Three Friday Afternoons SCA-Dubai
Three Friday Afternoons SCA-Dubai
Three Friday Afternoons SCA-Dubai
Services A rbitration,
M ediation/Conciliation
Training Programme for Sound Contract Administration - 3 Fridays 4th, 11th & 18th July 2014 - 2.00pm to 10.00pm
There are three main reasons as to why every Company should provide its Project Staff and Company Executives with regular training
on Sound Contract Administration :i)
Contract Administrators (i.e. Engineers, Architects, Project Managers, Quantity Surveyors, Planners etc.) gain adequate general
theoretical knowledge in a particular discipline from their Degree, Diploma or Certificate Programmes from which they graduate,
but in order to master the proper application of such knowledge, in administrating contracts, specific training and further
knowledge are essential.
ii) Disputes cannot be avoided unless the Contract Administrators are fully aware about the obligations, rights and liabilities of both
parties to a contract, and about the repercussions of not observing them.
iii) The interests of the Company and its Clients cannot be protected by its Contract Administrators, unless they are competent in
practising Sound Contract Administration.
If your Company is interested in providing its employees with training on Sound Contract Administration, here is a unique low-cost fast
track opportunity :Training Programme
Conducted by
Dhs. 2800/= per head for the full course. Cheques should be written in favour of DRSAM
FZE. (Cash is also acceptable). Direct remittances/transfers can be made to Mashreq Bank
IBAN number AE970330000019100024745. There are limited places available on a firstcome-first-served basis. (Each delegate would receive a Certificate showing 25 CPD hours
gained at the Training Programme). Those who complete the course would qualify to receive
on-line free-of-charge, 500+ Questions and Answers on typical contract administration issues
that the practitioners face on work sites.
Registration is open from 1.00 pm. Delegates should arrive at least by 1.30 pm to allow time for registration.
2.00 pm
1. Variations and Valuation of varied work under FIDIC and similar Forms of Contract. (If there are no
Variations, then the administration of a contract is straight forward, but almost all projects are burdened with Variations
and if the Contract Administrator is not fully competent in dealing with Variations, then disputes are unavoidable. This
session provides detailed teaching on everything there is to know about Variations and their valuations, and the 11
arguments as to why existing rates and prices would be inapplicable / inappropriate).
4.45 pm
2. Provisions in the Contract for Extension of Time and Prolongation Costs. (Delayed project completion has become
quite common in the industry. It is the duty of the Contract Administrator to deal with Extension of Time and Prolongation
Cost Claims. If he is not fully aware about the entitlements of the parties and how to administrate them, then disputes are
unavoidable. This session teaches in detail, on how to identify the entitlements to extension of time and prolongation costs
even when such entitlements are not stated in a contract, by applying the essential tests to verify the entitlements).
6.30 pm
6.50 pm
3. Dealing with Concurrent Delays (It is quite common for a Contractor to have slow progress during the early stages
which he can recover during later stages. But at a time when he is late, if the Employer also delays him, generally it is
difficult to establish who should bear the responsibility for delayed completion. In such concurrent delay situations, the
Contract Administrator should be fully competent in identifying the entitlements of the parties, as the Contracts are usually
silent on how to deal with concurrent delays. Learn the 12 arguments for the Contractor and the 3 for the Employer).
8.20 pm
4. (First Part of Session 4) Notices, Detailed Particulars and Calculation of Prolongation Costs. (It is not always that a
Contractor loses his rights if a notice or detailed particulars are not submitted within the time period stated in the Contract.
Services A rbitration,
M ediation/Conciliation
Therefore the Contract Administrator should be able to identify the circumstances under which the Contractor would lose
its rights. This session also guides the participant step-by-step through the claims preparation process, and about the
evidence required to prove the entitlements to Extension of Time and Prolongation Costs).
Friday 11th July 2014 (3 Sessions)
1.45 pm
2.00 pm
3.30 pm
5. Under-Recoveries and Over-Recoveries under Sub-Clause 52.3 (Under a JCT Form of Contract, the Employers and
Consultants always deduct the Contractors Overheads priced within the Variations against the Overheads Claimed within
Prolongation Costs, where EOT is given for delays due to such Variations, but under a FIDIC Form of Contract it is
incorrect to make such adjustment. Also if the Effective Final Account is well above the Effective Contract Price, the
Contract Administrator should know how to adjust the over-recoveries in favour of the Employer and vice versa. Learn the
existing incorrect practices / misconceptions about this Sub-Clause, and the correct practice through worked examples).
5.30 pm
5.50 pm
6. Use of Formulae for Recovery of Overheads (Hudson, Emden, Eichleay, Hank-Laan and Samaratunga). (Often
the largest portion of a Prolongation Cost Claim is the Contractors Head Office Overheads cost element. The Contract
Administrator should be fully aware of what Head Office Overheads are, which parts of such overheads can be claimed,
which parts cannot be claimed and most importantly how such overheads could be apportioned to the delay period of a
project. They should also know why formulae such as Hudson, Emden and Eichleay cannot be used when dealing with a
FIDIC Form of Contract).
7.15 pm
7. How to Draft a Contract Agreement. (Without knowing what a contract is, it cannot be administrated. This session
explains what a legally binding contract is, how contracts are made and provides knowledge on the essential provisions one
should draft into a contract, and educates the practitioner on what to look for before his/her Company signs a contract thus
protecting the Companys interests. This session also deals with drafting Subcontracts. Should the limit of Subcontract
penalties be 10% of Subcontract Price or 10% of Contract Price ?).
2.00 pm
8. Measurement Principles and CESMM3. (This covers project cost control mechanism, art of preparing the BOQ etc.
Increasingly CESSM3 is being used to measure Civil Engineering work in Dubai and around the world. Since POM(I) is
the more common Standard Method of Measurement, Contract Administrators need to be introduced to CESSM3.
Irrespective of the method used, the BOQ should be capable of serving its objective, which is to produce a set of
rates/prices that cannot be challenged as inapplicable/inappropriate for valuing variations/original scope of work, thus
ensuring effective cost control of projects).
4.30 pm
9. Arbitration and Other Dispute Resolution Techniques. (Before the parties become eligible to refer their disputes to
arbitration, their Contract Administrators should follow many procedures in resolving any issues at lower tiers. Contract
Administrators should be fully knowledgeable on the multi-tiered dispute resolution process written in contracts. In
addition to providing them with such knowledge, this session also explains the step by step arbitration process including a
video clip of an arbitration hearing. Also an introduction to Mediation, Conciliation and other ADR).
7.00 pm
7.20 pm
10. Sound Contract Administration. (How to protect the interests of the Company and its Clients. The What, Who, When
and Why of Contract Administration. Also presents The DOs, The DONTs and a code of conduct/ethics for Contract
Administrators. This Sessions also introduces the procurement routes that the Contract Administrators should be aware of).
On each day sessions commence at sharp 2.00 pm and therefore the delegates are required to be seated by 1.55 pm. Each Session
consists of a lecture of 1 - 2 hrs and a discussion (Q & A) time of - hr, with further Q&A time at the end of the day.
Please reserve your place by sending an email to