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Remedies Astrology

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Remedies of Sun in 1st House (1) If the Sun's effects are unfavorable, then get married sooner. (2) Get a water tap constructed in your house. (3) Don't indulge in any kind of intimate act with your wife during the day time. (4) At the rear right end of your house, get a dark room constructed. (5) Do not eat Jaggery. (6) Keep your character clean and free from any controversy. (7) Help the common people. (8) Wear Ruby or in its absence you can also wear copper. (9) Feed Jaggery to the Monkey. (10) Hammer a Copper nail in the legs of your bed. (11) Do not accumulate wealth without your own hard work. Remedies of Sun in 2nd House (1) You should not take wheat, Jo or Bajra from anyone in donation. (2) If you have a problem with the females, then perform remedies of Saturn like donating Coconut, Almond or oil at a religion place or a temple. (3) Get a hand-pump constructed in your ancestral house. (4) You should not donate Moon related things like Rice, Silver or Milk. (5) Keep your character clean and spotless. (6) You should work for the welfare of the people. (7) Keeping fast on Sunday will be very favorable for you. (8) Listening to Harivansh Puran will be helpful to you. (9) Offer water mixed with jaggery to the Sun. (10) Donating Wheat, Jaggery or iron pan will also prove helpful for you. (11) You should keep the government officials happy. (12) You should not indulge in disputes related to property and land with females. Remedies of Sun in 3rd House (1) Keep your character good. (2) Extend help to your nephew. (3) Keep taking blessings from your grandmother and mother. (4) Keep fast on Sundays. (5) Give water to Sun mixed with jaggery. (6) Recite or listen to 'Harivansh Puran.' (7) Feed rice pudding (Kheer) to others. (8) Think nice.

Remedies of Sun in 4th House (1) Feeding bread to blind people in your ancestral house will be favorable. (2) Take care of your aunt's son. (3) Do not indulge in the business of iron or wooden articles. (4) Doing business in gold, silver or cloth will be very favorable. (5) Do not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol. (6) Do not do fishing and do not eat fish. (7) Wear a copper coin in a khaki coloured thread around your neck. (8) Wear gold. (9) Feed Jaggery to monkeys. (10) Do not indulge in quarrels or arguments with government officials. (11) Do not indulge in illegal business or work. Remedies of Sun in 5th House (1) Take care of a red faced monkey. (2) Do not criticize others. (3) Do not speak lie. (4) Birth of a child soon will be favorable. (5) Get your kitchen constructed towards the eastern side of your house. (6) Drop one drop of mustard oil on the ground for a continuous 43 days. (7) Keep all promises you make. (8) Perform all the rituals and ceremonies. (9) Keep your character clean. (10) Keep your verandah open, do not put a shelter or roof over it. Remedies of Sun in 6th House (1) Donate Sun related things like copper, jaggery, wheat etc. (2) Feed jaggery and wheat to a red faced monkey. (3) Feed jaggery or wheat flour to brown ants. (4) Keep a silver box filled with river water in your house. (5) For the health of your father, keep water next to you while you sleep. (6) You should strictly follow your ancestral traditions. (7) In the night, after cooking the food, you should extinguish the stove with milk. (8) Keep ganga river's water in your house. (9) Feed bread to a dog at a religious place. (10) Wash the feet of your grandmother or mother. (11) Bury a square copper piece in the ground. (12) Keep the things donated at a religious place in your house. (13) Keep fast on Sunday. (14) Listen to Harivansh Puran. (15) Wear Ruby. (16) Keep the verandah of your house open.

(17) Hammer copper nails in the legs of your bed. Remedies of Sun in 7th House (1) Bury a square shaped copper piece in the ground. (2) Take care of black cow. (3) Before starting any good work, drink a sip of water. (4) Eat less salt. (5) Before eating your food, throw a part of your food into the fire. (6) In the night, extinguish the stove with milk. (7) Keep fast on Sunday. (8) Listen to the rhymes of Harivansh Puran. (9) Keep your character clean. (10) Hammer copper nails in the legs of tour bed. emedies of Sun in 8th House (1) If there is no sinful planet then donate 800 grams of jaggery or wheat for a continuous 8 days or a continuous 8 Sundays in a temple and if there is a sinful planet then float them in water. (2) Go to work after eating jaggery and drinking water. (3) Wear Ruby in gold. (4) Take care of black or red cow. (5) Sometimes throw a copper coin in burning pyres. (6) The entrance of your house should not be towards the south. (7) Float jaggery in flowing water. (8) Keep away from engaging in bad work. (9) Keep your character clean. (10) Do not speak lies with your parents-in-law. (11) Take care of your elder brother. (12) Keep away from the habit of stealing. (13) Keep fast on Sunday. (14) Hear to the story of Harivansh Puran. (15) Don't keep the verandah of your house open. Remedies of Sun in 9th House (1) Donate silver, rice or milk. (2) Feed wheat and jaggery to a brown colored bear. (3) Use brass utensils. (4) Getting too angry or becoming too soft, both are unfavorable for you. (5) Wear Ruby. (6) Keep the verandah of your house open. (7) Feed jaggery to the monkeys. (8) Hammer copper nails in the legs of the bed. emedies of Sun in 10th House (1) Keep your head always covered with a white or light colored turban.

(2) Do not wear black or blue colored clothes. (3) Float copper coin in flowing water. (4) Wash bitumen (shilajeet) in water. (5) Keep a brown buffalo. (6) Keep away from non vegetarian food and alcohol. (7) Get a handpump constructed in your ancestral home. (8) Keep a mongoose. (9) Keep fast on Sunday. (10) Keep the verandah of your house open. (11) Hear the story of Harivansh puran. Remedies of Sun in 11th House (1) Keep a carrot, a turnip or a radish next to you in the night and donate it in the morning at a religious place. (2) Leave a he-goat equivalent to your weight in the forest. (3) Donate copper. (4) Do not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol. (5) Do not eat fish and do not do fishing too. (6) Do not speak lies. (7) Lay your bed on the sand for a continuous 43 days. (8) Listen to the story of Harivansh Puran. (9) Donate wheat, jaggery and copper. (10) Hammer copper nails in the legs of the bed. Remedies of Sun in 12th House (1) Feed jaggery and wheat to a red-faced monkey on Sunday. (2) Offer a mixture of seven kinds of grains to brown ants. (3) Do not give false testimony. (4) Trust in religion and good work. (5) Do not start any business in partnership with your brother-in-law or uncles. (6) Do keep a verandah in your house. (7) Keeping a wheat grinding machine in your house is beneficial. (8) Forgive even your enemies. (9) Do not do work of a mechanic. (10) Do no accept any electrical articles for free. (11) Keep fast on Sunday. (12) Hear to the story of Harivansh puran. Remedies of Moon in 1st House (1) Keep a red handkerchief with you. (2) Hammer some copper nails in the legs of your bed. (3) Give water to the roots of the banyan tree. (4) If you are traveling with your son then throw copper coins in the river. (5) If there is a well in your house, then do not construct a shade above it.

(6) Do not get married between the age of 24 and 27. Also, do not get a house constructed with your own money. (7) Beware of green color and stay away from your sister-in-law. (8) Do not keep any silver utensil with a tap in your house. (9) Do not keep any silver plates in your house. (10) Use silver utensil to drink milk or water. (11) Do not use glassware. (12) Take blessings from your mother and keep rice and silver donated by her always with you. Remedies of Moon in 2nd House (1) You should keep taking blessings from your mother. (2) You should take things related to Moon like Silver, Rice etc from your mother and keep them with you. (3) You should not keep things like bells, and brass-made articles in your house. (4) You should bury a silver brick in the foundation of your house. (5) You should worship Lord Shiva. (6) You should keep a milk vessel next to you while sleeping and pour it to the 'KIKAR' tree in the morning. (7) If you have a water tank in your house then you should keep getting it cleaned frequently. (8) You should not get a hand-pump or well constructed under the roof of your house. (9) A temple constructed within the premises of your house will not be favorable for your child. (10) If in your house any female is getting sick or facing some other problems then you should keep donating green colored clothes to girls for a continuous 43 days. (11) You should keep some 'Kachcha' space in your house. Remedies of Moon in 3rd House (1) For financial gains, keeping a horse will be favorable. (2) At the time of the birth of a girl, donate things related to Moon like milk, rice etc. (3) At the time of the birth of a boy, donate things related to Sun like wheat, jowar etc. (4) Normally, donating things related to Sun will be fruitful. (5) Worshipping Goddess Durga will also be fruitful. (6) Doing 'Kanyadan' will also be fruitful for you. (7) Worshipping Lord Shiva or visiting religious places will be fruitful for you. (8) You should take the blessings from your mother and should take care of her. (9) Hammering silver nails in the legs of the bed will be very favorable. (10) You should not make use of your daughter's money. (11) Donate silver or copper equal to the number of members in your family. Remedies of Moon in 4th House (1) Donating milk will be favorable. (2) You should not do business related to milk. (3) Before going out to do a favorable work you should establish a pot filled with milk or water. (4) Worship Lord Shiva. (5) Take bath in the river ganges.

(6) Do not establish a hand-pump or well under your roof. Remedies of Moon in 5th House (1) Float some rice and sugar cube wrapped in a white cloth in flowing water on Monday. (2) Offer mango flower on Lord Shiva. (3) Do not use abusive languages against others and control your tounge. (4) Keep away from mischief and greed. (5) Do not indulge in uncivilized behaviour towards others. (6) Take interest in religious work. (7) Take care of the common people. (8) Travel across places on the mountains. (9) Ask for advice from others while doing any work. (10) Worship Lord Shiva. (11) Take a bath in the ganga river. (12) Do not get a handpump or well constructed under your roof. Remedies of Moon in 6th House (1) Feed jaggery to your father with your own hands. (2) Donate gram pulses, wheat or jaggery at a religious place. (3) Do not ever donate milk. (4) Get a drinking water facility constructed in a hospital or in the burial ground. (5) Keep rabbit. (6) Do not drink milk in the night. (7) Do not reveal your secrets to anyone. (8) If your mother's health gets bad for many days then donate milk at a religious place. (9) Keep silver in the form of donation given to you by your granny. (10) Do not donate silver. (11) Keep fast on Monday. (12) Worship Lord Shiva. (13) Do not get a hand-pump or well constructed under the roof of your house. Remedies of Moon in 7th House (1) You should not get married during the 24th year. (2) You should not indulge in a business related to milk or water. (3) Keep your character clean. (4) Take care of your mother. (5) Do not indulge in a work related to burning of milk. (6) If, at the time of your marriage, your wife brings rice equivalent to her weight in your house, then this will be favorable. (7) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Moon in 8th House (1) Take silver or rice from your mother and keep it safely with you throughout your life.

(2) Do not ever donate milk or rice. (3) Offer 8 pieces of sugar-less pede (Indian sweet) in a temple for 8 continuous Mondays. (4) Wear pearl in gold. (5) Take water with silver immersed in it from the burial ground and keep it with you. (6) If Rahu or Ketu is in the 2nd house then fill a bottle with milk and bury is in an isolated place. (7) Take care of your elder uncle's wife. (8) Keep away from gambling and lottery. (9) Perform 'Shradh' of your ancestors. (10) Never burn milk. (11) Take rice equivalent to your wife's weight from your in-laws. (12) Keep your character clean. (13) Do not drink milk in the night. (14) Get a hand-pump constructed in a hospital or in a burial ground. (15) Do not indulge in the work of a gold smith. (16) Keep fast on Monday. (17) Keep ganga water in your home. Remedies of Moon in 9th House (1) Keep a square silver piece in your cupboard. (2) Feed milk to the poor labourers. (3) Feed rice to the fish and milk to the snake. (4) Go on religious travels. (5) Keep your character clean. (6) Indulge in business of things related to Moon like silver, rice, milk etc. (7) Do not eat half-eaten food of others. (8) Do not speak lies. (9) Keep fast on Monday. (10) Worship Lord Shiva. (11) Keep a bowl filled with milk near you while sleeping and in the morning pour that milk into the roots of the date (Kikar) tree. (12) Do not get water poured on the roof of your house. Remedies of Moon in 10th House (1) Keep rice and silver taken from your mother in a silver box always with you. (2) Do not donate milk and rice. (3) Take water from the burail ground, put a silver leaf in it and then keep it with you. (4) If Rahu or Ketu is sitting in the 2nd house then bury a bottle filled with milk in an isolated place. (5) Take care of your elder aunt. (6) Wear pearl in gold. (7) Travel across various religious places. (8) Keep rain-water in your house for 10 continuous years. (9) Do not drink milk in the night.

(10) Do not rear any milk giving animal. (11) Keep away from non-vegetarian food and alcohol. Keep your character clean. (12) If you are a doctor then do not distribute medicines for free. (13) Do not keep any relationship with thieves and thugs. (14) Worship Lord Shiva. Remedies of Moon in 11th House (1) If you wash the stone of the wheat grinding machine at the place where water falls or if your mother washes it with milk then your family will flourish. (2) Wear pearl in silver. (3) Donate milk in the temple of Bharoon. (4) When your child is born your mother should not see his face for a continuous 43 days. (5) Drink milk in which heated gold was dipped and extinguished. (6) Float 121 sweet pieces (pede) in the river. (7) Feed 121 sweet pieces (pede) to the kids below 9 years of age. (8) Keep 'Ganga' water in your house. (9) Offer milk and water on the shiva-linga. (10) Take the blessings of your mother. Remedies of Moon in 12th House (1) Wear pearl in pure silver (bigger than 5 Ratti) on Monday. (2) Take care of your mother and mother-in-law. (3) When you start any work, drink a sip of water. (4) Keep rain water in your house. (5) Do not keep a hand-pump or well under your house's roof. (6) Wear gold in your ear. (7) Do not give food to the sadhus and sanyasi. (8) Do not get any school, college or learning centre opened. (9) Do not speak a lot. (10) Keep the water from the Neem tree in your house. (11) Keep fast on Monday. (12) Do not keep any round water tank on the roof of your house. Remedies of Mars in 1st House (1) You should not accept anything for free (Mars being unfavorable). (2) You should avoid getting involved in bad things and should avoid speaking lie. (Mars being unfavorable) (3) You should not stay in the company of saints, monks or Ojhas. (4) You should avoid getting involved in the exchange of ivory related products. (Mars being unfavorable) (5) You should get involved in business of articles related to Mars. (6) You sould recite the Maha Gayatri mantra regularly and should apply sindoor tilak on lord Hanuman.

(7) You will benefit if you wear Coral (red). If you cannot procure Coral then you can also wear copper. (8) You should take good care of your brothers. (9) Wearing pure silver will prove beneficial. (10) Doing business of Anise (saunf) seeds will prove beneficial. Remedies of Mars in 2nd House (1) Float Revari (Indian sweet) and Batashe (Indian sweet) in flowing water. (2) Doing business in electrical goods will help you to progress. (3) Keep helping your brothers and friends. (4) For the good result of Mars, keep a deer. (5) Keep a red color handkerchief with you. (6) Donating wheat and jaggery to a small boy during the afternoon will be very beneficial. (7) Keep an aquarium at home. (8) Eat honey as the first thing in the morning. (9) Eating Halwa or drinking Milk will also be beneficial for you. (10) Wearing Coral (Moonga) will be good. If you cannot get coral then you can wear copper too. (11) Doing business in Moon related things will be good for you. (12) If your in-laws get a drinking water tank constructed for the people then it will be favorable for you. Remedies of Mars in 3rd House (1) Keep things made out of Ivory in your house. (2) Try and reduce your anger. (3) Help your brothers. (4) Wear a silver ring on the left hand's thumb. (5) Involve yourself in the business of articles made out of Ivory or wear things made out of Ivory. (6) Keep your character good. (7) Eat less or else it will have a bad effect on your health. (8) Recite Maha Gayatri mantra. (9) Apply Hanuman's sindoor. (10) Feed sweets to your guests after the meal. (11) Float Revadi (Indian sweet) in water. Remedies of Mars in 4th House (1) The remedy from the bad effects of Mars is that you should brush you teeth everyday with clean water. (2) If you are suffering from stomach related problems, then you should pour sweet milk in the roots of the banyan tree and then apply a tilak on your forehead with that wet mud. (3) If there are occurrences of fire in your house every now and then, you should keep a sack of sugar or jaggery on the roof of your house. Burying an earthen pot filled with honey in the burial ground will be good too.

(4) Hanging a square silver piece on the door of your house will be favorable for you. (5) You should not keep relations with a black man, a man blind in one eye or a person with no child. (6) The save yourself from a lengthy illness, hang a deer skin rug on your door or hammer an iron nail in the door. (7) Donating copper, jaggery, wheat, silver, milk etc will keep you away from the harmful effects of Mars. (8) Taking care of elderly people, saints or a sadhus will also help to mitigate the harmful effect of Mars. (9) Feeding sweets to the birds or keeping articles made out of ivory in your house will mitigate the bad effects of Mars. (10) Float 400 grams Revadi (Indian sweet) in water. (11) Wear a three element (gold, silver and copper) ring. (12) Take care of your elder maternal uncle. (13) Plant a 'DHAK' tree in your house. (14) Wash 400 grams of rice in milk and float it in water for continuous 7 Tuesdays. (15) You should not do business of Jaggery or Honey. (16) Keep fast on Tuesday. (17) Reciting Maha Gayatri verses and applying Lord Hanuman's sindoor on the forehead will be good. Remedies of Mars in 5th House (1) In the night while sleeping, keep some water next to you and in the morning pour the water onto some plant. (2) Be polite while interacting with your son's friends. (3) Plant a Neem tree in your house. (4) Perform 'SHRADH' of your ancestors. (5) Keep your character good. (6) Keep fast on tuesday. (7) After a meal, serve sweets to your guests. (8) Wear coral and in the absence of it, you can also wear copper. (9) Take care of your brother. Remedies of Mars in 6th House (1) Feed milk to 6 unmarried girls. (2) Donate silver or rice. (3) Take care of your brother-in-law. (4) Do not distribute sweets at the time of the birth of your child, instead, distribute salty things. (5) Do not make your child wear gold. (6) Worship Lord Ganesha. (7) Recite Maha Gayatri rhyme. (8) Apply sindoor of Lord Hanuman. (9) Serve sweets to the guests after food. (10) Take care of your brother.

Remedies of Mars in 7th House (1) Gift a red cloth to your aunt or sister. (2) To make Saturn exalted, get a house constructed. (3) Keep a solid silver ball in your pocket. (4) After taking bath with your wife, wear a red cloth and fill a copper utensil with rice. Then apply sandal paste on the utensil and donate it in the temple of Lord Hanuman. (5) Gift sweets to your daughter, sister, aunt and sister-in-law. (6) Keep constructing and destroying a small wall. (7) Take care of the sons of your brother. (8) Do not plant ornamental type plants in your house. (9) Keep your character clean. (10) Donate masoor dal, honey or sindoor or float them in water. (11) Server sweets to your guests after they finish having food. (12) Sleep on deer's skin 'Mrig-Chhal'. Remedies of Mars in 8th House (1) Feed 8 sweet breads (rotis) baked only from one side to the dogs. (2) Wear a ring made out of 3 metals. (3) Always wear a silver chain around your neck. (4) Use deer's skin. (5) Float 4 kilograms of revadi or batasha (Indian sweets) in water. (6) Take silver from your grandmother and wear it around your neck. (7) On the day of Tuesday, husband and wife should take bath, then after wearing red clothes they should fill a copper container with rice and apply red sandal tilak to that container. Then after reciting the gayatri mantra, donate that container in a Hanuman temple. Performing this remedy for 7 continuous Tuesdays makes Lord Hanuman happy. This person should take care of a widowed woman. (8) When the effects of Mars are highly debilitated, then bury an earthen pot filled with honey at an isolated place. This remedy is useful only if either Jupiter or Moon is in the 3rd house. (9) Mercury is Mars's biggest enemy. When it teams up with Mars then it will destroy the maternal family of the person. If his maternal uncle leaves his house and stays away then only he remains safe. Piercing the nose is also necessary. By wearing silver in the nose for 100 days, the bad effects of Mercury get mitigated. (10) Take the blessing from widowed women. (11) Eat your food while sitting in the kitchen. (12) Get a dark room constructed in your house. (13) Donate rice, jaggery, and gram at a religious place. (14) Bury an earthen pot filled with jaggery in the burial ground. (15) Before baking the bread (roti), splash some water drops on the pan. (16) Recite the Maha-Gayatri hymes. (17) Take care of your brother. Remedies of Mars in 9th House (1) Keep red handkerchief with you.

(2) On Tuesday, offer sindoor to Lord Hanuman. (3) Take care of your grandfather. (4) Listen to your elder brother. (5) Be nice to your sister-in-law. (6) Do not be atheist. (7) Donate rice, jaggery, and milk at a religious place. (8) Offer sweets to your guests after food. Remedies of Mars in 10th House (1) Worship Lord Hanuman. (2) Eat sweet food. (3) Keep a deer. (4) Take care of your uncles. (5) Do not sell parental property and gold. (6) While boiling milk, make sure that it does not boil out of the vessel. (7) Take care of an ugly, handicapped and childless person. (8) Recite the Maha Gayatri hyme. (9) Keep fast on Tuesday. (10) Sleep on deer skin. Remedies of Mars in 11th House (1) Keep a black-white dog. (2) Apply sindoor of Lord Hanuman. (3) Do not sell your parental property. (4) Keep sindoor or honey in an earthen pot. (5) Take care of your brother-in-law or nephew after the birth of your child. (6) Keep fast on Tuesday. (7) Serve sweet food to your guests. (8) Take good care of your brothers. Remedies of Mars in 12th House (1) Feed honey or jaggery mixed in milk to an aged Brahmin for continuous 12 Tuesdays. (2) Donate 'BATASHE' (Sweet) at a religious place for continuous 12 Tuesdays. (3) Do not keep any kind of rusted weapon in your house. (4) Offer jaggery mixed in water to the Sun. (5) Keep a pony tail on your head. (6) Keep rice in a silver box with you. (7) Eat sweets and offer it to others. (8) Offer Laddos on Tuesdays in the temple of Lord Hanuman. (9) Take care of your elder brother. (10) Eat honey early in the morning. (11) Wear a red colored cap. (12) Wear yellow colored clothes.

(13) Offer sugarcube to your guests after the food. (14) Wear read coral. Remedies of Mercury in 1st House (1) You should stay away from green color and your sister-in-law. (2) You should not consume non-vegetarian food, alcohol, eggs etc. (3) If you would sit and do business from one location, it will prove very useful to you. (4) You should not do fishing. (5) Taking blessings from unmarried girls, reciting Durga Saptmi and visiting religious places related to Goddess Durga will prove very beneficial for you. (6) You should not keep bad electronic goods in your house. (7) Wearing Emerald will be beneficial for you. Remedies of Mercury in 2nd House (1) Get your nose pierced and wear silver in it for continuous 96 days. (2) Taking good care of your unmarried sister-in-law or unmarried girls will be beneficial for you. (3) Remedies related to Moon and Jupiter will be very helpful. (4) If there is a coiled ball of jute lying in your house then uncoil it. (5) Cleaning your teeth with alum will be very beneficial. (6) You should not keep parrot, sheep or goat. (7) Donating milk and rice at any religious place will be very beneficial. (8) Minimise the use of green color. Remedies of Mercury in 3rd House (1) Brush your teeth with the Alum. (2) Donate a silver umbrella for the goddess. (3) Wear Ruby. (4) Take care of your niece. (5) Get your nose pierced. (6) Donate a goat on Wednesday. (7) If your child is in pain, then keep a dog. (8) Burn yellow colored shell and then float the ash in the river. (9) Do not plant broad leaved plants in your house. (10) Do not live in a house facing the south. (11) Pray to Goddess Durga and take the blessings of unmarried girls. (12) Keep a Parrot. (13) Wash the butea leaves and bury them under a stone in a deserted area. (14) Distribute Asthma medicines for free. (15) Take care of a girl, sister, aunt or sister-in-law and take their blessings. (16) Donate green bangles and green colored clothes to the eunuchs. Remedies of Mercury in 4th House (1) For the peace of your mind, wear silver chain around your neck. (2) For wealth you should wear gold chain around your neck.

(3) Eat and apply tilak of Saffron (Kesar) for continuous 43 days. (4) Float 400 grams of jaggery on Sunday. (5) Feed jaggery to monkeys. (6) Do not rear parrot, sheep or goat in your house. (7) Do not make use of green colour at home. (8) Do not give shelter to your aunt or sister-in-law in your house for more days. (9) Float 101 butea leaves in water after washing them with milk. (10) You should recite verses of Goddess Durga and take care of unmarried girls. (11) Donate green bangles and green clothes to the eunuchs (Hijra). (12) Float unbaked earthen pot in the water. Remedies of Mercury in 5th House (1) Pearl and silver would be favorable. (2) For your financial progress, wear copper coin around your neck. (3) For your luck and wife's good behaviour, take care of cow. (4) A house shaped like the face of a cow (narrow from the front and wide at the rear) will be very favorable. (5) A house shaped like that of a lion (wide from the front and narrow at the rear) will be highly unfavorable. (6) Use belt while wearing trousers. Remedies of Mercury in 6th House (1) While going for a good work, keep flowers with you. (2) Take care of your neice. (3) Wear a silver ring in the right hand finger. (4) Bury a bottle filled with ganga water in your farming land. (Moon is unfavorable). (5) Do not get your sister or daughter married towards the northern side of your ancestral house. (6) Fill an earthen pot with milk and bury it in an isolated place. (7) Keep fast on Wednesday. (8) Recite Goddess Durga's rhymes. (9) Do not keep any electronic articles in you house in a non-functional manner. (10) Tie a belt across your waist. emedies of Mercury in 7th House (1) Take care of a black cow. (2) Perform 'KANYADAAN' for your daughter's marriage. (3) Do not start any business in partnership. (4) Do not rely on false hopes. (5) Keep away from your sister-in-law. (6) Fulfill all the wishes of your daughter and respect her as your mother. (7) Wear diamond. (8) Do not lend money on interest to anyone. (9) Respect women.

(10) If you get saliva in your mouth, then get it treated. (11) Recite the rhymes of Goddess Durga. (12) If there are electrical articles lying useless in the house then get them repaired. Remedies of Mercury in 8th House (1) 8 flowers or 8 fruits (round) and whole moong dal tied in a green cloth should be donated in a temple for a continuous 8 Mondays. (2) You should not keep a parrot. (3) Do not keep any broad leaved plants in your house. (4) If Moon is in the 2nd house then feed 34 pedes (indian sweet) without sugar in them to the dogs. (5) Give away white colored suit or saari and black socks to the eunuchs. (6) Get your nose pierced and wear silver in it for a continuous 100 days. (7) Donate red colored bangles to girls on Wednesday. (8) Wash a yellow cloth for a continuous 43 days in a lake or river. (9) Keep Mushroom in an earthen pot in the temple. (10) Perform girl worship. (11) Bury an earthen pot filled with honey in a burial ground or in an isolated place. (12) Keep rain water or milk on your terrace. (13) Wear a black colored underwear. (14) Do not shift or change the place of worship in your house. (15) Get the stairs in your house renovated. (16) Make your daughter wear a silver ring in her nose. (17) Recite Goddess Durga's hymes. (18) Keep fast on Wednesday. (19) Take care of your daughter, aunt, sister and sister-in-law. Remedies of Mercury in 9th House (1) Getting your nose pierced is a good remedy. (2) Float yellow rice in the water for continuous 43 days. (3) This person's clothes, which he is wearing at the time of his birth, should be washed in the river during the day time. (4) Keep a red colored iron ball with you in the pocket. (5) Wear silver. (6) Feed bread (roti) to a red cow. (7) Do not use green cloth. (8) Donate mushrooms filled in an earthen pot at a religious place. (9) Do not accept any form of amulet (taabeej) or locket to wear around the neck from any sadhu or fakir. (10) Wear any new cloth after washing it. (11) Keep fast on Wednesday. (12) Recite Goddess Durga's hymes. (13) Donate whole moong dal. Remedies of Mercury in 10th House

(1) Do not consume alcohol or non-vegetarian food. (2) Donate milk and rice at religious places. (3) Do not have money-plant or Tulsi planted in your house. (4) Do not do fishing. (5) Remedies related to Saturn would prove very useful. (6) Feed grass to cow. (7) Keep fast on Wednesday. (8) Recite Goddess Durga's hymes. (9) Do not use a lot of green color. Remedies of Mercury in 11th House (1) Keep an iron shot with you. (2) Wear copper coin around your neck. (3) Take care of your sister and daughter. (4) Use green color. (5) Make use of the alum. (6) Do not take any rings, ornament of the neck etc. from the sadhus and fakirs. (7) Do not keep the empty vessels covered. (8) Do not keep broad-leaved plants in your house. (9) Do not get your nose pierced. (10) Keep fast on Wednesday. (11) Organize to have rhymes of Goddess Durga recited in your house. Remedies of Mercury in 12th House (1) The number of your teeth should not be 30 and 32. (2) Get your nose pierced for sure. Wear silver in it for a continuous 100 days. (3) Keep a black dog at home. (4) Wear gold around your neck. (5) Float 12 empty pots in flowing water on Tuesday. (6) Donate gram pulses, saffron and turmeric at a religious place for a continuous 43 days. (7) Worship Lord Ganesha. (8) Float egg in the water. (9) Wear a steel ring in your finger. (10) Travel to religious places. (11) Apply Saffron tilak. (12) Before starting any work, consult and take advice from others. (13) Take the blessings of unmarried girls. (14) Worship Goddess Durga. (15) Fulfill all your promises. (16) Do not get into quarrels. (17) Keep you anger under control. (18) Do not speak lies. (19) Keep fast on Wednesday.

(20) Keep all the electronic articles in your house in working condition. Remedies of Jupiter in 1st House (1) Donate clothes to saints & monks and also arrange to feed them meals. (2) Donate articles related to Mercury, Venus and Saturn at religious places. (3) 3. Take good care of the untouchables and cow. (4) If Saturn is situated in the 5th house, then do not get any house constructed. (5) If Saturn is situated in the 9th house, then do not buy any machinery related to Saturn. (6) If Saturn is situated in the 11th or 12th house, then do not consume alcohol nor eat eggs. (7) To nullify the malefic effects of Mercury, wear silver ornament in the nose. (8) Keep faith in your destiny and do not take any donations nor help from anyone. (9) Respect women. (10) Wear pure gold. (11) Apply Saffron tilak on your navel. (12) Get the walls of your house painted in Yellow. Remedies of Jupiter in 2nd House (1) You should always be nice to others. (2) Donate Chana Dal wrapped in a yellow cloth to the priest of the temple. (3) Feeding milk to snake will also prove beneficial for you. (4) You should respect and take good care of your guests. (5) You should get all the pits and holes in front of your house filled with mud. (6) You should always keep a 'Kachcha' part in your house. (7) Applying Tilak of Kesar (Saffron) and Haldi (Turmeric) will also be beneficial for you. (8) Wearing pure gold will be beneficial for you. (9) You should paint the walls of your house in yellow. emedies of Jupiter in 3rd House (1) Pray to Lord Hari and take care of unmarried girls. (2) Apply saffron or turmeric tilak. (3) Worship the Peepal tree. (4) Pray to Lord Vishnu. (5) Wearing Topaz will be beneficial for you. In the absence of this, wear a knot of turmeric around your arms tied with a yellow thread. (6) Take care of a Brahmin or your family-priest. (7) Sow yellow flowers in your verandah. (8) Do not indulge in any debates. Remedies of Jupiter in 4th House (1) You should not get a temple constructed in your house. (2) You should take care of your elders. (3) Feed milk to snake. (4) Do not keep your body uncovered in front of others. (5) Do not wear a vest (baniyan) with a red sign or mark on it.

(6) Do not bathe in front of others. (7) Go on pilgrimage and pray to god. (8) Take the blessings of your family priest. (9) Plant a Peepal tree. (10) Keep your character clean. (11) Take care of the elderly people. (12) Paint the walls of your house with yellow colour. Remedies of Jupiter in 5th House (1) Keep a dog. (2) Pray to God Ganesha. (3) Take care of school teacher. (4) Float 'Nag' and saffron in water. (5) Do not accept any donation or gift. (6) Take care of sadhus and priests. (7) Do not accept Prasad from the temples. (8) Keep a pony tail. (9) Do not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol. (10) Keep your character clean. (11) Clean the area where you pray regularly. (12) Keep fast on thursdays. (13) Take care of the Peepal tree. (14) Pray to Lord Vishnu. (15) Wear Topaz, or in case you cannot afford it then apply turmeric. (16) Plant sunflower or marigold in your house. Remedies of Jupiter in 6th House (1) Keep a dog. (2) Wear gold jewellery. (3) Give water to the Peepal tree. (4) For your financial progress, donate 600 grams of gram pulses at a religious place for six continuous days. (5) Feed Masoor dal to the cock. (6) Take care of your guests and the elderly people. (7) Donate clothes to family preist. (8) Commence all business activities after taking help and consultation from your son. (9) Feed sweet bread to the dog. (10) Keep fast on Thursday. (11) Recite Garun-Puran. Remedies of Jupiter in 7th House (1) Worship Lord Shiva. (2) Do not kill the frogs. (3) Do not get a temple constructed withint the premises of your house. (4) Wrap gold in a yellow cloth and then keep it with you. (5) Stay away from sadhus and hermits.

(6) Do not preach about religion. (7) Give water to the Peepal tree. emedies of Jupiter in 8th House (1) Wear gold or yellow colored thread around your neck every time. (2) Donate 800 grams gram pulses in a temple for continuous 8 days. (3) Plant a Peepal tree in the cremation ground. (4) Donate 8 turmeric pieces in a temple for 3 continuous days. (5) If your are being defamed because of a woman then wrap a raw jute thread which has been yellowed with turmeric powder around a peepal tree. (6) Take care of a sadhu or a spiritual person who is of the age of your grandfather. (7) Float articles related to Rahu like wheat, Jo, coconut etc. in flowing water. (8) Donate ghee, potato or camphor (kapoor) in a temple. (9) Do not let a begger go past your house empty handed. (10) Keep fast on Thursday. (11) Worship Lord Vishnu. (12) Take care of your family priest. emedies of Jupiter in 9th House (1) Take care of cow. (2) Bury silver and honey under the floor of your house. (3) Bury a square silver coin under the Neem tree for a continuous 43 days. (4) Go to the temple everyday. (5) Do not consume alcohol. (6) Float rice in flowing water. (7) Take a bath in the ganga river and drink ganga water. (8) Travel to religious places and help others to go there. (9) Speak the Truth everytime. (10) Do not eat food half-eaten by someone. (11) Take care of the Peepal tree. (12) Apply a tilak of Saffron and Turmeric. (13) Plant the sunflower and marigold flowers in the verandah of your house. Remedies of Jupiter in 10th House (1) Float copper coin in flowing water for a continuous 43 days. (2) On Sunday, float 400 grams or 4 kilograms of jaggery in flowing water. (3) For a continuous 43 days or 7 Thursdays, offer almonds in a temple. (4) Float sulphur in water. (5) Keep your nose cleaned. (6) Do not keep your head open, always cover it up. (7) Donate almonds, coconut, urad dal and oil during Solar Eclispe. (8) Do not keep the idol of god in your house. (9) Apply tilak of saffron. (10) Do not keep company with the sadhus and hermits.

(11) Do not wear yellow clothes. (12) Do not wear gold. (13) Do not do good to anyone. (14) Believe in religion and hard work. (15) Do not donate food to the person begging for it. emedies of Jupiter in 11th House (1) Donate coffin. (2) Wear a copper bangle around your wrist. (3) Wear gold on your body. (4) Give water to the Peepal tree. (5) Keep a yellow handkerchief with you. (6) Use the bed and clothes used by your father. (7) Keep your promises. (8) Live with your family and take care of them. (9) Do no consume alcohol and non-vegetarian food. (10) Bow your head in the burial ground and drop a copper coin there. (11) Apply tilak of saffron or turmeric. (12) Take care of family preist. Remedies of Jupiter in 12th House (1) Give water to the Peepal tree. (2) Take care of an aged Brahmin and donate yellow clothes to him. (3) Apply tilak of saffron or turmeric. (4) Do not wear any necklace. (5) Take care of your father. (6) If in your Kundali Jupiter and Moon are sitting together then do not give water to the Banyan tree. (7) Keep a pony tail. (8) Always keep your head covered. (9) Take care of sadhu-sanyasis. (10) Do not give false testimony. (11) Keep anise seeds and water by your side while sleeping during the night. (12) Do not betray others. (13) Respect your teacher. (14) Worship Lord Hari (Vishnu). (15) Wear topaz. (16) Organize a recital of Garun-Puran. Remedies of Venus in 1st House (1) Do not eat Jaggery. (2) Do not indulge in sexual intercourse during the day time. (3) Take care of a black cow. (4) Keep your character clean. (5) Take bath with curd.

(6) Do not get married before you turn 25. (7) Take advice from others before doing any work. (8) Drinking cow's urine will prove to be beneficial. (9) Take pure silver from your in-laws. (10) Donate mustard and Jo. (11) If your wife wears gold on her head, it might prove favorable. (12) Keep faith in god. (13) Keep your character clean. (14) Fast on Friday. (15) Repect your guests. (16) Wear diamond and in absence of it you can wear pearl. (17) Marry your wife again. Remedies of Venus in 2nd House (1) Feed two kilogram potatoes after making them yellowish by mixing turmeric (haldi) with them to the cow. (2) Donating 200 grams of cow milk's ghee in the temple will be favorable for you. (3) Keeping animals will prove beneficial for you. (4) Donating Potato, Ghee and curd will be good for you. (5) Take care of a cow without horns. (6) Respect and take care of your guests. (7) Take special care of what you wear. (8) Take special care to keep your character good. (9) Using Mars related things might decrease the problems during child birth. Remedies of Venus in 3rd House (1) Take care of your brother's wife. (2) Respect your wife and do not try to make her feel ashamed or embarrassed. (3) Keep your character clean. (4) Use things related to Mars. (5) Do not organize any music or dance programs at your house. (6) Do not destroy your ancestral house. (7) Take care of your guests. (8) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Venus in 4th House (1) If your wife falls ill then keep a bowl full of honey on the roof of your house. (2) Donate curd. (3) Remedies of Jupiter will prove to be helpful. (4) Take care of the cow. (5) Marry your wife again after changing her name. (6) Float rice, silver or milk in flowing water. (7) If there is a quarrel between your mother and your wife, then feed rice pudding or milk to elderly women.

(8) Keep your terrace neat and clean. (9) Float Jupiter related articles like gram, pulses or saffron in the river. (10) Bury the stone of peach in the ground after filling it with antimony. (11) Take care of 'Kapila' cow. (12) Wear red coloured clothes and eat honey. (13) Take special care of your clothes. emedies of Venus in 5th House (1) Keep your character clean. (2) Take care of cow. (3) For your financial prosperity clean your hidden body parts with milk or curd. (4) Do not marry against the will of your parents. (5) Take care of elderly women. (6) Wear Diamond. (7) Listen to the advice of your wife and do not quarrel with her. (8) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Venus in 6th House (1) This person's wife should not walk bare footed. (2) Feed milk and give donations to 6 girls continuously for 6 days. (3) Always keep a solid silver ball in your pocket. (4) For a continuous 6 Fridays, wash white stone with milk and apply white sandalwood on it before floating it in the water. (5) Feed rice and rice pudding (kheer) to the birds. (6) Donate curd in a bronze vessel. (7) This person's wife should apply gold paste on her hair. (8) Respect women. (9) Donate 'Kapila' cow. (10) Use perfume, cream and powder. (11) Take care of what your wear. Remedies of Venus in 7th House (1) Take care of a red cow. (2) If your wife is sick then donate jowar equivalent to her weight at a religious place. (3) Take care of your parents. (4) Float blue flowers in dirty sewage. (5) Donate a bronze utensil at any religious place. (6) Donate a cow at the time of marriage. (7) Accept a bronze utensil as dowry. (8) Be a perfect host to the guests who come to your home. (9) Wear Diamond. (10) Use perfume etc. (11) Take care of whatever you wear. Remedies of Venus in 8th House

(1) On the day of Friday, donate 8 kilograms of carrot at a religious place. (2) Feed Jowar for a continuous 43 days to a black cow. (3) Do not give bail for anyone. (4) Float one flower everyday in a dirty drain for a continuous 43 days. (5) Feed bread to a cow on every Friday. (6) Wear pearl in silver. (7) If your wife is suffering, then feed sesamum or rice to a bird or donate it. (8) Bury Jowar equivalent to the weight of your wife under the ground. (9) Do not accept anything from anyone for free. (10) Bow your head at religious places. (11) Go to temple everyday. (12) Keep fast on Fridays. (13) Donate a cow having a calf. (14) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Venus in 9th House (1) Take care of a black or red cow. (2) Bury a square silver piece in the Neem tree for a continuous of 43 days. (3) Bury silver and honey in the foundation of your house. (4) Make your wife wear silver bangles painted with red color. (5) Do not get married during the 25th year. (6) Keep fast on Friday. (7) Treat the guests visiting your house warmly. (8) Donate ghee, camphor, curd etc at a religious place. (9) Take care of whatever you wear. emedies of Venus in 10th House (1) Donate clay or cotton in the temple. (2) You and your wife should wash your private body parts with milk. (3) Leave the place made out of clay along the western wall of your house. (4) Keep away from alcohol and non-vegetarian food. (5) If you fall sick severely then donate a black cow. (6) Take care of guests who come to your house. (7) Wear diamond. Remedies of Venus in 11th House (1) Donate curd or cotton in the temple. (2) Float mustard oil in water or donate it in a temple. (3) Eat the ashes of gold. (4) Donate a cow during your marriage. (5) Eat fish oil. (6) Keep fast on Friday. (7) Serve food to the guests who visit your house.

(8) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Venus in 12th House (1) If the health of your wife is not getting better then donate Jowar equivalent to her weight at a religious place. (2) Bury a Neem flower every evening at a desolate place for a continuous 43 days. (3) Donate a black cow. (4) Take care of a white cow. (5) Keep getting donations done through your wife's hands. (6) Give respect to your wife. (7) Lite pure ghee lamps. (8) Keep your character clean. (9) Donate curd, camphor etc. (10) Take care of what you wear. Remedies of Saturn in 1st House (1) You should not eat non-vegetarian food nor consume alcohol. (2) For the success of your business or your service, bury some black salt or black antimony in the ground. (3) Keep a monkey for money and property. (4) For the improvement of your health, give milk to the roots of the Banyan tree and apply tilak of wet mud on your forehead. (5) Donate a frying pan or stove to a sadhu. (6) You should not speak lie, and should not look at things of others with bad intentions. (7) Getting a dark room constructed towards the left side of your house will prove favorable. (8) When these people are born, there should not be any drums etc. played. (9) Praying to God Bharoon and donating alcohol in God Bharoon's temple will prove beneficial. (10) Keeping a black Buffalo or feeding milk to the snake will also be beneficial. (11) Looking at Rahu's position in your Kundali, you should wear Neelam. If Neelam is out of your reach, then wear a ring made out of the nail of a boat or out of a black horse's shoe. (12) If Saturn is exalted in your Kundali, then do not donate things related to Saturn. Remedies of Saturn in 2nd House (1) Business in Urad, gram or black pepper will be very good for you. (2) Applying oil on your forehead will bring you bad luck. Apply milk tilak on your forehead. (3) Visit the temple on bare foot continuously for 43 days and ask god's forgiveness for all your mistakes. (4) For the good of your in-laws, feed milk to snake. (5) Donate Urad, black pepper, gram, or sandal wood in the temple. (6) You should not eat non-vegetarian food nor consume alcohol. (7) Apply mustard oil on the wheat bread (roti) and feed it to a dog or a crow. (8) You should not keep the hard earned money of the labourers. emedies of Saturn in 3rd House

(1) If you keep a spotted dog (black and white) then it will increase your wealth. (2) Construct a dark room towards the rear end of your house and keep articles related to Saturn in it. (3) Hammer an iron nail at the entrance step of your house. (4) If there is a bad effect on your eyes then distribute eye medicines for free. (5) Pray to Lord Ganesha. (6) Do not consume non-vegetarian food and alcohol. (7) Do not keep the entrance door of your house towards the western or southern side. (8) Do not have the door of your terrace without a stepping stone or do not keep any fuel on your terrace. (9) Plant a berry tree within the premises of your house. (10) Donate Udad dal, leather or iron or float them in water. (11) Take care of your uncles. Remedies of Saturn in 4th House (1) Feed milk to the snake. (2) Feed rice and milk to crow or buffalo. (3) Drop rice or milk in a well. (4) Donate oil, urad dal and black cloth. (5) Float alcohol in flowing water. (6) Help people who are below you in the society. (7) Keep your character clean. (8) Do not wear green and black clothes. (9) Do not consume a lot of things made out of milk. (10) Do not catch fish nor eat it. Remedies of Saturn in 5th House (1) Keep moon dal or any arms in a dark room in your ancestral house. (2) At the time of the birth of a child, serve salty things to the guests. (3) At a religious place, offer 10 almonds and bring half back home. (4) Keep gold and saffron with you. (5) Do not get a house constructed before you turn 48. (6) Feed milk to snake. (7) Donate oil and alcohol. (8) Donate non-vegetarian food and alcohol. (9) Do not speak lies. Remedies of Saturn in 6th House (1) For the progress of your business, perform remedies of Mercury. (2) During sickness, bury an earthen pot filled with mustard oil under a lake or in the ground. (3) For the health of your children, keep a black dog in your house. (4) Feed milk to a black snake. (5) Give milk at the roots of the Plum berry tree. (6) Donate 6 pairs of shoes to the labourers on saturday.

(7) Do not consume non vegetarian food or alcohol. (8) Keep your character clean. (9) Float almonds and coconut in flowing water. (10) Do not buy new articles of iron and leather. (11) Keep your leather shoes safe from being stolen. (12) Do not start any work related to Saturn during a moonless night. (13) If in your house, there is a death of a milk giving animal then keep a goat. (14) Keep fast on Saturday. (15) Donate alcohol at a bharoon temple. (16) Do not speak lies. (17) Feed wheat bread after applying mustard oil on it to the dog or crow. Remedies of Saturn in 7th House (1) Take care of a black cow. (2) If the 1st house is empty then keep a vessel filled with honey in your house. (3) Apply white antimony to your eyes. (4) Fill jaggery in a flute and then bury it in an isolated place. (5) Do not consume non-vegetarian food and alcohol. (6) Donate oil and alcohol. (7) Do not speak lies. (8) Help your uncles. Remedies of Saturn in 8th House (1) Keep a square piece of silver with you. (2) While taking bath pour milk in the water and sit on a stone or wooden piece. (3) Do not consume alcohol. (4) Do not kill snakes. (5) Float 8 kilograms of black udad dal in water. (6) Take care of your uncles. (7) Feed bread (roti) to the dogs or crows after applying mustard oil on it. Remedies of Saturn in 9th House (1) Float rice or almonds in flowing water. (2) Business related to gold-silver and cloth will be favorable for you. (3) Get a dark room constructed at the rear portion of your house. (4) Do not collect fuel on the terrace of your house. (5) Remedies of Jupiter would be helpful. (6) Apply a saffron tilak. (7) Donate alcohol at the temple of Bharoon. (8) Keep a black buffalo. (9) Feed milk to the snake. (10) Donate oil or alcohol. (11) Do not speak lies. (12) Do not consume non-vegetarian food or alcohol.

Remedies of Saturn in 10th House (1) Keep Ganga water in a brass metal in your house. (2) Respect others. (3) Do no consume non-vegetarian food and alcohol. (4) Take care of your uncle. (5) Float gram pulses for a continuous 43 days in flowing water. (6) Travel across religious places. (7) Feed food to 10 blind people. (8) Do not get your house constructed before you turn 48 years. (9) Do not kill animals. (10) Do not keep any arms with you. (11) Do not indulge in work that requires running around. (12) Donate alcohol in the temple of 'Bhairo'. (13) Feed bread with mustard oil applied on it to the crows and dogs. (14) Do not keep the laborer's money with you. emedies of Saturn in 11th House (1) At the time of sunrise, drop oil, alcohol or things that flow like water on the ground. (2) Before starting any good work, place an earthen pot filled with water in your house. (3) Do not consume alcohol or non-vegetarian food. (4) Keep your character clean. (5) Do not live in a house facing southwards. (6) Keep a silver brick in your house. (7) Keep fast on Saturday. (8) Do not keep the money of labourers with you. Remedies of Saturn in 12th House (1) Keep your character clean. (2) Do no consume alcohol and non-vegetarian food. (3) Do not speak lies. (4) Keep 12 almonds wrapped in a black cloth towards the southern corner of your house. (5) Feed almonds to the fishes for continuous 12 Saturdays. (6) Make sure to keep a dark room in your house. (7) Do not eat food left over by someone else. (8) Keep fast on Saturday. (9) Donate oil and alcohol. Remedies of Rahu in 1st House (1) Float 400 grams or 4 kilogram of coins in the river or flowing water. (2) In the event of a financial crisis or bad health, tie the cat's placenta (jeir) in a copper-color cloth and keep with you. (3) Don't wear black and blue clothes. (4) Wear sliver around your neck.

(5) Float coconut in a river or flowing water. (6) Remedies of the Moon will be beneficial for you. (7) Float one kilogram of barley washed in 4 kilogram of milk in flowing water. (8) Donation of wheat, jaggery and copper will be beneficial for you. (9) Bathe in milk. (10) Don't lit fire in the verandah of your house. (11) Donating Radish will also be beneficial for you. (12) Float stone or coal in water. (13) After sunrise, feed the birds with grain. (14) Do not create smoke in your home or the verandah of your home. Remedies of Rahu in 2nd House (1) Throw the mud from the elephant's feet into the well. (2) Keep a solid ball of silver, gold or Saffron in a silver box with you. (3) Do not take electronic items in dowry. (4) Keep good relationship with your mother and take care of her. (5) If you son is in pain, then float Jo or mustard equivalent to his weight in the water. (6) Applying tilak of saffron or turmeric will also prove to be beneficial. (7) Wear gold ornaments. (8) Keep water or silver towards the north-western part of your house. (9) Take care of the untouchables. Remedies of Rahu in 3rd House (1) Do not keep things made out of Ivory with you. (2) Wear silver jewellery or keep it with you. (3) Performing 'KANYADAAN' will be beneficial. (4) You should donate mustard, tobacco etc. (5) Do not live separated from your family. (6) Feed food to the birds after sunrise. (7) Do not give false testimony. (8) Plant a Peepal tree. Remedies of Rahu in 4th House (1) Wear silver. (2) Float 400 grams or 1 kilogram of coriander for a continuous 7 Wednesdays. (3) Take bath in the Ganga at Haridwar. (4) There should be no logging of dirty water within the premises of your house. (5) Your kitchen should not be situated right at the foot of the steps leading to the terrace or roof or the upper floor. (6) Get the complete house constructed all at once and not in phases. (7) Do not keep fuels like coal etc on the terrace. (8) Pary to Goddess Saraswati. (9) Wear agate. (10) Do not consume tabacoo. (11) Do not generate smoke either in your house or the verandah.

(12) Do not be a false witness. Remedies of Rahu in 5th House (1) Keep a silver elephant in your house. (2) Keep away from non-vegetarian food and alcohol. (3) Keep 5 raddish next to your wife in the night and donate it to a temple in the morning. (4) For the happiness of your children, bury a silver brick under the stepping stone of your house. (5) Keep your character clean. (6) Do not indulge in a 2nd marriage. (7) Marry your wife again. (8) Do not take electrical goods, blue colored cloth or any steel utensils in dowry. (9) Performing 'KANYADAAN' will be favorable. (10) Donate Mustard, tabacoo etc. (11) Do not live separately away from your family. Remedies of Rahu in 6th House (1) Keeping a brown or black dog will be very favorable. (2) Keep a solid silver ball with you. (3) Wear black glasses. (4) Keep blue flowers at the feet of Goddess Saraswati's idol for a continuous 6 days. (5) Do not fight or quarrel with your brothers and sisters. (6) Have black glasses on all the windows of your house. (7) Pray to Goddess Saraswati. (8) Do not become a false witness. (9) Keep good relationship with your in-laws. Remedies of Rahu in 7th House (1) If your wife has problems, then keep a silver brick in the house. (2) On Saturday, float coconut or almonds in flowing water. (3) During your marriage, take pure silver from the father of your wife and give it to her. Make sure you keep it safe with you all your life. (4) Fill a bottle with Ganga water and seal it. You also have to put a square silver piece in the bottle. Make sure that the water does not dry up and if it does then break the seal and refill the bottle and then seal it back again. (5) If you get married before the age of 21 then keep a silver bowl filled with ganga water having a square silver piece in it. Also, keep a similar kind of silver bowl filled with ganga water having silver in it with your wife at a safe location or keep it at the place you worship. (6) Do not keep any dog at home. (7) Do not wear blue clothes. (8) Take electrical appliances, blue clothes and steel utensils in dowry. (9) Donate radish. (10) Float coal in water. (11) Feed birds with grain. (12) Do not generate smoke in your house or the verandah.

Remedies of Rahu in 8th House (1) Float coal equivalent to your weight in water on Saturday. (2) For a continuous 43 days, offer 8 almonds in the temple and keep 4 of them with you and throw them in flowing water. (3) Float 4 kilograms of coins and 8 coconuts in flowing water. (4) Do not change the roof of your house. If it becomes necessary to change then make sure to use old material in it along with the new material. (5) If fever is not coming down then wash 800 grams or 8 kilogram of Jo in cow's urine and float it in water. (6) If there is an oven (to fry grain) around your house then throw a copper coin in it. (7) Keep a square silver piece with you. (8) While sleeping, keep some anise (saunf) under your pillow. (9) Do not indulge in any kind of electrical related work. (10) Till the age of 42, float 8 coins in the water. (11) Take electrical goods, blue clothes and utensils of steel in dowry. Remedies of Rahu in 9th House (1) Keep a dog. (2) Do not become the head of your family. (3) Keep a pony tail. (4) Apply saffron tilak. (5) Wear gold. (6) Keep nice relations with your in-laws. (7) Stay in a joint family. (8) Keep traveling to religious places. (9) Do not let dirty water flow under the stepping stone of your house. (10) Do not let dirty water get clogged around your house. (11) Take care of untouchables. (12) Donate mustard, tabacoo etc. (13) Do not consume tabacoo. Remedies of Rahu in 10th House (1) Do not keep your head uncovered. (2) Do not wear any other colored cap except for blue and black. (3) Float masoor dal in flowing water. (4) Float 4 kilogram of jaggery in water or donate it. (5) Feed blind people. (6) Perform remedies of Mars. (7) Donate sweets and red cloth sometimes. (8) Bury Jo in a dark room. (9) Donate mustard and tobacco. (10) Do not give false testimony. (11) Keep good relationship with your in-laws.

(12) Do not generate smoke in your house or the verandah. Remedies of Rahu in 11th House (1) Wear gold. (2) Apply tilak of saffron. (3) Drink water in a silver glass. (4) Donate gram pulses wrapped in a yellow cloth on Thursday. (5) Do not consume onions or garlic on Thursday. (6) Give away electronic items as gifts. (7) Do not buy a toy that is shaped or looks like an elephant. (8) Smoke cigarette through a silver funnel. (If you smoke) (9) Keep all electronic items in your house in working condition. (10) Do not wear sapphire ring. (11) Do not wear blue clothes. (12) Do not keep any arms either with you or in your house. (13) Float 4 kilograms of coins in the river. (14) Do not accept any electronic items in dowry. (15) Do not keep unused utensils covered. Remedies of Rahu in 12th House (1) To improve your financial condition, you will have to give a part of your earnings to your sister, daughter or aunt. (2) Keep anise (saunf) in a red colored small sack besides you. (3) Sit in the kitchen and have your food. (4) Float coal in flowing water. (5) Feed radish to the elephant. (6) Wear a square silver piece around your neck. (7) Keep a solid silver elephant in your house. (8) Do not generate fumes in your verandah. (9) Get a dark room constructed at the read end of your house. (10) Worship Goddess Saraswati. (11) Take electrical appliances in dowry. Remedies of Ketu in 1st House (1) If Ketu's unfavorable effect is visible on your maternal uncle, then feed jaggery to the monkey. (2) Perform remedies of Mercury. (3) If your children are in pain or difficulty, then donate a black & white colored blanket in a temple. (4) Wear silver in both your feet's thumbs. (5) If you fall sick everyday, then apply Saffron (kesar) tilak on your forehead. (6) In your Kundali, Sun is in the 6th or 7th house. Do not donate jaggery, wheat or copper during the morning and evening. (7) Keep a black & white dog. It will bring luck to you.

(8) You should not live in the last house on the street or lane. (9) Always keep a red handkerchief with you. (10) Do not keep goat in your house. (11) Praying to Lord Ganesha and keeping fast during Ganesha Chaturthi will be very beneficial to you. (12) Make sure to take 2 beds and 1 gold ring in dowry. (13) Donating Kapila cow will be beneficial for you. (14) Wearing dual colored stone will also be beneficial for you. Remedies of Ketu in 2nd House (1) Applying a paste of turmeric, saffron or yellow sandal wood on your forehead will be beneficial. (2) Donate tamriand or sesamum in the temple. (3) Keep your character good. (4) Take care of unmarried girls. (5) Praying to Lord Ganesha and keeping fast on Ganesha Chaturthi will be very beneficial. (6) Make sure to take a bed or gold ring in dowry. (7) Feeding fodder to the cow's house will be beneficial. (8) You should give one part of your food to a black and white dog. (9) You should take care of young boys. (10) Feed bitter things to unmarried girls (below 9 years of age). Remedies of Ketu in 3rd House (1) Apply Saffron (Kesar) Tilak. (2) During lung diseases etc. float gram or saffron in flowing water. (3) Wear gold to keep away from wounds and to improve your financial condition. (4) The remedy for useless travels and trips is to float milk and rice or wheat and jaggery in flowing water. (5) Attach a copper stone to your house door. (6) If there is a rope or woolen balls lying in the house then use them and do not leave them lying like that. (7) Wear a twin colored stone. (8) Donate a spotted (black and white) blanket at a religious place. (9) Bury a piece of spotted (black and white) blanket in the burial ground. Remedies of Ketu in 4th House (1) Donate gold, pulses or yellow articles in a yellow cloth to your family priest and take his blessings. (2) Float gram pulses in flowing water. (3) If for any reason your son is facing a problem then keep a dog. (4) Wear silver for the peace of your mind. (5) Keep fast on Ganseha Chaturthi. (6) Take 2 beds and a gold ring in dowry. (7) Float seasamum (Til), lime, banana etc in water.

(8) Feed one part of your food to a striped dog. Remedies of Ketu in 5th House (1) Donate rice, milk, jaggery etc. (2) Float Sesamum, lime, banana etc in water or donate them. (3) Feed sour things to girls below 9 years of age. Remedies of Ketu in 6th House (1) Wear a gold ring in your left hand. (2) Keep a dog for child birth. (3) Take care of your sister, aunt, and daughter. (4) Float garlic for a continuous 6 days in water. (If the Moon is in the 4th house). (5) Add Saffron in the milk and then drink it.Heat an iron rod and immerse it in the milk before drinking it. (6) Heat an iron rod and immerse it in the milk before drinking it. (7) Donate bananas for a continuous 43 days at a religious place. (8) If the dog you keep at your house dies then you should get another one within 15 days. Remedies of Ketu in 7th House (1) Do not ever do false promises. (2) Showing arrogance makes Ketu unfavorable. (3) Apply saffron tilak on your forehead. (4) During the time of grave problems, perform remedies related to Jupiter. (5) Float 4 lemons for 4 continuous days in flowing water. (6) Float 4 bananas for 4 continuous days in flowing water. (7) Take care of Kapila cow. (8) Wear a dual colored stones. (9) Donate a black and white blanket in a temple. Remedies of Ketu in 8th House (1) Donate 200 grams of gram wrapped in a yellow cloth at a religious place. (2) Get your ear pierced and wear gold in it for 96 days. (3) Apply Saffron Tilak on your forehead or eat it. (4) Keep your character clean. (5) Worship Lord Ganesha. (6) Feed food to the dogs regularly. (7) Keep a black dog. (8) Sleep on the bed given to you in the form of dowry. (9) Donate a black and white blanket in a temple. (10) Do not tie a dog on your terrace. (11) If you have Nylon or thread balls lying in your house then unroll them and get a bed made out of them. (12) Float black and white sesamum in the water.

Remedies of Ketu in 9th House (1) If there is a pregnant dog in your house then this is favorable for your children. (2) Wear gold in your ears. (3) Keep a square gold piece at any location in your hosue. (4) If you suffer from pain in the joints then wear gold in your ears. (5) Worship Lord Ganesha. (6) Respect your elders. (7) Take care of your parents-in-law. Remedies of Ketu in 10th House (1) Bury honey or milk in the foundation of your house. (2) Keep honey filled in a silver vessel in your house. (3) Keep your character clean. (4) Rear a dog at your house after you turn 48. (5) Worship Lord Ganesha. (6) Feed food to boys younger than 9 yeas old. (7) Float black and white sesamum in a drain. emedies of Ketu in 11th House (1) Keep a black dog. (2) Your wife should keep a radish next to her while sleeping and then donate it at a religious place in the morning. She should perform this remedy for a continuous 43 days. (3) Keep black-white rice in the kitchen. (4) Donate 'Kapila' cow. (5) Feed fodder in the byre. (6) Feed the dogs. (7) Wear dual colored stone. Remedies of Ketu in 12th House (1) Wear gold around your neck. (2) Suck your thumb after dipping it in milk 12 times for a continuous 12 days. (3) Keep a black dog in your house. (4) Worship Lord Ganesha. (5) Take care of your brother-in-law.

yotish Remedial Measure

Jyotish Remedial Measure >> Remedies for all nine planets in Jyotish >> Remedies for Sade Sati, see Shani remedies. >> Remedies for Kuja Dosha, see Mangal remedies. >> You will also find remedies for Kala Sarpa Yoga / Kala Sarpa Dosha. Note 01. When a planet is malefic for you according to Jyotish, never strengthen that in any ways, and propitiate (Pacify) it. 02. Strengthen your benefic planets in every ways suggested by Jyotish. Jyotish Remedial Measure:Many of the suggested mantras and stotrams are available in this site with audio. So if you need a specific mantra or stotram, please check out the mantra page. The remedies mentioned are general and it is your own responsibility to perform these remedial measures. I do not suggest performing a remedy without checking the horoscope well so I am not responsible for any damage or loss you might face performing them. Please do take them at your own responsibility. ________________________________________ Remedial measure for all the planets ________________________________________ Remedy for Ravi (The Sun) Propitiating Sun Donation and charity 01. Cow with her calf. 02. Molasses, gold, copper, wheat etc. 03. Gemstones related to Sun. Best to give > To a middle aged man. > On Sunday noon. Fasting 01. On Sundays. Feeding 01. Cows with Molasses and/or wheat. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with cream of rice cooked with jaggery (Molasses). Others -

01. Service to own father, fatherly people. 02. Surya Namaskar at the time of sunrise. Avoid 01. Meal which includes molasses, wheat etc. 02. Red copper made things for own purpose. ________________________________________ Remedy for Chandra (The Moon) Propitiating Moon Donation and charity 01. Conch ("Shankha"). 02. White clothes, silver, rice, boiled rice, milk, pure water etc. 03. Gemstones related to Moon. Donation of Rice. Best to give > To a woman. > On Monday evening. Fasting 01. On Mondays. Feeding 01. Dough to cows. 02. Boiled rice mixed with sugar to crows. 03. Rice cooked in milk to Brahmins (Or poor people). Others 01. Service to mother, motherly women, old women. Avoid 01. Drinking milk regularly. 02. Moon's colour. 03. Moon's gemstones. 04. Perfumes and deodorants etc. ________________________________________ Remedy for Mangal (Mars) and Kuja Dosha etc. Propitiating Mars Donation and charity 01. Bullock (Preferably red coloured.) 02. Red clothes, molasses, gold, copper, masoor daal, Toor Daal ( a dark Yellow Lentil )batasa,

sweet chapati, skin of deer etc. 03. Gemstones related to Mars. Best to give > On Tuesday noon. Fasting 01. On Tuesdays. Feeding 01. Brahmins (Or poor people) with Havishya. Others 01. Prayers or meditation in the morning daily for at least 10 / 15 minutes. 02. Taking care of younger siblings. 03. Exercising patience. Avoid 01. Engaging in martial arts, aggressive exercise etc. 02. Being hot tempered. These remedies also work for Kuja Dosha, also called Manglik Dosha, Bhauma Dosha etc. ________________________________________ Remedy for Budha (Mercury) Propitiating Mercury Donation and charity 01. Gold. 02. Deep green clothes, green pumpkin, green pulses and other green vegetables and articles, Moong Daal ( smaller yellow lentils of a lighter share they have dark green skin ) 03. Bangles and clothes of green color to Eunuchs. (In the modern day, this would have to be people with low sex drives or impotent or frigid individuals.) 04. Gemstones related to Mercury. Best to give > On Wednesday noon. Fasting 01. On Wednesdays. Feeding 01. Cows with green leaves. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with paddy cooked in milk.

Prayers 01. Vishnu Sahasranamam Others 01. Watering a 'Tulsi' tree daily except Sundays. 02. Service or donation to orphans, poor students, orphan homes etc. 03. Helping and serving sister, daughter, parents' sisters (Aunts) and so on. ________________________________________ Remedy for Brihaspati (Jupiter) Propitiating Jupiter Donation and charity 01. Robes. Chick Peas. 02. Sugar, banana, yellow clothes, yellow sapphire, salt, foods, sweets, turmeric, yellow flowers etc. 03. Gemstones related to Jupiter. Best to give > To Brahmins, teachers, priests. > On Thursday morning. Fasting 01. On Thursdays. Feeding 01. Beggars, crows, birds with banana, yellow coloured sweets. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with curd and rice. Others 01. Watering a peepul / pipal ("Ashwatha") tree every day except Sundays or on only Thursdays. 02. Service to teachers, Gurus, priests etc. 03. Avoid eating banana and even keeping in home esp. bedroom. Because this strengthens Jupiter. ________________________________________ Remedy for Shukra (Venus) Propitiating Venus Donation and charity 01. Horse (Preferably white coloured.) 02. Colourful clothes, silk clothes, clarified butter (ghee), perfume, sugar, cooking oil, camphor, scented body / hair oil, sandal etc. Whitish Grain . 03. Gemstones related to Venus.

Best to give > To a young woman. > On Friday evening. Fasting 01. On Fridays. Feeding 01. Crows or beggars with sweet rice made in milk burfy or 'rasgolla' etc. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice with ghee (Clarified butter). 03. Cows with part of own meal. Avoid 01. Perfumes, perfumed oils, ghee etc. 02. Never be too choosy in your dress up. ________________________________________ Remedy for Sani (Saturn) and also Sade Sati , Kantaka Sani etc. Propitiating Saturn Donation and charity 01. Black cow. 02. Clothes coloured black / aqua, urad pulse, black mole, leather shoes, cereals, Sesame Seeds ,salt, mustard oil, iron, agricultural land, utensils etc. 03. Gemstones related to Saturn. Best to give > On Saturday evening. > To a poor old man. Fasting 01. On Saturdays. 02. On Fridays. Feeding 01. Beggars or crows with salty rice with curd preferably kept in iron plate. 02. Crows with "namkeen roti" (salty bread) with mustard oil applied on it, in pieces. 03. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with powder of sesame seeds. 04. Crows with part of own meal. Prayer and Mantras 01. Hanumana Chalisa 02. Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra 03. Sani Stotram or other pacification mantras to Sani.

Others 01. Be kind and render service to the poor, servants and old people. 02. Wearing a peacock feather. Avoid 01. Misbehaving poor, old, servants. 02. Salt, salty things, mustard oil cooked things, sesame, alcohol, liquor etc. 03. Using mustard oil, and other Saturn kind of things frequently. 04. Shaving head / part of forehead. 05. Sleeping on a hard bed (with no foams) esp. on floor etc. These above general remedies for Saturn also work for Sade Sati. Note: An used horse shoe and used iron nails from boats are used to appease Sani Deva (Planet Saturn). But this has to be done with caution. In my personal experience they appear to strengthen Sani than just propitiating it. They do give some troubles besides benefits. The horse shoe, iron nails should be used only after doing specific pujas and rituals with a learned Pundit (Vedic priest). ________________________________________ Remedy for Rahu (North node) Propitiating Rahu Donation and charity 01. Iron made weapons. 02. Blue clothes, blanket, plate of iron, sesame, mustard, Black gram daal ( white lentils with a black skin) electronic items, coconut, radish etc. 03. Red colored grains may be given to cleaners, or sweepers, or those who perform that work may be helped in other ways. 04. Gemstones related to Rahu. Best to give > To sweepers. Fasting 01. On Saturdays. Feeding 01. Crows with sweet roti in pieces. The roti should be with sugar stuffed in it and fried. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with meat. Others 01. Service to a person affected by leprosy.

02. Arranging marriage of poor girls where there family can not afford that. 04. Barley should be kept under the bead on the side of the head in the night and be distributed in the morning to the poor. To some this remedy is not purely Satwik, though. Avoid 01. Tobacco, wine. 02. Living in a joint family. ________________________________________ Remedy for Ketu (South node) Propitiating Ketu Donation and charity 01. Goat. 02. Blanket, weapons made of iron, sesame, dull brown colored items, limes etc. 03. A virgin cow. 04. Sour things to female children below the age of nine years. 05. Gemstones related to Ketu. 06. A blanket to a temple esp. if progeny is affected. Fasting 01. On Saturdays. 02. On Tuesdays. Feeding 01. Dogs. 02. Brahmins (Or poor people) with rice cooked with cereals. Others 01. Service and being kind to elderly/old people and saints. 02. Not telling own sorrows or secrets to others (Esp. when Ketu is the cause of that.) ________________________________________ Remedial Measure for Kala Sarpa Yoga Here are some remedies for Kala Sarpa Yoga 1. Focus on Rahu-Ketu's remedies as stated above. 2. Try strengthening your benefics. (Lords of 1st, 5th, 9th houses who do not rule an evil house same time.) 3. Chant Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra. 4. Chant Sarpa - Mantra. 5. Chant or listen to Sri Sarpa Suktam - a very effective remedy for Sarpa Doshas. over a year ago

urday, 23 April 2011

To get relief

To get relief from the affects of ghosts or the unknown Do Bajrang ban path for seven times a day Wear mahamritunjaya yantra locket in black thread in neck on auspicious day. Person can wear a combination of three stones only after consulting astrologer. The stones are yellow sapphire, pearl and cats-eye Wear 10 faced Rudraksha in a black thread after performing pran pratishta pooja, in neck Do path or Durga daily or Durga pooja and wear Durga bias yantra locket in neck. Wash whole house with gangajal and burn googal at home, recite Gayatri mantra at least for 108 times. Some remedies for peace and prosperity Everyday perform hanuman pooja. On Saturday give oil for lord shani. Keep fast and do Shiv pooja on Mondays during sawan month.

Give one pair of shoes to a poor person on Saturday. While getting up in the morning look at your palms and kiss them three times, starting from Saturday and do not tell about it to any one. Stones have special place for peaceful and successful life. Some remedies for getting and multiplication of money. Make 108 balls of wheat while reciting Om hrim nameh lakshmi mantra 108 times and feed them to fishes. Do it for 108 days. Financial status will increase by this. Apply kesar and chandan on forehead. If earning is good and you are not able to multiply the income then give chapatti with oil applied on it to a black dog on every Saturday. For gaining money suddenly give scented agartbatis in charity in goddess lakshmi temple. Some remedies for welfare of children In case you are worried about childrens health etc or worries due to them then give dresses of all the idols of gods and goddesses in kept in temple. If your child is not able to speak properly give him shankh water to drink daily. Also a stone will be recommended for that.

If you or your child does not get relief from cough even after taking medicines then for relief one should wear loban plants root in the neck on Tuesday or Friday. If your acidity problem is not curable then for relief wear bracelet or ring made out of horse shoe or nail taken from the bottom of the boat on Sunday, Saturday or Tuesday. In order to be debt or loan free remedies are To get rid of loans bring water from a cemetery well and pour it in a peepal tree for 6 Saturdays. Give chapatti with oil applied on it to a black dog on every Saturday and fill coconut with bura or gur powder and bury it under a peepal tree. Plant two banana [ male and female ] trees in Vishnu temple and look after them. When they will start giving fruits then loan will start reducing. Do not eat the fruits of that plant yourself. Let others eat it. Every day give water to rising sun. put 11 seeds of red chilli in it, keep reciting Om adithyaye nameh while pouring water and pray for return of the loan. Gems and stones will definitely help in repayment of loans. Apply kesar and yellow chandan on forehead starting from any shukal pakshs Thursday at 12 am and do path of Shri suktam. Plant ashoka tree and water it daily.

Recite hanuman chalisa with the help of your family members daily for 108 times. And let this process continue for another 40 days. Observe brahmacharaya and keep your house clean in these 40 days. Also avoid food made of onion, garlic and non vegetarian food. After these 40 days bestow chola and halwa Prasad to Hanumanji in any hanuman temple on Tuesday. You will surely get benefit out of it. For improving business Tie 5 gomati chakras in a red cloth and tie it on the entrance of your shop or office on Friday after 11:30 am. For having better job Take a big yellow lemon and cut it in 4 equal parts in the evening or before sunrise and go to chauraha [ where four roads meet] and throw the pieces on all four directions. After throwing pieces go home and not anywhere else. Repeat this remedy for 11 days. Some remedies for saving one from bad eyes of others Take little raw milk on a Saturday or a Sunday and give 7 rounds of it around the affected persons head and after that give that milk to a black dog to drink. Take a piece of fitkari and give 21 rounds of it around the affected person. Take it to chauraha and throw it on the south side. Take some burning coal in a vessel and put loban powder on it. Let it

smell spread through out the house. While doing so do not keep the vessel on the floor, table etc. keep holding it. Throw the burned coal in a place outside the vessel for washing. Do this on Tuesday for three months. Tie one red chilli, sindoor, an iron nail and seven grains of black dal in a white cotton cloth and hang it on the bed of the child. Some remedies for improvement of relations Take 7 flower shaped longs [ cloves] and take the name of the person with whom one wants to improve the relations 21 times and burn one clove on a Sunday. Do this for seven Sundays till the cloves finish. Ladies should avoid doing this on periods. To improve spoiled child throw silver balls in a river for 25 days. Wear a copper coin threaded in a black thread in neck. Children who are not good at studies Take some water on Sunday and recite mantra Om aan vanyay svaha 21 times and ask the child to drink that water. If child can recite the mantra by himself, then ask him to recite this mantra for 108 times every day Stones or gems can definitely help for growth of children Children suffering from bad dreams or are crying without reason

Such children who are crying without reason or taking bad dreams should keep a piece of fitkari on any Sunday or Tuesday near childs head while sleeping Some remedies for wining over court litigations Sleep in south direction Keep Tuesday fast and read Bajrang ban daily for seven times. Keep a square silver piece tied in yellow cloth with you. For removal of every trouble measure the thread of mauli equal to the length from foot thumb to head. Wrap it on a coconut which contains water. Stand on a river, canal side at the time of sunrise facing east. The coconut be thrown in the water after passing it over your head. This will remove all troubles. Shoe of black horse be fixed on the outer entrance of house or be worn as a ring or bracelet. This removes the effects of sadhe-satti or will reduce malefics effects of lord shani. Daily recite dashrath shani stotaram with full faith and devotion. It will definitely have reduced effects of sadhe-satti.[ dashrath shani stotaram is available on my website]. To control excessive bleeding tested- this prescription has been given by a devi saint and has been

tested on many ladies during monthly course or otherwise due to tumor etc. Sandoz calcium lactate powder, white burnt alum, malathi and majoo phal each of grams be grounded together. Take one dose of teaspoon with curd daily in the morning after breakfast. In case the bleeding is excessive take four times a day. Wear ring of ranga metal in second finger to reduce fat in the body. One will be benefited and can become lean. It is also tested Lemon and green chilly be servered in a thread and be hung at the door of the shop. This will remove the evil effects of evil eye and sale will boost up. It is tested and common. For transfer when anybody wants his transfer from a place, he should take a bath before sunrise and change the cloth. After sunrise he should perform Surya Namaskar and take 21 seeds of red chilly and offer to sun with the prayer of your transfer at a particular place. Repeat this process for three days. You will receive your transfer orders at the earliest. tested


LALKITAB MALIFIC PLANETS REMEDIES remedies of Lal Kitab according to malefic planets. If any of the planet is malefic do the following remedies to reduce the ill effects Sun Throw gur/ copper coin in flowing water. Start any important work after eating sweet and drinking water.

Never accept anything in charity. Quench fire with milk instead of water for marital happiness Worship lord Vishnu Recite or listen harivansha purana. Keep the main gate entrance of the house in east. Moon Keep vessel full of water or milk near your head at night while sleeping and pour it in the roots of kikar tree next day. Take blessings of mother Drink milk in silver glass Do not get married at the age of 24 During marriage take silver and rice from in-laws If moon is in Aries then one should never deal in dairy products If the moon is in Scorpio, one should store some water of cremation ground inside ones house If in Aquarius then worship bhairava Worship lord Shiva Donate milk, rice or silver to proportionate moon. Mars In case mars is benefic or good then distribute sweet food in charity or float batashas in the river. In case mars is malefic then float rewaris in the river Help brother from time to time Keep giving maternal aunt or bua or sister red cloths. Keep fast on Tuesdays and donate sindoor to Hanumanji. Throw masoor dal or honey or sindoor in a river Mercury Float copper piece with hole in it Float green things in the river Give green grass to cows Give food to dog, cow and crow from your food Give a goat in charity Bury honey in a mud pot in a lonely place Do not accept tabij, Clean your teeth with fitkari (alum) Float mud pitcher in a river Have nose pierced Wear copper coin in the neck. Give green colour bangles and clothes to eunuchs. Jupiter Eat kesar or apply it on nabhi and tongue

Apply turmeric or kesar n forehead Do not get peepal tree cut Give gram dal or channa dal, turmeric, some gold, some kesar in yellow cloth in holy place or temple. Do Durga pooja Do Ganesh pooja Give food to girls Wear gold in yellow thread in neck Do not keep idols of gods at home if Jupiter is in the 7th house in Libra sign Recite garuda purana Water peepal tree and plant yellow flowers plants Keep your hair tied. Venus Give cow in charity or do dan of cows fodder Give dan in bronze vessel For 43 days throw blue flower in dirty water Use perfume, cream etc on Friday Give curd, pure ghee, misri and camphor at holy place. Saturn Do chaya dan Give food to crow for 43 days Give iron in charity For 43 days pour spirit, oil or wine on the floor in the morning at sunrise Worship bhairon and give wine to him in the temple of bhairon. Give oil on Saturday to a holy person Give loafs of bread with mustard oil on it to dogs and crows. Rahu Give radish in charity or throw coal in the river Stay in joint family Keep your hair tied Do not harm brother or sister Eat in the kitchen Keep saunf or sugar in red small bag under your pillow while sleeping. Keep silver box with you Keep gangajal Float barley or coconut in running water Give red masoor to the sweeper or help him in another ways If illness takes place due to malefic Rahu then float barley or wheat equal to the weight of the sick person in a river

Ketu Give chapattis to dogs Give kapila cow and sesame seeds in charity Apply kesar on forehead Wear gold Give white and black blanket made of wool in temple Wear silver in foot toe Give milk, rice red masoor dal in charity Do Ganesh pooja Keep a white and black dog at home or feed such dog.

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