Case Digest
Case Digest
Case Digest
SALVADOR ATIZADO and SALVADOR His counter-affidavit, the police blotter and trial
MONREAL, Petitioners, vs. PEOPLE OF THE records show that Monreal was a minor at the time
PHILIPPINES, Respondent. of the commission. Monreal’s minority was legally
sufficient, for it conformed with the norms
FACTS: subsequently set under Section 7 of Republic Act
No. 9344:
Petitioners Atixado and Monreal are
accused of killing and murdering one Rogelio Llona
on April 1994. It was said that both petitioners Section 7. Determination of Age. - The child
barged in on the house of one Desder, where the in conflict with the law shall enjoy the
victim was a guest and suddenly shot at Llona with presumption of minority. He/She shall
their guns. After the shooting, they fled. enjoy all the rights of a child in conflict
with the law until he/she is proven to be
For their defense, the petitioners interposed that eighteen (18) years old or older.
they were at their family residence and drinking
gin. In all proceedings, law enforcement officers,
The RTC convicted Atizado and Monreal for the prosecutors, judges and other government officials
crime of murder and sentenced them with concerned shall exert all efforts at determining the
reclusion perpetua. On appeal to the CA, the court age of the child in conflict with the law.
affirmed the conviction in 2005.
Monreal has been detained for over 16 years, that
It is important to note that Salvador
is, from the time of his arrest on May 18, 1994 until
Monreal was a minor at the time of the commission
the present. Given that the entire period of
of the crime.
Monreal’s detention should be credited in the
ISSUE: Whether or not the lower courts erred in service of his sentence, pursuant to Section 41 of
finding the petitioners guilty beyond reasonable Republic Act No. 9344, the revision of the penalty
doubt for murder. warranted his immediate release from the
What is the penalty to be imposed on Monreal, a
minor during the time of the commission?
G.R. No. 184170 February 2, 2011
HELD/RATIO: Yes, conviction affirmed.
However, the penalty imposed on Monreal is PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, Plaintiff-Appellee,
The witness’ positive identification of the QUINTAL and LARRY PANTI, Accused.
petitioners as the killers, and her declarations on FACTS:
what each of the petitioners did when they
mounted their sudden deadly assault against Llona On 2 May 2001, appellant Vicente,
left no doubt whatsoever that they had conspired together with 15-year old Jerwin Quintal, 16-year
to kill and had done so with treachery. old Felipe Quintal and Larry Panti were charged in
an Information for Rape. The victim is a 16-year
Under Article 248 of the RPC, the penalty for old girl, AAA. Of all the accused, only Felipe and
murder is reclusion perpetua to death. There being Jerwin were arrested.
no modifying circumstances, the CA correctly
imposed the lesser penalty of reclusion perpetua on The victim testified that in August 2002, as
Atizado. But reclusion perpetua was not the correct she was leaving a wake at around 10 pm, she
penalty for Monreal due to his being a minor over noticed that Jerwin was following her. She
15 but under 18 years of age. recognized Jerwin because he was her schoolmate.
As AAA was about to go into her grandmother’s
house, the both of the accused invited her to go to a As to the minors Jerwin and Felipe, the
birthday party, to which she acceded. She was then case against them had been dismissed before the
led to a rice field where the other accused were and RTC.
all four of them took turns to rape her.
AAA reported the incident after 2 days.
The parents of Jerwin accompanied their son and
there were talks of Jerwin proposing marriage to
the victim and there was an admission of the rape
put in writing.
For the defense, Jerwin claimed that the
victim was his girlfriend and they had sexual
intercourse before.
In 2006, the RTC convicted all the accused
of rape and sentenced them to suffer the penalty of
reclusion perpetua, but mitigated the penalty
imposed on Jerwin and Felipe for they were
minors. Pursuant to R.A. No. 9344, the judgment of
conviction against Jerwin Quintal and Felipe
Quintal was suspended and they were confined at
the Home for Boys in Naga City for rehabilitation.
In 2009, the RTC ordered the dismissal of
the cases against Jerwin and Felipe upon
reconsideration upon the recommendation of the
The only appellant in this case is Vicente,
who was not a minor at the time of the commission
of the crime.
ISSUE: Whether or not there is sufficient evidence
for conviction.
The credibility of the testimonies of the
prosecution witnesses, as well as the inconclusive
medical finding, tends to create doubt if AAA was
indeed raped. The RTC and the Court of Appeals
relied largely on the testimony of AAA that she was
The SC doubted the credibility of AAA’s
testimony, which was inconsistent with the
testimonies she told the barangay tanod and
barangay kagawad, the purported confession put
into writing and signed by all the accused; and the
subsequent incidents relating to the case.
The combination of all the circumstances
are more than sufficient to create a reasonable
doubt as to whether first, rape was actually
committed and second, whether the accused were
the perpetrators.