Faa G 8082 3
Faa G 8082 3
Faa G 8082 3
Changes to the subject matter knowledge codes will be published in AC 60-25, Reference Materials and Subject
Matter Knowledge Codes for Airman Knowledge Testing.
The current Flight Standards Service airman training and testing material, questions banks, and subject matter knowledge
codes for all airman certificates and ratings can be obtained from the Regulatory Support Division, AFS-600, home
page on the Internet.
FAA-G-8082-3 supersedes Advisory Circular (AC) 65-28, dated 1995, and can be purchased from the Superintendent
of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office (GPO), Washington, DC 20402-9325, or from U.S. Government
Bookstores located in major cities throughout the United States. For an explanation of why the Aviation Mechanic
General, Airframe, and Powerplant Knowledge Test Guide was taken out of the AC system, refer to AC 60-29,
Renumbering of Airman Training and Testing Publications.
Occasionally, the word must or similar language is used where the desired action is critical. The use of such language
is not intended to add to, interpret, or relieve a duty imposed by Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR).
Comments regarding this guide should be sent to the Federal Aviation Administration, Airman Testing Standards
Branch, AFS-630, Attn: Aviation Mechanic Certification Area Manager, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Knowledge Test Eligibility Requirements ....................................................................................................... 1
Knowledge Areas on the Tests ...................................................................................................................... 2
Descriptions of the Tests ............................................................................................................................... 2
Process for Taking a Knowledge Test ........................................................................................................... 2
Use of Test Aids and Materials ..................................................................................................................... 3
Cheating or Other Unauthorized Conduct ...................................................................................................... 4
Validity of Airman Test Reports ..................................................................................................................... 4
Retesting Procedures .................................................................................................................................... 4
List of Reference Materials and Subject Matter Knowledge Codes ............................................................ 1-1
Aviation Mechanic—General Abbreviations and References ...................................................................... 1-1
Aviation Mechanic—General Examination Question References ................................................................ 1-3
Aviation Mechanic—Airframe Abbreviations and References .................................................................... 1-7
Aviation Mechanic—Airframe Examination Question References ............................................................ 1-10
Aviation Mechanic—Powerplant Abbreviations and References ............................................................... 1-16
Aviation Mechanic—Powerplant Examination Question References ......................................................... 1-18
Computer Testing Designees .................................................................................................................... 1-25
the 1-800 number to register, you will need to select a Should you require a duplicate Airman Test Report due
testing center, schedule a test date, and make financial to loss or destruction of the original, send a signed
arrangements for test payment. You may register for request accompanied by a check or money order for
tests several weeks in advance, and you may cancel $1 payable to the FAA. Your request should be sent to
your appointment according to the CTD’s cancellation the Federal Aviation Administration, Airmen
policy. If you do not follow the CTD’s cancellation Certification Branch, AFS-760, P.O. Box 25082,
policies, you could be subject to a cancellation fee. Oklahoma City, OK 73125.
d. The use of any booklet or manual CHEATING OR OTHER UNAUTHORIZED
containing instructions related to the use of the
applicant’s calculating device is not permitted. CONDUCT
e. Dictionaries are not allowed in the testing Computer testing centers are required to follow strict
area. security procedures to avoid test compromise. These
procedures are established by the FAA and are covered
f. The test proctor makes the final in FAA Order 8080.6, Conduct of Airman Knowledge
determination relating to test materials and personal Tests. The FAA has directed testing centers to
possessions that the applicant may take into the testing terminate a test at any time a test proctor suspects a
area. cheating incident has occurred. An FAA investigation
will then be conducted. If the investigation determines
2. Guidelines for dyslexic applicant’s use of test that cheating or other unauthorized conduct has
aids and materials. A dyslexic applicant may request occurred, then any airman certificate or rating that you
approval from the local Flight Standards District Office hold may be revoked, and you will be prohibited for
(FSDO) to take an airman knowledge test using one of 1 year from applying for or taking any test for a
the three options listed in preferential order: certificate or rating under 14 CFR part 65.
a. Option One. Use current testing facilities VALIDITY OF AIRMAN TEST REPORTS
and procedures whenever possible.
Airman Test Reports are valid for the 24-calendar
b. Option Two. Applicants may use a month period preceding the month you complete the
Franklin Speaking Wordmaster to facilitate the testing practical test. If the Airman Test Report expires before
process. The Wordmaster is a self-contained completion of the practical test, you must retake the
electronic thesaurus that audibly pronounces typed in knowledge test.
words and presents them on a display screen. It has a
built-in headphone jack for private listening. The
headphone feature will be used during testing to avoid RETESTING PROCEDURES
disturbing others.
If you receive a grade lower than a 70 percent and
c. Option Three. Applicants who do not wish to retest, you must present the following to testing
choose to use the first or second option may request a center personnel:
test proctor to assist in reading specific words or terms
from the test questions and supplement material. In • failed Airman Test Report; or
the interest of preventing compromise of the testing • if you apply within 30 days, a failed Airman Test
process, the test proctor should be someone who is Report with an endorsement from a mechanic
non-aviation oriented. The test proctor will provide certificate holder with the same rating(s) you are testing
reading assistance only, with no explanation of words for, certifying that additional instruction has been given,
or terms. The Airman Testing Standards Branch, and that you have been found competent to pass the
AFS-630, will assist in the selection of a test site and test.
test proctor.
If you decide to retake the test in anticipation of a better
score, you may retake the test after 30 days from the
date your last test was taken. The FAA will not allow
you to retake a passed test before the 30-day period
has lapsed. Prior to retesting, you must give your current
Airman Test Report to the test proctor. The last test
taken will reflect the official score.
NOTE: The questions on the aviation mechanic tests pertain to FAA regulations and a wide variety of aircraft,
powerplants, and systems. The information contained in the questions must never take precedence over specific
information furnished by a manufacturer in the maintenance of an aircraft.
1. If the cross sectional area of a given conductor 3. What must a certificated mechanic with both
is increased to four times its original value, and airframe and powerplant ratings do prior to
the length and temperature remain constant, the returning to service an aircraft on which he or
resistance of the conductor will be she has performed and approved a 100-hour
A—one-fourth its original value.
B—four times its original value. A—Present his/her work and records to a mechanic
C—found by multiplying the original resistance by the holding an Inspection Authorization for final
percentage increase in cross-sectional area. approval and release.
B—Make the proper entries in the appropriate aircraft
Answer A—Subject Matter Knowledge Code: A02. maintenance record.
AC 65-9A, Airframe & Powerplant Mechanics C—Notify the local FAA FSDO in writing of his/her
General Handbook. intention to return the aircraft to service.
One of the factors affecting the resistance of a Answer B—Subject Matter Knowledge Code: I02.
conductor is cross-sectional area. Resistance varies 14 CFR section 43.11(a).
inversely with the cross-sectional area of a
conductor. If the cross-sectional area of a conductor The person approving for return to service an
is doubled, the resistance to current flow will be aircraft after any inspection shall make an entry in
reduced by half (all other factors remaining the maintenance record containing the required
unchanged). information.
A—forward cg limit.
B—rearward cg limit.
C—empty weight cg.
NOTE: The questions on the aviation mechanic tests pertain to FAA regulations and a wide variety of aircraft,
powerplants, and systems. The information contained in the questions must never take precedence over specific
information furnished by a manufacturer in the maintenance of an aircraft.
1. Which of the following drill bit types work best 3. What is commonly used to connect an
when drilling an aramid fiber (Kevlar) composite emergency source of power, and at the same time
laminate? disconnect the normal hydraulic source from
critical parts of a landing gear or wheel braking
A—Tool steel with standard grind. system for operation (usually when the normal
B—Diamond dust coated. source system fails)?
C—Carbide W-Point.
A—Selector valve.
Answer C—Subject Matter Knowledge Code: D03. B—Shuttle valve.
AMR, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair. C—Sequence valve.
Standard tool steels dull rapidly when drilling or Answer B—Subject Matter Knowledge Code: K01.
trimming composite materials. If diamond-dust AMR, Aircraft Maintenance and Repair.
coated drills are used, the fibers will grab at the
The function of a shuttle valve is to provide a means
drill bit and pull the diamond from the base metal
of disconnecting a normal source of hydraulic (or
or fill voids in the dust pattern with material. The pneumatic) power and connecting an emergency
W-Point carbide drill design lasts longer and helps source of power (hydraulic or pneumatic) to operate
solve fuzz, delamination, and burn problems when the critical parts of a system.
NOTE: The questions on the aviation mechanic tests pertain to FAA regulations and a wide variety of aircraft,
powerplants, and systems. The information contained in the questions must never take precedence over specific
information furnished by a manufacturer in the maintenance of an aircraft.
Appendix 1
The following abbreviations are used to identify the reference(s) associated with the subject matter.
AMT-G Aviation Maintenance Technician Series Basic Electricity—AC 65-9A, AMT-G, AEE,
General—Aviation Supplies and MBM, ECD, AB, JSGT
Academics (ASA), Inc.
ABS Aircraft Basic Science—Glencoe Division, A01 Calculate and measure capacitance and
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publication inductance
Company A02 Calculate and measure electrical power
AP Aircraft Powerplants—Glencoe Division, A03 Measure voltage, current, resistance, and
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publication continuity
Company A04 Determine the relationship of voltage,
AEE Aircraft Electricity and Electronics— current, and resistance in electrical circuits
Glencoe Division, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill A05 Read and interpret electrical circuit
Publication Company diagrams, including solid state devices and
AC Advisory Circular—Federal Aviation logic functions
Administration (FAA), Government A06 Inspect and service batteries
Printing Office (GPO)
AIM Aeronautical Information Manual—FAA, Aircraft Drawings—AC 65-9A, AC 65-15A,
14 CFR Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations
(part or § [section])—GPO B01 Use drawings, symbols, and system
FAA-G-8082 Guide—FAA, GPO schematics
FAA-H-8083 Handbooks—FAA, GPO B02 Draw sketches of repairs and alterations
MBM Marathon Battery Instruction Manual B03 Use blueprint information
ECD Electronic Circuit Devices—Jeppesen B04 Use graphs and charts
Sanderson, Inc.
AB Aircraft Batteries, Lead Acid/Nickel- Weight and Balance—AC 65-9A, 14 CFR §
Cadmium—Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. 23.29
ATD Aircraft Technical Dictionary—Jeppesen
Sanderson, Inc. C01 Weigh aircraft
JSGT A & P Technician General Textbook— C02 Perform complete weight and balance check
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. and record data
JSPT A & P Technician Powerplant Textbook—
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.
Appendix 1
Fluid Lines and Fittings—AC 65-9A, ABS, H04 Perform algebraic operations involving
JSGT addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division of positive and negative numbers
D01 Fabricate and install rigid and flexible fluid
lines and fittings Maintenance Forms and Records—AC 65-9A,
FAA-G-8082-11, AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR §
Materials and Processes—AC 65-9A, AC 43-3, 91.417, 14 CFR part 43
AC 65-15A, AC 43.13-1B, ABS, AP, ATD,
JSPT, JSGT I01 Write descriptions of work performed
including aircraft discrepancies and
E01 Identify and select appropriate corrective actions using typical aircraft
nondestructive testing methods maintenance records
E02 Perform dye penetrant, eddy current, I02 Complete required maintenance forms,
ultrasonic, and magnetic particle inspections records, and inspection reports
E03 Perform basic heat-treating processes
E04 Identify and select aircraft hardware and Basic Physics—AC 65-9A, FAA-H-8083-3,
materials ABS, JSGT
E05 Inspect and check welds
E06 Perform precision measurements J01 Use and understand the principles of simple
machines; sound, fluid, and heat dynamics;
Ground Operation and Servicing—AC 65-9A, basic aerodynamics; aircraft structures; and
FAA-H-8083-3, AC 65-12A, AIM, ABS, JSGT theory of flight
F01 Start, ground operate, move, service, and Maintenance Publications—AC 65-9A,
secure aircraft and identify typical ground FAA-G-8082-11, 14 CFR part 21, 14 CFR part
operation hazards 39, 14 CFR part 43, ABS, JSGT
F02 Identify and select fuels
K01 Demonstrate ability to read, comprehend,
Cleaning and Corrosion Control—AC 65-9A, and apply information contained in FAA and
AC 65-12A, AC 43.13-1B, AC 43-4A, JSGT manufacturer’s aircraft maintenance
specifications, data sheets, manuals,
G01 Identify and select cleaning materials publications, and related Federal Aviation
G02 Inspect, identify, remove, and treat aircraft Regulations, Airworthiness Directives, and
corrosion and perform aircraft cleaning Advisory material
K02 Read technical data
Mathematics—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A, ABS,
AMT-G, JSGT Mechanic Privileges and Limitations—AC
43.13-1B, AMT-A, 14 CFR part 43, 14 CFR
H01 Extract roots and raise numbers to a given part 65
H02 Determine areas and volumes of various L01 Exercise mechanic privileges within the
geometrical shapes limitations prescribed by 14 CFR part 65
H03 Solve ratio, proportion, and percentage
Appendix 1
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Appendix 1
E03 Fabricate tubular structures M02 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and
E04 Solder, braze, gas-, and arc-weld steel repair oxygen systems
E05 Weld aluminum and stainless steel
Aircraft Instrument Systems—AC 65-9A, AC
Assembly and Rigging—AC 65-9A, AC 65- 65-15A, 14 CFR part 23, 14 CFR part 65, 14
15A, AC 61-13B, AC 43.13-1B & 2A, 14 CFR CFR part 91, AEE, AMR, AMT-A, JSAT
part 23, AMR, JSAT
N01 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
F01 Rig rotary-wing aircraft repair electronic flight instrument systems
F02 Rig fixed-wing aircraft and both mechanical and electrical heading,
F03 Check alignment of structures speed, altitude, temperature, pressure, and
F04 Assemble aircraft components, including position indicating systems to include the use
flight control surfaces of built-in test equipment
F05 Balance, rig, and inspect movable primary N02 Install instruments and perform a static
and secondary flight control surfaces pressure system leak test
F06 Jack aircraft
Communication and Navigation Systems—AC
Airframe Inspection—AC 65-9A, 14 CFR part 65-15A, AC 91-44A, AC 43.13-2A, AEE, AP,
43, 14 CFR part 65, 14 CFR part 91 ARS, JSAT
G01 Perform airframe conformity and O01 Inspect, check, and troubleshoot autopilot,
airworthiness inspections servos and approach coupling systems
HXX Reserved O02 Inspect, check, and service aircraft
IXX Reserved electronic communication and navigation
JXX Reserved systems, including VHF, passenger address
interphones and static discharge devices,
Aircraft Landing Gear Systems—AC 65-9A, aircraft VOR, ILS, LORAN, radar beacon
AC 65-15A, AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR part 43, transponders, flight management computers,
O03 Inspect and repair antenna and electronic
K01 Inspect, check, service, and repair landing equipment installations
gear, retraction systems, shock struts,
brakes, wheels, tires, and steering systems Aircraft Fuel Systems—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A,
AC 65-15A, AC 43.13-1B & 2A, 14 CFR part
Hydraulic and Pneumatic Power Systems— 23, 14 CFR part 25, AMR, MMM, FMS,
P01 Check and service fuel dump systems
L01 Repair hydraulic and pneumatic power P02 Perform fuel management, transfer, and
system components defueling
L02 Identify and select hydraulic fluids P03 Inspect, check, and repair pressure fueling
L03 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and systems
repair hydraulic and pneumatic power P04 Repair aircraft fuel system components
systems P05 Inspect and repair fluid quantity indicating
Cabin Atmosphere Control Systems—AC 65- P06 Troubleshoot, service, and repair fluid
15A, AC 43.13-1B, AMR, AAC, JSAT, 49 CFR pressure and temperature warning systems
part 173 P07 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
repair aircraft fuel systems
M01 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
repair heating, cooling, air-conditioning,
pressurization, and air cycle machines
Appendix 1
Aircraft Electrical Systems—AC 65-9A, AC 65- R02 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, and service
15A, AC 43.13-1B & 2A, 14 CFR part 23, landing gear position indicating and warning
AEE, MBM, JSGT, JSAT systems
Q01 Repair and inspect aircraft electrical system Ice and Rain Control Systems—AC 65-15A,
components; crimp and splice wiring to AMT-A
manufacturer’s specifications; and repair
pins and sockets of aircraft connectors S01 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and
Q02 Install, check, and service airframe electrical repair airframe ice and rain control systems
wiring, controls, switches, indicators, and
protective devices Fire Protection Systems—AC 65-9A, AC 65-
Q03 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and 15A, AP, JSAT
repair alternating and direct current
electrical systems T01 Inspect, check, and service smoke and
Q04 Inspect, check, and troubleshoot constant carbon monoxide detection systems
speed and integrated speed drive generators T02 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
repair aircraft fire detection and
Position and Warning Systems—AC 65-9A, AC extinguishing systems
65-15A, AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR part 23, AMR,
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
1011. AC 65-15A
1012. AC 65-15A
1013. AC 65-15A
1014. AC 65-15A
1015. AC 65-15A
1016. JSAT
1017. AP
1018. AC 65-15A
1019. AC 65-15A
1020. AC 65-15A
1021. AC 65-15A
1022. AC 65-15A
1023. AC 65-15A
1024. AC 65-15A
1025. AC 65-15A
1026. AC 65-15A
1027. AC 65-15A
1028. AC 65-15A
Appendix 1
ABS Aircraft Basic Science—Glencoe Division, A04 Install, troubleshoot, and remove
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publication reciprocating engines
AC Advisory Circular Turbine Engines—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A,
AEE Aircraft Electricity and Electronics— AC 65-15A, 14 CFR part 33, AP, AGTP, JSPT
Glencoe Division, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
Publication Company B01 Overhaul turbine engine
AMR Aircraft Maintenance and Repair— B02 Inspect, check, service, and repair turbine
Glencoe Division, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill engines and turbine engine installations
Publication Company B03 Install, troubleshoot, and remove turbine
AMT-G Aviation Maintenance Technician Series engines
General—Aviation Supplies & Academics,
(ASA) Inc. Engine Inspection—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A,
AMT-P Aviation Maintenance Technician Series AC 39-7B, AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR part 23,
Powerplant—Aviation Supplies & 14 CFR part 33, 14 CFR part 43, 14 CFR part
Academics, (ASA) Inc. 65, ABS, AP, JSGT, JSPT
AP Aircraft Powerplants—Glencoe Division,
Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publication C01 Perform powerplant conformity and
Company airworthiness inspections
DAT Dictionary of Aeronautical Terms—
Aviation Supplies & Academics (ASA), DXX Reserved
Inc. EXX Reserved
TCAS Transport Category Aircraft Systems— FXX Reserved
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. GXX Reserved
APC Aircraft Propellers and Controls—
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Engine Instrument Systems—AC 65-12A,
ATD Aircraft Technical Dictionary—Jeppesen AC 65-15A, AC 20-88A, 14 CFR part 65,
Sanderson, Inc. AMR, AP, AGTP, JSPT, ATD
JSGT A & P Technician General Textbook—
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. H01 Troubleshoot, service, and repair electrical
JSPT A & P Technician Powerplant Textbook— and mechanical fluid rate-of-flow indicating
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. systems
AGTP Aircraft Gas Turbine Powerplants— H02 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. repair electrical and mechanical engine
14 CFR Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations temperature, pressure, and RPM indicating
(part or § [section])—GPO systems
PSG A&P Technician Powerplant Study Guide
- Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc. Engine Fire Protection Systems—AC 65-9A,
Reciprocating Engines—AC 65-9A,
AC 65-12A, 14 CFR part 43, AP, JSPT, AMT-P I01 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and
repair engine fire detection and extinguishing
A01 Inspect and repair a radial engine systems
A02 Overhaul reciprocating engine
A03 Inspect, check, service, and repair
reciprocating engines and engine installations
Appendix 1
K01 Identify and select lubricants Engine Cooling Systems—AC 65-12A, ABS,
K02 Repair engine lubrication system AP, JSPT, AMT-P
K03 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and P01 Repair engine cooling system components
repair engine lubrication systems P02 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and
repair engine cooling systems
Ignition and Starting Systems—AC 65-12A,
AC 65-15A, AEE, AP, AGTP, JSPT Engine Exhaust and Reverser Systems—
AC 65-12A, AC 43.13-1B, JSPT
L01 Overhaul magneto and ignition harness
L02 Inspect, service, troubleshoot, and repair Q01 Repair engine exhaust system components
reciprocating and turbine engine ignition Q02 Inspect, check, troubleshoot, service, and
systems and components repair engine exhaust systems
L03 Inspect, service, troubleshoot, and repair Q03 Troubleshoot and repair engine thrust
turbine engine electrical starting systems reverser systems and related components
L04 Inspect, service, and troubleshoot turbine
engine pneumatic starting systems Propellers—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A,
AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR part 43, 14 CFR part 65,
Fuel Metering Systems—AC 65-9A, AP, ATD, APC, JSPT, AMT-P
R01 Inspect, check, service, and repair propeller
M01 Troubleshoot and adjust turbine engine fuel synchronizing and ice control systems
metering systems and electronic engine fuel R02 Identify and select propeller lubricants
controls R03 Balance propellers
M02 Overhaul carburetor R04 Repair propeller control system components
M03 Repair engine fuel metering system R05 Inspect, check, service, and repair fixed
components pitch, constant speed and feathering
M04 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and propellers, and propeller governing systems
repair reciprocating and turbine engine fuel R06 Install, troubleshoot, and remove propellers
metering systems R07 Repair aluminum alloy propeller blades
Engine Fuel Systems—AC 65-9A, AC 65-12A, Auxiliary Power Units—DAT, TCAS, ATD,
AC 43.13-1B, 14 CFR part 23, AP, JSPT AGTP
N01 Repair engine fuel system components T01 Inspect, check, service, and troubleshoot
N02 Inspect, check, service, troubleshoot, and turbine-driven auxiliary power units
repair engine fuel systems
Appendix 1
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Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
Appendix 1
The following is a list of the computer testing designees authorized to give FAA airman knowledge tests. This list
should be helpful in case you choose to register for a test or simply want more information.
: Sylvan Prometric
1000 Lancaster Street
Baltimore, MD 21202