We were born as gods. with pol-I.cr over malter. Our
existence on the Earth, our inabilit} to sec the tnuh, is capti- Surrounding the Citadel in a great ring are the pa.
'lit}. Those few people, who manage to break through the illu- laces of the Archons, and beY'ond those lic~ the city of'vletro-
sions and out into the true world, may escape from the prison polis. Like II cancer the black city grows and c\pand~ .... walto-
and regain their divinity, wing morc and more ofthc other dimensions. 10''''-;0" 'P;'"
halls filled with cchoes. and streets of broken pavemcnt are
There are many ways in \~hich to perceive reality, homes of innumerable crcatures crcated by the Dcmiufl/.c
The most common is the one that is centered on the Demiurge. his servants. All the in the Sh3do\\ of the Citadel and all
It was the Dcmiurge \~ho blinded us, long ago, and imprisoned quests, in their ol>.n I>.ay. for the truth about their master's di.
u~. He locked us up in the reality \~e now see around us, and sappearance.
he made most of Metropolis invisiblc 10 us. "'oOOdy knows
why. Nobody e\en knol>.s for sure I>. ho the Demiurge \\35, or is. In Metropolis can also be found the remnants of
other worlds. created b} other beings. In the shadowy \\ortds.
Some say he created the \\oorld, or al least our lillie forgotten gods and creatures from our 0\\ n legend. roam. They
pan of it, Ue called himself the Creator, Perhaps \\oe were reo li\e in the darkest alley .... ay's. the dini~t buildings and the ra-
strained because \\e threatened his po\\cr. Perhaps I>.e broke vaged industrial sites.
some rule of his. Perhaps the Demiurge is a human who felt
threatened by his own species. Whate\er the reason, he inser-
ted a curse in our bodies. right into the genes. a curse that
confines us to a limited vision. Up to the present, \ery few L he pRISOn S
ha\e managed to break the curse. With the aid of his scr\ants.
Archons and Uctor.;. the Demiurge has kcpt us in ignorance.
But things are beginning to happen. From Metropolis one can gain 3CCe>iS 10 the pti!Ol'I5
of mankind. It is within thcse prisons we are
But now the Machine has ground to a halt. The De- bound, in c\ery statc of consciousness: in life, in
miurge is lost and the illusions are crumbling. The hordes of dream and in death. Echoes from lost Icgl"fld~
Inferno stalk our world, Brother stands against brother in the name them as Elysium. Limbo and Inferno.
last days of our world.
Mankind is locked in
The last cycle has begun. these three prisons, shackled to
the ground by our fear or the

unknown, We arc prboner.; of our own worries.. our fear of a Inferno is Helt. I-Iere is brought ever) sinner and all
and the fear that ouro\\ n dark actions .... ill c\cn-
di~ine _I u~ticc that crave an etc mal punishment. Nepharites and Desparytes
1Oall:; emerge from the pa:;t and demand retribution. drag the condemned to their chambers aod punish them until
all memories of their previous life are erased. Dari.: shado .... s
The mIY-t trw.tcd ~ervants of the Demiurge control play on the II-alls, and naming fires light up the bloodstained
thc'le cell~. The) control our lives, our dreams and our firh of halls.
d.lmnation, The) drhe their dark legions before them in a
con.\t.ant ib\oaull on our souls. They are our jailers. Inferno was ooce filled wilh sinners. Its position as
the greatest of all prisons .... ib undeniable. But then mankiod
changed its perspective on life. Mankind no longer feared hell
as it once had. Fel-\er and fewer sinners entered the gates ofla-
C(\-js lum menl, and the Prince of Inferno lost his power. To once more
fill his halls lhe Lord of Darkness then entered El)'sium. Here
he hOjX.-d to collect new sinners for his fiendish machines of
.\1:tnkind is imprboned in its 0\\ n hea~en. in its 0 .... n tonure.
par<1di~e.We ha~c slo"l) misted the fields of he:" cn to bktc-
kened moors. f he radiant sun has becn darkened by tcn thou-
..and years ofe\·il.

f-:lysium is \\hat \I~' call our world. lIere most of the

souh imprisoned by the Dcmiurge spend Iheir liH's, without
kmm ledgc of our Oll-n dilinit). The Liclors and the Nepha- The Labyrinth reaches out under our world. in Ihe
riles conlrol us. We walk side by "ide I-\ith madmen wId li- darkness of the underworld. Winding corridors and dark pas.
\Ulg dead sages form complex patterns that hold the Machine together.
The Labyrinth encompasses every aspecl of our existence.
Once our Ilorld \Ias dark aod beautiful. We wande-
red among black pala\'cs and across cobbled squares. We Where the Labyrinth ends is a myster). There are Ie·
cNlld Ica\e the cities lOr Ihe green fields and rest in Ihe dark gends about of a gate leading to the end of all dimensions.
tude of the fore~ts. Wc controlled our own destinies. This These legends claim that the Demiurge left Ihe Machine
\\;IS !->clore the Demiurgc cast us into this pitiful existence. He through the Labyrinth. and elen he has become lost in the
took 3.... 3) our understanding and condemned us to forever emptiness ofl\othing.
walkil S the field .. of Elysium.
The Lab}rinth emerges in all parts of the Machine.
Our paradi~ bct:ame our o .... n purgalory, From il one can reach Elysium, Limbo and Infcrno. If one pe-
netrates the dari.:ncss e~en deeper, Metropolis opens up before
him. Those who possos the right knowledge and poll-er can
e\-en reach the blind gates that guard the Demiurge's Citadel.
Bell-\cen life and death, between Elysium and In-
femo, lie~ the Realm of Dreams. Limbo. It is a desened land-
s":<lpe, only peopled by sleeping men and women and the frea-
k i~h monSlers crealed by our own twisted nightmares.

I'allen angels and enlightened demons hunt the souls

of the dreamers. Visionaries build palaces and gardens in
1'II)intless attempts to recreate the paradise we \\cre once mas-
ters of. In lhe chaO!. thai fills the empty space we wander like
childr.:n, lost in a landscape we cannot even understand.
At the end of the 161h century the Demiurge lost
control o\cr our prison. lIis carefully constructed beliefs and
lnr-cRno myths, .... hieh kept us captile, were being questioned. The- es-
tablished order fell from grace. and authorities all o~er the
.... orld .... ere oonfronted .... ilh disbelief. During the centu!j- thai
fl'en after Death, our imprisonment continues. In follo .... ed, our view of the II-orld .... as radically changed and
shadowed halls our torturers and demons stalk, charged 10 mankind lost Ihe belief in its own existence. The myths of
watch over us, to inflict pain and to grant eveT) \\ish Creation that the Demiurge and his Archons had taught us
for eternal damnation. The Angels of Death "ere being revealed as the falsehoods they were. In a last des-
rest in enormous palaces, sprawled under the perate attempt to maintain mankind's ignorance the Archons
dead sun. brought forward the teachings of D8I'II--in and other scientific
theories that explained the world. This would provide mankind
with a binh date. so that he would no longer need to search the
past for Ihe truth.

But even this was to no avail. In the beginning of the The Lictors either continue their attempts to keep hu-
20th century the breakdown was final. The Demiurge had di- manity ignorant. or join Astaroth's forces to bring about the
sappeared; he was dead or hiding. No one could remember apocalypse. Some have allied with various Archons. while
when or how he had disappeared. others serve only their own pcn'erse goals. The Archons
control their o ..... n Lictors and use them like pawns in their in-
The true shapes of Metropolis staned emerging in ternal po ..... er struggles. The Angels of Death, dark mirror
the growing metropolises. In New York. Shanghai, Tokyo, images of the Archons. from Astaroth's hells have broken ..... ith
Mexico City. Bangkok, Moscow. Delhi, and other places the their master. They are now entering our Reality to rccreale
fabric of the Illusion was .... eakening. In the slums and indus- their purgatories here. Homeless Seraphs flee into our world
trial areas the dark horne of the Demiurge, the seething dark from crumbling paradises on their damaged wings.
city, \\as recreated. In place after place we could see through
our reality like a nimsy stage-set and walk into Metropolis. We know Archons. Littors and Death Angels be-
cause their history is tied to our own. The lived close to us. just
We regained a pan of our ability to see through the beyond what is visible. But other creatures arc also looking
illusions. but the truth .... e perceived was uncenain and fear- this way. The Illusion .... orks 1\\0 wa)"'s: .... hen our prison falls
some. Most of us preferred the safety of the lie, denying the apart, we become visible to many ..... ho could not see us before.
existence of Metropolis. Somc of them .... e remcmber from old legcnd~ and m)"ths.
Others we ha\e no name for. Some ..... e cannot c~en fathom.
The Demiurge left in the wake of his depanure a sys- Their aims vary: some try to open our eyes so that we can see
tem threatened by collapse. His dark citadel is empty and the the reality beyond our confinement, others 11) to keep us in.
iron gates that guard his secrets gaze with unseeing e)'es over Others view us as amusing to)'s, blind mice to pld)' .... ith and
the sprawl of Metropolis. then kill. We ha~e become \isible to the Azghoub. wOO were
our s la~es in the days .... hen .... e had p<)\\er. 1bc)' no\\, ..eek ~
In the void created by his absence, the po.... ers that venge for old injustices, and enjoy humi liating their former
served him have risen to the opponunity. They search for the masters.
Demiurge and for the meaning that he gave their existence.
They search for knowledge, and they search for power. That is where the game begins. Human:; have re-
cently regained their ability to see the True Realit). hut fe ..... are
There are those who obey the last order of the De- using il. Millennia of safe confinement ha\·c made U~ un .... illing
miurge. desperately trying to uphold the ~status quo. ~ There to see clearly. \1ost of us ehoose to close our e)es Some ~,
are those who openly rebel against the laws and rules that have and lose their minds. A few percei\'e the truth and auempl to
controlled them for untold ages. regain their lost divinity. But it is a longjoumey, and divinity
There are those who seek to take the place oflhe Demiurge. is nol always what they e>;petl.
Belond Death, in Inferno, Astaroth awoke. He is the dark twin
of the Demiurge. He ....ent out to seek his brother. bul found
onl)" empty paradises .... here bewildered Seraphs roamed about
aimlessly. He searched hell after hell, but found only dust and
idle Angels of Death. Faith was dead. Men were creating their
own hells.

Astaroth gathered his Legions of Damned. He assu-

med a physical form and entered our world to look for the De-
miurge, without whom he cannot exist. Astaroth no .... feels his
own power threatened by the Awakening of humanity. I-Ie is
planning a Ragnarok war. a final apocalypse that will plunge
us back into ignorance. In hidden places, in Africa. Eastern Eu-
rope, Latin America and the Middle East, his generals gather
their annies. Mean ..... hile, he desperately continues his search
for the Oemiurge.

But he is not the only one ..... ho takes an interest in

the Awakening humans. TIle Archons and thousands of Lictors
ha~e guarded our captivity for millennia. They sen'ed the De-
miurge, but now their master is gone.

When the Ocmiurge vanished, the Archons began to

fight among themselves over who was to rule cosmos. Four of
them were either destroyed or exiled in lhat chaotic struggle.
'ow, only six still d .... ell in their Dark Palaces in Metropolis,
whcre they never cease to plot against each other. The four Pa-
laces of the vanquished stand like vast haunted tombs.

Ridgely's long slender fingers were wonderflll for fine She W(IJ staring dumbfounded at it '!L,hen she
mtmipu/otion, evtll when she was 18 stories abO'Vf the heard light clapping behind her. She whirled around on
street, suspended from a tiny harnw and rope. They the ball of her foot, crouching into a deftftsive posture.
worked in a quick blur of activity as they used the An oriental woman now sat behind the desk in the
gldsscutter on the office windQW. There was a soft click, middle of the room. Her flatures u'here hlirdmeJ by
dnd" rollnd piece ofglass come loose. She pocketed it in the shodows making her appear almost ctldtr.;erolls. but
the dark folds ofher outfit, and redcbtd a delicate hand that somehow enhanced her stunning be,lut} Ri,f~/,ry
through the hole to unlaUh the window. 1t only took was about to speak, but the woman rilised"
halfa minute to open the window dnd crawl inside the stop her. As ifanswering her question, the woml17l
cool interior of tbe office. A thin smile broke her dark with a cobweb light voice. "1 am Ms.
lips. owner dnd CEO ofAluminium Entertainment ...

Like a shadow, she stalked through the building, unseen "What are yOll going to do to me?" Ridglq
by the guard doing his hourly rounds. She had honed asked, the power ofspeech finally within her grwp.
her skills of infiltration to a razor Jim edge, nearly un-
para//eled by anyone in the business of cat burglory. The woman smiled "Do to yOIl. Ms. /.,'v;o',,>"
That's why she had been hiredfor this job. She still had The woman knew her last name.' "It's 'what 1 WJnt to
to wonder just what a Supreme Court judge wonted do for you that 1 wish to discuss, .M.s. Levine" Ms. .Va-
with files from a simple multimedia compdny such as kamura continued as the skyline outside stl/rted to
Aluminium Entertainment, let alone being willing to change.
bire someone like Ridgley. Ah, what the hell did she
care anymore? The money WdS the best she had ever
been offered. How could she refuse.? Not like she had As the name indicates, role-playing means that the
been given much ofa choice. The man had information participants play roles. Kult is a garno: \~hcre the pla)ers
on "" that he just shouldn't have been able to possess. controllictional characters in a rrightrul world orshado"'t.,l>e-
With the choice ofjail or retirement, she had dedded on crets, cult:; and madmen. The characters are bcwiltlcl\.-d exis-
the easy lift. tences that chase koo\dcdge, and light pov>e~ from bc)'ooo
death or from their o\'.n subconscious. The pla),en /M,:I .like ac-
tors in a radio theater. ~
The door to the CEO's office posed no problem
for her. Following instructions she had received from But role-playing is not theater. The parti-
the judge, she was able to locate the hidden safe behind cipants tell a story together. They don't actually
the one of the bookshelves lining the walls of the mas- "all. around and do the things that happen in
the game, bUl they tell the Gamemasler "hat
sive room. It was more instinct than real logic to solve their characters do, and the)' sa) the
the thing. The safe swung open. And revealed... no- things that their characlers say.
thing. Some players are contented to
simply statc what their charac-
ters do, others identi ry "ilh
their roles and IT)' to a.::1 and speak like their charocters. The The Gamemaster describes to the players what hap-
choice is yours. Everyone plays in his own fashion and 110 way pens, and plays the roles of the NPC's. The players improvise
is better than another. The ad\'enture5 in Kuh will become how their characters act. There is no script with pre-written
more exciting if the players try to enter tbeir characters' minds, lines for them to speak. The events unfold in teamwork bet-
so to speak, just like actors do. But they should not feel any \\oeen players and Gamemaster.
pressure to perform; that detracts from the fun. And ha .. ing
ftm i'i the objcct of playing the game. In these rules, you will find some suggestions,
which may ser.... e as a starting point ror the GamemaSler's fur-
AU re!e\ant facts about the characters are described ther ideas and developments. You can also buy adventure sce-
on a piece of paper that each player has in front of him or her. natios separately. You can use them as they are, in their enli-
rhh. is a pre-printed fonn, which is called a Character Sheet. rety, or you can read them for inspiration and usc pans of
I f a pla)..:r wants to know something about the character, e.g. them, as you wish.
if helshe is fluent in :I foreign langllage, all that's needed is a
glance at the Character Sheet. The players uSllally sit together There are no winners or losers in a role-playing
around a table. Most of what happens is talking and rolling game. The players usually feel good if their characlers achieve
dice. Perhaps someone gets excited and \\a .. e5 his h:lnds to their goals. But even if they fail, nobody really loses. The
underscore his worch. Getting up and walking about is aoother players have still gone through the adventure and experienced
way to enhance the illusion of reality and make it easier to joy. excitement and friendship. One of the ideas with this
identify with your character. game is that the characters should change when they are
confronted with the dark powers of Kult. Some may become
Before the game starts, all players create their cha- hun, warped and even insane. This only creates an incentive
racters. This is done with the help of this book and some die for further adventures where they seek to mend the damage.
tolls. All facts about the character are recorded on the Charac- expiate their evils and reach the ligbt.
ter Sheet every player has.

The most imponant p.1nicipant is the Gamemaster.

He or she is the person \\ho sets the scene for the action, t:he C:;ame CDechanlcs
moves the story ahead, brings the characters into the scene and
interprel5 and applies the rules. The rules determine what a
character can do in a given situation. For instance, they help During play, you will often need 10 chet:k if your
th.: Gamemaster decide irthe character scores a hit when he's character succeeds in what he is doing, and how \\ell he succeeds.
shooting at something with a gun. Whether he is using a skill, such as Sneak. or ability, such as
Strength, the same method is used to determine his success.
Most of the time, the Gamemaster alone handles
(\cfything that is connected to the rules and the mechanics of In the game, virtually all such things are senled by
the game. Occasionally. the players roll the dice themselves; rolling a 20-sided die. The result determines if the character
the) rna) want to do this especially when the result may mean achieves his purpose, the difference between the roll and his
the diflercnce between life and death. Some players prefer to skill or ability score shows how \\ell he does it. We mention
roll all the dice for their characters thernsel\cs. Others think this here, before the rest of the rules. because it is Ihe funda-
that the role-playing gets better if the Gamemasler relieves the mental mechanism of the game.
players of everything that has to do with the game system, so
that they can concentrate on what is happening in the stOT). The Skill Roll : Skill and ability scores are usually bet\\cen I
Thi~ \\orks well if the Gamemaster knows the rules well and and 20. In exceptional cases Ihey may be higher. A die result
is able to improvise. A novice Gamemaster may need help equal to or lower than the character's score means he succee-
from the players. ded with the action he was trying to perform. A character with
a score of20 01" more only fails on a roll of20, or if the situation
The Gamemaster has no character of his own. [ns- is such Ihal the chance of success lowered by the Gamemaster.
tead. he controls all the people the player characters meet in
the adventures. These are called Non Player Characters The Effect: When you know whether the action was success-
(Nf'C's). They are seldom described in great detail like the ful, you need to find out how well the character achieved his
pla)'er characters. The Gamemaste r has relevant information purpose. This is determined by the difference betv,..een the roll
about the most imponant NPC's in his notes. Others, he in- and the skill or ability SCOte. A higher effect means a better re-
vents as the game goes along. sult. If the character failed his roll, there is no effect. For wea-
pon skills it \\orks differently. There thc effect is determined
The Gamemaster also invents the story in the adven- by a second, separate die-roll.
ture that the player characters face. Berore play stans, he or
she must at least have some idea about what the story will be Skills and effect are explained in more detail in the
like. The events in the story are not detennined in advance, chapter "Skills," but here is a summary of how the effect
and the acts of player characters can and will affect should be interpreted :
what happens around them. But in any story,

there must be a plot and some goal that the I (I II
characters may wish to reach.

Of course it is impossible to roll more than 20 with a Oke : The only dice used in Kult are 20-sided, These can also
20-sided die, but there are modifications and bonuses wh ich be read as 5- or 10,sided dice. Dice a re cheap and can be
we will explain later. bought at your game shop,

It is also possible th:lt someone e lse is trying 10 stop If you have a 20-sided die with two series of num-
the character's aclion. For instance, if the character is trying to bers from 0-9, you must paint the numbers in different colors.
sneak past an alert guard. il is important how \\ell lhe character One of the series is then 1-10 and the other is II ,~O.
manages to sneak:, but also how "ell the guard succeeds in lis-
tenmg. [fyour 20-sided die is numbered from 1·20 and )OU
need to roll a IO-sided die, you simply read the rightmost fi-
In this case, you first roll to detennine the outcome gure only (18 means 8, and so on).
of the character's attempt to sneak and calculate the effect. The
Gamemastcr then makes a skill roll and notes the effect for the To get a number bct\\een I and 5, you ro ll a number
guard's attempt to listen. If both succeed, Ihe Gamcmasler sub- between I and 10, divide the result by 2 and round it up.
trocb the character's effect from the guard's effect. The result
indicates how much the guard will hear. If it is below ~O~ To roll a number between I and 100, you roll two
(lero) he hears nothing at aiL A bad result means he hears s0- IO-sided dice and count one of them as the first digit and the
mething but is not sure of what. A good result means he detects other one as the second digit, Use dice of different colors, ~o
the character. that you know which is which. If the black dic is the first digit
and it shows a 3 and the red die for the second digit ~ho'" ~ a 5,
Thc cffect is used for all skills. to indicate ho\\ \\ell the result is 35. A result of 10 on any die counl~ a~ lero. Two
the character's action ",cnt. There are also situations where the zeros equal 100.
Gamemaster ""ill demand a minimum effect for the action to
succeed at aiL For instance, he might detennine that a mini- In this book, \\e use abbre\iations to d..'!>Cribe dice.
mum effect of 15 is required to scale a particularly difficult A t",enty-sided die is called ~d~O,~ a ten-,>ided die is called
\\all. A successful skill roll but a 100 lo\\- effect can mean that ~dIO,~ a fi\c·sidcd ~d5" and a hundred-sided ~dlOO.~ A num-
the character has gOllen half\\oay up the facade, but finds no ber before the wd w indicates how many diec should be thrown:
more footholds and must climb down and try to find a different "3dl0" means thrce ten-sided dice. This yields a result bet-
wa)' up. "'een 3 and 30.

Rounding Numbf"1"5 : Unless othemise specified, use stan-

dard procedures to round numbers; a fraction of 1-4 is rounded
down, 6-9 up, and 5 to the nearest even integer.

r\cceSSORles LO Lhe ~C:\llle

Ad\l!ntLire Scenarios & Sourcebooks : Read)-to-use ad\-en-
ture. for Kuh are a\ailable for purchase. They describe a basic
plot, the people whom the characters will meet the places
\\here the action takes place, and the background of the events.
Only the Gamemastcr should read the adventure scenario be-
fore play. The events should come as a surprise to the players.
(Paper & Pencill: You need to have notepaper and pencils avai-
lable during play_ Players make notes on their character fOMs,
e.g. when the character is wounded. In complicated detecti\e
stories, it may also be necessary to ",rite down a number of
fact:;, clues, names and addresses of people the pla)ers meet
and other infonnation. [t may also be a good ide;) to draw a
map In some situations.

I'TOPS : In order to create a suitable atmosphere, you can dim

the light, use candles, and play suggesti,e musi\.: in the back-
ground, Film music from a\.:tion or horror movies often has the
right ring. Ambitious Gamemasters can even make props espe-
cially for the game. If the characters find a bloodstained letter
from a vanished friend, the GM can \\ri te the letter b) hand
and stain it with red ink. This is much more cffective than JUSt
saying, "You find a Ictter~ and reading out the text. Only the
GM's imagination limits the possibilities.

'liniatuTeS : Sometimes it is imponant to koo\.\ e:<Bctly \.\here

the chamcters are in relation to each other and their enemies,
This is panicularly true in combat. The current situ;)tion can be
illustrated with metal or plastic miniatures. Dice, erasers, co-
okie jars and other common objects can servc as houses, doors
and fum itu re. Miniatures arc avai lable at your game shop.

'T'he eroes 0
The cold November rain was pouring down, soaking The player characters are the Ileroes of the game.
the man's old trench coot. I-lis hair plastered down Their adventures are the story thilt the game tells. You create
your own character, and he or she then struggles through the
along his cheeks andforehead, was covering most ofhis dangers together with the other player characters. Your charac-
worn face. He lifted his arm numbly and the cold steel ter should fil into the world where Ihe game takes place. The
head ofthe hammer went down hurd on the nail, impa- world of Kult is a dark pltlce filled with terror and violence.
ling 0 torn leaflet 011 the spongy wooden phone po/e. The player characters lead their lives in a war between Heaven
and Hell. The need to fight darkness brings out the beast wi-
thin them and pulls them into a series of violent <'vents. The
"Sleepers Awake!" its header shouted in large red hond light that also dwelis in their hearts protects them from being
scribbled letters. engulfed by evil. They can be servants of darkness, full of pain
and terror. or angels that the dark forces cannot touch.
The man took the last rusty nail he had locked between
his teeth in his hand, carefully placing its point at the Your character will probably be somewhere in
ween, a hero of the big cit), walking the shadowy streets
bottom halfofthe leaflet. He slowly raised the hammer alleys, or perhaps a disillusioned drug enforcement agent,
again and brought it down, hitting his already sore desperate anarchist, or a sentimental revolutionary.
Thc rulcs will help you create and describe the per-
"God damned'" son you want to play, Chance does not determinc what your
role is like. You do. The rules only exist to help you describe
tile role. If you find that the rules are a hindrance and nm an
The hammer and naif both dropped to the asphalt aid you can changc them, though the Gamemaster is the iinal
while the man bent ill pain, cursing. He squeezed the arbiter of such matters. The only important thing is that you
wounded thumb with the other hand while trying to get a role that you can play.
catch his breath.
Write down all the data about your character 011 the
Character Form, which is included with the game. It should
Still bending. he watched closely as a pair oflarge scar- contain information about the character's abilities, personalit)~
red hands picked up the shiny all-steel hammer and appearance, background, skills and mher facts ulal are helpful
msty naif. He slowly raised his head and felt the cold during play. These notes help you remember whom you are
point of the nail agaimt his wet forehead. Then the playing. between games. and it also provides room for recor-
ding how the character develops.
stranger spoke, in a calm and soothing voice.
Begin by giving some thought to what sort of person
And brought down the hammer hard on the nail, fette- you want to play. It's easier to use the rules if you have some
ring a leaflet with large red hand scribbled letters to f
basic idea to work on. The archetypes provide number of
the man's forehead. character outlines, packed with ideas for different player roles.
Talk 10 the Gamemaster when you choose an arthetype. He
may assign a special background or a particular
key function to your character. It's best to talk ii
over. [f you reach an agreement, the adventurcs
will be better and the Gamctllaster
will not have any problcms witll
trying \0 squeeze impossible cha-
racters into a story where they
don't fit.


tim ~-mlt ta pla.~· Q mUll of actiol/. a person IIha if used 10

IumdlinR himself in all .vilUutiolls. The archetype NThe Prim/e
Inh'l/iRtllor" jil.1 w;III )"Our id..a~_ lou name yOllr characler
Harry Shephard, ji,rma rice d .. /ectiw in Sew }or! and II0le
Ihe b<l.\k dala aP,JIII him on lho..· d1flrtKlt'r shet'l

'\"atf' Harry.'NwphanJ
Playrr Thomas
Bm"p/flce Pll:a.~,mt G!"()jv. {;wh
HOIfIe .\'t·~ 1(-,rt. ,\}"
ANTes.' Bronx
Ard'nJpe PrinJlt'/m't'sliRulOr
Profenlotl (im·~·.(/igalOr)
Living "Ilndurd ((ielermilled by Ihe archetype)
ElltpitlYlr Setl
111e 39 (born JJ Fl'brmlT)' 195J)
lIeiNli1 183 eln
Hi!iRhl XO k,~
lIuir Durk hlund
I:.')"c,\ G,,",~'

Thinl.. about where your character comes from and
.... hat hI! or she has dollC earlicr in life. Both good things and
bad should t'II.! noted in the background story. It describes how
tIM: char-deter came to ha\e a certain skill or knowledge. Where
lhe I:haracter W3!; educated, what SUbjects he studied, where he
.... mcd. who arc his friends and ertemies. An} important per-
sonal property or special events should also be part of the

\Vith such things available, your past can easily be

inlcgratL-d in the story. You may say. NWell, in 1968 I lived in
YOII begin 10 write down Ihose paris of Harry's background
Ne .... York and worked as a police officer. I have probably met
Ihm )"OU already kllOw about. on the character sheet.
l'olonel Smithe~. though I don't remember him." The Game-
I1Wter knows where you have lived and \\here you ha~e worked.
February /J, 1953
Pleason! Grove Gelleral Hospital. Harry is born.
The background of each character should be noted
lilly 15, 1955
on (he Character fonus su pplied with the game. If you want to
Ple(JJalll GroW! General HaspilOl. His twill sislers Jlldith alld
make up characters quickly and gct the game going at once,
wllise are bom
)OU can skip the backgrounds. But it is useful to have this in,
April 19, 1961
fonnation because it makes the characters part of the world
Pleasant Grove General Hospital His brother Simon is born.
they li,e in. and it explains any personal quirks. neuroses or
August 21, 1961
spn:ial ~kil1s that they have.
He is sent la boarding school ill New York.
April 17. 1965
Pleasant GroW! His brolher Simoll is killed in an aceidem
EX4..VPL£ :
1969, NeM' 'urk
He enters the }.fllitaT)' Academy_
lou Ihink through florry's pasl, He is a restless soul. a disillu-
1970, NeM' )urk
sioned dt'I~'Cli\-e ....ith mall)' IhV!s on his conscience, He's Ih-ed
He iem'es fhe Academy andjoins the Foreign Legion.
ill the SIOICS for most of his life with his wife. But the marriage
1970-74, Chad
lailed und he is now di~·orced. His famil), is Polish. and
He is promoted to lieutenant
mUll)' of his relatil!eJ died in the war. There is a curse
on his fami/}; and Harry tries not 10 hm-e an)'
He rell/fllS to USA and begins ....orking as a policeman.
allnecessary' contoct with Ihem.
This is enough to start with. rou can jill in Ihe resl while you
describe him lou nole a few Ihings about his family and per-
sOllolity. '/)/1 call embellish illaler.

Fami{v Father Rich(lf(i, retired Colollel, and mOlher Susan

both living in Pleasallt Graw. Sislers: Judith (jur seamslress)
(lnd wuise (TV prodllcer), bolh ill Salt Lake City. No family of

Pl!r~olluli'y CYllical an(1 suspicious. A~Y>ids c1o,fe confaCIS Charisma and Education. There are no secondary' menial
aml,feldom shows his feelings. abilities.

Next, the personali ty should be futnished with a

number of ad .. antages and disad,antages. These are phobias,
'Che ~ROUp neuroses, psychic skills etc. The ad,antages and dis,)(hantages
control )our mental balance, .... hich deleoninc, hm\- well)ou
cope .... ith disasters and shocking events. Many advantages
The player char:lcters roon :I group .... ho goes make it easier to \\-ithstand mental ordeals. DisadvantaKe~
through the ad\ cntures tog..:thcr. Very divergent charactcrs may make you sensitive.
be difficult to use togcther in :I group. It's not nccessary that
the members or:l group love and support each other in c\el)'- If )'ou ha\-e a 10" mental balance. thi~ i~ probabl~
thing. but they should have sufficientl), strong common inter- b<xausc you are c3fT}ing a dark secrct. something that has hap-
c.~b to keep them together and make thcm work towards a pened 10 you which may explain .... hy )'00 han' oc-come the
common goal. An event or a circumstance that brings the way )'ou are. Choose a dark eH"nt that fits your archetype and
group together ma~ be introduced. background.

I r the ad\ enture dcmands that the characters im esti- You also need 10 select a profession and some ~kills,
gate something out or pure curiosi~ or because thc) simply to see .... hat your character's occupation is and "hat type or
iCd like it, stronger bonds bctv.-ten them may be nceded. The knowledge he has. Some s kills are de)cribed in this book.
Gamemaster can provide a common background or something others arc in Rumours, the Player's guide but 'ome othc~ atl:
ebc that binds the characters together. They may be childhood easil) imemed. For instance, an an director may ha\e the skill
rriern:is. colleagues, business acquaintances or simply rriends. Wgraphic design.~ This is not included in our Iht. but you can
If the characters are too different rrom each other. such expla- make it up yourselr. Finally, decide how mu.:h mone) and pro-
nations rna) become implausible and unrealistic. The best pen) your character 0 .... 05.
thing is to think relations through berore)OU create the characters.
Some things are not controlled by the rtdc~ The cha-
It is usually an lldvantage to have characters, which ractcr'~ name, age, address, hair color, eye col(lr..... eight,
arc closely connected to each olher, like relatives or close height and national it), may all be chosen rreely (v.-ithin \\hm is
friends. Spend a fe ..... minutes inventing plausible relations, possible ror human beings). ~ote all the!;(' things on the cha-
common expericnces. old conflicts, and broken-up love affairs. racter sheet. Space is 01<;0 pro\-ided ror a sketch of the ch.uac-
These things pro\ide a background ror the pla~ing. something ter. lr)ou are good at dra\~ing. this is the best .... a~ to d..'SCrihe
to talk about that is not directly connecled to the present ad- .... hat he or she looks like.
\enture. It makes the characters seem more like real people
and not just faceless packages of skills and abilities that sud-
d~'nly popped into existence rrom nowhere.

'Che qUick RqcRence

To Jellit the group together. the GamemOJi£'r d~'r:ides that all 'Co.Ne
"lorcr dJarocters ha"e somc cOllllection to French In/elli-
g('nce This is where Harry has met the other playcr charac-
tl'r,~. Their names are noted IInder "Friends". I. Personality. Name, addres~, height.
color, eye color. age. birth date and an) panicular dii' ,Ii,,,,,,,.
Fril!llds Pefcr SikoltJ»Y!\,. Ruuian exile writer oj children's features arc noted.
boob, French spy
CII.~sandra Martiniqlle. Haitian new-age COllsultanl 2. Archetype. Choose an archet)-pc that .:~sponds to
Jacquef Renault. jack olall frodes, police spy and felice ill tile the role you .... ant to pla~. Or create a ne .... arclietHk". \eI~"l.:1 an
ulldcnlw/d o/Paris. archetype that is in kc<:ping .... ith the disadvantages. ad\an-
Alfred t;Jdridge. artist and art dealer in PariS. tages, secrets, proression and skills you .... anl.

3. Background. Brien), consider the pre\-ious history of

the person )'OU will pia). This will be elaborated funher later.
CRCo.L1ng YOUR Cho.Ro.CreR .t. Abilities. Start by distributing abilit) points among
the eight abilities. You ha\e 100 ability poinL' to distribute.
Use the QRT (Quick Rererence Table, sec below) 10 Note down the start scores for the abilitie~ on characler
create a character. First, choose an archctype that fits )'our role.
Invent an outline background. Think about past experiences
that may affect your skills, secrets, friends and enemies. The
background is then merged with the stOI'} or your character,
.... hieh you v.- ill be writing continuously.

Ne'-t, you calculate the eight basic abilities, four

sheet. Now calculate the secondary PhYSii"~':'i :1~:~II~~:::~::l
mum load, mo\-ement, number or IIctions, il i '
mage bonus. damage capaeit) and endur.lOcc),
four ph)sical abilities.

5. Dark Secrets. l'npleasant facts from

the character's past affect his,ner p..:rsonalily.
All characters with a ncgati~'e men-
&"" .•

phy~ical and four mental. The physical abi lities are Strength,
Agility, Constitution and Comeliness. These also determine tal ability score have a dark secret,
certain secondary physical abilities. The mental abilities, others may choose to have one or
which make up the character's personality, arc Ego, Perception. not.

6. Ad\antag\!~ and Disadvantages. Choose advantages 4. Secondary abilities. Load capacity, movement, num-
and disad~antagc". and calculate their point \alue then note in ber of actions, initiative bonus, damage capacity, damage
the bad.ground datil ho\.\o the character came to ha\e these ad- bonus and endurance are calculated in the nonnal way. from
vantage" and dbadvantage:;. Agility, Strength and Constitution.

7. \1ental Balance. Subtract the total points for disad- S. Dark secret. If y'ou "ant, choose a dark secret to c)(-
\antages from the total points for 3lhantagcs to get the menial plain )our disadvantages. Pick one of those listed in the arche-
balance <;C(1rc type.

8. Skill!,. Distribute 150 skill points on your chosen 6, Advantages and Disadvantages. Roll IdS. This is
·\dd or subtracl points depending on advantages and di- your number ofdismhantagcs. Choose from those listed in the
sad\antag~. ",ote in the background data "here and how the archetype. Roll IdS 10 get the number of advantages, and
character got Ihe'>C skills. choose them in the same way. The points for advantages and
disadvantages are only used to calculate your mental balance.
9. Standard of living. The an:het}pe )'ou chose deter· You pay nothing for the advantages and gel no points for the
mines the charactds living standard, disadvantages.

10. Money and equipment, Calculate propeny and sa- 7, Mental balance. Calculate your mental balance. The
vings, depending on the living standard. ","ole in the background points from disadvantages are subtracted from the points for
data whcn the character acquired 31\)' imponant property. advantages, yielding the mental balance.

II . Hero Points and Experience. All characters begin the 8. Choose profession and note your living standard.
ganle \\jth 10 hero points. Your living standard is the middle one of the three possibilities
for your archetype.

9, Skills. You ha\c t"O skills with a score of 18, two

with a score of 15, and eight skills with II score of 10. You
Slmpl lped C ho.Ro.CreR may choose the Martial Art skill with basic skill scores instead
of one of the IWO score IS skills.

C;eneRo.L10n Choose skills according to the archetype, and write

them down on your character sheet together with the scores.
Your abilities don't limit your skill scores, as they nonnal1)'
If you \\ant to gel started quickly, )'ou can use the "ould. If the archetype doesn't contain enough skills, choose
rules bdo\\ to simplify things. Creating characters this way some more from the skill list. You are also free to exchange
tak~·s less effort than the standard method, the disadvantage some skills from the archetype if they don't fit )'our ideas
hems that)' ou don't get to know as much about )'our character. about the person.
rhe~ rulcs are for creating non·player characters (NPC), or if
)('U think that an increased element of chance is a good thing. If). Money and equipment. Calculate property and sa-
There is nothing 10 stop )OU from providing a simplified cha- \ ings rrom )'our living standard. Delennine what equipment
racter " ith a rull background story. you have.

In the rules about character descriptions. we will I I. Hero points and experience. Your character begins
aho give infonnation about the options for simplified charac- the game with 10 I!ero points.
ter generation.

I. lhe Archet)pe. Simplified characters are built enti·

rei} according 10 the archetypes. Choose an archetype. The
charader will follow it closely. You will find some more
c\amples in Rumours. the Player's Guide.

1. PeM;Onal data. Decide on a name, address, height.

\\eight, color of hair and eycs, age, binh date and any other
srecial trJil!). Write them down on your character sheet.

), Abilities. Generate the abilities randomly by rolling

2dl0 lor each ability, This gi\es a score between 2 and 20.
The average w;1I be slightly lower than for an ordinary cha·
racter, but if you are lucky )'ou could get much higher
scores than would otherwise be possible. Dis-
tribute the generated numbers freely among
the abilities (or, if you prefer. place them in
the order they are rolled).

The Slmpllpcd ChaRaCC:CR
~rchetyye5 The archetype dctcnnines a simplified character. Jlbt
appl) the \.\-hole thing; lock. stock and b::trre1. The number of
advantages and disadvantages are determined b)" rolling IdS
Plnying II role is challenging. Common, everyda) for each, and you then choose rrom those listed in the an:he-
people are the hardest roles of all. Caricatures and stereot)'peS type. You can choose a dark secret. but it's not llecL'Ssar\. "ote
are much easier. It's easier to play an alcoholic prhate eye than profession as usual, and )'our Ii\ing standard is the middle one:
to portray a common industrial workeT. ll1.3t doesn't mean that orthosc you can choose bel\\een. Skill <;cores are not d{'termi·
the private eye will necessarily become just II bundle of plati- ned with points. Instead, )'ou choose 1\'.0 skills with a score of
tudes. lie has (I personality of his 0 .... o, but he is a .... ell-known 18, mo with a score of IS and eight \\ ith a score of 1O. Choose
"standard figure~ in fiction, and you only need to step into this. first from thosc listed in the arch{'t)"pe. You rna)' choose the
\\':c call such roles archetypes. The other players wilt probably Martial Art skill with basic skill so;:ores instead of one of the
know pretty well how to respond to the archetype. An anar- t\\oscore J5skills.
chist has his reaction ready and knows pn"Ciscl~ what attitude
10 take when he encounters the police. Perhaps the anarchist Archetypes: The archet)pes follo\\ below. Firsll), \I.e pro';idc
will modify his reaclion later, if something happens to make a general description of thc lifestyle and t)picaJ aetil'ities of
him reali7.e Ih31 there is a person behind the truncheon. Nevcr- the person. There is no need to follow thi~ 10 the kiter, but it's
Iheless, the archetypes facilitate the role-playing in the begin- best to slay within the framework of the archet)"re. tinder
ning orthc game. It doesn't take as much time 10 mold the cha- MpersonalityM \I.e suggest onc approach for thc archetype. 110-
racters into real personalities, as it ,""ould if you started from weIer, don't hesitate to make personal variations. Ad,antage~
scratch. and disad,antages may be tied to a personal dark secret. or
they can be typical ror the archetype. You can also choose
The game ,""ill feci more realistic, like a film or a some that fit with the em,ironment of the ad, entures. We pr0-
book, if the characters are all drawn from the same world. vide suggestions for dart secrets. An) such secret "hould be
Decker in BI3de Runner is an archetype from the 1930's acting worked into the character's background. Dark ~creh often
in a futuristic cyberpunk world. Mixing Sl) les is possible. but arise from events that happened earl~ in life. so the) don', ne«I
too glaring anachronisms and 100 jarringl), out-of-place arche- to be tied to the archetype.
t)'pes rna) ruin the game's atmosphere.
The archet) pe lists a number of profe'~ion'>.
Archetypes \\oork as guidelines for the character's ad- are in tune with the type of person. It is impvr1ant
vantages and disad,nnt3ges. professions and skills. Sugges- wort is congruent Ilith your general lifestyle
tions for 311 of these things arc given in each nrchel),pe des- indicates how much money the character h"'~"'" '!'I"~•••
cription. Don't choose all of them. Take a few \\ohich malch the others. You may choose between three diffcrentlevels.
character's background. There are no rules about how to distri- west is free, the middle one costs you 10 skill points, and
bute the ability points. but think orthe archetype when you do. highest costs )'ou 20 skill points. If the Gamemaster thinh
A femme fatale with a score of 5 in comeliness and charisma is reasonable. he may ghe a character \.\-hiche"cr living '~,,"(""d
a contradiction in tenns. he likes, even one that is not noted dOlI n under the
Living standards arc described in a separate sc.;tion
There is nothing to stop )oU from choosing other ad· book. Some skills are directly tied to a profession. 0,",," tu.
,-antages and disadvantages than those suggested, The most archetype. It is possible to choose other skilb. hut r~'member 10"
important thing is that the character stays within the frames of make them fit in II ith thc character's back\l.round.
the archetype in his or her lifcstyle nnd personality.

You may create your own archet) pes. We provide se- EXAMPLE
,eral which fit \\oell into II dark big-city world. Man), others are
possible. particularly if you elect 10 play in a different environ- Harry is a detet"ti~'e, lou choose ath:anta/<es. d;~lIdnmlagcr,
ment. It's easy to find suitable role models in books and films. dark secrets and .rki/ls. whichfil your ideus ahoul him_ I'i-ite
doWII those you Ihink you might choole, Later. yOIl will decide
You can also describe )'our character without using exoctly how many ad\.-onfages. dimdwlIItages lind ,vkill.~ ytmr
an archetype. If )'OU already have a good idea about lour chao points allow Go bad 10 the arc/wt}'pe lI1[aill and a~aill ""hiie
mCler, it may work JUSt as \\oell as the ideas \I.e ha,e provided. j"Oll lire describing lhe characler. YOII dan't have tQ decide e-.-e-
In tnal case, skip this chapter and go on to the abilities. rything in derail aI/his point_ I{m choose a lil'ing vandtrrtJ Qf 6
alld IIOte Ihis wilh his profession. imelJigetfCe Opit'!,

Possible disadl'antag~ DetJIh M-b". Oalh ofm'f!nKl'.

Mema! constriction. Nighlmares, CUrJe. Drug ad.
Pas.fib/e adl'untuges Code of honor. Intll/en-
tial friends, Body awan.'lless. Sixth $f'llSe: En-
dure torture
Durk ~'eerf" Family seeret

Proression : Intelligence officer, officer in military Special
Lhing standard: 6-8
Skills: Arabic, Automatic weapons, Bugging, Forensics,
Computers. Dagger, Dodge, Parachuting, Falling technique,
French, Forgery, Interrogation, Disguise, Hide, Burglary, In-
formation retrieval, Throwing weapons, Climb, Net of
contacts: Intelligence services, Cryptography, Drive car,
Search, parry, Piloting, Handgun, Radio communications, Ri-
ding, Russian, Swimming, Seamanship, Shadow. Sneak, Gam-
bling, Scuba diving, Demolition. Night combat, Martial arts
(any), German, Man of the world

rrhe 1I.gent
'This problem has to be dedIt with, said ChernO"'.J). Altdnin&
'kill him', Nikolai had become a ftCllrily riJk dnd was to be
eliminated - alld I was chosen to do it. There were no practi-
cal problems. Chernow arranged a watertight identity for
me, onl' ,hat would allow me to just walk past all the ltC/t-
rily. rif{ht into the room where they were hiding him. But I
'was terribiy uncertain. After all those yeaTS we had worked
to!!,ether in the criminal department, I didn't know if I could
go thougb with it. I had Nightmartl before the job. I kept
seein" Nikolai's ftce destroyed by bullet holes."
You \\ork for a civilian or milital) intelligence organization.
Your job is to infiltrate and gather information. You live a dan-
rrhe 11.rtist
gcn'u~ life with double identities. you perform as!>assinalions
and operations, so dirt)' that no government would recognize "What do you HU!an? It is not an attempt to shock. It's suppt}-
them. You know that :your knowledge may one day become a sed to radiate love, comfort alld warmth. Oh God, Where
liability. Your own organi7.ation may suddenly turn against art my pills, where; Sarah.? I call 't take thif. .. "
) ou and decide to rt'move you. Permanently.
You are a painter, sculptor, writer, poet or free artist of some
Per<>onality : Distrustful cynic. You can't trust anybody, least other kind. You probably live in a half-modern one-room
of all your family and close friends. apartment down town. You spend part or your time in the
Dislld\llntages : Depression. Death wish, Mortal enemy, Oath chilly studio, v.hich you share \\ith three other artists, and the
of revenge. \1ental constriction (crimes. terrible deeds), Para- rest in a bar where you penetrate life's great questions with
noia, Ilabitual liar, Nightmares, Drug addiction, Rationalist, your only real rriend, Mr. Jack Daniels. You are extremely
Reckless gambler sensitive, especially when it comes to your work. You don't
Aduntages : Chivalry. Code of honor, Influential friends. trust anyone and believe everybody has a different motive
Boo) av.areness, Cultural flexibility, Sixth sense. Luck, En- with his or her doings and sayings than the one you believe.
dure hungerlthirstlcoldlheat You probably are addicted to some sort of sedative. You need
Dark sec ret Forbidden knowledge, Victim of crime, to keep them nerves calm.
Guilty of crime
Disadvantages : Depression, Fanaticism, Curse, Mental
constriction, Touchy, Mania, Manic-depressive, Nightmares,
Drug addiction, Schizophrenia. Mental compulsion.
Advantages: Anistic talent, Enhanced awareness, Intuilion.
Endure hunger! thirst ! cold' heat
Dark secret: Any secrct may have caused the character to be-
come an anist. Perhaps hislher art is a subconscious attempt to
exorcise the secret.
Proression : Anist, writer, musician
Living standard : 3-5

Skills: Acting. Written repon. Craft, Net of conl.3Cts : anists pends absolutely on your position. salary and function in the
cultural establishment. Painting dral\ing I sculpting. Photo- company. A laid-off eareeriSI loses all his self-confidence and
graphy. Play instrument. Man oftne world is drh'cn b). a blind hatred for his fonnc1' employer or the per·
sonls responsible for. or in~olved in his dismissal.
Di~ad\anhlges . Depression. Monal enemy. Phobia. \tental
constriction. Greed, Intolerance, Habitual liur. Drug addiction,
Rationalist, Egotist, Reckless gambler. \11'01;11 compulsion.
Advant:l!,!l's : Good reputation, Influential friends, Intuition.
Gift for languages. Luck
Dark secret: Responsible for medical experiml.'nts. Forbidden
knowledge, Victim of crime. Guilt) of crime
Profession Businessman. criminal. economist. engineer.
la .... )'cr. consultant. other well.paid proles.sional
Lh,ing standard . 6-8
Skills Accounting. Computers. Diploma,), leonomi(,;~. Eti-
quette. French. Forgery, Information retrieval. La\\. !'Oct of
contacts· Business world company, Handgun. Genn:m. Rhe-
toric. Estimate \alue. Man of the .... orld

rThe C~npany
'1lJne tried to con Sysltms Dewlopmenl. She thought they
~,•.'{/uldn't check
their CIITTent filts. That U'(ll a imd mO'lJe. She
managed to gtt about fifty thousand btJon tINt enginetr guy,
I htliew his name was Afark. colught htr in the act. II was
madnm. The week after she was fired he hold an accident,
ptlruly:.i"K him from the chest down. lfe WdS going 10 spend
the rest of his life in d wheelchair: They couldn't prO'lJe any-
thing, hilI we al/ kntw. Last thing 1 heard. she had gone into
the media industry insteod "
rThe 'Deafer
Afier high school or college. you staned out as a trainee. At ~Of couru 1 con gel you <1 gun, u,hat do you 1"lu me for?
that time. your I\-hole life \\as focused on climbing. gelling AllythingYOIl want pal, you just nallle it. I CJ" ~t't'n f!!t it in
into beth.'1' depanments. gelling chosen for duty abroad. beco- your fpwrite color.' JUSI sit back dnd wdit. Keep the IIInnq
ming an executiH:. You advanced quid;ly·. stepping a reI\- toes reody and I'll ht hack in no time. ~
on your way. You invested your life in thc company and no
onc is going to take that away from you. At IC!I.\ot not I-'.ithout a
fight. You've got the contacts. It doesn't nlatter \\hat people \~ant:
you can get thcm a brand ne\\ Lamborghini from [l3ly in one
You don't hesitate to use any means aV3ilable in order to get month. all paperwork done. A room or an apartment in the
what you want. I pity those I\-ho choose to stand. or acciden. city? 1\0 problem. )'ou all-'.ays have at least ten different .avai-
tally gets in your way. E\'e~ useful thing you know comes lable. You are admitted to all the clubs. you get f!,itoo to all
from the company's internal training program. Your loyalty is the panies that count. and you have all tho!>C unJisted plione
unquestionable. numbers thai go straight to the right people. You ~\ I' conl3cts
among criminals as \\1'11 as among the top politi.
,.\ possible variation is the company careerist I\-ho left the com- cians and businessmen.
pan) or was fired after some internal p(mer struggle. He or she
is disillusioned and has lost the finn ground he used to stand Personality : Channing, a bit shal·
00. low and very talkative. You don't
hu\oe to worry about yourself;
rClliOnlllity : Careerisl. Your self-confidence depends utterly YOU're morc interested in ho\\
on the esteem )'ou get from other peoplc. and that esteem de. others react to you.

Disathantages . Bad reputation, Death wish. Monal enemy, Penonality : You find it harder and harder to maintain a "bed-
Oath of re\cngc, Gr«-d. lQuch). Habitual liar. Drug addiction. side manner," b«:oming more clinical with each patient. This
Rationali~t, Egotj~l. Reckle~~ gamblt!r is just another client, just another virus, just another gunshot.
Ath's ntages . Empath). Influential friends, Cultural flexibility, Disa(hantages: Eg01ist, Greed, Rationalist, Reckless gam-
Intuition. Si:dh sense, Lock bier, Sexual Neurosis
Oark ,«rtt !'amily '>ttrct. Forbidden knowledge, Victim of Ad\antages : Good reputation, Influential friends
crime, Guilt~ of crime Dark Secret: Guilt)· of crime, Responsible for medical expe-
prorHsion ' Jack of all trade.., consultant. small businessman rimenb
Lhin~ tlandud 5·7 Proression : Physician, researcher. psychiatrist
Skill~ Computers, Diplomac). Dagger. French, Forgery. In- Lhingstandard : 7-9
formation rctrie\al, Italian, Net of contacts: At Icast three dif· Skills : Forensics, Computers, Man of the world, Medicine,
ferent. Drhc car, ~earch, Handgun. Sneak, Gambling. Martial l'\et of contacts: Scientists. Poison & drugs
arh: Karate, Gennan. Rhetoric, Man of the "orld. Estimate

La Temme Tatafe
The 'Doctor "Now I hnd ChnJ exnctly where I wnnted him, The next
step wm to mnke it look like he was respon!ible for the deal!,
"Of coum this drug hns been thoroughly tested. Now pleme It took only a little persua!ion to get him to fitch the package
rQII up your sletvt. ~ for me. A few hours later I wm on my way to Spain with all
the money. Poor Chris. The police nre rift" him. Thnt's what
hnppenJ whtn you don't look out. "
~fl-dical -.chool, internship, residence: you've more than ear-
nL-d ~oursalary. in blood and hard work. People may criticize
~ou for ·ph~)ing God", but they're right; who else has the
You are beautiful, seducti ... e and lethal. You "ant money and
po\\l'r to ~a\e or end Jives like you do? You've seen so much po .... er. and go after it "ith all the means at your disposal. Your
death that it no longer effects you the way it used to. You only childhood was hell, either in the worst slum or as an oppressed
\ie" it in tenns of the cessation of biological processes. nOI little mouse ofa girl in a conservathe famil)". Now )'ou break
the l>nuffing out ofa life force. all the rules to get what you want. Other people ha\e always
treated )·ou badly and tried to control e ... ery aspect of your life.
Ahernately. )ou may be a researcher, lost in the abstract Now )'ou have found ways to make them regret it. In a world
"orlds of hypothesis, scientific method. research and eva- where men make the rules. )·ou have b«:ome expen at using
luation. You are learning the secret of life, your female charm to control them.
and can't afford to be bothered with other
peny detai ls. Personality : Arrogant and seductive. Ruthless when anyone
crosses you. You don't trust anyone and are carerul nol to get
emotionally involved with people.
Disad\'antagts : Depression, Bad reputation. Death wish,
Mortal enemy. Oath of revenge, MenIal constriction, Greed,
Touchy, Mania, Drug addiction, Sexual neurosis, Ha bilualliar,
Egotist, Reckless gambler
Ad\'antages : Artistic talent, Animal friendship, Empathy. In-
fluential friends, Intuition, Body awareness. Gift for languages

Oark sec ret : family secret. Forbidden kno ..... ledge. Victim of Proreuion : Police detective
crime. Guilty of crime. Insanity Lh ing standard : 4·6
Profession : Artis!. criminal. journalist. private investigator, Skills : Automatic weapons, forensics, Interrog(ltion, Disguise.
reenter Rifle, Sport, Burglary, Information retrie"aL Drive car. ~I and­
Lh ing standa rd : 6-8 gun, Social sciences. Martial arts (any), Shadow, Sneak
Skills : Diplomacy. Dagger. Etiquetle. French. Interrogation.
Disguise, Poisons and drugs. Information retrieval, !'\et of
contacts : Jet sct, Ori\-'c car. Handgun. Acting. Gambling. Mar·
tial ans: Jujitsu, Karate. Rhetoric. Man of the world. Estimate
\ (llue

rThe Private
rThe P(aincfothes C,!? 1nvestiBator
"I would never have gumed how twnu '"''' '~;"X t••OW:
WIt really sucks trut we can't cbarge them. ~ clJughl thrtt lop that morning, when II pretty hl,·nd.ut,",,,dint.
for (illIJult yesterday and had 10 let them grJ IJlmost immedia· ftce and asked, 'Are you Mllrc &10"& / h"," " ,,~"./,,~
lely. They hreak the Itrd!, YO" arrest them, and bIl/fan hour hlem ,hilI I'd want you to htlp me with'. If I hJd
later they're hack 0" the street. What is the letJIl system doi"g where it would lead, [would hlJVe thrown her out tJ/
10 stop the hoods.? Nothing. It's all so pointless. "

You arc one of those fe .... private in~estigat("lr; .... ho alwa)s

You are (I plainclothes policeman in the narcotics or violence seem 10 stumble into reall)' difficult and complicated case..",.
department. You and your pan ncr drive around in (I car. hit Sure, )'ou do )our share of shadowing unfaithlul hu~band~ to
junkie hideouts, battle street gangs in the slum and mo\e in on cheap motels, bul you also get dragged into tragic family quar-
mob activities. You know the dregs of the cilY. every illegal rels, grotesque murders and big drug deals. )'.;ot all private in-
club. brothel and CasillO, every drug dealer. You spend hours vestigators .... ork for private citilCns: you may be hired b)- the:
collecting va luable evidence which is then destroyed by in· police or by a big corporation. Anyway, you live in your office
competent investigators and district attorneys. or dropped be- and only deal with colleagues, hoods, prostilute~ and bartt..,lders
cause of legal technicalities. Most of the time. the guilty go
tree. You are incredibly fruslr'8ted about this. but all )'00 can do Penonality : Coostantl) seeing all the .... orst sides of humanity
is to go on and do your job. has made )00 bitter and disillusioned. Goodncss d~sn't exis!.
only self-interest. cruelty, greed and brutal it}. hel")lhtng is
Personality : You have rigid opinions about crime and punish- pointless. Booze is your best friend.
ment. Criminals are vemlin who should be exterminated. You Diudvantages : Depression, Bad reputation, '>eath
are sentimental about traditional family values and you care Mortal enemy, Oath of revenge, Curse, Mental tons!tktio(l.,
aoout the "ordinary~ and innocent people who are victimized Paranoia. Greed, Habitual liar, Drug addiction,. Rat ionalist,
by criminals. Egotis!. Reckless gambler.
Dislld\llntagcs : Death .... ish, Mortal enemy. Oath of revenge. Aduntages : Chivalry, Empathy, Code of
Fanaticism. Mental constriction, Intolerance. Touchy, "light- honor, Influential friends. Cultural flexibility,
mares, Drug addiction, Rationalist, Mental compulsion Sixth sense, Luck, Endure hunger I
Adnntages : Chi\-alry, Code of honor, Altruist. Sixth sense, thirst cold I heat pain tonure
Endure hunger (thirst I cold I heat I pain I tonure Dark secret : Family secret. For-
Dark secret: Family secret, Victim of crime. Guilty of crime, bidden knowledge, Victim of
Insanity crimc, Guilty of crime

rThe ~6ifitie5
pror"s~ i(l n : Private in\'estigator, ~ccurit} consultant
Lhin(i! ~tllnd a rd . 5-7
Skills Automatic weup..w;, rorensics. Dagger, Electronics,
Photograph}'. Interrogation, i)isguise, Hide, lnfonnation retrie-
..al. Drive car, Handgun. Shadtm, Sneak. Night combat. \1ar-
tial arb (any). Sc..:urity ..) stems, Rhetoric, Man orthe "orld
The basic abilities describe your body and psyche.
They detennine how easy or difficult it is for yoo to learn va·
rious slills. There are four physical abilities: Agility, Strength,
Constitution and Comeliness, and four mental ones: Ego, Cha-
risma, Perception and Education.

r\b llrcy S CORe

The ability score is usually a number bemeen one
and t\\enty. A high score means u well-de\'clopcd ability. If
your Strength score is one, you are so "cak thllt you can
hardly stand up. With a Strength score of twenty. you arc unu-
suall y strong e ..en for an athlete.

The ability score dctennines ho" easily you can

learn \arious skills. If your Agility is 15, you will have no pro-
blem ",ith learning acrobatics. A person with an Agility score
of 5 will need a lot more work to achieve the same level of

tThe Student The ability points 3re used to dete rmine ability
scores. You ha\e 100 ability points to distribute among the
"Tbry say this currimlum should take four yean, but then eight abilities. Every ability point allocated to an ability in-
tINy'rt not counting the time you nttd for moonlighting and creases that ability score by one. Ability points cannot be used
p;trtyi"R· / 'W4\" knocked out all of last week. TlNn / took a for any other purpose than to detennine ability scores.
job 011 .'U4/:;insky$ to gel wmt dough so 1 could buy lIN hooks
for the ne)'1 semestu. I really like this lift and I'm go"na be a You must ha\e a score of at least one in each ability.
stuJm t for as long as / can. " You may choose to ghe your character a score of more than
18, but eve!) step above 18 costs three ability points, For
example, getting a score of20 costs a total of24 ability points
You are a high school, college or university student. You're al- (18+2x3).
'>1.3)\short of money to pay for panying at the local bars and
club,>, and for the cool apartment you had to rent as there were [t is also possible to increase )'our ability scores later
no \acancies on campus. So moonlighting takes a lot of time on, as a result of experience and practice. All scores except
from your stud)ing. But you enjoy this life and you're in no Comeliness can be increased in this fashion. Comeliness can
hurT): to finish your exam. The adult life as a professional, only be increased by plastic surgery or extremely diligent
working 91(l5, scems incredibly dull. body cares. The methods for increasing scores are described in
thc section HExperience and Practice".
Dbadunta ges : Depression, Mental constriction, Paranoia,
~i3h itua l liar. Mania, Drug addiction, Rationalism Simplified C ha r act ers : For s implified characters )'ou roll
Adullla gC1 : Cultural flexibility, Mathematical lalent. Gift for 2d I 0 for e .. ery abilil)' and distribute the scores as you see fit
language<; (or, if you should prefer that. in the order that you roll them).
Dark ~ec re t : Responsible for medical experiments, Family It ghes a worse average, but if)'ou'rc lucky you can get some
secret, Forbidden knowledge, Victim of medical experi- really good scores. Otherwise the rules for abilities. e.g. aging.
ment apply to simplified characters too. Simplified characters can
Profession : Student not have ability scores above 20.
lh'ing Sllndll rd : 2-4
Skills : Computers, French,
Seduction, Sport, Infor-
mation relrie"al, r-oet of Ag ing
contacts: students and
scientists, Written repons,
Rhetoric, Man of the world, The ability scores will change as the character gets
~ome academic skills. older, or if you ehoose to create an old person from the start.
The initial scores apply to characters between 15 and 40 years.

When )'ou pass the age of 40, your Agility, Strength, Constitu· Agility 18 Strength 15
tion and Perception will drop one point each. Ego, Charisma Constitulion /I Comeliness 8
and Education increase one step. The same thing happens Ego 15 Charisma 12
when the character gets to be 50 years old. Perceplion 10 Education /I

At the age of 60, your Agility, Strength. Constitution

and Perception will drop by two points each, No scores are in· When Harry is 40 years old. his Strenglh, ConstilUlion and
creased. The same thing happens when you reach 70 and 80. If Perception wif/ drop one point. while Iris ego. Charisma and
an) ability reaches zero, the character dies of old age. Educalion rise one step. This affects his secondo,}' abilities but
no/ his skiUf,
The rules for aging are not compulsory. If the Game-
master thinks players who start out with old character:; will
grumble about the low scores. ii's perfectly possible to skip
this rule. Just see to it that very old characters don't have incre·
dible physical scores.

Che r\MILY ROll

The Ability Roll is used to determine if the character
can perform an aClion .... hich depends on a certain ability. Your
Strength determines if you can kick in a locked door. Your Per-
ception determines if you will discover the ..... oman ..... ith the The first foot abilities describe the physical aspectS
razor hiding in the shadows. of the character. There is no need to divide them equally bet·
ween physical and mental abilities. Your character can be big.
Ability rolls are only used when there is no skill that Strong. quick, beautiful and rather stupid. or small, v.eak,
affects what you arc trying to do. lfyoo are actively searching clumsy and very intelligent and ..... ell-educated. You ha\'e abso-
for .... omen with the razor, lour success is conlrolled by your lutl." freedom in allocating the ability poin.....
score in the skill Search, not by your Perception.
Each of the abilities comprises scveral trails and ..
You roll Id20. If the result is equal to or lower than lents, .... hich are explained below In parenlht-.ses you ..... ill fmd
the character's ability !>Core, the action .... as successful. If the the abbreviations ..... hich .... e .... iIl use funher on v.hl."n .... e
resull is higher than the ability score. Ihe action failed. to the abilities.

When the ability roll has determined that an action

.... as successful. )ou calculate the effect by subtracting the roll
from the ability score. The effect sho.... s how v.ell the action
succeeded. A high effect means that the action went as inten-
ded. or even bener. A low effect means that you only barely
managed it. In the section ~Game mechanics~ in the beginning The carnivore rises from its lOrn victim and
of this book you will find a table that helps you interpret the lip its ears. A bulfet strikes Ihe wall behinc/ il. bill Ihl!
results of the effect. The rules about good and perfect throws. already gone wilh a leap inlo the darkness.
and blunders. also apply to the ability throW$.
The burglar carefolly slides alonl{ the oil' Jllcl,
Ifthe action is particularly difficult. the Gamemaster squirms liJ:.e a worm. not to get slUck in the IUI/"roll jXJHa~.
may require a minimum effect for success, e.g. any eITcct
lo ....er than 5 may be a failure. A wm:e oj heal and dorkness penelrates the fO(lm <l.'I
Ihe demoll materializes, The Conjurer unwillilll{i)' tukes half a
There are some situations where the Gamemaster step backwards and almosl slumbles lI('ross the lines of the
should do the ability roll himself. For example, 10 determine if protective pentagram AI the /asllllomellt. he reCOI"f!rs his no-
a character has discovered a hidden person. [[the Gamemaster lance and SWlldsfirm.Jacing the apparilion
asks the player to roll. the player ",ill understand that some-
thing is afoot, and may act differently because of kno ..... ledge Agility determines your ability to move and ..:ontrol
that the character does not have. which is not realistic. It's bet· your body; your speed. precision and balance as well a.~ your
ter that the Gamemaster rolls without saying what the roll is nimbleness. If your Agility score is one, you probably have
ro<, some disease of the nel"\'cs that almost paral)"7":s:1XL :\ pC!!'ii0li
with an Agility score of 20 is able to dance on a qghtrOpr
EXAMPLE squeeze themselves through vel)' narrow passagesJ

tou hm-e 100 points to distribule among lIarry'! abililies. He When to Roll ror Agility: The carnivore roll$ for'
should be agile and brighl, bUI nol exlremely strong and laugh Agility 10 see if it manages to leap away befQl"e
lie lias a square face and isn't parliclllarfy good-looking. He the next shot is fired. The burglar rolls to see if
has allended high school but has no IInhwsity degree, YOII dis· he manages to get through the nar·
tribute the points, row air duct v. ithout gening stuck.
The Conjurer rolls for Agility to
maintain his balance and not
breach the pentagram,

SLRengt"h (SCR)
'Menta (
With" mal'. ,he bt'(/~II"rvll's i(:ie/tuga/nsf the ehaill-
link Ic11<Y. II h.:mu (111.1 fail!> dmul The bea\! hafl.',~ ;Is/UIIKS
Th. "urglar 14't'Jge, himwfl ugujlm tIl(' lI'ullf of Ihe~h/Jlf.
~/QIt,(r pl//{/TI,~ lIim.ld/ up. uwayjlvm 'he IJm!'ltening hladct oj
Ihe jan /hal whln" /ldo\!;

The Lupid Wips III.' ""m'I ned ond .do-..;Iy dost'.f The menIal abilities describe personalit) and
li!!t Th.'re IS u crudillg ~O/lIId m bones nn:(lk psyche. Think of ",hat your character is like, as a person.
v.hen you distribute points for menlill abilities.
rhe Strcn!;th scorl! dClemlines your ability to use
mll.~cJc·po"er 10 achic\c a pUrpcl'>C_ A Strength score of 20
me, r. )OU ha,e tmi ned )ourselfto the limit of)our capa.;it)_
ego (e~o)
\-\-hen to Roll for Strength \\- hen the ~a~1 thro .... s itself
again~t the lenee in un attempt to break it, a Strength roll is re-
qui~d, An) dHlicult action than requires brule force rather The Art:ha('ologiSt studies the faded signs that have
than ledmique or a specific ~lill. is resol\ed "'ilh a Strength been scratched on the mortar 'It's the same signs as on Ihe
wi!. "or example, when )OU II') to lift a heavy boulder or murder scene. but turned mirror wi.fe.' he suddenly ,Jars.
climb a rope \\ilh only one hand,
The burglar is trying to remember Ihe polh through
the wimiing labyrinth. lie makes a wrong 111m at an intersec-
tion. but nolice.s it. retraces his steps and gets back on the
Const"lLUt"lon (CO ) right l\'0}: Finally he reaches the office where faint voices call
be heard through the ventilation outlet

The heast is hit by a slugfrom someOOdy's handgun Petrified. the woman stares at lhe jl1l4's of the raging
The ,'XlIII iI ex~'rucia/inK- but it stru1:Kles on. beasl, She feels like she is fainting. but l\'ith a massh-e effort
she mOllages to stU!· on her feel, SlolI'{~'. she creeps toward Ihe
The Ps)'chOtic murderer's viclim lies weakened by unconscious baby ncar Ihe monster's paws.
tlJe m(J\'.~ive lou of blood. fighting to survive.
Ego measures intelligence, memory and willpower.
The running man hears inhuman growls behind him It detennines whether you can soh e a difficult problem. recall
u~J(Jrr:t"I himw/f fO keep rumling, mile oj;er mile. a vague memory, or withstand fear and temptations.

Your Constilution determines your ability to withs- When 10 Roll for Ego : The Archaeologist who studies the
tand pain and illness. exhaustion. hunger and thirst. A person caned signs may roll for Ego, but it's usually beller 10 let the
",,;11 a Constitution score of one lives al the brink of death. player's intelligence determine such problems. The burglar
The lelbt effon saps all his po\\er. A ConSlitution score of rolls to ~ ifhe can find his v.a> The woman rolls 10 control
twenty means that you are incredibly tough and can endure her fear of the grinning monster.
terrible hardships and injuries without dying.

When to Roll for ConSlitulion : When the beast is hit by a

bullet from ir.s pursuers, a Constitution roll is made to see if it ChM1SlTla (Chr\)
manages to stay conscious. The man who lost a lot of blood
needs to make a Constitution roll to stay alive. The runner
roll:> to see ifhe can keep on running. The primle im'estigator smiles and looks the police
lieulenant in lhe E'J"C. 'Surely it won't hUrl if J 11Gl"C a look 01
the scene a/the murder. lieutenant.' he says.

COlTle{mess (COm) The priest looks out over his congregation. 'And J
fell you, ' he exclaim.f, 'that il is the chosen of Eu:us yea shall
folio ....: and his ...·orris shall be )'Our Il1I4'. '
Comeliness is a measurement of your beauty. If your
score is very high or \'el')' 101", you allract people's eyes. She smiles at him acrou the table. '}ou're hand-
Beautiful people usually have more success some, ' she sO}'s, He lo ....ers his eyes and blushes.
in dealing with the opposite sex. Rolling for
Comeliness is unusual. It may be needed to de- Charisma is a measurement of your charm and abi-
termine the first impression you make when lity to influence pe<>ple. Characters wilh high Charisma scores
)'OU meet other people. A
can persuade others that Ihey are right. incite a crov.d to fol-
successful roll indicates low them. or seduce their poor fellow men.
that they are interested.
Of course, a good first
impression may easily be
ruined by bad behavior.

When to Roll for Charisma; The investigator uses his Cha-
risma to persuade the police lieutenant to let him look at the
scene of the crime. The priest rolls for Charisma \\hen he is
tr)'ing to preach an inflammatory message to his fol1o\\ers.
The woman uses her Charisma to seduce the young man.
peRceprlOn (PeRl
The secondar) abilities depend 00 your phy.sicaJ abi-
The beast listens for thl' soft steps 0/ the hunter. It lities. The) determine how much you can carT) and ho" far
('TOuches do'Kn and waits/or the right monu:nlto allack. you can run. The), provide the players and the Garnemaster
with guidelines to what the character can and cannot do. ;0.;0
The burglar (Ii.~covers the alarm wire at the last mo- ability points are expended on the secondary abilities.
ment He pulls back hif hand and ta/ces out the tools he rteeds
to disarm it Simplified Characters: Simplificd characters calculate se~
condary abilities in the nonnal \\a}.
The in~'estig(ltor is wl/Cing to the policeman about
the muroer when his eyes .vuddenly/ull on a weird sign. drml"ll
in blood on the sidewalk.
Loo.d Co.po.C1ry
The I)erception score delcnnines your ability to use
your senses, discover things that aren't obvious, like a half-hid-
den object or a faint smell. Walking at a leisurely pace, )'OU can carry your
Strength score in kilograms without risking exhau~tion. It is
\\-hen to Roll for Perception : The Perception roll is made not normally possible to carry more than three times your
\\ hen the character is not &Ctivel) looking for something, but Strength score in kilos for any longer distance. When )'OU run,
has a chance to notice it by chance. The beast rolls to hear the yoo can only carry h.,lfyour Strength score in kilos \\ithout si-
hunter's steps. the burglar to discover the thin \\ ire. The inves- gnificant encumbrance.
tigator isn't aethely looking for signs .....ritten in blood on the
sidewalk. but a Perception roll is made to see if he notices the If you carry more than }our Load capacity, ~'our
one that is there. Constitution score is lo\\ered by three point~ per hour for
e\er) kilo abo\e yoor Load capacity'. This is on top of \\hat
}OU lose through the mo\ement itself (see Time and
ment later in this book).
educo.L1on (eOul
The maximum \\eight ~ou can lill is ten tim\:"
Strength in kilos.
'Cambrian,' the student mlltters silently to himself, 'a
geological era sotnL'where close to fhe Silur period. IInless I'm EXAMPLE
mistu/cen,' His friend suggests. 'Let's look if lip, so )'011 won't
Harry's Strength score is 15, He can carry J_.'\~":i1:~O::',,:~::~~;:~
have to go brooding about it'.
ring. If he carries 15 kilos he loses JU points ( I
Education is a measurement of your general kno\\- Mllr (Jx 10). olle point per /Cilo above hij Load cal"'citv
ledge. The Education roll detennines what you kno\\. If you a little more than two hours he /lllIst rest. Nt! can !iIi 0 maxi-
have a high Education score, you are used to find infonnation mum 0/150 kilos, .
in libraries. databases and among people. Up to 15. the Educa-
tion score is also equal to the number of years you went to
school. Over 15 every step represents two years. That means
most people ha~'e an Education score of at least ten, probably Q)ovemenr
twelve or more.

Whtn to Roll for Education : The student rolls for Education During one combat round, an) person can mo"e a
to see ifhe remembers "hat Cambrian is. It's part of his gene- distance equal to one half of )'oor Agility. in meters. A
ral knowledge. His friend rolls to see if he finds the required trained person can run up to six times as far in the same time
information about the Cambrian era in a dictionary or some (AGL x 3 meters). See Time and Mo\ement later in this book,
other book.

Harry has an Agility score of 18. He COli move 9 mr'rn'6

(I8/2~9) in/hoe seconds. At top speed, he call run
54 meters infive seconds (ACL 1&3"'54).

r\ctlons lnltlutlve Bonus
In one combat round, every person may perform a When sc\eral people acl in comba!. some are quic-
fhoed number of actions. Your Agility controls the number of ker and others slo\\(r. Pan of this depends on luck, part de-
actions. Every character can perform al least two actions in pends on Agility.
Ont: combat round. An Agility of 16-19 gives you an additional
action ...'n Agili!) of 20-29 ghes +2 actions. After that you To determine "'ho acts first, second, and so on.
can perform an extra action for every ten in Agility. up to a e,ery participant rolls Id20. with the highest result acting
maximum of 9 actions. 1\0 creature can perform more than first. The lnitiati\e bonus affects the die result. Character.;
9 actions in one combat round. The meaning with an Agility score betwecn 8 and 12 ha\e an Initiative
of actions and the combat rounds are c'(plai- bonus of zero. For e\ery stcp above 12, the charncter adds one
ned further in the Combat section. to the die result. For C\cry Stcp below 8, he subtracts one.


Harry's Agility score is 18. Harry's Agiliry score oj 18 gives him a +61I1itiatil'e bonus. lie
He can perform three ac- may add 6 to his iniriarive roll.
tions in one combat round.

ratal wounds always kill. Thi!> means that no one
Qc>mc>ge Bonus can have more than one fatal \\ouoo since the first one will kill
him or her.

A charaCler strong and fast enough does more da-

.• ItD··'IM1B_owm
mage in melee. To simulate this, a Damage bonus is added to
thc effect when you strike an opponent with your fist or a 3 scmtchcs I light
melee wcapon. The Damage bonus is based on Strength and 2 light,.. I serious
:\gility. The table below shows what to add or subtrnct from 2 serious I fatal
the effect in melee combal. cox 6 ·10
4 scratches 1 lighl
The Damage bonus is ani)' used in melee and \\>ilh 3 light = I serious
Ihroy, ing y,eapons. It does not apply 10 fircanns or any other 2 serious " I falal
missile \\eapons. For thro\\ing "capons, the Damage bonus is co.... 11·15
hahe<! (rounded down). 4 scratches I light

tDJ5 3 light"" I serious

3 serious"" I fatal
7 • 10
II " 14
co~ 16·20
5 liCratches
4 light
I light
I serious
21·24 r 3 serious I fatal
25·28 +2 CO'\ 21 - 2~
29· J2 J
, 6 sctmches I light
5 light - I serioos
3 serious I fatal
5!i-60 ...,
cox 26·10
7 scratcncs • I light
For scores above 60, thc Damage bonus increases 6 light = I serious
II ilh one for e .. ery len points of Strcngth+Agility. 4 serious I fatal


Harry's Strength pills Agility makes a /0/(1/ oj 13. This gh'cs HarlJ''$ Constitution is 1/. Four scratdrc,l on him equal O'lf!
111m a Damage bonus of +4. It is Glided to the effect when he is light "'ound. three light "ol/Ilds make lip om.' Icrlou.r
fighting wilh melee weapons or his bare hands 'HIli Ihrowing and three serious wounds Ilill make up U ({,/tI1 "'OIwd
weapons. ·2 is added 10 Ihe efJccl. him).

. T.he character can stand a certain amount of injury Endurance detennincs how Ions you can run.
without dYing. Small and fmil people die easier than strong, love. or silly awake without collapsing. It is calcu lated
tough ones. Damage consists of four dilTerent types of character's Constitution times five, plus 30 {CON '( 5
wounds: scratches, light wounds. serious .... ounds and fatal Your endurance decreases by three points per hour for every
\\ourKis. kilo you carry above your Load capacity. It also dccrease~
.... hen you exert )ourself.
Scratches are abrasions. light cuts. small bruises and
blisters. Light wounds are bigger incisions. big bruises and Three minutes rest restores one point or cndumno.:e.
bums. Serious wounds are deep gashes. crushed or broken That makes fi\e points for 15 minUlI!S and 20 points for OnE'
bones. lacerated muscles and sinews. or major bums. Fatal hour's test.
wounds are such thai kill immediately or after a \ery short
lillie. EXAMPL E

When a character sulTers a number of smaller With a Conslitulion 0/11. Harry's endurance is 85.
wounds. these are added up and become one wound of a more
serious type. Enough scratches count as one light wound. en.
ough light wounds count as one serious ..... ound. and enough se.
rious wounds will add up to a fatal ..... ound. This simulates that
the accumulated pain. loss of blood and exertion from several
lesser wounds may be as dangerous to the body as a more se.
rious one.
As you can see in the table belo .... , the Constitution
score detennines how many wounds of any type that are nee·
ded to make up a more serious .... ound.

Decide " hal ca used the secret, and incorporate it

'Dark Secrets into the characters background history. There is not hing to
stop you from hav ing more than one dark se<:ret, especially if
the} are in terrelated and plausible.

Several of the examples of dark secrels belo,",," are

rhe heroes 01 Kult are louched by dark ness. Some tinged wi th occult experiences. In those cases. the characters
~\ent In ~our Pil"•. S<.lmething )00 inherited from you r anee-<>- have encountered supernatural po\lers before the game begins.
IOf"j, or whi.:h ari .....'S from your 0 1.... ' traumatic brush \\-im dark If the Gamemasler "'ants the characters to be more ordinary
powe~ ha:. npened a cha;,ncl 10 the lorees of destruction and and ~ i nnocenlft, such secrets may be disallowed. In that case,
madnc: . 'iuch a dark e\cnl ha'i formed part of lour persona- the remaining secrets are: Family se<:ret, Forbidden knO\l·
lilY and i~ the Ley tn most of )'our disad~'antages. The !OeCfl!t ledge, Respor\!.ible for medical experiments., Victim of medi·
can be UM:d b} the Gamemaster to create adventures and cal experiments, Guilty of crime, Viclim of crime, and Ir\!.a-
c\ent!.. It !;an suddenly surface and haunt )'ou in Ihe torm of a nity.
cur>c. neialivcs you thought ,""ere long dead, tasks )'OU must
p.!I1'onn. crimC!\ which must be atoned. Simplified Charatlcrs : Choose one of the dark secrets under
your archetype, if you want to. You can choose not to have a
Secrets resemble disadvantages, but in fnci dislld· dark secret, even if)'our mental balance is negative.
vanlag!,."!. are the em..'et:> that se.:rets have on the characters.
The !>Cere! c",plain~ how the person came to be Ihc way he or
she is. In~lead of saying "I can', stand the sight of blood", wi-
Ihout any funhl;t explanation, the secret allows you to gi\'c il a /larry's family is cursed. The oldest son is destined to kill his
bad:ground. e.g. "When I "'as <;c\en yea rs old, I saw my mo- younger brother The family members n(!!.·er talk about this
ther 10m to pieces by a creature thaI my evil stepfather had They don't e",m admit it to themselves. but they all knou Ihe
o.:onjured up wi th a pentag ram in o ur basement. All these curse exisls. Harry wa.s 8 years old when hi.s younger brother
)~'aI"S, I ha ve repres~ed the memOr), but I guess that is "hy I Simon was bor" When Ihe brother wa.s a few month.s old,
can't ~tand to sec blood. ~ Harry· W(l.f .serrl to be educated at a boarding school in Paris
His porents said il '\"US because it was a better school, bill he
All eh.uclers _ith II negati\'e mental balance could sense Ihal illwd somelhing to do wilh his brother. Whe-
dark secret. Something has caused the darkness
• . ,• • • \'1' • never he M'as with the filmily during holidays. he M'as kept
witbin the character's soul. Characters "ith a positi \e mental under .f/riCI sllrwillam:e. especially when he was near his bro-
t.lance rna) also ha... e secrets. It's up to you. ther. lie grew more und more irritaled 01 Simon and began to
tease him and $COT(' him. One afternoon when Ha,,}' was 11
You can in n'nt dark secrets o f your own. that fi t in years old, he was chanced to be alone with his brother in thi.
the character's background and with the type of ad\en- house. Ill' lured him into the cel/ar and locked him in there. If
the Gamemasler is planning. Be [o\\ , you will find some tookfi~'e hours before the family came hack. began to look fo r
~ions and e.xamples to help you on the "ay and provide the brother. and fillully fOllnd him. He was s(!!'"Crely bitten by
Inspiration. ruts and had lost a lot of blood. Afew hours 100er, he died The
moiler II'as covered up "'ithin the family and no one ever
(hoo~e a sec ret that is in line with )our archet)JlC spoke of the accident or of Simon again. But Harry feels a si-
and rna) have some re lation to )our disad\antages. In the des· lent accusation , which makes him reillctallt to I'isit his pa-
criplions of archetypes, we g ive suggestions about types of se· rents He doesn't belit"!,"C in curses. but none the less pallieked
cret<; that may suit each arc hetype, and about disadvantages when his ownfirst child was a boy. When his wife wanted allo-
\ljhich may be in Jinc with those secrets. The secret may also tiler dllM, he was scared witless and dil"o rccd her.
~ the 1'001 ofad\antages, such as magical intuition, or a sixth
'Jen.~e. UlIller "Dark secrets" an tile character form yO/I write
"Curse. " The more detailed description of the cllrse is wriflen
The Gamemas ter decides which backgrounds and on fI ,feparate fX/per.
5oeCn:ts arc acceptable in his game campaign. Ku lt should be
about heroes " he fi ght against darkness, both within them- In the background SIO'): you note that Simon's birth and deatll
!tehe~ and in their \lorl d. Characters should not be too des- actil'ated thefamil)" curse
~Ii\e or ha\e too gruesome crimes on thei r consciences.
Such people are difficult 10 play, and in our experience they 19 April - 61 Rouen general hospital Harry's brother Simon
rna} !t.eriously warp the game. This is panicularly imponant if bom Curse octivated.
there are young players in your campaign.
11 A agasl-61 Paris Harry sent to boarding school in Paris.

17 April - 65 Purental hom~, Rou~n : Ha,,}"s brother Simon

killed in accident. nil! curse is.fulfilled.

Duath'anlages : Depression, Dad reputation, Death wi~h, Pho-
OC\Rk SeCReCS bia: blood I animals I corpses lin:: darkness occult events
supernatural beings I subterranean places. "-1ental constriction,
Paranoia. Persecutoo by your family. :\ightmarcs. Drug addic-
- Curse tion. Habitual liar. Schizophrenia. Rationalist. Sexual neurosi~
- Family secret Mental compulSion.
- Forbidden knowledge
- Guilt)' of crime
- Insanity 'For6i!t{en 'Knaw(edfJe
- Occult experience
- Pact with dark powers "\Vht"n Tre(Jched adlilthood, J assumed tbJt tbe jrPf{menldry
- Possessed and haunted memories from my childhood 'fL'frt fiJl/Idsies; tbe heautiful
- Responsible for medical experiments woman who came to my falher and gJve bim shimmering
- Supernatural expcricllCe playing cards where the figures movtd lind IIIlked. The men
- Victim of crime
• Victim of medical experiments
with tattooed filets and crooktd swords, hiding ill our bdse-
ment. The stench of the unthinkable that appeared in my fa~
ther's study and left a white spot ill my memory. When f
Curse used these thillg! in my novti, I btlieved that they were a
child's dreams alld invt1ltions. 8ul when the tllttooed men
"This it especially for you ", suid the sbQpkuper in broken appeared, wht1l ont day a card with my dtndfother's living
Frtnch and banded owr the tape. It was an ordinary (fiuette foet appeared in my mailbox and 'U·hisptrtd a '/L·t/millg, tbm
(apt. Tbtrt was u /ahd on the cowr thut looked a/most, hut I rtaliztd that my memories were real"
not quite, like il was written in Arabic. J brought il home
with me dnd listened to it, lime after time, winding melodies Somehov., you have come across knov.Jedge that
)0lJ were I10t supposed to hale. It might be connected to a se-
and a hollow rhythm in the background. 1 couldn't bring
cret occult society or e\-cn to a supematurol being. Perhaps
myself to turn it of! The doorbell rang. It was tbe polict. e\en 'Without ~alizing it. you may know the ~ecret of immona-
.~ you Bn1mnd FrtSMn? I'm surry /0 hd'fJt to infrmn YOII lity or how to open the gates to the nether v.orld.
th.Jt yourwife is dedd, " She had jumped in front of tln un-
duground train. Sllidde. And that WitS only the btginning. The knowledge does not need to be occult. It can jlZM
Loui14! died next. Then, Pptrick. I ran tlWUY from il all,from as well be industrial, militaJ) or political infonnation. or ~
home andfriendJ, hut I took the tapt with me. I pluy it every Cte15 belonging to organized crime On account of )'our know-
night, and the accidents sum nttJtT to md. " ledge, your enemies ~ after you.

You and , or YOlJr family are victims of some terrible Di5ldvanlages : Depression. Death wish, Monal enem)"
curse. Your eldest son may have sold his soul to tile devil. Your ofrel'enge, Phobia: Blood death, darkness I occult
youngest son may be destined to kill his father. without kno- supematural beings, Mental constriction. Paranoia.!,~:"'1~
II ing it. Your cnaracler may be personally cursed or sutTering Nightmares, Drug addiclion, Bad luck, Rationalist,
from a curse that has struck against another family member. compulsion.
You may live your life in constant attempts to escape the curse.

Disadvantllgrs : Depression, Death wish. Phobia: death I oc- Gui(ty of Crime

cult events I supernatural beings, Curse, Paranoia, Haunted.
Nightmares. Drug addiction. Habitual liar, Bad luck, Schizo- "I hid the axt under my COdt and knocked on Ib,' 01\1 ''''''.~
phrenia. Rationalisl, Mental compulsion. door. She opened it just a little and wdrily peered out.
wos very suspicious alld I had to talk her into letting file
come in. She asked what I waf/led to PU'll/f/ dnd I gave her
'Fami0J Secret the foIst padwgt I had made of out old new.rpafJn'J. While
she wos fiddling with the strings, I took out the axe tmd
H\f"'hen I began school I mJliztd thot something WtIS wrong. struck her hard in the bock ofthe head. She foil to Ihe pocr in
None of the other kids in my class used to go with their a pool ofhlood, IKr sk,,11 crocked oprn like a hroken pitchtt: 1
grandparents to the cemetery al the full moon. They had relched. As if it WdJ all in Q dream. I math myself take her
never seen newly buried corpus exhumed. limhs str.urd off keys and walk over to the soft."
and brought bome to the kitclNn. No other grandmotlKr had
a copptr axe hanging 0'fJU the stow for chopping up meal. Som~ time in your life, probably \\hen you ..... ere
They had never mumbled the secret wordJ and torn tIK pesh \ef) young. )'ou ..... ere tempted 10 perfonn or take part in some
from the hones with their teeth. Whm I hinltd at these horrible crime like murder, rape or a falal bruta~711ti6n.
things, they looked (/t me as if I was mad. So J shut my are constantly lonn~nted by a bad conscience. II nla~
mouth and tlSJUmed that all fdmilies had similqr secrets but memory of some lesser crime. IoIhich yotl ha\e ~.",;r.,,,
they just didn't like to talk (Jhout it. ~ of proportion in your imagination. You thinl:
you hurt someone, and the guilt is al\la)'s in
In your family, there is some ..... ell-kept secret into your mind,
which you were initialed in early childhood, They may be can-
nibals or perhaps ..... orshippcrs of dark gods with animal sacri- Disadvantages : Depression, Bad
fices in the basement. reputation, Death wish, J>hobia:
claustrophobia / death I crowds I
policemen. Mental constriction,

Paranoia. Wanll..>d, Ilabitual liar. l\; ightmare~, Drug addiction.
Rad luc\.., Schi70rhr.::nia. Mental L'Ompulsion. Pact With 'Dark Powers
'Then 'CL'as very lit/Ie lime left. I drew the signs on tht floor,
'1nsanity on the walls and the ceiling, with a piece of crayon. The
whole apartment was covered with thill Cyrillic and IIe-
"I prrmd mysdf hllrd dguimt the padded wall ,\ly h.mds brew (har(/cltrs, winding like snakes over the paint. The
Wt.,.e imulld 1 U'JS sure they 'U.oere going to kill me. A crllC- drunk was lIil/unconscious. I shook tuide the last nmnant.I
kin}! nfliJI! {rom tin (orner mllde me turn arou"d The wall of dOllbl This WdS my las/ chance. They werr coming to get
suvl/eJ OIit1A.'IIrJ and tben bUTJt opm. A grinningfd(t 7~)ith me. Already 1 could mar the rhythmic sltps on the roof But
Klvu'i"" t)"tI Cdme i11l0 the cd!. I screamed and serellmed 1 'i.L'as going to fool them. A cut from the jogged copper knife
until tv.,,)"thinR went bla"k W'ht'n 1 woke up. 1 WJS strllP- slit the victims j ugular vein, The drunkard opentd his tyt!s
ped Jrr.v" on a bench. 'I really don't kn(Y.;.J whdt to do aoout in surpnse, j ust for a (ouple of seconds, befon he paned out
you. Iknll,Y ', the doctor said. " 'Ulith a white film O7Ier h,s eyes. I held my breath. The steps
were right on top of me now. The,Y stopped for a moment,
You hmc been mentally ill or you h3\e lived close Then they contilllled on acroSJ the roofs. aWilY from me. 1
with a rclativ~ .... hn .... a~ inMlnc.lfit is your<;elfwho has suffc- hadfooled them, this time. "
red thb disea~e, )'ou may \ery well have a relapse at some
lime. The e\f'lCricm:e of having been close to an insane person You have made a pact with thc powers o f darkness.
rna> hJ\c contributed to that you developed the disease. It is Perhaps you have pledged your soul to the demons of the un·
also f'I.) .. ~iblc that )our mcntal disorder is connected to occult derv.orld. Or you may have forsworn the right to a life aller
or supernatural c\periencC!>. death, in exchange for po..... er and wealth in this life. The per-
son in the example escapes a killer by sacrificing someone el-
Dblldnntllgt-5 : Depre!>:>ion. Death wish, Phobia: an) you can 'ie'S life. Of cou~, the sinner ultimately has to pay for such a
thin\.. of, Mental con~triction. Paranoia, Haunted. Mania. crime, ten times o~er, An) one .... ho has made such a deal with
NighUTlare~, Drug addiction, Schi70phrenia. Se ... ual neurosis. dan.. rorces is constantl) terrified at the thought that his past
\1ent.a1 cOlnl'Jubion. will catch up \\ith him.

Di a d\'lInt_ges . Depression, Death ..... ish. Phobia, Curse,

Occu(t ~xyeriel1ce \tIental constriction, Paranoia. Greed, Haunted, Persecuted b)
evil pov.ers, Uabitual liar, Drug addiction. Bad luck. Schiro-
"/ didn't believe in demom. Not until the air started 10 phrenia, Sexual neurosis, Egotism, \>tental compulsion.
trtmblt and the room u'as filled with a darknesJ that pound
tNtt lind oblitmJttd all light. I nnJer SU".v Jonathon die, only
!HarJ him screaming and folt the 'I£'arTn blood spltuh onto Possessed &' 'l-faunted
",y fact. \f'hen the darkneSJ WflI lifted all that was left of
hi", WdS Mood and entrails, In the middle ofthe chalk circle ~/t begpn when 1 moved to thIS apartment in Soho. From the
there was a pn'mitive sign painted in blood, a sign I would heginning, I folt that there WflI a lemion, like pn alien prf~
comt 10 fillr." senCt! in the room. The first night I woke up tlndfound that I
was Oil the floor in the stairwell. The next night, a sound
You have panicipmed in or been a witness to occult woke me. \l't'hen IltIrned the light on. 1 SdW that all the fur-
proceedings. II might be conjuring demons. sacrificial riles, niture e.wep' the bed had been smashed to piects. An other
the opening of port.'\ls to different world or rites that transfonn night, 1 had tom long scrauhes Oil my prms fllld chesl with
a human being beyond recognition. The experience may be my nails. I stprted to get nal/y frightened on the morning 1
cnnnectcd to your family, friends or your own interest in the woke on the bathroom floor; naked. There was a bloody knife
occult. on Ihe floor beside me. I quickly m07led out, without telling
anybody. Bllt I still foel that presence at night hefon: I fall
Dls.d'·IIDIII~es Depression. Death wish, Phobia: blood,
daustrol'Jhobia, animals. death. darkness.. occult events, super-
asleep, ~
natural being:>. ~I ental constriction, Paranoia. Haunted, \Van-
led, ~ightmares. Drug addiction, Bad luck, Rationalist, Schi- You ha\e at some lime been the viclim of a spirit or
7ophrenia. Se\tlal neurosis, Mental compulsion. demon. This being may have possessed you (takcn over the
control of your body), or it may chase you and haunt you .... he-
re\er you go.

Disadunt_ges : Depression, Death wish, Phobia: claustro-

phobia dreams I death darkness, occult c\ents loneliness
supernatural beings, Mental constriction, Paranoia, Haunted,
Nightmares. Drug addiction. Un ..... illing medium, Rationalist,
Mental compulsion.

., ... ." .,
" -

In the name of science, }ou have performed some

'Resyonsi6(e 'For 'Medica( dubious experiments in medicine, psychology or some other
:Exyeriments similar field of research. You are constantly troubled b) a bad
conscience for the people ""ho ""ere hurt, crippled Of kiUed.
"Earlier experimmts bad betn ruined by various distur- You may also be persecuted by people whose Ii~e~ }ou rui-
ned, and their relatives.
ha"us. One of the w/tmturs tore the electrodes offa"d beat
his hands and head against the wallllntil they hIed. I should
have realized the danger before it was too lale. I had paid a Disadvantages
bia: : Depression,
death I guinea Bad IrepUlatiOnj~"";~'~'h~!E~£.~
pigs I sounds modem
student and drllgged him with preglanadine. He slept ness I hospitals sleep. Mental constriction.
soundly for two hours, Ihm his E.K.G. went haywire. I ted, Nightmares. Drug addiction, Bad luck•.
thought it was a cerebral hemorrhage and ran into the room. tionalist, Mental compulsion: cleanliness I diligence.
He WaS7! 'I dead, hilt his body was twisted and gnarled like a
corpse, his skin hod a greenish yellow bue with dark spots. 1

interrupted the experiment and never repeated it. The hoy
n"," came Ollt ofhis coma, and died a few weeks laler:. But
he came hack in my dreams and has hun with me every
night since then.

Suyernatura{ ~xyerience Victim of 'Medica{ ~xyeriment5
"W/hen the rescue tedm prri'{)l'd. I Wl/S the only ont left. A ~My earliest memory is having blood samples tllken from my
whole block had heen devdstllud. furniture broken, doors arm. There were many trsts and samples. Mom Jaid it was so
hlown (mt. lluggiug my teddy blur; 1 sat on tlu floor in the that I shouldn't get ill Later. I rtali=ed that "mom" was not
doset. PS fur hack as I could grt. All the othm wert gone, 346 my real mother. I have no parents. The men in the green
p.'ople had just vanished without tJ Irdce. I WdJ humming tI clothes andface masks created me. In my teens, [ understood
nursery rhyme tlnd staring at the poor. At least, Ihdt's what tbat I was not quite human, that something was wrong
1 WtlS told Illter. Afyselj, I hdVe no mrmory ofit." with me. My sinewy muscles, the retractable claws and the
sharp fangs were not hUI1Ian. They called me a 'foll/~tlp' alld
You have been .... itness to something thai did not tried to kill me, but I fooled them tlnd escaped. ~
quitl: fit into thc human mind. An event that contradicted the
normal rramework of reality Pemaps. as a child. you disap"- You have taken part in. or been exposed to. dubious
peared for several days and were found naked in a forest glade medical. psychological or genetic experiments. The research
Wi1h a smile on your tips. Or your hometown was suddenly may have been about dreams. drugs. stress, or the effect of
emptied of people and you alone were found b) Ihc rescue certain microorganisms on the human mind. You may also be
forcc~. Your tami1y rn3)' have di:oappearcd. ix:cn devoured by the result of genetic manipulation that your parents were sub-
~upematural hcing.;;. tom to pieces by dl!mons or sunk into the jected to. You may ha~e to explore your own past to learn and
earth, lea'¥ing only yourself. understand what is going on.

Dind"antAges : Depression, Death \\ish. Phobia: blood I Dislldvantages : Depression, Bad reputation, Death wish.
claustrophobia animals' death' darkness occult e'¥ents I su- Monal enemy, Phobia: blood I claustrophobia I animals I
pernatural beings, Mental constriction. Paranoia, Haunted, death! noises modcrn technology I darkness / hospitals. Men-
Wanted, Nightmares, Dmg addiction. Bad luck. Rationalist, Ial constriction, Paranoia. Persecuted, Drug addiction. Split
Schizophrenia. Sexu;11 neurosis. Mental compulsion, personality, Schizophrenia. Sexual neurosis, Mental compul-
s ion.

Victim of Crime
"K.!ith and K£vin wtre always cruel to me. They were twins
.md 111)' elder siblingr, but as different from me as they could
get. Short where I was tall, dark where I was blond. Some
ml'morits are more painful than others; when they killed my
dog Sparky, and put his severed head in my bed. Or the time
thq bound me in the stable and beat me with the horse'"oJJhip.
%iavantqges &
Arid when they forced me to watch dS they slit the belly of
our pregnant cat and let her blred 10 death. They lockrd ml!
in the b,lS{'lIlmt with the cat's body thllt attracted the rats.
U"b.-n I grew older, Kevin forced me to do Ihingr with him
(hut he sdid everybody did with their elder brothers. I was Advantages and disadvantages represent the light
terrib(y confused and ashawd, and thought of killing my- and thed3rkness within a person. The disadvantages make life
self It was a big relief when Kevin was put away ;n an asy- difficult. They hinder and scare you, and take lime and energy
lum for having murdered the old gaffer Barnard. A week to struggle against. The advan{ages make it easier for the cha-
later. Keith helped him break out and I haven't heard from racter to make friends, learn things. understand and accept.
either of them since. But J know thl!Y are still around so- Advantages and disadvanlages are balanced against each other
mC".ohere. " by a system of points. Disadvantages give you points. which
can be used to acquire advantages, The points can also be used
You have been the victim of some horrible crime or to acquire more skills.
forced to take part in disgusting rituals and events that marked
)ou for life. [t may have been rape. brutalization, or some There is no need to balance out advantages and di-
other type of severe humiliation. You never dared tell anyone sadvantages against each OIher. A surplus of points for disad-
about it. vantages may be used to get more skills. The drawback is that
a surplus of points makes you more sensitive to terror and des-
DisadvantAges: Depression, Death wish, Oath of revenge. tructive forces. Your mental balance deteriorates.
Phobia: blood I claustrophobia I animals I death I fire I
noises I modern technology I darkness I persons of It is also possible to gel a surplus of advantages, by
the opposite gender, Mental constriction, Pa- using more points than you get for your disadvantages. Any
ranoia. Nightmares. Ha bitual liar. Drug addic- missing points must then be taken from your skills. A person
tion, Bad luck, Split personalit)', Sexual neu- who is balanced toward the light side will have fewer skills,
rosis, Menial compulsion. but also a beller mental balance and a beller chance 10 withs-
tand the po\~ers of darkness. (The dark road is easier, but more

Both advantages and disadvantages should be

pla)ed and used in the game. They aren't just words and num-
bers on a piece of paper. If you have a Phobia against dark-
ness, you will collapse if you 3re shut in a dark room. If you
ha\e Chivall'). you will not hann a woman regardless of the }ou gel 85 poinls and IIQle Ihi~ linde, 70ral poinl.~ 10' di.wd-
cireumstances. l'olltages"

There is no limillO the number of advantages and di- Next. ),011 dccide how lite disadvalltages are 10 /It? filled into
sadvantages any character may ha\e, but remember that you Harry'., life SIOry. and you make notes oflhis
arc going to play this role. Too man) and too powerful ene-
mies may shorten )'our life span. Too severe mental problems April 19, 1961
rna)' get you locked up in an asylum. Pleasunt Grove General Hospital, !farry's brolhe, Simoll is
born. The cllrse is actiWiled
Begin by noting which advantages and disadvan- A ug llW 11, 196/
tages you want, and the number of points they cost or yield, Nell' )o,k. Ha,ry is sent 10 a boarding school in NI!\I )ork,
respec tively. Add up the scores. and subtract the costs for ad- April 17, 1965
vantages from the points lor disadvantages. The result, if grea- Pleusa'" Gral'e. Ha,ry'.r brolher Simon dies in all aecidelll.
ter than zero, is the number of extra skill points you get. Try to The Cllrse is fulfilled. Harry is sei=ed by gUilt und wants 10/01-
choose skills that arc connected to your advantages and disad- low his brolhl.!r and SO\'e him D.:ath ....,is"-
\antages, for a more cohe~nt charncter. If the total is negati\'e. April 11. 1965
you lose that number from )'our 150 skill points, Pleasant Grol'e Norrll CemelefJ~ Simon is bl/ried.
August, 1965
The result of this calculation is also used to deter- Harry retu,ns 10 school and Ix!gins 10 deny Ihm Simon exislcd
mine the character's mental balance. A(elllol conSI,ietion.
& plen,ber, 1965
Simpliliffi Character Cenua lion : You ha~e IdS each of ad- .""f"" )Ork. Harry SlarlS having mghlmarl!f and is jOI"lX(/ In
~antages and disadvantages. Choose from those liSlcn under slup alone because he SCl"l!ams in hi.' s/I.!ep. The headma~/er
your character's archetype. Note them and the points gi~en fo,bids him 10 sleep \i ilh tM lighu on. NiJ(htmorcs. Pllobio:
.... ith Ihem. The points arc used to calculate )'our mental ba- da,knes.t.
lance. They ha\'e no effect on )'our skills. You pay nothing for S ummu. 1966
advantages and get no points for disadvantages. I'leasant Grove Ha,ry loeb himself in lhe luiSl!mcnt tmd waits
lor Ihe ruts. When Ihe)' come and smtlhim. he /I<",ics Phoh;cr
EXA MPLE rots,
lI'l",er, 1981
Jou 1I00Ie chosen some disOiA"Onlllges 10' a disilfllsioned detec- .\1anllollan. New )ork. Ila17Y is jOrced by blo.:kmoillo partici-
tiVl; All of tllem can be explained by Harry's cu,se. Sum up pate in a dirty mission in\YJMng torture and mllrJ(T I~f pr~
hou man)' points )'OU gello, Illem. ne,.! II shocks him, and he begins 10 drink. D,ug (ltJ.ik/ion
1983, Mon hallan
The Dealh II'isll was sowed in Harr), wilen his kid brolher died. Sew 10rk. On a mission in Mallhaltan. Harry's
He hus fell guill)' (!l,Y!' since. and alwa)'s soughl danger. As a are killcd b), IInknowll (Issussins, Oath q/rcl'l.'nge.
deleclive. he has dewloped a lack of resJX'C1 fo, risks.......hich
,~d=es '"m in pressing sill/alions, Gives JO points.

The Mental constriclion began when Harry dcnied 10 himself

Ihal he ever had a kitl brolher. The family I/Cl"'r spoke of
Simon. and Ha,ry.· deni('s Ihat he (!l,'er exisled. lie has conli-
nll<:d wilh lhis type olbehavior as an adull, He ClllI/WI tldmillO
himself thm he eve' kifled anyone in cold blood. He either for-
l{t"I.~ all events where he caused other peuple's detllhs, or he These are pan of .... hat makes characler"; in ","ult
explailLf Ihem awlry as accidents where he hod no gUil1 Giws ferent from the average game The) also provide ric h op"","
/{} points. nitics for role-playing. Work .... ith the G\1 to com~ up with a
list of disadvantages .... hich can be wo\en together to create .
In his Sighlmares. Harry is chased by his broliler and hordes believable persona.
oj large rals. through winding sewer Iunllels, lie wakes up
lrembling. in a cold sweOI, Gires 5 poillls.
'J!nima[ enmity
The Curse on Ha,ry's family means IhOl Ihe eldest ,wn alwa)'s
kill., lite )'oungest. H(IT,y doe'''''1 know aboul Ihis, bul he still All s~ntient animals hote you. Dog.s bark. gfO" I and bile.
hides an irralionalfearofhaving two sons. Gil"('S 10 poillls. horses kick and throw you orr. cats jump at your f3(;<.:. trying
scratch your eyes out. You do not throv. animals into a rage.
lIarry has become a Drul{ addici through lhe pn-SSIITC of his the) simpl) Iry 10 gel)O\I "'hen the opponunity allows. U"you
1I"0rk. and Ihe st,oin ofthe cu,se. lIe suppresses all uncomfor- try 10 feed a pet or an animal in a zoo. the:y are more lik~ly 10
table/eelings. and lhe liquo, is an efficient way 10 do so. Gives go aftcr your hand than aftcr ",hat )'0\1 off..-r them. Polnb : S
15 poinl.t.

1I11r,y also has mode all Oarh of revenge Tltrce of his col- 'Bai[uck
Il.!u1(lU!s and friends were killed by ul/known assui((mts. Harry
,Ipc'nds a lor of his trying 10 Jind lhe person responsible for lhe The pow~rs aren't on )our side. Belling on
kiflings Gil'eS 15 points, horse.s or buying shares is a bad idea
for you. it al .... ays fails. In situations
/lorry.' has an irralional feu, of rots and durk rooms. parrlaUy "'here the outcome is detennined
h..'wllse of his nighlmares. lIe can suppres,t his jea, b)' a SIlC- by chance (as opposed to skills
c('.u/III Ego roll. The two Phobia.1 give him 2:r5 poil/ts and abilities~ the Gamemastcr rolls

)\)\I\ , )S \t If "ou want. the Gamemaster can invcnt a curse which not
)IS\I)\\'!\(.I POI'\I\ c\cn the player knows the e,(3Ct nature of. It may also be pos-
y sible to lift the curse. but only with extreme effort. II is usuall)'
BadIllo.: IS necessaf) for someone else to lay down his life unselfishly for
Bad reputallon 10
the cursed person.
The curse is not always "operati"e" in the gamc. It may be
Dru$ addicllon 15/20 triggered by specific circumstances, e.g. "'hen the character
, I 5 comes to a certain place. reaches a ccrtain age. gets to an im·
Fanaticism 10 portant event in life (marriage. childbirth). reaches a certain
Fe IIcn I. mental balance. al full moon or a time dominated by a certain

R« less gam fer IS
lU part of the zodiac.
~hlbltual har
H Bunil!a
Innocently blamed
Curses rna) be inherited. be caused by cursed objects in one's
possession. or by the character breaking a pact with dark po-
Inlol(:rallce 1. \\ers. Consult with Ihe Gamemaster before selccting a curse.
Maimco IS si nce Ihere is every chance that it may affect the story of the
Mooia IS
Manic-depressive 20 game. I'oinls : 10120.
i cnlal compulsion 511011 5
Menwr constriction 10 SO.lfE POSSIBLE CURSES
Mislaken iucntit) 5/1 5 - All your good in ten tions have evil resu lts.
Mortal enemy IS _ You al\\-llys hurt or kill the one you lo"c.
lNightmarcs sno - Doomed 10 lose all riches and becomc destitute.
31h of revenge S
Par.moia 15 - Friends and loved ones dic.
Phobia 511 0115 - Cursed to go 10 hell aftcr death (will do anYlhing to stay ali\lc).
PCr.>fXutcd lO- • Where\cr you go, "arslepidemics/natural disasters happen.
Rallonalist IS • Incapable of Sla) ing in anyone place for more than a month
'Schi ..ophrcnfa 1Ir
Se~ual neurosIs
~c :l; ual b f.... nudtiil1&
hi rsonallty
5, 10 15

_ Predestined to die al a certain e\en! in life, c.g. llt the birth of
)our first child or on your \~edding night. Or to die in a certain
0", I·
l1n\\-il mg medIum IS
",ay. e.g. a car lJCcident, a plane crash, falling ofTa bridge. etc.
('" ill a\oid this at Wly cost).
alllcit ~11 011 5 • E\lil alter cgo. a character with a positi\e mental balance can
ha .. e an alternate personalit)' (with equal!) large negati\e
i <~":'J. If the result is 5 or less, the W0T'31 possible thing will mental balance) \\-hich surfaces at certain times: at night. full
tlappen. \ character ",jlh bad luck is either out of grace wilh moon, emotional moments. ctc.
the enigmatic deities of fortune, or they have a mental disposi- _ 1'0 merits. All glory and honor for ",hat you have done will
lion lh<Jt dra\\s them into hopeless situations \\here they must be gi"en to other peoplc.
tail Characters wilh bad luck feel incompetent and usually - Your soul belongs to an Angel of Death, Azghoul or othcr
sulkr from an inferiority complex. Points: 15. creature that will collect it when your mental balance goes
under ·50.

'Baa riJ'utation
'Death wish
You arc nOI "ci l li ked . For some reason. people thin k badly of
you. 1\;0 one who knows who you are would lend you a cup of You don't know what fear is. Death is something th at happens
sugar or hel p you in any way. [f )-au do anyth ing fool ish in pu- to others. not to you. But deep down, without \\-aoting to admit
blic, people arc inc lined 10 start looking for ropes and trees. it to yourself, you always seek out and challenge death. You
Points: 10. are not the sort of person who willingly commits suicide, but
you neH'r avoid danger and yau are careless with taking risks.
A death wish may originate in the death of someone dear 10
Curse y'ou. or a severe disease that you suffer from. Points : 10.

You cannot escape your destiny. As in a Greek drama.. you are

incwrably drhen to fulfill the prophecy. The more you try to
a\ o id it. the more you are dominated. The Gamemaster or you
'DiJ'ress ion
soould dctenn ine the exact nature of the curse you are suffe- You are always fighting against depress ion. often feeling
ri ng from. You get 10 points for a curse that does not domi- down and gloomy'. You ha\le a tendency to see only Ihe bad
nate your life. or 20 points if the curse controls your side of any situation, and you ofte n want to quit when the
entire dest iny. Together with the Gamemaster, going gelS too tough. If life gets complicated, you anguish and
)-ou sho uld also determine if the character resort to drink or medicines. Depressions may be caused by
knows about the curse or not. various adversities and unpleasant events in the past. Points : IS.


'DruB addiction put-on ""hich sman people can see through and ignore. You
cannot understand why )'ou should stick )our ned. out for
You are addicted 10 a drug. II can be alcohol, narcotics or me- anyone else. Other people oftcn regard you as an insuflerable
dicine. The drug makes you introverted and dulls your senses. schmuck. But you fail to understand that your behavior hanns
J f you cannot get the drug, you suffer withdrawal problems. yourself, and oUght to be changed. Pointll : S.
Getting hold of (and using) the drug occupies a large part of
)'our life and your thoughts. Everything else comes second. An
addict "ho can't break OUI of his habits will eventually be des-
'Fana ticism
troyed. The seclion "Drugs and poisons describes how the
drug affects your ability and skill scores. You are fanatically committed to some idea. reliXon or ideo-
logy. You interpret e\cl") thing according to thill c d, v.."ich
Choose which drug yOU are addicted to. Illegal narcotics are always right. If reality suggests differently, reali y is v.ltl1lg.
expensive and bring the added problem of having to cough up Those who disagree are your enemies and must bt cxtermina·
a lot of cash evcT)' day. When this is the case, the disadvantage ted or at least indoctrinated until they understand
gi\cs 20 points. Points: 151l0. the One and Only Truth. Fanatics ha\e a ten·
dency to often erupt in long sermons, filled
with slogans and platitudes. They rio
'EBotist gidly refuse to re-evaluate their
opinions. and desire to ha\e an
You al\\3Ys think of yourself firs\. Your own happiness is the ordered. understandable world
most imponant priority. Compassion and helpfulness are only a around themselves. Points : 10.

'ForBotten 'lnnocent(y 6[amed
Your pe,""onality is ~o bleak lhat people ne~er care about you Whenever anything bad happens near you, everyone thinks
or \\hat you think. No one seems 10 remember )OU distinctly you did it. For example, when something falls down and
for more than a few "" ... eks at a time. You can't gel any close breaks, everyone in the room immcdiately looks at you. In
friend~, c"cryone treats you as a stranger. Not even your own court. no hard evidence will be ignored, but witnesses will
family (parents and siblings, of course you do not have a seem to remember you as the culprit and the judge will inter-
spou~) think highly of )OU or cu'r gets in contact ".,ilh you. pret all circumstantial evidence to your disadvantagc. PCQple
You must not ha\c a Charisma score exceeding 5 to ha ... e this around you will inevitably form an opinion of you as unre-
disadvantage. Points: 10. liable. clumsy, andlor malignant. Points: 15.

'Reck[ess Bam6[er 'lntoferance

You arc a compulsive gambler and simply cannot pass a ca- Most other people are wrong. Their opinions are wrong, (hey
~ino (If a horse lrack without enlering. Once inside, you cannot behave wrongly, or their background is wrong. An intolerant
stop until you hinc gambled away all your money. Determine person is like thc xenophobe, but his imolernnce is nm direc-
If the character has a favorite game, such as horses, roulelle or ted only against peoplc from other cultures. He also disap-
poker This disad\3ntage may not 00 combined with the ad- proves of people of the wrong sex. age, economic status or
vantage ·'Luck~. Points: 15. profcssion. They all act and think stupidly. In short, most
people probably regard you as a sort of fascist. Points; 10,

You are dominated by an unending craving for money and
wealth. You are prepared to sacrifice health. family lind friends Your appearance has been seriously distorted by some terrible
10 get II large fortune. "Generosity" does not exist in your dic- evem, (e.g. a car accident). Your Comeliness score is 3, no maner
tionary. Point~ : 10. what it \\las before you acquired this disadvantage. You are, in other
words, honibly disfigured. Your original Comcliness score must be
10 or higher for you to have this disadvantage. Points: IS.
'l-fa6itua[ fiar
The li\e points liar is not a mythomaniac. Hc just has a habit 'Mania
of telling a lie instead of the truth whene\cr it seems practical
or pro\ ides an easier way out of a situation, at least for the You are always in top gear and unnaturnlly cheerful. You make
moment. Of course, he usually has to lie again to protect his big plans and are often a workaholic. with a tendency to fix
first lie from being found out. and soon he is entangled in a your ancntion on some detail in your work, which you then
web of little untruths and finds himself unable to extract him· think about unceasingly. You overreact to all impressions and
self without being exposed. He is regarded with some distrust rush 01T "lthout thinking. Manic people have no sense of pro-
by otht:r people. ponion, cannot distinguish between what is important and
what is tri vial. what is central and what is peripheral. They
The fifteen point liar is worse, a real mythomaniac who in- rush ahead on impulses without looking behind them or to the
\ ents incredible stories about his own past. of imaginary rela- sides. Points: 15.
tives and friends. of jobs he claims to have had and events he
says he experienced. The mythomaniac is a very convincing
liar. because he wraps his whole life in lies so that tinlllly. he 'Manic-aeyressive
comes to believe them himself. Points: 5115.
You alternate between deep depressions and manic cheerful-
ness. Each phase in this roller-coaster ride takes 2-3 months.
'l-faunted The change comes suddenly; the hard-working enlhusiast is
suddenly a hopeless, dejected grumbler, unable [Q do anything.
You are haunted by supematurnl powers. It can be the souls of And this may just as suddenly tum into a fearless person who
deceased JX'ople who want revenge or seck to urge you to do thinks he is capable of anything. Manic-depressive insanity is
or finish something that is needed for them to rest in peace. [t a very complex disease, which usually demands perpetual mc-
can be II poltergeist that has taken a liking to you. or even a dical treatment or therapy to make life bearable. Points: 20.
demon or a beast from the abyss that wants to devour you.
Haunting by small. hannless spirits gives five points. Bother-
some and possibly dangerous spirits will give you 10 'Menta [ con~ulSion
points. Serious hauntings by demons and
other dangerous creatures gives 15 points, and You have a fixation with a particular idea or act. It can be any-
a short life expectancy. Points: 5/10/15. thing from a small quirk, like always stepping in the middle of
the tiles on the pavement (hardly worth 5 points) to really
troublesome fixations like changing clothes once per hour or
feeling that it is absolutely necessary to memorize the names
on all street signs you pass. The Gamemaster dctennines how
many points the compUlsion gives. A mental compulsion does
not need to have a direct connection to anything in your past.
[t can be a secmingly inexplicable result of tensions in your
personality. Points: 5/10/15.
SO_liE POSSIBLE MENTAL COMPULSIONS path for inhuman creatures to move into our world. Points:
-Anorexia/bufimia, food fixation. 5/10.
• Cannibalism, fixation about human flesh.
- Cleanliness, you wash and tidy up all the time.
- Kleptomania, compulsive stealing.
- Clothing, always wearing a panicular type of clothes.
Oatli if revenge
- Collecting, an abnormal desire to keep e\erything fore ... er. You have s .... orn a sacred oath to avenge some e ... il that .... as
• Mantras, )'ou endlessly reeite certain words and sentenees. done to you. Determine who is the target of your vengeance.
• Memorization. a compulsion to learn useless facts. and the reason for it. You cannot a\'oid Ir)'ing. to get b.1ek at the
• Numeromania, counting things and juggling numbers. hated person or persons if there is an opportunity. A substantial
- Nymphomania, sexual fixation. part of your time is consumed by your constnnt planning for
- Personal fi:~ation, you identify \\ith or worship a person. how to execute your oath. Points: 5
hero, idol.
- Pettifogger; abnormal attention to details
• P}romania. a compulsion to SCI fire to things. Paranoia
You belic\'e that people are secretly in league against you
'Menta( constriction There is a conspiracy to harm you. Individual people. grou~
and powers are out to get you. Your telephone is bugged. Your
You have pushed some unpleasant event in your past into the letters show clear signs of having been opened before they
subconscious pan of your mind. It may be a crime or some reach you. Your home is full of hidden microrhone~. The car
horrible act that you ha\e performed, \\ itnessed, or been the in the street outside is full of people .... ho are .... ah:hing you. II
victim of. It was so terrible that }our mind could not handle it, is best not to go out. But on the other hand.. .... hik you a~ at
and the only defense ....-as to push the memory aside and refuse home they know where to ~t )"ou. Anything bad that ha('pel1~
to acknowledge it. However. the memory is still there and af- to )'ou has been engineered by the conspiracy..\n)one who
fects your life. Only though psychotherapy. hypnosis or other tries to tell you there is no conspiracy thereby prove!> himself
extcnsive treatment can you get the constricted memories back to be pan of it.
and deal with them. While these thoughts are constricted, they
surface as phobia and neuroses. If, as a child, }OU came down Paranoid people ha\'e usually been exposed to abandonment or
into the basement and saw your mother I) ing dead and swollen misunderstanding early in life_ Perhaps the chal".tCter's parent~
in a sea of snakes, you may become phobic against snakes disappeared mysteriously, or he was persecuted. Points: I~.
andtor cellars. and you are unable to remember how your mo-
ther died. Any such phobia counts as a separate disad ... antage
and gives the normal number of points. Points: 10. Plio6ia
You arc unreasonably' scared of something. It rna} be
'Mistaken ilfentity type of object. or a situation. The phobia may' be 1;·''';,.;,,.
in most situations, e.g. if you a~ afraid of heights.
People )ou meet al .... ays mistake )'ou for someone else, e.g. a make your life a constant hell because it relates to
celebrit} or a criminal, and treat you accordingly. You do not
necessarily have to resemble a specific person, but your perso-
mon things (e.g. fear of animals. people of the
or germs).
"""""i,, .....'"
nality type makes people think they've seen you on TV.
A slight phobia (5 points) can be overcome by I
5 points is a mistaken identity of a popular personality, 15 simple ego roll. A successful die roll means you control
points means people are wary lind scared. thinking you're some fear. An uncontrollable phobia gives 10 points. In this
son of a terrorist the) 've seen pictures of in connection with cannot confront the object of your fear without fainting.
demands for the re-introduction of the death penalty. Inevita- king down, or running a .... ay. A 15 points phobia i<. one thai is
bl), JX."Ople will keep calling the police to repon the)' ha\C seen not only uncontrollable but also dominates your hft!, e.g. a lear
)·ou. and whenever you enter a bank office e\'el)'one, and most of the opposite gender or of being outdoors.
definitel} the guards, will be tense as a coiled spring. I'oints :
~IIS. A phobia was usually caused by <;orne unpleasant e\ent \\ften
you ..... ere confronted with that which later became the object of
your terror. Points: 5/10/15.
'Morta( enemy
Someone is out to get you. This is a ruthless person \\ho will - Altitude (acrophobia).
do an}thing to get his hands on you. Your enemy may hire as- - Animals, choose type: dogs. rats, etc.
Slllisins, send tener bombs. tamper with your car. frame you for - Blood.
a crime, try to ruin )'our business, or lay in ambush. The en- - Children.
mity is mutual, and you are doing everything to get your foe
before he gets you. I'oints : 1S.

- Closed rooms (claustrophobia).
- Crowds (demophobia) .
. Darkness (skotophobia).
- Daylight.
- Death (necrophobia, corpses. cemeteries,
skulls. symbols of death).
Your sleep is disturbed by terrible dreams. probably origina- - Din (rupophobia).
ting in a dark secret. You wake up screaming, soaked in sweat. - Fire (pyrophobia).
You arc constantly tired because of lack of sleep. In serious - Germs, viruses, any concei-
cases, the dreams may glide over into reality and provide a vable infection.

- 11(1) places (hagiophobia\,
- InSCi.:ts (entemorhobia). Sexua(fy tanta(izina
- Loneline~s (moMphobia).
- Modem tt:,hn<>logy (tcchnophobia). Persons of the opposile sex (or same sexual persuasion) are so
- \lu.sic , fascinated b) your beauty or personality thai they cannot stop
·oisc.'S. ~udcJcn or Illlld (brontophobia). thinking about how to gel in bed with )'ou. All communication
- Occult c\ cnb. is disturbed by their infatuation, they keep losing their concen·
- Open places (~oraphobia). tration w hen you speak to them. and keep their gaze fixed at
- I'eopk of the opposite gender. your breasts/groin. Eventuall}. all persons of the opposite sc_"
- Plan[~, choose kind. e.g. mushrooms, creepers. with \Ihom ),ou meet more than a fleeting moment \.I ill try to
- ~ex. make ad .. ances if the situation so pennits. A Comeliness or
- Snakt.-s. Charisma score of IS or more is demanded for you to have
· Spider.. (arachnophobia). this disadvantage. "Ole that this reaJly is a disadvantage. even
· Slran~eT" and ~II"Jnge habits (xenophobia). though e"cf}body of the opposite sc:>.: will be falorabl), dispo-
• SubtcITanc<1fi places (troglophobia). sed towards you, they .... ill not care a Ilhit about what )'OU
· '>upcmatural beings. want or say. Points : 10.
- Watcr wrlace~. deer \~ater.

Sy(it yersona(ity
Persecuted You havc two (or in cxtreme cascs more) different personali.
ror some reason, )Oll are pel'5CculeJ b) people in general and ties \Iithin you. [t is usually opposite aspects of your persona-
Ihe OIlIlhoritit.'S in panicular. You rna) belong \0 an oppre...scd lity which ha .. e split and are kept apan. One of the personali-
rninorit~ (homo~exual, immigrant. political extremist) or )'ou ties may be strong and active, while the other is feeble and in-
rna) have done !oOmeming that caused the persecution. You are efreethe. Or perhaps one is violent and the other is peaceful.
,ubjl.'Ch!d 10 repealed arrests. ~our house is searched, lOU have llte player and the Gamemaster should decide together ho\\
difficulties getting the ncccssaf) paperwork done at pllblic the t\.lO personalities get together in the character. A usual way of
agencies. foreign countries refu~ 10 give lOU a .. isa, and if doing it is to let one personali!) be 3Cti\e under normal circum-
~ou ewr ~pcak out pubticl~. )OU are ridiculed or criticized in stances. while the other one comes into action in crisis situations.
the tll"loiJ~, J'oints : 10. when the character has been shocked. Or one personalit) rna)' be
acthe 31 wori; while the other comes out in leisure times.

'Rationa(ist People who ha .. e committed evil acts may de\elop splil perso-
nalities to protect themseh'cs from the guih and Ihe dark se-
'rou linnl~ refuS(! to believe an)1hing that is not acceptable to cret. Point! ! IS.
mOt.km scicnce. Magic and religion are just superstition or
hum"ug. Demons and creatures of darkness cannot exist.
There ha., to be a natural explanation. YOll also find it vel') '['DUChy
hard to bdiele that there are secret societies ..... hich sacrifice
to dark powers. thc)' are JUSt a fe .... crazed lunatics who should You hale a shon fusc. The least irritation is enough to make
be taken care of by the police. In other words. your outlook is )'ou furious and read)' 10 use foree. Anything that can be inter-
prell)' much that held by the authors of this game, and most preted a.~ criticism of you or your actions is panicularly sensi-
o th er modern. sec ul arized people. The problem is that the ti\'e. In situations of stress. it is probable that you will lose
.... urld bn't quite as you think. Points: 15. control. Points! 5.

Sc~izl!Pl1renia 'Unwi({ina medium

Yuu ha\ e an uncontrollable ability to sec through Ihe veils of Your disposition makes you vu[nerable to pos~ssion. You are
r.:a'K"ln .... hich mo~t people surround themselves ..... ith to fend an open vessel for spi rits and demons that desire a channel of
orf madness_ Points: 20. communication. or a body that they can use for their purposes.
Your resistance against possession is only half of ",hat it
would normally be. In addition. spirits of various kinds hale
Sexua( neurosis an uncanny ability to sniff out people like you. Points: IS.

You hale a .... eird sexual behavior, Perhaps you are monally
scared of any contact with the opposite sex, or )'OU may be Wanted
gro~sly O\ersexed, Often the two are combined to make up
a truly scre....ed-up personality. Characters ..... ith sexual You are sought by powerful enemies. It may be dark cults. in-
neuroses may be frigid, nymphomaniac, ab- dustrial leaders, cannibals from the forgotten cities. or others,
normall} frightened of sex. sado-masochist E.. en the police may be after you. Your enemies are prohabl)
people, or have some other abelT3tion that af· amled, They are out (0 capture or kill you. and they will ap--
fects the ir sexual functio-- pear ..... hen the Gamemaster decides it is appropriate.
ning. The Gamemaster
decides what hc can If )'ou are chased by a si ngle person or some not-too--powerfu l
allow or not. Se.\' murde- enemies like a small coven of cultists, the disadvantage gives
rers and pedophiles ~'hould 5 poin ts. IS points are given if YOllr enemies are powe rfu l,
nor be accepted as pluyer we ll organized, armed and determined to pursue you relent-
chaructcn: Points: 5/ 10/ 15. Icssly. The Ganlcmaster decides how many poin ts the disad-
van tage gives in every individual case. Points: 5/10115.

!'tfu"huttull . /984
Harry bf!gins 10 I<"ork undercolocr to injiltr",e ext~mis' mo~'e­
menlS and organized crime. He meets ami belriends Mar)"
Sm'l?'. an influential dealer in illegal lI'eapom
111e ad\anlages are of course fcwer Ihan the disad-
vantages. There arc more Ihings oUllhere. which Ihrealen your
balance than Ihings. which can reSlore it. Advanlages are
Ihings Ihat help you understand the ..... orld and people. and
make it ell!;ier for you to learn Ihings.

Some of the advantages may not be obviously useful

10 a character. For e:'(ample. a Code of Honor, Honesly and
Unselfishness may sometimes ha\ie a negath'e effect on your 10
economy or limit your oplions in a slruggle againsl enemies. 15
BUIlhey y,ill help yoo preserve your mental balance. They are 10
traditional \inues lhat gi\ie you self-confidence and a sense of 10
being a good and decent person, Since darkness comes from 10
\\.-ithin, )"ou will becomc evil only when you feel guilt. These 10
virtues also make it easier for you to make, and keep. friends. S
maintain fa\iorable business contacts, and be a respecled cili- 10
zen. So the) have their values. too. 10
Jou ha~oc chosen Somc am·emlages 11u'1 are suiwble for a de- 10
tet'li\"(!. lie sum up tile paints and gel 65. 20
Harry has acquired his Codeojhonor in Ihe line ojwork. Il's a S
way to :llll)' sane in a job where innocent lives ore sacrificed. I I
Harr)' never kills unarmed people or children He doesn't use T:'i
pail!!ill intcrrog(1lion methods and rejuses to carry OUI mis-
sions he/eels are moralfyqllestionoble, The cos/ is.5 points. Ql.(truisnt
!larry has also acquired some Inflllentiol friends Ihrough his
1I"0rk Ile knol\f people in Ihe Sew 10rk adminiSlro/ion, lire True unselfishness is a rare virtue. You help those who are
arm.r general sla.ff and the criminal world. The COSI is 15 need.)oo give up )'our o",n ruhantages. abstain from
painl:l and gain in order 10 do good to olhers. Cost: !iI.

Rf)m awaNlleS,f is a thing Harry WO,f born Il"ith. Cost. 10

poill/s. 'Anima({riel1dship
In his work. Harry hos (Jereloped a Sixth sense. lie needs it /0 You aro;! a natural talent at handling animals. The) become
sUM'ive in u harsh, unpredictable reality. It costs 15 points. calm and friendly whl.'n you are near. No camivore "ill
you e>.cept in self-defense. No mount atlempL~ to
Finall): Harry· II(IJ learned how /0 Endure /Or/ure This costs out of the saddle. All the n~ly bloodhounds awund the
10 points, dit's headquartl.'rs become docile like lambs. Animal friends
are also good with humans \\.-ho ha~'e lost control o\'er lheir
tou now note holt and where Harry gol hi.1 acAtllllOges, on the animal inslincts. COSI : 15.
character background sheet:

\ e ..' lor": 19 70 'Artistic ta{ent

The\lililtlry Academy Harry shares a room with the jutllre
Xel< 10rk Chief oj Police. They remuin friends after Harry You ha\e a flair for drawing. paroling. dancing, ~i llgmg.
IC(/\'es the acollemy pla)ing musical instruml.'nts. or some olher artistic pursuit.
Chad 1971 You only expend halflhe Ilormal number of s~iII points II) ac-
The Foreign Legion. Harr), makesjriends with RCr/rand Ron- quire such skills, COSI : 10.
nel'il/e, who come 10 work/or Inrerpolfrom the end ojthe '70s
.""1.'10' t ork 19U
!farry is tortured by gang members and drug tlealers 'Body awareness
"\ 't" .., ' ork 1975-77
In ucthoc service. /larry dn"l'lops a sixth sense. Your body and )'our mind are o~. Most poople ha\e inhibf-.
Mt",huttull 19 75-77 lions, tensions and hang-ups that separate body·
In actin.' service. HaTT)" gels to kllOli Colonel Jlomba Quest. and mind, 1\01 )ou; the unilY bet",ccn )oot bod)
injluenrial gong leader. and your mind is tolal, and it gi\es ~ou an unu-
Ve ..' tork, 198J sually precise conlrol o\'er your
Aj/(!r a pt!riod of hea~,' drinking. Harry makes a .~i/enl promise body, Pt..-ople "ilh body awareness
never agaill to toke parI in any tlin)" opera/ion.f. Code 0/ only expend halflhe normal num-
HOllar. ber of skill points to learn medi-
tation and martial arts. Cosl : 20.

You ate a true gentleman who always aids ladies in distress. You believe in. and follow, a strict code of honor. It may origi-
~les.I. of the situation. Who qualifies as a lady is of cOl.lrse nate in a ~Iigion, which prohibits you from harming others,
up 10 the player, but the definition should encompass at least from lying and acting selfishly. It may be a chivalrous code
half of the females in the world. A chivalrous charncter finds it that says )'ou must be upright, bold, ne\er deny yourself or
almost impossiblc to hann Of insult a woman, and will gladly )·ours. always a\oenge an insult and help family and friends.
eJtpose himself to monal danger in order to save a woman. Write down which rules)OI.I mean to apply. CO!I : S.

You are the opposite of a xenophobe. You ate easily
compatible with people of any race. creed, social status or cul-
tural background. You can mingle with them withoot feeling
uneasy and .... ithout feeling any desire to criticize their ideas.
traditions or habits. This does n01 mean that you automatically
have any special knowledge of foreign cultures (that belongs
under thc skill "Man of the world"). You simply have a basic
humility and respect for others which help you avoid any
connict based on cultural dilTerences. Cost: 10.

~m:patfiy <;jood reputation
The ability to know what other people lind even animals feel. You arc generally liked and known as a nice person. You find
You always know .... hal othel1i think about )'011. Empathy also it easy to get bank loans, make contacts and get recommenda-
means that others find it casy 10 like you. It doesn't mean that tions and praise. Cost: 10.
c\crybod) loves you, but in !lOnnal circumstances )011 make II
la\orablc impression. Cost: IS.
~l1d"ure co(d"/ heat In the long run, it pays to be honest. You always spo!ak the
truth and have a reputation for trust ..... orthiness and truthful-
You arc unusually good at coping with e:>.tremc temperatures ness. Cost: S.
and only take half the normal losses from cold Of heat. Cost: 10.

'1ryTuentia(frie nds
~11d"ure fiunger / tfiirst
You have friends with po .... er and inlluence. They can be busi-
You are beller than most people at enduring hunger and thirst. nessmen, politicians, civil servants. celebrities or othcrs .... ho
You only take half the nonllallosses from slamJtion and thirst. can get you in lOueh .... ith the right people or help you out of a
Cost: 10. fix. Make a list of friends >ou could plausibly ha\e, con~ide·
ring the character'S background. Fe .... people have more than 2-
3 close friends. but you may also ha\e SOnle imponant ac-
~nd"ure yain quaintances. Cost: 15.

You can endure terrible pain \\ ilhout flinching. You never need
to make II constitution roll to avoid fainting, bul you are JUSt as '1ntuitiol1
easily hurt or killed as anyone else. Cost: IS.
You have an ability to ~readH other people's bod} language.
choice of words and other minute, subconscious signals. and
~11d"ure torture understand what their real purpose is. It is impossihle to lie to
a person .... ith intuition. With this advantage. you are abo able
You can sland an unusual amount of pain. Vou only need to to interpret the signals from !ie\ eral people and lores~ wtwI
roll under half your Constitution, oot to faint. You also ha\e a will happen in a group. You can feel when a riot i~ ahou1
psychological resistance to terror, confusion and humiliation start, when a robber is going to attack and when y'ou can
which makes it possible for you to endure torture .... ilhout brea- tcn him off\~ith a scream. It is e~en possible to intL-rprtI
king down. COSI : 10. bodies of people and feel when a .... ar is about to
when a political upheavol is coming. Cost: 15.

~l1fianced awareness
You ha\e an abil!!)' resembling that of schizophrenic people. to
sec inlo olher dimensions. sec fragments ofthc past and the fu- All my things are yours. Material possessions arc ";~:::;:;;~
ture, and speak to Ihc dead. The difference is Ihal II person with people are the only thing that really matters. You ....
an enhanced awarencss kno .... s 110"" 10 handle this ability, and with your possessions to those who need them
will not be damaged by it. to charity and in\est in beneficial foundati:o~",;:. G~~;;;;;':
people make friends easily. Cost: 5.
This does not mean lhal you can s .... itch this ability on and off
like a radio. and say ~I am now Il)ing 10 see into the future. ~
The visions appear ..... ithout asking, but they don't lerrify you. Luck
The Gamcmaster decides what form the visions take and when
they appear. You may be able to provoke them into appearing, Destiny is on your side. In situations where the oulcome is de--
but you have no control over them. Cost: 10. termined by chance (not skills or abilities). you are usually
lucky. The Gamemasler rolls I d20 in such situation.~. I f the re-
sult is 10 or lower. you escape the falling brick/don't fall
'ForgivilllJ the shaft/aren't recognized 1». the assassin/whatever.

A forgiving person is the opposite of the vindicti\e type who The advantage ·Luck~ does not work in combat or when .skills
takes an oath of re\cnge. You are prepared to forgi~e and for-
gct insults and even vcry evil dceds against y·ourself. Other
and abilities are used. except for gambling. C05tl re.
people perceive you as exceptionally magnanimous. Cost: 5)
Gift for languagesl: You ha\c a nair for languages, and only
expend half the normal number of skill points to learn a fo-
reign language. You also learn it [\0, ice as fast as other people.
Cost: 10.

'Maeica{ intuition Pacifism
This is 8 knack for contTolling the inner and outer for..:cs. Violence is evil and never leads to anything else than mort
\\ hieh are ust"d in magic and occult sciences. Magical intuition violence. There is no right use of force, only uncontrolled out-
is required I~n Icaming an~ ritual magic that rna>' work This is bursts ofvindictiwncss and aggression. A pacifist does not use
Ik.~'ribed further in tile chapter ~\1agicM force e~'en in self-defense, regardless of whal he or others are
subjected to. It is a vinue, which inspires awe, admiration and
'lou alo;o won.: like a sort of magical compar;s rlCcdle and are sometimes, angered frustration. Cost : 5.
ablt to ~cn-.c the power of people, places and obje'ls_ You
often noti(e small arcane (',ents that other people's minds jlC;l
ratJQnali/c awa~. You can litcratly see Kirlian auras "llh your 'Resistance to i{{ness
naked t')o:~_ The color of an aura tells you something about the
rwurc: of the man or beast. See the table below for how 10 in· Your health is unusually strong. You vinually never become
\erprci the colon., To choose the ad,antage "magical intui- ill. You only take half the normal losses from poisons and
tion", tilt character must have a mental balance oflo\\cr than- drugs. Cost: 15.
2S or higher than t25 . Cost: 20.

Sixth sense
You often have a fee ling about things, and it usually turns out
to be right. Your premonitions are both about good and bad
things. There is a cold running along your back if someone is
hiding behind the door with a large axe. You sense that you
should not lake this particular plane (and for good reason: it
later flies straight into a mountain). A sixth sense only applies
to what happens to )'ou. It is not the same thing as the general
feeling a person with intuition has. Cost: 15.

l-IOO or IO\\(~T)
Extremely nIgh ranee

~'l"',.,,,,iJf' ' ' '"file """."a"",-,or higher)

'Mathematica{ talent
An unusual kn.1ck for numbers and logic. You 'Work like a li-
ving calculator and are able to do difficult mathematical ope- Your mental balance detennines how well you stand
rations IICT)' quickly, in your head. You only need 10 expend up to terrible experiences and what happens if you are shoc·
half the normal number of points for the skills mathematics, ked. The mental balance depends on your advantages and di-
stal;sl;(s, logic and physics. Cost: 10. sadwmtages.

Mental balance is the sum of all points for advan-

'Motherliness tages. minus the sum of all points for disadvantages. If the re-
sult is a negative number, you have a negative mental balance.
You have a knack for making children, younger .... omen and
all men feel safe and cared for. Crying children become silent When a character experiences a terrifying event, he
and j"miling .... hen you are near. Worried, frighlellCd or irritated or she makes an ego roll. If this fails, characters with a large
mcn grow calm and contented. This has nothing to do with negati\'c mental balance are in trouble. They may lose control
sex; rather. c .. eryone tends to think of you as his mother. ?>Io o ... er their feelings. and their actions are controlled by their di-
man except the most callous or mentally warped will attack sadvantages. The lower mental balance, the more time it takes
)'00 or insult you. Cost: S. for the character to get a grip on him and stan acting rationally
again. A ~'ery low mental balance increases the risk of incu-
rable psychosis. Below -75, a se ... ere shock will conton the
character's body.

A high mental balance protects the character against

terrifying events. lie or she will not lose control easily, even if
a shock results. Characters with a very high mental balance
are hardl y affected at all by terrifying events.

Rules about terrifying events, possession and mental +100 You automatically get the advantage "body control~
illness can be found in the chapter ~Meeting with Terror~. if you didn't ha\c it al ready. Creatures with a negali\c balance
of -200 or lower avoid you if they can. For every balance point
over + I 00, your disadvantages disappear by one point. You are
Simplified Character! :You calculate mental balance in the no longer able to use force or to feel a destrueli\e aggression
usual \\ay, by subtracting the points for disadvantages from the in any situation. You .... iIl m~t your o ..... n dark shadow, a mate-
points for advantages. rialization of )our repressed dark sides (see The AVlakcning).

Nego:cwe ])c:\{c:\nce
Chc:\nges In Q)enrc:\{
A very low mental balance changes your personality. ])c:\{c:\nce
Your body and your ps)'che deviate from the finn, balanced
personality that all ~nonnal" people Iry to maintain. Belo........e
..... ill describe these effectS brieny. In the section ~The Awake- The balance will change during the game, a;, the cha-
ning~, you will find more details about very low stability racter gets ne .... disadvantages or gets rid of old one,. The ba-
(under -1(0). We recommend that no player starts with a ba- lance may also change as a result of events thaI tho: characters
lance lower than -25. experience. or you can change them by expending experience
points. This is described in the section Experience and Prac-
-IS You diffuse a ....eak negative aura that makes chil- tice.
dren and animals uneasy in your presence.
-25 Disturbed. You may hav'e the advantage Magical in-
tuition. You are so ill that a mental examination would single Harry has paid 65 points for am'anlages alld n'U:ivcd 85
)'ou out as abnormal. points for disadvalllages. 65 -85' -20. You M'rile dawn -20
Ilnder Melllal balance all the dlar(Jcter sheet. This mCl.lns 'hut
-50 You are so warped that a mental examination would Harry is a rather unslab/e person. In a lerrifj'ing Sillll.lfion he
classify ),ou as menially ill. may lose control of his disadvantages. If his /lalance Jrop.~
another fi\'f! steps, he will no 10llger be in act:el'/(1bt.· m(,fllal
-75 Psychotic. When shocked, your body changes. These health
effects are described in the chapter "Meeting with terror." You
rna) begin to get limitations as wcll as disadvantages. You are Backgroulld If you look 01 lihcn /larry gm hi.! 1'(lriollS
getting problems with maintaining emotional contact with vantages and disadvantages. you wi/f see Ihal hi~ ..."",", ,
other people and .... ill break off any relationship that gets too lance li'QS dangerous~v low in his ),Ollth. AI the OK.:
intimate. was down to -40. If Ihen grcldually improved lip tf)
when it was close 10 zero aboul two years IX'fine hi.'
-100 Your advan tages drop by one point for e\'el') balance Then il dropped again. 10 Ihe present few!!' It',
point under -\00. You are ~rmancntly losing control of your Gamemaslcr to know Ihis because il te/b him
disa(hantages,just like you could do temporarily at higher ba- impression HafT), made earlh.',. in life. People whl) met
lance levels. Your light sides take the fonn of a light shadow his {cens probably thoughl he M'OS a WQcko.
th3t follows you and attempts to contact )ou (see The Awake-

posll:we ])c:\{c:\nce
A very high positive balance also grJdU311y changes
the character away from wh31 is normal among humans. The
effects of high positive balancc levels arc described in "The

+15 You own a weak positi\e aura which makes children

and animals feel comfonable in your presence.

+25 You may havc the advantage Magical intui tion. Yoo
are known to be a harmonious and stable person, whom every-
body likes.

+50 You have a natural empathy. People fee l safe in your


+75 Beings ..... ith a ncgati\e mental balance down to -100

avoid you if they can. You cannot be possessed by creatures
with a highcr mental balance than -250.

Light and illformation flickered over Ma- There are three kinds of skills; basic, general and
Noh's tender fact in the darkness of he,. bedroom. Her academic. E . . e!')one has a chance to su..:ceed with basic skills.
The default score is 3. General and academic skills arc such
fingers moved across the keyhoard with nearly blinding thai you have learned in your proft.'Ssion or otherv. ise trained
speed. Her crifnJon lips curled into" smile. She was in earlier in ),our life. To set academic skills. )ou must have an
her element, practicing the art that had made he,. infa- education score of 13 or more. Choose thc skills that )OU wanl.
mous. Ever since he,. parents hod given he,. the compu- and that are appropriate for your character's background, and
ter dnd modem, she had rarely ever left he,. room except notc thcm on the character sheet. The basic skills are Idread)
noted, and all you need to do is write do .... n if)'ou want higher
to eat. Hacking bad intrigued he,. from the start and scores than 3 at some of them.
after only a year, she was one of tbe btlt out there.
Though no one know who she really was, ber handle
was talked ahoul everywhert. She was respected and New Skills: We have pTO\ided a selection of possible sl.iIIs. lf
loved by he,. community. a fact she relished; tVen if the you .... am to create new skills. fecI fret' to do so. The Game-
master decides what abilities control the ne\\ skill. You then
adoration only was from afar and never tQ he fulfilled. expend skill points to acquire them in the regular .... a}. A pr0-
fession often demands the creation of ne .... skill~_ Jobs like
The screen jlick"ed ogain, bringing up a menu game designer. computer hacker or sect leader will call for
for the company she had just broken into. It WtlJ a skills ..... hich do not appear in our list.
small one, she didn't want to risk tver hacking into so-
mething large from home. Mariah's pannts might be a Skill PointJ : ll1c skill points are used to detennine
little upset if the federal police came knocking on the scores. You have 150 skill poiii.", d;",;bu,,, .'m',"'·I.'~
front door lookingfor their daughter: So, she spent her you choose. plus or minus any modifications
and disadvantages. That is the sum recommended
time with the small stuff, basically just wasting time
characters. If you and your Gamemaster want to create
and honing her abilities for the big league endeavors
that she did now and again. The current company in
or more powerful characters. you may agree on d;;,
more or less poinlS, An average ·non·hcroic" character
question was Front Edge Technologies. It was a small sk ill points, a very experienced and skilled person lIets
software company that badjust opened up in town. She points, and a truly powerful and knowledgeable
was curious about them since their website hod been so distribute 250 points. If you and your GM so wish, }OU
vogue in its descriptions. After sh,dying them for a few have even more powerful charJclers.
weeks, she hodfinally discovered a back door into their Every skill point expended increases your score in the skill by
system. one. However, every skill is controlled by one of the basic abi-
lities. You cannot raise your skill score abo .... e your SCO~ for
Menu after menu of information flickered be- that ability. Example; By e"pending 15 skill poinlS. you may
get a score ofl5 in the skill "Climbing-. but only if)ou ha\'ea
fore her: She Wt1J Stlrprised by the complexity of the se- score of at least 15 in its basic abilit). in this CBS<! ·agility....
lections and displays. ThiJ Wt1J a high-grade system she The description of each skill states which abilit)' controls il
was playing around in. Indeed, some of the stuff she
StT",Q just shouldn't have been thert. Suddenly pers071ilI If )'ou .... ant to increase the skill score abo\e your score in the
files started to scroll over her screen. The files seemed to controlling ability, e . . ery step costs 3 skill points. Thus. for a
contain everything on them and their lives. Their person with a score of 15 in agility to get a score ona in "Clim·
bing". he or she needs to exp..--nd (15 .. 5 x 3'"') 30 skill poin~
weight,Jomily members, where (It,d when they worked
and ate. ~ickly sbe realized what they all hod in com- This refteclS that it is very difficult 10 learn somcttiina )'0" lack-
mon. They all shared the same strong political view the mllural talent or physical require-menu fOf. Sqmeonc ..... ilft
and were active in politics in their respective cOlmtries. an agility of20 will easily learn acrobatic.s to get
It strock her as the screen went blank, this was a hit awith skill score of 20. But a stilT-jointed person
an agility of 7 will have to practice and
list. She blinked in shock. What had she done wrong? work a lot more to become equally
Her blood ron cold. Thinking she was being traud, she skilled. This takes time and energy.
hit the off switch to her computer. The room fell into and detracts more from thm person's
complete darkness, and she sighed softly to herself chances of learning other things.
i.e. it costs a lot of skill points.

We tt.'C0111111end that no character start the game with a score weapon. For instance. they can allow you to shoot twice du-
ovcr 20 in any skill. It is possible 10 increase skills to over 20, ring an action or draw a gun unusually fast. The weapon mao
however, and specially trained scientists or elite athletes may, neuvers are not basic skills and are treated like general skills.
as an exception, be allo ....ed an extremely high score in one
La nguages: All characters speak their mother tongue fluently.
TIley are also able to read that language. Your chance of suc-
Simplified C haracters You have t.... o skills with a score of cessfully deciphering or producing a difficult written message
J 8, two with a score of J 5, and eight skills with a score of J O. in that language is equal to your education score.
You may choose the Martial Art skill with basic skill scores
imtcad of one of the two score 15 ~kills. All other languages are separate skills. Speaking, reading and
writing a language are all part of a single skill, if you can
Choose skills according to the archetype, and ....Tite them down speak a language. you can also read and write it. If, for some
with the scores. You don't ha\e to WOIT) about .... hich abilities reason, you decide to be illiterate, you simply decide that the
control the skills. You are free to choose a score of 18 in a skill character cannot read and write. This does not affect any
where your controlling ability score is only 12. But later, when points or scores.
you wllnt to impr(we your abilities, you will find this more dif-
ficult when your controlling ability score is lower than the
skill score. T be Skill Score : The skill score is your chance to success-
fully use a skill. It is normally a number between I and 20.
When you use the skill, you roll Id20. A result equal to or
Busic Skills Even if you haven't spent any skill points on lower than your skill score means you managed to do what
tw.ic skills, you still have a chance 10 succecd with them. All you were attempting. If the result is higher than your skill
characters automatically have a skill score of 3 in basic skills. score, you failed.
If you want a higher score, you expend skill points from 3 and
up {not for the first 3 steps). Make a note of the score of 3 for
ail basic skills thlll you haven't increased. T he Effect ; If you succeeded with the skill roll, you subtract
the roll from you r skill rating to sec how well you succeeded.
The result is called effect. An effect of 0 means you only ba-
Aca deDlic Skills: To gct any academic skill. you must have rely achieved the desired effect, or only a part thereof. If the
an education of !3 or higher. That approximates having at effect is 20, you did great!
I.!~t begun a university education. In all other respects. acade-
mic skills work like other skills. The effect is used to create suspense in the game. If you get a
result of 30, you may have achieved something you hadn't
In ew!) academic skill, there are various specialties. These even thought possiblc, like looping a helicopter. A result of 0
cost one s\"ill point per step. BlIt in order to learn a specialty. is a narrow es..::ape, e.g. if the roll is for flying a helicopter, you
)ou must have a score of at least 5 in the basic field of skill to barely avoid crashing.
which it belongs. For example, to learn Physics, you must first
learn tho;: academic !ield "Natural science". The GM may prescribe a minimum effect that you must get in
order to achieve what you wanted. For example. if you are
:-.Jothing stops you from having academic skills that do not fit searching for infonnation. some of the facts you might have
in \~ith your profession. You might have attended evening found out will remain unknown if}ou don't get a sufficient ef-
dasses or studied some subject as a hobby. fect. Or your elegant acrobatic maneuver with a rope bet .... een
the roofs in Paris ends on the wrong house. Or your disguise
might pass the first tests, but is revealed when you reach the
\\':l'apon Skills; Every type of weapon belongs to a s..::parate inner circle of the Azghouls, if you didn't get a sufficient effect
skill, e.g. the skill "Handgun~ contains any type of firearms on your die roll for the skill "disguise".
designed to be us..::d with one hand (revolver or pistol). Skills
v.ith weapons for melee. and \\ith throwing weapons are go- There are seven levels of quality, which determine how ..... ell
verned by Strength. The weapon types for melee and throwing you succeed. The GM uses them BS a guideline, not a finn
\\l'apons are: Dagger, Throwing Weapons, Impact Weapons, rule. Ifyou are uncertain of how much it takes to achieve your
Pole Aml5, Sword, Whips and Chains. and Axe. Skills with aims, you can see in the table below how three different types
projectile \\eapons are controlled by Agility. The types are: of skill work with the effect. Detennine how diflicult the task
Automatic Weapons, Rifle and Crossbow, 130w, Handgun, and is, and set the minimum required effect accordingly. The
Hem'), Weapons. A special type of weapon skill is for natural examples below are for three types of skills :
weapons such as fists and feet, which are governed by either
of the skills Unarmed combat or MaI1ial arts. If you have skill investigative, e.g. Forensics, History. Infonnation retrieval,
with a type of weapon, you can use all weapons belonging Computers, Occultism. Mobility maneuvers, e.g. Dodgc.
to that type without penalty. Sneak. Swim, Acrobatics. Creative, e.g. Disguise, Crafts.lour-
nalism, Sketching/painting/sculpture. Acting.
All weapon skills are basic skills. This means
all characters automatically have a score of 3 When two skills are pincd against each other, for example the
Nepharite's "Search" against your "Hide the GM will subtract
with any weapon. •

your effect trom your opponent's. As a rule, the GM subtracts

the elrcct of the "passive" skill from that of the "active" one.
Weapo n Mane uvers :
Weapon maneuvers are spe- EXAMPLE
cialized weapon skills that re-
quire that you can handle a Harry sneaks across the roojurl1'ard a sentry at the headquarters

your work.

ofthe German arms smugglers. He has a score of 15 in Sneak. lhe archetype and choose some skills that seem appropriUlc
tou roll IdlO and get 8. The difference betll'een 8 and 15 i$ 7. Note Harry's scores for the ahilities thol COII/ro/ thes.' skills.
/larry's effect is 7: a normal result. The sentry ,rl'nses thot so- and choose how high his skill scores should he nlt.'n )'ou write
mething is wrong. The Gamemasler makes a Perception roll them on the characler sheet. (md describe ill Ihl' characler
for him, His Perception is 12 and Ihe roll gives II, so he only btlCkgroulld where alld how Harr), acquired them Remember
jU.f/ makes il_ The difference befl1:een 12 and II is I. That is lhe to nOle a score of3 in those basic skills on which )'011 don', ex~
sellfry's effeCl. But Harry had an effect of 7, which is now sulr- pend any poinls_ The Martial Arts skill COSt.f JO poilllS for
tracted.from the sentry's effect. gil'ing -6, The sentry doe.! not Harry since he has lhe Body Aware,lt'ss adl'(mtaxt!
notice lIarry. Harry gets all the way up to the sentI')' and
make.~ an attempt to knock him down wllh a blow to lhe heod. AbililJ' Ma..!C Skill
Skill score score CO"
Automatic S uccess: In most ordinary siluations, there is no
Alltommic weapons "18 "" "
13 (husk

need to roll a die to determine whether you succeed. Anyone
Bllgging 10
Dogger 14 11
with 5 or more in car driving is able to handlc a car without Spanish 10 111
steering into the ditch. It is only when you have to zigzag bet- Interrogation 12 10 /IJ
ween freight trucks while simullaneously defending yourself Hide 10 3 n f1wtt"J
from the axe murderer in the back seal, that )'OU need to do a Burglary 10 10 10
3 o(bu.id
skill roll to sec if you manage to stay on the road.

This applies to a lot of skills. particularly professional ones.

Net of can/acts. Inlelligence
"18 3 o(h(l.fir:)
Skill rolls are only made in special, demanding or critical cir- sen'ices 12 11 11
cumstances. For example. most people are able to cook a meal
Drive vehicle: Car 10 10 10
Search 10 3 n (hatic)
if they have a stove and some ingredients. but what it tastes Read wrile French 11 11 o(/I.;.fU',
like might be a different matter. Melee & throwing "pns 15 3 o(/>alic!
Handgun 18 18 15 (oo.fie /
The GM should use his common sense to determine when a Swim 11 3 o(b(ulc)
die roll is called for, Too many dies rolling only interfere wi th Firearms 18 3 o(hmic)
the role-playing, Unarmed combat 15 3 o(hasic)
SnC(lk 18 15 12 (basic)
5 5
Dodg' "18 3 o(ilu:Jic)
Perreet & Disastrous Throws : Very high and very low re-
sults of the skill roll will modifY the effeet. With a very low
roll you succeed better than expected. A roll of 20 means that
Man of the world
Martial arts " 15
/0 (body
something has gone wrong. Strike 9 o
If you roll an unmodified ~l" you have achieved a perfect
throw. You may add + I 0 to the effect.
Stick 7 1
A roll of20 always means that something has gone completely
wrong. e.g. the driver crashes the Cat. the climber foils. The 8adground .- All of Harry's skills are clearly
OM uses his imagination 10 decide .... hat happens. connected 'll.'ilh his propion a1 secret agent, (N'
his ~'ious career in Ihe French Foreign le-
EXAMPLE gion. ~bu oole approximately whell he
learned the various skills: the mili-
Hurr), has 170 points 10 distribille on skills, 150 basic points. ta,)' ones in the Legioll and lhe
(md 20 poinlsfor having a menIal balance of -20, ~ou consult agent OtIC.\' whi/e in hue/ligence.

Projectile .... capons
Automatic weapons
Rifle and crossbow
Melee and Throwing weapons
Throwing weapons
Impact "capons
Pole arms
Whips and chains
Unanned combat
CON·BASED A high effect means that not even mice and birds notice your
Swim passage. A low effect means you make some noise, but not en·
ough to be spotted directly.
]>ER· HASEIJ Abilif) : AGL

Readrwrite )'our native language The an of nOI being where the attack hits. You ~tep out of the
wa). and your oppotlCnt misses. You must decide to dodge or
not before the attacker rolls to hit. To dodge, you roll a die and
compare the result with your Skill Score. If your die roll i~ hi-
gher than your Skill Score you failed to dodge. else dedlKt
)'OUI' die roll rrom your Skill Score. this is your Dodge Score.

Ski[r Compare your Dodge Score to the attacker'S to /lit Score. If

)'ours is equal to or higher than the attack.."f's Hit Score, you
Dodge the attack and no damage is dealt. If the attacker\ is hi·
gher you receive damage as nonnal. You may not dodge a per·

rnescrptions fect hit! Dodging takes one action.

Only unanned attacks. melee \veapons and thro\l ing weapons
can be dodged. When dodging thro\ving weapons, )OU have
half your nonnal skill score.
\bilit~ : \GL
-nlC G\-I decides what effect is needed, taking into account that 'T'hrowin8
it's more difficult 10 scalc 0 smooth wall than to climb up a
~anolding. A long climb may mean that you hovc to roll seve· This skill entails throwing an object as rar as possible and hit·
ral times. An insufficient effL'Ct means you hang where you arc ting what you are aiming at. 110" far you can thro\l depencb
v.ithout getting either up or down. You can make a new at· on the size and weight of the object. No charnct.:r can Ihrow
tcmpt, but each attempt takes ten minutes. A disaster means anything that "eighs more than his load capacit),
)ou fall down. The OM consults the section on Falling Da· A high effect indicates a long and \lell-aimed Ihm\\. \ I(,w ef·
mage. fect may mean that the thrown object has tOO [illie pemer when
Climbing equipment such as ropes and pitons will add +5 to it hits the target to do any effect. Thro\\ing \\c;lpons are
the skill score when appropriate. controlled by separate skills. not HThrowing"
Abilif) : AGL Abilif)· :

Pnjectife Weapon 'Mefee Weapons &'

This is the skill to hit things 'With some son ofprojectile.laull- 'T'hrowin8 "'Weapons
!.:hing ""eapon. There are five types orsuch \I capons, and cach
type is a separate skill, which must be learned by expending Not all weapons are controlled by the same abilit) .
skill points. and is not alTected by any other projectile \leapon acquire knowledge about every type or \\eupon ".'~:::~
skill )'ou may have. There are six different types of melee- and thro\\ing
The types are: Automatic Weapons. Rifle and Crossbow, 80\1, daggers, clubs, pole anns, swords, axes and thro\\ing "eapons..
lIandgun. and Heav)' Weapons. More details about \leapon A skill means you can handle all weapons bl:longing w one
skills will be round in the Combat chapter. type, Since all these skills are basic, e\ieT)one has a ~ mall
Since these are basic skills, e\ierybody has a basic chance to chance to sueceed with a weapon. regardle:;s of tmining and
hit But in oRier to be able 10 fire the weapon at all, someone weapon type.
mUSt ha\e shown you the basic mechanics, such as how to reo l11e \\eapons and weapon skills are described in detail under
lease the safety catch, or where to put the arrow on the bow. "Weapons" in the Combat chapter.
There are technicalities about all projectile weapons which are Ability: STR
not obvious to a person v.ho ne\er handled one. If you must fi·
gure out by yourselr how the weapon works, )'ou need to make
an Ego roll. This takes a rew minutes. so iI's not a \'er) good 'Unarmed Com6at
idea in a combat situation.
Ability: AGL The art or boxing, kicking. throwing and \lrestli,.. ~Lna,rmcd
combat" is the type or skill you might find in a pett;on:,a~~
often been in fights, but has receh'ed no formal
Sneak simple punches and kicks. The Unanned Com,bat *ill
kicking, punching and wrestling. Damage for'
For every two kilos or load the character is carrying. subtract kicks, punches and wrestling techniques will be
one rrom the effect. TIle OM decides what effect is necessary to found in the weapons tables in the Combat
a\oid detection. The difficulty depends on many external cir- chapter.
cumstances such as creaky floors, darkness, debris on the floor. Unanned combat is counted 8S a
background noise. and so on. If you roll higher than the requi· weapon skill. and dealt with ac-
red effect, the number you rolled above the limit are subtracted cordingly.
from the effect for all tho§(: who are actively searching for you. Ability: STR

If your ~ore is 5 or higher, you can nonnall) s~im for a nUffi- Acrobatics
b..'T of minutelo equal to )our CO'~STR. v.ithout having to ParachUling
roll ;In) dke. Aller that. )00 must roll under your skill score Falling technique
oot \0 ~ink .\ ~lIcccssful thro\\ means you stay afloat for ano- em.
ther ("0' STR minute). Spo"
'-or e\'(1) thmv. )OU make, )our Endurance drops fhe points. Martial ans
\\ hen it rea.,;h<."i rero. ) ou begin 10 sink. You arc tolall) e,,- Play instrument
hausted. and the GM naslil) consults the rules about drow- Scuba diving
ning If you get ashore bc-fore that happens. )OU can be on Weapon maneu\ers
}()ur feet after half an hour. Characters with a score of less Change targets
than 5 mu~1 roll immediately ""'hen the) get into the water to Double shot
delenninc \\octher they stay afloat. Feint
It i~ nonnally possible \0 swim rh'c meters during one combat Combine
Round, provided that your effect is at least 5. A lov.er effect Quick draw
indicates thaI you missed a couple of strokes. An efft:cllo.... er
than 3 means you took an involuntary gulp of cold watef. The ":CO-BASE D
dk-ct is reduced one slep for every ki lo you are carrying. Astrology
\I/I\I;:n there arc high wave~ Of vel) cold water, the GM may Bugging
demand a higher effecl for the swimming 10 be successful. Accounting and book keeping
Ability: CON Computers
Firsl Aid
Poisons and drugs
In ordcr to 3\'oid being seen, you must ha\e somel.l-here to Infonnation retrieval
hide, The more opcn Ihe terrain. lhe higher effect is needed 10 Cryptogrnphy
a\oid detc<.:tion. If the pla)er rolls higher than the required ef· Meditation
f...~t. subtract the c~tra points rolled from thc cffect of any pur· \iotor mechanics
Slk.~ looking for him (i.e. using the skill Search).
Ability: PER Occultism
Radio communications
Seaycli Seamanship
Written report
I he (jM decides how high an elTect you need to find some· Languages
thing. I(you are looking for someone who is hiding, the elTect Demolition
Is modified by how well your target manages to hide. If he
Security s)'stems
f(\lb o\'er the minimum required, the extra points rolled are Pictorial ans
subtracted from your elTect. Estimate \'alue
\ high en~t means you find everything Ihere is. A low elTect Man of the \\orld
may mean you only find p..'u1s of what you might have found. Survival
Ability: !'ER
In this \kill. all characters begin the game with a skill score Interrogation
equal to their EDU. Disguise
\ t!.ood el1'cct means you manage to read/ .... rile .... ithout errors, Net of contacts
or that ~t>U express yourself .... cll, or that )'OU interpret a diffi· Riding
cult text. You do not nonnally need to roll any dice in order to Acting
Il.-ad .... rite or speak. It is only when you need to do something Fortune telling
dillkult in\'olving the language that you must roll. It might be Rhetoric
to rcJd a \cl) old te;>..\, or a complicated one, or to produce a
litcraT)' text that meets high demands.
If you fail to decipher a difficult leXI, you can try again. Forensics
Ho .... long it takes depends on the length and Photogrnph)
difficulty of the te~t. It can take hours, days. Forgery
months. Burglary
Ability: [DU
Drive \ehide
Night Combat


1\\'o·handed combat

r\c;l - j)"sed Skl{{s ciding which martial art your character has practiced. Each
manial an costs 20 skill points (10 if you ha\e the Body Awa-
reness advantage). E\'ery skill within thc martial an has a basic
SCOTe. For example, thc jujitsu grip skill has;\ basic score of9
'Acro6at ics which you au tomatically get when you "buy" thc J ujitsu Mar-
tial An.
You ciln do somcrsauhs, climb ropes, swing in trapezes and do Apan from Ihe basic skill scorc, you have the opport uni ty to
other acrobatic feats. A high effect means you move perfectly. select your specialty wilhin the ma rt ial art. One point ra ises
a low effect means you risk losing control over your muscles. your score by one in any of the skills listed under your martial
art. Howc\er, you cannot take basic points from one skill to in-
crease another.
Parac fiut ing Reduce your skill points by 20. the basic cost ofthc martial an
skill. ]'.;ote the skills. which are part of the an in thc "kills sec:.
You know oow to use a parachute. jump, land. and fold the lion of your character sheet.. If you like )'ou may now spend
chule. A high effect means you manage to land exoctly ""here cxtra skill points to increase your score in anyone of the skil ls
you wanl, and do it quickly. If your score is 10 or higher, you listed under )our Manial Art style,
are able to pcrfonn tricks and panerns with others.
Limits On Skill Sco res : There is a limit to ho\\ high your
skill score can be in martial arts. Your score in any martial an
'Fa[fing 'T'ecfinique skill can never exceed your score for the ability that con trols
that skill. Strike and kick are controlled by Strength, all other
]fyou fall or are thrown, you can roll with it and get back up martial an skills are controlled by Agilit).
on your feel without getting hun. In this respect, the skill is
identical to falling as laught in various martial arts (see the EXAMPLE
martial an skill below). But -falling technique- is a lillie more.
You also ha\c the ability to slow a fall from high altitude, if HafTY has practiced karale. This on/v t·os/ him /U 6k;1I poinrs
there is a wall or something nearby 10 use for breaking. Your instead of the normal 10, since he has Ihe aJI'alllage Bod)
effect is subtracted from the effect of the injuries you receivc att'areneS!l. He notes Ihe basic \'alues for Ihe \'Ur;UU.f skill.~.
from such a Hill. Since his Sireng/h is only 15, he cannot haw! a hijl.h.:r ~core
than 15 in strike. InSlead, he elects to raise his ,tcON l or kid
from 1110 15. using three exira skill points, Again, Ihis Is rlw
Craft maximum since kick Is controlled by StrenRth. As !\'l '<lpon skin
he chooses slick alld spend 7 skill poimf If) jl.t'l (lfCOI"C of 7
Dctennine which craft )'OU have mastered. It can be anything Ihat skill. So Harry have used a /OtaJ of 10 points on
from sewing to jewelry or bookbinding. This skill is used pri- orIS, JO skill pomts for the basic Karate ,k,ili ,,001 ",,,.Id'~
mari ly to control things you have learned as hobbies. If you are JO 10 increase the Kick and weapon (Slick in hif aueJ
trying to make somelhing of professional quality or difficulty, scores within the Martial Art.
the GM may demand a minimum cffect for succ~. A high ef-
fect means you managed 10 make e."actly what you had in Srike 9
mind, a lowcffecl indicates a less sensational result. Kick 15
Block 9
Dodge 9
Syort Slick 7

Detennine which spon you are good al. Every sport is a sepa- Practice & [xIJcrience: Manial ans sk ills can be ;ml, ro, «il i
rate skill. the same way as other skills. Every skill in a r
AGL-based sports are e.g. sprint running. jumping, wrestling. parate and points must be expended for each skill.
golf, alpine skiing, gymnastics., ice hockey and all ball games do not count as a single skill.
except American football.
STR-based sports are e.g. weight lifting, discus and other thro- Jujitsu - Th e Soft Wa ) : Jujitsu, like Aikido, consi~ts of de-
wing spons. lug-of-war, American football. fensive techniques, but jujitsu is more concentratcd o n l he
CON·based sports are e.g. swimming, long distance running, praclical defense against attacks with or wi thout weapon;;, This
rowing. doesn't mean you are unable to hurt attacke rs. · Oefensj.,·c·
Any sport that involves riding on animals is based on COM. means you practice not to attack. but to tum your opponent's
Motor sports arc based on PER. power against himself.
A high elTect means you achieve somcthing good, exactly wh at
depends on the spon; you score a goal, jump very far, run fast. Skill Basic Score
etc. The GM must delennine from case to case what you can Throw 9
achieve. Grip 9
A bility: AGUSTRICO N Block 9
Falling technique 9
\\'capon o
'Martia{ 'Arts
Ka ra te· The Empt) H and : Karate is an of-
There are three dilTereni martial arts in Kult. In reality. there fensive span where the emphasis lies
are many morc, but seV'Cral of them are so similar that it serves on anacking with strikes and kicks.
no purpose to describe them separately here. For instance. lae- Sticks and nunchaku are used.
kwon-do is so similar to karate thm it can be rcprcsenled by
karate only. Aikido and judo are relatcd to jujitsu. Begin by de-

Skill Basic Score Falliug T«h"ique : The art of falling without getting hurt and
Strike 9 without losing control. A successful use of falling technique
Kid.. 9 reduces the effect of the fall, by -5. You get back on your feet
BLOCK 9 in one action, instead of a whole combat round, which is what
Dodge 9 it usually takes.
Weapon o Weapon Skills: Numerous weapons are used also in martial
arts, which are basically unanned. In jujitsu, you train with jo-
Commando Training : Commando training i~ a versatile trai- sticks, swords and daggers. Karate uses sticks and nunchaku.
ning at melee combat, Kicks. strikes. throws and grips arc Commando training contains quite a lot of knife practice.
taught. Daggers and kni';es are also used. The player chooses one weapon skill, which belongs in his
martial art. It's possible to acquire more weapon skills, but
Skill Basic Score your special Damage bonus will not apply to more than one.
Strike 6
Kick 6
Throw 6 Anacking with a Martial Art s kill
Grip 6
Block 6 A Martial arts trained character is stronger and faster and does
Falling technique 6 more damage in melee. To simulate this, an additional Da-
Weapon o mage bonus is added to the effect when you strike an opponent
using a Martial Art attack. The seore you have in the skill you
Strike : Hitting your opponent with the fist or the side of the used for the successful attack shows what to add from the ef-
hand. fect in combat (see the table below). For throwing weapons,
Kid: Some sort orkick. Flying kicks arc a special maneuver. the Damage bonus is halved (rounded down).
Throl4' : When successful, you throw you r opponent to the
ground If he doesn't know falling technique. it takes him a Skill Score Damage Bonus
whole combat round to get back on his feet. I - 10 +1
Grip: The grip doesn't do any damage. Instead, the tables II - 15 +2
show how \lell you have immobilized your opponent.
A scratch means a loose grip; the victim breaks loose if he
rolls under twice his Strength with Id20.
16 - 20 +3
This bonus is cumulative with the nonnal Strength/Agility da-
A light wound means a half-good grip. The victim can break mage bonus.
loose by rolling under his Strength with Id20.
A serious \lound means a good grip; the victim must roll
under halfhis Strength with ld20 to break loose. Pray '1nstrument
A fatal wound means a perfect grip; the victim cannot break
loose at all. The player chooses which instrument to play. Every instru-
Blod; . You p:1IT) an attack with your anns or legs (no wea- ment is a separate skill, though of course anyone who can play
pon), so that you lead the force of the attack away from your- the piano can also play other keyboard instruments almost as
self. It is only possible to use this skill against unanned at- well. a trumpeter will probably be able to handle other brass
tacks. You must decide to block or not before the attacker rolls instruments reasonably well, and so on. The skill also means
to hit. To block, you roll a die and compare the result with you can read music and you know some pieces.
your Skill Score. If your die roll is higher than your Skill A high effect means you play well and the audience wants to
SCOft' you failed to block. else deduct your die roll from your hear more. A low effect means you only manage to play wi-
Skill Score, this is your Block Score. Compare you r Block thout obvious errors, but without feeling.
Score to the attacker's to Hit Score. If yours is equal to, or hi-
gher than the attacker's Hit Score, you block the attack and no
damage is dealt. If the attacker's is higher you receive damage Scu6a'Dive
as nonna!. You may not block a perfect hit! Blocking takes
one action. You know how to handle all normal diving equipment. You
Dodge: The art of not being where the attack hits. You step know how fast you can ascend without getting the Bends. how
out of the \\a),. and your opponent misses. You must decide to to find your way under the water, and where it is dangerous to
dodge or not before the attacker rolls to hit. To dodge, you roll dive.
a die and compare the result with your Skill Score. If your die A high effect means you swim fast, know where you are and
roll is higher than your Skill Score you failed to dodge, else can do whatever you set out to do underwater. A lower effect
dl'-duct your die roll from your Skill Score, this is your Dodge may mean that you get problems, the work takes longer than
Score. Compare your Dodge Score to the attacker's to Hit you anticipated, etc.
Score. If yours is equal to. or higher th an the attacker's Hit
Score, you dodge the attack and no damage is dealt. If the
attacker's is higher you receive damage as normal. Weayon Maneuvers
You may not dodge a perfect hit ! Dodging
takes one action. The tenn maneuvers refers to special tricks and techniques
Only unarmed attacks. melee weapons and you can learn to use in combat. You can only use one maneu-
throw ing weapons can be ver at a time unless you have the maneuver Combine. To succa.>d
dodged. When dodging
throwing weapons, you with a maneuver you must first succeed with your weapon
have half your normal skill roll, and then with the maneuver. Each maneuver is a
skill score. skill, which is bought in the ordinary way.

Change targets ; Nonnally it takes nn action to change Ihc tar- 1-5 Use a personal computer. write text, play games. Use
gcl of your attack. If )'ou know Change targets it takes no ac- simple software/applications.
tion at all; you can attack your new opponent at once. 6-9 Use a personal. mini. and to some extent a main
Double shot : Vou can fire so rapidly with your handgun that it frame computer. Use most applications that do fIOt
only takes one action to fire IWO bullets without any eXira pe- require special koo\\ledge. Write some useful programs
nalty. in C. Pascal and possibly one or t.... o other languages.
Feint ; You are able to fool your opponl'nt with a feint. Feints 10-12 Use all common types of computers. Use difficult
work aga inst all kinds of weapons. Your opponent gelS +5 on programs like CAD and complicated spreadsheets,
his attack throw and you get -5 on yours. Write large programs in mosl common langUolges.
Combine: You are able 10 do 5e\cral things simultaneously. Write s imple routines in Assembly language.
You may perform one extra action in an aClion phase than you 13-18 At this level. )OU are something of a hacker. You are
normally are allowed 10. Howc"'cr, lhis action is deducted from able to use all computers. use, modify and write ad
those available to you in the combat round. vanced programs, even in C language. Repair some
Quick draw : You 9rc able to draw your weapon extremely hardware.
fast. This takes no action, you can attack immediately from ha- 19+ You can do almost anything .... ith computers. Writ ...
ving the weapon sheathed'holstered. The maneu\'er is valid for and modify programs in an}' language. debug 1:Iil\3/)
handguns. melee and throwing weapons. Note Ihal the weapon core dumps. bypass copying proteClKms and pass
mUSI be within easy reach and not. e.g .• in your bag. "ords, etc. Repair hardware.

cC:;O - 5o.sed SkillS You can repair. assemble and handle electronic ~ystems and
machines. You understand how electric machines work and can
build simple devices.
lIigh effect means a good repair or construction. A 10.... effect
The art of interpreting astronomical phenomena in relation to means some small errors have crept in.
events on Earth. The astrologer can make horoscopes to see
the future of a person. and can calculate an individual's possi-
bilities and personality from the time of birth. He believes 'First 'Aid
there is a correlation between astronomical constell at ions and
e~ents in the past and the present. An astrologer automatically You can apply bandages, put an injured person in thc right ~
has some knowledge of astronomy; 1/4 of the skill score for si tion SO that he can breathe. prevent shock, and perloon res...
astrology. citation (mouth-to-moulh, elc.). If the injuries are ,;e\·cre.
A high effect means that the astrologer belie\es himself to see Gamemaster can require a minimum eflect for your
correlations and truths. Astrology in this game does not work do any good. Success means you StOP the bleeding.
like magic. It normally doesn't " .... ork" at all. The GM can piration in someone who almost drowned. ele.
allow the astrologer to make a true prediction. if this serves the High effect means you have done as much good as fi",
plot. But normally, astrology is very bogus and has little or no do. Low effect means you barely prevent the dam.
relevance for reality (even though the astrologer may belie\e coming worse.
in what he is doing).

Poisons &' 'Dru8s

You can recognize. make and use poisons and dru~
Knowledge of how to plant hidden microphones. cameras. re- also able to make and use antidotes and serum...... hen ros>iblc,)
ceivers and other equipment for secret surveillance of other and identity a drug from the symptoms it has cau.'>Cd.
people. You can use and repair such equipment. A high effect High effect means that you were right; the drug or poison
means that you hear and/or see everything clearly in the place ...... orks as you expec ted. Total failure can produce interesting
you have bugged. A low effect may mean that reception is results if (for instance) someone is exposed to the drug you just
poor, or the devices are detected after a short time. made. Poisons and drugs are described in a separate chapter.

'Accountilt8 &' 'Boofferyilt8 '}{yynosis

You have knowlcdge of how to manage the ledgers and other The hypnotist can place a willing per:son in hypnotic tnloce. a
accoums of a company. The skill can be used to check that a state of mind where subconscious thoughts and ri<;o: to
company's books are in order, and detect any frauds or fishy the conscious level. This can be used to ~~S~;~~
numbers. The lo .... er you roll, the more you understand about which the person has constricted. It's not po:;sible
the company's business deals, or the better you manage your anyone against his will. High effo:ct means the
company's accounting.
goes into deep trance and you find .... hat you were~c'._" 'o

Comyuters 'lnformatiolt 'Retrieva(

Knowledge of how to use com pUlers. You are familiar with the You are skilled in using libraries,
mosl common operating systems and can use some programs. books. databases, catalogs and re-
With a high score, you are able to write your own programs. gisters to find out something you
11ere are some guidelines for the GM : need to know. Of course. you

ean only find such infoMl1ation that really exists in a place to High effect means thai )'our knowledge of some theory. occult
whi,h you hB\ e access. The ..lill only means you 1.:00\\ \\<here objcct, ritual or group. is helpful in the present situation.
to look.
" high etTat means you find the information quickl)". I.o .... er
efli.-":b indicate that thc ~earch takes longer time, and or you Parapsycho(o8Y
rna} nollind <.:""\3ctly ..... hal you were looking for.
You h:ne knowledge of the hidden forces v.hich modem
science denies, telepathy. telekinesis. Kirlian auras. pendu-
lums, divining-rods. ley Jines and different types of clair·
" Cl)'plographcr i~ trained to sohe codes and pU7.../[es. He You recognize these phenomena and you can perform parapsy-
knows the mo\t comm!)n techniques for encr) pting intOlTlla· chological experiments and measure various kinds of non·
lion. Ii..: can tell .... hich type of code system lhal has been used measurable energies . I'araps),chology does not cover oceult
to encT)pt II coded me<>sage. Ccrtain codes cannot be broken phenomena. At high elTects, you discover whatever pheno-
without a key. but the cryptographer .... ill have a good idea of mena thcre arc to disco\cr. and you are able to give some sort
\\<hat ~()n of ke)" i~ needed. High elTeet mean~ the code is of explanation.
quid,l} ~ol\cd, or the cT)plographer quickl) realiLes that iI'S
u<>eles~ to \\ork with it unle<>s the corrt.'Ct key is supplioo.
'Radio Communications
'Meaitation You can usc advanced radio equipment. You know common
frequencies and call signals. High effect means you quickly
You ha\e lean1 ...'([ some technique 10 meditate and regain your and smoothly send andlor receiw a message.
strength and endurance. A person who meditates regularly can
get along \\ith only ::1-4 hours of steep per night. To do this,
}llU need II ~kill -;core of 10 or more. Successful meditation Seamal1shp
,an al<'(l t-e U'il..'([ to rcsto~ ~our balance after being shocked. If
your mental NJancc is nCg3lhe and )"ou fail your Ego roll in a You can handle a sailing boat or motor boat of normal size.
terril) ing situ:ni(ln. m...-dilation can help y'ou cancel the effects You can read sea charts, na\'igale. and assess the weather so
<Jf the 1ohoek. Meditating su'ccssiully for at leasl 2 hours. in- that you lnow if it's good ellO!.Jgh for your \·essel. Maneuve-
.,;n::t.'iC' the c/ anee to succeed \\ ith this by IdS steps. ring a submarine. or large vessels like oil tankers. are separate
~kills. If you tr) to handle a large vessel, you ha\c half )'our
score in Seamanship. High effect means you safely controllhe
'Motor 'Mechanics \csscl and quickly gel \\ here you are going.

'\00 .:arc inteTl.~t~>d

in mOIOrs and mechanical things. You can
Ii, m()to~ and simple machines. Specify to the Gamemaster Written 'Report
v.hat tyre of motor or machine you are used to .... orking ..... ith.
\ hi~ ctlect meall5 you can repair a complicated breakdown, You are skilled at expressing yourself in writing. You know
or worl.. oul ho\\ a complicated machine works. A low effect various styles of wrinen expression and can write formal let·
mcan~ ),(JU only succeed if the device is really simple. other- ters, speeches, magazine anicles and simple prose. The higher
"he it ju.sl gives 01T a cough, but won't work. effect, the beller le:d Y'ou produce.

["hi~ i~ an occult tradition. which is related to mathematics and All characters speak their native tongue nuently. but foreign
cryptography. A numerologist can look for connections by languages mu:;t be teamed. Every language is a separate skill.
comparing ligures and equations. He might compare the mea- so ),ou must expend experience points on each language you
surements of a building wilh the years or dates for large disas- wish to know.
te" or the hinh dates of certain mOllOzygotes twins. and af- The Gamemasler decides if you need to get a certain minimum
fi\\!" al amving coincidences. Sometimes his conclusions are effect, depending on .... hat you are trying to say or 1lJ"Iderstand.
ri~ht. this is a good source of ideas for adventures. High effcct A s imple guideline :
means the numerologist has found a plausible connection bel-
.... cen diflerent numbers and mathematical fonnulas. Le\cl of Knowledge
You can make yourself understood, but your
grammar is lousy'.
Occu(tism 10 Your grammar is decent. but your accent is VeT)
foreign .
You have theoretical knowledge of various 15 You speak the language \ery well.
occult practice<> and teachings: kabbalah. spiri. 20 You speak the language as well as an) O3ti\e.
tism, magic. demonology, tanuism, Satan ism, Anyone ..... ho ean speak a language can also read and write in it.
occul! societie<> and theo-
ries. For more on Ckcult
traditions. see the chap- 'Demofition
ler ~Magic~.
You can make and use explosives. You can make signal roc·
kets, smoke bombs. time bombs, and you know how to apply
the explosi\es to get ma.ximum elTect.

A high effect means thai you achieve the blast effect you wan-
ted_ A lower effect can mean that the blast became stronger or
v.eaker man you intended. Vou can probably imagi~ ..... hat a
chA - Based SkillS
total failure means.
Security Systems The diplomat is a professional negotiator. Diplomacy is the art
of getting evel)one as satisfied as possible and soh'e conflicts
Vou can install a security system, e.g. to protect a house from that may seem insoluble, through compromises, pov.er pres-
intruders. These systems consist of TV cameras and various sure and skillful lying. These things cannot be simulated .... ith
sensors, atanns, human guards and schedules, codes, locks and die rolls in the game; you must aCI them OUI bet.... een the
types of construclion materials. Vou are also able to analyze an players and the Gamemaster. Good role-playing ma~ gi\'e a
existing security system and find any v.eal.: spots. If you want bonus to your effect.
to get into a place, "security systems~ is the theory; "burglary~ High effects indicate Ihat )'ou managed 10 convince )'our oppo-
is the practical reality. nents of the solution you ,""anted, or that )'ou reached an accep-
table compromise for both parties.

Tictoria( 'Arts
Vou can cre::lte objects of art wilh various techniques. Mosl
people specialize in one t)'pc of technique. and onl) have a The an of behaving cOrTe("tl) in polite :;ocie!). You Cdn take
basic knowll-dge of the others. Decide if )'ou are a painter. part in dinners and cocktail panies with ....obel laun:ate~. (lld-
sculptor. te'(tile ani", or something else. fashioned European nobilil), rich and po .... erful people ::In)"\\-
High effects mean that the object is original, thought evoking, here in the western v.orld, and you will know hov. to handle
beautiful or whatever you wanted it to be. Lov.er effects indi- )·oursclf. Etiquette is to dress right. cat and drink at the rig.ht
cate that it may be technically v.ell made, but not artistically time and with the right tools, bring pmenls '"" hen expected,
perfect. and generall) mclt in with the cream of sodety.
High effect means you make no mistakes and appear to ha'Oe
been born among the upper classl'S.
:Estimate Va(ue Since culturaltmditions are so different. it may be .... he 10 ~pe­
eify in which areas your etiquette apphe<i. Japanese nohilit) Of
Vou know what things are worth. This is an ad .. antage .... hen African-American cily culture can be separate etiquette ,kill:..
bargaining. Decide \~hich I}pe of goods )·ou primarily want to
master; real estate, jewelry, cars, amiques, art. or something
else. Vour knowledge is full in one field only; when estimating
the value of other goods )'ou ha\e half your skill score.
When you get a high effect, your estimate is 'OCT) close to the You kilo .... how 10 be charming to the 0ppo!-ite sex. alld
real market value, and you may be able to tell \\hether the lack the natural shyness that most of us have. Your
goods is worth more or less in other places around the world. succeed depends on how interested thc other pan) is.
and what the prospects are for future values. victim is just waiting to be seduced, your throw ma~ he: i
fied. If the object ofY'our desire is completely indifli:rent.)oo.

'Man if the Wor(d need a \ery high effect.

If the Gamcmasler wants, }our chances may be mtlditied
the quality of your role-playing. The em ironment and
Vou are a man of the ,""orld and know how to handle any situa· stances may also affect your chances, and so can your a~
tion you can expect to get inlO among strangers and in alien looks. A high effect rna) indicate that the ~ictim
environments. You aren't panic-stricken if you suddenl)" find madly enamored with you. A lov.er effect rna) mean that he or
)'ourself in Ihe Chinese countryside where nobody speaks En- she acceptS your dinner invitation, but will nOl go further than (haL
glish and nobody can tell you ..... here the nearest city is. Vou
melt into the social environment and are at home in lUXUry ho-
tels as well as in the slum.
High effect means you instinctively know how to bcha.. e
among strangers. Low effects mean you are less certain and This skill is flOt equal 10 Htorture"! Interrogation mean~ you are
behave more like an ordinary, but adaptable tourist. skilled at manipUlating, fooling or Ihreatening peorle into re-
vealing things they don't .... ant to tell you. II usually takcs a 101
of time to break a person's resistance. You try to make him
Surviva( gainsay himself and entanglc himself in a hopeless ",oW of lies.
Or trick him into th inking that revealing Ihe . inlOnna-
Vou know how to survive in hostile environments. deserts,
tion is going to be of bene li t to himselr, that it .",t'or'';;!I:oil
Arc tic areas, the polluted wastelands of Eastern Europe, etc. chery against his friends at all, and so on. The II
Vou know the edible plants, how to find water, trap small is determined by subtracting the \ ictim's effect 01'1. an Ego
game, find edible insects. and protect yourself against storms from your effect on Ihe Interrogation roll.
and cold, The worse cireumstances, the higher effect is needed A successful tcst (5 or morc) mcans thai the in-
to survive. terrogated person quickly reveals evel) thir)g
he knows. Lov.er effects (0-4) may
mean that the interrogation takes a
long time and perhaps the victim
keeps something back.

menlS. lligh effect means you managed to say exaelly 'What
'Disguise you meant in a convincing manner. Lower effect means there
I\e~ some flaws in your argumentation. Successful Rhetoric
You 1:3n dre~) lile somC(lnc else, appl) makeup and imitate doesn't automalically mean thai you eom·ince those ",ho hear
..omeort<!'s rath:m of mo\cment and specl:h, to avoid !xing reo ~ou. this also depends of whal you are sa)!ing. and what your
cogni/oo for .... ho )OU reall) are. It is much more difficull to audience knows. Convincing a group of astronomers that the
imitate a spccilic person than just disguising your real identity, sun is an enormous lemon wilt not succeed simply because the
or prekndinp. 10 belong 10 a ("C'oain C3legOr). The more dilli- dice went your wa)".
cult. disguise you attempt, the higher effect \0. ill be needed.

'Jfet Of Contacts peR - Ba.sed SkIllS

This IS the an of kIlO\\. ing the right ~p[e in the right places.
Net of contacts is a common headlinc for several skills. one
tOr each group where you have contacts. For e"ample, flNet of
contacts: criminals" means you know whom to get in touch The skill of knowing what to look for at the scene of a crime.
WIth if)ou need a hit man. an illegal "capon, or drugs. You can handle fingerprint powder, you know where to look
Ocher nels of r.:ontacts !.:an be scienlis~. politicians. business- for fingerprints, you can identify fibers from a person's
men, ctc. A high effcct indicates that you happen to know pre- clolhes. and examine a bullet to see if it matches a certain
cisely the right person. A low effect may mean Ihal you only "eopen (i.e .. ballistics). etc. You must describe to thc Game-
know vaguety who might be abk to help you, and )'OU may master what )'ou arc doing. but he may give you hints about
need a go-bet"eo:n to g<c't assistance from that person. 'Which things 10 examine and whal you should avoid. The hi-
gher effect. the smaller and subtler traces you will find .

Choo!.e which animal you can ride. \1ost people ride horses.
bot in some cases it might be a camel. If your score is 5 or You can handle a camera and dc\clop films. \Vith a high score.
mon:o ~ou onl) n&.."ed to roll in exueme situations like jumping y'ou can cnoose different lenses and arrange artistic pictures or
a difficult otKtacle or hanging on to the mount during a chase make special effects. You can also do retouching and editing.
0Vtt rough terrain. The higher effeCl. the more complete The more difticult the subject. and Ihe worse light conditions.
control you ha\c o\er the animal. the higher effect 'Will be required for a good result Othcrw-isc. a
high effect simply means the picture turns oot like you wanted it.
Combined with computer skills. this could allow the anal)'sis
and sophisticated editing of photogrnphic images.

You can pI8)' a role convincingly, You are used to learn ing
lines and impro'vising. The Gamem3Sler can require a mini-
mum em.'C1 if the part is particularly difficult. A high effect in-
dicates Ihm you make an outstanding perfonnance. You really The an of making faithful copies of documents, bank notes.
~ lhe ~rson you play. Low effect means that your interpreta- identilY p.'lpers. contracts, or whate\·er. You know w here to get
tion is ol..:lY. but less convincing. A total failure occurs I\hen the right sort of paper and ink. and how to usc copicrs. repro-
),ou forgct your lines, enter the stage at the wrong time, and duclion cameras and such equipment. It takes rather a long
stumble over your own feet. time to make a good forgery, and you must have access to
good equipment.
Iligh effects yield a perfect copy. which can only be exposed
'Fortune 'T'e((ing by a thorough testing. LO\lcr effects mean there are flaws in
your forgery, I~hich may tum up upon close inspection.
You :lTC familiar with the most common methods of fortune Combined with compuler skills. this could allow the sophisti-
Idling; tarot cards, astro logy. palm reading, mirror looking, cated reproduction of documents.
Cl"V'ltal hall and such. You can read people's faces and interpret
~ir <]ul.'Stions much in the same manner as a person with na-
tural l.'Tllpath)". and )"ou can produce answers that seem plau-
sitlle. fhis does nol mean thai you otherwise function as a per-
son "11h empalhy. You ha\e specifically learned to interpret You can gel past fences, doors, windows and even walls WI-
pl.'Ople's qu..:stions and anxieties o\er their future. High effect thout raising an alarm. You know the best ways of getling into
mean~ ~'ou make a correct interpretation of the perncm who:;e \arious buildings. and .... hat tools are required. You also know
fortune you lell. You can tell him something about him- where to look for sUI""I'eillanee cameras and alann :;ensors, !"Iut
self that he thought you didn't know. and you have no special skill at disabling them.
make a plausible guess about his future. Iligh effect means you quickly and silently get into the desired ploce.
Allowereflects it takes a bit longer. and you make some noise.

You can speak before an
'Drive Vel1icfe
audience and argue convin- rhis skill applies to either cars or motorcycles; you choose
cingly in a debate. You never which. They are sep.1rate skills, and if you want to drivt! both.
lose your tongue and always you need both skills. If your skill is 5 or more. you don't need
find the most brilliant argu-
to roll for nonnal everyday driving. Only in difficult situations
and when you need to make a dangerous maneuver will the
dice be necessary.
A high effcct indicates a smooth and safe ride. Panieularly dif-
ficult maneuvers may requi~ a minimum effect. All of the academic skills consist of se\eral specialties. The
basic skills indicate a thorough general knowledge in one area
of knowledge; Natural science, Humanistic scholaMip. Medi-
Pi{otina cine or Social sciences. A <.Core of 10 or more in the basic skill
means you are a college graduate in that area. In :'oJatural
This skill applies to either gliders. propeller planes. jet planes, science you are a Bachelor ofSciencc, in lIumanislic scholar-
fighter aircraft or Ilelicoplcrs. Choose which type you can pilot. ship you are a Bachelor of Arts, in Medicine y'oo are a Bache-
You then ha\e half >'our skill score with all the other!ypeS. lor of Medicine (which is not the same as a fully trained doc-
If your piloting score is 5 or higher. )"OU can fly under nonnal tor), and in tnc Social sciences you are a Bachelor of Am or of
circumstances without having to roll the die. High effect Law.
means a smooth and saf.: ride. Panicularly difficult maneuvers Specialization is a new skilllhat costs as much 10 acquire as
and air combat will require a minimum eITect. the primary skill. !laving a specialty means you are something
of an expert in that area. In order 10 specialize. you need a mi-
nimum of 5 in the primary academic skill. You cannot specia-
Shadow lize in an unrelated field, c.g. Ihe primary skill Medicine does
not allow you to specialize in Arabic literature.
The skill of fol[OI..,ing someone II ithout being noticed. [t may In the descriptions below, wc suggest some specialization. but
involve such things as spending eight hours in a hOlel lobby or you are free to iJl\ent others.
hanging around outside a building without arousing suspicion. All academic skills arc based on education.
If the person you are following turns around and sus~ts the
presence of a fo[lower, y'our effect for shadowing is subtracted
from the effcct of the followed person's Perception roll. High '}-(umanities SCho{anh!J1
effect means you don't lose the object of pursuit and you are
not detected. You have a good general knowledge of HislO!")·. languages. re-
ligion and other cultural subjects. Specjalization~ may be An-
thropology. Arehaeolog). Philosophy, HistOf)·. Art. Linguistil.'S.
Literatu~. Psychology. Religion.

You can play most common games of chance; poker. roulette,

blackjack, craps. baccarat. etc. You know how to devise simple 'Medicine
systems. and to estimate the probability of winning. You also
have some experience at detecting people \\oho try to cheat. You have a medical degree and a good general kno.,<d'"
You know the most common tricks. High effect means )"ou win the human anatomy and various disea.'ies. You are
a lot of money, unless of course you 3~ not playing to win a fonn simple surgical operations. make a diagnosis ofm,no.
lot 6'ou might attract attention). If SC\'era[ people are playing diseases, and suggest treatment. T'his doe~ not mean you
against each other, cards for example. the highest efleet wins. any practical experience with treating sick , such
Player characters always have 25% chance to win in a game of fience is co . . ered by the "first aid~ ~I..ill. i
chance. regardless of their effect. Anatomy, Toxicology. Phaml!lCology, Physiology..
Pathology. Psychiatry, Surgery.

'lfatura( Science
The 3rt of fighting in bad light conditions, from tWilight down
to total darkness. You are guided by senses other than sight You are more or less an engineer. This gives you a basic know-
(i.e. sound. smell and librations). For unhindered combat in ledge of mathematics, physics and chemistry. You can perform
weak light. you nccd a minimum effcct of5 or more. If the ef· various types of calculations and hale a general knowledge of
feci is lower. 5 is subtracted from your skill score with your Electronics and Chemistry. Without spcciali7lllion. you ooly
weapon. The same Ihing applies in lotal darkness, except that a ha\e superficial I..nowledge of Astronomy. Biology and Ge0-
minimum effcct of lOis required, and lOis subtracted at lower logy. Specializations can be Astronomy. Biolog), Computer
effects. This skill is also helpful if you are temporarily blinded science, Electronics. Geology, PhySiCS. Chemist!"). \lathema-
for some reason. tics.)

Socia{ Sciences
WIl::hour (\bl(]ry Bo.se
You ha\'e
science knowledge
and "~~:!'~:I'~~~ ~:;;'~~;~:::;i~lt~
sociology.inSpeciali7lllions can be
TWO-handed Com6at Sociolog). Political science.

This is a special ~killthat enables y'ou to fight with one wea-

pon in each hand. or to switch if one hand is injured. A charac-
ter that fights with one weapon in each hand gets one extra at-
tack action per combat phase. The skill costs 10 point:; and has
skill score. You can use either one of your hands or both at the
same time.

Frost lay upon the twisted sheets ofthe bed, hiJ
naked skin soaked ilt stinking perspiration. Facing a
garbage-strewn alley that prevented uny form of breeze
to circulate within, the small room felt like an oven in
the New Or/callS' heat even during the night. The
filllity wiring made putting any form offan or air
conditioning in here impossible, if1l01 potentially lethal
So hiJ only opliol/J were to either go Qut onto the (ooler
streets, or s/O'"JJly rot in the heat of the tiny room. Since The living standard is a me~uremt'nt of your econo-
the Jormer was likely to get him lulled, be cbose to suf mic and social situation. [n the an::hct}pc~, we sugge~1 suitall1c
fer the lutter. living standards for each type of character. Look al the leve[
)'our archetype bought and note the monthl)' in.:ome and sa-
Behind his eyes, he could Jet his home again. \ings.AII sums ate in U.S. dollars (S) and the value of the dol-
His real home. It seemed so silly now. White picket lar is as per 1996. You ",ill probabl} need to compensate lor
ftnce, two slorits, red eves/roughing. Typical American inflation as the )ears go by.
home. Even bad apple pie cooking in the oven. It was
gone now, along with his wife and Jon. Burnt to the "ote that a person", ho is poor in Uk- l.'S might be
considered \cr)" rich in some other pans of the "orld; average
ground when they came for him. He still heard his fa- living standards val) a lot bct\\«n countril's.
mily'! screams as the flames licked their skin, blacke-
ning their flesh and hair; turtling his life to ashes. But All characters have loose proper!)" to the
what could he have done other than nm away? He had one year's pay for their living standard. lhis!;3fl bo: C3l'i.
ture. technical cquipment and other things they have
to believe that. He had no choice. They gave him none. during their lives. There is no need to de~ribe in detail
/ Ie had to leave the tortured screams behind him. what you own. Just nOle things that are rde\ant for the game.
He couldn't risk ever being seen; they might e.g., if you own a car, an expensivc computer, a large colin>
come for him ifhe Was. Term began to form, and trick- tion of books about some subject, etc.
led down his face.
Illegal or restrictcd equipment such a.~
Somewhere outside he heard his wife '! voice pons should nOl be pcmlitted unless it is reasonable in
again. Calling to him coyly, promising him an end to the template and profession ofthc character. In most countries
this living nightmare. /-ler voice was tender, like the (except, of coursc, most of the United States), it is illegal to
day he had first made love to her. Frost ached to be in 0\.\ n firearms and gelli ng a license is difficult. In Europe.

her arms again, to smell her hair and feel her skin usually only criminals, police officers and imeltigence agents
against his own. She called again, the voice more dis- can be assumed to ha\'c automatic ",capons at nomc. The Ga-
mcmaster has the final say on \.I hat equipment an) pla)'cr cha-
tant this time. He started to slide out of the bed, foll~ racter may ha ... e. The Gamcmaster should also leep in mind
wing her voice to the window. He opened the cracked how difficult it is to transport ",capons on commercial airline::;.
window, and looked down. Five floors below she
would be waitingfor him, ready to forgive him for lea- Simplified C haracters : You note down income and S3\ings
based on the middle level of the Ih.ing standards indicatt:d ror
ving her to the flames. She loved him and would take
your archetype. Decidc what equipment the charm~er has. Spe-
care ofhim again. All he had to do was step out into the cial equipment is described in the chapter on Equir,enl
night and let gmvity and concrete reunite them.
Her voice drifted up from the darkness once Income : This is the monthly income. after tax has bc.:n'paicl.
again, and this time he decided to go to her: You own loose property equal to 12 times this Ii'"
gure. In order to have an income at aU, you rnlbt
either have a job or an endo",ment that yields
profit. If the adventure prevents you from
working, }ou must live 00' your sa-

Net a\aillible/nlonih' This is 00\\ moch money you have left 4. LOWER AVERAGE
when alilhe bills (rent, elcctricit) and other rlXed coSts I ha"e Monthly income: $1, 100
been paid. Net a"ailahlelmonth: $800
Savings: $500
Sn inl:S Cash in the bank, bonds and shares, \'aluable an. Credit \alue: $5,000
real estate and other in"estments .... hich can be comcned to I lome: rented apartment
Cal h .... hen needed.
Credit \shle Ho\\ much money you can borro .... in a bank Monthly income: $1,500
.... ith no other collateral than your O\\n propen}. If your credit Net available/mon th: SI,OOO
\alue i~ 10..... }ou ~an go to loan sharks or the Mafia, ..... ho \\ill Savings: SI,500
probably lend ~ou money at high interest rates and without Credit value: S20.000
an~ llthercoll:neral than your life. Ilome: rented apartment '
to .... nhollse
Home : F(1r the poorer characters. this indicates the type of Ii-
\ing quarter; you most probably inhabit. ror thc better off, ..... e 6. UPPER AVERAGE
also give a likely estimate of the "alue of the home. Monthly income: $2,000
Net available/mon th: $1,200
EX1MPLE Savings: $5,000
Credit value: $50,000
As .~IXn!t ag!!/II, Harry h1l5li~'ill!{ stalldard 6. He makes S1.0OO Home: condolhousc wOMh $70,000
{J<!r month ('i/kr t"Xl',I) alld ell}(}yl an upper QI'erage stand"rd
Buf/or \'lIriou~ reason.' hm,ing to do wilh the situation in your 7. WELlrOF'F'
wmpIJigll. you Ihi/lk. this is not reasonable for Harry. So you Monthly incomc: $4,000
ud: the G(lm('ma,f/er to Increase the le~'d The GM is in a ge- Net ava ilablcJmonlh: S2.000
nL.'~IU.\ mO<Jd lind lets Ham' hm'l' /el-'el 7 without any penal- Savings: $20,000
til:"l }(IU fUlte" monthh' incomt' 0/$4,000. Credit value: $150,000
Home: eondolhousc worth $150,000
.\lonlllll· income S4.{)()O
.\"t't (l\'uiluhle mon/I! S1.000 8. VERY HlGI! II'' CO;\IE
Scmng\ S!O,OO() Monthly income: $10,000
Credit l"lI/u<! SI50.000 r-.et available·mon th: $6,000
Homt ("mkioholl.se'K"()rthSJ 50,00Q Savingsll n"cstments: $500,000
Credit value: $100,000
LIVING STANDARD Home: condolhouse ..... onh $500,000
\\onthl)' income: $300 9. RICII
I\et a"ailabJc.month: $200 Monthly income: $30,000
Savings: none Net availablelmonth: $20,000
Credit value: none Savings/Investments: $5,000,000
Home: homeless Credit value: $2,000,000
Ilome: eondoslhouses worth $1,500,000
Monthly income: $700 10. V ..: RY RICI!
Net available/month: $400 Monthly income: $200,000
Savings: none Net available/month: $130,000
(redit value: none Savingsll n vestments: $50,000,000
Home: public housing/share Credit value: $3,000,000
Ilome: condosihouscs wonh $5,000,000
Monthly income: $900
Net a"ailablelmonth: $550
Credit value: """'
Home: small rented apartment

It .....ould be pointless to give you a price list for all
possible types of equipment in a game like KlIlt. It's easy to
calculate the cost of ordi nary, everyday things that the charac-
ters may need to buy. In Rumours, we provided prices and
other data for special equipment, weapons and vchicles with
full descriptions of .... capons, ammo and protective equipment
are provided in the section "Weapons and armor."

Any equipment you own should have some logical

connection to your background. Policemen and secret agents

are more likely than students to own special equipment. The equipment. Since it entails drilling hole!> in walls and co'>ering
Gamcmaster hlb the final .... ord on .... hat is allowable. the wire behind .... allpaper or somc such thing. it's usually im-
possible unless you ha'>e ruJl control over the building you
EXAMPLE want to bug. Also. you rnu!>t be at the other end or the \\ ire,
usually in the next room. Anyone who finds the wire will be
Harry owns some illegal and exotic equipme/lt because he is a able to track down the listener by rollowing the cablc.
secret agent. He also has a computer at home and a Porsche
Carrera in his garage. A more advanced variety of this is to connect the
wire rrom thc microphone to a radio transmitter outside the
- Desert Eagle with various types or ammo bugged room. This thwarts all attempts to lind the bug with a
- Silencer bug detector. and to disrupt it with a noise: transmitter.
- Shoulder holster
- Wilkinson dagger Another common method is the bug microphone
- Kevlar \CSt which has a small built-in radio tran~mitter. This enabks the
- Computer (sufficient power ror his needs) with laser printer listener to be at a distance, and makes him hard to find in case
- Light amplirying glasses the bug is dctected.
- Electronic lock cracker
- 1 pound or plastic explosives P:lrnbolic microphones are most userul outdoors. en-
- Inrrarcdllight amplirying binoculars abling you to hear what people say rrom II great distance. The
advantage is that it cannot be detected or disruptcd electroni-
cally. However, )OU must have a straight line of sight from the
mike to the targets, a window or a \0\. all that is in the wa) ..... ill
eqUipmenr OeSCRpnOnS block the signal

A laser microphonc is a special device ror li~tening

Weayons 'flccessories to conversations inside a room \"ith windo ..... s. It \o\.ork!; with an
invisible laser beam .... hich is directed at a window. 'The sound
lIolster : Ankle holster.; and concealed shoulder holster.; can or speaking people in the room make the "indo\\ \ibrale e\er
only be used with small .... eapons. e.g. Beretta m82, MAB mod so slightly, like a membrane. The laser beam works much like
D. Walther PPK and Walter m9 pocket. Ir someone SUSpeclS a laser distance-meter and is sensitive enough to pick up the
that the per.;on is anned, a successrul Perception roll is requi- vibrations in thc window. The beam bouncing ba..:k rrom the
red to notice the weapon. window is digitally processed, and the sounds insidc the room
can be extT1lcted and recorded.
Flash Suppressor: Screwed on the barrel, hides the nash
.... hen firing. Bug microphone: A microphone the loiLe of a shin
"hich can be placed anywhere. on a ....all, under a "",lear!
Telescopic sight: Increases the basic range ofthe "capon five hind a painting. It picks up an) con\er>ation in an
t1mes. sized room, up to 40 square meters. The recei~er "hicb
up the signal rrom the bug must be ..... ithin onc i
IR sight (rines and handguns) : Gi'>cs an inrrared image or the bug. in open tcrrain. If there are buildings or hills in
the target. so the weapon can be used at night with no penalty ween, this ma) d«rease the range to olily 100 meters.
to the chance to hit. Irthe darkness is complete, e.g. in a cellar.
there is a -3 penah)' to the chance to hi!. The IR sight also Bug t1ctector : The detector is a machine which delects
\~orks as a limited telescopic sight. doubling the basic range or transmitters on all rrequencies and can lind most typt.">
the weapon. den microphones. It will nOI Spol a parabolic microphone.,
wired microphone or a laser bug.
Laser sight (rines) : A small laser beam is mounted on the
.... eapon. shining a small red dot on whatever you are aiming Bug-proof telephone: A telephone which makes a secon:
at. This is combined "ith a telescopic sight, increasing the conn«tion. It transmits a control signal along the line. detec-
basic range orthc ....eapon fi\c times. ting all attempts 10 interccpt the call. Irsomcone h bugging !he
call. the phone ghes a warning signal so that the call can be
Nigbt sight (rine) : Uses the same tethnology as light-ampli- tenninated or the com ersation be altered to less knsiti\e .,b-
rying glasses and binoculars. Makes it possible to shoot in veT)' ject.
weak light but not in total darkness. No penalties to the chance
to hit in weak light. The night sight is also a limited telescopic Parabolic microphone: This device consi~b of a parabolic
sight which doubles the basic range or thc weapon. disc with a microphonc at the rocal point. It can be used 10 lis-
tcn to conversations rrom a distance of up to 150 mete~ The
Silencer (handgun) : Used by assassins who don't want to
make any noise when they kilt people. With a silencer. the
sound orthc shot will not be noticeable irloc distance is more
disc should be about one meter in diameter. A ~malkr disc
means a shoner range. It can be hidden in a car. t
than ten meters. Tracking del ice: The tT1leking device con~bt$ or a smaU
trnnsmitter v.hich attaches magnetically to a car.
The recei ... er can then track the car and show
exactly where it is. as long as it doesn't gel
more than one kilometer away, A bug
There are several ways to ~bug" a room or a place, detector will find the transmitter.
so that you can listen 10 what is said. The simplcst is a wired
microphone, connected to an earphone in the next room. The Noise transmitter : This is a
major drawback is that you need a lot or time to install such transmitter which sends out

noise to jam all radio signals. It covers one room and disrupts An t i-virus: There arc many programs designed to protect
any bugs placed there. computers from viruses. These work in two ways:

Pho ne bug: This is a bug which is mounted inside a tele- I. They check for known viruses and destroy them
phone. In''t~ad of a tran.sminer. it can be tined with a micro when they are found. This is effective against viruses that have
tape recorder, making it invisible for a bug detector. The user been around for a while, but not against completely new ones.
can call t~ bugged te lephone and acthate the phone bug with 2. They watch over the computer processor and give
a special signal. making il r'a) back all recorded calls. ofT a warning whenever something dangerous and virus-li ke is
going on. This is effective against all viruses, but it slows the
Ho,,' to lIyoid bllgl!:ing : The best way to avoid being ove- computer down by about 10%.
rheard is to tum up the stereo or creatc "orne other noise to
drown\', hat you are saying, and then sitting \cry close when Dec r yp ti ng program: This program is used to decipher
you talk. It may still ~ possible to extract the conversation by coded messages. If the program is given enough time and in-
processing it ~ording of the sound with a special computer formation, it can solve any code.
program. but this is expensive. time-collSuming and has only a
10 percent chance of success. Infor mat ion re t r ieva l program : This program searches
through large amounts of data in many files and finds key-
words that you are looking for, or numbers and codes speci-
~lIdio- Visua( Xqu!pment fied by the user. Can be used to establish connections in large
quantities of data. or to find connections between files in diffe-
Mini WI)\! rel."order : A miniature tape recorder, about the size rent machines and databases.
of a cigarette pack (can be disguised as such). Has a built-in
microphone and uses a micro cassette. CamouHage program: Hides data so that it cannot be found
without extensive deciphering. An advanced form of encryp-
Mini cameI'll: The miniature camera is disguised as a ciga- ting which makes it difficult for a cracker to see that anything
rette lighter or some such thing. It can be fitted with telephoto is hidden here.
or wide-angle lens. Uses ordinary microfilm.
Passive spy program: The spy program is a sophisticated
Mini \ idt!o camera; Video camera which records picture and type of virus. It arrives together with some innocent program
sound. Size like a pack of cigarenes (can be disguised as that will be installed in a computer. It then copies select parts
such). Has a telephoto lens and uses a micro cassette. of the information in the computer to a secret file which the
user cannot see. After some time, the spy sends another Hoppy
disk or CD with something innocent to be entered into the
Comyuter Xqu!pment computer. The spy program installs the stolen data on thatCD
or floppy disk. which is then returned to the spy.
Notebook Computer : The size ofa small attache-case. with a Some of these programs are even cleverer. Let's say that so-
hard disk of40-120 Go, 512 Mo RAM, usable for alt nomlal meone is working with a security system that encrypts all data
applications. BattcT} and AC powered. on his hard drive. In order to work with that data. he still has
to convert it to a readable form when he reads and writes in
Database: A program which stores atl available infonnation his database. A spy program which has secretly been installed
In a special field, e.g. South American drug trade or the J. F. in the computer can intercept the readable data and save it in
K\'nnedy murder. \IIost large databases reside in mainframc an invisible file. This saves the spy the work of decrypting
computers; to which you can connect your personal computer what he wants to sec.
via the telephone lines. You pay for the time you are connec-
ted 10 the database. Some databases have restricted access; the Persona l compu te r, adva nced: The most advanced personal
Gamemasler decides if you can subscribe to them. computers you can buy today run with a processor speed of
It's also possible to create a database in your personal compu- dual 2Ghz (G5 Apple or Pentium 4) sometimes 64 bits. They
ter, by writing information yourself and importing files from have large hard drive, up to ISOGo, and RAM from 512 Mo to
larger a mainframe database. SGo. These computers can run large programs and applica-
Data \'irIlS : A virus is a small invisible program which sneaks
into a computer from an external source. writes copies of it- Hacker too ls: Used to break into the sccurity system in II
self. and then does something to the computer. Some viruses computer. It gels past various passwords and safeguards.
are merely irritating, e.g. there are some that just display a stu- These programs are of varying quality; the Gamemaster deter-
pid message on the screen every Wednesday. Others are more mines a skill score for the program, usually 15. Then he de-
aggressive; they may erase all information on your hard drive, cides what effect is required for the program to crack a certain
or otherwisc disrupt the function of the computer. Some vi- security system. If the program gets a sufficiently high effect.
ruses lie domlant for a long time before activating them- it succeeds. If the skill roll fails, the attempted intrusion is dis-
selves. covered.
The person who wishes to plant a virus in a
computcr must transfer it via Internet by a te-
lephone line. cable, DSL or a even a CD.

Lock picks: Common lock picks arc used to open normal

locks. Characters with some skill at burglary can open any
normal door in a few seconds, using II lock pick. People wi-
thout this skilllleed to make a successful AGL throw to get in.

Safe cracker : This is an electronic device used to open com- Plastic nplosi\C : Plastic explosi"'e which bums v'ery quickly
bination locks on safes. The cracker is attached to the safe. and makes a small gas volume. Suitable for precision blasts.
Aller a minute or two, the correct combination is displayed. e.g. to cut off a steel bar, open a snfe or breaking a concrete
All you have to do is open the safe. pillar in half. Can only be exploded with an igniter.

Lase r burner : A tool that uses a powerful laser beam to cut Electronic uploshe delector : A device .... hich analyses the
through almost any material, including steel, armored glass air and picks up any molecules or explosives floating around.
and concrete. Only certain ~ery expensive ceramic composite JUSt like a bomb-sniffing dog. il recognizes the explosive and
materials can resist it. gives a waming. Docs not work with liquid explosi .. es or
EI« lronk alarm bUSIe r : Used to defuse various electronic
alarms. The device must be applied on the alarm. It has a skill Knock-oul bomb : A small device. Ihe ~i7C of II matchbox.
score. usually IS, and needs a minimum effect to disrupt Ihe Spreads knock-out gas \\-hich renders e\Cryone within five me-
alarm, the Gamemaster determines how much is required. A lers unconscious.
failed skill roll means it sets off the alann.
Igniler' Used to make explosi .. es explode.
Light-amplifying g lasses: Amplifies the existing light so that
the wearer can enjoy unimpaired visibility in poor lighting
conditions. Does not \\ork in total darkness. 'Misce((aneous
EI«lronic lock picker: Used to pick electronic code locks. Distance meier : Hand-hetd optical de\ice which ~ho\\s the
Applied on the lock. which may be a keypad with a number distance to any object) ou focus it on.
code, a ~oice detector or a plastic card reader. The lock picker
has a skill score, normally IS. and must achieve the minimum Dosimeter : Hand-held dc .. ice that measures radioacti .. ity.
etTe<:t determined by the Gamemaster. 10 open the lock.
I R binoculars : Sensitive to infrared radiation. usable to see li-
ving creatures in complete dnrkness.
Communication :Equ~ment
Lig ht-a mplifying binoculars: Can be used in poor light
Cellphone : Any trademark. very usual flOW. As the networks conditions. Gives a grainy black·and-white image. Ooo.:s not
use different frequencies (1900 mhz in USA, 1800 or 900 mhz work in absolute darkness.
overseas), }ou \\ill need a triband cellphonc if)ou want to use
it in foreign countries. Acthe camouflage §uil I.ooks like an ordinary camouflage
overalt, but changes color and pattern depending on the
Scrambled radio: A small radio transceiver which sends a di- roundings. It lakes about one minute for the o~erall to
gitally scrambled signal and changes frequency every two se- a new background. Encloses all smell of the ..... earer. Gives
conds. according to a pre-detennined pallem. Two or these ra- to the skill score for Hide and Sneak.
dios which are synchronized to Ihe same code can be used like
ordinary CBs and Ihe communication is v'irtually impossible Passive camouflage s uit : An ordimll") camouflage
for outsiders to penetrate. ....ilh a pattern designed to hide the .... earer against a
background (forest, plants, etc.). Gives the \\-earer"" to
Throa t microphone-earphone : A thin. skin-colored micro- ski11 score for Hide and Sneak, in sueh surrournJings.
phone which is attached to the neck. The \\earer does not need
to speak loudly to be heard. it's enough to fonn the \\-ords with "Lie" d Cleclo r (Po l~ g,r-d ph ) : Measures pulse. blood
the ~ocal cords. The earphone is about Ihe sia of a shirt but- and heart activity. Used to get some indication of \\hether
ton, and is anached inside the ear so that it cannot be seen. person is telling the trulh. Scientists disagree about the validl1y
The most modem throat microphones are surgical!) implanted of interpreling the me35ured re!>ults in lhis \\a).
and can only be detected with x-rays. The) cost fi\e limes as
much and are hard to gel.

I»namite: Nitroglycerin-based explosive which bums relati-
vely slowly and makes a large gas ~olume. This makes it sui·
table ror jobs when )OU \\ant to move large \olumes of matter.
e.g. blasting earth and rock for construction work.

Liquid exploshe : Looks like coffee or soda pop but does a lot
more than go "pop"! Cannot be found by bomb-sniffing dogs
or electronic explosive deteclors. Explodes when a strong elec-
tric current is passed through the liquid.

I)' u ti-e.'l: Plastic explosiv'e which is undetectable ror bomb-

~niffing dogs and ele<:tronic explosive detectors. Looks like
cookie dough. Explodes when heated O\'er a certain tempera-

"lIere you are, Mr. Mannet," Natbaniel soid (/s he ban-
ded the shiny, prop revolver to the actor. / Ie smiled Weo.pon SkillS
softly at the man, but the actor ,omplelely ignored him.
Nathaniel shmgged and walked off mumbling. "Why, Weapon skills \>oork like other skills. You ha\e a skill
THANK YOu, Nathaniel for your kindness. Ob, you score. usually bct.... een I and 20. Anyone who lack~ ~kill al-
are so welcome, Mr: Mannet." Nathaniel uttered a Irr.v wa)s has a score of 3 in the usc of an) weapon.
ClIrst to himself and slipped behind his temporary spe-
Each group of\>oeapons is ruled by its o\>on skill. If
cial effoets comtruction table at the rear of the set. Be- you learn to handle a group of\>oeapons, )OU can use all \>o~­
hind him the crew were getting ready to shoot the 'lexl pons that belong to the group.
The weapon skills are controlled by dinerent abili-
'You shouldn't have done it Sarah. I can never forgive ties. depending on the types of\>oeapons. \1elcc and thnming
\>oeapons depend on Strength. Projectile weapons dcp•.'nd on
you for tbis.· Nothonid thought as he watched the Agility.
actor pointing the .38 at a beautiful woman drwed in
black silk lingerie. In his fevered memories, he could
still see her atop Mannet in her trailer; passion and de-
ceit mingling in the coupling offlesh. 'No, that'J not (\ct:lons
right! OUR trailer', he growled. 'For that you'll pay,
Sarah. I am not no one. You'll see.' Combat in Kult is structured in action~. An
for example. to draw a gun, fire a gun. ?·k, kc~~m,,~""g~..,. ~
The director called out 'ACTION!' and the scene \\ ith a dagger or stan a car. A good of thumh is
began. Sarah and Mannet recited their poorly written thing that can be done in a single mo\cment is one aclion.
lines ofgarbage, and thm the actor pointed the revolver
at Sarah. He pulled the trigger and a loud bark erupted
from the gun. The very real.J8 shell continued on and Combo.t: Rounds
blew apart one ofthe cameras.

"Cut! What the hell.?!?" shouted Jomeone; then eve- To keep tmck of combat we dh'ide actions '''''0''':
bat rounds. All beings can perform a number of aclion~ dunng
ryone. A few people ran forward to examine Sarah's one combat round. The more action~ )'ou have. the more time
crumpled form. Mannet JUJt looked at the gun ill his you have to use \0 do them. The ma'<imum for an ordinary
hands with uncomprehending eyes. human is 4 actions per round. The number depends on their
Agility. All people have at least 2 actions.
Meanwhile, Nathaniel smiled and slowly Jtarted to
walk towards the rear exit. No one noticed him slip
away, nor heard his peals ofhysterical laughter: lnlt:lo.L1ve

Combat in Kult is lethal. renccting real life. Nor-

To determine the order in which the :1Cipanu,
form actions in the combat round they all rol Id:!O
mally you shouldn't be able to take a bullet in the head and adds/deducts their initiative bonus) for initiative. ipn.
shoot back at the assailant aftcrwards. Combat can be anything begins followed by the ne;>;:t highest and so on. !
from a duel bet..... een a playcr charncter and his mortal enemy
to a pitched battle bety,een twelve policemen and eight cullists.
Combat situations should be filled \>oilh action and suspense.
Different combat types demand diffcrent handling of the rules.
A duel can be pla)"~ in great detail without losing suspense
and movement. \1asscd ballies must be handled in a more
summary fashion. otherwise the action will be drowned in too
many dic rolls.

Actions Lo nger Than One Combat Round : If anyone at-
tempts to do something that takes longer than one combat
round, he begins in the present combat round and continues
into the flCl(t one, using the required number of actions.
Each I:ombat round is divided into three action
pha"C'L If the cvmrotanh all ha\e up to three actions. the)'

normall) a'l in turn. according to the initiative roll, in each
phase of the combat round, If~meoll\' ~ less than three ac- e)Cc:\mp{es r\cnons
tions t Io\,hi'h w ill often be the C3.SC'), he begins lbing up his al;-
lloru. fwm the b<ginning of the eombat round. A person with 2
lk:tion.~ will not be able to perfornl any action in th.: third ac- Sometimes it's difficult 10 determine what consti-
lion pha.\(', tutes an action, and how many actions it should take to do s0-
mething a little more complicated. Below is a list with
I f ~omcone has more than three actions, he can examples of typical things that are orten done in combat. sho-
choose to perloml the e.>..tra actions in any of the three aclion wing how many actions we thing they should use.
rha:;e~ of the combal round. lie chooses when Ihey are to be
used. Ilowever. normal human beings can ne\er perform more
than two consecutive actions in a single phase (unless they EXAMI'LE ACTIONS
have an ad\amap;e that permits th is). Supernatural creatures
rna) perform a mat(imum of three consecutive actions in a Attack with a weapon
l ingle ph11M'. A "Full" Parry with a weapon
Change Target (Projectile Weapon)
EXAV!PLE Draw a weapon
Holster a weapon
rh.: winner of the iniliati\e roll begins with his first action. If Load a weapon see weapons tables
he ha~ more than three actions, he can elect to perform the Take careful aim 1·3
CAlra one(s) nolo\,. :\e\t, the second person performs his first Start a car 1
action( .. ). The) then perform one (or more) action(s) each in Pick something up 1
lhe ..econd and third action round. If the) run oUi of actions.. Drop an object 1
the) !>top. Stand up from sitting 1
Kneel 1
Ir one perwn i!> fighling tv.o or more opponents, it works in Lie down 2
tht sam.: wa>_ lhc v. inner of the iniliati\,e roll starts. The com- Throw yourself Oat 1
bIIanb then perform their actions. each in his tum. in each ae- Turnaround 1
tiOo pha.'>C, until the combat round is finished or they run out Swinging a rope I·'
ofK1lt1n~. Hide I·'
Throw an object 1
Evel)thing a character does takes one or more actions. The Search for something 1-10
Gamem:bter keeps counting how many actions the NPC's use Dod" 1
and tells the players w hat their characters see. Since the player First aid, one wound 10
characters can't know what the NPC's are thinking, they Pick a lock 1-10
should only be to ld what they can see and hear. For example. Light a flashlight 1
the> can sec that their enemies are shooting at them, but they Break in a locked door 1
can't know whether the enemies plan to run away if the attack

In melee, a maximum of four people can attack Ihe samc op-

poncnt at the same time. There isn't room for any more.

£X,4 ,\ tPI.E

Harry /Iu$ an Agifity score of 18, so lie has three actions per
COlflhut round. and may perform one in each of the three
phuse.~ His opponent in the fight only has two actiom, and is
tht.'rdi.re unaMe to oct in the third oction phase. Harry begins
Ihc jight b)' shooting at his opponent. missing. This is his first
w:lion. The opponent uses his first action to oth·om:e. Harry
grasps the opponent. using his second actioll. The oppo- You resolve a combat round in two steps; an initia-
nent Iries to break loose, but fails. He has tive step and an action phase step that is repeated until no par-
now used his second and final acljOIl. Harf)' ticipants have any actions left to perform.
has one action left and uses il 10 position the
opponent as a shield againsl the Olher attac-

"Chc "CWO 5 "Ceps O~ c:\

kers. The opponent can't
do anything to stop this
because he has rlln alit
of actions. Combc:\"C Round
Step One - Roll for Initiative: This is when you decide the
order in which the participants act. Each player rolls 1020,

and the Gamemastcr rolls for their opponents. Highest roll acts
first. 1be initiati\-e roll is modified b> lhe charncter's Agility;
for e\ery Slep abo\-e 12, the character may add one to the die
result. Highest result goes first, then the second highest. and so
on. If a charncter and an opponent get the same score, they roll
again to detennine their internal order. You roll a new initiathe
for every Com b.." round. an ~ttacle

Harry and Cassandra are surrounded by the ser\"al1lS of Cai- When you have decided to use an action to attack,
roth. ..... 110 dos(' in .....·/Ih daggers and dubs The)' are standing rollow these three simple steps to perronn it:
on a narrow ledge in the sewer. and on{v one Opponem at a
1/111(' can gel 10 lhem. All combawl1Is have three acliom each. I. Calculate the Ilil Score
lIarry rolls /0, With his initiarive bollia, Ihalll1akes 16, His 2. Calculate the Damage EffC(;t Score
opponem geu a tOlal of 13, so Harry goes before him. CQ.Jsan- 3. Assign Wounds
dra rolls 2. which is 6 wilh her bonus Her opponent gets II
and goes before her. The order in which the coll1batants will
JX'rjorll1 Iheir actions (his round is: Firsl Harry. then Harry's
opponelll. Ihen CQ.Jsandra's opponem am/finally Cassandra. CC:\lcu{c:\"Cmg "Che hl"C SCORe
Step T\\o - The Action Phase; Actions are perfonned in order
of ini tiati\e. If the distance betv.een opponen ts is more than You roll 1d20 and compare- the result to your '\kill
fi~e meters. only projectile weapons can be used. At shorter score, adding or subtracting any modification'l from the 10 hit
distances, melee weapons and unanned combat can be used. modification table below. If your die roll is higher than yOW"
liandguns, shOiguns and throwing Irni\'cs can be used at dose modified skill score )ou'\e missed. If it is equal to or lower.
range. too. The Gamemaster delennines which of the oppo- )ou'\'e hi!. Calculate the difference bet ween )our modified
nent(s) attacks which pla}er character. This is usuall} self-e\'i- skill score and die roll, the result is >our lIit Score. If)ou at-
dent from the situation. Ifnol. it's mOSI prnctical to let each op- tacked with a me lee weapon, your opponent mlly now PJIT)-
ponent attack the nearest player charncter. The players choose }our attack if possible. See "Panying a melee attack~ belo".
which opponent to attack. After eac h hil, the player immedia-
tely notes any wound his character has received and sums it up EXAMPI.E
with any previous wounds (the GM does the same for the
\i1'C's). Mike fires a Glock f7 pislol in a badly fit .):(1Hr fill/TIel.
uses his Ilalldgun skill score of! J 10 .lire alld gd\ '"' ·4
EXAMPL.E lion d"e to Ille bad light. mealling lhat he has to roll

"/Ihoot (Itlhefirst one who cOll1es alll1e" says Harry and rolls
hit. He rolls a 6 and hits. He dedI/CIs I".f d;"",1/ .tmm
dified skill score (8-6) and gets a Hit Score 0/2.
to hit. He hilS. The Gamemaster nates thaI Harry's enell1Y
takes a scraf(.'h. Harry's opponeru moves toward him. flinching If your foc is protected by an) kind of Annor
back slightly from Ihe shot as Ihe GOll1cmos/er rules that it now entitled 10 make an AnnOT Saving RolL s« ~1be
wkes One action for the NPC's 10 get to the player characters. Saving Roll" below.
"I'll jllsl slOnd still alld cover Harry's back and Shool tJt those
II"ho come tJIIIS from behind" says Cassandra CQ.Jsandra's op- EXAMPLE
ponent lI1o~·es in on her. Cassandra shools at lilt· oppon('/ll JUSl
before he reaches her. Ihe Gamemaster nOles that CaHandro's Mike's foe wears a Kn·lar r'est so lit' is emillcd 10 an
opponelll has laken a serious wound. Saving Roll Ire cOl/sulllhe Armor Stn·ing Hoff/aM: and su
that Ille Kn'lar lest's Sm'ing Roff against a Proje<.·tile attack IS
Repeat step I~O until The Combat Round is o\er : When all 5. He rolls 11 ondfails the Armor Sm·illg Roll. t!amagc i,~ Jeal,
pla>er's and NPC's have used their possible actions ror the first 0$ normtJl. proceed and calculate fhe Dall1ag~· ElIet·t Score.
action phase you go back and repeat step 2 ror the second of
the three phases, then baek to 2 again for the third. and so on
unlil all Ihree aclion phases ha\-e passed and all participants
ha\e run out of actions. A being may not "S3\e" an action from
one combat round to the nexi. Once the combat round is fini.
shed and the next one begins, start ovcr at step one again.
Continue in this way until the battle is over.

If you roll an unmodified - I" on )OUT rJlllO

hit perfectl). A +10 bonus is added to the Damage enC!ct
(see calculating the Damage EffC(;1 Score belo\v).

If )OU roll an unmodified -20" you

rumble and your attack fails. II's up to the Ga·
memaster to imagine something un-
pleasanlthat fits the situation.

t an 1\S RNG but within the ~ange

Ca(cu(anng z::he Oamage
Since Mike is using Hollow point ammunition he adds + / to
e~~ecz:: SCORe his Base Damage Effect giving him a Damage Effect Score of
I I II I \1 ) I I \1 ( J\ ~
1111 S( ORI 1)\\1 \(,1 JIll ( I \IO[)IIII R
8·, +
10' The Damage Effect Score nom13l1y is a number bet-
v.een 1 and 20, but modifications can raise the effect to over
If you hit, your weapon will inflict damage. Every 20 or below O.
kind of weapon has a Damage Effect Factor (DEF) to repre-
sent how much damage it inflicts. Compare your weapon's Damage consists of wounds of different severity.
type (as stated in the equipment table) with the Weapons table There are four types of ,""ound: scratch (ser), light wound (lw),
to get its DEF. Use your Hit Score from step one to modify serious ,""ound (5W) and fatal wound (fw). Higher effect num-
this Factor according to the Hit Effect table below. The result bers mean v.orse wounds. Every hit makes just one wound.
b your Base Damage Effect.
Wounds are cumulative. A person may survive one
or two serious wounds, but hardly a hundred. Even scratches
EXAMPLE and light wounds can kill, if there is a sufficient number of
them, because the victim will finally bleed to death .
.\likc· checM the equipment table and finds out that his Glock
17 is a 9mm Pistol. he then checM the fJeapons table under A sufficient number of scratches equal one light
9mm Pistols and gets a DEF 0/9. Then Mike compares his Hit wound, a sufficient number of light wounds count as a serious
Score of 2 to rhe Hil Effect modification table and modifies his wound, and a sufficient number of serious wound will make a
weapon's DEF with -5 accordingly, giving him a Base Da- fatal wound. Every creature has a Damage capacity which
mage E/fect of -I. states how many wounds of each type it takes to produce one
wound of me next more severe type.
Modify your Base Damage Effect Score according
to the Base Damage Effect table below to gel your Damage Compare the Damage Effect Score with the Wound
. Score. Severity table below to see how severe the injuries inflicted
are. Please note that some attacks (mostly creature's natural at-
tacks like beaks, claws and fangs) use their own wound seve-
rity table instead of the one below as stated under Attack
modes in their description.

by the annor and didn't manage to penetrate it. If the die-roll is

'Additiona( higher the attack targets an unprotected body part or manages

to penetrate a body part protected by armor, and damage is
dealt as normal.

Com6at ~Ufe5 Coup de C:;Rb.Ce

'Che ARmoR So.vmg 'ChROW You can always kill a defenseless oppol'\ent ... il\
theory, that is. Fonunatcly most people find it lufrd tQ kill in
practice. An opponent is considered helpless if hr is uncons~
Ira being hi! by an attack is protected by some kind cious, sleeping, tied up (hands and feet), or some-
of armor it is entitled to an Armor Saving Throw. If it SllC- ~~i'~~cr ' I
ceeds, the being will not be hurt by the attack. The annaT will
absorb the full force of the attack. Compare the annor and the
attack type with the Armor Save Throw table in the Armor sec-
lion 10 get the number one has to roll equal to, or below on
1d20 in order to avoid damage. If the die-roll is equal to, or
below the throw succeeds. The attack targeted a body part protected

weapon to p3TT) (a rifle for example) but then you must spend
Knock-Our an action and still only roll against your divided Skill Score.
You can not perfoml a ~full" pany with a projectile weapon.

In melee, ),Oll!;:all eleet to 'T)-' and knod. your enem), EXA4IPI.£

out rather than injure or kill him. \I, hen ~ou hil, you ch~k the
dk\:! IL' u..~ual. If the Oam8{Zc Fffcct is equal 10 or greater than Jt'llnY has 1 acliollS (lIIdfighls an opponent who has 3 aclions.
the \;clim's co~ didded by '"0, he has been knocked un- The opponent i.f eqUipped with an iron pipe and Jenny wilh a
ctlnsci(lU~ .., hit to Ihe h.:ad gi\e~ ~3 to the Damage effc~1 hammer Jenny lI'iIU the illiliative and uses her first action to
s¢ore. ~triking .... ith the bull of a rine, a baseball bat or similar flImS the hammer at the foe, Ihe G.\f decides that her foe jusl
\\eapon, lli"c~ 2. i\ blackjack gi ..es S. parries normall): i.e, he doesn't spend an action for a full
parry. Jenny hitJ with a Hil Score of 7. The foe has a weapon
Skill Score of fl. JO he has to roll below 6 to get a parry score
(1212), lie rolls a 3 and gets a Parry Score of 3 (6-3) which
Lor o.l OaRkness means Ihat he fails 10 parry Jenny's attack (her hil score his
hiRher Ihan his parry score). She infiicts some damage on him,
lie liten swinKS his iron pipe at Jenny. JenllY chooses to us/!
In total darkne.-;s. all skills that in any way depend her second olld fo~·, aClion ill lhis combat round to perform a
on siBht \\ill onl) succeed on perfect hits. All other results are fulf parry on Ihis affack. Her opponent rolls 10 hit and hilS
failures. You cannot move C\ccpt \cry carefully and 510.... ly. with (I /lit Score of 5. Jenny roUs fa parry against her filff
", jlh 1'10 of your normal movement. If you ....ould normally weapon skill score since she spent her second action to make a
Ix- able 10 Voa]k si" mel('1'S in a combat round, )OU can only go filII parry She has a weapon slrill score of /4. She rolls a 8
half a meter. and gets u Parry Score of6 (14-8). She parries and avoids du-
mage. this lime. Her opponent prepares 10 use his lhird anti
or cour.;e. this lo.... ered movement is \'oluntal'). It is filial actioll to slrike again..
the fastest possible rno\cmenl with preserved safe~. [f ),ou
"'Bnl, ~ou \."an tal.c a ri~1. and go faster. [n a panic, you can
e\cn run. But there i~ a big risl. that you ",ill stumble o"er
nn~ thing that li('<; (In the floor, or that you will run straight into Auromo.rlc Weo.pons
a "'aiL The (iamemaster decides from case to case ",hat hap-
pens The number of "'ails and other obstructions, and their
dOSC'Ol.'S$. i:. a ~ignilicant factor here. The skill Machine-gun is used for all weapons that
fire a stream of bullets \.lith one squeeze oflhe trigger. If)ou
There are t"'o skills, \\hich actually have an increa- use such a "'tapon to shoot single bullets, the skill Rifle is
sed, charu;:e to su..-:ceed in bad light or total darkness: Sneak used for automatic rifles and the skill Handgun is used for
and Hide. You get -5 to your skill roll in bad light, and -10 in submachine guns, Ileavy machine-guns (of tile type mounted
nloonlight, In total darkness, Hide onl)' fails on a flunl.ed on a stand or a pi"ot) are used with the skill Heavy weapons.
thrlm, and Sneal. has -5 to the die roll.
Automalic "' ire : Machine-guns can fire a rapid stream ofbul-
lets. You ch~ at the beginning of the combat round if you
will use automatic fire or oot. You also choose if)'ou ""ill fire
p~\RRy mg 0. melee Arro.ck a shon burst or a long salvo. A short bUr.lt is three bullets. a
long salvo consists often bullets.

You can al",ays parry an opponents melee attack If you hit (you still only roll one die-roll for all bullets) with a
'" ith )'our mclee "'capon; this does not cost you an action. You short burst, roll I d] to see how many of the bullets that hit;
mu~t du:ide to parry or not before the attacker rolls to hit. To between I and] bullets will hit. For a long sal\'o, roll IdIO;
parry, you roll a die and compare the result with your weapon between I and 10 bullets will hit.
Skill Score divided by mo. [fyour die roll is higher than your
dhidcd Skill Score you failed to parI). Otherwise, deduct your
d ie roll from your divided Skill Score; this is your ParT)
Score, C(lmpare your Pany Score "'ith the attacker's to Hit
S,ore, If )'ours is equal to, or higher than the anacker's Hit
';;C(ll'\!', )'ou parry the attack and no damage is dealt. If the at-
tacker's is higher you receive damage as normal. I io""e"cr,
you rna) not parI) a perfect hil! You can choose to spend an
action to perform a ~fullft parry, Ihis will allow you to roll
Skirfs in
against )'our full \\eapon Skill Score when you roll to
pony. Com6at
You must hold a weapon of sufficient size
and 10ughnesS to withstand a blow fTom the
attacker's wcapon to It's possible to use other skills than ""eapon skills in
parry an attack (GMs ru- combat. but most other skills take more than one combat
ling). If it succeeds, you round to usc. Many of them take considerably longer.
will not be hun by the at·
tack. The weapon will ab- It's easiest to use those skills that take one action.
sorb the full force of Ihe at- You can also move about in various ways during the fight:
tack You can usc a projectile Climb, Riding. Swim, Drive "chicle and Piloting are all skills

that can be used during one combat round. You only need to The Melee "'capon groups are: Dagger. Throwing
roll once per combat round to detennine if you succeeded. weapons, Imp3c! weapons. Pole arms, Sword. Whil's and
chains. (lnd Axes.
"\hneuve r s : Maneuvers arc all those little tricks and tactics
that can make the diflcrence between life and death. The)" gi"e Projectile weapon groul's are: Machine-gun. Rifle
)"ou an extra chance 10 su ...... h e. (e.g .• a double shot with the re- and crossbo",. Bo",. Ilandgun, and flea,,) ~eapons.
\ol\er). You can only use one maneu\er at a time, unless you
learned thc mancu\er ~Combine.M To succeed with a maneu- l'atural I\eapons are pans of the anatomy used to
"cr, )'ou must first successfull)' use the weapon )ou are anac- Kid•. Punch. Bite, Thro"'. cte. I\on-human creatures some-
king with. and then thc maneu\{'r. Each maneu\er is a separate times have special natural ",capons such as tangs. horns and
~kill, \\hich is bought with skill points like all skills. The \Ioea- elaws.
pon maneuvers are described in the Skills chapter.
The combat charnctl,.'t'istics of the weapons are des-
cribed in the weapons tables. The length. weight. caliber and
price of weapons arc in the equipment Ihts.

PiRhtina whife hand C;Renades

'Wounded Hand grenades are a t)"j"IC of throwing. ",capon. You

pull the safel) catch, throw the grenade, and 4·6 $cconds la!cr
it explodes. The exact delay depends on the brand. ~ix I)'po;><; of
grenades are described here. if you count molo\O\ cocktails as
hand grenades.
Redu ced Number of Aclions : A wounded person reacts slo-
wer. Serious wounds make your movements slower. If you Stun G renades: This type of grenade gives o il' a intcn'>C Hash
havc a serious wound. you can perform one action less per of light and a deafening bang \Iohich completely in":lIl'adlates
combat round. Scratches and light wounds ha\ e no effect on anyone who is within the blast radius. Unpre~d \'ictims b.:-
the number of actions. come deaf. blind and suffer physical shoek for 11.15 comb<ll
rounds. Afle-r that. they have·S \0 all ~kills for IdS h.lurs.
fhe reductions are cumulati"e. T",o serious wounds mean your
number of3ction5 is do ..... n by ''''0. If)ou onl) had t"'o actions MololO\ Cocklai l : This is simi'll) some ga'Mllinc ,n a gla.%
10 start with. you are now unable to act. Sevcrallc!>ser \\ounds bottle. A soaked rag is thrust into the opening of,he bottlt:. You
th:1I are combined to make a larger wound ha\e the s."l.me ef- ignite the rag and thro\1 the boule. fhe gla~~ break~, i
fe..:'- of course. burning gas where it hits. See abo the rules about hurning.
the accidents' section.
[he reductions apply until the wounds are healed. If the Game-
mMter ",ants. he can allow the characters a gradual healing. gi- Smoke gr€"n ad e : These grenades make thick. bla,,;'- smoke
"ing them back the lost points and actions one at a time until '" hich completely' fills a large room. Outdoor;. tht..')· are used to
the necessary time for reco"ery has been completed. hide Illlacks or retreats for a few minutes. 0\ wind \\ill ~"J\ll,."t"
the smoke quickly. Indoors, the smoke can be lethal. "''''''(1)'
t:XMII'LE in small rooms. People will choke on it.

Harry has received three light wounds. He has lost a lot of Shrllpnel grenade: This is a nasty anti-personnel \\eapon: a
blood. His Constitution is 11. so the three light wounds equal grenade that con rains hundred~ of small steel or rla~ti..: pdJ...1S.
one serious ",ound. He usually has three actions per round, but When it explodes. the pellets become deadly rn)jcctiles that
"'ith the serious \\ound he only has two. He is nol able to act can tear you apan.
in the third action phase.
811151 g renade: Used against "hard targets"; huildings. cars
and .<;i111ilar. Counts as a heavy weapon against the~e, and as a
normal weapon against people.

Tea r gas gren ade: Spreads 8 gas that irritates Ihc eye~ and
respiratory system. Sensili\e people (one in 10.000. statisti-

Weayons cally) may suffer allergic shock and die. If struck, you mtr,t
make an Ego roll to a .. oid becoming tot811) h..:lpless and
fleeing in panic. Even if this succeeds, you ha\e · to all
within the next half-hour.

W eapon CaregoRles and

We divide weapons into categories, and each cate- Weapo ns wi th a Blast
gory into groups; where each group is controlled by the same Radius don't hit a single spot.
skill. Categories are Melee weapons. Projectile weapons and They do damage with in a pd.
~at ural weapons.

mary and a ~ondar} blast radi~: !he weapons table tell!. )'OU
ho .... large the radius i~. Within the primlll')' radius. full damage
i5 done. \\ilhin the ..ccondary radi~, !he wounds inflicted arc
one degree lov.er; a fatal .... ound ~omes a serious wound, a

..cOOle> \\Quod become.. a light .... ound, and :;c) on. The stl;on-
daJ') radius alwa>~ the double the primlll') one.
lien) weapons do different damage than other
arms. They are designed for use against buildings and ve-
hicles, not humans. Against their designated targets. the pos-
EXAMPl[ sible Damage degrees are light damage, medium dam3ge.
hea\")" damage, or destro)"ed, depending on the effect. This is
If a hand grenad.: ha., a bla't radiu~ of 5 meters, it doe:. full da- e,actl) .... hat it soullCls like. If a car recei\'ed hea\") damage. it
mag... there. and one le~cllo .... "r damage .... ithin 10 meter> is heavil) damaged. lfi[ is destroyed, it is destroyed.

If heavy .... eapolls strike living creatures, their effect

is de~astaling. 0\ light damage Decomes a serious wound. a
Whips Md L\ssos medium damagc becomes a f3tal wound, a hcavy damage be-
comes three fatal \\ounds. and a result of "destro)"ed" me3ns
jive l":Ital \\ounds.
v. hips, bola\ and lassos can be u;,cd .... ithout \\oun-
din~ murc ollen the)' are used to snare or disaml an opponent.
'\ scratch mcan, the opponent is lightly entangled imd can fn_"C
hil1l'>Clf b) rolling under 2 \ -\(ii..\ light ....ound lllean5 the
\ ictim h,\, t~l rull under his ,\Gl. to di'>Cntanglc himself. If he
~ch'l t:nou~ \\ound. he is l"I:all> ensnared and must roll less
!h<ln half hi~ \(il.. -\ fatal v.ound means he is unable to free A flamc-throv.er is a heavy weapon with special
hlmscH It takes one 3ctil1ll to disentangle oneself..... hen it's characteristics. It uses pressurized gas to p<)\\er 3 spray of na-
po ible to do so. palm-like liquid, .... hieh is ignited at the hand-held nozzle. The
Damage Effect noted in the table is onl~ what the victim re-
\ -.eri"u~ or fatal .... ound can also tear the .... eapon cei\~"i in the combat round \\hen the burning liquid hib him.
out of the uppollent'i hand. fhe victim is onl) allo .... ed one Armor Sa\ ing Thro\\ (if he
....ears armor protecting against fire), once damage is inflicted
Whip-. and bolas can also innict .... ounds on the op- it .... ill continue to bum for another 2d I 0 combat rounds auto-
ponent, in [hat ea.-;c ~ub[rae t (he from the effect before caleu- matically inflicting damage at the Deginning of each combat
latm£, the damage, lassos can onl)' be used to snare oppo- round, and \~ill do more damage the longer it bums. I-'or e\el)
nents. cO~'i:uti\e round. the Damage Efftl;t increases by 2.


If )ou bum for 7 rounds. the Damage Effect is in-

creast.>d by 2, >cwn times. You v.ill probably be dead after 4-5
rounds. The fire cannot be e\linguished. The burning napalm
~atural .... capons for humans are Grip. Throw. Fist, ml!'>t be scraped off, or flushed otT wi!h high pressure from a
Ikld butt and hoick. Your 3bilit> to use them is controlled b> .... ater hose or such. If other people are helping you, [hey can
th~' ,killl'narmed combat, or by the Martial Art skill. Thc da- remove enough of the stuff in one combat round to reduce
rn I~e 1l0l3tions for Grip docs not denote any real injuries. just your "bum time" by two rounds. If you arc alone. you will
hI' .... \\ell the dlilractcr has man3ged to grapple his opponent probably die. If those who help you don't have proper protec-
ti \'e equipment. e.g. asbestos gloves. the)' will receive damage
Scratch: A bad grip, the ~ictim can bre3k lose by as from a torch e .. ery round [hey are scraping.
rolling less than 2 x STR with Id20.
l.i~hl .... ound : A light grip; possible to break loose with a When used against people, flame-throwers are trea-
common streng!h roll. ted as normal .... eapons for dam3ge purposes. The skill )OU
Serio\!\ "ound: A good grip: the victim must roll ullCler need in order 10 use an incinerator is Hea.. y Weapons,
halfhis strength to break loose.
t'alal wound: ,\ perrect grip; !he victim has no chance to
break loo<;c.

'atund "eal)(ln~ ror creature!! Ire Beak. Cb."s and Bite,

lmpRovlsed Weo.pons
Sometimes )'OU rna) be foreed 10 use mundane ob-
jects as .... eapons: a chair, a broken boule, or a hammer. Impro-
vised .... eapons arc tre3ted like those .... eapons they most re-
semble. The chair is used as a .... ooden club. !he broken bottle
as a daggcr, and the hammer as an axe. However, there is a -2
penalty to the Dam3ge Effect here since these objects 3re le<is
effective than proper weapons.

Teflon·Coated : Penetrates armor \el) "elt if the foe hit by
the Teflon-coatcd bullet wcars amlOr. he gcts a -) modilier to
his AnnOT Sa\ing thro ....

Armor PiercinR : "2 to the Damage Effo:ct. If the foe hit by

the Annor Piercing bullet .... ears annor, he gets a·5 modifier to
his Annor Sa\ing throw.

A telescopic sight triples the basic range (RN) of all

rifles and handguns. A laser sight, ..... hich is a combination of
telescope and laser beam, multiplies the basic range b)i 5. A
rifle .... ilh a basic range of 50 meters will shoot at 150 meters
with a telescopic sight, without reduction of the chance to hit.
The effect will be down by.) lit that distance.

With a laser sight. the same gun can be u;,ed at dis-

tances up 10 250 meters .... ith no reduction of the hit chance,
but·) to effect.

Weayon rTa6fes
Aboul the \\ealmn! TlblC!i [n the tables helow. all "',..,...
are described in the same fonnat. We shall now I
tenns used. In parentheses you will find ",",~"b""'''i'~ •
in the tables. The headlines notc which abilit), control ..
weapon skill.

Weapon: The weapon. For fireanns this i~ the .... capon and
liber type template to be used as indicated under "Type" in the
equipment list.

Magazine (Mag) : The number of round ... )OU can load

time. Some weapons ha\c se\·cral t)·pcs of magazines of diffe-
rent capacity.
The damage done by fireanns depends on the nature
of the ammunition. Some types of ammo do a lot of damage Oanlllge Errect Factor (DEt") : Every .... eapon has a base Da-
but are wonhless against annor. Other types work the other mage Effect Factor, this score (when modified) is used to
\\ay around. We delail five types of ammo. The cost ofammu- check which .... ounds you innici when you ~uccessful1)" hit
nil ion and the extra cost for special ammo are nOled in the with the "eapon.
equipment lables.
Range (R.') : This is the maximum distance at .... hich a projec-
Standard ammunition: 1\0 changes. all tables are calculated tile .... eapon can be used ..... ithout reducing the chance to hit. At
for standard ammo. greater distances, both the skill score and the Damage [::If",,'"!.
are modified. When shooting further than the range indicated.
Dum-dunl : Bullet:; that twist in their trajcctol). thus making a but within the \13.' RN (Maximum Range) the ehance 10 hit
larger ..... ound "hen they hit. Give _) to the Damage Effect but will decrease \\-ith 5 (·5) and the Damage Effect ."ill decrease
aren't very good against annor. Iflhe foe hit by the Dum-dum with) (-)). Anacking a IIIrgel .... ilh;n the basic ra,ge &i\e<; nO""
"ears annor. he gets a +3 modifier 10 his Annor Sa ... ing throw. negative modifications.
The lousy ballistic characteristics of these bullets give -I to hit.
Muimum Range (Mu RN) : This is the mA>.i-
Full melal jacket : Light annor piercing. Gi ... e -I to the Da- mum distance at which a projectile "capon can
mage effect; if the foe hit by the Full metal Jacket wears be used. A weapon connot damage anything
annor. he gets a·1 modifier to his AnllOr Slwing throw. beyond their maximum range (Max
nollow poinl : Givcs + I to the Damage effeet.

Load Time (LT ) Thc numher of actions required to load a A ( ,\
projectile weapon. Whe n there arc two numbers in this co- \\ I AI'ON t YPI MA(i III I RN r--.1AX RN I 1
lumn. Ihe first one denotes manllal loading and the second
number is when you are using a fast-loader.
RI VOl VI RSt~t.;1l1 llANI)(,1 N)
BIasI Radiu ~ (8R) This is a measurement of the area affec-

"240 OJ '"
ted hy a hand-grenade or a heavy \Ieapon. Within the blast ra-
dju~, the weapon does full damagc as ~tated in the table. Out-
~ide this, the \\eapon has a ~econd:u)' blast radius where it
d(Xs one lo\\cf level of damage (see Glast Radiu~ above).

fo explain Ihe weapon~ table. lIe will examine a weapon. let's

say a Col! P)thon, ii's a revolver: you will find its size, weight
and cost and t ~ pe in the equipment table.

rhe weapons tables concentrate on information relevant to

combat. The leftmost column indicates the caliber (type) of
the weapon. In the "type" column of the equipment table we
~ee that the Python is a .357 M Relolver.

The nC\1 column (Mag) tells you the number of rounds you
can load at one time. Some "capons hale sc\erall)pes ofma-
gaJines of different capac it) The ne\1 column tells you \vhat
Ihe weapon's Damage EtTect Factor DEf is; different \\eapons
ha\<' \arious effects. The ne't column is the range. The Coli
can fire wilh full precision up to 30 m~lers; wilhin Ihal dis-
tance. lhe "capon Ihe user has full chance 10 hi\. AI greal~r
dislances, the chance to hil and damage will drop (see Range
ab(lw). The ne\1 column indicates the weapon's maximum
range. 1\ wcapon cannot damage anything beyond its maxi-
mum range. 1\;cxl comes a note about how long it takes to re- l!IU,1 RS(SKlll DA(,(il R)
T " __ '~I'
l(lad the \\eapon. The Colt takes 4 actions 10 load manually.
and:2 aClions if a fast-loader is used. 6

~rmor 7

Armor protects the wearer against injuries. In the

game. allfrom
typesa of
annor that
has hilS the wearer
a chance by granting
of preventing an
the full i~~~~illIllIliIilIillUl.~IIIiIil~"!lI1IiIi
\rmor Saving Throw. The efficiency of different types of
annOT varies depending on the weapon. Some annor is good at mi."R:
swpping bullets but less good at protecling from impact wea-
pons or sharp cutting edges. See the Annor Saving Throw in
the Combat section for details.

Prices and weights of armor can be found in the

equipment lists.

Notes to th e a rmor sa\e th row ta ble: The head and body

protective annors in the table arc cumulative Shuriken m
so if a person for example wears both a Anny Moloto~ cocltail 5m
helmet and a Kcvlar Vest he may add their sa- 60m
ving thro" values together.
Smoke 1!fClladc
Slun Grenade 'I".'
'P'" 6<lm
Shrapnel grcnad~
Bills! grenade
lhrgas gtt:nade spec 'Om -..rm TOm

Melee/unarmed (\lIU) : the number listed by )-'our armor type
is \\,hat you ha\e to roll under on Id20 to avoid damage if an
unanned attack or a melee weapon hits )'ou.

, IIcal or Flame (1I1F'): the number listed by your armor type is

what you have to roll under on I d20 to avoid damage if you
la\, ; are exposed to heat or flames.
Radi:llion <R) : the number listed by )'our anllor type is what
IT~ you ha\'e to roll under on I d20 to avoid damage if) ou are e'(-
posed to radiation.


flarr), is wcaring a Kevlar "est al/d an ."rmy flelmet fie is

stabbed with a knife when the madmen allllck him (/a'll,"" in th..:
sell'ers. Since Harry is wcaring the I-es-t al/ll helnu:t hl' is entit-
led to all Armor Saving Throw. Thc vest I:/Ititlc.f a Ifdee Atfack
Sm'ing Throw of 3. and the helm all additiollal J. so togcllU'r
they 'll,"iIl pmoent all damage if Harry rolls wl(lcr I'i on Jd2fJ
Harry rolls a 4 and the armor ahsorbs the filII clamoRe of tJw

Nat ural A rmor ; Natural Armor is special [n the creature!'

statistics )'ou'll find an armor point value. The creature has an
Armor Saving throw equal to its Armor point "alue .. 2 against
Projectile, Melee/unarmed and Fire auacks. [t has no protec-
lion against radiation.

14 A bullet hilS a Cairatlr. It has a NallJr(J1 ."rmor point ""I..
5. giving it an Armor !)m'ing Throl< roll equClI to ur bt.·lm. 7.
2 3 3
Some ty~s of ammo do a lot of damage but is
worthless against armor, other types \\,ork the other way
around. If special ammunitions "ere used in an attack. please
modify your required die-roll number according 10 the ammu-
nition type used.

An army helmet is the traditional type of hardened

steel helm, used by most armies.
A Kevlar helmet is a modem ~ariet) of army helmet.
It consists of se"eral layers of ballistic fabric. and is lighter
1-feafina 8r
fj rifecttons
than a steel helmet.

Ke"lar "ests and overalls are lightly padded gar-

ments made of ballistic fabric.

Bulletproof vests are the ~common" type of vest

used by police all over the world, with sewn-in plates of cera- You can take a certain amount of damage. in Ihe
mic or metal. Some models have a whole breastplate. form of different t}pes of ,""ounds, before you die. flow much
A combat suit is a normal combat uniform overall, }OU can take depends on your Conslitution; the higher """,,0-

which has been reinforced to give some protection against fi- tulion. the more wounds you can stand.
rearms and fire.
Weapons do damage in the form
Protection suits come in various types; each one pro- types of "ounds: scratches are irrjtaIing'b~"~I:,::±~~~~~~~
tects the "carer against only one kind of "eapon. One excep- wounds hurt but are not particularl) (
lion is the ABC (Atomic-Biological-Chemical) suit, \\'hich pro- ,""ounds are really dangerous injuries; and
tects the \\,earer against all of these dangers. Fabric refers to instantly.
ordinary heavy clothing, e.g. Irish tweed. leather refers to an
ordinary leather jacket. When a weapon hits you, }OU w ill re-
ceive one of these t}pes of wounds. If durinK
Projectile W) : the number listed b) your amlor type is what a fight you recel\'e several "ounds
you have to roll under on I d20 to avoid damage if a projectile of the same type, these are combi-
weapon hits you. ned to produce one "ound of the
next more serious type. Your
Constitution determines how
man) v.ounds of a p.1rticular t)pe [ire needed to produce a In this ~ituation, it's still possible to save the charac-
combined I~ound of a more seriOllo; tyJl<!. See chapter 4 under ter's life. If someone sucecssfully uses the skill First aid or
Sewndaf) abilitie<>: Damage Capacil~. Medicine. the dying person will survive.

I hus. if >ou receh e a sufticient number of ~rnl~hes EXAMPLE

(holl man) depcnd~ on )OtIr Constitution), they will be coun-
ted together a~ a light v. ound ..\ o.;ertain number of light Harry has a COlJst/(ution oj I/. This means lhat it takes Jour
wounds v. ill be counted as a o;erious .... ound. and a certain scrutdlCS 10 gin~ him a light ,,'ouoo. three light wounds to gi~-e
nWllber of seriou~ .... ound~ will be counted as a fatal .... ound. him a serious wound, and three serious wounds to gilY! him °
Since all .... \lund~ (Ire added up and combin.:d in this \\ay, iI's faral "ound lie (Ioesn't have to make a cOllStitulion roll for
theoretical!) pos~ible to die from a ~ery large number of scratches. If he gets a light ",ound. he must roll ullder twice
liCratche:.. his COllstilulion (12), mcolling he can only fail ifhe is so wea-
k£n~>d Ihal his Conslitulion scare has dropped to 10 or less.
When )our character is \\ounded, )-'ou should note If he gets a serious wound. he must roll less Ihan 01' equal to
on the character sheet Ilhat type of wound he has received. his COllStillllion (II). Failure means Ihal he joints.
When ),ou have received so man> les~er .... ounds that they pro- IfHarry recei\'cs three serious wounds. Ihese are combined to
duce a \\orse one, ),ou ~hould crase the lesser wounds and nOte produce (/ lalal wound, Md he begins /0 die from shock alld
the rnMe ~crious one that they are combined 10 produce. loss of blood If someone manages /0 gh-e him First aid or /lSI'
Ihe skill Me(lieine on him lVilhin 22 combal roundf (CON x 2).
I hi~ dOl:~n't mean that the small \\ounds have some- he will s/ln·jve
how disappeared from )' our body and been replaced by a If flarry get$ three light wounds. Ihis mealls he now has a se-
singh: large one. It's just a .... a} of simulating that many small rious "'olllld The light wOl/llds are erased from the character
wound~ arc a~ dangerous as one bigger \\ound. When )'ou shcel, bill the)' still exist 011 Harry's body. One serious wound
create )o'\)ur character. you calculatc how man)- v.ounds of each i.J noted inslead He has to roll twice under CON x 2 for the
I)pe are rl'quired to produce one of the next worse kind. This two light wounds, and once under CONfor lhe seriOllS wound.
should thcn be .... ritlen under Damage Capacity on the chara!;.
IeI' ~h«t
lIealiog : A character that slIn'ives a battle can begin to recu-
l Rcon~ciou~nH§ It huns to be .....ounded. The pain and the perate. Wouncb \\ ill heal. gi~en time. Ho\\ long il takes de-
ph) skal ~hock can make )'OU lose consciou~ness.. or at least pends on the type of wound; bigger wounds take longer to
put the .... ounded bod)' part OUI of commission for some time. heal:
xactl) v.hat happens depends on .... hat type of wound you re-
ce.vc. The bigger the \\ound, the bigger the risk that you \\ill \\OL,"nl'E Tt\IE TO HF-"L
atnl or that the limb will become unusable. Scratch One day per v.ound
Light wound One week per wound
:\obody fa;nt~ because of scratches. But as soon as Serious wound One month per \\ound
ou reedle an)lhing v.orse than a scratch. you must make a
con!>titution mil 10 see if you manage to sta)' conscious. It takes longer 10 heal many wounds. If for example
)OU ha\e twO serious wounds, they take two months to heal. If
If it's a light v.-ound, )'ou must roll under double you also hav~ a light ",ound, this adds one week to the time.
your Constitution to avoid becoming unconscious for Id20 Wounds, which ha\e been combined to produce larger
minutes, I\ounds, are counted as one wound of the larger type, not as
SCleral smaller \\ounds. 1I0\\cvcr, a fatal wound, which is a
If it's a serious .... ound. you must roll under your result of combined scrious wounds. counts as Ihc consti\lIcm
( onslilUtion to avoid becoming unconscious for I d20 minutes. number of serious wounds (as yOIl see. there is no healing time
for fatal wounds in the table above).
If )ou receive a fatal wound, you are dead : but as
)nu probably know, this isn't necessarily the end of the charac- £XAMPf.E
If yOllr Conslilu/ion is 13 (lnd you have three light wounds
When a number of lesser wounds are combined to which have been camhi/led into one serious wound, Ihis lakes
produce one larger wound. Make a constitution mil for the lar- one month to heal: not three lI'ee.ts,
ger ",ound, ire;tead of making one for the last of the lesser
",oumb. You nc\er roll twice for the same wound. The times for healing presuppose that )'OU are res-
ting all the time. If )'ou don't, the Gamemaster may prolong
)Hath A <;ufficiently badly .... ounded person \\iII die. But it is the time. If )OU just ignore the wounds. he should have no
onl) \\hen you gel a falal .... ound in ilS own righl mat you dic qualms about doubling or tripling the necessary time to heal.
immediately. If the fatal wound consists of a combination
of several serious \\ounds, you lose consciousness im-
mediately but you die only after twice your Medical Care: If a .... ounded character receives qualified me-
Constitution combat rounds. Death occurs as a dical care at a hospital, scratches and light wounds will heal
result of bleeding and shock. t\\ice as fast. A light wound heals in half a \\eek. Serious
wounds require hospital to heal properly, else there is big p0s-
sibility that it will cause pennanent defects.

Infections (o illional rule) : Perhaps it sounds outdated to

speak of infections in these modem times, but wounds tend to
be infected if not taken care of properly. Infected wounds arc a
serious problem.

[f the ",ounds arc washed and trealcd ",ilh antisep"- [f you catch an infection. you will be ill for :I """"~.
tics. thc risk of infection is 10~ered. of \\ech. The Gamcmaster detcnnines the exact duratiorl of
the illness b)' rolling 2d5. gelling a re~ult bet\\een 2 and 10,
In order to a\'oid infection in wounds. )'ou must This is the number of weeks your bod) \\ ill be infcctl-d.
make a Constitution roll. You roll once for every wound. The
worse your wound is, the [ower you ha"e to roll. [n evcl) \\eck of illness. you may make a con:;titu-
tion rol1. as abo"e but this thro", is not modified, If any such
The table below sho",s which results you must throw is succcssfui. )'ou get \~cI[ in one week. rcgarJ[e~s of
achie\ e \\ ith the constitution roll in order to escape infection. ho\\ many v.ecks \\cre left of the original duration thai the Ga-
The die result is mod ilied if the \\ ound is \\ ashed. or if it gets mem3!>ter rolled.
dirt), and for other circumstances v.hich affect the risk. All
modifications are cumulative. There is one case when the subsequent constitution
rolls can be modified. If the character f(;ecives medicaltreal-
menl from a doctor, and/or antibiotics, this giws modifications
CONST ITUTION ROll VERSUS INFECTION of -5 and -7 respecti"ely,
Scratch 2 X CO:'>l" If you fail all the constitution rolls, you wiM dte
Light wound CON the end of the illness. e.g. after the 2d5 weeks.
Serious wound CONI2
M OOl FICATIOSS OFTllt: on: RESULT No wounds will heal while yOU are in-
The wound was cleaned -5 fected. Only ",hen you are cured from the in-
First aid was successfully applied -5 fection. the wounds will stan healing
Medicine \\"as successfully applied -5 at the nonnal rate.
The character is treated with antibiotics -7
The damaging weapon was rusty or dirty +3
The wound was caused by teeth or claws +2

£x ~rience
During a long career. the player chara(tcl1> havc
"And in this room you'll find olle of our latest
many opponunities to better their skills and abilities. '1ho;:ro;: arl!
discoveries," spoke Dr. Tremens. He opened the door for t\O.o .... ays of doing this in Kuh: through experience. or through
the small group ofyoung doctors, and they filed into the practice. They ....ork in the same way regardle~ of .... hether tho;:
room beyond. Tremm! followed and took his place in character ..... as created .... ith the nonnal rules Of the ~imp1ified
front of a large window. It overlooked a larger room character description.
were a several people were strapped into (btlirs; wires
nmningfrom the chairs into their clothing. A joystick
'was built into the arm of the chairs. The people stemed e)CpeRlence
to be manipulating objects on scruns in front of them
through joysticks built into the artm ofthe chair.
E~ery time ),ou ha"e made it through an adventure.
you have learned something. Perhap~ )ou succeeded in using a
"I htnJt found that tl'IJersion therapy can abo skill. perhaps you oU!\\;tted a po .... cr-craled Lictor Of ma-
be used to teach," Tremem began. A few soft wicesfloa~ a
naged to lift heavy steel bar a .... a) from the ""mg'.~·"'~
ted up from the group before him, so he continued. "U'f a fallen friend. Anything you did during the adlenlul'C
are trying to teach these patients to increme their hand- )'ou a chance to increase your scores :dl.er...,ard.
eye coordinatioll through the simple use of video
After the adventure. the G,unemastt:r a .... llrds
games. " He chuckled, and shrugged to the crowd "Who bemeen one and seven experience points. The sum d"",,";
would have thought they would be useful other than 00 .... difficult the a<ilenture ....as aod ho ........ell ~ou rla>L-d yout
entertainment?" The docton before him laughed poli- role. The table belo.... is a guideline tor Ihe Gamcm31ler Or
tely. course, he is free to change the awards. For e'(ample. he
double them if the players feellhatlhey aren't milk in!;
"Anyway, should the patient die in the game,
he or she u given an electric Jhock. This reminds them fhe characler"as on an a(l\enture :! points
the price offailure and forces them to increaJe their The advenlure was difficult .1 point~
abilitieJ accordingly. We increaJe the voltage after The adventure was extremely
every failure," JO that they will not grow acmstom to dangerous and difficuh 5 points
Bonus for good role-playing ... 2 poinh
the shocks. Penalty for lous)' role-playing -2 poinL~

AJ if to JtreJJ hu pcint, a teenaged girl near the The experience points should be a .... arded after the
back made a miJtake. Her tiny form Jhook spasmodi- adventure has been completed; not after eve!'} game session. If
you go on a long campaign. the Gamcmaster .... ill divide it into
mlly as the voltage coursed through her. Tears streamed shorter adventures and give Oul points after each of th~. Each
down her face aJ Jhe Jtruggled to repeat the Jequence she experience point can be used 10 increa-.e a skill or.ubitity 'Score
had made the mistake on. AJ the docton watched she \\ith one step. up 10 your score for the abilit)' th.u:control'li
performed better and pdJsed the challenge. The docton ski ll . Above thaI. every step of increased scorel (fI'I\$ lhree
applauded the man before them, and he bowed. "Thank points,just like ",hen ),ou ~bu)'~ the skill when thti charactCT is
you, thank YOII. A; you can see, with time we should be
able to /ink this learning method into more useful skills.
PoJJibly even schooling. Now on to our next caJt... "

Tremens talked as he lead them to the next stop

on the tour.

Experience poims can also be used to change )'our Studying and practicing are not free. If you train
mental balance, If your balance is negatiH'. )'OU can lower il alone, you just need to pay for )our o .... n cost of living. Ifyoll
by one step per point. or increase it by one step per two expe- hire a teacher. the cost goes up, We use a simple stencil fee for
rience paims. [ryour balance is positive. il works likewise: in- all types of practice. Diligent Gamemasters may \\i5h to use
creasing it COSIS one point per step. 10'Wering il eosls \'WO the real COSI instead; going to a good gym with instruction five
points p!.-r step. days per week is outrageous, taking private lessons is even
more so. If your training can be done within a public educa-
rhe cXJl'!riencl!' points are primarily intended for in- tion facility such as a university. it may be cheaper. In some
creasing skills. You should not increase abilitie~ unless you countries. tuition is free (but you sti ll have to be accepted.
did something rl!'ally heroic in the adventure; the Gamemaster which may not be easy due to the number of students applying
and no one else' has Ihe final say here. It is logical that you each year).
~pcnd Ihe experience points to increase those skills (and possi-
hly abilities) .... hich you used in the adventure. but ifs up to We estimale the basic cost for one month of tuition
your conscience. at $ 500, To this, add extra costs for the more advanced ins-
truction you need if you are already skilled:
fhe two abilities romelines~ and Education can
only be increased under special circumstances. To better your Present score 1-5 +$100
looks, something must ha\e happened 10 your appearance Present score 6-9 "'$200
(plastic surgery, you begin to take care of yourself af\er having Present score 10-12 +$5()()
looked like ;1 bum, you quit using drugs. or something like Present score 13-15 +$800
Practice of Abilities: Here arc some hints for the Gamemas-
The only \\ay to increase) our Education score is by ler, concerning what it takes to increase ability scores. Note
studying. This mean, that the Education score cannot be in- that Comeliness cannot be increased through practice.
creased .... ith experience, onl) through praclice. It takes one
)I!'ar of uninlcmJpted studying to increase )our Education by Agilil)' : Can be increased through various types of workouts,
one ~tep. up 10 15. ,\oove that.. each step takes t\\O years. This dancing and gymnastics. Some sports also do it. e.g. fencing,
rna}" SL'I,:m harsh, but all the other hand the studying also &i\cs badminton.
you kno\\ledge of one or more skills. apart from the increased
Education score. Strengt" : is probably the most common thing to train. You lift
\\eights. do push.ups and so on. The best place to do it is in a
modern gym where you have access to all emcient training

Consliflltion : can be increased by running, bicycling, swim-

ming or skiing on long distances. A marathon runner is doing a
It's also possible to increase your scores through classical type of Constitution training.
hard training. You can study with a teacher. or you can do it
alone, Practice is difficult and expensive, Non-academic skills Comelilless : cannot be trained. Your usual comeliness as·
can onl)' be trained up to a score of 12. abilities (other than sumes good grooming and hygiene; Comeliness may actually
Education) onl) to a score of 15. Above thai. you mllst rely on drop temporarily (e.g .. you just crawled out of the sewer).
Ego : training focuses on your memory, intellect and willI»-
Practice lakes a long lime. After one month of un in- \\cr. Philosophy. logic and mathematics train the Ego. So does
terrupted practice (eight hours per day, five days per week) meditation. prayer, fasting and yoga.
)'ou get one experience point.
Percepfioll ; is seldom something you actively train. Hunters,
These points can then be used just like Ihe points ornithologists, mineral collectors and air observers
you gel for adventures (see above). The exception is Educa- consciously train their Perception. In the game, Perccption
tion, which can only be increased by one step per year of stu- may be increased by training skills that require good Percep-
d)'log (details above). tion.

In order to train you must have access to the imple- Charisma: is difficult because it depends on the person's
ments .... hich the Gamemaster thinks are necessary; weapons mindset. A charm school may teach you to be polite. but it
for weapon ski lls. a gym for body building, a computer for hardly makes you charismatic. It's possible that some form of
programming, etc. training that increases your self-confidence and self-insight
(e.g. psychoanalysis, meditation. prayer) may increase your
You also need to succeed with an ego roll in order to Charisma. The Gamemastcr will deGide it.
learn from the practice. This simu lates the dedication.
wi ll power and interest needed. If you study Educatioll : can be increased only through~education". In
more than one month per experience point. Kult, this is lied to the number of years you spent in school.
your chances increase. For every week of One continuous year of studying a subject, on a more advan-
extra training. you may ced level than you previously kne\l. increases your score by
deduct one from the ego one. up 10 a maximum of I S. Abo\e that. every step takes two
roll. If the Gamemaster years.
so rules. the skill of your
teacher may also affect your

How are Hero PoiOis used? Simple. The points
h eRo p Olnrs used to improve your effect, or to counter your opponent's. For
every Hero Point you expend, your effect increases by one,
your opponent's effect is decreased by one. The poi nts may
Heroes are known for their ability to survive the expended bcfore or after the dke have been rolled. Plea~e
mOSI hair-raising situations. Books and films are full of heroes that hero points do not affect your chance to succeed, on l}' the
who just manage to get out of the buming car before it blows effect if you succeeded with the action.
up, or move their heads just when the sniper pulls the trigger,
or gets away with a nesh wound when the terrorist empties the In this way, you can lower your enemy's effect so
whole magazine in his Ingram MAC-I O. Heroes should die he- Ihal you survive what would have been a fatal hit, or raise your
roicallyand preferably al a heroic moment. They shouldn't get own effecl so that you manage to jump over a ravine, get a grip
killed by Slray bullets or stupid accidents. on the edge of the rock and avoid a messy death.

In Kult, all player characters are assumed to be he- Hero Points can also be used to increase your chance
roes. In order 10 give them a fair chance 10 survive the harsh to suecced with an ability throw. Every point makes il one step
and hostile environment (so that they can die when Destiny easier to succeed.
culls), they have Hero Points (HP).
When a Hero Point has been expended, it is gone fo-
When a character is created, he or she gets ten hero rever. II is subtracted from your total, and if }'o~ expe nd al l
points. Later, more hero points are awarded after each adven- your points, you will have to wait until after the ~d"' CCJtute to
ture. The number depends on how brave and heroic you have get new oncs.
been. Heroic heroes get more Hero Points. Logical. right? The
table below is a guideline for the Gamemaster as to how many No character can ever ha\e more than
points 10 award: 50 Hero Points. Any poinls Ihat could have been
awarded above that just vanish; you can only
The character survived an adventure I l-IP get so much help from the Powers.
The character was brave and skillful 3 liP
For each aCI ofhcroism* 2 HP EXA MPL E
* Savillg cllildntll ji'olll burning buildings. risking one's life jar Hany begins the game with J0
Ihe good ofG/hers. erc. Hero Painls.
"Sometimes (J hunger rise inside me. My blood nms bot. No beyond-humanity creature can have a higher
mental balance than -25. Even if the balance should be higher.
People sum to change in my eyes. Their souls fade away, it automatically drops to th3t lev.:!. Thi~ applies as long h the
and all that I see is the flesh, blood, heat and nourish+ creature has any powers or limitillions.
ment in their living bodies. I roam the streetJ, into the
dark alleys where my eyes arm't seared by the light. The creature can have ordinal) advantages and di-
There I wait, crouching on fire escapes ond troshcans in sadvantages. too. But points from disad\"antages cannot be
used to buy advantages or more skills. Poinl~ that 3re OOt used
the shadows, ond wait for my victim. Umolly someone to get powers are removed.
I htI'Vt (bOJen and followed for some time. When the
time ond opportunity is right, I sm'ke. 10m not cruel I These rules are usable for creating Deings which are
kill them immediately, lIsing eith" d gun or (/ hatchet. basically human, but .... ith some non-human traits. l'se the nor-
Then ['II lake the first bite. When the blood pours mal rules to describe the other aspectS of the pero;on.
down my throat and my /tI!th tear at the meat, every-
thing tbe vanisbn. I forget who J om. [ have no me- .''"'''''0"'' .....
Creatures \\ith the ability to eh3nge
different powers depending on their prescnt form. rhis
mory ond no future. After thai first, blood-soaked bite I not affect the cost. Even if a creature only has cla .... s \\hen
never remember anything more until J wake up in my changes shape at full moon. it must pay for the po.... ~·r
own bed, stained with blood and dirt, and with a ran- .... eapons ... Ilut limitations that on I) IIpply to one ~hape
yield the normal nUmDeT of poinl~.
cid taste in my mouth. "
Even creatures with abilities beyond what is
usually (but nOl always) hllve a human background.
the person's own desires 3nd dcstructhe urges have been
dent to cause Ihe alterntions. There must be something in the
Among us common mortal humans. there walk crea·
person's background that e>:plains how he came to De the ~a)
tures that are only half-human. Twisted by savage desires. they
he is.
are the children of the night, and demons from the other side.
These creatures belong in the Gamemaster's supply of props.
used to create excitement. This section provides rules for crea-
ting these. Note: As with an) aspec t of Kul!; Bloodthirst. Cllnnibalism
and Soulthirst life limitations..... hich should not he used un1ess
you are sure that the players can manage them properly in the
When we create these creatures..... e use powers and
limitations..... hich resemble the advantages and disadvantages
of nonnal non-player characters. The powers make the creature
stronger and more dangerous; tnc limitations are either strong
urges .... hich make the creature unable to control itself in some
situations. or .... eaknesses which make the creature vulnerable.
Limitations lo.... er the mental balance in the same wa)' as di·
sadvantages. I'o .... ers. on the other hand. do not increase the ba-
lance. A person with Bloodthirst. Sensitivity to Sunlight. Hun-
ting Instincts and Tomb Bondage gelS a balance of -35. In spite
oflhat. he has the po .... ers RegerlCrnle. Commanding Voice and
Increased Strength. This simulates that most creatures beyond
humanity live closer to the dark and more easily get a negative
mental hlliance.

LmrL~\L)OnS 'J-funtin8 instinct
The creature is dominated b)" aggressive hunting instincts. It
cannot control the urge to hum. and kills if a suitable pre)
Iloin!s Ill! limit..:ltions rna) onl)' be used to acquire comes \\ ithin reach. The hunting instinct is tied to a special
po\\C~. o\n~ ~urplu, points are deleted. \1ental balance drop~
t\-pe of victim, usually people. Somc creatures onl) suffer the
by one per point. en«1S of the instinct at certain times. e.g. in the morning, at
night. The Gamcmaster decides if the creature can avoid
LIM!' .'\110' PO[:-.ITS killing \\hen it has located and trapped a victim.
BI~xxllhi .... t 5 ' I~ Poinls : 5
S) mhol bondage 10
fomb bondage 10
lIuoting instinct
Controlled b) CXlcm.11 po .... cr lo·:m This limitation is not only a sick fixation to human flesh. Likc
Sensiti,,(- 10 fire 10 bloodthirst. it is a physical need to eat the meat of humans.
S."nsili\'C 10 electricit} 10 The Garnemaster decides if the meat must be taken from a Ire-
S~ar\'d ofrdigioll~ s~mbols 10 shly killed vic tim or if the cannibal can store it in a freezer.
Sensitive \\1 siher 5 Like the bloodsuckcr, the cannibal loses constitution when no
Scn~iti\c to sunlight II meat can be found. Uis constitution then drops one point per
l ncontrolled shape change 10 day. When he begins ealing human flesh again. he regains one
Inhuman appearance 10 point of eON per day.
Soul thj~t II Points : 15
Controlled b)' ~tars 10

'B(oodtliirst Contro((ed 6y externa(force

The creature is under !he control of a non·human, supernatural
A bloodthinot} penoon not onl~ has a fixation on drinking power. This can be a deity or a demon, impersonal forces or
blood, he needs the blood 10 survh·e physically. The limitation Astarolh himself. The limilalion gi\-es ten points if the crea-
Rives fhe points if the thirst is for any kind of blood (inclu- ture seT\-CS the po\\er but relains a will of its own. If the crea-
dll18 that of animals), It gi\cs 15 points of the thirst is exclusi- ture is totally dominated by the external force. it gives 20
vely f(.r hlood of humans \.. ho are sexually attractive 10 the points.
drmker. Regardless of which optioo you choose, the blood Points : 10120
be fn:~h and sucked dire<:tly from the body of the victim.
lbt creature oeeds t""o pints of blood per day. If he does not
.act thiS, his constitution drops by one point per day, umil it Sensitive to fire
reaches zcro and he dies. lfhe starts drinking blood again be-
rore his con5tilulion has reached zero. he regains one point of Fire frightens Ihe creature and hurts it more than nonna lly.
constitution per day. Add 10 to the efTecl to detennine how much damage the crea-
Points: 5/15 ture lakes from fire. It canoot bring itsclfto light a fire or hold
a torch. If il goes near a large fire. it gets dizzy and nauseated.
Points: 10
Sym6o( 60nda8e
The creature's life force is bound in a symbol. This can be
an) thing from a piece of je""elry to a building or a tattoo on
Sensitive to e(ectricity
'Wmeone else's body. Whcn the symbol is damaged, the crea- The creature can't stand electricity. If it goes near electrical
ture is al<;o hurt. If the symbol is destroyed, the creature also machines that are switched on, it gels dizzy and nauseated.
perbhe~. This kind of life-force bondage usually occurs in
Even being in a room with electric light makes it fccl uncom-
creatures that ha\c po""",rs which make them difficult to in- fortable. If electric current is led through the creature's body, II
jure, e.g. regcneration, invulnerability to \\capons. Points: 10) suffers + 10 10 the usual damage efTect.
(Tomb bondage·' The creature is forced to spend at least ten Points: 10
hours per day lo\\ered into eanh, prefcrably in his o""n grave.
This limitation is common among creatures that ha .. e died,
and are no\\ getting sustenance from their own death. They
mu~t constantly retum to the gra .. e and die again. Their ego
Scared <1 re(itJious sym6o(s
drops by o ne step for every day they spend outside the The creature suffers ph) sically whenewr it is confronted with
grave.1be) become feeble-willed and finally religious symbols from its own culture. A dem~n from E~rope
lose their minds. The ego loss is temporary; \\ill not be affected by Hindu symbols. unless It has a history
thc creature's ego is restored entirely as soon of contact with these. But the same demon ..... ill become dizzy
as it has rested in the grave for tcn hours. and nauseated at the sight of a cross. Touching Ihe symbol \.. ill
Points: 10 injure the creature as if it had touched red-hot iron. The crea-
ture cannot enter temples and holy places.
Points: 10

Sel15itive to si{ver/copyer/iron
The creature is not affected 1»- pro'(imity to the metal, but it
suffers l'Wice the nonnal damage from an)' 'Wcapon made of the
metal to which it is sensiti\c. The po\\ers can be "bought" b) expending points
Points: 5 from disad\antages or limitation~. but not for s]",ill points.
The) ha\o;~ no effect on mental balance,

Sensitive to sun{itJfit
The creature can't stand strong sunlight. It gels too much Commanding voice 15
energy and 0\ erheats. In full d3}light. the creature's endurance Eternal )'outh 10
drops b) ten points per minute. If the sky is overcast. the crea- Increased ability 15
ture loses one point per minute. When the endurance drops to Resistant to poison 10
zero, the creature falls down and its constitution begins to drop Infrared vision ;
b) one step per minute in full daylight and one step per ten mi- Natural weapons ;
omes in overcast weather. Irthe creature is brought into a dark Invulnerable to fire 10
place, it regains all tosses in 24 hours. If the constitution Invulnerable to electricity 10
reaches zero. the creature dies. Invulnerable to radioactivity 10
In vulnerable to \\eapons
Points: 15
Fast reaclions
'Ul1contro{(ea sl1aye cfian8e Protecti\c skin I.
Enhanced senses 10
The creature has 1\\0 shapes, usually a human form and an ani- Telekinesis 10
mal form. The animal fonn breaks through when the creature Te1epath) 15
suffers intense emotions (e.g., ecstasy. rage. etc.). An Ego roll Infinite endurance 10
is required to return to the human fonn.
Points: JO
Commanain8 voice
'lnfiwnan ayyearance 1lle creature can speaJ." \\ith a special timbre ",hi~h makes "II
people ""ithin hearing liSlcn up and obc~ This rre~upposl.'S
that the) understand the language that the creature b ~pcaking.
The creature looks absolutely non·hurnan, in a \\a) that cannot
be hidden wilh anything less than a completely co\ering \eil.
It's not just a distorted human appearance (that is co\ered ~
If 001. the) just feel that the) oUght I\) obe) if thc)' 'm~w
to do. In order to resist the impul5c to obe). the li~teners
the disad\'antage mutilated), but something distinctly not roll under their £go/2. If the command is something
human. would never do of their own free \\ill. e.g. an order to
I'oints: 10 suicide. they must roll less than their Ego. [I' the ~rea~
failed 10 get someone to obey. il cannot II; again with "", " ...
Sour tfiirst
Like the bloodsucker thirsts for blood. the soul·ealer thirsts for
souls. He consumes other pt.'Ople's life force and leaves their :Eterna{ youtl1
bodies as empty shells. This is often closely connected with
sex, The creature takes power from its lovers. Every week. it The creature does not age. D«ide Ivhen it was born; it could
needs to dra\\ points equal to its ego plus its constitution, from be any time. The poller docs not gi\c the creature more ~kills
other people, In an orgasm, it sucks this man) points from the or higher abilit} scores. The only effect is that it m.'\er grows
victim's abilit) scores. ~om13I1), this is distributed so that all old or dies of natural causes.
the victim's abilities drop, but it's also possible to take from Cost: 10
just one score so that it reaches zero and the victim dies. The
losses suffered by the victim are pcnnanenl. If the soul-cater
does nOi get the necessar) sustenance. it loses IdS EGO and 'lncreasea a 6i{ity
constitution per week. until it reaches zero and dies. Lost
points can be regained from new lovers. One of the creature's abilities is exceptionally \\ell developed.
l'oints: 15
abilities accordingly. 1
Increase one ability score b) tcn, and recalculate the "a:ondat)

Co..:: 15
Contro{fea 6y stars
The creature's life is dominated by astronomical events. It can 'Resistant to yoison
be seized by hunting instincts and change shape at full moon.
or come under the domination of an external force when Sirius The creature is not affectl'<l by poisonous sub-
rises abo\e the horilOn. or be stricken b) uncontrollable fear stances of an) kind. The powcr only
and panic at certain star constcllations. The Gamemaster de· affects ingested poisons, e.g. the
cides ifthc limitation is serious enough to be worth ten points ; creature will not die even ifit e:lts
if not. it only gives fiw. plutonium, but it's still scnsithe
J'oints: 10 to radioacth,ity. Cost: 10

'lnfrared vision 'Fast reactions
The creature can see heat radiation as a color. This not only The creature nonnally acts before all others. [t has one extra
gjve~ it the ability to see in complete darkne~s, it can also see action in every combat phase. and an initiative bonus of+5. [t
heat sources in daylight (this is often combined with hunting also has a score of20 in the skill Dodge.
vision. a sort of Immel vision which is engaged when ils hun- Cost: 15
ting instincts take over. and focuses and enhances the power of
sight on one distant object, \\hcreas the peripheral vision is re-
duced). 'Reaeneration
Cost: 5
Ir the creature is injured, it heals unnaturally fast. The body
heals three times as fast as nonnal. Use the rules for healing,
rNatura{ weayons but divide the time by three. The wounds are never infected.
Cost: 10
fhe creawre has cI3\\$, fangs, tail, horns or some other kind of
extremity that works as an efficient \\capon. You will lind the
damages for the natural weapons in the weapons table. Protective skin
Cost: 5
The creature has a very tough skin, prolecting it as well as a
bullet-proof overall. The skin may look like ordinal)' human
'lnvu{nera6le to fire skin, or like lizard hide. See the section about annor for how a
bullet-proof vest protects.
The creature is not hurt by high temperatures. It can have a Cost: 10
bath in boiling magma with no ill effects. A common poller
among creatures from burning hells and other dimensions.
Cost : 10 'En Fianced senses
The creature has extra sharp hearing, sight. smell, taste and
'lnvu(nera6le to e{ectricity feeling. It can track like a bloodhound, sees pretty well in
darkness, can feel its way like a blind man. and immc<liately
The creature isn't affected by electricity. You can put a billion recognizes anything it tastes. It also gets dizzy if exposed to
volts through it .... ith no effect. strong sensaI)' impressions like explosions and nashes of
Cost: 10 light.
Cost: 10

'lnvu{nera6le to radioactivity
The creature is unhun by all types of radioactivity. [t could
live in a nuclear reactor and sleep on a bed of plutonium. This is a psionic power. The creature can lift objects with pure
Cost: 10 thought. It can bring objects to float in the air. and it can hurl
them. The maximum "eight of the objects is the creature's
Ego in kilograms, and the maximum speed of movement is the
'lnvu{nera6{e to weayons creature's Ego meters per second.
Cost: 10
The creature can only be hun by some special type of "eapon,
and is unaffected by all other types. [t might be hurt nonnally
by' ~words and daggers, but untouched by firearms; or vice 'T'e{patFiy
versa. For ten points, the creature gets half the nonnal damage
lrom those weapons it is protected from. For 15 points, it is The creature can read other people's thoughts, and project ils
completely protected from some weapons. There must be a own thoughts in their minds. This only works provided that
reasonably large group of weapons that can hurt the creature, the victim is within sight or that the telepath knows the recei-
e.g. all sharp melee weapons, all fireanns, or all impact wea- ver well and has had telepathic contact with him earlier. Those
pons. It must not be a single weapon, e.g. ceramic daggers. No who gel their thoughts read can sense a "presence" in their
creature is safe from all weapons. There is al ..... ays something. minds. but are unable to track it. By rolling under half your
ewn if it's only silver weapons that can kill it. Ego, you can block the telepath's attempt to read your mind or
Cost: 10115 send thoughts to you. The creature can only work telepathi-
cally with one person al a time.
Cost: 15

'lnfinite endurance
The creature never loses endurance. [t can run forever, swim
any dismnce, fight for twelve days in a row, or make the worl-
d's elite marathon runners look vel)' silly. Creatures with infi-
nite endurance only need to sleep two hours per night.
Cost: 10

The evening sky looked like on infected, open
wound; red and sickly yellow. The clouds threatened
rain, but so for hod not provided ally. Only a worm
wind ofmoist air brushed over the city with its uncom-
'Meeting with
fortable touch. Gerger looked down at the street below
and felt ill, the heat olld opprmive feel of the coming
storm irritated his mind and twisted in hiJ belly. His
hair rustled in the breeze and stung his foce like tillY
whips. His lips curled into a snarl as he stepped bock Th~ meeting with terror is a confrontation with me
from the edgt ofthe buildillg and went over to his choir unknown; all those things that our minds and Ilenous system,>
and sot down. just can't handle. The shock may have natural cause-.. like an
accident, a light or some other sudden and violent event. Or it
may come from a meeting \\'ith the supernatural. events and
A cigarette somehow found its way to his lips. creatur~s that human consciousness just isn't read) to cope
MinUte! or hours passed by unnoticed, time no longer with. Shock isn't just fear for the unknown and unexpe<:I1. .·d_
on entirely certain and logical thing in his mind. Ger- Just as often. it's a ph)'sical reaction to pain or e\cnt> that upset
us more than we can deal with.
ger abruptly came to his sensti as he unconsciously stub-
bed out the cigarette on his cheek. The smell ofroasting lne first reaction to a !errif)-ing ~\ent is thai
meat filled his nostrils. It was dark outside now, and he shocked; .... e CT) and scream. ""c faint. run a"",,»~,",:;.;.~;
could hear the club-goers collecting below. He stood up into a catatonic apathy. If your mental balan~ i"
again, and went back to the edge ofthe building. shock will cause your disad\antages to take
You are unable to aCI rationally. fhe real danger ~i'h "'m~
events is not the meeting with the ullkno""n; that is just a
Across the street (md four jloors be/ow, a line Iysl. The real danger is the darkness within you. as it is
up was forming around The Gate, the city most popu- to the surface by the shock.
lar haunt for the socially bankrupt. Gerger could smell
their hunger and desire from here. I Ie licked his lips With a strong Ego and a positive mell1al
and touched his naked flesh with strong fingers, eyes you can control your fear and you are in a bener position
deal with the situation.
closing to watch the movie playing behind his eyes.
Pleasure filled him, and teased him. He opened the case
he hod brought with him and seized what was inside.
It felt cold against his fingers and he lifted its muzzle to
his burnt cheek. The metal soothed him, filling him
with a numbness that eased the burning ache. The clip Your Ego seore determin~s how well )OU handle h;:r-
slid into the automatic rijle as if they were loven. The rifying experiences. You make an Ego roll to !>cC if you are
smell ofgunpowder and oil tickled his sensitive nostn·/s. shocked or nol. If the roll is succel>Sful. you make it through
with no serious effects. You rna} hesitate and IlC' scared. bllt
As if sensing the approaching drama of the you remain in cOOlrol. The Ego roll is modified by the nature
or the terrifying situation. Things that affect you personall)" arc
mommt, the clouds above finally opened up and loosed more frightening. E\ents )OU ha .. e experienced hefore. or that
their cOl1tmlJ upon the city below. The rain was like don't affecl )OU personally. are easier to cope Withf
arterial spray, hot and sticky against his face. Gerger
smiled warmly and looked down the length of the M- It's impossible to Ibt all ~ituations that can ~hot1c the-.
16 at the crowd awaiting him, choosing a place to player characters. The Gamemaster mU5t use his'
common sense to determine when an ego foil
begin. should be required. If you require these rolls so
oftcn that it becomes a routine, they will lose
their ability to create a feeling of
horror in the game. It's better to
spread oul the terrifying events /... ~I", 'il
so that they become truly frigh-

tening. If there is much fighting in an adventure, you should COMBAT
onl} require terror rolls in e"treme situations, e.g..... hen man} Serious wound -5
prople die and much blood flo .... s. Killing other +5
Light \~ound -10
llere are some examples of situation" \\ hen an Ego Seeing close friend killed or severely wounded +5
roll tor ~hock is usually required. We also list some possible
mo(/ifi..:ations to the Ego roll in each ~ituation. The modifica- ItA"
tions are added to or wbtracted from the die result. A positive Seeing close friend raped +5
modification (+) makes it harder: your roll becomes higher, Seeing strangcr raped -10
and it is mort'" difficult to roll your Ego score or less. A nega- Being raped +10
ti~e modification H makes it easier to roll equal to or under Committing rape +5
your Ego.
Apart from these. there are a few general modifica- Physical elTects on self +5-10
tions. which apply to all terrifying situations. The) are adapted Seeing close friend exposed +0-5
to the situation and the characters. If the event is directly
connel:ted to a di~d\'antage, e.g. a person with snake phobia EXAMPLE
who falls into a "nake pit, add the points for the disadvantage
to the Ego roll. If a person is forct'"d to violate one of his ad- Harry encounters Karl. a psychopathic serial killer with a
"antages. e.g. kill in spite of being a pacifist, add the points for thirst fo r blood. He sees Karl empt), his friend Natasha of
the ad\ antage to the Ego roll. Other things that alTect your blood. and must make an ego roll. Harry's Ego is 15. lie is
reaction are ho\\ a..:customcd }OU arc to this typo: of situation, confronted with (I close friend being mllrdered in a way he
and if you expected it. For CTe3IUreS that modiry the terror roll never thought possible. This gives +5 to the thrall'. He rolls
\~hen encountered, this modification is indicated at the des- 12. which normally wOllld be a success. but since he has a + 5
cription. modification. the result is 17: he fails and is shocked. The Ga-
memaster ro/{s Id5 to see what happens. The result is a 4.
Harry rUII$ all'ay in blind panic (see reactions below).
Connection to disadvantage +'
Violation of advantage +"
E"ent was unexpected +5 Rec:\crlons
PC used to situation -10
Event disturbs PC's frame of reference +5
bent was expected -5 Any·one who fails the ego roll at a terrifying event
-,he !,oint value ofthe disadvantage will become shocked. The first shock is a physical reaction. If
.. tho: point mille ofthe advantage your mental balance is neutral or negative, this physical shock
hits you with full force. If your mental balance is positive, you
EVENTS & SITUATIONS may control or cancel the shock. The victim of a shock will
1'.1 TIl display one of the following reactions:
Close encounter +5
Tht: monster's Ego modification varies I. Screams
2. Weeps
Seeing close friend beaten ±O 4. Runs away
Seeing close friend murdered +5 5. Catatonic shock
Seeing other beaten ·10
Seeing other murdered -5 Choose a reaction thai fits the situation and Ihe cha-
Beating someone +5 racter. Alternately, you can roll IdS and play out Ihe result.
Committing murder +5 The physical shock remains for ld20 minutes, for characters
Being beaten +5 with neutral or negative mental balance. If the evcnt that
Being tomlred by professionals +5 shocks the character also represents a grave physical danger to
him, the player can postpone the shock until the physical dan-
ACCtDfNT OR SUDDEN VtOLENT lNC1DEt.'T ger is past ifhe succeeds with a second, unmodified. ego roll.
hpo:ricnee without being injured ±O
Sccing close friend severely injurcdlkilled +5 Positive Mental Balance: Positive mental balance gives a
Seeing accident -10 good protection against terrifying events. If your balance is
Being injured in accident +5 positive. there is no risk that the shock awakens your disad-
vantages so that you are controlled by your subconscious. You
also suITer less from the physical shock. This is shown in the
table below. Between +15 and +44, you suITer a -5 penalty to
your skill rolls. From +45 and up, all skills can be used as normal.

Balance Effect of Shock

±O Shocked, effects as above. No disadvantages in effect.
+15 Able to act in spite of shock. -5 to all skills.
+30 May cancel the shock with successful ego roll.
+45 Mild shock for one minute. No penalty to skills.
+60 Hesitates for only a moment.
+75 Cannot be shocked Of at all atfccted by tenifYing events.

Ncgathe Menial Balance: Having a negative menial balance - Drug addiction: Must get drugged. Anything will do. from
makes )'OU sensitive \0 terrifying situations. Even normally, sniffing glue to mixing cocaine in the breakfast cereal.
you have an ocean of darkness under shaky conlroL Losing - Egotist: No longer gives a dumn about anything or anyonc.
control in an emergency is built into your psychological pro- Loses all sense of proportion und can sell oul u friend for a
Ilk. When your Ego roll fails and you are shocked. all your di- shoestring.
sadvantages corne bubbling up from the dark recesses of your • Fanaticism: Accuses the enemies of the fuith for the shock.
:>oul to lake control o~er you. This happens as soon as the first l.<bhcs out \\ ildly at them.
ph)sical effect of the shock has abated. Whether or nOI you • Forgot/en Breakdo .... n. Confronts complele strangers,
have an)' chance 10 control }our disadvantages in such a situa- crying: 'You must remember me! Can't )'ou remember me?'
tion depends on the le~el ofncgative mental balance, as shown - Greedy; Becomes totally obsessed with money.
in the table below. - flabitllolliar : Unable to utter a true word.
- flaunted; Attracts supernatural creatures like a magnet,
Hulance [«ecl of Shock i Innocently blamed: Takes every'thing bad that happen~ upon
-IS Disad\antages can be kept at bay with a successful himlhcrself.
Ego roll. - Jmo/l:rance : Aggressi ... el) accuSC'!i eWl)one and c\crything
-30 Disadvantages rna) be controlled by persuasion from for the shock.
others. - \laimcd : Suffers anxiety about physical appearan.:c. \1u~t
-45 Ego roll to prevent you from huning yourself or hide, or tries to cause further mutilation,
others, - Mallia: Becomes hyperactive. The speedometer hits Ihe post.
-60 Disadvalllages can't be controlled, Can't sleep. rest or engage in a normal conversation.
-75 Disadvantages can't be controlled. physical changes - Memal compulsion: Begins to perform the compulsi\e act.
occur. maniacally and surreptitiousl)'.
- Mental conslriction : 1be conslrictton is \\eakencd and faint
When in a state of shock, )'OU are ruled entirely by memories oflhe suppressed thing or e\ent reoccur. causing un·
your disad~antages, v.-hich assume more serious forms than controllable anxiety,
usual. They distort you r image of real it) and control your ac- - Mistoken idenlity : Mcntal disorientation. Stans to bel ieH~ in
tions. Belo\\, we provide some hints on how to play out disad- the mistaken identity and acting it.
vantages and limitations. All of the characlcr's disadvantages - Mortal enemy: Begins a manic se~rch for the enclll} and at-
arc activated. and it's possible that they will conflict with each tacks thoughtlessly. Somehow blames the enemy lor the shock,
other, producing bev.-ildcrment, depression and e\en more irra- • Aighfmares : Horri(ving nightmares begin as soon as tke cha-
tional beha\'ior. Your advantages are out of order as long as racter falls asleep.
)OU remain in shock. • Oalh of re'>'ellge : Begins a manic search for the c:nem) and
attacks thoughtlessly, Someho .... blames thc: c:nem) fur the
You are under the influence of your disad ... antages shock.
until you manage to get a grip on yourself. by a successful Ego - Paranoia: The foes are e~er)' .... here. the) ahno~t hilH~
roll. You can make a first attempt at this immedialely after the Pllnic.
ph}sical shock leaves you. If this fails, you can try again twice - PcrSI!(.·lIled: Pro\'okes people in order to get in trouble.
per day for characlers with a mental balance down to -30. once • Phobia: All phobias bf(;ome uncontrollable. ]-fa." "-"'-:'"
per day for characlel"5 with a balance .... orse than ·30. tions about the object of the phobia, or eonc;ciou,<;I) seeks .
1be Ego roll is also modified by mental balance. The - RaliollO/ist : Refuses to ackno.... ledge the cau~e of the ~hoc-k,
lo ....er it is. the greater the risk that you'll ne\'er regain control e.... en if it's something perfectly rational and natural, Iril,\ to
o\'er )'our subconscious. suppress Ihe event. refuses to hear about it.
- Red/els gombler : Must gamble at once. with anyonc.
MODIFICATION TO EGO ROLLS with an)'thing at stake.
BALANCE MODIFICATlO'< - SC'hi:ophrenia : Loses contact with reality. Iiallucinale<;,
·15 +3 hears voices. suffers major delusions.
·30 +5 - Sexual neurosis: Must act on the neurosis. here and no .....
-45 +7 with an)onc or an}thing that comes 10 hand.
-60 +10 • Sexl/olly ranlolbng: Yields totally to the disad .... antage. ~to~
.75 +15 trying to communicate \~ilh the other sex, \\iI!ing to do (\(1)-
thing they suggest or e\en suggesting il him'hcn;df 10 get it
If your Ego is so low Ihal you are unable to regain over with.
conlrol over your disadvantages, you ha ... e become perma- - Splil personality: Switches .... lldly between different per<>ona-
nentl} insane. Only long-term therap)', which increases your lities all the lime.
Ego or takes a\\ay some disadvantages, can help you get back - Touch}.-' : Becomes furious. A st8te of pennanenl rage.
to normal mental status. - Unwilling medium: Evil spirih possess you.
- Wonted: Exposes himlherself to Ihe PursUCTlojHere I am.
[«ccu of Oisad\'anlll.ges : come and get me, if you can.
- Animal enmity: Fit of rage. Attacks all animals on sight and
tries to kill them. EXAMPLE
- B(u) luck: Disasters galore.
- Bad f'f'putation : Lhes out the repUiatiOll. Provokes people, When the first shock abotes, florry feels his
acts on all negative impUlses, tries to get an unfaliorable reac· ~'ices lake o~·er. He tries to eOlltrol himse/fwiln
tion from everyone. an ego roll. His mental balance i.1 -
• Curse: Varies, depending on the nature of the curse, 10. gi\"ing him +3 to the ego roll.
- Death wish: Becomes more than usually reckless, takes un- fie rolls 14, making J., willi the
necessary risks. mQ(Ji/;colion. It's a faill/re. fie is
- /)(pressioll: Gorges on self-pit)', loses all iniliative, un.1ble to act. noll' dominated by his disad",on-

U/ges The strong':,~1 0/ fhe.~e is hi.> addictioll fO alcQhol. his EXA MPLE
m:.:d to drown his fcelin1{s. As soon U$ Ihe physical shock has
le}i hilll. he he1{il/s /I dc~pt.·raIC ,I'carch jor liquQI: VOlhing can Natasha experiences how Karl slowly empties her oj blood.
slap hilll flis dealh wish drives him to challenge destiny and It's an extremely unpleasam e\-"em alld she must make an Ego
do dangemus Ihing~, fIi,1 phobia makes him halillcinate ahout roll at + f(). She fails and loses COnSCiOIlSlleSS. When she 011'0·
rat,~ wc/fil/g lip from the sell'ers, alld he i,\ close to panic in the kens. Karl is galle. She is Ifeak but still alh·e. fler menial ba-
dim harroom whllre hc sil.l. !lif f':IIIJ.:nCl- 10 constrkf IIl1plea- lallce is · 75. alld the shock sets off a physical change in her
.\Qllt memories lI"i/l make him jorgct l< hut happened 10 ,YoU/- body, While she lies there an rhe floor. half dead. strange tat-
shu. Laler ill the nighl, after ahour .fix hOlirs. he i.\ aI/owed tooed bluish pal/ems s/OrtS to takeform on her chest. stomach
anolher ego roll, This lime he rolls 5. making R with fhe modi- and from side oj the legs. She feels vulnerable and exposed.
jicUlion It's u ,llIccen. lind he call stop drillking. But once fhe Her menial balance is so low that she can no longer regain
con.'lri,·liOI1 mechanism has Rom.' /0 1I'0rk. it's still there. He control Ol'l;,r Irer disadvantages.
amnl){ rememher who' happened
Temporary I' hys ical C ha nges: Pooplc with a mental balance
between -50 and ·74 can temporarily get the same kind of
physical changes that those with a lower mental balance get.
PhYS1CC:\{ Cho.nges Ilowever, these changes go away within 12 hours.

Characters with a mental balance of -75 or lower

will suITer ph)sical changes \-\hen in shock. The nature of the New O lsc:\dvc:\m:c:\ges
alterations depend on )our Dark secrets and disadvantages.
The G amemaster decides from case to case how fast the
changes happen, how far the) develop and what their narure is. TerrifYing events may give characters new disadvan·
h can be a 510\-\, creeping process. or it can come lery suddenly. tages. If you roll 10 or more above your Ego at a terrifying
elcnt, you will receive one additional disadvantage with
Elery failed Ego roll at a terrifying eyent will lead connection to the ('H'nt. If the throw was 10·15 above your
to change<; for characters with mental balances of -75 or lower. Ego. you get a 5 points disadvantage. if the throw was 16-20
:\ sequence of sel·eral shocks may yield different types of over the Ego you get a lO-point disadvantage. and if the throw
changes. or they rna) make an earlier alteration become was more than 20 above )'our Ego. it gives you a 15 points di-
\-\orse, sadvantage.

Belo\-\ )ou will find some suggestions for physical The additional disadvantage does not give you any
I,;h:mges, but the Gamemaster is free to invent his own. Try to points. It only hinders you, and lowers your mental balance in
gi\c tht:m some relation to the character's history. his dark se- the usual way. The Gamemaster decides which disadvantages
creh, disadvantages and limitations. The alterations can also the characters get from the situation. They should have a direct
b<! rdated to the terrifying elent that caused them. connection to the event. If suitable.

All disadvantages which make you beastly or ag- EXAMPLE

gressive can lead to growth of teeth. claws and horns. A per-
SOil. who feels like a victim or has strong religious connec· NO/asha rolls I I above her Ego when Karl sucks her blood
tions, may suffer bleeding wounds and other stigmata. Sexual out She gets an additional disadvantage worrh 5 paints:
altcrJtions happen to sexually neurotic people, or victims of lIightmares about tl1e evem. Her mema' balance drops to -80.
~exual abuse. Rotting flesh happens to cannibals. murderers She gets no IIsable poillls/or Ihis.
and people \-\ho otherwise have served death. Purgatories are
sc\cre changes that happen to people who feel guilty and wish
to punish themselves.
Seemg 'ChROugh l{{uslons
- .\ndrog)'nouslsex change/sexless
- Horns
- Cla\-\5. fangs In terrifying situations. people with extremely high
- Purgatories: hooks and needles through the body, no skin. it- or low mental balance are able to see reality as it is. This does
ching loCurf and crust which you constantly tear away. wonns not mean that they are awakened and have regained their di·
crawl in your living flesh vine forces, onl) that the human prison shatters for a limited
- Rotting flesh time .
. Stigmata (wounds that won't heal)
- ~Tattoos." mysterious and spectacular signs on some part of For every 10 points of mental balance, positive or
the bod) negative, there is one chance in 20 that the person will see the
true reali!), after having failed the Ego roll in a terrifying si·
tuation. At a positive or negative mental balance of 200, the
chance is 100 percent. Enhanced awareness and schizophrenia
always give the character one chance in 5 (1-4 on Id20) to sec
reality in a terrifying situation. The Gamemaster rolls Id20 in
situations when it's important to know if the characters see
anything more than !IonnaL

True reality may show itself in se\eral ways. You
may sec: the true nature of a creature that has temporarily assu-
med human form, e.g. a Lictor or an Azghoul. Or )ou may see
pans of Metropolis or Inferno which are I'IOt I'IOrmally visible,
e.g. you can sec the souls of dead people wandering in the When we see through the illusions, our po\~ers are
streets. The Gamemaster decides when it fits into the story, and channeled without control so that dreams and nightmares, hal-
contributes to the drama, that the player character~ see through lucinations and fantasies assume physical fonn. The warped
the illusions. The chances stated above are only an approxima- creatures of our nightmares are pans of ourseh es, and pursue
tion of the probability, but the Gamemaster has control over their creators away from their binhplace,
these events. Don't lei yourself be ruled by blind chance, but
consider how dramatically appropriate il would be. Each time the illusions crumble, elel),me must
make an Ego roll to see if they keep their inner] rces under
EXAMPLE control. J f they fail, their terror assumes physical rm 'and
gins to haunt them. The Gamemaster determines at form
NaltJsha has a very law mental balance, gil'ing her an aOOI'e- projection takes; human enemies, monstrou~ cteatures, 0'1'
average chance 0/ seeing through ilIusiofU when she is shoc- changes in reality, e.g. the asphalt in the street bc:-'
ked nw Gamemaster decides that it wouldji' into lhe sto/',),/or gins to suck down the unfortunate one,
her to do it at her encounter with KarL JILSt be/on: she loses
consciousness, she sees Karl's ,rue nature, a Ra::ide with People "'ho li,e in expo-
throbbing orgam in an exoskelelOn 0/glass and metal sed places, in the slums or the un-
derground, have often projected
their fears and nightmares into
our world. It isn't uncommon

that one encounters their projected monsters in 'Such place~.
and that real it) ha.~ neen altered there

Hilt:" .\al",h" ,et'! !\.<lTf':J Irue jiJrm . .1/1e makes an Ego roll.
She ,"11 1ft/" nlf;!htmon!f dn! pmj(.·...'ed into reo/it} ....h..'re tll....y Possession is to leale one's o"n body and take over
make the III il>tL'J c(}rpse~ around her Kef lip. Whell slK' awa- someone else's. The original owner of the possessed bod)' is
kellS she IS .furl'rlllmkd ~l' undead wM .~I(TU"~r risl! and film 10 ~uppres!>Cd and controlled by the intruder. Sometimes the in-
Jt~ al her }11th dt·ud. lllll'l)' e:W.f truder can only control the body at cenain times or in cenain
places. The possessed will then gill.' the impression of a split
personalit}. lie has no memories of what happened when he
"as not in COntrol. lie could possibly hale faint recollections,
as of a dream.
LempoR(,\RY PhysICC\(
There arc creatures thaI make a habit out of posses-
Chc\nges sing the bodies of others. Among these are spirits of dead
people who "ant a new body 10 live in. but arc unable to be
reborn and don't want to go to Inferno. Purgatides, refugees
People "ith a mental balance hetween -50 and -74 from hell, can possess a humlln body in order to escape pur-
can temporaril) get the same kind of ph)''Sical changcs that suing Death Angels. Etheraces are creatures who don't have a
thuse "ith a lower mental balance gcl. However, these physical fonn and must possess someone in order 10 exist.
chan~es go away II ithin 12. hours.
Creatures from Inferno who cannot nonnally enter
our w-orld. for example Razides and Nepharites, can possess
human bodies to open a gate bet"een their ,"arid and ours,
Oe- pROJeCLIOn Razides and l'\epharites are described in ~The False World"
and "Bc)ond Death." The) have no inherent power for posses-
sion. but use occult rites to achieve this purpose.
[t is pos~ible to c'pel something that .... 35 born out of
your mlnJ. h~ den) ing that it exists. This is called de-projec- Purgatides, Razides and '-'epharites can onl) control
ting. In (lrder to do this. )'00 hal I.' to stop. control your fear the possessed bod) at night. When the day breaks. the) lose
WIth an f'go mil, and meet the creature face to face. their grip on the person," ho regains control. But they don't go
aw-3y entirely. They lie donnant during the day. to return the
80th make an Ego roll. highest score wins, If the nc;\,t nigh\.
cmdurC' I(~. it dissohes and lanishes in nothing. If the per-
son Il}5CS. he h ... hocked and suffers the effecls of the crealure's In order to possess a body, one must know how to
wrath, do this: either through an inherent po"er or through a magical
rilual. An Ego roll decides the success of the attempt. The pos-
If Ihc creature "as projected by someone else. the sessor and the victim roll. and the highest effect wins. If the
('el""On II) ing to de·project it will add 5 10 his Ego roll. II's attacker wins. he Clln possess Ihe victim . [fthe victim wins. he
more dinicull to den) something that doesn't originate in can resist the attempt. The mental balance of the victim modi-
yourself fies the roll. It's easier to resist with a high balance. For every
5 points of balance belo" zero. there is a modification of +I to
EXAMPLE the victim's Ego roll. ror evel) 5 points above lero. J is sub-
tr3cted from the roll.
/l,arufha "OIyroms the IIndeaJ Ihal rise 000111 her. She knows
fro", pn!~·iOIl.f experience ,har hallucinations occur in shock I)eople "ith a balance of +75 or higher cannot be
SJw perJuaJes herself 10 beliew fhar Ihere is nothing to be possessed under nonnal circumstances.
'ifrllid of. fhat .the is ollly imagining things. She makes an Ego
mil aI/(/ juU mukes il the uIUkad ollly hm-e an Ego of 5 and When someone has become possessed. he or she is
fall TlN,:y ,fin/.:. hod onto thefloor. normal corpses again completely under the control of the possessing creature. It's
possible to break the possession temponuil)'. "ith a successful
Ego roll. e.g, in order to say something or resist committing
some action that he would nonnally ne"er do. But it becomes
harder thoe longer one has been possessed. The chancc drops
by I for each day.

"The Gamemaster will instruct the pJa)er how to act

as the possessed character. In some cases, the Gamemaster can
take over the character throughout, but this isn't always neces-
Possessw Objects : A possessed object houses a spirit, which
Clm take control of a human being. The spirit is bound in the
object. willing or unwilling. It never leaves the object entirely.
even IIhcn it enters a victim's body. The possessed person
must have direct contact with the object, preferably by physi-
cally holding it, for the spirit 10 have full control.

[n order to be possessed through an object. you must
grab it. The spirit will then make an ordinary altempt to pos-
sess you, with opposing Ego rolls to seltle the matter. If the
spirit succeeds, you are unable to [et go of the object and )OU
are filled with the spirit'S will. A mental contact has been esta- Exorcism is the an of expelling a spirit from a bod)'
blished bet"een you and the spirit. The spirit can order you to it possesses. There are t .... o kinds of exorcism: magical and
[ct go of the object without breaking this link. You will try des- ps)chological. Magica[ exorcism is a ritual. "hich is described
perately to sta) near the object. The contact will be broken in the chapter ~MagicM. All Conjurers can exorcise those crea-
only if the distance be<:omes greater than a kilometer. tures they know through their Magic Lores. Human spirit:; can
be exorcised by Necromancers. Ethernees by Passion Conju-
Siliritl & Purgatides . Human souls can possess the living in
order to get a body. Spirits are dead people" ho ha\e left their
bodies without being reborn or going to either a parndise or a Ps)ehological exorcism "ork<; b) mobilizing the
hell. They possess a living body in order to continue their own possessed person's inner forces. To succeed \\-ith this. you need
lives. or to do something important that they never managed a skill score 0(20 or more in psychology andlor ps)choana[)'-
before they died. sis . The e'(orcist helps the possessed to visualize the spirit and
drive it out.
Purgatides are condemned souls that ha\ I' escaped
from hell. When they possess someone, the) are hiding in that The exorcist will stan by talking 10 thc intruder and
body. Nepharites rrom hell pursue them and altempt to recap- trick it into gi\ ing out more and more infonnation about ilself
ture the condemned soul. The simplest "ay to get the soul l'-<eit[, he auempts to get the intruder 10 allo\\ the posl>CSsed
back to hell is to k.iII the bod). so the possessed person might person's self to come to the surface of eon~,iousllC'>s, Finally.
find himself pursued by murderous l'-<epharites. The Purgatide he helps the person fonn an image of the intruder and force it
only controls the body at night. As soon as the sun rises, thc out.
possessed person is back in power.
No possessed person .... ill consent freel) to exorcism.
When they don't ha ... e a body. spirits look like very It takes a lot of maneuvering. lrickel). lies and perhaps e\en
faint ghosts. pale images of dead. and more or less decompo- force, like tying the person up. to gel a chance at it.
sed, peop[c. Purgatides are twisted. mutilated souls; often pier-
ced with needles or wounded by instruments of torture. If the exorcist succceds with his skill roll for p~)'cho­
logy. the possessed makes an Ego roll and sublracts the .:ffeel
of the exorcist's skill roll from the result. The intruder also
makes an Ego roll. If the difference bet"een the PlJ'>M:~sed'S

Nores ~ROm Lhe ARCc:XnUm

Ego and his result is greater than that of the intruder. the exor-
cism has succeeded.
Q)erROpO(I' A psychological exorcism takes 1d20 days.
the c'(orcist may nol try again. He has done \\hal he

Possessil'e spirits are selfish They W(l1I/ to save tl!cmIe/I'e.s or

new exorcist can Iry to help the posses!>Cd, but once a ";,,ho-
logical exorcism has failed there is a significant risk
do somcthing that Ihey Ihink is more importallt than anylhing intruder has learned how to foot the psycho[ogical m,,","',
d.Ie. They see the body lhey are using as a tool. and Ihey are This aUlomatically gi ...es the victim -5 to his Ego roll al
prepared to sacrifice it 10 gain their purposes. The possessed next allempt at ps}Chological exorcism. A magical exorcism
person wilf go where Ihe spirit leads and do what Ihe spirit not affected by previous psychological failures.
lI'a/l/s. He will gradual(v assume more and more of the spirit's

,\bilities : Spirits have Ego. Charisma and Education betwecn

I and 20.just like living pl'Ople. All other abilitics are those of
the possessed person. Secondary abilities and skills based on
physical abilities are also those of the victim.

LGO 10+1010
CIIA 2010

SenSeli : Those of the body

Communication: Tha[ of the body
Secondary abilities: Those of the body
Skills: All skills controlled by Agility, Strength. Constitution,
Comeliness and Perception remain in the body. Skills control-
[ed by Ego. Charisma and Education are those that the spirit • The Arcanum Metropoli is a rome written by the
had when it was a living person. enlightened Leol/ardo Do Vinci. who lives now
Altack mode; That of the body beyond the power of Time and Space, Fqr
\1agic: Inherent ability to possess others. more details about this genius. and
Lire eJp«t.ancy : Infinite the Arcanum, see the section frThe
Number encountered : I Awakening» and the chapter on
NPCs and CrY'atllres

The room was quiet and still Harvey tried to
keep the beam of his fltnhlight low, Ilot to be visible
from the outside. Not that there would probably be
anyone out in that thunderous torrent, but frankly he
didn't want to take any chances right now. He had bro-
ken into this place after all, and the people that proba- Characters can be hun b) other thing.~ than \I<!tIpons.
In this section. we will deal v.ith v.hat happens: e.g. when
bly owned it didn't exactly like trespassers. Still, he had people are hurled into burning buildings, fall off roofs, are
to find out what had happened to Georgia, and this dragged down in sewers by undead hands. or angui~h with(lut
house was his only link. food and water in the endless labyrinth of Metropolis. To un-
The lower floors were deserted, except for derstand what happens in these s ilUmions. you should read this
some stinking masses of old newspapers and rags that section. We will also determine ho\\ chara.. ters are affected b)
served as makeshift beds for whot'Uer lived here. As for poisons and drugs, and their chances of recovery.
the residents there was no sign, which was just fine by
Harvey's reckoning. He proceeded up the creaking
stairs to the top floor: At first, he didn't find anything ~IRe
there either, until he entered the master bedroom. Then
he found exactly what he had come here for:
Sooner or later, most charaCiers will be
Georgia loy spnrwled in the middle of a large fire. Arson is a very efficient way 10 get rid of
arcane circle. Candles slowly burned down on her dead people without leaving obvious trace,. Ilig, hot fires dn
hands andJeet. Her face was a mask of terror, and her damage than small and relmively cool ones. The "II""""'''.
entrails hung loosely from her savaged torso. Blood, is also imponant.
coppery sweet,filled the air and stained the floor dark.
l11C table below show's how dangerous \arious
She had been butchered in some bizarre rilllal, every of fires are. Roll I d20 when )'OU are in the fire. and !-.ce
cut and atrocity committed on her naked form having injuries )'OU suffer.
some dark meaning to it.
Harvey Jelt his legs buckle and threw up noi- The wounds get worse the longer you sta) in the fire
111e effect is increased b) three for e\cry combat round, This
sily onto the floor: Sticky blood clung to his hands II7ld means you onl~ roll once for the effect, in the fir<;t combat
k"efs as he retched. His stomach continued its revolt for round you are e-.:posed to il. That effect is then increa.>;I,.'(\ b:o'
what seemed like an eternity, wracking his body pain- three for e~'ery combat round )OU stay there.
fully. He tn'ed to catch his breath when he was through,
wheezing and spitting out the foulnw in his mouth. He Oil and gasoline burns for IdlO combat rounds. A
person whose clothes hal'e caught on tire sui1c-rs wounds as
took in another breath, and smelt something even more from oil Of gasoline fire, regardleSl> of what type of tin: ..:aused
bitter than them smell of death in the air: It filled his the clothes to catch. The clothes burn lor IdiO rounds_ If you
nostrils with its familiar scent. His mind had just rush out from a large fire, )'ou no longer suffer the damage of
about encompassed it, when the small wave ofgasoline thai fire, only from ),our burning clothes. If your clothes are on
splashed O'tJer him. fire, you can put them out in one comb:!! round if)ou manage
He tried to stand, but was still too weak. He to rolt under half your Agilit)' with ld20.
turned and sow a large man in the doorway of the Torches and burning oil. gasoline or alcbhollh.lC are
room, who had entered stealthily under the sounds of used in combat will hun ifone is hit by them.
Harvey's retching. An overtur1ud plastic container of
gasoline sat at the man's feet, bleeding its amber Healing takes twice as long for bums
contentJ O'tJer the room. The man smiled for a moment as for other wounds. If you gel a serious
wound from burning, you will auto--
"Thank you, Harvey. You saved me the trip to find mstically faint from the pain. If
you. II He chuckled, a liquid laugh. you gct a light wound. you must
The gasoline hit one of the candles burning make a constitution roll. 1...~~\lI'"
low to the floor, and the fumes ignited easily.
Serious bUnis gi\e hOrTible pain. Succl:s~ful fil'!.t aid
ea'iCs the pain lor one da), \ pers.on '" ith a o;erious Ilound cau-
sed h~ huming cannut "alk "ithout help the first fell da~~.
Bum I\ound~ I:$il) become infected. not to mention the scars
the) lea\o.~_ (haraeten '" ith serious burn wounds must be !'Ieetricit) gil'es bum damages, but it doesn't "ork
t:lken to a ",,,pita] \ee the ~'Ction about "ound~, healing and like fire. A bod}'that has an electric cUrTentthrough it "ill
ml 'Cti,milor m,,~ inlonniltion. only lake injuries for as long as the current is on. If the voltage
is high enough, it rna) stop the hean, Physical contact with a
'ote that the figuTl.-s for oil g<bOline belo" refer to il high lollage wire is nearly 81 .... a)s fatal.
mall quantit) or I:>urning liquid thaI has ended up on )our
bo.xI), e,g. from 8 moloto\- cocktail; th'0' are not indicative of The damilge depends on the voltage and the expo-
II(Jf in lance) being in a burning oil refiner')! sure time. Below is a guideline for !';ommon household electri-
city (I 10 volts in America. 220 \ olts in Europe). Stronger cur-
\"'01 '0
\\01 '0
rents and longer exposure times increase the effeet and thereb)
the damage.
Oil gas 1-'" 6-15 16-12 2l
l amp tiro: ,-I 5-15 16-22 2l Increase the effect .... ith +1 for every 100 volts abo\-c
t aryc lin: ,
1-1 3-J2
220 ilnd with +3 for cv'ery combat round of COntact.

A character thilt rccei\es a fatal wound from brief

E.'\A..lIPJ,E contact with low voltilge has not died outright. He has recei-
led a heart attack. Apart from that. treat electricity damage as
/(ilf'r) 11(14'$ lip ,md _~mdL~ smo/w Ht! islyillgoll Ihefloor ill a fire damage .
..k.~.:rIt·,lt<lCf(/ry A ./lummR $('0 u(burni"g gaso/tnt! surrounds
'rim, l1e Reb lip. COH~n hi.1 maulh with his arm again.Jt the Spkial nOie : In fact. it's actually the amperage of electricity
Sf! o.k IIi_I ey<'\ arc ",ml/ng. and he can 'I .fee "here he is that CilUses damage. rather than the I'oltage. The human bod)'
!/fIg lie rtlnI h1md~1' throllgh Ihe fire_ The Gamemasler de- can sur. ile tooussnds of Volts, but less than a single Ampere
_ 1('.1 tltat Ihi.\ i~ t!C{lIal to a oo'l{ire_ and mates an effecl roll can kill )ou. For the purposes of the game. however. "e left
Th rnillt /1 .. lIarry receives a light wQwld in lheftrs, rom- this );(Ction the ",a) that it is. It's easier to handle.
"at round lit- ru/~1 on through lhe fire. The nexl rouflli. the eJ~
I!'Ct mct'l'UI(" h,l' t/m:e. to /0. He still has a lighl "ollnd. and
h • c/()Ilu-s <I,.,. on./i,.,. "'hen he emerges from Ihe fire. The Ga- DA~IAGE FRO\1 1I0lSEUOLD ELECTRJCITY
" most&r mll.1 IdlO and get.1 a 6_ Harry's clolhes "'ill bllrn lIOV
r ther 6 muntb unless he manages 10 put Ollt Ihe fire- He 1-13 Scratch
• /'1 Jo"" fill Ihe !loor alld rolls around The player makes an 14-20 Light ",ound
a lIm roll OIul geu X That's IInder half Harry's Agilit)~ SQ he 21-24 Serious wound
". l'UI.~d I/) {lUI out Ihe (ire. 25+ Fatal wound
220 V
I-II Scratch
12·18 Light .... ound
Smoke 19·22 Serious wound
23+ Fatal wound

The $mo~e of a fire is usually even more dangerous The current also has a paralyzing effect. so that the
than the heal. In a burning building, the risk of smoke damilge victim is unable 10 let go oflhe lil'e object. Make a Constitu-
1'1 VCr') gr-..'aL tion roll to avoid gctting Stuck. A new Constitution roll is allo-
wable cvery combat round. The electricity nevcr paralYLes
[I' you stand up in the smoke without attempting 10 people with Luck or Body awareness.
protect )oursclf, )OU will soon suffer from smoke inhalation.
\ou must make a Constitution roll e\-ery combat round to rIOt EXAMPLE
[0'iC !';onsciousness. When you hale lost consciousness, )OU
"'ill li\-e lor )'our Constitution in minutes before you die of The Nepharite Raschaza tries to crush Harry with a steel axe.
);Illoke poisonins_ Ilarry defends himself by thrusting an electric \\-ire into the
"\cpharite's abdomen. The Gamemaster decides thilt the ",ire
1r )OU take measures to a\oid the smoke, such as co- has 1200 I'olts in it. lie rolls for effect and gelS JO on I d20.
\ cring your face "jth 8 (preferably wet) clOIh, and crawling 10 Jle then adds + I for every 100 'OilS abo\-e 220, making ~9
'\13} low. )'ou only need to make a constitution roll e\'ery ten and a total effect of 19. 11te t-;epharite takes a serious .... ound
combat rounds. in the first combat round. It loses its balance and falls.

The longer you f(lll. and the harder surface you l(lnd
on, the worse you are hurt. It's also possible to fall a few me-
ters without being injured. especially if you land on (l lawn or
something else that's soft, The skill Falling technique reduces
the damage that characters take from falling.

The table helo .... shows damages for a fall of three The loss of Constitution is per day for hunger and
metcrs. For cvery mcter above three, the cffect increases by thirst. per hour for cold and heat. The same applies to the
one. Make an effect roll and add the number of meters abovc Constitution roll; roll once per day for hunger and thirst, once
three. Then check to see what type of wound the character has per hour for cold and hcat. Failure means the character loses
l\.'Cei\ed. consciousness for IdlO hours. In strong cold or heat. this i:;
often falol.
1-10 Scnlolch It lakes some lime before the effects of hunger and
11-1 5 Light .... ound Ihirst become acute. Anyone can go for ada) .... ithout food and
16-25 Serious ....ound water, before thirst and hunger have any medical effec~ other
26, Fatal wound than di~comfort. It's not necessary 10 start the constitution rolls
for hunger and thirst until 24 hours after the character lost had
rhe surface )·ou land on abo affects the damage. Adjust the ef- food andlor drink.
fect this .... a} :
Ho ..... we are affectcd b)' cold depends on dothing.
Water -10· With furs or down-padded clothes. it's possihle 10 be comfor-
Stone +5 table in temperatures down to _50°( ...... hile a naked person can
Bushes, soft \egetation -5 f~ze to death in temperatures well above free.ting. \\ ind is
Grass -3 also an important factor with cold or heat. If the air is still. -
·,VOle 111(1/ from very high al/iludes. waler is effccth'eI)' as hard 20 C
( is no problem for a person with ordinar~ \~inter gar-
0,\ SOlil' ground. ment!>. but a "'ind increases the cooling effect drastically:.
20"C at 10 m.'sccond is more like -40ec in calm ",cather. The
A scratch caused b) a faJi equals a large black and Gamemaster should take these consideration~ into account
bluc mark. A light .... oulld should mean a sprained ankle or a .... hen dctennining the effects. When a ehameter has lo~t all of
cracked rib. Serious wounds are things like broken legs, se ... e- his Constitution, he dies.
ral cracked ribs, concussion or something like that.
Constitution that has been lost is regained at II rate of
Falling damage heals the nonnal way. Broken bones two points per day "'hen f<xxi-water/nonnal temperatures are
require medical care, otherwisc the healing takes twice as long again available. Medical care doubles the recovc!')' sJll..~d,
and there is a risk that the bones will healtogcther al a .... rong
angle. crippling you for the rest of your life. EXAMPLE

EXAMPLE Harry stumbles alollg the desolate .~ublerralle.m l"t(.I(J?,<'s

has neither jood or water. The temperature is illaca-Inn all the
Rascha:a plunges (Iown infO Ihe darkness. paraly::ed by Ihe lime. and alier a eOllple oj hour.f. il feels like being "''''"''''-
declrical shock. Hefalls len meters and lands on a sleet grille Large jans slowly move the 1101 air bUI prol'fJe no .
ohf'!I'f! bubbling, molten melal The GamemaSI('r rolls Id20 ((,f- Harry losses J poinls of cOllsliNJ/ion for not ha~'illg .
fn'1) and gets 9. He then adds - I for each meter (Jbove 3. mo- drunk. lie silS d01l'1I to rest The Galllema.l/er muks u
kin!>; 16, Then he adds + 5 for landing on a htlrtl surface. ma- IIIlion Rolljor the heat Harry 11011' has CO.\' 8. Tlu:: Roll
king 1'- The !!,'epllarile n.'Ceivfi another Jeriolll 1I'01lnd, bllt is so he stays conscious, A neM' COlUlillitioll Roll iJ maJe
able to gtet up. hour. Aflcr 1\1'0 hours. lhe Gamemaster roll I J lIurT) ,
The Gamemaslcr rolls IDW 10 see how lon,l( he \\i1/
cOllscious. The resull is 2, After two hOJlr,t, he f.lW1I/ce/l.f
now has ollly 3 Points of Callslill/tion le}i. lie mutt,
from Ihe murdering heal faIl, if he lI'all/s to lin-,
hungeR, LhIRS"C, Co{d Md
People must eat and drink, or they will die of thirst
and starvation. Strong cold can freeze you to demh, and strong Drowning and suffocation are the same thing: aller a
hcat can cause dehydration, stroke and other nasty things that number of minutes without air. you begin to dic. All characters
\~ill e ... entually kill you. Whcn you are hungr)', thirsty. cold or can hold their breath for CONI2 combat rounds, if they h.1\e
hot, }OU lose Constitution. Constitution rolls are requim:! at re- prepared by taking a deep breath_ Without preparation. tmty
(l.ular intervals 10 avoid fainting. half that time.

The Constitution roll dcpends on ..... hat you are expo- After that time, you must make an [if roll ever)
sed to. Failure means you lose consciousness, and eventually combat round 10 avoid the eflects of suffoc3liqn_ Th.:
die if you don't receive help. The table below sho .....s how much round. you must rol1 under your Ego. The second touna.
Constitution you lose in different situations. and whether you hal f your Ego. the third round under your ego.l-4,
must roll under your CON or under CON x 2 10 stay on your Ego'8 and so on.

Hunger Thi('!;t ColdiHeal

CON loss I 2 I

When you faillhe roll. you have begun 10 drown or EXAMPU:
sufflX .. te. You now lose one point of Cons Ii lUI ion per combal
round. When il reaches zero. you lose consciousness, and A thunderous sound fills the tunnel ..... here Cassandra .... alks in
when it reaches -CON;\: 2. you are dead. Before thai. ii's still search of IlarT)'. Far a....-3)'. a dark mass is coming toward her.
possible to S3\C your life by using the skills First aid or Medi- She realizes that it's a flood wa\'e filling the tunnel. rushing to-
ci~. A succc~sful skill roll for eilher of these means )'ou re- .... ard her. She starts running. but she just has time 10 take a
gain con.')Ciousness after a couple of minutes. You then regain deep breath before she is engulfed and s.... ept away. She is hel-
Constitution at a rale of I per minute until you are full) resto- plessl)' carried along. Since she look a deep breath, she can
red. If you .... ere almost dead, it will lake sc\eral days before hold it for CO~12 combat rounds: in her case, Ihat'S 8. After 8
you arc fully restored, and your CO~/2 hours before you can rounds. she is still under water. She succeeds with an Ego roll.
walk .... ilhout help. and then manages to keep from breathing water for two more
rounds by rolling 5 and 3. But on the fourth round, she fails
You can s..... im underwater your .... hole mo- and begins to inh::tle .... ater. She now loses one point of Coos li-
vement rate every combat round, as long as tution per combat round. Aller 16 rounds, she loses conscious-
you hold you r breath. When you arc out of ness. Aller another 32 rounds she will be dead. unless she gets
air, i.e. you arc down to to the surface and receives help.
making Ego rolls not 10
drown. you can move
only half your normal
movement rate. When drow·
ning. you can't move at all.

up a killing concentration. The 'ictim dies of hean failure. Di-

Poisons & gitalis is used as a heart medicine and can be bought ("ith
prescriplion) in phannacies. It's difficult to detcnninc that the
victim was poisoned.

1JruBs Poisons related to digitoxinc are also usable as "arrow poi-

sons," applied on \'eapons. Thc)" also kill in vcry small do~es.

Snake Poison
Poisons can enter the victim either through injection.
eating, or breathing. Some poisons can even enter the body Snakes have a variet) of poisons. Among the more deadl) an:
through the skin. There are innumerable poisom;, and here we rattlesnakes. cobras, black mamba, and sea snakes. In the table,
..... ilI only describe some of the most common. Poisons affect \\e have prepared a sort of~standard" snake poi!;!)n. The victim
characters by making them Jose Constitution. Total loss of gelS a fever. and the bitten limb swells up. Aller a !ohor1 time,
CON means the poison has full effect; smaller tosses means there are cramps and paralysis. Within a fcw hours. death oc-
the dose was 100 small, or for some other reason the poison curs. The only remedy is medical care and <;erum.
isn't "orking fully.

Check the poison used in the table. Throw the num- woifs-6ane
ber of dice indicated under CON loss. Compare the CON loss
to )our original C01'- score. The poison has ditTereni dfects The "olrs-bane is common all o\er Europe and :\onh ,'me-
depending on how large part of your CON }OU lose. rica. The whole plant is ,ery poisonous, especiall) thc rools. 4-
5 milligrams are fatal. The victim dies after a couple of hours
A poison seldom takes effect at once. In mOSI cases, in convulsions and terrible agony. The acti' e substance is ~
you have I d I 0 combat rounds during which you can take an nitine. This poison hlb a bitter taste that may be detected with
antidote. Most poisons can be neutralized if they are deteclCd a successful perception roll.
in lime. Pumping oul the stomach can neutralize a slow poison
before it has reached the bloodstream. When there is a "orking
antidote, the effect of the poison is reduced b~ one le\-et, e.g. Stryclinine
"death" be<:omes "paralysis" if you get the antidote.
A classic poison used by many aswsins. Strychnine i~ an aJ-
It takes one day to regain a point of Constitution lost kaloid that occurs in plants of the family Stf)chnos. In
to poisoning. You Ile\er lose more than all of your Constitution doses. it acts as a stimulant. Larger doses giH!
to poison, i.e. there are no negati\-e Constitution scores here. nally paralyzes the cenlral ner.ous sy:;tem. It is di"';;'hwed.
food or drink.
Below follo"s a description of the mosl common
poisons, poison gasses and drugs.

pOlson C:;oses
This is a classic poison. Various arsenic compounds are used, Cyanide
and death occurs within a few hOUTS. The symptoms are remi-
niscent of diphtheria or cholera (which is convenient: you can Cyanide is seldom used in its solid state. The poison has ~ucb
sa, the victim died of natural causes). A fe" milligrams are pungent- awful taste that )·ou can't cal Of drink 11 \\itooul nt:Jti...I
fatal, but ii's possible to build up an immunity to it. Some cing. As a gas, it's more common and kills quickly e\en in
princes did this in ancient limes and in thc Middle Ages: some small doses. It has a faint smcll of almonds.
of them could cal doses of several grams! Arsenic compounds
can be found naturally in the alpine regions of Europe.
Car60n 'Monoxide
Curare This is a tasteless, odorless and colorless gas, "hich kills b)
replacing the oxygen in the blood of those \.\.ho breathe it. Oc-
This ;5 a ner.e poison, which has long been used by South curs in exhaust gasses from cars. The .. ictim become~ confu-
American Indians on their blow, pipe arrows. The poison sed. then loses consciousncss and dies.
comes from a plant growing in the Amazon jungles: it is ma-
shed into a black goo, which can be applied to weapons. As The victim should be alJo\\ed a perception roll. If loUCCessf"u,1.
soon as the poison enters the victim's blood, Ihe ner.es are pa- he realizes that somcthing is wrong and rna) try 0 ""''':'411
ralyzed and the victim dies of suffocation, in terrible cramps. It Failure means death in IO+ld20 minutes.
takes only a few minutes.

%rve Gas
The military have developed a large
This poison comes from a plant which originally belonged in number of nene gasses; most of
soUlh\\cSlem Europe. The acti'e substance is digitoxine, them are phosphor compounds
"hich disrupts the heart acti\-ity. Digitoxine is fatal in \-ery that consist of a volatile liquid.
small doses; a few milligrams will do the job. It can be stored Nerve gas can penetrate human
gradually in the body, so that man) small doses finally build
~kin. so a ga~ mask onl~ rrOl.xt .. paniall~. The Cllccb are rated resistance 10 disease, \\<ilh infections as a secondal)
cramp~ and blurred \-i~i(ln. If thl;': rcspiral01) system or the con~uence.

naked skin i~ (:o;po,ed 10 larger do:;es, death occurs \\<ithin

3d I 0 '"-'Comb. ~("( gas i~ colorle:;s and odorles.:;. Most drugs are more or less addicthe. Anyone ""ho
uses a strongl) addicth'e drug must make an Ego roll nOi 10
become addiclcd.
Tear Gas
Drugs dull your perception and your judgment. Most
lear It-~s is LL~ b~ police lilrces all 01(1' the ",orld, e.g. to di~­ (nol all) drugs cause negative modifications to ability and skill
rc.-r...! riots and lort;:( po:tJple to go a\la) from ",here\-(r they're rolls as long as they affecl the character.
not SUp['l.1!oCd TO bt!. rhe ~as irritate, the respiratory ~~~tem and
lhe e~es, rnakint; teal"; run and throats hun. SCleral gasses
hale thc~e ctl¢cts; brome 8celone, acetophenone, brome ben· 'A(colio(
s~k~anidc. elc. Allergic rc~on~ can die from it. but other"'isc
\(1) 13l1lc qu'lIItitics arc required for the gas to be lillal. In small d05(s. alcohol is stimulating and spirit·raising. In lar-
ger quantities. it is a scdathc. When the into-;icalion has pas-
sed (after a fe\.\- hours). the drinker suffers nausea and hea-

Alcohol gives a modification of -S to AGL. EGO and PER,

and the same to all skills controlled by these abilities. It gi\cs

Ither sa I'e!) lolatil.... colorless gas. II has been used for sc- The addictive effeclS of alcohol arc different depending on the
dation in surgery. In small dose!> il makes you unconscious: genetic background and physical condition of the person. The
k'll large a do ..... can kill. Gamemaster decides II no runs an abole·normal risk of beco-
ming addicted. In general. 10-20% of all people are in the
high·risk section for de\eloping alcoholism.
eli (oroform
It's \eT} difficult for those "ho ha\'e become addicted to SlOp
Yuu hJle all ,cell ho\.\- this is used; the crook pours chloro- drinking. It usuall) requires help from olhers.
li.nn on piece of clOlh, :;neaks up behind the heroine and
puT, the cloth o\-(r her mouth and nose. She breathes the \a-
pur. and f,lin Chlorofonn has a s",eet smell. 'An9'lieramil1e
A \ery addictile stimulant temporarily increasing )'our sta-
'Micke:; 'Fins mina and performance. The inlo-;icalion lasts for about half an
hour. During that time, the drugged person has a modification
(hl(lnnc·h~drogcn mi"ed in 31eohol makes a leI) fast.acting of ·5 (0 EGO. PER and CO~, and -5 to AGL and all skills
sk"l.'ping potion. rhe victim f3int:; a few seconds after haling a that arc controlled by AGL.
When the intoxication has gone, the person suffers its alleref·
feclS. He no\\ gets -5 10 EGO, PER and CON, and all ~kills
S(cpi1!8 Pi((s conlrolled by these abililies.

I here are a large I ariety of sleeping pills 3vailable in rhanna- Anyone who takes amphetamine must make an Ego roll not to
~ll; I he} can be used to put a person 10 sicep, or in large become addicted.
Jo:.cs. 10 kill.

ORUgS o.nd No.RCOelCS Hashish and marijuana are made from Asian hemp. The drug
is usua";. ~moked, and has a sedati\e effect. [I takes 2-5 hours
to get oul of the intoxication. Intoxicated people have -5 to
'01all poisons are used for killing. Since lime im- EGO and PFR. and all skills controlled by those abililies.
nenlorial. humans ha .. e chosen to poison themseh'es "ith \a-
riou\ su~tances, to cope bener with a harsh real it)'. All drugs This drug is more addicti ..e than alcohol but nol as addicti\e
are poisonous: in large doses, the) damage the bod} and as most other narcotics. Counting from the tenth lime you use
elen kill. We \\<iI1 not go inlo details on Ihe lasting ef- it. lOU must roll under double )'our Ego eler)' time, not 10 be-
f«ts of drug 3ddiclion here, but let il suffice come addicted.
to mention that they haw undesirable effect:;
on the Iher and the nervous system. Persistent Prolonged periods of use mean pennanent brain damage and a
use of alcohol damages substantially increased risk of cancer. Anyone I\ho fails the 2
the brain and your men· x Ego roll runs II 10% risk of suffering a hashish-induced psy-
tal balance. Cirrhosis chosis. This is a severe psychic disturbance provoked by the
and diabetes arc common drug. The victim needs e-;tensive medical care to function nor-
results of alcohol addiclion. mallyagain.
Addiction to narcotics often
results in jaundice 3nd deterio·

:!d~ D~<llh Uncoru;dou~ '(Jncon~cious Vel')' ~'ce..p)
205 Unconscious Very Drunk Drunk Tipsy
"JdtO n}peracthe O\ef-stimulaled Stimulated ~o eff.xt
2dl0 Apatny Sedated Sedated No effect
3dlO IJalludnations Euphoric Euphoric Euphoric
3D10 I-hlllUClnatlons Iiallucinations Confused Confused
Oplat~ .. 1dlO !\path~ \palhy St:datcil Sedated

Cocaine Drugged persons h3\e -5 to AGL. EGO and 1l1·.R, and all "kills
controlled by those abilities. The u!.Cr mu'>! roll under his Ego
Cocaine is an extremely addicti\e stimulant produced rrom the e"ery time, not 10 become addicted.
lea~es orthe coca plant. It is usually inhaled as a while po\\-
der. The cocaine gives a brier euphoria. rollo""OO by a deep de- EXAMPLE
pre'>sion. This contributes to making it addictive.
CasSlmtira wakes up alllle bol/om olllle ,/ruin,·,/.I"cM'cI·wnn"l.
People under Ihe inOuence or cocaine ha~c +5 10 PER and She is dn:nclwd \,'illl ,fewer water and CUll hurdll' "n·lIlhe, hUI
CO,\', and an LGO score of 5. All Ego-controlled ~kills drop she is alil'e. Suddt!I1~I· she feels U s/l<Jrp puin in her i.'g .md
by -5. Aller the 30-50 minutes or absolule happiness. Ihe drug- looks do ....." On her rigillthigh siu a au!>-like aelltuFl' ...ilh 2D
tl~'d person gets -5 to EGO and PER. or 30 Ihin legs. IIl/(ls Illmn a 1111>.: inlo ha leg und Is
blom!. Sin: fed.f a burning pain as u poi,'<)rf\prt!am In
I'rolonged use of cocaine deslroys the mucous membranes or Sht' grab.' the crealltre, lears il ojJ and throlt~ il,l1m)" I h«H>'
the nose and cause permanent brain damage. Users musl roll memasler ro/f.f Id/O and delermines fllul illaa'~'~':':I~";;;:;::;';
under their Ego C\cl')' time the) use it. not to become addicted. tM poisoll to oel. Cassandra is unohle to do u It.
The Camemaster rolls ]d/O and looks in Ih.. cO/llnm lor Sllake
poison It's on(r a 6, That's aile third '~I Ca,~,wllldru".l Conslilu-
LS'D lion She gels U $lijJ (lnd swollen feg bill ,wilen 110 Iw"i." ,'I,
This is a powerful hallucinogenic drug. [t causes different
types of hallucinations depending on the mindset or the drug-
ged person. LSD is usually taken as pills, or 'tabs.'

A tlrugged person has -5 to EGO and -10 to PER Skills

controlled by these abilities are down b) -5.

Csers must roll under 2 x Ego eve!) lime to escape addiction.

\1escaline. ""hich is extracted from the !'C)'ote cactus, has a si-

Opium, morphine and heroine are products of varying purity,
made from the fruits orthe opiate poppy plant. It is a strong sc-
dathe used in medicine to relic\c pain. As a drug. it induces a
great peace or mind, a happiness \\ here all feelings are remote.
All opiates are very addicti\e. Prolonged use \\iII gi\e pemla-
nent damage, and especially with morphine Ihe risk or dying
from an overdose is significant.

q1me ~ qyave(
The subway clattered and shook as it made ilJ Time is relative. During ",lid chase~ \\hcre e\el')-
body is shooting, lime is short. When wailing, locked in a dark
way through the underground. /u rocking motion see- room \\ith nothing to do, lime is long. In order not to bore the
med to lull me, it was like heing in my mother's arms pla)ers .... ith endless periods when nothing interesling happens,
agtlin. It had been a late night at the office, and I had ....e count time in different .... ays.
decided to pull a double shift in (I fit of til/usual stupi-
dity.Ah, well They needed me and J enjoyed the work. When no particular events occur, time is on the
Large scale. This spares us aim ofunintereMing details.
J had no family or pets or such to get back to, so I was
never in a real nuh to get home. Still, my body moaned
in protest at the punishment f had committed against
it, and a nice warm bed was very much in order: My Lb.Rge SCo.le Lime
eyes flickered in spite of my best efforts, and closed for
what seemed like only a few seconds.
Most of the game occun; in Lllrgt' 'it:alc time. It·s
longjoumeys and hours of waiting. All the mundane slUlTthat
It mllst have been longer for when I opened isn't really relevant to the game. When the Gamemaster is
them again, I was alone. using Large scale time, he only explains the relevant and im·
portant e\ents that occur during a da). an hour, (lr a Ii: .... mi-
The far door to the car opened up, the sound of
the tunnel and train filtering into the car: flooked up at EXA'1 ru-:
the new arrival. The man was lean and tall He wore a
condlictor'J outfit, but it seemed as if it were from ages During the flight to Chicago, the Gamemasler is using
long past; mayhe the 20 's or so. A nightstick or haton scale time. lie tells the players some colorful detail~,
..... hat kind of food is being sef\oed and \\hich movies
hllngfrom his helt. I looked at him confiued as he ap-
shown, but doesn't mention details unle~~ the pla)crs <p<cllo-
proached; the haton was slick with blood. "Ticket, call> ask. As soon as anything specific is s:tid or done, the
please, sir!", he asked. My hand was trembling madly game switches to Realtime.
as I handed him my h·cket. J'Ie looked it over; and han-
ded it hack to me with his thanh. lie tipped his hat to
Real Time : All the real role·playing is done in Realtime.
me with a warm and gentle smile, and weill on to the elapsed time in reality is rough I) equal to the elapsed time in
next car: the game. It should be used especial!) \\ hen the pla~er charac-
teTS are talking to each other or to !\PC's.
The tmin stopped at my station, and I just
walked off it and to my home where I lay down all my Howe~er, since telling the Gamemaster .... hat lOU
want to do often takes a bit longcr than actual!), doing it, Itt.:
bed and wept until a troubled sleep took me away.
Gamemaster should be generous, It's also more diffi.;ult to M-
scss the situ.1lion correctly from just \Iohat the Gaml;!m~tl;!r has
said, and some relevant questions should be allowed. But the
general idca is not to "stop the time~ here; it's unrealistic tolct
the players confer endlessly with each other, make up plans
and coordinate the ir actions. in game situations where thc:'lr im-
mediate response is nceded.

Com ba t Time Combat time is a special, detailed time 5(:aie The rate gi\en for loss of Endurance presupposes
used in critical situations ~u.:h a~ combat. It'.. designed to that )'OU take a break at regular inlervals. If you do not. the
make it p<Ksit.lc for the Gamema:.ter to keep track of ..... hom Gamemaster rna) \Iell double the Endurance loss.
ill:ts fiN and \Ihen the lariou\ combataflts can do something.

Combat time is divided into combat round ... and 111> l\10VE:\1ENT
lion ph.1$CS. These ar ... abstmct concepts that do !lO1 correspond AHIlAGr \10vE'm", Loss OF E'I>LkAI<oCE
hoo, -.
to a fi\ ..-d number ~.f ~ccond~ or minutes. An action ph3SC is
the lime ittake~ ~ou to perfOml one quiek action. e.g. shoot,
melamd md
'm 3"'" "'25"'"" IS min
thro\\ ~our;ell down on the ground. pa~. and shout. Somo:'
thing~ t;l!..e long.er than one pha~ to do, e.g. reloading a gun
50"'" 10
2 ,

and !>hooting, "hich clln.. i~ts of four actions: remow the rna·
era... 1 AGL6 Um Ikm 20
AGL4 t.SIml 3
gouinI.'. in~crt a nell one, cock the gun, and fire.

8km ,
3 "
Action~ arc r'Crfomled in combat rounds. One com- • IIl11ler lralCf
bat round consisb of 3 action phases. One combat round cor·
respond .. roughly to file seconds of time. If you are unnatu-
rally fast, you can perform a maximum of 9 actions in one
coml'lat round t3 actions in each action pha;;el. \105\ people
can unl~ perform twO or three actions in one combat round.
Some non·human ,reature~ have a leI) high Agi1it~, and can
do man) more, How long time does it lake to go from Kuala Lum-
pur to Ulan Bator? That depends. Are you driving? Going by'
MOl'emeol Your ;\gility and COlblitulion detemline ho" far train? Flying? Will you be stopped at the border? What can
you (an Ilalk, ~llim. dimb or run in a cenain time. You can you alford? What means of transport are alailable?
\\alk half your :\gilit) in meters during one combat round.
This b your basic mOl ement rate It's impossible to she exact times for all travels.
What follows is an attempt to estimate costs and limes for tra-
The maximum movement for characters is a\ailable leling b} different means of transpan.
for a short spurt, "hieh allo .....s )'OU to mOle six limes fa;;ter
than "alking tAGL \ J). If)ourAgiliry is 10, you can run 30 Prices and times are based on European standards.
m~ers in Olle combat round. This onl) applies 10 leT)' short In many third ... orld countries, tralel is very much cheaper. In-
dtsluJlCe'l.. I r )OU are going to run for more than len minutes. dian rail\\,ays are bolh cheap and good, at least if )OU go first
)'ou only ha\ e 4 times your movement rate, \\hich is 20 meters class.
per mund Ivith an Agilit)' of 10. During really long races. like
a marathon, ~ou only mo~e twice your walking speed. Tra~el times also vary a 101. Airlines and shipping
have frequent routes between most large cities in the industria-
If )OU mOl e too much you get tired. That means you lized \\'orld. Out in lhe African countryside, you may have to
lose Endurance, When your Endurance is zero, you can mOle \\,ait a \\'i!ek or IwO for the next bus.
no longer and have to rest.
When calculating travel time, take into account how
rhe movement table shows how far you can mOle man~ times the characters will have to change means of trans-
during a combat round and how much Endurance )'OU lose. port, and how frequent the planes/ships! buses go. Many at-
The tLlhlt: also shows how far an average person with 10 in lases have flight routes and ferries marked. Ambitious Game·
Agilit) and Constitution can move during a combat round (3 masters can use an online service or call a travel agent and ask
phases). an hour, and a day, respectively. The distances are just about times and prices.
average estimations. The Gamemaster can use them when for
ellanlple a \~hole group moves. Then everybody has not 10 cal-
culate how far his character can move. TRANSPORT AYG. SPEE D OFTRAY[L
Car & Bus 90 kph (55 mph)
A one-day trek is supposed to mean maximum eight- Train 120-300 kph (75-170 mph)
hour's walk. TIlen you ha~e to rest. Note that you may move F,,,,, 25 kph ( 15 mph)
mo~ than 25 kilometers during one day, as long as you hale Airline 950 kph (450 mph)
Endurance left.

Large scale time doesn't have the same exact impor-
tance for keeping the game together. Outside our world, it can
change. In Metropolis, tra ... et helv.ecn two plac~ near each
other can take an almost infinitely long time. [n dreams. cha-
The time v.e count depends on our reality. Outside racters can mo\e raster or slower than normal. Creatures from
our v.oTld. other lav.s of nature apply and our sense of time Metropolis or Inferno may have mel the characters in the fu·
ceases to work. In Metropolis time docsn't exist. Everything ture and know things about them that they themselves haven't
exists simultaneously, here and now. [n dreams. time can be in- experienced yet. Characters can go into Metropolis and get
finitely short or long. In Death. there is no time. In [nfemo, back in our reality a year laler, though they were only gone for
only the present agony exists. a v.eek as they saw it.

This is hard to simulate in the game. We are unable

These time alterations can be used to afl~t the MOfy.
to think in other terms than past, present and ruture. For any
concrete e\ents such as combat and conversation, use combat
to gi\e the player characters leads, or to conf~ them.

time and real time e ... en outside our reality. Anything else
would make these situations unplayable.

Nefri-Khensu lay on the table ofthe embalmer,
opened like" butchered coif, split from her throat to her
womb. Heart, lungs and liver were placed in a clay
bowl by her head. My beloved. This was the first time
I saw her since she died. The eyes were weighted with The world is a place of Magic. The Demiurgc crea-
lead, the skin was grey al/d dead, the nails were block. ted our reality using Magic. From his dreams and visions he
She was gone, an empty shell. There was no more any formed our prison, and shackled us. He took fragments of the
hope of eternal life. I screamed my sorrow and anger. true reality, twisted them and built a world of illusions. His
will was strong enough to subdue man and imprison him in the
Cursed the gods. Summoned the powers of the under- world he had created.
Magic is still there as the foundation of the illusions.
"Die, Osiris Ptah-neb-an.' Die, Amon-Ra.' Die, The laws of Magic control our reality. The days of the year. Ille
Horus and Maat! I summon Seth Sekhet-Aarn! Come, size of the earth, the changing of the seasons and the place-
ment of the stars in the universe are all parts of the illusion.
Angels ofSebau! Come to me! Let her live! Take me ins- Everything can be influenced, and if we regain our divinity. \Ie
tead!" can raze it all using Magic.

The flame of the oil lamp was extinguished. The only thing that is not controlled by the laws of
There was darkness. The sound of screaming desert Magic is ntan himself. We are not a part of the illusion. Our
bodies are the same that we have had for millions of years.
winds filled the room, and there was a stench ofrotting can change and distort Ihem using Magic, but we can
corpses and a strangling heat. A hand touched me, a destroy them. We are subdued by our ;:n~::~~~:~~:";.,~:~ ~;;'.~~;~!!
voice cut through the storm. sily led or frightened into submission, there is no i
that can really influence liS against our will. "Eve!)' man and
"Setu ta hetep, " the voice said. "A gift from woman is a star," as Alistair Crowley noted.
the Lord ofthe Underworld. " Few human Conjurers really have enough
ledge to realize the truth: that we afe gods imprisoned
Suddmly I saw through the darkness. I saw illusion. MOSl of them believe that \,e receive our
black pyramids rise towards heaven. I saw a black sun, energies from without, from the gods or Irom Sllcritices, or
like the eye of Amon-Raj pierced and blinded. I heard from some impersonal "mana". Many Conjurers fall victim to
the promises of Astaroth or the Angels of Deatll of power in
Nefri-Khensus voice through the desert wind. She exchange of submission-the devil buys the loyalty of the
stood in fr011t of me, with her belly opened and ribs like Conjurer for some unimportant knowledge about how 10 awa-
bloodied wings. Red tears ran down her cheeks. She ken the magical abilities. The actual fact is that the power
threw her arms around me as I carried her out of comes from within. It is our own suppressed power that we are
Death. using when casting a spell. Magical power can not exist ou!-
side of the Conjurer, in the same way that his intellect can not
exist outside of his brain.

No one kno\\·s for sure where and when man recei·
ved hi~ knowledge of Magic. bllt most sources point to Egypt
during the fOllrth millenia Be. Cities and buildings cOllld be
fOllnd there. which raised memories of ~etropolis and the
time before our imprisonment. The first Conjllrer learnt the
An from some emity from beyond the illusion. Some say that
it was the Archon Malkuth, Olhers believe it was Astaroth who Numbers correspond to the numbered circles and
taug.ht Magic to man in spite of the laws of Ihe Demiurge. paths of the diagram.
Conjurers often say that they recci'>e knowledge from beings
from Infemo. from Astaroth himself or from his SCT\ ants. I Ketherrrhaumiel
2 ChokmahlChagidiel
:\t1agic is the mo~t powerful tool available to man in J BinahlSatharici
his attempts to influence the illusions. For a short \\hile the 4 ChcsedlGamichicoth
Conjurer regains his divinity. He moves unhindered between 5 GcburahlGolab
different worlds, and is no longer bound by death or the curse 6 Tiphareth/Togarini
of the Demiurge. The Conjurer can challenge the illusion and 7 NetzachlHarelrSerap
test what it is like to escape hi~ imprisonment. But Magic de· 8 Hod/Samael
mand~ an irrevocable belief in your o\\n ability. The moment 9 YesodiGamalicl
the Conjurer stops believing in his own divinity and his ability 10 MalkuthlNahcmoth
to influence the illusion the power will slide from his grasp. II The Black Messiah
12 The Birds of Hermesffhe Sons orChagidiel
Magic can be a route towards Awakening. Most of 13 The Virgin Oracle ofTiphareth
the practitioners of \IIagic are making an attempt to escape the 14 The Sons of BinahfThe Blood Angels of Sathariel
illusions. either by gathering power in order to challenge the 15 The Dragons ofKetherfEnlightened Lictors
servants of the Demiurge, or b) leaming ho\\ to ignore the 16 Lictors
power of the Demiurge and the illusions. All Conjurers ha\'e a 17 The Loving DeadfThc Daughter of the Demiurge
mental balance that is more or less off. The glimpses of divi· 18 The Angels of Samael
nity that can be perceived when a spell is cast arouses a hun· 19 The Hermits of Ras SharimlHauries
ger pushing the Conjurer further and fun her into the darkness, 20 Seraphim
or into Ihe light. Final!} Magic can be a way to freedom, but 21 The Honour Guard of Light
0111) for the few who·at the end·arc able to meet the pan of 22 The Children ofShivaffhe Virgins of Gamaliel
themselves that they have repressed during the journey of 23 Nepharitcs
'.Iagic. 24 Razides
25 Excrucics
26 The Legionnaires of Anli·Christ
27 The Black GuardfThe Legionnaires of Death
28 The Dream Hunters ofGeburah
29 Cairath

Con 'urer's 30
Proto Lictors
Human Servants

L h e COnJU ReR
A Tree orLife with the Archons from Malkuth at the
bottom to Kether at the top, and the Angels of Dcath in rank I grew up in Puerto Rico during the sixties. My old
and file below. The corresponding lincs (which are normally man worked for an American company. We lived outside of
dra\\/1 according to the teachings of tarot) are drawn according &m Juan in a ghello for American businessmen and military
to the mythology ofKult. personnel. It was a time of garden parties and baseball and a
fear of communists. as if the fifiies were still on. We were the
only Swedes, and we were never enlirely accepted. The Ameri·
cans thought myoId man was a lefty and a strange one. Half
0/ the other kids were never allowed ta play with me. The last
year in high school! started to drijl away/rom the ghetto. in
towards the city, met a black. girl, gal ajob 01 a cafe.

That was the last summer be/ore we were 10 return

to Sweden. I went with my gir/to a party at a plantation way
out in thc bush, where I mct Miguel. He was a typical West In·
dian. Undefineablc ancestry. undefinable age, white tropical
suit and bad teeth. He offered me a cigar and said that we
should get to know each other a bit closer. I had a gijl, he
said. something I should develop. We ended up (It his place
late lhal nighl. It was a rundown shack on the southern end of
the island. He showed me his Temple full of voodoo stuff and
skulls and images of gods made out of old bottles and sugar

11 6

calle. This was Ihe firsl lime 111m! ever .letl really {I/ home Magical [ntuilion affects your memal balance in one
anJ1~'ht:re. Miguel offered me a lillie I'llm and said (hat! could way or Ihe other, bul not immedialely. A characler with a posi-
becume a I)Kilfe(1 maitre, He summoned the ,lpirilS o/Ihe dead. tive balance adds 20 to his mental balance. A character that is
alld Ihey screamed alld d<mced in tllf! air Whell we were ready already in the red deducts 20 from his balance. This is a result
to rell/rII to Sltf'llcn the IIext jail! f('li~~l!d 10 come along, {rail of the inability of Magic 10 be balanced. It is always drawn to-
(nl'ur 10 Higud Th.,.\' lOOK"" (Ill m:er the i,~/al1" jor me. bUI wa«b the extremes. Start out by calculating your balance in
fher could lIever /ind me, the usulII way, wilh all the advantages lind disadvantages.
Check if the end result is positive or negative. and then decide
The Cor\iurer is a disturlx:d individual. an outsider if your MagicallnlUition raises or lowers the result.
and a misfiT. His mental halan!;!; is dislOrted, and he is forced
to go further and further into the darkness in his quest for Magical intuition is a disturbance, making it pos-
truth. \-Iagic is out oflhe ordinaf) and extreme by it:; very na- sible for the amictcd to perceive and use discrepancies in the
ture. It is drawn LOI\ards eilher light or darknes.>. and refuses illusion. As a consequence only people with a distoned menIal
to be balanced. This also applies to the Conjurer. He is on the balance can have the ability. As soon as the Magical intuition
path of extn:m ..:s..... hieh in the end may lead to his Awakening. has raised or lowered the balance of the character, thc Conju-
rer has a balance of at most-25 orat least +25. The ability will
You don't become a Conjurer out of pure chance, not disappear if the menIal balance of the character later
you choose to become one. [I is a calling. an inner urge that moves towards zero. If you've learned Magic once, you ""ill
must be satisfied. The Conjurer i~ on the palh to his own divi- not forget it.
nil). and is trying 10 awaken it, This doesn't prevent other
forces from influencing his beha~iour. like greed. lust for
power. curiosit),. or unselfish Ime. But behind any outside
forces. thcre is always a longing lor the divinity \~ithin.

There are no half-hearted Conjurers. You don't leam

a handful of spells. and then ~pend the rest of your powers on The rules do nOI differentiate between white Of
soml'thing else. This :lpplies to everyone, both the $Cct leader. black Magic. E~el)'one can team all of the Lores of Magic and
""ho is striving for money and gratuitious $CA, and the lonely all of the spells, regardless of his mental balance. Often
hermit in the wilderness. BOlh li"e and work whole-heanedly Conjurers with a positive mental balance are passive recluses.
as Conjurers. They are reluctant to use their knowledge ror practical pur-
poses. even if they may learn obviously Mevil" rituals in order
If:l player character is going 10 learn Magic, he to get a better understanding of themselves and reality.
,"u~1 haw the Magical intuition ability, which is described
belo ..... It gives a menIal balance of less Ihan -25 or more than "WhiteMConjurers practice meditalion and exercises
T 25. A Conjurer is a very extreme character. You will also find which will lead to an enhanced self-awareness. They tl)' to de-
mel ...... difTercm archetypes, I\ho reflect that kind of extreme tach themselves from the body and all of its restraining de·
per.,onality. Some are beller suited as non-player characters, sires. "Black MConjurers are looking for a release of their b0-
like the Satanist and Ihc Seci Leader. The others can be used dily desires. This tendency is accentuated. the more extreme
as patterns for player characters. There is nDlhing to stop you the mental balance of the Conjurer becomes. All Conjurers
from inventing your own characters. tend to move away from the point of balance, which means
that the choice of mental balance at the beginning of Ihe gam(
is quite imponantlater on.

If you want to learn Magic. you muSI have Magical 'Che COnJUReR o.nd
[muition. It is an innate or acquired ability, that can be bought
for 20 points when the character is created. A person with Ma- rhe WORld
gical Intuition has an inbred understanding of how the illusion
operates. and is able to use his hidden po .... ers to manipulate it.
Magical Intuition allows you to learn all the Lores of Magic The Conjurer is nOI aware of the fact that he is sear-
and spells as regular skills. ching for his own divinity. He does nol necessarily know more
about Ihe Illusion and the imprisonment of humanity than any-
body else. The sciences of Magic may impart knowledge
about the real nature of the world, but the Conjurer does not
have this infonnation from the beginning. Most of the Conju-
rers believe that they are receiving their Magical powers from
without, from some impersonal "manaMor from some divinily.
A large number of Conjurers are active believers writing the
names of Angels and gods in their protective circles,

Start by defining the world view of the Conjurer.

Where does he think he gets his powers? What does he Ihink
he can do with them? Does he have any aim for his studies in
Magic? Some suggestions for backgrounds and motives are
given in the descriptions of the archetypes.

slid aside and boullced 011 the wall. it beat its fists on
po.CCS wlLh Oo.Rk POWERS the floor until the concrete started to mlntble. A furious
kick struck a hole in the wall it enlarged the opening
\ian)' Conjurers form pacts wilh beings outside of and forced itself through the hole. screaming and stom-
the Illusion. Astaroth and sc\cral of the Angels of Death, espe- ping. J didn't dare leave the Circle. The stompingfoot-
cially Togarini, are ready 10 form pacts wilh willing indivi- foils receded through the hOlm. Far (/"wdY I could hear
duals. Conjurers \\ilh a positi\'c mental balance are primaril~
searching oul Malkuth, the only one ortile Archons embracing
Melanie scream. I stood as iffrozen in the middle ofthe
Magic. nlin while the dust slowly settled.

But nothing in life ilo free, and in Ihe end the devil is
al .... 3)5 laking more than he is given. Pacts with external po-
"'Cr.> are treatl"<l as dark secrets. At some moment in the past LORES Or- CDo.glc
the Conjurer summoned a powerful being and entered into a
pact with il. The Gamemaster decides .... hat the devil has de-
manded in exchange. Astaroth often wants the souls of his There are fhe dilferclll Lores of \1agie: Death. Pas-
wards. The character will be suffering from Ihe (dead certain!) sion. The Dream. Madness, and Time and Space. The) all
insight that he will be tonured in hell aftcr death. lie wil1try 10 touch different pans of realit), and ho" v.e perceive it. Each
avoid death III any cost. The patron may also demand some Lore is a different skill the Conjurer must leam. They have the
kind of service from the servant. This is something the game same costs as any ordinary ~kill: one skill point per le\'el up to
master can use in the game, "hen the Conjurer is forced to ful- the Ego le.. el of the pla)'Cr character. l3e)ond that it !;osts three
lill his pan of the deal. Another common deal requires that the skill points per level. The Conjurer can only become proficient
Conjurer sells his firstbom son or daughter, or allows a curse in one Lore at the time, but he can switch hack and fonh het-
to amicI all of his decendanls. ..... cen them.

The skill score in a Lore of Magic is e.aJk-d a Lore

rating. Each spell has a I.ore rating. In order to leam a ')pell the
score of the Lore mu~t be as high as or higher than the s..:ore of
the spell. In order to learn the spell Visions ofme Fool, "ith a

Lares qf ~fY1ic
Lore rating of 12. the Conjurer must ha\e a skill1cu·J of at
least 12 in the Lore ofMadne~. If the spdl has a M:ore that i!
higher than that of the Conjurer, he may not yet team it

The Lores of\lagie are di\,id ..-d intn thro: groups.
the bottom is the Lore of Time and Space, v.hich i~ the
for all Magic. This is the most prestigious and csoteri.::
the Lores. The other four Lores a~ grouped two b~ two.
and Passion, Madness and Dream. Death and Passion
with physical terms. Madness and Dream a~ c... nl~·red
"Agroscha/ Naib J Samom Nalkoth: Adonai sensory input and mcnt31 processes.
Cheol Nimrathi... "

J became silent and waited. The smoke rose

from the Cirde. The air WaS thick and smelly. The light
wavered. J Jelt a presmce. Slowly a being was formed
inside the smoke. A spell functions in the same "ay as ruty other skill
in Kult. You buy a skill value "ith skill points. Ea!;h spell has
At first it was just amorphoUJ, then more and Ego as the bask ability. If )'ou want to raise a skill vallK' abo\e
your ego le\el it 'Will cost you three points per step instead of
more physical, horn and bone covered by a thin layer of O~.
flesh. A hundred glittering eyes watched me through the
smoke. Almost all of the spells are attached to a ~pecific
Lore of Magic. The exception is Prolecti\e pentagram, "hich
"Nimrath Abrakas. I bind you, shackle you, is a pan of 31most e .. ery spell. and Conso.:crnte Temple. lnesc
are described under General spells.
imprison you by this sign. "
Spells al"3Ys take full combat rou~",
I raised the wand and the eyes of the creature takes time to perform a ritual. The spell dC5Cript" ~
dosed for a moment. A dawed hand darted out and cut long it 'Will take 10 cast each spell.
my hand. The wandJell to the floor. The broad head of •
the being was split in a grin when he rose on his hind
legs and stretched his sinewy arms towards me. [ mum-
bled protective spells ill a punic and drew a pmtagram
in the air. It stmck towards me again, but missed. The
Circle ofprotection held. it couldn't reach me. Screa-
ming in frustrdtion it stormed against me again, but
119 , .
'Endurance Cost
There is an endurance cost to each spe ll. The The Magical Circle of the Temple must be "awake·
amount of endurance lost depends on the time it takes to cas! ned" and prepared for each new ritual. Candles can be lit to
the spell, and the difficulty or the ~pcll. Powerful Magics arc mark the circumference of the Circle, or it can be filled in with
naturally more la>.:;ng. The skill score of the spell also has an chalk or any other painl. Usually some other figure is drawn
impact on how much endurance is lost. It is easier and less within the outer Circle: a square, an eight-pointed star, a T-
t;l\ing 10 cast a spell the belief the Conjul'I:'T kno\\ $ it Study shaped cross. a triangle, or a pentagram.
the table below to see how much eodurantt: you lose at diffe-
rent ~kill scores. At values of up to 5 }OU lose more than the If th e ritual is performed in order to summon a
enduran(c cost of the spell, at 6-15 you lose .... hatevcr is noted being, a triangle is drawn outside the Circle of Magic, where
b) the spell description. At higher values you lose less endu- the name of the swnmoned being is wrinen. When the spell is cast
rance. You regain endurance according to the regular rules:
one point per three minutes of rest. You C30nm regain an) en- the being appears inside the triangle and is being held within
durance white the ,pelt is being cast. its frame. The triangle forces the summoned entity to obey the
laws of the illusion, and to stay within sight of the Conjurer.
Score % or [ndurance cost
J- 5 150%,
6 - 15 100%
16 - 19 75% The '1 nvocation
20·, 50%

When a ritual is written down, it is often the invoca-

tion that is recorded; the words the Conjurer utters w-hen the
spell is cast. This can consist of an apparently meaningless
All spells are cast \\ith the aid of a rilual. The ritual stream of gibberish, or a fully comprehensible text in some li-
focuses the JXIv.er of the Conjurer, and for a short v. hile gives ving or dead language. When the Conjurer has understood the
him back a JXIrtion of his divinity. In his Temple, surrounded principles behind a cenain spell he can create his own invoca-
by' his 100ls of Magic ,hat he has created himself. reciling bro- tion in a language that suits him.
ken poet!) or rllytmic phrases in dead language:;, hc can for a
~hort moment forget his limitations. The requirements for each To write a good, working invocation is not entirely
ritual is noted in the spell descriptions. Below wc will describe easy. It takes a lot of practice. There is more than one way of
those elements that are generally part of a ritual. doing it. You can start with your own language and write a
poetic text expressing the aim of the spell. The rhythm and order
of the w-ords are important, like in all poetry. The poem should
'Equ~ment read fluently, and all stresses should be at key words, those
that start the spell. Often the poetic quality of the text is more
These are items needed for the ritual, but \\ hich do important than the exact meaning of the words. A good poem
not ha ... e the same importance as the tools of Magic. The most by someone else is better than a poor work by the Conjurer
imponam is the ceremonial garb, traditionally a long while, himself. There are Conjurers who can open gates both 10
red, or black cloak with a broad leather belt or a simple rope Hades and to Metropolis just by changing the stresses when
of hemp around the waist. Modem Conjurers often dress in a reciting T. S. Eliot's "The Waste Land~. The main idea is that
more casual way, but the ceremonial garb must still carry a the Conjurer likes the text, and can convey a meaning to it.
S) mbolic meaning, and is used only in connC'Ction with Magic.
Other equipment may be candles, braziers, incense, and rhyt- Many Conjurers use invented words or phrases from
mic or suggestive music. forgotten languages in their invocations. These are suggestive
words full of associati\'e meaning, but lacking any fixed defi-
nitions. Words from ancient Egyptian or Babylonian can be
Preya rations used in this way. often with excellent results. Spells found in
books by well known Conjurers often look like this. filled
The preparations arc a way of getting imo the right with "barbaric names", words that once had perhaps a rather
mood for the ritual. The Conjurer washes himself and purifies banal meaning, but which have received a Magical authority
the Temple b)' burning incense. He prepares the tools needed through the ages. This is the easiest method to usc by players
lor the ritual. and arranges them on the altar. The time for pre· who want their invocations to sound good when acted out in
parations is calculated into the time for the entire spell. the game.

An invocation or an exorcism must always contain

the name of the being in question. Likewise, all spells with an
effect on other people must contain the name of thaI person.

predetennined directions, IlIld drawing s)mOOls in the air \Ioith
his hand.
The visuali.llltion is the most important part of the
spell next to the invocation. The Conjurer creates an image in
his mind in order (0 focus the force released by the invocation. Sacrifices
The purpose of the spell detennines the look of the visualiza-
tion. Burning pentagrams are used for protection, whirling A sacrifice can have t\loO purposes. It can sen'e at; a
dark maelstroms for summonings, and "arious kinds of ges- gift to an entity summoned by the Conjurer. and also as a locus
talts for different beings. If the Conjurer is going to summon a to call forth the powen of the Conjurer. ~o power am be had
certain entity he must visualize its appearance within the tri- directly from the sacrifice. The power is alwaY'io be fOund
angle on the noor. Magical energy is visualized liS light or bur- within the Conjurer himself. The exceptions a lho~e rare.
ning fire. spells where the sacrifice willingly lets itself be il1cJ, offers
blood or in any other ",ay is suffering some form of
pain. thus helping to east the spell. Many Cottju-
§estures ren are giving sacrifices an>wa> as they be-
lie.. e they can gain power from them. The ~­
The invocation is strengthened by gestures and mo- crifice can be anything from bur-
\ emenl. The Magical tools are used as foci when the invoca- ning incense to spilling some of
tion is pronounced. The sword is swung, the cup is lifted to- the Conjurer's own blood to ex·
wards heaven, the crown is put on the head of the Conjurer, el treme mass sacrifices in salanis-
cetel"ll. The Conjurer is also moving within the Circle. turning in tic rituals.

'Maaicaf cooyeration 'T'he '1nterior ana Consecration
Nothing prevents 1\\0 or more Coniurers from co-
opt'rming in unler to create a Temple or pcrfonn numls. As
'1 the 'T'emyle
lo~g a:; lhc~ ~a\'c cCln-«ratcd the Temple together. e\cl')'thing . The ~ltar takes up the middle of tile Temple. It sym.
"'III \hlrk \\lIholil pmhlem~. If they h;wc not done chis, the bollzes the l:oaslS for all Magic, man's abilit) to influence the
()U1~idcr mUst b<: adjusted to the Temple. This take~ )O.Ego world. The ahar can be shaped in different ways; it can have
hours "rmeditation in the Temple and a SUCCl.~sfut slill thro\' the classical oblong form. bUI more often it consists of two
j~ tit.: Lore of \-Iagic of Ihc spe..:ilic rilUal. Follo'Wing this, the cubes pul on top of each other. so as not to disrupt the s)mme-
(1ll1Jurcrs rna) cooperate "hen rerfoffiling thc ritual. try of the room. The material is dl.'Cidcd by the Conjurer. The
altar can be constructed of any kind of material: Slone, wood,
\\hen ~\cral C'onjuft!1"i coo~rale. onc of them is sleel. or e .. en plastic. On the altar the Conjurer symbol icall)
IlPl'Oink>t:l ~High Priest" This individual leads the rilUal and draws the pan of real it) he intends 10 work with. A Conjurer
fo~u~cs thc energy. raeh additional panicipating Conjurer of Death creates in goomelIic shape the circles of Inferno and
r:u<.o!'> .[hc Lgo or the high priest b)' one .... hen throwing for Ego the various phases of death; a Conjurer of Space and Time will
.,nd ral ...."'i thc cff<!\:ts .... hen Ihm .... lng lor ellttt b) one. draw formulas for the CQmputation of Space and Time .

o Ifsc\cral Conjurers are going to cooperate v.ithoul The altar is standing in the middle of the Circle of
h~\'Jng time or oppoununity to adjust 10 a common Temple, it Magic. which is the most important detail of the Temple. It is
"'III take three Conjurer:> to gi\e the high priest the same in- within the Circle the Conjurer perfonns his work. Here he can
creases in thruwin!J for Fgo and eIT«t. prolect himself from enemy powers and pre\ent observation.
The Cirele should be large el'lOugh to allow unhindered mon:-
eenain groups are always cooperating British ~ent around the allar. It is cast permanently when the Temple
.... ilch~ an: aho,a}~ thirteen during their riluab. IS created, preferably with copper wire. coloured stones. or
~me other highl) visible material in the flOOf. Around the per_
Imeter of the Circle the names of powers or bc!ings the Conju-
rer counts as his allies are w-rinen. If )OU do not want to call
Lhe Lemp{e on named entities )OU can paint nine stars around the ouler
perimeter of the Circle. These represent the nine planets and
the d~vine power of man. protecting the Conjurer against his
Ine Temple is the Conjurer's havcn from reality, and enem~es. Some also choose to paint a pennanenl sign whithin
al the ~c time a representation of the world. There he can the Circle. a pentagram symbolizing man, one or several he:l:a.
gather his po.... er.. in order 10 meel and mastl."r the .... orld. 1l1e grams symbolizing the relationship between man and god, or a
Temple is a ceremonially purified place hallowed 10 the works so catted cabbaliSlic T-cross consisting of ten squares. where
uf th .. ('onjurer. II is only used for Magic. and Illay nOt be en- each square represents one of the guardians of Ihe illusion. ei-
l4-rcd b) an)one not initialed_ £\el') rilual must be performed ther an Archon or an Angel of Oe3lh.
In the remple. If the Conjurer does not ha .. e access 10 his
Temple, all his spell skill scores are hahed (rounded down). When all the outer details are in place the Temple is
con~eerated. This is initially done b) sa nctifying it. The
A Temple should be carefully selected. it must feel Conjurer purifies himself by fasting and abstinence for a
right lor the Conjurer. It can be a room in the house of the week. Each day he performs a lesser ritual in order to banish
t\lnjurcr. a spe<;ial building. a ca\C, or e~'en a seduded space unwanted inOuences from the Circle of Magic and 10 Slreng·
outdoors. It can not be \00 large. or else the Conjurcr will not then it. He then cleans every detail of the Temple. Everything
b.! able to take it in. or too small. leaving no room for the altar must feel fresh and unused. as ifit had just been created. Then
and the imponant prOlecthe circles. Between ten and fifty the Temple is sanctified. Ilow this is done depends on the tem-
$qualY ".leters are appropriate. Conjurers building their perament of the Conjurer, and w hat Lore of Magic he belongs
temples trom the ground up should do this on their own In 10. but common to all is thai the altar is steeped in oil. and that
this \\a) the measurements for the building can be comp~ted incense is burnt to cleanse the air. The Conjurer walks three.
numerol'lgically. se~en or nine times around the Circle and summons the beings
he has signed for protection. When the Temple is sanctified. it
.. The Temple is a reflection of reality. When the must be consecrated. This is done in a specific ritual. which is
(. on!ure~ cast:; a spell. for example in ordcr to destroy a pan of described under General spells.
the IllUSion and oJK'n a gate to Inferno, he witl see the watls of
til.! Temple a:; a reflection of the walls around our reality. This
connection wi ll be supponed if the Temple is adorned \-\ith 'Makeshift'T'emyfes
Items conm:cted to Ihe Lore of Magic of Ihe Conju rer. The
lemplc of 8 necromancer is decorated with skulls. bones. per- A makeshift Temple kan be consecrated for a special
haps specimens in formaldehyde, and pictures of death ceremon) through 24 hours of fasting and meditation. The
and destruction. The Temple of 0 Conjurer of Conjurer dra",s a Circle and raises an altar. He then SilS in the
Passion is decorated with pictures and items Circlc and meditates. When a full day and night has passed he
of a se,oc:ual nature. can perform the ritual of consecration which is described
under General spells. A makeshift Temple functions only tem-
porarily, and gi~es the Conjurer a full skill score. bUI only for
that one spcllihat is named during the ritual of consecration.
The Temple is no longer usable as soon as the spell is cast.

The cup ean be made in any material \\hal5OClcr, the
only thing ofimponance is that il can hold 85 much liquid as a
regular drinking glass. TIle cup ..... ill ghe ils maximum amount
of ener&)' if it is filled "ilh some fluid for the Conjurer to
The Conjurer uses various tool~ in order to focus drink.
po ..... er inlo his spells. The most common tools are the sword.
the Iland, the cup, the crown, and Ihe ring. I'referably Ihese
should all be made by hand by the Conjurer, and be conse<:ra- The Crown
ted in dtu-tls similar 10 the one used to consecrate the Temple.
Anyone lacking the ability 10 create his o\\n 10015, need to The cro\\n shows the suprema!,;y of Ihe ("onjurer
spend a good amount of time searehing for tools lhat feel righl over the forces and entities of his summoning~. L·llimalcl),. i\ i~
and also go ....elliogethe-r. a symbol of the di\init) of man. II is used to restore the dhine
powers net'dcd to C8!>1 a spelL In his encounlers the (';nm n is a
sign telling the summoned being that the swnmoncr used to be
The Sword a god, and is one da} destined to regain his dil init)'.

The sword is the 1001 that CUIS. Onl'< thc undivisible Lil..e the "and. the eTO"n nlay send ditl"ercnt mc~­
can .... ilhsland the power of the s\\ord, and onl) man himself is sages depending on its make. It rna) con~i~t ofa simple head-
undivisible in a Illagical sense. Therefore Ihe s .... ord also repre- band. or be madc in the form of a huge p.old piece adorned
sents Ihe undivisible ego of the Conjurer, It is used 10 find with gems. Beings summoned b) Ihe Conjurer \lilJ judge his
simple solutions to complex problems. The s .... ord is often a personal it) b) the look of his wand and his crn""n.
pan of rituals v. herc the search for kno\\ ledge is the central
idea. II is al'iO a \\eapon used 10 banish beings from our reality.
and for defense against \1agical attacks. The 'Rina
Most Conjurers choose to make or acquire real The ring symbolizes intinit). In a ritual the ring reo
S\\ords of Sleel or bronze_ but there are also those ""ho make presents that"" hich is grealer Ihan man himself. the true rea.
their S\IOrdS out of\\ood or ewn glass. The Conjurer will hold lit),. It is med to iniluence time and space. The ring also ap-
and use Ihe s""ord as a ""eapon in his rituals. orten holding it pears in those few spells that can be performed by man. I\hich
with both hands. like a kendo sword. in order to give it maxi. in some way will influence the true real it) beyond the 1I1u,ion.
mum power. The ring should be made of a Slrong material and ~ lormed
into a perfect Circle. large enough to be easily uxd in the rio
tuals. The size of a bracelet is usual1) appropriate.
The Wand
The wand is the one toollhat more lhan an) other is
a~~ociated \,:ilh Magic. The \\and rep~nts ..... ill. the insight
that the Conjurer possesses di"'ine po""ers, and the force ema· CReacmg ~OUR Own
nating from these. The wand can be used to summon and bind
entities, and it can also be used 10 influence and subdue others. SpellS
In esoteric Magic the v.and can be used 10 s"ear oaths by. and
it can be used to raise the mental balance of the Conjurer. In
the Lore of I'assion the wand is the male principle and the cup A skilled Conjurer can learn how to creale hi,.
is the female. spells. lie can define what it is he "ant from tht: ~pell,
then create a suitable ritual. The pJa)'er describe .. \0 the game-.-
The look of the wand is of a certilin imponance. Be- master what he "ants to do. The gamemaster then dt'("ides the
came it represents po\\er, its outer appearance is a refltttion of Lore rating of the spell and to "" hat Lore it belongs. He com.
hoI'. the Conjurer views his own po""er. An ornamented \\and pares with e\isting spells and decides on a rClNlIlable value.
of gold is found in the hand ofa selfconscious Conjurer who is The Lore rating of the Conjurer must be as high as that of the
not ashamed of his po"er ol'er people. A more humble Conju. spell he \\..ants to create. If the gamemastcr decide":> that Ihe
rer will choose a more non-descripl \\and. The \\and is always spell belongs to the Lore of Passion, with a Lore rating of 10.
held in the right hand. and is brandished in II fashion lhal fib the Conjurer musl ha\e at least 10 in the I.ore of Pas:.ion in
the generally IlCcepted ""ay of wand-waving. order to create a v.orking rituaL

Then the Conjurer must start looking for suitable

The Cup sources and engage himself in studics that can help him !;reate
the ritual. lie must find symbols and \isu:tli1..1tions that arc
The eup symbolizes development, salvation. insight strong enough 10 steer Ihe magical energy hc i~ clUrying \.\oithin
and perfttlion. It is closely related 10 ideas about the Grail and himself in order to produce the exact result he i~,loolnns
chalices. The cup is used in spells aiming for change, influenee Anyone skipping on his homework ma)'-3t wo~·trioa.
and seeing. It is also used in rituals of knowledge, where lhe own po\\er without an)' possibilit) of controllint: it. theteby
Conjurer is looking for a synthesis betwttn apparently conflic- creating haloc. The Conjurer describes in detail'
ting ftIClS. In the Lore of Passion the cup is the female prin- the ritual for the new spell. The lime thi' ""ill
ciple, surrounding the male. A ritual"" ith both the cup and lhe take is equal in number of ..... eeks to the Lore
s .... ord will create a paradox. which can be used to shake the raling of the spell, A spell wilh a
illusion. Lore rating of 10 will take 10
wceks to CTeate.

Finall) Ihe C(mjurcr make~ a skilllhro\\ again~1 his Til<! ritulil Is wadually taking shape. At first the wal/s of the
Lore ruling, The efleel must ~ higher than the Lor.: rating of /fIusion mllsl be broken dQlm ond 0 connectioll must be "'Oile
the spell. In order 10 create a spell \"ilh a Lore raling or 10. the with the source of the Vepharites in Inferno This is done ""'ith
elkct of the Ihnm mU!>1 he at leibt 10 or higher, If the Ihm .... the aid of the nine-pointed star representing Astaroth. It is
fails the Conjun.:r mu~' ~lart from the beginning, dra.m ill the middle a/the Circle of Magic. Around the Circle
thefigures of the =oclioc are dra\ln. The Conjurer is going to
A total failure ma~ lead to catlbtroptre. If the Conju- .fhlll Ollt and fk'gate tMse in his spell, in order to break doll'n
rcr ·hro.... s 20 lor 20 t .... ic(" if the Lore rating is high) he be- part of the illusiol/. Brlf it is the human traits in the Conjurer
IIC\~'" that he has created a .... orkiog spell. But when he tries 10 that are goinS to be used 10 create the Nepharite_ Because 0/
.:.<1.\1 it. it will be per.ened in the worst po~"ible .... a). An~onc this the siS"s for Saturn. influerlCing the instincts, Neptune. in-
\I)iog to impro\c hb o .... n looks .... ill become dreadfully di~fi­ flllencing the IInconscious, and .\lars. injluencing aggression.
O!un.-d. an~one Il)ing to ~ummon an Angel of protection .... ilI Of(' drmm around tile nine-pointed star Next to each plan...
call1lll iU(;<lmation of !\slarolh. anyone trying to opc!n a gate to wry symbol a block candle is lit to mark that the human ins-
\lctropolis .... ill be eN do .... n into hell. tim'b are man! important thon both the /IIusion (the s;g1l5 of
the =OfIi(lc). and Death (the star of Astaroth). Between Saturn,
Whcn the ,>pell is fini~hed the Conjurer must learn it Veptune and Mars the Conjurer drm.-s the other six plam:tar),
in the normal fa~hion. lIe docs not have an automatic skill in sJmbols as smaller signs. These are to be shut 0111 and negaled
pel forming it just be.:au~e he has created it. ill Ihe ritual. when he represses pwts of his humallity ill order
10 become a l\'epharile_
\11 [tample: The IJirlh ora Ncphllritc
These wert' the preparations. Maria decides that the sword is
,\lurin D'I:.\t~·. IJ CnlljUI"!;r of Death. wants to creute a spell the most Sllitable 1001 for the spell. Then the invocation is for-
\I rehy h.. CUll hlrn himself into a .\"ephariU', so that he call mulated, It is goillg to take the nepharitic traits of Mario's
ft:'lUrnfr(Jm Illjano ill order to haunt his enemies, He stans by personality. and elllarge and pervert them umit he is transfor-
n"I/o:inJlll d<,saiption ofthe spell. mL'ti into a .\'epharite, The body is also going to be per'l'f!rted
umi! il reflects the pen'erred soul. Morio describes in detail
H Ith tlu..' (li(lo/ tlte spell th(' Canjurr", can permonenif}' tr01l5- the im-ocatian alld the gestures im'Oll"ed: the Conjurer lifts tilt:'
joFln him.fel[ illfo a .\"ep"arit~'. His abilities Mill change and he s ....ord and summ01l5 ASluroth by nine 0/ his names. He walks
II ",. obit' 10 choo.w .....hich special abilities he .....01nis. and around the Circle and shuts out the signs of the =odiac. one
:J\l' his frHlks will chal/R~' His persolUJlity ..... ill also be a,(fet:- alier the olll<!r, until the influence of the Illusion on the ritual
tl.'ti ·.,.h,ti~- O1nJ moralistic traits .....iII be strengthelled Com- is removed A'ow he has an open channel to Inferno" ithout
p.u.llm" ill Ji.wp{ICor: any disfllrbing waifs. He summons Anubis. who can open the
RateS to the l.,'nder....orld Ife walks counterclockwise around
1h.; G(11n~·ma.ffer studies the description. It is quite clearly u the nine-pointed star and ""'illl the sword cuts a\I'O)' the six un-
;X'I helr"'}!in!: to the Lore of Death. It implies a permanent lOallled planetary influences from the floor He explaillS that
cn. ItgC of th,· hody or lIIilld ofthe Conjurer, reminding a little he is no longer Marla D'£ste. He no.... belongs to the under-
ahuu: Poellil pt''''crJion (Lore rating 30) or Sex change (Lore world and In/erno. Saturn and Neptune. ruled by the fires of
rat",,, 35) in the Lore of Passion To become a Sephuritc is a Mars, Theil IN! steps into the nine-pointed star and is trallS/or-
more dru.~tic chonKe than either Foetus perrers;on or Sex m,d
dl'IrI}!t.'. SI) tilt' Gamemaster judges Ihat the Lore rating of the
'pdf i.~ .If), M"rio //lakes il by a hair. his Lore rating in the Tile star ofAstaroth is seen III tile visuali=alion as a black SUII.
I.nre oj Death i.1 41_ but the three fiRhts by Mars. Salflrn. and Neptulle are shill;nR
nll/ch strollger The sig"s o/Ihe =ot!iac and the other planeta'}·
If 1111 01 I.ore raring of 40 the spellll'ilI take 40 weeks 10 fleve- symbols are reduced to weak flickerings gradually going aUf.
lOll .\/ario studies grimoires wilh rituals from the Lore oj Dllt ~rthe three lights a \'ision of the ,vepharite is rising. When
D.mil lie ~e(/rches out a rare book from the 18th centllr),. the COIy'lIrer .ffeps illfo the IIine-poimed star he merges with
(/ I("/'ihin~ file nalllre of Nepharites. He learns long pieces by the vision and is transformed.
Iu..'flr/ from Ihe E~pl;an Book of the Dead. fie el'(!11 sum//l01l5
" \cplwrite to tofk to in order to find out more about their Thai is the entire rimal The Gamemaster looks 01 Ihe de.~cri~
l/Iil1<'" "lid hull tht'Y reason. lion and decides that it will take three days to cast the spell, be-
calISe the trailsformation musl be made gradually Three dtl}'s
K-'i/{ meall an 80-point loss ~f endurance. An Ego throw can
rwgate the Jpell. in spite of the foct thOl it is the Conjurer him·
self that is going to be transformed. Some unconscious i1l5tincl
of se/fpn'sen'ation within him may allow 111m /0 refuse this
tra1l5formation into a monster

.~laria throll's for the Lore 0/ Passion. He throws a 14. It is not

enough He has to make a perfect tllM' in order to succecd
He spends aIWther 40 weeks studying and ",,-orting on his rio
tua!. The next time he throws a 3. A perfect result_ Ile adds
+10 to the eUi.oct, 41-3+/0 48. The spell will work. ""ow he
just needs to learn it ill order to cast it.


CreatinB the 'Ritua( From the sources the Conjurer creates a ritual 10
channel the magical energies. He uses different S} mbots: pen-
1be main part of creating a spell consists of fonnula- tagrams, planetary signs. names of gods and other items, in
ting the ritual .... hich is supposed to make the spell work. The
Conjurer mllst define at the beginning vcry clearl)' to himself
what he wants to accomplish. The least bit of ambiguity can
desired result. He chooses the lools of Magic to
mulates the inllocation.
order to create a ritual with enough power to ac~mpli!:ih the

destroy the spell.

The Gamemaster then studies the ritual
Then the sources must be consulted. In order 10 and decides how long it .... ill take to cast the
create a working Spetllhe Conjurer must h,a .. e access 10 occult spell. how much endurance it will cost. and we-
literature where he can find inspiration about how to shape the ther the victim .... ill be able to resist the effect
ritual. lie should preferably search through spell books where .... ith an Ego throv. or not.
similar rituals are described. Without suitable literature the
project is doomed to fail. The Gamemaster can decide that it is
impossible 10 create a certain ritual if the Conjurer lacks the
proper sources.
The l(l\S of ~'ndurallce is decided b~
the lime illakcs T he I'entagra m is the symbol of man. If one point
to /;3sllhc \f'C11. and h()\\ laxing it is. Belo\l )00 \I ill find a b pointing upwards it is pru.iti\e. ift.... o are pointing up\\-ards
table- \0 U),C &.\ a \t.1rting poin!. h can be modified if the ritual il is negalive. It is used to remind all entities and powers of tile
is leI) ta:>;,ing. if it for example colllains extatic dancing or di\init) of man. In conjunction with Ihe triangle it is the slron-
long p.:riods or star.ati(ln and ~leeplcssnCS!>. Then Ihe lo~ of gest oflhe protecthe signs.
endurance ilia) \<:1) \lclllx: doubled.
The Arro\\- is almost exclusi\ely used for the Lore
T,," ro(\..,t lo-.~ OF (:"m RA "0 of space and time, as a symbol ofa motion ora vector.
0-15 minulcs 10
15-60 minute~ '0 fhe Triangle is lhe sign of the Ocmiurge. It s)mbo-
1-6 huUN ]0 lilt-OS the po\ler of the Dcmiurge over the Illusion. and reminds
7-~4 hour,; 40 e,'er)one from beyond the Illusion that they ha\e no right to
1-3 Ja~s 60 manifesl thcmsehes in our reality. ll1C triangle has become a
3-6da~s 80 dissociated s)mbol since the disappearance of the Dcmiurge.
6 days 100- It still has its power as a symbol or the Illusion. but it can be
defied by beings which wilh impunity insist that god is dead.

Tlie Sym60CS 0/ tlie 'Ritua( and that his name has lost its power. Most oflhem sti ll respect
the triangle, and it is still used \0 bind beings thaI have been
summoned to our reality.
Often a prote.. tilc and supporting sign and name is
droll n up on the noor of the Temple as part of the prepara- T he Ea rt h sign :The earth is coldness and dl)ness.
tiM', The purpo';l,: of the ~pdl determines \lhat signs to use. It is connecled \\-ith Malkuth. to Ihe illusion. 10 the bodily na·
r h<: powen. Ihat ma~ threat",n the rilual must be shul out. and lure orman. and to negati,e mental balance. It is used in spells
thu"C pollers that may support and ID:isist the Conjurer ma~ be influencing Ihe body or Ihe Illusion. The sign is drawn in the
inlO<.:1;:d, rhe ritual will Ix: successful if the s~mbob manage south.
to dc..cribe that Ilhich the ~pell b supposed to accomplish.
The Air sign · The air is \\-annth and humidity. It is
fhe preparations \lill abo make Ihe Conjurer ready conne.. ted \I ith Kether. to the soul of man. and to positi\e
10 ~lca"i! and control his magical energies. This can be done mental balance. It is used 10 influence Ihe soul and the mind.
through meJilation_ f3l.ling. \lakes, dancing or extasy depen- The sign is drawn in Ihe .... esi.
Jmg un the nalUre of the spell, We \I ill gile a short description
vI' ""m, ,igh:; and ,~mbols that can be of help for those wan- The .-ire sign: Fire is \\-annth and dl)nes:;. It is
lin· 10 ~rcatc thcirol"n spells. conncctt-'tI \\- lth Chokmah and masculinil)-. to aggressh.enes:;
and creathil). It is used in spells of Passion. The sign is dra\ln
The CiT('le symboli/.es eternity. bul alc;o the conli- in Ihe east.
'K<U ro·) It i, o~d in the Lore of time and space \\-hen time
or ~..Iel ,!;oing 10 be manipulated. The ''tater sign. Water is coldness and humidity. It
is connected \\ilh 9inah, 10 understanding. understanding and
The lIexagram symboliles man as both a spiritual femininit}. It is used in spells of kno\\-Iedge. and in some
,IIlU a Ixlo.lit) entilY. as both human and di"ine. a,; eternal and srel1s of Passion. The sign is dra\ln in the nonh.
mortal, II i!. u~ed I"hen a conneclion must be made bet\l~'Cn
man and Ihe illusion, man and the Demiurge. or be\l\ecn bod) The Signs of the Zodiae are described under Astro-
,IIlU ~oul, lo&.v in "The Occult Sciences chapler. The symbolism of each

sign is described there. All t\\elve of the signs are often drawn
The Square iSlhc symbol Oflhc foor clements. It is in a ring around the Circlc of protection. This is done both to
u-..cd as a I isualiJ.alion oflhe illusion. The square is used \I hen protect the Conjurer and to focus the spell. Because the zodiac
the illu,ion is going to be influenced. or \Ihen a certain cle- represents the form and structure of the illusion. the signs can
menl is summoned. be used as prolection against alien pollers IIhich have no
place in the illusion. similarl)' to the triangle and the name of
The" inC-lminted star, or the black sun. is Ihe s) nl- the Ocmiurge. The) can also be uscu to visualize different as-
001 (If ,\starolh. II is used 10 summon or banish him. to control peCtS of the illusion that the Conjurer lIants 10 influence.
LIS scnanh. or b) Conjurers \lanling to identify themsehes An)one lIanling to create a ~pellllhich makes a place stag-
'" ItI- the Lord of Darkness. nate and deca) can for example draw the sign of Capricorn.
and concentrale the ritual around il.
The Oclagnm consists two superimposed squares.
s~mooli/ing two .... orlds. the illusion and the true reality. II can The importance of Ihe signs of the planels are also
be used \I hen creating portals. described onder ASlrolog:, in the same chapter. They represent
different parts of the human mind. and are often used in riluals
whose purposc is to influence the mind. Mars is used to creale
aggression and tier) creativity, Venus gives insight and un-
derstanding. et cetera.

Lhe poweR o~ che No.mes LRo.dlclons o.nd SOURCeS
Names exist in \\\0 ronns : as names of existing po- \\e have wrillen a short his!Or) of Magic in Western
VIers. and as names of po.... crs representing the poy,er of the Europe. There is not space enough for a lengthier history.
Conjurer. They are used in slightly different Yoa)s. l'oames of ..... hieh means that we .... ill leave out all the Ics...:r group" and all
c:\isling po .... ers can be Angels of Death. Archons or other non-Furopean traditions.
beings. The) are u5ual1} IHinen down in order for the Conju-
rer [0 protect himself from them, or to invoke them. The name fhe oldest kno ..... n remnants of magical rituals are
creates a link betv.ecn the summoner and the named being. It 8000 years old. and were found at diggings in Catnl IIUyUk in
docs nOi have to be a being from beyond the Illusion. It can be Anatolia, About 6000 BC a small village of intcn.:onno;!;t.:d
a human that is being inOuenced by the spell. and is therefore cla}house~ .... as situated here. and in one of the hou~c'$ could
called b} Mme. be found a Temple of \Iagie. used for primiti\c ~ummoning;,
lIere \\e find some of the known symbols from later eras: the
'The other kind or name fUllCtions as a symbol. Here pentagram. ~kulJs as a focu~ for the Lore of Death. and the pro--
i5 found almost all the names of the gods: Pan, Ucnnes, Isis tecti\e triang.le.
and other gods from human myths. The Conjurer summon~ the
god in order to control his own power. By invoking I)an he In the next 2000 years Magic \\O(l~ graduall) spread
takes on a pari of the abilities of thc god of Madl1e~. All sum· and developed into a secret teac:hing. When we I\.°aeh the third
Illonings of ~fictitious" po .... ers function like .... eaker versions mil1enium BC there is alread) an ad\anced o<:cult <,Cil;!nce and
of the Living god spell; the Conjurer adopts" divine persona a complex tradilion of ritualisti!.: \lagic. It is de!>cribcd in
in order to control his temporarily " .... akened divine po.... ers a slightl) \eiled fonn in the burial texts from Egypt ..... hieh lilter
little bit easier. ha\e been published as The Egyptian Book of the Ikarl. The
pharaos and ruling priests of Egypt used religion as a .:o\'Cr for
l1lc name of the Demiurge is its own cmegory. AI· magical experiments. The} created the first pcmlllncnt portab
Ihough the Oemiurge is gone, his name still holds power as to Melropolis, hidden in grave chambers and p)ramids, and
long as the illusion exists. It is used to scare olT beings from laid the foundations of magical gcomell}. I hrough c'<p.:ri-
Ix!}ond the Illusion. and to remind them of the force of the menls wilh embalmings and rituals the~ sea«:heo !(,r Ihc solu-
lIIu~ion. tion to immortality. but were stopped b) the guardians of the
illU5 ion. ""hereafter the ES}ptian city statl;!S fdl into dcca).

At the same time thaI the Eg) plian Iraditi\lO ~tartcd

lnvoco.nons o.nd <::;eSCUReS 10 degenerate. the seed of modem \1agic and (~cuhism stan~'tI
to gro .... among the scribes of l~rael. For almost half a ,..... _." ..
up to about 500 Be. the) collected the te:".t!. th:lI lal.:r .
There are no fixed rules. The Conjurer must e.xpress make up the Jewish Tora and the Old T{'~tament vI' thc
him'iClf in a way that is comprehensible to himself It is en- tians. lIere \\as described in symbolic form Ihc histl'l} of
ough if he makes a nOle aboul the contents of the in",ocation, since he \\as cast do\\n into the Illusion. But the Old T~­
for e'(ample: "Summoning of Hermes, and Ihe Conjurer asks menl is also a lreatise on Magie. It is the basis of the ]c..... ish
for help in breaking do ..... n the \\ea~e of time and space. ~ The Kabbalah. There are hidden spells in the le\.l. amI it cont.1in~
same applies to geslures. 1'-<0 detailed description is needed of the names of the guardians of the illusion. But Ihe ~cri~s \\..-re
all thc mo~emenl~, but thc most important should be noted, allowed to de ...elop their theories undisturbed. In the
thosc that mark moments in the spell-casting .... hen something around Ihe birth of Christ Israel was shaken by .... ;Jr<;
special is going to happen. Romans. The Temple of Jeru~3lem was destroyl.-..! in ,\0 70,
and three ~ears later the la5t resistance \\a5 broken .... hcn the
fonress at Masada fell . I !ere the 2000 years of (he J~\\ i~h dia-
spora began.

The fall of Israel did nOl mean an end to 'iagie. Du-

ring Ihc time up to the fall of the Roman Empire and the ... ie-
This is the heart of the spell. The Conjurer expresses tory of Christianity, huge de ... elo pment5 WeTI;! made. There
exaclly what he wants to accomplish in the visualization. lie were magical academies every ..... here. There were thousands of
creates a mental piclure of his own magical energies. These are sects in Ihe Middle East. Egypt and Greece 5tud}ing the occult
often secn as a lighl: ..... hite, if the purpose is to create some- sciences, .... ilh wide-spread argument aboul .... here to lind the
thi ng good, red, if it is destructive, and black. if il is corrup- truth. 1ne Librar)' of Alexandria had a larger collection of (e>(15
li\e. The visualization also contains a piclure of .... hat is going on Magie, written spell descriptions. and occult theory than
10 happen. In order to summon a being the Conjurer must see it e ...er gathered in one place both previous]}' an d l 13ter. There
in front of himself before it shows up. and in order to change
himsel f. he must create a picture of what is going to happen.
.... ere several \\el1-known Conjurers among the ady .
tians. The Jewish lradition of hiding spells and .se reb 111 fcxts
was refined. The Book of Re ...elations in the Bible;s one of the
finesl examples of coded texts. il 1:; a prophec} as
well as a lisl of names and numerical values of
close to a hundred emities from beyond the
Illusion. wilh descriptions of how
ponals can be opened to Metropo-
lis and Inferno.

But c\el)'thing came to an end "'hen Christian it) During the 1870's Conjurers once again came into
"'as \IClorioU<' in the muggle lollo",ing the fall of the Roman the limelight. gelling in ... ol...-ed in the public debate. Two
i-mpire, The varied colleeti!ln of'i\.'Cts disappeared. or ",as in- group;, camc to influence further dc\'elopment. ~The Ilennctic
corpoT1\tcu inlo Christianit~ The 8Cadcmie~ were dO\Cd_ Th.:: Order of the Golden Dawn". founded in England in 1877 by
Librar) ol·\lexandria wa:, pJuncitll'l.:d s.:~ernltime:s. before it \1tlcGregor Mathers. and "The Thcorop/'lic Society". founded
v.as finally bum<!d in ,<\0 390. Some of the book;, wert;: sa\ed. in 1875 in J'>;ew York by lIelen Blavatsky. In the early 20th
and parts of the magical tradition sun i\OO in plac.:s of tole- century Alistair Crowley lefi the Golden Da....ll. Crowley put
rance In v.hat ..:ame to be the Islamic v.orld. lor e~ample in his stamp on much of the ritualistic Magic of the 20th centur),.
fez In \Iorocco, and later in multicultural Spain. .·\nodlCr individual came from the Thcosophic movement, to-
tall) different. but equally impontlnt: Rudolf Steiner. who
From the 7th centul} and on\\ards to the Renais- lounded the Anthroporop/'lists. and became a forerunner of the
sance ~hp:icIt.otJ a life in hiding. In Spain and in inaccc~ible entire modem New Age-movement.
pI3l:~"S in Ital) lind the Balkan Conjurers mel and ~'xchangOO
knClv.kuge. During the 1::!Ih and 13lh centuries small acade- Magic in the 20th century can rooghly be described
mics anu S~'!,;b were lounded in Spain. which at the time v.-as as continuations of the works of Crowle) and Steiner. Crow-
tom in wan betw •.:en Moslems WId Christians. \Iodcrn Kabba- leys texts are bascd on an ambivalent. sl ightly ironic Lore of
lah and th\' Tamt deck were born here. Jev.-i ~h. Christian and ritualistic Magic with roots in Western occultism. His Magic
Mo~lcm traditiClns \\ere hrought together, but when the last ha.~ strong modernistic features. It is relativistic and individua-
remnant~ of the Moskm Caliphate were driven out in the 15th listic, sometimes wilh Satanist influences (Crowley came from
cellluf)'. and Christianity was victorious, all Conjurers. Jews a Puritan home). The teachings of Steiner led towards a more
and G)'psies were thrown out from the peninsula. positivistic Magic connected to praclical work. romance ofna-
cure. and a bcliefin the inhereOl goodness of man. The heathen
During the Renahsance. \1agic evohed along \\ilh priests and the New Age-Conjurers appearing in the 70's and
Sl:iencc 10 the Conjurers of the Renaissance it seemed as they 80's have their roolS with Steiner, while Crowley's tradition
were rediscovering the ancient occult science;,. but the) v.ere li\-e~ on with both ~White" Conjurers and Satan worshippers.
actually creating something new. the basis of modem Magic.
Alchcm~ and ritualistic \lagle. as "'e kno'" dtem today. \\ere
\'Itlm from ~tudie~ and experiments perfonned all o\er Europe
UUring the R~naiss.ance, It stanOO in Italy in the 14th century. Lhe SOURCeS
and v.as ~rrcad nonh until the 16th century. From the 15th
centur~ and onwards England came to be a center for all
C'on.iul"l.'n. The traditions of Magic rest on a series of writings
that ha\c been ~scr\-ed through the years, functioning as a
Then came Luther and the Refonnation. At first it link between Conjurers separated by time and space. It is
~\-d to he a good thing for Magic. The power of the Catho- through the wTilings that mosl of them learn the basics of ri-
hc !;hurch "'as pushed back. \olore occult writings than ever tualistic Magic, and the sciences of Magic. Orders and socie-
were publl~h~d in Gemlan). England and France. Conjurers ties usually base their magical education on written texIS.
tnlvelkd all o\'cr the continent. meeting openl~. But this could Some of the texts are standard works. easy to get hold of.
nol he kept up for long without punishment. In the 1550's the Others are kepI secret, and exist only in single. or few copies.
Counter Refonnation began and with it the Thirt) Years' War. We describe a few of the more imponant texts of both kinds.
followed by witch hunts all over Europe. The Conjurers went We have concentrated on texts which provide genuine and
inlo hiding again. useful knowledge. Pure grimoires. spell books, have not been
listed. Arter the title and the name of the author is given the
In Ihe 18th centul')' Magic and science were separa- date of publication. the form of the manuscript or printing.
ted. Magic became a secret teaching, exiled to special socie· how easy it is to obtain. and the SOUfCe language of the text.
ties and orders. Pcople came to regard Magic as more of an
An than a scicnce, Druidic orders. Rosicrucians, Free M3S0ns
and other secret societies grew like mushrooms during the
IKth ccntUI). The occult orders led quiet. but fruitful. li...-es
The 'Bi6fe
until th~' late 19th cent\ll')'. Severol authors
First eel,tury AD, IIidely spread. Hebrew and old Greek.

The basis for Ihe entire Kabbalistic text analysis.

filled .... ith symbols and metaphors. which has put its stamp on
all later literature. lIere are hundreds of hidden names of
beings from beyond the illusion. The entire liebrev. and old
Greek originals are numerological codes. The Bible contains
descriptions of spells, leads to imponant e\enlS. prophecies
and descriptions of how to get through ponals to practically all
of the places beyond the Illusion.

'BooR '1 the 'Deaa (jl1osis
Editor E. A. Waffis BI/dge Theodor ,~fime.sis
Circa 3500 BC. In print Hierogl)phs translated 10 English Glasgow. 19/1. 400 printed copies. English.

Burial texts with instructions on how to cheat Death There are those who insist that the author ofthc book:
through complicated rituals. and pass through Inferno or Hea- is the same a\\akened man that is mentioned in ~lhe Rcwaled
,en without losing your memories. The descriptions can nol be City~, a text from circa AD 130. lIuman Gnosi ... is an epical
used as written, there are some serious faults in the text, which poem of the wanderings of a group or escaped sla\es across.
must be remedied first. But the Book of the Dead is still the the A rrican continent, rrom southern Sudan to the mouth of the
most thorough text on how to conquer Death. Some spells can Congo. They begin their wanderings at the cnd or the 19th cen-
be read from the hieroglyphk texts of Budge. among them an tury and then mo\<e "est in space and backwards ip time, to fi-
effcctive spell showing how to open a gate to Infemo, a spell nally reach the sea at the moment when the Demjurge clUtcd
for detaching )'OlJt spirit from )oOtlr bod~. and another spell for the world from the being of Malkuth. During lhci~ walXkrjngs
the summoning of "'eferkenes. the beautiful tomlcntor spirits. they hold a discussion on human know-ledge abovt the world
reminiscent of Nepharilcs, that were connected 10 the ancient beyond the illusions. about the shape of time and
Egyptian ritual. space, and about the abilities or Magic to shatter
the world. The book ends when the leader of
the sla\es casts himselr into the as yet uncrea-
ted sea, to be swallowed b)' Achl)s.
1bc book contains leads on how to
rormulale practically all of the
spells in the Lore of Time and
Li be r 'Ferreus
(The Iron Bool..)

'f/hamuiul' llre,llm
rThe 'Awakened
I ubed /57} .f hrmtJreJcopier La/in and Gaman

Thi$ i'l a handbook of ritualistic \Iagic in the !arm

of a !;on\~nalivn bl!t.... cen the author and someone called Lu·
Mllus \lagnu,. said 10 Ix- an im:amale of Astaroth. Here is a
number of complicated spells of Death \0 be found. but also a All Conjurers seck the Awakening. \10st of them are
long (('nhoNlion about the divinity of man. that b unique in nol aware of this, but deep inside they are searching for their
its richnc~ of detail and orennes.-;.. The book .... as printed in an di\<inity in a magical \\ay. The ability of Magic to shatter and
edilion uf a couple of hundred, of \\.hich appro>;imatel)' half manipulate the Illusion makes it possible to help the Conjurer
ha\c suni\ed. Some oflhe copies ha\c 66 names and a sign allain A.... akening. The Lores of Magic and occult sciences
.... rittcn h) hand on the inside of the covcr. The names and the provide an understanding makin g it possible to easily usc
,igo can be u:.ed to Slimmon A~tnrolh in the guise of Lunalius. practical exercises like meditation. asceticism. sexual exer·
cises and e'l:Ulcy in order to influence the mental balance. Ilere
we desc ribe Ihe most common methods of influencing mental
-To 'ltyoka0!ytein PoUs balance, and ho .... they arc strengthened by magical ski lls.
( I he ReI caled Cit)') (onjurers that arc consciously seeking the Awakening ollen
learn skills like meditation or asceticism.
,luri1or lI"knO\~"
("ell Af) LUI 1i(J.t plINishtd in -lOa copies in the 181h ce/l-
rUl}_ Old Grt'>.'! lind Armneic_

This i~ a detai led description of different kinds of rio

lual to open gates to \I etf(lpol i~, \\ ith descriptions of the Cit)
(If the De.Id .•lnd the name of an a\\akened,""OO is said to reo The traditional methods of rnising your mental ba·
Ilk there. Theofilus Memotb. According to the text, .... hich is
lance are through asceticism and meditation. The Conjurer Ii·
probably .... rinen in prtSent Lebanon, Theolilus had plans to berates him~lf from his body and his desires. A third. slightly
open a pennanent ponal from the City of the Dead in order to more unusual method. invohes tantric meditation: se:>ouai
let th\· lo~t souh of Metropolis into our realit). The text des· exercises aiming to .... ards hannony and the extinguishing of
crib.:s him as a psychotic 3\\akened, possessed by the idea of agg~ion.
de lh He .... anh!d to revoke his own immonality in order 10 at·
m etcmal 1l.'St., and therefore tried to force the Oemiurge to All three techniques can be used to erase diS3(han·
Impri-.on him in OUT reality. tages. and in gelling new advantages. Each month that is sue·
cess fully used for meditation. asceticism or rantrie meditation
the Conjurer can deduct one point from his disadvantages or
add one point to his advantages. The Gamemaster and the
pla}er together de<:ide which ad\antages and disad\'antage~
that are influenced. Only one technique may be used al the
time. lind the exercise will occupy all of the time of the Conju.
Illthor IIl/knOll'1/
rer during th is time. A ll three of the techniques arc skills
t hJie(/\ol manuscript Relatil'c/Y well spread. sometimes in controlled by Ego, and they are leaml in the usual fashion.
print Lutin alld Frt>llCh
It is more difficult to influence your mental balance
In spite of Ihe title in Hebrew, The Key of King Sa· the higher it is. The table below shows the effect nceded to
lomo i~ not an old Jewish text. It was written in the Middle
succeed at various le\'els of mental balance.
\ge~. probably in Fraoce or Ilaly. The unknown author falsely
a~".:rted that he had gotten the text from King Salomo. the
Knoy, ledge of Magic can be used to make Ihe exer·
<;(lurel.' of all \\ isdom. in order to ghe it air of authenticity and cise~ more effe<:ti\e. Each score abo .. e 20 in any Lore of
an,i ... nt wisdom. This does not detract from the usefulness of Magic, or in an)' of the occult sciences .... ill gi\e the Conjurer
the 0001.. The Key of Salomo is a standard .... ork used b)
+ I to the effe<:t of meditation, asceticism and tantric medita·
Conjur"", throughout the Renaissance and later ages. 11 is a tion, Each score abo\e 30 will give the Conjurer +2. and
dc'>Cription or spells for prote<:tive pentagrams, summonings.
scores abo\e 40 will ghe +3.
banishing:.. and the basics for creating your own spells. A
number of beings and en tities from beyond the illusion are It is not possible to influence the mental balance
also named, together with sigils and signs that can be above +250 throu gh esoteric te<:hniqucs. From here on the
used 10 summon and bind them . The most struggle y,ith the dark shadow takes over. controlling the
common edition is a translation into English
Conjurer's continued path toy,anis Awakening.
by MacGregor Mathers.
Mr ...T\1. KALA "'CF. EnT.CT
0·25 I
26·50 to
51·75 20
76·125 25
126·250 30

'Meditation 'Raised Sensitivity to Shock
Ability: Ego

A series of originally Indian techniques. aiming to giw loud Conjurers \\ith a nega[i\e balance are rarel) a .... are
control over body and mind_ Various breathing e'(ercises, yoga of .... hat the) are dOing. but they are still more or les~ s)stema-
positions, mantras and other techniques used (0 emply the ticall} working to lower their menial balance. This is some-
consciousness in order to release body and mind from each times accomplished by making themselves more sensiti\-e 10
other are included. A meditating individual will not be influen- shocking e\perienees. and placing themselves in situation5
ced by e:-:tcmal disturbances. .... here they will be shocked.

A Conjurer ",ilh a 10.... mental balance is more sensi·

'Asceticism ti\-e to shock Ihe higher his kno .... ledge of Magic is. Each skill
Ability: Ego score abo\'e 20 in a Lore of Magic will add + I to his terror
thro .... s. Each skill score above 30 adds +2, and each score
Asceticism is found in all esoteric tradilions. It is a morc direct above 40 adds +3. Below -250 all modifications ccasc. The
method oflclling go oflhe Ii)(ulion to body and soul. The asce- struggle \\ith the Conjurer's light shado\\ now takes over the
ticis! eats very sparingly, sometimes not at all. will subject attention of the Conjurer.
himself to cold and heat, humidity and dehydration. This will
help him tum inwards, forgetting the world. A skilled Conjurer \\ ith a negativc balance is running
a much greater risk of receiving ph}sical change~ and getting
ne\\ di~ ... an[ages. The table belO\\ will show 'iOme rea~ms
rTantric 'Meditation for terror throws that are appropriate for Conjurer.>. 'Jote that
Ability: Ego they can also be used ror Conjurer.! with a positive mental ba-
lancc. butlhe risk orbeing influenced is of course much k<;~.
RilUalized intercourse aiming to shut oneself ofT from the outer
world, providing a sense of harmony and release from
conflicts. Tanttic meditation requires a partner also with the EXPlR1E'CE MODIFICATIO'
skill. The higher th(' mental balance or the practitioners. th(' Temporarily influence the mind or someone -5
less charged is their lo~emaking. This is the least introspccti\e Temporarily tw.-istlhe body of someone _;
orthc techniques orthe light path. Pennanently inflU('nce the mind ohomeone 5
Pennanently t.... islthe bod) of som~ 5
Influence your own mind =:0
T.... isl your o .... n body ,0
Human sacrifice -10
Shalter the illusions :0
Raise dead +5
Conjurers with a negati~e mental balance seldom T.... istlimeandSpace -5
strive as consciously towards A",3kening. It is in the nature of
darkness not [0 seek systematically ror self-fulfilment. The
dark Conjurers often use their energies in order to find p()\\.er
and release for their instincts and urges. As a side effect their
mental balance will continue to drop. But they are rarely stri-

(jenera( sye(fs
ving actively for this.

In spite or [his there are methods purposed to lo",er

the menial balance. ecstatic techniques used to release inhibi-
tions and le[ desires run rree. Ecstasy is a skill wilh Ego as the
controlling ability. It is taught in \arious ronns in some sects
and religions. A Conjurer spending a month in extacy can add A number or spells exbt in somc fonn in all of the
one point 10 his disadvantages or deduci one point from his ad- Lores or Magic. We ha ...e gathered them in one place instead of
vantages. This .... orks exactly like the techniques ror the Light repealing them in each of the Lores. Summonings, bindings.
Path above; a 10.... mental balance requires a higher effect. and banishings, and exorcisms of different entitic!> are such general
the effect is modified by skills of Magic. The mental balance spells. Thc rituals are a lillie different bct .... cen the different
can not be innuenced in [his .... ay ifi! is belo,\. -250. Lom. but we are giving the basics which ate common 10 aiL

Each Lore or Magic has its own beings thai can be

summoned. A Conjurer or Death can not summon .beJngs of
Passion, and a Conjurer of Madncss does not k~ the names.
Orthe Princes orthe Dream..... hich means that he fan not
The practitioner gets into a state or joyous rage and sexual mon them. In the table below, IOU ",ill find whlc"
arousal that he can nol control. '-Ie stops relating to the people related 10 each of the Lores. In order to summon all of the po;
around him, doing whatever he reels like, without thinking wers beyond the Illusion you must have kno .... -
about the consequences. The ecslasy is best achieved through ledge of all of the Lores or Magie. The summo-
the usc or drugs and wild dancing. [I is a collective technique. ning spell must be leamed five times, once for
You rarely enter imo ecstasy on your own. each Lore.

U\ing god is a sIX't:ial spell. [t is one of the most
diflicult ~pclls in existe-nce-. a method where the Conjurer tem- Protective Pentaaram
porari[)' rcgains some of his own divinity b) cloaking himself
in the lonn of a named god, As a living god the Conjurer has This is a prolective spell routinely used in all spcll-
access lor a short time to all of the lesser spells in a specific casting. It summons the name of the Demiurge and the power
Lore of Ma~ic. He wcar; tnc g.uise of a god Ihal fits Ihe Lore of Ihe illusion to keep beings awa)' ..... hieh hn~e no right to
of Magic he is \\orking in, Somc suitable god~ arc mentioned sho ..... up in our reality. There is a note in each spell description
'" ith the spell. if a stronger protection is needed. A prolecli\e pentagram pre-
vents all enemy powers from interfering ..... ith the work of the
'lwo of the spells arc really general. lhe) need only Conjurer. The spell docs nOI require any skill throw if it is a
he learned on..:e, and C;ln be used with cadI of the lorI'S. part of another spell. A protective pentagram can also be used
~sc are Protectivc pentagram and Con'it-'Crate Temple. Pro- on its o ..... n in order to keep alien entities away. for example
tective- pentagrams are used routincly with practically every when the Conjurer is deep in meditation.
spell. as a protection 3{t,ainst enemy fon:e-s, Con5e\:ratc Temple
IS a special spell on1) used whcn the Conjurer is consecrating Skill score: 3
a new Temple. Lon oftndurance: 10
Tools of Magic : None. possibly the sv.ord or the ..... and
The table below notes which powe~ can be summo- Time to cast: 1 minute
Md, banished. exorcised, and oound in each of the lares. The Duration : 1 hour, or as longns it takes to east another spell
effect needed to succeed is also noted. [go-thro", to resist; Yes
I'reparations : None
['Tin In\'oclltion lind gesfures : The Conjurer makes the sign of the
ne Lore oflhe Dream cross. saying ~A teh Malkuth, ve-Geburah, \e-Geburah. le-
Dream wanderer 'me Ego of the wanderer -20 Olahm, Amen". He then turns towards the east. makes the sign
khT) rian 5 of a pentagram beginning with the lower left comer. at the
Ps)phagu' 10 same time uttering IAHVE. lie turns towards the south, dra ..... ~
The Lore of Madness another pentagram saying AD01".Al. Then towards the west,
dra ..... s a pentagram saying EIIE1EH. At last he turns towards
5 the north. draws a pentagram saying AGLA. He reaches out
licltlr 5 "ith his arms forming a cross, sa) ing: "In front of me Ra-
Amentoflil 10 phael. behind me Gabriel. on my righl side \1iehae1. on m)
('wrath 15 left side- Auriel, surrounding me is the fire of the pentagram."
ne Lore of Passion Visualization: The four pentagrams are visualized as burning
Darthea 5 lines in the air, When the spell stans to \\ork Ihe Conjurer is
Gynachid 10 momentarily surrounded by burning fires.
liblth 10
TIle Lore of Death
C011Secmte 'T'emyfe
The spell is used for consecrating temples Ihat will
Raztde 10 be lbed for worb of Magic. It contains more powerful protec-
epharih: 15 ti\e elements than Protecti\e pentagram to give the Temple a
Angeillf Death 20 more permanent protection against enemy po ..... ers. The conse-
Incanlate of Astaroth 25 cration of the Temple is in principle Ihe same for each lore of
The- Lore of time and s pace
Lictor ,, Magic, but the attributes may change SOmev.h31.

, Skill sco~: 5
loss of en dura nee 40
Tools or J\lagic : All oflhem
Aetat 10 Time to cast: 7 hours
Aspcctu~ 10 Duration : Permanent
Asghoul 10 Ego-throw to resist: No
1 he gods of \Ietropolis 15 Preparations: Before the conSl..'Cration the Temple must be
Archon 20 sanctified and cleansed. This is described in "The Magical Ri-
tual", Before the consecration four censers are lit containing
musk. m)'fm. camphor. and ambergris in each of the four car-
dinal points, A lamp with a clearly burning flame \vil1 banish
all shadow~ from the Temple. A cabbalistic tau-cross is drawn
on the floor, and in the ten squares the Conjurer ..... rite~ the
names of the ten scliroths (the Archons). To the len of the
cross a nine-pointed star is drawn. where the names of AsUl-
roth. Shail3n. and Belial are writtcn. To the right of the eross a
triangle is drawn and the names of Adonai. Jah .. e. Sebaoth.
and Tetragrammaton arc written here. Around the perimeter of
the Magic Circle are drawn Ihe signs of the zodiac, and around
the inside are drawn the nine planetary symbols. The Conjurer
cremes a protecti~e pentagram and then startS to meditatc. sit-
ting in the middle of the Temple. surrounded by the incensc.
and the \.\iannth from the lamp.

Invocation and gestures: When the Conjurer is totally calm Visualization: For each power that is going \0 be banished a
and can feci how his being is stretched OUI to encompass the pentagram is visualized in the air. The Conjurer sees Ihe \·a-
Temple he gets up and takes his wand in hand. He turns to rious powers as light or dark shadows disappearing one after
each of the points of the compass, draws four pentagrams in the other, as he shuts them Oul from the Temple. When the
the air och shuts out the powers of the air, the earth, fire and consecration is finished the whole Temple is lit and no sha-
water from the Temple. Then he walks clockwise around the dows remain.
Circle and in tum shuts out the influences of the planets, which
are the forces of the inner world. The Conjurer then walks
counterclockwise and in turn shuts out all of the influences of Summon Power
the zodiac, which arc the forces or the outside world. He then
stands in the middle of the Temple and summons, with raised The Conjurer can summon beings and~owers from
wand, all those godlike powers he is bound to. Then he conti- beyond the Illusion, or invisible beings existing i our· reality.
nues with the names of the sefiroths in the T-cross, and shuts The greater the power of the entity, the more di lCUlt it is to
them out from the Temple. Finally he commands Astaroth not summon. In the table of the various powers we haVe noted the
to disturb the works of Magic, and in the name of the De- effect needed to succeed. The Conjurer must knowl
miurge he commands all outer powers to respect the bounda- the name of the being, or know what it looks
ries of the Temple. like, in order to visualize it. Angels of Death
and Archons can be summoned in Ihe fonn Qf
When Ihis is done the Conjurer in turn takes the five tools and lncarnates. Their true bodies in in-
pronounce them as holy implements in his works of Magic. He ferno or Metropolis are not tou-
walks three times counterclockwise around the Temple and de- ched by the summoning. The
clare it to be consecrated in his own name and in the power of same is true for summonings of
the Demiurge over the Illusion. ASlarOlh.
Skill score: 10 Skillscore: 12
Loss of endurance: 40 Loss ofentlurance: 40
Tools of\1agie : The wand Tools of Magic: The wand. the cup and the crown.
Time 10 cas! 7 hours Time to eas t : 50 minutes
Duration: - Duration: 7 days
Preparations DUring Ihe ~evcn hours when the ritual is Preparations: The Conjurer takes a thighbone from a human
being prepared and performed the Conjun.:r may neither eat or some other large animal. On the bone he II rites the name of
nor drink anything. He paints nine pentagrams in the Circle in the being he wishes to bind. The bone will shatter when the
the Temple, weaved together in order to give each other more binding is broken. lie places the bone on Ihe altar and draws
pov.er to protect against the beings to be summoned. The pen- nine interconne<:ted pentagrams in Ihe Circle, in Ihe same way
tag.l"llm~ ;Ire paintcd v.ith coal and chalk. pulverized bone and as when a being is summoned. lie drops a small amount of
the hlood of the Conjurer himself. The Circle i, ~Irenglhened mercury in Ihe cup, raises Ihe prepared bone. and pronounces
v. ilh ~cven candles. Outsidc the Circle a Iriple Iriangle is seven of tile names ofllle Demiurge. Then he lets a few drops
dra\~n .. \Iong the sides of Ihe Iriangle he \\fites the words TE- of mercury fall on the bone. He raises the wand and says that
TRAGRA\1MAlON. ADONAI and SFBAOTH. The name of the being is bound as his servant, and is forced to obey and
the sumrnont:d creature is written inside Ihe triangle. The gi ... e answers.
Conjurer sits in the Circle and meditates during the hours just Visualization: The Conjurer sees a \~eave of darkness for-
hefore the actual ritual, \\hich takes appro'limately 30 mi· ming around Ihe being thaI is being bound. When the spell
nutes. takes effect the being is stuck in the net.
In\'ocatiOIl and gestures: The Conjurer summons the entities
by name and swears by the powers ruling the world, the hea-
\cns and hell. III.' raises the \\and holding il in both hands. and 'Banisl1 Power
drav.~ a pentagram in the air. at the same lime shouting the
name of the being. He I-'.alks once count('rclockl-'.ise within the The Conjurer can banish a power from beyond the
Cirele. steps inlO each of the nine (X'ntagrams one by one. and illusion. This can be an) emity he himself has summoned, any
requests that each of Ihe elements. the spirits of the departed. freely I-'. andering being. or somelhing summoned by another
the powers of Death. the Princes of Madness. the sen·ants of Conjurer. If the Conjurer is going to usc his own Temple he
the Dream. the house of thc zodiac, Ihe powers of Ihe planets. must stan b) binding the enlity in a Magic triangle outside the
the servants of Astaroth, and those that are bound by the name Circle of the Temple. This is generally only possible if the
of (he Demiurge. do not disturb the ritual. He stops in fronl of Conjurer himself has summoned the being, which means thaI
the altar. raises the wand. calls out the name of the summoned it is already bound in the triangle. or ifhe has managed to bind
being one last time. and Ihen commands it to appear. it and ordered it to stand in the triangle. In all other instances.
Visualization : The being is gradually visualized. at first in when Ihe being can not be bound in the Iriangle. the Conjurer
the ~hapc of an amorphous lump. then more detailed unlil il only has half his skill score for Ihe spell. because he can nOI
slep~ out in physical form in the triangle. use his Temple. The being makes an Ego throw to resist. If the
throw is higher than the elTect ofthc spell the attempt has fai-
'Bina Power
Skill score: 13
The Conjurer can bind a being or power from Loss or endurance: 20
beyond the Illusion, and force it to obey him for seven days Tools of Magic : The sword
and nights. The Conjurer must not neccessaril) be the one who Time 10 east: 12 minutes
summoned the being. He can bind any being thaI has entered )'rel)arations : Five candles are lit in a pentagram inside the
our I-'.orld on its own. He can not bind a being Ihat is already Circle. The name of Ihe being is written on a pie<:e of bone or
bound by another Conjurer. These may only be banished (see wood.
below). In"'ocatl0n and gestures: The Conjurer speaks to the being
and names it. He raises the sword with his righl hand, and in
The being always resists being bound. The Conjurer his left he holds the pie<:e of bone or wood. This he slowly
must gel an effect for the spell that is better than the Ego puts on the ground in the middle of the pentagram. He calls
throw for the being. Otherwise the being is free to do what it the Demiurge by his seven names and requests that the being
wants. The Conjurer can only bind beings that are connecled shall depart, to leave this world and return 10 Ihe place where
to his own Lore of Magic. it originated. Then he cuts the pie<:e of bone I-'. ith the sword.
Visualuation : The being is visibly shaking when Ihe bone is
crushed. Its contours are dissolving, nowing, and fading away.

The Conjurer can banish a demon or entity from
beyond the Illusion. who has possessed a human being, a place
or an object. The entity can resist the spell with an Ego-throw,
which must be lower than the Conjurers throw for etTe<:t, if
the exoreism is to be successful. This spell is used to banish
the spirit of a dead person. or a purgatide thaI has possessed a
living being. If an entire place is possessed by an emity the
Conjurer can consecrale Ihe place as a Temple in order to get
his full skill score for the spell.

Skill Jcon; 14 Inl ocation and gestures' A hymn or text of jubilation descri-
Lo" or endura n c~: 60 bing the god as exactly as possible, to let the Conjurer identif}
Tools or Mallic : The sword himself with it. This can be in the lorm of a cultic drama,
Time to 1.'851 : 3 days \\-here th e Conjurer plays the part of the god, or a praising
Prellanlions : A symmetrical penlagram is painted with silver hymn repeated o ..er and over. The Conjurer is gmdualty adop-
paint on the breast of the victim. Inside of this the Conjurer ting more and more of the body language of the god, as the
writes the names of the ten Archons. A Tau-cross is painted on spell is progressing. When he feels that the power of the god is
the forehead of the victim. and surrounding this he writes the flowing into him. filling him up, he pronounces a final invoca-
words "Tetra", "Gramma", "Ton", preferably with Hebrew cha- tion, where he identifies himself .... it h the god. "I am Sct. the
racters. If a place or an objecl is possessed the signs are drawn Lord of storm and the right king of thc dcad. My hands are
on the ground. or surrounding the object. Incense is burned to drenched in the blood of Osiris. , am he \\ ho wanders in the
cleanse the location, and seven white candles are Iii inside a desen ... ~ And so 011.
white penlagram on the floor. In some C3.S($ a cross or a star of Visualization : A gradual, e...ennore precise picture of the god
David is Illso drawn abo ... e the body ofme possessed. is fonned. at first only in the mind of the Conjurer, then in hb
InH.K:lltion and gestures: The Conjurer calls to the possessing image of himself, umil he finally sees the ~od \\-hen he looks at
entity b) ilIlme and, in Ihe name of the Dcmiurge and the len himself.
Archons, requests it to depart this reality and return 10 its place
of origin. The Conjurer summons th e powers of the under-
world and commands them to return their servant. This is done Some Gods linked to variollS Lores of l\Iagic
Ihroughoulthe casting of the spell. During ailihis time he may
neither eat. drink IlQr sleep. Adonis: Passion
Visualil.alion : The Conjurer visualizes the possessing entit) Afrodile . Passion
as resting in the bod} of the possessed. He sees ho" the being Ares: Death. Passion
takes shape and allo\\5 it to be gradually dra" n out of the Athena: Time and Space
bod~·. DiOll)'~ . Madness. Passion
I lades : Death
Hel : Death
Livi!18 (jOd Hennes: All of the Lores together
Hypnos : The Dream
A taste of the Awakening. All spells contain an ele- Indra : Death, Madness
ment of divinity. The Conjurer takes on a divine fonn and uses Ishtar : Death. Passion
a littlc of his innate divi ne po"cr in order to cast thc spell. li- Isis: Passion
ving god i~ a spell that for a short \\hile re~tores a lllrge part of Kali : Madncss, Death
the innate powers of the Conjurer. Odin: Time and Space
Osiris: Death. Passion
For three days he can use all spells of Lore rating 20 Pan : \1adness
or lower. as if they \\-ere ordinary skills ralher than spells. They Shi .. a : \ladTlCSs. Passion, Time and Spa.:.:
still need successful skill thro\\s and a ccnain effect if an en- Set: Death
lity is to be bound in any way. But the Conjurer does not need Sin: Time and Space
a Temple. no tools or symbols to cast spells. Each spell takes a Tammuz.: Passion
tenth of its regular time to cast. and only demand a tenth of the Thoth : Time and Space
cost in endurJnc\!. Tiamat : Madness. Time and Space

As a living god the Conjurer takes thc form of a

named god re lmed to the Lore of Magic that he is proficient in.
III,' "borro"s" character traits from the god in order to find a
shape for his own di\'ine powers. The ritual means that the
Conjurl!r dc facto becomes one with the god for a shon "hile.
His personality is influenced for the duration of the spell from
melding with for example Pan or Ishtar.

A Conjurer with a skill score of 60 or higher in se.. e-

ral Lores of Magic can take on thc shape of a god connected to
mOrl! than one Lore.

Skit! scorc : 60
Loss ohndun~"ce : 80
Tools or Magic : The wand and the cup
Time to ellSt : 7 days
I)UrJtion : 3 days
Preparation~ : The Conjurer wears garb bearing the insignias
of the god. In order to visualize Astaroth. he dresses in black.
and puts a blac\" egg on the allar. representing the dead sun. As
Ilareh-Serap. he "ears a bloodstained battle unifonn.
A pentagram is painted in the Circle of Milgic using the blood
of the Conjurer. The names of each of the five parts of the
human soul is written in each of the points of the star. then the
name of the god Ihal is being cal lcd.

into cvents y,ere he is forced to playa greater role than he
would ha\c dcsired. Under the surface he's searching for an
Ay,akening as intcnsi\'e1y as any other Conjurer. He's chosen
his path out of his interest for Magic and the occult, even if he
doesn't admit it. lIis mental balance is most often in the nega-
'The Cynica( Occu(tist Penonaliey . A cynic who doesn't trust anyone, and sees the
y,orld as a ,ery un-heroic balliefieid. Humanity is rotten. He is
rotten, and he's nOi going to do anything about it. You can't
ha\e too much hope in anything, that y,ay you'lIne\er be di-
sarpoint~ or make a silly spectacle of yourse lf.
Disad, antages : Curse, Death wish, Depression, Drug addict,
Egotist, lIabitual liar, Mental constriction, Reckless gambler,
Touch)', \\"anted
,\d' anlages : Body ay,areness, Chivalry, Code of honour,
Cultural flexibility, Intuition, Luck
Dark Secrets: Curse, Forbidden knowledge, Guilty of crime.
Occult expericnces. Pact with dark powers
Profession: Unemployed. Criminal, Investigator, Policeman,
Lh'ing StAndard : 2-5
Skills: Lores of Magic and spells, Alchemy, Astrology, Kab-
bala. Drive car, Gambling, Handgun. Hide, Infonnation retrie-
val Man of the y,orld, Modem languages, Numerology, Occul-
tism, Search, Sneak, Tarot, Unanned combat

'T'he Witch

"If I belitve in demons? What do you want me to say?

I've seen some pretty strange things, but I Mn 't know if
I should call them demons. There is mOrt out there than
ptoplt believe, but that is bardly any reason to get reli-
glOt,. You Jhouldn't believe tbat you're getting closer to
/lfJd, just. because you can (all up some twisted sods out
ofthe mists ofthe underworld. "
This is a Conjurer who will jeer at his OW" abitity.
The c)nic \\ ill not admit to himself that he is searching for di-
..-inity and awareness. That son of thinking doesn't fit his
view of the "orld as a rOllen place where
hungry beasts are ripping out the guts of each
other in order \0 survive. He sees Magic as s0-
mething he's gotten into be·
cause of unhappy cir-
cumstances. He does
\\ hat he must, but not
because of some higher
purposes or noble ideals. So-
metimes he even doubts his
"Miriam cried and said that they hod taken her chil-
abilities. He is often pulled dren. She was going to commit suicide. We tried to talk
to her, but she refused to listen, and the next day we
were told that she was dead from an O'IJerdose of MI-
lium. \\'-'eo gathered that night on the field outside the old
filctory. It was the night ofthe full moon. we painted a
Circle in the grass. we summoned Pan and cried for re-
venge. The moon was darkened and 0 cold wind blew
O'IJer the fields. The next morning one of the social wel-
fore secretaries was found dead in hi! bed, bloody ond
torn by sharp claws and teeth. "
The witch is a female Conjurer who has formed a
pact with Astaroth or Malkuth. She may ha\e sold her firstborn
or her o\\n soul. The traditional witch \\as a degraded outcast.
who took her revenge through Magic. Owr the last 20 )'ears a
new generation has appeared. women resembling new agers
believing in positive vibrations. But a real witch is still gening
her po\\er from feelings of re\'enge and anger. She is outside
community and is taking her revenge for everyone \\ho is an
outcast like herself. Witches wilh a positive mental balance are
less \engeful, but are still rebels. Modem witches ha\e often
adopted a feminist \\orld view.

A co\en consiSlS of collaborating witches \\ith a com-

mon p3CI \\ith tile same power. fOf example AstarOth in the aspect
of Pan. 1ne oo\en often has 13 members. It lacks a leader and any
fOlmal struclure. Witches tend to study the Lore of Passion.

Personality : Shc's an outsider fueled by anger and sadness.

There is often some son of traumatic event in her childhood,
which has bred a burning hatred against patriarchal J'O\\cr. or
against Ihe falsily in the game belween men and women.
Disaduntagcs ; Bad TUmour, Egotist, \1aimed, Oath of re-
H!nge, Sexual neurosis
Ad\anlages : Animal friendship. Body a\\arencss. Code ofho-
!lOur, Empathy, Intuition. Si"th sense
Dark Secrets: Curse, Family secret. Forbidden kno\\ledge. Penonalit) ; A young innocent vie\\ing e .. erything:c; a
Pact with dark po\\ers. Victim of crime Magic is just an entertaining pastime, tho: odd ~kill '.'~' ,.,~
Proression . Abortionist (in countries where abortion is ille- happened to ha\e acquired. There are more importantthinl$
gal), Acupuncturist. Seller of natural medicine, Naprapath. life.
Fonunc teller Disadnnlages : Curse. Haunted. Mental con;'lriclion. ~ight~
Living Standard: 3-6 mares, Unwilling medium
Skills : Lores or Magic and spells, Academic skill: medicine, Advantages: Altruism, Animal friendship, Artistic lalenl,
Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbala, Dancing, First aid, Fonune tel- pathy, Enhanced awareness. Forgi\'ing. Honest). Intuition
ling, Net of contacts: witches, Occultism. Poisons and drugs. Luck.
Seduction, Tarot Dark SHrelS : Curse, Family secret, Occult experience, Su-
pernatural experience.
Profession : Schoolchild or student
'T'fie rNatura{ 'T'aCent Lhing SllIndard : Varies
Skills: Lores of Magic and spells, \arious other skilh
"In the beginning it was just 0 lot offun. J drew little
squiggles on the floor, ond suddenly a window would
open in the oir: I was able to look out onto a mined ci-
'T'fie %U1'Otic SexmaBe
tyscape, like those pictures you see from the second "RemO'lJe your blouse, so I can get a good look at you.
world war: Then J discO'lJered how to mllke little doors think YOIl htlVe II talent for this. I can tell from your vi-
that I could step through. And suddenly I was in the brations. You're letting the et1ergies flow fresly b~tttJeen
middle ofthe nlins. " the chakras. Don't be shy, it's natural to get horny, it's
The natural talent has been gifted from binh with a the nah/rol state of the body. Lust powers tfJe mdgiCtU
magical intuition, and out of pure chance. for example thTOl.lgh energies. Do you feel how the forus are go-
books in the library of the parents. he has managed to learn a thering in your breasts when I touch
few spells. But he's in total ignorance of everything occult. The them.?"
natural talent is young and innocent. lie's not aware of the uni-
queness in having a magical talent. and looks upon the whole There are mages of Pas-
thing as a kind of game. He's an easy target for older Conjurers sion who arc not interested in any
and external forces Irying to usc his abilities. The natural talent insights or occult knowledge.
usually has a positive mental balance. but are attracted 10 Magic in

order to sed. relea~e for their n.:urotic ~exuality. Such sex Lhing Standard . 3-6
mages arc s<!ldom interested in an~ other \Iagic than the lore Skills I.ore of Passion with spells, \1an of the v.orld, Medita-
of P.::t~~illn. The)' are not concerned v. ith the occult science<; or tion: ttlntric, r>.et of contacts: the sex industry, Occultism, Se-
the ,ha~ cof reality. The:- are full) engaged in in\cstigating duction.
t~ir ov.n ~'l:ualjty. The neurotic sc'l:mage often hOb a distur-
bo:f.I ~e'(ualit). He uw~ \lagic as a mean~ of experimenting
"'ith the ho<j~, jUlU to test the limils of his sexuality. lie is rfl1e 'Jfew 'JtBer
conllnonl~ cngagcd \~ith tantrie mcditation. a school ofmedi-
t.1tion ba~-d on diO'crent o.cxual positions.

"You're not opening lip. Thats why you're not Jeeling

anything. Relax alld feel how the force is flowing
Penonalit)' The mage has a totally sexualized view of him-
self and the world. Other people exist onl) as potential sex
through the crystal and into your hand. Can you Jeel
panners. All human intercourse led ullimatel) to intercourse. how it prickles and gets wanner? It 's your mental ener-
Diudufttages Bad rumour, Death wish. Depression. Drug gies that are heing channeled. Don't think ahout any-
addict. Manic-depressive. \iental compulsion, Mental thing. Just let your mind reach out for the origin, the
constriction. :-.iightmares, Sexual neurosis power in your soul The world around you is foil ofspi-
Adualages Body av.areness, Cultural flexibility, EmpathY,
rituality, and is responding to your unconscious at-
Dark Secrets Family secret, Guilty of crime. Insanity, Vic- tempts to attain harmony with it. Try to visua/iu the
tim of crime soul of the world, try to merge with it. Sense how you
Proreuion Anist, Pornographic model, Pornographic photo- can read the thoughts ofthe flowers. "
grapher, Prostitute, Writer
The new !lger has secn that we are soon going to
enter the Age of Aquarius. Healing and astrology are the
means of the future. Through spiritual excersise it is possible
to strengthen thc forces of good in the world, and prc\ent \\ar
and othcr disastcrs. If we can just recognize our forgotten parts
and admit our ties to the living, conscious earth, wc can
achieve something heretofore unknown in the history of hu-
manity. The new ager is part of an international movement,
and is happy to meet those of like mind through seminars and

" ('rsonalily: A seeker. con"inced that truth can be found .... i· The rebel is rebelling against the traditions of ".Iagic.
thin every human being. and that .... 1,' all are part of a larger, The traditions are nothing but ballast blocking creath it)'. A
cosmic consciousness. true mage starts with himself and invents his o ..... n tradi tion.
l)jsad\'a ntages : Fanaticism. Intolerance, Mental constriction. The rebel has usually had a traditional schooling in Magic with
Paranoia. Phobia. Un .... illing medium a master. or else he wouldn't ha\e had a basis on which to
'\lh a ntages : Body awareness. Empath). Enhanced a .... are· build his o .... n. personal s)slem. He doesn't see it that way.
ness, Intuition though. lie thinks thai e\eryone should get rid of the tradition"
Oark Secrets: Occult experiences, Possessed and haunled. and create freely. In spite of this he is a part of the occult com-
Supernatural experiences munity. 1-11' knows both a lot of Conjurers and a number of oc·
Profession : Labourer. lIealer. Al1ist, Consuhanl. Pal1time far· cultists. lie is looked upon as a troublemaker by e~cryolle. IIe
mer. Therapist is oftcn Icading thc life of the vagabond. looking for ~upport
Lhin g Standard : 3·6 for his ideas in this place and that, taking 00' a~ S(1on a~ he
Skills: Lores of Magic and spells. Astrology. Kabbala. Com· feels shackled.
puters, Fortune telling. lIypnosis, Martial arts: kendo or ju·
JUtsu. Modem languages. r-.:et of contacts: the ne .... age move· l'el'Sonaliry : A free·thinker and rebel trying to find his o .... n
ment. Occultism. Paraps)chology. Pictorial arts. Poisons and \\a) in c\ery situation. He runs away from all clo~c relation~
drugs. Rhetoric. Tarot. \\ rilten report. ships and refuses 10 become part of any largl.'f conte\b. \ Iost
of his lime is spent working on his own, brilliant ~)slem of
Io,. lagic, .... hich is soon going 10 amaze the world.
rhe 'ReGer Disadu nt ages : Bad TUmour, Habitual liar. \·lol1al cnemie~:
all the people he has let do .... n. Touchy
Adu ntages : Artistic talent. Enhanced a .... arcn..:ss. Intuition.
Luck.. Sixth sense
Oark Secrets: Famil)" secret. Forbidden kno .... lcdgc. Occult
expericllCes, Pact with dark po.... ers
I' roression : Astrologer. Writer, I-Iealer, Consultant. Rcntier
Li"ing Standa rd : 3·6
Skills: Lores of Magic and spells, Academic skills: humanistic
scholarship; theolo&), HisIOl), Philosoph), Ah.:hcm~ ...htro·
logy. "'abbala. Cl)ptograph>. Fortune lelling, \lan of the
world. Meditation. \lodern and dead languages, 'cl of
contaell>: Conjurers and occulli"I~. 'umerolu);,,\. O..:cultisrn.
Paraps>·cholog). Pictorial arb, Tarot, Writtcn I'Cpon.

rhe Satan WorShipy er

"It's a question about power and fretdom
provide the individual with an incredible fJ(}"",,,,.,l-
freedom. You just hdVe to take your due. you 'Vi
realized that the rules don't apply to you, you (an
practically anything. There are no limittlliom.
Devil is, (/J I see it, just a symbol for this jrcedom.
JXrdler to act without inhibitions...

A Conjurer has formed a pact \\ith .\staroth. rhe

Satan .... orshipper has a dual \\orld " iev.. where God i~ stan~
ding on one side. and the De~il on the other. He identifil.'" :\~.
laroth with the rebellion against God, a rebell ious attitude ac·
cepting all that which ordinarily is forbidden and suppres'icd.
including violence and sexual assault. The Satan \\or;hippcr b
often cultivating the ....orst kind of social darwini'iOl ·Powlo':r is
e\el)lhing. Tough luck jf )ou can't look out lor )uUN!If. $0-
ciety is SlJppressing our true. animalistie iTl!>tincl<; in an anifi ~
cial .... ay." A posithe mental balance is a \.er). rare ()(cuteocc
with a Satan .... orshippcr. The Lores of Death and Pa,\sioo nrc
"1 don't deny that there may be hidden nuggets in some
of the old texts. But, honestly speaking, is it worth the
usually favored by this group. t
trouble to sift through twenty volumes of ancient he~ Persona Iii) : A self·conscious attitude and a l;n1.c dose of
brew in order to find just one useful correspondence? contempt for .... eakness. Many Satan wor.;hippcrs
have a Passion for violence and militaristic at·
Ninety percent ofthe old stuffis rubbish, that's all Su· tributes. Most of them fit in surprisingly well
perstition and mumhojumbo. You have to start with in groups, particularl} in locked hie·
yourself alld find your own system, or else you get stuck rarchies.
without getting anywhere. "

DiS8d\llnt8ges Bad reputation, Death wish, Fanaticism,
Menwi con~triction, Greed, Intolerance, Touchy, Habitual liar,
Drog: addict. Sexual neurosis, Egotist "/ do not regret anything. Ask anyone in the church. J
Ad~'lIntllge~ : Animal friendship, Artistic talent, Bodya.... are-
htlVe worked like an anima/, day and night, JO that we
nc~~, COOl' of honour, Endure pain, Endure torture, Innuential
friends all (ouid look forward to a better life after this. I was
Dark secrets: Guilty of crime, Pact with dark powers, Victim called to lead this flock, and that is what J have dOIle.
nfcrime Ask allyone of the boys and girls. I have been like a fa-
Profession : Criminal, doctor, officer, policeman, guard ther to them. [ sincerely regret ifthere has bem any fi-
I.hing standard : 4-8 nancial irregularities, but that is nothing you call
St.ills l.ores of Magic and spells, Dodge, Hand-gun, Interro-
gation (torture), Martial art: commando training, Melee: Oag- blame on me. That's in any way a case for the audi-
gc'TS, \\-'hips and Chains, Modem and ancient languages, Net tors. "
of contacts Satan worshippers, Numerolog), Sneak, T\\o-
handed combat. We meet him in the headlines of the tabloids: the
sect leader who is sexoall) abusing his follo .... ers. swindles
their mone). and then rons off to Monaco, or. at worst, per-
suades them to commit suicide. The sect leader is the confi-
dence trickster of the Magic trade. There is no reason that he
may not be honestly seeking knowledge about Magic, bot that
search is ne\er as important as the need for riches and gratui-
lious sex. The sect leader has an amazing ability to attract
wilting teenage girls and people ready to tum over all their
.... orldly goods to him. He has a strong charisma and devotes
all his energy to the sect and his role as its leader. A good sect
leader is genuinely loved by his followers, often broken sods
looking ror a sympathctic father figure. He doesn't ha\e to be
a hardened criminal, quite often he reels that he is doing some-
thing vilal ror his followers, but he very rarely has a positive
mental balance. Female secl leaders radiate a strong feeling of
motherliness. These are looking more for power and control.
rathcr than sex and money.

Personaliry . A strong urge to be in the center. The sect leader
can't st3nd being questioned, and refuses to sh3re any of his "You have to avoid modern (on-artists and senJl1tiona-
po .... er. tie has a nymphomaniac streak. and is continually loo- lists. All the way from the hellenistic era thl! occult
king for new p31tners. When people mention that he is beha- SWIt has bun infected by any number of char/atans.
ving like 3 bast3rd, he doesn't underswnd wh3t they are talking For my part I'm staying with the Egyptian originals
about. lie never questions his own behaviour, but keeps ru- and early Jewish sources. There is always the hope that
shing forward towards new conquests. Jfthings run against
him. he may be caught by a megalomaniacal lust for destruc- one can find some authentic parts. Theil it's a question
tion. trying to pull as many as possible into death with him. ofeditions. Preferably one should o"ly retlt! the original
Oisad\lmtages : Bad rcpUlation, Death "ish. Monal enemies: texts, ofcourse. "
relati\ es of his followers. Fanaticism, Pamnoia, Greed, Wan-
ted: tax crimes, Habitual liar, Se."(ual neurosis, EgotisL Reck- This is the classic occultist. The traditionalist is
less gambler sClying close to thc sources and is searching out the \CI")" old~t
,\duntages : Animal friendship, Empathy, Influential friends, te)(ts, and the most original sources. lbe older and more au-
Intuition, Luck, Sixth sense thentic the better. He has a classical education with latin, an-
Dark secrets : Forbidden kno\\ledge, Guilty of crime, Insa- cient Greek, and the humanities as a !>:be. As a Conjurer he
nity, Occult experiences, Pact \\<ith dark J>O"ers, Victim of spends most of his time studying rather than actu:11I~ proctising
crime his \Iagic. The science of Magic takes a ~ubstantial chunk of
"roressio" : SCl::t leader his time. A large number of traditionalists are collectors, o\\<-
Lh·ing sll1ndurd: 8-10 ning unique books and anifacts.
Skills : Magie Lore and spells, Accounting and book keeping,
Acting, Alchemy, Astrology, Kabbala, Diplomacy, Estimate I'ersonalit) : A rather dl) and slightl) boring ~cicntist hanging
\alue, Fonune telling, Hypnosis, Man of the "orld. Medita- on to tradition. ,,"ew fangled ideas mUltt be subjl..xted to nume-
tion, Modem and alleient languages. ,,"umerolog). Occultism, rous tests before they can be accepted. The traditionali~' is
Parapsycholog)·, Poisons and drugs, Rhetoric, Seduction, quite consen·athe and distrustful regarding anything that is
Tarot. Written repon new.
Oiud,". ntage5 : Compulsh'e behaviour: pc-rfectionist. dress
code, compulsive collector, Egotist, Intolerant, Phohia: "eno-
The Traditiol1aUst phobia, gynophobia. phobia against 3n)thing new. Touch)
Advantllgl'S : Code of honour, Gift for languages, Good repu-
ullion, Honest), Influential friends, \ll11hematicaltaknt
Dark secrets: Curse, Forbidden kno" ledge, OCl,:ult C\pe-
rienees, Pact with dark powers
Profession Uni\ersil) graduate (doctor or prole~:.<"Ir). Writer,
Li\ing standard : 6-9
Skills : Lores of Magic and spells. Academic sl..ill..,
Astrology, Kabbala. Cryptography, lnfonnation fl..1rie\al.
dem and dead languages, Net of cont3cb: occuitish, ,""".,;
logy, Occultism. Paraps)·chology, Tarot, Written rep<)n

The 'Bun1t-out Occu(tist

"You ca" 'tJool around with thiJ, you kmrdJ. Be.li,,:, ~..;
J know. One tillY mistake alld everything goes to heD.
committed one little mistake. Now I've got nothing left.
There's lIothing I can retum to. I might as 71.)ell hat.'e
died. Sometimes J wish J could've died. "
The bumt-out occultist has conrronted Magic in the
form of a dangerous and uncontrollable rorce. Perhap.~ so·
meone ncar and dear "as killed in an occult experiment. Per-
haps he himself was sevcrely wounded. and is nOI'" liying out
his life suffering rrom it. He suddenly reatiled the seriou~ness
of what hc was invol\cd with. Since then he's been H'I), very
careful, both in his dealings with ritualistic Magic and in Sh3-
ring his knowledge. Outwardly, he's probabl} left Magic alto-
gether, and is now doing something lotall)· ditren.:~I, ha,Yi", 1m
ordinal")" job or some small business,

Penonalif) : lie's marked by the catastrophe. It

is always looming in his thoughts. \lagic is so-
mething he regards with the greal~t rcspccl.
almost like a curse that has follo-
wed him through Ihe years. He
often wishcs that he could get rid
of his knowledge and stan life
Oisad"a ntages : Bad luck, Death wish, Depression, Drug ad- A white Conjurer always has a positive mental ba-
dict, \kotal constriction, Nightmares, Oath of "eogeance: so-- lance. He spends more time meditating and studying than wor-
meone ".,ho was involved in the accident, Touchy king at his Magic. His goal is to reach nirvana. samadhi. en-
Adlantages . Altruism, Enhanced awareness, Forgiving, Paci- lightenment, the A\\akening, or whatever he chooses to call it.
lhm, Sixth sense lie's involved with excruciating physical exereise in order to
Dark secrets: Curse, Forbidden knowledge, Occult expe- liberate his thoughts from the shackles of the flesh, often iso-
rience. Pact with dark powers lating himself in the wilderness or some remote local ion.
Profession : Varies White Conjurers living among people are often engaged in
Lil'ing standard : Varies welfare work or similar.
Skills. Lores of Magic and spelts, Academic skill: humanistic
~cholarship, Alchemy, Atrology, Kabbala, Cryptography, For- Personalit)· : a self-sacrificing. clean-living individual trying
tune telling. Meditation, Modem and dead languages, Nume- to liberate himself from the pressing needs of his body. He is
rology, Occultism, Parapsychology, Tarot. Written report friendly and understanding towards everyone, an altitude
which is often considered slightly patronizing and self-absor-
The White Conjurer Disad" antages : Compulsive thoughts: perfectionist, cleanli-
ness, Continually reeling ofT mantras, Fanaticism. Mental
"Alagic is not an end in itself It's a means, among constriction, Nightmares
1fltlny, ill our striving for a better and more humane Ad,'a ntages : Altruism, Animal friendship, Body awareness,
Empathy, Endure hunger/thirstlcoldlheatltofture. Forgiving,
wor/d. I see Magic as a way to reach a higher level of Honesty. Largesse, Pacifism. Resistance to illness
consciousness. There are methods where you can Da rk sec rets: Family secret, Forbidden knowledge, Haunted
release your consciousness from your and possessed, Occult experience
body in order to gain an inner harmony, Profession Development assistance worker. hermit, priest,
which is directed to- doctor, teacher
Lh'ingstandard : 1·5
wards the higher Skills: Lores of Magic and spells, Academic skills, Alchemy,
spheres, towards a Astrology, Kabbala, Craft, First aid, Hypnosis, Meditation,
more enlightened and Modern and dead languages, Numerology. Occuliism, Para-
truer existence, " psychology, Play instrument, Poisons and drugs, Survival ist
skills. Tarot

rThe Lore of Lhe Leo.chmgs o.bour
rhe po.SSIOn
Passion \Ve arc all sexual beings filled with a selfish urge to
reproduce. Sexuality is an original pan of our being. It ruled u~
before our imprisonmcnt in the illusion. and it functions in the
same way a~ ""hen we were gods. It is a link bet\\e.!'n our pre-
"Would you like" drink? ['Vi got Jome scotch, sent state and oor past in freedom. We are sti ll rl'l:<! w; sexual
and there are a few beers in the fridge, I think." beings. as the Demiurge could not touch thai pan of our cha-
racter. The Conjurer or Passion exploits this foct in order to re-
'']'1/ have a heer. " create a pan of his divinity.

The Lore of Passion is concerned with ph) ~ical fee-

J poured d beer for each of us. Mar),od threw lings and urges. It is the most practically inclined of all of the
ber coat on a chair and sank illla the couch. She bad Lores. The Conjurer of of uses his own body and his uT};cs to
large, rOllnd flu that rocked when she sat down. l bad loosen the magical energies for his spells. lie often has a pan-
gone for the tits, they were the nalural kind, not silicon, ner helping with the rituals. either another Conjurer or an as.
sistant The rituals usually contain ritualistic int.;rcour-.e.
a little too large for that slim body. They tried to pop
out of the light, blue-black dress that strained around The Lore or Passion is not something you can read
her belly and au. I put tZWOY my beer and laid my arm about in books. It is a practical skill that must be leamt, either
arollnd her. She unbuttoned my shirt and slid her hand from a master or on lour o ....-n through timc con~uming experi.
inside my waistband. ments. The most well-known tradition comes from India. and
uses various chakras. centers of force within the bod), ill ollkr
to visualize the magical power. In the West the Lore ol'Pas..sion
"Where's your Templer she asked. has been pushed aside and been despised during the entire
Christian era, but there is still a tradition that has ~ur\'i\'ed
"Upstairs. " rrom the Roman age. Western Lore of Passion worr...s with
conception and reproduction. In the last rC\\ )car:; it has been
mixed with the Indian. more sensually inclined "'·Iagi..:.
1pointed towards the spiral staircase in the for
end of the room. She nodded, and started to unbutton Few S«ts and cults are seriously imohfit
my trousers. My (ock S"dJelled. She licked the purple Lore of Passion. It is a branch of Magic for the i .
biad and look it in her mouth. J pulled the zipper along The best way of learning is 10 find a mao;ter
her hack and peeled offher dress. She was wet between An. Because a Conjurer of Passion needs a partner
his rituals. it is not unusual for him to accept a disciplC'.
the legs.

"Shall we get things ready upstairs?"

The '1Cnowfetfge of the
went up the stairs to the Temple. I had pre-
pared incense and candles and ocher for the chakras, hut Cor:furer of Passion
till of illanded on the floor when I parked Maryad on Passion is the one Lore that con\O~>s the leasl
the altar. She spread her legr wide. A narrow string of amount of theoretical knowledge to its proclitioners. The Lore
puhic hair marked the location ofher puny. or Passion is b) nature an unconscious and dire.;t. almost im-
provised an. Much of the theory that is handed out is ral-.e and
misleading, used mainly to tease the sexual it) or the Conjurer
"Shouldn't we fix the pentagram and the rather than providing a correct view orrealit).
candles first?" she said and closed her hanru around my
The b.asics (skill score up to 10): The Conjurer knows that
II W"e 'II come to that later." there are worlds beyond our reality, and that Passion can open
gates to them. Ue knows Ihe seven ehakras and can U:>e them
to channel his power. lie knows how the planets the ~igns
I laid her down on the tillar and started to of the stars can be uscd as symbols for humann,i·~',,;~~i.'!':
fock htr. knows that passion and perversions arc force<; c
to \1agic. and that they have the power to hreak
under cenain cireumstances.

The Conjurer can panly control !\is

own sexuality, and is able to per-
form quite lengthy scxual acts. A
female Conjurer knows nllen she
is fenile.

tligher knoVllcdge (skill score 11-40): The Conjurer knows Full insights (skill score of more than 40): The Conjurer
that the human consciousness is balancing between light and knows that we are imprisoned in an act of balance between
darkness. He knows that passions and perversions can rock light and darkness, and thai only the descent into hell or the
that balance and throw a person in either direction. He has ascent to heaven can take us out of the prison. He knows the
seen physical changes that are due to a disturbed mental ba- signs of a disturbed mental balance. He knows that anyone
lance. lie also knows that the imbalance is a way towards en- going too far will someday ntcet his own shadow, and risks
lightemnent. lIe can use the sexual tension betv.cen the male getting stuck in nirvana or chaos.
and the female in order to symbolize the pull between light
and darkness. The Conjurer can influence another person's fertility,
in order to make him or her fertile when they are not supposed
The Conjurer can control his fertility and decide for to. A male Conjurer can make a woman pregnant who is mens-
him- or herself when to become fertile. He truating, taking pills, or has passed into the menopause. He
can also look at another person and see if he can arouse or douse sexual interest in anyone.
or she is fertile, and can easily guess at what
makes them aroused.
'T'he Chakras and the Snake
There are seven centers of power, or Chakras, in the
human body, that are used in the Lore of Passion. They are si-
tuated around the sacrum bone (Root Chakra), the lower abdo-
men, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the forehead and
the top of the head. They are often called by name in sanskrit:

miilidhani.. svadhistana. manipura, anahata. \ishuddha, ajna,
and sahasrara. The energies of Magic can be channelled The 'T'emyfe
through a link from the 100o,cst to the highest of the Chakras.
Rituals of Passion put special demands on the
The Indian tradition sces the power of Magic as a Temple of the Conjurer. The Circle of protection must be large
~nakc resting in the Root Chakra, muliidharii. During the ritual enough for 1\\0 people to perform ritualistic intercourse. The
the snake is .... akened and Starts to .... ind itself up to .... ards the altar can be replaced b} a symbolic square painted on the floor
highest chakra..... here it can be used and controlled by the ....ill in order to get it out of the .... ay. or a .. cry lov. raised dais. In
of the Conjurer. western Magic the rituals are often performed atop an elonga-
ted altar of traditional looks. The Conjurers of Passion .... ork in

'T'he 'T'ooCS if'MaB ie the nude. They may ha .. eje\\elry or bod)' paint. but nc\er any
clothes imended to hide any part of the bOO).

The tools of Magic do not have exactly the same

symbolic values in the Lore of Passion. as compared to the
other Lores. The wand and thc cup reprcsents male and female Che Spe({S
sexuality respecth,ely. They are used in the ritual in order to
create a strongcr tcnsion between masculine and feminine.
Usually female Conjurers use the cup. and male Conjurers use 'Behofd" the 'Man
the wand. The spell descriptions ha .. e the words .... and/cup
..... hen the sex of the Conjurer decides which tool to use. The The Conjurer can see through the mask of a chosen
tools can also be used to create a sex trandescending effect. A individual. in order to discern the true feelings hidden behind
male Conjurer using the cup in a ritual of Passion adopts II fe.- his behaviour. The Conjurer understands all of the forces moti-
minine aspect. The s..... ord may also be usc<l as a symbol for an vating the individual at present. when the spell is ca.~!. This un·
aggressive male sexuality. derstanding comes in Ihe form of a sudden insight.

Skill score: 5
'T'he Sym60CS Loss of endurance: 20
Tools of Magic : The wandithe cup
The chakras are included in almost all of the rituals. Time to cast: 15 minutes
oflen painted on the body in the shape of roses or lotus flo ....er. Duration : 10 minutes
The symools of the planets are used to describe human ins- Ego-thro" to rt§i~t . No
tincts, especially \1ars. Venus, and the Moon. The houses of PrepanltionJl : A fev. drops of blood or a strand of hair hum
the zodiac sometimes complemcnt the planets in order to the indh idual to be beheld are PUI on sheet of glass on
create a more c,xact picture. A flame symbolizes Passion. II can altar. surrounded b) a pentagram painted in red. A small fire
be lit and extinguished throughout the ritual. lit in a bTalier on the altar.
In\ ocation and gestures: The Conjurer mnle, off the

'T'he §odS if Passion the vic tim as a mantra. lie takcs Ihe blood or the
places it on his tongue. tasting it, and then spjL~ it onto the
ning fire.
All the gods and goddesses of lo\e are invoked: Isis Visualization : The Conjurer SCrt~f.'5 how he is filled 1>\.
and Ishtar. Adonis and Tammuz, I'an and Astane, Dionysos feelings and instincts, suddenly feeling the things m;·";"'I;~.
and Venus, Yoni and Shiva. At times Christ is invoked in his the individual, whose blood or hair he has tasted.
aspect offenility god.

Witches' 'flrt An anificial Passion is born in a chosen individual.
Man) traditional spells of Passion ha .. e played OUI The victim is charmed by the Conjurer and is caught by an ir·
their parts and disappeared in the 20th century. At limes spells resistible desire for him. The feeling is identical to ordinal)'
preventing fenilit)·. causing miscarriages. cured sterility. or feelings of strong lo\c. The victim will ..... ithout delay. seek.oul
ga..e painless binh ....ere much more common. They are found the Conjurer if they know each other. If the)' ha\e never met
in old manuscripts. but since they are of very lillie practical the Passion is awakened as soon as the Conjurer comes in new
importance loday..... e have chosen not to describe them in detail. of the victim.

Skill scott' : 7
'1-fomosexuafity Loss of endurance : 30

The traditional Lore of Passion is concerned with the

conflict betv.een male and female. EVCf)one has belie.. ed that
Tools of Magic : The .... and/the cup
Time to east : I hour and IS minute~
Duration : 24 hours
the magical pov.er is born when the opposites meet and are Ego-tbrow to resist : Ye5
united. The symbolism of the lore of Passion is largely an af- Preparations : A few drops of blood or a strand of
fair about differences and polarillltion. This means that homo- hair from the \·ictim. A red rose is placed b) the
sexuality has been seen as sterile from a magical viev.point. tip of the wand, or within the cup. A male
This is a misconception. It is the sexual instinct itself, which Conjurer paints the symbols of Mars and fire,
givcs the Conjurer his power. the arousal controllcd by the ins· and a female the signs for Venus,
tinct to reproduce, nOi some son of contrast to the panner. All the Earth and s ilver inside the
s~lIs of Passion. except those :liming for a sex change, can be Circle. Two candles are lit on the
snen a homosexual form. altar.

_ _J"'nnanenl

In\'Oc8tioll a nd ges tures Gods of love are invoked: I'an and ~xtin8 uisfied 'lnstincts
ASLll1c, Venus and Dionyws. The Conjurer raises the \\and or
the cup and calls out the name of the victim. He swears b) the The Conjurer can extinguish a basic instinct of a
~}mOOls within the Circle of Magic and asks that the \'ictim chosen individual. either sexuality, aggressiveness, or fear.
.... ill sho .... its lo\'e. The instinct will be entirely gone for the duration of the spelL
Visualization : The \ictim of the spell is \isualized. nude and and can not be aroused by any circumstances. Anyone with an
he sitant at first. then more and more eager to seduce the extinguished sex uality will not be aroused, anyone with an ex-
Conjurer. tinguished aggressiveness can not be excited, and anyone with
an extinguished fear will not be scared by anything.

'Arouse 'lnstincts Skill scare: 7

Loss of ('ndu ra nce: 20
The spell arouses a certain feeling in the chosen vic- Tools o(M agie: The sword
tim : homincss. hatred. fear. anguish. euforic happiness. The Time to east : 20 minutes
fecling is not dil\.'Cted towards any special person, it is projec- Dura tion : 24 hours
ted against c\>erything and e ... eryone in the vicinity of the \ic- Ego-throw to resist : Yes
t im. An) one filled with hate will feel an unreasonable anger Pre parati ons: A strand of hair or a few drops of blood from
agai n~t anyone he meets. Hominess will make the victim nym- the victim is placed on the altar together with the sword. The
phomaniac. and anguish will petrify him. sign representing the feeling that is to be extinguished is
dra .... n within the Circle. either Venus, Mars or the Moon. A
Skill sca re· 7 red candle is lit in the middle of the sign, and a pentagram is
Loss of endurance: 20 dra .... n surrounding all of it.
Taolli of M agic: The wand In\ oeati on a nd ges tu res: The name of the victim is called
Time to cast : 20 minutes out, together with the instinct that is to be extinguished. The
Duration : 24 hours Conjurer raises the sword and reads a rhyme where he curses
Ego-thrOI+ to resist : Yes and banishes the influences of Venus. Mars or the Moon. He
Preparations: A few drops of blood or a strand of hair from finishes the spell by chopping down on the candle using the
the \ ictim is put on the altar. The planetary signs for the inten- sword.
ded leeling are drawn in the Circle: Mars for anger, Venus for Visualizatio n : The Conjurer puts himself in the place of the
hominess, Saturn for anguish, the Moon for fear and fury, the victim, and stans by summoning the feeling he wants to extin-
Sun for happiness and joy. Twelve candles are lit around the guish. When he is entirely filled by the feeling. he visualizes
s)mOOI. one for each of the houses of the zodiac. himself CUlling with the sword Ihe pillar of force thaI has risen
I"vacation and geslures : The name of the victim is shouted from his genitals to the top of his head, with the force dying
and wovcn together with the name of a god or goddess. Ar- like a blown out candle.
chon or Angel of Death representing thc feeling the Conjurer
.... ants 10 arouse. The wand touches the physical traces of the
victim on the altar and then briefly touches each of the candle- Cfian8e Sex
lights around Ihe Circle.
Visualization : The Conjurer imagines that he is the victim of The Conjurer can change his own or his assistant's
the spell, and allows himself to be filled with the feeling sex for the duration of the spell. He will recehe the physical
he wants to create. attributes, including a changed hormonal balance and sexual
behavior. of the opposite sex. His looks will change as much
as is needed. The lines of the face will become finer or rou-
gher; the hips will become broader or narrower, et cetera, If
the spell is cast on someone else the Conjurer must overcome
the ego of the person with the effect of the spell. The spell
may nol be cast on anyone not cooperating with the Conjurer.

Skill score : 8 Skill score: 12
I.ou ofcndurancl' : 30 Loss o renduranee : 30
Toob or Magic : The wand and the cup Tools of Magic : The cup
Time 10 casl : 1 hour Time to cast· I hour
Dumlion : 24 hours Duration : 24 hours
FgO-lhrow 10 mist : Yes Ego-Ihrow to resist : No
Preparalions : Requires a partner of the opposite sex. Three !'rellarations : The Conjurer needs an item thai has belonged
candl" are lit on top of the altar, one red, one .... hite and one to the intended victim, preferably a photograph. It is placed on
pink. A pentagram is dra ..... n in the Cirde, and the sy mbots of the altar. together .... ith 1\\00 eandl~ and incell.'>C .. \ pentagram
Ma~. Venus and Mercury are drawn within. The Conjurer is wrille n within the Circle of \.1agic. and the Ilord!; Lechidah.
marks the Chakras on the bodies of himself and his partner Rusch. l\eshamah. l\ephesh. and ehiah arc \\Titten by the tips
using red roses or lotus tlo ..... ers. The name of the person under- of the star.
going the sex change is written nine times around the penta- In HJea tion a nd gestu res: The Conjurer summons t~ inten-
gmm, either that of the Conjurer or the partner. ded by name. III' lifts the cup using both hands and tbks lor di-
In\ocalio n a nd geSlurt'5 The Conjurer summons Pan and I'ine guidance in order to fonn himself according to Ihe .... ilI of
tll-fmes. Lingam and Yoni. He puts the \\oand at the tip of the thc 10lcd one. The cup is placed in the middle of the penta-
pentagram and the eup rIC"t to its left ~foot~. The Conjurer and gram and the Conjurer spills a drop of his o ..... n blood into it.
his panner touches the Chakras of each other's bodies and then !-Ie summons Isis and Ishtar. and asks for their he lp in transfor-
makes lo\'e until the one that is going to change his or her sex ming his body and soul. lie finally falls to the floor and is ~ha­
dimaxes. He or she then falls into unconseious~s ..... hile the ken b) painful conlolutions while the body is gradually chan-
body is transformed and changed. ged and the soul is transformed
\'iliualizll tion : The Conjurer sees his o\\on sex transferred to Visuuliulion : A picture oftne perfect lo\er is li~ualill--d .... i-
the body of his partner. or vice \·ersa. thin the pentagram. gradually melding .... ith the bod) of the
Conjurer. until he feels the change laking hold of him.

'Find Tassion
'Master and S[ave
This is more a form of meditation than a regular
spell. Find Passion is a long. ritualized intercourse strengthe- An individual is madc 10 totally submit to the will of
ning the connection betwf.-en the Conjurer and the Lore of Pas- the Conjurer for the duration of the spell. 1\ Slrong sexual
sion. During the next three days his skill score is inereased by eonneclion is created between the Conjurer and the \ ictim.
+5 for all spells of Passion (provided he kno ....s them. of \\ohere the victim is filled h) a desire to Ix dominat.:d The sub-
course). He can not cast spells from other Lores during this miMion has masochistic undertone,;.. the victim is \\illi08 II) Ix
time. domina led and degraded. He looks upon an)1hin!/- the Conjurer
commands him to do as parr of a sexual game. nen such
Skill score : 10 things that result in the \ictim hurting himself and otheTi.
Loss or endurance : SO victim will seek out the Conjurer if th.-y kno .... ellch
Tools o r Magic : The ..... andf lhe cup otherwise he will submit to the Conjurer as soon a.'i lhe~ meet
Time to east : 7 houl"!
DUralion : 3 days Skill scor e: 14
Prt'llllrlllionll: Requ ires a panner. The Conjurer and his part- Loss orenduranee: 40
ner paints the Chakras with red paint on the bodies of each Tools orMagic : The .... and
other. in the shape of lotus flowers. roses or abstract points. Time to east : I hour
Nine red candles arc Iii around the Ci rcle of Magic, and nexi to Duration : 24 hours
each candle is written the name of one of the plancts. Incense Ego-t hrow to r esiSI : Yes
i~ burned on the altar, and a mandala according to the Indian Preparations: A strand of the hair of the \ iclim is plan...:! ('"
pllttcrn is drawn, ni ne triangles and six circles within a square. the altar . ..\11 of the planetary signs are dra ..... n around the inside
In\ocation and gestures : Slo\\o. medilative intercourse using of the Circle. and the names of the seven Chakras are l\Tiuen
different positions. The male partner is holding back. a\'oiding inside or these. A candle is lit in the middle of the Circle. The
retease. The Conjurer is continuously rallling 01T a mantra. Conjurer paints the Chakms .... ilh red paint on hi~ 0 .... n body, in
This can be the name of a god or a word without meaning. in the shape of stylized roses or lotus flowers.
order 10 focus his power. In\'ocalioo and gesturn : With wand in hand the ('onjurer
Visualization : The po ..... cr is seen as a red flamc by thc geni- calls the victim by name and commands him 10 come. II.:
!als. gradually rising towards the head, and then flowing back s ..... ears by Gamaliel and by each of the Chahas ..... hile he
and forth bet.... een the upper and lo ....er Chakms. touches the flo .... ers on his body. feeling the snale riSing up
along his spine. Sitting on his haunches b) t~ burning candle
he summons Mars and Venus, Saturn and Luna nnally he
'Maeica[ Lover takes lhe hair from the altar and bums it on the candle while he
commands the ... ictim 10 give up its will and to 5ubinil.
The Conjurer can distort his own body and persona- Visualization : Thc Conjurer sees how the vicdm i tNing
lity until he complctely corresponds to another person's idea of shape in the burning name in the middle of the Circle. nude
the perfeet lover. The spell changes the Conjurer as much as is and initially reluctant, then more and more sub-'
needed. Age, looks and behavior can be changed completely missive. When the Conjurer is burning lhe hai r
for the duration of the spell. The spell gives the Conjurer +20 the victi m falls on its knees and starts licking
for each attempi to seduce the intended pllrtner. The spell can the feel and genitals of the Conjurer.
not be used to change sex.

:Essence The spell can nOI be used to kill the partner, the \\orst that may
happen is that he or she reaches zero endurance, and faints.
rhc Conjurer can temporarily raise his 0"0 endu-
rance b)' ~5IeaJing~ endurance from another person during ri- Skill seore: 15
luali~tic intercourse. He ex.ploits the uncontrolled po .... er relea- Loss of endurance : 40
sed 0)' the partner during orgasm. Each le\el of effect of the Tools or~tagic . The s\\ord
spell will give the Conjurer five orlhe endurance points of his Time to cast: 3 hours
partner. A Ic\d of effect of 10 means that he DUrition : 7 days
will recei\c 50 points of endurance (provided Eg(}-throv. to resist : Yes
that the partner has that much). The ftstolen" Pre paratio ns : A he:o;agram is painted inside the Circle of
endurance is added to that of the Conjurer, Magic. "here the upward pointing triangle is painted black.
making ;1 possible for him to and the lo"er is painted white. The symbol for Mercury is
cast taxing spells that he written in [he he:o;ogram. One black and one white candle are
normally would nOI be placed on [he altar. The sword is moistened with sperm or
able to cast. He will re- menstruation blood of the Conjurer. and is placed on the altar.
eo\ er normally, but for the The Conjurer marks the Chakras on his body with red and
duration of the spell he will black paint. lie leads his partner into the Circle and lights [he
ha .. e an increased endurance. candles on the altar.

In\ ocation lind geslurell : The Conjurer summons Gamaliel Mass arousal is often used to create mass ps}chosis
and daubs his partner wilh rose oil. With his right hand he in a sect or another cI()S(.'<1 group. The spell provides the vic-
touches the sword, and .... ith the left the genitals of the partner. tims with II vcry strong sense of belonging. Thcy arc turned
This is followed by intensive intercourse where the partner into a flock controlled by a single feeling. The feeling that is
should ha~e repeated orgasms or ejaculations in order to lose aroused is not directed against any panicular indh·idual, but is
as much essence as possible to the Conjurer. projected against everything and e\eryone in the \icinit)' ofthc
Vbuillization : The essence of the partner is seen as a red light ...ictims. A group of people filled with hate will fl'el an unrea-
radiating from the genitals. The Conjurer catches it by his lo- sonable hatred against everything coming their \\ay. but not to-
west Chakra and leads it towards the highest. When the partner wards each other. They will assault the innocent and break
is emptied of essence he or she collapses from fatigue. anything within reach. Hominess will tum them into nympho-
maniacs abandoning themselves in an orgy of group ~e'(. An-
guish can paralyze them and cuuse them to commit ma5S sui-
'Mass Seauction cide.

The Conjurer can arouse artificial passion in a huge Skill score: 17

group of people. The victims are channed by the Conjurer and Loss of endurance : 50
are gripped by an uncontrollable desire for him. The feeling Tools or Magic : The sword
can be compared with a senseless love affair. The victims will Time to cast : 24 hours
love the Conjurer unselfishly. They will seek him OUI imme- Duration : 3 days
diately if they know him. Their passion for the Conjurer will Ego-throw to resist : Yes
be aroused as soon as they see him ifhe is unknown to them. Preparations : The item that ties in with the group is put on
Up to the Ego of the Conjurer x 10 individuals can be affe<:ted the altar. preferably a group ponrait. Five candles are placed
by the spell. They need not be present when the spell is cast, around it and lit. The planetary symbols representing the fce-
but they must be fairly close to each other in time and space, or ling are drawn in the Circle: Mars for anger. \'enu_~ for horni-
be bound to each other in some 0(00 way. Possible groups are ness, Saturn for anguish. the Moon for fear and Madness, the
religious sects, school classes, participants in a conference, or Sun for happiness. Twelve candles are placed around the $)'m-
guests at a party. bol and lit, one for each house of the 7.odiac. The Conjurer
paints his genitals red and moistens the sword with men"tru3-
The Conjurer needs an item related to the group. The tion blood or sperm.
perfect link is a group photo, but even a club badge or a guest Invocation and gestures : The Conjurer touches the pil:ture or
list where the participants have written their names will do. If item on the altar with the wand and calls the group their
the group is larger than the capacity of the spell the ritual will names. preferably each panicipant in tum. He ~pills a of
fail. his own blood on the item. and summons Dion}SCls and
He dances around the symbol on the floor and at the
Skill score : 16 commands the group to come and let go of their'
Loss of endurance : 50 The sword touches the physical represen tation of
Tool! of Magic : The wand and the crown on the altar, and thcn barely touches each of the =.Ih, n",.
Time to cast: 24 hours Visualization: The Conjurer imagines himself Ib the
Dora tion : 3 days the spell. lelting himself be filled with the feeli ng h"':':'i:~=
Egl)-olhro" to resist : Yes create. He sees his victims in front of himself, 0
Prepllrations : The item connected to the group is placed on Circle, and gradually transfers the feeling 10 Ihem in the
the altar, preferably a group picture. Five candles are placed of a red. white or yellow flame lhat is thrown out rrom
around it and lit. The Conjurer draws a symbol ic picture of the sword.
group in the Circle with the aid of planetary signs and pictures
from the zodiac. J-Ie paims his genitals rcd to mark the lowest
of the Chakras. and places the crown on his head to mark the Premature 'Birth
[n' Deation a nd gesturn : The Conjurer touches the picture or A pregnancy can be hurried on so thai only a ft\\'
item on the altar with the wand and calls the group by their days pass between conception and binh. At most the pre·
names. preferably all of the participants by their individual gnane) can be shortened to seven days. The spell must in that
names ir he knows them . He spills II drop of his own blood case be cast at the same time as conception occurs. Otherwise
over the item, and summons Dionysos and Venus. !-Ie dances the binh will take place seven days afte r the: spell i'l cast, re-
around the symbol on the floor while he commands the group ganlless of how far the pregnancy has gone. l'eithcr the mo-
(0 come out lind show their lo ... e. ther nor the infant are damaged by the spell. The child will be
Visualization: The victims of the spell are visualized outside
the Circle, nude and gradually more and more devoted in their
fully de\·eloped. and the ....omb and the belly
\'elop in the oonnal fashion. just a lot faster.

anempts to reach the Conjurer.

Skill score: 18
Loss of endurance : 40
'Mass 'i'lrousa( Tools or Magic : The cup
Time 10 casl : 12 hours
The spell arouses somc feeling or other in a large nuration : -
group of individuals: hominess. hatred, fear, anguish. eupho- Ego-throw to resist : Yes, for the ferus. (Ego I·
ria. As with Mass seduction the Conjurer can affect a group of 7. It is I during the first three months,. it then
people of Ego x 10 in size. They must belong to each other in increases by I for each additional
one way or another, either by being in the same place, or month.)
through some other (ies. The Conjurer needs an item connected
to the group, preferably a phOlograph.

Preparalions ,\ po:nlagram i~ paintoo on Ihe floor .... ilhin the Visuali:Ulion . The Conjurer sees the Yooman in front of him·
Cin:le. l iH! .:andks art! pla~ed around it. and IiI. The candle~ <,elf. rising from the strand of hair or the blood in the cup.
~hould he made out or oc'"e'S .... ax. The altar and Ihe pentagram They make lo"e, and Ihe child is born in the fonn ofa \\hite
:.hould he strc .... n .... ith red m,c .. and pink rose petals. The pre· light ..... ithin the mother.
;nanl \\om:m i~ broughl into the Circle. The Conjurer draw~ a
~I~li/ed I"\l~e or a lotus Ilo .... er on her helly. right on top of the
lo\\c,1 rtl.1kra. lit: man..s his 0 .... 11 (hakms .... ith blue dots on 'Etema ( LCJVe
the skin.
In,oulioo and J:nlul"l's rhe Conjurer summons Dinah. bi" This is a stronger version of the Master and sla\ e
and Yoni. II~ touch ..oo; hi~ Chakra.-; and the sig.n on the bdly of spell. An indi"idual is made to full) and fore\er submit to the
th~ molhcr, and asks the child .... ithin 10 gro\~ and step out into \\ ill of Ihe Conjurer. A Slrong sexual connection is created bet-
tlle "'"dd. The mOlha 'oil... do .... n in~ide the pcnt..:lgram. and the ween the Conjurer and the "ictim. \\here the victim is filled b)
tllP is pla.;t'J on her .... oml"l. The .;hild is called to gather force a de~ire to be dominilted. This connection ..... ill last e\en unto
fwm il in order to grow. Binah. Isis and Yoni are summoned death, ilnd w ill be released only in the forgetfulness before re-
fine"., birth. The \\ hole thing goes so far that the lo\er eiln return
\"i\lIIaliullion : rhe Conjurer see.. his o\\n pcI\\er as 3 blue from Inferno aller death to visit the Conjurer. The submi11al
lire. flo\\ing OUI tlct\\cen th.: Chakras of his body. III' leb it has II masochistic trait; the victim wants to be dominated and
!lIm out of hi~ bod) and into the cup on the mother's womb. degraded. lie views eveljthing the Conjurer commands him to
where the child ~an pick it up in order to gro\\ The child is do as il sexual game, even acts intended to hurt himself or
st.'C11 onl~ 3.' a ,hildo\\ in the belly orthe mother. others. The victim must be present in the Temple when Iltt:
~pell is CilSI.

Parthelloaellesis Skill score : 25

Loss Ofendurancc : 50
The Conjurer Ciln milgicall) make a woman pre· Tools o f Magic : TIle wand and the crown
gnant. \.\oithout an) meeting hel\\een egg and spenn. The child Time 10 e.lSl 12 hours
Ihat i ... cre:u.:d \\ill get -5 Jor all Ego-thro\\s against the Fetus Duration : Penn anent
JI'."fVer.ion !opel!. In all oliler aspects the child is quite normal, Ego-thro" to r"iSI Yes
\\ itn trnil~ from both "parents". The Conjurer ilnd the intended Prep.ralionll . The v iclim of the spell is brought inlo the
mothc:r nt.'(d oc\cr to meet. The only requirement is that the Temple and is bound to the altar. Aroond the inside of the
C'onJUl'I:"f has il ~tT""dnd of hair or a fe\\ drops of blood from the Circle the names of the Angels of Death are written, and inside
woman \\hen the ~pell is being cast. If Ihe Conjurer b a of these the name of the victim is repeated thirteen limes. A
wnm;,U1. the child h al .... a)s a girl. If the Conjurer is malc, lighted candle is placed in the middle of Ihe Circle. The
lhere b a 50 50 chance of the child being either sex. A female Conjurer paints the Chakms using red paint on his own body
Conjurer Ciln cast parthenogenesis on herself and bear her and on the victim, in the shape of stylized roses or lotus flo-
eX3l;t cOP). a clone. She can also let herself be fertilized by ilIl wers.
abswt Imm. .md bear the child herself. Inv ocation and geslures : The Conjurer. with \\and in hand,
calls the vic tim b) name and commands him to give up his
Skill ~core : ~O o\\n will. lie S\.\oeilrs by Gilmilliel while he touches the flo\\ers
l..o~~ of~ndurance 40 on the bod) ilnd feels the snake rising along his spine. He then
Tools of 'hgic I he cup louches the Chakras on the body of the victim and summons
Time to CdSI 6 hours Astaroth and Gamaliel, Binah and Chokmah. Finilily he re-
Duration • leases the victim from his shackles to perfonn ritualized inter-
[&Il-Ihro .... 10 resisl : Yes (not \\heo fertilizing yourself) cour.;e with him, where the vic tim is gradually more and more
Prcparalion~ The slrand ofMir or the blood from the inten- submissive.
ded mother i~ put in the cup and placed on the altar. A penta· Visull liZlltion: llte will of the Conjurer is seen as a red flame
~ram \\ith planetary symbols and the zodiacal sign of the mo- in the IQI"er Chakra. and is ea~1 out and infused with the vic-
Ih"'r is drawn in the Circle. The floor is strewn wilh gro ..... ing lim until he lays by the feel of the Conjurer.
com of \\ heal, and nine \\ hite candles are lit around the Circle.
Ill\ocation and ge~tures: The Conjurer summons Binah and
Chokmah, lingam and Yoni. The cup is placed in the penta· 'Fetus Perversion
gram tin the floor and the Conjurer calls the mother by name.
A m:lIc Conjurer Ihen ~pills his seed o\er the cup in the penta· The Conjurer can change and pet"\ert an animal or
gram. a kmale Conjurer spills a fe\\ drops of her blood. The human fetus. The spell can double abilities, lower or raise the
god~ are: once more summoned and the Conjurer commands mass by three. or increase or lo\\er the number of limbs or
Ihe: moth.:r to be fertitized . inner organs. The Conjurer must get a higher effecl on his skill
lllrow Ihan lhe ego thro\\ of the fetus.

Skill sco re : 30
Loss of endurance: 60
Tools of 'Jagic : The sword and the cup
Time to casl ; 3 dilys
1)uration : Pennanent
Ego-thro\\ to resist: Yes. for Ihe fetus (Ego is 1-7. I during
the fir.;t three months. it then reeches + I per month.)

Preparations: Requires a partner, The placenta from an ani- The throw for elft.oct shows the succt.>ss of the combi·
mal of the kind to be perverted is placed on the altar (8 human nation. 1-5: the child dies within one hour ofbinh. 6-10: the
placenta if the fetus is human). One black and one red candle child is mad, and lives for IdlO momhs. [1- 15: the chi ld is
are lit, lind a pentagram is drown in the Circle, where the sickly lind distressed. but its lifcspan is the same 11." that of the
Conjurer symbolically draws the changes he wants to take mother. 16-20: the child is a successful combination orlne be5t
place. A fire is lit in a brwier in the middle of the pentagram. parts of both parenlS. If the effect is greater than:!O the whole
The name of the mother of the child is written around the is greater than the parts. A nc .... species has b.:cn created. The
Circle. genes of the creature arc dominant, allo .... ing it to reproduce
In\OCllion and ges tures: The Conjurer summons Hermes with animals or humans of the same kind as the mother. In all
and swears by Mars and Mercury. He splilS the placenta with other inslrulces the crossbreeds are sterile.
the sword and brings the edge of the sword through the flames
from the brazier. He calls on the child and comm3nds it to fol· Skill score : 40
low his will, 3nd allow itself to be changed. He summons Lou ofcnduranee: 100
Bin3h and Isis, Yoni 3nd Astarte, demanding that the child suo. Tools or Magic : The \\and and the cup
mits to his will. With his own blood he mllrks the Chakras on Timc 10 eaJt: 21 days
the bodies of himself and his partner. He then channels his Oo nl tion :-
po\\er to the fetus through ritualistic inten:oursc, and pc'1".'erts it Ego-thro w to resist : Yes, for the mother
\'isualizatio n : The fetus is shaped by the flames in the bra- Pl'\'parations : The Temple is cleansed for three day" u:.ing in-
7ier. The pov.er of the Conjurer is II black light that is Cll.'" out cense and rose water, splashed on the floor and the v.atb. The
to pervert the fetus. Conjurer spends his time medit..1Iing on the kind of being he
v.ants to create, During the night of the founh day hI! begins to
draw a s)"mbotic picture of the being inside the Circle of
Sex ClianBe Magic. He lights nine tall candles, which are going to bum fOf'
three days, and lets them bum while he dra\~~ the ,)'mbob OIl
The Conjurer can permanentl} change the sex of the noor. During the se\enth nigh t the "parents" of the child
himself or someone else. This is such a revolutionary change are brought into the Tcmple. This can be two living beings, or
that the person will be reborn with the new sex from now on. a creature and a machine. Ilumans partaking in the ritual must
The one changing sex must have someone of the opposite sex nonnalty be drugged if they have not voluntaril) submined to
to st."t from in his visualization. In order to change the sex of the ritual. This is when the actual spell is begun. from thi~ mo-
3nolner individual the Conjurer must throw higher than the ego ment on the Conjurer may not kave the Templc.
of the victim. lltc sex change can not be done on anyone not In,'oealion a nd ges turc! The Conjurer ~ummons Salhariel
\\'illing 10 submit to the ritual. and Kali. He asks them to help him create the child. for
next seven da)'S he repcatedl~ make~ lo\'e with the ~fatherM
Skill score : 35 the child, picking up his abilities until the)' bt.~ome a
LosJ ofcndurance: 50 the Conjurer. A day and night of fasting fol low thi~. no
Tools or Magic : Thc cup and the ring drink of any kind is allowed. During the last seven days:
Timc to cast : 2-' houn Conjurer is making love with the mother seven times,
Dural ion : Permanent ring the traits from the father to the mother. He tinatl:o'
Preparations : Requires a partner of the opposite se:>;. The ring mons Sathariel and asks that the child v. ill be ~trong and
is placed on the altar, and the cup is placed in the middle of the thy v.hen it is born.
Circle. A pentagram is drav.n around it, filled with symbols for Visuil lization : The reproductive po.... ers of the father are \i-
tho! sex the Conjurer is switching to. Five candles are placed in sualized as a v.hite fire. This is transferred to the Conjuret'.1Uld
the points of the pentagram. The Conjurer co\ers his body then to the mother. where it is shaped into II clearly
wi th symbols for the opposite sex, and marks his Chakras in point, the new child.
In \>ocalion and geslurfl ; The Conjurer and his panner step
into the pentagram, and light the five candles. During a da~­
long, meditative intercourse, the Conjurer graduall} transfcrs
the genitals of the partner to his own body. or vice \ersa. There A child of Magic is something unique-a nev.born
are no imocalions, only a concentration on the force rising human being, created after the Oemimge impriM>ncd humanity,
from the genitals, which is used to change the body and soul of lind thereforc untouched by our imprisonment. The child of
the person changing sex. Magic is born awakened. and can never be trapped by the illu-
Visualizalion ; The force is rising like heat from the genitals, sion. because the Demiurge has disappeared and his 'lCr.anlS
warming the body. The heat then changes the body. IIrc busy upholding his collapsing prison. A Conjurer ",mi'"
such a child usually entertains the hope lhat the child v.il!
him escape the illusion. But the child or Magie is bam into
Cross 'Breedil1B ignorance. It does not ha\e the same knowledge alo IIioK that
have been awakened for thousands of years. It gene rally leaves
The Conjurcr can fenilize another human or an ani- its parents to go out into the world when it grow.4 up. OnlY .
mal with traits from another animal, a demon, or even a ma- some rare instances has II child of Magic been able to ,help
chine. Any combination is possible. but a cross breeding. bet- parcnlS to reach Av.akening themselves. But the .;imple pmsi-
v.een a man or animal and a machine will gi\e the Conjurer a- bility has been enough to let people make the at-·
10 to his skill score. The being is born after a pregnancy of (for tempt. Children of Magic can only be created b)"
the mother) nonnal length. With unusual cross breeding the two Conjurers of Passion. one man and one
binh can be quile difficult, requiring a cesarean section. woman. both kno\\ledgcable enough
to cast the spell.

Skill Sl.'ort' 50.'50
Lo~, of endurance
Tools or 'b~ic • The wand and the cup
Time 10 uu 'inc months
The Lore of
Ouralion •
Pftpantlon. rhe Conjurer consecrates a common Temple
1<, I:>e \I~cd \.nl) Ii'r this ritual. Pcntagram~ and drdes 3re
dr...... n on the .... alls and thc floor to kcep 3n) curious e}c!.
the fJJream
3\\a>. 11'!he wnanh of the D~.. miurge discover the ritual the)
"'ill do an}thing 10 disrupi il and killihe Conjurers. The
Temple j, prcterabl) plac<!d at sami!' point bet.... een our realil} They had chased me for weeks, men in dirty
lind lOme othet plal;c. for i!'xarnple Inferno. in order to lo"er yellow coots and staring pig eyes and guns hidden in
the ri," of di",,:o\cl).
soft shoulder holsters. They showed up when I went
1.'onlloR and gcsilires me child is begotten at /!quino"",
.... hen night and da~· arc of equal length. This is done inside the ()Ver to Massid's for a drink. They stood waiting in the
Cird.: 01' Magic, during absolute stillness. and as quickly as doorway when J got bock home. They bugged my
possible. Whl.'n the fcrtili:lation is done the father dra .... s a phone; cli-rrrr-dick, it said each time I tried to call
,)mbolic picture of Man on the body oflhe mother. Outside of anyone. Now J knew at last what they were after. B
her he paint~ a picture of Achlys, The Abyss that existed be· told me about it. lIe warned me:
fOfe the hcgioning of time. He summons She Who Waits
8e10\\ and asks her to open a gate to The Abyss. A screaming
\"id is opencd oUL,ide the Circle. The father screams the name "You haven't much time left. They're going to
oflbe child. a frcsh name ne\·cr before used by man, and prays take you as soon as they get the word from above. Pull
Ihal it v.illllC bon). TIlen the Temple must be destroyed, lea- out while you can."
\ ing no trace of the ritual. During the 10110.... iog nine months.
unlillhe child is born. the mother should mo\e around in order
10 avoid an) attention. and protect the fetus from disco\el') I prepared. Sold all my stuff and left the cot
with tlk: aid of ~pcJ1s. The pregnane} may not be hurried on b} with B. J barricaded the door, and locked myselfin my
magical means. Aner ninc months ....... hen the child is born, il is Temple with a bottle ofwhiskey and a fe'"..o sandwiches.
a oomrletd) ncv. human being. Ifi! is killed or aboncd before It would take a week. A week ofhe I/, then J would he
this. 11k: rn.:" 'oOul is destro)ed and the child is forever dead. free. J ate the sandwiches and emptied halfthe bottle. !
almost threw it all up, as if my body understood what
I was going to do, and protested against it. J was a
little shaky when I started drawing the pentagrams.
Glowing lines. Soft, elusive Hebrew letters. Star
houses. Planets. J drank the rest of the whiskey and
burned some incense.

Somebody rang the door; it was a weak, dis-

tant signal. But I didn't listen. 1 held the wand in my
hand and pointed it towards the sign ofthe Capricorn.

''You are no more.'''

The goat's head faded away. Then Aquarius,

Pisces, Aries. ! extinguished the glowing signs on the
floor, one by one, until all was dark. Limbo. As if the
world had gone out around me. 1 sank down onto the
floor. Going slowly to sleep. Seven days. Hangover at
first, then hungry, then thirsty, then foint and sleepy,
until a splintering sound mode me open my eyes. The
door of the Temple hod been broken down. Two men in
dirty yellow coats stood on the threshold. But they
were too late. I was already on my way. They reached
into the Circle; 1 got a glimpse of their tnle forms,
swollen, yellow skinned, with slithering black tlJngues.
Before they where able to break the Circle I was galle.
1 got up a1ld stepped into the other world, in among the
shadows, and saw them rip my dead body from the

The Dream is our inner unh'er5e. This is .... here v.e dreams. Some.... here they ha\e met other dreamers I'oith en-
are the masters. with limitless power over both the spirit and ough knowledge of Magic to stan teaching them.
the material world. This po.... er can be transferred to the wa-
king world. We can create beings in the Dream, which step out There are few books in our world describing the
into the waking world. The Dream can tear the Veils of the Lore of the Dream and how to use it. The knol'o ledge is gathe-
Illusion. and open gates to other realities. We can change our red in the dreams, it is collected in secret libraries or in the
dreams, and thereby change reality. heads of the Dream masters. far away from any curious medd-
lers.1llat is v.here the Dream Conjurer can lcam the secrets of
The dream is closely tied to the An of Dreaming. a the Lore. lie builds his Temple and creates his toob ill the
usually ~O~;:E;;I~~t::~;l::,
skill that is not magical in itself. The An of Dreaming is the an
of controlling your own dreams. It is described in the Beyond ,""orld
v.orld of
to the Dream.
show There
that he is aare
the Dream chapter in the regular rules. Every Dream Conjurer rers arc almost always Dream wanderers.
has the An of Dreaming skill automatically. of the same skill fer their essence to their Dream realms,
score as the skill score of the Lore of Magic. They do not need selves behind as dead shells.
to pay extra for this.

The Lore of the Dream ....orks on the borderland bet-

....een dreams and reality. The Magic can be used to innuence
the dreams of other individuals, or to twist reality. Almost all
of the Conjurers of the Dream are originally dreamers. They
h.1\e created Dream ....orlds. and have passed from these imo other

'Chc Know{edge or rhe
lbe tools of the dreamer are not used to influence
ORea.m ConJUReR real it}. but to escape into the dream. The mosl imponant is the
v.and. as a sign ofthc Coojurer's pov.er over his own dreams.
T~:.ccond most important is the cup. which in the Lore oflhc
Dream Conjurers ha'e exu:-nsi\e koo\\1edge about Dream represents drugs and the escape from reality. The ring
the Dream "orlds and other dreamers. but the) kno\\ liule is \ery seldom used in the Lore of the Dream.
about the ~ants of the ().:miurge. TIle dream is an e~cape
from n:alil\ lhc Dream C\lnjurer has \\ithdra\\" from the
normal c"i;tenc;c of mankind. ,h long as the) 51a~ hidden in
the dream they will ne\er ~earch for the . \"akcning, Of ask
'T'iie Sym60fs
troubksome q'ucslions about man's rightful place in me uni· Colors and smells are imponant. Qillamps of diffe-
''''' rent colors and different kinds of incense are used to send the
dreamer into the right state of mind. The dream is about going
into ils own "orld. \.\ hich means that thc human soul is impor-
T be' h n ic~ (skill SCOTe Ic~s than 10): The Conjurer kno\\s that tant. The hexagram is often used as 0. symbol for the connec-
dream and realil) can meld, are able to influence each other tion ~tv.(.'Cn the soul o.nd the image of the soul in Ihe dream.
and bei;ome one. lie kno .... ~ that man is more than his bodily The names of the soul in both Egyptian and Hebre" are used
shdlthat he c.m 1110\(' into th.: dream and be distorted beyond in Dream rituals. The houses of the zodiac and the planets are
recognition. l li ~ kno .... lcdgc about Ihe Art of Dreaming is used 10 provide an image of the inner being of the Conjurer.
equal to hi .. skill ~orc. Arthons and Angels of Death are rarely summoned.

llia: her kn owled ge lskill score of 11-40): The Conjurer lno\\ s

aoout the \'ortc\ and th..: ~\orlds of the Dream Princes. He
kno" that dn:ams ,an b.;- indi\idual or shared. that there is a
'T'iie (jols 0/ tiie 'Dream
..:ol1eclion of ~cneral human idea~ in Ihe \'onex that ean be There is onl) one Dream god. he. "ho is called
used to create common dreams. His knov. ledge about the An H)"pnos in Greel,.. the Lord of the Dream. He is summoned in
of Dreaming is equal to hi~ ~kill <;core. man} Dream rituals. Other gods are used more as s~ mbols.

f.n in " i~ hfS hkill score of more than 40): The Conjurer
Imov. th3t the dl\.'llm is an escape from the Illusion. thc prison
01 hunumt, lie al'iO kno\\s Ihal this is an incomplcle escape.
dead cnithat can ne\-er lead to a full Awakening. lie kno"s
'Che Spells
I tho: '\fl:hon~ and Ihe Angels of Death. Inferno and \1e-
poll but he general1~ does not care about the outside
orld. lie hID. in\-e~led 100 much in his dreams to v.ish 10
'Beiio({ tiie 'Dream
ea\c them ~hind. !-lis knowledge 3bow the ..\n of Dreaming The Conjurer can see into another individual's
I equal to hb sl,.ill ~ore. dreanl .... ith the aid of a mirror. He can not influence an)'1hing
in the dream. and he sees e~el)thing with the eyes of the drea-
mer. Thc dreamer is usually nOI aware of any peeping toms.
'DruBs An e)(perienced dreamer may sense that something is amiss if
he successfull), resists the spell.
DruBS an; a closely related pan of the dream. Drugs
are an escape from reality in the same way as dreaming. Many Skill ~co re : 5
Conjurers of the Dream use drugs in order to get into a stupor Loss of endurll nee : 10
dl,.~r cnough 10 let them Slay for days and days in the realms Tools of M agic ; The cup
Ilf the Dream. This is something, which adversely affects the Ti nu,'to cast: 10 minutes
bod). 'J he Conjurer has become a drug addict. To be a"ake Duration : 10 minutes
and unan":<led b... the drugs becomes more and more depres- Ego-I h ro" 10 resist : Yes
5m8. Til.: bod) c~n not stand being without the drugs. Ileroin. Preparalions A blue mirror is placed on the altar. White
morphine and different kinds of tranquilizers. often combined paint is used to .... rite the name of the individual whose dreams
\\ lIh liquor. arc common among the Conjurers of the Dream. are to be studied. 'arcolic incense is bumed in a brazier on
Even Conjurers v.ho do not become drug addicts use mildl) Ihe altar. and a hexagram is drawn on the floor. Four )'eJJo\\
narcotic drugs in their rituals in order to achie\e a sleep~ at- candles are IiI. and then the Conjurer puts himself inlo a medi-
mo'phcrc. Common inccnse is often mixed with cannabis. ha- tathe trance.
shi~h oropium. l o \oc. lion liIo d ges lllres ; The Conjurer summons ~Iypnos
and asks him 10 open the gate to the Realm ofthc Dreams. He
raises the cup and moves it above the buming candles and at
the same lime calls on the dreamer and asks to be let into his
Vis ua li u lio n : A dark point materializes in fronl of the
Conjurer and glides o\er to the mirror. There it explodes into
darkness and opens the road into the dream.


Summon 'Dreamer to open II gale to on the mirror. Inside the Magic Circle he then
draws a pentagram in blue and marks the poin!!; with lit candles.
The Conjurer can summon a sleeping person and Inl'ocalion and gHlures : The Conjurer follov.~ the lines of
force him to enter his own dream. If the spell is successful the the pentogram ""ith his hand and commands all hostile power..
dreamer will be brought into the Dream .... orld o(the Conjurer nOI to interfere with the ritual. He strikes the surface of the
the next lime he falls asleep. This requires that both of them mirror with the swo rd and calls the name of the dream he
are asleep at the same lime. A skilled dreamer can summon se- wants to open a gale into.
veral people at the same time, one for each 5 points of his skill VisualQation : The Conjurer sees a black opening in front of
score. If the sleeper is a ski lled dreamer .... hose skill score in him. growing out of nothingness. A rift in space i§ created
the Art of Dreaming is higher than his Ego, he can usc his when the mirror shallel'$. The rift is widened to create a portal
Dream Art to resist the spell. to the other side.

Skill scort' : S
Loss of endurance : 10 Send 'Dream
Tools or Magic: The ....'lUld
Time 10 cast : 10 minutes The Conjurer can send a dream to another
Duration : One dream dual, or change the dreams of someone acc"O:"'~:i"~'~;~~:;~;
[go-throw 10 resist: Yes of thc Conjurer. He can subject his victim t,
Preparations: The Conjurer burns \\-hite sandalwood in a thu- mares, or change anguish.filled dreams into pleasant'
ribre and lights a beeswax candle on the allar. He paints a tri- paradise. It is quite possible to drive a person in~
angle with one red, one yellow and one blue side on the floor. ding horrible nightmares night after night. After a
and wriles the names of those he wishes to summon inside it. more of manipulated dreams the \iclim is prone 10
On the outside of the triangle he draws a pentagram in ""hite. neurosis, and be the subject of permanent attacks of dread.
In\OCalion and geslul't's : The Conjurer swings the thurible
abl.we the triangle on the floor, turns to each of the four cardi- Experienced dreamers and Dream Conjurer<.
nal points and forbids all ichthyrians. psyphagi. and other drea- natural protection against ex ternal influences. They
mers 10 disturb the summoning. He chants the nomes of those their sk ill score in the An of dreaming or the Lore
he wishes to summon. and bids them to enter his dream. Dream to the effect for the ego-throw to resi~t the spell.
Visualizalion : The summoned individuols ore seen as floating
forms getting closer 10 the Circle and the Conjurer. Skill SCOTt: 7
Loss ofenduraoce : 20
Tools of Magic : The wand
'Dream Gate Tinle to east : 45 minutes
Duration : One dream
The Conjurer can open a portal inlo dreams or Ego-throw to resist : Yes
Dream worlds and move physically into them. The gate can be Preparations: The Conjurer bums incense titting the dream
opened to one of his own dreams, which he has pre\'iously vi- he is going to send: sulphur and pepper oil for e\'il dream<;,
sited, or to another person's dream. Creatures in the dream are camphor and .... hite sandal .... 000 for ethereal dreams, Inusir. and
a .... are of the Conjurer and can see him when the jXlnal is ope- myrrh for dreams ofa se.1(wl nature. He lights an oil lamp with
ned. If the spell is CllSt from within a dream the Conjurer can a blue flame on the altar. and drnv.s the signs ~ re-
then step OUI into v.aking reality. He can not bring anything presenting the dream on the floor: Saturn and IOJ
with him through the portal, unless he has cast the Dream physical and violent, Venus and Luna for the -",:~'j!~~~:r:;~!
Creation spell first. sual. Mercury and Jupiter for the impartial and
Sun for the spiritual and [orty.
Skillscou : 7 IIll'ocation a nd gesturej : The dreamer is called
Loss o f endurance : 20 by name. and the Conjurer raises the sword to
1'0015 of Magic: The sword sho ..... his capacity to shatter and distort the
Tim e to can : 20 minUies dreams of the victim. The dream to
Duration : 10 minutes be sent is described, preferably in a
Preparations: The Conjurer burns musk in a brazier and poetic fashion, while the Conjurer
splashes rose water on the oltar. Ill.' places a mirror on the altar moves his hand in sweeping
..00 writes. using white paint. a symbol for the dream he wishes circles o\'er the blue flame .

\lsualbalion lhe C(\njurer ~~ how the flame i~ distorted Time to cast II da)s
to II picture of the (Iream he "aJlL'i to ~nd ordiston. Duration' Permanent
P"'parations : The Conjurer bums narcotic incense and lights
forty \\ax candles in a tight Circle around the Circle of Magic.
sliared" 'Dream lie meditates lOr t .... elve hours. creating a mental image of the
TIlls IS II dreillTl "h red by a number of people. L p to In\oelilion and gestures : The Conjurer summons Hypno"
r go of the Conjurt.'T number of individual~ ma~ ~hare the and lies do\\n in the Circle to sleep. He holds the \\and in his
do: m at the same time. I he) do not onl) dream the lo3JOC righl hand and the cup in his left. When he steps into the realm
"'if tho.') ali<'l meet in the dream. and \\ill remember it af- of the Dream he carries his lools 'With him. lie locates a place
h:r ds \ shared dre;lm can tIC used to bring p.."'Ople together in the dream \~here the Temple is to situated. and dra\ls, b)
'rom far 8" I~. people 1l<1t otherv.io;o: able to communicate wilh \lalking three times counler dockwise in a Circle. a Circle of
~ach olher. It com also be us...-d to <;cnd a dream. to ~ubjlXt a Magic on the ground. The Circle will be permanent from no\,
I JmtlCr of people 1(1 a horril"ole nightmare. If the shared dream on_ The Conjurer returns each night during lhe next sc\en da~s
going to \Iork. all 01 the participants must be a~lecp at the to continue his construction of the Temple. During this time he
~m.: time. I he Conjurer can ehoo...e if he \Iants to be pan of has the ability to create lind shape items out of nothing. lie can
the dream or nl"ol. build an immense. colonnaded Temple with an altar of marble.
with grand statues of the gods of thc Dream, if he wants to,
Skill 'co..... X But he can only creatc items belonging to the Temple. nothing
I.o~~ of cndul'nm,:{' 30 can c\cr bc removed from it. When the seven days o f
rooh of l\1agic The wand construction arc ovcr, the Temple is consecrated in the usual
Tim{' 10 ClIsl I hour manner.
I)urlilion One dream Vi5l1l1olization : The Conjurer keeps a steady image of the
reo-Ihrow 10 resi~1 'it'), Temple in his mind. and gradually summons it out of the
I'relulralion~ 'areotic incense is burned in a brazier on the dream,
al.ar. and a .... hitc (andle is lit for each person that is going to
loh .re Ihe dream. The Conjurer net:ds a strand of hair. some
n il clippings. (lr II fe .... drops of blood from each one. I-Ie Lastin8 Porta(
pla~s the item" next 10 c:lch one of the candles. and dra .... s an
IIctal!lram on the noor, in the form of t\lO superimposed A permanent portal is created bet .... een the dreams of
~Il res One of the squares is painted blue and the other the Conjurer and our realit). He can al\l3)s \lall.: with his \la-
brown. king bod) bct .... een Ihe dream and his waking state. The portal
InHK'lIlion and gestur" : The dreamers are called one by one "orks just like a Dream portal. but it exists permanently. II
tly n 'Il<.' 1 hI! Conjurer bums the hair. the nails or the blood in mllst be placed .... here there is a natllral gate. like a door or an
e (, "C~p<.'cli\e caJldle, and commands everyone to come to opening of some other kind. The pona] can only be used by
I dream, He de,(ribes the shared dream using poetic lan- the Conjurer or by creatures with his permission. E\'er)one
g ge and mo\e~ the .... and over the burning candles on the el~ is kept away by spells of protection. The spell is cast in
, tWO steps. One part is performed in our reality and lays the
\ lsualin"ion Ihe dream takes shape out of the candleligh~ foundation for the ponal on this side. the other part is cast in
0'\ th .... altar. and is turned into a lucid image. the dream. The first pan of the spell is always cast in the
Temple of the Conjurer. regardless of whether it is situated in
realit)' or in the dream.
'Drea m 'T'emy(e
Skill score: IS
" permanent Temple is built in the dreams of the Loss of endurance: 40
{(mjurer It will always be available 10 him. regardless of how Tools or Magic The sword
hi~ dr\'arns dlange. He can alwa)'s find the 'W3y to his Temple. Time 10 casl 24 hours
and it \1;11 not be subjC(;led 10 ouler forces. oroflhe imminent Duration . Pcm13nent
n ut:lhilit) or the dream. The Temple functions exactly as nor- Preparation.!! : The Conjurer marks the gate on the side where
mal. It can be used to cast spells affecting both dreams and he has his Temple b} dra\ling its outline with red ochre.
re lit). "II thl! material for the Temple is picked out of the Abo\e the ponal he draws a T-cross and \lnles the \lord Tetra·
dream, there i~ no need 10 bring anything in from the .... aking gramOl:;lIon in order to keel"' all enemy powers away. He then
".rld. The spell is special. as it is prepared in a waking Slale. \I ithdraws to his remple 'Where he bums aloe incense and
hut: the importanl in\ocations are ~poken \\hile the Conjurer is dra\lS a blue pentagram marked 'Wilh file candles \\ithin the
a.,ll!cl"' and dreaming. Circle of Magic.
]nulcalion and gestures: me Conjurer raises the sword and
..,kill SCOT\' 10 points it in each of the four cardinal direclions. \laming the
loss ofcndurance : SO Princes and PO\lcrs of the Dream to keep away. He shouts his
Tools of Magk : The s\\ord. the \land and the cup 0 .... n name. also naming the portal. making it able to recognize
the Conjurer \\hen he wishes to usc it. He calls the ponal and
commands it 10 open. at the same time cutting a gate in the ai r
using the 5"ord. lie then reclines inside the pentagram and
goes 10 sleep (or "akes up. if the Temple is inside the dream.
and he is casting the first pan of the spell in the Dream
Temple). lie thcn repeats the ritual from the other side: dm\ls
the gate. dmw~ the T-cross and Tetmgrammaton. draw~ a pen-
tagmm. warns the po\~crs to stay away, names the port31 and
commands illo open.

Visualiza tion : The darkness is gathering around the place to live in reality. He does not age or die, but sooner or later the
"here the portal is going to open, and the Conjurer sees how a powers of Dea!h will take notice of him. No man is allowed to
rift opens in front of him, the air seems to crack, leaving a gate live forever, and dreamers trying to cheat Death \\ ill be chased
in the air. by the servants of the Angels of Death until caught. The entire
spell must be cast from a Temple in the rea l world.

Xscaye to the 'Dream Skill score. 16

Loss of endunmcc : All
This is a spell used by a person who wants to comple- Tools of Magic: The wand and the cup
tely move his essence to the Dream. The Conjurer is gradually Time to cast : 7 days
transferring himself into the Dream, until his living body is no- Duration : Pennanent
thing but an empty shell that he can leave behind. He has his Ego-th row to res ist : No
usual abilities in the Dream, and looks like himself, but he can PrCllarations : The Conjurer draws a penta-
change himself with the help of the Art of the Dream. He can gram on his own body and writes the
never return to the waking world for more than short visits names of the five parts of the soul
tllrougll portals. After a day in reality he is always thrown back next to it: Chiah, Nephesh, Nesha-
in to the Dream. A person escaping to tile Dream buys a tempo- mah, Ruach and lechidah. He
rary immortulity for himself, for the price of never again being able then burns myrrh, amber and

musk, Another pentagrnm is drawn inside the Circle of Magic. Visualil.alion : The Dream realm is taking shape in the dark-
He begins by writing the name'> of the hou~es of the zodiac. ness on the other side of the Cirele. When the Conjurer cm~
then the nine planets around it. Finall)' he dra\\~ a triangle sur- ties the contents of the cup, he looks into the dream of his vi-
rounding everything, with the ","oro Tctragrammaton written sUlllization.
along all three sides.
)D\{tcatiOD aDd gestures: Turned towards the west, with the
wand in one hand and the cup in the other, he denies the in- 'Dream Creation
fluences of the zodiac. then the planets, and finally the exis-
tence of God's entire creation. He is then able to walk into his This spell is used to create an item in the dream. The
own soul. He reclines on the floor in a fetus position and item can then be brought out into the real world. The Conjurer
closes his eyes. Half-meditating, half-sleeping, he mumbles can create an object with a mass of approximately his skill
his 0 .... n name as a mantra. and is gradually sliding into the score x kg. The object can be of any kind, but it may not be in
.... oTld of the Dream, while his hody deteriorates and dies. violation against the natural laws of our reality. If it is in viola-
\"jsualiT:ttioD : The Conjurer sees his own essence as a blue tion the item will cease to exist when it leaves the Dream
light permeating the body. The light is graduall) fading and is world. The Conjurer can take the item through a Dream gate,
transferred to the dream, which he imagines as a half transpa- and he will then have the item in his hand when he wakes up.
rent world, gradually becoming more substantial, Wltil the wa- When the duration of the spell ends the item disappears. The
king reality has disappeared completely. spell must be cast in the dream.

Skill score: 18
'Dream WaCk Loss of endurance: 40
Tools of Magic: The wand
The Conjurer can walk unhindered between his own Time to cast: 6 hours
dream~ and Dream .... orlds and those of others. He can let his Dunltioo : 24 hours from the moment Ihe item leaves the
own dream gradually glide into those of another person, and dream.
step into the \\orlds of the Princes of the Dream, and the twis- Preparations : The Conjurer lighls seven blue candles around
ted shared dreams around the Vonex. The dream is not a fixed the Magic Circle. Next to each candle he draws the sign for
landscape, the Dream walker is gradually changing his envi- oneofthe planets. In the middle of the Circle he paints a white
ronment in order to move about. In order to get inside the pentagram with blue outlines. and in the middle of it he draws
dream of another individual the effect of the dream walk must the signs for Mercury and Mars.
be greater than the effect of the Ego-throw of the dreamer. An Invocation and gestures : The Conjurer raises the wand and
e>.perienced dreamer can use his skill score for either his An points it in tum towards each of the planetary signs, and sum-
of dreaming or Lore of the Dream, instead of his Ego in order mons the powers of the planets. He then stands on the sign of
to keep the dream .... alker away. Mercury, describing in delail Ihe item to be created, at the
same time making a drawing of it in the air using the wand.
Skill ~core : 17 Visualization : The tip of the wand is a glowing point, dra-
Loss of endurance: 40 wing the outline of the item in the air, filling in shapes and co-
Tooh of Magic : The wand and the cup lors until the item is fully present.
1 imc to cast: 24 hours
Ego-tbro~ 10 resist: Yes
Preparlltions : A mirror is placed on the altar. The Conjurer Proyliecy
writes, using white letters, the name of the Dream realm he
\\unts to enter first. Seven lamps with blue names, which The Conjurer is able to see the future. He can pro-
~hould be burning for 24 hours, are lit around the Cirele of phecy in the dream how a certain event is going to come
Magic. Next to each lamp is written the Egyptian sign for one about. The prophecy is an image the Conjurer creates out of
of the pans of the soul: Reo, Sekem, Khu, Ba, Ka, Khaibil. his knowledge of a cenain situation. He can nOi prophecy
and Sekhu. In the square outside the Circle he draws live stars about a chain of events that he does nO! know anything about,
fur the the cardinal points of the dream. The Conjurer re- and the events must, in some capacity, be a cause and effect
mo\es the clothes from his upper body and rubs himself with chain. The Conjurer can not make predictions about events
rose oil. He Iills the cup with scented oils and places it within that are entirely a matter of chance. lie can nOI use the spell to
the Circle. lie then lies down on the floor. find the winning 10llery numbers, for example, or whether it is
10'OC81;on and gestures: When the seven lights go out the going to rain on the first of May nexl year or nOI,
Conjurer shul:i his eyes and summons his Khu, the soul that is
going to guide him in the realm of sleep. He dips the tip of the If the prophecy is going to be reliable it muSI be
.... and in the cup and splashes the oil on the five slars on the about a clearly defined event not too far ahead in lime. The
outside of the Circle, calling the name of the Dream realm and Conjurer can not say anything of any consequence about
asking for the protection of his Khu-soul. He then falls gently events a year from now. and the reliability is already much
to sleep, while weaving a spell where he says that he is see- compromised even if the prophecy only stretches a few
king the way into the realm of the Dream. the way to months ahead. It is no real picture of the future that is created,
the landscape of the heart, the way to the for that 10 be the Conjurer must have some knowledge of the
lands of forgetfulness. He drinks the last drops Magic of time and space. There is always a small risk that the
of oil from the cup. The mirror is shattered, prophecy is false, but the risk is diminished the more precise
and a gate is opened to- the question is. Possible questions are: "Will Bob Sisko. the
wards the dream. drug peddler, be caught by the police?" or "Will Bob and Lisa
get married?" or "Is Bob going 10 die from his cancer?"

Skill score: 19
Loss of endurance: 40 'Dream%ro
Tools of Magic : The cup
Time to cast: 9 hours The Conjurer can change himself using the Art of the
Duration : I year Dream, and retain the changes when he wakes up. An e.x»C-
Ego-throw to resist : No rieneed dreamer can change his looks. improve his abilities,
Preparations: A white candle is lit on the altar. An inner and obtain skills and abilities that he nonnallv does not have
Circle is drawn inside the Circle of Magic. and the situation This process IS described in the basic rules. U;ing this spell th~
that is the subject of the prophecy is described inside. This is Conjurer can bring his Dream persona out in realiTY. After a
expressed in astrological terms using the twelve houses of the day and a night he returns 10 his nornlal self. <

zodiac and the nine planets placed in their correct positions. It

is also possihle to describe the situation in other ways, like pla- Skill score : 25
cing the proper cards from a tarot deck. The Conjurer places Loss of endurance: 50
and lights five thuriblcs of myrrh. amber. musk, sulphur. and Tools of Magic: The wand and the sword
camphor around the description. Time to cast: 12 hours
InvOClition and gestures: The Conjurer summons Toth and Duration : 24 hours
Hermes. lIe raises t11e cup and walks three times counter Preparations: A lump with II red flame is lit. The sword is
clockwise around the signs on the floor. while he asks the po- placed on the altar with a fresh oak twig. The symbols for
wers of the Dream to show him the truth. He stops by each of Mars and Jupiter, surrounded by a pentagram marked with fiw
the thuribles, inhlllillg deeply. Finally he meditates on the pic- fed candles. are drawn in the Circle. Around the Circle the
ture on the floor, and gmdually slides deeper and deeper into Conjurer writes Ihe names of Ihe ten Sephifllth (the Archons).
the dream Invocation and gestures: The Conjurer walks counter clock-
Vis~ali~ation : A dream is shapcd oul of the signs on the floor, wise around Ihe Circle \\ ith wand in hand. He draws II penta~
pulhng the Conjurer away from the Temple. He ends up in a gram in the air ten times using the wand. and each time he
dream, where he is the spectator to the events that he asked commands one of the Sephiroth (plural· Sephiroth. singular:
aboul in the prophecy. Sephira) to turn its sight away from what is happening. He be-
gins with Malkuth and ends with Kether. He then takes the
sword from the ahar and steps into the pentagram. He calls his
Seeker own name, suntmoning Mars and Jupitcr to be the guides to his
own change. He raises thc sword saying that he is taking his
The Conjurer can find a person by searching for him strength from the dream, that he has his true self in the dream.
in the dream and then by following him into the waking world. that he is drawing his power from the dream. He then falls int~
He must know the name of the person he is looking for, and he a trance that is slO\vl) passing into sleep.
must have a focus, a strand of hair or some intimate possession Visualization: The Conjurer perceives his dream self as a
belonging to the person. Anyone can be looked for. re£ardless twin in front of him. The pair glides towards each other unlil
of where he is. provided that he sleeps occasionally. \~hich is Ihe Conjurer feels the power of the "tv.in" permeate his
the one important requirement. Only living people may be body. At this time he is already in the dream, :md has lLSed
found in this way. Those being tormented in Inferno. and the Art orthe Dream to change himself. When he wakes up he
blessed in heaven, no longer dream. be wearing the body of his dream persona.

Skill score: 20
Loss of endnrance: 30 True 'Dreams
Tools of Magic : The cup and the ring
l'ime to cast: 7 hours A True Dream may change rclllity. It can
Duration : - the past or work against the laws of nature, but it can ii"fl","~e
Ego-throw to resist : No a chain of events according 10 the will of the Conjurer. In order
i'relJarations : The item belonging to the wanted person is to succeed the Conjurer's knowledge about the situation must
placed on the altar. White sandalwood is burned in a brazier. be intimate enough to let him imagine a possible development.
and a lamp with a clear, white flame is lit. The cup is filted He can, for example, force a member of a board to leave his
with clear water. The Conjurer paints a square in the Circle post, provided that the member is torn between a desire to
where he writes lhe signs for the four elements. Within th~ leave the board and demands that he should remain. If the
sq.uare he draws a hexagram. He then places the ring in the member never even considered leaving the Conjurer will not
mIddle of the hexagram. be able to make him do this. Impossible things can not be
In\'ocation and gestures: The Conjurer holds the cup in one made to happen.
hand and the lamp in the other. He stands in the hexagram and
calls by name the person he wants to find. He commands him The true Dream can only influence a chain of events
to appear, to reveal his abode, to show his dreams. He swears in the immediate future, within a day from the casting of the
by Anubis and asks him to show the way through the veils of spell. As the Conjurer must have a very clear pictl,lre of the si-
the Dream. He swears by Horus and asks him to illuminate the tuation, only quite precise events can be manipL\lated in this
way. He swears by the gods of the Dream and asks them to aid way. The spell can used to influence people to m'ke a ce{ta~
him. decision, or give in to a specific impulse. It can al~o be used to
Visualization : The Conjurer glides into the dream and sees influence the physical world in order to make a
before him a road opening through the dreamland. Barking certain event happen. A Dream Conjurer in Lon-
dogs are heard in the distance. He walks along the road until don during the Blitz could, lor example, make
he finds the one he is looking for. He then looks down and one of the Germlln V2-roekcts crash on the
below himself, as if floating in I\ir. hc sees the place where the house of an enemy Conjurer.
individual is sleeping.

!o,kill ~~ore . ~n
Lo~J ofl'ndurance 4() 'Dream 'Rea(m
Tools of \l IIJtic rhe wand
Time to cast ., hour... Thc Conjurer can create his o .... n, independent
(}ul"1!.lion ~4 hou,", Dream .... orlds. and destroy the dreams of other people in Older
fJt0-lhro,. 10 re<ii~1 Yes to banish them completely. This spell is used in the battles bel-
Preparations The Coujurer obtains a focus for the spell, .... een Conjurers of the Dream and po .... erful dreamers in order
Th ' ":0." be a pi.:ture (If the perwn to be inflU<!oced, a strand to attack and destroy the dreams of others. It can also be used
of hair, a po.lS."CS~jon, or a pan of an ito;'m. The focus is pltll:ed to create Dream worlds. The Conjurer can create II Dream
1'01hl: altar. l'lunphor incl!me is burned in a bnllier. An octa- .... orld. which remains e\en while he is not asleep. Other drea-
gr.lm of tWO superimposed <,quare~ arc dra .... n in the Circle. mt"rs can enter the realm and stay there even when the Conju-
The u.p IX'" il f'ainted blue and the I(w,er is painted \\hite. Sym- rer is a .... aJ..e. The Conjurer can change and impro\e his realm
hoi" tor th~' f(lur etement~ are dra\~n next to the point:. of one with the An of the Dream. The spell is only used to lay the
~ll" the Mjllal\."S, Ilnd the names of four of the pan~ of the soul loundation of the realm. A Dream realm can be of any Si7.e. It
arc IHitten next to thc other points; Ruach. '<eshamah, "e- is expanded ..... hen the Conjurer adds pieces to it, and old
ph\'~h, and Chiah. Dream realms can be as larse as countries or continents.
hnneution IInti JteSlurl'S : The Conjurer ~t:mds in thc octa·
gram and turns l(lward~ thl! four cardinal paint~. He com- In order to destroy the Dream or Dream realm of
mands in turn the four clements to 1"01l0\1 his wilt. lie then another individual the effect of the spell must be gremer than
turn~ lO .... ards the lour names of the soul and summons them. the ego-throw of the dreamer. A Conjurer of the Dream can
lie 'ia)'.s that he i~ merging his soul .... ith matler, that his Dream add his skill score of the Lore of the Dream to the cffcct of his
is slIpI!rior to matter. that his dream II ill give him p<mer over ego-throw in order to protect his Dream realm from attacks.
mailer In pt)o!"tic foml he describes the situation he .... ants to Anyone staying in a Dream world when it is destroyed will
ml1ue/ll;e. and .... hat isgoing to happen. F'inall~ he sits do .... n in experience the end of the world as a series of eanhquakes and
the octagrnm and sinks into a ~tuflOr. raging fires. Dreamers lacking physical bodies in the waking
\"biulllilation An image of the e\ents is created in the mind world are killed with the world if they are not able to gel OUI
of the Conjurer. The image must be as lucid as possible. lie al- in time.
to\\-s th~ image 10 graduaU) slide into a dream describing lhe
cham of e'ents that the ~pell is going 10 inl1uence. Skill sco~ : 40
l oss ofendurllnce . 80
Tools of Magic; The .... and creates. the s\\ord destro\.s
'Ki((iIl8 'Dream Time to cut : 7 days
Duratio n : Permanent

,\ connection is made bet .... een a Jiving individual Eito-thro\o\ to rutSI ; Yes
.iI1d his drtams. The Conjurer transmits a dream thai can kill Preparations : A red, blue. )ellow, green, black and white
or <!Ierel)- injure the dreamer. The spell works like send he:<agram is painted on the floor. The secret name of the
drC"Jm. but ewr)'thing happening to the body of the victim is Conjurer, his Ren, a name he bears that only he knows, is writ-
d.bo happening in reality. If he falls from a height, the sleeping ten in the middle of the hexagram. The name gi\cs him the
~)- .... ill I\.~eh-e the appropriate injuries, if he is burned, he po ..... er to shape the "orld, and it prevenls others from des-
..... 111 ha\e bum marks. et cetera. The Conjurer decides what is troying his Dream world. It can also gi\e him the power to
ttOinll to happen. destroy other Dream ..... orlds. At the points of Ihe hexagram he
writes the words; Sekem. Khu, Ba. Ka. Khaibit, and Sckhu. A
sl..m ~core 35 lamp giving a white l1ame is lit on the altar.
I.o~, ohndurilnee . 60 (n,oealion and gest ures: In order to create a world 1he
Tools uf Mn~ie : The sword Conjurer raises his wand and painls it in each of the four car-
Time to enst ; 2-1 hours dinal directions, commanding. in tum. all the Archons and the
Durution I dream Angels of Death and their servants to look away and not inler-
[go-thro", 1o resist; Yes fere with the ritual. He draws a pentagram in the air around
P~paratio ll 1 A strand of hair from the victim is placed on the Circle of Magic to prevent any snooping, raises the wand
the altar. The Conjurer bums incense mixed with sulphur and and summons Hermes Hypnoticus for guidance in creating
f"lCPper oil, He hghts an oil lamp with a red flame, and dra .... s strong foundations for his inner world.
the signs for \1ars and Saturn in the Circle of Magic. Outside In o rder to destroy a Dream world the Conjurer raises the
the Cirde he .... rites the name of the individual that is going to sword, and summons the po .... er of the ten Arehons in order to
~(ile the dream, shatter the Dream. He walks three times counter clock ..... ise
In\ocat~on and gesturu : The dreamer is called by name, and around the he--.:ag.ram, commanding, in the po .... er of his secret
the Conjurer raises the sword in order to show his po .... er to name. the Dream world to show its true self as an illusion and
d~tro)' and corrupt his dreams. The dream that is to be senl is
to evaporate when meeting the physical edge of the sword:
de~ribed, preferably in a poetic fashion, while the Conjurer Then the Conjurer sinks inlo torpor, seeing in the dream how a
is burning the hair in the red flame. world is either built or destroyed. He will be completely un-
Visualization : The Conjurer sees how the conscious for seven days, seeing how the .... orld is created out
flame is distoned to a picture of the body of of nothing. or destroyed by raging storms and fires until n0-
the dreamer. which is either injUred or killed. thing remains.
Visualization : The Conjurer visualizes the world that is being
created or destroyed.

'Dream &' 'Rea[ity
The Conjurer can create II ,""orld in the borderland
betIWccn Dreams and Realit). an area Whl"re the dream and the
The Lore of
\.\,uking world slide into each Oilier. The illusions break down
and reality become<; a dream. The result of this is that a pan of
reality. up to a square kilometer in size, will be disloned and
<;.haped by the mind of the dreamer. The area is tom a\\8y from
the waking world. and is pan!)' brought into the Dream. II can
be reached both from the .... aking \~orld and from the dream, When the hour neared midnight I had almost
but it is still situated outside of what nonnal people would be
able to sec. It can. for c:-oample. be an abandoned industrial forgotten what Boa had said about the spell The place
park that is brought into the dream. The area .... ill disappear staried to fill up with people, blinking lights and dan·
from all mops and from visible reality, but it will stay in the cing bodies, the smell ofsweat and a cool sense ofmergy
minds orlhose people \\ho visited the area before the spell was and control that came from the powder I'd gottmfrom
cast. Individuals remembering Ihe area crm still find their way
BOd. Feet and hips followed the rhythm. J dunced with
there. if they make an elTon. Anyone searching through the
borderland to the lost area can step through the illusion to entcr raised arms through the crowd, aIJd callght a bac!z.-.iJard
the Dream world. The Conjurer can distOl1 thc area e;l\actly as glance. The digital clock said J 1:59. One minute till
ir il "as a created Dream world, but he has the advantage or midnight. J st(}()(/ in the middle of the sea ofpeople, in
being Ilble to ","ork "ilh existing mailer. Dream worlds created the middle of the hangar, fit least (/ hUIJdred alld fifty
out of reality in this "ay become more real and solid than feet from the doors to the sleepy industrial park. Make
those created out of the imllginalion of the dreamer. They are
also protec\t.'d 3gainst destruction. A Dream world of this kind sure you are out before midnight, Boa had said. Hell
can not be destro)·ed by the Dream \\orld spell. breaks loose at midnight. I pushed my way towards the
doors, checked my watch, got halfway across the floor.
Skill5COR : 4S and was caught in the thickest part of the crowd, plo-
Lon of endurance : 80 wed my way through a buttch oflaughing teenage girls.
Tools of ;\bgi( : 11le \\-and
Time to (ast : 7+7 days But it was too late. The digitalfigures flickered· 00:00.
Duration : Permanent
Preparations: The area that is going to be pan of the Dream I screamed A mad, despmrtt scrt,lm 'i~..'bfn my
I\arld is mmed out. This is done "",ith a mixture of sail and head was tmptitd of all thoughts dttd 'WdS filled
sulphur. "hich the Conjurer has cleansed from e\il influences
by signing a pentagram and commanding the Archons and the
white bot, wordlessfury. J wasn't tht only one ""'dill"
Angcis of Death to tum a"ay their attention. The mixture is The voicts echoed through the hangen: The sm"''''!r"",,,
spread in a line around the chosen area. Inside the: area a of tht dancers broke apart. They broke
Temple is built and consecrated. to be used exclusively for Ihis rhythm. Their t)'tI gleamed of bm,;",,,,,,,d
tom away in a maelstrom 0it~t~~:,';:':;;~~~;
spell. It is marked .... ith a black square around a blue Circle.
with a golden pentagram in the middle. At the tips of the pen-
tagram the: words: Chiah, I'e:phesh, Nc:;hllmah, Ruaeh and 11.'-
Clothes were torn to shreds,. '
chidah arc \\fitten. The Conjurer also IHites his Ren, his holy floor, and there was a crunching ofbroken bones,
name, in the middle of the pcntagrJm. When the Temple has screams, and despemte laughter: The lights wet/lout.
been consecrated the Conjurer lights five candles in the points mething sharp Cllt my thigh, maybe a knife. F""ri,
orthe pentagram and burns incense mixed "ith amber and hal/ds caught me and dragged me down Ollto the floor.
10\OClilion aod ge.~lure5 : The Conjurer raises the wand and
summons Hermes. lie commands all malign influences to
leave the area. and declares that it is his in the name of his se-
cret name and his human dilinity. He commands all beings
and po\\crs in the area to bend 10 his will and to let themselves
be shaped according to his soul, in the power of the divinity of
his lechidah. the power of his Chia. the insight of his Nesha- The Lore of Madness work-. on Ihe human mind.
mah. the understanding of his Ruach. the essence of his Ne- Madness can provide the power 10 sec the truth be)·ond
phesh. lie then falls into torpor and sees in the dream how the illusions. but it can also diston the sense~ and gi\e ph~sical
.... orld around him is ~haped into a dream and is tom a ...."3.y form to imaginings born of anguish and fear. A madm.;m can-
from the waking reality. He is gone for seven days while he not separate lies from the truth, or lilOtasks froll"\re:!lrty. It is
lets the area meld with the dream. When this is finished he can both strength and a weakness. The Lore of M~ can. more..
begin to change the area with the An of the Dream. than an) other Lore. break down the illUSlQns aM Pf""~"""
Visualization : 1lle Conjurer ~s his O"n power as a golden true insight on man's divinity and the nature of rtalil). ft r-SL
light filling and encompassing the "orld around him. The light also cheat and provide you with fa l!C .. islons, B
is intensified, when the area lca\-es reality and is pulled inlO fa lse sense of po.... er and understanding, ~ending
the dream, until it shines bright enough to send the world out- the Conjurer on a desperate joumc) inlo dark-
side into darkness. ness.

The cuhure of the madmen teaches a form of insane Almost all books about the Lore of Madness have
Magic requiring a mental balance of -50 or lo\~er if you are to been written by Conjurers who have lived among the madmen
underr.tand it; complicated rituals excluding anything that is and have studied their unstructured Magic, and then taken it
logical or structurcd. There is also Lore of Madness of a more into the studies to give it a traditional form. It is the incompre-
traditional form, with spells influencing the senses, and taking hensible rituals of the madmen that are the basis for the more
its power from disturbed mental balances. Most of the rituals sensible Lore of Madness. This is the rcason why the spells
in the Lore of Madness belong here. They use the same tools become more and more unstruclUred the more difficult they
and rituals as the other Lores, and can be performed by regular are. The most complicated of the rituals are reserved for those
Conjurers. with a really low or high mental balance, they are incompre-
hensible to anyone else. In order to attain skill scores of 40 or
more the Conjurer must have a mental balance of less than -50
or more than +75.

<The 'Knowfe£ae of the Conjurer of

The Lore of Madness provides insights about the
human mind, mixed with views of the true reality. No Conju-
rer of Madness is really able to separate man from the outer
reality. They are intimately connected to each other. By chan-
ging his bod} the Conjurer of Madnc!>S is influencing reali!}, or do .... n. The hexagram occurs rarel). The triangle i~ dra"n
and b) changing reality he also changes himself .... jth unequal sides. as a reminder oftne absence and unpredic-
tabilil) of god. The square occurs infrequeml). Primitive signs
The bllsics (skill score of 10 or less): ·1 he Conjurer kno"s that and pictograms in ... ented by the Conjurer himself are more
man is both a god and a soulless animal. Ilc kno",,"s that Mad- common. Incense is burned in all ritullb. onen stin"ing and
m.'ss can t.... ist real it)· and open gates to other realities. IIc also unorthodox incen:;c spiced with pepper and sulphur. manure
kno .... s that inner demons can take physical form in ordcr to at· and e\'il-smelling plants. Lit candlcs are rarely placed in an)
tack us. kind of ordcr. more often in clumps \\-here dilTer.:nt colors lind
lengths run riot.
The Conjurer can stud~ a pel';()n lind see if she has a
~ithe or negative mental balance. III' hIlS a strong instinct 10 rhe four elements are almost ne\er u~d. The planc-
lo ....er his o"n mental balance. ifit is already negative, or raise taT) symbols are used to describe human instirx:(s. The '>evcn
it. if it is positive. Eg)'ptian souls PfO\ ide a picture of man as shattered and lost
in the illusion. A unique feature of the Lore of \bdncss is the
\ iew of thc Archons and the Angels of Death a~ expressions of
lI ig her kno,,\etlge (skill score of 11-40): The Conjurer kno .... s human instincts and feelings, rather than independcnt beings
about the culture ofthc madmen and their mllgical abilities. He and po.... ers in the universe.
kno\\-s .... here to find the madmen ..... hen he needs them. He
kno .... s that we are prisoners in the illusion. and thai a raised or
lowered mental balance is thc road 10 freedom. He kno\\os Tlie Gods of'Maaness
llboul the Archons and the Angels of Death. and kno",,"s thai
\ktropolis is an original part of reality. PIlI1 is the god abovc otllers. lie is the highest and the
lo"est at the Qlme time, Madnes~ and divine understanding.
People "ith a mental balance of -25 to ~25 .... ill ins- the lust for destruction and passion. r-;c,t to him can be found
lincti\ely amid lhe Conjurer. His o .... n menial balance can no \arious gods of chaos. like Tiamat and Apophis. A ('ooJurer of
longcr advance lo"ards zero. As long as he is praclicing the Mildness rna) invoke every rebellious god. Lo"i and CO~Ot.:.
Lore of\1adness al this le\oct. his balance can only move a .... ay Set and Dion)sos. Panicular for the Conjurers 111' \ladn.:~'1 i~
from the {.ero point. their de ... otion of the Demiurge as the creator of \ladne<;s and
the Illusion.

Full insights (skill score of mOTe than +40): The Conjurer

kno\\os about thosc that have awakencd, lind knows that they
are people who have retained thcir divinity. III' knows that the Lhe Spe{{S
road leads Ihrough Chaos or Nirvana.

The Conjurer automaticall) recehes a mental ba- Ga te to 'Metropo{is

larx:e of ·50 or t 75 .... hen he attains a s:kill score of 40, if he
isn't already at this or a lowcr'higher level. He can .... aleh a The Conjurer can open a gatC throu¢1t~ ';.""';."',"
human being and tell his mental balance e,actl)·. \1elropolis. A door is opened to the cil) on th.: ~ltru..T side
broken mirror. Beings on the other ~ide are immC'diald)
of the Conjurer and can enter our reality through the gate.
the spell is cast in Metropolis, the Coniurer can S('I! into our
reality and open a gate back to us.
The Conjurer of Madness often uses his own body.
He distorts thc body and innucnec5 reality through thllt aCI. Skill scort' . 5
Body paints. scars and tattoos arc common in Ihe Lore of Mad- Loss of endurance: 30
nc'>!;. Sometimes self-mutilation. 5lar"alion or o\ereating is Tools or magic The wand
used to channel the magical energies. The Conjurer of Mad- Time to cast I hour
ness has no great respect for his body. It is a fragile "essel that Duration 10 minutes
he is 11\ing in for a "hill'. something that he can to) \\oith and Preparations _A shattered mirror or a ricee of polish.:..! gla~~
,trelch the limits to until it breaks. is placed on the altar. An irregular pentagram i~ paintoo in th<-
Cirele. The .... ord \IETROPOLIS is llrittcn 1711 tim'-... "illlin
the pentagram, fonning a hopeless muddle.
In\ocation lind gestures: 1bc Conjurer drall ~ II renta,!tram in
the air and commands all evil po.... ers to stay aW3)'. lie walks:
All the [0015 of Magic have a dual meaning in the around the pentagram five times and thcn picks up the mirror
Lore of Madness. The "and and the crov.n are signs of po....er from the altar. The mirror is thcn broken aran l100\C the pt.'Tlta-
and authority. but they also symbo1i£c the powerlessness and gram, "hill' the Conjurer calls that he "anlS to vic",," the Cit},
irresponsibility of the fool. The cup is a symbol of truth and the Citadel of the Gods, Ihc }alvning pit. thc C'910rl~
lies. knowledge and confusion. The ring symbolizes the ties "'hen the brol..cn pieces ha\-e fallen onto the pe~tdgl'8m.
bet.... ~n eternity and thc short human lilespan. cosmos and the Conjurer walks o\er them with ~ feet until thc~ are bloo-
frail bod). The S"ord is more unequi\o·ocal. tile cutting \leapon. died.
but it can also be used to make fun of masculinity and strength. Visualb.lltion : A dark mist is fonned out of the
bloodied shards. rising up and fonning a ronal
towards Metropolis.
Tlie Sym6o{s
The pentagram is drawn irregularly; ne\'cr using
points of equal length, and rarel) wilh any points directcd up

3 days

'Figment if the 'lmaeination Summon the 'Foo{s

The Conjurer can intluence the mind of an indivi· This is a way of summoning individuals wilh a very
dual. making him see and hear things that do not exist or to low or a very high mental balance. The Conjurer sends a mes-
prevent him from seeing something that really does exist. The sage, which will reach every humao with an exlreme mental
figment can be anything: a man, a house, and a terrible mons- balance within an area of a hundred square kilometers. The
ler, ~eal\'aler flooding the meets around the victim. The illu- message can take many different fonos. The fools will often
sion cannot influence anyone in a physical way, but it can hear a voice in their minds commanding them to seek out the
frighten the ,'ictim in such a way that it may jump off a roof or Conjurer. but they may also see it as a sign in the air, by fin-
run in front of a CIIT. The entire field of vision of the victim is ding a secret text, or having a hallucination. The recipiem al-
affected in the illusion, making him belie.. c he is in the middle ways understands the message, but he always decides for him-
ora desert or on the oottom of the sea, for example. Irthe fig- self if he wants to obey Ihe command of the Conjurer or not.
ment of the imagination is breaking all relevant naturollaws or Those who are willing to listen immediately-if at all possible-
~uddenly twists the world entirely out of proportion, the victim head for the Temple oflhe Conjurer.
must make a terror throw.
Skill score : 8
Skill score: 7 Loss of endurance: 40
Lo!I;s ofendur!IPce: 40 Tools of Magic: The wand
Tools or Magie: The sword Time to cast: 3 hours
TIme to east: I hour Duration : -
Durafion 30 minutes [go-throw to resist: No
Ego-thro\o\ to rellist : Yes Preparations: The Conjurer drenches the Temple in strongly
Preparations : The Conjurer lights a lire in the Circle of smelling incense, and lights a flaming fire, a magical beacon.
Magic. Around Ihe lire he draws IWO triangles. which sort of on Ihe altar. He writes his Ren, his se<:ret name. with large lei-
overlap each other to fonn an approximate he.>:agram. I-Ie fills ters in the middle of the Circle, surrounding it with an irregu-
the Circle outside the hexagram with burning candles. many if lar pentagram of burning candles. Outside the pentagram he
the ligment is going to be large, few ifil is small and sublime. .... rites the sign for Mercury.
A strand of hair or a piece of skin of the victim is placed on In vocation and gestures: the Conjurer, who is hammering on
the allar. the altar with his wand, and stamping on the floor, summons
lo\'oeation and gestures: The sword is swung above the Hcrmes and Pan together, as one god. He calls his secret
attar. and the Conjurer summons the power of the Demiurge to name, together with six other. false, names in order to confuse
twist the illusion. He walks once around the hexagram, not ca- all evil powers. He calls all of the fools. all of the children of
ring if he knocks any of Ihe candles. The hair or Ihe skin is Pan and Dionysos, atl the lost and terrified and angry and
picked up from the altar and cast into the fire in the hexagram. mad, all the broken creatures walking the earth. He moves
The Conjurer calls the victim by name and commands him to back and fonh within the Circlc, rhythmically stamping the
see a new world around him, a truer illusion, a better lie lhan ground, calling his se<:ret name, mixed with any of the false
the one he usually sees. The sword is swung through the names, with the command that they should all come to him.
flames and the Conjurer calls oUllhat he is rending and crea- Visualization: The darkness outside the Circle is getting hea-
ting the illusion_ vier, and the Conjurer sees an anny of fools emerging from the
Visualilation : The Conjurer sees how the figment of the ima- shadows. They are dirty and broken, with mad eyes. and bo-
gination is taking form OUI of the flames, sound coming first, dies twisted by anguish.
followed by colors and shapes. and finally smells.

'Find 'Madness
Find Madness is not a real spell, but rather an un-
controlled outburst of Madness to strengthen the Conjurer's
conne<:tion to the Lore of Madness. During the three days of
the spell his skill score is raised by +5 for all the spells of
Madness (provided he knows them, of course). He cannot cast
spells from other Lores for the duration of this spell.

Skill score-: 10
Loss of endurance; SO
Tools or Magic : The cup
Gift 0/ 'Maditess
Time 10 cast: 7 hours The Conjurer may, for a shon period. influence the
Duration 3 days mental balance of himself or of someone else, If the spell is
PreparJICions : The spell is begun at midnight w-hen the moon cast on a person ..... ith a ncgati\e menIal oolance. the balance
is full. The Conjurer places a mirror on the altar. He paints immediately goes down by 100 points. Ifil is cast on a person
himself using red paint, covering the eOlin: bod) with meanin- .... ith a positive mental balance. the balance go..'S up b) the
gless symbols and words. The cup is filled with strong liquor same number of points. "The result is the 5anlC a.~ if the mental
flavored with henbane if his mental balance is negative, other- balance had changed in Ihe regular \\oay The personality is
\\ise he fills it \\ith clear spring\\ater. He ..... rites the signs for changed. and the bod) may ~ di~toned. A person dropping
the Moon and Saturn on Ihe floor w-ilhin a pentagram \\ ith t\\O below -12S temporarily loses some of his abilities. and will
pomlS ~o .... ards the altar if his mental balance is negative, ..... ith meet his shado ..... of light. The effects stOp w hen the ~pell ~tops
Oil(' pomt to\\ards the allnr if Ihe balance is positive. The last 10 function. Eventual physical change~ .... ill di~ppcar. abilities
thing he does is chaining his fect ..... ith symbolic shackles of will return, and the ~hado\\ will dissolve" Ihe effC\:ts of an ex-
cloth, so that he may not mo\'e. treme mental balancc arc described in the basic rules.
In,oeation olld gestures" The Conjurer summons Pan, the
I)rincc of Madness, using a loud \oiec. He tears the shackles Skill score: 13
and empties Ihe cup in one draught. At this moment his mental Loss of endurance: 60
balance drops by SO points, or goes up by SO points if his men- Tools of 1\lagic : The cuJ'!
tal bala~ce is posith-e. lie runs screaming from the Temple, Time to cast: 6 hours
filted with mge or euphoric happiness, depending on his men· Duralion . 2~ hou~
t~1 balance .. 111' has no self-control. and is totall) possessed by Ego-Ihro" to misl : Yes
hIS rage untIl the sun rises. Prcparations . '1\\oisIOO \'el"'iions of the Egy ptian signs for the
' "isualizlu ion : The Madness is a )cllow shimmering in the human soul are written in the Circle: a dead 0\\01 in a 00\\01. a
cup. emptied by the Conjurer. filling him ..... ith a glittering. \'el- bird .... ilh a grotesque plumage on the head. IWO chopped up
10..... fluid. - anns, a shapeless lump on a Slid•. Tet~rammaton is wrinen
back .... ards around thc pictures. as 'otammargartet. E~il-~md·

Visions 0/ the 'Foo{ ling incense is bumed on the altar, mi\cd .... ilh the urine of the
Conjurer. A strand of hair from thc pcr;on to be subjected to
the spell is also placed on the altar.
The Conjurer can summon a vision containing both (n,ocalion and geSlures The Conjurer ..pib in the cup arxI
truth and lies. The vision lakes the fonn of a hallucination. 1be summons Pan. He dances on the edge 01 the Circle, ...:reaming
Conjurer stans w-lth some kind of object .... hen he casls the to Pan to come and gi,e of his fUr)- and madnc ..s. He calls the
spell. This can be an item belonging to a certain indh idual. is J'\aOle of the \ictim. commanding him 10 relea.,e hi~. ~;~::
connected 10 a certain place. or is interesting in il. The spell to release his soul, to 11.'1 himself be twisted b) truth.,-'
creates (I \fision related to lhe object, bul the Conjurer has no ning for an hour the Conjurer grabs the hair from the:
\\ay of deciding \\ohat is false and what is true. There is always casts it on the signs on the floor. lie commands
an equal amount of truths and lies. inseparably inlerv.oven. waste his po\\er. Ka 10 takc Ihe shape orthe shado\~, and
10 cast its .... ard into the maelslrom of madness.
Skill scor~: 12 Visuulization : "The Conjurer sees how ".1:ldness takes
Loss of endurance: 40 out of Ihe Iwisted signs on Ihc floor. gro\\ ing like a re.t
Tools of Magic : The cup enveloping him and taking the fonn oflhe victim ofth.:
Time to cnst : 3 hours
Duralion : I hour
Ego-throw 10 resist : No 'Maditess Wa(k
Prcpllrations : 1111.' object of 11'11.' spell is placed on the altar
and is cOlered by a yello\\-\\hile-rcd \ei1. The cup is filled I~ The Conjurer can walk freely bct\\een OuT world and
the rim with \\ine mixed with I,lnegar, and is placed on the MClropolis for three days. lie can break throu gh the illusions
altar. A pentagram, a hexagram and a triangle are draw-ll in the at any lime in either direction. Inside Metropolis he has a
Circle, panly o'erlllpping each other. filled with yellow and rough eslimate of \\ here he is, and hO\~ 10 mo,'.: 10 gct to cer-
red. The signs for Saturn and Jupiter are drawn altemati\.'ely tain places. lie can also cnler lhe underworld the cit' of I\.tonor:
inside the hexagram until they co~'er the entire surface. The tri- and the borderland to Achlys, where e,erythi~g ceasdsto c.,ist.
angle is filled with penened \ersions of Tetragrammaton: Te-
gramlon, Tetragram. Teton, Gralemlatron and \1etragratamon. Skill score : 17
In,ocation and geslum : The Conjurer takes the item in his Loss ofendurJlnce: 60
right hand and lhe cup in his lefl. He steps into Ihe hexagram Tools of Magic:-: The wand and the cup
and summons the Dcmiurge. lie demands kno\\ledge about the Time 10 ust : 24 hours
pa.'>t of the object. He summons Saturn and Jupiter. and asks Du ralion : 3 days
them 10 show him the way. lie emplies the cup in one draught, Preparations. The Conjurer paints a labyrinth o~ lhe IloQr
raises the objecl in the air. tears the .. eil away, and commands the Temple using his own blood and urine. He d .......... the. fabt-
iliO reveal its secrets. rinth .... ith a number of exits and maIl)' dead ends. He then
Visualization : When the \fei! is torn aw-a), a blinding light paints a large, irregular pentagram around lhe la-
shines from Ihe item. and becomes a vis ion in the mind oflhe by rinlh. !Ie dra .....s Ihe same labyrinlh on his
Conjurer. own chest and belly. lie places the cup in the
middle of the labyrinth on the floor
and then lights a long row of candle:;
along the only roule leading in 10-
wards the center. 'Ille candles arc
made to bum for three da)'s.
In\ ncation a nd gcs ture~ The Conjurer stllnds at the begin- SIJII score: 25
ning of the lighted path and roises the wand. He summons Loss of entlu rance: 50
Hennes and a<:ks for guidartCe. He summons Pan and asks him to Tools of Magic: The sword
tear the walls Or[/te illusion. fie summons his OW'll secret name. T ime 10 casl : 9 hours
hk Ren. and ash for power 10 break through [0 the other side. Duration : 24 hours at the most
l ie then lights a small fire, a mere glow. ;l cigarette perhaps. He [go-thro" to res ist : Yes
slowly mo~cs into the labyrinth along the lighted path. He stops Prepa ra tions: A strand of hair, some skin or blood from the
al each candle and marks Ihe spot in the lab}rinth on his own victim is placed on [he altar. The sword. which has been mois-
body b} burning himself wilh Ihe dgareue. When he Te.1ches the tened with the blood of the Conjurer is also placed on the altar.
o.;entt'f of the Io.hyrioth the walls of the iltu;;ion break do .... n. The Conjurer lights a flaming coal (ire in the middle of the
Vis uuli/lltion . The darkJless gathers until il i;; an unbreakable floor. Sigils and signs for 72 Demon Lords and Princcs of Inferno
wall outside the labyrinth. \1etropolis slowl) appears out of are wrinen around this. An irregularly drawn pentagmrn swroul\ds
the darknc~s: tall buildings and a d3rk sky, twisting streets and ewrything, with the points marked by smoldering sulphur.
distanll} hO\~ling dogs. I Q~ocal i op lind gestu res : The Conjurer cuts himself with the
sword in his !eft amI to make it bleed. He enters the penta-
gram and summons the first of the 72 demons by name. while
'1((USiOllS of Grandeur he spi lls some of his blood on the sigil on the floor. lie calls
the name of the victim and asks for help in finding out what
Tbe Conjurer can regain sonte of his divine powers his worst fear is, and to make it a part of the illusioo. lIe then
b)' pretending [hat he is some greal and impon3nt individual, continues with all of the 72 Demon Princes, rhythmically dan-
like Napoleon. Julius Caesar or the president of the United cing around the coal fire on the floor. He finally picks up the
States. This will enable him to double two of his 3bility seores hair or s kin from the altar, tossing it into the fire. He calls the
and usc two ~kills that he nomlally does not have. The skill name oflhe ... ictim and commands him to let his fcarscome true.
so.;ore is equ31 \0 the score of the basic ability. The Conjurer Visualization : A vision of [he terror that is going to haunt the
really believes he is another person. but he keeps his own victim grows from the fire. The Conjurer does not visualize it
guals dnd amhitions. He often de ... elops a hea ... il) merstated consciously, as he does not know what it \\i11 look like. It is
pcr.iOnality when imitating one of the great. merely shaped out of the flames, taking physical foml. as if to
attack Ihe Conjurer. before it rushes away into darkness and
Skill score . 20 disappears.
Loss of endurance : 50
Tools of Ma gic . The wand and the crown
Time 10 cast ; 12 hours Change 'Form
Duration . 3 days
Preparations: A ponrai! of the mimicked person is placed on The Conjurer is temporarily able to change his body.
the altar. This can be a drawing or a photo. The Conjurer em- He CM entirely change his looks, sex and race. Ill' can double
philsilt's the contours of the person with charcoal and deco- h i ~ skills and triple his mass using the spell. All secondary abi-
rate5 the portrait .... ilh flowers and colorful ribbons. In his own lities are recalculated, but no skills are affected by the spell.
facc h... draws tcatures that \\ill strengthen his similarity with
the f'lt'Nm. He dmws a hexagram on the floor and writes the Skill score: 27
naUle of an Archon in each of the points: Kether, Binal!, Gebu- Loss of end ll.ra nce : 70
rail, Tiphareth, NetZ3ch, and Malkuth. Tools of Magic : The cup
In"Kalion and gestures: The Conjurer places the crown on Time to cast : 24 hours
his head and raises [he wand. Ill' shouts the name of the im- Du ra tion ; 24 hours
]"'>Ilr1anl person: "He is me! Let the whole \\orld kno\\ that I am Pre pa rations: A lock of hair of the Conjurer is placed on the
him.ft Ill' walks around the altar with raised wand and sum· altar. Some of his own blood is dropped on the hair, which is
m(ln~, in tu rn. each of the Archons. Finally he bums the pic- then covered by a black veil. An irregular hexagram is drown
ture on the altar 10 ashes. in the Circle of Magic. The Conjurer then .... rites his own
Visualization : A visualization of the person emerges from the name, correct at fiTSt, then morc and more corrupted. in the
burning picture, melding with the Conjurer until lhey are one. hexagram: Randolph, Andolph, Sandolp. Rolphrand, Dolph-
paud, Ranpand ... The entire hexagrnm is filled with the nanlCS.
Outside the hexagram he writes the names Tetragrammalon
'Demons of die SOUr and Adonai. These are also more and more corrupted. A forest
of differently colored candles of various lengths are placed
The most horrid nightmares are made 10 take physi- and lit around [his.
cal form. The spell works like a strong, aimed projection. The In,'ocation a mi gestu res; The Conjurer tCaTS the veil from
Conjurer summons whatever thing the victim fears the most. the altar and strews the hair over the burning candles. lie sum-
This can be a mad killer attacking the children of the Victim, a mons the Ocmiurge and asks for knowledge to change the illu-
raging monster tearing him to pieces, or that his room is trans- sion, and to create a new body. He summons himself, in the
formed into a narrow cave where the walls suddenly form of his secret name, requesting the power 10 diston his
stan to move. slowly crushing him to death. own body. He raises the cup over his head and walks around
The Conjurer can decide if the spell is going the hexagram until all the names are transfonned into an un-
to kill the victim or not, but he cannot decide readable haze. He finally puts the black veil over his he3d and
the form of the vision of shouts that he allows himself to be changed that he allows
terror. this is detcnnincd himself to be distoned in the nrune of Madness, allows himself
by the fe3rs of the vic- to be shaped by the imprisonment of the illusion.
tim. If the spell is suc- Vis ualization ; When the veil is placed on the head of the
cessful the victim musl Conjurer he sees his new face and body in front of himself. He
make a terror th row with a keeps hold of the visualization, and when he lifts the veil he
+ 15 modification. has changed.

summons Dionysos. A forest of candles is IiI in the Temple,
one candle for each anticipated attendant, The candle<; should
The Conjurer is able to change the mental balance of be long enough to bum throughout the entire bacchanal. \\hile
a large group of people temporarily. The spell "ill affect eve· candles arc used for posith'e attendants. and black ones are
I)one in an are of 250 by 250 meters. Their mental balance is used for negative. The cup, filled "ith "inc. is placed on the
mise<! or lo"ered by 100 points. depending on which side of altar. and a black goatskin is placed in the Circle,
the zero line they are. This is an experience of terror requiring In\'oc3tion lind gestllr('S: Pomegranate seeds arc stre"n over
a terror throw by everyone involved. The result \\Iill be that the goatskin "hile the Conjurer summons Dionysos of the fo-
some are gripped by panic and blind fury. receiving physical rests. the bullhorned. Liknites. the son of god. the l.ing of the
changes. and living out their disadvantages. while others are gods. The Conjurer turns to"ards the east lind ,emptie.f, the
cradled in an uneanhly calm, closing in on themsel\cs. wine-filled cup. He throws the cup aside and Ricks lip
....and. takes the goatskin from the Hoor. placing it bn hi~ 5hbu1-
Skill score: 30 ders. He calls the name of the place ,,,here the baechanal is to
Loss of endurance: 70 be held. and asks the spirits of the place to relea.,e "", .m,d.
Tools of Magic :"The wand and the cup ness. to .... hip the souls of the people to let them
Time 10 CUI: 24 hours distorted b)' the truth. He calls for Dionysos and
Duration : 3 days implores him to send his dhine Madness and
Ego-Ihro" to rt'sisl : No his animal rage. The Conjurer then
I'reparations : The area is marked by a wide string of rock dances round and round the Circle
salt spread out at midnight by the Conjurer one day before the of burning candles until he flliis
bacchanal is to be held. During the spreading oftne salt the Conjurer into a heap.

Visualil.alion : The Conjurer ~ees how the flames of the dan- Visualization : There is no visualization. The Conjurer works
cing candles are shifting colors. They become fiercely red and just like an anist. He teases the imllges out of the skin of the
angril) flickering, thl! colors shifling and seemingl) vibrating recipient. and draws them as he goes.
in anguish, until the flames take ofr from the wicks to dance
crazily in the air llround him.
'Boay 'Distortion
9tncient'Memory The Conjurer can distort the body of another person.
The changes are gradual over the span of a month, with small
Ancient memof)' is a \~a)' of giving an individual ac- changes at the beginning, which gradually becomes worse and
'c,s to memories from earlier lives. even from the time belore worse. The Conjurer can halve or double one abillty, freely
the imprisonment. The Conjurer "reads" the memories in a ri- change the sex and the looks of the victim, and even give him
tual. and then writes them on the body of the individual. The an inhuman visage. The victim can easily be transfonlled into
recipient of the spdl \\iII be co\ered from hcad to toe by non- a monster or into another person. but he cannot be transformed
ligumtive tattoos. consisting of ever smallcr signs. Each tattoo into an animal or a plant. The mass of the victim can be tripled
is made up of smaller signs. Thesc seem 10 di" ... down into the or loy,crcd to a third of the original.
in/initc. in ever more microscopic signs and pictures. When
the perwn closet) studies one of the pictures he recei"es me- Skill score: 40
mories of cities and people. hears names and perceives smells Loss of endurance : 70
that he thought he had forgotten. But the memories do not Tools or Magic : The sword
fonn an~ comprehensible contexts if he does not know what Time to cast : 24 hours
Ik! is looking f(lr. When he stops concentrating. the memories Duralion : Pennanent
fade awa) into ohlivion. The spe!l is often used to find some Ego-throw to resist : Yes
hidden detail in an earlier life of the person, or to reach truths Preparations : A lock of hair of the victim is placed on the
that wcre forgotten when the Demiurge created the illusion. altar wilh the sword. which has been rubbed with rancid oil
and dung. A black ve il covers this. Nine oil lamps lire lit
Skill 5eor~ : 35 around the Circle of Magic, and an irregular hexagram is
Lo,s of eodunncl' . 80 drawn within the Circle. with a burning fire in the middle. The
Tools or Magic' The cup and the ring name of the victim is wrilten within the hexagram. gradually
Time to cast· 3 days more and more perverted until it is impossible to recognize.
Duration Pennanent Simple images showing the fonn the Conjurer wants to give to
t:go-thro" to resist: No the victim is drawn outside the hexagram.
Prt'parMtions : The Conjurer needs needles and paint for the In"oeation and gestures: The Conjurer rips the ve il from the
tattOl.)S and some anesthetic to keep the recipient of the tal1QOS altar and strews the hair over the fire in the hexagram. He
quiet. He lights a single white candle on the altar. and incense summons the Oemiurge and asks for knowledge to change the
is hurned during a coupte of hours in order to cleanse the illusion, and to perven the victim. He summons himself in the
Temple. A cabalistic Tau-cross is drawn on the floor and the fonn of his secret name and asks for the power to twist the
names of both the Angels of Death and the Arehons are writ- body of the . . ictim. He raises the sword over his head lind
len in the squares. The Conjurer drav.s a nine-pointed star to stalks the hexagram until all the names are rubbed into an un-
the left of the cross, and writes the names of Astaroth. Shaitan readable mess. He finally places the black veil on his head,
and Belial within. He draws a triangle to the right of the cross. shouting that he commands the victim to change, to be distor-
and wfites the names of Adonai, Yahve, Sebaoth and Tetra- ted by Madness, to be fanned by the imprisonment of the illu-
gJ'3mmaton within. sion.
In"oeation and gestures: At midnight the person to be read Visualization When the veil is placed on the hcad of the
is brought naked into the Cirek, and is cleansed from evil in- Conjurer he sees the ney, body and face of the victim.
flucnces by the Conjurer. who draws a pentagram and a hexa-
gram above him, then rubs him with rancid oils, and writes his
secret name, his Ren. on the recipient's forehead. Now all of
the guardians of the illusion must be carefully shut out from
the ritual. In tum al l of the Angels of Death, and their servants, For a shon while the Conjurer can cut through all of
and the Archons. and their servants. and then Astaroth, and fi· the illusions and regain some of his original knowledge. He
nally the Oemiurge and those powers that are still bound to his gets insight about II pan of the illusion. one single fact that
name are banished. The rec ipient of the spell is now drugged cannot be refuted. This can be something concrete, like the
and placed on the n oor. The Conjurer draws a pentagram fact that the Lictors are our prison guards, or an esoteric fact,
around him, cutting across all of the lines of the other signs. that god in his nature is altogether human. The spell is formed
The Conjurer curses the illusion and commands it to go a\\ay like a question. and the answer will come in the form ofa sud-
to show the truth. He calls his secret name, commanding truth den insight. This insight can only be about things that the
to reveal itself. He then brings out his tattooing tools and Conjurer would know if he was one of the awakened, regai-
starts to draw signs on the body of the recipient. He ning 1111 of his memories. He cannot get an answer to where
works like a stonecul1er. who is coaxing the the Demiurge has gone aAer his disappearance, or what Asta-
statue to come out of the block of stone; he roth is planning to do with humanity. If he formulates a ques-
picks the pictures that are stored in the body tion like that the answer will be more of an educated guess, ra·
and skin of the person. ther than the absolute truth.
without knowing thei r
meaning. The entire Skill score: 45
work takes up to three Loss of endurance : 120
days to complete. Tools of Magic: The cup
Time to cast : 7 days
Duration ; -

Prepllralions : At midnight, when the moon is on the wane,
the Conjurer paints seven irregular pentagrams in his Temple.
He lights a small fire using prepared wood in the middle of
'Che 'Ceo.chmgs o.bour
each star. The wood is going to bum for seven days. In the
middle of the Circle he draws a triangle. where he writes his
own name.
(n\outioo ud gcsturu : The Conjurer sits in the triangle 'Ille Lore of Dealh walks the borderlanc.l bet\\<:en life
aod stans to rh}thmically heat with his hands on the floor. He and death. Here are the living dead, the unblessed, the tonncn-
mumbles strings of meaningless words and thumps his hands ted souls oflnfemo, and all of the tormentors of the land of the
bloody against the floor. He neither eats nor drinks or sleeps. dead. lIere you will find the terror and sadn...ss, the rain and
He sits there for seven days. babbling and beating, until his the anguish, that death will arouse in all men. The Conjurer
head is emptied of all thoughls. his hands are broken. and his must accept death and embrace it. Onl) then can he undeNtand
tongue is glued to the palate. At midnight of lhe se\enth day the inm~nnost mysteries of the Lore. until he finall} takcs the
the fires go out and all is dark. He stops. and suddenly realizes guise ofa god of Death.
the anS\\Cf to his question.
Visualization : The Conjurer constant!} sees the question in The Lore of Death is taught in several cult~ and
his mind, as an erratic flame dancing among the seven fires. sects. but in order to teach the higher le ... els the Conjurer
When the fires go out the flame ;s lit within him, and he un- usuall)' must study on his ov.n. Few masters arc prepared to
derstonds. teach more than the mOst rudimentary basics to their pupils.
The dangerous secrets they keep to themselve~. The basics in
the Lore of Death. up to 0 ~ki11 score of 10. can be karnt from
the standard works of Magic, Of b} a master in one of the CUllS
of Deolh. From then on. the Conjurer mu~t find his ov.n

rrhe Lore of sources. It is relatively easy there is a large number of booh

and writings dealing with the Lore of Death..-\boul half of all
speciolized literature on Magic is concerned with this.

The Conjurer must also get on undcfSlandin~ of

Veath Death. The theoretical texts stay incomprehensible if he has

not seen 0 dead body slov.ly cool and bccom.: empt) of mea-
ning. or seen the spirits of the Wlblessed. or t>een sutl)ected to
the irreparable- loss v. hen somebody dies. A Conjurer of Deam.
is al ..... ays seeking out places .... here he can meet dellth in "a-
"I am Paimona", said the woman, ''your guide rious fonns. Perhaps he studies pathology, or becomes a
to the underworld. " gyman or on undenaker. Moo} become killeN,
She stank of decay. Layers of black veiIJ hid
her frail body, but beneath the fabric I got glimpses of
bleeding naked fluh, and purplilh swellings and abs-
cesses. The fabric clung to felten'ng wounm where the The 'lCnowfetfge 1 the C0t9urer
breasts should have been. The C]CJ could be seen in a slit 1'Deatfi
between the veiiJ, dimly white, without iriJ or pupil.
TIle Lore of Death provides knowledge aboU1
"Come", she said. bodies and their transient nature, about the soul~ that live
She took the lamp .from the altar and stepptd ofler Death. and about the forgetfulness that era~e-s all
out of the Circle of Magic. There was a rattling sound mories. A Conjurer of Death also knows about the lands ofche
when she placed her naked foot on a rUJty grating. Oily dead. and about the sen. ants of Astaroth.
miltJ played around the flutteringflame ofthe lamp. A
The basi!'! (skill score of 1-10): The Conjurer kno\\s that
scream cut through the silence, then another one, and Dealh is oot lhe end. The soul continues co li .... e, either ret¥tm
another; (J chonls of painful high-pitched screams. ond without its memories. or in some land of thl' dead. 3\\,ai·
There was movement out there, in the dark chamber ting rebirth. [t can also be bound in a dead body and be
outside the Circle, nmningfeet, a boy mrrounded by brought to Madness. The Conjurer knows that there are several
eight or ten mtn. Harsh voices, throaty laughter. The lands of the dead, and that Angels of Death run them. The
lands of tile dead exist outside of oor realil). but border on iL
boy was kicked to the ground. They kicked him once The Conjurer knows when his own de-ath is imminent. III' can
more and trampled him to death. The screams ended. I perceive a monal disease in another human. or if a penon is
searched through the darkness and called out to Pai- cOOlemplating suicide. He also knows instinctivtl' U .~."'"o.•
mona: "This is the wrong place. Gan you bring me to person has killed or severely injurcd someone.
the purgatory ofMarkUJ Barentl'"
Jligher knowledge (skill score of 11-40); n~
She gave me a sign to follow her. I stepped out- Conjurer knows about all of the imponam crea-
side the Circle and was caught in the oily darkneJJ. The tures of Death. He knov.s the names of the An-
stench hored through my nose. The voices echoed gels of Death. and Astaroth, and kno .... s abOtlt
arollnd me,. screaming, crying, begging voices. My fcct their shapes and natures. and that
stiffened from the cold of the concrete. I hum'ed after they can take the fonn of incarna-
tions when walking the earth. lie
the dancing light ill Paimona's hand. knows that lhey are mirror
images of the heavenly Ar-

chons_ He C<HI lell about pla,c;:~ and crealllfes of Inremo. Ue
kno\\~ about "erharite~, and how the;:) art' summoned b) Il!-
p!.!n[anl ~innt'n;. lie kom\s all of [he magical name .. of [he
Lhc SpcU.s
part... <'f [he Mlul. and he I>.no\\<; what [he soul does when i[
lea\c,> Ih.: t'()d~ [0 ~ rebom. He has inkling Ihal God rna) be
Gate to tlie 'Ul1aenvor(d
A \\'lndo ..... is opent'd to one of the lands of the dead.
The {"'IIJurcr kllo\\,> the pre.<,Cnce of death. lie can The Conjurer can see through a \\irKIow into Inferno, or step
f...'l:1 ""hell smnt:tmc in the \icinil\ is aboulia die;:. or ""hell a through a gate and physical!) [ranspon himself into a land of
numocr of p<:ople haH: died in a ~ingle place. He can feel the the dead_ The in\ocation contains the name of one of the lands
do~TlCSS of Inlemu \\'hc:n he reaches a place \\here the \cils of the dead, into \"hich the ponal is to be opened. This can be
ofthc: illusion arc thin, $ckhct-Aaru with its black p}ramids, the damp caverns of
!ladcs or somebod) 's personal purgatory. The Conjurer de-
cides iflhe spell is going to open a window or a door.
Full under;tandin~ (,kill score of more Ihan 40): T~ Conju-
kllo\\" that \\c are godl>. He ha:. realized that [kath is a
l"I.'r The windo" or the gate to the land of the dead also
method of ke.:ping us in igoorance {"\-ell if he doe~ not I>.now a1lO\\5 the creatures within [0 view the Conjurer. Thcir reac-
\\h), ~)r thc n:lme nf Ih .. re~ponsible part)'. He knol-lS that he tion depends 011 who they lire and how they view mankind. If
can cheal dealh ifne can he reborn with his mcmory intact. lie the spell is cast from a land of the dead, Ihe Conjurer can see
knows all the imponam names of Astaroth and his servants. into our reality. and can open a gate to return here.
He knows hm\ the \arious pans of Inferno border on our own
\\,orld, and all other \\'orlds. lie J...nows Ihat it is our own fee- Skill score: 5
lings of guilt and sin that chain us ill helL Loss of endurance: 20
Tools or Magic: The cup and the wand
rhe Conjurer (an "¢C hoI,I, another person relates to Time to ca!it : 15 minutes
death. ~Ie can ~e if someone ha>; killed or lost a n:latin~. even DUnition : 10 minutes
if it happened a long time ago. He kno\\ s "hen his o"n time Pnparation, A skull ofg~ or crystal is placed on the altar.
b up close to a )C3r in :llhance. /'\e,t to it, the Conjurer bums black sticks of incense with a
mi.l(ture of sulphur. l,. pentagram is drawn using coal in the
Circle of !\Iagic, to protect the Conjurer from the po""ers of
'B(ood Sacrifice the Underworld. Black tallo\" candles are lighted in the fi\e
points of the pentagram. A triangle is painted south of the pen-
Iliood sa,rificC" are common in the Lore of Death. tagram. The name of the land of the dead is written "ithin.
A number of Conjurers of Death belic\e that sacrifices are ne- In\ocation and gestures: The name of the land of the dead is
ee S3I) in order to appease Astaroth or other powers of the un- rej1C3ted four tim~'"S in the four cardinal points. The left hand is
dc~orld. In cenain hranches of the Lore of Death there are no placed on the crystal skull, and a prayer is said to the ruler of
pclls w ithllut blood sacrifices. the land of the dead, asking for a gate to be opened. A drop of
blood is dropped into the cup with an assurance that Ihc
rhc ~3crifices are vcr) 11lrel) gifts to the poI,\C1"S. A Conjurer i~ longing to see the land of the dead. The wand is
~ gift n:quires that the Conjurer gi .. es something or him, or raised in the right hand ""ith an assurance Ihat the Conjurer
sa~rifi..:c~ ~omeone \".ith a lot of importance to him. or si\es a has Ihe power to open g3tes to the land of the dead.
pan of his own body. Such sacrifices are ".ery uncommon. Visllalization . The triangle with the name of the l(IIId of the
rhl'\ arc almost e'(clusively used to seal pacts between the dead is filled with a black glow, and dark music is heard in the
ConJufCr and II powerful foree. Usually sacrific~ lire used to distance. -rhc blllck glow slo" Iy grows and tllkes [he shape or
..:reale a connection to death for the Conjurer. lie ..:an visuali/--c a \\indow or a ponal.
Dcath by ..eeing somebody elsc dic, it can be an animal or a
human, There arc no ""crifices mentioned in the spell dcscrip--
tiOIlS, thc~ are nc".er a n..-cessary part of the ritual. Syeaf witli tlie 'Dead
The Conjurer can summon the remains of the
'T'lic 'T'c myfe consciousness of a dead human being. and con".erse with him.
Anyone that has not been dead for more than two weeks still
[kath is colorless. A Tcmple de\oted to necromantic has conncction~ 10 his body. and partS of his memories are in-
rituah is painted in "hite (the color of mourning) and black tact. By touching the remains the Conjurer may contact Ihe
(the ,."Iot of the po"erlessness that is brought on by fear and Mlul. in order to ask simple questions. The dead appears like a
death), II is decorated .... ith symbols of Death. like skulls and distoned voice. Dead souls are often confused to the edge of
bone<> or pictures of dead bodies. 1be cross is a common sym- Madness, and rarely ans .... er questions with any amount of co-
bol as a reminder of the suffering and dealh of Christ. herency.
Temples consecrated to the Lore of Dealh can be \'cry
strict and bare, or morbidly o".erdone wi th Skill scon : 5
walls co\ered by skulls and bones, but Ihey Loss of endurance: 20
must all have a touch of dishannony. Theft: Tools of Magic : The wand
must be an imbalance. an Time to Cllst : 30 minutes
anguish reminding the Duration: 10 minutes
Conjurer of the po\\er- Preparations; Thc eanhly remains of the dead person are pia.
lessness before death. ced on the altar. The remains can be anything, ashes, indh'i-
dual bones or [hc whole body. A six-pointed star is painted in
the Circle, symbolizing the cooncction between body and soul.
A while wax candle is lit in the middle of the star, and a white

7 days
1-5 minutes
3 days
3 d<Q's
80 Permanent
120 Permanem
80 I month
120 Permanent
80 Permanent
Iii) is placed on the altar next to the remains, The Conjurer Living 'Deaa
dra .... s a triangle south of the Circle. where the name of the
dead is \Hitlen. The Conjurer forces the consciousness of a dead
Inloe81ion aud gestures: The Iland is raised in the right person to return to the rotting corpse, when: it quickly loses its
halld and the dead i... called by name . Ill" is asked to step out of sanity, and can no longer escape. The body may not hal'e been
the shadows and to declare himself. The Conjurer states his dead for more than two weeks. The dead soul will resist, mea·
o .... n name, and commands the dead to n:spond. ning that the Conjurer must have a greater effect for the spell
\'isualization : A light is lit in the remains of the dead. rising than the ego.throw of the dead soul. Then the Conjurer must
like a will-o'.the..... isp in the air. It stops abme the triangle succeed with the Command living dead spell (see below).
II here the name of the dead person is written. A distoned Otherwise he has no chance of controlling his zombie, and
voice is heard when the spirit has arrhcd. there is a great risk that it will attack him as soon as he steps
OUI oflhe Circle.

'Memories 'Beyona'Death Skill score : 10

Loss of endurance: 40
The Conjurer may dispel the forgetfulness of Death Tools of Magic : The wand
for a short while, and recall memories from his earlier lives. Time to cast: I hour and 15 minutes
lie may also ~e the past of OIher people. The memories take Duration : Until the body of the dead is destTOyed.
thc form of detached visions; images, smells and sound. lie Preparations : The dead body, which must be intact, is placed
l~ilI not receive any connected memories, which tell him his in a triangle sOUlh of the Circle in the Temple. II is washed and
name or who he was. Everything is seen as images of his past. rubbed with a salve made of embalming herbs, and a proteI.'"
tive pentagram is painted using charcoal on the forehead of the
Skill score ' 7 corpse, in order to lure the soul to return. Another pentagram
I.o~s of endurance : 20 of charcoal is painted in the Circle of Magic, and is marked
Tools of Magic : The cup with five black candles. The Temple is cleansed with incense
Time 10 easl : 30 minutes during one hour, while the Conjurer performs the other prepa-
Duration : 10 minutes rations.
Preparalions : The cup is filled with clear water and is placed In\'Oealion and gest ures: The COl~urer raises the lIand in his
011 the allar. The Conjurer lights two candles next to the cup, right hand and summons the spirits of the underworld. if pos·
and draws seven concentric circles on the floor. He writes the sible one power that he is bound to. He turns to each of the
name of the one .... hose past is 10 be seen in the middle of the four cardinal points, spills a drop of blood in each cardinal
circles. That person accompanies the Conjurer in the Circle. point. and calls four of the lands of the dead by name. He then
II1\0cation anll gestures: The Conjurer summons Malkuth shouts the name of the dead, commanding him to come OUI of
and Chronos, and asks for help in viewing the past. He takes the shadows to take possession of his body.
the cup and pours the water in a Circle around the name on the Visualizalion : A darkness is spreading through the Temple.
floor. and a plaintive voice is heard when the soul is forced back,
Visualization : The floor within the concentric circles starts to begging for mercy. There is dark music far allay, and an icy
buckle and is transformed into a seething .... ater surface. where scream is heard ..... hen the soul is bound to the TOiling corpse.
a vi ... ion of an earlier life appears. The dead then rises in the triangle. lie is bound by the triangle,
and remains until the Conjurer lets him out.

'Re6orn SOUr
The Conjurer can foree a person who has died to be
reincarnated in a certain body. This must be in an unborn
human being, a fetus that will be born within the next nine
months. Thc effecl of the spell must be higher than the efleet
of the ego-throw of the dead person, unless he has decided to
allow for his rebinh. The spell does not make Ihe reborn soul
retain any of its memories, they will be erased as usual in
Death. This spell is mostly used by Conjurers who wants to
take multiple revenge on their enemies by killing them, and
having them reborn in order to torment them further.
Skitlseore: 10 more detailed the closer the death of the indh·idual is in time.
Loss ofenduranee : 40 There is a risk that the vision will be false. if the Conjurer can
Tools of l\lagic : The wand and the cup not stand seeing his own death. which will make him lie un-
Tim..- to ('ast : ] houn; consciously. (The Gamemastcr will hll\e to allow lor any such
Duration: - things when he describes the vision. depending on his I..now-
Preparations: Some part of the dead bod),. a bone or some ledge of the imminent death of the character.)
a~he~. is placed on the altar. The pregnant mothcr is brought
into the Magic Circle. The Conjurer dra~s a pentagram on her Skill score: 12
belly. where both of the down~ard pointing tip~ are longer Loss of endurance : 40
than the others. A triangle is drawn inside the pentagram, and Tools or Magic : The cup
the name of the reincarnllted soul is writlen. using Greek or Time to cast: ] hours
lIebrew leltcrs. within the triangle. A nine-pointed star is Duration: 1-5 minutes
drawn around the woman. and the Circlc is cnhanced with "reparatio ns : Incense is burned around Ihe ('ircl.: in the
black candles. Temple and a pentagram is painted u<;ing the blood of the
111,0('ltioo and gest ure! : The Conjurer tums to thC' unborn Conjurer. Four stars ate dra\\n in the square outside the Circle.
child and commands it to leave its body. I Ie summons the p0- s}mbols for heaven. hell, rebinh and eternity. If the spell is
wers of the underworld. and the ten Angels of Death to banish laid on another than the Conjurer, an item belonging 10 that
the soul of the child. He then summons the dead b) name and person is placed on the altar. The Temple is ~eikd in darkness.
touches his earthly remains with the ""and. Once again he sum- except for the light from the burning incense. The Conjurer sit~
mons the Angels of Death and commands the dead to take resi- down and mcditates on his own death. lie reaches out with his
dence in the unborn child. conscience into nothingness. searching for \'i~ion~ of his own
Visualization : A light becomes visible in the bell) orthe pre- imminent death.
gnant woman. but it goes out when the Conjurer banishes the In\O(ation and ge-stun'5 The cup is lifted .... ith both hands.
soul of the felUs. A new, sickly yello\\ light is lit in the remains and the Conjurer calls the name of the person whO!o~· death i~ 10
of the dead. which grows to a vibrant w ill-o·-the-wisp. taking be seen. He summons heawn and hell. rebirth and ctemit). He
residence in the womb of the woman. asks the powers of the underworld to show him the unveiled
Visualiution : A shining point. growing to a \'ision. where the
Command Livina 'Dead Conjurer perceives the death that he is determined to see.
When the vision has passed. the picture is broken in a shower
The Conjurer can control living dead which he or of blood. drenching both the Temple: and the Conjurer.
another Conjurer has created. He can make them obey simple
commands. How much the) unden;tand depend on how. badl)
thcy ha\e taken to being bound in dead bodies. Throw I d6. I: 'l-fades WaCk
The soul is fairly intact. and is able to obey orders as easily as
a living human being. 2-5: The soul is slightl) mad. and will The Conjurer may freely wander between
only understand simple commands: go there, guard this, and realms of the dead and our reality for the duration of lhe
fetch that. 6: The soul is completely mad and refuses to listen. He can see through the illusions when he renchc~
where our reali!) touches the worlds be~ond [k;lth. (~:.:~~~
In order to gain control of the dead soul the effeet for metery he can see how the ground gradually los~ its p
the spell must be higher than the ego-throw of tile dead. He has growth. how the sk)' blackens. and the .... orld glide~ 0\ ..... into
the same ego as when he li~ed. Inferno. From a morgue he can open a door and 'tep into a
purgatory. From an old cholera cemetery he can ~ce into
Skill scorl'; 12 grey shndow worlds between heaven and hell.
Loss or endurance; 25
Tools of Magic : The wand and the crown The Conjurer rna) walk betv.een our world and the
Time to c.asl : 15 minutes land of the dead. or bet.... een different lands of the <karl..... hicll
Duration ; 7 days border on each other. In order to orient himselfh< must knoy,.
Preparations : The living dead is imprisoned in a triangle in what the borders to the lands of the dead look like. 01' bring a
the Temple of the Conjurer. If the Conjurer himsclfh35 anima- guide summoned by the Guide to the underworld "pcll. .'\ be-
ted him, he is already fenered in the triangle. Otherwise he is ginner can easily get lost in the rattling labyrinths of InfetTlo.
bound by writing his name in the triangle. The Conjurer draws When Ihe duration oflhe spell is over the Conjurer \ tays ",Mre
a pentagram, adorned with five black candles. in the Circle. he is. at worst somewhere in the lo\\er circles of hell.
In\O('llion and gestUN's : The Conjurer raises the wand and
points it towards the dead, commanding him by nine named Skill !Con: 17
powers of the underworld 10 ser.e and obey the commands of Loss of endura nce: SO
the Conjurer. Tools or Magic: 11le wand and the cup
Visualization: Illuminated shackles are binding the body of Time to cast : 24 hours
the dead person. When the spell takes effect the li~ing dead DurAtion : 3 days
falls on his knees in front of the Conjurer. Prellarations : A skull is place<! on the altar, andIarI
pentagram with points of different lengths is "'awn
Circle of Magic. Nine black candles, taking 24
See 'Death hours to bum. are placed around the Circle. inc
of the names of Astaroth are written in blood.
The Conjurer can see his own Death. or the Death of one by each candle. Nine irregular
another person in a vision. The vision can be more or less de- stars are drawn in the sq uare out-
tailed. It can be anything from a subjcctiw experience of life side the Circle. and nine names of
as it slowly goes out. to a detailed image. incorporating sound, Inferno are written. The Conjurer
smell and other sensory impressions. The vision is generally undresses and rubs his body

.... ith a:.he~, lie cu~ a .... ound in his o .... n hand using an iron
knife. half tilling the cup .... ith hi" olIn blood. lie then la\~ Sou(Wa(~
dO\\1l in the Circle. in a Ictal position or stretched out on his
hac!.., and mL-dilates on his o .... n dC'llh. The Conjurer takes possession of the body of ano-
I.,oulion ••d CHiara: When the nine candles go OU1 the thcr human being, and can force lhe soul of that bod) into the
Conjurer ri<'c~ and summons :\staroth. He di~ the tip of the old bod)' of the Conjurer. The ne .... body mw>! be present in the
wand in Ihe blood in the cup (\\hi\:h ha., not dOlled. ifc~ery­ Temple to make the spell .... ork. If the victim can manage an
thing ha~ ~cn done properly). and "pla~hes it on the nine stars ego-throw I"ith an effect that is greater than the skill thro .... of
ouLSide the Circle. !ummoning Ihe ninc name~ of hell and the the Conjum, the spell ..... ill not work. The soul of the Conjurer
protection of the Angels of Dealh. He then .... alks nine times ..... ill be cast into Inferno and his body will die if he fails.
counter dock ..... i!>C around Ihe altar. and splashes blood outside
lhe Circle .... hile .... eal ing a spell. II here he says thaI he i\ ~ear­ Skill score: 27
ching lor a way inlt1 Death. for a .... al to the undc!V.orld the Loss o( endurance : 80
way 10 the land of ~hado .... s. He drinks the remainder of the Tools o( \1agie : The ..... and and the ring
hlood in Ihe cup. The ,!"ullthen di,integmtC'> into dust, Ilhich Time 10 eaSI . 3 days
Is swept up b) an icy II ind and blolln alIa). Duration : Permanent
V ....liulio • • The land (If the !.lead stan~ 10 ta!..e ~hape out- Preparations: The intended I'ictim is fettered or drugged in
,ide the Circle of Mag.ic. Fir<;1 lhe <,Ound\: ....:n:ams and .... ai- order 10 keep him in lhe Temple during the entire ritual, He is
ling, tho:- rallie of chains and the sound of flesh being tom from placed naked with in an eighlpointed star consisting of mo
bones. 'Ihen !laming fires. The smell ofsnwke and oil. When squares, dra .... n in !\IO sleps outside the Circle of Magic. The
!.he Conjun:r empti~ the 13.'>1 drop lrum the cup he can Srt into body is rubl:x:d with oil, and the name of Astarolh is v.rinen on
Inlemo. his chest using ashes and soot. The Conjurer bums incen>;e in-
~ide the Circle. He draws a pentagram using ashes, and lights
file black candles. He then undresses and rubs himself with
§uide to die 'l.1ndenvorftf oil.
IDI OCaiion and geslures. During three days. from midnight
fhe Conjurer may call a spirit of protection I\ho to midnight, the Conjurer spend.s his time in the Temple. Ue is
will lead him on his wa) trough the land of the dead, For not allowed 10 eat, drink or rest. Standing wilhin the penta-
anyone nol familiar .... ;th the patlui in Ihc borderland bctlleen gram, tumed 10l\ards his victim, .... ilh the wand in his left
lil(- and deall!. thi~ i~ a prerequisile ifthc Conjurer is not 10 be hand, and the ring resting on his right palm. he .... eaves a
losl. Tht' protective spirit is actually a part of the Conjurer single long spell. 1\ here he calls the victim b) name and asks
htmsdl: hi~ forgol1en knowledge about the lands of the dead, for residence in his bod). Astaroth and the po\~ers of the un-
thai is summflned from the past and given the fonn of an inde- de!V.orld Ilre summoned, and the victim is commanded 10
pendent being:. This may take various shapes depending on the leaH: his bod).
temperame nt of Ihe Conjurer: anything from a beautiful Visualizalion : The souls are two lights, a black will-o'-Ihe-
woman 10 a tlli~ted demon or an ancient master, stepping out I"isp in the body of the Conjurer, and a white in the victim.
ofthc llIi,!!. of his toI). The Conjurer winds up Ihe soul light oflhe victim, as ifit was
made up of fine threads. He pulls the soul out of its bod) and
SIdII ,,"ore . :W dra .... s it into his own. \lealll~hile. his own soul is transferred
IAu ofendl,ranee . 40 to the bod) of the victim.
Tbols of :\t.gk . The 1\ and and the cup
llme 10 ('.1st I hour
Daralion 3 davs 'Eterna(Youtfi
i'ft(l.rations : The name of the protective spirit is written in II
lriangle out~ide Ihe Circle of Magic. The name I'aries from The Conjurer can "steal" Ihe essence of other human
Conjun:r 10 Conjurer, He lIill find the name when he learns being.~ ..... hich \\ill age unnaturally fast, I~hile the ph)sicalage
the spell. \~ ilhi n the Cirde he draws a regular pemagram of the Conjurer remains unchanged_ For elel) tenth )'ear thai
using chall... It is marked .... ilh five candles, and the Temple is he steals from another person he II ill not age at all for a )ear.
cleansed with incense. Ifhe completely empties Ihe essence ofa human beillg he will
'_"M.lion and ge:slure:s The spiril of prolcction is called by receive one )'ear for each ten of the victim. up to a maximum
name_ The Conjurer asks il to step forth out of Death, 10 share of SCI en, if he takes a newborn child and leiS it age until it
its knowledgc. The lip of the wand is darkened in the five dies. If the victim succeeds with an ego thro .... , with an effC(;t
candles of the pentagram. and is broUght in a Circle around the highcr than the effect of lhe spell. nothing h3ppens. Esscncl'
rim of the cup. The Conjurer as!..s for knowledge and unders- can onl) be transfe~ bel\\een human beings, nol from ani-
tanding aroullhat .... hich is on the other side. and asks the spi- mals or other beings.
rit of prolL'(;tinn for guidance.
Visualization : A grey mist is rising from the flames of the Skill score : 33
Ih-e candl!:\. and is focused in the triangle, where the spirit Loss o(endurance: 120
of protection .... ill take shape. Tools o( I\lagic: The wand and tilt: ring
Time to cast: 9 days
Duration : Pemlanenl
Preparations' The ritual is begun at midnight. A mirror of
polished metal is placed on the altar_ The Conjurer dral\s on
the mirror a Circle and II pentagram with in the Circle. The
mirror will show the "real" age oflhe Conjurer after the ritual.
A number of black candles are lit around the Circle of Magic
in the Temple, one for each year of the increase of his o .... n
age. '1ext 10 each candle is written the name of an AngeloI'
Death and the name of the victim of the spell. Before the
candles are lit. the Conjurer brings a cup filled .... ith water inlO
the Circle. lie sits do"n in th~' mnjdk of the Circle and medi-
taILos on hi, own immortal it). mean while ~ilcntly wmmoning
the Angcl~ of Death, wh{\sc names wcre IHiuen hy the
Prisoner of 'Decay
candles. lie spends nine days siuing in thc (,iKle. Whcl'!e\er a This spell is a curse that can be east on soml"One to
candle thfl.'fItcns to go vut, he replllCes it with another. During make the bod} deca). The decay can not be stopped once il
thc nine day' he may onl~ drink the "atcr he brought in the ha, staned. The body decays gradually until onl)' the bones re-
cup l\fl the fiN da). WhCll one hour rema ins of the nine days main. The mind of the victim is bound to the body the whole
t h~' "il;lim is brought into thc l emp1c b) an assi .. tant, and is time. remaining even I\hen there is nothing left but petrified
pllCed OllUnd 011 the all.1r. bones (or until someone liberates the soul). The victim "ill
In\Gcalion and gu tures I ht' Conjurer e'tinguishC"S in tum clearly lose its mind in an earl) stage of the process. elen if
ellch of thc camllcs around Ih ... Circle us ing the Iland.lle sum- some people, who have been subjttted to the spell, have em-
ml>n~ Ih~' Angels fJf Death and a,b Ihem to help him slealthe balmed themselves to a\<oid total disintegration.
(..:M'nce vr thc ~iclim. lie calls the "iclim b.,. name and cvrn-
Illand~ him to surrender his e\scnec. Be I1nall) place,> the The effect of the spell mlliit be higher than the effect
\1 and on the head of the I Ictim and summon~ the po"er or As- of the ego-throw of the victim. If the Conjurer fails his own
taroth in ordcr to UJ..e the life from the victim. body starts to decay instead.
\ uualization . The essence of the victim i, a red, pul\3ting
light. sucked out o f ib body anu into the ring. "hich the Skill H ore 40
Cnnjurer holds in hi., Idi hand. Ivhere it dis;lppears. The light Loss of end li ra nee : 120
8<XS out in the \ ictim whcn all its esS<!nce has been drained. Toob or Magic: The sword
Tim e to east : 7 days
Du ra tion : Permanenl
Voodoo 'Ritua( I'reparations : All light is remm'cU rrom the Temple, ant/the
Conjurer must work withoul any light sources at aiL He draws
lhe Conjurer l·reates. with his own hands. a doll an im-gular ~ntagram using clotted blood in the Circle. He
cI'"taining hai r. blood or I1 I.'~h from an enl.'m\ the Conjurer places a large piece of rotting meat on the altar. Next 10 il he
wbhes to inlure. During the ritual a magical bond is created places a bowl of polluted water. Ilhich should hale stood in a
l;I..1 wccn the doll and the viclim. herything happening to the wann place for at least a couple of weeks in order to altain a
Ul)1J al<;o happens 10 the \ iC1im. If you stick needles in the doll, SOUP) consistency and a Sickening smell. Around the piece of
the \itt im receilcs large, bleeding wounds \\hcre\er the meat he writes three of the names of Astaroth, and thirteen
n<.'Cu le~ \\ crc pushed in. If the Conjurer bums the doll the \ic- names of Samael, the Angel or Death. and all the names he
UP ! will catch lire and be consumed. The spell is broken if the knows oflhe victim of the curse. lie then lights nine sticks of
\ 1m hi~sclf destro) s the doll. for example by burning it. incense that he allaches 10 the piece of meat.
e spell 1<; then tran~ferred to the Conjurer. letting the fire Inlocalion a nd geslurH' For the next se\en days the Conju-
• 11 ume him instead rer mumbles pra)ers to Samael and Astarolh. while the meat
continues to decay and the Temple is tilled "ith flies. He may
S"i11 ~core 31 01'11) cat of the rolling meat and drink or the polluted "ater.
I.u~s of endura nce' 80 When the seven days are past he summons Astaroth in a loud
Tool~ ur\1l1gic : The crown and the sword ,oice. raises the sword and easts a curse againsl his roe, and
I ime to CIlSt : 3 days finally cuts Ihe rotting mcal wilh the sword.
Dllnltion I month Visua liza tion The Conjurer sees the how Ihe victim is taking
Preparations: The Conjurer gathers the tools and malerials ~hapc in the rOiling meat as he is eating rrom it during the
hl' nced~ t<llllake the doll for the altar. I II.' consecrates the ma- seven days.
h.-riats b) burning incense and saying a prayer to the powcrs of
the undcnHlrld over each of the parts of the doll. Be draws a
pe:ltagram using charcoal within the Circle of Magic in order Puraatory
w protect him~elr during the work. III.' assembles the doll du-
ring the nights of the nexI three days. He wakes during day- Thc spell is used to create a purgatory in order to
timc o\er the half-finished results to keep all unsuitable in- tonnenl yourself or olher people. Usually a purgatory or II hell
I' uences awa). During each moment of the \'ork he summons can only be created oy l'epharites and Angels of Death. but a
tl1.: . \ ngeb or Death and bums incenS<!. powerful Conjurer of Death may create his own hell in order
hllocation Dntl ge~ ture~ : When the doll is ready on the altar to imprison his enemies or tormem himself. Ite creates a
the Conjurer places the crown on his head and raises the connection bet"ccn our reality wld Inferno. a place where a
,"ord above it. He swears by the names of the Angels of purgatory ror repentant souls can be located. Be then sum-
Dcath that any thing happening to this representation of his mons tormentors, Nepharites or Razides. to popullite the pur-
enem} also will happen to his enemy. lie then symbolically gatory. He clln not bind them against their " ill, he has nOl the
cuts the do ll using the s"ord, but wilhout damaging it. power to do this other than for very shon times. meaning that
\ is ullizalion . fhe soul of the "ictim is seen !IS a red name in he must enter pacts with them in order to MI'e them take resi-
the doll. When the doll is hun the flame writhes in dence in the purgatory. This generally means that he sells his
agony. soul to them.

When the purgatory is in place the Conjurer can cast

down his enemies in order to tonnent them. This requires that
the cnemies have negative mental balances. and personall), be-
lieve Ihat they are sinners. Otherwise there is nothing that can
bind them in hell. Many Conjurers of Death create their own
purgatories. The)' know that they will not be able to avoid hell
after Death, bUl they prefer hel ls of their own creation.

Skill uore : 45 draws a s)mbolic image ofhim~lfand all or his memories. all
Lou of endurance : 80 of his knowledge and skills. his insights and personality. Eve-
Tools of Magic: The "and, the crown nnd the sword rything is given a symbolic form that can be drawn in the
Time 10 casl : 9 days Circle of Magic and on the \\alls of the Temple. When the
nuralion: Pennanent image is ready he draws a triangle outside lhe Circle of Magic.
I'reparations : The Conjurer draws a symbolic image of the Ilere he writes the name of a guide through Death, an Angcl of
purgatOf)' in his Temple, a complicated ..... eave of symbols and protection who will take him unmolested through to the other
signs representing the hell he "ants to create, what it looks side of forgetfulness.
like. and how it will be created. E\'el')thing is drawn upon Invocation and gestures: When the symbolic image of the
naked stone using the blood of the Conjurer. This task will take Conjurer is ready he will summon his guide. Ite will do thi~ in
nine nights. During daytime it must be protected from external his own name, without summoning any external POI\ C!'S. a;,-
innuences with the aid of spells and protective pentagrams. king the guide to lead him unhamled through for~tfulness.
The work is done in tile light of a single candle made of human Visualization : A being is slowly taking shape in the triangle.
lin, All other light must be kept out "hile the sketch is being an Angel of protection formed according to the will of the
made. Outside of the Circle a triangle is dm"n. The names of Conjurer. It steps om of the triangle, walks around the Temple.
the people the Conjurer "ants to imprison in the purgatory are looking about as if memorizing the s~mbol~ on the noor and
"rilten inside the triangle. The limit is thirteen names. on the walls. When this is done it "ill take the Coojurer by the
lo,oea tion aod gestures: When the image of the purgatory is hand. Finally the Conjurer f"'els how his life is nowing out of
finished the Conjurer summons Astaroth. demanding his fair his body.
share of Inferno. He summons the ten Angels of Death. asking
lhat they should make room for him. Ue raises the "and and
draws, using it. once more the s~mbolic image of his purga-
tory. While he is doing this it will take shape around him, and
he will be standing in his own hell. still surrounded by the
Circle of Magic. He then summons Nepharites or Razides in
the usual way, which he bargains with until they decide to stay
in the purgatory. Finally the victims are summoned. They must
make an ego-lhrow against the eIYect of the spell. I f they fail,
rThe Lore 0
and if their mental balance is negative. they are cast living into
the newly created purgatory to be tormented.
Visualizallon ; The symbolic image in the Temple will gra-
rTime an
dually lake shape and become a real hell. like the one the
Conjurer visualized \\ hen he planned his purgatory.

True 'Rebirth
True rebirth is a way of cheating Death. The Conju- we were close to the chdmber 0""" •
rer will die but "ill be reborn in another bod)' wilh all his me-
mories intact. To succeed he must be reborn directly from his
ramid, in a ndTTOW and P''''''' .ieJ'Tr<>"d ,,.,n,(or.
walls were covered by "~'!,hl from
earlier body, he must bypass the mists of forgetfulness and go
directly into a new body. He may not be imprisoned in Inferno electric torches wandered erratically across the
or in a purgatol')' in between Dealh and rebirth. as the pain and walls in their hunt for deviating signs or g,om""~
suffering witl erase all his memories. This explains why Ihere symbols.
are so few Conjurers of Death who have actual!)" cheated
Death, evcn when they know how to do il. Most of them are "Thtre.'"
sworn to Astarolh. or will be cast down into hell an)wa)" be-
cause of their sins.
Marsouk pointed his torch against a projuting
The reborn Conjurer has only faint memories when section of the wall He locked the light on a pcntdgrom
hc is reborn. but during childhood his memories and skills gra- surrounded by demotic letters, flanked by Osiris ttnd
dually return. At the age of four or five he knows that he is a Anubis. A triangle hovered above the head of Osiris,
Conjurer, who has cheated Death in a magical WilY. When he
reaches puberty he has regained all of his memories and skills
and there WOJ a nine-pointed star above Anubis.
from his earlier life. He still has his personalit) and the same
ability scores as he had in his earlier life. The pentagram of Osiris. It 'was the .rame sign
OJ the one we had fOUftd in the manuscriptllt Amman.
Skill score : 50
Marsouk dug out the copy of the parchment frOIli his
Lo~s of endurance : 80
Tools of Magic ; None bag to compare. Exactly the same. And the ~" 0fdJ0-
Time 10 easl : I month site the com'dor, exactly opposite the pentdgnmr, ..,111
Ouratioo : • flat and featureless. Exactly the way the:
Preparalions : The preparations begin when the Conjurer text Iii the parchment had said
feels lhat Death is approaching. The spell can not be cast until
his life is nearing the end. something a Conjurer of Death with
insight enough to learn this spell will feel instinctively. The M set up the torches
Conjurer cleanses himself rituall) during one month. Ill' does to provide a working light. I
not summon any powers, ncither heavenly nor infernal, doing lit a Circle of candles on the
nothing but meditating on his own divinity. In the Temple he floor. Marsouk drew the

pellla!7"um ofAapep on the pltlin wall, (/ star e,uuJined Space and Time Magic is learnt through theoretical
Study on your own. or with a teacher. The occult sciences
with three snakes of oc/Jre red. Feverishly he sketched contain tnc basics for the Lore of TIme and Space. The Conju-
the demotic letters in double circlcs around the ptnw- rer can construct his 0 .... II spells through experiments or by
grdm. I really didn't undffJIand what he u'as doing. it reading. Many books about the occult sciences are reall)
didn't cOTTtspond to the original on the parchment. /k- guides to how time and space spells can be constructed.
fore tbe last letters were uritten he started to chtlnt in
(/ hursh. coptic't'oiet. It sounded like Arabic, but the
words were wrong. They seemed to get stuck on the 'T'~e 'Knowfed/Je of die C0t9urer of
wulls, giving lift to the hieroglyphs. 'JIme and Syace
"Allpep-apopis Oues'r-aehlochtis Seth'r-all- A Conjurer of lime and Space is a ph)·sicist. Ill' stu-
t"b't,;!. " dies the la .... s regulating the illusion. and then goes on to break
them. To him. Magic is knowledge and understanding, not
power or force, like in se ... eral of the other Lores. He manipu-
Something was wrollg I reached Ollt to stop lates the illusion through his knowledge, thereby giving the
him, but the Circle kept me out. It was glowing red Conjurers of Time and Space extensi\e occult knowledge.
lind hot like melting iron. A thunder was heard in the
diJtance. Then there was a j7ash of light, sparillgly
The basics (skill score of 10 or less): The Conjurer knows that
white, as blinding as 011 otomic explosion. The walls Time is not absolute. Ue knows that there are more dimen-
fell away. u.'cre twisted, "nd were thrown together like sions than the threc we are able to perceive. He knows that
u single closed dimension. 1 Wdnted to scream. but there Time can run backwards, and that causality can be re ... okoo.
was no sound, no light, nothing. Ill' kno .....s that our reality can melt a.... ay to open towards other
\\orlds w here the perception of space is different.

The Conjurer has a tendency of seeing through the

illusions as soon as he reaches a place \\here the illusion is
Lhc Leachmgs abouc \\cak. lie may recognil.e the signs that sho\\ that real it) is
breaking up in a cenain place: in irregularities in nature or in
LIme and Space buildings. and in the behavior of man.

,\n \ .... akcned human being can \'iew eternity. He Higher kno\\ledge (skill score of 11-40): The Conjurer is
n choose how man) dimensions the world around him shall aware of Achly's, knowing that it is a place beyond time and
h;l\ c· onc. two, thr...·c. or st\eral. The rest of us are trapped in space whcre all e'(istence cease. Ill' has heard that the road to
tlmc .101I space. We can onl) move ahead in time. bound b) Achlys leads through the Labyrinth. IIc know'S that the ill usion
... au-.alit) and imprisoned by the three dimensions of space. is a deliberate construct. and that the keys to its functions can
\lagic tiln temporarily ghe us access to the unlimited vic\\ of be found in the se... en occult sciences.
rime and Space of the Awakened. A Conjurer of Time and
Spll.;C can crcate ponals to other places by reducing the .... orld lie can discover weak points in the Illusion, where it
tll t .... o dimensions. lie can travel in Time. stop Time and get a is possible to open a gate, by close study of either a map or an
gtimJl~e of eternity. He is ablc 10 shatter a pan of our usuully image. Ill' is immediately aware of any tampering wi th time
lillsc vic\\ of Time and Space. by external forces, and is never confused by it.

The Lore of l ime and Space is considered as a pan

of the highest magical teachings. It is closely re lated to the Fullunderslanding (skill score of more than 40): The Conju-
~ ... \cn o.;o,;ult 'i-Ciences. Numerolog), alchemy and astrology rer knows thaI the Illusion is a construct, with the Archons and
pnwiJcs an image of the IlIu~ion that the Conjurer can use in the Angels of Death as imponant pieces. He kno\\$ that thc
llrdcr to twi,t Time and Space. \1any lime and Space Conju- construction orthe illusion is written in the stars, in math, and
re,", are scientists and mathematicians, more theoretically and in the hierarchies of the Archons and the Angels of Death.
cicntifkally inclined than their colleagues in the Lores of
Pas..,ion or \1 adnc~s. But they must still be artists. Magic is not The Conjurer can spontaneously perceive imponant
a 'K:ience. oot an An. In order to re\eal how the Illusion is foo- relationships in the construction oflhe illusion. He kno .... s .... h~
ling our ..cnses \\e mU5t ha\C an innate feeling for magical re- a cenain stair has se... en steps and another has nine. \\hy one
lationships. roof has an inclination of 40 degrees. and another has 41 de-
grees. lie can figure out \\hich parts ofrcality are constructed
by the Dcmiurge in order 10 imprison us. and which pans are
original. and ha\ e only been used as ~building blocks" in the

The ring and the cup are the most imponant tools in Some Time and Spacc Conjurers in their rituals use
the Lore of Time and Sp.'lee. They represent the nature of Time mathematical symbols and formulas. Basic geometrical ligures
and Space, and the Conjurer's understanding of the laws of the are quite common: triangles, squares, circles and curves, Their
illusion. The Conjurer of Time and Space often wears his ring meaning is somewhat different, though. The triangle does not
around the ann or on a finger during each ritual. even when it have the usual connection to the Demiurge. as i:. the standard
is not of any importance to the spell. The Sy,oro is used as a in the other Lores. It is used as often as a s~ mbol ror trigono-
s)mbol for analysis. It is used to dissect the variety of our rea- metric functions in math. The same is true for all of the geo-
lity. The wand and the crown symbolize Ihe power and supre- metrical figures, they have both a mathematical attd an oceul!
macy ofknowledge. meaning. The meanings arc made \0 converge i1 the various
A special tool used in the Lore of Time and Space is
the Dodecahedron, a fistsized polygon of twehe sides, much
like a t\\elve-sided die. It is the geometric objcct that the Py-
thagorean thought symbolized Ihe plan for the universe. It is
used in spells where the Illusion will be influenced.

to theJ!3sl
tomorrow 13 30 ,
Gate to tomorro\\ 14 40 t hour
Ponal of illusion 15 40 1 hour
,;Yiindcrer 16 40 11 !lours
ime wanderer 17 50 24nours
Seeker '0 40 "'24 flours
rue sIght 22 30 1 hour 30 minutes
Memol) oTthe thing 25 40 4hou~ JOminutes
rue wanderer 30 50 24 hours 3 aays
Sanctuary 35 50 24 flour.; Tda~~
he eye ofThoth 40 50 24 hours
e 1>ealh ortime 45 80 3 days -Pennancn!

Visualization: A tunnel opens above the hexagram. as if a

cannonball had rushed through and left an opening in Ihe air.
<The §od5if <Time and Syace When Ihe "cannonball" suddenly stops, the Conjurer is able to
view Ihe place he has been searching for.
I !emlcs Trismcgistos is the god of the Conjurers of
Time and Space above others. "ext to him there are other
theoretically inclin..:d divinities. like Athena of the Greeks, and
Thoth of the Egyptians. \Ian) Conjurers also invoke Logos,
Like a 'Mirror
pure reason. like a divine ]lO\\cr. In spells influencing time the The Conjurer can twist lime to create a "tunnel vi-
Gred, god Chronos is sometimes invoked. sion-. letting him view a cenain place in the past, as if Ihe
place was right in from of his eyes. lie must have a clear idea
aboul where and what he is going to look aI, preferably with a
Lhc Spd(s name of the place and an exact date.

Skill score: 5
Loss of endurance: 20
'Beyond the ']-(orizon Tools of Magic : The ring
Time to east : 20 minutes
The Conjurer can twist space to create a kind of Duration : I hour
"tunnel \ ision" letting him vicw any place at all in our reality Preparations: locense smelling of amber is burned. and four
a if it I>.as situated right in front of his eyes. lie must have a bluc candles are lit on the altar. Tv,o squares, fonning an acta-
clear idea of the place he \Vants to view. It is not necessary that gram. are drawn in the Circle. The symbol for Mercury and
he has visited it, but he must know where it is. and in which the word CHRONOS are \Hillen in Ihe oclagram. Surrounding
direction he must tum his eyes in order to see it. this the Conjurer draws two equally sized, partly overlapping
circles, and a quaner of Ihe radius away from each other. The
Skill score: 5 points of interseclion should be in the nonh and in the south.
!.oss of endurance : 20 Nexi 10 the northern intersection, Ihe Conjurer writes the date
Tools of '\1agic : The ring and time of the presenl using astrological symbols. At the sou-
Tim!' to cast : 20 minutes thern intersection he writes the name o f Ihe place he wants 10
Duration. I hour view, logether with the date and time using astrological sym-
Prepanltions Incense giving ofT blue smoke is burned and bols.
IWO perfectly fonned candles are lit on the altar. A dodecahe-
Invocation and gestures: The Conjurer raises the ring and
dron of wood or metal is placed between the candles. A hexa- summons Mercury and Chronos. He walks clockwise around
gram consisting of 1\\'0 right-angled triangles arc drawn in the one of the circles. turning by the southern intersection. wal-
Cirde. The triangles are placed in such a way that the hypole- king counter clockwise around the other. The ring is placed on
nU:;t:S of the triangles can be extended through the tips of the the sign for Mercury, and the Conjurer stands on the northern
triangles to fonn two lines running out of the star. The name of intersc<:tion. l-Ie summons Mercury, the divine messenger, as-
the place the Conjurer wants to see is written next to the end king for help in finding his v,ay among the winding paths of
of one of the lines, and the name of the place where the spell the past.
is being cast is written at the other end. Visualization : The two circles on the noor stan to glow and
In\(~C!ltion and gestures : The Conjurer raises the ring and
separate from each other. They rise from Ihe floor, fonning a
summons Hennes and Mercury. He asks for help in tunnel. Ihrough which the Conjurer may see the pas!.
seeing beyond the horizon, moving the ring
in a Circle above the hexagram on the noor.
<Twistina the Senses
The Conjurer can influence the perception of TIme
and Space of somebody. lie can leI an eternity seem like an
instant. or extend a second until il seems to drag on for years.
lie can convince his victim thai a plain Ihal is se\>era! miles
\\ ide is merely a few hundred feet across. The victim will
avoid acting against his senso!) input. If he feels that time is

standing still. he \.\iII remain standing \.\ithout doing anything,
and nothing will make him mo\ e. If he feels that lime is run- §ate to tfie Past
ning faster he will rush fonh \\ ithout noticing anything around
him. When a small place becomes huge. he mo\C'S slo\.\I). If a The Conjurer can open a gate to the pa:;t. Ik deeide~
large place is turned small he seems to h3\e a nightmarish fee- on a dme and lime for the gate. The gate only dislOrb time. not
li~g of w~lking fore ... er without getting 3n)\.\here. The spell space.1l1e Conjurer stays in the space \.\ here he casts the spell.
Will not glH~ him an) abilit) to influence the illusion. He can The effect decides how \\-ell he succeeds. In order 10 mo\e
not 010\(' faster than nonnal or mme in time. The experience back more than 1000 yea ..... he nced~ an effect often or morc.
is all in his mind. To move back more than 10.000 yem he needs an efft"Ct of.:!O
or more. to mo\e more than 100.000 year;. he needs an dTecl
Skill score: 7 of30 or more. et cetera
Loss of endurance 30
Tools ofl\lagic : fhe .... and Skill score . 10
Time to cast: 30 minutes Loss of endurAnce. 30
Durntion . 24 hours Tools of \1agic : The s.... ord and thi:! ring
Ego-Ihro" 10 resist · Yes Time to caSI : 40 minutes
Prepllrations : A lock of hair from the victim is placed on the Duration ; 10 minuK~
altar. A triangle within a pentagram is dra\\n inside the Circle Prellarations . Incense smclling of amber is burned and a fist-
of Magic. A white candle is placed in the middle of the tri- ful of while sand is poured on the allar. A field containing
angle. Signs lor the Ihe senses·an eye. an car, a nose. a mouth. t..... el\e pentagons is drn\.\-n in the Cirde of Magic. a~ if a paper
and a hand-arc dra\.\-" ne'll to the points of the pentagram. figure of t..... elve sides had been unfolded and nattened on the
Invocation Ilnd gestures. The Conjurer rabes the wand and floor. The symbol lor Mercury and the name (If ('IlRO>..;OS
summons the \;clim by nume. Ilc picks up the lock of hair and are dra . . . n inside each of the pentagons.
bums it on the candle in the triangle ..... hi1e loudly stating that In\oeation and gC'itllres: The Conjurer raisc~ the ring. ~um·
h<.' is t'\.\ isting the sight, Ihe hearing. the taste. the ~mell and the moning Mercur) and Chronos. lie a;,k~ for help in finding the
touch of the victim. correct roule along the palhs of the past. s ...... earing that he does
Visualization : 1llc ('onjurer sees how the world is twisting in not intent 10 create chaos and disorder among the unbroken
the \.\a) he ~ants the victim to perceive: time is running faster lines of lime. He swears by eternity and the gods of time. He
or slower, distances contrnct or extend. then takes the !>and from altar and pours a pinch on each of the
pentagOl1~ on the floor. Ue finall) lilb lhe s ..... ord. s13ling that
he is banishing the founh dimen~ion. ignoring Logo,. and reo
§ate to 'E(sewfiere turning to his 0 .... n beginning.
Visualization. The Conjurer ~cs ho" the pent~ons connect
The Conjurer can open a gate to a distant place in to each other, fonning a man·~iled dodecahedron, I,,~ing its
our reality. He ignores dbtance and steps through the- gale to depth to become a ' ..... che-sided portal. a black gate to the pesL
the other place. \~hich can be an)\\-here on the eanh. or e\en in
~pace. He m~t kno\\< .... here the place he is going 10 is situated.
and be able to ~isuaIi7.c it. See Tomorrow
Skill score: 8 The most dimcult of the spells t ..... isting rime and
Lo~s of endurance. 30 Space are those looking lon~ard in time. The futurc is ~ti1l an
Tools ofi\lltgic' The sword and the ring unwritten page. a pan of time that is not fully encompib'>Cd by
Time to cast: 30 minutes eternity. Therefore you can newr be entirel) cenain ,hilt
Duration : 10 minutes you have seen really is the future. That ..... hich i~ shown can
Pn.'llaralions : Blue incense is burned on the ahar. nnd two influenced by the e1t.pcclations of the Conjurer. and the
perfectly fornled candles lire lit. The dodecahedron is placed se ..... ation itself. Most of the Conjurcn. ha\'e a '·,""'d,k"pt"~,..
betv.ecn the candles. A he)(agrnm consi~ting of t\\O right-an- lo\\<ards anything Ihat is supposed 10 be from the future. This
gk>d triangles are dra .... n in the Circle. The hypotenuses of the spell opens a windo\\ to a certain dale and pia.... cho~n by the
triangles are extended atlhe tips to ronn a line extending from Conjurer. The efl'e<:t decides how far he can .see: more than 100
the star in 1\\0 directions. At one end is written the name of the )eal"S requires an effect of 10. more than 1000 years require an
place to v.hich the Conjurer wants to open a gate. at the other effect of 20. and 10.000 years requires an elTect of 10. et co:--
he .... rite-s the name of the place where the spell is being cast. tera.
He then dra\...s a squa~ surrounding the star. writing HERVIES
along the sides. L055 of end una nee 30
In,ocalion a od gesturn: The Conjurer lifts the ring. summo- Tools of!\1agic: 11le wand and the ring
ning Uerrnes. Ue brings the ring through the blue smoke, ex- Time to east: 30 minutes
p!aining that he v.ishes 10 banish the third dimensioo. ignoring Duration: 10 minutes
dIstance and depth that he is wearing the ..... inged sandals of Preparations : A white candle is lit on the altar. Camp~
\tercury. rising like the messenger of the gods through space. cense is burned until the air feels cold. as if c!1:trged
Using the sword he drn\.\-s a pentagon in the air. saying: ~This ozone. A pentagram is dra\\n inside the Circle ..... ithin a
is dodecahedron. There is no depth here. ft of equal sides. The Conjurer writes the ..... oro,
Visualization : The Conjurer visuaJiL.es the pentagon in the air Chronos. Achlys and Logos along the sides of
as a burning line. When the figure i~ drawn out the surface the triangle. In Ihe middle of the pcnlagrnm he
blackens and a live-sided gate to the distant place is opened. writes the number 717. the name orthe place,
and the date that the Conjurer ...... ants
to view. The date is wrillell using
astrological symbols.

Invoca tion a nd gestures: The Conjurer places the ring across
the number in the pentagram. He raises the wand, summoning
Chronos. l ie summons the celestial bodies controlling the date
he wants to view, beginning with the controlling constella·
tions, and then the Moon and finally the planets. Achlys is
summoned as the time·dissolving foree, with the Conjurer dc·
manding that the true future will be shown.
Visualization : The Conjurer sees how the world around him
begins to vibrate, like ",hen a mirage is being dissolved into a
haze. When the world is solid again the Conjurer will see the
future around him, outside the Circle of Magic. If he steps out
of the Circle, the image disappears.

In\ocatio n and gestures : The Conjurer raises the sword,
Gate to 'lo11lorrow summoning Uennes. lie turns towards each of the four cardi-
nal points and renounces. in tum. thc ties to Lifc in the east. to
The Conjurer can opcn a portal to the future. He Death in the .... est, to Water in the nonh. and to Heat in thc
chooses the time and place .... here the gate is 10 open. The ef- south. He then steps into the triangle on the floor, calling out
fect decides ho'W far into the future he can reach: more than that he renounces the shackles of the third dimension. that he
100 years requires an effect of 10, more than 1000 years, an cf- rends Ihe veils of the illusion, Ulat he breaks the wall!. around
Icct of20. more than 10,000 years, an em.'Ct or30, ct celera. distant places, and walks the broken ..... ay. Ihe road of !1emles
the Messenger. He places the ring on the floor by his feet, tou-
Ski1lscorc : \4 ching the place name ..... ith the tip of the wand.
Loss ofenduranct": 40 Visualization : Grey smoke rising from the triangle, assuming
Tools of Magic: The ring and Ihe wand the shape of a three-sided gatc opening to the: place of the
Time to ellSt : 1 hour Conjurer's desire.
Duration : 10 minutes
Preparations: A while candle is placed on the altar. Campher
incense is burn until thc air feels cold. as if charged \\ith
OLone. A pentagram .... ilhin a Circle is dra'M inside the Circle
of Vlagic. Around the Circle is "Hiuen the name of the place During three days. the Conjurer can completel)
\\here the ponal is to be opened. and Ihc astrological signs ignore the restraints of space. tie can transpon himself in an
marking the dale and place in the future. Within the pentagram instant anywhere in our reality. One step .... ill take him from
the Conjurer draws the symbols oflhe gods Thoth and \laa1, a the foot of the Acrof"lOlis to Central Pan.. in "'e\\ Yon... I h: can
..acred ibis and a sitting ",oman. Belo.... he .... rites his secret face a ",all in Paris, tum around and look out o\er Sutlll)' Khar-
name. his Ren, as a protection against lhe identity dis-.olution toum. He may even mo\·e to places outside of the earth. requi-
that threatcns anyone tra'vel1ing into the future. ring only that he knows a place in the uni\crse to gct to. He
In,ocalion li nd geSluru : The Conjurer takes the ring and may not mO've through the illusions or time.
places it around his Ren in the pentagram. lIe raises the wand,
summoning Eternity, Thoth and Maat. lie states that he is S kill seorl': 16
ready to defy Etcrnity. and to follow the road ahead designated Loss or endurance : 40
b) Thoth. to follow the true path shown him by Maa\. I~e re- Tool~ or Magic : The ring
nounces the ties of time, commanding a portal 10 open into the T ime 10 cast· 12 hours
future. Ouration : 3 da)·s
Visualiza tion : The Conjurer sC('~ how the \\orld around him Preparations : The dodecahedron is placed 011 the altar, flan-
dissolves like a mirage trarlsfonning into a haze. When the ked by IwO burning candles. A bnI..lier .... ith irn:Clls.e ~melling of
.... orld is solid again he .... ill see the future surrounding him, amber is Iii in the Tcmple. T.... o partly o\erlawing
outside the Circle of Magic. lfhe sta)S in the Circle until the dra\\TI on the floor. Where till'} intersect each Olher the
end of the duration of the spell nothing happens. If he leaves ORBlS MUNDI is .... rillen. A circh: is drawn ,",ru,""d i".~
the Circle he steps out in the future. Along the entire circumfcrence the Conjurer dra\\,.-.
for the twelve houses of the zodiac. The four cardinal

Portae of '1 ((us ion are marked with stars. and in the east the Conjurer
I U\ ocation and gesturC:!l : The Conjurer sprinlle-s a h"oJIUI .or;
This is the most versatile of all of the spells opening salt o'ver lhe dode<:ahedron on the altar_ and pl<l'.:cs the
gates through the illusion. The portal of illusion can be used to his ann or a finger. He summons ilennes, bling for
open a gate to any and all of the worlds beyond the illusions. walking through the worlds without effort, from '~~:::'i~~::=
or to other places in our reality. The Conjurer can entcr in- down. from the evening star to Ihe mornin~ star. f
ferno, the Dream ....orlds. Metropolis, Gaia. or some distant cent moon to the burning fidds of the sun. lie rai"'-!s thl.- dodt-o
place in our realit). He can not mo\e in time. but otherwise cahedron from the altar. holding it high. I Ie summon, the east.
there are no limitations. The only exceptions are places where asking \0 be allowed to tread the shortest paths, he summoll$
space is so twisted that gail'S may not be opened to them. The the .....est, the north, and the south. l ie places the dode<:ahedron
innennost depths of the citadels of the Archons and the Angels on the floor and ..... alks t .... el\·e times around it, summoning the
of Death, the borderland to Achlys. the Vortex. and places pro- twel\'e houses of the zodiac, and their kno .... ledge abuutlhe
tected by other Conjurers may not be reached through these make of thc illusion. Finally he picks up thc dodecahedron.
gates. holding it in both hands, while he slowly ~teps out of the
Circle of Magic.
Skill 5Co~: 15 Visualiution : The Conjurer focuses at fil"'5t on the dodecahe-
Loss or endunnce : 40 dron. It becomes ha7.y and starts to vibrate. the dimen~ion~
Tools or Magil: : The .... and and the ring flow together. depth disappears, and for an instant he ~cems to
Time 10 cast: I hour exist in a t.... o-dimensional .... orld. This is .... hen he sh:pS Oul 01
Duration : 10 minutes
Prl'pantions : The signs for Thoth, Maat and Osiris are drawn
the Circle. j
around the Circle of Magic, together with n triangle containing
the words Tetragrommaton and Adonai. This will prevent the 'lime Wanderer
Conjurer from accidcntally opening a gate to the Pit or be
swallo",ed by nothingness. lie lights a candle on the altar and The Conjurer can mo\e through
bums aromatic inccnse. A triangle of equal sides is drown in time. not through a portal. but by
the Circle of Magic. The Conjurer then writes the words IN- walking fo ....... ard or back .... ard. The
FERl\O, METROPOLIS. ILLUSIO along the sides of the tri- impression is of a movie that is
angle. In the middle, he writes the name of the place where he sped b) around him. He can
\\ants to open the gate. move up to a century in one

hour, It is easier to moye backlHlrds than forward~. In order to Ego-throw 10 resist : No
move fOnl'3rd the Conjurer needs an etYect of at leasl 20. In I'reparations : The dodecahedron is placed on the altar. and
order to move ahead more than a century he needs an effect of the Conjurer writes the name of tile wanted item or person on
al least 30. A thousand years ahead requires an effect of 40. et each of the twelve sides. Camphor incense is burned and
eetaa. The Conjurer can 1110'01' backv.'ards in time without any seven wax candles are placed around the Circle of Magic. The
problems at all, ho\\ far as he v.ant, but he can never move Conjurer draws four triangles of equal sides on the floor, poin-
further back than the creation of the Illu ~ion. Time wandering ting outwards from a central square. At the tip of each of the
does not mean that he can 11101 e in space, for that he needs the triangles he marks the cardinal point with a star. An image of
wanderer spell. the sacred ibis of the god Thoth is drawn in the square.
In,'ocalion and gestures: The Conjurer takes the dodecahe-
Skill sCOn!: 17 dron in his hand and summons Thath. thc Lord of Khemenus.
Loss ofendllrancc : 50 The thurible is brought in a ciTcle above the ibis. and the
Tools of 'lagic : 1 he ring Conjurer asks Thoth to step forth and share his knowledge. He
Time 10 Cllsl : 24 hours stands in the southern triangle. raising the cup in his left hand
Duration: 3 days and the dodecahedron in his Tighl, shouting the name of Ihe
Preparalions : A field containing !l\clve pentagons is drawn item or the person. asking it 10 make its whereabouts known.
in the Circle of\lagic. looking like a paper model Ilith twel~e This is repeated in the east, nonh and west. Finally he sum·
sides that has been unfolded on the noor. The \Iords mons Thoth once again, asking where the requested item is lo-
HER.\1ES. CHRO~OS and ANlHROPOS arc written in each cated.
of the pentagons in the fonn of a triang.le. The Conjurer then Visuali:t.alion : The item is visualized embedded in the dode-
draws a triaogle of equal sides surrounding ie with one point cahedron, resting in darkness. When the spell is woven its sur-
tov.ards thc nonh, one lov.ards the east, and one towards the roundings lake shape in the darkness, letting the Conjurer see
west. TETRI\GRAM\'1.-\TON is wrinen along the sides of the whcre it is.
triangle. A handful of fine. white sand is laid on the altar.
(nmcalion and geslures : The Conjurer lifts the ring, sum·
moning Hermes. He asks for help in finding the right way
along the paths orlh1:' past. He swears by etemit)" and by the
'T'rue SitJlit
gods of time. He lak1:'s Ihe sand from the ahar and spreads a The Conjurer can see v.hat is happening during a
pinch un each of the pentagons on the floor, while he says a certain event in the present. the pasl or the future . This can be
prayer to ehrollos, asking that time may run freely back and any kind of situation. but the Conjurer must know that it has
forth, and for a \.Ihile give up the bonds of the illusion. He happened, or will happen, in order to describe in some detail
summon!) his o\\<n diyinity with the ring raised towards hea- whal is going to happen. The event can be anything from a
len, ~king for jXIwer to break the bonds of the illusion. quarrel between two people to a shipwreck. a murder, a scien-
Visualizalion : The Conjurer sees how the pentagons as- tific discoyery, or an event that is as triyial as a man buying a
semble to a man-sized dodecahedron, surrounding him. lie package of cigarettes. In order to view an event more than 100
look~ out through a shimmering glass "all. and time is no- years in the past the Conjurer needs an effect of at least 10.
wing ~pce<lil) by outside like a movie sequence running amok. 1000 years back need an effect of 20, et cetera. In order to see
in the future he needs an eftect of more than 20. It is imjXIs-
sible to see funher into the future than 100 years.
Skill score: 22
The Conjurer can search for an Object or a person Loss of endurance: 30
e... hting somewhere in our reality, He can not find an object Tools of Magic : The cup
which onl} exists in the future, the past or beyond the illusion. Tinle to cast: I hour
He must know what the object is. or which person he is going Dnration : 30 minutes
\0 look for. His knowledge about this must be as specific as Ego-Ihro\.l to resist: No
possible. At least he needs to know the name of Ihe object or Preparalions : The Conjurer bums white sandalwood incense
person. ~Whcre is Picasso's painting Les demoiselles d'Avi- and lights a candle. He places thc dodecahedron on the altar
gnon"'~ is an acceptable question. while "Where is the leader with some item that can be associated with the event he
of the cult of fools of Gennany?" probably is not precise en- wishes to view. The item does not have to ha\'c been prescnt at
ough. If there are more than one person claiming the title the the event or directly relating to it, as long as it gives the right
spell \\ill fail. and the Conjurer will not get any anSller. associations. The cup is filled to the rim with clear water. A
pentagram is painted on the noor. with the sign for Thoth, the
Skill score 20 sacred ibis.
Lo!s ofcndnrance : 40 In,'ocation and gestnres : The Conjurer dips his fingers in the
Tools of Magic : The cup water and touches his eyelids, his lips, his nose and his cars.
Time 10 cast: 24 hours He summons Thoth, asking to be shown the trulh, the undilu-
I)unllion : - ted truth, the eternal. the truth undisturbed by the broken
threads of time and the constricting walls of space. askin g to
be shown the whole. The cup is placed in the pentagram and
the Conjurer turns. in turn, towards the east, the west, the
nonh and Ihe south. He commands all the lesser powers to
stay away, and not pollute the vision. He Ihen lurns his sight to
the wate r surface in the cup.
Visualizalion : The Conjurer yisualizes the water in the cup as
liquid gold, a shimmering surface gradually growing to be-
come a golden mirror, where the Conjurer will view the even\.

square. Around the circumference of the circle he writes the
names of the houses of the zodi!IC. Outside the pentagram he
"rites the names of the powers that are going to protect and
The Conjurer can see the history and future of an guide Ihe wanderer: U[RMES, mOTH. CIIRO:\OS, LOGOS
item b) touching it. lie \\ilI rtteive a vision of all the impor- andANLIlIS. The four cardinal points are marked with sta~.
tant events in the "life" of the item, from its creation up to its In\ocation IInli gestures; The Conjurer plac~ the ring on his
destruction. As al\\a)5. any visions of the luture are uncenain_ arm or finger. I-Ie summons Henne~, asking for help in "nlking
An effect of 20 is needed in oruer to have any visions of the throU2h the "orld without cOon. from ~unup to sundo"n.
future al all. and funhcr ahead than a hundred years e\erything from the ('\-cning star to the morning star. from the crescent
i~ lost in a ha7.e. The \isions are true ",hen the Conjurer sees moon to the buming fields of the sun. He summons (,hmoo~.
the p3st of the item. How far b.1ck depends on the effect. More asking him 10 1C1 time run free back and fonh. to relea.,e time
than a hundred years needs an effect of 10 or morc. An elTeet from its bonds. and let eternity be re ... ealcd He rai,es the
of20 or more ",ill allow Ihe Conjurer to ~ as far back as p0s- wand. summoning his own divinity ",ith a prayer for IX,"..-r to
sible. break the bonds of the illusion. The dodecahedron is t:lken
from the altar, and is raised towards the cast, Ihe wc~l. the
Skill score: 25 nonh, and the south. The Conjurer then command:. the illu·
loss of endurtlnce: 40 sions to break. that time must lose itself in etemity. that the
Tools of Magic The cup walls of the room must fall. Hc places the dodecahedron on the
Time 10 raJl ; 4 hours floor and \~alks t\\elw times around it. calling on th.: twel\C
1)lIroliOIi : 30 minutes houses of the zodiac and their kno" ledge of the natur..- of the
Ego-thro", 10 resisl ; 1\0 illusion. nnall) he takes the dodecahedron and holds it \~ith
Prepal"lliions ; The target of the spell is placed on the altar and both hands. "hile he 510" Iy steps out of the Circle of .. tagk.
is surrounded b) five burning candles. The Conjurer burns Visualization; The Conjurer focuses on the dodecahedron,
\\hite sand:llwood incense. He draws a twelve-sided figure on \\hich seems to s\\ell aod dimini~h, lose its dimensions or stan
the floor using white S:lnd. At e:lch comer he dra\\s :I sign of 10 shimmer in four or five dimensions. It finally s\\ells out.
the l..odiac. Inside the figure he draws the nine planetary signs. gro\\ing too large for his hands. filling the \\~'rld. aod pu:.hing
with Mercury in the middle. lie surrounds everything with a aside the limitations of Time and Space.
circle consisting of the words CIIRONOSI IERMESTRISME-
GISTOS repeated in a continuou~ ring.
In~ocation lind geslures . The Conjurer places his hand on
Ihe object. ~ummoning Chronos. He moves his right palm
above the fhe candles surrounding the object, holding the cup fhe Conjurer can creale a ~anctuary beyonu this
in his left hand. lIe addresses Ihe objcct. commanding it to re- "arid. a small place outside of lime and ~pace. Thi~ will hi:
\'eal its secrets. Then he lifts it from the altar and carries il inlO reminiscent of the abilit)' to create Dream \\orld h)' the
the twelve-sided figure, sits do"n on his haunche~, placing it Conjurers of the Dream, but the Conjurer of space and lime
on the sign of Mercury. With his fingenips resting on the item works within the \\ea\'e of the illusion. IIc docs not create an
he alternately summons Chronos and Hennes. asking for help inner room in his own consciousness, but a ph~:.io.;atl} e\1stIJl
in seeing the truth about the object. place in the universe, that only he has acceb to. \ill cuelll} en
Vlsualil.ation ; The object is graduall)" wo\en into threads of tilies or po"ers. not e~en the Archons or the Angels of DC4th
light fonning agio .... ing picture of scenes from the history of can have access to it. The Conjurer may decide if time will run
the object. as fast as in our reality, t"ice as fast, or not at all. The anc·
tual) is as large as a normal room, al most fiH~ b} Ii\~ b) the
meters. The Conjurer can leI other people in. but enemy mU-
True Wanderer ties are not able to force Iheir \\Qy in.

The Conjurer can mo ... e free I)' through Time and Skill score' 35
Space, and through the illusions. to all the worlds be)ond ours. loss ofenlillrance; SO
He can walk through time in the same \\ay as the time wande- Tools of Magic: The wand and Ihe crown
rer spell, and at Ihe sam.: time mO\'e unlimited distances in our Time to cast: 14 hours
reality or through the illusions. All roads are open to him, for Duration : 7 days
the duration of the spell. The only difficulty lies in mo\ing Preparations ; A cabalistic Tau-<mss, is dra"n on the (lOor.
ahead in time. In order 10 succeed the Conjurer necd~ an effect The names of both the Archons and the Angels of Death are
of 20 or more. and if he wants 10 move more than II hundred \\-rilten in the squares. To the left of Ihe cro~s the Conjurer
,ears into the future he needs an effect of )0. Certain places draw" a nine-pointed slar, \\riling ASTAROTH, SHAIT.''>,
~ impossible to reach in a magical way, for example Achlys, and BELIAL next 10 it. To the right of the cros~ he dra .... s a ITt·
the Vones, and Ihe innermost sanctums of the citadels of In· angle, wri ting ADONA!. JAHVE, SEBAOTII. and TETRA·
f.:mo and Metropolis. These can only be reached the hard way, GRAMMATON next to it. Surrounding everything i.~ /I circle
\~ithout using Magic. with the hou:>es of the zodiac on the outside. and ill... planclar}
symbols on the inside. The dodecahedron i~ placed on the. '1Itar.
Skill score; 30 surrounded by five candles fonning a pentagram.
loss ofenliunmce ; SO Invocation and gestures; Having the cro"n on his head, the
Tools of Magic : The wand and the ring Conjurer in tum bani~hes the hou~ of the zodiac,
Time 10 ca~1 ; 24 hours the influences of the planets, the Angel" of
Duration ; 3 d:lYs Death and their servants. the Archons and their
Preparations : The dodecahedron is placed on the altar, sur- sen-·ants. Astaroth and his servants,
rounded by se...en lighted candles. Four thuribles mark the cor· the Demiurgc and the po\\er bound
ners of the Temple with a scent of m)rrh, musk, amber and in his name. Then he lights the
camphor. A square is drawn on the floor, within a circle inside
a pentagram. marl..ed with burning oil lamps. The Conjurcr
candles to mark a pentagram in I.;..
the Circle of Magic. lie lifts the
writes his secret name. his Ren. and the number 777 in the
dodecahedron from the ahar. summoning Hennes as the kt.-e-
per or «erell>, Ihe ~ ithholder of koo~ ledge, the lurker in the The 'Death if Time
~hada\\-s, It~, ~ummlln~ his (mn secret name, dra\\ing a cub.:
in the air u~ing the \\-and. o;aying: ~ I build a world from rIO- The Conjurer can stop the passage of time. He is
thing. I build a pla.;e beyond space, I build an abode beyond able 10 recreate elcmil) somewhere in our reality, making sure
time. I l'Iuild a sanctuary I:ocyond Ihe reach of all Ihe po~ers. th:lI monality docs not reach in. In a cube tcn steps wide, high
And Uk: I.e} t~l it shall bc ... - Uere he thinks silently lor him- and deep time wilt stop. Nothing \\ill ever have an influence
kif. a ~cret ~\lrd to be u~ed 10 opo:n Ihe ~tU3ry. on anything within. An)one staying inside will nc\cr age or
\1•••liDtioD The Conjun.'I" see~ the power of the dodecahe- dic. The disadvantage of the spell is that it will attract the at-
drona~ a ~hlle light. It radiates into the Temple, creating an tention of the guardians of the illusion. Time is an imponnnt
openmg. a Ido .... in!! door to the sanctuary of the Conjurer. component of our reality. Sooner or later someone will take
notice of the fact that a part of time has been stopped, regard-
less of the protecti\e measures of Ihe Conjurer. Then the ser-
'The 'Eye if Thoth vanls of the Archons will do anything in their power to restore
rhe Conjurer can search for an object or a person
an) \\-ho:re in time or ~pace, in our reality or beyond the iIlu- Skill score: 45
s}on~. Nalhing i~ hidden from his ey~. neither in the past nor Loss o( endurance : 80
the future, in Inlerna nor in Metropolis. Like in the Seeker Tools of Magic : The wand and the ring
spell the Conjurer mu~t know what item or person he is loo- Time to cast: J days
king f(lr, and he should be as specific as possible. Preferably Duration : Pennanent
be kno~ s the name of the item or person, and also has a pic- I'reparations : The place ~here Death is to end is cleansed
lure available. If Ihe object does not yet e:\ist, but only exists during 24 hours. The Conjurer burns camphcr incensc and
in Ibe linure, he needs an effect 01'20 or more to find it. amber. rubs the walls of the room with chalk. and lighls a pen-
tagram of \\-hile candles in order to banish all evil influences.
!'ikW score- 40 The second day is used to shut out all the guardians of Ihe illu-
l.oq ohnduunce 50 sion. and any other po\\-ers that may tell tales about \\-hat is

Toek of \1agic TIle cup

n." 10 USI 24 hours
£ .......,0... 10 ,""ist ! 1\0
PnpanlioDJ The dodecahedron is placed on the aitar, and
going to happen. A cabalistic Tau-cross is drawn on the floor,
The Conjurer writes the names of both the Angels of Death
and the Archons inside the squares of the cross, To the left of
the cross the Conjurer dray,s a nine-pointed star, writing AS-
TAROTH. SHAITAN, and BELIAL next 10 it. To the right of
lIS ""el\(' ~ides are fitled ~ ith lhe name of the item or person the cross hc draws a triangle, writing AOO:'>SAI, JAHVE, SE-
the Conjurer \\-ants to find. Campher incense is burncd in a BAOTH. and TETRAGRM1MATON next to it. Surrounding
lburibk, and !'>even .... a:\ candles are lighted around Ihe Circle e\'crylhing is a circle wilh the houses of tile zodiac on the out-
of Magi!;, The Conjurer draws eight triangles of equal sides, side, and the planetruy symbols on the inside. The Conjurer
poirwing from II central square. At the tips of four of the tri- then banishes the named powers. one by one, shuning them
MaJes the cardinal points are marked with StaB. At the tips of out fore\ocr from Ihe place.
...., mher lour the signs for Mereu!)'. Jupiter. Saturn and the At midnight on the third day. he draws a triangle on the floor,
Sun are .... riuen. The Conjurer then writes INFERNO. ILLU- writing CHRONOS within. He places thc dodecahedron on
SIO, :\II'TROPOUS and ELYSIUM along the sides of Ihe the altar, and summons Chronos. He puIS the ring on his ann
square. In the middle of Ihe square he draws an imagc of the or finger, commanding Ihc god of time to throw off his masks
sacred ibis ofThoth. in order to reveal his eternal nature. lie summons Chronos in
I.\oc.lion lind gestures: The Conjurer takes the dodecahe- his incarnation of Eternity, demanding that cternity shall take
dron in hi~ hand. He summons Tholh and Logos, Hennes and possession orthe room from now on.
Malkuth, Chronos and Achlys. The thurible is brought in a VisllaJization : The Conjurer visualizes Chronos as a severe
circle above the symbols on the floor, whilc the Conjurer in divinity, co\ered by black veils. As the spell progresses the
twn names the cardinal points, all the worlds beyond thc illu- \ocils start to fall ofT, turning the god into a luminous being.
sions. all the ages, and all the abodes of the gods. He stands in Ihal is gradually dissolved into nothing. When the ritual is
the triangle, turning to the soulh. shouting the name of the 0b- completed Ihe triangle has been erased.
ject or Ihe per<;on. asking it to Te\'eal its abode. This is repea·
ted in the cast, the north and the west, then towards Mercury,
Jupiter. Saturn and the Sun. Finally hc summons Thoth once
again, asking where Ihe .... anled item is located.
\-'ba.llLation The Conjurer visualizes the item embedded in
the dodecahedron. resling in darkness. When the spell is
\\-o\en its surroundings begin to take shape OUI of thc dark-
ness, showing the Conjurer where the object or the person
is located.

~he Occu(t
"Tel! me which Ihey are," Adam asked.
"And I shall find them and re/lim to reopen the
gales {O Paradise."

According to an old Jewish legend there
was an Angel guardmg the gales 0/ rhe Gardell of
Eden After the Fall of Mall the Angel spoke to

"/ know seven keys. /I the Angel said.

are the keys to the heart of my Lord. "

named Tc,rot, the key of Romani, opening the doors the teachings. Ii is nOI kno\\-n if any human being today pos_
10 l'()ur own heart. The olle II'ho /ind\ the kers will ~esses that knowledge. In the same moment that the guardians

be'purxedjrom sill. The ji'lIil o/knowledge ~I'i/I be orlhe illusion become aware orsuch an individual, all the ser·
varllS of the Demiurge and Astaroth would be out chasing him.
a hle,~,\illg, and Ihe gatl's of Paradise will no lon- Each of the seven sciences is a skill, using Ego as the basic
Kt'I"be locked. " ability, Thcy work like any other skills. and are acquired
through studies and practical experiments.
Idum memori=ed 111£' sir Iwml'.\', "Blit the
.~I!\'t'nth key. what doe~ it do?" Adam askl.'d.

"II is I~'i,hout /lame_ This key you mllSI

cr('ute 01/ your ol\'n. thl' key of the exile.~ and 'he
dOll"llIrodden_ 11 willlllClke Y01l free." Ihe Angel Kabbalah is a Je .... ish teaching. providing a descrip-
,~aid tion or the sen ants of the l)emiurge, and their relationships
with each other. Here is told ho\\- the Demiurge (called Ain
Sol) created the ten Archons (the Sefirolh), and how l\Ialkuth
Thl'l1 Jlan WlIS bClllished./ivm fhe Cardell then created the illusion, imprisoning man. Kabbalah can be
of Edell. und wm caM d01l'1I to wander fhe Earth. used to understand·and gain protection against-the guardians
or the illusion. Among the occult sciences Kabbalah is numbe-
red as the firs!. The occultist generally learns Kabbalah first or
all, in order to protect himself rrom Ihe Lictors and the Angels
rhere are s.:ven occult sciences: Kabbalah, AI- of Dcalh_
ch~·m). \strolog). 'um.:rolog), S~mbolism, Tarot. and Vou-
doo. Th~l are sometim~ called the Se\en Ke)~. as they can But Kabbalah also pro\ ides a description of the De-
tlI! us.:d to understand and de"tro) the illusion. l;p to a couple mlurge The len Archons and their shado,,-s. the Angels or
of o:enluries ago onl) the first of the six ke)"s existed. They death, are e!l:tensions orthe mind of the Dcmiurge. All his ser-
could he used 10 r.:ach an understanding of mall, but they were ... ants, rrom the highest Archon to the lo\~est SCl"\iant, are an
nnl enough to challenge the Dcmiurge and the illusion. Vou- extension orhimselr. In that way, Kabbalah is also an image of
deo "-;IS added as Ihe sc\enth occult leaching. ,,-hen Ihe power man. because the Dcmiurge is human by nature. By studying
ofth..: Demiurge began to faller. II ,,-as both in contrast to the God the KabbaliSI can reach an understanding or himself.
(Jr.ho:r ~i);. sciences, and a complimem to them. The old scienees

The '}{istory if the Xa 66a{ah.

~t:T\.' methodical, coming rrom Jewish studies. ChrisliBn my's-
1I\:I~m and gro .... ing rationalism. Voudoo was born rrom the
sla\..: ~tlI!lIi(lns in "Iaiti . 11 is rebellious, with a basis in Arri-
o:an traditions. closely related to Pass ion and Death. The Kabbalah is a Jewish mystical tradilion, closely
connected wilh the study or the sacred Writings. According to
"The 0"" holdi"G th,. Sf'~'ell keys ill his hand cun legends the Demiurge laughl the secrets or Ihe Kabbalah 10
/lpell the proo" alld ,.,.turn God's /OSI humanil): The gat~ <;orne or his Angels before the imprisonment or man. and the
"'iII ope". The shadow of the Lord ",ill rise from th,. pit 10 Angds then diwlged the secrels 10 a fe .... humans.
mob him "'hole. " This is .... hat an Aramaic inscription on the
hlao:k tablet or Hermes says. It is a stone tablet rrom Ras The Kabbalistic .... ritings existing loda~ originated
Shalllm, and which disappeared somewhere in Lebanon during during the Christian era. There are a few standard "-orks rrom
the ti~ting in the 80's. It is a disputed interpretation orthe oc- which almost alllater texts get their inronnation. The four ol-
..:u1l sciences, that the Dcmiurgc will regain the human rorm dest are Sepher VelZirah, which is said 10 have been .... ritten by
thai he llIay once have had, at the same time dcstroying the Rabbi Aldba. circa AD 120; Sepher lIa Zohar by Ben Jochai,
illusio"" and liberating mankind. \lluch is in ravor or that in- circa AD 160: The Book or Revelations in the Bible; and
I.:rpret;ltion. Astaroth is divided on the subject or the occult Rabbi Ezra's Comments about the Ten Sephiroth. rrom the
~o:icn..:es. ,\ccording to tradition it was he who once gave them 13th century.
10 man, but is no,,- struggling desperately to destroy them. lie
1~ !;Carching for traces or God, and is at the same time trying to Kabbalah was only spread extensivel) during the
l'ra.,e all signs of his disappearance. Perhaps hc is the shado\\ 13th century. The teachings wcre developed and rene"-l"<l by
that i~ going 10 rise from the pit. Je,,-s living in Spain, where Christianity. Judaism and Islam
met and cnriched each other during a full century. In 1305 Ihe
The occult sciences have always. or necessity, been most .... 1,'11 kno\\-n or the Kabbalislic te!l:ts was published. The
s<..... ret The guardians of the 1I1usion are continually trying to Zohar by Moses de: L)on.
de<5tro~ their practitioners. During the 16th and 17th centuries
scientists were killed and witches and books were burned. Up to the year 1600 Kabbalah was incorporated in
Thousand yeBr old documents .... ere destroyed the Christian occult traditions. picking up traits rrom Christia-
in an attempt to stop the movement. But it nity. The Je .... ish Kabbalah ,,-cnt on prospering on its own,
was all in \oBin. The developments of the past mainly being oriented towards text analysis. The originalte!l:t
200 :-,cars have refined and improved the oc- in Hebre,,- of the Old Testament ,,-as analyzed using a compli-
cult sciences. A number cated system of correspondences connected "-ith the Ilebre ....
of people loday deem it alphabet. That branch of Kabbalah never got an~ ..... ider reco-
possible 10 challenge gnilion within Christian occultism, as very fe .... practitioners
and destroy the illusions read IleNew, as they .... ere already in possession of Ihe abso-
using the occult sciences. lute knowledge about the books of Ihe Old Testament that is
This requires an extcnsive necessary.
knowledge about BII seven of

During the 17th and 18th centuries Kabbalah \\as Using this kllO\\ ledge he can symbolicall) confront and learn
brought together ..... ith the other occult sciences. Connections \0 control that \\hich the guardian stands for. :\fleT\\ard~ thc
\\cre made with astrology. tarot and numerology. A eommon guardian can no longer touch him.
lie1d of science \\ as developed. a magical ~cross science~, with
Kabbalah as the hub. This connection \\as completed by the The Kabbalist starts his wandering on the last of the
rn.:e masons, the Rosicrucians and other occult societies, roads, the one numbered 32. Here he will mc-et thc 10\\est of
which grew and prospered during the 18th and 19th centuries. the Guardians of the Illusion. the human servams of the Lic·
tors. He then \\orks his way up through all of the paths. lear-

The Tree of Life ning all there is to know about Lietors and RlVides, Nepharites
and legionnaires. After the 22 paths he reaches the Sephiroth.
beginning with Malkuth. He learns all about the Archons and
The basis of the Kabbalah is the Tree of Life. It is a their corresponding Angels of Death. until he has poller en-
~raphic representlltion of the relationships bet\\een the Ar- ough to confront that \\hich they symbolize. He is tinall) ready
cholt!> and the Angels of Death. At the beginning of this book to take the last step. along the in\ isible road 10 the Ikmiurge.
is a representation of the Tree of Life. The ten circles are called
Scfiroth. Between them there are 22 -paths". describing the re- The road is long and arduous. rC\\ Kabbalists C'<cr
lationships bet\\een the various Archons and Angels of Death. go funher than a couple of the paths. Those who have reached
Each path also represents a group of the Guardians of the illu- the le\C~1 of the Sephiroth have extensive knowledge about the
sion. The 22 paths and the 10 Sephiroth make up the "32 illusion and its guardians. They are protected again.~t the lower
roads~. Anyone walking these, and III each point liberates him- pCII·\,ers. but there is a great risk that the} 1\ ill come to the per-
self from the influences of the guardians. has broken away sonal attention of Angels of Death and Archon~, and arc thus
from their po\\er, liberating himself from a part of the Illusion. remo\cd from an) further effort.
This is the secret of the Kabbalah. which is the first of the
Se\en Ke)~. Bdo\\ is shown in short \\-hich 1Xl\\':rs are associated
\\-ith each of the roads, and \\hat the Kabbali~1 must sunnount
Some mystics sa} that the Kabbalah can be used to at each le\d. The planetary symbob and the I'kbrcw letters
liberate the Demiurge. He has imprisoned himself by locking ha ...e been pro\oided. as they are of great imf'Ortanc~ for the in-
his mind in the ten Sephiroth. and in the paths between them. terpretation of many Kabbalistic documents.
If the 32 roads can be destroyed the Archons and the Angels of

The 'KnowfedfJe of the 'Ka66a(ist

Death will also be destroyed, letting the Demiurge regain his
human foml.

The Kabbalah is the one occult 1>Cicnce giving us

The 'Four Wor(ds most substantial Irmo\\ ledge about the illusi{'!n and the ;"'''''''';
of the Ocmiurge. A Kabbalist often kno\\) the n3I11d
Kabbalah also provides a schematic description of demons and Angels than a regular Conjurer. I k ha,
the uni\ersc through the four worlds: Atziluth. Briah, letzimh. the hierarchies of the Lictors. and the ranks in the
and Assiah. Atziluth is Metropolis. the origin and in5piration the Damned. Belo\\- is given only \\hich roads of
for the other three. Briah is the realm of the Archons. the part Kabbalist can hope to tread at different sl..in scores.
of the imprisonment that eame directl} from the Demiurge. above provides a small guide to the 1..00\\ ledge of the
Yetzirah is Infemo, the shadow of Brinh, and the world where roads. The Kabbalist always has half his knowledge of
the mind of man is tran5fonned by forgetfulness. Assiah is the Kabbalnh in writing and reading Hehrew.
Illusion. our reality.
' ote that the skill score of the "-abbalah is
measure of how far along the 32 roads the ~tudent ha\
Practica( 'Ka66a(ah The Kabbalah is only the basis making il possible to ~tud) lite
32 roads. It is full) possible to attain veT)' high ">Core. in the
The Kabbalist is striving to understand the Illusion. Kabbalah without ever getting anywhere along the roods on
liberating himself from its guardians. He accomplishes this the Tree of Life. Each of the 32 roads must be eonM:iously
through the 32 roads represented by the Tree of Life. Eaeh stepped onto. the infonnation must be sought out. and the Kab-
road means that he must get an undctst(lOding of one of the balisl must symbolically absorb and learn to maste!' that \\hich
guardians of the illusion. symbolically sunnounting everything each Guardian represents.
that the guardian represents. When he understands a road he
has made himselfimisible to the guardians bound to that road. Tbe No\ice (skill score of 1-9): The novice can do simple le"t
They can no longer see him. When he has surmounted that analysis. He knows about the four \\orlds. the Tree of Life and
\~hich the road represents he has mude himself untouchable. the 32 roads. but does not have a clear understanding of how to
The guardians can no longer touch him. The one who wanders step onto the roads in order to provide knowledge. tic I.lIow~
all of the 32 roads can become invulnerable to all of the Guar· the cabbalistic StoT) of creation. and he can dc::1~ rela-
dians of the Illusion. reaching the 33rd. the In~isible Road. It is tion5hips bct\\ccn tnc Kabbalah. astrology. numcro'
called Daath by the Kabbalists. By understanding and sur-
mounting this, the Kabbalist can break away from the power of
Tbe adept hkill score of 10-19): The adept is r4K1y 10 tread
the Dcmiurge. the 32 roads. tie can get from the 32nd to the 20th road be-
fore he must increase his knowledge of the Kab-
To \\alk the 32 roads means in practice that you balah in order to get further. He has reali7ed the
study long and hard, reading sources most ollen available onl~ connections between human nature and the na-
outside the illusion. The Kabbalist must learn \\hat each Guar· ture of God. He knows about Me-
dian stnnds for. who are its servants. how they \\ork, and what tropolis. Inferno and the other
their wenk and SlrOng features are. He must adopt the nature of worlds beyond the Illusion.
the guardilln and realize how this is upholding the illusion.

The sons orC~diei
13 dlmel The virgIn oracle of Insight, understanding of secret relationships.
Tipharcth virgin wisdom
14 OaIc1fi The sons orBinah Female rnyslicism and ~xualit)
The blood '\1 cl~ ofSatharicl
15 II, Thehcavenly dragons of Mare dominance, strength and sexuality
Kcthcr and the enlightened Lictors
6 V," "Ttie Lklors 111C ~tnB.;\lIre ortlic illusion. acceptance offhe
~er of the Demiurge
17 ~rn Tlie ovmg cad-l he nlon of opposItes, love andb'eauty
daughter of the Demiurge
18 Cficlh llie Angel« of Samad Victor}' and triumph. lust for destruction and
19 telh The henni"t5 arRas Restraint. balance. the attraction of unger an
Sharim-Hauries the stunted
Yod Serapmfn Fa n beaut). lo~t honor, bitterness
1 Kaph The honor guard ofl,gIlt Black Angels, atuUcllon of cold aod perfection
22 lamed 1lIe ctilldren of sexual ) a<; an exape
I' red
1 M,m
5 '"'
6 J\}in
7 p,
of Death
_8 T~di The Dream hunters (lfGel:ourah [)re. ms a~ esca~
9 Qopll Cairath Ma ness as escape

AUman sen ant~
Suh!11i~<:f'enes to honor ana the blfndiT1& light
ResIgnation an belief In fate
The world a.~ a pnson
Ihe !'tndent (skill score of 20-29): The student can walk up
to the 11th road. lie knows that man is imprisoned. and that r\Lchem!:)
the Tree of Ufe desc ribes the prison guards and their relation-
\hir~. He can begin to study the connections between the illu-
<;iun and man, which both may be described through the sym- Alchemy is the basis of modern chemistry, a bridge
t-IJI- of the Tree ofUfe. between Magic and science. Alchemy uses conceplS and sym-
bols of chemistry. Ultimately alchemy is a means to alter the
I he \laSler (skill score of 30-39): The master is ready to stan basic elements. like changing lead to gold, or in creating new
hi . . ",anderings along the last ten of the roads, through the substances. which can not exist for more than a few momenb
realms or the Archons and the Angels of Death. He knows that in our reality. thereby making them useful for shattering the
the Dcmiurge hlb disappeared. and that the illusion is ready to illusions.
orcak apart. lie knows that four ofme Arcnons are gone, and
fha\ Inferno is about to shatter. He kno .... s that the Kabbalah is Our realit) is constructed of imperfect basic eI~­
one of the Se\en Ke)·s. menu. They arc shadows. reflections of th~ true substances
e.. isting befolT the imprisonment of man, but they still exist in
The t\.abbalist (skill score of 40+): The Kabbalist is ready to ~letropo1i.s. Through ch~mical ~xperiments the alchemist is
~arch for the in"isible 33rd road. He knows the secret theo- working to restore the true nature of the elements. in order to
rie~ about the nature of the Demiurge, that AstllJ'()th is his shatter the illusions. This ",ork is the Magnum Opus. the great
dark shadow. and that God is perhaps a \.\oork, of alchemy, which is described in veiled form in the
human being. He kno ..... s several theories older ""fitings. All alchemical experiments have this goal in
about the disappearance of the Demiurge. mind.

There is also a spiritual side to alchemy. The alche-

mist is using his own body and soul as the raw material in his
labors. He is using the connection existing between man and
the illusion in order to influence his own body and mental ba·

During the 16th century alchemy started to get a
more scientific image. Among the greatest from this lime i~
Tradition says that alchemy has its origins in Khem, one of the main figures from medicine. Paracelslb. or Philip--
in old LS}pt This explains the name: al Khemi. But very lillie pus Aureolus lbophrastus Bombastus \on 1I0henh.:im. born in
of the knowledge of that time is preser.ed today. The great Gernlany in 1493. He lived and .... orked in Basic, ..... here he
strides \\ere taken in Europe during the 13th to the 18th centu- made several early discoveries in both medicine and alchemy.
ries. Parace1sus "as the firsl to use the .... ord palingcncslo describe
how the imperfect elements of the illusion can be refmed lIntil
Among the oldest practitioners can be found Ray- true reality has been recreated. lie managed to isolate sc\cral true
mond Lully, a Spaniard and wandering jack of all trades, fluent elements. .... hich .... ould not nonnally be ahle 10 e"ist ~ our l1.:.3.Iity.
in Arabic. lie traveled throughout northern Africa and the
\1iddle Last lie li\ed for a time in England under the protec- During later years, alchemy has more anlJ mClre !Ier·
tion of King Ed .... ard II. During his time in England he worked ged with chemistry. The possibilit) of creating ~nstable i~o­
00 the transmutation of metals, and published a text .... here he topes and ne" basic elements has mo\ed regulat chemistry
explained how to create the Philosopher's Stone in order to closer to alchemy. True elements ha\'c been crea-
complete the Magnum Opus. He was the first to provide a ted and made stable in our reality. Akhemi~ls
concrete description of the process. He .... as stoned to death in ha\e been able to rip holes in the illusion_ All
1315 in Tunis..... here he had gone 10 comen the Moslems to of the most famous of the chemists
Christianity. Other early practitioners ..... ere the Englishman orthe 20th century have also been
Roger Bucon, the Frenchman Nicholas Flammcl, and the Ita- prominent alchemists.
lian count Bernardo di Treviso.

-Tlie 'Basics of 'JllChemy -The 'Jl{chemy of the Sour
The thHi~ most important s ub~lancf:l> of alchemy are The alchemist can influence his own body and soul
sulphur, \arious salts, and mercury. The) have both a practical in his experiments. He uses the magical connection existing
and a symbolical irnpommcc. During. older limes the alche- bemccn the part of us that is bound to the illusion and cenain
mists started out wilh sulphu r, salt and mercury in their at- elements and substances from beyond the illusion.
templ$ to create the Philo~opher's Stonc. They also discovered
that the thrt.~ demenls could be used to create a magical link By subjecting his own body to drawn-out processes-
hetween man and dead matter. The most important metals "refinements" or "basifications"-the alchemist can improve his
were also used e~lensively. They are associated ..... ilh the pla- own mental balance. Ue is also able to postpone aging by puri-
nets of our <;olaf system and wilh various parts of man. accor- fying the body from substances that are quic kening the aging
ding 10 the table below. process. But only to a certain limit. It is not in the domain of
alchemy to provide immortality, even if some alchemists
would prefer to believe it.
SuB.'ir........ci: PLAW.T M,,"I
Salts The Earth The body Refinements and basifications arc methods of in-
Sulphur J\;eplul\c The imprisonment in fluencing the mental balance. Through refinements the body is
the Illusion cleansed ofrough and basal elements until the mental balance
Lead Saturn The- instincts is raised. In a basification things are done in reverse. The al-
Tio Jupiter The consciousness chemist is making the body and the mental processes rougher.
Copper Venus Feelings <Ind passion The alchemist starts by transmuting metals, from lead to gold,
Iron '-.iars The will or the re\·ersc. A small amount of the transmuted meul is ente-
Mercul') \1ercul')' lhe po\VeT of the nerves. red into the body of the alchemist, either by eating or injecting
the force of life it. Then the work is continued by the creation of new sub-
Silver fhe \ ·Ioon The intellect stances from Ihe transmuted, substances that can not exist in
Gold The Sun The awakened self our reality, with finer or morc basal properties than the natural
elements. These arc also eaten or injected by the alchemist.
The last steps in the process require the alchemist to obtain
These elements are the basis of the illusion, in the substances from beyond the Illusion, from Inferno or the fallen
same way as the hydrocarbon combines are the building hea\ ells and the borderlands of Aehlys. They are worked on
blocks of all li ving things. They can be used to create the sub- and brought into the body of the alchemist, which is gradually
stances e'(isting before the illusion, and to influence man's going to attain a higher or lower mental balance. The entire
mental balance. process will take between one and three years, depending on
the time it takes to find the necessary substances. The mental
The alchemist is using magical experiments where balance will change with the Ego of the alchemist + the effect
tht substances gradually transmute and change. Through a of alchemy, but by nOi more than 50 poinlS.
chain of o'(idations, rcductions, alloys and refinements by
great heal the metal will gradually be transmuted-from lead to To prevent aging is an even more difficult and
thallium and merwry to gold, and on to substances that nor- drawn-out process. The body must be cleansed from all sub-
mall} would not be able to exist in our world. like extremely stances that are destroying the cells and preventing renewal.
heavy elements or abnormally charged ions. Using mailer that is alien to our reality can only do this. Some
of the necessary elcments can be created in the laboratory of
The magical features of alchemy are reminiscent of the alchemist, but several must be obtained from outside of the
spell~, but they are not receiving their power from the alche- illusion. Most of these are highly unstable in our reality, and
mist. but from the tension and distortion resulting in the fact can only be made to exist for very short periods. The process
that our reality is nOI governed by the same natural laws as the is similar to that used to change the mental balance, but aside
rest of the universe beyond the illusion. By breaking the illu- from entering the alien matter in his own body, the alchemist
sions for short whiles the alchemist can perfonn experiments must be on a severe diet, and a very strict program of exercise.
that should be ph}~ically impossible. After a year of work the basis is laid to slow down the aging
process. From now on the alchemist will only age about three
In practice this means that the alchemist must per- months for each year. If the treatment is interrupted the alche-
fom his experiments during favorable astronomical circum- mist will quickly reach his true age. He is therefore forced to
stances, that he chooses a location where the Illusion is weak spend almost all of his time producing and searching for the
for his laboratoT)', that he is looking for work materials thai he necessary ingredients.
knows has been subjected to powers from beyond the Illusion.
Alchemists can spend their entire lives chasing after stones or
salts that have come to our reality from beyond the Illusion. -The 'Maanum Gyus
They are searching for the remains of the Citadel of the
Demiurge, for silicon from Inferno and salt The goal of the greal work of alchemy. the Magnum
incrustations that have been collected on the Opus, is to transmute the Illusion itself, thereby breaking the
borderland of Achlys in the labyrinth of the prison of man. In alchemical literature, the Magnum Opus is
underv.orld. Such sub- described as the search for the philosopher's stone, a substance
stances have unique pro- that is able to transmute any other element in order to create
perties, making other· seemingly impossible chemical reactions.
wise impossible experi.
ments possible to perform. The basis of this search is experiments using mer-
cury, sulphur and various salts. The alchemist must also gain
access to substances that are not available in our reality, ele-
ments from Mons Magorum Invisibilis. as the old alchemists

used to call the world beyond the illusions. Part.s of the experi-
ments also had 10 be performed outside our reality. t\SLRO{Ogy
The Magnum Opus is a project concerning all alche-
mists, it is a common labor. During the past 200 years, a num- The astrologer studies the starry 51..)' in hi~ quest for
ber of people ha~e come as far as to be able 10 transmute pans kno" ledge about man and the future. H~ can read the fate of
of the Illusion. keeping alien elements stable for shon periods Ihe world b~ sloo)ing the stars. It is possibl.: b«:au'<C of the
of time. But a ~al transmutation of any larger area has nOi yet fact thai space itself, and the placement and motion of the star<;
been made. In order to succeed with this the alchemist is in through the universe is a reflection of the illusion The macro-
need of a catalyst that can stan a chain reaction, making all the co!.m. the shape and mo\-emenl of the universe. is a rcllt"Ction
matter of the illusion return to its true origin_ That catalyst, the of Malkuth, the Archon that created the entire world from his
Philosopher's Stone, h~ not yet been found. But work is pro- own essence. The zodiac is a schematic ima~e of the plans of
gressing. the illusion of the Demiurge. It is possible to r~ad about impri-
soned man in the planets. Far gola.xies and stars contain infor·

'T'lle 'KnowfeJ8e of tile 'A(cllel'1list mation of what is going to happen on earth.

This is the reason "hy astrology is numben.'<! as one

As a skill alchemy is closely related to chemistI'). of the Se\-en Ke)s to the A\\akening. Through the study of the
The alchemi~t automatically reeeh'es half his skill score for al- stars the astrologer can obtain a unique image of the illusion.
chemy in regular chemistry. Most of the alchemists study che- an understanding of the construction of ft.'lIlity, and the cause.;
mism' in order to exploit the great de\ elopments made in later of great changes.
\-ear.;- in <;cience. Below is described in shon what the alche-
mist knows at different skill scores,

The No\ice (skill score of 1-9); He knows the alchemical sym-

'T'lle '1-fistory of 'AstrO(O/JY
bols, the mOSI important elements and their properties He un- Astrolog) is the oldest of the occult sciern.:cs It h3$
derstands that there is a connection between various sub- grown wherever city cultures ha\e dc\dopcd; in the Yucatan
stances, the planets, the human body and the zodiac. lie can of the Maya Indians, between Euphrnte~ and Tigris, along the
perform simple experiments, realizing that alchemy has a greal Indus valley. Enrly calendars can be found with Ma),ans, Su-
potential outside the nornml field of chemistry. !-Ie knows thaI merians and Babylonians. These were ~1Cred "riting.; collec·
there are elements that can not exist in our reality, with unique ted b) the priesthood and used for the culls,
and seemingly magical properties.
During the 6th ccntul)' BC, llStrolog)- "3." de"doped
The Adept (skill score of 10-19): The adept knows the secret by the Babylonians to an ad\anced art_ ,J, length)' i'
of transmutations. He is able to perform momema!,) transmuta- early Babylonian asrroloS,.\- can be read on 70 cia)
tions, turning lead for short momentS into gold. before it re- the library of Ashurbanipal in ~ine\eh. 1 his koow'''11<
\'erts to its natural state. He under.;tands the connection bel- brought west through Egypt and Greece. 280 Be ~w
ween the light and darkness of man. and the basal and refined dation of an astrological academy at Ko.'> in the Gred.
clements. He knows that there arc clements thai have been 13g0, The teachings were spread from herc all over
taken from beyond our reality, from other worlds. and that they Rome. The Roman emperors used Greek astrologen 10
are related to our ~Iements, bot still not the same. cast the future of the empire.

The Student (skill score of 20-29): The swdent can innuence The arrival of the Catholic Church supprc~~cd
his mental balance through refinements and basification!.. He logy logether with all the other occult scienccs. It li\'cd
can transmute metals of our reality and create unstable iso- secret all the wa) to the Renaissance. The church made a
topes of elements that are alien to our reality. tie knows some- ell'on to crush it b) humbling Galilee and Copernicus. bullA
thing about the worlds beyond the illusion. \-:lin. The heliocentric world view was \ ictorio~, and a"tro-
logy e\-olved ;n parallel with astronomy during the 18th and
T he MaSier (skill score of 30-39); He can innuence his aging 19th centuries.
processes through alchemy. tie is able to create stable isotopes
of elements that are alien to our realilY, and temporarily trans-
mute small sections of the illusion. opening gates to other
worlds. lie knows where to find various substances beyond the
'T'lle Lal1/JUa/Je of tile Stars
illusion. I-Ie is becoming aware of the true purpose of the Ma- Modem astrology is a science of math, working "ith
gnum Opus. enormous amounts of data. All e\-ents in the uni\c~, alt the
bea\cnly bodies and their movements, should be considen.-d in
The Philosopher (skill score of 40+): lie knows lhe purpose the computations .... hen doing an astrological prediction Du-
of the Magnum Opus. possessing knowledge enough 10 start ring the last 200 years, since the Demiurge began~o disappear
searching for the philosopher's stone. and the illusions started to fall apart, t~e astrol:flcar .
lions ha\e changed. '-Jew stars appear m the <;1). PrC'ltio\Dly
unknown planets are disco\ered. Thc uni\\!rse \s
changing in order to reflect the chan&e~ in the
illusion. No one knows for sure what it entails
for astrology.

The t\\clve houses of the zodiac and the planets of complicated cross references and diagrams, showing how the
our solar system are the basis for astrology. Experience has various celestial bodies influence each other.
sho\\ n that their influences are greater than those of any other
celestial bodies. The zodiac is a belt of fixed stars stretching
above the sky with a 32 degree deviation from the equatorial STAR SI GN I
line. It is divided into twelve houses, each with a width of 16 CELESTIAL HOOV
degrees and a length of 30 degrees. The most basic astrologi- Capricorn Degeneration.. hibernation, decline and decay
cal oh~crvations are made by studying the positions of the pla- Aquari us Creation and refonn of the world. beginning
nets. the sun and the moon in the zodiac. and end of the Illusion
Pisces Purity in the stained, true reality behind
The zodiac and the planets represent different parts the Illusion
of the illusion. We can perceive remnants of the plan of the Aries Small events with great consequences, the
Demiurge in the zodiac. Here is the written origin of life and influence of the individual on the whole
evolution to be found. the geological history of the earth, and Taurus TIle power of the Demiurge over the Illusion,
the really great lines of the evolution of man. The history and divine interference
the future of man is wrillen in the solar system. By ad- Gemini Illusion and reality. the Illusion as the shadow
ding the two the astrologer can perceive the of reality
great developments regarding humanity on Cancer Force of life, growth, the way of nature,
earth. The observations are modulatcd by ad- the seasons
ding information from Leo War, natural catastrophes, violent change
other celestial bodies Virgo Correspondence between forces and
outside the zodiac. Ilere elements, large systems
we provide an idea of the Libra Balance of the elements, the balance of the
areas controlled by each world
house and planet. It is not en- Scorpio Distortions in reality, remnants in the Illusion
ough to make any astrological Sagittarius Change. forward motion, natural development
computations. Forthis you need
The Sun TheAwakening, posithe menial balance. llistorical evenlS and present e\cnts are not predictions, but in-
understanding the illusion terpretations of things that hR\e already happened, or i~ happe-
The Moon Madness, negative mcntallmlance, escape ning right now. The astrologer is trying to find out \~hich
from the imprisonment forces were influencing a certain chain of events, or why it de·
Mercury Force of life, magical thinking. connection veloped in a certain way. It is easier to get an ans .... er to that
beh\l~en body and soul sort of questions than to regular predictions. The most diflicuh
Venus Feelings, empathy, compassion. 10H; of all are personal horoscope", whose purposes are to predict
femininity the future of a single individual.
'ian Aggressi\-eness, fighting spiri!.. strength,
courage. masculinity AnSlH!r B.d I)e«'nt Good [.\Cellen!
Jupiter Inhel'\:nt qualifications. aptitude, a strong Historical event 1-5 6-10 II-IS 16'
foundation. norms Present e ... ent 1-9 10-14 15-19 20'
Saturn Instincts, fanaticism, devotion. breaking Future event 10-14 15-24 25-29 30'
norms. asocial behavior Personal horoscope 10- I 9 20-29 30-31) 40'
Uranus Re\olution, breaking up, creati\il), genius,
'cptune Subconscious urges.. true nalure of man,
'TIle 'Knowfedge of the Ql.stro(oaer
Pluto 1lte common heritage of man. the collecti\e Astrology is closely associated with astronom)·. An
unconscious astrologer always has half his skill score of astrology in astro-
nomy. \Iost astrologers also choose to learn ph)sies, math and
The No\ice (skill score of 1-9): The novice knows something
Astrology is most efTecth e .... hen used to interpret about the influences of the houses of the zodiac and the planets
and predict great events and upheavals in society. or changes on mankind and the world. He can make a traditional, penonal
in nature. The smaller the scale the more dimcult it is to get an horoscope, but it will lack the exactness nece,sary to tum it
exact result. Predictions about a single person are extremely into a true prediction.
h3rd to make. It is possible. but a huge amount of information
is required about the hour of conception. birth. and preferably The Adepc (skill score of 10-19): The adept kIlO"" that th.:: 70-
also thai of the death of the pre\'ious incarnation of the indivi- diac reflects the e ... ents of the world, and that the planelllr} S)S-
dual. The most skilled astrologers onl)' predict greater e\·ents. tern mirrors man. He is able to use this knowledge ""ht.'1l ma-
There are man) ways of making a prediction. but some com- king simple predictions. but these lack any great.::r pr'::cl!>ion.
ponenls are always present. The c\cnt 10 be studied is isolated. He knows that the stars are an image of realil), and that the)'
This may, for example. be the future power of the \'mican in can be used to interpret the con!>truction of realil).
Europe. [n order to study this the astrologer must chose anum·
ber of important dates. fixed points in time that .... ill uphold the
entire prediction. He marks the times of the birth of Christ. the
The SlUdent (skill score of 20-29): lie know' that
other worlds. with other star<; than those of our realil)".
' ' ' 'OIl!
establishment of the papacy, Luther's rebellion against the pa- learnt a good deal about the sky outside the rodiac. and
pacy. the dates of the inaugurntion of some of the more impor' to make more nuanced predictions.
tant popes. Each date is studied astrologically, with special em·
phasis on the house of Taurus. where the influence of the De· The Master (skill score of 30-39): The master kno .... " that the
miurge on the illusion is reflected. This will pro\ ide an image stan make up a kind of map of the past, the present and the
of the historic power of the Vatican in Europe. The astrologer lure. and that it will change quickly after the change~ in
analytes the image, looking for patterns that can be extrnpola- world. He has realized how difficult it is to make a . I
ted into the future. He draws curves and searches through geo- sonal prediction. and why it is easier to make a '''''';''Ion
metrical representations in order to create an image of the about larger e\ ents.
datcs in the future that will be of importance to the po .... er of
the Vatican in Europe. When he has sealed on the dates. he can The Astrologer (skill score of 40+): He kno ..... s that the unt-
study them astrologically in order to predict the actual c\ents. \erse is a reflection of the illusion, an imprint in hea\cn of the
There is an element of insecurity in all astrology. The starry hand of God. He knows that Malkuth is the ilJu~ion. thereb)
heavens may change. We can figure out which dates are going being a reflection of the Demiurge and man. lie is able to use
to be de<:isive. but .... e can not be certain that the sky is going the entire cosmos. not just the visible stars and the /ooiac, tor
to stay the same. A number of prophecies were brought down his images ofthc make of the illusion.
..... hen the planets of Neptune and Pluto were disco\erW. \10re
~""erful telescopes can track new stars within the t ..... elve
houses. which also influence all earlier predictions.
To '1vla~e a Prediction
Numerology is searching for the matherValieal ttas.
High skill scores and much work is needed to ac- of the universe. The occult mathematicilln~ as-'
complish a really good prediction. A prerequisite in order to sume that there is a \Cind of basic tenet of 1M
succeed 3t all is a kno .... ledge of the exact dates pertaining to Illusion, a sort of coomie equation thai can be
the prediction. The table below is a guide to judge the exact- rewritten to drastically change reality
n~s of a prediction. The number in the table is the effect of the to make the illusion shaller. The
throw for Astrology that is necded to get the result along the numerologists research the mathe-
horizontal line to the answer on the vertical line. matical basis for the make-up of
the world, for the Archons. the

Angels of Death and the imprisonment of man. Skilled nume- You compute the value of a word by adding the indi-
rologists can change the Illusion by rewriting the basic equa- vidual values for the letters in the word. It is important that
tions and establishing ncw mathematical connections. you use the Greek alphabet for .... ords in Greek. and the Latin
alphabet for other west European languages. and Hebrew for
This makes numerolog) il1lo one of the most power- words in Hebrew. Otherwise the result is useless.
ful of the occult sciences_ It provides in~ighl~ that no other tea-
ching can give, a sublime understanding of the inncnllo~t dri· NL'11IER LATIl\ HERRE.... GREU':
"ing forces of both man and the lllusion, of the naked func· 1 A Aleph Alpha (Aa
tions orthe mathematical symbols. In it~ purest fonn numero- 2 B Beth Bela (Bb)
log;.- is an art that reflects and re~hapc~ the vel) existence of ] G Gime1 Gamma (Gg)
the Illusion. 4 D Da1eth Delta (Dd)
5 11 11, Epsilon (Ee)
6 V V," Digamma (F)
'T'he 'l-fistory of'1fumero[o8Y 7 Z lain leta (Zz)
8 Ch Cheth Eta (Hh)
The scit:nce of numerology was founded by Pytha- 9 T Teth Theta (Q)
gora" the Greek in the 61h cenlUl) Be. His thoughts about 10 1 Yod Iota (Ii)
ho ....' math describes rcalit) have been guiding numerology to 20 K Kaph Kappa (Kk)
this da)'. The prnctical side of numerology developed along- ]0 L Lamed Lambda (LI)
side math. Euclid. Archimedes and Pto1cme were both mathe- 40 M M,m Mu (Mm)
mati(.:ians and numerologists. 50 N N"" Nu (Nn)
60 S Samekh Xi (Xx)
During the 14th century numerology became closely 70 0 Ayin Omicron (00)
related to architecture. The architects of the great cathedrals in 80 P p, Pi (Pp)
Europe \~ere almost without exception numerologists. They 90 T, Tzaddi
continued the science of math from late Roman times and pic- 100 Q <)oph
ked up ideas from the Arabs. who had e~ol\'cd algebrn and tri- 200 R Resh Rho (Rr)
gonometry. Several cathedrals built by \\ell-known numerolo- ]00 Sh Shin Sigma ($s)
gists can still be used as gates out of the illusion. 400 soft T T," Tau (Tt)
500 Ypsilon (Uu)
Until the 19th century prnctical progress \Vas made 600 Phi (Ff)
C\'el)..... hcre. especially in the building ans. but theoretical nu- 700 Chi (Xc)
merolo£)' was undeveloped. Only with non-euclidic geometry 800 Psi (Yy)
and the modem theories of math has numerology gotten a real 900 Omega (Ww)
roundation. During the latest quarter century numerologists
have started to believe that they really are in reach of the cos-
mic ("1ll1ations. 'Ma8ica[ Geometry
The magical geametl)" is closely associated with ar-
'T'lie <Numero[o8Y of WordS chitecture. to man's desire to restore Metropolis. The origin is
to be found in the Egyptian pyramids. and the cathedrnl buil·
Language analysis is an old branch of numerology. ders of the middle ages continued the trndition. The FreeMa-
It is an important pan of the Kabbalah, and a method for Ihc sons picked it up in the 18th century. and codified it in the ins-
numerologist to establish numerical values to important names tructions for how a FreeMason Temple was to be constructed.
and words. \I,-"hen thc .... ords have been transformed into num-
bers they can be used in mathematical formulas like ordinary Magical geometry is used to recrcate the techniques
numbers. and proponions used with buildings in Metropolis. In this .... ay
the architect ereates a link berween the Illusion and MetroJX>"'
Thc oldest and most stable word analysis method lis. Such buildings can function like ponals, shanering the
has its origin in the Hebrew alphabet. It is Ihe one used by Ihe illusion in a limited area. Competent architects, well versed in
KabbalislS for interpreting texts in the Bible and other older numerology, are able to create buildings that open gates to any
texts in Hebre\\. It works fairly well on the Greek alphabet. location.
but less satisfactorily on the Latin. That is why numerologists
usually use Hebl"("w or Greek as much as possible. In the table
belo\~ we give the numerical values for the Latin. Hebrew and 'T'he Cosmic ~quations
Greek alphabets.
The goal of numerology is to find the cosmic equa-
tions. the formulas of mathematics that are the basis for the
Illusion and the imprisonment orman, even for true reality. the
Awakened Man and the Demiurge. According to the myths
Malkuth lISed mathematical formulas to lay (he foundations of
our Reality. Many numerologists are of the view that modern
geometl). for example Mandelbrot's fractal analysis. is a step
on the road to finding the cosmic equations. The right fonnu-
las would provide the numerologist with knowledge about the
natural laws regulating true realit)" and how they diffcr from
the laws of physics of the illusion. These could be used to
shatler the Illusion in a controlled way.

'T'he Xnow(edae
1 the remnants from the time before OOf imprisonment. The s~mbols
can be conllC<:ted 10 fonn memories and entire stories. gi\·ing
leads to our ti\CS before the imprisonment. By regaining the
control over our common memories .... e may regain some of
Numerology is closely related to math. The numero- our divinity.
logist automatically receives haJfhis skill score of numerology
in math. A good numerologist should also have special compe-
tcnce in a number of branches of rnmh. Many are architects or 'l-fistory 1Syrn6o(ism
building constructors. because the traditions from tnc pyramids
and the great cathedrals are still alive. NumerologislS working All religions. all an and culture arc filkd .... ith wm-
\~lIh the math of .... ords often have a good usc of Hebrev. or bois. The art of interpreting S)mbols ha:. old TOOts. but it -has
old Greek. had a more or less hidden existence. often in a symbioti, reld-
tionship 1\ ith religion, up through the 17th ,entul). During the
The 'o\,ic£ (skill score of 1-9); The novice can compute the Baroque era. symbolism brol.:e a .... a) from Christianit~. "rom
numbers for \;ariou:> words, and usc them in simple formulas to then on sy·mbolism e ..·ohed into a complicated M:iencc: intima-
disco~er connections between different names of the same tely connected .... ith proclical Magic.
pO\~er or entity. or bctv.cen different po\\-crs that are related to
each other. lie kl1{lws the basics of magical geometry. Modem symbolism has been revolutionized bv Carl
G. Jung's theories about the subconsciou~ and the sym~ls of
The Adcl" (skill score of 10-19): The adept has learnt to do our dreams. Jung has presented the must complete theol) on
more complicated analysis. He can 1001.: at the measurements the interpretation of symbols so far. and has inspired ~~ mbo-
ora building or an item and see if it is tied to some poI\er or lists to thinl.: along new lines. In Ihe l3!it fev. \car; \Ie have had
pla~ beyond the illusions. He knows that the measurements of a ps)chologically bas..--d symbolism, \\jth the pClt~'ntialto in-
tho: pyramids. the cathedrals and the temples of the Free\1a. fluence large groups of people.
sons correspond to ftcelestial measurements· of buitdings
beyond our reality. and that they can be used to create portals
to these otherworldly buildings. 'lnteryretil18 Sym6o(s
The Student (sl.:ill score of 20-29): The student knows about The symbolist interprets S) mbols and stories in urder
Metropolis, and he I.:no,",,'5 that occul! buildings in our reality to find OUI what is behind the metaphors. From \frican chil-
cOrTC'lpond to buildings in Metropolis. He is beginning to un. dren's SIOl)' he can find infonntllion ahout mlln's original ins-
J~rsland how measurements can be used to create permanenl tincts. and about the .... orld beyond the illu ... ion~. fllere b a rich
portals. and he can analyze the numbers for various e"enls tradition of sy mbols in all of the rcligious faiths. thelt can he
beyond the illusions, and ho .... to tie them in .... ith e\ents in our used to get a ~tler understanding of the Demiur~c and the
reality. guardians of the illusion.

The \laster (skill score of 30-39): The master is aware of the There is not space enough here to di.;cuss thl"
po-;sibility of the cosmic equation.... lie I.:oo,""s that math func- sands of symbols and metaphors that a ...) mNII~t mUM kno ....
tions differentl)" here and beyond the illusions. He can com. order 10 funher his work. Anyone interested enou~ (an
puce lonnulas for different po\\ers and events. in order to dis. hold ofa lexicon of symbols. or a book bil'>Cd on Jungian
co\er how they interconnect. He rna). for example, create an choanal),sis. A great number of symbols and their i
equtl\ion based on the 13 names of Mall.:uth to figure OUI terpretations are given in these books.
I\hich of the Lictors are serving him. He can. ifhe is skilled in
architecture and construction. recOnStnlct buildings that under
cenain conditions will shatter the illusions to become ponals. 'T'he 'lnj{uel1ce 1Sym6ofs
The '1umerologist (skill score of 40+): The numerologist has Symbolbm is eas) to abuse for propaganda pur-
begun the scareh for the cosmic equations. lie is usually well poses. By l\\;sting symbols and stories lhe s)mbolisl can in-
lened in math. lie can open gates using the righl geometrical fluence others. The id~a of healthy sell~sactifice and ph:pical
figures. and he knows which equations belong 10 which diffe- ~x~rcise can be united ..... ith a religious doomsday belid to
rent entity both inside and outside the illusion. create an idea that total war is a good thing. This is how the
Nazis mannged to indoclrinate millions of people to believe in
v.ar as 11 purifying bath of steel, in spite of the fa" that thev all
had clear memories oflhe trenchl'S of the First World War. ~
Many symbolists are careful not to 3ddress 100 large
an audience, as they are well a ..... are of the danger of "'trung
Symbolism is the theory behind the principles that symbols. Others ignore the risks. Thc movie ind~~tl)' h3!i be-
are being used in regular Magic. The Conjurer uses symbols in come an elTective way of innuenclng the COllf,.'\..1\\e "::~::tl
order to bring OUI his innate divinity. The same thing can be clous. Film creators have managed to shif\ the mdntal
done on a greater scale: entire groups can be influenced by po- of entire groups of people by manipulating "ymlxJJs .... ilh deep
.... erful symbols without being a ....are of it. Symbolism i" proba- roots in our suboonseious. Advenising and telev; •
bl) the most abused of the occult sciences. It has been used by sion are other fields for symbolists.
churches and religions. by poller-hungry rulers and by greedy
businessmen in the media and ad .. ertising industries. The table below notes lhe
effect needed for Ihe symbolist to
But symbolism is also onl! of the Seven Keys. It is influence his lIudienee. Strengthen
used to research our colleclive subcon~ious. The svmbolist is instinct means that thc symbolist
looking for signs and symbols IhatllfC embedded in' our genes. l\Iill strenglhen a trend that is al·

ready prescnt in the audience, tor e>.ample a dislike of la, au· T he Mas ter (skill score of 30-39): The master can tell what
thorities. Crt:atc nn in~tinct i~ an entirely new feeling, for instincts and abilities we had before the imprisonment by stu-
example a hatred of the meat industry. Establish a ne\~ truth dying myths and symbolS. He can play around with the sym-
means for e'(ample that a majority of all Americans decide that bols. giving them new and unexpected interpretations.
it b unhealthy to drink beer.
T he Synlbolisl (skill score of 40+): The symbolist can begin
This of course assumes that the slimbolist is able to to chart man's original my,ths and symbols. Ihe original ver-
gel his message across. The upper table rov,: indicates his aliai· sions of our fairy tales and stories.. in order to find out whm
lable channeb. One medium can be for c'(ample a TY·.series or they looked like before the imprisonment. lie is also able to
a film. Two or threc media can be a sen.:;;, J book and an ad· interpret facts about the illusion, the Demiurge and the Guar-
veni<;ing campaign \\ ith the ~mt: COfllent.s. A media campaign dians of the Illusions, by reading symbols and myths.
prc~upposes that the symbolist will han: his message presen·
ted in all of the mass media. at least for a month.

The table ~hould not be taken too literally. Certain Lo.Ror

truths ilrt of course tOO difficult 10 sell. \1odilications must be
mad.: depending on the target group. and the cOmtnlS of the
message. Tarot is a representation of man in the form of a
deck of cards. It is used to foretell the future and in interpre-
:vi £DlA c.-. m '.,\ lc"1 2-3 0 ",£ ting the innennost instincts and desires of an individual. The
Strengthen instinct for 14 hours 5 10 15 roots of tarot are losl in the haze of time. G)'psies spread the
Create instinct for 24 hours I. 15 2. tarot all ovcr Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. As an
P.:nnanently' strengthen instinct 15 2. 25 occult science it has since been connected with the Kabbalah.
Pemlancntl) create instinct 2. 25 3. But when the Kabbalah describes the Guardians of the Illusion
blablish a new truth 25 3. 35 and the servants of the Demiurge. tarot provides an image of
individual man. It is a "ay to self-understanding, a way of gel-

rr'~e 'Know(edae if t~e Sym60fist ting in touch with the divine and original in cach individual.
As one of the Se\en Keys. Tarot is II method for the individual
to get in louch wilh himself. By interpreting yourself in the
Symbolism is closely related to humanistic scholar· tenTIS of the cards. the student of the I3rot can get to know
~hiJl. The symbolist will find his working material in art, lite· himself well enough to reach for the Awakening. The cards
ratur~' and religion. lie automatically receives half his skill can also be used to foretell the future of a person. or make a
~core of ~ymbolism in humanistic scholarship. Most symbo- reading about her past.
lists ha\e additional knowl.:dge of religion, psychology. litera-
lure. an., film and television, cultural anthropology, history and
Jangu3 !o!cs_ 'lfistory if the 'T'arot
The '\o\ice tski11 score of 1-9): The novice kno"s the most Thc oldest known tarot deck is from the 15th cen-
important s}-mbols of different cultures, and understands that tury. but the cards are much older than that. Thc origin is to be
the) can be used to interpretlhe behavior of man. found somewhere in the eastern Mediterranean, during the
time of the fall of Rome. Thai is when an image of the awake-
The Adep t (skill score of 10-19): The adept will recognize ned man was created in a book, of which only a vel) few co-
~ymbols that are common to all of mankind. He kno",s a little pies "erC made. When thc Library of Alexandria was des-
about interpreting dreams, thereby learning something about a rroyed a single copy of the book was saved and sent to fC7_ in
person. He can describe how laking part of its symbols and Morocco. where sevcral of the occult masters of the time were
m)1hs make up a society. He knows when a symbol is used in gathered. With the rise of both Christianity and Islam all over
a m3nipulath.. e wa)', and is not easily influcnced by propa- thc world thc contents of the book \\ere bt:coming dangerous.
ganda. It could not be openly spread. Therefore thc book was trans-
formed into a deck of cards. which was spread nonh into
The Sludeni (skill score of 20-29): The student knows how Spain, "hich at this time was a steaming keltle of various cul-
symbols have changed throughout history. He can describe tures and religions, and where the Kabbalah ",as in the process
ho\\- humani ty as a group has changed by studying symbols of taking on a new guise. Here. kabbalistic symbolism was
and myths. He is aware of the great changes of the past 200 added to the cards. and they received their final des ign by
y'eilrs. and that part of our symbolic heritage, that which is a gypsy masters.
part of our imprisonment, is in disarray. From the remnants a
number of fixed symbols. those that existed before the impri-
sonment, are coming back. rr'he 'MeaninBs if the CardS
The deck consist~ of21 major arcana and four suites
of 14 cards cach: wands, cups, swords and coins (or pen-
tacles). The 22 major arcana correspond to the 22 letters of the
Hebre\\ alphabet and the 22 chapters of the Book of Revela-
tions in the Bible. Each of the cards can be interpreted either
positively or negatively, depending on the mental balance of
!lIe individu.11. Hcre is a vcry shon account of the meanings of
the 22 major arcana. and for the suits as a whole.

.. "
- .-'. .
' ,;J~.-o;'\'

• ..

O. The Fool : Inventiveness and spirituality, a choice between 4. The Emperor: The ruling p<mer. Authority Dlld po ..... er to
different paths. The Fool is related to gods like Dionysos and rule. but also despotism and misuse ofpov.er.
Loki. lie is ignorant man on his roule 10 the A.... akening.
S. The High Priest : Male wisdom. Male kno""ledge and un-
I. The Magician : Dctennination and wisdom. The Magician derstanding. Education and ~xc~lIeoce, Religion and le1Wlling
is also a juggler. a jester playing wilh the illusion. He is related available to everyone.
to Tooth and Hennes.
6. The Lonrs : Reproduction. Sexuality. Masculik nnd remi-
2. The High l'rieSfess : Female wisdom. Female knowledge nine. Meeting the shadow and the synthesis wh~n opposites-
and understanding. Hidden secrets. Dynamic change or stagna- meet.
7. The C ha riot : The po ..... er over tile elements
3. The Empress: The po.... er of mOlherhood, the force of birth of the Awakening man. Triumph and
and creatioll. Continuity and famity relationships. All god- victory o'er inner failures. but also
desses of fenility are tied to this card. a lust for destruction and violent
menial lack of balance.

8. Justice. Danger in lad.. of balance. The importance of
being careful "'hen the menul balance becom~ ("'(tremc. Predictions and 'Understanding
9. The Uermit rhe :seeker and the pilgrim rhe o.:cult The cards can be used to predict the future. or to in-
scicncc~, St...:ret under<it:lnding. terpret the past life of an individual and to see the inner urges
in )-'ou or in another person. The tarot deck is at its best when
10. The Whlocl of rOM un I' . Fate as a ~ymool ofman'lo- imprison- interpreting yourself or a person you know well.
mt.,l!. lnanili!) to control),our ol-l.n life. External circun~uncl""
In order to predict the future of another person you
II. Strength Ihe couragc ami the strength to ~ek .'\\\,l1].;C- place a number of c:;ards showing different aspects of the past.
mng and koo\\' I•.:tige. but abo foolish and rec]';le>.s courag.e. the present :;and the future, In order to interpret somebody's
personality or instincts the c:;ards can be laid out in the fonn of
12. The Hangl'd \Ian S.tcrifice as a "'a)' to higher .... bdom. a Tree of Life, and be interpreted according to a kabbalistic
Th.: de......ent of the spirit into flesh. The card is tied to Christ. pattern. or in some other figure symbolizing the mind of the
to Odin's sclf-s;\crifiec, and to the death of Osiris. The card person.
also s~mboli7es man's imprisonment in the illu~ion lb a w;])' to
higher understanding. The table brlo\l notes the required effect in order to
get :;an appropriate result from a reading or an interpretation of
13. Oeath: Rebirth rorgctfulncs~ and rebirth. Death as life's a personality. Only the most skilled tarot masters can layout
companion. the cards without prior knowledge in order to find anything.
Generally the one laying the cards must be seeking the :;ansy,cr
I~. Temperanre Balance . .-\ combination of cooperating to a specific question.

15. The ])e,i! '\ggre\,heness and creati\i!) \\'ilhout cOl\5i-

deration of the result. Thoughtles~ exce:;:; and the de~truction Read menul balance
ImllrYCise Good
I , Reliable
hrought on b> this, bot aho male r.trength and potenc). Read achantages and
disadvantages I , 10
16. The Tower \lan's fall into the prison of the illusion. but Read dark secrets I. 15 2.
also the fall or the illusion and man's reborn di\'inity. Ask about earlier lives I. 15 2.
Ask about the future I. 15 2.
17. The Star The hope of liberation. but also fruitless dreams
and e!;Capbm.

IS. The \loon \\:;alking through the shado\\, of Death. fear

Tlie 'Knowfetfge if tlie
nd hardships in order to reach a goal. Man's painful joume)- Tarot 'Reader
tll .... ard;; the ..\y,akening.
Tarot is a science of psychology. The tarot reader au-
19. The Sun Honour and success. brightl~ glowing ~df­ tomatically receheg half his skill score of Tarot in psychology.
consciousness, but also arrogance and vanity,.
The Nov'ice (skill ~ore of 1·9): The nov ice \' iews the tarot
10. Judgment rhe Ilbt step before Awakening. Nirvana and deck as a tool of pure prediction. lie c:;an use it for predictions
Chaos. Also the last step before every important decision. and to see the past and the mind of:;a person. but he does not
perceive any deeper implications.
11. The \\orld . True reality. but also the limitations of the
illusion. The Adept (skill score of 10·19): The adept has realized that
the tarot deck is an im:;age of man. He can use it to discover the
The Suit or \\lInds . Life. honor and detennination. ideas and instincts and conflicting \\ills that go\'em man. He has seen
,rv....1h, fire. that an individual can have a positive or a negativ'e ment:;al ba-
lance. and that it renects in the way his instincts and ambitions
The ~uit orcupi . Undersunding and love, feelings and care. are released.
\, .. ter
The Siudent (skill score of 20.29): The student can read such
rhe Suit or Sword.'!" : Struggle. battles and desperation, cou- things in the cards that a person is not readil), willing to admi t.
rage and ambition. air. and may also get answers to questions the individual is not
willing to ask. lie cnn sec if the subject has COlllmillt.-d (lny
The Suil of Coin I : Material objects and the pov.cr of the illu- crimes. or has any hidden Sl'CTCts that he will not revcal. lie
sion. earth. can perceive the exact mental balance of a person.

The Master (skill score of 30·39): The master can see ho ....
the Awakening mind sho .... s through the positive or negative
mental balance. lie can create a rough image of the -original"
mind of a person. and can advise him about \\,hat to do to get
further along on the road to the Awakening. He can get ans-
\leTS to questions that neither he nor the subject has asked.

The Symbolist (skill score of 40+): The symbolist can in ter-

pret the entire mind ofa person, even the "Awakening~ perso-
nality of the subject. whether he fonnulates any questions or
not or even dh'ulges :;any infonnation himself. The symbolbt
can perceive where the light and dark shadows of his subject force himself to stay in his dcad bod)' or, if the bod) is des-
are. and which route he should take to get closer to hi'> Awake- troyed. to take the fonn of a spirit and take possession of so-
ning. meone clse.

The Power 1 Passion
Voodoo is a religion of fear. No man is able 10 mcct
and conquer Death unprotl!t:led. That is .... h) death al .... a~s
Vooooo. or ..oodoo as it is also called. is the newest means forgening. The fear is so strong that no one i~ able to
of the occult sciences. It uses a branch of the imprisonment handle it, .... c chose to forget it in order to escape. Passion is al·
that none of the Western occult traditions ha~e seriousl) dared .... ays used in voudoo in the !orm of unbridled sexuality, in
touch-Death. The voudoo priests spite death and banish the order to pro\ide strength enough to meet Death and cho~ fear
forgetfulness. .... hich is the ..ery basis of man's imprisonment. instead of oblivion.
The)' raise the dead and gi\ie them time to learn e~erything that
is needed 10 finally shatter the illusion. The \ oudoo priests strengthen and release their
sexuality by lening themsel\es be possessed by loos, Thc) are
Voudoo is not a rational or systemtllie science. 11 gelling into ecstasy, gi\ ing thcm power enough to mr..'Ct the an-
takes its power from the passions, from the strongest instincts guish and fear of death without flinChing. That po\\er I,:an then
that remain in imprisoned man. The voudoo priests do not be transferred to others through the !onn of 1005. goading and
e\icn si\e way to the sorrow, fear and pain that stOPped earlier exciting them until they lose control and are gripped b~ ecs-
occultists from using passion in order to spite death and forget- tasy. A human being thai has been rai~ as a .rombie must be
fulness. gripped b) ecstasy and be persuaded to li"'e on in order to
make him stay in his roning bod) and not e~ape into forge1.-

'1-fistory 1 Vow{oo fulness.

Voudoo belongs on Haiti. where it \\-as born from The Gods 1VOW{OO
chaos lind war during the IUfe 18th and early 19th centuries. In
the )ellr of 1804 the island was proclaimed as a free republic Voudoo is both a religion and a science. The \ 00000
f01l0 .... ing a slaw rebellion and .... ar .... ith France. Inspired by priests let themsehes be possessed b) the 1005. god~ and ~pirits
the French re\'olution the white stane<! by proclaiming a repu- that afe united into a pantheon. BUI the god" of \ 00000 lire 110
blic. bUI .... hen the blacks were excluded from po .... er they star- fairytale creatures or manifestations of human in~tincts. the)
ted a rebellion. and the French ruling class was exiled. A are nearly awakened humanlO on their \\3) of breaking away
.. rench attempt to regain the island was repelled. The years fol· from the shackles of death.
lowing the independence of 1804 saw Haiti being tom by figh·
ting between blacks. mulatlos and the Spanish-speaking popu- Leas. the \ioudoo gods. are human~ .... ho ha"e
lation. In 1843 the island was di\iided into the French-speaking \cred how 10 conquer death. The) can take the fonl1 ,,( . .I••
Haiti lind the Spanish·speaking Dominican Republic. or possess other humans or animals. Most of the loas
\eT) low mental balance. The)' are t.... isted demoru. """""'..:
A small group of ex·sla\es fled in 1793 from war the lhing and spreading terror. TIle)' can 001 use their i
and destruction to the inaccessible mountains of the Sierra de tality in ordcr 10 find thc other six keys of the iHusilln.
Monte Christi. They belonged to Ihe African·lndian mixed re- have not enough presence of mind for methodical ~tud)'.
ligion that was the nom1 on Haiti. They confessed to gods like some loas ha ... e miraculousl) managt!d to h:ep a posith.:
Leghba. ErLuJie. Ghede and Ougun. the remnants of an African tal balance. These are the ones II'ho are counted among the f0.-
past. But something happened to them in the mountains. Ac- remost of the \oudoo gods. The purpose of man) of the reli·
cording 10 legend the gods look residence in their bodies. The) gious rites of the faith is to keep the guardian~ of the illusil)j\
became the immortal leas. returning to the 10.... lands. and in away from the 1005 and help them attain the " .... akenin&-
total secrecy started to teach the secrets of voudoo to a number
of chosen people. Some of the more famous 1005 are described belo\\,

More and more of the loas of the traditional faith IJl1uloubaca : A loa conn ..:ctcd with black Magic, de~trucljon
ha~e come to be embodied by immortal people during the past and dcath. He is more ofa monster than a human. a being \\-ith
200 years. Voudoo has turned into an escape from the prison of an incredibly low mental balance, only summont!d by ruthless
Death. sadists and people without an)' instinct of ~If·preser. ation.

The 'Masters 1 'Death Ghede : The Master of Death and resurrection. lie has
names. Baron Samedi is the most famous loa oUbidc
In voudoo he is identified with a number of"barorl-~"
The aim of practical voudoo is 10 break the borders spirits of the dead. lie can take many formS, but 'h~';~':~i!:t.
to Death. This is primarily accomplished using various magi- trayed as a man in a top hat and skeletal make up. (
c:'!l cxtracts that are first used to kill a person. and then raise ... ery low mental balance, but ht is not entirely our
him in the fonn of a zombie. By raising the dead. and then of control. He can chose which to possess, and
killing them again. and raising them, and killing them in com· he can help othm pass through Death.
plicated rituals controlled by the masters of the dead. by Baron
Samedi, lj-Mauvais and dark 1005 from the black Magic, the Maman Brigitte : Ghede's femalc
1.'00000 priest is able to make people immune to the forgetful- counterpan. Brigitte is the loa that
nelOS of death. A person thai has repeatedly been killed and rai- is most intimatcly connected to
sed will linally be able to handle his fear of death. He can ecstasy Ilnd uncontrolled sexua·

lit) a.~ a method of enduring Death. ller mental balance is low, The noungan (skill score of 30-39): He knows how to lead
but not out of control someone repeatedly through death with the aid of ecstasy in
order to cheat death.
[nulie : One of the fe"" lo.1s with a positive mental balance.
Lrlulie is, togelher "ilh Ghede. ~aman Brigitte and Leghba. The Maitre-Royale (skill score of 40+): The Maitre-Royale
one of the olde~T of all the loas, Those "ho founded ~oudoo knows that loas are human beings that have cheated death. He
about ::!OO )ears ago ...\ceording 10 Ihe myth she has decided knows that voudoo is one of the Seven Keys. He is able to
not to S\:ch .\\\akening until all of humanit)" has been libera- leave his own body in order to possess otheTli. He knows how
ted. El7"ulie is a goddess orlove in the religious branch ofvou- to preser.'e a dead body for a very long time in order to cheat
doo. Together \\ith \laman Brigitte she can posse~s Ihe Ihing death. He knows all of the important loas, and is able to sum·
to help them get over their fear at Ihe moment of death. mon them. Ill' kno\\s that he, without the guidance of anyone
elsc. can pass through death and scek the Awakening.
Leghba: rhis is a loa with a "eT)' high mental balance. \vho is
going away from the world of the li\ ing. to"ards A\\akening.
Some say Ihat he is stuck in nirvana. and is lost forever. some
~a) that he \\iIl soon return as an a\\akenoo in order to help
the li\ing.

Maundo : A loa with a vel) low mental balance. He is thc

protector of Conjurers of Death and tonurers. He possesses
those practicing scsual torture.
'T'lie 'Know(ea,qe <1
Artifacts are objects using the energies from beyond
the illusion, objects, which do not belong in our reality. The
most common artifacts are those that shatter the illusion, either
tlie Vouaoo priest by creating a portal or by summoning a creature from another
world. But there are also artifacts, which influence the illusion
\'oudoo is not an ordinal)' science with connections more deepl}, which change our reality or ourselves. Ilere are
to other teachings. It is a religion and a way of life thaI must descriptions of a fe\\ artifacts, both of the more common va·
be taught by an initiate. Onl)" a real . . ·oudoo priest can teach riety and some more special. We have consciously made a
the sccrets of Death. This is not done prematurely. The guar- very small selection. Artifacts usually must be tailor-made for
dIans of \ oudoo have devised a complicated protective system each ad\enlure where the) are 10 appear. but this colk'ction
against the servants of the Demiurge. [t is very difficult for may pro~ide some ideas.
an) outsiders to get in touch with a voudoo priest. Only a
handful of non· Haitians have been let in among the initiates in
the past 50 years.

Voudoo kno\\ ledge can not be improved through

nonnal experience only. For each level belo\\. the student
must be initiated and instructed by a priest. Ponals 10 other worlds are the most common arti-
faclS. Archons, Angels of Death. Awakened humans, and other
Tbe No\iee (skill score of 1-9): The individual has been ini· beings from beyond the illusions have created these, and given
tiat.!d in the faith. He knows about all of the important loas. them to their servants. Some Conjurers know how to create
He has at least once been possessed by a loa. He knows about temporary gales. lIere are some examples of how they may
the lombie ritua1. but he does not know exactly ho\\ it works. look.
The Croise (skill score of 10-19): He has been initiated in
voudoo as an occult teaching. He can summon loas, but he has
not enough knowledge to decide which one is to come. He
'MaBica( La6yrintlis
know~ how the zombie ritual is perfonned, but he can not mix
Almost all magical labyrinths are reflections of the
the drugs. Labyrinth of the Undel"W"orld. They can be made of practically
anything, from stones laid in a pattern to clipped hedges to
The ioitie (skill score of 19-29): He can mix the zombie high walls. The one \\ho walks to the middle of the labyrinth
drugs, and knows how to summon specific loas. He has at is transported to the underground city of Ktonor, or to some
least once \\[I[ked in the borderland of Death, and has felt its other place in the underv.orld.
anguish. He knows that Passion is the one thing that keeps
Madness away.
A special labyrinth cut into the rock on a small island olTthe
Welsh coast. There is a gate to Achlys in the middle of Ihe la-
byrinth. The one who completes the labyrinth will be swallo-
wed by the pit and be destroyed. But anyone walking only half
the way and is able 10 resist the temptation to be destroyed, is
said to find a key towards Awakening.

A drug making possible 10 see Ihrough the illusions, and inlO Probably the largest existing portal in the world is silllated in
Inferno. II is sold in liquid form in hypodermic needles. II is a northern Russia, near the old prison camps of northern Siberia.
red or black extracllO be taken intravenously. Wilh the drug in It consists of an entire city, built by prisoners at the end of the
your bloodstream, you are able to view Inferno for up to three 50's, aftcr plans made in the 30's by Cherninsky, a Russian
days. Conjurer. Cherninsky himself died, as far as can be deduced, in.
the purges of Stalin, and was never able 10 see it finished. Who
it was on the governing boards of the Gulag who decided to
TII£ MIRROR OF S UFFeRING build the city is not known. But the town is there, !l small town
This is a man-sized mirror of polished metal, made in Los An- of west Russian model, wilh gingerbread work ~d elaborate
geles in the 70's by an unknown artist. Anyone looking in the windows in the linle wooden houses. A grid of 5t eets reayhes
mirror with a look of sutTering and self-pity will summon a out across about a hundred square kilometers fr III a central
Nepharitc, creating a purgatory. In this way the mirror creates square with a statue of Lenin. Each door, gq.te or window in
a portal. It starts to shimmer, creating in the suffercr an irresis- the town will take you to different pans of Metro-
tible urge to step into it. The mirror is able to create an infinite polis. The town itself is a map of Metropolis, a n d k
number of purgatories for different people, but it only works as it is possible to detennine where in the city
a portal to your own realm of suffering. There is, as may be beyond the illusions you are going to end up ..
well understood, no way back to our reality. in, depending on where you start. "".
The town has a small population .. ~'C " )''1'
of fornlcr prisoners and staff .\~~~'\~
from thc disbanded camps. " ..'
?trtifacts which Summon Syecia( ?trtifacts
or -Banish
Some items. which are neither ponals nor connected
The IKlt' most common form of artifact arc- tho~e \\ith an) specific pcl\\er are described in this section. They ~
which summon or banish bemgs from be}ond the illusions. [n meant as ideas for smaller or larger adventures, but we adVlSC
thIS ca1egory belong .11 kinds of statuettes and imag~~ u-.cd 10 the Gamemaster to use them sparingly. If the \\hole world
summon an)OI'Ic Some artifacts connected "ilh specific p0- seems flooded by peculiar items of \1agic, the players are ea-
wers are descnbed toelow, sily becoming jaded.

Tn N F SnItS OF MU'HlSTO Tm BOOA!i 01 mE Ow 0\£

Thne an: nine black glas~ sum;. made in Bohemia in the .:!O's. A "eries of anifacts .... ith the unusual ability to pennanentl)
Anyone breaking one of the ~tars II ill be poss~sed b) an in· change individuals or influence the Illusion. The anifaclS take
camalIOn of Aslarolh. Although the Prince of Darkoc,>:; IliIl the fonn of books. novels and collcctions of poetl)' of a frag-
take pouession of the unfortunate's hody. h.: "..ill abo bind mental)' and difficult structure. An)'one reading one ~f the
hamself 10 finish . in his own perverted way that which the one books will be transfonned. It is impossible 10 determinc In ad·
who crushed the slar was set to do. When he Icaws the body va nce what is going 10 happen. Some oflhe readers have died.
Ihcre will only be a dry husk left, and the soul of the possessed others have totally changcd their personalitics, looks or sex.
will be cast inlo Inferno. There are eight slars left today, since Some have left Ollr reality and no .... permanently sees through
• RUSSian general crushed the ninth star in \94:! to gct help 10 the illusions. No one knows for sure what the purposes of the
beat the German cxp,msion. books orc. An old man \\ho prefers to be anonymous wrote
them. lie has them printed in small editions. lind carefully dis-
tributes them to the righl people.
n FA( I QIo Goo
ThIS IS the: artilact thai in Christian legend is called the Shroud
ofCftrist. It is a piece ofclOlh bearing an imprint of the f3ce of THt: P~I\TI\(;S Of IIERIH\ \ STRE.DU
God. Before the Demiurge disappe3red. it could be used to There .... as an impresSionist painter named Hermann Stredel of
~tact him. 1'iO\\ad3\<;. the f3ce ~ almost completel) faded
Leipzig..... oTking in the 10'5. lie \\orked slo.",.l)' during his en·
from the fabric. AnH;ne with the I..no\\ledge may summon Se- tire life and hc died of tuberculosis in 1929. at the age of 39.
ppbim. the lormer guardians of hea\ en., \\ilh ilS aid. Seraphim lie only managed to produce about 30 paintings. His oils have
might) hmot of ragged and desperate Angels. a special radiance which ha\e made them sought aft~r by col·
lectors. I)ut tile) also ha... e another ability. The mOllfs. often
imagcs of I)nching. murders and group rapes .",.ith a strong
:no< "m" SIGI/ emotional coment. have a stmnge ability 10 repeat themsehes
sisil \\ith a lamb and a cross that is said to have be in reality. Either Stro!del had an ability to predict certain
from the Citadel of the Demiurge in the days before he e\cnlS, or the paintings themselves are influencing lhe specta-
',:':'I~~:~. [t \\3~ created with the purpose of strengthening lors. making them act out the images. One of the paintings.of
• I he one br.:aking the sigil can restore a pan of the Strcdcl. "ho\\ ins a group of children standing around the TIp-
1IIaaered illusions, or banish an alien being, even an AngeloI' ped apan body of a woman. Yoas hanging a fe\' years ago 111
Death or an Archon, from our real it). No one kno\\s the \\he- the museum of modem an in Amsterdam. After six months a
reabouts of the \\hite sigil. The last time 3n),one he3rd about group of school children visited the museum with the!r tea·
it, II was said 10 be in the possession of an an collector in the ch.:r. lind both the children and the teacher saw, to their SLIT'
States. prise. that their faces could be seen in the painting. The chil-
dren threw themse lves 31 the teacher and ripped her apan.
When the museum staff came rushing in the children .... ere
Tn. Lt.{,!/)\ Of PURrs grouped around the dead body exactly like the figures in the
TIns tS a pearl necklace \\ ith 200 black pearls. TIle one brea· painting. Aftcr this e ... ent the paiming lost its ~h~n, and see-
kins it. letting the pearls lose, \\ill summon 200 from th~ dam· med quite ordinar}. It \\as taken out oflhe exhibition and was
ned legions of:htaroth. A gate \\'ill open to Infemo, lettmg the put away.
legionnaires out. They stan by killing the one that broke the
ACl;:klace, and then they run amok in our realit)' until someone
..... Ib<m. THE STOW; OF LAM
This is a man·sized stone. reminding a little about a statue. but
.... ithout human features. It has been in the possession of a Bul·
garian famil) since the Middle Ages. AnY'one looking ~Iose ly
at it can pcrcei,'c mo ... emenlS. as if thousands of bodies arc
writhing within the stone. It is said that the object has come
from Turkey or Iraq. where it was used in upholding the la..",.
before Islam. If an)'onc feeling guilt touches the stonc he Will
be punished in accordance with the old Biblical la\\ s. A faith·
less \\oman will be killed, and a vicious son will be stoned to
death. This supposes that the one touching th e stone feels
guilt. I I' )'ou do not feel any guilt you can no.t ~ inf1ue~ced.
The "punishment~ will come as through a COlllcldence, 111 an
IIccident or something similar.

THE CRI'ING TREE The tree functions as a gate to Gaia. The park around
There is a tree of undefinable species in the park of an old the tree has been twisted to an impassable wilderness. There
mansion in Kent, England. The bark is black and the leaves are are several portals to Gaia. Anyone living in the vicinity has
rough and leathery. In spring there is blood red sap running been subjected \0 the change and made wilder. Thc tree has
along the tfunk, collecting around the roots of the tree. The sap spread ils sceds across a large area, but Ihc crying trees grow
bas the power to change man and bring him closer to Gaia. very slowly. No other tree has yet reach maturity.
Anyone drinking of the sap will forgel all of his civilized var-
nish, returning to an animal state where only food and sex is of If the tree is damaged or cut down a{uge wound
any importance. will open in the Illusion, becoming a gate to Gai thal"will be
able to swallow large parts of southern England.

Cnthen'ne looked over at the man across from All creatures in these rules are de~cribed in a ~pt"cial
fonnat, which makes it casy to uo,e them directly in the game.
her ond bit ber lip. J lis CO/Ol/lt hurt her nose, dnd his
When you create new creatures for )our ad, entures. ) ou
clothes were nlttlllt for someone ten years his junior. should use the same format.
The weight from his gold chains must have hurt his
neck, but he didn't indicate any discomfort. God, she Begin by detennining the creature's ability scon:s.
hoted the man. His leering eyu bis dammy handshakes. Work from these whcn deciding their sccondar) infommtion.
The creature will not make sense if for example it h~ a 10"
Still, this leislln ruiud Wfasel had information that she
AGL score bot many actions. Such things are Jl(r.>sible. but }oU
and her friends needed, and had a/wop provided it need to iment a plausible or supernatural explanation.
with perftct SUCCtSs on prrviotlJ occasionJ. Od;s was a
tlfCWllry tvi/, she guessed. So, she sueled he,. wil/Jxr.oer When creating I'\I'C and cn:atures, you don't rune to
and didn't drive ber fork through his right eye for the use the rules in the charactcr templates, \\ ith ahility j"Illints and
skill points. An individual ma~ ha\c much hig.her or I
betttmtent ofthe group.
scores than the a\erage. Set any ... alues )ou leel are
"You'n sure that this is the atidress, then?" She
asked, looking down at the folder he had handed her It isn't neeessal)' to balance ad\,!lntag~, d;".."..J
moments hl!fore. The man smirked, a piece offood clin- tages and skills either. like you do "hen you creale a
ging to his lip. "You het, bahe. Just like you asked. They character. Assign advantages, disad\amages, po\\ers, I
tions and skills that seem right for the creature. Make the .
come in und out of there every night like clockwork. " scores crcdible, in view of what the person or
He chuckled softly, UIl ugly sound. "Course, the people been doing. But don't let the scores be higher than the
they take there don't come buck out... in one piece that which control the skill, if you can avoid it.
is. " Catherine felt ill, (/Ild pushed her fork to the side
just in case her resolve finally broke. Instead, she simply
nodded and smiled at him as warmly as possible. Lhe Oo.Rk t\RC
"Thank you very much. You've been quite helpfur
He lured again "\'flell, maybe you can return
the favor. Perhaps a dn'nkl At my placer' His lips cur- In the darkness surrounding us, I~C are hunted- b}
led into a foral grill, and Catherine expected his tongue creatures as lost as "e are. The) stalk the shado\\s, al ......y ..
read) to leap at humanity out ofre\enge, hunger, or sheer ma-
to droop out ofhis mouth any moment now. She shook
lice. Their clalu shine in the darkness and their fangs are open
her head "Mayhe some other time". He nodded and wide. Their inhuman cries echo in the lonely night. They gain
went hack to his food, shoveling another mouthful into their po\\er from the darkness around and within ourselws;
his dewtable mow. Just as she leaned hack to sigh in re- perpetuating this state of dread that ~urrounds us <;(I ttl<;!) may
lief. the window exploded in a thousand pieces as so- continue to grow.
meone stepped through it.
All beings in Kult are able to use the da! po~
Catherine was thrown hack,foce and hand sli- a greater or lesser extent. Some li\e their lives newr ma.<rterina.
ced by the flying glass. She looked up just in time to see the darkness within themselves while others suck
the tall and bleeding party-crasher part Odis' skull nourishment and po\\er from their inner chaos.
with a fire-axe. She chuckled insanely as she watched The more control a creature has o~er its o\\n
nature, the greater the extent it can tap into
the figure wrench the axe head out of the twitching this inncr darkness and bring il to
form. life. B) channeling these forces a
being is able to change his sur-
roundings, twist it and change
reality. In essence, they ha\>c
the ability to change and manipulate the prison. which we are The Ourk Arts can also be used for combat purposes,
alltrnppcd within. In this proce~s, a being can use its Oll'n manipulating items 10 inflict damage upon people in the aren
darl..ness to illllucllcc Rcality to il~ advantage. and even to hun of effect. In combat the skill is used just like any other combat
and kill other beings. skill. It is avoided according to the rules for dose combat.

In Kult this is represented by giving somc creatures A major advantage this skill will confer to its users
a skill ca!1t.:d the Dan.. An. This skill sho,""s ho,"" good a erea- is the :lbilily to make up to Egol4 atlacks per combat round
lUre is to usc its latent (1I/g.lt and rage to break down <Jnd mani- (minimum of I, maximum or 9 attacks), if there are cnough
pubtc reality. objects to control and thaI can be used to attack wilh. Please
note that the creature. if it concentrates. \\ith time can create
The Dark Art skill : A creature uses this sl..m \\hen it wants weapons from objects as well.
to change the reali!> that surrounds him; basically, represen-
ting their power over the Prison \Ie are trapped \\ithin. Thus, The damage that can be caused using this skill is
OUT lailcN do not only have the p(l\\cr 10 keep us trapped. but equivalent to the damage thai would have been caused had the
al~n to changc our very surroundings. This is the manipulation Artist been directly used b) the being. Those objects that can·
of'ilatic reltlity. so the cre-alun:: cannot influence or change nO! be directly used as \\eapons cause damage according to
anything \\lth "omc rudimentary form of intcllig.ence. So. the rules found in the chapter covering Accidents.
whilt:: a creatufC could make a tree attack someone or a car
grows limbs and teeth. they could not mutate a dog or human Note that all damage bonus is used to calculate da-
into some twisted parody. Such manipulations fall under the mage. even though the creature is not actually holding the
~arious magical Lores. weapon or the object.

By using this skill a being can take control of the EXAMPLE

reality and use it for his Ol\n purpo<ses. The ability is based on
the creature's EGO. and Ihe effects of the skill roll are limited Jaln'i steps closer /0 Ihe terrified student. He maintains the
b) that statistic. The range Ihe Dark An can be used al is equal bricked up doo""'O)I by spending his 10 endurance. and calls
to the creatures [gon mcteN in diameter. and the Anist can upon the Dark Arts again 10 finish off this pesky. lillIe morsel.
control up to a total of its Ego x 2 of mass in kilos. What this Noling Ihe presence of o~'Crhead lighting, he reaches out wilh
means is it can change, manipulate, and control that amount of his Dark Arts to troroutthe wiring and use it as a weapon. He
mass of mute rials in whatever way it desires. Thc} can not gets afoirl)' good SIlCcesS on his next skill roll and has cOlltrol
give Ihe inanimme objects life, but they can give them resem· over the wiring: the sparking and spiting wires explodillg/rom
blance there of. For the mosl pan, whatever the Dark Artist Ihe roo/ likc Whips.
wants to do is left up to their fevered imaginations. The effects Now it's timefor the combol roff. Once again he rolls his Dark
last as long as the user keeps concentrating upon the objects. Arl skill and scores a Perfect Hit. The sllldent cannot parry
and "ill rcvcn immediately back to thcir nonnal state once Ihe lhis. and is ensnared arollnd the throat. Jahl'i's damage bonus
Dark Anist stops using the skill. is rather high and with the per/ecl hit roll, eaSily snaps the
sludent's neck like a !Wig. The electricity damage is sort of re-
The higher the effect value the creature gets on his dundant. as are the 8 attacks he has remaining. He spends the
skill roll. the more 'real' Ihe effect it has (i.e. the fasler the tree /0 enduronce/or {he round.
can anack. or the mOTe solid the bindings created are. etc), and Jahvi drops his Dark Arts. and everything returns /0 normal:
the more radical Ihe creature can get with its manipulations of the wires returning inlO the ceiling and the dooru'ay transfor-
reality (i.e. a low effect would allow it to make minor changes ming back into wood. The Nepharite collects Ihe sllldent's sou/
to its surrounds. while a high elrcet allows it to create massive and steps back illlo In/erno: leaving behind only a slightly
changes). burned and s/fangled corpse /0 mark his passing.

EXAMPLE Witnessing the use of this skill in action should call

for a Terror roll, the severity depending on what is being done.
Jah~·i. the Nepharite, is perusing his latest victim; an overly This skill can be seriously dangerous when used properly, so
cllri()I1.~ college student with the mis/or/une 0/
reading Ihe Iry not to overuse or abuse it when running a creaturc with the
wrong pa.tsages in a book he found. The studelll is trying to Dark Art. Use it more for an effect than a I\eapon, bul don't
escape fhe library through a doorway. Not wallling the studelll hold back when it's necessary. These creatures are usually an-
to eSCllpe illlo the crowded university hallway. Jahl'i calls cient and will use their abilities to their greatest advantage.
upon his Dark Arts alld/ocllses them upon the doorway.
Jam'; has all EGO of 50, Ihus his range is 25 meters in diame·
ter. alld he COIl effect lip 10 100 kilos in mass. The door is well
uilhin rallge oflhe Nepharite. and well below his mass allo-

'Descrption of
Imnce Jahl'i rolls his Dark Arts skill of25 alld gets an effect
vallie of I~; allowing him 10 make serious changes.
The wooden door Iransforms illlo a brick wall right
before the student'-f eyes. The studelll pollnds
on the very rcal and salid bricks to no avail.
Frightened and trapped, he turns 10 face Ihe
Nepharite. Creatures
All creatures in Kult are described according to this
format. This is all infomlalioll neeessary to usc the creatures in
an adventure.

The basic source of infon1l3[jon about Metropolis is
the Arcanum Metropoti. Leonardo Da Vinci's monumental do-
cumentation orlhe illusions. In this book he describes the most The Machine was created and controlled h) PC)I" ers
common of the creatures encountered in Kuh. and many others \~e have forgotten. Thesc powers M\e locked us in~ide our fal-
yet unknown to mankind. The book contains accounts of Da len paradise. They hide the truth from u~ all, :;prclId ing fear
Vinci's own cncountcrs wilh these beings. orten just scraps of and ignorance over the world.
information. c!)ptic references and sometimes mere gibberish.
t, is always the G3memasler ~ho has the final d~ision as to Where the illusions collapse. unmentionable crea-
the shape and psychology of the creatures used in his ad\-en- tures enler, des.lro)ing the truth. protecting the lie. Thc\ tear
tures. !'\Olc that the notes in the Arcanum can seem to ha\c our soul~ to pieces and condemn us to etemaltorturc.'Thc)
been \\ ritle-II in the 'veT) distant past, our present. or e.. en the hunt us for pleasure, they co\et our forgonen poY.Cf'!;. Thl'" are
future. The Arcanum can also change. This is because Da Vinci our jailers. •
i~ an A\\al.ened, and he mo .. es be~ond the sphere of linear
The 'DemiurBe
Terror roll modification : This is added 10 the Ego roll the
characters must make when encountering a creature in II terri- No one can claim to know who Ih ... 1)cmiurge was.
fying situation. The Gamemaster decid~s what situations de- In our real it) .... e are ignoranl of the true natur... of his exis~
mand an Ego roll. tence; instead .... 1' kno\\ onl)' some of his namt'S and grasp at
1\lo\ement . The number of meters the creature can mo\e per hints. im enting aspects to fill in the gaps.
combat round.
Actions: The maximum number of actions per combat round, lIi~ disappearance started sometime during the 16th
ifno special "capons are used. cenlul) and he had completely vanished short" Ilefore the
Initi.uhe bonus: This is calculated from the ability scores. First World War. Of the inhabitanls of \1clropolis only Astll~
Damage boOlu : This is calculated from the ability scores. roth and the Archons. a fe .... of the Angeb of Death, Raphac-
Damage capacit) . This is calculated from the Constitution. liles and beings from outside our reality that arc conscious of
Some cfClltures have special damage capacity, e.g. because the position the Demitlrge had and Ihe Plmer he f'C's~e~sed.
~'Ilch body part li\'es its own life even when the body is tom to knew he .... as gone.
pieces. SUlle such things here. Divine beings can take several
fatal wounds before they die. Some crelltures CIlll't be physi- In the center of Metropolis lies thl.' Citadel of the De-
cally wounded at all. miurge. This Citadel is the heart oflhe universe and I.'man::ll"'~
Entlurance : This is cillculated from the Con~titulion. both chaos and unearthly geometr). It "as from this Cllade.
.\1 ent81 balance: Only humans h:1\e this . For a categor) of that the Ikmiurge ruled his CQ!;mos and it \\ru; in th~ r't..'l1J
humans. )'ou can give a number of dice and an 8\erage score. that he crealed ne .... illusions to keep humanil) imprisun.:d.
to generate NPC"s.
"_tural armor' If the Creature 1m.-; a value listed here, it is Fe\\ kno,," "hat is hidden bc\ond the ~iknl .ron
entitllotJ to an Armor Silving Thro" if it is hit by an attack. See gates thaI guard the entrance to the Citadel of the IkmlUTj!:e
the combat chapter for details. l"o living or dead can remember its chamber.; and halls.
Limitations · Described in the section ~Beyond lIumanity~.
Po~ers : Described in the section "Beyond HunlilnityM , Kno ..... also that man;. tell of another \fctropoJi olle
Dark secrels : Human NrC's only. ..... here the Demillrge's Citadel has ~anished entirely, and in I
AtI\lIntllJ::cs: Uuman NPC's only. If you arc describing a cate- place gapes a bottomless pit. In a \\ay and n lline thi" is II
gOI) of people, you can give an a\erage number ofad\antage truth. But now as the end of Time approachc ... the Citadcl ha~
points. You then decide exactly which advantages ever. pel'5On returned, risen out of the pit amidst a great blad, lake, ,11
in the category has. • emp!) sign.
Disad\8ntageJ : lIuman NPC's anI). If )'OU arc describing a
categol) of people. lOU can give Illl a\erage number of disad- The Iron Book : The Demiurge left behind an obj ••:..:1 of great
vantage points. You then decide exactly .... hieh disadvantages po.... er. This object lives in the legends both in our .... orld:; and
evcry pe:l'5On in the categor) has. in Metropolis. Its e.xistence fills the minds oL\rchons and \0-
Skills Choose freel). You don't need the point s}slem used gels of Death, Seraphim and Lictors.
for creating player characters. NPC's can have more or less This is the Book of Iron.
skills than player characters when they begin the game.
Choose such skills that the NrC plausibly might have. consi- According to the legends about the Ocmillrgc_ he
dering his profession and interests, and give a plausible score scribed all his actions in an enormous ledger, on pages of iron.
for each. [n this book he recordlotJ the truth about our exi~ten~ the truth
Atlack mode: I fthe creature has natural weapons (cla ....s. bite about ..... hy we have to be held captive and the tru~ about ho\\
etc.), i\1> skill score and the special damage sc\erity table yo~ to control our prison.
should use wilh the .....eapon are stated here (if no special da.
mage sc\erity table is listed )'ou use lhe nom131 one). The wea- This book. rests in the lIall of Tear.;, in the heart of
pon~ DEF \alues are listed in the Weapons table. the Demiurge's Citadel. Towering slone Angels
Iionle Where the creature lives or spends most of its lime. watch o\er the book, the ink and the pen. Tl-lr..
Tbe Dark Art. Skill rating in Dark Art. of blood fall from the e)es of the Angels,
echoing in the silence as they fall to
the floor. Their lamentations care~s
the walJ~ and they p..1tienlly a ..... ait
the return of their master.

The Iron Book is the center of creation and exerts a Nevertheless, Astaroth has been grievously stricken
major intllll!nce on the beings ruling Metropolis in their mas- by the disappearance. flaving searched every inch of Metropo-
tds absence. It fills their souls and controls their desires. lis, Elysium and Inferno, he descended into the Abyss where
the Citadel had stood in his search for the Demiurge. He retur-
ned with severe wounds. hardly alive, and refused to sayany-
'Jlstaroth thing about what had happened. Shortly after this, he began to
gather his legions and entered our world. It seems even Asta-
The dark twin of the Demiurge is the ruler of In- roth dares not attempt entry into the Demiurge's palace.
ferno. During the whole eon of our captivity, he has ruled the
hells and realms of the dead where humans are tortured. Many of his servants say that he has changed after
Death Angels and Razides are his servants. Astaroth the disappearance of the Demiurge. He has developed nel-\<
himself claims to be the origin of the De- character traits, become a seeker and a brooder. Some even
miurge; that the Creator is but a lighter sha- say he is becoming a new Demiurge. But he is still the Prince
dow of himself. Most creatures believe that of Darkness. He draws unto himself those with low mental ba-
the opposite is true, that lance. He gains pov.·er from the suffering and terror of other
Astaroth is a dark sha- beings.
dow of the Demiurge.
Since the Demiurge vanished, Astaroth is probably
the mightiest being in our cosmos. In Inferno, his pov.er is ab-
solute. There, he can rule over Time and Space. creatures and

In our world, he must assume a visible physical disadvantage::; and 101\ers [he mental balance of people around
IOnn. This limits his pollers somewhat. B is material forms can him. For cvcry day spent in the eompan) ofAntichriM, a per-
be killed. This does not mean that Astaroth himself is killed, son's balance goes do ..... n o nc step, 10 a minimum of -100,
only that an Incarnate is destro)'ed. His other forms continue to Commanding I'oice. Invulncmble to fire. electric it) and radio-
exist. Within 24 hours, he can l'\.'Create the destroyed Incarnate activity. Regcn..:ratcs ",ound..:d limbs, Telepathy, Telcl..incsis I
by <;eizing a human bod)' and twisting it 10 his purpose. It is his metric ton, 50 mlsecond
h.Jhit to sed: out a killer. and use his or her body for the nell Skills ' Climb 50, Swimming 50, Sll<!ak 50, Dodge 50, A..:roba-
Incarnate. Elen if all his eanhl} fonns are destroyed. he can tics SO, Falling technique 50, Interrogation 50. Drive I..:hide
recreate them in 24 hours. His -true self" remains in Inferno 50, Occultism 100, Piloting 50, Two·handed combat, Lan-
and cannot be killed. His existcnce is tied to Inferno; as long as guage: all human, Manial ans: Commando Training (Strike
it stands. so docs Astarolh. 100. Kick 75, Throw 50, Grip 50, Block 75).
AlIac k modes: According to weapon
None of Astarolh's earthly forms arc affected by M agic: All Magic Lores and spells to 50. Special com hat
\1agic, and they ha\(~ full control oler all beings with a mental Magic· able to arouse fury in his troops, be::;\OIl superhuman
balance of -25 or 101lt'!". Ue can be in selcral placee; at once, in strength and damage capacity on tl-...'I1l, and Io\\cr eoem) morale.
different guises. He is el'en able to control Time. Belo.... \Ie Home: Military camps and bases all o\er the lIorld
describe two of the numerous human shapes he has assumed in The I)ark An: 100
our world.

T he 'Bea st
The Cru saaer
A rCIlIfU", lfetropo/i As I looked (Jut ow:r the pla:</ I could
Ircanu", Metropoli And tJwn did lhe Crusader st.:p janford. loste the atmosphere of dootit ulld/eal:. a sea (J/b/floJ by the
out of the darkness. (lnd I ga:ed upon his lighl taken a bodies the silhouetle of a beast crouched.. In!mMed in rage
humun shape, deceitful 'IIilh pole skin and marked by age and and bloodlust. the jaws 0/ the bellst opened all" a gurglillg
experience, his radiance al/racted the soldiers and Ihey lay cry shook the building.f, the clwn of the hea.lt .~cral't!d
(10'1111 their lives and coiled him master. .. and in the darkness againsl the stones when he gOt lip .. I'agl/('~\, IlIIm(/nfJid. nf/'st"d
his predolOr)' eyes ~/ea/lled. his ga:e fell UJXlI1 /lie. cllttil1g in a grotesque parody.
through my soul and expruitlg all my deepest secret,f..
A nigh tmare personified. the Beast is thc ultimate
This is the I\arrior personification of Astaroth, the predator. lIS onl) desire is to kill, and does so oolle\'cr it can.
unhol) force leading the Legions oftne Damned. It wanlS n0- lIS bloodlust hangs around it like a sickl) fog. infecting those
thing more Ihan to conduct it:; genocidal \\ ar upon the human of lOll mental balance II ith ilS disturbing effcet:.. People fo l-
race, and drile them back into the Dark Ages. It belie\'es b} lOll it on its destructive path, onl) \0 be consumed l"1y the crea-
doing SO it can crush the humans into the subscl"\'ient race they ture itselfllhen their presence bores it. Though not \Cl)-
once w..:re, and strengthen thc prison once more. Every effort it ligent, ilS animal cunning is terrifying to behold .
makes leads tOl'.ards thc perpetrating for this Jyhad.
AGL 80 EGO 50
The perfect leader. the Crusader can attract all before STR 100 OIA 2
him to his terrible cause. Soldiers will sacrifice themselves for CON 100 PER 50
him. and are filled with religious zeal from his mere words. CO\1 2 EDU I
mey do flOt question his orders, they just follow them out elen
if it means their dcaths. An amazing stTlltegist and tactician as Terror roll modification : + 10 (only in combat)
II cll, the Crusader is thc ultimate warrior. Length : 200 em
Weight : 100 kg
AGI 80 EGO 80 Senses : Acute. Can read though\.'; and emotion~. Sixth sense.
STR 100 CIIA 50 Communication : Ualting speech. (C\\ IIOrd~
(0'1 100 PER 50 \lo, ement : 40 m combat round
CO\1 15 EDIJ 100 Ac tions: 9
Inilill th e bonus: +68
Terror roll modification ' L.tO (onl)' in combat) Da mage bonus: +19
length : 190e111 I)amllge capacity :
Weight : 90 kg 19 scratches I light wound
Sense5 : Acute. Night vision, sees Magic, can read thoughts 18 light \louOO5 - I serious wound
and emotions. 16 serious wounds c I fatal ..... ound
Communication : Speech and telepathy Takes 10 fatal wounds before d)'ing
!\I Ol emenl : 40 m 'combat round Endu ra nce: 530
\ ctioos . 9 i\alu ra l a rmor : 2 (skin)
Initiathe bonus: +68 POll en : Controls all people \Iith mental balancc of -1 ~ or
Oamal':e bonus:+J9 JOllcr. Ego roll with 20+ effect to avoid this control. Sipreads
Oalllllge callacity : disadvantag~'S and lowers the mental balance of po:ople around
19 scratches' I light lIound him. For e\ery da)' spent in thc eompan~ of Anti-
18 light wound::; I serious lIound christ, a person's balance goes dOlln one ~tep. t.l
16 serious wound::; - , fatal wound a minimum o( -100. Commanding voice. In·
Takes 10 fatal wounds before dying vulnerable to fire. electricit) and ra·
Endura nce: 530 dioact;"'it)'. Regeneratcs wounded
~a t u na l armor : None limbs, Telepathy, Telekinesis I
Powers: Controls all people with mental balance of -25 or metric Ion. 50 m/second
101\er Ego roll \1 ith 20+ effect to a\ioid th is control, Spreads

Skills: Dodge 75, Hide 75, Thro\~ 50, Climb 50, SC;Jrch 50.
Dagger 75, Club 75. Pole anm 50. Sword 7\ 11.':1. 75, Thro- 'Kether
wing weapons 50. Punch 80, Kick 70, I hrt)\\ 60, Grip 60.
Head butt 50. [o,'asion 50 Kether is the Ruler, the mightiest but also the mOSt
Attack modes According to weapon passi~e of the Archons. lie is the original Archon. The first to
'b~ic "'ione be created before the Demiurge imprisoned humanity. His Pa·
Home ' 'one lace in Metropolis is the highest and mightiest. Stretching into
The Dark .\rt 100 the dark ~ky Ii"e a pillar. Its endless halls and corridors are
tilled .... ith servants, a s .... arming of loyal sla\·es. Only marginal
parts of the Palace suffer from decay, even as the lower Ic\cls
grJdually cnlmbles away and arc emptied of servants. The Pa·
Lhc ARchons lace's fa~ade is mainly plated with rusty copper. The lIalls are
cO\'ered by an innuendo of shapeless sculplures portraying p0-
werful leaders from realities far from ()tIr own or Metropolis.
The Archons I\ert' till! fe>n:most sen ants of the De- ,",ether dominates the Palace completel) and his servants are
miurge. and a.;cording to him the~ .... ere the Ii,..,t bcin~ he considered a part of himself. Kether personifies the unsubdued
creali'd. The Archons thcmscl\~'" claim the\ e.\i!)tcd before the ruler. lIe is the ruling principle. the one that brought fonh the
Dcmiurge, and that they are emanations ofa higher po....er. For other Archons from his mere existence. His presence breeds an
millennia, thc) havc labored to mainlain our prison. Many of unbreakable loyalty in all servants. Kether exercise his power
the old kgends about gods .... erc inspired b,' Archons who visi· through nobility and royal houses. His influence is vast in
t..:J ttl.! ....orld as Incamatcs. Originally there Ilere ten Archons, countries ruled by strong traditions and monarchies with real
hUI four Ilf them fled, II ere t-o;Jnishcd or d~troyed in ttl.! po.... er power. Kether's Lictors hal'e infiltrated nobility. royal houses
struggle that follo .... ed the Demiurg("s disappearance. The reo and royal bloodline since thousands of years. His po .... er was
maining si ... no ..... vic for domination of Metropolis and our extremely strong before the breakthrough of the industrialism.
world. Some ..... ish to "eep humanity in captivity, others strive but ha"e gradually weakened during the 19th century. This de·
to ~et us free. lelopment has him confused and have damaged his power
structure, Kether's hate for Malkuth is intense. Panially be·
rhc Archons have many names and forms. Onen, cause he believes that she is responsible for the changes duo
the;. are named aner the Setiroth of the Kabbalah: Kcthcr, ring the past century. Kether wants to reintroduce feudal go·
Binah. (;ehurah. Tipharcth. Netzach and Malkuth. \eming to the "orld. Modem but yet deeply rooted in the
thought of one divine ruler. A societ)· "ithout Mllikuth's rebel·
The true e~sences of the remaining Archons e .... ist in lious ideas, ruled b) authoritarian "ithout respect for Ihe life
thcir ~i:>' Palaces in \1etropolis. They are totally unlike humans or property of the serf.
and il1l;omprehensible to most of us. Their Palaces hale por-
tal~ leading to places inside our world. It is near these gate· Kether now stays in Metropolis and rarely interferes
Wit\< i in our .... orld that the most important Lictors usually sta· in human affairs. He is bidding his time. waiting for the right
tion them.;elvcs. moment to realize his plans ...

I he four missing Archons are Chokmah. ehesed. RAPIiAELITES

Hod and Yesod. Their palaces in \letropolis stand empty of An imponant pan of Kether's forces consist of Raphaelites.
their .;c..... anb. thOUgh the)' are not entirely abandoned. The last of the Demiurge's loyal servants. Under the Demiurge
the) were usetl as soldiers in the .....ar against the few A"a"e·
'\hnife~ t ations : The Archons rarely take physical fonn as ln~ ned that threatened the Machine. After the disappearance of
c.arnalcs In~\(:ad , they affect our reality through manifcsta· the Demiurye. Raphael their leader, stepped fonh and conti·
tUlnS. A mamfestation is nOt a creature, but an effect of the Ar· nu~d this war. Now they guard the Machine. always ready to
chon\ intluence o\"er an area of the Earth. Where J',jev..ach. the strike at those \Iho threaten its eICistence. Four Raphalelites
\n:hfln of War and VielOry, influences an area there "ill be are positioned outside the Blind Gates. Raphael and the rest of
Voar and civil unrest. If Binah, the Archon who controls reli- the Rapbaelitcs continuously search the three prisons. Metro-
t\iol\.~ ,lnd traditions. manifcsts some\\here. this may result in polis and the Labyrinth for anything that may lead to them
~tr<ln~ religious fundamentalism and a resentment against any· who threaten the Demiurge's creation.
thing that is new or breaks with tradition. Kether, thc Archon
Ilf O\"crlordship and PO\ler, manifests himself in a strong een· RAPHM.I.lT~
tr... 1 govcmment ...... herev·cr he works. A rcanum Ml!lropoli ." And so did he scribe lhe legend 0/ Ra·
phael a"d his followers. stood strong as Ihe Denrillrge disap-
In this fashion, the Archons can affect an area or a peared. .. proud and relentless... still /ollo ....·;ng the call o/Iheir
8It!uP of people thrOUgh a manifestation that controls politics, masler magllificent wings. long whire or black hair .. dra-
religIOn. morals and science. The manifestation is paniaJly ped in white robes. surroundecl by a while fighl armed lI"ilh
achie\"ed through the "orks of the Lictors serving each Ar· lances or n\"Orrb. carrying shields a/fire...
chon. These wi ll infiltrate the leading section of the
population in the area and direct the develop- AGL 10+2010 (21) EGO 2DIO(11)
ments. But there is also a direct influence on STR 10+2DIO (21) CHA 2010(11)
people's minds from the Archon himself. CON 10+2010(21) PER 10+10 10 ( 16)
COM 10+2010(21) EDU

Turor roll modification : - I 0

l\1onment : II mlcombat round
Actions : 4
Initiath'c bonus : +9
Damage bonus : +S

J)amllge capacilY : has begun to gct used to the thought of himself as a \\onhy
6 SCflllches I lighl wound successor. If the Dcmiurge "eTC \0 return he would probably
5 light wounds I serious wound challenge him for power. Gcburah's Citadel is a gloomy place
3 serious wounds I fatal wound where the possibilities of becoming lost are numerous and the
t:ndurance : 135 prison cells are many. A labY'rinth of corridor;. Mairs and ele-
I'lIlund armor: 8 vators connect the different pans of the Citadel to e3l.:h other.
Skills' AUlomatic \\eapons 16. Rines and crossbo\\ 16, Guns All 1:; highly organized. and there are controller. and informers
and fC\ohers 16. Hea\'y \\eapons 16. Stealth 16. Dodge 16. seeing to it that the sen ants do their job. The slighteo.t mi~de­
Daggers 18. Pole arms 18, Swords 20, Acrobatics 18. First Aid meanor is punished ..... ith torture or death. Geburah'~ sen ants
15, Languages - all human. l\et of contacts: Hea\enly beings must lollow thousands of rules; all are constantly terrified of
2. being punish~d. The lower pans of the Citadel consi~t solei)' of
Anack modes : 2 Cla\~s 15 (ser 1-7, Iw 8·14. sw 15·24, fw prison cells and torture chambers.
25") or according to .... eapon
\1agic : l\one Geburah is the Judge. the merciless dj<·.pcn...:-r of j~­
lIome : 'one tice. Under the Demiurge, he encouraged humanity to organize
The Dark Art : 15 societies .... ith stem and rigid laws. such as the Mosaic, the
Roman and the Islamic systems of justice. lIis Licl()r~ arc
judges, allomc)'s and judicial counsclOfS.
After the Demiurge's disappearance, Geburah has
l3inah is the third of the original Archons. Originally clung blindly to his old purpose. Be attemph at all costs to
she .... as ~ mighty as J..:ether, but the fall of the So\ iet Cnion maintain the rule ofla", and sec to il that ~ju.<.tin:~ i'> donc.
has weakened her. Sinah earlier hoped to be the ne .... De-
miurge, bUI the fall of the communism has strlppt.'d her of all
suppon. She has infiltrated China, Latin America and Africa 'T'9'harerfi
\\ilh success. She has totall~' flliled to gain control over North
America and Western Curope. Binah does not belicve in the re- Tiphareth plans to replace the Demiurge. She is op-
turn of the Demiurge, but is prepared to support all allempts to posed by Geburah and Nelzach and supported by Malkuth. In
pick a new ruler among the Archons. She fears thaI ..... ithout a spite of her Lietors nOI having \'el')' po\\crful position,. the~
kader the possibility of ..... ithholding the traditional dependence are ~ery imponant when it comes to creating and spreading
upon kinship will surel~ disappear, Binah's Citadel is almost as new ideas. The) are also more numerous than the Lictor.; of
laf}!:e as Kether's, but it is more irregularly shaped and lo\\er. It the other Archons. Tiphareth .... as seen."!ly plrased ~ the disap-
is buill of dark stones and petri lied wood. Dark vaults are erec· pearance of the Demiurge. She al .... a)s regarded the [Xmlull·
ted o\'er a maze of halls and chambers. bound IOgether by and the three other Archon~ of great po .... er ob an ot-o~t,1C1c to
~tairs and dwindling pathways. The halls arc decol'3ted by her 0.... n activities. Since the dis.1ppearance. she has becn dc' e-
paintings. stuccos and statues of old families from places far loping her network. making contact with the most <lb urd
a .... a; from our world. beings; ranging from Astaroth'5 generals to fot'guttcn deill
and creatures in places so far a\\ay from the Illusion thallill')
Binah is the iliad.: Madonna. She promotes the ne\-er have heard of humanil). l"ipharcth's Ciladd IS a laby-
po .... er of family. relatives and groups o\-er the individual. rinth of galleries where items of an and ideas from an p];l\:e5
Where she rules, tradition is paramount and all new id~as are and ages are gathered. In the lo"er gallerie~ are ancitOnt arti-
banished. Under the Demiurge. she ruled over what is now facts from the childhood of humanity; the timc before the 111u
Eastern Europe and Russia. lIer Lietors .... ere members of the sion imprisoned us. The an galleries. recording studios d
ruling royal and princely houses. She frequently used Ortho- media centers of our world arc all pan of lipharcth's Citadt1.
do>; Christianity to encourage traditionalism. and sometimes The stnants of the Archon arc artists. spreader.; of inlonna-
\\alked among humans as an Incarnate, hoping to be identified tion. creators of contacts and jack-of-all-trades.
.... ilh Onhodo>; saints.
Tiphareth is the Spider in the web. Under the Dc·
After the Demiurge's disappearance. she encouraged miurge. she coordinated the Archons' .... orlthroug.h her \ast
the Stalinist form of communism, and tied the Easlern Block net of contacts all o\'er the world. After the disappcarancc.
close to herself. Communism would be the new melhod to these same contacts ha\'c made her one of the most l"O\\erful
control people. But the experiment of communism was wrec- Archons. No one really kno .... s .,.,hat her purposc h. except that
ked by the developments in Ihe rest of the world. Now she she is constantly plotting with and against c\-cryone.
turns to religious fundamentalism in Nonh America with crea-
tionism and televangelists..... hile else.... here in the \\orld she Tiphareth has more servants in our \\orld than anY'
has found a .... eapon in fundamentalist Islam. other Archon. She alone fully understands technology aOO the
media and can wield it through her servants. Lnder the De-
miurge, she controlled an so that il .,.,ould not be ~!tCd to help
§e6urafi men escape. After the disappearance, she has dt4rped all re-
straints and encourages all fornts of artistic and tb.:hn~!o&ical
Geburah is one of the most powerful of the remai- expression.
ningArchons, and he aims 10 bt.'(;ome the new Dcmiurge. Net·
l.ach and Tiphareth oppose him, mainly because of an intense
dislike of his methods. Geburah stands for justice without
mercy. discipline without compassion. and laws built on the
principle: ~an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth~. He has
considerable influence globally through his dominance over
the judicial systems. Geburah was strictly loyal \0 the De-
miurgc. and he hoped for his return for a long time. Now he

Netzach is the Victor. Under the Demiurge, he kept
humanity occupied by encouraging competition and enmity.
Netzach aims to become the new Demiurge. ilis lie promotes war and tests of strength of all kinds. For Net-
most important opponents arc Geburah and Tiphareth. The zach, the result of the struggle is everything. Victory is every-
conflict with Geburah is not too serious yet, but his relation- thing. He is prepared to use any means to achieve his pur-
ship with Tiphareth is very strained. Open warfare is ,ery li- poses. He enjoys seeing an opponent not just defeated. but
ke!) to erupt in the near future. During the age of the De- crushed and humiliated.
miurge, Netzach was an obedient general and commanded the
divine forces. After the disappearance he at first supported Ke- Nctzach has seized his opportunity after the disap-
ther. but has begun to believe that The Ruler is not strong en- pearance of the Demiurge to strengthen his own position. He
ough to carry the burden of becoming the new Demiurge. has taken control over a large portion of the military forces of
Astaroth being a constant threat, Net7.3ch considers it the world, and they worship him. He sees it as his primary task
necessary to lake responsibility for the crea- to pit his forces against those of Astaroth to an inevitable
tion of the Demiurge himself, otherwise all confronlalion. He manifests strongly in the Middle East, in
will fall into pieces. Netzach's Citadel is a Latin America and Africa. Lately, he has begun to invade Bi-
huge fortress with several nah's traditional domains in former Soviet states.
layers of walls and to-
wers; all his servants are
soldiers and the Citadel 'Ma(kuth
is run with a strict military
discipline. Malkuth is a mirror image of the Ruler, Kether. MaJ-
kuth is the Rebel, the Archon who sides with the humans
against the Demiurge and the other Archons. Malkuth has al-
ways been close to the humans. It \\as ~he who created the zones. torture rooms and cruel dictatorship5 oy.c their exis-
Illusion. which is OUf reality. Malkuth nunured the thought of tence to the manifestations of Death Angels. Unm.e the Ar-
rebellion e .. en before the disappearance of the Demiurge. She chons, they onen enter the affected ureas as Incarnates to seize
came to identify more and more with the imprisoned humanity. control over developments personall).
After the disappearance she entered in an open conflict with
lhc other Archons. I ler Citadel is an irregular structure of steel,
glass, and stone full of more or less human tl.-ehnology and 'T'liaumieC
Magic. Inside it is larger than any of the other Citadels, much
larger than it is reasonable to believe. It is equipped with ex- TMumiel is the mighticst of the Death Angels. The
tenshe magical devices of protection. to repel the forces of the Unjust Ruler. lie is the distorted shadol\ of Kethcr. I {(- se....'ed
other Archons. directly under Astaroth as High Commander before he broke
relations with his lord. He divided and ruled. in<;tilkd fear in
Under the Demiurge. she \"115 the Archon closest to all subordinates through arbitnll') puni.!ohments. and kilkl.! all
humanity. All of our reality is, in a \\ay, II manifestation of her. tMI could possibl) challenge his poy.cr. '\~taroth triel> to crush
She shaped it out of her own being. In ancient times, <;he w~ him. but cannot spare enough of his po.... er to succeed comple-
\.\orshipped as "Mother Eanh" or "The Great Mother", the li- to:l}. An open conflict will soon become reality. lhaumiel per-
.. ing nature. She had 5everal lncarnates in our world. sonifies despoti.!om. lie is an unrighteous ruler who. \\ith hi!-
bloody hands, quells all resistance and removes all competi-
When the Demiurge disappeared, Malkuth abando- tors. He acts through tyrants. I.!ictators and warlords..... itli
ned the power struggles of the other Archons and sought to whom he hu\'c considerable influence. Half of the armies of
suppon humanity instead. For the last 200 yeaN, she has en- the I\orld more or less se .... e direct]> under lhaumiel; only the
couraged the growth of cities and technology, She .... anls to legions of 'etzach and Astaroth can threaten him. Thaumie!
make il possible for people to awake and learn the truth. She hates and fears his former lord and i~ tl")ing to gain po.... er tQ
protects sorcerers and helps them find real "lagic instead of defeat him. He fears :.Ietzach and i~ in conflict y. ith Hard.-
the lies that ha\e pre\'iousl~' been spread by \'Brious cults. This Serap and Golab. lie collaboratc!> v.ith Chagil.!ic1 from time to
has pitted her against Astaroth and nearly all the other Ar- lime.
chollS. r-iel7.aeh is working frantically to thy.an her plans. Ti-
phareth mayor rna) not be in league with her.

M,lIkuth's seT"¥ants arc rarely Lictors. She prefers to

usc hUmans whom she attracts by offering them knowledge, The Bloodstained Patriarch. One of thc le~~ pov.crrul
power and ultimately enlightenment and divinity. She has ini- Death Angels. He is the dark shadow ofChokmah. the lost pa-
tiated dubious scientific experiments. She .... (')fks to soften le- lriarch among the Archons. Chagidiel still obe~:. Astaroth's or-
gislation so that genetic manipulation and medical technolog) ders, but plans to revolt aguin~1 hh ma,ler.. \~taruth
can be de\eloped freely. She supports Ihe exploshe growth of conscious of the danger, and \.\ai\.:. the right occasion '0,""'"
cities, because this creates those violcnt and crumbling envi- Chagidiel once and for all. Chagidiel is the pc .... ertcd
ronments \.\ here people can ay.aken from capti .. il)'. wno devours his children. His influence is limited and his
zides are fe". The people ",ho follo\.\ him are more "~"::.:::,
The inner darkness or humanit)" sU1p<Me.!o Chagidic1'!>
dreams. l-ic channels this darkness into his 0 .... n plans. Ilis
"Che i\nge{s O~ Oec:\ch vanls are given the power to crush all hope in the children th.!-y
!Ormen!. His scrvants will be found among directors of orpha-
nages and menta] hospitals where terrible crimes are
The len Death Angels arc the closest .!oubordinatcs of ted behind closed doors. He has had a vast intlucnce O,"CT
ASlatOth. They are distoned mirror images of the original ten administrations in Russia and China. anI.! was incarnated there
Archons. as the warden of sc\eral mental hospital~. He h.""Itl"> anI.! I"ear!;
ASlaroth and is tl')ing to ally with, above all. l'haumic1 and
Before the disappearance oflhe Demiurge. the Death Gamaliel. lie is unconsciously, influenced by 1o.1a.lkuth, who
Angels .... ere attached to Inferno. There. they tonured sinners uses his SCT"¥Mts in order to get humans to t>reak free of me
after death and foughl for power in the various regions of l1cll. Illusion.
After the disappearance, ASlaroth lost interest in Infemo and
focused on Metropolis and the human .... orld. The Death An-
gels were left to themsel\'cs. At the same time, the stream of Satliarie{
sinners ending in Hell became a mere trickle. Fey.er and fe .... er
people believed in damnation. Instead they .... ent to oblivion or Although far more dangerous than Chagidiel,
the multitudinous purgatories. Inferno was emptied of the wai- riel is still one of the less powerful of the Death Angels. She
ling souls, and the Death Angels entered our world as Incar- obeys Astaroth's orders, but acts in her own intereSt as often as
natcs. she can. Astaroth appreciatcs her services and sent he.r <;c-

Some of them continued to se.... e Astaroth in his at- v"erallegions.

ling death andSathariel
holocaust.is She
the horror of ~~;~~r.~t;~~~~~
acts through
tempt to take over the human \.\orld. Others had their own ligious extremists ",orld" ide. She destroys i
plans 10 seiu power and subdue humanity. A fe .... only took a tries to throw us all clown into the pit or d~",s'
disinterested glance at our world and then returned to Inferno. created within oursel~'es. She has man) se.... anb
We \\-iIl describe the len Death Angels briefly, and gi\e one among Razides and monstrous Inferno crca-
example of an Incarnate of a Dealh Angel. In Inferno. the tures, driven by hatred and hunger.
Death Angels have grotesque shapes \\-hich fOTCwr change. More rclined SCT"¥ants like Nepha-
rites usually fcar her and avoid
Manircslations : Like Archons, Angels of Death can affcct an contact with her.
urea or a group of people through a manifestation. Many war

She is the DeH~tating \10ther. During the 80's she in putrescent nesh. He channels our anguish in relation 10
has been incarnated as Kali Durga in southern India and pro- death and makes it a pennanent pain. His power will only re-
voked bloody riots. lIer Incarnate hold ... court in II vast temple mllin as long us we fear death.
area in Tamil-!'I3du and receives human s3criliees from her
worshippers. Togarini has servants among necromancers who ex-
periment with re-animation of dead bodies and trapping souls
in transil bemeen life and death. He sometimes appears as an
§amicfiicotfi Incarnale in connection with sanguine necromantic rites, and
occasionally accepts sacrifices from his worshippers.
Gllmichieoth is the False Rescuer. The distorted
image of Chest!d. He is 110t one of the foremost of the De3th
Angels 3lld oi);!ys A~taroth out of lear of vengeance. If the re- '}{are6-Seray
bellion against Astaroth is reve3led. he will side with the vic-
tor. Until one or more of the Death Angels has defeated the Hareb-Serap is one of the three mightiest Ocath An-
others. he \\"ill not choose sides. Gamichicoth personifies hun- gels. He is the distorted representation of Netzach : the Evil
ger. the hunger that paralyses and defems us. making us inhu- warrior. Harch-Serap still serves Astaroth. obeying his master
man. He acts through aid organizations: the IMF, the UN, and blindly. As the supreme commander of the forces of darkness,
other support programs. lie is the exporter of poisoned food he answers only to the Lord of Darkness himself. Hareh-Serap
:md useless tcchnology. His servants accomplish Ihis: unscru- personifies the meaningless battle without a victor, where fi-
pulous humans who are aware of\.\.hom their employer is. The nally all lie dead on the battlefield. He prepares the Legions of
Death Angel lacks any greater influence. He has very few darkness for the apocalypse. He acts through military and
creatures irom Inferno in his service. but many humans. Ga- para<mililary organizations, seeking conflict without purpose.
michicoth channels hatred and greed. seeing 10 it Ihat the re- Hareb-Serap channels death wish and destructiveness of hu·
sult will be famine and stan.ation. Gamichicoth's foremost In- mans into fighting and conflicts. He wields considerable
carnate is lonathan Hayworth, \\ho heads Hap-vonh Emer- power and hopes to take over ThaumieJ's position and re-
gency Aid (HEA), an international aid organization that sends sources when Astaroth finally destroys the rebellious Death
weapons instead of food to famine-stricken areas. establishes Angel.
camps in the de~ert and then cuts off food deliveries. bums
crop~ and spreads epidcmic diseases. Hareh-Serap is the most bloodthirsty of Astaroth's
generals, the raven of the battlefields. lie is gathering his mas-
ter's forces in Venezuela and Brazil. His Incarnate, Colonel
§o{a6 Juan Martinez, fights battles without victors. desperatc and in-
tenninable struggles where everything is destroyed.
Golab Ihe Torturer is one of the mighliest of the
Dc3th Angels. Only Thaumiel and Hareh-Serap can measure
up to him. lie is the opposile of Geburah; he makes people Samae{
suff... r 10 please him, without trying to educate or punish them.
Golab was the chief torturer of Astaroth in Inferno and has re- Samael is one of the most powerful Death Angels.
mained loyal to him. He follows Astaroth in his campaigns He is the Avenger; the guardian of blind \'engeance. He is the
and tortures the prisoners handed over to him. Golab personi- distorted shadow of Hod, the Archon. Samael igno res the
fie~ the ongoing pain which makes us i);!tray everything we conflict hel\\ ecn Astaroth and the other Death Angels, and
bc1ie\e in and stan to love our lonurers. He aclS through death concentrates on augmenting his own influence in the world.
patnlh, torturers, policemen, and the authorities in countries Samael feels no loyallY to Astarolh, but obeys him in order to
ruled by dictators. There is no shortage of people willing to prevent any damage. The other Death Angels avoid conflicts
serve Golab. Golab has, through all his servants and being with Samael. Ue never forgets or forgives an insult, and
dose to Astaroth, a large influence. He is in conflict with avenges it on the offender's family, no mlltter how distant the
Thaumiel. because of Thaumiel's pl311ned treason. And with relation is. Samacl personifies blind retaliation, the vendetta
l1areb-Serap because he competes with him for Astaroth's that destroys the avenger as well as his \'ictim. He aels through
confidence. organizations steered by a \'endetta philosophy, like the Mafia.
He has a wide influence among humans. but his Incarnates are
insignificant compared 10 those of Golab and Hareb-Serap.
'T'ogarini Samac! has a few Razides and servants from Inferno, but mil-
lions of people serve under him. As always. humans them-
Togarini is the dark shadow ofTiphllreth, and one of selves generate evil. Samael channels it so that his own power
the least powerful of the Death Angels. His influence was grows. He's not in conflict wilh any of the other Death Angels
much grealer before the disappearance of the Demiurge, for and the Archons ignore him. Gcburah is the only one actively
then he sen.-ed directly under Astaroth as the coordinator of fighting him. There are inlense fights between the Lictors and
the Dealh Angels' organizations. After the disappearance Samael's division of the Mafia.
Togarini revolted, but was easily defeated by his mas-
ter. He avoided being extinguished and fled Samael suppons blood retaliation to the seventh and
to our reality, where he now is incarnated for twenty-seventh generation. He keeps all feuds going. His most
all time. If he is killed, he will be annihilated famous Incarnate is Don Michael Cimarra, one oflhe most in-
permanently. This made nuential Mafia lawyers in Naples.
him an ally for the po-
werful Death Conjurcrs
of Southern Europe and
the Middle East. Togarini
personifies Death. Not death
as a liberator, but as a capture

The least po\\crful of the Oi:ath Angels. Nahemoth
personifies the apathy and indifference. which paralyze and
blind us. f Ie has chosen to be devoured by the principle he per-
sonifies, lind has retreated to his own purgatories in Inferno.
fie has partly ceased to exist and thereby liberated humans
from Inferno. Astaroth and the other Death Angels ignore him.
1\0 Archons except for Malkuth care about him. She actively
tries to destroy him and will probably succeed in due time. He
hardly perfonns any actions in OUf .... orld anymore. He has no
Razide or human servwlts. Very fc\\ people know him. When
he was active he transfonned fear of the future and change into
apathy and loss of hope. When the illusion~ started falling
apart he 10SI his grip on humanity. Malkuth has alwil}s ktivel}
fought 'Jahemoth. but it was not until thl' Demiurge disappea-
red that ~he could really concentrate on his destruction.

Some of the creatures that appear in our .... orld are

Incarnates. Their real existence belongs some.... here else. in
Metropolis or Infemo. The being .... e meet is an a~pc'CI of the
original, just as our world is just an aspecl of Metropolis and

An Incarnate has only a small range of the true

being's powers and abilities. Assuming a visible physical form
in our world limits its pcmer. Incarnates can be killed, but the
true creature can al .... ays recreate its physical fonn .... ithin 24
hours, by possessing a hwnan body and w..haring it. It i<;.
sible for the same being to ha\>e s~veral Incamate~
neously..... hich means it can be present in se\eral places
same time.

Ne\ertheless, most beings will not taL~ ,h.".,.

carnates. but prefer to send a servant. If an Incarnate
the true being is hurt. and if many Incamates are killed
same time il can die or at least be seriously injun.-d. The
that Astaroth and the Angels of Death hav~ entered
with several Incarnates is a sign of desperation.

Archons usually avoid taking physical fonn in our

world. They prefer to act through their ser\ant<;., th~ Liclors.
Only in I'llte exceptions will an Archon become an In!.:arnate.

Below, you \\ ill find a description of one of t~ In-

carnates of the Angels of Dealhs an epic mass murderer. C31'-
ving a blood stained epitaph in the Histol') of the US:\,

The pervened image of Yesoo, using sexuality as a

mean of destroying life instead of creating life. He ignores the The mke r
conflict beIWeen Astaroth and the Death Angels and does not An Incarnate of Gamaliel
care much about the conniel between the Archons and Death
Angels. Gamaliel has broken all contact with his fonner lord. Arcallum Metropo/i . In Ihe ha..-,' g~~:':'':J~~~~::~~::I~
ASlllJ'Oth has decided to let him be until he has defeated the reo Ille long rrench coallhol concealed a /'l
bellious ones. Gamaliel personifies the distoned and per,ened lereti the vehicle his claws glitrercd ill
sexualit) of humanity. His influence is not very strong and his post o~'er his head. He spoke to Ihe drh~r. a rusp.
Razides are few. lIis human servants are sexual criminals and voice. and lhe air thickened. Then he clOlled lhe
businessmen in the sex industry. lie cooperates sporadically door after him and as lhe car pulled ml·".1' lrill
with Chagidiel. Geburah opposes Gamaliel. as his servants evil lallghler echoed in tile empliness O/Ihe
often break the law. cil}'- Gamaliel incarnaled 10 be-
come Ihe ullimale human nighl-
Inare, ..

AGL 50 EGO 40 People who have the ability to see through the illu-
STR 50 CI-i A 40 sions are sometimes able to perceive the real fonn of the Lic-
CON 80 PI:R 50 to rs: grotesquely fat humanoids with milky white eyes and
COM 5 EDt : 50 transl ucent, hairless skin. Lictors can also choose to reveal
their true fonn to humans, in order to instill terror. Seeing a
Terror roll modification : -5 Lictor's true fonn is a tcrrifying experience 10 anyone who
Length ' 230 em isn't prepared for it.
Weight 150 kg
~nse'5 : Acute. See infrared and ult raviolet ligh\. Vcry good Below follows a description of a Lictor in its true
s\! n!SC of smell. appearance. In its human disguise, it may have highcr or lower
Communication : Speech, tdepalhy comeliness and charisma. The other characteristics are not
Mo\'emen': 2S m'combat round changed when it assumes human shape.
Actions : 7
Initialh'c bonus : ""38
Damage bonus. ·11 D etar
Oamage capacit) .
17 scratches I light wound A rCtllflim Metropoli ." The shape of the reverend father shifted
16 light wounds = I serious wound like a mirage on a scorching da): One second Ihe bishop's
14 serious ..... ounds I fatal wound envoy was standing in front of me, the next second a repulsil'e,
Takes 5 fatal wounds before dy ing deathly pale specter took his place ... bluish nails and a wide
Endurance : 430 grinning moulh.. the skin was white and you could see the
Natural armor : ""one pulsating organs.. the stench was overwhelming... sharp
Powers : Commanding voice. Controls all people with a men- teeth. .. Wilh his powerflll hand the Uetar tore the head from
tal balanc.: of -50 and -100. Ego roll to avoid control. Sees my servant's body. Only the fact Ihat the beast took a moment
Magic and auras, Telepathy, Telekinesis 100 kg, 10 m1sccond to devOllr the poor boy gm'e me all opportunity ta escape...
Skills : Climb 50, Firearms: all 50. Sneak 50, Melee and thro- this was the first definite proof that I was right!
w ing weapons: all 75, Hide 75, Search 50. Falling technique
50, Surv ival 50, Disguise 30. Dri\c car,'motorcycle 50, Sha- AGL 20+2DIO(31) EGO 20+2010(31)
dow 50, Martial art: Karate (Punch 75, Kick 60, Parry 40, STR 20+4D1O (42) CHA 10+2010(21)
Dodge35) CON 20+4D1O (42) PER 20+20 10(31)
Attack modes : According to weapon COM IDS (5) EDU 20+40 10 (42)
Magic : Death Magic and Passion Magic to 30, all spells to 30
Tbe Dark Art : 50 Le ngth : 150 em
Weight : 450 kg
Senses : Acute, especially its sense of smel1. Sees infrared and
ultra violet light.
i.e-CORS Commu n icati on : Speech and telepathy
l\1ol'e ment : 15 micombat round
Act ions: 5
The Lictors are our jailers. According to one record, Ini t ia til'c bonus: +1 9
there are 813,543 of them, created by Malkuth at the shaping Da ma ge bonus: +9
of the \\.orld. They were made to guard us, and are locked in Damage ca pacity:
reality together with us. 9 scratches = I light wound
8 light wounds '" I serious wound
When the Demiurge vanished, there was confusion 6 serious wounds I fatal wound
am ong the Lictors. Many took the opportunity to avenge Takes 2 fatal wounds before dying
themsel ves on humans for their frustration over thousands of Endurance: 240
years in captivity. Others joined Astaroth or became the perso- Na tura l a rmor : 2
nal sen-onts of an Archon. PO" CfS : Commanding voice, Telepathy. Telekinesis 100 kg,
10 misecond, Invulnerable to fire
For our eyes, Lictors look just like humans. They in- Skills: Varies with individuals, profession and place in so-
fi ltrate and hold key positions in governments. companies, ciety. Usually about ten skills with a score of 50 and twent),
scientific organil.ations and re ligious establishments, always with a score of 30. Lictors can speak all human languages.
secretly working to keep humans ignorant. They prefer to Allack modes: Bite 20 (ser 1-6. Iw 7-13, sw 14·24, fw 25+),
work discreetly, but if it is necessary they will kill people. 2 cla\\.s 25 (scr 1-7, Iw 8-14, sw 15-28, fw 29+), Punch 20,
crase memories and even stan wars to achieve their purposes. Kick IS. Grip 15, Throw IS, all other attacks according to
The Archons work almost exclusively through Lic- The Dark A rt : 30
tors in our world. In the descriptions of the Archons,
we name important Lictors serving under
each of them.

the Io)·al servants or the Archons. The rebels \.\-iII not hesitate
"Che Rebe({lon to kill any number or humans to a\oid exposure. They are pre·
pared to die for their cause. They have many enemies; the
loyal Lictors, the Archons, the Death Angels. and the Awake·
On the surface, Lictors are the obedient servants of ned, who regard them with greal suspicion and 8llxiety.
the Archons, making ev(>ry possible sacrilice to follow their
maSters' orders. They seem to be an c)ilension of the Archons' T ht strnmts of the Litton : The s('rvants or the Uetor:; are
wishes, loyal companions. unselfish in serving without a not only human; many other creatures o;.cne them. In spite of
thought for them. the Lictors being caught in the Illusion \.\-i th lb, not being abl.!
to find their way into True Realit). the} can use their position
Nothing could be wronger. in order to make the Archons gi\C them scrvants Irom other
parts of Reali I) .
Lictors obey out of fear for the po .... er of the Ar-
chons. lllcy will take e .. cry oPJM)nunily to promote their own When the Demiurge \anished. Angels and Semphim
cause. It is their nature to prostrate themsel\·es to those in rrom the paradise .... ere thrust into our "orld. Many or tht'm
pOl."er, and at the same lime treat those who are po"crlcss 'Wi- wen: enslaved by the Lictors and became t~ir servants. Other
thout the least bit of respect. They despise humans, and they creatures ha\ e been the servants or the I.ictors since the erea·
will \\orscn our cause if they are given the chance. For thou- tion or the Illusion. We here depict a rew orthe species ~rvinl!:
sand:. oryears they have been hoping and planning for Ihe day the Lictors. -
.... hen they 3rc able to break frec of the Archons, and take
power o .. er the Illusion themselves. TIle) "ill then take their
revenge on us for the thousands of years of sla\ery. ServiUants
Achieving liberation. they ha\e s lo",ly and carefully ArcQl/um Metropoli CTl!oted to abel-- tlu: l.ictof.f. hlindlv nl-
buil! up their oYm organization. ",ithout the knowledgc of the Jhing f Ortl·oro. to their deo/In ... Jhorf. horri/ied crcutu~$.
Archons_ They plan to o\-erthro\.\- their lords and take control hem arms. _ complicated limbs gil'ing t/~m the (I!>ili!)," /OIJt.T-
of our Rcality. They blame their sla\ery on Humanity and ",ill form complex o{X'ratiollJ_ their enormou~ t:;:reJ glill"". in the
torment us eternally as a revenge. The} \.\-ill change and distort dark_
our Rcality so th3t it suits them better: it will be a world where
humans arc the sla\·es and the victims of the Lictors. AGL 10+ 1010(16) EGO 1010(6)
STR 1O+2D10(21) CHA 1010(6)
Almost all Lictors have joined this conspiracy. Less CON 10+2010(21) PER 10 11)10 (16)
than a 100.000 of them are loyal 10 the Archons. The most po.. CO" IDS (3 ) EDe
.... erful Lictors. those in the highest positions. have remained
loyal. They suspect that something is going on, but the) can't \1odifinlion or Itrror roll: ·10 (in their real shape)
prove it. The rebels are vcT)· careful. All attemptS of the lo)al licight . 150 cm
Lictors of finding out what is actually going on ha\·e failed . \\-eight : 60 kg
The loyal ones refuse to infonn the Archons of their inability SenSt" : See perrectly through d3rknC'..~. 'iC!C thr"Ut;h illusiom.
10 control their o .... n subordinates; they'd rather keep quiet Comm unica lion : Speak: all human langU3ge~
about it. MOlcmenl : 8 m ·round
Actions: 3
Rebels ore organized in cells .... ithin the hierarchy of InitiatiH bonus : +4
c\ery Archon. Thcy have no kno .... ledge of any other cells. DaDlage bonus : +4
Only the leaders are in contact with leaders of other cells. Da mllge t'apacity :
Every city. country and continent has a leader of higher le,·cI 6 scratches " t light \\ound
in charge of many cells. The six topmost leaders meet in Brus. 5 light ....ounds - I serious wound
sels every year. 3 serious wounds = I fatal .... ound
Endurance · 135
The organization is veT)' secI"Ct. Lictors wishing to Skills : Sneak 16, Dodge 16. Daggers 20. Iland·lv·hand !,:('Iffi-
get out of it extinguish themsehes. When they are recreated bat 20. Hide 16. Search 16.
their memories \.\-ill have been destro)ed. Attack mode : (Ia\\:; 18 (ser 1·8, Iw 9·16, s.... 17-25, fw 2(i<-)
or according to weapon.
The Archons suspeCt that something is wrong. but Number: varying
they depend on the Liclors to control the Illusion and dare rtOt T he Dark Art: 5
strike at them. Since the leaders of the loynl Lictors have not
come forth wit h thcir suspicions. they are also suspected trai·
tors. Serayhim
The rebels are rtOt violent. Violeoce is only the last
resort. TIley control large parts of the world's judicial systems
and can get anyone accused and convicted or an} crime.

Using raIse infonnation they can make the Archons

strike against their enemies. Ir needed. they can liquidate a per-
son. using the police. the secret service, or the military. They
may summon creatures from beyond the illusions. 1be). us~
human servants. but they never reveal their pl3ns to humans. In
northern EUrope they have used the Masters of the Temple, a
hum:lII sect worshipping Lietors as gods, in order to confuse

10+1010 (16)
2010(11) rThe Curts
Modification o(lerrol" roll: -10
"right: 190 cm We humans are not completely unaware of what
We...t 90 kg goes on OUlside our field of vision. Death Angels and Arehons,
Monmt1ll : 6 m'round Liclors and I"epharitC'S can be glimpsed through the veils. \\e
AdioilM. :! sense that the world is bigger than \\hat we can Sl"C. Cults and
IDillatl"" bonu~ : - religions appear when "c atlempt to explain what lies beyond
Dam_ae bonus : ~ I our senses and rational explanations. We perceive the crea-
Dam_ae cap.cil)' : tures from the other side as bigger and more po"erful than
4 ~crntches I li1/-ht \\ound ourselve!>, and v.e greet them with awe and submission.
3 light v.ounds I serious wound
3 serious \~ounds I fatal .... ound Creatures from beyond our world usc cults to gain
E.d.nnce : 85 control over humans, or 10 combat each other through human
Skill. : Hand-to-hand combat IS, Dodge 10. agents. DifTerem cults often battle against each other, and
Attack mode: 2 Claws 15 (scr 1-7, Iv. 8-14, S\\ 15-22, fw there are large organizations. which only exist to fight other
23+) cults.
NumMr: IdlO
Tile Dirk A r1 10 With cults we mean not only occult societies who
perform religious rites and "OI-ship some non-human being.
Cults can also be ,·ast organizations controlled b) Lictors or
Luyids Death Angels, aiming to keep humanity in captivity, or to fight
othcr organizations. All groups and socielies that work in se-
Arc"""", Metropoll rhe ,\creamillg from the deformed cret and ha\c goals and lies beyond our reality can be called
throat.l· lIurll('(1 me (hat ,fie fupid\ had cut ofthe pussuge.. Ihe cults. We "il) describe some types of cults.
JolJi('r.~ atour jailer,I" gllUrrliUIlS alld assassilu, led by their
ma~/er the.l· htld SII·armed throu~h the ,unnels ulld hud sur- Rdigious Cull!! : Religious cull!! can "orship some being out-
rountkd me like a ra! in a cage their gray clad bodies pres- side our reality, an A.....akened human, or an ordinal)' human
ed light/I" TO the walls. ,IIey raised Iheir mluile weapons,. 'Who has made himself into a god for his fello\\. men, They can
hen I grmf?t!d 'he //<.'Ud of the lupid I felt my hands burn in also v.orship a principle, such as Lo, e or Violence. Archons or
tn 1111' skill melled aU'(t\I cmd blood was mixed with acid.. other beings that personify the principle are often behind such
crea;ure slowly j!ot up (llId turned his deformed face to- cults.
'iJl'ds ml',
The Legions of the Damned, which arc described
GI IO r IDl0(15) CGO 10+1010(15) below, is an example ofa religious cult.
STR lO""IDI0(15) CHA IDS (3)
CON 10---1010(15) PER 10+1010(15) Another example of religious cults is the Servants of
COM I (I) EDL 10 (10) Cairath. a brotherhood of beggars and madmen .... ho v.orship
Cairalh, a creature of steel and bone "hich hunts in under-
Modification 10 terror roll . - ground tunnels and eats c\el)' living thing that comes in its
MOl/tmenl . II m I combal round way. The Servants of Cairath exist among underground mad-
Actkln~ . 2 men, all o\'er the world.
1.llialin bonus : +3
Damage bonus : 3 The Children of Death is a cult that worships a prin-
Ibm.lte npacit) : ciple, Death. They regard death as a liberator and seek the
4 scratches - I light "ound final oblivion \\-here a human dies the true and absolute death.
J light wounds I serious v.ound The Children of Death, or Cumazoui as they also call them-
J serious wounds I fatal wound selves, have absorbed IlIan) traits of Aztec death worship. Cu-
Endurllnce : 105 mazoll.i's headquarters is in Los Angeles, and the members are
Po_tn: Infra vision. spread over southern USA. Mcxico and Central America.
Skills. Automatic "capons 10, Guns and revohers 10, Ueavy
\\caPlln~ 5, Stealth 15. Dodge 10. Daggers IS, Unarmed com- Guardi"n C ults :1Oe Guardian Cults are a special form ofre-
bat 10. 'ieareh 15 ligious cults. The) .... alch over some secret or sacred object.
,; \lIack mode : According to "eapon Most of them are semi-religious groups \\ho believe that the~
Tht Dark Art : 0 guard Pandora's box or the 1Ioly Grail, v.hile in reality their
~sacred object" is a piece of worthless junk from the later
Middle Ages. But there are a few real Guardian Cults. The
Guardians of the Labyrinth (dl'SCribed below) is one of them.
The Knights of the Grail in Edinburgh is another. They watch
o\er a sil\er goblet, \\.hich is said to contain illumination and
immortalit~. Other Guardian Cults v.atch o\er some secrel that
ha-. been preserved through centuries. One such is the Juena
sect in Barcelona, \\00 keep \\atch o\er the Key of Paradise,
where people otherwise cannot get except through death.

Kn o ~ledge-Set'kin g Culls; 11lese cults seek kno ..... ledge and Power groups seldom ha\'e an) connections to crea·
lJ'Uth. They are seldom violent, but may resort to force in order tures outside our world. Their members seek to anain a high
to obtain a piece of infonnation, "'hich they think is vital. position among their fellow men, and aren't very interestc4 in
Most members are scientists, scholars or archivists. Lictors anything that lies beyond the illusions. Excepted are tbose
ha"e always infiltrated knowledge·seeking cults. They have groups ""ho believe that they can use non·human creaturet to
even started some cults of their own, aiming to spread misin· gain more power and influence.
formation which helps keep even intelligent and curious
people in the darkness of captivity and ignorance. Illuminati ; There are several societies for people who SCTtSe
that we arc prisoners and can regain our divinity through illu-
Examples of knowledge·secking cults are [he occult mination. They operate extremely secretly and are1alway, hun-
society ~The Golden Twilight" in England, and the Gennan ted by Lictors and Death Angels. Cults of this son'are ex.tenni·
Society for Parapsychology. nated eveT) now and then, whellCver Archons or IjctQ~
of their existence. In the late 20th centuT), severnl l1Iumlnlli
Po~ e r Groups : Groups who seek po~er mny assume cultic cults have begun to act almost openty within the
fonns in order to disguise the true nature of their activities. New Age mo\·ement. 1lley are held together by a
The Freemasons is a well-known e:\ample. Power groups are loose net of eontacts and many dumm> move-
often masked as cults with some other purpose. e.g. a religious ments which hide the few real groulb of the
one. M:my religious sects tum out 10 be pure power groups, illuminati. The members are often
once you get some way up in the hierarchy. Secret political spread allover the ""arid, and
groups who deal in terrorism or have forbidden opinions, also meet secretly at peace confe-
belong here. Neo-nuis and left-wing extremists are examples rences, healing sessions and
of political cults. shamanism festivals.
Perversio n CullJ : "he reali7ation of secret and forbidden may help you create a cult. The cults belo.... are described ac·
lust;, and perversions is an old basb for culls. These are the cording to the template.
culll; that ghe rise to horror stories oCstolen children, murders
and orgies of violence. Penersion cults are gatherings of PUrpose li nd ideology : What plans do the cultists and their
peorle \\ho feel compelled to act on dark lusts that SOCiel) leaders have? What does their activity aim for? Do they have a
does not allo ..... The most common is various types of sex political or religious ideology, and ifso, what is it like?
culls. The} exist in all cities of any considerable si.lC. all over Size: Number of members
the world. Call.girl agencies and brothels can ollen supply ad· Organ ization: The structure of the cult. [t may for example
dres~e~ 10 sex cults. The world .... ide network Ceq Rouge consist of a single group with or without leaders, or of several
control~ a couple of tho us lind sell cults. Fulfillmcm Church is small groups or independent cells that don't know about each
a spo;:cial sex cult, designed to give glimpses of true awareness other but answer to a common leader.
to ib leader. Lelldel"S: Who are the leaders of the cult and where are they?
Membership: From what section of society does the cult re·
More special are Ihe contact nets for mass murde- cruit its members?
rers, which exist in the tSA and Britain. The members meet in Reso urces: The resources detennine how far the group can
secTet to share experiences. Really nasty perversion cults pursue the pla)'er characters and how dangerous it is. Has the
usually have some link 10 Inferno through Death Angels or cult got aceess to military equipment or Magic?
Ncphari\cs. Gcogl"ll jlhical dist ri bution: Some cults have local offices all
over the world. others exist only locally in a single city or
Surveilla Dee Cults : Archons and Lictors control cults that are even a small town.
aimed at turning humanity away from too much enlighten- Sites: The cult can meet in luxurious country resorts, in cor·
memo These cuh~ often el(i~t only to hunt down other cults, poration·owned high'rises, in dirty basements, abandoned
usually under the pretext that the members are criminal or per· bomb shelte rs, or subterranean temples. Its resources and ge·
vertcd. They manufacture evidence so that subversive cle· neral character detennines which type of meeting place is pro·
ments can be put awa~ for life. and dangerous cults can be eli· bable.
minated. The Guardian Knights of Light are such a group, res· Signs of recognition : Any special clothing, jewelry, hand si·
ponsible for crushing many kno .... ledge· and enlightenment. gnals and code words ..... hich can be used to recognize so·
seeking cults, and for pUlling hundreds of Ne\\ Age members meone as a member of the cult.
and occultists in prison. Methods : Is the cult prepared to use violence? Or docs it pre·
fer to get its enemies put away by framing them for crimes?
Does the cult summon creatures from beyond the illusions, to
hunt down their enemies?
No n· hum a n connec tions Are there any creatures from
beyond our world in the group's leadership? Do the members
have contact with any such creatures?
In this game, the cults are a way to supply human OJlennen!secrecy : The cult may work relatively openly, as a
enemies for the pla)"er characters. Groups with contacts out· religious or political organization. It may have a cover identity
side our reality can work as a link between everyday reality as a foundation or a corporation. Or it may work in absolute
and wh.1t lies bc)'ond the illusions. secrecy and ne ... er admit that it exists. The openness deter·
mines how easy it is for the player characters to infiltrate the
Larger cults often have a strict hierarchy. At the bot· cult wi thout arousing suspicion.
tom are small groups of common members. who know very Connect ions to other groups: [fthe cult is closely affiliated
little about the real workings of the group. Higher up, ..... e find to other groups, the pla}er characters may get more than one
the real leaders, whose purposes aren't always what their enemy whcn they provoke it. Isolated cults cannot get such as·
members think. If you go to the vcry top of the hierarchy, you sistanee against opponents.
may end up outside the human world, among beings in Metro· Enemies: Arc there any groups in perpetual conflict with the
polis or Inferno, using the cultists for their own purposes. cult? (fthe player characters are in trouble with one cult. they
may receive help from another.
A simple fonn of adventure is to let the player cha·
racters explore and possibly expose the higher echelons of a
cult. The) may become entangled in conflict \~ith what seems
to be II perfectly ordinary crime organization, but the higher up
in the hierarch} of crooks they get, the more occult and non· Lhe Leg ions or
human things the) will encounter. Finally. the struggle against
the cult may tak~ them outside our reality, to the real leaders in rhe Oo.mned
~I etropolis or Inferno.

When you create a cult. you must consider what role The Legions of the Damned are a chain of cults,
it will play in the adventure. Shall it be thc opposition which revolve around the worship of Astaroth. the prince of
to the playcr characters? Lead them to places darkness and ruler of Inferno. These cults are devoted to evil.
in the under....,.orld or outside our world where They attempt to recreate Inferno on earth, and to open gates
they could nOI otherwise go? Give them infor- into Inferno. The name of these cults hints at the damned sin-
mation? Help them out of ners who followed Astaroth when he left Inferno and entered
a tight spot? These our world. These sinners are spread all over the world today.
things determine what involve<! in many cults and military organizations. But there
the cult must be like. are other Astaroth·cults who consider themselves to be I.e·
Once you have figured this gions of the Damned. Their common factor is that they are
out. you can fill in the details. controlled by Astaroth and work to give him total power over
We provide a template that the whole of humanity. Nevertheless. single cults may light

each other and may ,",ork wi lh completely different methods Many have artificial limbs; arms. legs and e\en
and ideologies. We will firsl describe the legions proper. heads made of sleel and plaslic. Prosthesis with built-in wea-
pons exist. These give the Legionnaire +5 on the skill roll with
The lq,:ions : The Legions of the Damned follo ..... ed Astaroth that weapon and one eXIra aelion.
when he left Inferno and became incarnated inlO our ,",orld.
There are ten of these legions, each having 100,000 members. The Legionnaires are II kind of undead and cannot be
They are nOI cults in the nonnal sense of lhe word. but they arc killed in our sense of the "ord. Like other undead, their limbs
surrounded by cults thaI ",orship Astarolh and the Death An- have life el'en if the) become separated from the resl of Ihe
gels, and their aClivities are very secretive. bod)'. The only ...."3y to eliminate Ihem is 10 hack them up 10
mincemeat. and even then all thc little bits \~iII continue to
The Legions arc kept incarcerated in military com- live. Thci r physical bodies are actually destroyed only when
pounds in solitary, desolate places where they do not allract al- Ihey 8re cast back into Inferno. A Dealh magician can su m-
tention. Formally, they were part of the nalional army in the re. mon, control and expel Legionnaires.
gion where they are stationed. BUI they only serve Astarolh
and only lake orders from their o ..... n officers. A fe", humans AGL 3010(16) EGO 2010(11)
are members of lhe: Legions. bUI most of the soldiers are dam- ST. 4010 (22) CIIA IDIO (5)
ned who have assumed physical fonn with Astaroth's aid. CO~ SPECIAL PER 20 10 (11)
COM 1010(5) EDU 10\0 (5)
Two of the legions are west of Asunc ion, on the bor-
der bct ..... een Argentina li nd Paraguay. luan Martinez. an Incar- Sensu : Human. Prosthesis which give infrared vbion occur.
nate of Hareb-Serap, drills the troops and infiltrates lhe mili· Mo\Cment : 7 micombat round
tary in both countries, 10 bring down the weak semi-democra- Action, : 3
tic governments. which lire in power. Cults among Argentinean Initia t i\C bonu! : +4
and Paraguayan lroops ..... orship Hareb-Serap as a Death Angel, Damage bonus : +4
anti his followers are working to purge all "unbelievers" from Damage capacity : Special. Every limb has a lire of its own.
the upper echelons of the mi lilary leadership They can be divided but nol killed. A serious or fatal \~ound
means that a part of the bod) has bt:comc SCP.1r3ted of GM'!;
Three of the legions are in the Asia. Two of them are choice. Limbs that haw been hacked offwill aUempt 10 reunile
in the southeast, at ribtisi and Tashkent, where their activities with the rest of the body. This takes IdlO combat rounds in a
are coordinaled wilh those of Ihe Russian/Old Soviet Mafia. combat situation. ifno one stops them. Eler)' major timt> {arm,
They are led by Razides in human guise and do 1111 they can to leg. torso) has half the Legionnaires Strength and can mOle 1
incite civil war among the differenl minorities. One legion is mlcombat round. Ifa Legionnaire is bornliO ash~..., II.: will re-
near f\loscow, under the command of an Incarnate of the Death gain his form in 24 hours if the IIshes are in one pln.:c. Ir the
Angel Chagidie1. ashes are scatlered to the'" indo il can take years before tbe
fragment:. manage 10 assemble.
Two of the Legions are in the USA: one sits on the Endurance : Unlimited
Mexican border and one ~tays in an old. previously abandoned Mental balance : - 100 -IOdIO (-155)
military base in northern Nevada. There arc also legions in Powers : Invulnerable to electricilY and radioactiviry.
China and India. The final legion is in German), slationed in need food, waler or oxygen. Any abi lities applic3t>le to
old barracks near Dresden. with 10\\ mental balance.
Skills: Climb IS, AUlomatic weapons 16. Handgun 1(>,
weapons 16, Dodge 16, Dagger 20, Impact weapons :W.
TilE L EGfOVNA fRES and chains 20. Unarmed combat 22, lI ide 10. Searc h 10,
rogation 10, Drive vehicle 10(car)
The Legions of the Damned are most l) made up of Attack m odes: according to weapon
Purgatides, damned souls from Inferno. They h:l\e been tortu-
red for eternities in Inferno and are very familiar with terror
and pain. Now, Ihey have been transformed into a son of half-
demons who look like people but are very inhuman. So.Lo.mSLS
The Legionnaires are still the people they were be-
fore death, they still have vague memories from lifc before In- The Satanists arc human cullists who w()~hip Asla-
ferno, and they are able to T\.'Cognize people they knew before roth and aid his altempt5 to achieve power over humanity.
they died. Those who knew them in life will recognize them They worship evil lind des ire to recreate Inferno on Earth.
abo in their present form. If they meet someone who was im- They consider themselves part of the Legions of the Damned.
portant to Ihem in their eanhly life, they will probably try to and function as intelligence organization and auxiliaries 10 them.
erase this painful memOT) by running a"ay or killing lhe per-
"". The Satanists are scattered in many rival ;B;~~e.~
factions all over the world. They tend 10 be ~tron8b
They could never hllve left Inferno and assumed listic, so the groups split and reorganize all the ti"'e.
physical fonn o f their own power. It is Astaroth's power that stable groups are those wilh a finn hierarchy and II ,m"B ",.
keeps them in our world. He can cast them back into Inferno at der who keeps the members under control with'
any time. This knowledge makes lhe Legionnaires terrified and fear and violence.
absolutely obed.ienllO lhe Prince of Darkness.
AI the bonom of Ihe Satani:;1 hierar-
The Damned appear almost human to lhe eye, even chy are the ~l1ellers~, vio lent vaga-
though most of them have some sort of physical deformity. bonds who act as hit men and drug
Some have discolored or 03ky skin. others have fangs, claws, couriers for more exalted leadcrs.
unhealable wounds. hunchbacks or TOning Ocsh. The more innuen tial salaniSIS

arc organized in secret lodge~ who do not kno\\ of each other's Some of these cults have connections to creatures
exi~tence. and keep their aclivitie~ extremely well hidden. beyond the illusions. Legionnaires from Astaroth's legions are
spread out here and there in the gangs. Occasionally. a Nepha-
Man)' Salanists delve inlO blaek Magic in order to fite or Razide has joined a gang to help them perfonn a rob-
gain power and recreate Inferno. There are many Death magi- bery or an assault. There was a much talked about case a few
cians among them. years ago. \\ hen a gang of Hellers in Belgium captured some
police officcrs and tortured them to death; actually the work of
a couple ofNepharites.
'J-Mlers Hellers do not deny their existence in public. but
The lIelkrs are the 100\<est form of Satanist cults. they don't advenise. They prefer to do their business under Ihe
Their purposes are to get as much power and money as pos- cover of darkness.
sible, live in luxury and be able to tread on others with impu-
nity. Their philosophy is simple: strength is might and might is The most persistent enemies of the Bellers are ac-
right. The)" despisc weakn~s and belie\e that there should be tually the Mafia. One effect of this is that Hellers are seldom
no other po\\er than that \.\-hich rests on physical strength and found in Italy and southern France. The Mafia has many
the ability to forcibly subdue others. contacts in the Catholic Church and organizations controlled
by Lictors. All of these view the Hellers as a threat and an
Hellers are small groups of Astaroth-worshippers abomination. Moslem fundamentalists in Northern Africa have
among outsiders and bums. Each cult has between 10 and I ()() attempted to exterminate Hellers there.
members. The CUlLS are gangs. governed by a leader. There is
fi"cquent exchange of members between the groups.
In spile of Ihe vague structure, there !Ire some that
may be called leaders of the Western European Hel1ers. Rai- A typical Heller is a European or American male of
nier Hanmut, a police commissioner in Oerlin. has a strong in- 15-25 years. He may come from any social background, but he
fluence owr the gangs, and so does the car and drug dealer usually had a troublesome childhood and little contact with his
Vin,,;ent Van der Dahn in Ronerdam, In the US, a man in his father. He became a Heller in his teens and has toured several
20's who calls himself Jee Man controls se\'eral gangs in the states with his cult. lie has been deprived of his civic rights
Los Angeles area. and a boy genius said to be onl) 16, controls and is wante(! in a couple of states or countries. He has killed
much of the youth crime in New York. lie is known as Elroy. at least ollCe and is thoroughly unscrupulous.
Hellers mostly con~ist of men between [5 and 35 years of age.
The fixation on physical strength makes it hard for \\omen and AGL 2010(11) EGO 2010(11)
older men to assen themselves in the gangs. STR 10+IDIO{l5) CHA 2010(11)
CON 10+IDI0(15) PER 2010(11)
The gangs ha\c access to automatic weapons and COM 2010(11) EDU 1010(5)
athanad modem exploshes. Many have close links wi th the
military. But officials never want 10 admit their contacts with Movement: 5 m/combat round
!he Uellers, so the) find it hard to exen influence through offi- Actions: :2
cial channels. Drugs and arms dealing contribute to a good Inilialh'e bonus : None
economy in many groups. Damage bonus: +2
Damage capacity :
Hellers exist allover Europe and the Middle East, 4 scratches "" 1 light wound
Nonh Africa and America. There are £ealtered cults in Japan 3 light wounds = 1 serioos wound
and South East Asia. 3 serious wounds '"" 1 fatal wound
Endurance: lOS
Many 1·lcllers are constantly traveling, running from Menial balance: -25 ~5dlO (. S2)
authorities and murder charges. Their net of contact help them Dark secrets: (any of the below) Family secret, Occult expe-
hide from the police. They hide out in abandoned houses on riences. Victim of crime, Pact with Astaroth or Death Angel,
the outskirts of the cities, or in provisional camps out in the Guilty of crime
countryside. Advantages : None
Disadvantage sum: 10+5dlO points (35)
They dress like many other violent gangs and may Skills: Automatic weapons II. Handgun II, Dagger IS, Im-
be diflicult to tell apart from nco-nazis and motorcycle gangs: pact weapon 15, Whips and chains 15, Unanlled combat 15,
black leather, plastic and old blue jeans, decorated with chains, First aid 11. Motor mechanics II, Language: I or 2 additional
rivets and symbols. They have buzz-cuts and wear tattoos and 11, Burglary II, Drive vehicle (car and motorcycle) 15
many piercings. The German Iron Cross is a common emblem, AHaek modes: According to weapon
Ill> is the swastika. Real Hellers know each other by secret Number encounlered : 5dlO (27)
handshakes and code words. The Dark Art ; 0

Hellcrs are violent. They ne ver use subtle

methods, but prefer violence and terror. They
never shrink from getting
in trouble with the law The "lodges" is the common name for the more dis-
and they are not intimi- creet of the Salanist cults. Their actidties encompass black
dated by the risk of re- Magic, power intrigues and espionage for the Legions of the
venge from their enemies. Damned. Certain lodges control companies, used as covers for
Cowardice is the ultimate drug dealing and anns smuggling. Others are covers for more
shame for a Heller. legitimate business activities. which Astaroth wants to control.

•~ • ..
II ...

m .h



The members of the lodges are seldom fanmic adhe· machinery to get their enemies accused of serious
rents to any "causc.~ Their purposes are rather selfish. They Contacts IImong police and lawyers give them po",cr to
seek personal pemer and wealth, which they believe thcy can facture evidence, bribe or intimidate juries. thu~ controlling
gct by serving Astaroth. They are aware of that the)' .... ork for trials. If the lodge is seriously threatened. it can appl"31 10 the
the Prince of Darkness, and their ideolOS)' is more de,eloped Demogorgon for help. If the Demogorgon intercede,>. even
than the lIellers', Many lodge members are magicians, and the more impressive resources are pUl al 'heir disposal. induding
primiti\c cuI! of violence that the Hel1ers ha\c, hardly c:l:is15 military powers.
The lodges e)!:ist allover the world. but mo\t of aH in
Each lodge has 10·300 members, sometimes divided the West. and 10 some extent in SOUlh East Asia. In Africa and
in smaller cells. A ThanathicrJ.rch, who is under a Dcmogor- northern Asia they are few. They have also had little success in
g~n. leads the lodge. Each Demogorgon is responsible for a the Amb "orld.
large area, usually a .... nole country. The different lodges kno\\
\cry liule about each other. Lodges are oAen disguised as hannlc:.s ~ecrct <;Otic-
lies, exclusive yacht clubs or country I Some of them
ha\ie corpomtions or e\ien government "::"::;~: ~~~~~~';:;:~;'.I
100·150 Demogorgons are spread o\cr the ..... orld.
They are powerful magicians. Razid~ Nepharites or incarna- activities are perfonned in modem offices \\ith
ted Death Angels. They 3re ultimately responsible to Astaroth personnel, real bookkeeping. etc.
Lodge members reeognize each other
Most members of the lodges are respected, well-to- secret handshakes and signs. They never wear
do citizens. The lodges don', accept members, which are of no any visual marks. The lodges prefer ~behind
use to them. the scenes~ work and subtle methods 10
aehie\ie their goals. They only re-
They have great resources. A lodge can send its sort to violence in extreme cases,
members anywhere in the world, get hold of hit men and en- and never in such a way that il
forcers who deal with their enemies, and manipulate the legal can be traced to them. Most

often, thc~ buy the ~r. icc, of Hellcrs and other ~ iolcnt gangs AGI 9 EGO 32
to do Ihcir din) \\orL STR 10 CIIA 15
CON 2. PER 8
The Illdg ... s have dose conlacls wilh non-human CO\1 9 EDU 19
belng,~. \1an) member.. arc Dealh magicians ...... ephant..... and
Rli/ides regularl) attend me"'lings. and Incarnales of Dcath lIeighl : 187 em
"-ngels suf".-n. ise the acth ilies. The lodges can summon crea- Weight : 75 kg
tures from In!i.-mo to frighten their opponents. MOlcmcnl . 4 mfcombat round
.\11 a~th ilies
uf the lodge!> are kept H'I") seat'! Inlri- Initiathe bonu!: ~one
~atc ~l.'Curit)'
Irrangcments guarantee that no compromising Damage bonus : "one
facls can he revcaled ahout the lodge's work. With their \ast Damage upacil) :
fin.1ncial and political resources, the) are able to extract their 7 scratches· light wound
members from almost :my danger. l.ike oil) snakes. lhey sli- 6 light wounds - I serious wound
ther out of the tightest !egal traps. 4 serious wounds I fatal \\ound
Endurance: 160
I OOgl'S have connections \\ith Hel1ers, they usc for Mental balance : -80
~imple lasks, and the l.egions of the Damned, the) cooperale Dark sec rets : Guilty of crime, Pact with Death Angels and
\\i[h. Thcy alw have contllclS wilh other power groups and oc- Astaroth
cult soc;ctit.'s. Ad ... a nt ages ; Good reputation, Influential friends. Magic in-
lhe Archons are ~truggling to infiltrate and crush Disaduntages : Fanaticism, Mental constrictions: feelings
the lodges through their own agcnt~. The Catholic Church has and positive memories. Greedy, Intolerant, Egotist, Mental
spent much time and ,vork to e'po~e the lodges and their compulsion: must hurt others
branches. and 10 de~troy them. Skills: Ilandgun 15, Whips and chains :W, Computers IS. I'oi-
sons and drugs 25, Infomlation retrieval 20, Occultism 25, En-
glish 15, Gennan IS, French IS, Man of the world 20, Diplo-
DLll()(iOIfMJ\ JA IIF.s 1I11/'IO\D 8lClI.~ \A \ /11 mac) 15. Etiquette 15. Inlcrrogation 25, "et of contacts: doc-
tOr<! 15, '\et of contacts: satanislS 20. Rhetoric 15. Medicine
JanlCs Buchanan is the Demogorgon of the central 20, Anatomy 20, Surgery 15, Toxicology IS, Natural science
eastem ~eaboard, including Washington. D.C. He resides in IS. BioloS) 15,OlCmistry IS
nearb) Virginia. in the pretty town of Charlottes, ille. Bucha- Allack modes : According to weapon
nan ,~ ProlcsM)r at the Lni\ersity of Virginia and a respected Magic : lore of Death 40 (all spells to 25).
memho:r or the Board of Visitors. the ruling bod~ of the Vni- lIol11e : Charlottes"il1c. Virginia
vel'-it) lie ~ame in\ol"ed with the satanists in his 30's. Col- The DarkArt: 5
league in the hospital introduced him to the local lodge, and
he rose swifl1)' through the ranks. appointed Demogorgon of
\I"t\hington in 1991.

James is a U111. bmwny, energetic man of about 60. Lhe C;u"RdIMS O~ rhe
Hi~ hair is \\hite and thick. and his nose is prominent, giving
him a look of aUlhorit) and dependability. On his back is a
1<''lIe ~car, fomling a spiml pal1em in the middle of which is a
deep \\olllld which never heals. Pus and black fluids alwa)'s
seep OUI of it. It is a physical alteration caused by James' low The Guardians of the Labyrinth is a widespread cult
mental balance. which worships She Who Waits Below, the creature thaI
guards of the gate of Achlys. This cult is tied [0 the Labyrinth,
Behind his respectable fa~ade. James Buchanan is a the vast underground system of tunnels and passages which
mon~ler. J1(fore his time in the lodges he used to be a cold, ef- exists under all cities, and which merges into one and the same
Ikient pc,,"on \\110 did his duties perfectly and never lei Ihe labyrinth if you get sufticiently deep down. The members of
dark po\.\ers within be seen. When he entered the lodge. some- the cult seek to go beyond the gate of Achl)'s and enter the pri-
thing snapped inside him and a wave of destruction \.\e11ed up. me\al "oid Ihnt was before chaos.
lie soon becanle known among all satanists in the ea:.tem US
for hi. cruelt) and callousness. At his investiture as lnanathie- The foremost members of the cult go through years
rnrch of the DC lodge. his \\ife and daughter were sacrificed of purification before they descend through the gate in the cit)"
to Gamaliel. of Ktonor This is the entrance to the lower Labyrinth. Those
Yo ho find their ...."3y through it will end up at the gate 1\ here
Buchanan's remaining child is his son James She Who \\-'ailS Belo\.\ lics. If this di\"init:- so wishes, she let:.
("Buck") Hammond Buchanan IV, a third-~'earman at the them pass lhe gate into Achlys \.\here all life and mailer is an-
Vnil'ersit} Buck is follo ..... ing in his father'S nihilated. The Guardians claim that the joining w ilh Achlys is
footsteps among the satanists. As a member of not in fact an annihilation, but a blissful unification with the
a prominent fraternity. he is recruiting other divine All Among "ordinary~ cultists. it is dcpicted as a son of
sons ofpo\.\erful m(..'T1 into paradise.
the lodge. At his enthro-
nement as Demogorgon, rhe Guardians of the Labyrinth are divided into
Buchanan had fifteen stu- many hundreds of small culls in large cities all owr thc world.
dents from area universities They only exist in cities with o"er one million inhabitants. Se-
sacrificed in bloody rituals in veral sects of the same kind can exist in the SlIme cilY wilhoul
which Buck assisted. knowing about each othcr. They meet in basements and other

subterranean places, where they perfonn complicated rituals DAMEL BOlGlIl..IV
designed to bring them closer to She Who Waits Below. The
cults are fonned spontaneously by people who have recei ... ed Daniel Boughlin was summoned by She Who Waits
dreams or ... isions from She Who Waits Below. Their rituals Below at the age of nine years. He \\as pla)'ing in the cellar
... ary widely. from esoteric groups who simply meditate. to ag- under the residential block where his family lived. when he re-
gressive groups with bloody sacrificial rites. The nature of the ceived a vision of an e}e that opened in the darl.. The eye told
... isions and dreams recei ... ed \\ ill contribute to thc fonn of thc him to gather his friends and found a temple in thc storerooms
cultic groups. bcneoth the building. Daniel did as he had bet-n told. He got
some of his playmates together. and they <;(.'Cretl) :;\\on: alle-
Behind all of these branches arc the real Guardians giance to She Who Waits Bdo.....
of tile Lab)rinth. who lead the mo ... emenl. The) li\e in those
deep tunnels and chambers where all cities merge. in the sub- Next. Daniel received a dream \\here he wa~ told to
terranean city of Ktonor. This is a place of etemal darkness. capture one of the: alcoholics "Who used to :;It:ep in the celJar;..
When a local group has grown to sufficient size. these leaders and bring him to the temple. There. they would summon the
will seek it out lind explain to the members that they are not Guardians of the Underworld and make a ~rifice. His play.
alone in their worship, that there are in fact hundreds of thou· mates thought that it \\-as alJ a game. but \\-hen the concrete
sands of co-cultists all o\'Cr the: world. floor split open and len Children of the Night came to take the
sacrifice, they realized that they were playing for keeps. The
The mOSI prominent members arc taken below. alcoholic was snatched down into the darkness and was never
when: they are initiaK-d to the rank of Gunrdians, through ri- seen again.
tuals. which among other things entail putting their eyes out.
An initiated Guardian I'le\er leaves the lab)Tinth. and loathes light Daniel Boughlin and his friends grc\'" up and enlar-
ged their cult until it had 30 memben. 1ben. a Guardian from
Since these cults are formed b)' people who ha ... e Ktonor arrhcd and told them about other similar cults. Daniel
been summoned directly by She Who \\-aits Below. their social was brought down to Ktonor where he went throug.h the initia-
backgroullCl is \aried. There are groups from the upper crust of tion and became a full Guardian. Since then, he ha~ ne\ er lett
society. but most of the members come from the poor. the out- the underground e,en though he sometime~ \isits his friends in
casts who d\\el1 in subways and slums. the temple under Manchester.

The resources of the cult groups ... ary with number of Daniel Boughlin is short and thin. lIis skin i~ 3~ pale
members and social station. Those groups in touch with Kto- as a corpse and his eYL'S have been put out. 1·le dresses in thin.
nor can call on help from there. But the underground Guar- gray ... eils that only barely conceal his bod)".
dians ha ... e little kno\\ ledge of what happens on the surface and
depend entirety on surface cultists for contact nets. AGL 12 EGO 28
STR 12 CI-lA 9
The cults exist in all cities. which ha\ e connections CO:-.l 2. PER 15
to the labyrinth. i.e.. all with more than one million inhabi- COM 7 EDU 9
tants. The cultists gather in subterranean shrines, which can be
anything from redecorated bomb shelters to catacombs allCl se- Ueight : 165 em
wers. or specially built temples under houses belonging to Weight : 55 kg
members. Tunnclsto the Labyrinth bclowconncct all such shrines. Senses: Blind. Orients in darknes~ wi th a son of radar
Otherwise as a nonnal human.
The Guardians in Ktonor may be l\.'Cogni7..ed by their J\1OHment : 6 mfcombat round
sidd) gm) skin, the gray doth veils they wear. and the empty Actions: 2
§OCkelS where their eyes used to be. Ordinary members of the Initiathe bonus: None
cult \~ear no special emblems. The) get contact with other Damage bonus: + I
worshippers by using code phrases such 11£ "Beyond Achlys is Damage capacity:
nothing" or "Truth from darkness." At ceremonies they some· 7 scratches ~ I light .... oullCl
times wear special gannents. but the shape of these \ aries from 6 light wounds '" 1 serious wound
group to group. .. serious wounds'" I fatal wound
Endurance: 160
The Guardians of lhe Lab}rinth are fanatics. but not Menial bahtnce: --60
gi ... cn to needless ... iolence. They belie\-e that all things are se- Dark ~ecrTIS: I'act with She Who Waits Below. Guilt)" of crime
condary. next to the secrets of the Labyrinth. and they despise Ad\!tnlage, Magical intuition
the "ignomnt" people in the world abo\e. They resort to vio- Disad\anlages : Fanaticism. Phobia: cannot stand light. \;fcn-
lence if they belie"e that it is called for. loll con~triction: life before the underworld. Inl0lcroncc. '-Ill1-ht-
mares: visions or She Who Waits Below. \1ental compubion:
The leaders of the Guardians know a special fonn of must perfonn rituals for She Who WailS Below
Magic. \\-hieh helps them control the inhabitants of the under- Skills: Sneak 12. Dagger IS. Sword 15. lTnarme combat I
\\orld. such as Larvae, Children of the Night. Psilosites. Cai- Hide 20
rath and e\en Razides who originally belong in the Under· Attack modes' Wears katana and dagger
\\-orld. They can summon such creatures to fight for them. The Magic : Special cultic Magic enabling him IQ Sl.Hf'lmon. bind
cult h3.!> no contact with non-human creatures that d .... ell abo\e allCl expel Children of the Nighl, P~ilositc:;. Lar\'ae
ground. The Guardians of the Lab}rinth is a \ cry ~reti\e cult and Cairath. Lore mting 30, skill score:!5
that ne~er revcals anything about its activities to "those lIollle : Ktonor
above." as they call uninitiated peoplc. The cults ha\c some
contact with other subterranean groups. espe<:ially the mad-
men. Thc)" have no special enemies. but allock everyone who
thn:atens their activity.

'T'he q(fus{on
It was really hectic. People were running Most humans are prisoners in EI),sium; Ihe pan of
the Machine that "e call our world. The Illusion. We Ii~e our
around 01/ over the place shouting, while some stood lives, we die and ",e are reborn; often "ithoul a su:.picion
strained in front of their computer screens speaking in aboul whallakes ploce behind the thin \eil~ of Ihe illusions.
two phones simultaneous/y. The sun was setting.
Michael took 4 quick glance at his golden The Illusion is controlled and kepi olive b} our kee-
pers. and their sla~es and messengers. The Archons gO\ em the
Rolex; it showed two minutes to four p.m. It was time world through their manifestations. Through the Licton and
to close the deal. He spoke softly into ont of the two re- the Despa!")tes. human organizations. ~uch as political pani~,
ceivers he was bolding while one clear head of JWedt corporations and religious mo ... ements. are controlled. Farther
rolled mr.un his forehead. down in the hierarchy one finds the human~ that ha\e de\(lled
"Mr:Nokagi. Sir, may J have your decision their li ...es to e ... il. using their po"er 10 funher their o"n per-
\ened lusls. 1nese people are aware of another realit) buttherr
please, Yes or nor' conception of the truth is often t\\ isted and full of li~. \Ian)
He got the reply, hung up and confirmed the of these ha\ e been ensnared by Dcsparytes and 'epharites and
sell to his companion tbat was waiting on the other are rewarded with elernal torment and sutTering in Inferno
phone. when they die.
Michael slammed the receiver into place and
leaned back into the luxury leather armchair. It crea- The AII~s('eing : When the Demiurge designed the pri<;t)m
ked loudly. would hold mankind he once again applied the ide;i'o that
"Yes./ Yes, yes!" miulled in the \>lachine.
He bad the sleeves ofhis creased Arman; shirt
rolled up and the perspiration stains ml it wen safely Most of mankind's social s~~tems are buill
covered by a black vest and shrouded in cologm. He put administrative machine!"), controlled b) the
chons and the Angels of Death. These
his fut on the mahogany desk and took out a Havana wers to observe mankind and stop all allempts
cigar from the pocket of his jacket that was hanging Machine. These servants see and hear all. Alllhe)
over the bock of the choir. He bit off the end of it and corded on ancient scrolls and selll to the might) I;b,~ri.. ,
spit it on the genuine Arabian carpet. J Ie took out his Metropolis and Inferno.
gold plated lighter from the vest pocket and carefully The AII~seeing also employ ser...ants and " . _ .
lit the cigar. Slowly puffing on it, inhaling its deadly ready to obey their slightest wishes. Thi~ control is rigid and
joy, he relaxed and rubbed himselfin self-appreciation. maintained by threats and se, ere punishments.
He had just closed another major transaction, leaving
him with a neat million dollars in provision.
Tbe Ignorant . The majority of the humans I.... ing in EI)slum
Suddenly the phone rang him back to reality, are ignorant of the conspiracy that keeps them locked up in the
the private one. He leanedforward and picked it up. Machine. They make no attempt to escape the ruling situation
"Mr. Manners" He answered in his best mood and are lost in II quagmire of hopelessness. in'>3nit~ and per-
voice. version.
"[s this Mr. Manners?" A careless voice asked
E\·cry ignorant man and "oman is used b,) tt. AII~
in the other end.
seeing to funhcr their own e\ il causes. The) a~ ~ .,
"Yep... " Michael replied with n sigh. Nothing in the game for Ihe power over the Machine. WId eir ""''''''
was going to ruin this day for him. ning is secn as a threat. It must be SlOPped by any eIIM.
"This is the police. \fit found your wift, San~
dra, with her wrists Cllt up in your bathroom this mor~
ning. 1'm sorry Mr. Manners. Sir?"

23 1
"Che BORdeRLo.nd
Creatures from the other side contribute to our cities
and erect their own structures. The serva nts of the Archons
Once our world was dark lind bt;:autiful. We gover- have houses Ihat open toward the palaces of Metropolis. The
ned OUT own d"stinies llnd I\.alked our 01\ n W3) s in Ihe dllfk· houses of Death Angels are portals to Inferno and the purgato-
ness orour alleys and gardens. But this \.\as looked upon Ilith ries. Some of these houses are visible to all. Others can only
hateful eye~ by the Dcmiu~e. He raised his walls around our be seen by certain people, or only during a certain part of the
paradise to ta)"e awa} OUT lnlC powers. year or the da). Inside these buildings, all men can see par-
tially through the illusions. Often, our senses are tricked into
Its powers denied, humanity turned in upon itself seeing something that isn't part of our world, but which is not
and became bitter and cruel. Thousands of years of evil twis- truth either. There are several of these buildings in Manhattan,
ted the lields of Elysium to become grotesque parodies of London. Paris, Berlin and other cities. During the 70s some of
what the)' once had been. The smoking fires Ihal devoured the them were documented by the Gennan occultist Joanna Ko-
cart!). the air and the \.\ ater ve iled the eternally shining sun. cher, who then vanished mysteriously.

Whenever II house or a place opens toward Metropo-

lis, that place exists simultaneousl y both in our world and in
"Chc en::!:! Metropolis. It is a spot whcre both realities meet. Below, we
will give some examples of this borderland between the reali-
ties. The house on Rue de Sevigne is a gateway deliberately
The city is the cenler of reality's breakdown. The created by an Archon. The housing block in Islington is a gate
slums and run-down cemers of large cities are considered 10 that has opened spontaneously through the violence and decay
open to Metropolis, ,,,hieh some belicl'e 10 be thc original City there.
be)'ond Time and Space. All cities Ilere built with our frag-
mental) memories of \ Ietropolis. They represent our subcons-
..:ious attempt to break out of our prison and get back to the
true rea lity_
Between 22 and 24 Rue de Sevigne in the fourth ar-
Every city seeks to imitate the disintegrating centers rondissement of Paris, stands an old, run-down house without
of New York's Harlem and Bronx, of southcast Washington any visible street number. The building looks as if it was built
and ,\mSh:rdam. the Watts in Los Angeles, Kreuzberg in Ber- in the late 18th century. The curtains are always closed and
lin. \-lexico City and Moscow. These are places where the illu- there are no name plaques in the entrance. The gate is always
sions .... ither. The slums are the purpose of the city. locked. Sometimes, men in dark overcoats are seen entering
the house. At night, black vans stop outside and heavy bundles
Thc Lictors, our jailers, long ago realized that the ci- are carried in through the back door, \... hich faces a narrow
tlt.'~ are an attempt to escape. They stopped the growth or the alley. Also at night, neighbors have heard strange ran ling
cities. Rome was crushed whcn Lictors assumed control over noises and seen things that look like large beetles scuttling
the barbarian tribes to stop the development. Only in the 18th away into the dark comers.
century. the Lictors began to lose control and really largc cities
li)..e London Wid Paris could come into existence. The house does not exist on any maps, not even the
electrical and waterlsewage maps at the city planning omee. It
Cities hold a 1m or terror that originates in our own is not registered in the city Ilrchives and has no known owner.
reality. O ... ergrown and chaotic cities like New York, Calcutta It isn't even there all the time. When the moon enters its dark
and \1e:<ico City bring horror into our world. People's ranta- phase. the house vanishes. Number 22 and 24 suddenly stand
sics and nightmares can become real there. in the same way as next to each other and the building between seems never to
they do in exposed places whcre reality breaks down. Border- have existed. But when the moon returns, it reappears.
liners and r-:achtkarer are born in the borderline between our
world and Metropolis. The house is the home and headquarters of Justice
Melcourt, a Lictor who serves Geburah. Justice is conducting
Angels of Death and Razides recreate their lost hells a private campaign to clean up the criminal underworld of
in our cities. They gather sinners and human debris. packing Paris. With his ten assistants, he pursues and kidnaps crimi-
them in empty warehouses, subterranean tunnels and city of- nals, bringing them to the house on Rue de Sevigne. Inside,
fice complexes where all their nightmares come true. Among there is a courtroom where Justice presides as judge. Gebu·
the disgruntled citizens of the cities it is easy for thcln to find rah's commandments arc the law, According 10 them, severe
sympathizers and collaborators who are prepared to sup- punishments are exacled for all things that Geburah considers
pon their torture factories behind de(:ent com- criminal. e.g. theft. assault, murder. witchcraft, adultery, abor+
pany labels and names of government institu- tion and usury. [nthe basement, there is a guillotine and seve·
tions. "Children's Harbor" in Britain is an aid ral cells where condemned prisoners despair.
organization whose hospitals and orphanages
conceal the tonure cen- This house also serves as a gate to Geburah's palace
ters of the Death Angel in Metropolis. Through the meandering corridors in the dun·
ChagidieL The Donovan geon, there are several doors leading to the basement of the
Trust in the USA and palace. It has happened that prisoners have escaped and turned
Gennany is a chain of com+ up in Metropolis this way. When the moon is totally dark. the
panies also collaborating with house exists only in Metropolis. But with the reappearance of
Death Angels and Razides. the moon, it returns.

'Duyont Circfe 'Metro Station stood empty for about ten ycars, and has become a halen for
junkies and homeless people. B:r the middle of the 80s. a
slightly insane necromancer made himselfa Temple in a bomb
In the hean of northwest Washington. DC; the city's
shelter located under the building. In that room. a slab of
most IIfllucnt quaner. lies a gateway to Metropolis.
concrete sen.-cd as a sacrificial altar. and the noor is covered
with protecti\c symbols carved into the concrete and painted
Dupont Circle is where five roads intersect, a bust-
in with human blood. The necromancer has li1lcd aboult .... enty
ling traffic circle which rings a small round park. At Ihe hean
of the homeless beggars who sought refuge in the house. With
or tile park is II beautiful marble founlain. Wld in the center of
these sacrifices. Dr. Lazarus. as he calls himself. has opened
the fouolnin towers a statute resembling 11 gigantic goblet. the
the door to Metropolis. His victims have become Borderliners,
cup upheld by a tfio of statues who s}mbolize the aspects of
creatures existing half in our world. half in Mttropolis.
the sea. By day this is a gathering.place for lunching office
emplo)ee5, resting bicycle couriers, and the espresso-drinking
There are still junkies and alcoholics Ih ing in the
young professionals .... ho live in the nearb)' townhouses. But at
building. They have made peace with the necromancer, and
nightftlii. the homeless and desperate migrate to the circle. AI
some of them have learned to walk between our world and the
time~ the ornate streetlights seem to dim: perhaps it is only a
city on the OIher side. Others pretend thcy don't know what is
pov.cr fluctuation.
going on.
Beneath this green enclave arc layers of concrete
tunnels and rOllring ventilation fans. Connecticut A\enue
passes just below the circle, and far beneath this four-lane ar-
tery the high-tech ele<:tric lrains of the Washington \1etro glide

The fj ((us ion

smoothly into the station, lit b) halogen lamps. Stainless steel
escalators lake thousands of commuters dovm a great shaft 10
the modem station deep belo.....

But there was a subway station just under Dupont

before: the Metro was built far deeper in the seventies, and four
staircases of rotting concrete still lead down from the side •
....alks to dark passages under the circle. Rusted steel gates
dose them off, bUI a few still have keys.

Late in the evening, shadowy ligures descend the It is still unusual for us 10 'iCe through the illusions.
stairways and open the gates. Somelimes, beings emerge from When we do so, it might be into any realil~. but thc<;c rules so
these stairv.ays, borderliners who live in the tunnels beneath far presuppose thai it is into the rt:llit) that II a~ ~hal"H!d b)
the city. Demiurge.

Passages connect to service tunnels around the Before the disappearnnce of the Dcmiurge. only
\1etro, and lead to tunnels going much deeper. Lit by flicke- cial artifacts such as drugs or magical implements
ring bulbs in steel cages, tunnels .... ith walls covered by strange human being's eyes. liallucinogenic drugs ha\'c aJ .... a)s
graffiti link to the Underground Metropolis. One way opens used to open the mind. Magic can also be used for this
onto lhe chamber of the Cube. pose; sec thc chapter MM agic~. Toda), there are 31so plau~
evcnts that givc us a view out of our prison.
Homeless who venture down the old sub .... ay entries
at night to urinate sometimes won't come back. Young men re- When the Illusion is broken. we usunll) ~cc into
turning alone from nearby bars have vanished in Dupont tropolis, the city of which our cities nre a small pan. We
Circle, laken as they stumbled too close 10 a shado .... , and it through a ponal and suddenl)' emerge in Metropoli~. or rcali~
mo\ed to take them below. is twisted around us and we find that .... e hale bo.."Cn tran~poned
there. We can also erw:! up in Inferno; it all depends on I\hen
An)one "cnturing through the old subway gales fol- and .... here the illusions crumble. A subterranean portal will
lows a tiled corridor to a row ofbrokcn turnstiles. The momcnt lead to underground parts of Metropolis. a ponal in a torture
these are passed through the darkness grows noticeably. Hot chamber may lead to Hell. a portal on the top noor of a ~k)~·
draugh ts blow randoml) in the cold, damp air. The noor is lit- craper may lead to one of the Archon's palace:.. Ponals that ap-
tered with broken chunks of concrete. and ahead lies the train pear in dreams are special. They lead to a Dream \.\orld. Thi~
platfonn. An arched tile passage stretches away to the left and will be described in the section "Beyond Dreams"
right. Rusted steel doors can be scen on either side; these lead
to service corridors and narrow shafts with iron ladders. To sec beyond the illusions is ncarl) always a tcrri-
fying event that calls for an Ego roll to SCI; if the character is
Those who venture funher will find their tunnel gro- shocked. The exception is whcn places on the ~cr side are
wing progressively more surreal (really the illusions falling very similar to our reality, so that the charactel'l preprepared
away) until they have made the transition to Metropolis. for what they will encounter, or used to it.
Arl ifacl5 .and Drugs : Up until 800ut200 )ean.
44 Latf6rooke '1-fi(f, ago, anifacts and drugs .... ere the onl) means 10
sec through illusions. Numerous ar·
'North '1sUngton tifacts, as these obj(."Cts are called.
were made to help peoplc see into
On a littered empty 1m in northern Islington. a sub-
that which people then perceived
urb of London. stands a condemned house whieh c·annot be de-
as other I\orlds or dimensions.
molished because of legal connicts between the owners. It has
Lenses: Among thl': mo~t l:ommon artifact!>' arc various poli- Porluls ; There are severnl kinds of portals. The puzzle may
shed lenscs and prisms, sometiml':S fitted into binocular~ or be caJled a type of portal. just like with mirrors that one can
eyeglasses. 'vIaster Ilanmund. a 17th century glassmaker in step through. Portals don't just open your eyes to the real
fhOringen, made about a hundred eyeglasses and enlargement world. they also transport you to a different place. Most por-
len~es that can bt- used to sec reality as it is. tals have the form of some kind of door or opening. The pain-
ting is a popular fonn. It shows the place to which iI can trans-
port the onlooker. Concentrate closely on the image, and you
Cameras In the 1950s, Hasselblad manufactured a smaJJ sc- will see reality change unlit )OU are standing inside the place
rie~ of cameras. only 50, II hich take pictures of the trw rea- that the painting depicts.
lit}" Some of them are still in ""orking condition and are used
by artistic phutogtaphcrs to achicle unexpecled effects. Many ponals can only be used at special times, by
uttering certain words, or by concentrating in a correct way. If
the right ~password" is nOI used. they remain closed. ordinary
Mirrors. The mirror is a popular artifact: the "mirror of truth" objects.
which shows reality instead of a faithful image of our ;lIu-
~i(>ns. Several such items are stiJJ hanging in medieval and re- At the end of the 1980's, Ihe Italian movie director
nai~~'In,e castles. Some of them can be used as portals. You Daria Fabrici made three films that work as portals. Anyone
can step through the mirror and see reality, until you step back. who closely watches all three movies; "Demon Might", "Torn
These mirrors of truth hal c been mallufaetured e\en up until Flesh", and "Night of the Burning". wiIJ gradually be transpor-
modern times. Andy \\arhol made one, which is now in the ted to the particular hell which inspired Fabrici when he made
Museum of'vlodem An in Ne\1 York. the pictures. These films have been banned al several Ameri-
can colleges since students began to disappear mysteriously.

P II l.Zte~ The puzzle is a more demanding form of artifact. [t Other portals don't require any special concentration
can be any type of puule. a jig5av. or a Rubik's cube. or a mo- bUlwork like ordinary doors between our world and Metropo-
saic to be laid on a noor. When tile puzzle has been comple- lis or [nfemo. You step through. and are somewhere entirely
ted, the user sees a specitic aspect of real it)' around him. It can different.
be \ Ietropolis. Inferno or some other part, regardless of ""here
he is ""hen the puzzle is solved. People have disputed whether Portals may be one-way or two-Ilays. The one-way
this is because all realities are encapsulated in each other. and partal is more common. When you have stepped through and
so are prescnt everywhere, or whether the puzzle teleport the look around. it is gone, and you can't get back. Creatures that
person to a certain place. Nobody knows for certain. The most cannot walk between the worlds in other ways have crealed
lamou~ pUllles are those that open the doors of [nfcmo, bOl mo-way portals. They lead both into Metropolis and back.
there are also others.
There arc also portals which lead to other times wi-
thout moving you in space, and those who move you in space
Stat ue1te-s : l"here have always been artifacts that are connec- within our reality. and chaotic ones which deposit you ran-
led to creatures. The) can make a certain creature, or a certain doml)' at difTerent places, depending on when you step
type tlf c['("atures, penetrate the illusions and become visible to through them.
us, It is common that sueh artifacts take the form ofa staluette
or picture of the creature it is connected to. A special sign, a EXAMPLE
word. or simply deep concentration is then used to achieve
contact with the creature. The fl\'O last pieces fit in place Gnd the pu:::le merges into a
solid sphere. The joints can no longer be seen. It vibrates
The nine Erinye stutuettes v.hich v.ere unearthed in slightly in Harry's hand. Everything else looks normal. until
the ruins of Mykene turned out 10 be anifaclS which lead Eri- he turns orQJmd and looks at the museum guard. When he
n)'e~ 10 the bearer, as Dr. Richter so lragically discovered came in, this was a small man with a mustache. Now, a pale.
\'0 hen he was tom to pieces in Paddington Station in 1923. fat gialll dressed in semi-transparent plastic leans against the
wall. Small. sharp teelh glitter in his mouth and his eyes are
A more modern example is Yoshi Kazuwi's three hidden behind dark glasses. Long black claws idly scratch the
Nepharite stutuettes, by which the anist unwittingly created a wall. The creafllre greets Harry lI'ilh a scornful smile. It
nigh tmarish end for eight Filipino boys who were found dead frowns when he backs away. Then il discovers the sphere, II
in a \\-arehouse in Osaka in the mid-80's. Kazawi committed gelS up alld slrides slowly toward him. A clawed hand is exten-
suicide in 1989, and the fate of the stutuettes is unknown. ded. "Gi~'e me that", it whee:es. ~it's lIat for you. ~

Harry turns and runs with fhe sphere in a firm grip. He rushes
through the halls. For away. he con hear fhe creature calling.
He enters the foyer. where panoramic windows look ouf over
Ihe ciO'· Around him, the familiar silhouette of Manhattan can
be seen. BUI beyond it and over it. other buildings rise. Much
bigger ones. A ciO' that stretches to fhe hari:on andfurther.

~l edi ca l
n pcrim enl$ : Experiments ha .. e pro'led that it is Priro n$ a nd concentra tion camps' Places .... ith ..trong nega-
possible 10 pro .. oke the human mind so that it will perceive the po .... er also make us see things in a different .... ay. In pri.
reality. These effects ha .. e sometimes appeared at electrical sons, torture chambers. death camps and mental hospitals it is
shock treatment in mental hospitals. The results ha\ e usually possible to see reality: those large hells, of \\ hich our institu-
been interpreted as delusions caused by mental disorder, and tions of pain are but a small seed. People who h:1\ e grown up
since these "delusions" seem to get \~orse, shock Ireatment has in such places often see Ihe True Reality. even though many of
secn less and less use in later years. them are unable 10 handle this ability and go sehizophl"l:nic or
autistic to protect themselves. For outsiders, something has to
II is also possible to force the patient to see clearly happen if the illusions shall stmlter. If )'ou are tortutt.>d, drug.
by directl)' af1(x::ting the sensory centers of the brain. Dr. De· ged or else shocked in such a place, you rna) see truth.
~igne al the Sorboone is the scientist who has gone funhest
with these things, in his secret experimental brain surgery. De·
signe fled to Colombia aller having been charged with severe C rime scenes' The same is true for place:. .... here ho rrible
malpractice, and has nol been heard of since 1987. crimes ha .. e been committed. Where ritual murders. tonu!\!" or
other SCI ere crimes .... ere committed. it is pcn.sible to ~e truth,
Sensory depri'lation is another medical \.\oay to open ifit wasn't too long since the crime happeo...>d . .-\n)one who \·i·
a person's eyes. The subject is enclosed in a room where all sits a crime scene shonly after the deed and manages to visua·
sensor)' stimuli are eliminated; there is no light, smell, sound, lize Ihe crime in his mind, can break through the illusion wi·
or taste and only very limited feeling of skin contact with any thout being shocked. The sense of Time is weakened, and the
object. It is possible that such depri'lalion sharpens the senses, crime being committed will appear as a gho;;tly lisian. theil,
a sharpening that remains for some time alier leaving the ponaJs to Inferno or Metropolis ma} open. Victi1ll~ of murder
room. will often haunt these places.

The most common medical experiments related to

the false reality are those where drugs are used, especially syn- C ult centers. Cult centers have long been used as foc i for pe-
thetic hallucinogens like LSD. 1be dra .... back is that the effects netrating the illusions. But wilh the o;honage of w~hiprers.
are unreliable. It is impossible for the research leader to know most of these places hale lost or are lo,>ing that power. Ilere
.... hether the drugged person sees anything real, or whether it is and there it remains, and there are also sites of new cu lt~ where
all imagination. the power to penetrate illusions works. New cult centers such
as a subterranean sacrificial altar to Cairath created by beggars
still hale the power to alter reality. Temple~ in Metropolis, de·
dicated to living deities, may shine through toto our .... l~r ld and
e ;x:posed p(c>ces fonn ponals, During ritllals in po .... crful cult sit('~. par1 of rea-
lit~ is aJ .... ays 'isible. The deil) will often ap~ar a.~ an
There are certain places where the illusions tend to
fall apart. These are places that challenge our common patlems Ba ttlefield!l : Battlefields and places where wan have
of thought and force us to see things in a ne ........ ay. The effects fought ha\'e a strong negative potential .... hit;h can .
are different. Sometimes doors seem to open inlo other .... orlds. illusions, if the \.\oaf didn't happen too long ago. l hc
to Metropolis, Inferno, a desolate heaven or our o .... n .... orld. [n the slain often remain there. and will appear a.. ghosts
other places. the changes are subtler. Creatures from the other the illusions nre broken. Doors 10 hells .... here the ki lled
side become visible. enter our real it} and may stay there. diers arc being tonured may also open in such places.

Below .... e .... ill describe a fe .... places II here it is pro-

bable thaI illusions will shatler. II is unusual Ihat merely the Disaster areas: "atural disasters and other c\enb that
emotional and sensory charge of the place are suflicient to chaos and terror can demolish illusions. l he large numbi:r
make us Sl"C the truth. Generally. a failed lerror roll is required people shocked in 0 disaster ma) be enough to let them ~
to see anything outside the ordinary. But the GM .... iIl be the into rcalit). In sc\ere cases, the whole area rna) be ab:-;urbed
judge of that in each situation. into Metropolis, \ anishing from our world fore\ cr. This happe-
ned to the small to .... nship of Cannaine in the freoch .\ lps. An
enonnous avalanche buried more Ihan half of the houses.
Slums. The .... orst slums in the centers of great cities are close killing man)'. The shock opened a rift in the wall~ of our world.
to Metropolis. These are also places where iI's possible to see and the whole place \anished into Metropolis. A .. irgin moun-
the True Reality. When the illusions fade in a city, .... e see a tain slope is all that remains where the to\\n~hjp .... as.
darker and more frightening city that stretches beyond the ho-
rizon. Our own houses and streets are a smull purt of it. It is fhe GM decides when it is proper 10 let i llu~ions
ani) in the most fim-down pans of our cities that we can see crumble. The story and the situation must determine it. Some
inlO Metropolis. In bumed-out houses, in old, emply industrial e'lent may provoke the change. As a rule. an) tlrrible event
buildings, in condemned housing blocks that look like they which happens in a place where the veils of rcalih are
m3Y fall apart an) day, .... 1.' ha .. e the greatest chance to see Me· and shocks the plo)er characters. \~iI1 gi .. e a 2St. riw~
lropolis. But even in these places. true 'lis ion requires that s0- opening some connection to the True Realit).
mething happens. A disaster, a magic spell, or the I'll'eSCnce of a
powerful being from outside our world.

qJe oncfthe
The citadel towered like (I mOllntain before
them. The highest tower was lost in the clouds above
fbe city. For up (here faint lights winked. It reminded
Rebecca of stars. When the two wanderers came closer
they los/ perspective, (lnd it was impoHible to Itll bO"dJ
'''.rge the citadel was. It stretched out andfilled the ho- Metropolis is considered b) many to be our ancient
n=on. home, the model for all cities on Eanh. Pemap-; it "as a flouri-
Shing, beautiful place before the Demiurge plunged us into
despair. Perhaps Metropolis "as al"ays a darl.. ruin, created by
The citadel became a black wall that rose be- the gods th:lt "e once were. All cities ,Ire pan of \tctropolis.
fore her, darkening the sky. A confused mass of dark The city has rIO physical boundaries. It continm:s fore\er in all
stone, steel constructions, ruined huildings of glass and dirC(:tions.
concrete and rusted parts from ancient machinery bloc-
Ilere and there. pans of our world Ilrc wcdged into
ked he,. way and made it impossible for Rebecca to \1etropoJis. Our blocks and streets., cars and tmms make
orient herself Barbed wire fence] wove a net over the little enclaH.'s betv.cen dark sk)scrnpcrs and I,b)<',,'.'
rotting stone. stone. \Ietropolis is beY'ond our Time. "'lodcm urban
exist side b)' side with ancient Rome. 18th cenlur)' Paris
Rebecca filt a need to go on upwards, towards incredible cit)' of the future.
the highest lowtr! where the lights glowed. She riorted When the illusions shatter somev.here in a city.
climbing. up stairs, through deserted machine-halls, up see Metropolis. We seldom see any othcr cit) from nur
steel/adders, over crumbling bridges that carried them world. the city is so large that the little frngmcnlS
over deep chasms. Many a time she had to turn back far apan. When our cities in Metropolis are close in
from dead end;. In the shadows she could glimpse the they arc often distant in Time, and wall..ing betv.een
usually entails ajoumey through Time.
starving Lupids.
Enormous buildings rise into hea\'cn and beyond.
The hours become days, days became weeks Here lies the model of the Tov.er of Babel, a glass tov.cr so tall
and Time flowed together to form an eternity. From the that it appears endless. lIere are squares as large as oceans.
terraces she gazed out over the city below her, lit up by houses with a thousand floors. connected by crool..cd 8l1e~s
and fire escapes. buildings of day and brick, wood and ~1One
forlorn lights. Finally she left the mins behind her and and iron, glass and steel. Abandoned machine roonl~. eo\'crcd
entered areas that were inhabited by strange creatures in dust and rust.
olld dark shadows. Veiled beings moved behind smoked
glass pones. The hallways were filled with whispers. The ten Citadels of the Archons ri~ like mountairnl
above the city, sometimes like islands jutting above ~cllov.ish
black smog. And o\cr all this falls the hcav) ~hndov. of the
Rebecca continued upwards, towards the hi- Demiurge's Citadel.
ghest peak where she kne'"<l1 that her dark destiny (/Wai-
ted. 1

Damage bonus : +5
Damage capaeil) .
4 scratches. I light wound
3 light I\ounds "= I serious wounds
fhe (it;Jdd of the Ocmiurge lies in the middle of 2 serious wounds - I fatal wound
\fetrnpolis. This dark creation rests under a naming sun. Fndunmce . 80
Then: it waits ib master·s return. Nalural armor : 2
Attack modes · Grapple 10 (scr 1-5, Iw 6-12, S" \3-19, f"
The building is huge, maybe as la~e as the rest of 20+) (it succeeds to lift its \'ictim b)· a serious or fatal found ir
together. :-';0 one kno"~ 00" huge the citadel is, it doesn't \leigh to much} Beak 15 (ser 1-6, Iw 7·12. 5W 13·22,
and il~ lowel"! and p..!aks reach far higher than the e)-t' can see. fw 23+)
The citadel I~ coH·red in darlmes~ and no signs of life in~ide The Dark Arl : 0
a~ ~n It is dillicult to make out details of the shape oflhl.'"
huildillj ~ince rno,' (If the light falling on the walls is absor-

In front of the gates of the Citadel lies the Plaza of

Fear. It is tilled "·ith stone stmues of creatures from other
world~ and realities. Tear flow forever from their eyes. In gro- rhe ten Palaces dominate the skyline of Metropolis.
tesque lountains, blood flows freely and from petrified trees They are several miles tall, rising endlessly through the yellow
roncn lroit fall to the ground. smog. They encircle the Citadel of lhe Demiurge, though they
are usually so far apan that this geometry cannot be percei\'ed.
The Pa13ce9 of the four vanished Archons stand empty and
-The '13(ina Gates abandoned since the departure of the Demiurge and the
struggle for power that ensued. Occasionally, a lonel} Lictor
From the Plaza of Fear, one can reach the Blind \landers through their corridors. remembering his fonner mas--
Gates of the Dcmiu~e. These gates bar entrance to the Cita- ter, bul otherwise the neglect is complete.
del. AI the unseeing gates. the guards of the Demiurge stand.
The iron gates are sealed wilh seven complex and intricate II's impossible to tell oow far it is from one Palace to
locks, held fast b} ancient Magic. another, since diSlance in Metropolis is a relative concept.
From each Palace, one can just glimpse the other Palaces at
~ gates protect the secrw. or the Dcmiurge. Ac· the horizon. Somelimes in the center can be seen the Palace of
cording to legend, if }ou can find the Se\'en Keys you can the Demiurge. sometimes there is only the gaping abyss. It can
order the guards to Sland aside and you may then unlock Ihe take an hour or a lifetime to gel 10 another Palace. Nom13I1)·, it
pIeS. Onl) the Demiurge and Astarolh know what lies hidden is impossible to move between the Palaces without Magic or
m the halls bc)ond the Blind Gates. extensi~e knowledge of the dimensional changes in the city.
OUI in the streets, Palaces are alwa)s ... isible but become d0-
minant only "hen one is near. It is possible 10 wander for
years through Metropolis wiloout e\'Cr gening near to a Pa·
Af'rfI""m Melropoli I Hepped Ollt on the Pfa:a of Ff:ar and
gazed upon Ihe ci/(l{lel of Ihe Demiurge... dark and terrifying The Palaces of the six living Archons are mostly ne-
lis IUlI"erI Ihru~·' IIpwards into the sky._. around the highest glected and empty. The thousand floors thai fonn the seven-
l~tjJ; Mack /tiT(l~ were circling... mechanical wonder.f, forged mile·wide base are dilapidated and run·down. Lupids and Fe·
loXt'lh('r with flesh and dark glass. .. Ihe wings are covered rocci hunt there, and Azghouls live in some of the rooms. The
wilh bloodslained feathers. these monslers can be found Children of the Underworld climb up to plunder and hunt.
uI1)1,hr.:re in .\1r.:lropofis. they hunt alone bUI when they ha~'e
found a dr.:/enstdess l·iclim they fel out a bloodcurdling scream About sc\'en miles abo ...e Ihe ground, one may begin
II hicll ech()e.~ in the emply affeYll"ays of Melropolis ... Ihey 10 see the Archon's servants, Lictors and Acrotidcs. But e~en
SIlQrm (lTV/lira Iftdr victim. tearing illo pieces.. here, much or the space is unused. You can walk for days
through the empty halls without meeting anyone.
10'1010(15) EGO 2
10"'2010(31) PER 10+1010(15) 11le architecture of the Palaces is as mixed as in the
IDIO(IO) rest of Metropolis. It is rough and unpolished at the bollom;
thick stone wails, primitile machinery to pull lifts. great \·enti-
M\I\ ('ment 7 mlcombat round flying lation fans; some of which still work. Funher up. the sty le be-
Actions : 2 comes more sophisticated: modem steel and glass structures
mixed with graceful Indian and Arab architecture.

It is in the tallest towers, twenty miles or more

above the ground. that one will find the Archons themselves.
Each Archon is pan of the Palace itself; the entire top of the
building is the bod} of the Archon, woo can assume any shape
it desires. The structure here is made of strange materials thai
"ere never seen on Eanh. It is constantly changing according
to the will of the Archon. Corridors and rooms open and disap-
pear. Towers grow up and sink again. It is easy to get lost in
these areas. Bordes of servants live there. mostly Lictors and
Acrotidcs bul also humans and creatures never seen anywhere else.

It takes a long time 10 get this far up. lllc Palace is E.. en after tcns of thousands of ;tears of mismanage-
no ordinary, rationally planned building. The route to the top ment, treasures can be found in the ruins of \1ctropolis. Gene-
goelo through stately entrance halls, naITO\\ and winding corri- rations of looters ha'te madc a Ih'ing from "h:llthey have
dors, steep laddcrs, hidden doors and ordinal)' rooms. zigzag- found in the abandoned buildings; strange machines, fumilUre
ging ever upwards. It can take \\eeks or months 10 ascend. that has survived the erosion of Time, \~hole areas that by
Some ""anderers spend their whole life roving through the Pa- some strange quirk of Time have remained unscathed, Below,
lace without finding thcir way up; or back down. Whcn an in- we describe a few sample areas. Note that they 3re far aW3y
truder rcaches the inhabited parts of the Palace, he will be from our world 3nd can only be reached through portals or
confronted by Lictors and Acrotides who will kill him unless other things that eonlrollhe space dimensions.
he can present R very good reason why they should r'IOt.

Parts of Metropolis are still inhabited b) humans. but
The Archon appears to his servants and yisitors by the)' are as blind as we are. each contained in his own narrow
as~umin8 a visible physical body. a kind of Incarnate bUI in di- reality. unable to see more than a small fragment of the city
reel contacl .... ith Ihe real body of the Archon so that it has all around him. Most of them arc people from our \\orld "ho
its abilities and powers available. The Archon is not aff«ted if wandered into Metropolis by accident and never found a \\a)
the visible body is damaged. There can be sc\eral such Incar- back. They are not conscious. sentient beings that are born,
nalO:s simultaneously, in different parts of the Palace. li\e and die like ordinary people. The)' li-.c as hunters and So;3-
..engers in small bands among the ruins. They are \<:'1) suspi-
In order 10 really hurt an Archon, one must find a cious of strangers. There arc also other creatum there, such
way 10 harm the Palace. Nobody has managed to do this, even that .... ere once our allies or servants. or who ha\e mo\'ed to the
though Astaroth has spent quite a lot oftime 11') ing. city after the Fall of man.

The real fonns of the Archons do r'IOt have abilities In isolated areas, the Li\ing Cit) has been l\.'Surrec-
and po .... crs in the usual sense, They have absolute control O\'cr ted. Like islands among the ruins, inhabited areas are scanered
their Palace and the nalural forces in it. They can, for instance, here and there. After walking for weeks through de>olation and
negate gravity, transmute maller on the (nomic level, distort wreckage, you can suddenly come upon a street with op.!n
lime and Space. TIley never leave the Palaces e.xcept as Incamates. shops and a nornlal street life. Sometimes this i~ a part of our
world. and the inhabitants are blind to the ruins around them.
The whole of a Palace is penetrated by the Archon's In other cases., thc area may truly be rart of \:~~:;;:::~f:;
presence, It is aff«ted in much the same way as an area on the haps protected by a human who ha~ penetrated the .
Earth that is sUbj«t to a manifestation, only much stronger. All and is able to keep Azghouls and lootCfS a"ay.
creatures that enler the Palace are aff«ted by the Archon's na-
ture. For examplc, all that enter the Palace of Kether are filled The most common creatures in the I,:ity
wilh a .... e of the ruling power. and a desire to take their place in ghouls, the ancient servants of human it) "ho "ere kit
the divine hierarchy. All visitors to Binah's Palace become when .... e were imprisoned in our limited reality. They
a"art of their place in the greal community, the importance of taken o-.er our place, and do not like to see u, relurn, Some-
rituals. and the subjugation of the individual to the collective. times. Azghouls corne over to our side to tomlent and karass
In the Palace ofOeburoh, all obey the law blindly. In Tiphare- us. They lind our CUITCn! state of blindness amusing, and
th's Palace all perceive their pillce in the great all, Ilnd near quick to use at! opportunities to humiliate U~ :tnd have fun
Netlaeh, all beings cxperience a necd to compete and demons- our expense.
trate that they are beller Ihan Ihe others. Only in the Palace of
Malkuth, the effect is weak. Visitors feel an inkling of their
human divinity. a hint of ""hal they could become. AZGIlOiL

l1le manifestation also imparts a fccling of a"e for l1le Azghouls are our old ser\'ants, leA behind "hen
the Archon and makes it impossible for them to e .. en try to ""e .... ere exiled. They roam throughout the city ,md Ihe on
hann it Only those .... ho make an Ego roll with an eff«t of20 "hale\'er they can find. Sometimes they cros~ into our "orld,
or more a\'oid becoming the obedient ser.... ants of the Archon grab someone and drag him with them back into Metropolis.
while they are in the Palace. The Azghouls are still our sla\es, but ""e ha~e forgotten hem to
make them obey us. Anyone who learns the name of an A/-
ghoul gets power oyer it. The name triggers an inherited ins-
tinct of obedience and restores their re'terence for lI.'>. This ;s
Lhe Rums utilized by demonologists and other occultists, .... a lot
of time trying to research old Azghoul "n"",. '.p
to use them to control Azghouls.
Most of Metropolis is a ghost to .... n. Thie\es and
killers, animals of pre)' and scavengers inhabit it. Large areas Arcunum Melropoli The former sen:al1lsfIL"P-
are ruins. Perhaps they were always ruins; nobody knows. ped /onlord from the shadows of tlw splendid
Other areas are 510"1) withering and falling apart. Wide terri- gardens. gianls. higher than /wo melL. arms
tories are deserted. Palaces ha .. e stood empty for millennia. crooked. cllding in/our fingers ... like
Streets lie empty and silent, littered with broken glass, strange hoob. on his head the A:ghoul
abandoned vehicles, and blo" ins ne\\Spapcrs in unintelligible carried a helm that concealed its
languages. Vast industrial complexes are rusting away and fai- appearance.. , smoke swirled inside
ling to pieces. Ihe \'isO/:., the /x)/Iy was covered

by (I ht'a~T armor made of chains and bones from IInlucky ~>ic­ Terror roll modification : ±O
'im.~_ armed wilh curved sabers .. fhe hare took physical lI eight : 400 em
Jhop.> arollnd their bodies and an eternal darkness followed Weight : 500 kg
,""m Senses. Like humans. With their visor, the) have infrared \i-
s ion and light amplification that gives perfect eyesighl in near
A(jl. 10+2010(21) EGO 2010(11) darkness.
STR 20+4010 (42) CHA I DIO (5) Communic.aliOD : Speak all human languages
CO-'; 10+2010(21) PER 2010(11) Mo\ement : 10 m/combal round
CO\ 1 105 (3) EDU 2010(11) Aclio ns: 4
Inili.ati\·e bonus : +9
Da mage bonus: +8
Oamage capacil)' :
6 scratches I light wound
5 light wounds - I serious wound
3 serious wounds " I falal wound
Endurance : 135
Natural armor: 2 .... ithoul annorll2 with annOT
I'owers : Polymorph self. Can assullie any humanoid shape
and improve its Comeliness 10 a maximum of40
Skills : Climb IS, Machine-gun 15, Rifle and crossbow IS.
H(lndgun 10. Ileavy weaJXIns 10, Dodge 10, Throwing wea-

pons IS, Impact .... eapons IS, Whips and chains IS, Unanned the 'Kalis. they were cannibals, eating the living flesh oJ their
combat 15, Search 10, Motor mechanics IS, Survival 15, Drive riclims.
\chiclc 10
AUack modes : According to weapon AGL 10+2010(21) CO\-1 I
lIome : Metropolis STR 10+2010(21) EGO 1D5
Life e'(llec:tancy : Infinite CO:"! 10+1010(15) PER 10+2010(21)
'umber encountered: IdlO
The Dark Art: 10 Terror ron modificalion :-
Ileigh t . 170 em
Weight: 70 kg
Senses: Sharp. Cringe away from strong light.
Lhe Q)<\Ae Communication : ~Orum" signals. no vocallanguag ....
Mo\ ement : 10m/combat round
Aclions 4
A \ as! area of Metropolis is a maze of allcys, stairs, Initialhe bonus: +9
co\ered .... alk .... ays and shafts that slowl)' Icad inward 10 an Damage bonus: +5
unkno .... n center. Parts of thc maze are inhabited. Some parts Damage e.apaeil)':
are c\en in our .... orld; somc blocks on Manhattan, in Oerlin, "scratches 1 light \~ound
Vcnice and Copenhagen are pan of the Metropolis Maze. If the 3 light wounds ""' I serious wound
illusions are broken there, )oU enter the Maze. Oloodthirsty 3 serious wounds 1 fatal .... ound
creatures that rend \\andcring people limb from limb inhabit Endurance: 105
parts ofil. Natural armor: 'one
Skills. Climb 20, Sneak 20, Hide ~O. Search IS, S.... Imming
It has been said that an)one who .... alks through the 15, Impact weapons 15
.... hole of the Maze .... ill be enlightened and regain his divinity. AUaek modCll : Iron bars. Sled pipes or nalurdl ..... capon~. 2
~o one knows if this is true, or ho .... long the \1aze is. None of claws 15 (scr 1-7, Iw 8-14, s\\ 15-22, fw 23 .. )
those who have enlered the inner pans of the Maze have ever !lome : llie underground. Metropolis
come back. This pan of Metropolis is a pan of the Labyrinth Number encountered: lOi 4dlO
that surrounds us. lie who walks thc winding corridors of the The Dark Art: 0
I\laze \\ilJ c .. cntually find the .... ay into the true Labyrinth.

The Maze is a riddle. Characters ca,..,ed on the walls 'Bonferliners

suggest which wa} to go, and in Ihe inhabited parts Ihere are
creatures ..... ho know the \\a)' in 10 the middle and can describe Borderliners are creatures on the bonlerhnc bt!tW\.'CII
it if they are asked in a fitting \\ay. There are many maps oflhe our re:'llity and Metropolis. They see into the Cit). t>UI
Maze in circulation. cope wilh entirely leaving our wo rld. They used to be
who saw more of truth than most of us. But they
handle \\ hat they saw, they 1051 their minds and .... en; ..Iu.;k
twilight world. The) Ii\'e in slums. ncar the pvrtals
Lhe UndeRgRound connect our cities to \1etropolis. People .... ho (h\cll in lhe
derland between life and death often see through th..' ill~ions.
and may become Borderliners.
The Underground of Metropolis e ..entually turns into
the Labyrinth that surrounds thc hean of thc Machinc. It is
h~re that most of the portals that lead to EI}"sium can be found. BOIWCilI.n£lt$
In thc Undcrground. the Children of the Night and the crea-
lUres of \1etropolis meet. Arcllllum flfetropoli nu·y /i,·c ill,he fCli·('1"" 01/(/ rlu· dllrk t_
nds under tile cities. in the borderlamJs of the dty uIIJ \1.'11"0-
But the Underground of Metropolis contains horrors polis tlleir d:;11 has flaked alld their flesh i5 di.~colof('d
thai do not exist in the mazes under our own cities. Steps and naked fhey hunt through the /l11(J.:rgrmmd. draKginx dwill'
ladders pass do .... n into shafts in the ground. Vast systems of fheir approach is prophesied by tile danting und rattlilll: of
tunnels stretch OUI under thc entire city. Here Zeloth and Bor- iron chains, telling dark tales of death.. their t"Cd (:J·es g/~um
d~rlincrs live, fugitivcs from our own world. Psilosites hunt in lifee fire ill the night..
the tunnels.
AGL 10+1010(15) EGO 101015)
The careless tra\der is in constant risk of being pul- STR 7+2010(18) OM I D5 (3)
led through rusting grates and de\oured b} hordes of skinned CON 10+2010(21) PER IO+IDIO (15)
bodies. COM 105 (3) EDU 105(3)

Terror roll modification : -10

Zn.OTII lleight : 180 em
Weight : 70 kg
Arcanum Metropoli They mO\'e through hidden passages SensCll : Sharp. I\ight vision. Acute heaTIng.
undcr the surface. searching for something to CO\'('r their skin- Co mmunication Grunts. Can speak onl)'
Ics.f bodies "·ith .. they l\"jff tear skin and hair from their vic- single words.
tlm.f. wrapping the blood-SOllked rags around their infected Mo\ement : 7 mlcombat round
bO<lies.. through the holes and the gashes. muscles and sinews Actions: 2
Cll/I be seen ... they mafee themselves understood by /Ising a Initialhe bonus : +3
col/1plex code of rattling chains and bell/ing sted bars against Damage bonus : +4

Damage capacity:
6 ~ratches 1 light wound
5 light y,ound... I so:rious wound
'Che machine elL\:)
3 serious \o\oonds I latal ""ound
[.dunnce.140 The Machine City is not a city in ils 'nonnal' sense.
~alll ... llrmor . '\one If one can use the word normal when describing anything in
Limltalions : Hunling in:.tinct, Cannibalbm Metropolis. It is contiguous construction of Machinery that
Skills . Climb IS. Sneak 15. Im pact ",eapon... 18. L:narmed filts and surroul"l<b Metropolis, the three prisons and the Lab)-
combat I~, Hidc IS, Search IS rinth. These Machines have been called the cogs in the De-
Anuk modH Cia",,> 15 (scr 1-8. Iw 9-15, sw 16-25, 1"\0\ miurge's creation.
26+). Bltc 12 (scr 1-6.1\0\ 7-12, S\\ 13-22. rw23 -..)
Honae : I he Borderland Uere can be round colossal steam turbines. primitive
Life es:~elancy . Unlimited designs for transferring power 0\ er large distances, with pis-
~.mher eneountered JdlO tons, huge generators, fluorescent reaclor basins and many
The Dark Art : 0 strange contrnptions whose purposes have long since been ror-
gotten. Modem and ancient te<:hnology is mixed and parts are
connected seemingly without reason.

The Machine City is 110t a place of alleys and buil-

A~QIf"m Metropoli .4ccordillR TO Thomas the Scriber these dings like the rest or Metropolis. Rather. it is all one big buil-
"re<lturl.!f lire the adlicl'I;ments of Malkuth. crelJlcd in Ille ding of steel beams and metal tubes. where rooms. halls and
dml IIor nm,' Til,.." Wl.'rc O/lce human. but hllve losl their hu- floors, abysmal shafts and soaring cool ing towers, are inter-
munitl. th(' heavy stcps ollhe bea~1 echoed in Ihe narrow connected by rusty steel gangways and ladders.
paf\<I,IW and its trightellinf{ .{hadoll' played on the walls. cap-
tuT"Nl in tlu' land hetIH:",n liji: and dealh._ their enormous b0- Most of the Machine City is dead. but parts are still
d, .. f blflUl",d lind di.\CQlon?J, much like a body submerged in under power. Here and there, smoke pours up from a working
Mul,r jt}r a prolongt'd periud of lime. as many other crea- turbine and the electrical wiring is very much alive.
tlffl'( the eJ ....1 W'I' blind und th..,· orient themseh:es mainly by
s"lell UCIII.' hearinf{, For thousands of years. the Machine City has been
maintained by the Techrones. meek creatures who repair or di-
AGt 5+1010(10) EGO 20+2010(31) sassemble pans of the machinery, and sometimes erect new
STR 3()-<.20IQ (41) CHA 20 10(10) pans. Perhaps the Machine Cit) was created by them. or per-
CON 30+21)10 (41) PER 10+1010(15) haps by humans.
COM I EDU 2010 (10)
These creatures ha\'e been placed there by the Dc-
Terror roll modification: ±O miurge to maintain the Machine. bot the disappearance of the
Hnahl : to m Demiurge has considerably complicated their situation. They
Weie;hl 1.000 kg are confused and some of them wander into Elysium in a futile
Stews . Good smdt. hearing and perception of touch. 1'0 eye- quest for a meaningrul existence.
Communicalion : Speech
Mo\'cmenl . 5 m/combat round
A~'ions 2
Initiative bOIlIl~ : None The Techrones are almost entirely mechanical. Only
O.mage bonus : +6 the brain and some internal organs are biOlogical. They look
O.mage capacity : like spidery humans made or metal and plastic. They always
IOscratches Ilighlwound cafT)' welding torches, electric drills and other tools that can
9 lighl wounds " I serious wound be used ror self-defense.
7 seriou~ wounds "" I fatal wound
Tales 2 ratal wounds before dying
F..dllran~e 240 TeCI/IW,\ES
Nalur.1 armor 4
SIillI'l . Varying Arcanum Metropoli 171e steam em'f!loped me when I entered
An.ck mod". Bite 15 (ser 1-6, Iw 7-1-1, sw 15-22. fw 23-+), the halls Mhere tire Ii/e of the Machine throbs and pulsate.!.
:! St.."C1 daws (~r 1-7. lw 8-15, S\o\ 16-24. fw 25+) on ladders I glimpsed humans. but at closer inspection I reali-
1I0me The subterranean regions :ed Ihe1' were machines their bodies were hidden in steam
:"rillmber en~ountered : I and smog a multitude offorms with the machine Joined with
The Dark Art : 5 the flesh .. I was forced to leave the Machine Halls and hm-e
never ga::ed upon such a being again.

AGL 10+1010(15) EGO 10+2010 (21)

STR 10+ID10 (IS) CHA 1010(5)
CON 10+1010 (15) PER 2010(11)
COM 1010(5) EDU 10+2010(21)

Terror roll modifiCRtion : -S

Height : 240 em
Weight : 300 kg
$I.'nses : Shonsighted, otherwise sharp senses

Communication: Separate language
Mo\ement : 7 mlcombm round
Actions: 2 ArcO/,um /IIelropofi Only know" through tile gray serolfs.
Initiathe bonus : +3 Ihis is one oj tile most mysterious crealures that con be /ollnd
1)1In1l1ge bonus: +3 in Jfclropoiis .. a human being. blade lI'itiw1'f!d skin and Mack
Damage capacit) : eyes, guarding the tomb of the Demillrge. druped in •• hite
4 scratches I light wound robes and veils. carries ill hi.t hUilds aflamin,\!'tWord.
3 light wounds - I serious wound
3 serious \Iounds I fatal wound AGL 50 EGO '0
Endurance: 105 STR 100 ellA '0
Natural armor: 3 CON 50 PER 50
1'{I\\crs : Machine empathy: upon seeing II machine. the} will CO\-1 3
immediately understand how it "orks and what it does. and
\\hat (if anything) is YoTOng 1\ ith it, Terror roll modification : ~5
Skill M3chine.gun IS. Rifle and crossbo" 15. Impact wea· lIeight : 210 cm
pon!> 20. Search IS. Computers 50. Electronics SQ. Motor me· "eight : 80 kg
chanics 50, Security s)stem!> 30. "atural science 50. Physics Senses Will notice e\'eT)'one who approache~
50. Metallurgy 40. Engineering 50, Mathem3tics 50, Chemis· Com nlllDicalion : Speaks all languages
try 40 l\I0Hment : 25 m/combat round
AUBek modes: According to "capon. 2 mechanical hands IS Aetion~ : 7
(scr 1·5, Iw 6·11. sw 12·19. fw 20+) Initiath e bonus: ""38
Home: The machine city. Metropolis Dama!:e bonus: 16
'IImbcrencollolered 'ldIO Damage capacity
The Dark Art: 0 II scratches " I light wound
10 light wounds I seriou~ wound
8 serious wounds I fatal "ound
Goes down after a fatal wound. but rise,> Ilgain aller
"Che Crcy Or- t:he Oead 3 combat rounds and can take 1111)' number (If fatal
Endurance: Lnlimited
This is the eemetel') of Metropolis. the resting place Natural armor: 2
for dead creatures for many million )'ears. The fe" humans Po\\en Telepath). In\'ulnerable to fire. e1ectri~·it). radiuacti-
Ilho hale died the Real Death are entombed here in mauso- \i~'. Cannot be affccted b) \lagi\;, Imulnerable to all mental
leums where they a"ait the Death of Time. Creatures from influences
beyond Time and Space lie embalmed in sealed chambers. Skills: S\\ord 100
Allaek modes : Sword. The Guardian's ~"ord ';:7:":~~=
The City of the Dead is built on a hill. Monumenb kills all characters with ncgatilc mental billancc that it
and mausoleums rise hundreds of feet abo\e the ground. The Otherwise, it does damage like a katana.
~\e chambers fonn a maze I~ith alleys just O\er a )ard wide. lIome· City of the Dead
spiraling toward the top of the hill. In a grid across the hill lie The Dark Art: 50
oonomless ravines. "hose walls are co\cred with narro"
grave chambers.

In black chambers lie creatures th:lt still move and

live, though they are dead. Among the monumenb. mumbling
creatures wait for eternity. fore ... er meditating. Prayer flags and
n.~ils "ith death runes flutter from high flagpole~.

At the summit of the hill stands the Empty Chapel, a Inferno is the reillit) that our tonure room~. prisons.
"hite building" here legend claims that the Demiurge 1\ ill rest mental hospitals and death camps are a small li~iblc pan of.
after the end of the world. When the Demiurge disappeared, a When the illusions crumble in these places. \\1.' ~I.'e into In·
black Guardian appeared al the tomb. It makes sure that none femo. It is the home of Dellth Angels (lnd R(Vide~. I\hcre the)'
\;an enter. This has been interpreted both as a sign that the De· were once created by evil powers.
miurge is dead, as well as that he lives.
People I'.ho belie\e in the punishment of ~ins go to
The City of the Dead is always enshrouded in a light Inferno afler death. Some fe" managed to escape. or were able
gra)" fog. The "ails of the dead sweep through the air. like to turn back when they realized that it "as onl) thcir cw.n bad
I\hispers of wind in trees that nel'er gre" here. Along the al· consciences taking them there. Most remained. Inrerno is full
leys, ghosts and undead wander aimlessly in search of peace. oftonnented people. but fe"er and fe"er people go
death in our lime. I

Some of our cemeteries, panicularly The Pere La·

chaise in Paris and the great cemetery of Cairo, are known as Those parts of Inferno that are closest to'
gates to the City of the Dead. Signs on tombs sho" II here to our "orld are what we call the Nine Halls of
enll.'f to get into the gral'eyard of Metropolis. liell. Astaroth has ruled there for as long as
anyone can remember. Here, the
Death Angels roost in their black
Palaces. The upper levels are be·
ginning 10 be cmptied of inhllbi·
tants, and it is not uncommon to

find empt). dUSTY hells. from "hich the Death r\ngels and Ra-
,ides ha\e ned into our "orld to create new purgatories for the
Ii\ing. Arcanum lttt'lropoli Row upon row of burned bodies mar-
cht'd through the gates. led b)' Nepharites and Despary·tes.
When ·\,taroth stepped into our \\-orld. he brought the damrn.'tl Mere mlltilated and twisted and onl), held upright
"ilh him ten lell-ion, 1.11' condemned sinner<; "ho had been tor- by their O"n wishes to be tortured and punished.. their eye.)
turro for centurie~ and $ubdued into be\:oming his "en-an\:.. ",'ere empty and their heads lo ...·ered ;n fear and submission..
Pain and humilialion h35 turned them into ruthless sadi"t:; "ho Ihc.fe On' Ihe damned, those called the Pwgatides.. ;I;S said
s« pain iI'\ their onl~ reason to exist. Ihallm:)" possess lhe same knowledge lhe)' did ....hen lhe)' "'ef("
oliVl!. Iheir sanily is fe,f$ thun lhat of the mosl psycholic mad-
Toda). r,.:ople \\00 <ocek 10 alOne for their sin~ more man
onen get in dir«t luuch .... ith 'ephariles .... ho create a personal
hdllor the sinn\'r they <;cr.·e. These personal places oflorment
are called purgatories .. \ pcr<;()n .... ith feelings of se\iere guilt
cun more Qr less unconsdously get in contact \I ith the 'epha-
rites, who read hi~ innermo~t feelin~ and create a purgaTOI) Arcanum Merropofi These monslers were once crealed by
for him. \IIan) anifact:; can be used to summon !\ephariles. ASlaroth (In(1 his angels of doll/nUlion to sen-'e in Infemo and
10 tormenllhe sinners . . through Ihe smoke and Ihefire a cre(l-
Inferno is a 'ast tonure chamber. not Just for hu- lure stepped. twisted by evil mechanisms.. half living, half
mans but abo fur other creatures. 11 is filled '\iith de\iilish tor- machillt'. forged ill block iron. tissue. glass and blood .. bodi~~'
ture machincs, buming fumaces. unbearable prison cells and flUids rill! l/trough plastic ,ubes. connected 1I"ilh org(ms .. scar-
unrelenting tormentors. \-1ost of Inferno consists of halls and r(..'(/ skin

T(Mlm .... connected b) slai~. e!e\aTOrs, shafts and corridors. In

j;orne place~ there are cities and lifele~s landscapes. Inferno is AGL 20+2010(31) EGO 2010(20)
",It ju~t a ~)' ..tem of ea\ es underground. A dark sky looms over STR 40+4010(62) CHA 1010(5)
the tonure chamber,;. llere and there. shafts open to\\-ard the
starlc'~ \oid. It i~ a separate .... orld. \\hich can be reached
CO\1 ,
40+2010(51) PER
through the underv.ortd or through gates in our eanhl) hells.
The Lkmiuf1l.e used Inferno in his efforts to keep humanity Terror roll modification . +5
subdued. but it b probably much older than that. When the Height : 400 cm
l>emill~e created the prison he incorporated Inferno as one of \\ eight: 600 kg
1M three prison~. probably because it .... as already deeply en- Scnsu . Sharp. Infrared and uhra\iolet \ision. Radar. Can
graved in our <;ouls and linked to the po\\ers that rule our exis- scn;,e magnetism.
Ie"",. Communication: Speech
J\!o\emenl : 15 m/com bat round
Where a dead person ends up after death depends on Aclions : 5
hi heliell.. In the old times. \\hen most people \\ere religious, Initialile bonu~ : ... 19
!bey went to heavens and hells or into the shadowlands of The Damyg<' bonus . -+1 1
underv.orld. An)'one .... hose conscience says that he bears guilt Damage eapacit) :
will go to hell. Those with a clear conscience go to paradise. 12 scratches - I light wound
Those who believe in no afterlife at all go to a dreary shado\\-- II light ....ounds I serious wound
' ' ' '. 9 serious wounds I fatal wound
Takes 3 fatal wounds before dying
Ho\\- long they remain in these abodes depends on Entlurll nce: 290
lhc:ir memories. When all fragments of memory of the pre- Nat ura l lirmor : 5
VIOUS life arc gone. Ihe inhabitants of the realms of the dead Skills: All firearms 25, Dodge 30. All melee and throwing
are reborn in ne\\ bodies. II can take from a hundred to a thou- weapons 40, Search 20. other skills \ory
sand ~ears or morc. Attack modes : Bite IS (seT 1-5, Iw 6-12. sw 13-22. fw 23+).
Claws 15 (seT 1-6. Iw 7-14. sw 15-25. fw 26+) or according to
The road to the shado\\ worlds and hells go through \\capon
winding ,orridors down into the earth. The happy ones ascend Magic: Death ~1agic to 40, all spells 10 40. The special spell
to paradise through the sky. Only people with a negati\ e men- Possess gi\es them capability to possess a human body in our
tal balance can go to hell and only those .... ith a posith e mental ....orld while their o .... n bodies remain in Inferno.
balance go \0 hea\ens and paradises. Anyone can go to Ihe Home : Inferno
gray shado" worlds. The Dark arl : 10

'Che Oec:\d Sun

A black sun is burning in the starless sky that can
sometimes be glimpsed through shafts and roof \\-indows in
Inferno. It hangs still in the reddish. smoky sky and looks
down O\ier a desolate ....orld.

that allows no light 10 penetrate or be created. To enter a Dark
Palace is a terrifying experience that demands Iln Ego roll.

The manifestation of the Death Angel penetrates

In Inferno lie the Dark Palaces. home of the Death each Palace and captures the minds of all that enter. Anyone
Angels and dark mirror images of the Archon's Palaces in Me- with a negalhe mental balance immediatcly falls under the
tropolis. They are carved out of the rock deep underground. control of the Death Angel, and will blindly o~":rr.,'::~'::;:J
delving down where the Archon's Palaces soar toward the sky. from the master of the Palnce. Persons with a p
They stand mostly empty today, since the Death Angels have bahlnee may resistlhese impulses by making
turned their attention on the world of the living. an efft.'Ct of 20+. Anyone with a mental balance
+250 or more is not IlfTected. The mental ba-
The Dark Palaces are not buildings that ean be seen lance of all people who enter goes do\\. n by
from without, but lab}rinths down into the deep. From the one per hour they spend there, until
abandoned upper le\els. one meets more and more Razides, it reaches -I 00.
1'-<epharites and doomed humans the further down one goes.
Like the rest of Inferno. the Dark Palaces are places of torture for At the lo\\.est le\iellies
the souls of the damned. They are filled \\. ith a complete darkness the true body of the resident

Ikath Angel. a~ an impenetrablc darknc~:.. When it \'.anL~ 10 The origins of the f\:epharites are unknown. They
mCL"! its SCf'\ant:. or \i.;itol"'. the lA·ath Angel takes shape as an Ihed in the shadow of humanity until the Demiurge enslal'ed
Incarnate us. Then th~y stepped for.~ard and offered their services to As-
taroth and his cohons. A few humans ha,e been turned into
"Sepharitcs but the po\\ers inl'olled are unknown even to the
most po\'.erful of our tyrants.

1\0 one can tell ho\\ man) "Scpharites do exist.

though there is onl} a limited number that have interfered in
\\ hen the common. traditional image~ of the realms the matter'; of mankind. These can be traced back in History
01 the Jead fade into histol'}. "'e: create: our o\\n pl..'1'<;onal hea- and arc often l\epharilcs ",ho embody a special fear in huma-
\cns and hdk People \\ho die: tOIJa) ollen ~hape a hell for nit).
them,..;l,ci ~lut of fan\'1sie~; a prh ate purgatol}. There, a man
IS taced by thc things he most fears or desires. Da Vinci has recorded the existence of three such
Ncpharites. According to tile Arcanum Metropoli these three
A partkular brecll of Death Angel's ser. ants. the Se- beings hale follo",,,d mankind throughout the centuries and
pharite.;. create sueh personal hells. The) can detect the de:- constantly grown in po",er as their presence has been embra-
~ire, and fear'; nf hUffi:lnS at the mnment of death. :\ per:.on ced by the subconscious minds of mankind. They work di-
"'hn I,:annot !;tlpe "'ith his life and actions is recreated in a pur- rectly under Astaroth and enjoy a certain amount of respect
gaIM). there 10 be tormente:d until all memories of the pre- IImong their brothers and sisters.
\ IOU' c,isten!;c ha' e: b...--en purged or b..'Come meaningless.
They are called brothers and have the power [0 wall
The Sepharites can he summoned b) Ihe li .. ing. and at 'lilI bct\\een Elysium and Inferno. Their names are shrou-
..an felch Ji\ing (l<-'Ople 10 their hells. Many artifacts can be ded in mystery but in the legends they are called the Accuser.
used lor thi'l purpo'il.'. It can be ~talue:nes. rituals or puzzles of the Collector and the Torturer. They represent three aspects of
\arious kinds ..-\11 melhod~ presuppose that the summoner the guilt and fear of eternal damnation the Demiurge locked in
rul~ regard$ himsdf a~ a sinner "'ho should be punished, our soul"
People "'ith a positi,e mental balance can't summon 'epha-
, nor go to hell aller death. The .\ccuser is the force that accuses doubting souls.
In the night. his \\hispers fill the darkness and he promises
\ pU!l;ator) is created from the memories and eternal lonnent to sinful souls.
dn "liS ulthe ~innt·r. combined \\ ith impressions of the physi-
~ I ",uTld anlund him or her at the moment of death. The "Se- 1 he Collector is the bringer of souls to Inferno. He
h lrth: ha\e a limited ability to affect Time and Space. The) shri~e lsup the mortal shield and tears the luminous life force
n I. ke a part of our realit) and merge it \\ ith the sinner's from its he3rt.
tm:ue, and memories, and put the result in a sepamte di-
~! ion n~'(\ to our ",orld. The purgatory thus keeps contact When in Inferno the souls are ghen to the Torturer.
\\I!h the plac~ \\here the sinner died. A sensitile pcrwn can \lho creates a purgatory where they are punished for all eterni-
ent!:1 it through thc illusions in that place. It's eas) for a magi- ties.
!;lan to open a gate there. E,el}' purgalOr) is a \lorld of its The three brothers are highly valued within the hierarchy of
olIn .•md has no contact \Iith other hells. Infcrno 3nd are onl~ used by Astaroth and the Angels of Ikalh
to bring in imponant and special victims.
In all outer respect thc purgatory retains the foml of
th~ ~inner's scene of death. The landscape. buildings and
people are still there. but distorted and colored by memories N""'IHRIT£S
nil nightmares Irom the sinocr's life.
ArCU/lUnl Melropoli These beings ure the Prince.s of Pain
They seek SOUI.f to torment and find extreme pleasllre in fee-
%yrt a rites ling Ihe fear and regrets of other beings.. , appearallce varies
grea/~\· and it is impossible to speak of a common name tI)
I he Sepharites serve Inferno and the Angcls of these nmnstro.fities, __ Ihe), are held together b.v hate for man-
Death torturers and masters of tonnent. The)' emerged from kind and a 101'1' Jar grotesque torture_ .furroundl.'d by the
the hado\'.~ \'.h"n the flaming halls \\ere created and entered darkne.n of despoir. radiating power and authority .. followed
the :.cr. icc of e.. iL 11leir call is to lure out the human feelings hy an aura of pen'ersion. their faces twisted in an insane
nfguilt and mete: out eternal punishment. They ha~e the abilit) grin._ tlldr bodies pierced from the inside by spikes and blunl
to loca[e a sinner and read lheir feelings 10 find their sins. objects_ sew!ral spikes cover their heads .. , armed wilh ar-
Ille~ can be found both in Inferno and in purgatories created chaic weapons. taken from n'el:r age in human hislOf):_ cold
b) humans. Aller Astaroth entered Elysium. many Nepha- and cool. m.'ver hesillile. ne\'er haste.
rites ha\e lellinfemo to create their o",n pril'ate hells
on Earth. AGL 20"2010 (31) EGO 10+2D I0(21)
STR 30+2010(41) CHA 10+1010(15)
CON 30"2D 10(41) PER 10+1DIO(l5)
CO,", lOS (3) EDU 10+ 1010(15)

Modifieation to terror roll : +5

l\Ioltment: 15 mtSR
Aetions : 5
Initinli\'e bonus: +19
l)anlllge bonus: +9

Damage capacity: pell. slirroullded by (I diffuse darkness .. draped in longjIowing
10 scratches I light wound robes ... the head croWl/cd by (I grotesque iroll helmet. forged ill
9 light wounds I serious wound black iron what Ihe mask depicts is knowlI to no man or
7 serious wounds" I fatal wound woman. It can be the face of their master. it can bt." their own
Dies after two fatal wounds. horrible faces .. their eye.!" shone like the fire., of b!!erno. sus-
Enduranct' : 235 pendedfrom their belts were chains and curTs .. arm ...d 'hith
Powers : Telepath)', Contort Time and Space as a human with long 'h·hips. whose delicate fingers poinfllfl)' cureHt:ll the
a mental balance of 300 (see Beyond Time and Space). Shape noW ski"
change 10 a creature of either half or double its own height and
weight. Control everybody with a mental balance between ·50 AGL 15+2 DIO (26) EGO 15+2D10(21)
atld -100. It requires an Ego roll with a higher errect than the STR 25+2DIO (36) CIIA 5 (5)
Nephariles to resist the control. CO'l 30+2010(41) PER 15-11)10(21)
Skills : Automatic weapons IS, Guns and revolvers 15. fJea\iY COM 105(3) FDU 15 + IDI0(21)
weapons IS, Sneak 25, Dodge 25, Daggers 25. Whips and
chains 45, Unarmed combat 20, Search 15. Tonure 75 \1odifielilion to lerror roll :+ 10
Attack mode: According 10 weapon MOH'm('nt : \3 m combat round
The 1)lIrk Art : 20 Action, : 5
lnitiati\ e bonus: -+ I 4
I)ulllag(' bonus : +7
Longreather's purgatory : William Longfeather died in 1988 Dumagt' capacil) :
after a long life as an intelligence agent. He had the li\es of 10 scratches I light wount!
countless innocent people on his conscience. having been res- 9 light wounds ~ 1 serious .... ound
ponsible for American drug trafficking in Cambodia during Ihe 7 serious .... OUMS = I flltal wound
Vietnam War. lie was a mililal)' ad .... iser in EI Sal\ador bet- Dies after ""'0 fatal .... ound....
ween 1977-84 and took pan in co\en actions that caused many Endurance; 235
people to "disappear". He had wrecked three marriag{'S and not I'owers : Commanding \·oice. Enhanced ~cns<:s. lelerath~.
seen his only daughter sincc she was fivc. Through lies and de- Radiates desperation and despair hy an 1'00/2 meter wide ("3-
ceit. he maneuvered into a prominent position in the Bureau. dius. Anyone missing an Ego roll is struck with d<:)pair and
terror (the erre<:t of a failure is described in the chapter Mee-
At the moment of death. Longfe3ther summoned a ting with terror). Can conlrol e\ CT)bod~ 1-\ ith a mental balance
"iepharite \\ho created a purgatory for him. The l\iepharite s0- betwccn ·50 and -100.11 requires an Ego roll \\jth a highctd-
metimes assumes physical form as a demon with a rotting feel than the Despa1) te to resist the control.
bod~, kept together by plastic and steel wire. Sometimes il as· Skills Automatic weapons 10. Guns and rc\ohers 10. Hea\oy
~umes the form of Longfeather's little daughter, burned by na- weapons 20, Sneak 30. Dodge 30. Dagger) .l5, Whip!. and
palm and with tcrrible wounds from shrapnel. chains 50. Unarmed combat 30. Search 25
Al!lIck rnode : According to weapon
The oUler shape of this hell looks like the little town The Dark art : 15
of Roscombe, Arizona, where Longfeather li\ed at the lime of
his death. But in the purgatory, his home is a slaughter house
I-\here the l\iepharite sy~tem3tically tears his body to pieces du-
ring long, moonless nights. On the outside, it's still just a neat
little suburban house. Ins ide, it is a straw hut with earthen
!loor. from Longfeather's traumatic time in Cambodia.
The inhabitants of the town seem to li\e a normal
life. but thundering helicopters that spread carpets of napalm Limbo. the World of Dreams, IS II uniwrse of i~
continually attacks the place. Half-de<:ayed soldiers swell in own. It lies in the borderlands bet\\cen life and death, and can
frolll the surrounding jungles and slaughter the inhabitants. be reaencd by those .... OO po~~ courage and knowledge.
The desens of Arizona have been replaced by a thick, dark
jungle inhabited b) creatures that look like the people Long- The Realm of Dreams is a unhc~ of ih own. In
leathcr killed in Cambodia and EI Salvador. Again and again. dreams. \\c can be and do other things than in real life. The
his own army friends in\ ade the to","n and torture him, his wife laws of physics don't apply there. Time and Space lost' their
and his daughter to death. meaning. But dreams can also meet our .... orld and alTect il.

The Realm of Dreams is not a separate world, inde-

pendent of realit). We create our o.... n dreams, tnc) rj~ from
our unconscious sel\·es. Forgotten people and e"enls appe-ar
Among the creatures of Inferno stalks a curious there. sometimes w ithoul being recognized. But all timcs and
breed. only known as the J)esparytcs. They eman:ne negative places in dreams have a direct relation to OUTSCI"cl. "d~".'"
aurJS and bring terror and despair whcre\icr they choose to go. we meet things from our previous existences.

Dreams can arrect our world. We can'

create beings in dreams, which step out into rea·
lit). We can gro .... in strength and po....er there.
.4rcullum Melropoli III the darkness of Inferno and in the and then enter real life ....earing our
shadowll of ElySium the creafllres do chi ell. u darkness of dreamed seh·es. We can change
hate and despair follow their footsteps .. their features are hid· things in dreams. and thcreby alter
dell ill cloaks.. they grasp Ihe victims of despair and throw realit)'.
them illto the endless ~'Oid.. From the portal their leader ste,r

AGL 3010(16) EGO 2010 (II)
VORL:C,x: STR 3010(16) CHA IOIO(S)
CON 3010(16) PER 2010(11)
COM 1010 (5) EDU 1010(5)
\ort("x i~ Ihe origin of all dreams, the source Ihal
lung called our "collecti\'c subconscious". rrom this place, we Terror roll modification: No terror roll
felch the images of Our dreams. "10 one kno\\s what the Vortex lIeight : 180 em
really i-;: some bdic\'c thai it existed be-forc man. others sa)' Weight ; 80 kg
lhal i1 ha~ been created by suppres<;(.-d emOlions that are impri- Senses; Can see human souls from se1.-cral Dreamworlds
soned in this l1arroll. reality. aW8y. Otherwise as humans.
\1ovem{"nt : 8 mlcombat round
\Mel( is a ,haOlic mh: of images and feeling:.. It is Aclions : 3
a maelstrom \.\-here all our dreams. nightmares and thoughLS Inilialh e bonus: +4
flo .... logelher and dissohe in nothing. To journey near Vortex Damage bonus; +3
is a sure .... 3) 10 lose one's sanity. No consciousness can handle 011 mage capacity:
the disorganized torren! of emotions and impre.-;sions..... hich is 5 scratches - I light wound
mised the/\'. Dnl) th.; mentall) \CI) 'iJ'Ong can go near V('J!'W(, 4 light wounds. I serious wound
J serious wounds -"" I fatal wound
But Vortex is also a ~ource of poI\cr. The mightiest Endurance : 110
dreams are created there. Those who are able to approach it Naturnl armor: None
can creme gr""3t \,orlds of dreams. "car \one:.: lie the empires Skills: An of dreaming 75, Automatic weapons 16. Handgun
of the Dream Princcs, intert",incd b) hundreds of other 16, Sneak 16, Impact \I-capons 16, Sword 16, Unarmed com-
Orl:am\~orlds, bat 16, Hide 16. Language - 3 human
Allack modes: according to weapon, Claws 16 (ser I-S,lw 9-
Thc onl) creature~ able to mo\ e unhindered near 15, sw 16-25. fw 26+)
\i.lI1e" are those born out of dreams. Ichth) rians and Ps)phagi lIome : The Dreamworlds
d",ell there and enter cven those chaotic places ",here no man The Dark Art ; 0
can go.

When your dream becomes I",isted and nonsensical,

~ou are approaching Vom·x. What \las originally an image of
>our \\alil18 \lorld, or of memories from your past. is diSlOr-
tl-d 'SO that colo~. angles and pcrspecti\'es look like nOlhing
mlm con<;dou~ reality. The creatures that d\\ell close to Vor- AS you know, not all dreams have a direct effect on
tex are rnrd) three-dimensional. morc commonly two or fivc. reality. Most are just dreams. Controlling your dreams and ma-
In dreams \lC can see multi-dimensional things. even though king them effective on reality is an an that one must leam by
\\c are unable to \oisualize \\hat the) looked like when we prnctice. Very few people know it naturnlly. Most of us need to
wake up, learn.

""ear Vortex. different dreams merge. No dream lasts This is called The Art of Dreaming. All characters
for more than a moment. r\ew' scenes constantl) appear, Crea- who ha\e succeeded in affecting reali!)' through dreams. or
ture$ change ~hape, disappear or appear. Time goes haywire. If who ha\ e had a special experience in a dream. such as cnte.
>ou get so close to Vortex as a human can get without going ring another person's dream. have a skill score of their EgoiS
mad. )ou are surrounded by a cacophony of impressions (round down) in The An of Dreaming. The score can then be
which all secm to relate to something you cannot quite re- impro\'ed just like other sldlls.
member. You desperntel) \lantto put them together into some-
thing that makes sense, but all cohl'Sion is dissolved as quickly The Art of Dreaming is used to recreate a dream
as it is fMmed. If you get tOO close, you lose yourself. Your where you have been before, to assume a special fonn in thaI
identity comes apan. )-ou die or become insane. dream and remember it when you w!lke up, Intentionally wa-
king up takes a successful skill roll or an Ego roll divided with

The Art of Dreaming is mostly used to change one's

Ul.'tropoli These creatures call only exist ill the OWll dreams. It isn't possible 10 enter other people's dreams on
I"nd~ lie visit ill our dreams ... it stood like a man but had the purpose, and it is vel)' difficull to aller other people's dreams.
color uf churcoal its while eyes /ol/owe(J my el'er)" mO~'e­ But it is possible to force others to enter your dream. This
m..lII. only by thrrJj";lIg m)'Se/f o.ff the c/~ff did I escape their means that The An of Dreaming is more limited than Dream
piercing dall's, "ingic. \lhich also permits manipulation of other people's
dreams. See the chapter -Magic for more information on

Dream Magic.


Rebecca's score in the An of Dreaming is 12, She is in a ter-

rible nightmare and attempts to wake up. She rolls 9. It's a suc-
cess, and she wakes up.

The table below sho\\s .... hat can be a<:hic\oo at dif·
ferent skill scores. The changes are cumulative; a character
By using The Art of Dreaming. )OU can change your with a score of 10 can perfonn both the changc~ for 1-5 and
own dream while you arc in it. You can alter the landscape and those for 6-1 O.
conjure up creatures. The Gamemaster decides how big
changes you can make each time. Your sk ill score is a guide-
line to how big an influence you can have. A practiced dreamer
can alter his .... hole dream. an amateur can onl) change details. ,.,
Change colors. Change the shape of ~ingle object:>.
rhe cffect detennincs if the changes come out as )ou intended; e.g. make a cro"barout ofa piece of iron pipe or a
a low score means there are differences to "hat you had in pair of trousers out of a cunain. The ma~. ~i/c and
mind. a high score means you achieve your purpose. material of objects cannot be affected.
6-10 Alter light and darkness; make a light pldce dl.(k or
Primarily. you can alter your own Dream World. Any fill a dark place with light.
attempt to change another person's dreams are done at --20 to II-IS Alter any object up to 10 kg weight and
your skill score. Dream Worlds created by masters of Drea- 1 cubic meter completel). both fonn
ming. such as the Dream Prince's Worlds. have built-in de- and material. Double or half the
fenses against any outside anempt to lllmpcr "ith them, ma- .... eight and size of such objects. For
king them e\oen harder 10 affcct. example, )'ou can make a
flower out of a machine-
gun, or a telephone OUI
ofa hat.

16-19 Alter Time. M.ove l\"'ice as fast or twice as slow as 16-19 Assume non-human fonns and increase t....o ability
all others. Make others mo\e twice or half as fast as scores by a number of points equal to the skill score,
normal. If you move at double speed and make but not more than ten times the ability score.
Oth~'B mo\e slo"er. ~ou double ~our number ofac 20·29 As above. but )-ou can increase three ability scores
tions per (('mbat round. and halflhat of other; by a number of points equal to the skill score, but
1()..2~ Change creature.. and buildin~. Completely aller not more than len times the ability score. You can
~ha~ and material in a creature or a hou~. tum a also choose one skill. \lhich >'00 do not ha\e .... hen
dreamer illlo ~tone or a house into a ruin. Objects up you are awake, with a score equal to >'our dreaming
to 10 kgs weight and I cubic meter can be creatoo score.
out of thin air o r made to \anish completel). 30-39 As abo\e. but )-ou can choose 1\\0 skills with a score
:26-19 \10' e back and fOr1h through lime. e.g. so that re equal to your dreaming score. and change your form
cent e\lmt~ never happened and )011 can "stan 0' er~ as often as you likc.
from an earlier point. lct time pass up 10 len times 40.... 9 Increase four ability scores and choose three skills in
1~lsh;r or slo"cr than nomla!. This ne,er give~ )011 thc $amc \lay as described above.
more than tw ice the numbt-r of actions. but it can be For every ten points of skill in The Art of Drcaming.
used 10 pass quickly Ihrough a long p<-">J"iod of \,aiting, one more ability can be increased and one more skill
Alter whole landscapes, add or remove creatures and can be chosen. in the same way as described abo\e.
buildings as )'ou please. At 50-59 you have four increa~d abilities and four
extra skills. At 60-69, you have five increased abili
EXAMPLE tics and five cxtra skills. and so on. There are a limi
led number of abili ti es. so abo ... e 100, only a new
In her drel/m, RI.'ht.'t·clI is loded lip in a bore room. Thl.' O"/l' skill can be added for every len points.
O;'jt'(·/ in the mam aport Fom herw/f is a ,~mall rable. She
f(lu.'hcs th(' /uhk' and cona·ntrutes 10 r.:.thlljJ(' if into a .~/cdRe. EXAMPL E
hclmmcr, which _,,,,, could U.IC III blY.'{lk rioWII 0 lillI/ Sh ... rolls
5, a'l/en.',f.' IIllh WI elkcl oJ - .~"e gels a pr.:fI)" good s/e.1r:1.... Rf!i><.'cca is beillg pursued by u masked assassin. She tries 10
hummer SII<.' 11'f"('(1A:.f huvoc willi III" wall. hid.: in lhe crrJ"d on Ihe slrcer. bUI he spots her. She Illen de-
cides /(} alter her appcaro/ICe She sllrinks into a -fmall bo):
"hile aI/he sam ... lime increasillK lIer agility wilh 11 for a
'T'rte 'Dreamea Self tOfu/ 0/26. SI,.,. rullS inlO all o/fey und gets away

In our dreams. we usual I>' appear as an image of our

v.uing sehc,>. But experienced dreamers can alter themseh-es PortalS
In lheir drcam\. With The Art of Dreaming, )-ou can alter your
bod)- and )-our abilities. The skill score determines how big Dreamers \lith a very high skill score are able to
change<; an.' IXbiblc. create portals bemeen dream and realit). They can bring
thcmselles and others OUI of the world of dreams and into our
Whcn you \~antto alter your dreamed self. )'ou roll realilY, \\here they assume physical shape, They can summon
for The Art of Dreaming. If the effect is high. )'OU ha, e ac· other sleeping persons and force them into their dreams. The)
complished the desired change; a low effect means there lire are e, en able to 'isit another person's dreams, possibJ) to hurt
imperfections. or kill him or her there. and then connect the victim'S dreamed
self wi th his or her real self so as to harm or kililhe sleeping
Changing yourself is much more difficult \I hen you body as \\elL In rare cases. they can enter the world of dreams
are in someone else's dream ; you ro ll at ·10 to your skill score. wit h their physical bodies and real objects.
The table below shows what kinds of changes you can do at
different ~kill scores. The changes are cumulative; a character These masters are usually Dream magicians. Within
with a <;core of 15 can perrOml bOlh the changes for 1-10 and the Lore or Magic there are spells to create pon als and emcr
tho~e for 11-15. other people's dreams. Very skilled dreamers without magical
skills can also Icam such things. The table below shows what
can be achieved with different skill scores.
1-10 Co~mctic changes. e.g. looking like someone e lse. SCORE POSSIBLE ACfION
II-IS Increase one ability score by a number of points 1-19
equal to the skill score, but not more than ten times 20·25 Summon dreamers. You can force a sleeping person
the ability score. S.... itch sex and completely alter into )-our dream. The sleeper rolls fOf Ego and must
)out appearance. get a higher effect than your dream roll to a,oid the
26-30 Creale a ponal out of )-'our dream so that )-our drea
med self can enter the real world. You can bring
dreamed objects with you, up 10 two times your skill
score in pounds.
31 -39 Create a Portal into your Dream, allowing your phy
sical body to enter, bringing real objects ..... ith you,
up to IWO times your Skill Score in pounds. This is
only possible if you have a living body in the Real

",0+ Connect dreams and reality. You can create a Precognitive dreams are such where the dreamer ex-
connection bct",ccn a person's dreamed self and his periences something that will happen in the future. For a mo-
waken self, so that what happens to him in the dream ment, he is able to see through the lie that Time really is. It is
also happens in reality. The usual \\ay to go about not possible, oot e\'cn for Maslers of Dreaming, to intentio-
this is to force the person into your dream "'here you nally summon true precognitive dreams. Such cxperienccs
can control the events. The \ictim gets an Ego roll, if come of their own accord ("hen the Gamemash:r needs them).
its effcct is less tilan yours for The An of 0 rea ming, The dreamer doesn't knol-'.- if the precognition is a true pro-
e\ erything that happens in the dream also happens to phecy until the event reall} happens,
the victim's physical body. The connection lasts only
in one dream. Messages can arrive in dreams from ~killcd dreamers
and from creatures outside the normal world. Dream~ arc a
EXA HI)L E "a> of seeing through the illusions and meet cfl:atures thlm
the other sidc.
Juan ,\figuel has a score of 27 in The Arl of Dreaming He
ll'alll.f to force Rebecca into his own dream lie makes a dream Characters can affect reality in their dreams, e.g.~·
throM: and gets J: (J perfect result. giving him .. /0 to the effect. ITO)' a dangerous object \\hich;s then also dcstTO)ed in realiI)-.
The total eJjCcI is 35. Rebecca has no cflOllce 10 get ,filCh a or sct someone free \\ hose dreamed self is impr;"oned, ;,() that
!IIK" I!(/txt with an Ego roll. sa she is forced /0 enter Juan Mi- he can return to his physical body and I-'.-ake up. Nothing ~tops
guel's Drewnll'orld. dreamers from trying to affl'Ct reality, even if thcir score in The
Art of Dreaming is low. The difference to ~kitJed dre31llers is

Tlie Worfc{ 1"'Dreams that the amateur doesn't knol-'.- \\hcther his elTon.. hu\-e any ef-
fe'CI or \I. nether he is out on a \\ i Id goose chase.

It is nonnally not possible to control \l.hat happens in Sometimes, dreams and reali!) 110\\ into each other
your dreams. The Gamemaster decides this. The dreamed SO lhm "e cannot tell them apan, This happens \l.h.:n a drea-
\\orld can be more or less like your usual environment, and it mer, consciously or not. has opened a wide ponal bet"ecn
is always influenced by your thoughts and your personality. A dl'l!am and reality. The effect is similar to "hat har pens wh.:-n
dreamer with low mental balance makes a darker, more dange- the illusions fade away in our world . Any thing can happen.
rous Dreamworld than someone with a high balance. Everything 110ws. Strange creatures appear.

Se~ernl people can ha ... e the same dream, Nobody But ",hen the illusions crumble, "e see into arn.lIher
knov.:; exactly how this happens. Perhaps it has something to "orld which (at least \l.C think so) is really there. \\h~n 8
do v. ith telepathic contact. They create the dream together. so dream merges with realiI)-. it i" beca~ there i;, a ~'M:NlI1 1-'.-00
that it is affected by all their personalities. is changing the "arid around us. The change;, dercnd
on tht' dreamer. If he or she is woken. the (Ii~turbanees
The story of the campaign must determine "hat hap- away.
pens in the dream. Sometimes a dream may be far from reality,
"jth flowing colors, weird perspectives and a I-'.-arpcd <>ense of
lime. Other times, it rna) he re31istic and close to the ",aking 'Dream Wanderers
\\orld of the characters. I f they are going to spend a long time
in the dream, pemaps a I-'.-hole game session. it is best to make A particular kind of possession works so that a
it realistic because that makes it easier for the players to visua- mer moves his life force into his dream. He transfer; his
lize and act in. self to the dream. In the game, this me31lS he loses one i
Ego from his waken self evcl')' time he enters lhe dreilm,
point is transferred to the dreamed self. Graduall)'. he becomes
Time in dreams more absent and dreamy in real life, and stronger in the "",arid
of dre3ms. When the real permn's Ego has drorpcd to lem, he
Dreams are be),ond Time. Skillful dreamers can becomes a mental vegetable I-'.- ithin \\ccks.
control TIme in their dreams 50 that it runs faster or slo\l.er
than norn131. The Gamcmaster decides "lmt TIme is like in the rhe dreamed self livcs on and become.~ one of the
dreams. Usually. it is parnllelto time in the physical "orld so Dream \Vanderers I-'.-ho wonder inlo other people's dn'ams and
that an hour of real time is an hour in the dre3rn. There may, are able 10 pass efTonlessly between different prople's dreams
ho\\ever, be vast differences. An hour in the dream may be and our reality.
equal to a year of real time. or "ice vem. It all depends on
"hat the Gamemaster has in mind. Such a trnnsfer can be made intentionall> by so-
meone who really "ants \0 go inlO dreams forewr All who
ha ... e a score of 30 or more in The Art of Dreaming can do it.
'Dreams and reaury But it is more common that the transfer is caused 0) a cur-,e or
something else that is not intentional on the pan 1'rthe
A skillful dreamer can influence the waken "arid by himself.
opening portals or by hurting someone in a dream SO that the
physical body oftilat person is also injured. BUI there are other A Dream Wanderer Ims the ability to go'
ways to let dreams "ork on reality. bel\\ccn Dream Worlds. Dream Wanderers ha\oe
a sufficiently high score in The Art of Orca·
Characters may find clues in a dream. which can be ming to mo~e unhindered between
used to soh'e a problem in real life. Perhaps the clues are dcc- dreams and reality.
pi> buried memories from earlier lives, or things they will find
oul in the future. Dreams aren't concerned with Time or space.

!\loSI Dream Wanderers are humans, though it is I/ llflfAD "...slt'f
po,~ible fllr oth..:r creatures to enter our dreams ~ well. Thcr.!
arc a couple (If -\lghoul Drearn Wandcr.!l'S. lbe purpose and 1'0 one knows how old Hammad aI-Sufi is. tie was
pl,ln~ of dilTcrent Dream \\anderers \aT) strongl). A comm()n the first l)re3Jn I'rince. lie himselr claims to hale entered the
trail j" thai the~ de<;pi,e the waking realil~ and Iq!ard dream, \\orld of dreams in the same )'ear that "Ioah "'as sa~ed from
as a SlperiOr and m(lre true world. the flood in his Ark. Ilis Dreamrealm is the largest of all. The)
stretch from absolute dissolution near Vortex to a point .... herc
DrC301 \\andercr> oormall) look like ordinar} the) almost ntergc with the waking "'orld. In some places. n0-
f'L'Ofl1c, but the~ can alter thcir appearance al will acwrding 10 tably a fe\1 blocks in Baghdad and Basra, aI-Sufi has maTl3ged
the rule!> of tho;!' dreamed ,elf l"he} arc able tll a.~,ume non- 10 mergc his world complctel~ with ours. Other Dream Princes
human IOml. fear that he rna} extend his influence o\'er a largcr part or the
",aking reality.

-The 'Dream Princes lIammad aI-Sufi himselr d\\ells in an old rock cit}
ncar Vortex. Ichthyrians hunt the nafro", alleys that perpe·
Dream Princes and Princc:>ses are the most IX)I"erful tually change and twist. The bodies of dead dreamcrs lie all
llf all drcamel";. The} hale c,i~tcd cntirel) in dreams since over Ih(' ground and hang from the walls. Through narro\~
long ilgO, und l1:n ... built thems ... lve~ empires of Dream World~. windo'" slits, one can glimpse the veiled servants of ai-Sufi,
r heir dreaming scores are 100 or more, and they are also mas- pO\\errul wanderers '" ho arc as crazy as he is. In a rock cham-
tl'TS of Dream \lagic \1 ith almo:>t as high scores. Many of the ber near a dried-up ",ell sits ai-Sufi and muntbles insane
Wamkrcr; have oc'Come !>er\'ant~ of the Dream Princes, more rhymes and incantations. lIammad ai-Sufi has a score of 350
or less l(llunlaril~ in thc Art or Dreaming.

I he r... alms of the Dream Princes lie close to Vonex,

where it is easy 10 creatc nl;:'" dreams from the chaotic torrenl A.dOI GRJ:I:..\IIF.RG
vI" imag.... 1 he ('ill-ht principalities extend from Ihe chaotic
cenler tOl\ard those pans of the Dream World!> closest to our Greenberg's Dream Worlds are the least chaotic of
rcalit~, and thc~ hale an inner logic and meaning. Each of the Dream Princes' realms. !Ie desires to bring order and mea-
them con,isb of hundred~ or dreams which flo\, into each ning 10 the Dream"'orld~, to make them more like our .... aking
other. real it),. In order to accomplish this, he mo ... es physical people
into his ..... orld. Thousand!> hale been captured and tran~poned
The proximit) to Vonex has affected the Dream 10 Greenberg's ",orlds. His Dreamrealms are meticulousl)
I'"nec'_ \1101' them have become more or less insane from Ii· ",ell-orden.'d places, full or nightmarish bureaocrilc), pointless
,ing in the chaotic border areas, Perhaps, a long time ago, rules and annics of guards and policemen who watch Oler the
'kir rcalms \\,crc rantastic and beautirul. Now, the) consist dreamers. Corridors and offices with clerks and administrators
m"f'I: of I.... i~tc!.l nightmares and insane hallucinations. fill \\hole ",odds. Other ",orlds are copies of middle class sub-
urban residential areas", ith thousands or \ Hlas, stretching
l'ht.- Dream PriTlCCs are illl'olled in a long and bitter cndles~ly to"'ard the horizon. Some worlds are endless prison;;
tru"gle for pO"'er over Vortex. Anyone "'ho conlrols the '" ith million;; or identical cells. Greenberg likes to repeat pat-
ourc(' of dreams has power OH'r all the Dream",orlds. 1\0 one tems indcfinitcl~. He has even reproduced people and popula-
h.lS ll1ana~cd to control Vonex, but all rear that someone else ted Dream \'-orlds \\ ilh thousands of copies of the same per-
",ill make himself master of dreams. Thus, the) al\\ays son, GI\.'Cnberg's score in The An orDreaming is 180.
~trug.glc and altempt 10 cut ofT each other's channcls to Vortex.
"bdncss ha~ made them paranoid lind unable to trust each
other. If Ihe can, they always Iry to damage each other's FRIf;'IJRICIi KtJ,.,;t;I.
Dream Worlds.
Kepfel began creating his Dream Worlds in Ihe 17th
All the Dream Princes have connections in our century, \\hcn hc \\as coun alchemist to the Duke of Thurin-
"'odd Somc of the struggle between them is fought with gcn. IIc is probably the most skillful Dream magician in tile
human thc'_men in the ",aking ",orld. The Dream Princes can ",orld. !lis Dream Worlds are rormed in magical and alchemi·
enecr our "'orld \\hen they please, but it is uncommon that cal traditions. They contain temples and subterranean halls for
the)' dll 5(1. Mon: often. the) send their servants \\00 ma~ be occult initiations. magical objects and huge libraries rull or old
Wand~'fCrs or ordinary dreamers. There are permanent portals manuscript~ that Koprcl has brought inlo the Dream World
bet"'ccn the \\aking world and the realms of the Dream from our reality. E\eT)thing is \\o\cn with spells and Magic.
I'rinccs in somc places. There are curses e\eT)'whcre, ready to strike the careless. The
dead come to lirc. The living are trapped in the borderland bet-
We will take cursor)' looks at some of the Dream ",cen life and dcath. Ponals are opened to Metropolis, Inremo
Princc!> and Prince!>!>CS. and to other Dream \\orlds. A dreamer without knowledge of
Magic can get in serious trouble in Koprel's Dream Worlds.

Kopfel himselr resides in a Palace which imitates

those of the Archons, close to Vortex. Iiere, he creates morbid
spells and attempts 10 exert his power o'er other Dream
Worlds and into our world. Kopfel has a score or 200 in The
An or Dreaming.


Nyeme is an old Dream Princess. Her worlds are Pasteur was born in Paris at the end of the 18th cen-
hundreds of years old. She has wandered between our world tury. She was bedridden from birth and suffered fiim a painful
and the Realm of Dreams for the last thousand years. She was nerve disease which gave her horrible hallucinatio s and night.
born somewhere in Africa, and her dreams are all African mares. Pasteur's Dream Worlds arc paranoid plae s wltere the'
nightmares of cursed villages and cities with insane inhabi- ground, the houses, objects and creatures are all oUt to get you.
tants, famine disasters and intenninable civil wars, dark gods Nothing is steady and reliable. The ground va- •
who despoil everything in their path. Iler worlds open in many nishes under your feet, trees tear you to pieces,
places in Africa and America. Nyeme has no permanent abode, walls grow anns that grab you. All ofPastcu(s
she always wanders between the worlds. Her score in the Art Dream Worlds, even those nearest to
of Dreaming is 250. ollr reality, are fragmentary and
chaotic. There are 110 permanent
gates into her worlds, but portals
can open anywhere and any

time. Pa\teur herself is close to Vortex, at the center of her TIlE: CIIILDRE.\ OF Tile U\D£RltORLD
Olin paranoid crcation~. She lie~ abed in an 18th ccntur),
room. identical to Ihe one l>ne occupied during her eanhl) life. Arcanum "~tropoli Only led by vibrations in the ground the
She nc\-er Ica\e<; this room. Her !'>Core in the .'\n of Dreaming Children 0/ the L'ndenl'orld hunt the blind I"ictims fost in the
I "75. I.(lhyrinlh. th~')' were once humans but long life in the ulJder-
grolllkJ IIus changed tocir li\·es.. blind eyes. only capable 01
Ielling nighl.trom day. Ihey sniffed the air and immedialely

rThe La6yrinth pidcli up my scent sleel dOIl's raked my legs and their jUl"s
snappNJ in the darkl1Css. like an animal it ,'rouched on lour
leg.f us il begull t/le hUIII

AGI 7; 1010(12) EGO IDIO (5)

STR 7+1010(12) CHA 1010 (5)
rho: ( !h)rinth 'iurrounds the \Iachinc like a shell, (I CON 7+1010(12) PER 7+1D10 (12)
opens up Inwards \1etropolis as well as Elysium. I. imOO and COM IDIO(5) EDU IDS (3)
Infem(l. Sellers and subl\a)~. ;.en;ee tunnels. bomb shelters
<lnd milital) males create a net ..... ork of pa~sages and shaft$ Sense~ : Good smell Llnd physical contact. Almost blind. sharp
that ~treldl deep into the enlsl oflhc earth. Far under the sur- hetlring.
lilec our 0\\ n stllers and tuunels joiu passagcs made of steel Communicat io n : O ..... n language
oJ earth. not IOnlled by an), human hands. There the Laby- 1\-10\ cmcnt . 7 m/comb.1l round
rinth bccomc~ the \J.me for all cities. There they arc joined in Aelions: 2
one dimelhion and merged ..... ith Ihe underground tunnels of In ilillihe bonus: None
\lctropu(is, Step~ and (adders lead from Ihe Lab, rinth into our Damage bonus: +1
Oil n lIorld, into Ihe dark lields of dream and in'to the flaming Damage capacity:
halls of Inferno. If one penetrates the Lab)rinlh deep enough 4 scratches I light wound
one al ..... a)'s emerge into \1ctropohs. 3 light \\ounds I serious wound
3 serious lIounds - I fatal wound
\1an) cn:atun:s lile in the subterranean world. Some Endurance 90
Ilere once human ... Children of the L'nderworld llho fled from ~alural armor: "one
Ihc daylight abole, Others come from be)ond our world Skills: Climb 12. Dodge 12. Thro\\ing lIeapons 12. Impact
T re arc also ordinal') humans who dllell in these placcs; lIeapons 12. unarmed combat 12, Swimming 12. Hide 12.
II..: I llicll5. fugitiles from justice, and juwniles on the lam. Search 12. Night combat 20
I JPlther in empt) water cisterns and tunnels. Many of the Allick molles : Clalls 12 (scr 1-8. III 9-15, sw 16-25. fw
,nol"C clandestine cults keep their shrines and hideouts dOlln 26+). Bite 12 (ser 1-6, Iw 7- I 2, sw 13-22. fw 23+)
, ~
110mI.' : Subterranean regions
Life expec:tanc)" : 30 )'ears
I"he deeper down ) ou go. the weirder and less Number encountered: 2dl0
' urr n Cl\.'lllure~ )01.1 \I ill encounter. Cuhens under hospitals. The Dark Art: 0
~r\IC~ access tunnels under the subways. and old bomb shel-
l C"r~ ar~ homes for runalla> children. alcoholics, junkies,
worn-out prostitutes and illegal immigrants. Further down, in
th~ ~CIIC'-";, you find the Children of the Underworld and crea·
tun: from the other side.

:\t the very bottom of the Labyrinth, lies something Thoropolis is Ihe city underneath, cxisting in etenml
Ihilt C"\-en the Children of the Underw'orld only mention in darkness. No light can be made here. Black rivers lumble
I\hispcr.>. A creature that has grown in strength for millions of dOli n in deep shafts IOward the center of the Labyrinth, where
ye;lTS nourished b) energ) from Metropolis. The inhabittlnts of Minothorgon guards the gate to Aehlys. If you wander deep
thc l nd("rnorld bring sacrifices to this being, that thc) call enough into the Labyrinth, you aillays get to Thoropolis. the
\linlllh(l'1!t)n" It is believed Ihal she guards the gate against center of all the networks of subterranean tunnels.
olhing. the emptiness be)ond chaos. "Mino\horgon demands
crlfi~e to keep the gate shut". they say. Her lIorshippers are Ilere dweilihe leaders of the Guardians oftne Lab)-
Ih~ Guardians of the Labyrinth, a lIidespread cult I\-hich is rinth. the cult that lIorships She Who Waits &10\\ and regards
conlroll~d from the subterranean city ofllloropolis. Achl)s as sahation. In their sacrifices. lens of thousands of
prisoner.> are hurled into the ril-CTS. to be carried dow n to Ihe
center of the Labyrinth. Thoropolis is an eternal city, beyond
Time and Space. It lias built of stone and iron. The noise of
lhe rh ers drowns all other sounds. and in the eternal darkness,
visitors from above seldom lind their way OUI of il. 8et\\een
silent buildings, hordes of bats sweep throllgh the air and h0o-
ded guardians hurry along the streets; else, the city is dead.

At the center of Thoro polis stands the Templc of the

l3lind Bul1. It is the entrance to the Inner Labyrinth \\-hich li~
benealh. or perhaps beyond. Thoropo1is. Through ccremonies
that last for year.>, Ihe foremost of the Guardians cleanse them-
selves so thot they can defeat Ihe Blind Bull and descend to
Ihe lasl Labyrinth. Ihat leads to salvation and annihilation.

The Blind Bull guards the entrance to the Inner La-
byrinth. Its Temple is a Labyrinth in i~lf, a maze of tunnels
and empty rooms decorated" ith paintings that can ne"er be
seen in the darkness. Forlorn creatures "ander about there, ha- All subterranean creatures wor~hip \1;"'.",..,060
\ ing entered the temple to meet the Bull. but gotten lost They say th:lI unless she is appeased. she may open
beyond hope. to Aehlys and annihilate the whole world. Perhaps
some truth in this. Perhaps she is just a creatun: able to
The Blind Bull stands in the innermost chamber of near Achlys without being affected by the dissolution of
the Temple. where an icy wind sweeps through the gate to the lity, bUI without capacity to spread destruction.
Inner Labyrinth. Those who want to proceed further down
must defeat the Bull. It tells all its adversaries that "Death is The inhabitants of the Underworld Ihm" do\"" vic-
better than annihilation~. [t has no physical fonn. but tears its tims in the black. ri\CTS of the Labyrinth. and the} aho perform
"ictims to shreds. The mangled remains of those who failed other sacrifices 10 She Who Waits Below.
are found outside the Temple.
1\0 one has e\Cf returned from the Inner Lab)'rinth,
so theft' is no person who can tell "hat this dcilY looks lIl.e_
But she reveals herself in the dreams or all thaI d"elt long in
Lhe lnneR L,bYRlm:h the Underworld. In dreams, she may have \ariou~ forms - a
shining eye. a fonnless cloud of chaos. or a ~\\ollen female
body resting in darkness. These dreams are ollen about
Beyond Thoropolis. lies the Inner Labyrinth. [t is a ring through endless corridors, feding tempted and drawn by
place where Time and Space have little meaning. Gradually, something that is frightening but also \\ondcrful. In care ea...es,
the dimensions merge, matter flows into a fonn[ess, colorless dreamers have been physically dra,\n into the In,.:r Lab;irinth
e'(istcnce, Time is replaced by eternity. The Guardians describe b)' dreams sent b} Iler. ~
the Inner Labyrinth as a huge spiral, which is gradually dissol-
ved, first in larger fragments and Ihen in finer pans until all Those woo meet her in dreams are drawtl to her and
that remains is a gray doe. There, Minothorgon rests. the only feel an urge to go deeper in the Lab)Tinth. to join'
creature able of existing in utter Chaos. with her and be dissol\'ed in Achl)'s. All who
have dreamt of Minothorgon for any conside-
There are other ways to access the Inner Labyrinth rable period of time will be gripped
than the one through Thoropo[is. A person. who by Magic or by a desire to cease to exist.
other methods distons his own sense of lime and Space, may
find himself in the Inner Labyrinth. drawn toward Chaos.
Beyond She Who Waits Below lies Achlys. where Space, Mat-
ter and even rternity cease to exist.
The light came hurtling toward me from the new body with fragmentary, fading memories of our prcviou~
existence. The new body may be that of a ncy,born infant. a
end of the tunnel. I could make out the Nephan'tes, pre- tormented sinner in hell, a con1ented person in paradise. or a
pan'ng to punish me for my sins with shredded flesh specter that haunts the living in our worid. It al .... a)·s resembles
and searing heat. I halted in panic and managed to stop our previous body'. We are bodily creatures. We never lose our
hefore 1 was thrown into the light. The darknen in tbe body entirely. even though spirits have vel) liule matter in
tunnel was dissolved in a milky white haze. I hung them. We still look like the angels that the Dcmiurge hurled
down to the Eanh.
weightless for a moment, looking down at my own dead
hody. Then I slowly settled down into it and felt the
cold corpse engulfme. I had elected to stay in my corpse, 'Re6irth
rather than foce what awaited me after death. [t WflJ a
choice I came to regret when the worms hegan to CTllwl "Like the imprint of the stamp in the \\et cia), the M

Buddhists say of reincarnation. In it. our previoll.'; body, oW'"

under my skin and the decomposition dissolved my person is reborn in an infant. The mOSt common is thaI \\e
flesh. When I realized that Death is only a heginning. come back as a relathe of our pre\ious ~elt: but it abo hap-
pens that .... e are born inlO a strange family. But ncarl~ al .... a)~
\\e are reborn into the same prople and language.

The Demiurge ne\'er took away our immonalilY.

Most of us ha\e no memo!) of eadd:;:':',;~~~,~:
Death is bul a gate to other e'Cistences; it changes us. but .... e Only in hypnosis, deep meditation or through ir i
ne\er vanish entirely. The fallen angels ""ho .... ere impriSOned dreams, we can glean some kno ..... ledge of what happened
on Eanh still remain there. Only a handful has been wiped out before. Even then, we are often tricked and led astra) b)'
during the past millennia. It takes much more than death to present dreams and desires. There are many more people
obliterate a human being. believe that they .... eTC Napoleon, than such \\ho ~:::~:;.
being nogged Russian serfs. In the world ofKult, it i~
Some of us live here and now. We were reborn in for skilled hypnotists or dream interpreters to reach'
ne .... bodies .... hen the old ones died. Others are in hells and earlier lives; on our own y,e cannot do il.
purgatories, or living as spirits in our world or in exile somew-
here beyond the illusions. A few ha\e been confined in other Curses, neuroses and psychoses folio .... us beyond
existences, as animals or semi-humans. or objects, or in their death. Matte~ that we .... ere unable to settle before we died. we
o""n dead bodies. We can be fellered in an object for thousands bring with us to the other side. What ma) seem like a fami!)
of years. but when released we always regain our physical curse rna) actually be an amiction that follows the same per-
form in one \\ay or another. son through man) reincamations. A necromancer can control
rebinh and pUlthe dead person into a particular body.
We are unable to remember anything of .... hat happe-
ned before our binh, and .... e cannot see into the future. Our
identity, the self .... e de\eloped in life, is obliterated. What re-
mains is the "il," our original nature that cannot be destroy·ed.
On the 'Bonferfand 1 'Death
We are imprisoned for a brief lifetime. blind to the rest of our Those .... no do not ""ant to go through death 10 thc:
history. It makes us helpless. We cannol control ..... hat happens other side risk being trapped in the borderland. Thb b a place
after death. ..... here the memories are nOI entirel) lost. The) f.de .... jill the
years, but ne\er vanish entirely unless you rcallyjdie~ The 4

The 'Moment 1 'Death identity is fIOt erased, and this means there is no ~ kJ
form a new one. Instead, one's personality i .. slowly twisted
and distorted until it becomes unrecogniJ"..ablc
Death is the most fiendish pan of the Demiurge's
curse. It limits our existence to a few brief years. We have no Those who arc caught in this no
memories of the past and in our ignorance, we cannot make man's land arc called the undead.
any plans. Our hopes are destroyed by forgetfulness. Some remain there of their own
free will, because thcy don't want
Our memories are erased at the moment of death. to give up their memories and
This is what dying people experience a~ "your whole life pas- are afraid of a hell that awaits
sing before your eyes.~ Aller that, .... c are fonned again as a
them on the other side. Others are kept in the borderland There is normally no way back to life from such
again~t their will. The~ ha\e been bound there with drugs or captivity. When the object is destroyed, the person dies. It may
Magic. be possible to transfer the personality from the object into a li-
ving human body, possessing it. In such a case the person will
The onl) way out of the borderland is death. It is al- continue to li .. e with memories and personality intact.
most impossible (though a few exceptions exist) to return
fwm the borderland to tife in one'~ old existence.

A few unhappy people are never separated from

their dead bodies, but remain trapped in the decaying flesh. At
The Corpophagus is a parasite that is able to capture the stan, the person remembers his past life. But the captivity
a person's soul ill a dead and decaying body. It looks like a in a rotting body is enough to drive most people insane and
black lecch, about halfan inch long. with a red webbed pattern any memories oflife fade quickly.
on it'< back. It enters a human skull through the nose, the
mouth or the ears. Inside. it bores into the brain and causes A few people stay in their bodies of their own voli-
~tates of severe bewildernlent, memoT) loss and headache. tion. They are nearly always sinners who fear hell more than
the horrors of being a living corpse. Others are bound in their
The atllicted person seeks out a hidden spot \\here bodies by means of drugs or magic. Several drugs have this ef-
he is cenain not to be disturbed. There, he falls into a coma. fect. [fthe body is re-animated within an hour after death, the
·\fter 2-5 days Ihe Corpophagus begins to emit a secretion person can hc<:ome a living dead.
which slowly kills the body, \~ithout releasing the mind. The-
reafter, it la)~ eggs in the brain and dies. The small Corpo- The living dead lose some of the abilities they had in
phagi hatch after 1d5 days. They eat the decaying body and life. The) also lose nearly all sense of touch and cannot feel
feed on the mental energy of the ~till present mind. For each pain or experience physical shock. Re-animation breaks the
da} the Corpophagi are in the body, the person's mind loses nonnal balance in the body. Every limb now lives its own life.
one point of ego. A fter ten days. the Corpophagi are gro\\ n whether or not it is attached to the others. This is why it is ne-
illld leave the bod). cessal) to hack a living dead to pieces in order to stop him.

The mind is imprisoned in the body until it is com- Living dead have lost a large part of their brain ca·
plete!) destroyed. Only then is it set free, but it often remains pacity, above all the frontal lobes. They are dull in the same
near the place of death as a bewildered specter with broken way as someone who has taken a lot of drugs or been loboto-
ego and VC'T) lo\~ mental balance. Necromancers in creation of mized. Notwithstanding this, their state evokes great anxiety
animated corpses have used the substance used by Corpophagi in them. Living dead produce large amounts of adrenaline and
to capture the mind in the body. are always aggressive. This makes them stronger than they
were in real life.

'Boay Snatching Living dead may be completely preserved, or may

suffer a continuing decay. Most often. the decay stops when
Some ruthless people who are skilled in the occult the body is re·animated, but there are exceptions. Living dead
sr.:iencc~can escape death by snatching another body when have no natural process of healing, so if they are hun there
death seems imminent. There are magical rituals that make it will quickly fonn a rotting wound.
possible to take o.. er a li\ing human body, to possess it. The
original "owner" of the body is expelled, and his soul goes the Arcol/llm Melropoli . In the darkness around my person the
"ame \\a), as it would have done if he had died. The snatched living dead fumbled.. they retreated from the fJ(Iralyzing
bod) is slowly altered, over many years, to look more like the light ... their bodies were deformed and swollen, their skin rot-
bod)" of the person \~ho "wears" it. After ten years, even the ten alld infccled .. black pus flowed from open sores and jlies
gen~'tic eode in his cells will have changed. alld maggots crawled on the dead limb!!...


Prisoners of 'Matter STR 10+2D1O(21) CHA 1010(5)
Occasionally, a person's mind is imprisoned in inani- COM IDIO(5)
mate matter, or in the body of an animal or some other crea-
ture. I\-lagical rituals can be used to bind a person in this fa- Terror roll modifiution ::2:0
shion. While imprisoned there, the person retains all memories Senses: No perception of touch. Other senses dulled.
and earlier personality. Communication: Single words can be spoken. The speech
centers of the brain arc often dalllaged.
Movement: 5 mleombat round
Actions: 2
Initiatiw bonus : None
Damage bonus : +3

Damage ca pacity : Special. E\ery limb has its O\\ll life. The
bod)" can be divided but not killed. A result indicating a serious
or fatal wound may mean that a limb has been separated from
the body. Severe<llimbs seek to get back to the rest, to reunite.
In a combat situation this lakes IdlO combat rounds. if no one The simplest \\B) to bind a human in his dead body
~tops il. Every large limb (arm. leg, trunk) has halflhe strength is by use of drugs. This is practiced daily in Ilaili. I,here lom-
of the \\hole body. If bumcd to cinders, the living dead is des- bie drugs are used to create obl.-dicnt ~ervant.s with slight brain
troyed. There are also cenain drugs and magic spells \\hich damage. Doctor W. Davies has sludicd the manufacture llf lIai-
rna) destroy lhe living dead. tian re-animation drugs. Rituals surround the proces... bUI it's
Endurance: Unlimited not truly a magical process. The rituals serve mostly a~ II \\a)
I'o\\crs: Invulnerable to radioactivity. Docs not need food, \0 eliplain and remember the proce~s.
drink or oxygcn.
\lIack modes: Punch 10, Impact \\eapons 10 Dr. Da\ies describes ho" pans of poisonous ani-
mals; toad~, sea\\onns and stonefish, are mixed \\ ith herbs and
minerals. The mixture is heated se~eral times during three
SI'ECTEIlS days. Magic-looking signs are dra" n on the ground, probably
as a measure of time. Finall)'. po\\dered human bones 3re
ArCQnum "~'ropoli The /uminoUJ shape .fV>·ept by me as / added and the mixture is buried for 24 hOUr> together \\ith I\'"-
\I'us stunding at Ihe lOp o/Ihe slairs. The .ttartling resemblance mains of B dead person. The result is a red po\\der, a contact
to the portrail I had seen earlier was unconn)'. as is often the poison that penetrates human skin. This is strelln o\er /l per-
case with specten l'w heard il \Ihispe1T!d /ht.1I Ihese sOIlls are son \\ho dies \\ithin a fe\\ minute~. But the <;(luI ne\er ka\o;'s
n:.lliess dead. Ilml"illing to lea~'e lhe !il'ing but not strong en- the bod). After one day. the bod) is re-animah.-d and fum:tinns
oUl{h to stay Accordinl{ to Ihe wi.~e crones I have spoken 10 as a living dead with minor brain damagc.
Ihese SOl/Is Icave their dead bodies /0 elernally aimles.dy wan· Another type of reanin18tory drug has been dc .. clo-
der Ihe fields of Elysium In Ihis / can only sp«ulate ped by Dr. 11. West in the USA. rhis can also be used on a re-
cently dead bod). capturing the soul. It is injcl;ted and Icads 10
:\GL 3010( 16) EGO 2010(11) immediate A"akening. Thc brain damage is I;ollsidenlbly grea·
STR I'[R 2010(11) ter ..... hen the re-animated person has been naturally dead than
CO~ with the I-Iaitian method, where death is causcO b) the drug.

Terror roll modifica ti on : ±O Ever since the da)s of Dr. Frankenstein, man)
Senses: Specters have a dim. vague perception ofthc ph)'sical people ha\e ~ught to create life b) joining parts of delld b0-
\\orld. The) can feel magic. and auras arc clearly visible to dies. It has succeeded a fe\\ times, most l'\.'Centl) in .·\mcri~
them. e~perimenl5 \\ ith re-animalion drup.
Communication: Speak sometimes
Load CalJacity : None whatsoever To creale a li"ing dead from bod) parts. II is
:\lo\ement : Instantaneous. I'ot bound b) space dimensions. SaT) for someone to be "reincarnated" into t~ assembled
,\ctions 3 The fe\\ times that these e)<perimcnls have been soccL'Ssful"
Iniliath e bonus ' +4 has been because one of the people \~hosc parts ha\e
Damage bonus :- used has returned to the body. It is no plea!i3nt experience to
Damage capacity ; Cannot be ph)'sicalty hanned reborn in this "a),. and all the kno\\n case~ h3~'e bI.'\;Ull\e f><!--
Endura nce: Unlimited riousl)' ps)chotic.
I~o\\en : Telekinesis up to 100 kg. 10 mJsec (Only some spec-
ters have this. They are called poltergeists.)
Attaek modes: I>roje<:t emotions. Roll for Ego, if the ~pecler
rolls higher, il succeeds. in projecting fear. an"iety or other fee-
lings in the victim. The victim must then make a terror roll of
-10 or more to escape shock.
Life e~"ectancy . I00-500 years before it is reborn.
'umber encountered Varies
The Dark art ; 5

The final equation appeared on the screen. A
web of meandering graphs was intertwined and foded
to on invisible point JOmewhere in the distance. rTime
Time is absolute. There is no past, no no .... and no fu·
I typed in the command, and the lines !Urged ture. What we see as a movement forward i~ jU~1 a \\<1) 10 sort
sensory input Beyond Time lies Eternit), an absolute statc wi~
out from the screen, surrounded me and glittered in a thout past or future. In Eternity, man is immortal bccau~c
thousand colors on the walls around me. The room where there is no Time, there is no Death.
began to change. Light and darkness followed each
other foster and foster. The wallpaper came off I tur~ An Awakened person can see Eternit), \\e othl,'l'i can
ned to face the window. The gloss had been broken for a only glimpse il at times. When this hap~n~, the concept of
Time fades, and past. future and pre!>Cm merge. Thi~
long time and the frames were flaked. Outside, where nife~t it!>Clf in :;everal "also The most u,ual i~ for· ~;~~:
the apple tree used to be, was a gray concrete wa/!. eras in Time to fade into each other. I>eople from the r
When J turned around again, the computer wos gone. into the present. Objects age and wither, onl) to suddenl)
Only a rotting desk stood against the wall A cold wind pear undamaged. Time can also pass back\\ardi or move
swept through the hOllse. There was a smell of mold a different speed than usual.
and decay. J heard a door opening and careful steps on Our sense of lime is built into our minds. It
the creaky floor in the hallway. The door opened and a vanish when we look into other worlds. rime seems to
woman came in. All old woman with wrinkled face also in Metropolis, but it's a bit more capricious there
and thin, gray hair. Myself My own agedface. "J have he",_
waited for you. There is something you need to know,"
Humans .... ith extremel) high or 10" mental balance
said she who was I. She took my hand and led me out can alter the passing of Time. SlOp Time or make it go back·
ofthe crumbling howe. wards. Magic. special ani facts and places whl:re the illusions
shatter rna) also affect Time. TIle table below describes how
extreme mental balance affects one's pcrccpl:ion ofTimc.

Time and Space are parts of our prison. They are BAI..A'O: E.·n:cr
ways to look at existence and make it comprehensible. Not all ~SO/+7S The person percei\cs 1 ime dillcrcntl)'
creatures have the same sense ofTimc and SPlIce as we do. In when in shock. Timc then movl,'s at double
fact, our ability to grasp these matters is very limitcd. We per~ or half thc nonnal speed. or may ~10p for
cl':ive Time as linear, and Spacc as three-dimensional. Other a maximum of one hour. limcjump::. of no
creatures can see more dimensions and understand Tillie in dif- more than 3 weeks. No ability)o control
ferent ways. these effects. i
~ IOOf+ l00 Altered Time pereeption can ~cur. ~
Our limited senses make us prisoners in Time. We when the person is not in :.hod, As above,
can only sense what we think is a movement fornard. If .... e are but Time can also mo\e back
forel.-d to mo\'e ~back~ in Time. or to SlOp in Time. or to mOH' wards and Time jwnps of up
faster forward than others, .... e become confused. The same is to 3 months may occur. No
true about Space. We cannot cope wilh more than three dimen- ability to control these
sions \\ ilhout becoming disoriented and rlCf\.'OUS. effects.

-150/+ 150 The peNon is able to control his own A perception roll is required to notice that an Aetat
perception o fTilne to make it pass at is pursuing you. The character will see the Aetats as dark sha-
double Of halfspeed. Can jump up to 3 dows moving through Time toward him. By strictly adhering
weeks back or fonh at will. L ncontrol!ed to "normal" Time, the character improves his chances to avoid
Time jumps of up to 3 year!) may occur. being found and caught. An Ego roll with higher effect than
Also Time stops for up to CIne week or the Aetat indicates success.
Time reversals which the person cannot
control. Actats are sometimes two-dimensional. or may seem
-3001+300 The pcn;on i~ able to control his own to have more than three dimensions. They have four to eight
JX'rception of Time to make it pass at legs and long. sinewy bodies. Time and Space is distoned
double or half speed. Can jump up to 30 around them so Ihat it is di/lieult 10 get a clear image of what
years back or fonh at wiU. Can stop Time they look like. The only thing that emerges from the distor-
for one week. Un(;onlrol!ed lime effects tions is the large red mouth devouring the victim.
onl~ occur .... hen the person is in shock.
-400/HOO Can alter the passage of TIme at .... m. AGL 10+2010 (21) EGO [0+IDIO(15)
Jump bad, and forwards in TIme any STR 10+2010(21) PER [0+IDIO(21)
distance. Stop Time for an) duration. CON 1O"'2DI0(21)

EXA.lIPLE Terro r roll modification ; +5

Senses; Sees deviations in human Time perception. Unh inde-
Vutuslla 11(1.1 u melltal balance of -BO. She wifers a severe red vision forward and backward through Time. Otherwise. as
shtick when f\uri IIImost kilts her While ,llIe is in shock Time humans.
sfopS jor one hUlir She w(mden awm'/rom the place of the en- l\1o\-ement; 10 m/combat round
coulI/er alld is jar ml'{l.l" before anyolle con knoll' where she Actio ns; 4
hu.1 KOlle, ,\ince 110 "Jime ptlssedfor allyolle else Ini t iath'e bo nus: +9
Da mage bon us: +5
Damage ca llacily ;
Paraaoxes 6 scratches "" I light wound
5 light wounds'" I serious wound
[n spite of the fact that Time really is absolute, para- 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
doxes may occur when we travel in Time. Let's explain this Endura nce; 135
\\ ith a metaphor. Time is homogeneous [ike the liquid in a Na tura l arm or : 2
g[a,s. BUI our perception of Time is specific, like lines of co- PQI.\ ers : Time travel, See humans with dcviating perception
lored liquid, which go through the larger body of liquid. The of Time
colored lines can be interlaced. can cross each other and be Attac k modes; Bite IS (seT 1-5, Iw 6-10, sw II-IS, f\\ 16+)
broken. It doesn't affect the main body of liquid. but to our li- Uome ; Beyond Timc
mited pcrspecthe it rna) seem as if paradoxes occur.

One obvious paradox is; what happens if somebody

! ra~eb back in Time and kills his own parents before he was
bon)" I r they dit!d before he was born. he doesn't exist. so he
eannol have killed his parents. So since he didn't kill his pa-
rents. he exists. BUI ifhe exists, he has killed his parents. so he
cannot exist, and so on. He ends up in a closed loop of para-
d.... x . The')e may l~el1 exist. Only ifthc murderer comes to re- The three dimensions we see around us are also JUSt
gard Time in a different way. will it be possible for him to one way to perceive the world. Other creatures are able to see
break out of the loop. An external foree that regards Time in reality in any number of dimensions. We are only able to know
another perspective is also able 10 break into the chain and other dimensions through mathematical calculations.
Coree the killer out of the paradox.
An Awakened human can play with dimensions as
she pleases, and choose her way to look at reality. A magician
or a person with very high or [Ov. menIal balance may also
have a somewhat different perceplion of Space than others.
Aetats are creatures without any concept of Time. Such people hal'e the ability 10 panially affect their vision. By
the Ilay \~e homans see it. They live in Eternity, but they are seeing the world in two dimensions, they can travel instantly
att racted to the limited human way of approaching Time. from one point 10 another. By looking at more than three di-
Many believe thaI the Aetats were created by the Arehons and mensions, {hey can move inlo realities beyond ours.
the Dcmiurge to stop us from knowing Time as it really is.
Aetats sense when a human deviates from the pattern BA LANCE EFFECT O N SPACE PE RC EPTIO N
and sees Time differently from others. -50/+75 When the person is in shock, Space can
Anyone who moves faster or slower, jumps in become distOr1ed. Teleportation may occur, up to 2
Time and makes Time j ourneys ris ks being ki lometers. Distances may become ten times longer,
detected, and destroye d, or only a tenth of the nonna!. The world may seem
by the Aetats. to be two-dimensional. The person has no control
over these effects.

-100/+100 Distoned Space perception rna)' occur an) AGL 2010(11) FGO 3010(16)
time, also when the person is not in shock. STR 201O(16} PER 2010(11)
Teleponation up to SO kilometers. em: 2DI0(11)
Distances rna)' become 100 times longer,
or only a hundredth of the nonnal. The Terror roll modifi cation :-5
world may seem 10 be t ..... o-dimensional. A SensCll : Usually perceive Space difft!rently from humans.
founh dimension can be sensed. Communication : Cannot communicate "'ith human~.
- 150/+ 150 The person can affcct his Space perception !\1o\ ement : 5 m/combat round
and telepon himsclfup to 2 kilomcters, Acti ons: 2
increase or decrease distances by a factor Initiath e bonus: ]\;one
of 10. In shock, telepon3tion up to 1000 Da mage bonus: +2
kilometen may occur, distances can Da mage capadt) :
increase or decrease by a factor of I 000. 4 scratches""" 1 light ",ound
Many dimensions can be sensed. 3 light wounds '" I serious ",ouoo
-300/+300 llIe person is able to control his perceplion 3 serious \.\iounds" I fatal wound
of Space. telepon up to 50 kilometers. Endurance 85
increase or decrease distances by a factor 'la tu ra l a n no r : None
of 100, and make the world IWo- or four- )'ower5 : Impart spatial perception to humans. It attaches ib
dimensional. Uncontro1l3ble effects may tentacles to the human's head. thereby paralyzing the victim .
happen when the person is in shock. This takes IdlO minutes. Then. it tr.msfers its O\.\in perception
--100/+400 Ability to tclepon any distancc. increase or of Space to the human. This takes IdlO hours.
decrease distances at will, and percei\ie Attac k modes: Unanned combat 10 (damage: tb a human),
any number of dimensions. Tentacles 1. excrete paralyzing poison with a strength of3dlO.
When the victim loses more than 1/3 ofrO", it is paral~led
EXAJIPL£ and sedated.

Satosha nol only manages 10 mate Time slap »'hen she is 01-
laeked by Karl. In lIer shocked condition..fhe also (wiSls Space
so thai she moves ten limes the normal distance. During lIre
hour thai passes for her bUI not for the reSI 0/ the world. she
walks 50 km and ends IIp/araUI in tile Sllburbs a/Paris.

A.\·"F.CTf Achlys is what lies be)ond Time and Space: When

both TIme and Space cease to exist. "'e approach the \oid. the
ASpecti are creatures with a differcnt spatial percep- original nothing that ",as before creation.
tion from ours. They sense partS of Space as t"'o-dimensional.
other pans as four-dimensional. The) li\e in our midst but are A person who t",ists his perception of rimt'
anI) visible ",hen their Space perception coincides "'ith ours. Space too much may end up near Achl)s. There, c\el}thing
This happens'" hen an Aspectus loses control of its own Space gradually dissol\cd, dimensions merge. matter floats inlo
perception. To regain its equilibrium. it must get help from a gray mass '" ithout shape or color, TIme become<; I :tcmity. ntis
human \\ho is forced to assume the same Space perception as is what the Greeks called Chaos. Beyond th is, whrre neither
the Aspectus. This nearly always leads to madness. and some- matter, emptiness not etcmity exist, is I\chlys.
times to such a short-circuit of the human's ncrvous system
that he dies. Anyone who dissohes his Time'Space-perccption
too much may end up near Achlys. Once )-ou get there. the
ASpecti are humanoids with thin, tentacle-like ap- void begins 10 a1trnct you. With a weak sen~e of Time nnd
pendage~ on their heads instead of hair. Their bodies flicker in Space. )OU rna)' be dra .... n beyond Chaos and into ·\ chl)·s. It is
many colors, and are sometimes t",o-dimension:l1, somelimes like a black hole that exens a stronger gnt\iit) the do..er )OU
multi-dimensional. They look sort of like walking cubisl pain- get. In Achlys, a human ceases to exist. If "'e enter Achl)s. "e
tings. The facial features are distorted by the perspecthe disappear from the uni\erse; we have never e\.isteJ and ne';er
changes and have \\eird colors, but are otherwise quite human. will.

When an Aspectus happens to drop into our reality, it A physical road to Achlys goes through the subterra-
seeks out a sleeping or otherwise helpless person, auaches the nean Labyrimh that exists under Metropolis and all cilles.
tentacles on its heild to the person's head. This creates a direct Cults and divine beings guard it.
link between their ncrvous systems. It then begins to work on
the human's nerves, and within IdlO hours, the human will
ha\e been taken over by the Aspectus' spatial perception. The ended up Some people
in Achlys searching
instead. There isfora :::;'I:~:;~~iC~~1:'~
human's mental balance drops IdlO per hour of linkage with the Guardians of the Labyrinth, '" hich i
the Aspectus. An Ego roll is required not to sulfer a fatal bur- members of the cult draw gradually nearer to
nout of the nenous system. When the Aspectus h~ completed they finally cease
its work, the)' both see realil)' as the AspectuS sees it. They \ia-
nish fore\er from human sight. A person'" ho has been lost in
this way can only be retrieved by another human who manages
to assume the Aspect!'S way of perceiving Space. or by a
skilled Time/Space magician.

The straps cut into my body. They forced me to
eat their damned pills; red, blue, green, and yellow. My ho-1Jucmo-cions
head JWam. Everything became heavy and sluggish and
gray. J fought against it. This time I wouldn't faint, not Schizophrenic people are known 10 hallucinate, but it
drift IIway. J stllred intensely at the opposite wall, lit a happens to people with other mentnl di~rders. too. lIallucina-
wet spot there. And something began to happen. The spot tions come in twO \arieties: glimpses of the true realit), and
grew, lost its gmynm and became green, ),ellow, flaming mental phantoms created by the sick pcrson\ mind. It's impos-
orange. I assailed the blank wall with my mind. It bulged sible for the sick person to tell them apart. You create a realit)
of your own. a mixture of our world, realit) be)'ond ilIll~ions.
out toward me, throbbing with oTlmge life. and pure fantasy. All situations of stress and ten~ion can pro-
The nurse screamed and threw down her tray. I voke hallucinations in an insane person. The Game1l13ster de·
let the wallpaper burst and the bulging wall crack open termines if the visions are fantasies or realif)-. An Fgo roll is
like a boilfull ofpus. The green sludge that sprayed over needed 10 avoid hallucinations in situations in\olving stress.,
the nurse grew tentacles that grabbed her: J couldfeel her and whencver you are in an exposed place.
pulse os if it were my own hands grabbing her, sucking
01110 her skill and tearing out bleeding chunks offlesh. I 'Distortea Perspective
let the crack widen and shook the room with my mind
until J heard (/ roar and the ceiling came dO'um over me This is thc type of hallucination thaT makcs it p0s-
ill (/ cloud ofploster: Thm everything went dark. sible for the insane to see the True Reali" 'armal
tions of TIme and Space collapse. Differen"t time periods
in the same place. Space is distorted so that the distan.:e
Madncss is "hat happens "hen thc soul protcsts "cen two places can be unnaturall), ~hon or ""re."",oaI!~
against an impossible existence. When 'I.e lose our sanity. the long. These distortions affect you physically. You 1l."8l1y
world around us changes. We make up new lies to explain rea- the otncr times. You really have to \~alk for a whole
lit). but .... e also begin to see glimpses of "hat lies behind the get from your bedroom to the bathroom; or you end up on
illusions. We regain a part of the power "e had before our fall. other sidc of the contincnt when you "cre just cr()~sing
but some aspects of ourselves are so diminished that we re. street 10 buy a pack of cigarenes. Sane r
main crippled. half gods and half fools. Mildness is a failed at- this ability and simply don'T sec it. thlll touchf,.'S
tcmpt to escape. In the psychosis we can penetrate the \eils lorted perspectives is e:oo;plained away by' ·nonllal~ people.
and see the true reality, but we arc unable to handle \.'.hat we is an ability, "hich strikes thc sick person mndoml)" Ue cannot
see. We im ent ne .... lies to explain away the visions and regain control it. In other words. the GamemasTcr uo;.c .. it ror his own
some peace. But this isjust rationalization. purposes.

When your mental balance dro~ belo\.'. -50. you are

more or less ttthnically insane. If for somc reason y'ou are sub-- Pnjectiol1s
jected to a psychological evaluation, y'OU risk being admitted 10
a mental institution against your "ill. Ho"c\er. an extremely Menllll1y ill persons can al"ays do .... hat happen.:> 10
high mcntal balance is also unnatural because it creates an im- othcrs only in terrifying situations: projccl their own fantlbics
balance with the darkness that exists within all of us. It is more so that they assume physical form. If your menl:II balancc is-
difficult to discover that a person with a high mental balance is 50 or lowcr. you always risk projecting your nightmares when
ill. sincc hc seldom becomes destructi\ e or aggressive. A grea- you are terrified. An Ego roll is required to a~oid thi\and keltp
ter imbalancc is needed on the positivc side for those around the dark powers at bay in such situations.
the enlightened to notice it. Anyone" ho has a mental balance
of +75 or more appears to react to the environmenl like an in·
""lie person. and risks confinement in an asylum.
OJenco-{ lnsclcuLlons
The rules below apply to all "hose mental balance is
lower than -SO or higher than +75. They also apply to all that
havc schi10phrenia, dcpression or mania as disadvantage. re- Mcntal hospitals and insti-
gardless ofthcir mental balancc. tutions are gates to chaos. Madness
breaks down the illusions and
opens por1als to the other side. It
is more a rule than an cxception

that reality crumbles in such places. There. we can see into In- AGL 10+2DI0 (21) EGO 30+ I OD I 0 (85)
ferno. or \1etropolis, or be dnmn into Achl}s. the original en- STR 10+2D10 (21) CIiA VARIES
tropy that was before Chaos. CON N/A PER 2DI0(11)
Mental hospitals are e."<posed places. The environ-
ment i~ disturbing 10 anyone .... ho is sensitive. If) our mental Terror roll modification : + I 0
ba[anel' is alread)' on the negati .. e side, and )OU begin to \\ork Senses: Sees auras and mental balance
in a mental institution. il will drop by one for each week you MOl'ernent: [0 m/combat round
\~ork there. TIlCfe are plenty of insane analyst!; and psychiatrists. Actions: 4
Iniliative bonlls : +9
Sometime~. the hospitals can help a madm3n get Damage bonlls : +5
hack to his sense:.. It's nm very common. bUI it does happen. A Damage c811acity : Cannot be physically hurt. Assumes sha·
good hospital with an cffecthe therapy can mise the mental dow shape and vanishes if attacked intensely.
balance by onc point per month. 10 a maximum of zero. But Endurance : Unlimited
there aren't thallllany good hospitals. State·run institutions in Powers: Telepathy, Telekinesis 100 kg 10 m/sec. Change
particular are more li)""d} to hurt than help. shape, Lower Ego-can lower a victim's Ego one step per night.
achieving an equal increase in its own Ego.
A bad asylum is more destructive Ihan constructive. Lirnitalions : Can only attack people with negative mental ba-
In such places. the palient's mental balance drops by one point lance.
per month. The Gamemaster can roll a die to determine the Attack modes : Can attack physically. but seldom does. In
standard of a hospital: I-lOis a bad hospital. I [-18 is an average such cases. damage is according to weapon. No special wea·
one that has no efli,:ct on mental balance:. 19-20 is a good one. pon skills.
Home: Unknown. Wanders between mental institutions.
In order to be healed by mental care, your balance Number encOllntered : One. There is probably more than one
should not be under ·50. Those who have lost their minds be- of these creatures, but they always appear one by one.
cause of a too high (positi'oe) mental balance cannot be 'her·
pt:d' by any hospital.

AI1£\70RAZ LheRo.py o.nd Ao.no.(ysis

Amentoraz is a creature that is attracled to mental ins-
titutions and other places where many psychotic people are as- Psychoanalysis and various types of therapy are
sembled. It gel:> nourishmcnt from the confusion and fear of mad used to make people understand themselves better. It is pos-
~ople. Amentoraz devours a human's willpower and thoughts sible to improve your mental balance by going through anal}-
until the victim is reduced to a vegetable. For e.. cry day in the sis or therapy. but it is taxing. Few people are truly capable of
creature's grasp. the victim loses one point of Ego. When it facing their own weaknesses.
n:aches zero. Amentoraz leaves to seek new food elsewhere.
You must make an Ego roll e\'cry time you begin
Arnentoraz has no definite fonn. It is a shadow that going to therapy or analysis. A failure means you will stop
soellks imo hospital wards and hides there. W'diting for nightfall. It going there, and are unable to try again within six months. A
can assume the shape of people from the victim's past. of stran- person who has lost control ove( his emotions as a result of a
gers, or of people the victim has aroW1d him evCT) day. It only as- terrifying experience, and has not regained it. must roll for
sum..'S human fonn at night. In daytime. it appears as a shadow. Ego once per week while undergoing therapy or analysis. This
slightly darlcr than natural shado.... s and with 1\\0 bloodshol eyes applies until he or she manages to regain control over the
that occasionally open and seem to gaze out of nothing. emotions. Afler Ihat. only one throw per month is required.
Successful therapy or analysis increases the mental balance by
When it attacks. it assumes human form. ties the one step per month. This method can also help those with a
victim to the bed or locks the door to prevent escape. Apart very low balance, as well as those with an unusually high one.
from that, it never uses physical violence. Instead. il summons
up the victim's feelings of guih, fear and confusion by remin-
ding it of unpleasant memories that the victim had suppressed,
or by projecting discomforting thoughts into the victim's mind,
or by assuming the shape of people who frighten the victim. It
Lhe Reo.(m Or CDo.dmen
can change shape at will and conjure illusions of all kinds. The
victim cannot prevent this (there is no Ego roll), and the vic- This is not one place but sevem1. It is an abandoned
tim loses one point of Ego per night as long as Amenloraz is industrial block. an empty village. the tall vaulted chambers
present. The following description pertains to its human fonn. underground, any place outside the control of ordinal)' authorities.

Metropoli In the dead of night the shadows In such places. the madmen and outcasts gather and
emerge. The poor Sebastian was right. Slowly build their own world. They elect a Prince of Fools from
the shadow took the shape of a humon being. amongst the incurably insane. They create their own laws and
insanely grinning... in its eyes stars flashed. .. rules, often incomprehensibly complicated and meaningless to
schackles its victims to their beds... assalilt outsiders. A pidgin language develops. impossible for outsi·
file sleeping mind .. ders to understand .
• 1
The inhabitants live by begging, stealing and small
trade. The proceeds are distributed among the group. The soli·
darity in the group is absolute. and the punishment for rene-
gades is death.

~Normal· people blame the fool s for all kinds of be so twisted that a lost wanderer Ill!\"er finds his ....'IIy OUI. These
crimes and disappearances that occur in the vicinity, accuse parts are connected to theSubterranean Labyrinth further down.
them of cannibalism and other heinous deeds. But in fact, the
society of madmen is rarely less moral than any other society. In Halle I. the largest oflhe lactory halls, the Prince
Realms of madmen exist in Czezo.... ic, a small village outside of Madmen holds court surrounded b} hi~ clan_ lIalle 1 has
\'-anln.. , in Mihhof, a run·do .... n suburb of Frankfurt, in dozens been e:l.lended .... ith further levels under the original floor. A
of American cOlJntry \iilages, in the abandont-d industrial town broad gangway leads do .... n to '~a'(imilian's throne, five le\'els
of De.... ing. soUlh of Manchester. We .... ill describe the largest down. The throne itself was constOlcted from an old \1esser-
of all known realms of madmen, the Halls under Frankfurt. schmitt. Around the prince stand his closest ad\i<;ors. his 20
wives and about a hundred or his children. The ritual .. that are
compulsory for anyone who wishes to approach the Prince are
The rHa((s very exact, and take three days to perfonn. Ma-.:imilian never
leaves Halle I.
'The Halls is an underground airplane factory under
Frankfurt which has been abandoned since the Second World There are Ihirteen entrances 10 the Halls. all guarded_
\\ar. At the end of the 40s a group of young madmen gathered Before t"fltering.. all must be rituall~ cleansed by c)(tcnding their
there. having been drivcn a.... ay from \iarious parts of the born· hands into a fire and having signs painted in SOOI on their OOdies.
bed city that ....ere under reconstruction. They broke into the
abandoned factory, which are adjacent to some bomb shelters The language spoken in the Halls is R pidgin German
in the nonhern parts of the city. They named their hideout "Die with traces of French and Czech. It's about as clo~c to Gennan
Hallen" after the designations painted on the walls in the fac· as Yiddish, and ver) dinicult to understand for out\iders. The
lOry; t-Ialle I. Halle 2. and so on. In the beginning. there were moSt elevated maniacs speak a pri\'ate dialect of the language,
only ten of these psychotics. but within a few years people .... hieh the lo.... er ranks do not understand.
from all o\er southern Gennany had joined them and their
numbers have increased to several hundred. The .... ar made
more people insane than ever before and the quick rebuilding Tlie Crans
ofthe cities at the start of the fifties made them homeless.
At present, some 6000 madmen inhabit the Halls.
The leader of the people of the halls; as they call Thcir mental balance lies bet ..... een -50 and -ISO. A few chil-
themselves, is a young man who goes b) the name Ma"imi- dren may have a higher mental balance, but it will drop when
lian. Born on the Gennan-French border during the .... ar, he be- they grow up. Beneath the Halls are Furies. people .... ith mcrul
came an orphan in childhood. In 1959 he was crowned Prince balance under -100. and bodies so racked by their tanU'Ums tlw
of the Iialis. The population continued to grow and in the 70s, the)- are almost non-human.
the people of the halls began to e"<ca\ate ne .... halls and lun-
nels. They have appropriated the old shelters under northero About half of the inhabitants ha\e physical
rrankfurt. and are extending their territory north. brought on by their mildness. It can be an)thing from
boils or nails that have grown into claw:>. to inhuman
One can still see that the Halls used to be an airplane with e)(tra limbs, eyes that open in unexpected plact'>;, and
factory surrounded by bomb shelters. Bils of machinery and tes.quely s.... ollen bodies. All are mutilated b) Sf;at lanoos
airplane parts lie here And there. though most of il has been bum-marks.
taken away. sold or rebuilt into something useful. Tallow
lamps that hang from the ceil ing or oil burned in old barrels The madmen are divided into clan.. of 2(}.,'iO indiv;"
light the halls. A thick, sweet smell comes from herbs that are duals. At prescnt, there are 42 clans. The clan~ stand in II
placed in the tallow. Weeping, crying and harsh wails always rarchical order with the Firstborn, Maximilian's clan. being
echo in this place. Weird symbols have been painted all over highest. Each clan has its own territory in the Iialis and its
the walls and the ceiling, on old machinery and parts of the part of Frankfurt for begging, stealing or sca .. enging lor food
floor. Certain sections of the Halls are closed. The inhabitants and equipment.
are careful to go the right ..... ay .... hen they move from one place
to another, the right way is seldom the shortest. Signs of pr0- The hierarchy is rock hard in cach clan, and ne .... clan
tection. incantations and small rituals must be perfonned to members must submit to painful initiations in order to be accepted.
move from one room to another. Ambitious madmen can advance thcmseh-es through ritual cOm-
IxIts. ICSC>. or by using the complicated rules of inheritance.
These rituals help prc"'enl the illusions from brea-
king spontaneously, as they .... ould do otherwise in a place so Clan membership is denoted by scar tattoos and bum
full of madness. Sometimes. one can see a flutter in the air and marks_ The most elevated fools are \iery mutilated by bums-
the machine parts seem to tum into something else, the .... alls and Sl:atS all o\er their bodies.
change color and shape. When this happens, one of the mad-
men will come running, waving a stick or something else that
makes a whooshing sound. and perfonning some ritual to res-
toro:: order. 'Che Wo.y O~ c:-he lnso.me
Beneath the lIalis are the old sewers of Frankfurt.
maintenance tunnels for the factory. and some ne .... tunnels dug The madmen sometimes ha\ie the al:>ilit~
by the madmen. The Furies. psychotics .... hose mental balance sec through the illusions., into Metropolis, Inferno
is so low, or whose appearance is so distorted that they are not and other worlds be)-ond ours. 'They must sur-
allo ..... ed in the Upper Halls, inhabit those parb. They are kept round th is ability with rituals and
a ..... ay from the Halls by protective signs and rituals. In the artificial meaning 10 make it endu-
lower levels, Ihe illusions break down regularly. Tunnels can rable for the rigid human ",!>(~i~,.01'!~
suddenly end in a burning furnace or in Metropolis. 1lle world can consciousness, much likc magi.

cians do. Hut the) can pass through the illusions and bring AGL 6 EGO 15
othel'$ with them. STR 30 CUA 30
CON 30 PER 15
~ Realm of Vladmcn is a ponal to other world:.. COM 3 EDU 5
usable for anyone who can convince the madmen to act as
~uido. and is prcparro to sufter the often painful rituals that Height : 190 cm
surround the joul1lC). \1aximilian's high priest Katze is able to Weight : 350 kg
walk through illusions to Inferno. \ktropolis and other SenJes : Normal
worlds. The madmen sometimes w\e sacrificial «remonies l\Io\'emenl : 3 mlcombat round
v.iktt KdtJ:C brings human sacrifices to "",epharites in Inferno. AClions : 2
in exchange for koowledge and protection. Initialive bonus ; -2
Damage bonus : +4
Walking through illusions with Katze is difficult and Damage capacity:
time,"('Insuming. First, the walker is purified .... ith fire, water. 7 scratches I light wound
earth and ~moke. then isolated for ten da)s and branded with 61ighl wounds " I serious wound
f,;ave'~ marl... Then folto\\s a long walk through corridors 4 serious wounds " I fatal wound
"'hero candles arc lit and extinguished at uncountable aital'$, Entlunmce : 180
sign.~ are drawn and erased on the walker's bodies. water and Mental balance : -150
Wood is ~prinkled on walls and floor. chickens arc sacriticed, Pow-en: Eternal youth. Telepathy, Invulnerable to fireamls.
Ihcir own bodies are cut, noisy flutes and drums are played to Insensitive to fire. Bewitches everyone with mental balance
place the journeymen in trance. After an indeterminate number between -30 and -75. Ego roll required to avoid becoming his
of da)S the illusions crumble. and thc tunnels open to true reality. obedient slave.
Limilations : Bl00dthirst·must drink one liter of human blood
lllc ad ... antage of "'<lIking through the illusions with every day.
madmen is that the~ have wa~s of determining where the) get Skills : Dagger 15, Whips and chains 15, Survival 20, Diplo-
and how to gel back. They are 3S skilled as the best magicians macy 20, Interrogation 20. Net of contacts: insane people 25.
aJ walking through t~ illusions. Rhetoric 15
Attack modn : According to wcapon
MAU'IIUA", P.,"U; OF FOOLS Magic : Lore of Madness 30 (special \'ariety), All spells up to
'-1aximilian came to the Halls as a seven-year-old The Dark Art : 10
orphan. at the end of the 19",05. He has lived among psycho-
lies for a.\ long a~ he can remember. His body began 10 warp in
his CC'Cns and he is one of those who are able to walk Ihrough
die: Illusions by using rituals. But he seldom lea\'es his throne Common madmen have a mental balance around -75
In the inner Halls. and minor physical alterations like protrusions. boils, open
wounds. parasitcs that live in symbiosis with them, or sk in di-
Maximilian is grotesquely fat. lIis skin is bluish. seases. They speak incoherently. their eyes flicker, and they
which m:akes him look ill. He is co ... ered with scar tattoos make a vcry untrustworthy impression. They all have at least
which make his bluish skin vary from :almost black to almost some bum mark Of scar on the face, on the arms and the torso.
while. lie is b:ald and lruge protrusions and an extra eye in his Their clothes are usually rags. Inside Ihe Halls, many go com·
forehead defonn his head. His hands are small and lack nails. pletely nude or with just II loincloth.
He dre~~es in multicolored sheets of plastic foil.
AreanuHf /ltetropoli : Their bodies were IWisled by the powers
Already as a child. Maximilian showed sadistic len· of insanit)'... open wounds in which parosiles crawled. .. scars
dencies. Over the years. Ihey have been honed to precision. lie from countless battle!!. tattoos that twisted and changed co-
enjo)s other people's pain. Prisoners and enemies of the lIalls lors.. naked bodies...
are tonured to death before his throne. He has a vampire-like
cra\ ing for human blood thai he satisfies by drinking small AGL 2010(11) EGO 1010(5)
amOllnb from his subordinates or by emptying prisoners. STR 2010(11) CHA 1010(5)
CON 2010(11) PER 2010(11)
lie is also a raving megalomaniac and demands COM 1010(5) EDU 1010 (5)
blind obediencc from his subjects. He often orders them to
perform mcaningless and disgusting acts, just 10 show their 1'110\ emenl : 5 mJcombat rourtd
de\ otion. Ilc has acquired his position by playing othel'$ 01T Actions : 2
agajn~t each other and keeping e\eryolle terrified. His body- Iniliatile bonus : NOlle
guard consists of 40 privilcged )OlIng madmen who obey him Damage bonn, : + J
.... ithout question.
Damage capacily :
Arcanum Metropo/i : As / entered the halls 4 scratches .... I light wound
my attention was caughl by the Prince of 3 light wounds " I serious wound
foo/s ... he filled the throne. fat and bloated.. 2 serious wounds " I fatal wound
Sickly b/lle skin. covered with scars and tOI- Endurance : 85
ltJ~s ... white spots.. bald and Menial balance : -50 -5dI0(-78)
qcformed. .. the third C)'e S/a- Powers : 25% of the madmen have powers and limitations
rrng wildly at the ceiling.. from ftl3eyond Humanity." Roll Jd20; a result of I-S means
that the madman has IdS each of the powers and limitations
described in the section "Beyond Humanity."

Skills: Climb 10. Sneak 10, ~odge 10. Dagger 10. Throwing Cairnlh is more probably a race than a single creature. Thcre
weapons 10, Impact ... eapons 10, Unarmed combat 10, Hide seem to be several of them ~pread over thc .... orld. The Ser·
IS, Search IS, Survival 15. Burglary 10 vants capture lonely people at night, drag thcm down into the
Athlck modes: According 10 weapon sc"'ers and tie them up in a place where the} kno\\ Ihal Cairath
The Dark Art : 0 ollen comes. The mosl ranatical Servants even sacrifice them·
scht:; in order to merge with Cairath.

In the Realms of Madmen, the Cult of Cairath is kepi

The Furies are the most extreme of the psychotics, under control. and it is forbidden to sacrifice an)' citizen of the
those ",ho have gone far beyond what we call human. Their madmen's realm.
mental balance is ·100 or lower. and they have severe corpo-
real alterntions. Maximilian is in fact a Furie. but he manages CAIIUTIl
to keep up the appearances of human it) and exist in a society.
Most Furies are so CT37y that they can't communicate with Cairath are large predators that live in se"'er> and ca·
others, much less li"e together as a group. tacombs underground. They look [ike something thai ha!> been
assembled from the sort of stuff one mighl expect to find do"'n
Furies have non·human bodies. usually larger than a there. a twisted frame of metal co\ered '" ith rolling flesh. The~
man's. The} walk on all four extremities, Of bent forward. ll1ey don't eat their victims, but attach them to their own bodies.
have sharp teeth. cla",s. tent.'lCles OT other natural \\eapons that where they are slowly absorbed and merged into the metal and
help them survive in the harsh em'ironment under the Halls. the earlier remains of flesh. It seems that Cairath mu~t
con~tantly add ne ... pans 10 their bodies in order to live. lheir
Furies arc unable to control their ability' to see \iclims can sUl"\he for se\ernl da)s, painfull) joined to Caira·
beyond the illusions. They ha\e no rituals or signs to protttt th's bod). The presence of this creature is revealed from far
them. In their minds. the) perceive different realities at ran· a ... ay through the waiis of the still living bodie~ attached to it.
dom. and are hurled between different worlds. TIle madmen keep
the Furies at a distance ... ith rituals they can accepl. Some mad· Cairalh normally ha\e twO Icgs and between 2·5
men can conlrol the Furies and usc them for their own purposes. arms. They ha\·e some form of metallic head but no eyes. The
bodies of humans. rnts and other dcnizens of the undef\\orld
Ar(,QIIUIfI /IIetropoli The most deeply entrenched in the quag· can be seen, half dissolved, merging into the creature'~ bod).
mire of insanity rm." have slepped beyond humanity. claws. The creature hates light and never pursues an~one who ma-
J;mx~ and leelh, to sun:iw in the un[argh'ing world of Halls nages to get out of tile subtermnean places.
like the other madmen Ihdr bodies K'cre co\'(!rf'd by .fcars and
living latloos, ArrUIIUIfl Ul'lropoli Thl'se bt.·<lJt,\ hunt ill the'l'wer.1
Ctlf(KombJ d(!\·our.( both 111(' /ivillf.: Gnd Ihe dt'<ld

AGL 10+3010(26) EGO IDID (5) Ilith ill victims and objecls /Olmd in its hlml
STR 10+3010(26) PER 2DIO (II) creature at/ached the screaming mall /0 i/!i
CON 10+3010(26) body. lhe pain was ob~'ious lind rhe screams "aJ .• """'.•,,.
the /crriJj'ing beast echoed in the narrow pa.1.1t'K-t'
Terror roll modification . ·5 fire coM I k.eep it 01 bo);/or a shurt while.
Height : 2()(}.500 cm
\\eight : 150-500 kg AGL 10+1010(15) EGO 105 iJ)
Senses : Night vision STO 30+2010(41) PER 10-+1010(15)
\1o\ement : 13 In/combat round CO"l 20+2010(31)
Actions: 4
Iniliali\'e bonus: +14 Terror ro ll modification : +5
Damage bon liS : +6 lI eil:ht : 400·600 em
Dllnillge eapaeil) : \\-eight . 5()()' 700 kg
7 scratches I light ... ound Sensu: Vision depends on a sort of radar. not light,
6 light wounds 1 serious "'ouod hearing, no sense of smell.
4 serious wounds . I fatal wound MOlement ; 7 m/combat round
Endurance : 160 Actions: 2
Natural armor : 2 Initililive bon liS : +3
I\h~ntal balance : ·100 ·10010 (. 155) Damage bonus: +7
Powers : Infravision, Insensitive to fire. Invulnerable to fi· Damage ca pacity :
rearms, Prolecli\e skin 8 scratches = 1 light wound
Limitations : Hunting instinct, Cannibalism. Non·human ap- 7 light wounds'" I serious wound
pearance, Uncontrollable shape changing 5 serious wounds'" I fatal ... ound
Attack modes : Bite 15 (ser 1·6.lw 7·13. 5W 14·22, fw 23+), Endurance : 190
2 Cla... s 15 (SCT 1·7, Iw 8·14, sw 15·25, fw 26+) Natural.rmor : 5
Number encountered : IdlO Allack mod es IdS claws (ser 1·6, Iw 7-10, 5
The Dark Art : 5 15+), Bite (ser 1·5, Iw 6· 12, Sw 13.19, fw 20 ..)
Hom e: Sewers and tunnels just under the grqund'

Servants <1 Cairatfi surface

Nu mber eocou ntered : I
The Da rk Art : 5
The Scrvants of Cairath is a cult among the madmen.
They worship a creature of steel, bone and blood that hunts the
tunnels beneath the cities and eals all flesh. The faithful be·
licve that Cairalh is a deity. and bear sacrifices to him. But

J dipped my fingers in the red paint and drew When \\-c were gods, all se:<ual actions were haml-
less games. None of us had po\\oer to force ourselves upon ano-
rircles and waves arollnd my eyes and over my cheeks, ther. Now, things are different. We think that we can dom inate
down over the arms, around the breasts and belly, or be dominated. The old games are now taken seriously.
across the thighs. I extended the lines over the floor in a
wavy pattern around me. The lost rays of the sun ba- Death is a lie, Madness is an attempt to escape, and
thed the room in a red light. J dosed my eyes and mum- Dreams are an imprint of our minds. But se ... is grCOlter than \\c
are. Passion is the surest, but al$O the most dangerous way OUI
bled the right words. Everything became dark. A wave into the True Real ity. It can give u~ a hinl of our dh init).
ofheat and acrid smells hit me.

Soft steps could be heard and J opened my eyes.

A lorge, panther like body was silhouetted against the
window, then moved into the shadows. Claws scraped
the floor: I did not see him, only felt the heat ofhis body The Comeliness and Charisma of a character tkter-
quite close. The row tongue touched my foot, cOlltinued mines 1\0\\ attraclhe he or she is. An altracthe character \.\iIl
up the leg. caressing mt. I hugged his velvet body alld find it easier to seduce others than one \\ith lo\.\er attraction
pulled it dost. Heavy paws prmed my chest. I was in- But it is difficult to depict this in dear rul(""<;. The bcha\ ior of
the pl3)er means at least as much as the charactd~ scores on
tertwined in his strong mll.scles, let them push me to the the game S~t. If the pla}er d0C5n't producc a
floor, penetrate and caress me,fi" me with undulating of seduction. the Gamemaster ~hould not let il Slk:ceed.
heat. matic success because ofscore~ and die rolb. ~,,,,,,,o~ <""i'
havior, desITO)S the role-playing aSjX'Ct of the game.
The floor rippled under me. The acrid smell
was dissipated, his soft fur melted away and was repla-
ced by human skill. I opened my eyes in a dim room lit
by wax candles. His male body lay helJ'Uily over me.
Ilis cold eyes told me that my power over him was bro-
ken. Passion is both a physical and a menIal de~iTe. an
quenchable lust to join with another person. It i~ the most in-
sistent form in \\hich our imprisoned sc-; uaht) is e\pnossed.
Most of the time, we allempt to suppress it so that it should not
Sexuality is original. It \\<as wi thin us before the De- disturb our Ii\es. A person with a mental balance around 7Cro
miurge captured us in real it). l'ow we are blind to how it af- will a\oid sc\ual passions at all COSt.
fects us. Sigmund Freud and his disciples ha\oe sensed that the
instincts are imponanl, but faikd to e:<plain 1\0\\ they control Desire lirst makes itself kno\\-n as an attraction to
some person, or more rarel) to anothcr creature. II de\oelops
"' gradually, during a fe\.\ \.\eeks, into a blind cra\ ing. F.\"er)thing
Passion is not lo\oe, but a selfish urge to satis/) our else becomes unimportant. To Ion!. own and join \\ith the 0b-
lust and to multipl). We are ti\oing creatures. Our desire to liw ject of desire is paramount.
on in our progen) has made us what we are. 1\0 human, not
ewn in his prime\'al divine form, can control this urge. Onl) A beginning passion can be suppressed ,with an Ego
the mentall y blind are so stupid that they attempt to control de- roll, with a modification of - I 10 the die roll fd,r e\'eT) (he
sire instead of being guided by it. points of mental balance, positive or ncgalilo"e. Ok ~
\.\eek can be made, but for e\oery y,.eek it gets one point
Darwin, and later Freud, began to realize \\hat this After a number of \.\eeks equal to the charatte(!
means; that passion is the whole origin of our existence. It Ego seore, the infatuation is complete. There is
eOnlrols everything we do and all we are. This \.\as no secret no longer any escape.
before we were captured in the present reality. In those times,
we werc not embarrassed by truth. nut today. our wizened A person who is caught in
minds make us afraid of our own instincts. Passion is prepared to follow the
object of admiration through
death. lie or she will accept no
It is when Passion has reached this stage that our Those whose mental balance is close to zero are Ihe
illu~ion~begin to dissolve. Obsessed with the object of our de- most sensitive to perversions. They are balanced within the
sire, we see nothing else. Oth'::T things lx'Come unimportant., frames laid down by the Demiurge, and do not break them in
including the maintenance ofillusion~. any direction. They arc extra sensitive to meeting their own
inner forces of motivation.
A passionate person can suffer !.he same kind of dis-
tOJti.'<! pcn;~cti\'e as the insane, lind can wall> Time and Spaee The higher or lower our mental balance is, the less
around hersel/: This is ah\'a}'s coupled to the object ofthc Pas- probable it is that sexual perversions will affect us. People
sion. If it is far awa). thc obr;cssed per;on can twist Space to with II mental balance of zero must make an Ego roll not to be
get there or to bring the desired one here. It happens without shocked when they take pan on perverted acts. For every five
an} de~ign on part of the obsessed pet~on, and cannOI be points of mental balance. positive or negative, one point is
controlled b)' him or her. subtrocted from the die roll.

Even the borders between life and death are not ab- What exaclly constitutes perversion depends on the
solute to people who li~c under a sexual obsession. The obses- character, A moralistic person from a religion that disapproves
sed can open a gate to Inferno or other realms of the dead of sex. may perceive even a little hanky-panky as pervencd. A
\\ h.::r<' the desired person is. or imprison the soul of the desired sadomasochistic individual frequenting the sex clubs in Ham-
one in a dead body in order not to lo~e it, burg will nOI be so easily shocked.

All of these things happen without conscious effort When we are sexually shocked, we not only see
b)' the pas:>ionate person. II is a pan of our divine nature Ihal through the illusions; we also glimpse our ancient divinity. For
awakens lind act:;, without our control. The Gamemaster de· a moment, we have powcr over Cosmos and unlimited insights
cides about all such cvcnts. into the nature of our existence. We are gods. Butlhe insights
lade quickly when the shock is overcome.
Mystics and sexual magicians dcscribe this tempo·
"arry has been sei:ed by a passion. He is obsessed with Nata- rary Awakening from captivity, and say that it is a unification
5h(l. a .l'OunR Ol:tress .trom Istanbul They met a j(!l' times be- with God or \\ith the Cosmic All. Sexual magicians attempt to
fore Nataslw was driven into a destructive relationship with achieve it through controlled magic, but have small chances to
Aad alld became phy.fical/y changed by her low mental ba· succeed. Those who ha\e the greatest chance to temporarily
lance. Harr.y has sought her desperately all the lime. One regain divinity, are humans with a mental balance around zero
night. as he roams the streets, the world around him alters who are exposed to sexual experienccs far beyond what they
jorm, A side alley ~ffthe boulevard becomes a spiral staircase could imagine. A sexual magician always has a mental balance
tiwi reolly oughtl/ot to be there. He climbs the stairs and sees of ±50 or more, and is not SO easily affected by sexual actions.
otlit'r alleys. which .....ind Iheir way further lip. Dark vaults
cover Iht" streds, and it looks more like an Arabian sOllk than A small group of sex magicians have realized that
<"t'n/ral Paris. From a small door orielftal music pours 0111. He they can channcl other people's shock experiences to thcm-
en/ers. Qlld./inds himself in a smoky room among pale. twisted sehes, to gain II temporary Awakening. One such magician is
J'<!Op/e. They all fall silent and srare at him. Narasha steps out described below.
from the sJuulows, He hardly recoglli:!es her. She has changed.
her skin shimmers like steel and her eyes are dark alld cold.
When she sees him, she turns and runs through a dark opening
In the back oj the room. Harryfollows. still obsessed wilh his
The 'l1niversa( Church of Lave &'
pas,~ion 'Fulfi(Gnent
Fulfillment Church was founded by the Haitian rna·
gician Papa Beauchamps at the end oflhe 19705. Beauchamps
peRveRSions studied sexual magic when he was a young man, under the di-
reclion ofa tantric guru in Kerala. southern India. t-Ie realized,
however, that the path to divinity does not lie in the magic, but
Instinctively, we sensc Ihat sex is the key 10 what we in lhe dramatic confrontation with sexuality beyond our
arc and what we could be. This frightens most of us. [t has control. That path was practically closed to Beauchamps, with
caused seh to be surrounded by more taboos and rules than his low mcntal balance and vast sexual experience. To circum-
any other pan of life. By perversions, we mean everything that vent this, he began to develop techniques for channeling other
does not follow the rules. When we break sexual taboos. s0- people's experiences to himself.
mething inside us becomes free and we lose control. Taking
part in perverted acts can produce a shock reaction. Innocent In his youth. Beauchamps was given a glimpse of
games where you flirt with the forbidden have no such ef- his own divinity, at his first mceting with the Indian guru. That
fect. But experiences that the participants perceive as brief experience made him determined to achieve it again,
truly revolting, horrible or lying beyond the even if it is through someone else's emotions. He hopes that
thinkable. can make reality shatter. this will show him Ihe way back to di vinity. But of course it's
a lie. He doesn't realize !.hat he has already channeled his own
sexuality into a perversion. rrom which he cannot extract him-

He left his guru and founded the Church of Fulfill-

ment in Miami 1978. Through the Church, Beauchamps got a
group of people from whom he could channel sexual expe-
riences. lie also discovered that it was good business to own a

sect. lie could now li\'e in lUxury. The Church of Fulfillment AGL 15 EGO 2S
quickly spread and now has 40,000 members across the North STR 15 CHA JO
American continent and in Europe. CON 16 PER 10
COM 18 EDU 16
The Fulfillment Church is a sect inspired by Hin-
duism. and preaches lo\e and fellowship. Members live in col- Ileight . 185 cm
lectives and lea\e all their property to the sect. "Free" sex is \\eight : 80 kg
01lC of the pillars in their teaching. and simple sexual Magic is ,\10\ ement : 7 micomool round
tIIughtlO the members. Aclion.'l : 2
Iniliathe bonus: +3
The Church leadership is hierarchically organizcd in Damage bOil liS: +3
~e\\)n Grades, The highest Grade is for Papa Beauchamps him- Damage capacity :
self. The lowest Grade is that of tile Group Leadcr. \\00 heads 5 scratches 1 light Yiound
a colle<:tive of 15-30 members. Those oflo....er rank must obe) 4 light .... ounds .. I serious .... ound
higher-ranking members. Teenagers are lured into the Church 3 serious \\ounds I falal ",oulld
by the prospects of free sex. but soon find themsehes in a de- Endurance : 110
grading bondage under the leaders and older members of the Mental balance : -65
group. Skills: Handgun 15, Dagger IS, Whips and chains IS. Unar-
med combat 15, S",imming IS, 'icuba diving IS, A~trology 20.
Poisons and drugs 20, Hypnotism 20. Information retrieval 20,
San ?lndni Meditation 20, Occultism 20, Yoga 20. 'vIan of the ,,"orld 20,
Etiquette 20. Seduction 30. Nel of contacts: p!.lm indu>ou) 20.
Papa Beauchamps himself li\ es on the island of San Rhetoric 25. Dri\e vehicle JO
And~. south of Haiti. Since ten )ears ago. the Church of Ful- Attack modes : According 10 ....eapon
fillment has had ilS headquarters there. Beauchamps owns the Magic . Passion magic 40 (All Passion :.pells 10 :!O), Special
whole island. and only a small fishing village remains of the spell that enables him to expericnce a lemporary Awakening of
original population. The rest of the houses ha ... e been demoli- another person with II skill score of 20.
shed. The remaining fishermen and their famili es look with
horror on the activities of the Church and are attempting to
lea\e the island .... henever they get the opportunity.

About 1\\0 yean ago. Papa Beauchamps intensified Ceq Rouge is a ",orld\\ide net\\ork of plIrn produ-
security on the island and now forbids any oUbiders from lan- cers and 5e:< clubs. It is in\ol\ed in film and maguine produc-
ding. Ue has not been offlhe island for these 1.... 0 )'ears. This is lion, prostitution. slave trade and sex tourism. "lithe I
partially due 10 an increasing paranoia. Also. his Indian guru porn producers in the world belClng to it.
has found out what he is doing, and is looking for him.

The teaching of tile Church depicts San Andre as pa-

The Fulfillment Church and Papa "'".d.oml"'.
part of CO<] Rouge, and some of the sect's memt.cr;
radise on Eanh, \\here the most faithful may come. to liw in plied through the network. The church finances w,.,ofilo'k
lu:\ury and perfect, abundant sex. The truth is that the island th'ities by selling pictures that ha\e been produ(cd within
center onl) exists to hetp Beauehamps realize his plans, by sect itself. and by selling "used·up" members into pmstitution.
pro\oking moments of di,ine insight in his "children." This is
dollC b) exposing them to grave sexual abuse and endless or- Ceq Rouge encompasses a huge induMry.
gies. Secl members of higher rank. \\oho are tOlBliy depraved. phy is one of the ten most profitable types of el1tcrpri~e '
lead the proceedings. Some of the participants arc high-ran- world. The network operates partially as a Mafia. Big
king members ..... ho must be hardellCd; others are specially' cho-
sen youngsters with no se.'<ual experience and rigid concepts of
cers who tl)' to stand outside get trouble. Blad,mail,
tion and .... iolent senlements arc common.
~xual morality. II is their experiences of A\\akening that Papa
Beauchamp» chanllCls to himself through telepathy, Yihile ha- The leadership of the network consi_~t~ of the leaders
ving inlercourse Yi ith them. of the largest porn companies and pro»titution oonglomerates
Among them are several advanced sexual magicians. Some of
The Fulfillment Church has been involved in some them, like Papa Beauchamps, use other's eX[K!ricnces to
kidnappings. in order to get the right kind of innocent young glimpse divinity. Others perform traditional Passion magic. An
people for the experiments on San Andre. But this is risky and Incarnate of the Dealh Angel Gamaliel. Nathan ('mnrath. i,
Papa Beauchamps prefers. as far as possible, to use mcmbers one of the most influential leaders of the net.... ork_ Comrath is
.... 110 have enlisted of their own free \\ill. New members \\110 on the board of Comrath. Inc. which deals in sla\cry and se:>.,
are deemcd sexually innocent and having a mcntal balance tourism.
near zero, are kept shiclded from sexual experiences in as far
as possible, and are sent to San Andre forthwith. On the outside, CO<] Rouge is mostly
chain of sex clubs that has branches all over ~:=~~=l
PIP,8£,.lUCH..ull'S clubs are knots in the web. where other groops ire
especially right wing extremists and satanists \\ho'
Papa Beauchamps is a lall. muscular man of aboll! are used as hil men and couriers.
40 years. His skin is light bro\\n and his eyes are bro.... n and
soft. He makes a very trustYiorthy and fatherly impression
..... hcn it suits his purposes, lic lives only to regain his divinity
through other people's experiences. Hc is completely devoid of
empathy and can subject others to literally anything. as long as
it gives himselfa glimpse ofimmortality.

liBITIIS Darthea don't take the body's need for rest and recu·
peration into account. The victim doesn't notice that he is pos-
Libiths are creatures from out:;ide our world. Per- sessed, because Darthea does not feel like an alien presence in
haps they were our playmates before the Oemiurge ensnared the body. Rather, it seems that the victim suffers from a se-
us.. They are attracted to humans with strong sexual frustra- rious sexual neurosis (nymphomania; satyriasis) that is run-
tion. They provoke a passion in their victims and then play ning amok.
cat-and-mouse with them until they go mad, commit suicide or
degrade themsel'¥es unerly. AGL AS VICTIM EGO 10+3 010 (26)
Libiths can change their appearance freely. No one CON AS VICTIM PER AS VICTIM
knows what they originall y looked like, if they e'¥en have a COM AS VICTIM EDU AS VICTIM
particular form of their own. The standard behavior is to
contact the victim in human fonn. seduce it. and then gra- Terror roll modification : No terror roll
dually change shape to become something inhuman and re'¥ol- Senses ; Can sense the presence of a suitable victim. Other-
ting. The victim is unable to break the bondage of his passion. wise, uses the senses of the possessed body.
and remains bound to the .... arpcd and perverted Libith until Damage capacity : Cannot be wounded. Leaves the possessed
death or insanity. body if it dies.
Powers : Possession. Can possess any human by rolling for
AGL 10+3010 (26) EGO 301 0( 16) Ego with higher effect than the victim. Darthea find it easier to
STR 10+2010 (21) CHA 10+2DIO(21) possess people with a mental balance near zero. For every five
CON 10"'2010(21) PER 2010 ( II) points of mental balance. positive or negative, the Oarthea's
CO\1 2010 (16) EDU 1010(5) efTeet is reduced by one.
Home : Unknown. Beyond illusions.
Terror roll modification : ~o terror roll Number encountered : I
Height: 100-500 em
Weigbt : 60-400 kg
Sease!! . Can see the sexual energy in a person. Other.... ise as GrNACIlfDES
MOHnlent . 13 mfcombat round Gynaehides are creatures who live in symbiosis with
Actioas : 4 humans. They cannot give birth to their own children. but
laidathe bonus : +1 4 place their embryos in a human surrogate mother who gives it
Dalllage bonus : +6 birth. Gynachides are vaguely humanoid creatures who can
Damage ('lIpacity : walk upright or on all four extremities. Their skin is rough,
6 scratches· I light wound grayish-black. Bones and teeth are made of a very hard, metal-
5 light wounds "" I serious wound lic substance. Their eyes are rudimentary.
3 scrious .... ounds .. 1 fatal wound
[.durance; J35 Gynachides are solitary carnivores who hunt in Me·
Natural arnlOr : None tropolis and other places beyond the illusions. Since humanity
Powen : ("reate Passion. The victim needs to make an Ego was imprisoned, they have entered our reality to find hosts for
roll with higher effeet that the Libith to avoid becoming the their children. The Gynachide mates with another of its spe-
thrall of a Passion. cies but cannot bring the child 10 birth. It seeks out a woman
Skills varying and plants the fetus in her womb by means of a tube·like
Attack modes : According to weapon organ. Then it leaves the woman. After six months, the lillie
Gynachide is born. During its first months of life it resembles
a human infant. However. after three months it begins to deve-
D.dtTIII;:A lop Gynachide characteristics such as fangs, grayish and rough
skin. tail, a habit of walking on all fours. Between six months
Oarthea are creatures without bodies of their own and one year of age, it grows rapidly to full size. Some time in
who have a fixation with all fonns of sexuality. They possess this interval, the mother Gynachide usually collects her baby
humans in order to live out their sexuality. Unlike other pos- to bring it up in a different part of reality.
sessive creatures, the Oarthea do not suppress the mind of the
victim. The possessed person is conscious of what he is doing, As thanks for the help, Gynachides usually leave
and has control o ... er all his actions except the sexual ones, strange objects of crystal and unknown metal alloys for the
which are controlled by the Darthea. It takes all opportunities foster mother. Sometimes an adult Gynachide seeks out his
to engage in sex, in all thinkable fonns. The victim can avoid human foster mother and brings her to Metropolis. The des-
doing something by rolling less than 1/3 of his Ego and then cription below is for an adult Gynachide.
getting a higher effect than the Darthea.

AGL 20+1010 (25) EGO 10+ IDIO(15) Da mage capacity :
STR 20+2010 (31) PER 20+ I D 10 (25) 6 scratches = 1 light wound
CON 20+ 101 0(15) 5 light wounds = 1 serious wound
3 serious wounds '" I fatal wound
Terror roll modification : -5 Endurance: 155
!leigh! : 200 em Natural armor: 2
Weight : 130 kg Attack modes: Bile 20 (scr 1-5, Iw6-11, sv, 12-19. fw 20+)
Senses: Infrared vision, radar 10 gauge distances Home: Metropolis
Communication: Can't communicate with humans. Have Number encountered : I
body language resembling that of II dog.
Movement : 12 m/combat round
Actions: 4
Illiti~ltive bonus. + 13
Damage bonus: +7

It was early spring. The first swallows were What we call the Awakcning is the liberation from
the fetters of this world. the regaining of human di\init}. All
flying over the rooftops: J don't know how many years religions hint at its existence. but none has grasped ..... hat it
had passed since T withdrew to the "penthouse" on top means. When Buddhism talks about '1irvana and Hinduism
of the skyscraper. Twenty, or perhaps thirty. I watched about joining the Brahma, they are not describing Awakening,
the slmrise from the north side of the house. My sleep but rather the last and most difficult phase of existence. that
had heflt restlessJull ofdark dreams and evil shadows. comes just before A.... akening and liberntion. Awakening is not
entering something bigger and lOSing yourself. but becoming
the god that e\ ery human is.
As the sun climhed over the rooft, something
happened. A shadow foil over the disk of the sun; the An Awakened person has powers and insights
clear sky grew dark. Twas filled with a terrihle premo-- beyond "hat \\e can imagine. and can 5(.'C the "orld as it r(.-ally
nilion and swiftly relurned to my rooftop hovel. The is. But ~el) few people h:Jve e\er :Jchie\ cd this.
mtrJJ squeaked under my feet, and the cold folt a hun+ There are \1.',0 diflerent roads to "\Iakening. You can
dred times worse than it should he on an early spring admit yo ur animal. bodily nature so totally that you break
morning. A cloud ofsteam came Ollt ofmy mouth. through the illusions and see truth. In order to do this. ~ou
must lo.... er }'our menial balance under -500. This i:. the Dark
At a distance, J saw the hovel as if it was Road. The other altemathe i~ to refu~e the bodY' and give
)'OIJrself completely to mentallraining until you reach a menw
under a shadow. The rays of the sun somehow tJ1Joided balance of o\er +500. Tmt is the Light Road.
it. The door stood ajar. My ryes fOllnd the path to the
fire escape at the edge ofthe roof No one hadgone there It's difficult for player characters to reach·
since the mow fell. But now there were footprints lea- ning. Already at a mental bal:Jnce of :I: I 00. the characlCf
ding to the hovel, pri"ts oflarge, inhuman foet. comes very hard to play. There may ~ c\certion.;. hut
rules about Awakening are meant mainly lor '1pe's. A""'~
people make cil:ccllent side characlers that can aid the
An icy cold spread through Illy hody. My head characters or use them for their own purposes. Mature and
filled with thoughts J had tltver imagined possihle. pcrienced players may give role-playing characters ..... ith
Evil thoughts, full of rage and degradation. As I ap- treme balances II try. all the \Iay to the AI'vakening if they
proached the door, it slowly opened. Inside was a vast they can handle it. but il is not nonnall) !'('Commended.
darkness. A living darkness. It sensed my prfSence and
extended a hand of shadow at me. J knew heyond any
douht that not just my life, hut my very soul was in (VeeRed CDenrc\( fk\(c\nce
peril. All thai T was could he wiped out forever, here
and now. T turned and fled for all I had, towards the
The only "a) 10 achieve A\\akening is to get an c\-
fire fScape.
treme menial balance. This can be done in sc\eral "ays. Ac-
quiring ad\3Iltages and disad\antages can change the balance.
Now J know that I was rUl1ning from my The Gamemaster decides if and when someone ha:; had an CJt.-
own salvation. But all thinK! must pass. Then. escape perience that should gi\ e a ne" ad\antage or disad\'antage.
was the only alternative. Ad ...·antages cost experience points. Even if .he character gets
the ad\'antage as a result of some e\ent the expe-
rience point:; must be paid retroactively.

The balance can also be changed "t"~'M,j., ......

disadvantages disappear. When a disadvantage
sappears. the menIal balance is increased b) the
same number of points as it ""as lo ..... ered by
that disadvantage. And vice "'ersa, ~hen an
advantage disappears ror some rea-
son. Experience points can be used
to gradually "buy off' disadvan-
tages, making fe ..... er and fewer
minus points. In the same fa-
shion, Qd~antages can be bought to Increase the mental ba-
lance_ Lhe Do.Rk ROo.d
It's. mol\': difficult to lo\.\er \OUr balance the further
8\.\<1\ fn,m lem \I)U are. 80:10\.\ -100 ~,cl'\ point or mental 00- The Dark Road is physical and aggressive. It leads
lanc~ coslS mo' points to lo\.\cr and fou~ points to increase: a\.\a)' from other people and all social ties. [t seizes on your
and \icc versa for ~l~ithe balances O\er +100. Below ·:!OO. basic instincts and emotions, those that you had C\en before
loy,ering the balance one ~tcr takes three points, increasing it your identity ....as fonned and you learned 10 speak. Gradually,
tak~ six. Correspondingly, three points to incrca~.: and six )"ou strip your life of human associations. Here is .... hat hap-
points to lo,""er a mental balance o\-er "'"200. After ·300, lo .... c- pens at low mcntal balances :
ring costs four points per stcp and increasing eight points,
below -400 it is Ii,.: w lo,""er and ten to increase, .... ith similar -25 You could not pass a health ched;-up without being
Cost increases on the positi\c side. found "abnorma[". You may ha\e magical intuition.

·\t death, the mental balance is usually resct to zero_

There are rituals., \.. hich ma) prevent this and enable )OU to re-
-'" You could not pass a mental examination without
being pronounced "insane". When in shock. your
disad\ontages will take conlrol of you. When in
tain some of\.\-hat )"ou B.;hic\cd in )"our most re<:entlife. The shock, your sense ofT1me or space may become
lIindu~ have cllperimented e.~tenshely with magical rituals to distorted. When in shock.. there is a risk ofprojcctions.
retain the balance bet\.\-cen rebirths. -7S You may halle limitations. When in shock, you rna)
suffer physical changes. You become unuble to
retain deep emotional relationships. and will break
off any contact Ihat gelS too personal. When in
Lhe Sho.dow shock, there is a risk of projections. You will alloid
all people .... ilh mental balances of +75 or higher.
-JOO Your odllontages begin to disappear by one point per
rhe inertia that make~ extreme balances so difficull step of lowered balance under -100. You lose control
to reach ha:. an added effect. besides making changes hardcr. 0\ er your disruhantages entirel). Your Shadow
Your fear of the balance le\eI also takes ph~ sical form as Ihe begins 10 haunt )ou. You begin to manifest permanent
Shado\.\-. ~our t\.\in soul. The \hado .... is a mirror image that is physical changes. You .... ill a\oid all people wilh
formt:d b) C\':I') human \.\ho reaches a mental balancc of ",100 mental balances of +100 or higher.
or more. For tho;..: .... ho follow Ihe light road. the Shado.... is - ISO Permanently schizophrenic. You mesmeri7.C' all
dark. for tI~ .... ho y,andcr the dark palh. it is lighl. people \\ilh a Mental Balance bet .... ccn -40 and -100.
You are able 10 change y·our sense of Time and
The Shadow is a reminder lhal )'ou are taking one Space.
de of )(lu.....e1f 100 far_ It is )"·our own subconscious anemp- -200 Your disad\·antages bec:ome contagious. Others .... ith
D(t. to..1 hI..>come a y,hole person, but it's doomed to fail since negatille balance in your vicinil) suffer your
ou slIll M.:e reality in black and .... hite. disad\antages at I '4 of your number of points.
- 250 You confront your Shadow, and a long bailIe begins.
lhe Shadow is a physical creature that looks like Sophisticated disadvantages such as Greed and
you, but \.\-ith emphasis on those traits you lack. If~ our mental Reckless gambler 10!>C lheir power over )·ou. You are
balance is low, the Shadow is a bright, angelic creature. full of ruled by hunger, anger, fear and sexual desire. Your
hannony·. [f your balance is high, the Shadow is a grolesque, physical shape becomes grotesque and you no
rwisll>d image of you. It has a mirror image of your mental ba- longer look like a human being.
lance. If your balance is + 140, the Shadow will have - 140. It ·JUU Your control over your sense of Time and space
has all your ski lls and abi lities. increases. You approach Chaos. You can sense evil.
])<1in and fear from a distance, and you are drawn to
At '100 the Shadow appears and begins to haunt places where negative feelings are concentrated.
you. It al .... ays reminds you thai whal you do is extreme. that -'00 You now halle full control oller Time and space, and
there is anothcr side of your personality which you are sup- are ablc to teleport )·ourself, increase or decrease
JWn,ing- distances, and travel in Time. You enter chaos and
risk being trapped there.
At t250. thcre will be a confrontation. The shado.... -500 You merge with )our Shado\.\- and reach Awakening.
aatempts to SlOp you from sinking lower or climbing higher.
with all the means at its disposal. II goes 10 any length to per-
suade you 10 tum around. You are drawn into a prolonged
fight .... ith your shadow, y,hich is only lerminated \~hen ~·ou
reach A\.\akcning.
Lhe Lghr ROo.d
The Light Road focuses on allal~sis, knowledge and
control. II proceeds from the assumplion thai the y,orld is an
ordered and comprehensible place. thai your consciousness
can fathom C\crything and understand the whole of the uni-
verse. You gradually assume control over all your emotions
and dcsires, an31yzing them and slructuring Ihem until they no
longer halle any po .... er over you. Social contacts and relat ions
to other people become unimportant. You avoid confiicts at all
cost and seek harmony. Here is what happens whcn your men-
tal balance increases:

+2S You may have magical intuition.
You have natural empathy, People feel safe in your
presence. You av'oid all people with a mental balance
of Astaroth. If )our body is completely destroyed, you will be
reborn as an infant, regaining all your memories within one
)'ear. The reborn body will be identical to your old body. and
undcr-75. will ha~e the same powers, abilities and skills.
+75 You could flOt pass a mental examination without
being pronounced insane. You cannot become As an Awakened person, you are able to manipulate
possessed by anyone with a higher mental balance matter nnd dimensions in the same way as magicians. but wi-
than ·250. When in shock, your sense of Time and thout any rituals or spells. You master all Magic Lores without
space may become disloncd. All pe<lple with needing incantations or any son of props. Casting the "spells~
negative mental balances down to ·100 3\oid )'ou. takes no lime, and you don't lose any endur.mce. You are also
+ 100 You automatically get the advanla~ Body able to learn spells from the Lore of Reality. the an ofmanipu-
awareness. Altered Time/space perception can occur lating realit) itself. instead of just the illusions. This. howc\er.
any time. All people with negative mental balances is not automatic but a skill that needs to be.leamed.
down to -200 avoid you. Above 100. your disadvan-
tages become "'eaker, one point per step of increased The Magic Lares are described in the "Magic~ chap-
balance. You are unable to use force except in ter, but the Lore of Reality is not described in the.sc: rules. It en-
extreme sctf-dcfcn5e. You are unable to feel destructive tails rituals to alter true realit). and to St."e even beyond the
aggression. regardless of the situation. Your Shadow worlds which originally were inhabited by humans. Time and
begins to haunt you. Space nre of little consequence to you. you are nble to travel al
+ 150 Your awareness is always enhanced. You are able to will through both.
manipulate your perception of Time and space.
People with mental balances bet....een +40 and + I00 As an Awakened person. you regain you r full
become mesmerized in your presence. strength. All your ability scores are multiplied by len.
+200 The advantages become contagious. All people with
posith'e mental balance who IIIe near you. acquire Advantages, disadvantages, limilations. special p0-
your advantages., with 114 of your score. You lose wers and physicnl alterations disappear. \'ou no longer haw a
your coarser emotions and no longer f(."C1 fear, joy, mental balance and can ne\'er be shocked. what eH'r happens.
anger or sexual desire.
+250 Your struggle against your Shadow becomes a long.
hard-fought battle. You no longer need to eat. drink 'T'lie 'Awakened
or sleep. You become thinner and more "transparent".
+300 Your ability to affect Time lind space increases. You A handful of men and women ha\e trend the 'one
no longer have any physical or emotionlll needs. You and arduous wa) towards enlightenment. They art but a fe ...
feel no desire to accomplish anything. and )'ou seek and their existence are unknown to most other humans.
perfect peace away from disharmonious people. our keepers., the Archons and the Angels of !kath, are not
+400 You can telepon yourself. increase and decrease of the powers possessed by these Awakened god~.
distances, and affect the passage of lime. You approach They \',alk the shadows of the illusions. on paths known
Nirvana and slip into an introvened. peaceful state of 10 them. No one knows exactly how man) the) are. and
mind where ),ou are preoccupied with meditating on will ever know.
your own thoughts. 'There is a substantial risk that
you be trapped in this state. Two of these powerful beings deal more with
+500 You merge \\ith your shadow and become Awakened. fate of humanity than the other Awakened. Th<!y mo\e
us. protected by our ignorance, working to funher their
inexplicable goals and wishes.

C haos and N IRVana

Leon".do Q" VinCI
Chaos and Nirvana are the final stages. just on Ihe Already before Leonardo Oa Vinci became an Aw.
threshold of Awakening. When you reach these stages. you ex- kened he performed many astounding fea~. He in\entcd ma-
perience a feeling of having become united with something chines that were centuries ahead of their time and he collected
larger than )"ou or being part of a greater mind than your own. scientific discoveries that still influence our pitiful live<.. He
This may be called the Absolute Dissolution. or the Cosmic was also gifted with an insight into the true nature of objects
Order. Out this feeling is decepti\'e and sedueti\'e. and it's easy and souls. This skill he perfected through training and with the
to get caught in Chaos or Nirvana. To proceed to Awakening, help of research ond his own bizarre invention5.
you need an impulse from without. a push in the right direc-
tion. This can come from another person, an Awakened human The clarity of the Da Vinei visiun also re~ultN in a
or some other creature, Without it. )'ou are stuck. number of prominent works of an. the best
being "Mona Lisa.~ These works of art hove
even among the unknowing humans. For reasons
lightened cannot understand, these works of an wi
'Che Awakening and beautiful in a way that transcends their appe-'
rent visible appearance.

Those who have Awakened can see the whole of rea- For those who have the
lity; Metropolis. Inferno, dream worlds and other worlds which ability to see beyond the illusions,
are beyond nonnal human vision. You are free of Death and no Da Vinci's an reveals a more dis-
longer lose your memories when the body dies. Your body re- turbing reality. Beneath the beau-
generates when it has been wounded. just like the Legionnaires tifully composed s urface loath-

!\Orne truth .. about thl.' depicted objects lurie That \\as .... hat Da 0
Vinci s.aw, and that was "hat he painted. ,\!non 1~(.\CkR(.\VCn
Ihj~ abilit) 10 see
through the itlu~ions did 001 pass Damon Blackraven .... as bom in the 15th century,
.... lthout altrJ<.:tin~ attentiun
from the watching po.... e~_ The) an.lOng the smoke from the .... itchfinders' pyres and the serea-
oh~cned hi~ 31:complishmenb and even tried 10 eliminate mlllg of the ~ondemncd. His father was a man of Puritan faith
him. bUI he lIas al .... ;!),'> one ~Iep ahead of his pur.;uers. F inal1) and raised his son according to the strict rules of the church.
tlw.: aging: Leonardo dt.'Cidcd to enter the Path of Light. Ue di- This did much to strengthen the young man and he gre .... up to
sappean-d from the .... orld and .... as assumed to be dead. become a staunch beliewr in the Word. He proudly chose to
walk the path of the .... itchfinder.
, Bul in trulh he \\alled the Path of Light and quickl)
rai-.ed hIS mental b.1Iance. He soon confronted hi .. own I;jha- lie pursued this career with such a zeal that he .... as
do .... lind defeated it. Soon aller he emerged from the shadow,>, rapidly elevated within the ranks of the witchhunters. He per-
a true Awaleno:d. tie liles .. till. bc)ond the IX'v.cr of Time and secuted and prosecuted more witches than any other witchfin-
Sp.iCe:. der. and where ... er his task .... ould take him the cleansing fires
licked the sky.
D 4 "[WI'S CHI
BlII this butchery left deep marks in Blackraven's
Of the .'\\\alcned. Da Vinci is the one who has soul. Ilis mental balance started shilling and visions from Me-
shu\\n greatest interest in the battle between humanilY and Ihe tropolis and Inferno haunted his waking and sleeping hours.
~l;IH~S \)f th~ Dl.'miurgC'. III.' is detcnnined to help all humans lie followed darker roads and his doubt and confusion grew.
to ~ ... e th~ Truth, \\ ithout Ihem ~ing loolcd by the veils obscu- He soon lost all grip on his actions and was caught in a spiral
ring it. of violence and hunting. Finally he turned his back on Heaven
in his holy quest to destroy the servants of the devil.
1"0 thi.s purpose Da Vinci has spent many )ears do-
cumenting the \Ia~hine and the illusion.;.. Alread) before he He took up the .... ays of the Dark Path and stalked
entered the Path of l.ight he morded the influence of the Ar- the dark al1cy .... ays of Elysium in search of the creatures that
chons and the glimp:,.cs of \letTOpolis he \\as sho .... n in confu- befouled the true creation. He realized that the evil could only
sing and ine'lplicable visions. be fought using evil means, and with his hean and soul filled
""ith anger and sorrow he took up the hunt. In his .... ay stood
innocent and guilty, and he took their Ihes with thc same ea-
gerness. Ilis mind was twisled and the illusions surrounding
. Ilis greatest achie .. ement is the Arcanum Metropoli. him came lUmbling down. He followed the .... inding corridors
ThlS document \\as prepared while Da Vinci was treading the of the Lab}rinth and entered 'vietropolis..... here his solitary
Path of.light an~ during the immediate time following his quest continued.
Awakelling. In thiS enonnous book, Da Vinci recorded all he
learnt:<! about the Machine and the creatures he met. He made After a long hunt, during .... hich Blackraven under·
sketches and took notes. he copied books and dra .... ings from .... ent startling and horrifying changes, he confronted his Light
other !.Ource~. he included diagrams of mysterious weapons Shado.... and was Awakened.
and machines.
BUCK~VE\ 's C~'-L
It is from the pagcs of this book that humanity has
gathered a few precious gems of knowledge aboul the nature Blackraven has continued his original call even
of the illu.~ions. Thc Arcanum Metropoli only e;.,:ist in three co- though he has become an Awakened. He has declared a holy
pies. apart from the original tome. Where these books are hid- war against the Dcmiurge and his Machine and is doing every-
d~n i~ unkno .... n to all but a few. thing in his power to physically destroy the slaves and ser-
vants of the Archons and the Angels of Death. Lictors and Ra-
Da Vinci kcptlhc original Arcanum Metropoli and is zides fear him.
no ........ alking the obscure paths of the Machine in order to reo
veal the illusions and unmask our captors. He is constantly lie .... alks the Machine alone, fore .. er in search of the
anwnding his manuscript and is probably the onl)' being with servants of the Demiurge. With the zeal of a hunter he tracks
sUt:h an c>;tensive knowledge of the .... orkings of the Machine. down his prey and brings them down with cold precision. He
apa" from AstarOlh and of course, the Demiurge. is himself fugiti\e from the forces of the Archons and the An-
gels of Death and is fore\cr in\olvOO in a game of tag .... here
the cost of losing would be to forfeit his soul.

tThe §amemaster
Our first suggestion is nOI 10 dcspair if thing.~ go
"J hold no malice towards Richard now. He
badly. Admit thai you made a mistake. and that changing s0-
will kill me, this 1 know. I accept tbis to the very mething ma} improve Ihings. Everyone fails now and then.
depths ofmy being. Fair is fair. I did kill him first. \I.'ise people use their failures to gain knowledge lind strength
so thai they become bener at what the) are doing.
My husband was not the most wonderful of
Pla;.ers should ha\e some patience w ilh their Game-
men. I mOTTied him for his money and the foct thot he
master. II isn't easy to be exciting and entertaining all the time
was somewhat talented in the matters of lovemaking. Pla)ers should speak out if something anno}!> them in the "'a~
Still, his tempers were cruel and paitiflli. Ife drank tQ() the Gamemasler conducts the ad\entul"\'s. But do it in a
much, and slept around with girls thot were half his friendl} manner so that )'OU don't crush the Gamemaster's
age. I never really cared him, and soon grew to hote confidence. The purpose of this game is to ha\e fun. Don't take
it too seriously.
him. So,jinol/y I hod enough and killed him. I (ut bis
thrQat while he slept. The look of shock on his foCt
made me lough. I mode [we to him and slept beside him
as he cooled. It was wonderful to finolly be in cofttrol I Che RuLes
liked it, find the thought still worms me. I disposed of
him in (/ few gorboge bogs that I dumped into" sbal- Rules mo} easil~ become a source of endk-ss bid...:-
low grove. That WaJ the last time I thought I'd see ring. Some Gamemasters prefer that the pla}ers don't I..n w
him. I was wrong. the rules: ~lf the) do, they will just make a lot of IUss uhen
they rnHe a diffe~nt interpretation." To a\ oid all such fighti
He came back again and again, nt'IJer hurting it is best to lea\c all interpretation of the rules 10."1 the Game-
master. If he makes a ruling, it stands; regardless 0."11' \\ hat IS in
me;just leaving me to my terror. Richard liked being in the rules. Of COUTSC. lhere should be room for a sensible dl ....
contro/. So, he did it slow. Returning when J least ex- cussion, but bickering about the rules ~hould flOt be aJlo .... .:d to
pected it. A glimpse in a window. Scratching against ruin the game
the bedroom door. Moans and shzifflingfrom the dark.
He enjoyed watching me come apart. This presupposes that the Gamemastcr kllo\\,> the
rules adequately. at least the rules he is using. I-Ie has complete
freedom to add. remo\·e or change an)' rul.:, as long as the
So, I wait. wait for him to finish the joh. I players are infonncd of what is going on. ["the players agree,
don't care 'Very much anymore. I'd do it myself, but so- the Gamemasler ma>' e\en take the liben) of cheating a little
mehow I don't think he'd let me. So J wait for him to e\'e!) no .... and then: in this \\ay, uscle~ deaths can be a\oidt:d
come for me. To cut my throat. 1 will finally {(fUe him and failures can be made blameless. You \\ill ha\e to d«ide
\\hether such stretching of the rules is what )OU "8nl in }our
then, 1 think. ) low could 1 hate him for relit'IJing me group. A Gamemaster who is absolutely objecti\e and folloVo!>
from this hell.?" the rule:. exactly can also be advantagl..-ous for the game. It may
give a creeping sense that things just may go \\rong. even if
you think and act absolutely right.
It isn't difficult to be a Gamemaster. All you need is If you focus on role-playing and are lei!> concerned
an ability to plan ahead in detail, to act il oul wilh reckless with skills and combat, you can vinually ignore ~e rulcs. The
abandon, and 10 chuck all plans oul the window and improvise Gamemasler can decide freely what happens in di~Crcnl situa-
when needed. And most important of all: ne\er to forget that tions.
the enjoyment of the players is the on I)' thing that really

What follows is a collection of helpful hints for

those who think that being Gamcmastcr is a bit tricky. It is far
from certain that our advice suits you; if )'OU think this is non-
sense, just ignore it. Only you and your players know what
makes the game enjo),able for you.

Some tricks can be used to create action. Chases are
Suspense alwa)s fast. if they don't deteriorate into die rolling and rule
discu<;sions. Make sure all the players sec the chase happening
in their minds. Describe what happens vividly. Let unexpected
:\d\~ntun"S 'arJ be humorous.. exciling, action-lilled. things happen.
or horribly gruesome. One: and the same ad ... enture can conlain
ditlel'\:nt moods and atmospheres. The imponanl thing is lhal Ifs efficient to keep the pla)er characters pressed for
then: must 31'.\;1)'5 be an atmosphere of somc sort. This males time. Use events to keep the action fast-paced. They should
lhe game intcresting. feel that the situation is just ab01.Jt to slip out of their control;
almost, but not quite.
~on-pla)1!f characters environments and the plol of
the stor) (reate su.\j)Cnsc. linc>.fII.'Cted incidents and an unpre- Don't make the mistake of thinking that combat au-
dictable slOr)linc make the gam<.' challenging. The pla)"cr eha- tomatically means speed and action. On lhe contra!)', it's diffi-
rno:le~ 500uld nc .. er be reall) ~ure of \\h31 is going on, \\ hat cult to make combat interesting. It always tends to consist of
they arc really dOing or ",ho ultimate I) benefit:. trom it. AI- too much die rolling and too little role-playing. Since people's
.... ay~ 10:1 them ....onder and be afraid of something. lives are on the line, you do need the die rolls; but do them
fast. or the light will become an abstract chess game. It takes a
Kult i~ partially based on paranoia. The characters very skilled Gamemaster to make combat realistic. Violent si-
should realilc thaI Ihey arc being used by unseen. malignant tuations are full of blood. tight nerves and fear. If you are able
powers; that nothing is quite what it looks like; that their ac· to impart this to the players, your combat sequences will be
tions can ha .. c lInfoft.!;ccn repercussions. Adventures of the exciting.
"crime MOry" t) pe are a good .",a) to get suspensc and action
into the gam\:. When the charn\""ters are sear\""hing for some- Role-play much of the combat. Roar as you attack.
thing. v.llrrying ahout something and looking for clues to the cry out in pain and fall down when you are hit. Cock imagi-
truth. they \\iII not be idle. nary guns. aim. shoot. swing imaginary Sv. ords. This makes it
easier to do the combat in something that resembles real time,
I.clling tnc pla)cr .. haracters be hunted and threate- and the atmosphere will be more charged.
netl i~ another v.a) \0 create suspense. Don't let them snai l
their "a) through the ~to1")'; send in the bad guys v.ith a blov.- In order to maintain the feeling of violent action and
ton::h. kt.'ep the pla)crs on their loes. a fast pace in combat, you need to kno\\ the combat rules ve!)
"ell. If)ou ha\e the system memorized. you can take o\"er the
Irrational and unthinkable events "ill create confu- rule interpretation from the pla)ers and all you nced is to roll
sion and ncitemen\. Time and space may become distorted. for hits. This gi\es the player.; more room for role.pla)'ing and
The play..:r characters' personalities may be affected; Ihey may imagination. Learn the combat rules by hean.
meet their o\\n \\orst nightmares. It can be terrible.

hORROR e~~ecLs
AeLlon o.nd Combo.L
Kult is primaril) a game of horror. The players
But su~pcnse isn't everything. Even when the s hould be frightened. or at least feel disturbed and a little
playcn ha\c m)~teries to figure out, player characters .... hose queasy. E\eryone who has seen a second-rate horror movie
per;,onalitics develop. and who are chased by dangerous enc- knows that it's easy 10 frightcn with simple means. Surprisin-
mies, it is still possible for thc play to get slow and boring. gly many or the techniques from movies can be used in a role-
This is when you need some action. You create action by not playing game.
Jelling the players control the rhythm and pace of the game.
Mo\'c just a linle faster than they ean handle. Throw them into First, create an atmosphere that invites horror. Dim
surprising situations and don't gi~e the players more time to the lights, or play by candlelight. Try playing suggesti\c
think than their characters would ha\e. music in the background. Then follow through in the playing.
Darkness al .... ays works; terrible things can hide in it. Vast, de-
Kt.'eping as much of the playas possible in real time serted buildings ate also efficient. Closed places. mazes of
IS a good way to keep things moving. The pla)ers should not corridors or machinery v.here horrors can lurk behind any cor-
sit for the minutes and try to figure out whelher 10 flv the he- ner. When the mood is right, you can use straight horror film
lil:opter abo\e or under the bridge to escape their pursuers. effects, objectS that fall O\er for no apparent reason. Being
Tht.") haH~ three seconds to decide; if they hesitate. they crash cha.scd like rats by masked killers. in subterranean passages
into the bridge. Boom. where all exits are welded shut.

Horror .",orks best if it begins with small things and

gradually becomes worse. Begin with just a slight feeling that
something frightening will happen. Let there be small e\,ents
to indicate that e\'erything is nOI okay; slamming doors. things
thaI aren't where they should be, people who have vanished
mysteriously. The suspense is at a tnaximum right before s0-
mething happens. when everyone knows that the professor's
dead body is somewhere in the house and will probably fall
out of a cupboard or stare at them from the shower. And that
the killer is waiting for them, somewhere.

Use the player's own imagination. Nothing is as will soon resemble II computer adventure game. Interaction
loathsome as the images you make up in your mind. The wilh people is important to make it fccl real.
playds own mental images of doctor Schneider's tOiling face
are much worse Ihan any1hing you can describe with words. When you create NPC's. in ... enl a personality for him
The mechanisms of horror are well known to writers and film- or her. Make notes of it. It's not enough 10 create II taxi driver
makers. We will give you a fcw examples that you can use. or II desk clerk who only fulfill their professional funclion.
Frightcning situations oftcn involve: Make Ihem like real people, with individual tra its. This also
makes them easier to play.
Lo neliness a nd isolation. Being alone in a huge old
house far out in a dark forest is much more frightening than Oon't hesitate to role-play long comersations. This is
being among people. When the phone lines are down, it's even often the most enjoyable pan of the game, provided that both
worse. players and Gamemaster know what they are doing. A persis-
tent Gamemaster can draw even Ihe most shy and reticent
No o ne belie\'Cli you. You know that something tCf- players out. by having the NPC's speak to him or her all the
rible is about to happen. you try 10 alert people to lhe danger. time.
you call fot help, but they laugh at )our prepostcrous fantasies.
Or Ihey pronounce you insane and lock you up in an asylum.
No escape. You can't get away. All the doors arejam-
med. You are trapped like a rat, and the water is rising! Being a 'Che enVIROnmenL
helpless victim faced with approaching agony is very frighte-
Describe the en ... ironment \0 the players. Knowing
Norma l. "safe" sit uations 5uddenl) turn ing out 10 what things look like and where the) are makes it easier for
be horrible. You go to bed with a beautiful person of the 0p- them to identiry .... ith their characters. It's harder to pia) :l per-
posite sex, and suddenly find that you are embracing a de- son who e"!:islS in a vague nodiing. A good mental image of the
caying corpse. surroundings gi ... es them firm ground 10 stand on, Lse the
other senses as well: don't forgel smells, sound~ and lexlure~.
Tu r naro un d. You stay in your room all night be· A good description of the surroundings also helps avoid mi-
cause something is clawing at the front door. The noise stops. sunderstandings like "What? Isn't it summer? You ne~er said
Shotgun in hand, you warily sneak down the stairs and look anything about it being cold outside!~ Make an imagc of the
out the door. To your relief, there is nothing there. You close place you will describe in your mind. Register colOr!;. lorms,
th~ door, and discover that the claw marks are on the inside! smells, sounds and atmosphere. Describe it \'hidly ~ that the
Whatever made them was in the house all the time; and is pro- pla}ers can sec it. too. This is a good .... a)' 10 creale sw;pensc in
bably still there! Any situation where you: suddenly or only a horror a<henturc.
slo.... ly; realize that the situation is totally different from what
yoo thought, is terrifying. But don't o\erdo it. The pla}er.. .... anl to pla~.
and talk themsellres. 1lle} aren't interested in a ten-minute
Things ),ou trust tum na51). Your pet suddenly at- ture about insignificant details that their characteTh .... (luM
tacks you with vicious ferocity, and you are forced to kill it. even notice. Nor do they want to hear your
Your car speeds up .... hen you step on the brake. The telephone tion on the 100 most famous building; in MClTOpoli~.
works okay when anyone else uses it, but when you try to
make a call, you hear only a hissing noise.

Unstoppa ble foes. You have killed the enemy, bur- 'Che AdvenmRe
ned his body to ashes and buried Ihem under 10 feet of
concrete. only 10 meet him again ne"!:t morning. Evil grin: ''I'm
back!" The a<henture is the most important thing of all. If
nothing fun or exciting happens, the playcN will g..:t bored.
Few players are here to experience the cndless tedium of a
long .... inter on the Siberian taiga (e\co though there arc excep-
on- pLo.yeR Cho.Ro.CLeRS tions). Most of them want the story to go ahead,

Doo't leave the train of e\'ents up \0 Ihe players.

[I'S a good idea to play adventures as if they are hap- They will choose their own leisurely pace, and th31'~ al .... ays
pening here and now, not to lell it like a film of something thaI too slow. Go ahead with events so that they are always in diffi-
has h:lppened. Act out all your NPC's. Identify with the role, cult, funny or horrible situations where they must make quick
become Ihe person you play. Make faces, use your .... hole body. decisions. The characters will develop into personalilies when
Exaggerate the NPC's characteristics a lil\le. The players they are pressed 10 make decisions and act fast. {h..: \\orld of
usually have weeks to de\elop their characters into unique per· the game molds them while the), also affect it. 1
sonalities. You, on the other hand, are expected 10 present
NPC's that Ihe player characters mCCI, with only minutes of This doesn't mean you should force Ihinas-. A rast ad-
preparation. A 100 fine-tuned play makes all NPC's seem alike. \'enlure can ha\e room for long and thorough dis-
O\erdo il a little, to help the players understand what sort of cussions, wild arguments and a lot of role-
person Ihe)' are talking 10. It's also easier to be humorous if playing. Just make sure that it's the characters
you exaggerate a little. that are talking. nOlthe players.

Use the NPC's to give the player characters informa-

tion. This makes the game real role-pl:lying. If Ihey collect all
knowledge from books. computer files and clues, the game

The advcnture ~IOI) itself can be carefully planned At least, be wary oflhese things with beginners and
ahead or made up as ),OU go along. For beginners, ",e recom- with players who don't know each other very well. Avoid put+
mend a siory that has been planned ahead. Very fe\~ people ting the characters in embarrassing situations unless you know
have a natural talent for improvisation. it's somclhingyou only the player well and are cenain that he or she can handle it. Ex-
learn with cxperio::nce. perienced players who know each other. will be more ready to
accept having their characters killed or s ubjected to terrible
A planned ad'vcnturc doe~n't mean that the Game- things. But if realty bad things are going to happen to the
masler should diclate the actions of the player characters. player characters, make sure that you have a group of mature
rhey li\e their own lives and choose "'hat the~ do. If they players who know und trust each other.
don't act the way you had hoped. you will have 10 adapt and
chang.e your ad\'enture to accommodate them. Counteract bad role-playing. The players should not
take "time-outs~ to discuss what to do. They should play their
Ah'vays Iry to observe how Ihe playo::rs are feeling. If roles. They should not use knowledge, '" hich their characters
they sccm bored. cut down on the slow. length) pans and in- don't have. Bad players may need to have it pointed out to
:;ert a side stol) with some action. If the players like to role- them; what it means to playa role. A good way to gel a slow
play 510\' events.) au can expand these and gi've them greater player moving is to have other characters talking a lot to his
imponance. character. This will force him to act out the person, and (hope-
fully) it will help him overcome his shyness and discover lhat
If Ihe characters do something that threatens to ruin role-playing is fun.
the adventure entirely. give them a prod in the right direction.
Send in lin NPC with guiding infomlation. or invent an inci- Avoid playing 10 win. There are no winners or losers
dent that points to where you want the aClion to go. If the in a role·playing game. Some players desperately try to make
players fail to figure out the direction of the solution. give their characters succeed with Ihe adventure, even if it means a
them some hdp. Role-playing isn't fun if you are stuck. But lous), interpretation of the role. This is a deathblow to those
remember that all guidance must be gentle and discreet; at all who really wanl to play their roles. The game switches from
times. the players musl feel that the) are in full control of role-playing to a jumble of strategic and tactical considera-
what their characters choose to do. lions. reints and risk calculations.

Even if you don't have a definite story made up in If all of the players aCI that way and enjoy it, then
advance. you will need cUfCfuJly prepared NPC's and environ- it's OK. But when an individual tries to sub-optimize and play
menl:>. If the~e are made with thought and imagination. inter- for maximum efficiency. it tends to drive those away who are
esting and exciting events will be easy to find. trying to act as personalities with both weak and slrong sides.
Players whose main purpose is 10 win will do beller 10 try
some strategic board game, where it is really possible to gain a
total victory.

Give the players time to play their roles. [n general.

let Ihc characters talk as long as they please. Let them wander
Players should ha\'e fun. This is Rule One for Ga- outside the story. as long as all enjoy themselves. Sometimes.
memasters. If you regard the players as an obstacle in your at- an episode where the characters get in trouble with the natives
tempts to make a good adventure, you have missed the point in a small vil!age. or where they are uying to buy a camel and
of the game. You must play with the players. not against them. are seduced by the Egyptian guide. arc the best in the whole
Don't moralize over the player character's actions. It isn't your adventure. BUI as soon as the play stans fading and slowing
task to decide whal is ~correct." Players play their parts. If down. the Gamemaster should give it a kick and get il moving.
they create a credible personality, they are doing a good job. Don't allow hopetess combinations of player characters. 11
The character may be stupid or nasty. That's beside the point. may sound fun to have a group consisting of a Palestinian acti-
It'~ po:;sible that a player character may be unable to perfonn visl. a dedicated Zionist. a Latin American macho type and a
the actions required to ntake the ad\'enture work. The reason militant feminist; but there is a big risk that they will all kill
may be that this particular character simply wouldn't do such a each other before you gel past the foreword. If Ihe players
thing. A Buddhisl monk will not accept an offcr to serve as a want a character group with this type of inherent conflicts,
mcreenal). If the player accepled such an otTer. he would be they muSI help you explain how it can work . There must be
playing his character badly. In such cases. the Gamemaster other bonds that keep them together. Strong ones. [I'S not fea-
will need to adjust the adventure so that it .... orks anyway. sible to demand that the Gamemaster alone should make such
a group function.
Don't punish characters for behaving stupidly. by
killing them or letting unrealistically nasty things happen to Make sure that all players participate in the game. A
them. Follow the plol of the story, and if you adjust ii, do so in strong-willed person can easily take command and dominate
the pluyer character's advantage. After all, it's they who are the others. Nobody likes to be dominated, so )"ou should watch
the heroes of the story. It's exciting to have tough assi· out for it and counteroct il. If one player is insufTerably domi-
gnments and encounter stitT resistance. But a nant. you can let your NPC's explicitly address other charac-
happy ending usually gives you happy ters instead. This will give them u chance to speak for them-
players. selves.

All participants must be able to make themselves

heard if they are to hu\e fun. If there is some kind ofhierarchy
between the characters, making one of them a leader, you
should remember that this does not apply to the players. only
to their characters.

Several ad\cnlures can be joined together by a com-
Connen:ed i\dvem:uReS mon theme, making them all part of a longer slOI). The com-
mon theme doesn't ha\'c to be very strong. The important thing
is that the characters move naturally from one adventure to the
In general, it's an advantage if the players can keep next.
the same characters through several adventures. This gives the
characters lime to develop. It's a good reason to Iry to keep the The world around the characters should live itS own
characters alive; they become more enjoyable and more perso- life. It's not a stagnant place where nothing happens until the
nal the longer they are in the game. player characters stir things up. 11 wasn't created I
benefit. It wasn't made to fit their abilities and
In connected adventures, which lIlay span up to se- there, and they will have 10 adapt to it. Events m~~;4~':t~~~
veral years, the play'ers will have lime to see their charncters world develops and changes, with or without I
change arK! develop. Always let the characters affect the world racters. They can jump on the train and be
and be affected by it If they do something extraordinary, they they're not there, the train will depan anyway.
become famous or infamous. Give them friends and enemies.
Let their past catch up .... ilh them and gel them in trouble C\cry
now and then.

This docs not mean thai the world can change at ran-
dom. Changes happen as history mo~es along, but the world
mu~t be coherent. or the characters will not get any feeling for
where Iht:) are, ,\n incoherent \\orld is impossible to play.
This is the framework of the story, the way that the
Long serie-; ofadven ture~ can in~ohe the characters pla)'er characters will go if you take away all side evenlS and
in a great mystery, which can't be solved in just one or two ad· detours. There are a limited number of plots that can be varied
..entures. The)' may dehe deeper and deeper into a greal m)'s- indefinitely b) changing the places. people and details. We
10:1), Graduall). they disco\er that the small group of criminals gi~'e a number of suggestions ror intrigues and events. These
they were investigating, was j ust a cover for a worldwide are very rough outlines, which need to be set in an environ-
conspiracy, ment and to be filled out with details in order to work. But
they may help you figure out how 10 make an adventure. Some
In such long storics that span over many adventures, or the outlines are related, and may be merged so that a single
) ou should not let all the t;:vents be dil\.'Ctly related to Ihe main adventure can have two plots. And several plots can be merged
stol) Small side adventures and fal~e clues ",ill make the into a longer campaign of role-playing adventures.
game less predictable and more va!)ing,

The pl3)ers ",ill Ii.-cl more at home in the world of

the game if their char'3ctcrs have some "Ort of "home base." a
fixed place. Let them buy houses (but don't be afr'3id to burn
one or two down under mysterious circumstances,). become
members of clubs and societies, involve themselves in politics
The player characlers can be bodyguards who tT) 10
and intrigue~. This gi\es them a place in the world, and the
protect someone from getting assassinated, or who guard a sa-
\\hole game will become an ad\enture, even without the Ga-
cred objcct from fanatical thiclles belonging to a cult. They
memaster running Ihe slol) all the lime.
can try to stop a Death Angel from incarnating on Eanh, by
fighting cuitists and Razides. They can stop an evil prophecy
or a curse rrom coming lrue.

The ad\enture takes an unexpected turn if you allow

thc feared event to happen. but the story goes on and the cha-
racters discover that the thing they were trying to prevent \\as
only a small detail in a much larger and more fiendish threat,
thaI they no\\ have to deal wilh.

and 'Fina Someone Or Somethin8

Camyaia ns Something has been lost. A person. an object. ellen a

place. has vilnished. This is Ihe classic detective story. It can
develop into a different plot when the characters find what
they were looking for and discover what is going on.

When e ..erything goes ",ell, an adventure becomes a

good horror ~tory, The characters go from a safe, familiar. nor-
mal life into situations where they are face to face with terri-
fying and unknown things. Their ",orld slowly falls apart, and A friend. ramily member or other close person has
is revealcd to be much darker and more dangerous than they been murdered or injured. The player characters seek the
cver suspected. They feel threatened, exposed and helpless, guilty 10 wreak vengeance on them. or to bring them to justice.
but Ihe)' finally manage a narrow escape, and a return to some Or some one else is out 10 get revenge, and uses Ihc player
sort or normality. characters as agents.

An adventure usually consists of a main plot, events The revcnge motif can be developed into a different
that take place within the main plot. places you describe and plot if the characters discover that there was more to the
persons w hom the player charactcrs II1CCt. Every cvent corres- killing or the attack than Ihey thought. Perhaps the victim was
ponds to one chapter in a book, or a single scene in a film. The not as innocent as they thOUght. The good guys may become
place descriptions are the environment where the action takes the bad guys, and \ ice versa. Or perhaps Ihe crime is only one
place. The persons are those who make the story happen. We out of a series.
ha\e tried to sort out and describe the structure of an
adventure, to show you how it is constructed
from various ideas. SolVe a 'Ric£afe
A "whodunit" story. Someone has been murdered.
Something has been stolen. Someone has been turned into a
monste r. Someone buys a whole town and evicts all the
people. Someone pursues the player characters and tries to kill
them, and they don't understand why. There are an infinite
number of m),steries. The players may solve one, only to dis-
cover Ihat there is yet anolher, bigger riddle behind it. •

LoyallY to a person or an organi7..3tion
Traver Curiosity
A journey can be a plot in itself, though it may re- Religion
quire some side stories to become intcresting. A journey from Owing somoone a favor
our world through the illusions. into Metropolis of Inferno. can An ad~antage or dis.ad\antage compels them (a
be a ....hole adventure. chhalric man rna) act to sa\e a woman. etc.)
Achie\e some desired objccti\'c
§atlier 'lnformation &' Wisdom
The characters gradually learn more and more about
something. either aboulthe reality beyond our world, or some
occult phenomenon. In their search for knowledge, thcy are
hurled into various situations and have to face threats and pro-
'Che pl(\yeR Ch(\R~\ct:eRS
blems. B): solving these. they learn more. They change and get
new ambitions. 85 their knowledge increases. Combine this
.... lth an action-packed but simple plol. 10 make it more lh-e!),.
The best adventures depend on the fact that the

~xyose &' Stay a Curt

player characters are personally invohed. Something in their
personality or background forces them into the story. In order
\0 create such adH:ntures you must guide the pla}ers when
The player characters stumble on forbidden know- they create their characters. so that there are connections bet-
ledge, a jealously guarded secret, which bc[on~ to an evil cult. \~ecn them. They need to fonn a group where the relation, hips
Or maybe the cultists just suspect that the chamcters know too are n:lIural and realistic. Here are some po::;sible relations bct-
much. The cult has vast po"ers and its sinister agents will stop "cen characters, which ),ou can create from the ~ginning or
at nothing to eliminate the player characters. Their only chance bring into the game when it has staned.
is to expose the cult to the autnorities arK! the general public.
They must infiltrate the cult to gather evidence. If you have difficulties getting Ihe characters to fit in
a plausible group, you can divide them in two groups. r hen
you invent a link between the groups, "hieh brings them t~­
'Make Somet liin8 '}-{ayyen the,_
The player characters need to make an event happen. They are friends and know each other.
The magical ritual must be performed at the right time so that They are colleagues or people "ho m<" . ,"'........
\ Ienctnon can get back to Metropolis in time to stop the Lic- jobs.
tors. The character's enemies try to stop them. 11ley are neighbors.
They have a common hobby.
They arc relatives.
'Run for Your Life They went to school together.
They hav'e a cornman friend wno needs them.
The player characters are in mortal danger. Non- They tune all been present at, Of exposed to 50me
human creatures are out to gct them. They ha\e been infected event in the past.
with an unknown disease or a curse that will kill them unless The), have common enemies.
they find a cure. They need to find the source of the threat and They just happen to be in the same place \\hen <.0
eliminate it. mething drastic happens thaI forces them to
11ley can also be compelled to save others, friends or
relath-es. who arc in mortal danger or are prisoners. somew-
'Che Beg inning
m Ot:IV(\L10n The stan of the adventure may be calm and peacefu l.
so that the characters have a chance to gel to know eoch other.
Or ),ou can just drop them right in the aClion. They may toe a
The plot isn't al .... ays enough to explain why the group that has fonned before the ad~enture begins, (It. t h~y
player characters choose to gel invohcd, "hy they do all those may meet as pan of the story. Whichever, the bes;nninS is im-
things that aTe needed to make it an adven ture. They need portant. This is ..... hen the characters must be ~ r~ullded to-
some son of motivation, a kick that sets them in motion, com- mo\e in the same direction, to make the rest of tIM Sl~ woriL
pels them to act. This snould be connected to the plot and the Some suggested beginnings follo\\ here. but or ~<.)ul'lie you
stor) in a natural ....ay. Ilere are a fe" examples of moti\ations must adapt evcl")lhing to the story in your cam-
that you can combine and embellish to your taste: paign.
False accusations; the player characters need to find
the truth in order to a\oid taking the blame for some
Prevent something that the characters don't wish \0
Th~) wiln..:ss:\ murder. or a fri,md of theirs is
A friend Of a near relative disappear.;.
Sidc p{ors c\nd
llk:y t! . . t a commisl>iQn, Comp{lcC\L10nS
rhO!~ an: anad:ed. cursed. hau' m~5teriolJ.'> dreams.
31"<:" ~trkkO!n b~ an unkJKmn disease or somelhing
ebe that drav.s them into the plol. A plot should ne\er develop in a perfectly linear fa-
llIe) are tricked into doing sonlcthing. \\ ithout shion. That \.\ould make it 100 easy for the players to figure
reali/ing the co~uen,es. out v.hat is going to happen next. There must be side-stories,
111..:) find a m) Sh~riou.~ object, meet a strange wild g~ chases and complicating circumstances that make
per;on. Of go to a v.O!ird place. for unexpected e\ients. Here are some suggestions:
Someone asb them for help.
Somoone thinb they kno\\ too much and ~tarts to Possession
pursue them, 11lcy look for the wrong person
Persons are 10m betvo.ccn different goals and
False infomllllion leads in the wrong direction
evem:s The enemy finds them
Love or passion changes someone's loyalties
The group becomes separated
In role-playing games. the aclUal situations are often The illusions fall apart
more important than the underl}ing plot. nle game concen- The problem becomes more complex and new levels
trates on \.\hat happen~ here and now. J f one or more dramatic are uncO\iered.
sjtuation~ are good, this can make up for a less sophisticated Physical changes in the player characters
general plot. But no matter ho\.\ good )our plot is, il can never Mental changes in the player characters
make up lor boring episode:;. The events belov.- can occur in l'ew enemies or friends are acquired
an) type of ad~cnture .. \djust them to the situation. Some '\ew infonnation is re .. ealed
events are calm, others are fast and full of action. Mix slov. Someone lies
and Iir;t O!\O!nt.s to make the game varied and interesting. Outsiders are drav. n into the story

SUl"\eillance (of a person or a place)
Car chase
'Che end
rorensic investigation at a crime scene
Dreams A too tame ending may become an anticlimax to an
Deaths otherwise excellent adventure. The pl3)crs generally expect
Escape from enemies some son of final confrontation with the enemy, a battle or ex-
Curse citing climax ",hen the world is narrowly saved, or the great
Captivity secret is finally revealed. Adventures should not fade 3\Va)'.
Interrogation of prisoners or player characters nor should they go on forever like a bad soap opera. They
Love and seduction should ha\ie a resounding finale. fry to tie up the loose threads
1 he illusions shatter in the final episode, and leave some great revelations until
Aurglary then.
Searching for infonnation in archi\ies.
Being chased by monsters or killers
Commando raids
Confrontation with enemies
~agical rituals Describing places is ... ery important to the adven-
\reeting new NPC's tures. The environment sets the mood. Horror storics are often
Disa~ters and accidents set in safe, rt<:ognizable nome environments, where the coz)
1ra\icl places tum into something terrible. as the horrors come cree-
SO!x ping out. Kult is sct in a harsher environment. Our adlentures
Illness usually begin in slums, callous institutions. sterile offices,
Combat shady nightclubs or empty factory halls full oflarge. rusty ma-
Los. chines. From there, the)' can move el'en further away from the
eleryday reality v.here \.\e feel safe, into the \\orlds beyond
the illusions, You are of course free 10 use a more domestic
setting. but it \\iill be more difficult to combine a happy subur-
ban middle class idyll with the background \.\orld of the game.

Moving the action to a different place when a nev.

episode stans is a good way to change the atmosphere and get
variation. This doesn't mean you have to send Ihe characters
traveling arollnd the world. A city can provide most of the dif-
ferent environments you need.

Peoplc make the story mo"c fONard. Interesting
NPC's can save an otherwise boring adventure. The nllc is the
same as for places; import3nt persons lIIu~1 be described in de-
tail. Side characters and extras can be improvised. In the chap-
ter "Disciples of the Dark,· you'll find a template for d~ri­
bing important NPC's.

To make a person interesting. you mu~t see to it that

he or she is not one-dimensional. An interesting pcr.;on i~ one
that has invisible depthS and layers of rersonalit~ \Ihlch are
graduall) revealed as the player characters get to kno" him
beller and meet him in different situations. A multi-f3<.:cted per-
son creates excitement because the pia) er characters can ne"er
be certain of what he "ill do.

A campaign is a series of se"cral adventures that re-

volve 3round a common theme. The adventures can be combi·
ned in different ways. They can be chapters in a bi~er, oler·
lying plot. In such cases, Ihey range from ~imple ad\entures
with hannless opponents, 10 complicated intrigues v.hcre the
player characters meet terrible enemies at the clima"l(. It ma~
be too a sequence of separate shon stories, "hich 3re. held to-
gether by a more remOte common theme. and which graduall~
build up toward a grand finale of the 'Whole campaign.

The first of these types is easiest to u~c WIth \h ..

lIorid of Kult. It begins innocently. with the player charnch!1'5
mccting relatively h3nnlcss opponents, but soon they di~cov
that a more dangerous enemy is hiding behind these.
ning this threat. they find something even more ~inbter and
horrible. In this y,.ay. you can guide them from a simple youth-
gang murder in their neighborhood. to world" ide c(\n~Jlirutjes
instigated by pc)\\ers from Inferno.

The parts of the campaign can be fitted togcther in

v3rious y,.ays. The simplest is to make 3 single, contiguous
In how much detail lOU describe the places depends SlOT) thaI the pla)er characters must folio ..... Ad~enture J
on how )'OU will use them. A place that the player ch3racters ghes them informalion .... hich they folio" up in adlentur~ 112.
only pass through does nol need much detail. You can impro- where they are told things that propellhcm into adventure lil
vise i(. Atmosphere-creating environments need more atten- and so on.
tion, You can create expectations by describing a pe3ceful, nor-
mal place extensivcly. but adding ominous details, c.g. the cur- A more complex, but also more rewarding method, is
13ins are mo\'ing but there is no wind, or the shadows are cree- 10 u...e modules. The campaign has 3 precise beginning and a
ping up the 'Walls. precise end, But all the adwntures in between can be played in
any order, Which T03d the campaign takes depend~ on "hat the
Somc places necd a vcry detailed description, If you player characters elect to do. They receive infonn31ion at the
C"I(J)l.'Ct the playcr characters to break into a room and search beginning, which can lead them to 3ny ofsclcr.ll cpiwdes.
through it, you must be prepared to answer all their questions. Which one they choose first determines how the rest of the
When you e)[pcct a burglary or a commando raid. ii's" ise to plol unfolds.
prepare the places carefully,
Such a loosely struclured campaign dehullub more
In places outside nonnal reality, it is your descrip- improvisation from the GM, but it's more s.atis~ing for the
tions that will guide the player's imaginations. If you arc players because it milkes them feel that they ha~e
unable to give lively descriptions of the clanking gangways, more control over the story.
misty alleys and v.inding fire escapes in Metropolis. you can't
e)[pcct the pla)ers to identifY with the em·ironment and act in
it ,,,jth any conviction.

Prozen Moments
The man before him wasn't even worthy of a two yem. Since one of the early victims was his half·brother.
Leland. he has been working almost obsessilely on it. During
trial, thought Creed. "How do you plead, Connor Rad- his search, he has uncove~d quite a Ie . . . strange things about
cliffe?" spoke Creed; his Southern accent thick as a the case; things thai seem to hav\l been overlooked by the p0-
humid day in Louisiano. The man gibbered madly, his lice. Indeed, after reviewing a great deal of Ihe evidence, he
wonk lost ;11 hysterics. Creed sighed, lind nodded to the began to wonder if the police were protecting someone. Still,
bailiff The defwdaf1t squealed in pain as the bailiff he couldn't prove an)thing conclusive. so his theories were
usually dismissed.
shattered his knee with (/ mol/el. The next squeal
wasn't as loud. so Creed could hear the beautiful sound Recently. the case has come \0 a cl(J~e with the arrest
of the ilion's other knee diJintegrating under the blow and amazing conviction of 3 man. Chrbtopher "aim; a charity
that followed. "Contempt of cOlir/.'~ growled Creed, coordinator. ~Ia ... ing followed the Cllse for w long. the report~'r
"Now nnrwer the question lest 1 judge yea now. " He was aware that the conviction had 10 ha\'~ been reached
hod to lean forward (/ bit since the deftndont was now through some sort of shad) dealings. as the c\idence .... as
overwhelmingly in the man's fa\'or. rhinking there might na\e
curled up in (/ boll on the floor: been a co.. er-up he looked into the background of the procee-
Somehow, the man managed /0 wherze out ding official. Judge Cm:d, A judge from the Deep Soulh and
"Not guilty". Creed looked at the Defense attorney, and kno",n for his healy-handed decisions, Jeremiah Creed was
gave him (/ tootby smile. both feared and respected b} the cit) judicial ~)~tem. I.ooling
inlO his background. Bullis .... as :.hocked to discOl'er that f;:ach
"Connor Radcliffe, J Judge Creed, do hereby victim, including his brother. had been com icted and senten-
with the power i1lvesud in me, smtence you to he puni- ced \lhile Judge Creed .... as merseeing the court. Thinking lhis
shedfor the most heinous ofcrimes. May whatt'Uer god .... asjust too much ofa coincidence. the reporter tried to 5el
you worship grant you the forgiveness I cannot. " He an intel"\'iew ..... ilh the man. Aner badgering Creed for
turned to the guards and nodded. "Crucify him." he finally recei\'ed that interview.

Not known for his subtlety. Bullis ;~;~';::::'~:~

began asking very pointed questions on Judge Cre.!d's
dings and decisions during the trial. Creed grew
more agitated as allegations flew. When the reporter
pointed out Ihal each murder victim had a connection to
This is a scenario primarily designed for the use of the judge finally ended the intervie.... screaming lor the
first-time Kult Gamemasters, We hope that this scenario will to toss the man out on the street. Just as Oullis Willi
help you and your pla)ers grow more use to the rules and fee- thrown from lhe office. he snapped off a quick ~eries of phot(\~
ling of the game without delving too far into the Reality or of Ihe irate judge with his camera. Pleased with hi~ success,
being too combat oriented. It can be used as the first step into Bullis headed home to his darkroom and began processing the
an in-depth campaign, or as a simple starxl-alone ad .. enture. film. What he found both shocked and utterl)' perplexed him.
The mood of this scenario should be one of confusion and In the last series of phOios. Judge Creed no longer looked like
anxiousness. The players should feel that they are out of their a human being, but B bloated and hideous parody He ran the
league. and are dealing .... ith forces far beyond their compre- film through again and again, and each time the lasl few pho-
hension. Even aner they have completed their goals, they tos sho\\ed him as a nine-foot tall creature. Cheel.: after check.
should have a Sl"nSC of confusion as to ..... hat actually transpi- he could not find an)thing .... rong with the camera or film_
red. The questions that are raised arc not so much ans .... ered, as What ever he had managed to capture in that photo was terri·
they are deepened in mystery. fyingly real.

Do not use this as the end-all and be-all. Players will In the paSt few days he has also Mliq!d th~rsha­
neler follow the same pmh as is listed out in a module. Be pre- dowy men are following him. Three nighl... ago hl~ horne ....
pared for them to go off on tangents, and allo\\ them to do so. broken inlo and his photolab mnsacked. Ha\ing ~n ... Iiabtl)'
Ho .... eler. don't let them just \\alk all over you. TT) to keep paranoid. he had already hidden the negatives et..
things under control. but don', be overbearing while you do it. sewhere. so they .... erc not stolen. Last night he
received videotape from persons unknown. The
tape showed in graphic detail Judge Creed
lnrRoducLion committing one of the serial mur-
ders. Confused and afraid. Bullis
A .... ell-known tabloid reporter, Robert Bullis, has has decided to contact some of
been following a strange series of serial killings for thc past his closest friend s in the belief
Ihal maybe they can help him
puz71e this ail out. He dClCsn'l know ",herc elsc 10 tum. and players that intcrfere with the arrest. One way or anothcr they
feels that hc must let people he trusts knoll' what's going on spend the night in an intcrrogation cell. being grilled over
before something happens to him. lie is tcrrilic-d for his life there involvement with Bullis.
and needs back up.
One of the players will not be grilled. but is inslead
\I,hat he is unal~art.' of is that Judge Jeremiah Creed left alone in his cell so long that he will finally doze off. Du-
is in fact a Lietor in the service of the Archon Geburah. He is ring the slumber he will have a startlingly I'ivid dream of [hc
indeed responsible for Ihe ~erial killings, all of his victims murder that Bullis is supposed to have committed, He sees the
con~'ict~ and crirninab that he believes had 10 be punished fur- murder through the eyes of the killer as he goes about his
theT. His desire 10 provide ' justice' and his bloodlusl hale grisly work. At the end of the dream, he sees the killer's face
grown 10 "arp his already fevercd mind, His self-control has in a mirror and awaken when it slowly begins to change into
begun 10 deteriorale 10 dangerous levels. For this reason. Cree- something monslrous. However. before this change takes
d's concentration faltered for a few seconds. l\ohen Bullis place he realizes that the killer is actually Judge Creed, and
e()[Jfronled him, allowing the camera to gaze through [he illu- that the features match those of the photos Bullis took.
sion and see his true fonn. As he had Bullis foUolled and his
home broken into, he discovered the copies of the photos of B) this time the PC should realize Ihat they and their
his troe lace. He is desperate now. and is taking eVI.'l) step to friend hal'e been set up. The PCs must find someway to prove
retrieve the negalives and end Ihe Jives of anyone thaI might their innocence, They are all led into a room v.-here they are
havc come into contact with the film. contacted by a lawyer from the Nakamura Corporation. She
offers them a possible solution to their problem. One of thc
III.' is also terrified that one of his minions has tur- police detectives under her influence has given her thc photos
ned against him. The man, growing fearful for his life. gave a retrieved at the scene of thc crime, and an audiotape of the
COP) of I'ideotape that the Judge had mode during a killing to conversation taken with a shotgun microphone. She knows
his sister as in.-,urance in case hc disappeared or died. Sensing that the players know things that may assist her cause. and will
his disloyalty Crecd murdcred him. Using the bod) and 'evi- offer them and Bullis protection in exchange for the tape. If
dence' his minions hOld collected from Bullis' home in an at- thc evidence can be retrieved, she assures the players they will
tempt to setup Bullis and kill [1\0 birds with one stone. Kno- have the backing of the entire Nakamura Legal department,
wing her brother "as now dead. the sister sent the video tape and hints at the support of the police.
to the one person she knew could usc it the most, Robert Bul-
lis; after all. she couldn't give it to the police in case one of the Hopefully using the clue Bullis gave them before he
Judge's spies intercepted il. was taken away, the players go to his do" ntown office, and
uncover a key to a bus station locker. The locker contains the
What even Creed doesn't realize is that the lorccs of negatives, remaining photos, and videotape in an envelope.
the: Archon Tipharcth arc watching him. The NakanlUra Corpora- However, before they can leave the stalion, a group ofpeop1e
tiOn, her major intluence in Elysiwn, has come under judicial at- accosts them. and attempt to take the envelope and kill them.
tack over some of its American acquisitions. lbe main person After a brief but violent struggle, the players get away and
behmd this is Judge Creed. Tipharcth needs him removed or she contact the lawyer. Good to her word the legal division of the
will lose II great deal of influence within the city. if not the Nakamura Corporation step in and present the tape and other
State:;. When her contacts v.-ithin the police force he'.rr llbout the evidence to the police, Judge Creed is quickly arrested, and
shad} dealings revoll'ing around Creed and Bullis, she sends her Bullis freed and cleared of all charges. The scenario wraps up
minions in 10 learn more. By lhe cnd ofher im·estigation. she has as the players discover that the Judge has apparent!) commit-
IQund II WII}' to Tt.'Il1ove Geburah's Lictor... permanently. ted suicide in his cell leaving them with a load of questions.
but few answers as to what really happened.

The PC's are called by their friend, Robert Bullis, a
tabloid reporter. He is desperate to meet them, saying he needs This is Player infonnation, and should be gil"f,.'n to the
their help in trying to figure oul something of vilal impor- players at the beginning of the session. For the best effect, it
tance. He will nol tell them \\hat il is, saying that he has to should be given to the players 011 a photocopy or written out sheet
talk to them face-ta-face or they won't believe him. He asks so that they might refer back to it when they need to. lbough the
them to meet him at a local cafc. When the players arrive he players may not be able to recall what is written below, their cha-
begins to c)(plain what has transpired and showing them the racters can. They have known the reporter for years. and free ac·
photos. He is lost and confused, not sure where to tum. Before cess to the information below will help reflect that.
an) thing solid can be planned, a tactical team charges into the
cafe. and arrests Bullis for a copycat killing based on the same Robert Bllllis has never been olle ofyour most normal
case he has been following. The players. hopefully, play it friends as a reporter for The Whole Troth. a local lablaid, he is
cool Ihere, or there will be a gunfight since the officers coT/stamly/allowing the most grisly and disgllsting stories that
have been told they are dealing with a very dangerous he COIl find. His gawk),. j' 9 frame. lanky legs. 10/lg arms alld
and psychotic individual. Bullis is dragged pale skin makes him look lrelJl much /ike Death in a cheap suit.
off to jail, but before he is thrown into the Still, his bf=arre sense of hlllll0r and charming personality ha:;
cruiser, he turns to one of his friends and says 11"011 OI"er many a heart. NOli" ifhe would just stop talking 000111
a cryptic message that re- all those serial killings over coffee thillgs would bejine,
fers to the location of the
negatives and the tape. He studied Journalism at Unh·ersiry a/ld minored ill
lie is taken to jail, char- Literature. His /m'orile author of all time was Edgar AI/ell
ged with murder in the 1st Poe. and he has e\-·ery book the mall ha:; every writ/en lying
degree. and refused release on oral/lid his aptlrlmem and at the privale office he uses whe" he
bail. This also goes for any has the IIrge to write a /lovel. As he is embarrassed by his

constant faifing to f'Ve" publish any of his mQn.> serious work. of Ihe beSI and cheapesl in the cily, bUI the slrangeness of the
only his closest friends know ofor 11m'!? en?/l :f('en his doWn/own clientelc prevents it from becoming a hot spot for college SIU-
workplace. While a gn.>al \Iriler. he has n(!l,"er had Ihe willpower dents and yuppies. This is ju~t what thc owncrs seem to desire.
or oJ/en/ion vxm 10 jillish something as length)' (15 a oo~'d bllt enjoying Iheir quiet success. The place is dimly lit and has a
mainUlimllle officefor Ii hen he gelS his creative spurlS suppressed atmosphere. Smoke makes the room slightly h.1ZY
and adds to the m}steriou~ mood lhat surround~ the place.
Ove,. the past two ),(:ars yOIl hawm·t roolly .feen much
of III1tI, usual/)' ani)' the random phone call or a brie/lunch 0" Upon entcring, )OU see Ihal ii's a slo .... night; onl) a
dillncr: He's been wrapped up in a series of g,.;sly slayillgs that few people reading paperbacks and drinking coffee herc and
"'11'1: bet'n plaguing Ihe cit)', lou suspect that he may have there. Wilh a quick glance around the room, you easily pick
k,lOwn one of fhe male dctillls somehow because his 1I0rllla/ out Robert sitting in the ~hadows of a booth ncar thc h:lck. sip-
jOI·ial affilllde tOlVard:; demh an(1 his job has been somewhat ping coffee ner..,ously. He looks worse than usual. lIis gaunt ilp-
rt:/m!.ued /)IV the past little lilli/e. So, when he calls you des- pear:mce has paled even more, making him seem almost wrdith·
perately asking for you" hdp. )'OU must admit )'Quh: a little like as he sits there. He has his back 10 the wall.:tO .... h<.'T! he looks
Iurprised up \\ith tired eyes he immedialely notices )ou. 1\ thin smile
forrru. on his lips. and he gives )'OU a weak wa\~ in gR.'Cting.

Lhe hOOk Robert has chosen a booth that will fit all the PCs
wilh somccomfon. Its position IIlso gives him a good . . iew of
The adventure begins .... ith each pla)'er receiving the the front and back doors, which he constantly casts a glance al.
information above. Inform each playcr that they kno .... Bullis in When hc sees the players, he is some .... hal relie~cd and will
~me manner. Take the time and effon to sketch out their in- greet them wannl~. Lise this initial meeting as iI chance 10 in-
,"olvement with him. so that there will be a greater emotional troduce the players to Robert and to each other, Lei them keep
anachment to him. How they kIlO .... him is decided by you and the small talk going until you feellhat il is lime 10 mo\e on,
the player. Afier Ihe) ha\e read lhe above carefully and you bUI don't rush things. It is imponant thai the pla~er<; are ghen
ha\c worked OUi their relationship with Bullis, play OUI th e the ch.'1nce 10 bond with each other and Robert.
phone call each of them recei\·cs.
Whcn you are ready, have Bullis sigh and pull OUI an
Over lhe phone Bullis seems desperate and shaken. envelope. lie doesn't open il }et, but reslS his slightly shiH~ring
lie says he needs 10 sec them immediatcly. Ue .... on't explain hands on it. Now that the initial feelings of relief have past. he
much more than lhat il has 10 do .... ith the Jigsaw \ 'Iurders, a slips back into being a \('1) cOflfused and lerrifil-d man. Hi~
series of killings thai ha\-e been plaguing the city over the pasl \'oice is ShaL), and he talks .... ilhoul Slopping; as if j!:etting the
few ~cars. If asked queslions, he will try to defer Ihem to the \>'ords out are vitally important 10 his e.'dSlence. He ..... in ans-
meeling; being as vague as possible. He has something in his wer questions only afier he has finished.
possession that has to be seen to be believed, something Ihat
jUM cannot be discussed over the phone. It might ha\e to do Bullis smiles /ighlly and begills 10 /(Ilk ill ,1/1 1In.\
with the murders, but he isn't sure. Hc sounds \eT) confused feady \'Oice. /he words neaping hi.~ lips quick/): ·T~o.\ .(,
\\hcn talking about it. At no point will he mention the Judge's ago. I sta,.ted fooking into a series of bizorn' A.ilfin~' for 11/
in\-ol\-emenl. He needs to meel thcm in a public place, and nell'tpaper: TIl€)' wen- culled the Jig.~l1Ii' Alurders ~ ,1""
suggests The Mortal Coil, a cafe downtown and his favorite kille,. wed a IlOcksffil' 10 CIII hl~ ~'ictlms up 0/1,/ n'Cl,.,,,ng til.'
haunl. Ilc selS a timc at night, and says lhal others will be co- pieces. No one, especially 'he police. collidjilld (JIII /hin$.! 01'
ming. If it has been decided Ihal the players know each other, 000111 the kif/er. fie was sm(/rt (IS a whip, lmd Itt; be·
he will confirm thai each will be present. hilld thai could be used as evidence. He .Ieelllillgly
rUlldom, /liking aooul nillc loIiC/ims 01/ told Onl! f~1 them
If the playcrs refuse, he will express his disappoint- my halfbrolher. We wen.> nnw ref)' close, flut it Hill hllrl 10
ment. lie will use guilt and flattery. He needs their ideas.. per- know tllClt he "'as gone. lie had jillaf(v gnllell hi.f lile bc/Ck (Ill
ceptions, and intelligence. lie will stroke their egos, or twisl frack. bUI this ended any chance 0/ him muklnR up !(Ir his
their arms depending on which \>,ould most likely be effecthe. checkered pasl .. fie bifes his lip. reON brimmillg
This is a friend after al1. and he \\-ill be rather disturbed ifdle)
should tum their backs on him. Still don', strong-arm the PC's Finall): oft",. a deep sigh he CUil/ilUle, "It J(H)/(("/
into meeting Bullis at the cafe, they can easily be broughl into like no one would catch Ihis maniac. flad CI'l'n IW st/lmper!.
thc siw3tion later by having Ihe police contact them in regards alUll probably did man.> ,Jigging Ihan the capl'. I C//wtlv$ 11'(111+
to his arrest; taking them down to the station for questioning. dered if if wasn't a cap 0" somelhing. because t'l"'I)' lime Ihe
They ha\e put a phone tap on the reporter, so the police know police got dose 10 a lead it Jldt newr weill CII~\'\I hen:. ,'III)'\1.oy
that the pla)ers were in contact with Bullis the night of the ar- wilen Chris/{)pher Aaim 11'(1$ a,.reSleJ for tho: bflm~{. pt;opte-
rest. They will .... ish 10 tal~ 10 the players aboul their imol\-e- were pretty amo::"d. me especially fie had picked a bad time
ment with Ihe man, and wh) he wanted to talk 10 lhem so des- 10 get arrt'$led because il lidS near an eleelion or !/IOmefhillf{,. .ro

the case was rushed through the COllTtS. and '~~~~';~h:i'::'~f ~

perately. They will just have sil il out while you run the other
pla)crs through lhe events at the cafe. fed in a u·eck. Thillg Waf lIulI lhe trial stallk ,
file CI'idence. This gl{l' was a charity coord/nolO"
qlliel guy They had fl()/hing on him, but somehow
him of m/jrder one. Hell. the gIry didn't e\'(!lIloqk
Lhe CDORt"o.{ COI{ could hm-"e picked up the 5010', fet alo/iC be able
OvefTXJlH!" ajull-grown man. II didn't reaf{l' mUlIer
though. 17Iey found him hanglllg in Iris cellihe
The Monal Coil is more of an enigma than an actual 1'('1)' next day Case closed
cafe. It is the home for aspiring no\'eliSIS and poets. goths, mu-
~icians, nnd just about evcryone else thai doesn'l til into the "/ didn'l buy il for a se-
cut-and.dry normalcy of society. The coffee and food is some cond. I sllspecled someone just

'IIIollled 10 gel reelected: nome(~' the Judge. Judge Cr,'cd 0
lJanl 'IS.~ from dmlll :iou,h. Tho: Deep Soulh. It surprised me
III.: ~IIJ' didn't "·.:ell' (I sh.xl in.<l1!Uti a/a rohe to work An}"i'U)-;
Ilwl gil)" tim.·.... (lut (!I'i"£'nc~' Icp. right. and cent.:r: I rucar he Before the pla)ers can react, a fully armed tactical
won jlHI 1,..1 ing 10 have Saim go do~n for .\furder One no team burstS into Ill<! cafe from the front and back doors and
mOIlf."· wllat SiI, .Iusf'l!clinf{ that .\om.:tlling war up. I looked surround their boolh. Some of the patrons join in. and pull QUI
mto the Jlld~l"s hackground and {ound 0111 Ihat he "'OJ \leapons; identifying thcmselves as police officers. All are
co/me,'ltd /0 l'lWJ' single I·jetim. Each of tllt'm had galle highly trained individuals and there is little the players can do
rhlVlIgfJ his ,'ourlfl/um dUnn? lhe past jew years. 1 ....al jllst against them after being surprised in such a manner. Since
I'unning 011 hum:I,,-.\, hili dechl..d 10 lit'," thing~ from the hor- they ha\.-e been informed that they are dealing with a polen-
us "'''lIlh.lf) 1<1 ~PI-·'lt. I urrangeti an illten'il!ll lI'ilh 111m to go:t liall) dangerous individual or indh iduals, the officel"5 are
IllS "d, oj lhe. Mary I I(ot " lilllc man.: Ihan Ihal ICI me tell more than willing to use deadly force. If it seems like )OUr
\Olj ., ,110 seems to grol< fIfo,.e al/xiolls alld nen-oul 01 tlll.\ pIa) ers art going to draw \\eapons. warn them once. that such
point,lt<lrilln otOlHl mlh,' ell~dop<' Ilith scored q'es 3 course of action might be lethal to them and thclr compa·
nions, If the persist. shoot to maim if you possibly can. Killing
~T"e nll'.'li"g lIent j1/l/ holY I p/wm"d it at lint, the players off hcre \\ould be a serious let dOI\.-n, but don't
Ihr('\I' ,>I"(T'),tllillJ{ limen abaw Ihe cme ul him. Poked.\/) mUll)' allow then to get 3\1ay with acting rashl).
hob III lit,· /fiul ;/l1'ol/ld hm'e mnk lilee a rock if put i/lTO wuf!!'-
Inn'£"- a,'cu.I.'J him ~(SIIppresslllf{ (.'I'idellce 10 his jac!!. bUI he As the players nre being arrested. one thing thnt they
gOllh~ gl,l, II"hen I ,11(11"1."/ 'Iu.'sllolling him aboul hi( coml,oc- quickly notice is that one of the omcers immediately retrie\e,
tlons tu the ",Ufel.., \·iclinlJ. he IWIII nUl.( alld Iwd /I/!! throll'l/ 0111 the envelope and photos. These are hnnded to n man who
ojhi( n(lko:. R.:!i,n' tilt' gllureb II",,"!.' ahfe la. I slIOpped l!rese seems 10 be n pltlin-clothcs detective or someone of authority
flU " fI(' Vpt:II' rhe ('nw{op and hl.lnds you jil'e photos. Tirey though he does not \lear any kind of identification (The Naka-
lJlQl1 ""mIt (oo/;s lih' un ot/icc. hUI mrm oj ,lie room i.~ hiciden mura operative). This seems to take president even before they
bv 111(.' SA fhlllf{ hulk 01 J<,,,,.,,hing I/O! quile humtm. 11 is a Jail. slap the cuffs on Bullis and the pla)ers.
ma.H;w:(I· hl/ilr hwwnmJ For hangs from ilS bod)' ill 1V11s. a
{ong longl/e (tmoping.from it t'normous /IkJ\\ Jou canjlm mlilee The police will inform Bullis of his rights and tell him
mil it (lI1!um thmug" ilsleemingl)' translucent slein. ~ou thonJc that he is charp..!d with the murder Joseph Mant'llS. Since this is
glJ lhul It i~ only 1.1 bic.k:1e & white phoro. adding color to Ilris a \el) sid, serial killing that Bullis is accused ot: the police lI.ill
thtng would (mil- mulcc I, ilia,.. grYJIes/fue. be fairl)' rough \I im him and his companions during the arrest.
almost begging them 10 gi\e them a reason to shoot.
"/ don'l .""014 what lire hell il is. bIll I do knoll' il
a "rub/em with Ihe CdlllerD I ron lhose negs through
WI.I.III't The lights and yells and chaos confuse and assail
su ,j"U'l. o/UI t'tldl rime they came OUI like IItoI, Tire ather your senses. llIe police push and prod you, screaming orders
pholO.f oro.' fine. AJ (or as I can lell. lhal is Judge Creed ~ lie and questions in your face \\ ithout really any apparent reason.
looks ~t )OU v.ith terrified e)cs. Across from you 8ullis looks utterly eonfused and terrified.
his lell eye swollen up from a sharp blo\\ he reccived from
Ghe the pla~'ers a few minutcs to ask qucstions of one of the police ofiicers. His pale features are outlined by the
Bullis. He \\ill ans\\er thcm as best he can, but doesn't know harsh lighting of the flashing lights oflhe police cars. making
nludl. ThaI's why he asked them here in the first place. He him look \ cry much like a dead man. His sad eJcs brim with
n«d~ their 3d\icc. I-Ic's scared and confused. He also \I ant:; to tears of frustrat ion and terror. Then he seems to get a moment
confirm to himself that he isn't crazy. When the players of clarit), his entire face lighting up with the idea no\\ going
conlion that the)' also sec the creature in the photo, he will be- through his head.
,orne quite relie\ctl, almost to thc point of1C31"5.
He turns to you and smiles gcntly. In a vel} calm
Over the ncxt few minutes, he will tell the pia) crs and almo~t hopeful voice, he speaks to you N&ek rl.'Velotioll(
ho\.-\ he ha.' been folloll.ed by someone for a\lhile, that his Ilithilllhe wing.( of Tire Raven. !J rests in the place of my mosl
apartment I\a., broken into and most of the photos Slolen. and guilly s£ocrelS Edgelr Jwlds Ihe let'}' 10 my salvaliOIl Find him
then the scarie~t part of the past \leek. He tells them thai he re- alld our trauhle.f shall he '"ever more, nl'\'er more" He sud-
(ei\'ed ~ itlcotape that sho\led Judge Creed committing one of denly ho\~l s in pain as a police officer grabs his hair and
the J ig. ..a\l murders. lie has no idea where il came from or roughly thro\\S him into the back seat of a cruiser, slamming
from \lhom. lie'!, not sure \\ ho to tum 10. or what to do. The the door shut on )our friend. The slam of the car door seems
pia) eN are the onl) people he trusts and that's why he has to have a dreadful finalil) to its sound.
':111111.' 10 them 10 a~k them their ad\.- ice and suggestions.
Ha ... ing realized that he is probably being set up,
.\llo\.-\ the players to role-play out this scene for a\\- Bullis hasjlbl gi\en the pla)ers a clue as to the location oftlle
hi Ie. Play \.-el} close attention to \\hal is being said, as the ~alj.,·es and his fill..'5, 'llle Ra\en', 'Edgar'. and 'Ne\'er more,
con\.-ersation is being taped Ihrough a shotgun mike b) one never more' are hints to the poem by Edgar Allen Poe. his fa·
of the police loyal to the Nakamura Corporation. In- vorite author. The location of his 'most guilty secrets' is the
deed, some of the patrons here arc actually pri ... ate omce Il<! uses to write. This is where he hid the key to
police watching the pla)'ers' ewry ffiO\'e. LeI a bus locker containing the negath·es. If the players can't fi-
their banter go on for a fe\\ minutes. but don't gure that out from the write-up on him. then have one of the
let any serious course of pes makc a Perception roll, with a good effect to figure it out.
action be decided upon.
If the players look like Anyway. before they can react with this infonnation.
the are about to leave or the players are taken of to a police station. Players not in ... ol-
when you feci it is appro- 'led already will be contacted and asked to come to Ihe slation
priate. the police show up. immediately by uniformed omeel"5 at their homes. There they
arc separated into individual rooms and interrogated about

their iO\'ohement with Bullis. 11tc questions will be very per- Ililh tape. fhf n//lDled screams and plc.'Oding exciles )'011. bUI
sonal and asked in rapid succession. Make this event as un- lhe lhought of hif hhxxl spilling excite.f you more. The had-
comfortable as possible for the players. If at all possible, inter- SOlI' blade eulS through his muscular arms und legs wilh lillie
\iew each of the players individually; allowing the others take a effort. Ihe .fOIi/Il/ of steel on bone a s.\mphollY oiMClII/!ful paill
hreak for food or ..... hatever. Talk as quickly and loudly as pos- and sorrow. It is Ihe $oll1ld ofjus lice being done. The scntence
sible. I lit them with questions one after the other, and never let is death. )01/ can find a new sheep 10 pluck frolll Ihe .fold, so
them think aboutthcir answers. A good tcchnique to use is to re- )'OuJeel no rcmorseJor wosling IIII! .),ears oj work you have de-
cord their answers (a simple tape T«ordcr will do; and 11'11 pr0- 1'Olelllo helpillg Ihis man. Let him learn lite }inullesson. The
bably be good for a laugh at the end of the session). If anything guillY lI"illnOl go free, lour master IUJS SJlokll. and )'011 ure his
SI."'Cms different in the next person's responses tell them that they instfllmen/. 1011 Wke it sloll'. relishing in Ihe II(.Ir.l: \'011 do II
or their friends arc lying. Trip them up as best )oU can, and al- still ends jar 100 qllick(v Jor J'Ollr liking.
ways threaten them .... ith arrest for possible in~ohement with
the crime. In general. make the players lives a living hell for a As )'ou begin )Y)ur work oj pltn:in1! tlk: m,m'.f limb.1
fe .... minutcs. Don't drag it out though, or thL")' will lose interest. Ubollt the room. yow cont{XlniollS place In., pi~'Cef of C\7d•.'7k·c
lhal will link your night's work 10 llufl T't'/X,rtt'l: Bu//;". Damn ill-
Ihhey ask about Bullis, the pla)ers will be infonned letjering cn:ature. Bill he will {Xl)" soon elJt)uKh. Wlt/.H.lU UfI'Or
thaI he has been arrested for the murder of a 37-year male Cau- Ihe cIlU/1C/: at (osting his blood upon wmr iiI'). !Xxm. J"u Ihinlt.
casian. whose name is still not being released, The reponer's soon The Ira/tor's hecxJ is Ihe lasl Ihing 10 place, IIIIlI you poli-
camera was found ill the scene of the crime with his prints on lion ill/flOn the dresser at jllst the right anKh' us i.f dictated hy the
I\. I lairs and fibers found at the scene match those found at his rilual's requirements. flis .~olll is no"' )'UI/rs to 1>1(1.1' ~ i/"/Ol't'hf.
apanment. (OM Note: Creed's henchmen took these during their
break-in at Bullis' apartment for the soul JlUrpo5e of framing him lim grin and look up U/ )"OIIDe/} ill Ih~' llrC.f~U mir-
Imer on) The killing malches the M.O. of the Jigsa" Murders ror tall delest ,his human body o/your", alld It'l plUI' di'~RuHe
and the police belie\c that Bullis has commined a copycat drop for hilt a moment to ga::e lipan .I'Ullr heml1lml bllik lour
killing. The) will t".\plain that Bullis is the half-brother of one of bluish IOI/Kile flickers acron )'Our ra::or .fharp t~dh m )'Ou
the ,ictims and they suspect he has cracked ulkk.-r the strain of ~mile. ,Ha)'be )'Ou ~·ill allow lhe rcportLr 10 I·U Iltll hifore he
his \M)rk. The} arc well a .....are of his o~i\e invohement ".;th has his .. occident. You nod. and tlte dt'(.·i.~ion l.r made 10 do ~o
the casco so weren't too surprised when they discovered the He'll apptt.'Ciale Ille gesture illihe end Str\'(!s Ihe "'1.~fI1rd righl
prints matched his perfectly. He is being held without bail, and jar illsultillg ,1'011 and taking )'Oflr p'ctllre, Ills Jeath 10 ill be
is scheduled for a full psychiatric evaluation tomorrow morning. slo"" even slower Ihon the traitor',~. The hack-'wl III your
pudgy halld feels warm, and )'OU groll" allxirJ/l.\ /() hear the
man's screams in )Vllr ears.

TIle pla)cr jerks a ..... ake to find him ruck in the \1.11-
The chaotic nature of the night ..... ill help lo .... er the ting room, If he "ere present at the I iell ing of the ph<)to~ I
"ails bet"ccn Reality and the Illusion, as \\iIl the general de- .... ilt T«ognize the same creature that l3ullis captured on fi
pressing atmosphere of the police station. Look mer )our The face of the man just before the translonnation took p.
pla)er's character sheets and find out .... hich .... ould be IDe most was that of Judge Creed. Of course, ifhe tcll an) ofthh 10 11
likely candidate for the folio" ing e\en!. This pla)CT is left unat- police he will be laughed at and ridiculed b) the om\.(
tended in Ii siuing room for hours on end. "ith no end for IDe (though it will gel to the Nakamura opcrati,,: fair!} quickly
.... ait in sight. lie or she will fall asleep before realizing it. Ente- Having no evidence to support ~uch a lhcory. he IS jU~1 left
ring a dream of the murder that took place, slipping back in time with the terrible knowledge thai t~ir friend is innocenL aoo
and into the mind of Judge Creed. /lave fun with Ihis dream se- that the Judge will probably murder him quite ~oon.
quence, and use the below more 3,.<; a guide than a rule.
lie will not be intenic\\ed by thl" police like the
)1.111 smnd in fhe !i\'ing room of (I large house. From othl"11;. lIours ha\e pasted, and he will be e~t:or1ed to the ne't
fhe look of your surroundings Ihe owners are quile rich If scene not long after .... aking up.
look..~ like )'011 hm:e bet:n doubly befra)'~"'C/, t1f nol even fhe money
YOII gmoc the 0" ncr could hm:e bollght him this lu:rury. The fur-
'lI/11f'1.' is ull rn'»' and brand-named 77lefT! is an entertainment
system of the finesl qU(Jlil): and hundreds of CDs .~I(JCW in a
polished oak cabi"et. The coffee luhfe has mogmine., /ike
Forbc,v and Fortll1lC on ii, Eve')1l1ing h..'re is of IIii' highest qua-
/il); Iheir presence angers )'011 like a slap In lhe/ixe. BUI )'0111101 After )'OU ha\e finished interrogating the players and
lu.rc JiJr Iheft. there are otllc.T vastl)' imporwnI matlers to aI/end running the dream sequence. read the follo .... ing. out to the
10 Ihis nighl JOllr heart pallnds within your chesl in anticipa- group.
lion. JllStice will be done IOnighl, alld the wrol1!: lhings set righl.
The e~'t'ning has groll'n inlO mornil1g. Gild (Iff ".{)'ou
Your facelen companions fol/ow you closel)' as )'Ou areiceling tlte pulls ofexhallSlion. }(lu've ".,,·11 til fh~ mett.'1I 0
qlliet(I' climb the stairs 10 lhe Jecond floor ti:w pass Ihe guest the policejor hours upon end Qlld )'011 urejusf Ohdllllo¢ve
INdroom and stud): and through lheir open doors you can see hope ofC\ocr gelling released when u guard comes· RJr ,Wll <l1/d
ntQf'l.' sigrtJ of wealtlt that just shoulll not be. AIO) be he has taken escorls )'Ou into one of the conferellce room, M'-
fa the Bitch. )'011 Ihink.. The signs of disloyult)" are 1!\'f!1)'where thin the gray and banal building. 71ll roo'" "
ulld fill .I'OU Ilith hatred Before you leI )'OlIr jL'e/i"1!,S bubble 10 large and quiel. A large wooden fable domina-
the surface alUl gin! yourself 011'0): )'OlIfi"d the mllster bedroom ted the room, along with relatin:1r
and slip In.~ide There he lies in (Ire darkness, your Judas. comfortable-looking chairs. A lele-
vision uml VCR sit in olle corner
Atler a qUid nod from you ..~'Our minions grab him of the r()()/II collceting dl/sl. )011
(lnd draK him tiOIl'JlIO Ihe }loor effor(lessl)" CQwmng his momh see the others have also beell

broughl here. lhougil Robert is IIQlI"h..n' to be seen lou are ailleji also quote any information they may have shared during their
alone.. fresh co.di!e wid th)lllltsfit on the conference room /liMe. incarceration, their talk in this room, and the conversation at
The Monal Coil that may seem strange or related to the cur·
Give the pla)w.. a little while to e'<:change informa- rent casco Use this as a wcapon to trip them up if they try to lie
tion and talk amongst them~elves. \1u\;h has happened to to her. Make them paranoid as possible.
them. and this is a chance for them to slow things down for a
moment and gather their thoughts. Also, the dreamer .... iIl be When she has suitably intimidated and scared the
l!iH"n the chance to relate his story during this period. In gene· players .... ilh her knowledge, Shiko will offer them a deal. If
raj, this is a period lor the pla)er.; 10 get to know each other Ihey agree to retrieve the negatives and the tape for her, she
Pefler and think uf a possible cour.;e of action for the near fu· will make arrangements for their immediate release from eus·
ture."gain. keep track of what they say to each other. The tody and put Bullis into protection. Should the tape and nega·
room is bugged b) the Nak3mu!"3 operative, and being recor· ti\es be handed over to her, she can assure them that Bullis
ded for Shiko Sukeban. Just as things really stan to get rolling also will be released and thllt Judge Creed arrested immedia-
or .... hen they look completely stumped, read the below. tely. Otherwise, the judge will get away \\ith framing Bullis
for the crime. Ir threatened in any .... ay. she will indicate that
The door 10 rhe conference room opens mltl WI the players pose little danger to her and that the deal is non-nego-
orienlul 11'0111(//1 STeps in Her dark bllsiness ~'lIir musr be hand- tiable. If they refuse, she will inform them Bullis will be found
tailored TO (ir thaI .... ·el/lo her lilhe lorm. sho.,";ng 01lher sha· guilty and they themselves will be arrested as accomplices. She
pell' cun'es. Her long dark hair flo .....s down her slender back. can easily fulfill this promise. By the end oftne discussion the
Her t:ws glilrer with. a deep ~ell~e o/po ......er Though she moves players should see that they have lillie or no choice but to reo
l.md looks like a jungle 1.'(11...he is the optimum ojprofessiona- tneve the negatives and the tape for her. At no point .... ill she dis·
li.rm. She heads m'er IV the head of Ihe cOllference /able and cuss why the negatives are so imponant to her, or what Judge
opens her Mock aI/ache case. putting it down in from of her. Creed really is and why he appears that way in the photos.
Sh.. bows in prefet·t eliqueue and sils down.
A fier elosing. her briefcase, she hands them a card
"Greetings. " she .~ays with a \'oice like mllsic: her and tells them to call her the moment the negatives are in their
aecem d()(!s 1101 af}ecr her olll'iolls complere understanding of hands. She bows again and leaves them. A police officer
English "lOll may 0/1 be wondering II'ho I am and why I am comes by a few moments laler saying they are free to go, but
here. I am ShOw SlIkeball. a lawyer workillgfor the Nakamura are still considered under suspicion. If the players ask anyone
Corporation, I am here to help ill allyway I possibly can. I about Shiko, no one will know who they ate talking about or
promise thaI J will oJ" fO allSwer all of your questions fO my having allowed a woman matching her description into the
foil cap(lbiJiry, alld to help you and yOllr friend. Mr. Robert room. As far as everyone at the station knows, the players
BII1"~. oul of Ihese mosl IInformnale mailers Ihal ha~'e occur- were directed to the conference room by mistake: they should
rell fhiI evellj"K_ " She smiles softly. and somehow from the have been put in a holding cell. The number on the card
grin \'I'1II.bro1l she ccm help you: but al what cost? reaches a sintple recorded message asking to leave the caller's
name, number, and current address. The voice is a monotone
She will provide the players with identification to woman that is nOI identifiable.
prove her identity, and assure them that the NakanlUra Corpo-
ration is here to help them. She suspects that Bullis is inno-- The players are released without further hassle.
cent. and that he may have been set up by Judge Creed to si- What they do from here is up to them. Bullis is scheduled to
lence him before he can re\eal the judge's in\'olvement in the undergo psychiatric evaluation in the morning. After that has
];gsa.... Murders. In fact, she will reveal a great dcal of the in- been completed he is to be in coun to arrange for trial. The
formation that is listed in the Introduction, as long as it has no· proccedingjudgc for the case is Judge Creed.
thing to do with the Rcality. The pol icc are working with her
to uncover the Judge's influence and corruption with the judi. Hopefully, the players will retrieve the negatives and
cial system and police department. They believe that Creed fi· the videotape. Looking into the Nakamura Corporation will
nally has made his first major slip, and they would like to ca- reveal nothing other than that the company is currently under
pitalize on IhaL Shiko explains that she believes the player.; judicial restraints for business purchases in the city; the judge
may be ofvi!al help to the police. especially since they might behind this being Jeremiah Creed. If they go see the Judge, he
be in possession of evidence of crucial importance. If the will gladly meet with them. wanting to glean information from
pla)'ers ask why the legal firm of Nakamura is assisting the them. Don't be surprised if the players run around chasing sha·
police, she will explain that he has caused Nakamura many dows, and don't force them to follow a path. Make them feci
prot>lem~ in the past due to his bigotry, and he and the corpo- like they are doing something, when they in reality aren't ad·
ration are bitter enemies. So this is the perfect opponunity for vancing the plot. Ha\e shady characters follow thcm,.hin! that
them to finally get rid of the judge. their phones are tapped, have police watching them, and basi·
cally make them as paranoid as possible. Remind them time is
Shiko will provide both the player.; and Bullis with running out for Bullis. By the end of their tangents. they
full legal aid, free of charge. She can also guarantee that should feel it is time to go looking for the tape and negatives.
Bullis will remain safe from any unfonunate acci-
dents that might occur to him during his stay
in the local jail. She knows that the players
have access to more information that will help
put Creed away forever, Hopefully. the players have realized what Bullis
and is willing to help meant in his cryptic message. and try to locate his downto ..... n
them if they should reo office. It is casy enough to find, located above a bus station in
trieve it for her. She will the downtown area. Make them aware that the bus station is
show them the photos if one of the roughest places in the city. Use bits of the descrip-
they say they don't know what tion listed in the next section, and maybe even include a hint
she is talking about. She will about the lockers. Still do not draw their attention away from

their purposc. They'll be getting back to the station soon en- The thin layer of dust that COOlS evel)lhing seems to
ough. Most of the players will know the address, as the writer hint that Ihe room has not been ransacked. as iL~ mt.'Ss) appea-
sometimes met them down there. It is a small comer office on rance ..... ould seem to indicate. Indeed. il is probably just the
the nonh side of the building. Located on the founh floor of o .... ner's strange sen!>C of order.
the five stores building.
Thc players can search the room easil> enough. and
Entering to the building is simple, the front door and \~illeventually find a copy of Edgar Allen Poe's "The Raven"
lobby being completely open to the public. During the days, under a newspaper near the door. The sleeve of thc book has
the oOkes arc fairly busy and the hallways eonstanlly have so- recently cut. and a small key hidden ..... ilhin. II i~ numbered.
meone going through them e ...ery few minutes. At night, a se- and it shouldn't take the players too long to realiu- that the kC}
curity guard walks th rough the building eHI)" hour on the is for a bus station locker, probably the one downslOlirs,
hour. Otherwise, he is in the lobby and will take the names and
purpose for entrance of anyone entering the building. The of-
fice door is locked tight with a deadboh and the glass is shat- Lhe Bus ScaLlon
terproof. Trying to pick the lock should be difficult and time
consuming. Breaking the door down at anytime of the day will One has to ..... onder why bus Mations 510.... 1)· become
alen a security guard that .... ill be there in a few minutes...afler the ccnler for some of the """QI"St elements of city life. And the ~
he calls the police. station you have just entered is no exception. The oUtl:.ide smells
of old vomit and urine. The window:> cm ered in filth and g.re1l5)
Though there is a fire escape outside the window, it fingerprints. A couple ofbuOls have SCt up in Ihe front lobby beg-
can be secn from the street quite easily during the day. At night ging for spare change. or sleeping in their stinkjn~ rag.~.
it i.s concealed by shadows, and impossible to see from the
street below. Still, a mass of people standing up on the plat- The insilk is somt!II"IIal /).-lIer. hilt lilt! laces uf Ih~'
foml might attl1lct someone's attention so players should usc people wailillg or this crossroad to nOll"hcl't! l.'t'rfUinly dOli"
some common sense here. Climbing it. day or night. is a help malee one feel more comforlahle. nlt.'1· Sit all the i>role(!n
simple task of jumping up and pulling the sliding ladder down. tlnd cigarel/e burned benches and \wil /0 be .(hul/1ed onlO
The sliding bars on the .... indo .... are solid. but the lock on them their buses. Same smolee or sleep. or juw store hul"lillly a( lhe
has secn better days and will provide less of a challenge than olher po/rons An occasionally frightened .loa .:all he seen
Ihe deadbolt. The .... indo .... latch is simply opened wi th a credit here and there, people too poor 10 (alee a plml~· mltl forced 10
card or similar object. rub shoulders lI"itll file dregs of society A ~,:cllrif)· guard .Iirs
behind his desle and watches lhe place Inlll till il/dati.rem go;e:
Once the players are inside the) clln feel free to tum seemillgly mol'!! interested ill his mint(//ure IC'le~·ision 111.11 m'-
on the lights. as these offices are open 24 hours a day. 'The secu- mally doing his job. Still, his presence leeeps tlw Imall c/VlI"d
rit} guard will only investigate ifhe hears voices when the lights relali~'el}' qlliet and peaceful.
are ofT, or the door looks damaged. With the messy condition of
the ollice, turning on II light .....ould be a good idea as .....andering Lockers /ine lhe M·OI/S. Iheir orange ext.:riurs M,im
around in the dark would be treacherous in the c.xtreme. Once blinding ill the gray and dull interior oj the .~Iali,," Gru t
the pla)ers are inside, read then the folio .... ing. changing it in re- stain fheir ,WI/seating sur/ace. showing nltlnb.!r.\. l'(llltn:;WI:
lation to how they gained entrance to the room. ofloW!, ant/filth that could make Ihe blood rlIII tuM Ji">U.JOOll
find the locker you're looking for at the he,d. of u ImullllOf{
Bullis' office looks like something OUI ofa Boschian wuy of lockers. The ligh, bulb abow! it is bmlnm. and III. /IIlm_
nightmare. Not a single centimeter of the wall not covered by ber is hom 10 see. The door is intacl. and IInditlllrhed
~om\: kind of ne ..... spaper clipping, photo. poster, or drawing.
All of them show and detail stories of terror and pain. The This lockcr is at the end of a small row of locke!'"',..
walls of the room almost seem to drip with blood, as if Iheir open at one end. Pay special allenrion to where [he pla)"l!fS.roc
aura will somehow instill new ideas into the .... riter's work. The standing while they open up the locker. as iI \\ill be imponatlt
clippings pertaining to the Jigsaw Killings are the main focus to kno .... in a moment. The locker contains just what the
of this display. EveI)' article ever .... ritten on the subject can be players are looking for a large yellow envelope containing the
found pinned to the .....all, seemingly collected with some ob- negathes. the missing copies of the photo~ and unman..l!d ~i­
sessi"'e de.sign. HoI-'. someonc could sit in this dimly lit room deotapc. 11Icre is also a fully loaded Browning lIi-po .... er pis-
for more than a few minutes without gelling the creeps is tol. a bag containing three changes of clothes. and a small roll
be)·ond mOSI sane and rational people. of bills. Bullis knew that he was being followed and had prepa-
red himselfifhc had to escape quickly.
A large wooden desk takes up the wall opposite the
only door into the room. It is covered with papers and books, Just as they uncover the contents of th.: locker. four
looking vel)' much like the aftemlllth of an explosion inside of men in long black lrenchcoats and brimmed hats step into the
a library. Reference books on poison. guns, forensics. lind pa- bus station and .... ithout very much subtly head right a[ the
lice procedure take up most of the desktop. The remainder is players. All four look exactly alike in appearance from dres~
occupied by an old typewriter, at least )0 years old but ..... ell right down 10 facial features. Unless the players afe
t01ally in--
oiled and cared fOf. A light cooting of dlbt rests upon ev·ery- V'oh cd with shifting through the contents of the II()('k~r, li~e
thing. indicating no one has used the d ..'Sk for sometime. them a waming as the four draw weDpon~ and 'ilart opening
fire on them. 'These are minions of Judge Creed,
The other .... alls. with the e:'l.ception of the one with a and they ha\e been following the pla)ets since
darkcned .... indow, have 10.... bookshehes lining them. Books, the beginning. Suspecting that the group has
papo!fS, typing supplies and ne .....spafX'rs. sit upon these shelves located the ncgalives, the) are follo-
in chaotic fashion. The shehes' contents seem to have spilt out wing their master's orders of dispo-
onto the floor area, and lie scattered in small piles here and sing the evidence -- both the nega-
there in the room. One has to move carefully to not step on so- tives and the players.
mething as they traverse the room's length.

These men are not mindless idiots and will use the ter- and an arrest warrant is issued for Judge Creed immediately.
rain and surroundings to their fulle.t ad\'amage. Only their self· They will not even question where this panicular evidence has
assumnce has made them be ~ ob\ious in their apprO<tch. If the come from, just thanking the players for their cooperation and
players return fire. they .... ill jump behind the neare'i\ cover and assistance in finally clearing this case up. Bullis is released
stan acting more cautiously. If they can, they will gi~e each other immediately and all charges against him dropped. He will be
covering fire. and ""ork together to pin the players down. They quite thankful to the players, and be overjoyed to see them
""ill even use the other patrons in the hus station as human again. He will inquire about how they got him out though. and
:->hid&. if need be. These are trained killers and should ~ por- might be disappointed that the negatives had to be given away.
trayed as such. They arc lotally ruthless and ~el) cunning. Since Still, his freedom in hand and the guilty pany now behind
the} fear the Lictor's anger more than bullets. they \\ill continue bars. he won't complain that much.
fighting until dead or they can see that they really have little
choice hut 10 retreat. One is armed \\ ith a Uzi, one has a Sawed-
off shotgun, and the remaining two are armed wilh Beretta m ConcCuslon
9:!Fs. Each has two extra reloads for their weapon.
Judge Cra.--d is arrested and sentenced to fhe oonsecu-
The bus station will make for a .... onderful pla!;:e for ti~e life sentences at a maximum security prison. He never scrves
a firefig.hl. Cover behind lockers and benches is readily avai- a day. however. found dead in his jail cell. He has hung himself
lable. The exits are through the front door, or the loading with his bed sheets. There is no autopsy or medical rqx>rtS relea-
doors out to the buses. Other people will run and scalier. s0- sed to the press. and even the date of his funeral kept secret. The
metimes getting in the way of the gunfight. Running bet.... een Jigsaw Killer is quickly forgotten, and lifc in the city goes on.
the buses as bullet':; fly. or hiding in the luggage areas while
being hunted can make for some really tense moments. Don't Having come so close to death or permanent impri-
ju::;t have this sel up as a duck shoot. Run it for its greatest ef- sonment, Roben Bullis quits his ne",spaper job and starts wri-
fect, Think of all )'our favorite scenes from action movies and ting professionally. His first contract is for a publishing firm
try to add one or two of those elements to this. Make the owned by the Nakamura Corporation. He still remains close
pla)!.'~ fear for their lives. but don't .... ipe them out just on a friends \\-ith the players, and can be used as a possible contact
whim. Let them have some fun and think of crazy things to do in future stories.
to get out of her.:, Play it out for its greatest dramatic potential.
In the end. the players should be able to get away with the ne- Shiko Sukeban disappears. Any searching for her
gatives. If things lire going badly for them. have the security fails, and no one in the law community recognizes her name or
guard help them out or have the police show up to save the description. If you like, you can use her as the mysterious liai-
day,'. The police will show up no matter what. but the time of son in future dealings with the Nakamura Company. In fact. she
their arrival is really up to you. is actually keeping track of the players. whom she believes
might be useful pawns in her future endeavors. Any looking
into the Nakamura Company ..... ill probably lead the players into
end o~ rhe ~o.me another confrontation with her, and can lead to future scenarios.

When the players call the number they've been given Geburah will not be pleased with the loss of one of his
b) Shiko and say they have the negatives and tape. she will Lictors. and will be both angered and intrigued by the players'
come on the line and congratulate them. She will arrange a invohement in the whole dealing. lie wishes to know just how
quick; exchange at the earliest and most convenient time and lo- connected they are with Tiphareth. and will send somc of his mi·
cation, Once they arrive. she will show up exactly on time to re- nions to investigate this connection funher and to extract his re-
trie~e the items. Once again, she will assure the players of the venge upon them. Again this can lead to future scenarios.
Nakamura Corporntion's desire 10 see justice done. and express
her thanks lor ajob well done. She is not easily fooled and will In the end though. the players should be left with far
cha:k the negatives for their authenticity. If the players tf)' to more questions than answers. What was Judge Creed really? Is
fool or threaten her. she will infoml them that doing so will re- he really dead. and why was the suicide covered up? Why was
sult in that their friend, Bullis, will be the victim of a most un- the Nakamura Company involved, and how did they get that
fonunate accident. Throughout the conversation, she will be information? Why has no one heard of Shiko Sukeban? The
most pleasant and calm mannered; even her threats seem to be search for these ans\\ers can easily be the beginnings ofa full-
done in a polite way. If absolute forced into it. she will reveal fledged campaign. Let your imagination run wild.
her natul'(" and crush the offending players before escaping with
Ihe negatives. She cares of lillie else than following her master's
orders out and retrieving the negatives and tape.

If the firefight above went badly, she will make ar- A driven man, Bullis always tries to uncover the
rangements to have the player's medical bills taken care of as truth about the word around him. He cares deeply about his
discreetly as possible. If they were actually caught by the friends. and will usually bend over backwards for them. Not
police, she will meet them at the station instead to an unattractive man, he has the unfonunate curse of looking
collect the items, and have them immediately very much like a personification of Death: lall. gaunt and
released. all charges dropped and the records painfully thin. He always seems to be thinking of story ideas.
of their involvement destroyed, and takes about the most grisly and unsettling subjects at the
mosl inappropriate times. Still. he has a great sense of humor
Once the negatives (though a little morbid in content) and is generally a nice per-
and tape are delivered to son 10 be around.
the Shiko and the police,
Bullis will be released. The AGL: 12 EGO: 10 STR: 12
police will seem quite open to CHA: 15 CON: 13 PER: IS
accepting Ihe tape as the truth. COM: 10 EDU: 16

Height ; 202 em Ht ight : 155 em
Weight : 80kg Weight : 55kg
\10\ ement : 6m· md Senses : Acute. Night Vision
Actions: 2 Communication: Speech and telepathy
Initiati\'e Bonus: 0 1\10\ ement : 15mimd
Damage Bonus: +1 Actions: 5
Damage Capacity: Initilltive Bonus : + 18
4 scratches'" I light wound Ollmage Bonus: +8
3 light wounds'" Iserious \\OUnd Damage Ca pacity :
3 serious wounds"" I fatal "ound 7 scratches ~ I light wound
Endurance: 95 6 light wounds = I serious \\ound
\lental Balance : -10 4 serious wounds= I falal \\ound
Skills ' Handgun: 14. Sneak: 10. Seareh: 14, "et of Contacts Takes 2 fatal wounds before d)-ing
lPolice): 12, Photography: 16. Forensics: 10, Infonnation Re- Endur-.ncf' : 180
trie\al: IS, Man of the World: 12. Written Report: 17 "atural A rmor : 2
Attack !\Iodf': As per "eapon l'oVi en Commanding voice, See Vlagic and auras. Telepath~.
Telekinesis 200 pounds. IOmJSC(;, ID\ulnerable to lire
Skills: lIandgun: 30, Climb: 30, Dagger: 60. Thro\\ - 40. Unar-
jurf8e jeremiah Creea med Combat: 40, Search: 30, Sneak: 30, Information Retrie-
\'al: 70, Computers: 40. Languages (all):30, Man of the World:
A Uctor in the sen ice of Geburah, Jeremiah Creed 50, Diplomacy:50, Etiquette: 50. ~et of Contacts (all): 40,
is slo\\ly losing his mind. Though originally just \\ishing to Rhetoric: 50. Interrogation: 60, Forensics: _,0
punish the" icked. he has recently succumb to his desire for Attack \l ode : As per \\eapon t;.pes
murder and is responsible for the Jigsa" \1urders. So far he \lagic . Lore of Dreams: 50, all spells 8140
has been able to co\er them up. but recentl) has gro"n sloppy.
11c allo"ed an innocent man to die for his crimes "hen the p0-
lice starts to get close to him. When the reporter. Bullis, Creel's 'Minions
confronted him, he grew so agitated he lost control of himself
and thus was seen for what he really \\as. These \\ere free·thinking criminals until th~'~ came
inlo Creed's coun room. Then he used his powef5 on'r the
Terrified of his master's punishment. he sent his mi- mind to shatter their wills and force them to work for him.
nions out to frame Bullis for another crime and to retrieve the Using his \1agics, he also changed their apflCaranct!~ 10 match
lost negatives. When he finds out about the player's invoh e- each other, so as to destroy any sense of indi\idualit) in Illem.
ment, he marks them for death too. )\;ow the) are just pawns to be expended b~ him.

He is UI13\\ate that Tiphareth has subtl) dominated one Ruthless killers. Ihe) are also \ef) eunnin md
of his follo\\C15., and that person is leaking infonnation to her. smart. While a little on Ihe arrogant side. the) \\ ill not take lin-
necessary risks to their Ih-es, and think quickl} in c,'mbat 1-
Since he .... ilI ne\-er reaily be: met throughout this tuation~. Slill, the} fear the Littor's anger and "ill rather dlC' t
scenario his statistics are not listed here. 1I0"e\'er, if your fulfill his orders, than upset him with lililure.
pla)ers somehow go after him. play him as a cool and calcula-
ting person. lie has a heavy Southerner accent. from his years As they arc almost clones, use the $ame ~tab for
as a judge Mississippi. He is also a bigot and will react badly each oflhem.
10 people of any ethnic minority, having long hair. talking pea-
cefully, or anything thaI might be considered even remotely li- AGL: 16 EGO: 5 SHe 15
beral in any"a). His statistics equal that of)'our typical Lictor. CHA: 10 CO'l: 15 PFR: 14
Shiko Sukehan CO\1: 10 EDU: 10

A LictOf in the sel'\ice ofTiphareth. Shiko has been Height: 200 cm

obsel'\ ing Judge C!\''Cd's acthities for some time. She has desi- \\tight · 100 kg
red the chance to finally rid herself and the corporation of the Sen5eJ : "'onnal
Lictors constant manipulations of the courts and his political MO\l.'ment ; 8m'md
contacts 10 damage their reputation within the United Slates. Actions ' 3
l"ow she has the chance. She is ruthless in the extreme, but al- Initiathe Bonus : +4
\\a)'5 comes across in a professional manner. Shc is a beautiful 1)lImage \Jonus: +3
oricntal woman in her human fonn, and uses ,his appearance Damage Capacity:
10 swoy Ihose that react to such glamour. 4 scratches"' I light wound
3 light wound'"' 1 serious \\ ound
Her current position is liaison ond lawyer for the Na- 3 serious wound I fatal wound
kamura Corporation. Though she will not appear anyw here on Endurance : 105
the personnel files, she is a very imponant person \\ ith the cor- Mental Balance. -50
poration's structure and wields \ast amounts for po,,-,er. She Skills : Ilandgun: 16. Shotgun: 16, Sub-machine
h~ access to a great deal of infonnalion and uses this to her Gun: 16. Unarmed combat: 15. Dagger: 15.
advantage. She knows how to make people do \\ hat she wanlS., Sneak: 13, Dodge: 12. Search: 14, Shado\\ IS,
and is manipulative and "auering. Security Systems: 13. Drive: 10
Allaek Modes : As per weapon
AGL: 30 EGO: 35 STR: 45
CII A: 30 CON: 30 PFR: 40
COM: )0 EDU: 50

']IICOI11C ,'it' Propertt!
C limb( 'b) Melee Weapons & Projectile We_JlOIf (AGL)
Dodge (A Throwing etlpons (Ii IH) Bows
Hide (PER) Axes lI andgu
ReadlWrite N -\c Language IE Daggers Heavy I~pon!>
Search (PER) ImpaelWe ns Mac eguns Auio !ipons
Sncak (AGL) Pole Arms R" & Crosslxm ~
Swim (CON) Swords
Throwing (STR) Throwing e.'1lhms
Unanned Combat (5TH) hips & Chains

ItI~:::;:;~t;:;:g(.~ Bookkeeping (EGO)

Gaml11ing fP}-.R) Instrument (AGL)
(AGL) lIaut Monde (E(jOl 1»0;'00" & Drugs (EGO)
Ifypnosis (l-(.O) adio Communications (EGO)

Inrormalion Rctri~\al (1(,0) R elorie (ellA)
medicine (EGO) lnstructi .m (lilA) Ri "ng (AGL)
Secrets (EGO) «.
Interrogation I 1:\ I s~ nging (PER)
I (EGO) Languag f.(j()) Scuh Dive (AGL)
(CHA) Scama hip (EGO)
.\.f"r/ja ilr (Mil) Sccurit ystcms (EGO)
Strike Scductio (C HA )
Kid, Shado,", ( )
Th " Sleight of d (AGL)
(EGO) (i P .')"or/ I .\(;[ •

\\Tiling (EGO) Falling r.c'!it;q"" Streetwise (lol;(11
(EGO) Weapon "ty le (E(;O.
(EGO) i\al rHiOl
(CHA) T\ handl!d Coml1al NOM)

Wea n Mallcuv.:r.~ f \(i


Quick draw
,p )
Written Repo 1'('.0)
Telling (CHAl

'Da.-l' Secret

sw= 1 TW

Equipment Length Weight Location Equipment Length Weight Location

---- - - --
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----

Armor Weight Location


(}Nlld' II ('{"C'U',
Gunilla J(ltlSson, I\lich;1.<.'1 I'clc.:rscn

~ils (;\lll1"s\\I1 . Std;lIll.jung\j\,ist. Terry
AlllthnL Jasnn Fryer.

PROJI.'( 'T .1/ -. \ /(;1,- 111\ T

Va!..:ric Laprnyc

Didia Flnrcnl/

(;/111'/11( ' /11,.'0/(,,\ "N IIIHI /IRA

[)iJi..:r Fl!lr\.'nl/ ,mtl H orn'nl

I Ul 'SIR 1Iff),H
Petcr /\mlre\\ Junes. Les Edwards. Terry
On\.;..:s. Ilarn.'y I'arkl'r. Laurent Br'lInarJi.
Stefan Thunt'l\.'rg. Jells Junssun. ({cnato
Oli\an..'s ~Iachias Jamie Sims, Admm Smilh.
Tony Bag~c. P..:I('r Ikrgling.

l i " TRlBt TWU

Fn:driJ... 1\1;JIII1~rg. Patrie Backlund. !\1agnus
S..:tcr. Jl'ri;('T SujJdius. l!cmik Slr:.mdbl:rg..
Richard Dakan . Paul BI:;!I';!c),. Rich;lrd
Fichera. l.lIl·;!;; IJan..cr. (jculrrcy Gmhowsky.
l\1idlad i\liirsarc. Junas Mas\.'S. Sami
Sinl.'na. Chris Uk-Js",..:. Un,c JUlies. Vakri ....
Paine. Al1lin:as Rlmd:,hl. Bry,m Winh.'r.
Rickard Ilo(slagan.:. Std;m '!llulin. Rickard
ZCrpl·. ll:mid Ilulmlund. Cc.... s K\\;;ulijk.
Eric I kilman ,

SI'I,O 1/ Til. \I,S

John N~·ph .... w {A tlas ('am . . s) and Francis
Larose (Steamlogie). lilr [twiT precious help
and advice. ToriK'n l{ygg. amI
the i\hyss team.

Copyright (" ::!O() I Paradox Entcrtainment

All rights TCSCl"\cd
Kult is a trmlcmark of
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