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Accor - Door To Opportunity Procedure Manual

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41 Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Table of Contents

Part 1 - Introduction & Participating in the Door To Opportunity program Definitions What is Door To Opportunity? What are the Benefits to Accor & your property? What are the Benefits to Accor & your property? Cont. Preparing to Deliver Training Preparing to Deliver Training cont. Marketing & Pre-Traineeship Information Eligibility Criteria for Potential Candidates Selecting the right program Candidates Part 2 - Starting a Participant Enrolling the Candidate Enrolling the Candidate cont. The Training Plan Recognition of Current Competency Part 3 - Progressing through the Traineeship The Traineeship Structure The Course Framework ..................................................... The Course Framework cont. The Course Framework cont. The Course Framework cont. The Course Framework cont. The Course Framework cont. The Course Framework cont. Conducting Training & Assessment Conducting Training & Assessment cont. Evidence of Competence Evidence of Competence cont. Evidence of Competence cont. Part 4 - Completing the Traineeship Successful Completion Making Claims for payment Amendments to a Training Agreement Cancellation of a Training Agreement Best Practice Standards 1 2 3

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

List of Appendix


Door To Opportunity


Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Definitions

Registered Training Organisation (RTO) Is any training organisation that has met the requirements of the State Recognition Authority and been granted recognition to provide vocational education, training, and/or assessment. State Recognition Authority (SRA) / State Training Authority (STA) Is the body responsible for all the decisions relating to the administration of the registration of training organisations and the accreditation of courses where no Training Package exists, for example VETAB (Vocational Education Training Accreditation Board) in NSW. Australian Recognition Framework (ARF) Is a comprehensive approach to national recognition of vocational education and training (VET). It is based on a quality assured approach to the registration of training organisations seeking to deliver training, assess competency outcomes and issue qualifications. Australian Qualification Framework (AQF) Is a comprehensive policy framework defining all qualifications recognised nationally. The Australian Qualifications Framework comprises guidelines that define each qualification together with principles and protocols covering articulation, issuing of qualification and transition arrangements. Training Package Is a product that comprises of endorsed components of national competency standards, assessment guidelines, and qualifications, combined with nonendorsed components which may include a learning strategy, assessment resources and professional development materials. Competency Standards Are the specification of knowledge and skills and the application of that knowledge and skills to the standards of performance required in the workplace. Competency standards define the outcomes for training and delivery, assessment and the issuing of qualifications and Statements of Attainment.

Qualification Is the defined set of competencies, which establishes a specified and point of achievement/outcome relevant to industry needs. The qualification is expressed with titles as stipulated in by the Australian Qualifications Framework. Statement of Attainment Is a formal certification issued by a Registered Training Organisation in recognition that a person has achieved some of the competencies identified for a particular qualification. Door To Opportunity

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual What is Door To Opportunity?

Door To Opportunity is the corporate name given to Traineeships conducted by Accor. A Traineeship is a training program (for entry level employees or existing workers) combining both on and off-job training for people interested in pursuing a career in hospitality. Frequently candidates for the traineeship are people who have had some experience working in the hospitality industry. For this reason you will note that we refer to successful candidates as participants, rather than trainees. We recommend that you adopt this terminology when you "sell" Door To Opportunity to prospective participants Participants will learn through a combination of structured workplace training, experience on-the-job and formal classroom training. Traineeships aim to provide candidates with competency, which in turn provides associated career paths within Accor and direct access to labour market jobs. Candidates gain three major types of competency:

General Work effectiveness skills Broad based Skills for a vocational employment area Job specific skills

Not only do competency standards help identify training needs, they can also be used for staff appraisals, giving the staff member a clear indication of achievements or areas for development. They can also be used for setting goals and establishing career progression.

These competency standards identify realistic workplace practices, industry standards and helps achieve industry professionalism as required in the internationally competitive tourism market. A contractual agreement between the employer and a participant will be made for the provision of training in order to achieve these skill and knowledge outcomes. On the successful completion of the traineeship, participants will be awarded a nationally recognised qualification that is transferable throughout industry. This incentive based on their performance during the traineeship can lead them into higher level training programs/courses and further career development with Accor. Completion of a traineeship will result in an Australian Standards Framework (ASF) level 2 or 3 outcome. DEETYA and the State Training Authorities (STA) stipulate that participants must complete a Level 2 traineeship within twelve months (full time employment), or 2 years (part time employment) in order to qualify for funding assistance. Participants must complete a Level 3 traineeship within 2 years (full time employment) or 4 years (part time employment). Failure to ensure that participants complete within these nominal maximum time frames will result in withholding of funding assistance. Door To Opportunity


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Procedure Manual

Door To Opportunity

What are the benefits to Accor and your property?

Traineeships are valuable to our organisation as they improve the skill level of our staff. Participants become more motivated, knowledgeable and customer focused. The enterprise benefits from consistent and coordinated training providing a more skilled, productive and flexible workforce. This leads to improvements in service, productivity and overall profitability. Specific benefits to employers include:

Trained staff with a nationally recognised qualification A consistent, streamlined approach to training across the organisation Structured, off the job training in more advanced skills Training customised to meet specific enterprise needs Staff performance increased and turnover reduced Access to payroll tax/workers compensation exemptions (entitlements varying state by state, for further information contact your local NAC representative, also refer to Appendix 20)

Access to wage subsidies and training incentives

Academie ACCOR, as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is eligible for funding assistance from the State Training Authorities (STA) for the provision of Traineeships. Funding is provided as periodical payments as the participant's progress through the traineeship. If a participant does not complete the Traineeship or fails to complete within the nominal maximum time frames the STA will withhold funding assistance. After costs associated with delivering Traineeships have been met, this funding assistance will be passed on to the participating properties. You are therefore eligible to claim payment (refer to section; Making Claims for Payment) for the following training/assessment relevant to participants of the Door To Opportunity Traineeship:

Successful completion of induction - $90 Successful completion of Accor Customer Service Training Program - $180 Successful completion of First Aid Training Course - $90 or as per invoice if less Successful completion of Responsible Service of Alcohol (where state requirements necessitate use of external providers) - As per invoice Coach others in job skills (unit THHGTR01A) - $45 Successful completion of Door To Opportunity Traineeship - At discretion of Academie ACCOR, based on funding held. Door To Opportunity

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
What are the benefits to Accor and your property? Cont.
Additionally, if Academie ACCOR is holding funding for a participating property, the property will be eligible to claim payment for:

Successful completion of Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training by personnel associated with the delivery of training/conducting of assessment. $360 Training resources/materials deemed necessary by Academie ACCOR Financial assistance provided by ANTA for participants with special needs

(refer to section; Preparing to Deliver Training) Courses/conferences provided for the development of property based HR personnel as approved by Academie ACCOR Claims for payment will only be met if Academie ACCOR is holding a positive balance of funding for the relevant property. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Preparing to Deliver Training
Before you commence enrolling participants in The Door To Opportunity program you must have the following in place:

The Training Environment

Your property must meet the training environment requirements to deliver the "strands" of the traineeship being undertaken in your property. It is a mandatory requirement for all Accor Properties to accurately complete the "Property Assessment Checklist " (Refer to Appendix 1). This assessment ensures that the properties have the necessary personnel, resources, equipment, facilities and environment to provide effective training. Properties will only be entitled to deliver units for which they meet all criteria. Address immediately any area of the checklist that does not meet the training infrastructure. Properties can elect to deliver additional training units when they feel all criteria are addressed. Forward the completed "Property Assessment Checklist" to the National Traineeship Administration Manager before you commence enrolling participants. As a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) it is imperative that we comply and continue to meet with the State/Territory/Commonwealth statutory requirements. Properties who previously ran traineeships in conjunction with an external RTO will be required to complete this "Property Assessment Checklist".

Human Resource Requirements

The "Property Assessment Checklist" (Appendix 1) includes an audit of the qualifications of those people to be involved in the delivery of on and off-thejob training and assessment of participant's competencies. Each person is required to

complete a Trainer/Assessor profile (Section 3 of Appendix 1), if the trainers and assessors do not meet the requirements outlined, the properties may not participate in the program until the individuals have undergone the necessary training. Any changes to staff involved in either training on-the-job, off-the-job or conducting assessment is to be advised to the National Traineeship Administration Manager (NTAM) by completing the "Trainer/Assessor" profile, (Section 3 of Appendix 1). HR personnel must ensure that staffing requirements and ratio levels (refer to the Appendix 1 for the relevant State Training Authority's trainer/ trainee ratio level) are maintained. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Preparing to Deliver Training cont....
1. The property based trainer/assessor must have successfully completed a Certificate IV in Assessment and Workplace Training and have a minimum of three years relevant recent industry experience including experience at the supervisory level. 2. Supervisors delivering on-the-job training in the workplace (who are not required to conduct formal assessments) must have successfully completed a Statement of Attainment which as a minimum includes the unit of competence "Train Small Groups", and at least 2 years experience in the industry. They will be responsible for departmental skills training and orientation for all new participants.

The Training Resources

There are training resources for each unit included in the Hospitality Traineeship. These are specifically designed to assist the delivery of training largely on-the-job and to be as equally useful for off-the-job training in a class room situation. There are many resources available, the minimum resources required on site are: 1. National Training Package 2. Professional Hospitality -An Introduction
Note: Each participant will be provided with a copy of this text.

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Standards of Operations & Facilities Manual Occupational Health & Safety Policy Manual Occupational Health & Safety Training Programs Anti-discrimination Training Program Australian First Aid Book Workplace Health & Safety Act

9. 10. 11.

Liquor Licensing Act Trainee Workbooks ("Pathways to your career" this is a self paced trainee workbook) Trainer Guide (this is a manual for mentors and supervisors)

Support Mechanisms for Disadvantaged Participants

To be included in the traineeship program, each property must have access to a local service for literacy and numeracy assistance for any participants requiring such support. The Adult Migrant English Service will provide necessary testing and support for relevant participants within Accor. Special Funding is available from ANTA (through State Training Authorities) for participants with special needs. A special need is when learning assistance is required as a result of hearing or sight impairment, English as a second language or if mathematics or literacy skills are low. If a participant demonstrates difficulties in these areas and they need to be referred to the relevant organisations for support, contact your Academie ACCOR regional office for assistance. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Marketing & Pre-traineeship information
Marketing procedures are determined by the specifics of your property. Door To Opportunity can be marketed in the following ways: 1. Every new frontline employee in front office, portering, housekeeping or food and beverage who does not hold a current qualification is an ideal candidate for the Door To Opportunity Program. A copy of the DTO brochure should be provided to all applicants during the recruitment process. 2. Advertise the opportunity to participate in the traineeship in the local/national newspapers. Potential candidates for the traineeship will undergo the standard interview and recruitment procedures as outlined in the Human Resources Policy Manual. 3. Your local CES is available to source and pre-interview potential candidates for the program. They will determine the suitability of the applicant for the vacancies within the property. Discuss with your local CES contact, the qualities of a suitable candidate and any needs specific to your property. 4. When recruiting participants you may simply source, select and interview potential candidates from CV's already on your files. Through promotion and distribution of the Door To Opportunity brochure (Appendix 2) to potential candidates and other interested parties, it is

probable that you will have extensive waiting lists of potential candidates to choose from. Many outstanding candidates can or may have been pre-interviewed to assess their eligibility prior to a vacancy being available. This is particularly applicable to school leavers looking for traineeship opportunities prior to completing there high School Certificate. 5. You may wish to transfer current workers into a level three traineeship. There are a number of different promotional resources available for display or distribution within the property. Should the employee or potential employee wish to participate in Door To Opportunity provide them with further information, being "Door To Opportunity Traineeship Information" (Appendix 3), and arrange for enrolment. When providing this information you may choose to distribute it in the following ways: 1. Provide each candidate with a copy to read prior to enrolling 2. Display information in the staff area and refer the potential candidates to read this prior to attending the enrollment session. When registering a trainee it is a legal requirement that a representative from a New Apprenticeship Centre (NAC) be in attendance. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Eligibility Criteria for Potential Candidates
In order to participate in the Hospitality Traineeship all applicants must meet the following criteria: Candidates must be between the ages of 16 and 64. However, participants who are undertaking the Food & Beverage Service Strands or Gaming Electives must be 18 years of age or over. This age restriction is due to liquor license and gaming regulations. Candidates must be permanent residents of Australia. Candidates must not have completed more than 50% of the course units, either through previous accredited training or assessed on-job experience. Candidates must have excellent personal presentation, an outgoing personality with excellent interpersonal skills, and demonstrate initiative and self-motivation. Candidates will fall into one of two categories, eligible employees or existing workers.

1. Eligible Employee To be registered as an eligible employee the participant must: Be employed less than 3 months full time, or 12 months part-time, and NOT hold a Certificate qualification of the same or higher level in this or a related industry (e.g. if the candidate holds a Certificate II, they would be eligible for a Certificate III, but not a Certificate II Traineeship) Progressing to Certificate III Traineeship (The employee who completes a Certificate II may be offered the opportunity to progress to a Certificate III if they are considered suitable for a shift leader position). 2. Existing Worker The employee who does progress from a Certificate II traineeship into a Certificate III Traineeship will be classified as an "Existing Worker". An "Existing Worker" is a person who has been employed with the same organisation more than 3 months full-time or 12 months part-time. An "Existing Worker" can ONLY be registered into a Certificate III Traineeship provided:

The employee doesn't hold a Certificate III qualification in any vocation or industry. The worker may either be a graduate of a Certificate II traineeship or possess industry experience but hold no formal qualification.
Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Selecting the right program for Candidates
It is important that we choose the suitable "strand" for the eligible candidate. The candidate must enjoy the different tasks performed within the strand, have an interest in a variety of work areas, have a high tolerance for challenges and stress experienced in the work environment, and enjoy the type of interpersonal interactions that are required for the position. They must also possess a willingness to work as a team member and an aptitude to apply learning. A candidate, who is both suitable and eligible, is far more likely to be a successful participant in the traineeship program. Through the traineeship participants, will learn how to apply planning, self-motivation, and problem

solving/decision-making skills, managing conflict, occupational health and safety work practices and the ability to identify different cultural needs of our guests and customers. This information is designed as a guide only for Human Resource staff when discussing which strand to enroll the suitable participant into:

Housekeeping Strand
Staff who wish to participate in the housekeeping strand would be encouraged to register in a Certificate II Hospitality (Operations).

The property may choose to encourage Housekeeping Shift Leaders, or those staff who would benefit from cross training into Front Office to complete Certificate Ill Hospitality (Accommodation Services). HR personnel must be aware that for a participant to complete Certificate III Hospitality (Accommodation Services) there will be a requirement to complete some cross training in another department. Kitchen Strand Staff would only be encouraged to participate in the Certificate II Hospitality (Operations); with view to acquiring competency as a kitchen attendant. Participants seeking a higher qualification would be advised to commence an apprenticeship. Front Office Strand Staff who wish to participate in the front office strand would be encouraged to register in a Certificate II Hospitality (Operations). The property may choose to encourage Front Office Shift Leaders, or those staff who would benefit from cross training into another department to complete Certificate I/I Hospitality (Accommodation Services). HR personnel must be aware that for a participant to complete Certificate III Hospitality (Accommodation Services) there will be a requirement to complete some cross training in another department. Guest Services Strand (Portering) A variation to the traineeship for Front Office employees has been designed for porters. HR personnel have the ability to tailor the curriculum of the traineeship to the requirements of the role of a porter at each property. This traineeship is offered at a Certificate II Hospitality (Operations) level. Food & Beverage Strand Staff who wish to participate in the food & beverage strand would be encouraged to register in a Certificate II Hospitality (Operations). Upon completion you may progress the participant to Certificate III level if considered suited to a shift leader position. Refer to Appendix 4 for your state specific requirements. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Enrolling the Candidate

If a candidate is employed with the view to participating in a hospitality traineeship, a twelve-week qualifying period will apply, as it does to all front line employees. However, it is important to remember that candidates must registered to commence the traineeship within three months of commencing employment. Under "contract law" there is a further one month probation period from the day the participant commences the Traineeship. All participants in the program are to receive the pay rate commensurate with their position, as do all other employees. As previously stated, when enrolling a participant, it is a requirement that a representative from the New Apprenticeship Centre (NAC) is in attendance. There a number of ways we can organise this attendance specific to your needs. Following is a list of ideas, which will assist you in achieving this: 1. Group sign up session. Allow up to 2 hours (depending upon the number of candidates) and book participants to attend along with representative from the NAC. 2. After induction, book a representative from the NAC to attend. Participants who are interested may remain behind and complete forms at this stage. 3. Individual enrolment sessions. Request a representative from NAC to be in attendance. 4. After employee has completed forms, arrange for collection by a NAC representative, ensuring that participant member will be on duty at that time, to allow a short meeting and further signatures/initials if required.

Remember: We have a service agreement with the relevant state NAC and procedures in place to allow for a high service platform across the NAC's at a national level. It is your responsibility to foster a relationship with the local representatives to assist in all stages throughout the traineeship. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual

Enrolling the Candidate Cont....

Each participant wishing to enroll is required to complete application forms prior to being registered. Please refer to Appendix 4 for a list of the forms required for completion at the time of enrolment. All forms should be completed and must be signed by a parent or legal guardian (if

the participant is under the age of eighteen at the time of applying to commence the traineeship). After completing all enrolment forms; 1. Photocopy the enrolment forms prior to lodging Take a photocopy of the state specific enrolment form(s). The NAC will then lodge the originals with the appropriate government bodies. 2. Academie ACCOR Enrolment Form & Training Plan. An Academie ACCOR enrolment form, a completed Training Plan and the photocopy of the state specific enrolment form(s) are to be forwarded to the National Traineeship Administration Manager (NTAM) for entry of trainee details onto the database. 3. Set up an individual file for each participant Start a file for each individual participant, to record and monitor all information provided to them, along with evidence of competence collected. Attach a "Communication & Forms Checklist" (Appendix 10), use this as your own reference guide to ensure that this folder is updated. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
The Training Plan
Each participant is required to have a Training Plan. The training plan includes: Name of traineeship Nominal period for completion Participant details Employer details Trainee Registration number Units to be completed (refer to the course framework for further information)

Below is an extract from a sample training plan for closer analysis: Unit Code
THHCOR01A THHCOR02A The unit code is a unique code for each unit

Unit Name
Work with Colleagues and Customers Work in a Socially. Diverse Environment .............................................. .............................................. ..

Nominal Hours 15

Core Elective

Delivery Mode

Training Schedule Week 1-3 Week 4-5 January Used as a rough guide only for when the training will be completed, identify either weeks/month

The unit name is a summary/title for what is

hours are set. Nominal Hours are a guide only.

Core Classroom ............ ............ ........... .................... ........... Core Place classroom Elective delivery, all
Core units must be chosen, all others are others write flexible

The training plan is completed through discussion with the participant and signed at the commencement of the traineeship. Blank Training Plans are available in Appendix 6 for you to complete. The "Training Schedule" section of the training plan is a guide only and can be amended without having the training plan altered and signed again. The only information change that would cause you to complete a new training plan would be a change of units delivered. You will be required to know how to develop training plans; therefore Appendix 7 has been designed as a guide use. Appendix 8 includes a list of units you may choose from for each course. Discuss with each participant the range of functional and elective units available within their strand, and design a training plan for their course. This process will get easier with each Training Plan that you develop. You may even choose to use the samples included in Appendix 9 as a standard training plan for your each strand, or to design your own standard training plans for your property. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Recognition of Current Competency

Where a participant has successfully completed a training program recognised by the Australian Hospitality Review Panel (AHRP) or achieved units under a formal skill assessment and recognition program, then the

participant should be given full credit for the equivalent units under the traineeship. In addition, you should take into account other training and or work experience undertaken and have in place recognition processes for such learning. To conduct Recognition of Current Competency use the "Application & Assessment" forms located in Appendix 11. Where a participant has been granted credit for particular units or completes the traineeship in less than the nominal period, the participant should be able to either:

Undertake other additional units from within the particular traineeship to broaden their skills (multi-skilling) or Complete the traineeship in less than the nominal duration, provided you the employer are willing to "sign off" that the participant is competent.

Assessment of current competencies can be completed at the commencement or during the course of the traineeship. Note: Applicants or employees are not eligible to participate in the traineeship if they have completed more than 50% of the course units, either through previous accredited training or assessed on-the-job experience. Door To Opportunity


Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Traineeship Structure

Industry and Market Needs The Hospitality Traineeship was developed to support flexible on-the-job training delivery and be suitable for customisation to meet enterprise needs. Traineeship Outcomes This traineeship framework aims to provide: An accredited entry level program of training for participants wishing to pursue a range of occupations associated with the hospitality industry; Training and skill development in areas such as beverage service, food service, front office, portering, housekeeping and gaming. Recognition for the importance of the customer and ensuring their satisfaction through efficient, courteous service and attention to detail. Skills, techniques, knowledge and attributes that are necessary for employment at

operative and skilled levels in the nominated sectors of the hospitality industry. Capacity to interact effectively with other people both on a one-to-one basis and in groups, including working effectively as a member of a team to achieve a shared goal.

Vocational Outcome Completion of the traineeship will result in an Australian Standards Framework (ASF) Level 2 or 3 outcome. Depending upon their selected strands, graduates may seek or maintain employment in the various areas of the property. Framework Outline The framework structure comprises of three compulsory components: 1. Core Units These units provide underpinning knowledge and skills that contribute to the development of generic competencies relevant to the hospitality industry. Participants are required to complete all nominated core units. 2. Functional Strand Units Functional strands reflect the main career pathways in the hospitality industry. They provide participants with the skills, and knowledge to develop specific competencies at a basic level. These strands include:

Food Service Beverage Service Front Office/ Portering Kitchen Service

3. Elective Units In addition to each functional strand units, there is provision for elective units. A broad range of general units provides numerous options for participants to create a structured program of training that reflects the multi-skilling requirements of the industry. All participants will complete units from either alternative functional strand units or from general units. This will ensure that broad ranges of skills are incorporated into the Traineeship Program. Please note that individual traineeships may vary in length depending on what functional strand the participants select.

Housekeeping Gaming

Door To Opportunity


Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual

The Course Framework

Please Note: There is some variation in the nominal hours for different states, Appendix 8 lists the correct nominal hours for your state, please use this form when designing your training plan. Level 2 Core Units
Unit Name/Title Work with Colleagues and Customers Work in a Socially Diverse Environment Follow Health, Safety and Security Procedures Develop and Update Hospitality Industry Knowledge Follow Workplace Hygiene Procedures
Nominal Hours


Recommended Method of Training / Assessment Accor Customer Service Training Program Accor Customer Service Training Program Accor Induction Accor Customer Service Training Program On the job training & formal assessment 70


15 10 5 25 15





Total Number of Nominal Hours

Level 3 Core Units (all of above plus)

Unit Name Communicate on the Telephone Promote Products and Services to Customers Deal With Conflict Situations Coach Others in Job Skills
Nominal Hours


Suggested Method of Training / Assessment Accor Customer Service Training Program Accor Customer Service Training Program Accor Customer Service Training Program One unit from Supervisor Development Program 160


5 45 20 20




Total Number of Nominal Hours

Door To Opportunity

l' r~cademie

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Course Framework

Level 2 Food & Beverage Functional Strand Units
Unit Number THHBFB01 aA THHBFB01A THHBFB02/3aA THHBFB02/3A THHBFB04A THHBFB05A THHBFB08A Unit Name Clean & Tidy Bar Areas Operate a Bar Provide a Link Between Kitchen & Service Areas Provide Food and Beverage Service Provide Table Service of Alcoholic Beverages Operate Cellar Systems Provide Room Service
Nominal Hours

Suggested Method of

10 30 10 110 50 20 15

On the job training & for

On the job training & for

On the job training & for

On the job training & for

On the job training & for

On the job training & for

On the job training & for


Provide Responsible Service of Alcohol Prepare and Serve Non-Alcoholic Beverages Total Nominal Hours from Food & Beverage

10 15

As per the liquor licensi

On the job training & for

Level 3 Food & Beverage Functional Strand Units (any of the units at level 2 plus the following additional units)
Unit Name Develop and Update Food & Beverage Knowledge Provide Specialist Advise on Food Provide Specialist Wine Service Prepare and Serve Cocktails
Nominal Hours


Suggested Method of Training / Assessment


40 40 40 20

On the job training & formal assessment - industry supplier may talk at staff meeting


On the job training & formal assessment - industry supplier may talk at staff meeting


On the job training & formal assessment - industry supplier may talk at staff meeting


On the job training & formal assessment - industry supplier may talk at staff meeting

Total Nominal Hours from Food & Beverage 270 140

Door To Opportunity


Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Course Framework

Level 2 Front Office Strand Units
Unit Number THHBFO01A THHBFO02/3A THHFBO04A THHBFO05A THHBFO06A THHBFO07A THHBFO08A THHBFO10A Unit Name Receive & Process Reservations Provide Accommodation Reception Services Maintain Financial Records Process Financial Transactions Perform Clerical Procedures Communicate on the Telephone Conduct Night Audit Provide Porter Service Total Nominal Hours from Front Office 150
Nominal Hours


20 30 30 15 20 5 20 10

On the jo

On the jo

On the jo

On the jo

On the jo

Accor Cu

On the jo

On the jo

Level 2 Housekeeping Strand Units

Unit Number THHBH01A THHBH02A THHBH03/4A THHBH05A THHBH06A Unit Name Provide Housekeeping Services to Guests Clean Premises and Equipment Prepare Rooms for Guests Launder Linen and Guests Clothes Provide Valet Service Total Nominal Hours from Housekeeping 105

Nominal Hours


10 10 25 20 40

On th

On th

On th

On th

On th

Level 3 Accommodation - Includes all Housekeeping and Front Office Units

Door To Opportunity

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Level 2 - Guest Services Strand Units (Portering)
Unit Name Receive & Process Reservations Provide Accommodation Reception Services Maintain Financial Records Process Financial Transactions Communicate on the Telephone Provide Porter Service Provide Housekeeping Services to Guest Clean Premises & Equipment Prepare Rooms for Guests
Nominal Hours


Suggested Method of Training / Assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment Accor Customer service Training Program On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment


20 30 30 15 5 10 10 10 25









On the job training & formal assessment Total Nominal Hours from Portering 155 Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Course Framework

Door To Opportunity



d nis

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Course Framework

Level 2 Gamin Strand Units Gamin is not available at level 3)
Unit Name Operate a Gaming Location Operate a TAB outlet Conduct a Keno Game Analyse and Report on Gaming Machine Data Provide Responsible Gaming Service Total Nominal Hours from Gaming 100
Nominal Hours


Suggested Method of Training / Assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment


25 40 5 20 10





Level 2 Kitchen Strand Units Kitchen is not available at Level 3

Unit Number THHBKA01A THHBKA02A THHBKA03A THHBKA04A THHB0001A THHB0002A THHB0002aA THHB0003A THHB0003aA THHBCC11A Unit Name Organise and Prepare Food Present Food

Nominal Hours

Suggested Method of


On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

Receive and Store Stock Clean & Maintain Premises Use Basic Methods of Cookery Prepare Appertisers and Salads Prepare Sandwiches

10 10 45 25

On the job training & fo

On the job training & for

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

Prepare Stocks & Sauces


On the job training & fo

Prepare Soups Implement Food Safety Procedures Total Nominal Hours rom tc en

10 25

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

Door To Opportunity

Level 2 Elective Units


Unit Name Develop and Update Local Knowledge Promote Products and Services to Customers Deal with Conflict Situations Make Presentations Organise Functions Clean Premises and Equipment Provide First Aid Communicate on the Telephone Perform Clerical Procedures Source and Present Information Prepare Business Documents Plan and Manage Meetings Receive and Store Stock Process financial Transactions Maintain Financial Records Access and Retrieve Computer Data Produce Documents on the Computer

Nominal Hours

Suggested Method of Training / Assessment On the job training & formal assessment Accor Customer Service Training Program Accor Customer Service Training Program On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment External Provider as per your Hotel Requirements Accor Customer Service Training Program On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment On the job training & formal assessment


10 45 20 30 40 12 24 5 15 15 25 20 15 10 30 10 30

















Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual The Course Framework

Total Nominal Hours from enera nits

Door To Opportunity

The Course Framework

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Level 3 Elective Units (any of the units at level 2 plus the following additional units)
Unit Number Unit Name
Nominal Hours

Suggested Method of


Control and Order Stock Plan and Establish Systems and Procedures Audit Financial Procedures Design and Develop Computer Documents, Reports and Worksheets Total Nominal Hours from General Units

25 25 15 15 80

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

On the job training & fo

Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual

Conducting Training & Assessment

Once the participant has registered and the Training Plan is established, the training and assessment process will begin. Step 1 - Produce a Training Record Book Print a Training Record Book for each participant. All information is obtained from the Trainee Database, the book will include:
Front Cover Colour printed onto thicker paper Introduction Information Black & White, on A4 paper Competency Achievement One for each unit being delivered Records Black & White, on A4 paper Back Cover Black & White onto thicker paper The Training Record Book should ideally be spiral bound for durability. If spiral binding facilities are unavailable staple the book and finish with binding tape to create a professional appearance.

A copy of the "Introduction Information" and one of the "Competency Achievement Records" from the Training Record Book is included (Appendix 12). This book is the participant's property, however it is recommended that it remains on the employees personnel file as it must be available for audit at all times throughout the duration of the traineeship. Step 2 Begin Training
Included in the Course Framework is a summary guide you may find useful. This guide recommends a method for training and assessing each of the units selected for the traineeship. Soon after you register the participant you will receive a letter of approval, and a Registration Number for the participant. In most cases the notification will come from the National Traineeship Administration Manager (NTAM) to your property, and the Registration Number will be added to the Trainee Database. However if this notification has come directly from the State Training Authority (STA) to your property you must forward a copy of the approval letter to the NTAM. During the term of the traineeship there will be correspondence provided by the NAC and the STA. All correspondence received should be added to the trainee file. The "Communication & Forms Checklist" (Appendix 10) will assist you in tracking these forms.

The checklist is also to be used as a communication tracking sheet for logging all information about the participant and their progress, all forms of communication and the time spent in training, administration etc. You will require several copies of the Communication & Training record sheet (page 2 of Appendix 10) in order to keep comprehensive records. Refer to Appendix 13 for a list of the correspondence you should receive for your state. All states shall receive an "incentive claim form" of some description (Appendix 14). This form enables payment for the participant, and therefore must be completed and returned to the NTAM immediately in order to receive funding.

Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Conducting Training & Assessment cont.

Step 3 - Conduct Assessments Participants will be assessed and deemed competent in each unit by your property based assessor, as nominated on the Property Assessment Checklist (Appendix 1). Step 4 - Complete the Training Record Book As the participant demonstrates competency this will be recorded in the Training Record Book. The Training Record Book must be completed on a regular basis by an assessor and countersigned by the participant. Points to note:

The assessment methodologies for each unit must be completed on a regular basis as the participant progresses through the traineeship. When the trainer and participant feel they are ready for assessment in one or more units, a formal assessment should be organised with the assessor (in many cases the trainer and assessor role shall be performed by one person). Ensure that the assessor and the participant sign the Competency Achievement Record as appropriate. An example of one element from a Competency

Achievement Record is included below;

Element of competence
Assessed Competent Date Date assessment completed Assessor Signature C - Competent NYC - Not Yet Competent Only C or NYC to be listed here, no other marks Trainee's Signature

1. Communicate in the workplace

Please Sign Here

Please Sign Here

When an assessor signs off each unit, the comments section provides an opportunity for all those involved to add relevant information. This includes comments from the participant. Where an assessor identifies that a participant is "Not Yet Competent" in some of the skills, additional training and further practice will be required. A repeat assessment will be necessary for those skills that the participant still needs to achieve. A participant should be given every opportunity to complete assessments and a variety of techniques should be used to facilitate achievement. There is no time restriction on how long it takes a participant to achieve competency. It is essential that the Human Resource Department / trainer / supervisor provide support, coaching and counseling during this period. Door To Opportunity

Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Evidence of Competence

As the participant completes each unit, evidence must be retained on the participant's file. Academie ACCOR has designed some simple evidence guides. These are available to download from the Trainee Database. You may choose to compile an "Evidence Record Book" at the commencement of the traineeship including all forms to be completed during the term of the traineeship. Forms for inclusion in the Evidence Record Book or completed as evidence include: 1. Performance Criteria Checklist (Appendix 15) This form lists the measurable level of performance that is required for each element within the unit. For example:

Performance Criteria
Element 1 - Communicate in the workplace


Date & Initials

Communications with customers and colleagues are conducted in an open, professional and friendly manner. Appropriate language and tone is used. Effect of personal body language is considered. Sensitivity to cultural and social differences is shown. Active listening and questioning are used to ensure effective communication. Potential and existing conflicts are identified and solutions sought with assistance from colleagues where required.

Trainer l Assessor to write down comments in relation to the trainees performance against these criteria

Date observed and achieved

Have all standards been achieved?

Please ensure you complete the signature verification at the bottom of the evidence guide, these two forms are to be kept together as evidence of competence.

Please Note: A performance criteria checklist is to be completed for each unit of the traineeship, whether trained on-the-job or in a classroom environment. This information is to be kept in the participant's individual file and is retained for the RTO records. This information is not issued to the participant.
Yes No Date: /

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Evidence of Competence cont.

2. Evidence Guide (Appendix 15) This form notes the method(s) used for assessment and the location of any information (which cannot be attached) for future reference.

Evidence provided by participant To demonstrate competence: 0 Observation 0 Interview with Adviser / Assessor 0 Portfolio 0 Project 0 Questions 0 Other: ............................................................... ...................................................

Evidence gathered by advisor / assessor to evaluate competence: 0 Observation 0 Interview with Adviser / Assessor 0 Portfolio 0 Project 0 Questions U Other:

Please attach any evidence required or note the location for future reference:

Have all standards been achieved? Only complete this section when the trainee has completed all sections within both the Performance Criteria Checklist and Evidence Guide: Trainee Signature: Assessor Signature:

Please note: An Evidence Guide is to be completed for each unit of the traineeship, whether trained on-the-job or in a classroom environment. This information is to be kept in the participant's individual file, and is retained for the RTO records, not issued to the participant. If you assessed the participant in the performance of some duties on the job you must note the date and that further information is included within the property records. However if you assessed the participant by simulating a situation e.g. a simulated night audit or reservation you would attach evidence, as this would not be retained in property records. You will notice that the Performance Criteria Checklist & Evidence Guide are completed together.
Yes Date: Date: Date: / No

Door To Opportunity

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual

Evidence of Competence cont.

3. Quiz (refer to Appendix 15 for a sample) For many of the units trained and assessed on the job Academie ACCOR has designed short quizes which are to be completed by the participant. When a participant is required to complete a quiz they must be seen to have personally completed the activity and be provided with an appropriate environment to do so. (Refer to policy BPM009 of your Best Practice Manual for the implementation of appropriate assessment strategies in order to ensure equity outcomes for all employees)

1. Question 2.


This form is to be signed when trainee has completed all questions for this unit: Trainee Signature: Date:

Note: A quiz is not completed for all units All information is available to download from the Trainee Database For each quiz there is a Trainer "Answer Sheet". It is imperative that this answer sheet is not copied or provided to the participants at any stage, it is for the Trainer / Assessor use only. Assessment results are provided in the form of Competent and Not Yet Competent only. r
Trainer/Assessor Signature: Date: Assessment Result: Not Yet Competent: Competent

Door To Opportunity


Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Successful Completion

When a participant has completed all of the units selected for their traineeship you are required to: 1. Complete an "Application for Qualification" The participant should complete and sign an Application for Qualification (Appendix 16). 2. Check that Training Record Book & Evidence guides are completed Ensure that the Training Record Book is completed with all signatures. Ensure that all evidence collected is accurate including the completed quizes, examples of work completed, evidence forms, performance criteria checklists, etc. 3. Forward information to the NTAM Forward all information - including the participant's individual traineeship file and the Application for Qualification to the NTAM for approval. A certificate will then be issued to the participant. 4. Arrange for Graduation You will receive two Certificates for the participant, one from Academie ACCOR and one from the STA (The STA may send the certificate direct to the participant). Where it is practicable to complete a number of participants at the same time, it may be a nice gesture to hold a graduation ceremony for them and invite members from the community, including the NAC and STA to attend the graduation ceremony. 5. Copy the Certificate to your Employee File All information pertaining to the Traineeship will be archived at the office of the NTAM. A copy of the participant's certificate is to be kept on your employee files. 6. Participant to complete a "Traineeship Destination Survey" Refer to quality procedures for further information. Survey is included in Appendix 19 In situations where the participant has not achieved competency within the nominal period, there will be an independent review conducted by the STA. The STA may extend the period of the traineeship in appropriate circumstances. However it is generally expected that the participant will complete during the allocated time frame. Door To Opportunity

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Making Claims for payment
Academie ACCOR, as a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) is eligible for funding assistance from the State Training Authorities (STA) for the provision of Traineeships. Funding is provided as periodical payments as the participant's progress through the traineeship. Please note; all funds will be directed to the office of the NTAM. After costs associated with delivering Traineeships have been met, this funding assistance will be passed on to the participating properties. You are therefore eligible to make claims for payment (refer to section What are the Benefits).

Procedure for making claims

Submit an invoice attaching a photocopy of the training attendance sheet and each Door To Opportunity participants' Statement of Attainment as evidence of completion (Note: for unit THHGTR01A Coach Others in Job Skills production of a Training Attendance Sheet is sufficient evidence). To make claims upon successful completion of Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training submit an invoice attaching a copy of the training attendance sheet and each participants' Statement of Attainment as evidence of completion. All claims for payment should be forwarded to the NTAM. Door To Opportunity


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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Amendments to a Training Agreement

Any change to the original Training Agreement is classified as an "Amendment", and will require notification to the NTAM and the STA. An amendment may be:

Where the participant has changed positions and would therefore require a change of functional strand and a new training plan to be completed. Where the participant has changed to another property within the state/territory and wishes to continue with the traineeship. Where in extreme unforeseen circumstances it is necessary to suspend or extend the training period.
To notify of an amendment to the original training agreement complete an "Amendment Notification" (included in Appendix 17). The NTAM will notify you of any further action required. Please Note: The State Training Authority generally has limited power to extend the length of any training agreement, therefore the recommended course of action would be to discuss with the participant and the NTAM the circumstances and justification to implement this amendment. Door To Opportunity

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Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual Cancellation of a Training Agreement

If a participant separates from Accor prior to completing the Traineeship you are required to cancel the Training Agreement (Participants may transfer to other Accor properties within the state/territory without canceling the Training Agreement by completing an amendment form). Canceling a Training Agreement must be by mutual agreement between the participant and the employer and is covered under the "Industrial Commercial Training Act". Steps to follow are:

1. Complete a "Cancellation Form" A "Cancellation Form" (Appendix 18) is completed. This form requires the participant's signature, please be sure to obtain the signature prior to the participant leaving the property. 2. Notify the National Traineeship Administration Manager Copy the cancellation form for your records. Send the original to the NTAM, who will forward this information on to both the NAC and the STA. The agreement contract will then be cancelled. 3. Send all evidence of units completed to NTAM All form regarding units of competence completed, including the Training Record Book and evidence of competence are to be finalised and forwarded to the NTAM where this information will be appropriately processed and archive. Please ensure that all information is accurate, including the participant's current/new contact details. 4. You will receive a copy of the Statement of Attainment & Training Authority Cancellation notification. Academie ACCOR will forward a Statement of Attainment for all units completed to the participant and a copy for your employee records. The State Training Authority will send a letter to you notifying that cancellation has been confirmed. Please note: The participant will be encouraged to complete a "Trainee Destination Survey" (refer to Quality Procedures for further information. Survey is in Appendix 19) Human Resources are to document all situations involving either potential or actual disciplinary action as they occur with the participant prior to dismissal or resignation. We would suggest during "Trainee Induction" that participants are encouraged to report work/training grievances or workplace/stress related problems to HR. Participants should be made to feel confident to report incidents in the knowledge that they will be treated with strict confidentiality. If all adequate channels of communication are effective participant cessation levels will be kept to a minimum. Note: If separation is not mutual, a State Industry Training Adviser may need to be notified to mediate and a report sent to the State Training Commissioner. Door To Opportunity
T: CCOR I' Acr .r;e Door To Opportunity

Procedure Manual
Best Practice Standards

Accor as a Registered Training Organisation has a commitment to best practice in the delivery of all training and conducting of all assessments. This procedure manual is a tool to achieving this commitment. All HR personnel are to be aware that they will be audited by both Academie ACCOR representatives and the STA. It is therefore imperative that all procedures included within this manual are adhered to, all evidence is collected and signatures obtained as appropriate. As a part of this process, upon completion or cancellation of the traineeship, all graduates are to be issued with a "Traineeship Destination Survey" (Appendix 19), as required by the STA. The purpose of this survey is to:

Comment on the overall training program Ascertain the graduates' desire, if any, for further training Comment on the relevancy of the training in relation to their current work Ascertain the effect of the training program on the graduates' attainment of their career goals Information received will be treated in a confidential manner, and will not be disclosed without the written permission of the participant. Once completed the Traineeship Destination Survey should be forwarded to the NTAM as evidence of Academie ACCOR's Best Practice Standards. Door To Opportunity
Door To Opportunity


Procedure Manual
List of Appendix
Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Appendix 4 Appendix 5 Appendix 6 Appendix 7 Appendix 8 Appendix 9 Appendix 10 Appendix 11 Appendix 12 Appendix 13 Appendix 14 Appendix 15 Appendix 16 Appendix 17 Appendix 18 Appendix 19 Appendix 20 Property Assessment Guide Door To Opportunity Brochure

Door To Opportunity General Trainee Information Forms to Complete when enrolling the Candidate Academie ACCOR enrolment form Blank Training Plans Guide to Developing a Training Plan "Units to Choose when Designing a Training Plan" Sample Training Plans Communication & Forms Checklist Application & Assessment for RCC Sample Information from Training Record Book Correspondence to expect - State specific State specific "Incentive Claim" form Sample Evidence of Competency Application for Qualification Amendment Notification Form Application for Cancellation of Traineeship Traineeship Destination Survey Payroll tax rebate/Workers compensation rebate information Door To Opportunity

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