Expert Faculty
Jayems Dhingra, Principal Consultant
FSIArb, FCIArb, M.S.I.D, MBA, M. Tech (Knowledge Engineering), M. Sc. (Maritime Studies) B. E. (Elect), Ist Class CoC (DOT, UK)
Specialist in the marine, offshore and onshore oil & gas construction industry segments, with 33 years experience in Asia and Europe.
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Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
DAY ONE : Module 1: Principles of Contract Laws, Maritime Laws and relevance to OSV Charters
1. Introduction to Contracts and Purchase Orders Principles of Contract Formation Pre-requisites of Legally Enforceable Contracts Samples of Invalid Contracts Purchase Orders Terms and Conditions of Contracts Should you consult legal professionals before drafting the Contract or before signing the Contract? Learn how to manage legal costs and ensure desired conditions of the Contract between the parties are maintained. 2. Overview of National/ State Laws and Maritime Laws Understanding legal system governing contracts Identification of Relevant Laws in Context How to define applicable laws? International Laws vs. National Laws Conventions and Maritime Laws for Contracts and Charter Party Agreements Remember, laws are for maintaining harmonious relationships between parties and is not for training you to become a Lawyer! Learn to know the legal regimes, applicable to your business, without being a qualified lawyer! 3. Breach of Terms of the Contracts Defining breaches of the terms as a term of the contract Legal interpretation of breach Remedies for breach Fundamental breach When redress of breaches are non-enforceable
The root cause of any dispute begins with the breach of the terms of the Contract, but how different state laws, interpret breaches? Who decides? 4. Channels of Maritime Disputes Resolution Forum Shopping What is the present day function of Admiralty Courts? Multi-party disputes Arbitration and its benefits Customized workshop: We have not learned unless we apply to a real life situation and see the effectiveness of lessons learned! A hands-on workshop will empower you to start practicing, immediately after this module and set the stage for subsequent sessions in this course.
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
Theme: Successful and unsuccessful call on deviations from the Performance Criteria Case notes from the real life events shall be presented for the participants to analyze and present their arguments in favour and against the actual judgments/awards with reasons. References for Day 2 Sample C/P Forms Contracts Derived from Printed Terms & Conditions on Face and Reverse of C/P UN Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS 1982)
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
Course registration begins at 8:30am on Day 1. The course will commence at 9am on both days. There will be breaks for mid-morning refreshments, lunch, and mid-afternoon refreshments. The course will end by 5pm on both days.
Strategic Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
About your expert facilitator: Jayems Dhingra Jayems Dhingra is the principal consultant, specialising in the marine, offshore and onshore oil & gas construction industry segments. Over a 33-year period, Jayems has worked and consulted among other industries; longest with heavy engineering & construction industries encompassing major oil and gas engineering construction yards and shipyards engaged in Offshore Modules fabrications & Ship Repairs in Asia and Europe. In the recent past Jayems has been associated with development of a Heavy Engineering Yard from within a traditional Shipyard. He played a lead role in development of Project Management Systems, Marketing Plans, Supply Chain Management, Subcontractor administration, employee development and new products development related initiatives besides expansion to be a recognized FPS conversion yard and LNG Tankers repairs specialist yard. Jayems also held positions of Managing Director, General Manager, Senior Manager with companies from construction industry (M & E segment), heavy engineering fabrications, manufacturing, and marine & offshore services, where he was responsible for projects related to works on Offshore Vessels refurbishment, FPSO Conversions, Gas Tanker Repairs, Process Modules engineering, Lateral Gas/Oil Pipelines and other construction related works. As a result of the wide exposure to complex and multiple mega projects, Jayems has developed special programs in managing geographically dispersed international projects. Jayems graduated with a Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, MBA in General Management, Master of Technology in Knowledge Engineering and Master of Science in Maritime Studies. He holds professional qualifications in marine, including the Chief Engineers First Class Certificate of Competency. Jayems is further qualified for appointment as Arbitrator and undertakes assignments of contract reviews, dispute resolutions and ADR matters. He is registered as Fellow, Singapore Institute of Arbitrators Fellow, Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, UK (FCIArb) and Member, Singapore Institute of Directors (M.S.I.D.).
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
18 22, Singapore Early Bird Price S$ 4500 Normal Price TEAM DISOUNTS
OSV Chartering and Contract Management with Essential Elements of Contract Law
S$ 4700 PetroEdge recognises the value of leaning in teams. Group bookings at the same time from the same company receive the following: 3 or more at 5% off 5 or more at 7% off 8 of more at 10% Group discounts are exclusive of Early Bird or other promotions
PetroEdge In-house Training { } Yes, I would like to organise this training on-site and save over 25% of total course fees! For further information about In-house training, please call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net
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By Cheque/ Bank Draft: Make Payable to Asia Edge Pte. Ltd. By Direct Transfer: Please quote AE1 with the remittance advise Account Name: Asia Edge Pte. Ltd. Bank Number: 508 Account Number: 762903-001Swift Code: OCBCSGSG All bank charges to be borne by payer. Please ensure that Asia Edge Pte Ltd receive the full invoiced amount. PAYMENT POLICY: Payment is due in full at the time of registration. Full payment is mandatory for event attendance. I agree to Asia Edge Pte Ltd. payment terms CANCELLATIONS & SUBSTITUTIONS: You may substitute delegates at any time. ASIA EDGE PTE LTD does not provide refunds for cancellations. For cancellations received in writing more than seven (7) days prior to the training course you will receive a 100% credit to be used at another ASIA EDGE PTE LTD training course for up to one year from the date of issuance. For cancellations received seven (7) days or less prior to an event (including day 7), no credits will be issued. In the event that ASIA EDGE PTE LTD cancels an event, delegate payments at the date of cancellation will be credited to a future ASIA EDGE PTE LTD event. This credit will be available for up to one year from the date of issuance. In the event that ASIA EDGE PTE LTD postpones an event, delegate payments at the postponement date will be credited towards the rescheduled date. If the delegate is unable to attend the rescheduled event, the delegate will receive a 100% credit representing payments made towards a future ASIA EDGE PTE LTD event. This credit will be
Learn more about our Strategic Learning Solutions for Oil & Gas Call +65 67419927 or email info@asiaedge.net