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Kult - Taroticum

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GunillaJonsson, Mich,ICI Petersen

Swedish Editor
.Iahan Anglemark
Cover Art
Peter Andrew Jones
Nikolaj Borisevitj Kozin
Translation to English
English Edition Editor
Terry Kevin Amthor
Page Design and Production
Eidolon Design Studio
Special Contributions
Jerker Sojdelius, James Estes, Mauhcw ~Razor's
Edge" Gluth, Preston M. Bennett ~Biff"
Eisenhower Tv, Bob Watts.

Special thanks...
ro the Metropolis Editing Staff Reserves

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aroticum is a connected series of advenntres for Kult, suitable for

T three to six players. It consists of a prolog and six chapters. In the

prolog the players use pre·generated characters, but for the rest of
the adventure the players may lise their regular characters. There are no special
requirements for the characters, but the scenario will develop morc smooth])' if
they have a natural connection to the city of London.
TIle story revolves around a deck of cards, known as the ulrotica, which is
drawn into our reality by the player characters (pes) in the prologue. Throughollt
the rest of the adventure, they must try to send it back. The entire adventure is set
in London, amongst the homeless, the madmen, the junkies and the prostitutes
who subsist on the fringes of society. Mudl of the atmosphere in Taroticum
derives from this environment of hopelessness and desperation which surrounds
the pes.


Taroticum is copyright © Target Games AB 1991; English edition copyright © 1994 Metropolis Lcd. Reprint
without written permission is prohibited. All rights reserved. No reproductions in any form, whether electron-
ic, photomechanical, or any other. Produced by Metropolis Ltd. P.O. Box 57083, Washington, DC 20037.
Printed in USA. First US Edition, June 1994. ISBN 1-883716-04-7. Stock # 5004



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t was midnight on the 21st 0/ from memory long strings oJ incanta-

I December, 1894-thejirst win-

leI' oj Governor Barkley's term
ofservice at Sandburll. They were gaUr
tions into the darkness.
"...zodiredo Adni das larinuji elasa..."
His chants rose to a crescendo, and
ered in the deepest room in the lower abruptly stopped, echoes dying against
basement; belolV death 'row and the soli· the wet stone. They stood in silenceJor a
tary cells. No screams could penetrate long 1'rwment...
through the stone to this towest tevel. The A heavy thud followed by a bigb-
iron door leading to the only stairway pitched scream shattered the stillness. The
out was shut and locked. circle of candles flared up again, and by
Barkley took offhis coat, rolled up his tbat pale light tbey could see a creature
sleeves, and stoically cut a gash in his left hunched within the triangle on tbe flom:
arm. He let the dark blood drip onto the Atjirst it seemed little more tban a pile oj
floor ove,' the signs he had drawn with rags, but when she slraigbtened up, they
chalk and soot on the flagstones. His com- realized it was filthy, ancient woman.
panions were silent, their backs against They besitated for a moment.
the wall, barely breathing. "Catch hel'l"
Barkley stepped slowly into the protec- The voice of the Govenwr broke their
tive circle, surrounded by the inscribed paralysis. The men lasbed out with their
holy names. He picked up a large black chains and entangled the woman. She
book. screamed as they fell across her. The
"Take your places. We now begIn," he chains seemed alive, snaking across the
said, and opened the book to the page flo01; their ellds anchoring in tbe stone
describing the ritual.. andfonning a black net over her
His assistants reluctantly stepped into writhing body. A small packageJellJrom
the middle of the room and positioned h,,' ragged clotbes, a bundled deck oj
themselves around the bloodstained tri- cards. Barkley qUickly steppedftvm the
angle in front oj the protective circle. protective circle, pulled a silk bandker-
"Ot binu ad zodakame, nasa gabe cbieJJm", his pocket, careJully picked up
Taorotb. .." tbe deck oj cards and wrapped them in
Barkley's chanting jilled the little room. the cloth.
The candles on the edge ojtbe circle flick- "Make certain tbat she stays here," he
ered out. He raised his voice, dropped the said beJore b~ opened tbe door and left
book to the floor; and began to recite the room.
"I'I:J..e :Pre....d e prison guards stand ready with magical shackles
The story begins in the year 1894 at to bind the creature.
Sandburn, a deteriorating prison on the edge of The outer appearance of the Goddess is that
London. A new Governor of the prison, of an old woman, dressed in dirty rags. Barkley
Anthony Barkley, has recently been appointed. takes the artifact, a deck containing 77 cards,
Barkley is a student of the occult arts, and has and imprisons her by magic in the temple.
been searching for a powerful artifact for many In his office Barkley st"udies the Tarotica. It
years. It is a deck of cards, and according to leg- consists of 22 cards of the major arcana, repre-
ends and ancient writings, it has the power to seming The Highest, His Enemy, The Servants
control bOlh the lIIusion and imprisoned of the Highest, and The Princes of Darkness.
humanity. The 55 cards of the lesser arcana are divided
Barkley is in reality a Iktor, trying to break into five suits: Skulls, Roses, Hourglasses, Eyes,
from the hierarchy and create his own power and Crescems. Barkley lays the cards in a pat-
base with the aid of magic. In his studies he has tern representing Sandburn. He lets his own
come to realize that this anifaet is bound to blood drip on to the first card, the Demiurge,
places which embody imprisonment. He needs thus making himself master of the deck. 111e
a prison filled with terror and fear in order (Q prisoners and the guards are all now bound 10
create a temple where he can invoke and bind the deck, and have become slaves of Barklev.
the Goddess of the artifact. To this end he has The prison slips closer to Inferno. .
used his contacts in the British government to As a result of this ritual, neither prisoners nor
obtain the post of Governor of Sandburn. guards can leave the grounds of the prison. The
Citing reformers who advocate total comrol gates arc dosed to all except Barkley. The one
of prisoners, Barkley institutes a change of rou- who might stop Barkley-rhe Goddess of the
tine al Sandburn. The prisoners are forbidden Tarotica-is imprisoned in the basement. The
to communicate wilh each olher. Nightly
terror and oppression in the prison grow
inspections become the norm. Barkley orga- worse.
nizes a network of informers and imposes capri- Finally, the guards who once helped Barkley
cious punishments. Possession of a pair of dice decide that something must be done. They con-
might mean torture until dealh, while an sult the shackled Guardi:m, and learn that
attempt to escape might be rewarded with dou- Darkley has made himself invulnerable through
bled food rations. After a few months, no one the Binding. In order to hurt him they must first
feels safe, and everyone fears informers and steal the Demiurge card and hide it from him.
reprisals. ntis, of course, is exactly what After that he may be imprisoned or killed.
Barkley wants. They steal the Demiurge card and kill
He confides in a few loyal guards, explaining Barkley. The card fades and becomes blank. I.n
that he intends to perform an experiment in the riot that foHows, the prisonc:rs break out
magic. If it succeeds, he and his assistants will and many guards are killed. Nepharites from
gain both power and fortune. The guards reluc- Inferno appear and seize the four guards who
tantly agree to help. helped Barkley summon the deck of cards.
Deep in a prison basement, Barkley builds his Sandburn erupts back into our own realiry.
temple. The guards even help him sacrifice a
prisoner so that the temple can be consecrated. This part of the story is retold in the pro-
111en, one night when Ihe moon is waning and logue, the first chapter of the adventure. 111e
the winter cold is at its worst, he inscribes a player chamcters are the four guards. At first
protective circle and a triangle on the temple they aid Barkley to imprison the goddess, but
floor and prepares for the invocation. Barkley afterward they overthrow him and liberate the
summons the Goddess of the artifact, and the prison. These four are reborn as the player
characters, and 100 years later they must play

out the rest of the adventure. The prison guards The Awakened 1\'1:In. Aided by this card, she
are described at the end of the prologue. hopes to escape from her prison. But she can-
not create the card by herself in her currelll
At.- IIUI-ndred. state of imprisonmenl. A human being must
Tears T..a;f;er make the card for her, and it must be a special
After the prison uprising, Anthony Barkley is human, a newborn soul not bound to the
pulled down into Inferno, where he is tortured Illusion.
for an eternity and bound forever. He becomes With the aid of the cards, the Goddess
a black Lictor, who serves the Lord of the Dark searches for someone in the vicinity to help
instead of the lost Demiurge. The prison guards her, and eventually finds a mind she is able to
are also brought to Inferno, but are released COntact. It belongs to Milry Langsbury, a woman
after a period of punishment, and reborn in suffering from schizophrenia, and a patient at
new bodies. The cards remain in ;l hidden room the hospital. She possesses Magical Intuition
behind Barkley's oftlce. The Goddess, alone and ilnd is able to understand the cards. She is also
forgonen, is still imprisoned in a cell beneath mad, and has no difficulty seeing through the
the prison. U1usions.
Sand burn is closed as a prison in the early The cards implant visions directly into Mary's
1920s, and is refurbished as a mental hospital. consciollsness and encourage her to search for
London continues to grow and its suburbs the hidden room in rhe closed-off section,
engulf the former prison. It now sits in the mid- where the deck is hidden. She finds the hidden
die of a rundown section of council flats south- room, starts to play with the Tarorica, and lays
west of Clapham. out the cards according to the instructions of
The deck of cards, which has never before the Goddess. Using the suit of Roses, she
lingered so long in our reality, influences the invokes Christopher Walden, a prince of pas-
world around it, shaping humanity into a mirror sion, and becomes pregnant by him. She now
of itself. The asylum of Sandbufll is gradually carries a child that can be bound to a newly
twisted into a semblance of the Tarotica until created soul.
the wardens are turned into a rigorous but just But she needs help. The soul of the child
group (the Archons), and a sadistic collection must be created and the baby must be born
of bullies (the Death Angels). The inmates are before it can create the new care!. Using the
influenced by the five suits. cards, Mary invokes the only souls the cards
The power of the cards reach out beyond the recognize in London, the reborn souls of the
hospital. influencing aU of London. The five guards who bound the Goddess in the first
suits create a focus in different parts of the city place. These are the PCs. It is here that the
where their influence is particularly strong. story begins.
Those ill positions of power are undetccrably
shaped by the patterns of the higher arcana. 8~opsIs
Lesser duplicates of the deck are also created in The adventure consists of a prologue and six
varying incarnations, and these are spread chapters.
around the world like spores of a dangerous IN THE PROLOGUE the players use pre-gen-
plant. erated characters, four prison guards in a 19th
During all this, the Goddess is barely awake century prison. They play out the background
in her prison in the old abandoned section as it is described above.
below the hospital. Gradually her conscious- IN THE FIRST CHAPTER the players use
their own player characters, withom knowing
ness is surfacing, seeking contact with the deck
that they are the reborn prison guards
of cards. She cannot invoke the cards or free
released from Inferno. They have mysterious
herself, but she is able to influence them. dreams which call them to Sandburn, now
She has decided to change the Tarotica by rebuilt as a mental hospital. Mary is waiting
creating a new card, Anthropos, representing
for them there. She asks them to get her out which leads to him begins somewhere in
and to help her cre:He the soul of her magical Kennington, south of the Thames.
child before Barkley shows up. She says that But in order to create the soul they must also
the madmen on the Isle of Dogs can help have the foetus that Barkley has taken. They
them. The PCs will probably not understand must now enter the land of the dead LO reclaim
half of what she says, but they can help her. it. Timothy, the boy who helped hide the child,
get out of the mental hospital. She gives them can teU that they wefC in :I land peopled by the
the cards for safekeeping.
dead and the homeless. He thought he saw his
Soon after, Barkley shows up at the hospital grandfather among the dead.
and possesses the body of the Direccor, taking IN CHAPTER THREE, they enter the land of
his place. After interrogating the Goddess of the dead and reclaim the foetus. By asking
the Forgotten in the basement, he starts to their way among the homeless living under
search for Mary and the cards. He finds both, Waterloo Bridge, and on the Streets of
cuts the foetlls from Mary's belly and takes it London, they reach the cemetery of the
with him, and also steals the cards. When he vagabonds, a burial place where the forgollen
returns to S:mdbul"ll, he brings the foetus down go to die. A dying man may be able to guide
into Inferno in order to control it. He tries to them to the other side.
implant it into a creature of Inferno so it can be Before the dying man agrees to help them
born, but the creature dies. BarkJey does not enter lhe land of the dead, he demands that the
undcrst:lnd that only the parents of the child PCs discover those responsible for his death.
can give birth to it. The PCs meet Timothy, :1 TIlere has been a wave of mysterious deaths
boy from lhe hospital, who helped Barkley hide among the homeless of London. If they promise
the chjld in Inferno. He can tell them whcre it to investigate the event, he will guide them to
is. The PCs now have twO leads: they can seek the land of the dead. There lhey find the foetus,
our the madmen in the Docklands, who know floating in a bottle like a homunculus, still alive
how to create a new soul. or they can try 1O and unperturbed by everything happening to it.
enter Inferno in order to reclaim the child. It They bring it back to the world of the living.
does not matter in which order they do this. When they have investigated the deaths
CHAPTER TWO is played among the mad- among the homeless they find that a company,
men of the Court of Fools. In the DockJands, retained by the government to get the homeless
the PCs are told to contact someone called off the streets, are killing them to get more
Waya. She can show them where they can money. The PCs are in a position to expose the
cre:lle a Child of Magic. But she has been guilty.
arrested by the police and imprisoned in a IN CHAPTER FOUR the PCs help the
mental institution. The PCs must free her and homunculus create its new soul. In order to
the madmcn in her company before they can do this they muM go to Achlys, the origin of
talk to her. everything. The conjurer of the madmen,
Waya explains that they must go to a place Waya. has LOld them how to find the
called Achlys to create their newborn soul. She Forgotten Man who knows how to create
doesn't know where it is, all she knows is that souls, and which roads lead to Achlys. She
one person in London does. He has been for~ also explains that the tattoos she has given
gotten by evef)'one, but she can help the PCs to them can help them to return from AchJys.
remember him and find him. The PCs go to KenninglOn, south of London,
Waya plucks the memories of pasl lives from into parts of the city populated by the forgot-
the pes, and tattOOS the pictures from their ten, recluses who work to loosen time and
memories ontO their bodies. Aided by these tat- space. They search lor the Forgotten Man and
toos :lnd a map she draws from their memories, are told Ihat he has moved to a village still fur-
they will be able to find the Forgotten Man who ther away. They follow his track to an deserted
knows about Achlys. They know that the trail moor, which is quickly drowned in darkness. In


he no longer has full control over it,

but he can stiU ensnare it. Through
hjs control of the homeless derived
from the cards, he enlists the aid of a
dream prince among the drug users
of London in order 10 ensnare the
soul of the child in a dream. The
dream soul is hidden away al
Sandburn in the dream, where
Barkley tries to influence the child in
order to gain power over it. He then
hides Sandburn in a special part of
the dream world so it cannot be
The PCs get in touch with the dream
prince who helped steal the soul of the
child. He has been expelled from his
own dream world and wants revenge.
With his aid, the PCs enter the dream to
free the soul of the child. They enter a
dark, twisted version of London. Byask-
ing their way they can get to Sandburn,
reality, the moor is the visual form taken by the
where the soul is imprisoned. They reach
subterranean city of Kronor.
Sandburn and free the soul.
They reach a village where a Goddess tells
IN 1HE LAST CHAPTER the pes must make
them he serves the Forgotten Man. The pes
sure the child is born in order to stop Barkley.
meet him and he explains [Q the homunculus Since Mary is dead, there is only one other
how it can invoke a soul. A servant shows the person who can give birth to the child, and
way to the gates of Achlys, where a blind man Ihat is Christopher Walden. He is a conjurer
stands guard. This is rcally the Blind BuU who of passion and helped Mary create the child.
guards the entrance to Achlys. The pes must He is bound to the foetus through the ritual
have the homunculus with them, and they must that created it. Barkley has realized that
explain that they have not come to Achlys to be Walden is a threat, and his men are looking
destroyed, but to create something new. He will for the conjurer, who has disappeared.
then let them pass without a fight The PCs must find Christopher Walden and
Through the labyrinth atop the hill next to persuade him to change his sex by a ritual, and
the blind man's farm, they reach the chaos adja- thereafter give birth to the Child of Magic.
cent to Achlys. Everything dissolves around Barkley is becoming more and more desperate,
them, and at the end, only the homunculus and chasing them all over London. Hiding at the
their memories, in the form of the tattoos, are home of Rupert Faraday, another conjurer of
intact. passion, they are able to reconstruct the ritual
The homunculus creates its soul out of the that can help Walden change his sex and give
nothingness by calling if to itself. The PCs can birth to the child.
return to our reality by following the memories The Child of Magic is born and paints the
whkh reside within the tattoos, They then 78th card of the Tarotica. Barkley loses control
return to London with the child and its soul (to of the cards and is torn to shreds by the
the Cemetery of the vagabonds, where their inmates of SandbufIl. The Goddess is freed and
bodies await them). the child disappears beyond the Illusions with
CHAFfER FIVE: Barkley is not one to give the cards.
up easily. When the child has gotten its soul
T.b.e UIIlld cards can be used lO manipulate the Illusion,
o"~ng;ic but only the Goddess can fully control them.
The Tarotica originally consists of 77 cards. Others risk being entangled by the deck of
They symbolize the Illusion with its Archons, cards, which has its own mind and will.
Deadl Angels, and the five worlds of man. The There is no way to destroy the cards, which
deck has the potential for 78 cards. The lasi, can inilucnce and distort their surroundings.
the unnumbered card, was supposed to repre- When they wish to change owners, they disap-
sent the Awakened Man, but the Goddess has
pear mysteriously. If they wish to connect with
consciously refrained from making the card, as someone, they may follow him. If the owner
it would give the Tarotica powers which extend
tries to discard them, he finds them lying beside
beyond her own domains. She is not able to his bed when he wakes up the next morning.
create this card herself, in any case. It can onJy During the bulk of the adventure they will be
be created by a human, a Child of Magic. in the hands of Anthony Barkley, but the PCs
When the Goddess has b,cen imprisoned in will possess them on a few occasions, which is
the Illusion for a hundred yea~s she decides to why we describe them here.
complete the deck of cards in order to sct her- 'I'.l:JLe ~ : r .£:rea,.-.a.
self free. She gets Mary pregnant with a soulless O. Anthropos: (the card is not present in the
foetus that can be bound to a newlyereaced original deck) A foetus inside an egg in front
soul. In a magical ritual using the Tarotica, she of Metropolis.
binds Mary and the foetus lO each other, creat-
I. Demiurgos: An eye inside a triangle, sur-
ing a homunculus.
rounded by a halo. After the Prologue this
The Goddess hopes to create a new human
card is blank.
being that has never been imprisoned. Since
the Fall, no more humans have been created, D. Astaroth: A horned creature girded by a
they have only been reborn to new life. She snake. A pentagram is in its right hand, a
wants to create a newborn, human soul, one flame in its left. A fettered man lies at its feet.
that has never been bound to the U1usion, and A black sun hovers in the background.
does Dot need to walk the long road to awaken- m. Kether: A ruler with crown, flail and orb,
ing. This is the kind of soul that must create the Sitting on a mrone decorated with rams. Two
78th card. hooded lictors kneel by the duone.
Human souls are created out of AchJys, the IV. Chokmah: A horned, crowned and beard-
nothingness that existed even before chaos and ed father figure surrounded by small, naked
order. To make the last card, the PCs must go lO women and children. The entire card is fad-
the edge of this nothingness and there create ing.
the first new soul since the start of humanity's
imprisonment. V. Binah: A Madonna with her Child sitting on
So that the child may be born, they must a stool on a checkered floor.
then find the only human who is magically con- VI. Chesed: A white man, dressed in a suit
nected to the child after the deam of Mary: with a purse at the belt, is giving water to a
Christopher Walden. By becoming a woman, he fettered man with a bandage over his eyes. A
will be able to bear the child. white sphinx flies across the sky in the back·
ground. The entire card is fading.
VD. Geburah: A judge in a full length robe sit.s
The Tarotica was created by the Goddess of
on a throne with a double-edged sword in his
the Forgotten, who made it as a picture of
right hand and a scale in his left. A curtain
imprisoned humanity. She made it from her
behind him is draped from a pyramid with an
own pain, draWing the cards on her own skin
eye inside it.
and cutting them loose from her own flesh. The


VDJ. Tiphareth: A spider with the sign of Ctef- XVI: Gamichicoth: Death is dancing with a
nity on its back crouches in the middle of its cup in his right hand and a bunch of grapes
web. in his Iefr. Starving people reach out to him.
IX. Netzach: A knight with a lion inscribed on XVll. Golab: A ruined body bleeds on top of an
his shidd :lnd a sword inscribed on his chest allar_ Behind is a creature with bloodied
holds a lance I'Owards a vanquished foc. knives in place of hands, its head hidden by
There arc bombers of early but unidentifiable an execlltioner's hooel.
vintage flying in the background. XVIII. Togarini: A form veiled from head to
x. Hod: An executioner with .1 double-edged toe stands with a ton.:h in each hand turned
sword stands between a kneeling man. towards the earth. There are two inverted
whose hands :Irc lied behind his back, and a pentagrams. In the background the living
dog with its (ai! between the legs. Victims dead emerge from a cemetery.
swing from gibbets in the background. A XIX. Marcb-Scrap: An immense battlefield
black sphinx flies through the sky. The enrire with dead bodies in the foregrollnd. On the
card is fading. horizon a skeletal face leers from a mush-
Xl. Yesod: A usurer is counting money in front room cloud.
of a lattice covered with roses. A starving XX. Samacl: A man squals on his haunches
beggar sits in front of the table. atop a pile of bloodslained corpses. His eyes
Xli. Malkuth: A woman wC<lring a loincloth are bound shut, he holds a dagger in each
and an ankh 011 a chain about her neck stands hand. He is soaked in blood up to hjs elbows.
on a half circle inscribed in the floor. In her Behind him two black sph.inxes fly across the
uplifted right hand is a staff. Her lowered left sky.
hand sends a bolt of lightning towards the XXI. Gamaliel: A pair of lovers hang in tor-
ground, spliuing (he half circle she stands ment chained between a black and a white
Within. Above her is the sign of eternity. To pillar.
the right is the tree of life in (he form of a
XXD. Nahcmoth: A creature resembling a fish
hollyhock. To the left is the tree of knowl-
sits on its haunches in a desolate landscape.
edge, :I snake coiled abou( it.
XIll. Thaumicl: A monstrous ruler with a lash,
a crown of iron and a skull face sits on a
throne decorated with ram skulls. At his feet The Lesser Arcana COnsists of five suits of
are twO veiled razides. Giant cogwheels and eleven cards each: Skulls, Roses, Hourglasses,
slaves carrying burd('ns along a road can be Eyes, and Crescents. The aces are the highest
seen behind him. cards in each suit, followed by the eleven. the
XIV. Chagidiel: A starVing, monstrous figure of ten, the nine, al1d so on. Each suit symbolizes a
a man with a pharaohnic beard and an invert- part of the illusion. The Skulls represent death,
ed ankh on his forehead. He is holding a the Roses passion, (he Hourglasses time and
child upside down by one foot with his right space, the Eyes madness, and the Crescents {he
hand and a down turned torch in his left. dream. The suits of the Lesser Arcana have no
face cards.
XV. Sathariel: A parched, monstrous woman is
swallowing a child. There is a dead tree to
her right side, and ragged peaks and a black
moon in the background .


ike evetJllarge modern ci~

views are sjJlit about what sbould be
London is a place of many done. For the past ten years laissez-ftlire
contrasts. Conventional has been the rule.
businessmen ill suits and bowler hats And fbis is only the surftice which COll-
fnix with punks wearing black leatbeJ; ceals the face ofthe real London. The true
their skin pierced witb metal in unexpect· city is ancient, and was built wben all
ed places. GlistelJ.ing towers ofsteel and cities were lavyrinths. Tbe windi11gs of
glass 1"ise above 19th centll1J' squalO1: the labyrintb are stilt present in thefor-
Lu.,\:.uty cars glide among armies of gotten parts of London.
b01ueless. Beggars SWClnll in 'be heart of Tbe Cbildreu of tbe Night have lived in
the financial district tingling/or a few tbe City since (be first foundations were
pence. London is botb immensely rich laid. Whole paris ofLondon were built by
and devastatingly pOOl: Many o/the mid- tbeni. Nowhere else in Europe are so
dle and upper class are troubled by the many gathered in the same place
lack ofhOllsing and the poverty, but

-...... tiring the past hundred years, The Greater and Lesser Arcana have affected
. . . . . . . London has also been influenced and different parts of the City's rulers and servants.
mmsformed by the presence of a powerful arti- The rigid class structure of English society suits
fact: the TarolicOi. While it has been hidden the cards perfcctly. The Greater Arcana have
away in the old Sand burn prison, gradually influenced the upper classes, and the five suits
parts of the city have fallen under its sway. of the Lesser Arcana have influenced the people

at the bonom.
So far, only the oldest parts of London are
"I"a,rotiea, under the influence of the Tarotica. But if it
remains in S:ll1dburn much longer, the whole
~I1d IA>I1dOI1 city will in time faU under its sway. Hopefully,
During the hundred years the Tarotica has the PCs can stop this from happening.
been at Sandburn it has wrought changcs with-
in the city. Graduallr some areas have come (Q
mirror the images on the cards.
There is nothing obvious unks!'; rOll are The Lesser Arcana have influenced the old
aware of what is happening. If the players make laborers' sections. Through the years many of
this connection on their own, yOll can weave in these areas have been rebuilt, but many are still
rcferences to the Tarotica in your descriptions decayed slums riddled with poverty.
of variolls places:
"YOll begiJl to see certain trends in parts of This suit represents death as a breakthrough
the city. You notice a symbol repeating in the "tothe other side, as well as the death that binds
windows of the sexshops and above certain us to our flesh. Death is everywhere. The Suit
doorways. Il is the sign of Roses. Soho has been of Skulls is the onc that has influenced London
influenced by the suit of passion.~ the least. South of Battersea is a small, aban-
doned cemetery where outcasts galher when the Isle of Dogs. They instinctively feel the
their time is up. There the border between time influence of the cards' power. The Docklands
and space is thin, and occasionally it cracks, project is a result of the suit's influence. The
allowing the dead to move among the living. Isle of Dogs hovers near the border to
A priest, refusing to abandon lhe dying, con- Metropolis and the worlds beyond the Illusion.
tinues to care for them even after they have'
TII.e l!!iU..:I:t; 01'
died. He himself has become undead, but is
barely aware of it.
The Moon is a symbol of the Dream, rhe
TII.e l!!iU..:I:t; 01' :noses search for the unattainable. The Dream inspires
The Rose is a symbol of passion, blinding pas- and strengthens, but is also a crutch to sustain
sion, or th.u which liberates us. It is connected the unbearable and an escape from reality.
with sexuality. The Suit of Crescenls has affected the East
Passion has influenced all of the city. TIle End, the old poor districts of \'{fhitechapel and
inhabitants have a split view of sex, :t sort of Limehouse, and also the newer slums of
prudish fascination. Its major area of influence Brixton and the south. It manifests itself
is Soho, where the sex shops and porno clubs through increased use of drugs as an escape
are located. Many conjurers of passion live in from reality. The drug users of London live in a
this area to dr.tw power from it. common dream world under the influence of
the suit. The dream world is strong enough to
TII.e l!!iU.:I:t; 01'
invade our reality in such a way that the junkies
IIourg;J.asses dream right alongside those who are awake.
The Hourglasses represent lime and space, The realm of dreams is similar to William
the prison binding us in the lllusion, but they Burroughs' Interzone, and some people have
also carry the hope of breaking the shackles wondered whether his story may have been
and waking up. The Hourglasses also represent influenced by the dream world.
the labyrinth that all cities are modeled 011. All
of London is influenced by this suil, panly
because the labyrinth which underlies the city
is still present and powerful. The Major Arcana primarily influence the
There is a ccnter of the suit's influence in upper classes. It consiSlS of 21 individual cards,
Kennington somh of the City, where there are described above, divided among Archons and
gates to the L'lbyrimh and to Achlys. Those Death Angels. This division has allowed the
who pass through are lost forever. major cards to warp the city in an unpre-
All of London is influenced by mutations in dictable way. Each card has affected one or
time and space, which displace streets and dis- more people until they have been turned into
tort time. Cab drivers must continually update IJving images of the card.
their maps of the city. In 1971 Oxford Street The city's government and many captains of
disappeared for thrce hours, and during the industry are under the influence of the Tarotica.
I990s sevenll alleys and mews moved or disap- There are a number of representatives of the
peared completely. cards in the House of Lords and the House of
This means that aU the well-off neighbor-
The Suit of Eyes represents madness: rebei-
hoods of London are also affected: Mayfair, the
lious, penetrating madness that can pierce the
City, Knightsbridge. The Arcana has created a
Illusions, and the blinding madness that binds
situation where the 16 people most strongly
us. Madness has its strongest influence through-
connected to the cards will achieve complete
out the old docklands and Isle of Dogs. AJI of
domination of the City. The upper hierarchies
the mental hospitals in London fall under the
power sphere of this suit. 1\lladmen gather 011


» •

of the city arc well 011 their way to being under

complete control.
IAn::u:IOIl- London is an old city. According to some, it
was built on the ruins of one of the original
Tod.a,y cities of mankind. It is certain that the city
The influence is strengthening all the time. developed au[ of a labyrinth, that age--old sym-
The City is being rezoned and rearranged as a bol of time, space and hidden knowledge.
result of the cards. New houses are being built London is still in part a labyrinth.
and old ones torn clown so the City can adjust It' is easy to become lost in the maze of
itself to the layollt of the cards. Roads are streets, alleys and small parks. A street that led
moved and parks are laid out. Certain areas are to one place )'esterday may not today. Once YOli
beginning (Q resemble the card or suit which have lost your way, it is casy to lose sight of all
most influences it. This first shows lip in archi- landmarks. YOli stumble deeper and deeper into
tectural decorations, then in the architecture the ancient maze.
itself and the layout of the district. From the air \'Vhen you no longer can fmd your way out,
it is possible to sec how the City is taking shape you discover yourself among the forgotten,
as a symbol in the wake of the Throrica. those whom nobody remembers or wants to
know about. Thc;y have removed themselves
from :tll contact with the world and Live on
streets inside shuttered houses. The forgotten
never talk to anyone unless they are ques-
tioned. They never look yOll in the eyes, and
they never ask questions.

• "I"ft,:ro-Ue~---~---

"8 loody 'ard weather it's

been, eh mate? Ever
"Wbat sort might you be talkin' aboltt,
since the new Warden: "I mean (bat there are tales told ~y the
things 'ave been tight" screws that some/bing big is up."
':4ye, ever since that bounder Barkley "Sam.elbing we're bound not to /ike, I'd
took over it's been belt and braces. But be willing to wage1:'
the COld-fairly brass monkey tuea/hel: 1 '54ye, mate. Sometbillg we're bound to
'ear that the at' warden is up to some not take kindly to."
fricke/y... "

I1Iiiiiiiiiiiil andburn Prison is a ccn-

~ rer of the action both in
the Prologue and the present,
which is why we provide two
descriptions of the institution,
one of 1894 and one of a hundred
years later.

Sandburn Prison is situated in
lhe south of London near a trash
littered common where the hous-
es of the city bump up against the

, farms of the country. The oldest

part of the prbon was built in the
1820's and consists of a single
two-slOry building, called the Old
l In 1894 the Old Gaol is con-

i nected to three newer wings con-

structed arollnd :1 small, paved
courtyard with a gallows at its
center. The wings: West, East and
North, were built according to
newer penal theories. The cells
are in [wo rows with an open
shaft through the center of each
building, giving the guards an
unlimited view of all the cells.
The New Prison is only ten
years old. It has also been built
.., according to newer theories, the
layout is open and lhere is a bal-
cony along the cell doors of the
Sandburn: General Map second story. The middle part of
the New Prison contains some
offices. Behind the building is :t modern yard Nurses' room. 1894: Eight nurses work at
divided into ~cake slices."
There is a hospital connected to the New
3 the hospim1. They sit here and chat when
they're not with the patients. 1994: As in 1894.
Prison. It is over a hundred years old with nar~ Sick-rooms. 1894: There are six beds in
row windows and massive stone walls. Because
of the hlrge number of inmates at the priso",
4 each of the four sick-rooms. Only the mosl
severe cases, prisoners close to death. are
only a small part of this building is aCluaJly used brought here. 1994: There are lour patients in
as a hospital. each sick-room. This is an infirmary for physical
The prison is surrounded by a stone waU, 24 injuries or diseases,
feet high, with a series of small wooden towers The New Prison Entrance/Reception.
distributed along it. A number of other build-
ings also sit inside the wall: the central guard
5 1894: A hallway that can be closed off in
case of a breakour attempt or uprising. The
house, the Governor"s house, the stables, the stairs which lead up and down can be closed
dog kennels, and a small cemetery and a with iron gates. 1994: There is a reception area
chapel. The guard dogs are'allowed to run here wilh a receptionist and a guard in room 6.
loose at night. There is a window in the wall to room 5. The
receptionist requires that all visitors show some
identification. The door to room 7 can be
opened electronically from the guard room.
There are twO descriptions for each place on
the map. marked 1894 and 1994. Following
1894 arc descriptions of the prison, and follow-
6 Guard room. 1894: A small office with a
rickety table, where a guard registers all
visitors. 1994: The guard and the receptionist
ing 1994 arc descriptions of the mental hospi- sit in here. A telephone switchboard and
tal. Ln some instances the descriptions are iden- screens for closed-circuit surveU!:l1lce system
tical. Let the players rake a good look at the arc also here.
map before you play the Prologue, as their char- The New Prison central hall. 1894: This is
acters have worked at the place for several
7 a worn and faded hall with large iron-
barred doors leading to the wings. On the
There is no description specific to the gener- benches along the walls, prisoners who were
al map. not locked up used to sit and chat in (he time
betore Barkley arrived. 1994: A bare hall, the
TIlLe Gro~d
walls newly repainted white. The old barred
FIoor gates to the wings have been replaced with
Yard. 1894: A paved courtyard which
1 functions as a drill-ground for the prison
glass block walls.
Guard room/Smoking room. 1894: A room
guards after the arrival of Governor Barkley.
The prisoners are marched across the yard 10
8 where the guards sit down between their
patrols through the wings, There is a table and
the washrooms and the dining halls. 1994: The a few chairs in the room. 1994: The attendants
yard is covered by weeds and gravel. A huge use this room to smoke. The furniture consists
elm is growing in the middle. of a couple of rabies and a black and white tele-
Hospital entrance. 1894: An open hallway
2 with a reception desk next to the stairway
vision set.
Exercise yard. 1894: A small wooden
to the first floor. The white paint on the Willis
has started to flake. The pungent smell of alco-
9 tower overlooks the "cake slices" where
the prisoners get their exercise. Because of the
hol, carbolic acid and formaldehyde permeates crowded conditions at the prison, the yard is
the place. 1994: There is a guard behind the not often in use. There is no practical w:IY to let
desk by the stairs. He directs all visitors to the the prisoners Ollt in an ordered W:lY, 1994: The
"New Prison~ building. yard is overgrown with weeds. It is used occa·

Sandburn: Ground Floor

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sionally to let difficult patients get some fresh to be killed here, giving the floor and walls per-
air. The guard tower is in a state of decay. m,ment stains and a bad smell. 1994: A relative-
The New West Wing. 1894: The stairs ly modern wash room with showers and wash
10 and the balcony are made of steel basins.
mesh, permining a full view ofille entire hall at
all times. The cell doors are steel bars, agail.l
givi.ng full visual access. Each ecU contains S1.'(
16 The Hall of the Old Gaol. 1894: An old
house with unpainted stone walls.
Two circular, narrow stairs lead up and down at
cots, three on each side. They are folded up the end of the hall. Narrow doors lead inlO the
each morning leaving the cell with nothing but cells. 1994: As in 1894.
a bare stone floor. The celJs are less than 90 Death row. 1894: The number of death
square feet in size. Recently, each cell has held
LIp 10 eight prisoners. The air is heavy and
17 sentences has increased, putting up to
six prisoners in each cell, but they still have.
smells of sweat and urine; the noise level is more space than other prisoners. They are
high and the whole place feels crowded. 1994: never allowed out. 1994: 111e doors are wide
The cell doors have been replaced with steel open. The cots in the cells are broken and rot-
doors with ;\ sliding shutter. There is only one ted.
patient in each cell. The furniture consists of a Workhouses. 1894: Some prisoners
bed and a smallwble. A few of the ground Iloor
cells arc padded. Otherwise lhings look as they
18 were allowed here to do simple wood-
working projects, etc. 1994: The doors are
did a hundred years ago. One of the cells to the wide open. Everything in the cells is rotted.
rear has been converted to a lavatory. The Morgue. 1894: After the arriv:al of

11 The New East Wing. 1894: Like the

west wing. 1994: As above.
19 Barkley, the dead are brought directl}'
to the cemetery and buried. Earlier they were
Dining hall. 1894: A bare hall with kept in the morgue before being buried some-
12 long wooden tables and benches. The
food is delivered by inmates who work in the
where else. 1994: A forgotten, rat-gnawed skele-
IOn lies in the middle of the floor.
kitchen. Plates and cutlery are made of lin. Workshop. 1894: The female prisoners
1994: The same long tables and benches as a
hundred years earlier, but the walls have been
20 worked here before the prison became
hopelessly overcrowded. During the last few
repainted a sickly yellow. years it has been used to confine prisoners who
Dining hallf\Vorkshop. 1894: Like the
13 dining hall above. 1994: Workshop
with looms, rabies for carpentry, paillling and
do not require heavy supervision. Up to fifty
people can live in the room. 1994:
Workbenches and looms are broken and Cal"
sewing. ered with thick layers of dust and dirt.

14 Kitchen. 1894: An old-style kitchen

with a huge brick oven. Everything is
cooked in large cauldrons above a central fire-
21 Workshop. 1894: A carpentry work-
shop still in lise, but by the staff. They
use the workshop to repair or to make tools.
place. A cook and two kitchen hands work with 1994: The work tables are rotting and broken.
a few trusted prisoners. A stairway leads to the Workshop. 1894: A workshop similar
food stores in the basement. 1994: The kitchen
has been modernized, though by 1990's stan-
22 to room 20 being lIsed to house more
prisoners. 1994: The work tables are broken
dards it is outdated. It looks as if it \V,IS refur- and in disarray.
bished in the 1950's with large electric pots The Entrance 10 the Old Wings. 1894:
and gas stoves. Two female cooks work here.
The Washroom. 1894: Long wash-
23 A smalJ hall designed to prevent

15 basins fastened to the walls. The room

is heavily stained by water. After the arrival of
escape attempts. A barred gate separates it from
the next room. 1994: The floor is covered with
Barkley it is a common occurrence for inmates

• "ID,:rotiC-.:LIII.---~~----


Sandburn: Ground Floor


. '. )0
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'" t-> ' ..

.... 00 ...
The Hallway of file Old Wings. 1894: Storage Room. 1894: Drugs, bandages and
24 An older, worn part of the pri.son that
has been renovated to better comply with mod-
5 spirits are stored here. 1994: Same use as
in 1894.
The Upper New Hall. 1894: A barc, worn-
ern standards. The walls arc unpainted stone,
the room is crowded and the humidity is high.
The guards sit around a table in the middle I?lay-
6 looking hall. 1994: Newly painted white
with modern non-representational, framed
ing cards when they arc not making their paintings. There are poned plants on the win-
rounds. 1994: The floor is covered with dust dow siJls.
and the table is broken. Storage Room. 1894: A storage room for

The Old East Wing. 1894: A narrow,
worn building two srories tall. The
7 nightsticks, chains, hand--euffs and prison
garb. 1994: Used for the storage of clean Hnen.
same overcrowding as in the wings of the New Visitor's Room. 1894: Before the arrival of
Prison. 1994: The cell doors arc sranding wide
open, and everything is roned and dusty.
8 Barkley, the room was lIsed for important
visitors. Clive Wilson, the priest, has moved in
The Old West Wing. 1894: As above. here since Barkley took over. The room is dirty
26 1994: As above.
The Inner Yard. 1894: A cobbled court-
and disordered. 1994: VisiLOr's room tor
inmate's relatives. The room is furnished with a
27 yard with a gallows. The y,lrd is lIsed
only for execluions. 1994: The gallows has fall-
table, comfortable chairs and poned plants.
Visitor's Room/Office. 1894: An empty vis-
en apart and weeds are growing all over the
yard, Small trees grow from between the cob-
9 itor's room containing a few chairs and a
rable. 1994: The office of Mr. Lockley's personal
blestones, pushing them out of place. assistanr, Leonard Barding, the head attendant.
The office has a modern look with wooden fur-
niture and plants.
The Upper Hospital Hall. 1894: A bare hall
with a window facing the yard. 1994: As 10
Office. 1894: The ofl1ce of Matthew
Clarke, the superintendent. Clarke has
completely lost all sense of order since Barkley
Sick-rooms. 1894: There are six beds in
2 each of the three rooms. Only the worst
cases, prisoners close to death, :Ire here. 1994:
arrived. The office is pure chaos. 1994: The
office belonging to the Director, Doctor
Lockley. The office is light and inviling, fur-
Sick inmates arc treated here. There are four nished wilh modern, wooden furniwrc of light
beds in each room. colors.
Doctor's Consultation Room. 1894: The The New West Wing. 1894: (This floor
3 consultation room of Doctor Peacock,
when he makes his twice·weekly caUs on
11 closely resembles the ground floor
described in section 10 of the previous part.)
Tuesdays and Thursdays. After the arrival of 1994: As :lbove.
Governor Barkley he is conJined to the prison. The New East Wing. 1894: As section
He starts to drink heavily and can usually be
found sitting drunk in his office. 1994: Doctor
12 10 above, 1994: As above.
The Upper Hall of the Old Gaol. 1894:
Naismith tends lO all the physical ailments
which afflict the inmates. The room houses
13 A bare, damp Slone hall wilh portraits
of former Governors on the walls. 1994: Mary's
modern medical equipment. footprints can be seen in the thick dust on the

4 Office. 1894: Peacock's office. After

Barkley's arrival, it is a mess of confused

notes; papers are strewn everywhere. 1994:

Naismith's office. A neat and well.-ordered place
14 Guard Room. 1894: Assembly room of
the guard captains. They have their
oftlces in the next corridor. There is a table and
with a smalJ computer :md file C:lbinels. a few chairs in the room. 1994: The furniture is


broken and there is a heavy layer of dust every- of the New Prison. 1994: The cell doors ;Ire
where. wide open; evcf}'thing is covered in dust.

15 Office. 1894: TIle office ofWiIl Tailor.

A bare room containing a desk and a 23 TIle Old West Wing. 1894: As above.
1994: As abovc.
Guard Room. 1894: TIle guards of the
cupboard. 1994: The furnirure has rotted.

16 Office. 1894: ~e office of Michael

Brown. looks like room 15. 1994:
24 old wings are sitting here playing cards
when they are not on their rounds. It is a room
Looks like room 15. with bare stone walls. The onl)' furniture is a
Office. 1894: TIle office of Harlan rickety table and a few chairs. 1994: The table
17 O'Connor. Looks like room 15. 1994:
Looks like room 15.
is broken. The skeletal remains of two ~uards
who were killed by the prisoners still lie on the
Office. 1894: The office of Rick floor.
18 Dorsleigh. Looks Uke room 15. 1994:
Looks like room 15. 25
Store Room. 1894: An old store room
containing a lillie of everything: furni-
Supply of Arms. 1894: The room con- ture, broken tools. erc. 1994: Everything is rot·
19 tains about 20 truncheons, 40 Lee-
Medford rifles, 20 boxes of I DO rifle shells each,
ted and covered with dust.

10 Webley Mark II revolvers and twO boxes of

shells. A sl.eel door leads into the room; Barkley
The New Basement. 1894: The stairs lead
is the only person with a key. 1994: Everything
is still in the room, but rusted and dusty. 1 down to a d:mlp and drafty basement. TIle
walls are stone blocks. A few empty wine C'dsks
The Governor's Office. 1894: Barkley's
20 office is elegant with heavy oak furni-
ture. A desk and several cupboards dominate
line the wall. 1994: TIle walls have been white-
washed, and a coal stove heats the room.
Guard Room/Smoking Room. 1894: The
the room. Barkley keeps his keys in the top
desk drawer. 1994: The furniture is strangely 2 guards overseeing the solitary confine-
ment cells spend their time here. TIle room is
well preservcd in the office, they have not suf-
fered the same decay as the rest of the building, heated by;l sm:l.Il coal heater. A rickety table is
though there is still a fine layer of dust on the only furniture. 1994: 111is is where the
everything, and Mary's footprints can be seen attendants running the lower ward rest
on rhe floor. between duties. There is a television set, a table
The Inner Room. 1894: Barkley fur- and a couch here. There are always twO atten-
21 nished this library himself wilh dants in the room.
Laundr)' Room. 1894: All the laundr)' is
glassed-in bookCllses. There is occult literature
here (possibly some books of great interest,
including the Arcanum Metropoli, the Codex
3 done here, and is handled by trusted pris-
oners supervised by a pair of guards. The laun-
Azghoulii. or others), also books on the social dry is done dail),. The water is carried in from
sciences and penal theory. TIle deck of cards is (]le yard and heated on an old coal burning
spread out on a table in the middle of the room stove. 1994: The laundry room has been
in a pattern reminiscent of the floorplan of the equipped with modern laundry machines run
prison. 1994: Mary has removed the deck of b)' twO Pakistanis.
Solitary Confinement CeUs/I1le Lower
cards from the table. There is not a speck of
dust in here, and the furniture and the books 4 Ward. 1894: Because of the crowded con-
ditions, the solitary confinement cells are no
seem almost new.
The Old E.'1st Wing. 1894: A narrow. longer quite so isolated. Up to eight prisoners
22 tired-looking. two-story building.
There is the same overcrowding as in the wings
are crowded in pitch darkness on a damp stone
floor covered with straw. It is common to find
dead prisoners here. Everyone suffers from
fevers :Ind diverse illnesses. Matthew Clarke
will end up here after attacking Barkley. 1994:
These small rooms acrually serve as solitary Sandburn: Upper Basement
confinement cells in the hospital. Although

they arc heated and lighted, they are not very
,.:,-. '. ,~<:
comfort:lblc. About half the cells are in lise.
The Old Basement. 1894: An old basement
S with earthen walls. When Barkley took
control of t he cards, this part of the prison slid
.. '"
closer to Inferno. The walls are covered with
ice, and are continually changing. The base- .., -<: ..,
ment does not have exactly the same shape
every day. 1994: The passage between the new -<: -<: ..,
and the old basement has been bricked up. The
-<: -<:
closeness ro Inferno can stiU be fell. The walls
are covered with ice, and a~e not fully fixed in .., ..,
place. '" ~I,'

.., -<:
6 The Old Solitary Confinement Cells. 1894:
Barkley rebuilt these cells imo [Qrture
chambers. If he is allowed to continue long
" ,
.., ..,
, ,, "'"
, ' ...
enough, he will call in r.lzides to torture the
prisoners. The walls are frozen earth. and the
floor is covered with frozen blood. 1994: The
old instruments are stiLi here, and the moldy
remains of a few human skeletons are present
in the room. It is still close to Inferno, and the
walls feel as if they Illay suddenly open.
Kitchen Stores. 1894: Barrels of salted fish,

"'. iIJr

7 sacks of flour and potatoes. 1994: Modern

stores: freezers, dry goods on shelves, etc.

Barkley's Temple. 1894: Ever since the

1 Goddess of the Forgotten was imprisoned

-="{ 'J
here, an almost tangible darkness has filled the
1'00111. No Iighl can pencwlte it. The Goddess is
chained to the floor. Barkley is the only one
with a key to the door; that key is in his desk
drawer. 1994: Same as in 1894.
Sandburn: Lower Basement

• b
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r:ID,roti-i.-eCi.i ..

3 0 - - - ~ - - - - - "'-.I1"t
~ he. Prol~gue is acted out :t( ~;~I~dburn ~eIIl.or.es 0:1: ft,n
- Pnson. In the year 1894. rlll.S IS the JEa,rller I.j:l:e
moment when a lietor, the prison Governor The players can use the knowledge they gain
Anthony BarkJey. invoked the Goddess of the in the Prologue later on. This will manifest itself
Forgotten and gets his hands on a powerful arti- as memories from their past lives when they
fuet, the Tarotica. The players should lise pre- recognize things from the Prologue. Explain to
gcner::ned characters, prison guards aiding them that this knowledge appears in the form
Barkky when he invokes the Goddess, during of hazy visions and faint memories.
the Prologue. They then rebel against him and When chey recognize the prison from the
cast him into Hell. Prologue in the first chapter, you tell them that
Lf yOll have more than four players you can ~it looks familiar, you've seen it somewhere
create additional guards, and jf yOll have fewer, before, but you can't place iC Do this with
yOll can remove some. The reason for the
everything they recognize.
Prologue is to give the players an understanding
of the background, and to prOVide an imperus T.h.e Pl.a;;yer
for the present day characters to act. CII.a;ro,c"t;ers a;t;
The souls of the guards have been reborn ~a,I1dl:n.I:rIlL
into the players' regular characters. They must The 194 PCs have worked as prison guards at
undo what they did at the prison a hundred Sandburn for a few years. TIle prison is crowd-
years earlier, liberate the Goddess, and make ed beyond capacity, the inmates on the verge of
sure that the cards of the Tarotica disappear rebellion, keeping all the guards on edge.
from our reality. TIle prison guards should Describe their daily routines before you start
therefore be as similar to the present day char- playing. Their duties include p"trols on the
acters ,IS possible, both in looks and personali- walJs and inside the wings. Several of the
ty. If the present day characters are women, you guards are trusted prisoners who are allowed to
may want to adjust the original characters in move freely inside the w,i1ls. All the guards
subtle ways, but there is no reason a man can't accept bribes and are busy making a profit by
be reincarnated as a woman. supplying the prisoners with booze, food and
You need not explain to the players why the tobacco. In between their rounds, the guards
introduction must be played using separate spend time talking and playing cards in the
characters. Just tell them that this is a short pre- guard rooms.
amble designed to prOVide them with a back- The r.tpid explosion of population in London
ground to the adventure. Explain that lhe has put a strain on the prison. It is overflOWing
Prologue is a tightly controlled scenario, and with inmates, up to eight people in cells built
that they should be careful to play the charac- for two. During the fall of 1894 there are 1100
ters as they are described; give no indication inmates. Rats, fleas and cockroaches thrive in
that these characters are in any way linked to this press of bodies. Diphtheria and cholera are
their present-day characters epidemic. List summer there were a few cases
The pes have been prison guards at of leprosy, but these were quickly removed to a
Sandburn for several years. They have a strong leper colony in Cornwall.
belief in authority, they are loyal civil servants The prisoners are supposed to work in a
who obey orders without asking questions. It is nearby quarry, but since the summer of 1891
important that the players understand this. no one has been let out of the prison grounds.
They should not under any circumstances ques- The guards are continually p'ltrolling the prison
tion the orders of the Governor at the begin- in order to snuff rebel1ion before it gets started.
ning. Discipline is breaking down, creating a desper-
ate situation.

• ~:rotie. . . . . rn;=========:aiii.P

u-,rkIey man in hjs 50's, has spent almost half a year in

the cell. He is insane by now, mumbling unin-
telligible phrases.
In the summer of 1894 everything changes
When Rick returns to the office of the
with the arrival of a new Governor; his name is Governor, Darkley invites him to sit down, and
Anthony Barkley. He moves his office fO a morc
offers him a cigar. He explains that he needs
central place in the main building, and begins the cell for some private experiments. If they
by tightening up aU procedures. Prisoners are turn Ollt well, they may prove profitable to both
not allowed ro talk to each olher, neither are
himself and to Rick. But he must be able to
they permitted packages from the outside.
work in absolute privacy. He asks Rick to make
Beatings, isolation, and short or shortened certain that nobody on the staff will interrupt
rations are punishments meted out for the
smallest infractions. Midnight inspeclions "Tell the superintendent to keep his people
become the norm. away from the lower basement. And ask him to
The Governor promOlcs the pes to guard
send me ten half pound candles. Tomorrow I
captains, each responsible for one of the wings. need a man at four in the morning to do some-
Barkley instructs them in ways to impose disci- thing for me. Is this c1earr
pline effectively. Gradually the new procedures
Before Rick can leave the room, Barkley tells
are tightened even more. Torture and mock him that he will be needing assistance from him
executions are common. A system of informers and the other pes.
is instituted. "But let's talk abOlt( that later.~
\Vhen the adventure begins it is December, That night Darkley consecrates the temple in
and Barkley has been at Sandburn for five the basement by sacrificing the prisoner and
months. TI;e pes at first thought of the stricter spending the night in meditation. In the morn-
discipline as progress, perhaps saving them ing the guard that was sent tor is instructed to
from a hopeless situation. Now they are a Ihtle bury the corpse in the common behind the
uncertain. since several prisoners have died as a prison, where those who die of iJlness or mis-
result of Barkley's methods of punishment. But treatment are buried. Rumors begin 10 circulate
they are still loyal to the Governor. among the guards :lnd the prisoners.
T.b.e "I"e:n::a.pl.e I s T.b.e GocIde88
COIISeCra;tecI I s Ill"VokecI
In early December, the Governor approaches Three weeks later, on the 21 5t of December,
Rick Dorsleigh and asks him to dean au[ the the Governor summons the pes, He explains
bottommost solitary conli.nement cell in the that there is something for which he requires
lower basement, where a prisoner has lan- their assistance. ·He is reluctant to say what it is,
guished in pitch darkness since Barkley arrived. but he does teU tbe'm that it is 10 be carried out
~I need the cell. Make sure it is cleaned out
in the former solitary cell in the middle of the
properly, sweep the floor, and scrub it and the night. He asks them to go to the cell a little
walls. Leave the prisoner in place meanwhile. before midnight, and sharply admonishes them
You may chain him to the back wall. I belkve nOl to talk to anyone about it.
there are some clamps there. Then I want you "You will of course be paid for your work.
to come to my office. There is something I wish
No question abolll it. And there is nothing ille-
to discuss:' he says. gal involved. you need not worry about that,"
The cell lies below Death row, at the end of
he, says.
a long staircase and a corridor. This is in fact a If they talk to :lnybody :lbout it, for example
store room being used for solitary confinement. the prison priest, they will get evasive replies,
There is no cot, and no light, jusl some straw They are advised 10 tollow orders as long as
thrown directly on the floor. The prisoner, a they are not asked [0 do anything illegal, mur-

dcr for example. Nobody wants to upset the After seeing that the Goddess is firmly
Governor. secured, he leaves, locks the door and retires to
Barkley spcnds a couple of hours before mid~ his office.
night completing a protective circle and a trian-
gle for the invocation on the floor of the tem-
ple. He is almost finished when the PCs arrive. Once in his office Barkley enters the inner
He gives each of them a black, oily chain to . room behind the main office, locks the door
hold, and asks them to wait by the w:11I while and studies the deck of cards. He picks out the
he finishes inscribing the signs with his own first card, the Demiurgos, and through a ritual
blood. The PCs are then ordered to stand he binds the card to himself to allow him to use
the cards. He then lays out the cards in a pat-
around the triangle.
tern representing Sandburn and its inhabitants
"If anything appears, catch it with your
on a table in the room, leaves the room, and
chains. That is all you arc required to do," the
locks the door. Before dawn everyone realizes
Governor says.
He lights the candles in a ring around the that something strange has happened. The
ground shakes and the temperature drops. 11le
protective circle, and carefulJy.steps into it. He
sky darkens and the sunrise fails [Q come.
picks lip a black book and starts to intone
Instead, a black sun rises above the walls. The
aloud. His words are unintelligible. The lights
around the circle flicker out and a cold wind prison has moved away from our reality and slid
closer to Inferno. From now on Barkley is the
rushes through the room. Barkley continues to
only one able to leave the prison and enter
speak, and after a few minutes the candles
London. Everyone else who opens the gates
erupt into flame again.
They see a shape appear out of thin air fall to will only gaze into dark space where a black
tile floor with a thud inside the triangle. At first sun orbits. There is no way out.
The followi.ng morning Barkley calls the pes
it almost seems like a crouching animal, but
to his office again. He seems changed, though
when they look closer they realize it is an old
they cannOI tell e.xactly how. He has an authori-
woman dressed in rags.
ty about him that he: did not have earlier. They
"Catch her!" Barkley snaps.
cannot move against him or hurt him. It is phys-
TIle PCs notice how the chains seem to come
ically impossible [Q attack him. TIle only way
alive in their hands, writhing like snakes. They
cast them at the woman and they wind them- they can defy him is by refusing to obey his
selves around her body, trapping her on the orders. If this happens, he wiJI promote guards
from the lower ranks to captains and reduce
floor. She is pressed firmly down, and even if
the ranks of the PCs. Then he will order the
the PCs would like to free her, they soon realize
the impossibility of the attempL The chains insubordinate PCs flogged in the courtyard.
seem to have merged with her body and the Barkley has put everyone in the prison under
the comrol of the cards. They cannot hurt him
stone, binding her to the floor.
as long as they remain at S:mdburn, and he has
Before she is fully caught she manages to pull
something from her clothing, it is a deck of made certain that nobody can get out. Now he
cards, but she drops it to the floor. Barkley intends to strengthen his grip on the prison and
rushes forward and carefully picks it up, wrap- lise it as a base from which to expand his
ping it in a silk handkerchief from his pocket. power.
He orders all the furniture to be taken out
"That is for me. You will not regret this, my
friends. I can assure you that. I will see w and burned in the yard. All the lights must be
everything here. You can go to bed. Come to turned out, and they are [Q stop using the
my office in the morning after breakfast. stoves. Only the office and the guard rooms will
be kept lighted and heated. The prisoners'
rations are cut in half, and the wages of the

guards are doubled (unless they refuse (0 follow guards and the staff for any small breach of reg-
orders), ulations.
The temperature qUickly drops to freezing The situation becomes steadily worse until
levels except in the office and guard rooms. But S,llldburn slips irrevocably into Inferno. A few
in spite of the starvation rations and the cold, weeks later, razides appear and furnish tortllfe
no one dies-for long. Even the sickest and chambers in the lower solitary confinement
most feverish of the prisoners survive in spite cells, and install themselves with the guards in
of the odds. The dead rise again in the morning. their dorms. If the PCs wish to remain as prison
Death does not exist in Inferno. guards in Inferno for all eternity they may, but
The first day after invoking the Goddess, the the adventure wiJI be a rather boring one to
prison chaplain will come to see the PCs, play.
expressing his worries. He wonders what has
happened and wants to leave the prison. In the
"I"h.e .£d.-vi.ee 0:1:
afternoon he is summoned by Barkley, who "the CikMIde_
talks to him about it. After this the chaplain wiJJ The only one who call tell the pes what (0
obey every order blindly, questioning nothing. do is the Goddess imprisoned in Barkley's tem-
The guards and the rest of the staff are con- ple. The key to the cell is on (he bunch of keys
stantly pestering the PCs for the first couple of in the top drawer in Barkley's office. He has
days to find out what has happened. After a few ordered the PCs (or the new captain of the
days they slip into apathy, not caring about any- guards) to put a guard outside the cell and not
thing anymore. to admit anyone.
On the thjrd day, superintendem Clarke The Governor is in his office more or less
enters Barkley's office with a pistol in hand around the clock. except when he makes his
with the purpose of kilHng him. but he is rounds of inspection at 7 and 11 ANJ, and at 5
unable to fire his weapon. Barkley delivers and 10 PM. This is when the PCs have a chance
Clarke to the PCs, ordering them to flog him 10 steal the key. The guard can easily be lured
until there is not a single piece of skin left on away, or knocked oul. or the PCs may be per-
his back, and then to lock him up in a solitary forming this guard duty themselves.
cell. Inside the cell, the darkness is almost corpo-
The prisoners try to talk (0 the PCs, and one real, and no light can disperse it. The Goddess
of them, Harry Baines, tries to convince the PCs is stiU chained to the floor. They cannot free
to release them. her. She mutters and swears continually. I.f the
"You GlIliot touch him, but we can get at PCs try to talk to her, she is at first distrustful,
him. Let us out, and we will take care of him," as she recognizes them as those who captured
Baines says. her. They may win her confidence by explain-
But if the PCs release the prisoners without ing tlmt they are moving against Barkley, or if
first talking to the Goddess and stealing the they tell her what has happened to the prison.
Demiurgos card, the uprising will result in a If she begins to trust them, she will try to get
massacre. The rebellious prisoners will be the PCs to teU her what they know of Barkley
clubbed down and chained in the torture cham- and the prison, When she is told, she realizes
ber, where they wiJI be punished for months. that Barkley has created a picture of the prison
Barkley will emerge unscathed. using the cards, and that he has taken control
Gradually Barkley tightens all the routines. of everyone within the walls.
The guards are ordered to flog anyone 100 sick ~You must break his control. Otherwise you

to appear at inspections in the mornings, to will never get out," she says.
execute insubordinatt: prisoners (these regain 'When the PCs say that they cannot attack
their lives the next day) and to punish the him, she realizes that he must have bound him-
self to the strongest of all lhe cards in the deck.
"It controb the others. As long as yOll are If, by their actions, they are able to under-
linked to the lesser cards yOli cannot touch mine respect for the Governor, they may toLlch
him. You must break the connection between the cards. As long as his power and prestige is
him and the card,~ she says. undiminished, they cannot get at him or the
She can't do anything as long as she is bound, cards.
but she says she can help the pes eliminate the The Tarotica is laid out in a complicated pat-
Demiurgos card jf they can steal it. tern on a table in the room beyond the
~Blli it can only be done if his power is Governor's oftlce. The key to the room is on
undermined. The card draws its strength from the key ring in the top drawer.
his power. If the prisoners and the guards turn
against him, the card is weakened. Then you
can break the bond between him and the card,"
she says.
~Barkley will notice if the card disappears."
she warns them. They do not have much lime
once they have touched Ihe cJrds.
~You can confuse hi.m by binding the card to
someone who call1lO( Lise it. Someone lotally
without power. He will then lose his control
and you may touch him then. Find someone
without power and ask him 10 let his blood
flow over it and take charge of il. TIlen, you
may be able to get at Barkley, but only if you
have weakened his power first.
~But do not lake the entire deck. You will
gain nothing from that. He wiU notice immedi-
The Goddess can tell the pes much more
about the cards, and much more abOllt what
has happened, but she remains diS[rustful and
abrupt. The Demiurgos card lies in the middle of the
layoul. The card has darkened and the contours
T.h.e Fu,ll are more defined since BarkJey procured the
01' :ua,rIdey deck. The other cards are bound by an invisible
The best chance to steal the cards and to van- force to the middle card. It is impossible to
quish Barkley, is t.o defy the Governor from the remove or even move any of the cards as long
beginning, and refuse to follow his orders after as Barkley's authority is unopposed. The GIrds
they are thrown into Inferno. The PCs may then might as well be welded to the table.
get at the Tarotica directly. Removing a card is possible only when the
AJternatively, they can entice the prisoners Governor·s authority is questioned. Then, the
into rebellion by unlocking the cell doors early PCs will be able to wrest the Demillrgos card
in the morning or late :u nighl. The prisoners from the table. The reSt of the cards will scatter
wiH rush out and aHack the guards. If the PCs about the table in disarray when they remove
have helped to incite the rebellion, they wiU the middle card.
fare better than the other guards, who will be Barkley will realize as soon as the cards are
torn to pieces. They may also stir up the Olher 101iched. His carefully constructed control over
guards against Barkley. No one can openly the prison is broken, and 11 hIli scale rebellion
oppose him, but they can defer work and dis- breaks oul. AJI the doors in the prison are
obey orders.

• b
• -
thrown open. The prisoners stream Qut of the sure you mainmin the honor code of the
cells and attack the guards. There is tolal chaos, guards, giving them a reason to obey Barkley.
but slill, no one is able to harm Governor All of the guard captains live in the barracks
Barkley. He goes straight 10 his office ro reclaim of the prison. They have no immediate families,
the deck and find the lost card. other than parents and other rdatives. They arc
The pes do not have much time in which to each responsible for one of the wings, with ten
act. They mllst find someone 10 bind (Q the subordinate guards, They are responsible only
card in order to get at Barkley. If they are on to the Governor,
good terms with Baines and the prisoners, they
can move almost freely through the chaotic
prison. Otherwise, they Tisk being [Orn apart
whenever they happen on any of Ihe prisoners. WilJiam Tailor has worked for ten years at
A mmlber of people in the prison are able to SandbufIl. He was born in Whitechapel, and
neutralize the card: Superintendent Clarke who was raised with four older brothers by a prosti·
has 10s1 everything and lies close to death in a tute mother. He went to sea when he was 13,
SOlitary cell; the most menial of the kitchen bur had to quit because of a knee injury twelve
staff; or just abollt any of the prisoners 011 years ago.
Death Row. Anyone totally devoid of power will Tailor is tall and sinewy, clean shaven, with
be able to break Barkley's power by sprinkling thinning, dark brown hair. He has a slight limp
a few drops of blood on the card before he in his left leg, and always wears his prison uni-
takes it in his hand, form. The uniform is blue with yellow buttons
Barkley will notice when he loses control. He and facing.
screams like an animal and invokes the forces of PBlSONAUTY: Early on he learned [0 obey
Inferno to his aid. The prisoners fall on him and orders and not to question authority. Trouble
bothers him, he wants straight answers and
literally tear him apart.
clearly defined tasks. He convinces himself
that the new order in the prison is better than
the old chaotic one. He hates disorder after
The PCs will survive the wrath of the prison-
having shared a small, crowded bedroom
ers, but they cannot escape their own feelings
with four older brothers.
of guilt from participating in the events. They
are, in fact, in Hell. At the same moment that AGL 12 EGO 10
Barkley dies, the walls surrounding them melt STR 15 CHA 8
away, revealing four Nepharites who have come
corr 11 PER 15
to take them to eternal punislUllenl.
AGE: 31
HEIGHT: 180 cm
Copy the descriptions and give them to the
WBGHr. 75 kg
players, after comparing the descriptions with
those of their current characters. If necessary,
adapt the characters from 1894 to be more MOVEMENT: 6 m/combat round
compatible with those of the present. It should INITIATIVE BONUS: -
not be too difficult to imagine the modern char- DAMAGE BONUS: +2
acters as the reborn souls of the guards. You DAMAGE CAPACITY:
can add characteristics of the players' regular 4 scratches = I light wound
characters to those of the prison guards. 3 light wounds = I serious wound
If you wish to make them more like their 3 serious wounds = I fat:ll wound
modern counterparts, you can give them the MENTAL BAlANCE: - I 5
same abilities, advantages and looks. Just make

ADVANTAGES: Code of Honor: always obeys
orders and does the right thing Harlan was born in London of Irish parents,
DISADVANTAGES: Pedantic, Greed and he grew up in Kennington, south of the
SKUlS: Climb 10, Rifle 12, Impact Weapons Thames. He worked at odd jobs during his
12, Unarmed Combat 10, Seamanship 15, teenage years, but was recruited into the army
Interrog,ltion 8 when he was 19. After twelve years in India he
reLUrned to England and got a job at Sandburn,
where he has worked for five years.
Michael Brown came to Sandburn four years
PEHSONAUTY: A light-hearted man who takes life
ago from a prison in his home county of
as it comes. He has learned that it is not much
Cornwall. He became a prison guard when his
use 1O plan ahead and try to affect things. He
small family farm could no longer support hjm . obeys orders and is not one to make a fuss,
At Sand burn he was badly injured during a but he does try to perform his duties as light·
prison uprisiJlg in the summer of '93. He wel- Iy as possible. He is satisfied with the
comes the new, harsher discipline. improved discipline in the prison, because he
Brown is of medium height, with an incipient does not need 1O worry about being strung
paunch. His skin is dark and his hair is bushy. LIp in a rebellion. Otherwise he does not care
He wears a mustache and usually a few days of much about the state of things.
growth of beard. He is dressed in the blue uni-
AGL 15 EGO 8
form of the guards.
PEHSONAUTY: His job as a guard suits him per- STR 15 CHA 12
fectly. He hated farming and loathes manual COl! 11 PER 7
labor with a passion. He is a very social per- C01>1 10 EDU 4
son, who wants to be surrounded by people
he can trust. He likes working with the other AG~ 3;
guard captains. HBGHT: 170 em
WBGIIT. 7; kg
AGL 10 EGO 13
STR 11 CHA 13
MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
COl! 14 PER 12
C01>1 11 EDU 3 DAMAGE BOMlS: +3
HBGHT: 165 cm 4 scrntches = 1 light wound
WBGIIT. 80 kg 3 light wounds = I serious wound
NO. OF ACTIONS: 2 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
MOVEMINT: 5 m/combat round MENTAL BALANCE: - 5
INITIATIVE BONUS: - ADVANTAGES: Code of Honor: keeps his promis-
DAMAGE BONUS: + I es and does everything for the group
DAMAGE CAPACITY: DISADVANTAGES: Daredevil, Nightmares (events
in India)
4 scratches = I light wound
SKillS: Rifle 14, Impact Weapons 12, Unarmed
3 light wounds = 1 serious wound
Combat 12, Sneak 12, Dodge 10, Dagger 12,
3 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound Hide 10, Search 8, First Aid 10, Irish 12, Hindi
MENTAL BAlANC~ - I 0 G, Gambljng 10
ADVANTAGES: Code of Honor: does his duty and
does everything for the group I&:lcb.-.rd
DlSADVANTAGfS: Fear of the Dark, Lazy DorsIe1gh
SKIllS: Rifle 10, Impact Weapons 10, Unarmed Rick is the oldest of the characters, a veteran
Combat 10, Interrogation 10 of 20 years at SandburIl. He was born in

• b

Harrow outside London and worked in the har- become more and more irritated at the lack of
bor at the Isle of Dogs before he came to the effective measures and the endless social ritu-
prison. He has built his entire life around the als. He does not have the patience to obtain a
prison, and rarely goes outside the walls. position through personal contacts and cultivat-
Rick is short but powerfully built. He is bald- ing popular opinions. More and more, he
ing, and his face is usually covered with beard dreams of a shortcut to power, a shortcut built
stubble. He wears the blue guard's uniform, and on power and analysis instead of rituals and flat-
chews tobacco. tery. These dreams launched him on his quest
PERSONALITY: A practical man, who does his job for the cards, as they are a magical representa-
and does not care about anything else. He has tion of the structures of power. As long as
seen a number of Governors come and go, Barkley controls the cards, no one at Sandburn
and does what they tell him to do. He is may hurt him physically.
paternalistic towards the younger guards, try- Barkley is a tall man, with short, brown hair
ing to foster them in their profession. and green eyes. He has a large mustache and
wears dark suits. Beyond the Illusions, he looks
AGL 10 EGO 12
like a lictor.
STR 14 CHA 10
PERSONALITY: A cold and analytical creature,
CON 10 PER 16 frustrated that his gifts of reasoning are
COM 9 EDU 3 wortWess in public administration and among
the aristocracy. He wavered for a long while
AGE: 43 between the occult and modern science, but
HEIGHT: 160 cm has chosen the occult as more appropriate to
WEIGHT: 75 kg his personality. He has few close friends, and
NO. OF ACTIONS: 2 has difficulty relating to other people.
MOVEMENT: 5 m/combat round GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Talk in a cold, conde-
INITIATIVE BONUS: - scending voice. Never become upset. Sit with
your back straight, but relaxed.
4 scratches = 1 light wound STR 38 CHA 10
3 light wounds = 1 serious wound CON 36 PER 23
3 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound COM EDU 35
ADVANTAGES: Code of Honor: Professional atti- HEIGHT: 175 cm (250 cm)
tude WEIGHT: 70 kg (450 kg)
SKILLS: Rifle 12, Impact Weapons 14, Unarmed MOVEMENT: 18 m/combat round

Combat 10, Interrogation 12 INITIATIVE BONUS: +24

.£..:II.-t;b.o. .y ~r:ld-ey DAMAGE BONUS: +9
9 scratches = 1 light wound
This is the shape taken by Anthony Barkley in
1894. When the PCs meet him again in the pre- 8 light wounds = 1 serious wound
sent, he is a black lictor with features drawn 6 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
from Inferno. As such he will be described in Takes two fatal wounds before dying
Chapter 1. POWERS: Commanding Voice, Telepathy,

Telekinesis 100 kg 10m/sec, Invulnerable to
Barkley has held different positions in public
administration before arriving at Sandburn. Fire
During his time as a civil servant he has DISADVANTAGES: Delusions of Grandeur, Greed,
Intolerance, Sadistic

-------~---~---~~_..I~ I
SKID: Hand-gun IS, Sneak 25, Unarmed below at the one you are talking to. Play her
Combat 20, Dagger 25, Information Retrieval like an old fortune teller or stereotypical bag
15, Occultism 20, French IS, Latin 17, lady.
Classical Greek 16, Hebrew 12, German 10,
Interrogation 12, Net of Contacts: public AGL 16 EGO 30
administration 12, Rjding 12, Humanistic STR 22 eRA 7
Scholarship 15, PhiJosophy 12, Natural CO~! 50 PER 18
Science 12 COlli 6 EDU 3
ATTACK MODE: Biting 20 (scr 1-6, Iw 7-13, sw 14-
24, fw 25+), 2 Claws 25 (scr 1-7, lw 8-14, sw HBGHT: 155 Clll
15-28, fw 29+), Strike 20, Kick IS, Grip 15, WOGHl: 50 kg
Throw 15 SENSES: Sees the social position of humans as
MAGIC: Lore of Time and Space IS (See an aura, otherwise normal human senses.
through Time and Space 12, Manipulate Time NUMBER Of ACTIONS: 3
and Space I2, Bind Creature, of Time and
MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
Space 12), Lore of De:lth 12 (See through
Death 10, Manipulate Death 12', Summon INITIATIVE BONUS: +4
Creature of Death 10) DAMAGE BONUS: +4
T.b.e Go«Idess 0:1' II scratches = I light wound
U1e Forg;oTt:eIlL 10 light wounds = I serious wound
The Goddess has the same shape in 1894 as 8 serious wounds = I fatal wound
in the present, so she will only be described in
Dies after 5 fatal wounds
this section. She has no name, and is the
POWERS: Regenel<ltion
embodiment of those who are forgotten and
SKILLS: None that arc relevant. She is impris-
oUlcast, the people nobody sees. Normally, the
oned during the entire adventure.
Goddess resides beyond the Illusions in
MAGIC: Lore of Time and Space 30 (aU spells
Metropolis, but Barkley summons her to our
20), Other Lores 20 and all spells I;
world. In places where the forgotten and out-
HOME: Metropolis
cast are gathered, such as prisons, the w:llls
between her world and ours is thin. She has a UFESPAN: Immortal
split personality, and even though she helps the 8-...pe:r:iIJL"t:eIlLdeIlL"t
torgonen, she still keeps them in oblivion and ~;t;t;he~ CIa,rke
gathers new members tor her flock. Clarke is a peaceful man who has spent 30
The Tarotica was created out of her pain and years keeping track of food and clothing at
the pain of all the other forgotten and outcast Sandbufll. He is in his 60'S, short, balding, but
ones. It is a picture of power in the world of with a large beard. He often laughs. His staff
man. It Gin be used to influence the world of consists of two cooks, Jour errand boys, and
ilJusions, but the Goddess uses it primarily to
three assistants.
predict the future and the past. PEnSONAUTY: Clarke is a man :lble to adjust to
The outer form of the Goddess is that of an just about anything, but within limits. When
old, wrinkled and broken crone in tattered Sandburn slides into Inferno, that limit is
clothes. passed, and Clarke reacts.
PERSONAtrrY: As a personification of the out- GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Be cool as a cat until you
sider, she is short tempered and distrustful of lose your patience, then be so furiotls that
everyone, viewing herself as bypassed and you can barely talk.
ignored. She hates all those who possess self-
I confidence and power.
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Talk in a whining voice,
S1':lre distrustfully at the players. Look up from

• 39
• ..
CON 13 PER 14 4 scratches = 1 light wound
COlli. 9 EDU 7 3 light wounds = 1 serious wound
HBGHT: 170 em 3 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
NO. OF AcnONS: 2 DISADVANTAGES: Intoler.lIlce, Egotist
MOVEMfNT: 7 m/combat round SKlllS: Hand-gun 10, Information Retrieval 15,
Written Report 12, Larin 15, Etiquene 13,
Riding 10, Rhetoric 12
4 scnuches = 1 light wound G"U..ftrds
3 light wounds = I seriolls wound There are 40 guards at Sandburn. Each CIP-
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound tain has ten subordinates. Many of rhe guards
MENTAL BALANCE: + I 0 are former soldiers or sailors who had to quit
ADVANTAGES: Empathy for one reason or another. The only advantage
of working in a prison is the absence of heavy
D1SADVANmGES: L.1.ck of Confidence
lifting. The guards are not overly keen about
SKIUS: Rille and Crossbow 12, Unarmed
Combat 12, Administration 15, First Aid 12, working up a sweat.
Riding 12 A handful of the guards have taken the job
because they want it. These arc generally bul-
lies or sadists who enjoy taking it Out on the
prisoners. There are one or two of these in
Wilson is a young social climber who sees each wing. The characteristics below apply to
Sandbufll as a stepping SlOne to higher achieve- all of the guards.
ments. He tries 1'0 carry out his work to the let-
ter in order to avoid any criticism. He is a quiet
AGL 12 EGO 10
mall, and reads a 1m. He is around 30 years old, 5TR 12 CHA 8
wil!l thick, reddish hair and green eyes. COl'! 11 PER 12
PHISONAUTY: Wilson has a high opinion of him- COil 9 EDU 3
self, and views S:mdbufll as a pit. When
Barkley pulls the prison close to Inferno, he NO. OF ACnONS: 2
completely loses his grip on realiry, and does MOVEMfNl': 6 m/combat round
anything he is told to do in hopes that the INIIlATM BONUS: - ,
nighrmare will end. DAMAGE BONUS: + I
confused. 4 scratches = I light wound
AGL 10 EGO 14 3 light wounds = I serious wound
5TR 12 CHA 9 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
CON 12 PER 10 SKIllS: Rifle 12, Impact Weapon 14, Unarmed
Combat 10, [nterrogation 12
COil 10 EDU 16
ATD.CK MODE: Truncheon (scr 1-8, Iw 9-14, sw
HBGHr.: 175 cm '15-18, fw 19+)
WBGHr. 80 kg EQUIPMENT: Truncheon, lantern
MOVEMENT: 5 m/combat round
"I'I1e PrisoII.ers NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
The prison contains everything, from small MOVEMENT: 6 m/combar round
time hOllsebreakers lO serial killers. The only IllITIATIVE BONUS: -
distinction made is between those condemned OAMAGI BONUS: + I
to death and those who are not. The prisoners OAMAGECAPACrrt.
awaiting execution have their own wing. 4 scratches = 1 light wound
Overcrowding means that there are up to ten 3 light wounds = I serious wound
convicts in cells built for four. 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
All prisoners wear striped, thin prison SKillS: Hand-gUll 10, Impact Weapon 10,
clothes. Most of them are barefoot. A few -con- Unarmed Combat 12, Sneak 12, Burglary 10
sidered really hard cases-are permanently mACK MODE: Iron bar (scr 1-8, lw 9-14, sw 1;-
chained to the wall, or manacled. Use the char- 18. fw 19+)
acteristics below for all the prisoners.

AGL 12 EGO 10
STR 12 CHA 8
COlI 11 PER 12
COi>i 9 EDU 3

2 •

t was still dark wbell sbe tooke lying in the top drawel;jllst as ilz (be

I up. A key raN/ed in fbe cell

"Break/ast in ten minules, time to gel
dream. Tbe smallest key fittbe door
across the room. Sbe care/ully opened tbe
door and looked inside. 71Je morning
up." The attendant continued on. to fbe lightfilteret/ in throngb a narrow barred
next cell. window The cards were scattered about
ShejulJ1jJed up tlnd straigblened her on a sturdy table in tbe middle oftbe
clothing. Tbe voice ill be,. dream bad told room. She went up to it and gatbered all
her to hUrlJ! Sbe opened flJe door a tbe cards togetbel: Tbey burned her
crack, and sneaked out into the corrid01: palms. When sbe laid tbelll out on the
The abandoned section ofthe hospital table they seemed to merge witb its sur·
was on Ibe alber side of fbe dining ball, ftlce.
beyond fhe kilclJen. Tbat was the djrt~c­ First sbe laid the cards witb tbe roses
lion/be dream bad callet/berfram. The in a ring, tben tbe other cards in a pat-
door bebilld fbe kitcben was open, but tern surroll1ltlil1g tbem. IV1Jen the last
not mucb. The dust lay thickly 011 the cartl was laid on the table ajigu1'e
floor as she searched th1'Ougb fbe coni- formed in front Of bel: 1/ was a creature
dol'S leading to fIJe narrow wooden door wrapped in gossamer veils. An angel. He
at the end 0/ a long staircase. She tested stretched out a hand anti /Julled her
the bandle. It was 1.1I1Ioc/...¥!tI. towards bilJ1..
Sbe stepped illto tbe old office alld
went to fbe desk. A bunch oj keys was

~ wenIY·si.x year old Mary L1ngsbury Barkley, meanwhile, has been punished
___ has bcen committcd 10 Ihe psychi- Ihrough what to !lim has seemed an eternity in
atric hospital of Sandburn in southern London. Interno, while a hundred years passed for Ihe
This hospiml is hOllsed in what W<lS originally a world wrapped in illusion. As :1 result, he has
prison compound. In a forgonen room in the been transformed into a ·black Hctor: But he is
deepest basement, the Goddess of the stiJ] bound to the cards and to $.1ndburn. He
Forgoucn h<ls been imprisoned for:l hundred controls the cards as long as the Goddess of the
rears. In another pan of the building, the cards Forgotten is imprisoned. When a hundred years
of the Tarotica are spread out on a table. TIley have passed, he is able 1O rClUrn.
remained thus when Anthony Barkley was The Goddess. who has the ability to see into
dragged down into Hell. the future, knows that B:lrkley may return from
TIle power of the lltrotica 11:Is insured that Inferno at ;10)' moment to resume his position
p<lrts of the old prison have been abandoned at Sandburn and take control of the cards. Time
and remained untouched through all these is running Olll, and she has been lying in a tor·
years. People do not really notice the forgotten por in her prison for much 100 long.
parts. They never go there, and never ask why Having decided to give lip her own power
they are empty. over the cards in order to stop B<lrkley, she
finally establishes a Link with the Tarolica. She

will create a new card that will put the deck During the night of Saturday. the 17th of
beyond hjs control. The new card cannot be December, 1994, all the pes have the same
created in the same fashion as the others, out of vivid dream. They dream of a young woman
her own pain. It must be created instead by a cowering in a corner in a dusty room lined by
ChiJd of Magic, a human being with a newborn bookshelves with a table in the middle. In front
soul. of her she lays out some cards in different pat-
The gaze of the Goddess falls on a patient at terns. She talks to the PCs, explaining that she
the hospital, Mary Langsbury. She is a dreamer is in grave danger. Her child is in danger. They
with an intuition for magic; perhaps she can must help her.
create the Child of Magic. Through her dreams "It's your faulL You must right all the wrongs
the Goddess contacts Mary and leads her to the now," she says over and over again.
forgotten room behind the old office where the They see that her white jacket is marked
cards still He. Mary lays out the cards in the pat- ~Sandburn Asylum". Then in the dream they
tern she remembers from her dreams, and sum- leave the room and find themselves in an old,
mons a prince of passion in the form of an dusty office and then reach a long stone slair-
angel. With his aid she becomes pregnant with case. They descend the stairs, pass through a
a Child of Magic, a child who can be bound to a doorway and an overgrown park to a high wall.
newborn soul. The gates in the wall open before them, and
A new soul does not create itself. The when they step through the gates, they wake
Goddess instructs Mary to get in touch with the up.
madmen who roam free outside the hospital, so When they go about their businesses in
that she may give the child a soul But Mary London, they are approached by beggars and
does not want to leave the hospital. Her disease homeless people, who tug at their arms. They
makes her believe that she cannot survive in mutter something about how they must' help
the world outside. She escapes and hides in the the poor little girl in the hospital, how they
oldest abandoned part of the building. must get there before it's too late. They must
In order to get help she contacts the only put it right. (This is a message from the
souls the cards can recognize in the vicinity: Goddess, who CUI communicate through the
those of the four prison guards who helped people of her own domain.)
imprison the Goddess a hundred years earlier. The folJowing night they experience the
They have returned. reborn into new bodies. same dream again, and in daytime the beggars
Soon after that, Anthony BarkJey leaves return. These happenings persist and become
Inferno to reclaim the cards. steadily worse until the PCs react. If they ignore
the calls for more than three days, they wiIJ
start to have visions even when awake, and will
have trouble sleeping. The dreams become
The PCs must start the adventure in London. more real, and tl~ey wake up with gashes and
Have them visit the city if they don't actually bruises where Mary has clutched at them.
live there. If possible, they should have their Sooner or later they will figure out that they
homes, with their friends and acquaintances, in need to go to Sandbufll.
London. The adventure works best if their
everyday lives are interrupted by the events of ~ft,:n.db........
the story. It is not impoflam that they know I-n ..
each other before the adventure begins. The Sandburn Asylum is hOllsed in the old prison,
fact that they all experience the same visions ,stiU surrounded by high walls. The walls are
and are summoned by an unknown woman, crowned with trip wires and the gates arc also
and urged to visit the mental hospital, should under electronic and direct surveilJance, and
be enough to get them together. are always closed. There is a guard house on
the inside, but during the day all visitors are
allowed in without Questions. At night the not allowed, that they must ha\'e permission
guards demand identificltion of all visitors, and from the inmate's closest relalh'cs, and that the
an explanation for the visit. names of inmates cannot be divulged.
The area inside the walls has been trans- Director lockie}' is a very busy man. U the
formed into a park, bm Ihe upkeep has been PCS are prominent people in society, he just
neglected. Now it looks more like a marshy fpr- may be able to see them, If they are foreigners,
est with gnarled trees and thorn bushes. private investigators. journalists, or other riff-
Only the hospital and the New Prison are raff, they arc referred to Mrs, Galloway, his sec-
used as a mental hospital. 111e Old Gaol, the old retary, who is completely unhelpful.
north wing, and the workshops are closed and AC'"J.oemics, psychologist'S, police officers,
forgotten. Mary is hiding in the office of the :lIld other distinguished persons will be allowed
Governor in the Old Gaol. 111e p:lrk surround- to meet the Director after a deilly of a few days,
ing the abandoned sections is almost a jungle. The PCs are led into his old-style office on the
The old Governor's house is now used by the firsl floor of the New Prison building. The
staff. The cemetery is overgrown and the Director is wearing a black suit. He is short,
chapel is in ruins. The centr:t1 guard house is with a p:lllllch, and thinning, gmy-black hair,
used as :I security center, The old e;:xercise yard He offers them cigars and listens politely
is stiLi used to give troublesome patients some when they explain their business. When he
fresh air. realizes that they W:lIlt 10 see Mary b.ngsbury
11l(~ patients are housed in the Old Hospital he becomes agitated. She di~lppeared a few
and in the ceLis of the ew prison. 111e cells da}'s ago from her ward and they have been
have not been modified much. The old doors looking aU over for her. But as she does not
have been replaced with steel doors equipped have any Living relatives, it has not worried him
with shutters, instC'J.d of the old barred doors, tOO much. The oddly-timed arrival of the Pes
and a few cells ha\-e been padded. irritates him.
The administration is housed on the first He informs them that, unfortunately, they
Ooor of the middle section of the New Prison, can't be allowed to see anyone unless they are
with a reception area on the grollnd Ooor, registered as relatives, and know the full name
Through the crumbling (a9Ide, the main of the patient. 111e only thing that can make
entr.l1lce leads directly 10 a shabb)' reception him change his mind is if the PCS are able to
room, where a guard and a receptionist are sta- pressure him by going over his head to a higher
tioned. authoriry, like the Criminal Investigation
Division or the Department of Juslice, He will
D-...rea-......era.cy then admit that the patient has just escaped,
The receptionist will ask the pes who they hut he expects thai she will turn up soon
arc and what they want. She says that visits are enough.
onl)' allowed on weekdll)'s between lOam and If the pes ask abolll the closed sections of
noon, and between 6 and 7 pm, The)' must the prison, the Director will try desperately to
st:lte whom they wish to visit, and aU visits change the subject. It will be quite obvious that
must be confined to the visitor's room. If they he does not want to [:Ilk about it.
are not related to the patiem. they must ha\"e Another way to find out what has happened
authorization from relati\-cs, whose names are is by bribing the receptionist or one of the
kept on file. if the PC's h3xe :rny objections, guards or attendants. For £50 (pounds) or so,
they must see the Director, Mr. Lockley... anyone in the hospital will tell-happily
Sandburn has been strongly influenced and enough-that Mary L:mgsbury has disappeared.
transformed by the cards. It is run by a bureau- :llld that the staff has been searching for her.
cracy that will C'".llIse the PCS real difficulties, TIley may also tell that she was pregnant when
They arc told thai they are not on the list of she disappeared. Under no conditions are the
approved visitors, that unannounced visit's are

• ..
pes able to make the hospital staff enter the disturbed the dust and left clear prints on the
abandoned sections in search of Mary. They stairs 10 the Governor's ofJ1ce.
MgUC that she can't be there, that they have Mary is sitting on the Ooor in the inner study
other things LO do, or that rhe pes are only and is constantly laying out the cards in new
there to cause trouble. They offer the most configuralions. She is pale and feverish from
absurd excuses in order to avoid entering the the cold nights and lack of food. When the PCs
abandoned sections. arrive, she brightens considerably.
"It said you would come. II knows you. Now
~nry"s I:I:idj.ur
it wants to stay with you," she says while she
I-ID-Ce gathers the cards and shoves them in the hands
The pes can easily find the old offices on the of one of the PCs.
first floor of the Old Gaol, and Mary's hiding "Can you help me get out of here? It's cold
place, by lollowing the route they remember and I haven't eaten for several days. If I go back
from the dream. The easiest time to explore is they'll lake my child away and kill it. Something
during the day, when they can cmef through terrible will happen then. They can't do that.
the gate without arousing any slispicions. TIle You won't let them do that, wiJI you?"
park is so overgrown that Ihey can reach the If they show a little patience, the pes will
gates of the Old Gaol without being detected- learn that she became pregnant after meeting
an angel, and that she summoned the angel
through the cards. She knows that the child is
important. The cards have IOld her so. She also
knows that the child has no soul.
"It is going to receive a new soul. Not any
old, used soul. That is why I summoned you, so
that you could help me. I can'l take C;lre of
myself out there. There are so many voices, I
can't keep track of Ihings," she says.
She explains that the voices have told her to
search for the wise men on the Isle of Dogs.
They know where souls come from.
"Bulltold it I can't find anything OUI there. It
just will not work. I think it became angry.
Then it told me to ask you to come. We must
leave before the devil arrives. He's on his way;'
she says.
She has no conception of the Goddess, and
does not realize thitt it is she who has been talk-
ing to her through the Tarotica. She believes
Ihat Ihe cards talk directly (0 her. She is desper-
there are also no modern alarms in this area. ;Hely trying to convince the PCs to take her out
The only thing thal holds the gates shut is Ihe of the hospital, where her child will not be
rusting remains of a 19th century lock; a well- harmed.
placed kick is enough 10 shatter it into a pile of
rust and open the gates.
Dust lies thick in the closed rooms. Nothing
has been tOllched for a hundred years, Much of The PCs can take their [jme looking around
lhe wood has rotted, and the doors hang drunk- inside the closed sections of the hospital. h
enly askew in the doorways. Mary's feet have looks largely as it did a hundred years ago, but
much deteriorated. They may find a few items

of interest in the Governor's oftlce. which has ness so dense that light can barely penetrate it.
Slayed much drier than the rest of the building. The Goddess is fettered in the middle of the
On the desk is a yellowed and water stained room.
photograph showing the entire prison staff of She accuses them of imprisoning her and
Sandburn in 1894. The picture is dated by hand says that they must help her to get free. Soon
in one corner. If the pes look closely they will Barkley will relLlrn, she explains. They cannol
find that some of the staff look strangely similar free her by physical means.
to themselves. They have a chilling feeling of "Sooner or later he will galher }'Oll to him.
deja-vu when they see Barkley and the others in They always seek Olll their old victims. Time is
the picture. short. I was asleep too long. Now something
In a desk dr:lwer. they find a bundle of leiters must be done,~ says the Goddess.
lied up with string. These arc [etters from She has decided to neulralize the cards in
Barkley's friend Rupert Faraday, a conjurer who order to free herself. She says that only a new-
followed the Governor's search for the cards born human soul, a Child of Magic, can create
from the sidelines, but baded Ollt when the the 78th card, the one Ihat symbolizes man.
search led to Inferno. In the Ieucrs. Faraday ~A Child of Magic can create the [asl card and

\varns that the Tarotica may w:lrp and corrupt gain control of tile deck. Then I will be free."
Barkley if he is torced 1O create a purgalOry She does not know how 10 creale the soul,
around himself in order lO summon it. but the wise ones among the madmen know
There is another picture on rhe desk. This the key to its creation. They can explain how to
one shows Barkley and Far:lda)' somewhere on do it. She has tried 10 convince Mary to seek
a moor in Scotland. Il is signed by both men. them out, but she refuses to leave the hospital
There is somelhing 1~llniliar about Faraday that alone. She knows that Ihey live on the Isle of
the PCs cannot qui Ie place. (He is a nosferatu Dogs. The cards have told her so.
and still lives in London. They have seen his "You have a debt to pay. Make sure that the
picture in rhe newspapers, looking no older child is born, and your debt shall be redeemed.
than he does al the end of the 191h century.) Your souls will then have no more ties to the

The Goddess will be even more anxious for

The Goddess of the Forgotten is still impris- them 10 do something, if the PCs seek her out
oned in the basement beneath the Old Gaol. No after Barkley's return. She explains that Barkley
one has entered her cell for a hundred years. If is trying to kill the child, or to comro[ i[ by cre-
the PCs follow tip the memories (or visions. as ating a soul for it in Inferno, or by some olher
they perceive them) from their earlier lives, means.
Ihey may seek her out. The Goddess can advise the PCs through the
The basement beneath the Gaol slill lies very whole adventure if they sllcceed in contacting
close to Inferno. It is colder here than in the her. Barkley keeps no guards in the lower part
rest of the building. TIle stone walls are held of the basement. He does not waJ1l to reveal to
lOgether by grotesquely shaped iron clamps. anyone that he is holding a prisoner there.
Water nms down the walls, and the last steps of If the PCs refuse to use Ihe '·memories" from
the stairway are icy. It is difficult to disperse the the Prologue, you may have the Goddess use
oppressive and almost tangible darkness. street beggars 10 [ell them to search in the base-
Before Barkley is freed (up (Q 24 hours after ment of the hospital.
the PCs' meeling with Mary) the door to the
cell remains locked. The key is in the desk T.b.e I&eUIr:n.
drawer in the old office. After Barkley's return, 01' D f t , r I d e y
he carries the key himself, Anthony Barkley returns to our reality rwen·
A successful attempt at Burglary wiJI gain ty-four hours after the pes' meeting with Mary
entry to the cell. They will encounter a dark- Langsbury where they receive the cards. He has

• ..

spent an cternity of suffering in Inferno. His Regardless of where Mary is, he will find her
punishment has seemed to last forever, but the after he has returned to Sandburn. If the PCs
time he has spent away from the world of man refused to take her Wilh them, she is still in the
hilS bcen limited 10 a hundred years. The time hospital, in which case Barkky finds her the
in Inferno has transformed him into a black lic- very same night.
tar, a kind of tormentor, but he still seeks the The only way he can miss her is if she is in a
power over the Tarotica and all the people it place with :l high magical aura that it pains him
to visit-for example a cathedral.
can bind.
Barkley enters our reality at the place where When Barkley has found Mary, he brutally
he disappeared, in the old parts of Sandburn. cuts the foelus from her womb and puts it in a
He enters his office, notices that the cards are fluid-filled jar. He leaves Mary 10 bleed 10 death
gone, and then proceeds ta search for the on the floor. She will die, regardless of what the
Goddess in the basement. Using his newfound PCs do. She cannot be saved; the PCs can only
knowledge of pain and terror, he will discover stave it off for a while. Barkley will take the foe-
everything he wants to know from her. He is tus to the realm of the dead and place it there
told that the PCs have the cards, that Mary is in safe and willing hands.
carrying the embryo of a Child of Magic,:l.Ild
that the Goddess plans to free herself by using
the Child of Magic to create the 78th card.
If the PCs are with Mary when Barkley seizes
Barkley realizes that he can usc the situation
the magical foetus, he will use the occasion to
to his own advaillage. At first he wishes to
take the cards from the pes :Il (he same time. If
destroy the child in order to remove the threat
Lhey are elsewhere, he will wait one more night
to (he Tarotica, but then he realizes that the
before he seeks them out. They may try 10
Child of Magic can make the cards even more
thwart him, but sooner or later he will get the
powerful. He who controls the child will con-
cards. If they have hidden them, he will
trol the cards, and will thereby control the
squeeze the information from them by force.
lllusion and humanity. Barkley decides to find
Barkley immediately recognizes his previous
Mary. subordinates when he sees the PCs. His first
First, he must seize control of Sandburn.
impulse is to kHi them and punish them for
When Director Lockley arrives at his office the
their betrayal, but he realizes that they will only
next morning, Barkley is waiting for him. He
be reborn again. They have served their time in
possesses the body of the Director and throws
Hell. He is satisfied to find out all they know
his soul down into Inferno. For another few
about the cards, tlle child and the Goddess.
days he will maintain Lockley's form, but it will
~You have done well. Maybe I will forgive
gradually twist and change and shape itself inra
you your earlier betr.lya1. But now I am in
Barkley's infernal visage. The staff will notice
charge. When the child is born there wiIJ be
that he is changing, but they will not react to it.
great changes. Maybe I will lei you have your
He orders the old Governor's quarters to be
old posts as guard captains back. But if so you
cleared out so thal he can move in. Slowly he
must learn to obey. Let me know if yOll hear
recreates the old Sandburn around himself.
anything I mjght find useful;' he says.
~:ry~s I»ea;f;h
Barkley at firsl plans to kiU the child that
Mary is carrying. He docs not want to risk let-
ling the Tarotica beyond his contra\. But afler Anthony Barkley has returned to take his
place at SandbufIl and to expand his power to
considering aLi the pOSSibilities, he realizes that
the limits of possibility. Whcn he realizes that
he wants control of Ihe child. He decides to
he can creatC a Child of Magic and bend it to
seize the foetus and create a Child of Magic in
his own purposes, he concocts a grand plan.

,_ _~ ~ _ _~_ _:U:-uI"t; I
He takes the child back to $andburn, but he there is one guard at the gate, and one in the
does not want to leave it there. He takes it guard center. They monitor the identification of
down to the realm of the dead, where no one anyone wishing to enter. If the PCs have no
can get at iI, but he cannot do it alone. Barkley identification. as is common in Great Bri{::tin,
is only able to carry souls down into hell, and they are not allowed in. It is possible LO use a
(he child does not yet have one, so he fOrCeS)1 driver's license. The guard will also inquire
young mental patient to carry the child. abollt the visitor's reasons for visiting Sandburn.
At first he tries lO implant it in the womb of a New, electronic alarms are installed in the
creature of Inferno, in order 10 give it birth in reopened sections a week after Barkley's
HeU, but the creature dies. Barkley does no( arriv,ll.
know that the only ones able to give birth to it Irthe PCs wail outside the gates they can talk
afC its parents, who were bound to it through to the employees when they come and go. The
the process of its conception. \Vhen he cannot atlend:ll1ts are confused and frightened. They
find an immediate solution, he leaves the foerus lire beginning to undersmnd that something has
floating in its glass jar. happened to Lockley, but they do not know
As soon as he has hidden away the homuncu- whal. They are worried about the archaic meth-
lus, he begins to investigate how a new, immor- ods which have been reintroduced, but few of
tal soul can be created and then perverted. The lhem dare LO protest openly. One attendant
first attempt to force the information from the who did, was found de:ld shortly afterward,
madmen of the Isle of Dogs fails to produce apparently of a heart attack. Everyone is fright-
anything but gibberish. Instead he decides to ened. A few have quit, but jobs are scarce, and
let Inferno slowly corrupt the imprisoned most of the staff are re!uctalll to leave.
homunculus, in the hopes that a dark SOlll will Reporting it to the authorities has produced no
emerge. one that he can control. results.
He also wants to find Otlt how the child can A young woman who works in the hospital
be born, and discovers that the father of the approaches the PCs, perh;lps if she spots them
chud also has Ihe potential to nurture the foe- while lhey wait outside the walls. She asks
ttls. He decides LO entice Chris Walden, the con- them if they knew Mary Langsbury.
jurer of passion who is its father, inlO his ser· "1 have a boy in ward seven, Timothy
vice, bringing him to Inferno in order lO Garland. He keeps asking about Mary's friends.
implant the chud within him. But Walden sus- He thinks that you'lI come and rescue him. He's
pects that he is in danger, and prudently stays so frightened lately. He told me to tell you that
hidden. the child is with the dead, whatever that
means. Are you relatives of his? H:lve you come
to visil him?"
She knows nothing else, and does not want
Barkley begins a reign of [error at Sandburn. to talk LOO long. If they w;lit outside the walls
He opens the abandoned sections and admits very long the guards will come out and chase
more patients. Hundred year old methods of them off.
treatment are mixed with modern electroshock
therapy and physical abuse. The staff is bound
to the Director, in the same way the guards
were bound lO him a cenLUf)' earlier. Barkley Timothy Garl:md is twelve years old. He was
improves his contacts with his superiors, and taken in si..x months ago after ;m apparent ner-
makes sure he is free to do what he wants. vous breakdown. In truth, he ran away from his
Barkley's ten new guards arrive two days abusive, alcoholic parents two years ago, and
after his rake-over. At night there are two the cumulative stress of Hving on the street
guards in the guard center, and two guards finally wore him down. He does not truly suffer
patrol the grounds outside. During the day from any psychological illness.


It was Timothy who brouglll the magic bloodied hands touched him and tore at his
homunculus to the re<llm of the d~ld. The boy clothes.
was sane enough to be reliable, and the Iictor At last they rt.-ached a crypt where mummi-
calculated that the visit to Hell would be fied centenarians dressed in r::lgs sat crouched
enough 10 break the boy's memal balance. He against the walls, Timothy thought ht:: recog-
was right: Timothy has not been able to talk nized one of these wretched people. It was his
coherently since his harrowing journey. grandfather. who had died a few months
Barkley described to Timothy in lurid detail before. Timoth}' tried to run up to him, blll
how he cut the foetus from Mary L"lngsbur(s Barkley stopped him. He lifted the lid of a sar-
body after she tried 10 escape. He warned the cophagus and told the boy to put the foetus
boy that 'something awful' would happen to inside. 111en he replaced the lid, and Barkley
him if he tried to run away. Since then, Timothy led the boy back through the darkness to his
has been both hoping and dreading that the office. Whcn thcy got back, Barkley once again
pes would show up to save him. looked Ukc Director Lockley, but Timothy's
He will sense when the PCS enter the hospi~ clothes were torn to shreds, his feet were frost-
tal, and will contact them. He whispers that he bitten, and his body was covered with bloody
knows things, but will onI}' tell them if they cuts and scmtches. Barkley gave him a box on
help him get out. the ear and told him to go and gel washed up.
~But then you must hide me, so he can't cut ~I think I know where il was, 11lOse dead
me up," he says. people. TIley looked like the ones who live
If the Pes decide not to investigate the hospi- under Waterloo Bridge. I think I saw my grand-
tal any further, Timothy will escape and find father. He died last year. He lived under the
them. bridge. I don't know why he died. 1 tried to talk
Timothy is deeply shocked and has a bad stut~ to him when we were in that place, but I
ter. He can only speak a few phrases at a time, couldn't reach him.~
and each sentence represents a major effort.
~He had it in a glass jar. 111e kind inventors
use. And it was alive. I had to hold it. At first it
was disgusting. But then, when we got to the If the PCS return openly to the hospital they
other side, it was good to have it with me. It are taken straight to the Director's office.
was worse returning alone." Barkley garbs himself in his true form, and
Gmdually they get Ihe full story of how warns them not to interfere with him again,
Barkley sent for the boy and gave him the jar ~I told you not to get in my way. Now you

holding the homunculus. The room dropped can choose between rwo things. Either you
like an elevator down into Hell. It became cold- come and serve me voluntarily, or I will have
er and colder until there was ice on Ihe walls you committed, making you my patienrs. You
around them. The walls turned to bars like a don'l want that 10 happcn, do you?~
cage and beyond them he saw people, tortured Even if Ihey do not visit the hospital openJy,
and dying, reaching for the bars. Barkley lost his but still snoop around so that word reaches
human shape. Barkley, he will give them this ultim:uum. If
When the e1cvalor stopped. il was dark and they refuse to work for him he will order [hem
bitler cold. 111e only thing Ihat was warm was committed three days later. The police will take
the foetus in its glass jar. Barkley put a chain the Pes to Sandburn to be confined for psychi·
around Tlffiothy's neck and dragged him along atric obsen'ation. They are judged to be danger-
for what seemed like an eternity, through snow QUs,
and mud, across boncs :md rotting flesh. If il gets to this point. you will have to play
Evcf}'Where he heard screams and pleadings, out their escape from the hospital. They can
accomplish this without unusual difficulties.
Because they have nOI freely given themselves

to Barkley, he cannot exert toml control over He becomes aware, quite by accident, that
them. They may of course try to kill him. Lf Barkley is back. From a friend in the Ministry of
they kill Lockley's body, Barkley will possess Justice he hears that some staff members at
another body within 24 hours. Barkley is never Sandburn Asylum have sent in strange, almost
without the Tarotica. They must kiU him in incomprehensible reports, accusing the
order to get it. If the PCs steal the cards, Director of mismanagement.
Barkley will lose control over Sandburn. He wiH So far he has refrained from any comment or
then drop everything else and concentrate on action. The Director says it is a public relations
getting the cards back. problem, or something the union will have to
Barkley's servants will be pursuing the PCs deal with.
throughout the "dventure. The hunt is intensi- Fanday visits Sandbufll for a chat with
fied after the PCs take possession of the Barkley. He meets with the man and is fright-
homunculus in chapter three. Barkley makes ened when he realizes that his friend has
use of the guards that he hired for SandbufIl, in become a creature of Inferno. He leaves with-
addition to numerous criminal types. Use out confronti.ng him.
Barkley's servants to remind the PCs constantly Instead he writes a long article for The
that they are in danger. Deeper into the plot, Times, seemingly about the bad conditions
the pressure will become even more intense, prevalent in mental institutions in general, but
until they seem to be under siege. most of it is a criticism of Sandburo. He finishes
the article by demanding a public investigation
'r.I1e o@ierv-...-t8 of conditions at the hospital.
0:1' "the God.dess Barkley is furious, calls Faraday and threatens
TIle Goddess of the Forgotten will keep in to kill him if he does not retract his statements.
touch with the PCs throughout the adventure Faraday replies that it would look very suspi-
through her servants: beggars, bag ladies and cious if he were to die right now. Barkley hangs
other outcasts. They approach the PCs, mum- up.
bling messages from the Goddess. She notices The PCs will notice the article in The Times.
that Barkley is gaining control of those parts of If they have searched Barkley's office and found
London which the cards have already affected. the letters from Faraday, they will probably be
You may use her servants to give information to even more interested. They can find Faraday's
the PCs if they get sidetracked. address by c;llling information or The Times
You can also put one or more of the PCs' (interestingly, he makes no attempt to hide his
friends or rel:llives among the madmen, beggars location). He lives in a fashionable house on
and drug users found in each chapter. This is an Mount Street in Mayfair. If they call or visit him
easy way to make the story a little more person- during the daytime, his butler will request that
al. they return around nine in the evening.
:n....:PCr"t They are shown into a drawing room fur-
nished with 19th century antiques. Faraday is a
Fnrada,y pale, muscular man who appears to be about
Five days after Barkley's return, when 3; years old. He is dressed as a fashionable
Sandburn is becoming warped and twisted and Victorian gentleman in a starched, high-eollared
again starts to slide close to Inferno, Barkley's white shirl, black trousers, smoking-jacket, silk
old associate Rupert Faraday reacts. He has tie and gloves. He still looks like his picture on
lived as a Nosferatu in London for the past cen- Barkley's desk. Faraday introduces himself and
rury. He is a member of the idle rich, and occa- shakes their hands. He looks worried and asks
sionally shows lip in gossip columns in the what they want, and what they know of
tabloids. He has developed into a powerful con- Barkley.
jurer of the Lore of Passion .

• b
When he finds out how deeply involved they ~I am no conjurer of Death, but there are
are, he tells them that he is an old friend of many roads which le:ld to the realm of the
Barkley. The}' were both members of the dead, I know Ihat much. Each place has ils own
Society of The Golden Dawn from its inception gates imo death. The boy went there. Ask him."
in 18n. That was where they first heard about Faraday promises to look into the e\'cms at
the Tarotica, an object which reflects the stmc· Sand burn, and will contact them if anything
tures of power. and possessed the power to develops.
comeol them. Faraday will be able to aid the Pes through
"We searched for it together at first, but his contacts among the ;Illthorities. He is in :I
Anthony discovered that he could only find it position to have the commitmem order from
by building a purg~ltory around himself. I with- Darkle}' arulUlled, 10 get the pes released from
drew from the SC;lrch at that point. I have since jail, and to obtain classified information. While
found my own il11l1lortality,~ Rupert says. he is willing 10 do aU of the above, these are
He is worried by the events taking shape at not things he will volul1Ieer, or even necessarily
S,mdburn. If the pes tell him about the Child of think of. If the pes consider that few have the
Magic and the 78th card he wiJI become very connections 10 publish an article in The Times
agitated. whenever they wish. they may realize that he is
"A newborn soul. No one has ever heard of in a position to help them. He is quite willing 10
such a thing. And I have been dabbling in the help if the Pes ask, bUI the GM should avoid let-
mysteries of creation for a long time. God ting Faraday lake over the ad\'enture.
knows what he will bc able to do with such a
creature under his cOntrol.
Faraday does not know how to create a Child
of Magic, only that it most likely must be per- ~ I.a:ng,.....nIrY
formed near the fOOl of creation-Achlys. This
Mary tangsbury has suffered from schjzo-
lies beyond both time and space.
phrenia since childhood. She was born of poor
"I do not know how to get there. The mad-
parents in Brixton, and was institutionalized
men you mentioned may know. They are fms-
when she was eight years old, first at a chil-
trating teachers, bllt thcy know much about
dren's home and lhen at S;mdburn, where she
that which lies beyond."
has lived for the pasl ten years. She hears voices
~Remember to paint a Ihird eye on your fore-
;md sees fragments of worlds beyond the
heads when you go 10 meet them. Then lhcy
Illusion. She has never been able ro relate
will accept YOll."
coherently to the world and cannot reconcile
When rhe soul has been created it must bc
herself to reality.
bound to (he child. Faraday says that he
Mary is fairl}' petitc. with short brown ha.ir
believes [he child must be present when the
and green eyes. She is very pale. and moves and
soul is created, as it is shaped from the child's
ralks like a child.
PlRSONAUTY: Mary has never had a firm grip on
"If it can be formed in Achlys, you must carry reality. She does nOI underSland how things
the child with you. Almosl certainJy it musl be connect with c"ch other, and she glides
given birth under special circumstances. I may between different worlds without under-
have some volumes which touch upon Ihe standing or the a.bility to control what is hap-
issue. Maybe I can find someone who knows pening. The cards have gi\'en her a hold on
more about this than I. Can you try to gel more reality at last, but at Ihe same time she fears
information from this Goddess of }'ours?~ this lucidity. She will gladly gh'e it up, but
If the}' tell him that Barkley has hidden the part of her wants 10 hang on to it.
child in Inferno, Faraday admits that he cannot GAMEMASTIRWG HMS: Talk and move like a
help them. child. Be uncertain. Slide off into the blue for
long periods. Talk incoherently from time (0
trench coat his body is covered with open
time. wounds from uncountable floggings, leaving a
constant trail of oily blood droplets.
AGL 10 EGO 14 After he has taken Director Lockley's place at
STR 7 CHA 10 Sandburn, he will closely resemble Lockley for
COr! 11 PER 6 the first week, when the PCs meet him for the
COal 12 EDU 0 first time. Gcoldually he resumes his normal
form as Lockley's body is twisted and pervert-
AGE: 26 ed.
HBGHr. 160 em PERSONAUTY: The cold and analytical streak has
WBGHf. 55 kg been muddied by sadism and a thirst for
SENSES: Sees through the Ulusions power acquired in Inferno. Barkley is unpre-
dictable, fickle and desperate. He has lost all
respect for the hierarchy he once belonged 10
MOVEMENT: 5 m/combat round as a lietor. Now he wants revenge. The whole
NTIMIVE BONHS: - world must suffer for what he suffered in
-4 scratches = I light wound scending tone of voice. You should never be
3 light wounds = I seriolls wound upset. Sit with your back straight, but still
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound relaxed.
ADVANTAGES: Magic Intuition CHA 10
STR 38
DISADVANTAGES: Schizophrenia PER 15
Cor! 36
SKIllS: None of any use. EDU 18
COill 3
HBGHT: 175 cm
(_ bI.a-ck Uc"tor)
WBGHr. 70 kg
Anthony Barkley has been transformed into :I
cross between a Hctor and a nepharite during
the thousands of years (Inferno time) of his
MOVEMENT: IS m/combat rOllnd
punishment. When the Tarotica has fallen out INmATIVE BONUS: +24
of memory and is brought back into the world, DAMAGE BONUS: +9
Barkley returns to the reality of man (0 seek it DAMAGE CAPACITY:
out. During his stay in Hell he has plotted how 9 scratches = I light wound
he will recover the cards and use them to put S light wounds = t serious wound
portions of humanity under his spell. When he 6 serious wounds = I fatal wound
returns to S:mdburn and discovers that the Takes two deadly wounds before he dies.
cards have begun to create a Child of Magic to Returns from Inferno after three days if he is
make the 7Sth card, he decides that he must killed.
seize control of the child. POWERS: Telepathy, Manipulate Time and
As a 'black lietor' Barkley looks very much Space as a human with a mental balance of
like his old self. He has the same tall and muscu- -300. Change lorm to a creature of up to
lar body, although his scalp is (Om away and he twiee or down to half his normal weight and
covers hjs bloodied skull with a hat. His face is size. Control everyone with a mental balance
scarred, and a large mustache partialJy conceals of between -50 and -100 (an Ego throw with
a higher effect than Barkley is needed to
that his lips have been cut away. His eyes have
avoid being controlled).
been punched OUl, and he covers the empty

sockets with dark glasses. Under his dark

• ~:rotie......----==========iiiiP
DISADVANTAGES: Delusions of Gr.mdeur, Egotist, MENIAl BALANCE: -20
Intolerance, Sadist. SKillS: Hand-gun IS, AulOmatic Weapons IS,
SKIlLS: Hand-gun IS, Sneak 25, Unarmed Sneak 12, Dodge 12, Un:umed Combat 12,
Combat 20, Dagger 25, Wltips and Chains 45, Search 12
Information Retrieval IS, Occultism 20, ATJ)lCK MODE: Glock 19 (scr 1-5, Iw 6-9, sw 10-
French IS, Latin 17, Classical Greek 16, 15, fw 16+)
Hebrew 12, German 10, Interrogation 12, Net EQUIPMENT:: Glock 19, cellular phone, dark sun-
of Contacts; public administmtion 12, Riding glasses
12, Humanistic Scholarship IS, Philosophy
12, Natuml Science 12, Torture 75 'I':iI:n.001Y GarIaII.d
ATTACK MODE: Colt Python (scr 1-5, Iw 6-9, sw Timothy has led a rough life. Both parents
10-14,fw 15+) were alcoholics who abused and beat him
EQUIPMENT: Colt Python in a shoulder holster, often; he never managed school well. The only
heavy whip center of stability in his life was his gr..lIldfatJler,
MAGIC: The Lore of Time and Space I5 (See one of the homeless who lived under Waterloo
Through Time and Space 12, Manipulate Bridge or at various shelters. When his grandfa-
Time and Space 12, Summon CreaHlre of ther died a year ago, Timothy suffered a break-
Time and Space 12, Bind Creature of Time down. He was sent to several juvenile homes
and Space 12), TIle Lore of Death SO (all until he fin:tlly ended up at Sandbunl.
spells to 40) Timothy is tall for his age, but extremely thin.
:n--rkIey"s G-...-rds His blond hair is closely cropped, and he has
The mental institution had no security guards brown eyes. As long as he stays at Sandburn he
on staff under Director Lockley; the guard cen- is dressed in the white garb of the hospital.
ter was manned by two umhreatening men PERSONAUTY: Timothy in fact possesses a very
hired from a private company, When Barkley strong personality, but the death of his grand-
father and the indifference of his parents, who
returns he immediately hires ten buUies lO keep
did not even attend the funeral, \Vas roo much
order at Sandburn. These are burly men who
for him. He ran away for the hundredth and
only follow Barkley's orders. Three or four of last time. After his descent into Inferno he is
these accompany Barkley whenever he travels frightened, but little more disturbed than
outside the hospital walls. before. If he is allowed :t little peace and quiet
PfRSONAUTY: Cold and dull. and a loving environment he will recover.
GAMEMASTBlING HINTS: Loom and keep your GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Stutter violently. Sound
mouth shut. as if there are a lot of things you must say. but
have no words for. Fiddle and squirm ner-
AGL 15 EGO 10 vously.
STR 16 CHA 8
COlT 11 PER 12 AGL 12 EGO 15
COlli 9 EDU 7 5TR 7 CRA. 12
COl'I 10 PER 12
HBGHT: 190 c III COlli 12 EDU 2
WBGHr. 95 kg
NO. OF ACnONS: 2 HBGHT: 160 cm
MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round WBGHT: 55 kg
OAMAGE BONUS: +3 MOVEMENt. 6 m/combat round
4 scratches = I light wound DAMAGE BONUS: -
3 light wounds = I serious wound DAMAGE CAPACITY:
3 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound 4 scratches = I light wound

~ii4r======-==========--===""'1; •
3 light wounds = I serious wound As a side encounter, one of the PCs might'
2 serious wounds = I fatal wound become enamored or seduced by Faraday, even
MBVTAL BAlANC~ - I 0 become a Nosfemtll ...
GAMEMASTBUNG HINTS: Be cool, but be spiritual
DARK SECRET: Victim of Crime
in a funny way. Keep total control of your
ADVANTAGES: Empathy body, and smile constantly in an amused fash-
DISADVANTAGES: Phobias (darkness, loneliness, . ion.
death), Depression
SKIU.S: Climb 12, Sneak 12, Dodge 12, Hide AGL 22 EGO 16
12, Search 12, Man of the World 8 5TR 32 eHA 12
U ....:per. Farad.a;y CON 24 PER 9
Rupert was born to weallhy parents in C01i 15 EDU 23
London in 1854. He studied at Oxford and
HUGHY: 180 cm
joined the same circle of people dabbling in the
WBGIIf. 80 kg
occuh as Anthony Barkley. They bOlh got on
the trail of the secrets of the Tarotica, but when
MOVEMENT: 11 m/combat round
Barkley took a position as governor of a prison
in order to create the hellish surroundings
needed to summon the artifact, Faraday puUed SENSES: Will sense living bodies at a dist:lIlce.
out. He lacked Barkley's brutality and overrid-
Detects heat mdiation. Can see in the dark.
Otherwise as a human.
ing ambition. His aim has mtller been to lead a
comfortable and influential existence. DAMAGE BONUS: +6
When Barkley wem to Sandburtl, Famday DAMAGE CAPACITY:
started to hang out with the Nosfcmtu of 7 scratches = 1 light wound
London. After a few years, he joined them. He 6 light wounds = I serious wound
has lived a quiet, retiring life for the past' centu- 4 serious wounds = I fatal wound
ry, preferring to mix only with young ladies and MENTAL BALANCf: -;0
gentleman of the upper classes. The PCs will PHYSICAL CHANGES: Fangs
later meet Vanessa Clarke in the guise of Waya, POWBIS: Commanding Voice, Eternal Youth,
who is an old friend of his. Invulnerable to Fire, Electricity and
During the last few ye:lrs he has associated Radioactivity, Invulnerable to Firearms, and to
secretly with Nosfemtu and conjurers from any dose combat weapons not made of
among West Indian immigmnts, :lcquiring some wood.
knowledge of the Lore of Passion. This is some- UMITATIONS: Blood-lhirst, Hunting Instincl,
thing he does not talk openly abollt, as it could Sensirive to Sunlight
damage his social standing. ADVANTAGES: Chivalry, Magic Int'uition
Far:\day is of medium height, muscular, with DISADVANTAGES: Egotist, InLOlerance
dark hair combed to the back. His skin is pale steIU.S: Rifle and Crossbow 15, Hand-guns 15,
and waxy. He always wears gloves. Sneak 22, Dodge 15, Dagger 15, Unarmed
PBlSONAUTY: Like all Nosfer:ltu, Far:lday has an Combat 20, Hide IS, Dancing 15, Information
inescapable fixation on blood and sex. He pos- Ret'riev,\! 18, Occultism 18, L'ltin 15, Classical
sesses a mtional, scientific mind, but as soon as Greek 12, German 12, French 14, Man oft'he
his v:l.mpiric instinclS are aroused, all logic van- World 15, Seduction 18, Net of Contacls: the
ishes. If there are any slender, beautiful and upper classes 16, Net of Contact's: Nosferatll 16
aloof young men or women among the PCs, MAGIC: The Lore of Passion 25 (all spells of
Faraday will show far more interest in them lore ratings below 25 LO 20)
than in Barkley's activities. His aristocratic HOME: tvlount Street, London
background makes him oblivious and conde-
scending to what women-or men of a Imver
social class-have to say about his advances.

I ~:rotie~---=======--~~~""J
"D 01101 step on the black
tiles, only tbe white!"
With tbe rigbl eye shut, the darkness
gave way to a washed-out, grayish light.
They came to the end ojlong carridO!:
Wllyet danced away
across tbe checkered floor. Along the walls Tbe walls ant/floor were of rough con-
ofthe hall a bundred eyes were riveted crete. Waya waited at {be foot of tbe stair-
on them. when tbey carefully followed her case.
on the wbite tiles to tbe stairs. When they "We can walk no Ji,tTther. This is where
had descended a Jew steps, the lights wen! the path ends. Go to the wall and wait
out, and (bey bad to feel their way for- until it talks. It provides memories."
ward. Voices whispered out of the dark· Before they could ask what sbe meant,
ness: sbe danced back ujJ the stairs and disap-
"Left band. Follow the wall with your peared. The corridor bent tbis way and
left band Left/oolfirst. You bave lost that, seveml times before it ended in an
your glasses and willneverJind them smoolb, grayish wall. No doors led any-
again. Look wltb your left ~J'e. Left eye." wbere. They sat down and waited.

,........... he PCs have lost both the cards and homeless have moved into this area. In an
___ the magical foetus. Mary L'lngsbury is empty machine shop near South Section Dock
probably dead. Barkley threatens to rum them the madmen and fools hold court.
into his servilOrs. They have two leads if they If the PCs arrive at the Docklands during the
want to know morc abollt what is happening: daytime, they will not notice anything unusual;
the Isle of Dogs and the homeless LInder the only people they see are office workers
Waterloo Bridge. Where they go first is of no employed by the few companies that have
importance. The text srarlS with the realm of moved here. There are no signs of the fools and
the tools on the Isle of Dogs in the Docklands. the homeless, other than a couple of trash col-
lectors and a few drunks.
At night, the misfits take over the area, but
without being obvious. The place is sl'iIl seem-
The Isle of Dogs is a pcninsula created by a ingly deserted. Furtive shadows steal along the
large bend in The Thames. Formerly it con- quays and are dimly seen behind dark glass win·
tained the London shipyards with their huge dows.
docks. In later years, the whole peninsula has
been known as the Docklands, a huge construc-
.......e G~,rdj_IIM
tion project of offices and retail stores. The -111e madmen closely guard their realm. Those
recession has made it difficult to lease thc who know what ro look for can spot the
officc space, leaving large parts of the new guardians crouching on the walls and in the
complex empty emryways to the deserted parts of the
The southern sections of the Docklands bor- DockJands. If the pes arrive at night they will
der on older developments of dilapidated row soon be ,Iware that someone is following them.
houses. There are numerous warehouses and When rhey get closer ro the machine hall
industrial buildings that have remained empty where the madmen are gathered, they are sur-
since they were built. The mcntaUy ilJ and rounded by shapes dressed in rags who mum-

ble incomprehensibly, pull at their clothes and people in the halls. In the daytime the area is
hinder them from proceeding further. U the empty.
Pes try to force their way forward, the madmen When the madmen rC<llize that the PCS are
will follow them. More and more will join until outsiders, the PCS find themseh'es surrounded
they are numerous enough to pick up the I~s by suspicious and curious madmen poking:1t
and fling them into the polluted w:lters of the them :md gibbering incohert:ntly. After a while
Thames. a small boy, covered with p:lrtially healed cuts
In order to gel past the guards, the PCs must and bruises and dressed in :I dirty coat,
either themselves behave like madmen, or con- approaches the PCs. He takes one of them by
vince them that they have important business. the hand and tells them to come. He persists
If they dress in rags and mumble incomprehen- until they follow him.
sibly they can possibly bluff their \Vay into the The bo)' leads them in :l complicated circle,
court of fools without interference. U they back and fOMh through the halls. Occasionally
paint an eye on their foreheads, as Faraday he touches a rotting skull, lights or douses a
advises them, they will also get past. candle and mumbles something unintelligible.
Convincing them that they have an important At last they stop in from of an emaciated, hol-
mission is more difficult. U they have the GirdS low-eyed man sitting on a pile of old newspa-
or are accompanied by Mary Langsbury(unIike· pers. He is naked and covered with tattoos and
Iy at this stage), the madmen will let them pass. festering sores. The nails on his hands and feet
They can see thaI there is something important have grown imo black claws. Stinking candles
in the omng. Timothy will also be able to take burn all around him. The boy leaves them and
the PCs past the guards. runs off. The PCs notice that the madmen l1:1ve
Otherwise they must explain that they wanl gathered in a ring around them a few meters
to know something about a ChiJd of Magic. If away.
they succeed in explaining this to the confused. The man on top of the pile of newspapers
suspicious guards, they are allowed to pass. looks up and screams straight at the Pes. The}'
see that his eyeballs are completely white. He is
Out of the circle of madmen, the boy in the
The fools hold court at night in an empty coat reappears. Someone shouts something at
machine shop built by Western Development him, and he crouches down worriedly on his
PIc., and never occupied. During the daytime haunches a few steps away from the PCs.
they move to the underground sections of the The emaciated man nllltters incomprehensi-
Docklands. At night they go our into the great bly, then the boy translates: "What do you
halls where brown tinted wi.ndows face the want? Do you wish to die and offer me your
waters of TIle South Se(.·tion. blood?-
TIle guards from the private security compa- If the PCS explaid that they need to learn
ny hired to police the empty machine shop how to create a new soul for a Child of Magic.
have grown tired of removing aU the boxes and They are gi,'en this answer:
blankets which fill the building. They leave the -Why should I tell you? You are the food of
madmen in peace as long as no tenant is about the gods."
to move in. The building consists of three I.u·ge 111ey must explain to the madmen about the
halls with concrete floors and rows of columns. Goddess of the Forgonen, :md that Barkley is a
The furnishings are a maze of boxes, blankets. threat to all the unbalanced and memally ill.
newspapers, bits of tin and plywood. '111e dark Otherwise the only answer they receive will be
inside is interrupted only by an occasional c;m- th~t their blood is going to feed the gods of Lile
die or oil lamp casting a weak light. Skulls with underworld. If they tell about the Goddess and
bit's of hair and rotting flesh are hung from the BarkJey, the man becomes thoughtful and falls
columns. At night there are up to five hundred

silent for half an hour. Gibbering madmen still is being performed in the DockJands, and that
surround them and the boy sits as if frozen to the madmen are trucked to a holding site in
che floor. At last the man answers through the Richmond.
00)': If they have no police contacts, they can
MWaya is the one who knows. Wara is not learn by just hanging around into the wee
here. Men in black c10lhes have taken Waya•. hours. Two police pickers appear and a half
and the blue circles have been disturbed. Bring dozen policemen stan to search the area for
me Way;l. Then she will lead YOLI. Now away. madmen. They dare not enter the court of fools
Or else die.~ for fear of being torn LO pieces. The police
The boy jumps to his feet and tugs at their authorities do not believe in the reports of hun-
dothes [Q puU them away from the man. The dreds of maniacs living in the DockJands; as a
circle of fools surrounding them dissolves. TIle result the SWAT team the local police requested
boy e.xplains that the police have taken people is not here. The PCS can follow the paddy wag-
away and driven off in their cars. ons to the school in Richmond, where prison-
~They ha\'c taken Waya, the onc who can talk ers are removed and confined. If the Pes are
to the gods. The prince is troubled. He doesn't unJud.1'. they may themselves be picked up by
know why Wara is gone. olhing can restrain the police and taken to Richmond.
Wara against her will. She can walk through The PCS can also pretend to be related to a
walls, through the air ro the moon. Strange. The lost mental patient, trying to find out through
prince is angry. He wams Waya ,lnd the others the police what has happened to their relative.
back. You take them back." Exercising skill in persuasion and a hundred
He explains that the PCs need lO wlk to Waya quid (£.) or SO for bribes, they may obtain the
if they wish to learn about magic sruff. He address in Richmond. Care should be taken, as
knows no more than this. many London policemen are actually honest
and not receptive to bribery attempts.
:Pr.iIn.ary School.
The police are irrilated by the congregation Eddings is a small primary school that was
of madmen and fools in the deserted buildings closed in the mid 1970s. Since then, it has been
on the Isle of Dogs. Now and then they con- used intermittently for a number of different
duct a sweep of the area 1.0 pick up some of the things. During the 1980s, it held illegal immi-
madmen. When Barkley declares that he has grants awaiting deportation. An alarm system
room for an additional hundred patients at was installed at that time, in conjunction with
Sandburn. this activity Ullensmes. During the window locks and other security improve-
week after his return the police round up a ments.
total of about forty misfits on and around the Over the past sLx months Eddings has been
Isle of Dogs. employed as a collection point when the local
An psychologicaJ evaluation must be per- jails are full. Drunks, the homeless and mental
formed before they can be committed to an cases are brought here. then transferred to
ulstitution, but there is not space enough in jail other ulstitulions or relC'.lSCd. Detentions some-
Instead those picked up are brought to an times drag out for several months. Currently
empty school in Richmond, which was previ- there are thirty mental cases and about ten
ously used to hold illegal immigrants awaiting homeless people held at the school; all are
deportation. locked lip on the upstairs level to make them
PCs with contacts within the police can easi- easier to control. Four guards maintain order,
ly discover what is happening; Faraday can also but security is not particularly heavy. Waya is
find out through his connections. AU the police held there and is considered one of the mental
departments in London know that a "clean-out
patients. A conjurer of madness from the cOlin

of fools in the Docklands, she is not quite clear The windows are locked, but can be broken
in her own mind why she aUowed herself be open lIsing a crowbar or similar implement.
taken by the police. Perhaps she is trying to get The doors can be opened by brute strength; the
inside Sandburn for some special purpose ... or needed effect is 10 or higher. The fire escapes
maybe there is anOlher reason for her being in aU lead to the first floor corridor. The doors
R.ichmond. She feels that she has followed the upstairs are locked, but have no alarms.
blue scent, and thaI led her here. Hallway: This is the old entrance. Orf it are
If the PCs' contacts with the police are good
enough, they may arrange to be let inside the
1 toiJets, a storeroom, and a staircase going
lip. The room is worn and water stained.
school to talk to the inmates. Lf they lack police Fluorescent lights on the ceiling flicker and
connections, they must sneak inside. This is not blink.
Class Rooms: An empty classroom.
difficult. The windows and the doors have
alarms, but a successful throw against 24 -
The desks and the blackboard are sti1l
Electronics or Burglary will disable them. False
alarms are common, so it will lake a while Dining Hall: The inmates and guards eat
before the guards investigate anything, even if
the alarm is sounded.
S here three times a day; food is brought in
already prepared. There arc tables and low

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Eddings Primary School

~6iiioii==============-"i:L(~1lI'" •
chairs from the time the building was used as a "You are the blue men. We have waited for
school. A counter faces the kitchen. The guards you. The wall does not answer. You are the blue
have had trouble recently in getting the inmates path,~ she says.

to the dining hall, so they have been serving The PCs are unable to get anything coherent
food in the classrooms. out of her. It seems that she left the fools and
Kitchen: An old kitchen that has not been followed the police in order to meet the PCs.
6 used since the 1970s. Some pOlS and pans
still remain.
Now she expects them to do something.
If they start to mlk about the Child of Magic
Upstairs Hallway: Bare and water-stained and creating a new soul, she becomes quiet and
7 like the one below.
Classroom: The desks have been removed
MAch.lys,~ she says at last.

8 and replaced by ten beds with plastic cov-

ers. The place reeks of urine, feces, and dCGly.
They will not get anything else from her as
long as they stay at Eddings.
There are signs drawn with crayons and in
blood on the walls. In one 1)lace, the linoleum
flooring has been ripped out. The floor is lit-
In order to get any of the madmen out of the
tered with remains of food and broken china.
school, they must havc Waya's cooperation. It is
There are eight mental patients here. A couple
impossible to get thirty violent, screaming or
walk worriedly back and forth. One is sobbing
catatonic people out of the house without any-
loudly, and several sit apathetically. A woman in
one noticing. If they explain that they are not
the corner stares with an insane gaze at the
willing to lake the madmen away from the
cracks in the wall. The woman is Waya.
school, she will silence them. She does not
Classrooms: Like room 8 (no
9-11 Waya, of course).
Teachers' Room/Guard Room: The
want to leave the rest behind. If the pes want
only her, she refuses to leave.
12 four guards sit in the room watching
television, reading or playing chess. Once every
If they disable Ihe alarm at one window, it is
possible to escort the inmates out and down
the fire escape, with the aid of Waya. They are
hour they make their rounds, checking to sec
near the l1umes, a fifteen minute walk from
that nothing has happened. l1ley have long
the Richmond underground station.
since stopped opening the doors to the class-
If the guards discover the escape attempl,
rooms, expecting things to be as usual.
they wiJI call the police, who will arrive in five
Offices: Dusty offices that
13 14 - have not been used since the
mid 19805. There are desks and filing cabinets
minutes. The guards wiII try to re,lson with the
madmen and the pes in order to delay them.
But when the madmen press forward and start
in here. All the files arc gone.
to surround them, lhe guards will Oee back to
","o,yo, the guard room and stay there.
Waya is a conjurer of madness. She has. They can get out of lhe buiJding even if the
walked the path of the fools in order to learn alarm is sounded, but with the police on lheir
how to shatter the Illusion. She followed the way, it wi.ll be difficult to get through all of
madmen who were taken by the police. with· London in company with a crowd of unruly
out knowing exactly why she did. Now she madmen. If the police appear, Waya wiJI tell
studies the CI'"Jcks in the paint on the wall for a them to disperse and seek the Isle of Dogs as
sign of what she should do. besl as they can. She will go with the PCs.
Some of the madmen at Eddings are lucid ","o,yo,"s Po,1:;h
enough to point out Waya to the PCs. When she
When they return to the Isle of Dogs, suspi-
first sees them she is frightened and suspiciOUS,
cion towards the PCs is much diminished. Waya
but then she brightens.
leads them along the same twisting path that

• ":Ift,rotie-.III1---------
the small boy did when taking them to the king TI,e PCS must keep their eyes on the blue
of the fools. When the)' get there she sits down line. otherwise the)' will lose both Waya and
on the floor and draws a line in they dust with each other. If they let go of the line for JUSl a
one of her fingers. TIle king stares straight moment, it will feel as if the whole world is
ahead, screaming occasionally. Now and then twisting around them, and Ihey spin in ever
Waya releases a pinch of powder over an oil larger circles and become dizzy from looking al
lamp. The air is filled with a sweet, heavy scent. the floor.
The Pes are becoming sleepy and have trouble Suddenly the blue line disappears. When the
concentrating. Pes look up they find themselves in a large hall
After a while the boy in the coat sneaks up. with a domed ceiJing. The floor is checkered
He sits behind them looking for <..-andy in their and the walls are covered with liVing eyes that
pockets while he whispers to them that Way'l stare straight at them.
and the king are talking about the pes. Maybe "Do not step on the black tiles, only the
they will teach them greal things, like how to white," Waya shollls, and dances off across the
m:lke time go backwards. checkered tloor lowards a stajrcase.
MWait, wait, show no impatience," he repeats TIley realize thal the black tiles are a bottom-
over and over. less abyss between while pillars. When they
They don't know if they have fallen asleep or reach the staircase, everything goes dark. TIley
been awake, but tWO hours later Waya returns hear voices whispering in the darkness:
to them. She makes a sign to the boy in the coat "teft hand. Follow the wall with your left
to come forward, and draws a sign on his naked hand. Left fOOl first. You have lost your glasses
chest. The boy runs up to the PCS. and will never find them. Look with your left
"You look for Achlys, where the path begins. eye. Left eye."
Wara does not know where it is. But she knows When they shut the right eye, the darkl1(.'"SS
one who does. He is the Forgotten Man and is gjves way and is replaced by a washed-out, gray-
very. very difficult to find. You must remember ish light. They reach the bottom of the staircase
him to find him. She can help you remember at the end of a long corridor. The walls and
him. Then you must follow the path. The path floor are of rough concrete. Waya is waiting for
of the fools," the boy says. them at the bouom of the stairs. When she
Waya tries to explain whal they must do. talks, she sounds fully comprehensible. not
~Achlys. TI,e path begins there. The child... groping and cryptic as before:
the flesh mUSl be where the path begins. It ..( can go no further. The path ends here.
receives life. Is born. Do you understand?" she Follow the corridor to the wall, and wait umil it
asks. speaks. Do nOl tire. Do not turn around. It will
She keeps on struggling until they under- speak and show !he way. I will wail on the
stand that they must bring the Child of Magic to other side. I will give YOll signs lO make you
Achlys, the beginning of the path. When they remember, engrave 'them in your bodies 50 that
have understood this, she nods in approval and you do not forget them.-
falls silent. Before they have a chance to ask her whal
"Follow me. I will show you how to remem- she is talking aboul, she runs back up the stairs.
ber,~ she says and indicates that they should get TIle corridor bends and flexes a couple of times
up. and then ends in a smooth, grayish wall. TIlere
She draws a blue crayon from her pocket and are no doors to be seen.
starts to walk backwards while drawing a line Their watches stopped at the point in time
on the floor. People move out of tbe way, and wncn Wara started to draw the blue line. The
she is moving surprisingly fast. air is rough and cold, and smells of ozone.
"Follow. Watch the line,- she says urgently. If they walk back through the corridor and
up the stajrs they emerge imo a room with a

1 - - - - - - - - - - - - -.."011:; •
checkered noar and walls with a dot pattern. water-colors, pencils, jars of dried paint, and
They are in an empty house in the Docklands. tubes of oil-paint. Now and then she soaks a rag
Their watches arc working again. They have in solvents from a plastic bottle, inhaling the
failed. If they really make an effort they will be fumes.
able to convince Waya to let them try again. "I will read your memories. Then you must
if they remain in from of the wall, nothing interpret them yourselves. The road to the one
wiU happen at first. A seeming eternity passes. forgotten by alii will dmw on your left hands,~
They become hungry and thirsty. The hunger she says and approaches them with her bottle
passes, leaving an aching emptiness. They barc- of solvem and the rag.
ly know if they are awake or asleep. It is cold, Their endurance is ;1( zero. They are fam-
and their feel are numb. The light irritatcs their ished, chilled and exhausted. When Waya
eyes. waves the solvent-soaked rag in front of them,
BUl gradually the world changes arOLlnd they lose consciousness. While they are uncon-
them. In the concrete in front of them, in the scious, \Vaya reads their memories and etches
floor and in the ceiling, they can begin to see them in their skin as scars and tattoos. They
frozen, half-human creatures, faces and mutilat- dream of their prior lives, all the way from the
ed limbs. Some are moving, others are still and Fall to their last reincarnation. But their minds
seem dead. A faint murmur as from a thousand cannot hold all the memories. They fade before
throats can be heard. Fingers and tongues arc the PCs wake lip, leaving onJy the tattooed
moving, as if trying to escape from the stone. signs on their skins, signs they can interpret to
The PCs are in a narrow walk chiseled from search for knowledge about the past.
between the petrified living and dead bodies.
Stone eyes arc looking at them, fingers are grop-
ing, and the PCs can feel their Own cold feet The PCs wake lip at dawn, with no clothes
sinking imo the stone and rooting there. except their coats or jackets. They're lying in a
Who are you? Why are you here? Are you doorway in the Docklands. There are no mad-
sraying? How far are you along the path? Whom men in sight-the court offools emptied at
do yOll follow? What are you seeking? Which dawn. The PCs ache all over, they are famished
path do you walk? and chilled to the bone, and they have lost a lot
The voices flood the PCs with questions. If of blood-as well as their wallets.
they try to answer, they will be answering ques- All of them have received 12 scratches of
tions forever. As long as they answer the ques- damage and have zero endurance remaining.
tions, they wilJ not be able to cominue. They Their mental balance has dropped by 10 if it
only feel their bodies sinking further and fur- was at zero or negative before, and raised by 10
ther down, seeming to merge with the petrified if it was pOSitive before.
creatures. AU over their bodies, from their heads to the
Nothing will happen until they ask the stone soles of their feet, they are covered with repre-
creatures about the way. The walls stiffen sentational patterns and grotesquely drawn fig-
around them and turn to concrete again. A door ures. Some are normal skin tattoos, others are
has opened in the wall ahead of them, and the scar taUoos going deep into the flesh and filled
corridor cominues on the other side. with soot that will not heal very prettily.
They descend a staircase and emerge into a One of them is holding a piece of paper. It is
small basement. A little light enters through a a rather messy map, drawn with blood on a
narrow window. A small fire is burning in the piece of yellow lined paper. There is a line
middle of the floor, fiJHng the room with which leads Ou( from a cross with ~Kennington
smoke. There is a smelJ of smoke and solvents. Station" written next to it. It is a map of the
Waya is sitting by the fire, heating hypodermic way to Achlys, drawn by Waya from the PCs
needles. Surrounding her is an assortment of memories.

They must go to a warm and protected place
before they arc able to do anything at all. When
they have reached a secure place, they can If Lhc PCs return to the court of fools any
begin to slLldy the symbols etched onto their night after these evenlS with Waya, they will
bodies. They aU have different signs, and only a find that much has changed. They know instinc-
few are even similar. When the PCs look closer, tively how to behave in order to lit in, They Gill
they see that the taUoos comist of numbers of move freely between different places through·
smaller tattoos, in tllrn consisting of even small- Ollt the halls by tollowing invisible, twisting
er tattoos. They seem to go on and on forever, paths, and by performing linle riruals in the
into ever smaller pictures and signs. right places. The information is automatic, as if
When they study a picture, it revives incom- they had always had it. Waya's speech is more
prehensible memories, and meaningless sounds intelligible when they try to talk to her, though
and words spring into their consciousness. not completely sane. When it is peaceful and
They see cities and people, they hear names quiet, she explains that a soul is born out of
and sense smells they have forgoHen. But they Achlys, the nothingness which existed even
cannot seem to draw anything coherent from it. before chaos and that they must bring the Child
\Vhen they stop concentrating, the memories of Magic there, to call up a soul from nothing-
fade away into forgetfulness. ness into existence.
Only one picture is represented on all of If they ask her about the child stolen by
them. It's a blue spiral that each has on the left Barkley, she informs them that she does not
hand. When they look at it. it seems LO be made know what he has done with it, but she guesses
up of many small signs from known and that he has taken it to Inferno, since he is a
unknown alphabets. If they try to study the spi-
black lietor.
ral they are overcome by a numbing agony, and ~He bclongs there. Creating souls out of
are forced to look away. They think they can
discern an irregular shape, and feel that they She can't tell them which route they need to
are being Slicked into the spiral, just before take to get 10 the re'llm of the dead to obtain
they look away, The deeper they look into the
the child.
pattern the more difficult it becomes. The "Many doors lead to many rooms, many more
memories do not come to the surface. than a single life can walk through.~
Only by concentrating on the tip of the spiral The road to Inferno that she knows best is
are they able to call lip any sort of memories. that of the outcasts and homeless.
They see a face, fading away so quickly they are ~Harrow knows. Under Waterloo Bridge:'
not truly :lble to catch sight of it. Then they see If they show her the map they have, she nods
what looks like part of London, houses they
and says:
recognize from Kennington. They know that "~I took your mCIl}ories and made a picture.
the houses have something to do with the face. You remember the Forgotten Man. He knows
The man of the fading face belongs there, but the source of the souls.~
Lhey cannot remember how. He is important, When they are able to move freely among the
they remembcr, bur not where, or how, or why. madmen, they realize that they are not so alien
The spiral records the first part of their crc- as they first thought. Most of the fools arc new
ation, from the inception of Achlys to the birth faces, but they will recognize a thv as old
of their souls. That is why it is so difficult (Q school friends, work mates or neighbors.
comprehend. The houses they remember when
they srudy the tip of the spiral is the route they 'T'J::u~ Fools
must take to get to Achlys. It is identical to the The madmen of London are not as far gone as
dashed line on the messy map they have. the memally ill of Frankfurt, for ('.xample, who
band together in clans completely outside soci- Adapt the weaponry, and use these chamcter-
ety. istics for all policemen the PCs run into in the
They wander in and Ollt of institutions, and adventure. The English police uniform is black.
live alternately in hospitals, their own apart- They wear ordinary peaked caps or the well-
ments or on the Slreet. The most deviant of the known helmet of the bobbies.
fools gather at the court of fools in rhe Use the characteristics for unarmed police-
Docklands, but even these are not a completely men when you describe the guards at Eddings
alien group. They dress in rags and look like Primary School.
ordinary homeless people. Some are only mildly
AGL 15 EGO 12
disturbed, while others live rOlaUy in their own
worlds. STR 15 CRA 10
All sorts can be found here, from older gen- COl! 15 PER 15
tlemen in the remains of tailor-made suits, to COlli. 10 EDU 12
young women in bathrobes and old women
HBGHt. 175 cm
dressed in rags.
WBGIIT. 80 kg
POISONAUTY: Varies a lot herween individuals.
They all are disturbed in the way they view NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
realiry. MOVfMENT: 8 m/combat round
GAMEMASTERING HI\ITS: Speak in disjointed phras- INITIATIVE BONUS: +3
es. Move stiffly and mechanically. Erupt sud- DAMAGf BONUS: +3
denly in incomprehensible gibberish. Act DAMAGE CAPACITY:
crazy. These are crazy people. 4 scratches = I light wound
AGL 10 EGO 10 3 light wounds = 1 serious wound
STR 10 CRA 5 3 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
SKILlS: Automatic Weapons 10, Rifle and
CON 10 PER 10
Crossbow 10, Hand-gun 12, Sneak 15, Impact
COM 7 EDU varies Weapons 15, Dodge 15, Unarmed Combat 10,
NO. OF ACTIONS: 2 Hide 10, Net of Contacts: the police 10,
Forensics 15, Driving 10, Shadow 15
MOVEMENr. 5 m/combat round
AnACK MODE: Truncheon (SCI' 1-10, lw 11-17,
MTIAIlVE BONUS: - sw 18-24, fw 25+), 9 mm automatic (SCI' 1-5,
DAMAGE BONUS: - Iw 6-9, sw 10-15, fw 16+)
DAMAGE CAPACITY: EQUlPMBVT: Pistol, truncheon, handcuffs, torch,
4 scratches = I light wound radio
3 light wounds = I serious wound NUMBER: Two in each patrol
2 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
MENTAL BALANCE: -50 and lower
Waya has walked a strange road. She was not
PHYSICAL CHANGES: Some exhibit minor physical
changes mentally ill at first, but sought out madmen in
order to learn magic. Her real name is Vanessa
SKnlS: Climb 10, Sneak 10, Dodge 10,
Unarmed Combat 10, Hide 15, Search IS, Clarke, and she was sane until age twenty. She
Survival 15 studied magic by herself during her teenage
years, and made contact with several known
'I'I::u" Pollce conjurers in London. She associated with
The English police are usually unarmed and Rupert Faraday-among others-for a while.
service-minded. The ordinary policeman on the In her twenties, she became involved with a
street, the "bobbies\ do not carry guns, but mentally disturbed conjurer of madness named
other police do. Max Prado. This was in the late 1970s, before
the fools had organized their own meeting

• ;rotie~--------~-4
place. She moved to his single-room flat in HBOO 160 cm
Bruton, and started to learn the Lore of WBGHr. 65 kg
Madness. She gradually lost her mind, and NO. OF ACTIONS: 3
when Pmdo killed himself in 1986, she lOok MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
part in founding the first colony of madmen in INmATlVf BONUS: +4
the empty machine shop in southern London. DAMAGE BONUS: +3
But she has not completely let go of her ties to DAMAGE CAPACfiV:
the past. She still visits her parents in Wembley 5 scratches = 1 light wound
occasionally, and at times her appearance is 4 light wounds = 1 serious wound
quite normal.
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
Waya is 36 years old, short and heavily built.
Her red-brown hair is tangled, and her only MENTAL BAlANC~ -75
remaining eye (the left) is gn:enish brown. Her ADVANTAGES: Magical Intuition
body is covered with microscopic tattoos. She DISADVANTAGES: Maimed, Schizophrcnia, Drug
is dressed in rags, and wears heavy pieces of Addict
jewelry made of clay, glass and pierced coins SKlLLS: Climb 15, Sneak 15, Dodge 15, Dagger
about her neck, wrists and ankles. 12, Unarmed Combat 10, Swimming 10, Hide
15, Search 10, Acrobatics 12, Dancing 15,
PERSONAUTY: Nobody reaBy knows how dis-
Tattooing 12, Play drums 10, Astrology 12,
turbed Waya is. To some degree she plays at
Poisons and Drugs 12, Hypnotism 15,
being crazy, and employs shamanistic tech-
Numerology 12, Occultism 18, Shamanistic
niques to let loose of her control of reality.
Techniques 18, Fortune Telling 12
But she is not totally sane. She has difficulty
communicating, and she sees through the MAGtc: Thc Lore of Madness 32 (Unshroud
Illusions without plan or discrimimnion. Illusion 22, Manipulate Senses 20, Summon
Creature of Madness 20, Bind Creature of
GAMfMASTIRING HINTS: Use a mix of abstract
Madness 16, Expel Creature of Madness 16,
concepts and obscure metaphors when yOll
Exorcise Creature of Madness 12, Madness
talk. Walk 18, Insane Killer 15, Alter Body 18)
AGL 16 EGO 18
STR 14 eHA 6
CON 18 PER 9
COlll 8 EDU 15

.... :': ':.:~ ..... ~. ," "-. ,

~e ~~"e:r~~~~.

"0 nly two quid. It's cheaper
than any wine shop. And
"You're bloody t'ying to poison mer
.Jeremy screamed when he felt the burn-
bettel;" said. the man in the ing surge in his bloodstream.
trenchcoat. Rick was too ftll' gone to tinswel: He
Richard studied tbe bottle suspiciously vomited blood and phlegm until it
before be counted out two jJounds in clogged his throat, cutling off the ail:
coin Tbe bootlegger looked well dressed, He /bought he was dead, when he
clean shaven and rather stiff Richard did opened bis eyes and saw a tbinjigure
not usually bu)' bomemade stuff, but the outlined against the ligbt. But deatb
thirst was burning in his throat and it coulel not be tbis bad. His body was sbak-
really was cheap_ ing, and befelt like be was cboking.
He hrought the bottle back to his box "Grandftltber?"
under the bridge, where Jeremy was wait- Jt was TimotbJ{ He tried to answel; but
ing. Tbey split it, and bad their usual couldn't get Clny ail: The boy sbook him
banter about {be last 1nouth/uls. It took a and babbled tbings he couldn't bem:
Jew minutes before they 11!alized any- Then he WClS torl1 away to tbe other side.
thing was wrong.

......~ T ith the aid of Timothy, Barkley entire city of newspapers and cardboard boxes
• • has brought the Child of Magic have risen under the bridge on its sourh side.
to the realm of the dead in order to bind it Here can be found everyone from seasoned
there and to create a soul out of the p;lin of tramps who have been around since the 1940s,
Inferno. He tried to have the child born of a ro homeless kids escaping unemployment or
creature of Inferno, btU th.1{ failed. Now he has abusive parents.
hidden the child in order to give it a soul of his In the past two months, the atmosphere has
choosing while he searches for Chris Walden, grown gloomier. Inexplicable deaths. poison-
whom he suspects will be able to give birth to ings and strange fevers have killed more of the
it. The PCs need the child in order ro create a homeless than ever before. Everyone fears that
new soul. They don't know any obvious roads the winter is gO~lg to be rough.
to the realm of the dead, bur Timothy, Waya Wild speculations abound. Everything from
and Rupert have intimated that the homeless the medical corporations to God himself are
under Waterloo Bridge may know a path to the accused of being the perpetrator. Mysterious
other side. men in dark coats are said to be sneaking
The PCs will soon notice that a wave of mys· around the hideouts of the homeless. TIley are
terious deaths is afflicting the homeless of pushing bad liquor and worse drugs.
London. In fact, the killings have been carried out as
part of a campaign against the homeless, a
","o;f;erl.oo -campaign whkh has derailed completely. A
D:r:idge few years ago, the Government organized a
Waterloo Bridge is a gathering place for study group-The Housing Project-to find
many of the homeless people of London. An solutions to the homeless situation. The pro-

jeer contracted with a private company- They see many people sick with fevers under
Lancer lI:d.-to get the homeless off the streets. layers of newspapers and blankets. The sick
ne company was paid for each homeless per- gaze with additional vehemence, as if they
son remO\'ed from the streets. think the Pes are in some way responsible for
Originally the compan}' worked in a responsi- what has happened. Timothy tells them that his
ble way. but it soon gOl out of hand. Employc;es grandfather died of poison.
started taking the homeless Ollt of London, pay- "Others seem to have died the 5;lnle way,~ he
ing them (0 stay away, then claiming the says. Aided by Timothy, or by another homeless
reward. When this no longer worked, they person they have patiently cultivated, they may
started poisoning them and spreading non-fatll! ask the people under the bridge the way to the
diseases. in order to get them hospitalized. This realm of the dead. At first, the people they ask
got them off the streets, and the company gOI will laugh at them or look scared, not under-
its checks. From this point il wasn't long before standing what they are asking about.
the emplorees started seUing poisoned liquor -ru find out soon enough. I'm going there," is
and giving away typhoid infested blankets. a common reply.
As the crisis in the construction industry has But if the)' keep digging, nmlOrs will spread
exacerbated the lack of housing, Government abom their errand, and eventually an emaciated
employees and the Housing Project board have and feverish man will appear. He looks like he
not really looked into the work of the company is about to die any second. A cig.lrette butt
for months. The money is still being paid out, hangs from the corner of his mouth, and he is
but now it is being paid for all the homeless wearing a dirty suit.
who disappear from the city rolls, many of "My name's Lesley. People say that you're
whom are being murdered. looking for the realm of the dead. I'm on my
Lancer ltd. has fallen under the influence of way there.~
the Tarotica. Il has been used by Gamichicoth, If they ask whal he means, he removes the
the False Rescuer. When Amhony Barkley butt from his mouth, and stares :It them for a
rerums to Sandbum he starts investigating ,....hat while. as if judging their reliability. He then
the cards have been doing (the bener to seize c.'Xplains that there is a place for people like
comrol himselO. He comacts the owner of him, Mpeoplc with nowhere to goM, where they
Lancer, Howard Carpenter, with an offer of go to die.
cooper:.uion. Soon Carpenter is under Barkley's ~You can come along. It's better than going

control. alone,~ he says. He coughs hollowly.

If the pes ask what he is dying from, he says
~rcl:1iIIg; :l:or thar he has some sort of bug.
"the~o:l: ~Same shit as everyone else. Something going
"theDend. around," he says and nods lOwards the sick peo-
When the PCS seek out the homeless, they ple lying ag.linst the concrete wall.
are met by a solid wall of suspicion. If they are 111er go up onto the bridge and take a bus
well dressed. nobody will talk to them. They south. Lesley tells them the place is some dis-
whisper behind their backs. and pull away tance away. During lhe trip he tells them about
when the Pes get near them. his life as a coal miner. sailor, construction
If they have tattOOS from the court of fools, worker and longshoreman. Now and then he is
the homeless will be even more suspicious. 111e overcome by violent attacks of coughing, often
fools are treated with fear and hatred by most spitting bloody phlegm. He knew Timothy's
of the homeless. If they are accompanied by grandfather. and says that he died of bad liquor.
Timothy it will be easier to develop contacts. "Poison. There are bastards running around
Many will recognjze him as Richard Cardigan's selling poison. It's not just home-brew. This is
grandson. pure poison. You die in a couple of hours.~

• 69
They switch buses twice and wind their way Myou have not come here to die. I must ask
through the southern suburbs of London, until you to leave at once. This is a place of sorrow.
they finally get off on a road which runs There is nothing here for the living,~ he says to
between a narrow canal and a strelCh of gray the PCs when they reach him.
rowhouses. A small, half-ruined wooden toot'· When they refuse to leave, he explains that
bridge crosses the canal, and a few blocks he is Father l'larrow, and that he attends the
beyond (an agonizing walk for Lesley), they can dying and the dead ott the cemetery. They must
see a derelict cemetery. They are somewhere explain carefully why they are visiting the
south of Battersea. cemetery if he is to comprehend them. He does
'This is it,~ Lesley says, leaning against the not know what a Child of l\lagic is, but he
bridge railing while he catches his breath. knows the paths between our reality and the
realm of the dead.
"I"I:1e UeII1e"t:ery "I am tr.lpped in the shadows wit'h the
0:1" "t;he ~ . - dying,~ he says.
They h:lVt: arrived at the cemetery of the He explains that he does not have the power
tr.unps and the homeless. Il is an old burial site to bring anyone to the realm of the dead. He
where the downtrodden have gone to die for can neither return to the world of the living or
the past hundred years. The cemetery is spread go to meet the dead.
out on a common where construction h:1S ~If you want to reach the other side, )'OU
petered out. The ruins of an 18th centuq' must foJlow someone who is going there, You
church swnd in the middle of the overgrown camc here with a dying man, did you not? Let
burial site. us go and talk to him.~
Proud Dritish memorials with marble angels Father Harrow ascertains that Lesley is
and spires like cake decorations are crumbling indeed dying, and leads him to a bench where
and covered by brush. A rusty iron fence sur- he can lic down. He explains that a dying man
rounds the cemetery, which is sepamted from can lead the living lO the other side, but that it
the city on tWO sides by the canal. is a dangerolls undertaking. There is a risk that
But the PCs will not observe much of the all of them will be trapped in the borderland
original appearance of the cemetery. When bctween the dead and the living, where the
they cross the canal they are met by :1 terrible undead dwell.
stench. TIle dead and dying :lre littered through "Vall mUSt del:ide if it is worth the risk,~ he
the area. The ground is covered with bones, says to Lesley.
everything from graying old knucklebones to Lesley thinks about it, and says that he is will-
recent ones with flesh stiU attached. The graves ing to do it if the pes promise to catch the peo-
are decorated with skulls. ple responsible for his death.
When they cnter through the gatc, Lesley MThese are the same bastards who killed
gently lays himself down on a flat stOne. He Richard Cardigan, a'nd all the others. There is
nods towards the church ruins. someone going around killing people. Promise
"I've never been here before, but people say to find them and 1 will do this,n he says.
there's some sort of priest in there. Talk 10 ~f the PCs promise to find the killers, Father
him.~ Harrow wiJI explain to them what to do the
When they get closer 10 the church, they see moment Lesley dies. For a moment he wiJI
a man in a black priest's robe, He is reading a linger on the borderland between life and
prayer over a recently dead man. His hair is thin de:lth, while Father Harrow leads them into it.
and black, his eyes black and piercing. When Once inside, they can follow Lesley across the
they get closer, they see that his skin is wrin- bo'rder into death. Harrow can't give any guar-
kled and leathery. He looks almost embalmed. antees about the way back. He has never been
His nails and teeth are a greenish black. to the other side.

~And oncc you're thcre, you must know which make a criss-cross pattern in his skin. He
where you are going." walks up to them and hands a candle to Lesley,
Timothy is able to guide them if he is with who rises and accepts it. The PCs nOlice that
the PCs at this time. Otherwise he must first Lesley has changed. He looks more tired, slow-
have described thc road 10 them. er and more quiet than in life.

Ix"-':o :Dea;th
They watch at Leslcy's side for many hours
until he finally dies. Fathcr Harrow closes the
dead man's eyes, then rakes the PCs by the
hand, one after another, leading them along the
broken, paved w:II"-\Vay. There is a sensation as
if passing through a membrane, or the surface
of a pool of water. On the other side the world
is grayer, almost colorless, a.,d colder. If they
turn around they see Lesley's b9dy on the
ground. They, since they are still alivc, are
joined with their bodies and bring them to
Lesley waits impatiently for them. He looks
fuzzy, as if he is halfway to being transformed
intO something else. When he sees that they are
following, he slips through yet another thin
membrane and disappears. Whcn they follow
him, they are enveloped by darkness and they
feel a terrible force which grabs them, throwing
them tOwards a black dot in the distance. When "You do not belong here;' Richard Cardigan
they approach it, they see that it is an opening says in a hoarse voice.
through which they are ejected into an icy He does not alter his features as they explain
gloom. their business, he just nods and appears not to
They fall onto a cold floor. It is dark. Out of care about it anymore.
the darkness they hear muttering voices that If they :lsk him about where the child is, he
are getting closer. When their eyes have grown nods towards a doorwllY, and says that there are
accustOmed to the gloom, they can sec Lesley crypts further down.
sitting on the floor beside them. He is still "The demon pul the child into a sarcophagus
coughing blood, looking as wretched as in life. in [here. AI first he tried to implant the child in
They are sitting on the floor of a room \vith a creature of Inferno, bm the creature died.
bare walls and many doorways. Moaning voices Now he is punishing the dead so that he can
can be heard from all sides, and they can faintly create a soul out of their pain. It will be born to
see nude bodies chained to the walls. Maimed become a mighty servant to him. But you wiJl
people dressed in r::lgS gather around them. never get at it. He has set guards around it. And
Some carry candles in their hands, but they do if it disappears, he will punish all of us who are
not iUuminate anything. trapped here,n he says.
One of the ragged men is Richard Cardigan. If The PCs can ask him as much as they like,
Timothy is with them, he will recognize his but Richard has decided that the child is swy-
grandfather, and run up to him. Lesley will also ing. If he shows them the crypt where Barkley
recognize him. Richard is a large heavy man, hid the child, they will see that lhe guardians
with a beard and bushy eyebrows. His face is are far beyond their ability to handle.
lined and a trifle swollen, disfigured by lashes

~[fthey kill you, you'll be stuck here with us;' Aided by the dead, they are able to chase the
Richard says with a crooked smile. proto-razides away. 111ere are dead in uncount-
He can lead them through the halls where able numbers, and they can tease the ra7Jdes
the dead are being tortured by tormentors in intO attacking. The)' charge deep into the mass
their cells, down winding stairs to the crypts of the milling dead before they are torn apan. if
where Barkley has hidden the child. Timothy is you have PCS who want to fight, you may let
also able to show them the way. them try to kiU the proto-razides themselves.
Down in the crypts, the dead are smaller, The sarcophagus where B.·ukley has hidden
more twisted and maimed. Razides and tormen- the child stands in the middle of the floor inside
tors can be seen as shadows in the corridors. the crypt. It is covered by ;arcane pictures the
Hands stretch Ou( through the bars to tear at PCS may recognize from the C'.lrdS. TIle (en
the pes. Screams of llgony can be heard every- Death Angels are pictured with Astaroth ill the
where. The crypts are a labyrinth of stairs, ic.:c- middle. The entire sarcophagus is covered with
covered ramps, and ladders. Everything is cov- congealed blood. They must all help to raise the
ered with frozen blood, and the place is icy lid.
cold. Inside the sarcophagus is dense, icy darkness,
The crypt with the child is far down. In the nOl unlike the darkness which surrounds the
last stretch they must climb down a narrow lad- Goddess of the Forgotten in her prison. if they
der, which rattles and creaks in a disturbing plunge their hands into the darkness, they can
way. They reach a narrow, high<eilinged pas- feel something \V::lrm. It is the blood--eovered
sage with alcO\-es for the dead along its walls. glass container where Barkley put the foetus.
The living dead twist and turn in the alcoves When they pick it up they can see that the
from their pain. At the end of the passage is the child is still alive. TIle umbilical cord has been
entrance to the crypt. h is guarded by four scyered, and the homunculus looks worried. It
proto-razides, stunted creatures who walk on has a black spot on its forehead. and its barely
all fours. The PCS realize, when they see them. developed hands are tightly clenched.
that they can easily rip the PO to shreds. If
they get too close rhe proto-razides will attack
them. "the I.lgb"t
The pes can enJist the aid of Richard and the There is no obvious way back to the world of
other dead to chase them of1', and then snatch the living. 111erc is no exit for the dead, but
the child, but they must first convince (he dead there are two possible ways out for the pes.
that Barkley's punishment is worth it. One leads back 10 the cemetery of the tramps,
They have a major advantage if they are and the other leads to S:mdbufll, the way
accompanied by Timothy. It is much easier for Timothy came the first time. Both places border
him to convince his grandfather to help free the on Inferno.
child. by saying that the PCS have promised to Timothy can lead' the way back to SandbufIl
stop those responsible for the deaths of the along the route he took with Barkley. It passes
homeless. through a doof\va)' and crosses a deserted, icy
If Timothy is not with them, the PCS must plain, where razides and nepharites hunt. As
simply try harder. They must make the dead long as TIOlOthy and the Pes do not attempt to
understand that Barkley can be stopped by the interact with them, these creatures cannot
child, and that he is a monumental threat both touch them, who do not belong among the
to themselves and to the living. AJong with the dead.
promise to Stop the people who are murdering They can get to the place where Timothy and
the homeless, this will make the dead willing to Bafkley entered Inferno. A narrow stone stair-
help them reach the child. case spirals up through the mountain, and
opens into the old chapel outside Sandburn.

If they ask Richard Cardigan or any of the asking for names and looking for papers, about
other of the dead, Lhey will guide them back to once a month.
the cemetery of the tramps. That road Icads The men started coming here almost a year
through the bare, gray rooms to :l doorway ago. They asked him who he was, and how
blocked by rusty iron bars. The cemetery is on long he had tended the cemetery, and if:l lot of
the other side. It is possible to press through, an people knew about it or visited it.
opening in the bars. When they emerge they "~I told them how it is, that none of the living

are still on the borderland between life and ever come this way."
death, but Father Harrow can lead them back to The men drove off in a black car. About a
the world of the living. month later they came back, looking for identi-
fic:uion papers, asking Harrow about the names
of those they could not identify. This has con-
tinued ever since.
Sometime during the advemure the pes must 111e two men work for L1ncer Ltd. and they
fulfill their promise to Lesler and the dead, by need the names of dead people to report to the
finding Ollt who is behind the murders of the authorities that they have moved out of London
homeless. They do not have to do it immediate- or gotten a place (Q st:lY. In this way they are
ly after they emerge from the realm of the dead. able to collect money from the Housing
I! is likely that they will see the creation of the Project.
child's soul and SlOpping Barkley as much more Father Harrow does not know the names of
urgent. In that case just skip the remainder of Ihe men or where they come from, but he says
this chapter until the rest of the adventure is Ihat he will ask the next time they show up.
over, or they can investigate the deaths while "That should be here in three or four days.
continuing on the main trail. They come about once a month:'
If they abandon Iheir promise completely, The PCs can wail, and talk to the men when
they will be haunted. First by the homeless and they arrive at the cemetery three days later, in
drunks approaching them, asking why they the late afternoon. They can also ask Father
backed out on their promise. L1ter they will be Harrow to gel their names. He will !:Iter apolo-
haunted by specters from the realm of the gize for not being able to do so or to find our
dead, unlil they fulfill their promise. what company they work for, since they refuse
to tell him.
"I told them they were not welcome any
111e first place to start investigating the longer, and kicked them out. Bur I got their
deaths is at the cemetery of the tramps. Many license number, H345 AXr
of the sufferers going there lalk to Father Through the vehicle registry, they find that
Harrow. He has no real idea of what goes on the car belongs to Lancer Ltd.
oUlside the cemetery, bur he has noticed that U' the PCs wail at the cemetery, they will see
many more have come to die in Ihe past few twO men in gray trench coats park a black
months. Morris by the wayside, and then walk across
~Many poisonings. It could be bad Iiquor.~
the bridge. They start to look for the recently
A lot of people ;Ire also dying from diseases dead, and ask Father Harrow about the names
that Harrow has not seen for many years, Like of those who died during {he previous 11101llh.
typhoid and tuberculosis. It is difficult for him They note all the names in a small black book
to think of a reason. He also knows that lll;lny U the PCs appear and ask questions, the men
people show up at the cemetery who never become nervouS. At first they say that the
would have before. cemetery is private property, and that the PCs
"There were never any people from the have no right to be there. They say that they
authorities before, but now men come here, come from the "allthorities~ in order to Mcheck

certain things." U the PCs are toO persistem, "It Slarted with poisonings, then these
they will retreat to their car and leave. strange infections. They run their course with
Father Harrow can also teU the PCs that a lightning speed.n

doctor has been around to check on the dying He has performed autopsies on several of the
and dead. He works in the field for an organjza- homeless, and has found duet: cases of poison-
tion against homelessness, and has become ing, caused by overdoses of proladine, an
concerned about the increased number of unusual medication that cannot be used as a
deaths recently. recreational drug.
~He gave me his card. Wait, I have it here." "There is no explanation as to why they
He picks out a wrinkled and dirty card. should have gotten it, and then taken it in this
He has seen two cases of death caused by an
infection that he has not been able to diagnose.
He has sent samples to a laboratory for analysis,
but has not received the test results yet.
Waugh has heard rumors about poisoned
Ernest Waugh liquor, but he doesn't understand why anyone
DocrOR 01' MEDICINE would poison people with proladine. He can
give the name of a known bootlegger, Will
38 Shelton Street Tomkins, who hangs out in a basement near
London SW 1 Waterloo Station.
Phone: (071) 678 4532

The PCs can also talk to the homeless about

~"t:o:r ","a;ugh what is happening. When they make it known
Shelton Street is one of many small streets that they were friends of Lesley Farmer, it is
east of Charing Cross in central London. Dr. much easier to approach the people under the
Waugh'S consu1t;nion room is on the first floor bridge. They say that the infections began
at number 38. Under his name is a handwritten when the weather turned colder. People got
sign saying: "Society for the Coordination of fevers, and then they died. Some of those who
Medical Treatment of the Homeless~. were mken to hospitals made it, others didn't.
When they call, a short, rather plump man And the infections cOlllinue to kill people every
wearing glasses and with dark brown hair week.
opens the door. He is wearing a black dressing If the PCs talk to a number of the sick, they
gown, and introduces himself as Doctor Waugh. may notice that xII of them are wrapped in the
He invites the PCs to step through his wait- same type of gray-green blanket. These are old
ing room and i.n[Q his private apartment. The military issue. U they ask where they come
furniture is mainly dark wood and there are from, they will be told that the Salvation Army
heavy curtains on the windows. They are seat· starred to give them out when Ihe cold weather
ed on a worn couch and offered some lea and started. The volunteers giving out the blankets
biscuits while the Doctor asks about their usually hang out outside Somerset House on
errand. the other side of the bridge.
He can tell them that he has been tending the If the PCs bring one of the blankets to DOC[Qr
homeless for seveml years. His wages are paid Waugh for an analysis, he will report two days
by a charitable foundation, and he works with later that the blankets are infected. Someone
many different charities. A 101 of people are seems [Q have drenched them with a solution
concerned about the rising number of deaths containing bacteria. Combined with the general
among rhe homeless during the past months.

low resistance of the homeless, this could be them. If the PCs say that they want to buy or
the cause of the fevers. sell something, they will have to deal with
The Salvation Army soldiers on the mher side Conrad, Tomkins' brother-in-law. Only if they
of the bridge are terrified when the PCs say that want to buy something expensive, Ijke military
rhe blankets may be been infected. The soldiers hardware or drugs, will they meet Tomkins.
explain that the blankets come from a military When they have convinced Conrad that they
supply source. They were delivered by a com- should be allowed to meet the boss, they are
pany named Lancer Ltd. laId to sit down and wait.
The people under the bridge will also talk "He'll be here soon," Conrad says.
about the bootlegger at Waterloo Station, Witi After a little more than an hour Tomkins
Tomkins. He is a large scale dealer selling labo- shows up. The pes must convince him that
ratory spirits and homemade stuff. they really have something of interest if they
want him to Listen. He tells them to follow him
TI:a.e Doot;Ieg-g-er into the inner room.
Will Tomkins is selling liquor, weapons and At first he is annoyed at the accusation of seil-
stolen goods from the basement under a park- ing bad liquor. He says that he doesn't deal in
ing garage next to Waterloo Station. A flea mar- Uquor at all, nor does he do anything iJlegal. If
ket is the front for his real business. A handwrit- the PCs persist and seem to be worth dealing
ten sign points the way La the flea market, with, they will be told that he has bought a
where Tomkins' bored-looking sister is selling large shipment of laboratory spirits cheaply
some secondhand clothing and stolen car stere- through some men he knows who are working
os at a couple of rickety tables. with the homeless.
A door behind the flea market leads into a ~They work for a bloke named Carpenter. 1
small room with anmher rickety table and a recognize them, as they've been doing some
large number of boxes and crates. A few of sort of census of the homeless for the govern-
Tomkins' men usually sit here. Behind this ment. A lot of people were upset about them
room is a storage space, mostly filled with junk. gelling into those files," he says.
Some stolen goods and some liquor can be He knows thai Carpenter owns a company
found on the premises, but most of the valuable called Lancer, and that he does some illegal
and more illegal items are elsewhere. jobs, but mostly works for the civiJ authorities.
Tomkins hi.mself looks after the business a
few times every day. He lives south of London
and has :l few other businesses to attend to, a When Howard Carpenter. the manager of
couple of restaurants and a gambling hall. L'lI1cer Ltd., realizes that someone is investigat-
The PCs' behavior when they arrive at the ing the company, he is worried. He knows that
flea market will determine how they are treat- the cemetery of the homeless can be a source
ed. Tomkins' sister will try to sell them some of incriminating evidence if somebody starts to
cheap shoes, and then try make them leave if dig into his doings.
Illey look like confused tourists or undercover In order to keep a step ahead, he reports the
cops. If they become troublesome or threaten- cemetery to the civil authorities, claiming it is a
ing, two of Tomkins' men will come out from "stain on London and a great sanitary danger".
the inner room. They will ask the PCs to leave. During the next few days the cemetery is all
~We were just closing," they say and try to over the news, and everyone keeps asking how
shoo them off. a thing like this could have continued without
The PCs can attract their interest by referring intervention.
to Lesley Farmer or Doctor Waugh. They can Within a week the authorities have sent
also explain that they have heard of poisoned workers to clean lip the cemetery and restore it
liquor being sold. Al first the men won't admit 10 its original condition. Father Harrow stays
to anything, but say that Tomkins should see away. All the corpses and old bones are collect-

ed and put into a mass grave at the north end of They may notice that the men who visited
the cemetery. After the workers have left, the cemetery and <..lid business with Tomkins
everything rerurns lO normal. The dying keep and the Salvation Army show up at L1ncer once
coming to Ihe cemetery, and Father Harrow a day to talk 10 Carpenter. It is possible 10 find
reappears. out something about the company if the PCs
If Carpenter realizes that the PCs' aim is to corner any of the employees. If they realize thai
expose him, he will send his men after them lO they may be caught by the police and end up in
intimidate or IdU them. jail, the employees will start to talk. They admit
If he becomes really worried, he will clear that they have distributed blankets, coumed
out any incriminating files from his office at bodies and sold liquor, but maintain that they
Cannon Street and move them elsewhere. were not knowingly doing anything illegal.
I_,II.cer"s O:l:fi.ce
The PCs have several leads poinling to The only way to uncover any substantial evi-
Howard Carpenter's company. II is impossible dence against the company is by breaking into
to get any information aboul the nature of its offices. They can find lists of the dead made
L:.lI1cer·s work from official channels, All such al the cemetery, a large supply of proladine
documents are confidential. used lO poison the liquor, and bottles of bacteri-
Through Rupert Farmlay or SOmeone else al cultures, a biological weapon purchased by
with contacts in the city bureaucracy, they will Carpenter from an army colonel.
learn that the Housing Project has given money The office is on the second floor of a six
to Lancer bd. The last meeting of the founda- story building, The front door is locked and
tion's board was more than a year ago. The equipped with an alarm. There is a phone at
chairman is one Kevin O'Connor, the door to call any of the offices and apart-
The PCs can also locate Lancer's main office ments in the building. The top floor is occupied
in a fashionable house on Cannon Street in Ihe by a middle-aged couple and an older lady, Mrs.
financial district. The office is on the second Portland. She will open the door for anyone
floor, and consists of six rooms along a corridor who has forgotten the code and is on his way
and a common room at the end. Carpenter, his to the office. There is always someone at work
assistant Me Maddock, two secretaries, and a at the computer company on the first floor,
receptionist work here. who also may be willing to open the door.
If Carpenter has noticed that the PCs are The second floor is taken up by two offices:
after him he will 'not be in' when they call. The L1ncer Ltd., and Darmont Investments, The
receptionist tells them that Mr. Carpenter is out other company recently flied for bankruptcy,
at the moment. and no, she does not know and their offices are currently empty.
\vhen he is expected to return. The door 10 L:\llcer Ltd. is equipped with an
If Carpenter has no reason to be suspicious alarm. A successful ,throw against Burglary,
towards the PCs, it will be possible 10 arrange a Security Systems or Electronics is required to
meeting under some false pretense. He wiU neutralize it. The door is locked bUI can be
receive the PCs in his office fronting Cannon opened using a crowbar and a successful throw
Street. against Strength with a + I0 effect, or picked, if
As soon as the PCs touch on anything dealing you have the right equipment. If the pes lack
with L1ncer's project for the homeless, he any experience as burglars, they may employ
becomes nervous and changes the subject. He the services of Will Tomkins for a price. There
says that he can't talk about it for reasons of are also thieves among the homeless able to
security, or that it is a project which is about to help them.
be terminated. He is not going to talk about it.

~po:l' RECEPTIONIST: The door is open. Mrs.
IAt-:n.cer L-uL. 3 Parker runs the switchboard and performs
some routine jobs tor the company. She doesn't
1 counter :lI1d a glass window separates the
receptionist from the reception area itself.
know anything about Carpelller's doings, and
out of principle, does not stick her nose into
other people's business. There is a switchboard
There are a few coat hangers here and some'
here, a computer and some lists in binders.
empty boxes. The walls are adorned with a few
MADDOCKS OFFICE: The door is open.
impersonal prints.
4 Bertram Maddock has taken over much of

2 locked, bUl can be opened by a lock pick

with a successful throw against Burglary. The
Carpenter's work with other companies during
the past momhs. In his ofl1ce can be found con-
tmcts and documents dealing with such diverse
room has light colored walls and is furnished
subjects :IS a labor exchange for hospital work-
with light, wooden furniture. A large poned
ers, pest control, and printing jobs for public
plam st;mds in a corner. Th~re is an PC 486
administration documents. There is nothing ille-
computer on the desk. Along ~he waUs are
gal to be found in this room. Maddock knows
bookshelves filled with binders and books
what Carpenter is doing, but keeps it at a dis-
about economics and administration. In one
tance to keep from getting involved.
binder marked "Contracts" can be found
INNING'S OFFICE: The door is locked.
L'lllcer's contract with the Housing Project. The
contract states that Lancer will receive £30,000 5 Jennifer Innings handles the books at
Lancer. She knows what Carpenter is doing, but
a year and £1 000 for each homeless person
(ries to stay oul of it, the same as Maddock, to
removed permanently from the streets. The
avoid getting in trouble if anything should hap-
contract is signed by Carpenter and O'Connor
pen. Someone with good knowledge of book-
and dated 13 April, 1993. In three binders
keeping can find information about money
marked ~Personal files~ are computer lists of
received from the Housing Project, and about
names and dates. These are the people the questionable tr.lIlsactions involving Carpenter's
company knows have died, but were never
private accounts.
reponed as dead. In Carpenter's computer can
be found letters to and from a cerrain colonel
Ender, apparently dealing with the sale of illegal
6 LOCKEY'S OFFICE: The door is open.
Marianne Lockey is responsible for various

materials. In August of 1994

Carpemer received 800
~capsules.'· What sort of cap-
sules is not revealed (these
are the bacterial cultures
the company used to infect 1 5
the blankets and clothes). In
the fax madline next to the
computer is a letter from )
Anthony Barkley, where he B
offers (Q invest in the <:om- ,
p:llly, because of its prior
experience with social wel- " ,
fare issues. The letter is for-
"., I

mulated in a way that will

not incriminate Barkley if
the dealings of Lancer
should be exposed. Lancer Ltd. Office

I ~:rotie'-IIII:~~-~-----

secretarial tasks. She types Ieners and does PBlSONAlflY: Lesley lost his confidence when
some rourine financial transactions. She works his body started to give out on him, and he
part time and does not know what is happen- couldn't work any longer. He started to drink,
ing at the company. and hasn't been able to stop.
EMPTY OFFICE: The door is locked. There GAMEMASTERJNG HINTS: Move in a spastic way, as
7 are crates inside containing the bacterial
cultures Carpenter bought from colonel Ender,
if you're in pain, and talk a lot to hide your
and large quantities of expired jars of proladine. AGL 8 EGO 14
Carpenter bought the lot cheap with the OHA 12
STR 12
excuse that it was [Q be sold abroad.
CON 3 PER 10
COFFEE ROOM: A coffee mach.inc, a
8 refrigerator and two (abies. COai 10 EDU 6

HBGIIt. 170 em
Supponcd by the evidence found at Lancer's WBGIIt. 55 kg
offices, the pes can contact the police, or talk NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
to Kevin O'Connor, the chairman of the MOVENlNt. 4 m/combat round
Housing Project. It is up to the GM how quickly I\IIIIATIVEBONUS:-
she wants to wrap this up. The police mayor DAMAGE BONUS: -
may not prove to be cooperative or even intcr- DAMAGE CAPACITY:
ested (they might be laking bribes to help keep 3 scratches = I Light wound
the whole thing quiet). 2 light wounds = 1 serious wound
If the GM takes the easy route, Carpenter is 2 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
brought to justice, the whole matter is hushed MENTAL BAlANCE: -10
up, and the Housing Project is abandoned. ADVANTAGES: Empathic
However, this could extend into an opportunity
D1SADVANTAGfS: Alcoholic
for more encounters with similar organizations
and a whole new plot line.
sms: A jack-of-all-trades who knows a little
of everything, although nothing of it is of
interest in this adventure.
HOME: Waterloo Bridge
Fft,-t;her II[ft,rrO~

I..esIey Fft,rIIIer Father Marcus Harrow was born in 1902 in

Lesley is an unemployed laborer who became London, and became a clergyman 25 years later
an alcoholic. He suffers from lumbago and in the Church of ,England. He worked with
arthritis, and kills the pain with booze. He was charities and helpe~ the poor. He first came in
thrown out of his apartment a couple of years touch with the cemetery of the homeless in the
ago, and has been living on the streets ever 1930s. He began visiting in order to talk to the
since. He knows almost all the homeless in dying and to sit with them. When it came time
Centml London, and is angry and frightened for him to die at age fifty, he never passed over
over all the unexplained deaths. When he got to the other side. The closeness between the
sick, he tried to find the one responsible, but worlds of the living and the dead at the ceme-
soon realized he was dying. tery had left him trapped in the borderland. He
Lesley is short and emaciated, with ragged, is one of the living dead who can't leave the
grayish black hair and brown eyes. He is cemetery, but neither can he die. He helps the
dressed in a dirty, old tweed jacket over a dying and buries as many as he can, but more
pullover and trousers. often he lets the birds and rats finish off the

Cll!i'7iil!!iiiii=============...... •
Harrow is dressed in an old fashioned robe. To further this end, Barkley is gradually trans-
He is thjn, with black hair and greenish-black forming the gray, desolate halls of the realm of
nails and teeth. His skin is wrinkled and looks the outcasts into a nightmare.
embalmed. PBlSONAUTY: Filled with pain and fear
PDISONAUTY: Harrow exists only for hjs wards GAMEMASTERING HIIITS: Moan desperately. Tear at
at tJle cemetery. He has forgotten much about the clothes of the players.
life outside and does not care about anything
in the world of the living. Nothing can upset AGL 12 EGO 10
him or even touch him. STR 14 CHA 10
GAMEMASTHlING HINTS: Talk calmly and imper- CONspec. PER 10
sonally. Look deep into the eyes of the one COw. 5 EDU 5
you are talking too. Put your hand on his
shoulder. NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
MOVEMENT: 6 m/combat round
AGL 12 EGO 15
STR 20 CRA 12
COr!spec. PER 10 DAMAGE CAPACITY: Like living dead.
0011 6 EDU 17 MENTAL BALANCE: -50
HBGHT: 180 cm MODE OF mACK: Hands (scr 1-10, lw 11-20, sw
21-24, fw 25+)
WBGIIT. 60 kg
MOIJHVIENr. 6 m/combat round NUMBER: Uncountable
DAMAGE BONUS: +3 The four guardians keep everyone away from
DAMAGE CAPACITY: Same as a living dead. Is the crypt where the child is kept. TIley are
destroyed if burned to ashes. swnted, twisted crosses between humans aod
ENDURANCf: Unlimited razides. They move on all fours and are more
MENTAL BALANCE: +75 organic than mechanical, mainly flesh but with
ADVANlllGES: Empathic, Altruism plastic tubes and metal parts added (0 their
SKIll: Theology 15, Psychology 15 bodies. Behind their bloodshot eyes can be
MAGIC: Lore of Death 15 (See through Death seen [he panid.] fragmenls of human souls.
15, Manipulate Death to, Summon Crealllre PERSONAUTY: Filled with hunger and fear.
of Death 10, Bind Creature of Death 12, Expel GAMEMASTBUNG HINTS: Bite, rip and drool.
Creature of Death 14, Exorcise Creature of
Death 10) AGL 16 EGO 3
HOMf: The cemetery of the homeless. 5TR 20 CRA 1
CON 16 PER 12
TJ1eDead EDU
0011 1
The tortured homeless of Inferno look as
they did in life, but even more ragged, half lING1H: 200 CM
naked and tortured. Many are maimed and are HBGHT: 120 eM
missing limbs, eyes or ears. Their skin is cov- SENSES: Can see beyond the normal spectrum
ered by festering, open sores. They wail con- io(O infrared and ultraviolet.
stantly because of the pain. Since Barkley came NO. Of ACTIONS: 3
to Inferno with the Child of Magic, conditions MOVEMENr. 8 m/combllt round
have become even worse. The new soul is INITIATIVE BONUS: +4
going to be created from of the pain of those
bound to the cards.
DAMAGE CAPACITY: pes out, or keep quiet if they confront him
with something he doesn't want to admit.
5 scratches = I light wound
4 light wounds = 1 serious wound 12 EGO 15
3 serious wounds = 1 falal wOllnd STR 13 CHA 10
COMMUNICmON: Single words, understands corr 11 PER 10
speech. EDU 16
COil} 14
MODE OF ATTACK: Bite (ser 1-7, lw 8-14, ~iW 15-18, HBGHT: 180 cm
fw 19+), Claws (ser 1-9, Iw 10-16, sw 18-10, WBGHr. 80 kg
fw21+) NO. OF ACnONS: 2
SRlllS: Dodge 16 MOVEMENT: 6 m/comb:n round
C~Ia."""r 4 scratches = I light wound
The manager of Lancer Ltd. is a slick busi- 3 light wounds = 1 seriolls wound
nessman in charge of sever.tl interlocking com- 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
panies and contracts. L1t1Cer represents only a MENTAL BALANCE: -30
small part ofllis business dealings, and the only DARK SECRETS: Guilty of Crime
one which is purely illegal. He had no intention ADVANTAGES: Inlluential Friends (within the
in the beginning of doing something as risky as public administration)
killing the homeless. He just gradually slipped mSADVANTAGES: Fanaticism (cleaning up the
into it. streets of London), Egotist
In order to assuage his conscience, he starred SKIllS: Administration 15, Economics 15, Law
to justify his actions by claiming in his mind 15, Information Retrieval 15, German 12,
that the homeless would die soon anyway, and French 10, Man of the World 12, Diplomacy
would probably suffer more. During the past 12, Net of Contacts: civil servants 10,
few months it has become a fixation that he Rhetoric 12, Drive 12
will clean up the streets of London. He takes a HOME: London
perverse pleasure in reading the reports of peo-
ple taken off the lists of the homeless. It does
scare him a little, but he can't shake off the
Carpenter has made sure that he has a hold
thriIJ .
on each of his e~nployees at Lancer. He wiJl go
If he is confronted with his actions he will
to <lny lengths to avoid leaks about the activities
blame anyone but himself as long as possible.
of his company. niere are ten people working
He won't accept responsibility for the deaths.
on the HOllsing Project, as it is called at Lancer.
Carpenter is of medium height, clean shaven
The employees are quiet, reliable men in their
and well groomed. His hair is dark and cut
thirties and forties, who will be the firSI to suf-
short, his eyes are blue. He wears conservative
fer the consequences if they start to talk about
suits and tries to keep a low profile.
it. They have laken care of the business since
PffiSONAUfY: Carpenter lives in constant tear of
being exposed and forced to take responsibHf- its start, more than :l year ago, and have
ty for his actions. He keeps everything at become morc and more effective.
arm's length with an ironic, impersonal atti- .The employees keep a low profile. They wear
tude. nondescript suits and gray or beige coats. Their
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Smile and joke continual- hair is cut short and they are clean-shaven.
ly and nervously. Change the subject if things
get roo uncomfortable and then throw the

_____________.-..-01-., •
PBlSONAUTY: Effective, unemotional people, Waugh is short and slightly chubby. He wears
doing their jobs, and not thinking too much worn but elegant suits and large coats.
about iL PBlSQNAUTY: Waugh is a professional who lives
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Play them as bored pro· for his work. He is disillusioned (Q the point
fessionals. Avoid expansive gestures, and use of cynicism, and has a streak of morbid
curt expressions. humor.
GAMEMASTERWG HINTS: Talk in an ambiguous
AGL 13 EGO 12 way, adding dry bits of humor. Become really
STR 13 CRA 8 engaged as soon as the subject turns to medi-
COIl 11 PER 14 cine.
C01i 10 EDU 10
AGL 12 EGO 15
1mGHT: 180 em STR 13 CRA 12
WllGHT: 80 kg COl! 11 PER 15
NO. OF ACnoNS: 2 C01i 10 EDU 17
MOVfMENT: 7 Ill/combat round
HBGHT: 170 em
WBoo. 7; kg
MOVEMENT: 6 O1/combat round
4 scratches = I light wound
3 light wounds = 1 serious wound
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
4 scratches = I light wound
DARK SECRETS: Guilty of Crime
3 light wounds = I serious wound
DlSADVANTAGfS: Egotist, Greed
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
SKI.lS: Hand-gun 12, Sneak 15, Dodge 12,
Unarmed Combat 12, Hide 12, Search 12, MIMJIL BALANC~ + 10
Poisons and Drugs 10, Man of the World 10, ADVANTAGES: Empathic
Disguise 8, Drive 12 DISADVANTAGES: Rationalist
MODE OF ArrACK: Browning hI' (scr 1-5, lw SKILLS: First Aid 15, Poisons and Drugs 15,
6-9, sw 10-15, fw 16+) Information Retrieval 15, Cooking 12,
EQUIPMENT: Browning, lOrch, cellular phone Occultism 15, German IS, Latin 12, Etiquette
HOME: London 15, Net of Contacts: doctors 15, Net of
Conracts: the homeless 10, Medicine 18,
NUMBER: Two at a lime, usually.
Anatomy IS, Physiology 10
E:rn..esto ~ft;"gh EQUlPMENT: Doctor's bag
Waugh has worked as :l doctor among the HOME: London
homeless for almost (Wenty ye,lrs. He knows
many of the outcasts, and at the same time he
has numerous contacts in the upper str<Ua of
Will Tomkins is a large, mild alcoholic with a
society. He is a distant acquaintance of Rupert
red face and short, dark hair. He dresses rather
Faraday. They belong to the same Masonic
well in a dark suit and coat. Tomkins has spent
His family consists of a sister who lives in his whole life as a fence and selling booze. He
has been in and out of prison, but has never
Croydon and a couple of aunts in Manchester.
He moves about in the underworld of London spenr any long stretches of time behind bars.
L.uely he has made large sums of money selling
and can help the pes if they need it. He knows
where the Court of Fools is. guns and an increasing volume of stolen goods.

• ~:rotie-.III1-----------i~.--
His sister, brother-in-law, and uncle are also MOIJEIVINr. 5 mlcombat round
involved in his activities. IIIT1ATIVEBOMlS:-
Tomkins is always surrounded by four men DAMAGE ROMIS: + 2
when he goes around [Own. You can give them DAMAGE CAPACITY:
the same values and chamcteristics as Tomkins. =
4 scr:.ltches 1 light wOllnd
He drives a black Mercedes. 3 light wounds = I serious wound
PERSONALffY: Tomkins is brusque. but also 3 seriolls wounds = 1 fatal wound
quite easy to persuade. He is irritated by com-
petition from all the ~foreigners", and has a
r:.Hher limited view on most subjects. ADVANTAGES: Intuition
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Talk in a loud voice. DISADVANTAGES: Greed, InlOlemnce, Drug
Make a lot of gestures. Get upset if anyone Addict, Egotist
opposes you or accuses you of anything, SKR.lS: Automatic Weapons 10, Hand-gun 14,
regardless of how truthful it may be. Dagger 14, Unarmed Combat 12, Estimate
Value 16, Man of the World 15, Net of
AGL 10 EGO 12 Contacts: criminals 18, Burglary 12, Drive 12
STR 16 OHA 10 ATTACK MODE: Browning hp (scr 1-5, lw 6-9, sw
0011 12 PER 15 IOI5.fw 16+)
ooru 9 EDU 7 EQUIPMBIIT: Browning hi'power in a shoulder
holster, cellular phone.
HBGHT: 180 em HOMe Waterloo Station Gamge, London.
WBGIff. 90 kg

• ~:rotie-.III:I.. ~~~------
"T here is 110 one who can
create a soul. Tbere never
etched into tbe side of tbe bill, a white sPi-
ral created by the limestone where tbe
has been. Each soul mllst beatber bad been removed.
create itse1J:' said the guardian. "Here is the gate. Let the child catch its
He raised tbejar with the foetus and soul and then retU1"rz. Maybe the memo-
laid bis ear to the glass. The child took no ries will belp you return. Otberwise yOll
notice. Within the I1Ul1"ky flUid the tiny are lost," he said.
hands moved ca1'eJu{lJ~ as if testing tbeir Wben they took theirfirst step towards
strengtb. He put tbe jar down 011 the the center ofthe labyrinth, they realized
tabte. what he meant. The maelstrom in. the
"I can let you pass the gate, for you do center of the circle beckoned violently
not seek oblivion. But it is a dangerous Witb e(leb step tbe pull became strongel;
undertaking," he said. their will to return to reality was shat~
He led tbem out of the house and up a tered into fragments and swept away
bitt on tbe otbe,. side of tbe valie)! Wben Only the child seemed undisturbed in its
tbey got cioser, tbey saw tbe laby,.i1ltb glassjm:

~ he pes know that :t soul can on1r be
___ created in Achlys, and that the
Forgotten Man holds the key. TIle tattoos and
The PCs share one tattoo in common after
the map they got from Waya will help them to
their meeting with Wayn: a spiral on the left
find their way to the Forgotten Man. He lives
hand. When they look more closely at it, they
beyond OUT reality, where time and space are
see only a great darkness wluch seems to draw
broken apart and destroyed or created. He is a
them into itself. TI.1e only part of the tattoo they
reflection of the faded first card of the deck, the
can look at without discomfort is its very tip.
Demiurgos. Because of Ius connection to the
Parts of London seem (0 be pictured there.
creator, he knows how a new soul is created.
They see sometlung reminiscent of some blocks
He can lead them to the guardian, an aspen of
near Kennington Road, and a hazy face.
the blind bull who guards the labyrinth of the
They also have a smudged map drawn by
underworld. He keeps those away who would
Waya from their memories. It begins :It a point
otherwise rush to destruction and be devoured
marked X next to the Kennington tube station.
by Achlys. The PCs must persuade the guardian
They can go to KenninglOn and try to follow
to allow them to pass through the gate of the
the route from their memories. It is easy at first.
labyrinth. Once on the other side, they must
They remember houses along the road, a sm:lll-
help the Child of Magic create a sOlll for itself,
er stTeet. Then it becomes more difficult. They
and then return with it before they are
must cross a vacant lot and traverse a narrow
destroyed by the darkness that existed even
alley between coal-blackened brick walls. The
before chaos.

aUey opens onto a small street they recognize their dreams she has offered them hope
from their memories, but they Gill not place it through an unborn child, who can stop the
on the map. gr.!dual destruction of their world by removing
TIle street lies on the edge of our reality. It the cards. They know that the cards are respon-
does not always exist in the London we know. sible for their slow but inexor.!ble f.tde from
Several houses h;ave boarded-up doors and w,in- existence.
dows. No people can be seen. The PCs see dis- The recluses themselves are not able to con-
trustful faces peer out from between drawn cur- t:lct the PCS. They have no power to intrude on
tains, then quickly disappe-.u. anyone who comes from the outside. The PCS
In one direction the street seems to continue must make the effort to seek them out in order
forever, flanked on both sides by typical English to obtain their help.
rowhouses of blackened brick. In the other Only if they don't stop after just knocking on
direction the houses become older and more some doors. but actually step inside, will they
dilapidated, until the street disappears into a be able to talk to these forgonen people.
ruined industrial area with r:tU chimneys and Everyone they meet seems strangely blurry. The
blackened brick \V<llls. Despite this curious PCS forget their faces as soon as they look away.
environmem, the PCs are :,ble to see recogniz- If the pes can manage to talk to any of the
able parts of London between the houses. recluses they will get responses. They notice
SJ..l'scrapers. Big Ben and various church towers that everyone is on the verge of hysteria.
rise above the roofs. Narrow alleys between the "We are disappearing. The cards are behind
houses le;ad back to norm:,1 London. it. We are the fading cards, and the cards are
TIley have come to a part of london that destroying us. You must help us. You have the
used to be ruled by one of the lost Archons. unborn child. Make sure that the cards go
When the Archons faded from tJle minds of tbe away.~

people, those parts of the city controUed by TIlTough their close connection to the
them also disappeared. Here is where the Goddess of the Forgotten, they know more
recluses live, people who have withdrawn from about the cards than most. They can explain to
human society, runaway children, neglected the PCs that the Goddess belongs 10
and senile old people. Metropolis, the "city beyond." The Tarotica is
Since the cards arrived in London, the forgot- her tool to influence the world of man.
ten parts have been tied to the fading Archons "We used to be on our own. We Iheed on the
of the Tarotica. When Barkley returned, he border between London and the great ciry
started to exert control over the area. Now, the beyond. Now we are gradually being
forgotten have begun to disappear physically. destroyed,n they say.
They are literally fading away. This is happening because the master of the
The res see obvious traces of decay every- cards is using them for his own purposes. He
where. TIle corpses of dead rats and even a dog doesn't need the recluses. They are fading away
lie rotting in the streets. Gardens are choked and will in time be replaced by his own ser-
with weeds. Indoors, behind drawn curtains, vants.
the corpses of the forgotten are rotting. The The unborn child can create a new card and
stench of coal smoke mL'Xed with decay is take control of the Tarotica. They demand that
heavy in the area. They see no shops, no cars, [he res destroy or remove the cards in order to
no bicycles. stop their destruction. They are willing to show
how the Forgotten Man can be found. They say
'I'.I:1e :HecI.-...ses that they can vaguely remember him, even if
When the forgotten notice that the Pes have the)· can't remember his name.
come from the outside and that they are carry-
ing (he homunculus, they react. They are linked
closely to the Goddess of the Forgotten, and in

"You will never find him on your own. Only
we, who also are fading away, can find him:' "[ bave considered Giorgio's suggestion.
they say. Tbere is notbing 'more for me bere. I will
If the pes promise to help them. they will follow his advice and leave promptly at
point the way up a long, winding street to a dawn. / will not bave time to talk to him
large SlOne church on a hilltop. again. / bave written a./etterfor motber
"That is Sf. Patrick's. The Forgotten Man is
inside. He is a priest, if our memories have not
to deliveJ:"
deserted liS. No one has seen him for ages.~
......e ~o.he:r 0:1'
. h e :P:r:lest;
The streel ends in a paved area at the lOp of When the PCs have poked through the
the hill. The church has twO tall towers. The church, the)' hear the sound of the church
church yard is overgrown with weeds, and if doors being opened wide, and then shuffling
they examine the gravestones, they will find footsteps approach. A small, crooked woman
none more recent than the beginning of the last limps along the aisle, sweeping the floor with a
century. Only a narrow path le:lding lO the broom. She supports herself on the broom and
gates of the church is well tended. peers up at the PCs when she notices them.
The Forgotten Man, represenling the first She nods towards them, and then continues
card of the Tarotica, used to be the priest of St. with her ~-wecping.
Patrick's before he left London. The recluses of The woman is the mother of the Forgotten
Kennington haven't sought him out for a long Man. She has tried to keep the church in a sem-
time, and do not realize that he abandoned rhe blance of order ever since he disappeared. She
church years ago. It is an old, crumbling build~ carries a letter thai her son wanted her to give
ing. The doors are ajar. When they look inside, to his friend Giorgio when he left. She was
they see that someone has lit same candles at going to give ir [0 him, but did not have any
the altar, and that the cenLcr aisle has been business in town for several weeks. Afrer
SWCpl. Everylhing is in a state of decay. The awhile so much time had passed that she felt
pews are rotling, the stained-glass windows are toO embarrassed to deliver it. She has fought
broken and birds are nesting on the exposed with her conscience for not doing il. At times
beams beneath the ceiling. she holds off Ihe pangs of conscience by clean-
There is no one inside the church. They find ing the church as wen as she can. Like all the
nothing of nore inside the church itself, other other forgotten, she will not initiate a conversa-
than that someone has tried lO mainmin some tion. The pes must address her directly in order
order. Inside the sacristy, rats have eaten most to get any replies.·
of the vestments, but in a box on a table by the If Ihe}' ask aboui tbe Forgotten Man, she
window Ihey find a leather-bound, black book, shrugs and says thai she doesn't know. If the)'
which is only slightly damaged by water. ask about the priest. she says that he has left.
Il is a diary written by the Forgotten Man SIle says that she is his mother, ,md that he has
before he left rhe church. It is not dated by transferred to a post somewhere else. She
years, but runs from./anuary 1st lO October doesn't know where.
~People around here are not churchgoers,"
31st. Most of Ihe entries record chrislcnings,
weddings, burials and detaiJs of the upkeep of she says.
the church. The)' become less frequent and Eventually she hazards a question of her own.
derailed towards the end of the book. Nothing Do they have an)' business down the hiJI, in the
seems to happen al all during the last couple of houses? She pulls a wrinkled, dirty letter from
weeks. The last page bears the follOWing her pocket.

"1 have something which needs to be deliv- T.h.e T i ] ] n g e 0:1:
ered. Could you take it with you?" she asks. "t;he G ...f t , r ~
The letter is addressed to Giorgio Fulci. She The driveway leads into a desolate landscape
explains that he was a close friend of her son. of crumbling factories, low brick walls, :md bro-
~He lives at the bottom of the hill."
ken asphalt. The s"l' is gray and heavy, and
G:iorg;:io F-....Ie:i grows ever darker untiJ the landscape is veiled
Finding the right address is not that easy. The in an eternal half-light.
mnnes have worn off or faded away from most Soon the darkness is dense enough to slow
of the street signs. With some effort they deci- their progress. A thick fog moves in and muffles
pher the remnams of the name Fulci on a hand- the light from :my torches or lanterns. They feel
written sign on one of the houses at rhe bonom as if the s"l' has lowered itself on top of them,
of the hill Nobody opens when they knock, and that the broken walls surrounding them
but they nDlice that someone moves inside have been transformed into some kind of
behind the drawn curtains. lhe door is not labyrinth.
locked. They hear the thundering sound of rushing
Giorgio lives alone in the house and never water or huge machines. The sound grows
goes out. They find him on the first noor watch- stronger until they can no longer hear thei.r
ing television (if the PCs look at rhe TV, it just own voices. Drops of water splatter them, and
seems to have unrecognizable, rolling images they realize that lhe road is following the bank
on it). He looks up when the PCs arrive, and of a m..ighty river that is cascading downward.
thanks them for delivering the letter. Il contains They have come to the underground city of
a thank yotl from the Forgolten Man, because Ktonor, near lhe gale to Achlys, and it has taken
Giorgio gave him the address of his home vil- lhe form of an abandoned industrial landsc:lpc.
lage, where they were looking for a priest.
Giorgio will tell the PCs that he used to go up
the hill to church to talk to the priest, way back
when. But people stopped going 10 church, so
the priest grew tired and decided to leave.
Giorgio gave him Ihe address of his village.
Obviously the Forgotten Man went there. He
can remember his friend the priest, but he can't
scem to remember his name. He doesn't
remember the name of his home village either,
but he COUl direct them to il. He has a few fad·
ing photogmphs showing low, stone buildings
on a deserted moor. The photogmphs look like
they arc ;limost a hundred years old.
"'The place has grown dark the past few
years. I thought about returning once, but it
was too much bother."
He shows them to the door and points along
the driveway which leads from the backyard. It
twists and snakes between dark, ruined facto-
~Take that road. Follow it and never stray
The road narrows to just a path between low
from ie Ask for the Forgotten Man." brick walls. Eventually even (hese disappear.
Flights of bats swooping low over (heir heads
arc the only living creatures they Gill see. They
hear a distant clamor of church bells, slowly UKneei and pray," they say, and leave the PCs
coming closer. When they can no longer see inside the church.
their hands outstretched in front of them in the Three hours later, at midnight, twO men
darkness and the fog, they reach a house of return, telling them that the Forgonen Man is
stone. Suddenly they have emerged from ready to see them. TIley assure the PCs that it is
Ktonor. a great honor, and that the PCs must be very
The house is on the edge of a small village of speciaJ indeed to be allowed an audience with
eight farmhouses and a crumbling church. The the Forgonen Man.
viJIage almost seems like a relic of the middle The men lead them along a narrow path that
ages, except for a bicycle leaning against one of climbs a steep hill to a large, twO+story building
the houses, and paraffin lamps glimpsed made of dressed stone. A gate opens into a
through shunered windows. There is nothing yard. At the gate they are met by a short man
else to suggest anything more modern than the dressed in black, who asks them to folJow him.
fourteenth century. The PCs sec no one out- The villagers slowly return down the hill.
side, but if they knock on the door of any of the UMy lord has decided to see you,~ rhe man
houses they will be let inside. says, and shows them into the house.
The villagers are dressed in archaic looking
black homespun. The hOllses are medieval or
'I'.l::a.e Forgot;teII.
older: stone buildings with slate or thatched
roofs. l1lere is barely any furniture, just bench- The Forgonen Man is a reflection of the first
es along the walls, and straw on the floors. card of the Tarotica, lhe Demiurgos. Whether
They are invited to share the villagers' dinner. he is also an aspect of the vanished creator is
The people afe quiet but will answer the PCs' best left undecided. He does have memories
questions. and abilities in common with thc Demiurge,
If the PCs don't ask about the forgotten or among them the knowledge about how souls
Achlys, their hosts will behave like ordinary vil- are created.
lagers. They say that the village u was called like the forgotten servants of the Archons,
Trilsey before it lost its name." They say that the Forgotten Man is fading. Only the forgotten
they live by grazing sheep, but they don't visit can find him. The fact that the pes can perceive
London often, though they know the city is him at all is due to lhe memories of lhe
nearby. Demiurge they have muooed on their left
If the PCs ask about the Forgotten Man or hands.
Achlys, their hosts fall silent. Women and chil- The black-robed servant shows them into a
drer~etire to the kitchen. The mell make the sumpl'l1011sly furnished dwelling with a seem-
sign oF- the cross, and look around suspiciously. ingly endless number of decaying rooms. Half
In a wh.isper, they explain that Lhey are the of the exquisite hlfniture is covered with
guardians of the Forgonen Man. They serve him sheers. Paintings wm.pped in paper lean against
and keep his secrets. thc walls. The waUpaper is stained by water.
"Only the worthy may step before the Religious objects are everywhere: crucifixes
Forgonen Man,~ they say. and candlesticks, icons, plaques with the name
They explain that the PCs must cleanse them- of God in Hebrew or Ar'"J.bic, etchings dc.::picling
selves before they may even hope to see the Biblical events. Black-robed servants move like
Forgotten Man. They are escorted out of the shadows from room to room.
house and through the village to the crumbling The servant leads the PCs through a long
stone church. It has started to rain, and in rhe string of rooms, until they finally reach a well-
distance wolves are howling. Hundreds of thin kef>t drawing room with carved wooden furni-
wax candles arc burning inside the church. ture and dark tapestries covering the walJs. A
white-haired man in a full-length, black coat'
stands with his back towards the PCs, staring

out duough a window. He turns around when "Use your memories to find your way back
they enter the room. They know that they have afterwards.~

seen his face somewhere, but they can't place He puUs a cord and a bell rings somewhere
it. The servant leaves. far away. After half a minute the servant
The Forgonen Man suffers from arthritis and appears. The Forgotten Man directs the servant
his posture is stooped, but he tries to straighten to lead them 10 the gate of Achlys.
his back and leans on a cane. He is perhaps in It is still dark and foggy when they are led
his 70's, with closely cropped hair and round from the house and walk once more into the
glasses. Beneath the black coat is a clerical col- shattered landscape. There is no way to orient
1;lr. themselves. Sometime in the fog their watches
~What do you want?"' he asks and looks at slOpped, so they have no indication of time.
them with a stern expression. The Forgonen When they hear a scream in the distance, as if
Man knows much aboUl the cards and is one of from a dying animal, the servant stops.
the few who possesses knowledge about the "Just keep on straight ahead, and you will
creation of new souls. He knows that the find him," he says. He then turns and disappears
Goddess of the Forgotten created the Tarotica back into the fog.
out of her own pain, :U1d cut the cards from her
own flesh.
T:h.e HUI:..d O:n.e
Barkley belongs in inferno, but has come to They smell the stench of blood and decay
reclaim the cards. The Forgotten Man is linked drif£ing through the fog towards them. The
[Q one of the fading cards, which is why he is
darkness is dense :U1d compact. The ground
grJ.duaLly fading away. slopes slightly down, and is littered with stones
He con.firms that they must seek Achlys, the and gravel. Now and then they stumble over
nothjngness that pre-exists chaos, in order to corpses :lnd limbs which have been ripped
cre:ue a soul. When there is emptiness, a vacam away. There are more and more of these the fur-
place with potential for a new soul, it creates ther they proceed. The ground is strewn thickly
itself out of the nothingness. with bones and skulls. Most of them are old,
"The nothi.ngness is the potential. Chaos is and crumble if touched, but some still have
the creation;' he explains. shreds of flesh and skin attached.
He can't explain to the PCs how to create a Finally, they reach a shallow valley and the
soul. They already have souls and do not need ground levels off. They hear a rhythmic, tearing
another one. sound, and rhe darkness is suddenly dispelled.
"But I can explain it to the lInborn,~ he says They are looking down at a small farm hidden
and picks lip the jar holding the foetus. in a narrow valley. It is almost invisible. An old
TIle homunculus seems to stare out from its man with pierced eyes is cutting the gmss out-
lidded eyes for a moment, and stirs within the side the farm with a scythe. He is wearing old
murk-y fluid. The man asks them to wait for a fashioned work clothes, and raises his head
moment, and then leaves, taking the jar with when the PCs arrive.
him. He returns after a few minutes, putting the ,., can let 110 one continue. You must return
jar on the table. or die.~
"Now it knows what must be done. You just They see that he is blind from the way he car-
have to bring it to chaos." ries his head. Surrounding the farm are simple
The man can help them to find Achlys. He wooden crosses, marking the graves of those
warns them that they must pass the guardian of who refused to turn back.
the gate, but he does not consider this much of 1£ they explain that they do not seek annihila~
a problem. They are not going there to be tion, but have brought a child in need of a soul,
destroyed, so they should be allowed through. the man seems puzzled. He touches the glass
jar which holds the child, and ponders for a
moment. Then he invites them into the f.um swept away. Only the child is undist'Urbed in its
house ILidden between the hills. glass jar.
The farm is old fashioned, its furniture seems
to date from the previous century. The man
~e II:I..:IlLer
explains that he is the guardian of the gate to
the labyrinth, and he thcn asks the PCs about When they walk through the I:lbyrimh, the
their err:.md. world dissolves :lfOund them. It becomes gr:.liny
"I can let you pass Ihrough the gate, as you and black and white, like a photograph in a
do not seek your destruction. But why would newspaper. They see how their own bodies dis-
yOll search for Achlys?~ solve until only lhe ranoos remain. TIle glass jar
When the PCs inform him that they are try· with the homunculus becomes difficult (Q see,
ing to create a new soul, he shakes ILis head. but the child inside remains dear.
''Thcrc is no one who can create a soul, there The spir:.t1 seems immensely deeper than it
never has been. Each soul must create itself. looked from Ihe outside, but soon they lose all
Those in need of a soul call out for one. Then it perception of time and distance. Gradually, fOf
creates itself out of Achlys, and is formed in every step they take, they forget who they are.
chaos. The child can call for its soul. where they come from, and whal their purpose
··AchJys is annihilation, and no one returns is. They are dissolved in the gray nOlhingne~s
from it," he warns them. He studies the tattoos until only the foetus and their tattoos are visi-
on the pes and says that it might be possible for ble. All their memories are erased, L1nlc~~ they
them to find their way OUl aided by their mem- concemr.lte constantly on the tanoos in order
ories. to remember who they are and where they
~Your memories disappear when you enter. come from.
All the time that has passed between the cre· From the maelstrom in the center of the spi-
ation of your souls and the present will disap- ral a voice calls out for them to come, to be dis-
pear. It wjlJ never have been. But you have your solved. Finally, there are only the memories that
memories engraved in your flesh. Aided by they were born out of Ach..lys and that the noth-
them, you may be able to recreate your lives ingness is calling lhem back. Only by concen-
and return. Perhaps." trating on the tattoos-Ihe only anchors thai
He W;1rI1S them not to approach too near to remain in the chaos-are they able to resisl the
his sister, llle one humans call She Who Waits temptation to move inwards.
Below. She will devouf them if they gel toO They no longer have :lny perception of
closc. motion or their surroundings, but finally they
Hc Icads thcm out of the house and up a hHi see somelhing which deviates from the gmy
on the other side of thc valley. They sec a nothingness. Far away, in lhe maelstrom which
labyrinth etched into the side of the hill, a calls out for them; they Gill perceive a woman's
white spiml in the limestone where it has been form. She is surrounded by gmy haze, and occa-
exposed. ~ionally she disappears, but they still see her

~This is the gate. Let the child call out for its dearly. She is now holding the glass jar with the
soul. Maybe your memories will help you to foews in her hands. It is She Who Waits Below.
return. Ot'llef\vise you will be lost forever.~ The form, which seems to change its shape
When they take the first steps towards lhe continually, and is not always human, reaches
center of the labyrinth, they realize what he out and gives back the glass jar. Something has
meant. The mael~tfOm in the center of the spi- ch,Ulged within lhe foetus. It seems to look at
ral pulls at lhem with a violent force. It feels them from its closed, Sightless eyes, and utters
stronger with every step, and their will 10 soll1ething whkh lhey do nor understand. ,The
return to reality is shattered imo fr.lgments and pes slill are nothing but tattooed memories. By
concentrating on the blue spiral on their left
hands, and by following it out from the center,

they will be able to find their way out of chaos. DAMAGEBDNUS:-
Gradually the world takes form around them, DAMAGE CAPACITY:
11mB they arc back inside the labyrinth once 4 scratches = I light wound
more. 3 light wounds = 1 serious wound
But they are not on the moor in Kronor any 2 serious wounds =1 fatal wound
more. They have been brought back to London, MENTAL BALANCE: ±O
and find themselves inside a labyrinth faintly· SKillS: Innumerable, but half forgotten
suggested by scattered stones, somewhere in
HOME: The borderland where time and space
Hyde Park. Some distance further on, they see a
blind gardener raking leaves.
T.b.e CihI£a.rdInJ:Is
NOII.'"'PIo,yer The village found by the PCs has existed
Ul1o,ru,c"t;ers since the fourteenth century. The viJIagers call
themselves guardians and serve the Forgotten
T.b.e FO:rg;o"tteIlL Man. They live in that part of the underground
J'tIn..... city of Kronor that the pes arc able (Q see, a
part which lies very close to London. They
The Forgonen Man has been formed by the
dress in dark, old fashioned c1mhes. If they
Demiurgos card of the Tarotic:!. He has taken
meet the PCs after their visit to Achlys, they
on many features of tile vanished Demiurge, but
will be filled with awe.
is still wholly human. He does not remember
PffiSONAUTY: Fanatical tntditionalists. They
who he was before he became the Forgotten
have changed very little over the cenruries,
Man. and spend all their strength keeping the
The Forgotten Man is short and bent, holding sccrets of thc Forgotten Man.
himself straight with a cane. He has a thi.nning,
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Stare straight ahead with
short beard on his deeply lined face. He wears a an empty and quictly fanatical gaze.
full length black coat on top of his priestly
robe. He never leaves his house. AGL 12 EGO 12
PffiSONAUTY: A recluse who no longer knows STR 12 CRA 10
who he is, or what he used to be. He hol<.ls PER 12
COl! 11
great knowledge and remarkable memories,
C01i 10 EDU 9
but only fnlgmems remain of his own con-
sciousness. NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Leave the impression of MOVEMENT: 6 m/combat round
lost strength. Try to stay upright in spite of
the fact that you are bent. Speak with authori-
ty, even though your voice occasionally gives DAMAGE BONUS: + 1
out on you. DAMAGE CAPACITY:
4 scratches = I light wound
AGL 7 EGO 49 3 light wounds = I serious wound
STR 7 CRA 7 3 serious wounds = 1 falal wound
C01i 7 EDU ADVANTAGES: Enhanced Awareness
HBGKl: 160 cm
WBGIIT: 60 kg
ATlJ,CK MODE: According ro weapon
EQUlPMBVT: Farming implements
MOVEMENT: 4 m/combat round
NUMBER: Thirty guardians in the whole village.
HOME: A nameless village in Klonor.

I ~:rotie~----------
'I"b.e D11T1d O:n.e AGL 80 EGO 50
The blind man the pes meet on the border to CRA 10
STR 50
the inner labyrinth is an aspeer of the blind
CON 100 PER 30
bull, the guardian of Achlys. He kills or scares
off all those who seek the inner labyrinlh. The COW 12 ELU 6
pes meet him in a non-threatening guise, as UBGHT: 180 cm
they do not harbor :my desire to be destroyed. WBGHT: 80 kg
If anyone seeks destruction, he wiU aSsume NO. OF ACTIONS: 9
the form of a horned being drenched in blood,
MOVEMENT: 40 m/combat round
and the landscape surrounding the pes will
close in to form a dark labyrinth.
The blind onc is a tall man dressed in old· DAMAGE BONUS: + 19
fashioned work cloches: jacket, trousers and DAMAGE CAPACITY:
boots. His eyes have been pierced, and the 19 scratches = 1 light wound
sockets are empty. 18 light wounds = 1 serious wound
PERSONAUTY: His only purpose is to stop those 16 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
seeking their destruction in Achlys. Dies after 10 fataJ wounds
GAMEMASTBIING HINTS: Play him as an old SENSES: Acute. Reads thoughts and feelings.
farmer, quiet and a bit slow. Try to give the ATlACK MODE: Scythe (ser 1-4, lw 5-9, ~...v 10·16,
impression of hidden power and destructive- fw 17+)
ness beneath a calm surface. SKillS: Sword 75, Scythe 75, Dodge 50,
Unarmed Combat 30
HOME: The gate to the inner labyrinth.

• ~:rotie~-,---~----- 09
"I was a bloody idiot to help him
catch that kid. He was power-
"This cost me a. bundle. l'1n not doing
this to help you, don't ever believe thaI.
Jul and I wanted to believe It's just that 1'111 really ticked off,' be said,
him. Then I realized he wanted to take and started to mix the powdel:
over the whoLe bloody scene, and / was He administers the drug with the prac·
Ollt That's when I tried to kill the kid, Nced skill ofa surgeon.
and then, well, you know..." At]irst, nothing seemed to happen.. The
Wes tapped his cigarelte angrily drug sl1zothered their brains in a choking
against the ashtra)! His ~J'es wandered all fog and their tbOllgbts refused to obey
over the mom, and his thin hands their wiils. Siowly, tbe wOlid cleared
clenched and unclenched. atVll11d them. They were still in Wes'
"But ofcourse. We can try to jJick it up. apartment, but something had changed.
We have to get inside and wake it. And Outside the sky was a deeper blue. Wes'
then f can kick thal bloody bastard out!" yellowish body looked even more like a
He went into tbe kitchen and returned predator than before. And... among the
with five small plastic bags containing a cigarette ashes and the dirt on the table
biack powdet: He iaid the bags on the were hundreds of smaIL, black insects.
kitchen table and pllliedfive disposahle They cascaded over the table edge and
syringes from a greasy-iooking bag. crawled in every direction over the flam:

~ he pes have helped create :l soul for to catch the soul. of the child. He realizes that
..... the Child of Magic. Barkley can no he has been had, al,d now seeks revenge. Blu
longer master it, but he is still able [Q prevent it he is not an ally to be trusted.
from gaining control over the cards. He can use
the power he has gained over the Dreamworld
of the junkjes, a dark and nightmarish place When the child has received its soul, Barkley
that has been influenced by the suit of can no longer harm it by physical means. It will
Crescents for a hundred years. This is where instinctively defend itself against all atlackers.
Barkley plans to capture the dream soul of the Despite the fact that it does not have a true
child and imprison it in an eternal nightmare. consciousness, it can sriU influence the world
The pes must enter the Dreamworld in order to arQul1d it with the powers of an awakened (

free the child once again. The onJy one who human. Barkley and his men cannot touch it. k
The Black Uctor decides to entr:.lp it. Aided
can take them there is the Lord of the
Dreamworld, the drug user who helped Barkley by Wes-a dream prince of the drug users o
whom he has brought under his control with a
the help of the cards-he entices the dream floor. He claims to be a burglar. If they pressure
soul of the child and traps it at SalldburIl within him, he will admit that he works for Wes, but
lhe dream. As an extr'J measure, he warps the knows Mnothing about nOllling:' He will tell
Dreamworld to make Sandburn impossible to them that Wes hangs out in Limehouse, bUI that
find. Then he sends nightmares to the child in is all he will divulge. He seems t:o be in a state
order to bend it ro his own will. Wes is expelled of shock, and is obviously afraid of the foetus.
from the Dreamworld and warned nOt to inter-
The pes realize that something is amiss when Wes decidc:s to threaten the PCs. He sends
the foctus no longer seems 10 stare at them two large, greasy-haired men-armed with
~"Witchblades-tora ·'chat.~ The men tell the
through irs closed eyelids. It is convulsed into a
ball and does not move. 111ey arc unable to get PCs they want the kJd back from the dreams, or
any reaction from it. There is no point in them else they will suffer the consequences. It will
taking it to a doctor, as the foctus should be not survive for long uthey don't get it out
dead according to all the niles of medicine. soon. lithe pes try to interrogate them they
know nothing; Wes has told them what to say.
A..F_iled. If effectively threatened, they can teU that they
~-.Irde:r were sent out by Wes in Limehouse.
When Wes, the Dream Prince of the drug
The PCs can contaci the junkies in the city to
users, realizes that Barkley has taken over the
shed light on what is happening. They are not
Dreamworld and plans to expel him, he
that cooperative or easy to question. They
becomes desperate. The Dreamworld is the
demand something in return before they will
only thing that keeps him alive. He can't live
talk, But if the PCs persist, they are told that a
Olllside of it. He can't get at Barkley, so instead
lot of people sc:em to have disappeared perma-
he decides to all'ack the child. He doesn't know
nently into the Dreamworld, and are .not able to
that it is almost impossible to injure it in our
escape. TIley can tell of a man the pes should
identify as Barkley, who has taken control of
At a moment when the homunculus is unsu-
the Dreamworld and has started to change it. If
pervised, Wes will attack together with two
the PCs ask about the junkies' dreams, many
companions. Their aim is to kill the child, and
talk about Wes as if he is an important person.
they do not anticipate any difficulties. They
He is a smaH-time dealer well known among the
have not brought any weapons.
junkies of east London, with a flat at Dog's End
When they enter the room which contains
in Limehouse.
the foetus, Wes senses that something is very
wrong. Wes possesses Magical Intuition and
perceives a strange aura surrounding the child.
He tells one of his companions to smash the Wes lives in a run-down house at Dog's End.
foetus' glass jar with a heavy object. It is a house that can be accessed through a
The man picks up something and approaches gallery, and Wes lives on the second floor at the
the jar, but the foetus senses the threat. It reacts back, fronting a narrow canal. There is no name
instinctively and uses telekinesis to push a on the door, but the junkies in the area know
bookcase over on top of the man, or drive a that Wes lives at number 32.
pair of scissors into his eyes. Improvise the A thjn woman wearing a black blouse and
defense, depending on where the child is being too-tight jeans opens the door. The flat is filled
kept. with people. It is filthy, with worn furniture,
The man is seriously hurt. Wes and the sec- water-stained wallpaper, empty wine bottles
ond man clear out in a panic. When the PCs and overflowing ashtrays everywhere. It is cold
arrive, they find the wounded junkie on the

and damp, and smeUs of mildew, stale tobacc o MOut irs imposs ible to keep anythi ng like that
smoke , and urine. hidden forever in the dream . There are people
Wes comes stumbl ing out lO meet them. He \vho know.~
is emaci,lted and jaundi ced, with reUowish eyes He can't talk to anyone himself. but he C'.ul
and c1awlike hands. He wears je,llls and an tell the PCs who they should contac t in order
open leathe r jacket. When he realizes who the to get the inform ation. Everyone, it is true, has
Pes are, he becom es agitate d. sworn faith lO Barkley, but loyalties do not
~Oh, you mean that thing. No big deal. Don't
count for much in Wes' realm of dreams .
be worrie d. We can talk about it. Step inside.~ If the PCs agree to try to free the child, Wes
He tells the pes to sit down in the kitche n leaves the kitche n and returns with five smaU
and then kicks all the others out of the apan- plastic bags contai ning a black powde r. He puts
ment. Now they can talk undisr urbed. He the bags on the table and begins to mix the
brings out some bottks of beer and offers them powde r. 1£ the PCS ask whal it is, he just smiles.
to the PCS. AI the same time he is trying to He provid es a syringe for each (he gets them
squeez e as mudl inform ation about the child as free at the needle exchan ge).
he can. trying to discov er what it re:illy is, and If the PCs are relucta nt to inject an unkno wn
why Barkley wants to tr.lp ils soul in Ihe drug, the)' can get their own, but Wes must
Dream world. take them into the dream from his own apart-
He tries 1.0 get Ihis inform ation but offers ment. It is his only safe entry 10 the dream since
none himself. If this fails. he will start 1O give he was kicked out by Barkley.
some inform ation of his own. He explai ns thai At first nothin g seems to happen . TIle drug
he used to be the master of Ihe Dream world lowers a chokin g fog over the PCs' brains and
shared by many of the junkie s of London. their though ts seem to refuse 10 follow their
Mit has e..xisted for a long time. I took it over wills. Slowly the world clears around them.
from anothe r guy.~ TIley are still in Wes' :lp;lrtmcnt, but it has
Wes does not know it. but the Dream world change d. Outsid e Ihe sl"1' is a deeper shade of
was create d by the Tarotica. TIle suil of the blue. Wes jaundi ced body looks e\'en more Like
Cresce nts has shaped Ihe junkie s' dream s for a predaw r. Hundr eds of small, black insects
many decade s. crawl among the cigaret te ash and the filth on
\Then Barkley showe d up. he started to bind the table, fall over the edge and start crawli ng
people to himsel f and gave away drugs and across the floor.
money to those who obeyed him and promis ed
to suppo rt him. Wes says he tried to kick him
Ollt, but Barkley was alre;rdy tOO powerful.
TIle PCs are in the Dream world of the
"SO when he wante d to catch the kid, I did it
junkies. II is not' a Dream world in the usual
for him. We hid it in the hoSpit:ll, but aflerw ard
sense. They are still bodily in London. Their
he didn't trust me and hid the hospital some-
bodies are not lying dorma nt somew here,
where. I don'l know where it is anymo re. He
everyt hing that happe ns to them does happe n
kicked me out and told me he would get me if r
to them in realiry. They can intemc t with peo-
evcr return ed. If rou know how to throw him
ple outsid e of the DrC<lmworld. The only differ-
out, I'm with you.~
ence betwe en the PCs and Ihose outsid e the
Wes explai ns that Barkley has hidden
dre.lm is that the PCS can see more of realiry.
Sandb urn. It no longer is where il should be in
111ey have a limited ability to see throug h the
the dream . He may have moved it to his own
i1~usions, mixed with a tenden cy lO halluci nate.
private Dre:ll11worid. In that case only Barkley
Things happe n in London which normally they
knows where the entran ce is.
could not see. Nightm ares take on physical
shapes . Walls flow with blood and are sudden ly
transfo rmed into gaping mouth s. Wes' filthy flat
is gradually overrun by crawling insects, forcing If the PCS mention Barkley's name or
them 10 escape to the street. Everything has Sandbum aloud the two fat men get up and
changed. (Use your own imagination and the hurry outside, If they are more discreet. Richie
individual disadvamages of the PCs to conjure will rum to the men and say that he is just
up a place of dre'.ld and fear. l11ey are now in about to close. When they have left, he locks
[he midst of a communal nightmare. They the door and pours glasses of Chinese herb
should never feel safe.) liquor.
Before they leave the apartment, Wes Richie is prepared to wlk to the PCs if they
assumes a different shape. He transfonns him- have anyrhing to offer. He wants to know more
self into some sort of shaggy predator with yel- about Barkley, the cards, the Goddess of the
lowish, bloodshot eyes. Forgonen, the Child of Magic, and Sand bum. In
"We-re going to talk to Richie. He knows exchange for this information, he will tell them
who's working for BarkJey," he says and leads that Barkley has bouglH out almost all the small
them out through the door. drug dealers in London. He is collecting protec-
London is more closed in, t1irty and twisted tion money and is trying to corner the drug
than before. but it is still recognizable. They see business.
more junkies on the streets than usual. and ~It's impossible to get at him. He has power-
some people seem strangely disfigured or ani- ful friends,~ Richie shrugs. MEven my employers,
mal-like. The sky is dark, always close to dusk, my legal employers, are protecting him,~ he
regardless of the actual time of day. adds.
The)' take the tube to Leicester Square down- When the PCs mClllion [hat Sandburn has dis-
town. The tube train seems to be organic and appeared, he nods.
rotting, like a giant hollow c;lterpiJlar. At
Leicester Square, the)' see even more clearly
that most people do not appe'.lr as they should.
Many ha\'e the features of insects. or are horri-
bly rwisted. A man is sitting on the fence
around the grassy pial in the middle of rhe
square, selling lirtle glass jars with dead feruses
inside. The PCS recognize these as simuJacra of
the Child of Magic.
"He works for Barkley. Watch out for him."
'Illey rum into Chinatown and stop outside a
restaurant with dried ducks and sausages hang-
ing in the window. Wes says there is a man
inside called Richie. He is a police spy who has
sold out to B.ukley.
~But I don't think he's sold out completely. If
you can offer him something, I think he'll rake
you to Barkley's servants.-
The restaurant is hot and tilled with tobacco
smoke. The only people inside are a (aU "He got help to do that. He couldn't hide
Chinese man, who stands behind the bar wip, something that large on his own. More people
ing glasses. This is Richie. There are also two must have been brought into it. I think I have
shan fat men sitting at a t:lble, whispering. an idea about who is inyolved.M
Each has a glass in front of him. AU three look
up when the PCS enter.

'I"a;rotie~ --------~

He says that the two men in the restaurant teeth are sharpened. His nails are black and also
were spies for Barkley. They often meet at sharpened.
Cards, a private club on Greek Street. Richie "Mr. Barkley's enemies dare to show up here,
says that he can buy memberships for the PCs, I see. Don't worry. No one's going to reveal
bm it is expensive. It will cost them £2000 per you. Unless you do something stupid, that is,~
person. This is aU the help he can give them. he says and takes their coats.
They can get the membership cards that same They enter a large room, larger than seems
evening, if they have the money. Richie wiII possible, considering the outside dimensions of
accept any major credit card. If they agree to the building. There are apparently an unlimited
pay, he will get the memberships for them. number of rooms, bars, dance floors with soft
~Ask for Charlotte. She serves at Cards." music, and private rooms. A mix of extremely
well-<Iressed people, and down-and-out junkies
u-,rkIey"s move about in the rooms.
4.ge:n.U!ii They can see Barkley standing at a bar sur-
The two fat men at the restaurant are agents rounded by a flock of admirers. He frowns
of Barkley. They become interested in the PCs, inquiringly when he spots the PCs, but makes
especial.ly if Barkley or Sandburn are mentioned no sign that he recognizes them. Four large
aloud. When the PCs leave the restaumnt, the bodyguards-who look more dead than alive-
spies follow them at a distance. As soon as the are constantly at his elbow.
PCs and Wes separate, (for Everyone at the club is in
e;x;unple if the PCs are Barkley's payor under his
going to visit Cards), the influence, but the PCs are in
agents try to nab Wes. They no danger unless they start
threaten to turn him over to making trouble. It is possi-
Barkley unless he teUs them ble to talk discreetly with
everything he knows about various people. They hear a
the PCs. Wes will talk and lot about how Barkley has
tell everything. The agents picked up junkies and taken
km him and leave his them away, no one knows
corpse in an alley. Then where. The PCs can pick up
they follow the PCs, intend- a lot of information about
ing to catch them and turn the Dreamworld of the
them over to Barkley. If the junkies, and he:ir specula-
PCS are smart, they should tion about Barkley's plans.
go to La Parma, a small bar at Old Compton Barkley's closest associates each wear a small
Street, where they can pick up some thugs to tattoo of a snake' on the left temple. They
help them out. helped him move the hospital, and know
where it is.
U the PCs ask about Charlotte, they will point
Wes says thal Cards is a good idea. If they
to a tall, blonde woman serving drinks. If they
don't wanl to shell out the money for member-
try to talk to her, she asks them to !o!low her
ships, they can wail outside until some one
and leads them into ule kitchen. Unidentifiable
comes by that they can pick up for interroga-
objects swirl together with dead insects and
tion. human limbs in large cauldrons. A huge, black
The enrrance to Cards is a nondescript, gray
cook is cutting up a human body.
door on the first floor of a house on Greek
Charlotte explains that only a few of Barkley's
Street. The door is opened by a huge man wear-
closest followers know where Sandburn has
ing a black tuxedo. He does not look complete-
been hidden. Everyone with a snake tanooed
ly human. When he smiles Ihey notice that his

on the left temple belongs to Barkley's inner fitl if they are to slip away. (The GM can allow
circle. Some till probably be bribed, but they them to be caught if they are stupid, bUI the
all fear Barkley. primary purpose of the chase is to cre'.l.te ten-
-Arrange a meeting with somebody later on. sion.)
somewhere else. The people here believe YOll
must be powerful, because )'ou are Barkley's.
enemies, yet you showed lip here. TIley think Whcn the tube closes for the night. Barkley
you could have a lot to offer them.~ gathers aboul thirty junkies at Victoria Station.
\Vhen they return to the club, they notice lie takes them off to Sandburtl, where their
several men with a smlke tattooed on the left pain helps to maintain his purgatory. The old
temple. Almost everyone clustered about prison is hidden in a closed section of the
Barkley has these. As long as Barkley is around, Dreamworld. 111e only way 10 get there is by
nobody seems to want to talk to the PCS. taking the tube train towards Brixton after the
If they keep looking around they will see a nighfs lasl Lrain has departed, and then contin-
young man with the same tattoo sitting by him- uing a distance berond the end of the line.
self in a side room. nursing a drink. He glances U the Pes arri\'e at the station after closing
up with a scared look when the PCS approach time, they can see weU-dressed men, alone or in
him. pairs, entering the closed tube station. The man
"We can'l talk here," he whispers. M!\1eet me they spoke 10 al Cards is waiting for them, hid-
at the enlrance to Victoria Station in an hour. den behind a closed ncws stand ne.xt to one of
when the tube shuts down." the entr:lllces. He whistles to get their ,men-
I I. . . .:te<t. The man doesn·l wanl 10 lell them his name
When the PCS have poked around for some or who he is. lie says that lhe I)Cs can call him
time at the club, someone finally notices them R.1.oul. He is short and dark and has a sharp pro-
and notifies Barkley. Lf the agents from the file and pale, nen'ous hands. He says that he
Chinese rest:lurant are looking for them, they reall)' doesn't work for Barkley. As proof of this,
wi.ll have arrived and reported to Barkley. The he wets his finger ,lIld smears his tattoo which
Pes C'J.n see the bodyguards looking in their is just painted on. He asks the Pes who they are
direction, and the people arollnd them are and what they want. The only thing he knows
clearing the center of the room. TIle room about them is that they are enemies of Barkley.
twists around Ihem and suddenly they are ~I've tried 10 stop this traffic, blll my superi-
inside a torture chamber. Barkley and his guards ors refuse to listen.~
are the only ones not nailed to Ihe walls, hang- He explains that Barkley is picking up people
ing from the ceiling or lying dismembered on in the dream with the promise of money and
the floor. '111e walls drip with blood. drugs. They arc carried off somewhere, he does
MThis way," they hear Charlone say. not know where, and then disappear.
When Barkley's guards lunge for them, they MThe)' are always taken away after midniglll.
can follow Charlotte, who leads them out Tonight I decided to follow.~
through the kitchen to the back of the building.
She closes the door behind them. They are just
"I".l:I.e 'r.ra.ck "to
:@ia,. . db...:rn..
in time to avoid their pursuers.
In the alley behind the house they will find The)' have no problem getting down to the
Wes' lifeless and maimed body, unless they have platform. The iron gates are closed, but a small
managed 10 prevent the agents from killing door is left ajar. There is light on the platform,
him. Dtlfing Ihe rest of their stay in the and lhey see a number of people boarding a
Dreamworld they will be pursued. Everyone train. Barkley's black-dressed men are shoving
knows that Barkley will pay well for informa- the junkies onboard.
tion about them. They must be e.xtremely care-

TIle PCS and Raoul can sneak down the esca· Raoul's colleague disappeared when he was
lators and get inside one of the last cars before investig"lting Barkley's drug dealings. He is lying
the train pulls out of the station. Two men are half dead in a cell in the solirary confinement
guarding each C'J.r, but the Pes can hide behind section. The colleague can tell the PCS that
the seats. Only the emergency lights are on. Barkley has captured a child that he keeps in
The train rolls south towards Bri.xton. 111e his oflice. Raoul says that he is going take his
trip takes only fifteen minutes. Meanwhile, they colle-J.gue back through the tube with him. He
see the rube car twisting around them and doesn't want to risk (ollowing the PCs up into
transforming itself into :m icy torture chamber. the prison.
They recognize it from their trip to Inferno. ~Get in touch with me later on. I may have
Barkley's guards also twist and change, and some information. Brennan here has probably
gradually transform into razides. Raoul mean· found out quite a bit," he says, and quickly
while is gening pater and paler, He notes every· scribbles a note, which he gives to the PCs.
thing in a small, black book. "I{:loul Strapford, Vice Squad, Metropolitan
The train rumbles past Brixton. which is the police
end of the line, and continues some distance I.f they are lucky, they may be able to go up
further umil it stops at a dark platform. The sta· the stairs into Barkley's oftice without being
tion sign reads: Sandburn. seen. BarkJey is not there. TIle place has been
Barkley's guards shove the junkies off the cleaned up since they were here the last time,
train and up the esc:ll"tors towards the turn· and the office is obviously in use. There is a
stiles where they disappear. 111e train remains glass jar with a newborn child inside. on the
at the starion and the PCS and Raoul can get off. desk. It is the Child of Magic. It is not a panially
formed foetus in the dream, but a baby girl. The
8a;ndl:nIrI1 ~ jar is filled with cockroaches. crawling aU O\'er
"the :Drea.III her, and she is beating frantically against the
The escalators lead from the tube directly glass with her fists.
into the cellars of Sandburn. opening out of the 111e PCs can save the child by lifting her out
east wall of the old upper basement. \Vhen the or by breaking the gl:15S j<lr, which will then
PCS approach the b:lsement. they hear screams fade :lway and disappe:lr. Contrary to the PCS'
and loud voices. The guards put shackles on impressions, the child is not bodily present in
their prisoners before they lead them to the Sandburn. At the same moment that the child is
solitary confinement cells, where they arc rescued, rhe PCs also awaken from their
locked up. After a few minutes it is quiet again. drugged stare. The world returns to a more
S:lI1dburn is closer 10 Inferno here than in the solid torm around them,
waking world. Screams of torment can be heard It is night, and they are in Barkley's office.
from the torture chambers nearby. The stairs to The wisest course of action is to get out before
the prison of the Goddess are like the entrance anyone discO\'ers thbn. But if they spend a few
to an icy cal'e. There :lre ice-encased insects minutes searching the office they will find
everywhere, cockroaches and centipedes, some some interesting leads.
of them up to four inches long. In the bottom drawer of the desk are three
Raoul says that he is searching for someone, a letters from a certain Chrisropher Walden. They
colleague, who disappeared during a pre"ious smell of an odd perfume, and are tied with red
mission. He waJks off towards the solitary cells silk ribbons. These are leners from the conjurer
to look for him. The PCS can help him or search of passion who is the f3ther of the child.
for the child. Baridey knows that only ChrislOpher can some-
If they emer the lower basement to talk to how give birth to the child. He has tried to
the Goddess, she will tell them that the dream seduce Christopher into Inferno without suc-
soul of the child is in Barkley's old office. cess. Christopher declines ro visit Sandburn.

• oo-----------~
but suggests instead that he :md Barkley meet al waking moment. Now he is 28 and d}'ing. The
Michiko. a restaurant in 5oho. only thing that has kept him going is the
Dreamworld, where he was a prince.
- " - c k -to H.eall"ty He didn't create the Dreamworld of the
\'(Ihen Ihe PCs le:l\'e Sandburn, they find junkies. He took it o\'er from another junkie.
themselves back in our reality again. But the. now dead. Unlike other Drellllworlds, this one
people thcy visited in the dream exist also in does not lend immortality lO its dreamers. Thcy
real lifc, They can look up Uaoul at the :Irc physically present in the dre,ull, They do
Metropolitan Police, or Richie at tht: Chinese nOl have dream bodies they can escape lo.
rest'aurant. Both look more normal in the world Wes has been slowly dying for several years,
of the a\vake, He has tried lo use the Dreamworld to become
Richie is reluctant to talk to the PCS, He is immortal-il is his sole hope of survival. When
afraid of Barkley, and has been threatened. He Barkley came and kicked him OUI he became
asks them to leave immediatel)', as he can't help desperate. TIlat is why he is anxious lo help the
them any further. Pes. If the need arises, he wjlJ betray them in
Raoul works in the Vice Squad at the exchange for BarkJey's help.
Metropolitan PoLice. It will take him a few Wes is emaciated and jaundiced. He is obvi-
moments to recognize the PCs when he meets ously vcry sick. His hair is long ,md reddish. His
them, He looks a bit embarT"Jsscd when he see eyes arc brown, He is always dressed in jeans
them, as if he is ashamed of having been in the and a grimy, brown leather jacket, and carries a
Dreamworld of the junkies. Desert Eagle in his pocket.
R.aoul can tcllthem that Barkley has excellent PERSONAUTY: Anguish over his impending
connections high up. All the investigations of death and anger because his world has been
his activities have been dropped. RaouJ is now taken awa}' from him fills his life, Wes is tot:ll-
being subjected to an im'eslig,uion: he is sus- Iy self<emercd and doesn'l care about any-
peCtcd of corruption and accepting bribes, Hc one else.
looks downcast, and apologizes for not being GAPllMASTERM HlVTS: Pretend to chain-smoke.
able 10 help more. Peer aboul anxiously. Your hands shake, and
If they ask him about Christopher Walden, he
can discover a lot of information about him, If
they give him a couple of hours, he can extract
the inform'llion from th(' police files.
rou talk too fast, too nerYously.

EGO 15
TIle files show a Christopher Walden who COl! 7 PER 10
seems 10 work with pornography. and his C01>1 8 EDU 4
record shows several arrests and convictions for
HBGHT: 180 cm
obscenil)'. R:loul can't find a current address,
but he will gh'e them an old looking photo-- WIIGIR 70 kg
graph of a thirty year old man. NO. OF AC11ONS: 2
MOVEM:Nt 7 m/comb:ll round
"'esl.ey !!!!!l~r]jT1lg- =
4 scr:.lIches I light wound
Wesley Sterling was born and raised in the =
3 light wounds I serious wound
Limehouse district. The apartment he livcs in 2 serious wounds = I fatal wound
originally belonged to his mOl her. Wes st:irted NUlRALBALANCE: -4;
10 use drugs fifteen ye:irs ago, when he \vas ADVANTAGES: Magic Intuition
thirteen. Since then he has been drugged every
DISADVANTAGES: Mortal Anguish, Drug User, EQUIPMENT: Stileno, syringe, drugs
Egotist HOME: London
SKILLS: Art of Dreaming 32, Hand-gun 12, NUMBER: 1-6
Dagger 12, Search 12, Poisons and Drugs 16,
Burglary 14, Man of the World 16, Net of u-,rJd.ey..... .£g;eI:l:n..
Contacts: junkies 18, Drive 10 The values can be used for all of Barkley's
AnACK MODE: Desert Eagle (scr 1-5, lw 69, sw men in the Dreamworld. Their appearance
1O-14,fw 15+) varies depending on who they are and what
EQUIPMENT: Desert Blgle, stiletto, syringe, drugs they do. Most of them wear dark suits and
MAGIC: Lore of Dre,IIl1S 18 (See through trench coats.
Dreams 15, Manipulate Dreams 15, Summon PERSONALrrY: Distrustful and corrupt.
Dream CreaHlre 12, Bind Dream Creature 10, GAMEMASTBIING HINTS: Play it cool. Don't talk
Expel Dream CreaHlre 12, Dream Walk 16) unnecessarily, try to frighten Ihe pes.
HOME: Dog's End, Limehouse
AGL 12 EGO 12
STR 14 CRA 10
This description may be lIsed for Wes' assis- COlI 11 PER 14
tants and the other junkies the PCs meet. They
CON 10 EDU 10
are ;111 emaciated and grubby, dressed in worn
jeans, dirty t-shirts and jackets. Most of them NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
seem to be in their thirties, but are probably MOVEMENT: 6 m/combat round
prematurely aged. INmATIVE BONUS: -
PERSONALrrY: Like many junkies you act selfish- DAMAGE BONUS: +2
ly and have a tendency ro switch between
sentimentalil)' and aggression.
4 scr::Hches = I light wound
GAMEMASTBIING HINTS: Play nervously. Let your
hands shake, anti talk in a forced, uncertain
3 light wounds = I serious wound
way. 3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
AGL 12 EGO 12 ADVANTAGES: AutOmatic Weapons 12, Rifle and
STR 12 CRA 8 Crossbow 10, Hand-gun 12, Sneak 12, Dodge
CON 8 PER 12 12, Unarmed Combat 12, Hide 14, Search 12.
Information Hetrieval 10, Man of the World
12. Interrogation 12, Disguise 10, Drive 12,
NO. OF ACTIONS: 2 Shadow 12
MOVEMOO 6 m/comb;1I round AnACK MODE: Glock (ser 1·5, Iw 69, sw 10-15,
II\IllATIVE BONUS: - fw 16+)
DAMAGE BONUS: + I EQUIPMENT: Automatic weapon, notebook,
4 scratches = I light \vound
3 light wounds= I serious wound ~u.I. 1!!!J"t;:ra,pJ:ord.
2 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound Raoul is an undercover agent from the Vice
MENlllL BALANCE: - 30 Squad working on drug cases including
DISADVANTAGES: Drug User Barkley's recent dealings. He has been at work
SKR..lS: Hand-gun 12, Dagger 12, Search 12, in the Dreamworld of the junkies on previolls
Poisons and Drugs 10, Burglary 12, Man of occasions, and is there now to investigate
the World 16, Net of Contacts: junkies 12, Barkley's activities. He has found out that
Drive 10 Barkley is responsible for a number of recent
mACK MODE: Stileno (scr 1-12, lw 13-16, sw 17- dis:tppear::mces among the junkies. They are
19, fw 20+) brought to Sandburn in the dream, and are

never seen again. When the pes meet Raoul, H6GHT: 170 cm
his colleague has been kidnapped by Barkley. WBGHr. 75 kg
He has also discovered a way into Sand burn, NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
and is about to go there. MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
Raoul is a conscientious civil servant whom INIl1ATIVE BONUS: +3
the pes may have lise for hIler in the adventur(l:. DAMAGE BONUS: +2
He is just tcmporJ.rily in the Dreamworld of the
junkies. When they later meet him outside the
4 scratches = I light wound
Dreamworld, he gives a much less mysterious
3 light wounds = I serious wound
3 seriolls wounds = I fatal wound
He is short, with sharp features and brown,
almost black eyes. He we;lrs a non-descript gray MENTAl BAlANCE: - I 0
suit and a dark trench coat. ADVANTAGES: Altruism, Body Awareness
PBlSONAUTY: A conscientious undercover DISADVANTAGES: Fanatic (jusl'ice), Death Wish
agent, perhaps a little too gun'g-ho, according SKIllS: Automatic Weapons 12, Rifle and
to his superiors and colleagues. At times he Crossbow 12, Hand-gun 15, Sneak 15, Dodge
seems to have an fanatical fixation on his 15, Unarmed Combat 12, Hide 14, Search 15,
work. Information Retrieval J 6, Man of the World
GAMEMASTBIING HINTS: Play him as objective and 12, Interrogation 12, Disguise 10, Forensics
matter-{)f-fact. Occasionally drop a dry, 16, Drive 12, Shadow 14
humorous comment to show that he is not ATTACK MODE: Walther PPK (ser 1·7, lw 8-11, sw
quite as boring as he seems. 12-16, fw 17+)
EQUIPMENT: Walther PPK, notebook
AGL 15 EGO 15 HOME: London
STR 10 CHA 12
corr 11 PER 16
COlli 13 EDIT 12


" y e s , I'm Ihefalheroflbe another glass of wine. Faraway they

child, but I still don't know could bear gunshots, and the blond man
what to do abollt it," rushed into fbe room once again.
Christopher said, and continued to drum "They've got the police witb them.
his fingers against the glass to provoke Michiko has been. arrested. They threaten
some sort ofreaction fmm the foetus. to kill him ifyou don't surrende,:' he
1t smiled at him from its closed and said, excitedly Christopher drank deeply
sightless eyes. Tbe child was bound to its from bis glass.
lila/bel' when fbe ritual was woven, and "Something must be done. Otherwise /
this detennined how the foetus would will die, and you will all become
develop. It would be useless to put it in Barkley's servants/oreve,:' be said and
an incubator and hope it would start to put Ibe glass down.
grow. He put the jar down and poured

,.......... he PCs have saved the Child of Magic He has transformed himself into a creature of
___ from the Dreamworld. But they still passion, and is no longer quite human. When
don't know what to do with it. Barkley wants Mary Langsbury called for a mate to create a
to stop it from being born and also wants the Child of Magic with the aid of the Tarotica,
cards at any cost. In order to stop it, he wiU try Christopher heard her. He is partly under the
to kill the only person who can give birth to it, influence of the cards, and this forced him to
its father. The PCs must find the father, a coo- obey when the cards called him. He weJ1l to
jurn of passion, who has hidden himself in a Sandburn and helped conceive the child with
world where Barkley's servants cannot foUow. Mary. When he tried to contact her a few
At first, he will say that there is nothing he can weeks later she was dead, :wd Barkley had
do. When the mother of the child died, its only taken over Sandburn. Walden withdrew and
chance to be born died with her. The PCs must went into hiding. BaFkley has managed to dis-
convince the conjurer to become a female in cover that Walden is the father. At first he
order to deliver the child, and they must also planned to pull the conjurer down into Inferno
discover the magic ritual that makes it possible. so that the chdd could develop inside his body.
But that plan was abandoned when the PCs
Ha,rIUey"s II-.III."t brought the foetus alit of Inferno. When
Christopher Walden is the mightiesl conjurer Barkley discovered what had happened it was
of passion in all of London, with substantial too late to do anything, and the child had
interests in the British sex and pornography already received a soul. lie makes a last attempt
business. He has kept himself young with the and'captures the dream soul of the child.
aid of magic, and doesn't look older than thirty, When the PCs free the dream soul, Barkley
despite the fact that he was born in the early becomes desperate. He fcars that they will find
19205. a way to give the child birth and aUow it to take
control of the Tarotica. To stop this, he tries to
murder the only human with a ritual connec- Midliko is a small restaurant with a bar and a
tion to the child, :md thus able to give birth to dub on the first floor, Despite its name, it does
it (besides the dead mother), Christopher not serve Japanese food, but traditional English
Walden. \Vllen the PCs have freed the dream dishes. The restaur::lI1t is named after its owner,
soul, Barkley starts hunting for Walden. He will an Anglo:lapanese man named Michiko. It is a
not try to destroy the foerus, since he is afraid well-known hangout for tr::msvestites, but also
that this will also destroy the cards, but instead atlr::tcts a rather mixed crowd. It is located on a
he pursues the father. His agents are searching back street in Soho.
through Soho and questioning everyonc in the There is a diverse collection of patrons in the
sex business. But Christopher Walden has restaurant when the pes arrive, among them
retired to his own magical place, where the four of Barkley's agents. They look up when the
black lictor can't reach him. Barkley has no PCs arrive, The PCs seem to recognize these
power over passion, and as long as Christopher gentlemen from somewhere, but they can't
stays away, he will survive. Bllt he has begun to place thel11. (They met the agents in the
worry. Dreal11world.)
~ebj. . g- There are about thirty people in the bar
upstairs. It is hot, crowded and noisy. Michiko,
:l:or CII:ris
a l11an dressed in black leather and made-up like
The PCs don't know what to do with the
a geisha, mingles ,md talks with his guests. 1\vo
child. The Goddess has told them that they
of Barkley's agents, dressed in dark suits, are sit-
must make sure it is born so that it can create
ting at a table. Margie, a stock.'")' English wom;lI1
the 78th card. She has no idea how this can be
in her forties, is behind the bar. She is talking to
done. She says that only its mother can give
a young man with notebook and pen in hand.
birth to it. A unique connection was forged dur-
This is Gordon Sherman, a journalist searching
ing the rimal of creation. Rupert Faraday will
for ChrislOpher Walden.
confirm the same information: that only its
The PCs will discovcr on wlking with anyone
mother can give birth to it.
that there is a hunt on for Walden. When they
But the PCs will become aware that Barkley
ask about him they are hushed up, and the
is seeking Christopher Walden. Raoul Strapford,
guests nod towards the agents of Barkley.
Barkley's men, people in the Dreamworld of
''They are everywhere, And they have started
the junkies, all can tell of the astronomical
collabor::tting with the police. People have got-
price put on Walden's head. The PCs may have
ten in trouble and the police have threatened
aJso found the letters from Walden to Barkley.
The dead in Inferno may also have said that
The only one at the place who knows where
BarkJcy was looking for a person who could
Walden is hiding is Michiko. I'll' refuses to say
give birth to the chi.ld.
anything if the PCs just ask for Walden. Their
They have two definite leads to Walden. He
only chance of getting anything from him is by
mentions Michiko in his letters, a restaurant in
talking privately to him and showing him the
Soho. Raoul Strapford and Scotland Yard also
foetus. He will then take them to a room
have information about a company owned by
behind the bar. When he sees the foetus he
Walden called lovecmft. It has figured in sever-
realizes that there is something special about
al cases involving sexual offenses. Rupert
the PCs. He makes a phone call to check if he
Faraday also knows Christopher, but they have
can givc them Walden's address. When he gets
not seen each other lor weeks. He also knows
the go-ahead, he tells them that Walden is at a
that Walden is the owner of Lovecmft.
private club at Soho Square.
"First Ooor, code 3276. And make sure that
no one follows YOll."


If the PCs ask about Walden or try to tatk to papers as well are strewn on the floor, l\vo
Michiko in private, Gordon Sherman will be men and a woman <Ire trying 10 put the pl<lce
interested. He is writing a feature on the excite- back in order. Someone has obviously conduct-
ment surrounding Walden's disappearance, and ed a violent search of the place.
is trying to get hold of him for an interview. He The woman who opened the door introduces
confronts the PCs and starts to question [hem. herseU' as Camille Rose. The other employees
Unless the players are careful about getting rid arC' named Sand}', Greg and Patricia. if the PCs
of him, he will shadow the PCs, hoping that manage to win Camille's confidence, she
ther will lead him to Walden, explains that four men dressed in black forced
entry earlier that morning when she was alone.
They tore the place apart and beat her up try-
If the PCs did not discover the letters from ing find out where Christopher is hiding. They
Walden to Barkley, they have no lead to threatened to burn down the building or kiJI
Michiko. In that case they will have to ask someone if he did not turn up soon.
around Soho. Rupert and Raoul also know ~They have threatened other people. too.
where to find him. Everyone points to Lovecmft Michiko is afraid of them:'
on Brewer Street, a company which distributes If they ask, she explains that Michiko is a
pornographic items. Christopher is listed as the friend of Chris, and that he owns a restaurant.
owner of the company. Camille can give the address to the club on
Lovecraft is located on the first floor of an old Soho Square, Like Michiko, she makes a phone
run-down house. The entrance leads to a stair- call to check first.
case from the ground floor directly to the first
(Remember, in England, the 'first" floor is actu-
ally the second story, with the 'ground' floor
being at street level). A discreet sign informs Christopher Walden has retired to a private
visitors that Lovecraft Ltd. is located on the club where he is relatively safe from discovery:
premises. his magic protects him (rom being seen. But
If the PCs ring the bell, a heavily made-up Barkley's agents have started collaborating with
woman in her 30's opens the door. She inquires the police, and they are spreading such terror
about (heir business. If they ask about among Walden's friends and acquaintances that
Christopher Walden she says that he isn't there, he no longer feels safe, even here. When
and that she does not know where he is. She Barkley starts to kidnap people and threatens to
looks frightened, and they can see that her kill them if Walden doesn't show up, his own
make-up fails to conceal a large bruise on her friends and supporters start to think that he
temple and a split lip, Barkley's men have should give hims,cJf up to save his friends.
already paid a visit to (he company and tried to The PCs can't go to the club witholllieading
force the employees to reveal \'(i':tlden's where- Barkley's men lhere'. TIley are watched by a
abouts. As at M-ichiko, the PCs must prove that hundred eyes wherever they go, and can't com-
they are not BarkJey's henchmen in order to get pletely shake off those {ailing them as long as
people to talk. They C;lll mention Rupert they stay in Soho. They can't persuade Walden
Faraday, display the foetus in its glass jar, or to leave his hideout. He realizes that he is flO-
reveal what they know of Barkley's plans in ished if he leaves, The club where he is hiding
order to be admitted. is an old private apartment dating from the turn
They enter a modern office with small cubi- of the century. It covers an entire floor. Nothing
cles separated by glass walls. Four employees on. the oU[side suggests that it is here. Three
work in this office. The company distributes apartment doors lacking name plates lead into
Japanese videos, printed material and sexual the club. If the PCs ring at any of the doors, a
aids. Merchandise (some quite bizarre) is scat- young, muscular blond man with 110 shirt and
tered on the floor and on rabies. Binders and rings in his nipples will open the door. He is
distrustfuJ and will not lei them inside unless ~I can change sex for a short moment, at
they Gill prove positively who they are. most an hour or so, but that isn't enough."
When he is convinced that he should allow He says that he has heard about spells that
them to meet Chrisropher, he leads them cause a permanent sex change, but he does not
through a series of dimly lit rooms. The furnish- know them himseU·. He would have to do some
ings are a mix of British Imperial and a modern magical research, something they hardly have
S/M-club: overstuffed chairs and solid furniture time for, as Barkley is barking at their heels.
combined with chains, steel benches, leather WBut something must be done. Otherwise I
harnesses and black-painted walls. The guests will die and you will become Barkley's servalllS
are also a mix of oven sadomasochists and forever.

what appear to be ordinary businessmen. No

one takes any notice of the PCs.
The young man unlocks a door and shows While they are talking, they hear gunshots
them into a room with no windows. Olusick, and the blond lllan runs in breathlessly.
~The)"ve got the police with (hem. and
Christopher Walden is waiting for them. He is a
slightly built man, apparently about thirty years they're just outside. They shot at Janice, but I
of age. He is dressed in a kimono and has waist- think she got away. Michiko has been arrested.
Ions, blond lmir. He looks quite nervous, and They've threatened to kill him if they can't get
invites the PCs in and asks them to close the you," he says, trying to catch his breath.
door behind them. Barkley's men have gathered oLUside the
Christopher will want 10 see the foetus to house. along with the local police, They are
convince himself that tJle PCs are who they waiting for a warrant so they can search the
claim to be. He can tell them that Barkley tried house.
to lure him into a (rap earlier, before the pes "We can't stay here," Christopher says.
rescued the foetus from Inferno. Then he didn't He dresses and leads thel11 through the club
hear anything for a while, but now Barkley to a narrow stair, then a very long, dank tunnel.
seems to have decided that he must die. He is Theyemerge in an underground gar:.lge which
frightened and realizes that his pre(eCtion isn'l Christopher explains is three blocks away. From
going to hold much longer. there they can sneak out 011 foot to Oxford
Christopher understands that Barlder's fixa- Street.
tion is connected to the Child of Magic. He (ells Christopher says that they must go to a magi-
the PCs that he is the father. If they ask how cally protected place. to make sure that Barkley
that is possible, he explains that he is a conjurer can't reach them. It also must be a place where
of passion. But he doesn't know what the PCs his magic can function. The ceme(err of the
need to do 10 make sure that the child is born, homeless is 100 destructive a place for passion
or how to stop Barkley. magic-he refuses even 10 go near the place.
The child was bound to its mother when it Possible alternatives are the court of fools, or
was created. The ritual bound them to each Rupert Faraday's apartment. Unless the pes
other and determined how the foetus would have contrary opinions, Christopher thinks
develop. It is useless to put it in an incubator or they should go to Rupert's, since he is familiar
anywhere else in hopes that it will Slart to with him. He is more skeptical about the mad-
grow, he c.'Xplains. men. It is further away, and he does not know
Christopher docs not mention the fact that any of them. They can make it on foot to
he also was bound to the child during the ritu- Rupert's place iJ they are careful and lud:y.
~And] probably need a second adept of pas-
al, and that he can give birth to it by changing
his sex. This does not occur to him. If rhe PCs sion if we need to create a new speU. It is diffi-
suggest it, he admits that it could be possible. cult to throw it on oneselC

enough to allow the child to be born. To per-
manently change sex is much more mdical.
They must conduct extensive research to creau:
The best choice for the PCs and Christopher the proper ritual. Rupert and Christopher are
is to head for Rupert Faraday's flat. The court of the magicians of the company, but they wiLl
fools is further away .mel Christopher has no need the PCs to help them research the spell as
comacts there. The apartments of the PCs, or qUickly as possible.
other possible hideouts lack the magic aura The PCs are in a position to learn a lillIe
Christopher needs to protect himself. about the Lore of Passion: those with Magic
Rupert Faraday is not especially surprised to Intuition will receive Lore of Passion up to lore
see them. He knows that Christopher is pur- r:ning 10 and the first three spells to lore r.lting
sued, and has tried to find out what is going on Ego-5. In addition, they Ie;ml the Sex change
through his conracts. As soon as they arrive, he spell to Ego-5. It looks like Permanent Sex
exerts his influence to protect them
from Barkley's men. He makes sure that
two police officers arc posted outside
the gate, and will thwart all attempts
for a search warrant'. Then he strength-
ens his magical protection to stop
Barkley from sending creatures of
Inferno into the apartment.
When they are relatively safe, they
can start to discuss what to do. They
can't get at Barkley directly, as he is far
too powerful. The child can't help them
untiJ it is born. They can't free the
Goddess as long as Barkley holds the
cards. The only possible course is for
Christopher to change his sex to give
birth to the chiJd, and then gain control
over the cards.
This is something the players should
figure out for themselves. Only if it
proves impossible for them to reach
this conclusion, should Rupert and
Christopher help them out. Rupert is a conjurer Change (below), but the ritual takes onJy fifteen
of passion himself, and this is old hat to him. minutes, and the dU'r.ltion is only one hour.
Christopher is reluctant to pursue this solution, Those without Magic Intuition will stilJlearn
as he is the one who will be making a perma- the Lore of Passion and the spells. If later they
nent sex change. But because of his despemte acquire Magic Intuition by spending experience
situation he is ready to try anyth.ing. points and waking a hidden potential, they will
"Sure. If we have time 10 discover the ritual be able to lise this knowledge.
before they catch us. I'm ready to try anything. While the conjurers lock themselves in
It's better than dying." Rupert's (emple in order to summon various
creatures of passion for questioning, they also
send the PCs to explore other sources. They
must be extremely careful when they leave the
Christopher knows a spell that can change a
house and move around London, otherwise
person's sex for about an hour. but that is nor
Barkley's men will pick them lip :lnd try !O use Carver opens the door herself when they
them !O lure Christopher OUl, and get their arrive, and shows them in. The house is a
hands on the homunculus. They can borrow labyrinth of rooms with both floors and walls
Rupert's car-a green Bentley-which is kept made of brick. 1\vo large, black dogs foUow
in a garage at the end of Mount Street. them and Stay close lO C"rver. PCs with
Rupert and Christopher give them a list of- Enhanced Awareness or Schizophrenia wilJ
sources they believe might be useful. Some can sense that something is wrong with the dogs.
be found easily: a short subject film by an avant (fhose who can see through the illusions will
garde filmmaker in the archives at the Museum recognize them as razides.)
of Moving Images, and a manuscript at the There are overloaded bookcases, art objects
British Museum. But many of the sources are and strange collectibles everywhere. The house
books, Ieners and nOles they believe are in the is cold, around ten degrees centigrade. They
private collection of a certain Leonore Carver in sense the same aura as in the basement of
Whitechapel. They warn the PCs that she wiU Sandburn, the closeness to Inferno.
not be very cooperative. ~These objects do not fare well with too
"She doesn't even talk to me' any longer, so much heat around,~ she explains.
there's no use for me to go there. Don't even When she sees the PCs, she shows obvious
mention my name,~ Rupert says. interest in their tattoos. She asks permission to
look closer, and asks if they have considered
~II.ore Cu,r"Ver getting rid of them. She will change the subject
Leonore Carver lives in an old, dilapidated if they react negatively, but she is still fascinated
house at the end of an aUey off Commercial by the signs.
Road in Whitechapel. The house was originally She shows them inlO a room with comfort-
a brewery, and has only been partially renovat- able chairs placed in front of an open fire. At
ed. It also hasn't had any repairs done since the first she asks them to specify what they are
1960·s. A brick staircase leads to an unmarked looking for, and will admit that these sources
door on the first floor. People in the vicinity are in her coUeclion. Then she inquires about
witi tell the PCs that Carver lives in the build- the reasons for needing them.
ing. They can hear from their tone of voice that At first she says that she will only be able to
she is not very popular in the neighborhood. help if they give her the magical foetus, but will
Carver is a reclusive Deat h Magician who soon realize that this is an impossible demand.
possesses one of London's most unusual collec- Then she asks for patches of skill from one or
tions of occult and erotic literature and art. She twO of the PCs. After additional bargaining, she
has quarreled with just about every practitioner agrees to let them copy the sources in
of magic in London, and is known as a "diffi- exchange for a copy of the finished spell and
cult~ person to deal with. Only a small, select the right to study their tattoos in detail when
circle, consisting mainly of her disciples, have they have resolved their current difficulties, and
access to her collection. aren't as hurried as they are now. Unless they
If the PCs knock, an unnaturally pale len year offer something in return, they will not be
old girl opens the door. She says that her moth- given access to the collections at all.
er isn't in, and shuts the door. Carver writes the agreement on a piece of
If they contact Leonore by telephone and say paper and asks the PCs to sign. This is a magi-
the right things they may arouse her imerest. caUy binding agreement, she explains. Anyone
She knows that they have the magical foerus, a who does not fulfill his part of the agreement
priceless "object~ that she would like to get her will be dragged down into Inferno. (The GM
hands on. She asks them over to her place at may decide if this is the truth, or if Carver is
cleven that night to discuss what they can offer oniy joking.)
her in return for the information they seek. She
won't discuss delaus in advance of the meeting.

It will lake Carver half an hour to 10Gue the ing 10 break through the magical protection of
sources on Ihe list the PCs gO( [rom Rupert and the vampire.
ChrislOpher. Meanwhile she asks them to wait Barkley is not supposed to succeed, bur the
in from of the fire, and also offers them a bonle GM should try to make the PCs extremely
of wine. The pale girl shows up and looks at tense. If they desire, Rupert can supply them
them, bUI she will nm away if Ihey try to talk to with weapons. In Ulat case, the GM may let a
her. creature break in. or let Barkley's men attack
Carver brings them the sources so they can them when they are outside the house.
copy Ihe parts they need. They are a mixture of
unintelligible diagrams. texts in languages they
After six days Christopher and Rupert have
do not understand, :Ind what looks like tawdry,
finished Ihe ritual, which they believe will
pornographic stories.
work. It will take a full 24 hours to perform.
They return lale at night (Q Mayfair. Carver
Christopher must have a woman as a model for
insists thai they return within a month ro let
his visualization, Rupert wi11 ask a friend to
her study-and possibly copy-the tattoos.
assist them if there arc no women among the
Lf the PCs get tired of haggling with Carver,
PCs. Lillian Willworth arrives at the apartment
and instead try to break in and steal the
the same night.
sources, Ihey arc in trouble. The two watch-
The ritual is performed in Rupert's temple: a
dogs, who in the real it)' beyond lhe illusions are
square room with bricked-up windows, red
razides, continually pace rhrough Ihe house,
waUs and signs inlaid with copper, silver and
Burglars :Irc in for a nasty surprise, They also
gold thread in the parquet floor. Those PCs
have no chance at all of finding what they arc
with Magic Intuition may meditate in the tem-
looking for on their own, (GM: you don't need
ple the night before they perform the ritual. If
to kill the PCs, but be sure they are seriously
they succeed in a skill throw for Lore of
Passion, with a ten or lower, they can help
Carver will nOi very willing 10 negotiate if the
Christopher to cast' Ihe spell. Rupert also helps.
PCs are caught burglarizing her honse, She may
If nothing unexpected happens, they will suc-
still consider giving them access to her collec-
ceed. You do not need 1O make a skill throw for
tion in c,'{ch:lIlge tor the spell and their skin.
Christopher. They start the ritual at midnight,
With the aid of the razides it should not be that
and they can see how ChrislOpher's body is
difficult to get them to sign a binding agree-
graduaUy changed, until after 24 hours he is
ment. If things go this badly, the pes might be
completely female. By that time, everyone
picked up by Carver and skinned alive when
involved in the ritual is totally exhausted.
the adventure is over. You might, if yOll feel
Christopher (Christine?) stumbles OUt to the
generous, let them escape this predicament,
couch in the living room, and falls asleep. The
perhaps by letting the Child of Magic help
woman who modeled for his visualization is
also exhausted. Neither one can be roused
D e I e a g...ered. before dawn.
It will take the PCs and the two conjurers six :Pe~I1eI1"t;8e:x
days to construct the ritual for Chris' sex
change. Meanwhile, Barkley is making more
and more desperate attempts to kill Lore of Passion
ChristOpher and get control of the foetus. 'nle conjurer is able 1O change the sex of
Rupert is using all of his influence and powers him/herself or somebody else. The change is
to protect them, but it is only effective to ;l cer- radical enough to affect the future rebirths of
lain degree, After a few days Barkley starts to the soul. II will now be reborn with its new
send creatures of Inferno after them, threaten- sex. The one who is changing sex must have a
person of the opposite sex present, in order to
have a model to visualize the change. Both ACtually, Chris' cervix dilates and her womb
stand naked inside a protective circle in the accepts the foetus, a membrane closing over
temple. In order to change the sex of a person the opening immediately. Despite this incredi-
other than him or herself, the conjurer must ble sight, the doctor waits distrustfully for the
overcome the Ego of the subject. The sex foetus to die. It does not. Instead it starts to
change can not be performed unless the subje~t reclaim the lost time it has spenl in the glass jar.
cooperates. It grows quickly, and Chris wakes up (ravenous)
LORE RATING: 35 with a swollen belly the next morning.
ENDURANCE COSf. 100 It will take three days-with Chris eating
EQUIPMEJIlr. A person of the opposite sex, can- constamly- for the child to mature enough to
dles 10 be lit during the ceremony, a bowl of be born. which happens during the night of the
water. fourth day. The act of childbirth aU occurs very
MAGIC TOOLS: The cup and the ring. strangely as well, the cervix softening and dilat-
PROTECTIVE CIRCl£: Not really, but a circle to rep- ing again, and the baby emerges with placenta
resent the womb and rebirth may be drawn. and aLi. It is a small girl who looks perfeclly nor-
1NV0CmON: The conjurer describes the sex mal. Chris names her Mary after her dead moth·
change in song during extensive parts of the er. But the speedy development continues.
ritual. During the following day the child grows up.
GESTURES: Through sexual intercourse and by She sleeps during most of the day while she
continuously touching the assistant within grows. At midnight the development seems to
the circle the changes are transmitted to the slow down, and the child wakes up. She looks
body like she is about three years old, and she can
VISUAI.IZAllON: One's own body and conscious- walk and talk.
ness changing sex. The child has magic abilities from birth. Both
DURATION: Permanent conjurers say that Ihe girl was probably able to
TlME TO PERFORM: 24 hours distort time and space in order to grow faster.
(She might also use her powers to protect the
"I"b.e U b i l d apartment).
0:1: :M:ag;ic \Vhen she wakes up around midnjghl, she
Only one problem remains. The factus is still starts to look around the apartment for a piece
inside the glass jar. There is no obvious way to of stiff paper and something to draw wilh. She
i.l11planr it inside Chris' new womb. The conjur- sits down and starts to draw the 78th card of
er will refuse any non-protessional assistance (he Tarotica: a sleeping foetus inside an egg,
when she wakes up. floating above Metropolis. Below the picture
The foetus is smaller than a fist, making it she writes ~Anthropos" in childishly crude let-
possible for a doctor 10 implant il in the womb. ters.
The doctor closest at hand for bOlh the PCs and Neither the PCs nor Chris have any real con·
Rupert ro contact is Ernes( Waugh, the slum tact with the child. She is totally occupied with
doctor who investigated the deaths among the her own business. She smiles at them, but refus-
homeless. He wiJI come if Rupen or the PCs es to speak more Ihan occasional words.
call him. \Vhen the 78th card is finished, she shows it
At first Waugh will reject the whole idea as to Chris and says that they are going to the
impossible. The child will have no chance of prison to give it to Anthony. She is absolutely
survival, there is no placenta ro nourish the insistent about it until the PCs and Chris agree
child, Chris will risk blood poisoning, he says. to follow her to Sandburn, where Barkley
But when he sees the living foetus in the glass already realizes that something is fundamentally
jar he becomes thoughtful, and after some per- wrong.
suasion he agrees LO make the attempt.

~:rotie~---------. . a

walks out through the door, which for her leads

to Metropolis. They never see her again.

Barkley is aware when the ChiJd of Magic cre- IAU1d0I1 :is

ates Ihe 78th card. He loses all his conlrol over :u~
lhe cards. He is just barely able to retain suffi~ Everyone who was bound to the Tarotica
cient control over his employees to prevent rises up when its grip is loosened, and there are
Sandburn from falling into chaos. Throughout violent riots. The homeless, the madmen and
London his power crumbles and disappears. He the forgotten have risen and gone on a ram-
tries to flee back to Inferno, but the TarotiGI page. The forces of law and order are slow to
will not allow il. He has bound himself to the reael.
cards, and now he cannol leave S:ll1dburn. He is When the PCs look out through the Window,
locked inside his old office when the PCs arrive they sec the lights blink out in several places
with Chrislopher and the child. throughout the city. There is a black-ollt, and
They notice that something has happened :11 Ihe smoke from burning houses starts to rise
the hospital. The inmates are screaming and wwards the sky. They hear the sound of sirens
banging on the doors. The attendants and Ihe from every direction. The Goddess leads the
guards seem confused and are milling about. patients from the hospital, but soon she leaves
The child goes directly to Barkley's office and her wards and returns to Metropolis to create a
opens the door. new artifact. The PCs are able w leave the hos-
Barkley is frightened out of his wits. He has pital for a London which becomes more and
shrunk to half his former size and meekly hands more chaotic. It will be several days before
over the cards when the chjld stretches Ollt her order is restored.
hand towards him. She hesitates for a moment
and studies Barkley, but then she gets lip on a
chair and lays the cards out on the desk. -nle
ground shakes with each card she deals, aJld
the screams from the hospital grow louder and
more intense. The inmates have broken out and
arc tearing the attendants and the guards to
Christopher Walden is London's most compe-
The Goddess has been freed from her chains tent conjurer of passion. He was born 10 poor
in the basement. She walks from the basement parents in the East End during the 1920's, and
up 10 the office, followed by Ihe bloodstained, worked as a male prostilute during the depres-
sion, btl[ learned the Lore of Passion. Finally he
screaming and insane patients. The Goddess
walks past both the child and the PCs 10 evcn managed to master death. He is a pivoul
Barkley and pulls him into the crowd outside figure within lhe B~itish pornographic industry,
the door, where he is ripped to shreds. She and has amassed a subswntial fortune over the
reaches alit for the cards, but the chiJd grabs years.
her arm and stops her. Embittered, she wrns During his trips beyond the iHusions, he has
towards the PCs instead, planning (0 throw acquired featllres beyond the purely human,
them to the blood-stained mass of people out- features that allowed the cards to call on him to
sidc. BUI the child intervenes and stops her. create the Child of Magic. Christopher is a
The Goddess nnnters something inaudible and transvestite, and clothes himself provocatively,
leaves through the door. The crowd disappears often as a woman, other times in a more
androgynous way. He looks as if he is in his thir-
down Ihe stairs.
The child collects the cards. She thanks the ties, and has long, blond hair and blue-gray
PCs, gives Christopher a kiss on the check and eyes. He never goes out without make·up.
PERSONAUTY: Like aU conjurers of passion, he I.eoIl.ore C_r"Ver
has difficulty relating to anything that does Leonore Carver is a reclusive Death Magician
not belong to the purely emotional sphere.
living with her dauglner and two razides in a
Facts and derails bore him. When he is sexual-
remodeled breweq' in Whitechapel. She has a
ly aroused by somebody, woman or man, he
is gripped by a passion which is difficult to • bad reputation among the conjurers of London,
comrol, much like that of vampires. He will and spends as much time in Inferno as in
be nllher trying if he becomes interested i.n London. She is under the influence or the
any of the PCs. TIle cards have influenced Tarotica and also or Togarini. Those who seek
him, and in his worse moments, especiaUy her oul do so in order to gain access to her
when he is jealous, he is reminiscem of extensive collection of occult literature and an.
Gamaliel, one of the Angels of Death. Leonore is short and slender, with short. dark
GAMEMASTERING HINTS: Employ pronounced fem- hair and green eyes. She wears loose-fitting,
injne body language, and w,ly of expressing black clothes and heavy make-up.
yourself. PfftSONAUTY: Leonore is a fanatic who cares
only about her occult studies. TIle only other
AGL 15 EGO 15 human being she cares about is her daughter
STR 10 CRA 22 Sandy, who has started to protest against the
COlT 11 PER 10 life her mother is leading, and who will rebel
COlli 18 EDU 9 violemly as soon as she reaches puberty.
GAMEMASTERING HIVIS: Be coldly husincssljke,
HBGHT: 180 cm but at the same time show an almost perverse
WBGHY: 80 kg interest in anything collectible.
AGL 15 EGO 18
MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
4 scratdles = 1 light wound HftGHT: 160 cm
3 light wounds = 1 seriOlls wound WBGHT: 55 kg
3 seriolls wounds = I fatal wound NO. OF ACTIONS: 2
MIMAL BALANCE: -25 MOVEMENT: 8 m/combat round
ADVANTAGES: Magic Intuition, Empathic INITIATIVE BONUS: +3
POWERS: Eternal Youth OAMAGlBONUS: +1
(death), Persecuted (transvestite), Egotist 4 scmtches = I light wound
SKillS: Sneak 12, Dodge 12, Unarmed Combat 3 light wounds = 1 seriolls wound
12, Swim to, Hide 15, Search 12, Acrobatics
3 serious wounds = I fatal wound
15, Dance 18, Play Guitar 14, Poisons and
Drugs 12, Hypnosis 15, Occultism 20, MIMAl BALANCE: -60
German 12, French 16, Latin 12, lta1i:1ll 15, ADVANTAGES: Magic Intuition
Drawing 12, Estimate Value 12, Man of the DISADVANTAGES: Bad Reputation, Death Wish,
World 15, Diplomacy 15, Etiquette 16, Fanatic (lore of Death), Greed, Egotist,
Seduction 20, Net of COlllacts: transvestites Controlled by the Tarotica
and transsexuals 18, Net of Contacts: the SKillS: Hand-gun 12, Sneak 12, Dodge 12,
pornography business 18, Disguise 15 Dagger 15, Search 15, Poisons and Drugs 15,
ATTACK MODE: according to weapon Information Retrieval 18, OccuJtism 20,
MAGIC: Lore of Passion 45 (all spells to 25) German 15, French 15, Italian 12, Spanish 15.
HOME: London L1.tin IS, Classical Greek IS, Sanskrit 8,

; r o t t e - . I I I : a . - - - - - - - - - -. .~.---'
Hebrew 10, Estimate Value 16, Diplomacy 12, HBGlft. 80 em
Net of ContaClS: DC:J.th Magicians 8, WBGHf. 25 kg
Humanistic Scholarship 22 NO. OF ACTIONS: 9
ATIACK MODE: according (Q weapon SENSES: Can see the [rue re:llity
MAGIC: Lore of Death 3; (aU spells (Q 20) MOVEMENT: 60 m/comb:1I round (able (Q manip-
HOME: Whitechapel, London ulate time and space)

"I"I1e CbiId. INmAl1VE BONUS: + I 08

The Child of Magic is the first new human
20 SCr.ltches = I light wOllnd
being created since the Fall. She is not bound
by the illusion like the rest of us, because she 19 light wounds = I serious wound
has never been imprisoned. but only born into 17 serious wounds = 1 fatal wound
it. One could say that she was born awake, and Dies after II fatal wound. Starts to regenerate
has powers in common with those who have after death and is fully recovered after four
awakened. hours.
The pes meet her only as a newborn, whose ENDURANCE: unlimited
ollter appeanmce is that of a three-rear-old girl, POWERS: Manipulates time and space like
when she slUdiously creates the 78th c:J.rd of someone with a mental b:J.lance of ±;OO.
the Tarotica. The cards have molded her entire Invulnerable to fire, electricity and radio
activity. Regenerates 1 light wound/combat
round, knows all human languages, Telepathy,
PERSONAUTY: An inscrutable child with unusual
Telekinesis - I ton ;0 m/second
gifts. She has not yet had time (Q shape a per-
sonality when the pes meet her. She concen- SKIlS: nonc
trates on finishing the Tarotica, something she MAGIC: Master of each Lore and all spells as an
instinctively knows she must do. awakened human
GAMEMASmUNG HINTS: Smile sweetly and in a EQUIPMENT: sketch hook, police badge
friendly way, but be detached, and show no
incerest in what the adults are doing.

AGL 120 EGO 150

STR 100 CHA 150
corr 110 PER 100
COill 120 EDU

~~e. . .e . ."1;
Co. ."Ve:rs:io~
almanac or dictionary should explain the basics
of the tnternational system to readers unfamiliar
with it. The following conversion table should
There are two primary measurement systems:
also be of assistance in converting between U.S.
the International System, abbreviated 51 (from
customary and International:
the French System Internationale), which is
used through most of the world. and the U.S.
customary system, which was based on the 'I'eII1I»era;t;....r e
British imperial system. The U.S. customary system uses Fahrenheit:
The United States has occasionally laken mea- water freezes at 32 c and boils at 212 The

sures to switch over to the Inlern~Hiona.l International system uses Celcius: water
System, but to no effect. The Metric system is freezes at oc and boils at 1Ooc. The few times
used and taught in the U.S., but the U.S. system that Kult requires temperature measurements,
still predominates. Celcius will be used.
International trade, the scientific community,
and Knit aU use the International System. Any Celcius =[ (Fahrenheit - 32) x 5 I 7 9

Fahrenheit = (Ce1cius x 1.8)+ 32

centimeters (em) feet 0.0328
centimeters .inches 0.3937
cubic em cubic inches 0.0610
cubic ft cubic m 0.0283
degrees radians 0.0175
leer . cm 30.48
teet . meterS 0.3048
gallons liters 3.785
gal. water lb. w.lter.... . 8.3453
grams . ounces ...0.0353
inches cm 2.54
kilograms pounds ... 2.205
kilometers feet 3280.8
kilometers miles 0.6214
knots . mi./hr 1. lSI
liters gaJlons 0.2642
liters pims 2.113
meters feet 3.281
miles..... . km . 1.609
ounces grams 28.3495
pounds . kg 0.4536
Note that abbreviations for customary Lise a
period (ft., lb., etc.) while international do not
(m, cm, etc.).

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