Research On Cost Overrun Risk of Construction Phase of Vietnam Highway International Contracting Project
Research On Cost Overrun Risk of Construction Phase of Vietnam Highway International Contracting Project
Research On Cost Overrun Risk of Construction Phase of Vietnam Highway International Contracting Project
Recently, the highway construction projects increase rapidly in Vietnam and most of them are in-
ternational contracting projects. It results serious negative influence on the local government and
enterprises that the common cost overrun of projects, and the risk factors of it is different in the
different countries, different stages and projects types. So in this paper, we generate an evaluation
index system of highway construction projects cost overrun risk in Vietnam in the perspective of
different project participants, and also evaluate the effects of these factors in method of regression
analysis. The empirical results confirmed 7 main factors that have aggravated cost overrun risk in
construction stages, e.g. survey and design scheme risk. In final, the corresponding suggestions are
proposed to reduce the project cost overrun risk.
Highway, Construction, Cost Overrun, Risk Management, Vietnam
1. Introduction
The highway is an important symbol of regional modernization and economic development, but there is no
highway in Vietnam before 2002. According to the estimate of Vietnam experts in the field of transportation, it
is necessary for Vietnam’s industrialization and modernization to develop a modern transport system, which
Corresponding author.
How to cite this paper: Vu, H.A., Wang, J.Q., Min, L.X., Mai, S.H. and Nguyen, H.P. (2016) Research on Cost Overrun Risk of
Construction Phase of Vietnam Highway International Contracting Project. Engineering, 8, 86-98.
H. A. Vu et al.
contains a traffic aorta of 6000 km highway [1]. Although the highway construction in Vietnam has already
started in the past 10 years, the highway network just accounts for a small proportion compared with the whole
national transport network, and cannot satisfy the demands development. In order to build new Vietnam’s na-
tional highway network, Vietnam’s prime minister pointed out in a second session of the national assembly
government report in 2007 with the word of “The government needs to strictly monitor and guide important in-
vestment project schedule of every country, especially in those implementation process of national key project.”
Planning examination and approval, releasing policy and list of social infrastructure projects, encourage domes-
tic investors and foreign investors in appropriate form. The government guides to launch 30 strategic transport
investments projects till 2020, particularly the road and highway projects. The Vietnamese government is en-
couraged to absorb the domestic and foreign funds by BOT, BTO, BT, PPP, etc. [2]. There are lots of projects
belonging to the international cooperation projects. Although they are executed by experienced foreign enter-
prises, the phenomenon of cost overrun is still serious and becomes a most frequently problems in Vietnam.
According to the Vietnamese economic experts, in 2011 Vietnam almost all of the highway projects costs have
an unexpected increase, and the construction cost of Vietnamese highway is 1.5 to 2 times higher than other
countries, such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, even higher than the United States, and brings more
difficultly of absorbing the investors [3]. There are many reasons of cost overrun, for the large cost and complex
geological conditions on site, the higher risk of highway projects than other projects [4]. The engineering project
risk is numerous, which mainly includes owner, designer, supervision and contractors, subcontractors, suppliers,
manufacturers, government, etc. [5]. The highway construction projects have a higher risk than other construc-
tion projects, because highway project involves wider geographic area. In general, the highway construction is a
big project [6]. The large project investment, long construction period, numerous participants, complex con-
struction technology, policy constraints and complex geological conditions make projects in construction stage
and cost management more complex compared with the general construction project. Especially in Vietnam, the
research and practice of project risk management began comparatively late, which lacks of management expe-
rience and related research, and qualitative analysis is more and quantitative analysis is less. Engineering costs
will bring economic loss of international contracting enterprise, affect the enthusiasm of the enterprise and hurt
the highway construction. Therefore, it is necessary to research the risk factors increasing the construction cost
of Vietnam highway, find out the key factors influencing the stage of engineering cost, take targeted measures to
improve the level of the government management and construction enterprise market competitiveness, avoid
economic loss due to cost risk, and promote foreign companies more actively to involve in Vietnam highway
project engineering contracting, which all have very important practical significance.
Cost overrun are defined as actual cost over budget, sometimes referred to rising costs, increased costs or
budget overrun. The key to solve the problem of cost overrun is to identify the risk factors of cost overrun,
which can identify factors affecting the risk of cost overrun which is a key, is also a difficulty. Understanding of
risk can help the parties to reduce their negative effects on the cost overrun. Scholars respectively discussed
about this from different angles. From the perspective of different stakeholders and the environment, risks are
focused on in China, and the owner, survey, design and the government have to be strict management from the
feasibility stage, in order to solve the potential risks that may be encountered in the construction stage; The con-
tractor and the subcontractor must strengthen the management ability to accomplish construction stage smoothly
[7]. 21 major factors causing cost overrun were identified, including changes in design, inaccurate evaluation of
projects time and cost, unstable government policies, etc. which is particular in developing countries [8]. From
the perspective of contractors, the factors influencing cost overrun cost overrun in construction projects in the
Gaza has been researched, and 42 factors influencing cost overrun are put forward, and 8 key affecting factors,
including closed boundary leading materials rise in price, schedule delay, contractor’s equipment and material
supply, the market price changes, the project material monopoly suppliers, unstable local currencies to the dollar
exchange rate, negative impact on the economy and policy changes, the lack of subsidies and donor policy in
awarding tenders to the lowest bidder [9]. Questionnaire survey was conducted by Malaysia large engineering,
35 factors influencing cost were put forward, and three main factors are concluded, which are construction ma-
terial price change, difficult fiscal capacity and unreasonable distribution, and the poor ability of construction
site management and supervision [10]. For influencing factors of cost overrun before the construction of high-
way engineering and construction phase of Sri Lanka project, and the factors are ranked according to their im-
portance: slow payments, delay of engineering relocation, construction stage design changes, construction mate-
rials prices and land expropriation related issues, and further conclusions and Suggestions were put forward [11].
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Through the questionnaire survey combined with expert interviews, the safety and quality, completion of pre-
vious projects, environment, management and technology, resources, organization, experience, project type and
capital are the key success factors of the contractor [12]. In the United Arab Emirates (UAE) highway engineer-
ing project evaluation, 33 risk factors are pointed out that, through the relative important index (RII), key risk
affecting highway are pointed out, which includes low planning efficiency, unexpected underground facilities,
the design quality and integrity, slow approval and land acquisition delay [6].
In Vietnam, the research of project risk management began comparatively late, the current study focused on
learning and digestion of western related theory, which are mainly qualitative analysis and lack of quantitative
analysis, and the consciousness of cost risk was thin, which lack of system discussion of related factors.
Through questionnaire survey, cost overrun risk of Vietnam construction project are pointed, the results show
that there are seven main factors that affect the construction progress and cost of construction project, including
slow payments, absence of restrictions, management ability, design, financial and budget risk, financial ability,
government and technology labor [13]. Cost overrun risk mainly comes from construction stage, and Vietnam
construction project risk mainly exist in owner management, staff ability and external environment according to
questionnaire survey [14]. The risk factors and their impacts, such as the owner, contractor, supervision unit,
survey and design unit, environment changes and policy changes, are recognized and confirmed in the literature,
but there are few researches discuss them in together, and these studies neglected the influence of the characte-
ristics of different types of infrastructure projects. And because of many characteristics of highway construction,
such as the large investment, long construction period, complex construction technology, many participant units,
complex topography and geological conditions and construction policy constraints, project schedule manage-
ment is more complex than other project. And in different countries and regions, different project areas and dif-
ferent stages, the risk factors influencing the construction progress is different.
To sum up, in developing countries like Vietnam, the phenomenon of cost overrun of projects is a very com-
mon and leads to bad results, that’s why we should to make a reasonable evaluation of cost overrun and take
measures to cope with it. In this paper, based on the literature review at home and abroad and the perspective of
different project participants, we generate an evaluation index system of highway construction projects cost
overrun risk in Vietnam, and also design and implement the questionnaire to collect the data of 54 indexes. Then,
we use the method of factor analysis and extract 7 factors from the 54 indexes. Using the regression analysis
method, we examine and confirm the relationship between these 7 factors and cost overrun. In final, we analyze
the features of 7 factors in real construction practice and give the advices to promote the development of Viet-
namese highway and provide important practical significance of risk management of the investment enterprises
who want to participate in the Vietnamese highway projects.
2. Questionnaire Design
In this paper we determine the factors affecting cost overrun of highway projects in Vietnam by interviewing the
6 Vietnamese experts have experience more than 20 years in the field of engineering construction. They are
from1 owner unit, 1 contractor unit, 2 design units and 2 universities. The indexes system contains 54 indexes in
Table 1. Meanwhile Likert5 scale is adopted in the questionnaire. 1 is smallest, 5 is biggest. The higher the
score, the greater the impact.
3. Characteristics of Respondents
Respondents in this paper cover the multiple Vietnamese highway construction projects, and effectively reduce
the potential errors of non-random sample. Respondents mainly comes from the Vietnam personnel related
working on the highway construction projects, such as Vietnam ministry of communications, project manage-
ment unit, supervision unit, the staff of contractor and the owner. And they all have certain experience in engi-
neering projects and could ensure the validity and accuracy of the survey.
The questionnaire is distributed by e-mail, post-mail and field investigation. Field investigation can improve
the respondents’ participation of filling in the questionnaire, but the scope is small. Therefore, the e-mails and
letters are also adopted to distributed questionnaire.
In process of the survey, we send altogether 300 questionnaires and recover 229 copies, and the questionnaire
returns-ratio is 76.3%. Actually, there are 197 valid questionnaire responses after eliminating the questionnaire
with data missing. As is shown in Table 2, the response rate from owners, contractors, subcontractor, survey
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1 - 3 years 55 28.1
4 - 6 years 70 35.4
Work experience
7 - 10 years 45 23
Owner 31 15.7
Contractor 50 25.3
and design and consultants is 15.7%, 25.3%, 17.4%, 14.6%, 27% respectively. Regarding the respondents’ ex-
perience in engineering construction, there are 28.1% of respondents have less than or equal to 3 years, 35.4% of
them have between 4 and 6 years, 23% of them have between 7 and 10 years and 13.5% of them have 10 years
or more. It would be better if the percentage of respondents whose experiences are 10 years or more can be in-
creased. From the perspective of the respondent structure, most of them have more than 3 years working expe-
rience, have a certain understanding and are able to provide survey information. The respondent distribution of
different interest subjects, such as owners, contractors, subcontractors, supervision unit, is relatively balanced,
which fully reflects the opinions of different stakeholders. Meanwhile, respondent are mainly middle managers,
both including low-level managers and senior managers, so that the investigation fully and accurately reflects all
kinds of information in the project.
4. Empirical Analysis
In this study, we make exploratory factor analysis on data by SPSS20 statistical software, and the factor analysis
was conducted by principal component analysis and maximum variance method.
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Causes of cost overrun Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3 Factor 4 Factor 5 Factor 6 Factor 7
Projects design changes 0.898
Difficulties and feasibility that design does not consider
0.885 0.121
Complex local geological conditions 0.785 −0.173 0.141 0.198
Discrepancies between design and technical standards 0.778 −0.128 0.215 0.153 0.132
Geological conditions of actual construction is inconsistent
0.778 0.333 0.116 0.131
with geological conditions of survey and design
Complex investment process and administrative procedures 0.857 0.166 0.175
Improper bidding method and evaluation index 0.844 0.165 0.191 0.142
Inaccurate tender offer 0.840 0.139 0.120 0.145
Selection of subcontractor is not reasonable 0.732 0.142 0.204
Owners’ financial difficulties 0.119 0.112 0.825 0.141 0.118
Slow payment settlement of completed work 0.117 0.152 0.817
Unreasonable use and allocation of funds 0.118 0.804 0.247 0.127
Improper management contracts, which are easy to cause
0.218 0.271 0.657 0.155
the contract dispute
Contractors’ financial difficulties 0.147 0.185 0.113 0.845
Poor ability of construction and management of contractor 0.149 0.246 0.135 0.815
Poor construction ability of sub-contractor 0.118 0.140 0.811 0.165
Failure of land expropriation 0.243 0.110 0.836
Policy changes of land requisition compensation 0.119 0.830 0.179
Difficult relationship with local government 0.181 0.132 0.798 0.119
Price fluctuation of construction material 0.106 0.857
Increasing of loan interest rate −0.115 0.148 0.836
Appreciation of exchange rate 0.219 0.753 −0.222
Acceptance of work completed is slow 0.189 0.858
Supervising personnel lack sense of responsibility 0.253 0.142 0.126 0.836
Eigenvalues 6.029 3.695 2.167 1.837 1.657 1.392 1.165
Variance explained % 25.120 15.396 9.028 7.654 6.905 5.800 4.852
Cumulative Variance explained % 25.120 40.616 49.544 57.198 64.104 69.904 74.756
Cronbach’s Alpha 0.905 0.879 0.828 0.841 0.810 0.762 0.768
the fifth factor named land acquisition factor (Factor 5). Prices of construction materials, appreciation of ex-
change rate, loan interest rate increase are more relevant with the sixth factor named macro-economic environ-
ment changes factor (Factor 6). Slow acceptance work of supervisor, supervisor lack the sense of responsibility
are more relevant with the seventh factor named the supervising moral risk factor (Factor 7). While the correla-
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tion between the rest of the variables and factors does not conform to the research setting, therefore, we delete
them in the further data analysis. Cronbach’s Alpha of every factor is larger than 0.7, which means that the ex-
tracted factors have high reliability.
The fourth step is to obtain the factor score. The factor model can make the variables expressed as a linear
combination of a common factor, meanwhile it can make the common factors expressed as a linear combination
of the original variables, and the factor score coefficient is obtained by the following formula (1).
Fi = ∑ K ij X j (1)
j =1
Among them, 𝐹𝐹𝑖𝑖 represents the factor scores, i ≤ 5 ; K ij represents the weight coefficient for the j-th index
in the i-th factor; K j represents the j-th indicator’s observation values.
H. A. Vu et al.
company which wins the bidding is already decided. In order to win the bidding, some contractors even ignore
the costs and profits, they offer a well below reasonable price on purpose, and then claiming in various ways
during the construction stage. In Vietnam, because there are no distinct responsibilities and authorities between
contractors and sub-contractors, the contractors win the bidding in a low price deliberately, if the construction
went on, they may lose money or cheat in work and cut down on materials, therefore it will have an effect on the
engineering quality. In that case, the engineering assignment to sub-contractors will be the best choice. In this
way, they will get the subcontract interest without construction. So the phenomena that contractors transfer one
part of the project or even the main part to sub-contractors randomly is common. As a result, there are so many
participants in one project, the construction is more complex and the costs increased.
The government of Vietnam need perfect investment management system of infrastructure construction, sim-
plified administrative examination and approval procedures, especially the related tendering and bidding process
and relevant laws and regulations during construction stage. The government is expected to form independent
tendering and bidding supervision and administration department, therefore they can strengthen the effective
supervision of the tendering and bidding process, and make strict tendering and bidding agency qualification
management. In this way, the tendering and bidding process is more open and the corruption behavior can be
prevented. At the same time, they should check the pre-qualification of the contractors strictly and review and
verify the tender documents of the contractors. In addition, they are expected to impose the relevant legal provi-
sions and make the tendering and bidding process more professional. During the process of tendering and bid-
ding, they should set the bottom price under the premise of ensuring the project duration and quality, dismiss the
bids which are at a very low price, and adjust the uniform definition of contractors and subcontractors in written
form. At last, they should make the responsibility and authority of each member of the consortium clearly in law,
the contractors should be designated not to transfer the main project, and complete the tender documents and
quality management mechanism and model contract of sub-contractors and so on. When the contractors and
sub-contractors sign contracts, they should get the consent and recognition of the employers. If finding that the
sub-contractors’ ability couldn’t achieve the requirements, they should be replaced immediately.
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pected to consider the possibility and economic of construction fully, and they should try to meet the require-
ment of standards and control the change of design strictly to ensure the investment not to exceed the limit easily.
In order to implement quota design and establish reward and punishment system, they take vertical and horizon-
tal control in the project cost. Not only control the whole budget of the construction drawings within the prelim-
inary approved design estimate, but they should divide the whole project into several projects. And for the dis-
tribution of quota design index, they can also establish reward and punishment system to make sure the quality
of index distribution. In addition, because the designers lack the concept of economics, when signing contracts,
they should take some restraint measures like increasing restrictive clauses which is about design change and the
modification of expense limit, if the design change is beyond a certain proportion of the construction contract
price, the designers should be deducted a certain proportion of design fees. At the same time, they should
strengthen the examination before the design drawings are out and overcome the shortcomings or deficiencies of
the design. Only in this way, they can improve the design quality and avoid increasing engineering cost due to
design during construction stage. In addition, the contractors should not use survey data of engineering geology
and hydrology too much. They are expected to strengthen the outdoor survey to ensure the basic data is reliable
and comprehensive. During construction stage, they should organize the relevant departments like design engi-
neers, survey engineers and experts to comply with each other strictly. And they should take targeted measures
to deal with soft foundation design and construction control.
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tractors; poor construction ability of subcontractors. In Vietnam, the phenomenon of an increasing cost due to
the poor financial capacity of the contractor’s is very much [13]. The main reason is that owners simply pursuit
the low-cost and don’t have scrutiny on contractor qualification in the bidding process. Especially the “anchored
behavior” of some irregularities enterprise, namely that unqualified contractors borrow qualified contractors’
qualification to bid, and then unqualified contractor responsible for the construction if they win the bidding. This
behavior leads to that poor ability contractors get the projects, and the contract also lack the financial capacity
constraints to the contractor, resulting in that the contractor does not have enough funds for the procurement of
raw materials, labor, equipment, etc. or timely pay to the subcontractor directly affects the efficiency and in-
creases the cost of the project in project construction process. Meanwhile, the contractor’s management ability is
poor, so the monitoring and coordination of subcontractors during construction is insufficient. Subcontractors
are mainly small businesses that have poor construction technology, lack of equipment, and no experience of
large-scale projects, resulting in a waste of construction materials in the construction and construction quality
cannot up to standard, then the work should be reworked. It will lead to increased construction costs.
Before bidding contractors’ qualification should be strictly examined. Through the projects that contractor has
completed, we can investigate the experience and ability of the bidders. Owners should pay more attention to its
past experience of successful projects, rather than the pursuit of low prices. To inspect when necessary, avoid
“affiliated” and other irregularities. When the owner and the contractor signed a contract, owners should require
the contractor to provide its financial plan and review its project execution capabilities, in order to avoid the risk
of using its own funds in the course of the project execution. Contractors should have a clear evaluation system
in the selection of subcontractors, strengthen coordination between departments and the management of the
subcontractors in the construction process, enhance communication and understanding and reduce differences.
In accordance with the combination principle of “responsibility, rights and interests,” each unit should define
their respective responsibilities and mandates, implement appropriate incentive measures, increase the enthu-
siasm and creativity of work, to achieve productivity gains and cost improvement.
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lations. Or the FIDIC contract model can be used, this model has a standard contract conditions, can reasonably
and fairly distribute risks and responsibilities between the contracting parties, clearly stipulates the rights and
obligations of both parties, largely avoid additional expenses and related disputes due to the performance on
contract unconscientiously.
6. Conclusions
The highway construction and project management in Vietnam are just springing up in recent years, so the level
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of project construction management is low, and it is lack of professionalism and enough attention, causing se-
rious increase of project cost and seriously affecting the construction enterprise’s investment enthusiasm at
home and abroad. Therefore, on the basis of predecessors’ research, in combination with the practical situation
of Vietnam project construction, this paper puts forward a Vietnam highway construction phase cost overrun
evaluation model including 54 risk factors. Based on the questionnaire survey data, through factor analysis and
regression analysis, it summarizes seven factors influencing over cost of Vietnam highway on construction stage.
According to the effects, the risk factors are sorted as the following: infrastructure construction investment
management system risk, survey and design scheme risk, land acquisition risk, construction unit fiscal and
management ability risk, capital and contract constraint risk, macro-economic environment changes risk and
supervising moral risk.
The results show that the main reason of cost rising of the Vietnamese highway construction projects is the
human factors at the early stage of the project construction phase or the incomplete management. Vietnam gov-
ernment departments need to improve infrastructure construction, investment process, administrative procedures
and the relevant laws and regulations of construction phase, and make it conform to the actual situation. It
should strengthen the management of supervise the bidding, strengthen law enforcement supervision and regu-
late the behavior of the owner’s, and regulate the responsibility as well as corresponding rewards and punish-
ment clearly. It should have a fair supervision mechanism to improve the owners, especially the national in-
vestment project risk management consciousness.
This work was financially supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (71271175), Youth
Foundation Project of the Ministry of Education Research of Social Sciences (12YJC630096) and Soft Science
Project of the Science and Technology Department of Sichuan (2014ZR0028).
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