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A homophone is one of two or more words which sound the same but which
have different meanings.

aye/eye/I ate/eight allowed/aloud

altar/alter arc/ark be/bee
bail/bale bald/bawled band/banned
bare/bear baron/barren base/bass
baste/based beach/beech bean/been
beat/beet berries/buries berth/birth
buy/by/bye billed/build blew/blue
boar/bore board/bored border/boarder
bough/bow boy/buoy brake/break
bread/bred brewed/brood canon/cannon
ceiling/sealing cell/sell cellar/seller
cent/scent/sent cereal/serial cheap/cheep
chews/choose Chile/chilli/chilly chord/cord
chute/shoot cite/sight/site clause/claws
coarse/course colonel/kernel conquer/conker
coward/cowered currant/current cymbal/symbol
days/daze dear/deer desert/dessert
dew/due/do die/dye doe/dough
dual/duel earn/urn ewe/yew/you
facts/fax faint/feint fair/fare
faze/phase find/fined flea/flee
flew/flu flour/flower for/fore/four
foul/fowl frees/freeze/frieze fur/fir
genes/jeans grate/great groan/grown
guessed/guest guilt/gilt hay/hey
hair/hare heal/heel hear/here
heard/herd higher/hire him/hymn
hoes/hose holy/wholly horse/hoarse
hour/our idle/idol in/inn

2005 First School Years (www.firstschoolyears.com) This worksheet may be reproduced without permission for educational use.
knead/need knight/night knit/nit
knot/not laps/lapse lays/laze
lead/led leak/leek lessen/lesson
lightening/lightning loan/lone made/maid
mail/male maize/maze manner/manor
meat/meet medal/meddle mind/mined
miner/minor missed/mist moose/mousse
morning/mourning muscles/mussels no/know
nose/knows none/nun ode/owed
one/won overdo/overdue paced/paste
pain/pane pair/pare/pear passed/past
pause/paws peace/piece peak/peek
place/plaice plain/plane pleas/please
plum/plumb poor/pore/pour pray/prey
profit/prophet queue/cue rain/reign
rap/wrap read/reed red/read
real/reel right/write role/roll
root/route sail/sale scene/seen
sea/see sew/so shoe/shoo
side/sighed size/sighs slay/sleigh
soar/sore sole/soul some/sum
stair/stare stake/steak steal/steel
storey/story suite/sweet swayed/suede
tea/tee tail/tale taught/taut
team/teem tease/teas/tees tern/turn
their/they’re/there threw/through throne/thrown
tied/tide to/too/two toed/toad/towed/told
undo/undue vale/veil vane/vain/vein
wade/weighed wail/whale waste/waist
wait/weight ware/wear/where way/whey/weigh
weather/whether weak/week which/witch
whine/wine whirred/word warn/worn

2002 First School Years (www.firstschoolyears.com)

2005 This worksheet may be reproduced without permission for educational use.

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