Pressure Vessel
Pressure Vessel
Pressure Vessel
Thesis submitted in accordance with the partial requirements of the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka for the Bachelor of Manufacturing Engineering (Manufacturing Process)
This bachelor degree final project presents design, analysis and manufacturing of pressure vessel. In the design of pressure vessel safety is the primary consideration, due the potential impact of possible accident. There have a few main factors to design the safe pressure vessel. This writing is focusing on analyzing the safety parameter for allowable working pressure. Allowable working pressures are calculated by using PV Elite which comply with the ASME VIII, Rules of construction pressure vessel div 1. The corruption of the vessel are probability occur at maximum pressure which is the element that only can sustain that pressure. At the end of this project, a pressure vessel which is air receiver are fabricated and the procedure of manufacture are explained clearly.
Projek akhir sarjana muda ini mempersembahkan rekabentuk, analisis dan proses pembuatan pengandung tekanan. Di dalam aspek rekabentuk pengandung tekanan, perkara yg perlu dititik beratkan ialah keselamatan disebabkan keupayaan berlakunye kemalangan besar. Terdapat banyak factor yang yang perlu diambil kira dalam mereka bentuk pengandung tekanan. Di dalam penulisan ini hanya memfokuskan analisis terhadap had tekanan yang dibenarkan ketika pengandung tekanan beroperasi. Tekanan yang dibenarkan dikira dengan menggunakan PV Elite, sebuah perisian yang memenuhi kod peraturan membuat pengandung tekanan, ASME VIII. Kemunglunan kerosakan yang berlaku disebabkan elemen-elemen yang terdapat pada pengandung tekanan yang tidak dapat menampung had tekanan maksimum. Di akhir projek ini, salah satu jenis pengandung tekanan dibuat iaitu penerima udara dan prosedur pembuatan diterangkan dengan jelas.
Tanks, vessel and pipelines that carry, store or receive fluids are called pressure vessel. A pressure vessel is defined as a container with a pressure differential between inside and outside. The inside pressure is usually higher than the outside. The fluid inside the vessel may undergo a change in state as in the case of steam boiler or may combine with other reagent as in the case of chemical reactor. Pressure vessel often has a combination of high pressure together with high temperature and in some cases flammable fluids or highly radioactive material. Because of such hazards it is imperative that the design be such that no leakage can occur. In addition vessel has to be design carefully to cope with the operating temperature and pressure. Pressure vessel are used in a number of industries; for example, the power generation industry for fossil and nuclear power, the petrochemical industry for storing and processing crude petroleum oil in tank farms as well as storing gasoline in service station, and the chemical industry. Their use has expanded throughout the world. Pressure vessel and tank are in fact essential to the chemical, petroleum, petrochemical and nuclear industry. It is in the class of equipment that the reaction, separation and storage of raw material occur. In the same word, pressurized equipment is required for a wide range of industrial plant for storage and manufacturing purpose.
pressure vessels are usually spherical or cylindrical with dome end. The cylindrical vessels are generally preferred because of they present simple manufacturing problem and make better use of the available space. Boiler, heat exchanger, chemical reactor and so on, are generally cylindrical. Spherical vessels have the advantages of requiring thinner walls for a given pressure and diameter than the equivalent cylinder. Therefore they are used for large gas or liquids container, containment buildings for nuclear plant and so on. In the design of pressure vessel safety is the primary consideration, especially for nuclear reactor vessels, due the potential impact of a possible accident. In generally however, the design is a compromise between consideration of economics and safety. The possible risks of a given failure and its consequent are balanced against the effort required for its prevention; the resulting design should achieve an adequate standard of safety at minimum cost.
The purpose of this project is to study the implementation and practices of pressure vessel designs. The objectives of this project are: To identify the pressure vessel To analyze the safety parameters for allowable working pressure using PV Elite which comply to ASME VIII standard. To fabricate the pressure vessel as per the reference standards
To ensure the objective is achieved, some of the important elements must be consideration. There is: Research about pressure vessel To analyze by using PV Elite at Akra Engineering Sdn Bhd. This project will be collaborate with Akra Engineering Sdn Bhd to provide the source and place to fabricate the pressure vessel.
Chapter 2
B.S. Azzam, M.A.A. Muhammad, M.O.A. Mokhtar et a1 (1996) was proposed a new design technique that enables rapid and efficient design calculations. This design method enables the designer of the composite pressure vessel to get readily the ultimate failure pressure of these vessels depending on the number of reinforced layers, layer thickness, fiber orientations, and materials. In this work a numerous of aluminum tubes have been wrapped by different number of composite layers made from different fibrous materials (glass, graphite and kevlar fibers). Then, these tubes have been used as pressure vessels which tested till the explosion failure. A comparison between the results of the experimental testing and the theoretical proposed design for these composite pressure vessels has been presented. This comparison has shown a good agreement between the theoretical and experimental analysis. Shu-Ho Dai (1998) explain that the prediction of the occurrence of failure events for pressure vessels used in the process industry is a newly developing technology in the field of modern technical management of facilities. It is of great significance for ensuring safe and high efficiency operations in modernized large-scale and high parameter facilities of chemical, petrochemical, nuclear and electric power plants. Changheui Jang et al. (1999) describes the pressure vessel integrity under a pressurized thermal shock using transient histories such as temperature, pressure and heat transfer coefficient, the stress distribution is calculated and then stress intensity factors are obtained for a wide range of crack sizes. The stress intensity factors are compared with
the fracture toughness to check if cracking is expected to occur during the transient. Critical crack depth diagrams are prepared for each transient which is expected to initiate a pressurized thermal shock accident. Plant-specific analyses of the most limiting plant in Korea are performed to assure the structural integrity of the reactor vessel and the results are discussed. Leta Y. Woo (1999) has mention that mild carbon steel with specification American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) A285 is a common material of construction for vessels in the petroleum and nuclear industries. Storage tanks were constructed between 1951 and 1956 from hot rolled carbon steel plate specified as ASTM A285 Grade B. Extensive analyses and experimental investigations have demonstrated tank integrity in full consideration of potential service induced degradation mechanisms, including stress corrosion cracking. Vu D.K. and Staat M. (2007) published limit load formulae for circumferential defects overestimate the burst pressure for penetrating defects in pipes by the factor two in the short crack limit, because they only consider axial stress. Therefore, a class of limit load solution is discussed which takes the triaxial state of stress into account. The solutions for pressure loaded crack faces are improved analytically. Primal-dual limit analysis with the finite element method is used to adjust all solutions to numerical results. Limit loads are obtained for circumferential cracks of all sizes in thick-walled cylinders. Yoneda, Makoto et a1 (2004) explain about a high temperaturelhigh pressure vessel for treating a workpiece placed in the interior of the vessel at a high temperature and a high pressure, said vessel comprising: a cylindrical body, with piano wire wound under tension round an outer periphery of said cylindrical body; and lid members which tightly close axial openings of said cylindrical body so as to be disengageable from said openings, said cylindrical body comprising: an inner cylinder; a plurality of spacers arranged along an outer periphery surface of said inner cylinder; and an outer cylinder fitted on said inner cylinder through said spacers, wherein cooling water flow paths are
formed each between adjacent said spacers, said cooling water flow paths extending from one end side to an opposite end side of said cylindrical body. Giglio M. (2003) comparing two different methods for the construction of pressure vessel nozzles, designed with the same safety coefficient, according to ASME and VSR 1995 standards. It defines numerical and experimental analysis of behaviour under lowcycle fatigue for pulsating pressure. In particular, a nozzle with integral reinforcement, designed according to ASME standards, is compared to a nozzle with external reinforcement (applied reinforcement plate) designed according to VSR 1995 standards with the same safety coefficient. Strain gauge tests have been carried out on the plastic behaviour of the two structures in order to evaluate the expected fatigue life based on common criteria, using both the local strain and energetic approaches. At the same time, a FEM model of the nozzle with plate has been used to calculate numerically the expected fatigue life based on the same criteria. Finally, in order to identify the best system to exploit for design, comparisons are made of the fatigue life predictions, which are numerically and experimentally obtained and which are determined according to the standards of the two nozzle types to identify the better system.
schiedermaier (2004) explain about the economical and safe design of pressure
vessels requires, besides others, also a detailed knowledge of the vessel failure behavior in the case of existing imperfections or cracks. The behavior of a cracked component under a given loading situation depends on material toughness. For ferritic steels, the material toughness is varying with temperature. At low temperature dominantly brittle fracture behavior is observed, at high temperature the failure mode is dominantly ductile fracture. The transition between these two extremes is floating.
D.H. Nash (2004) explain about the progress of pressure vessel technology over the
years has been influenced by many important events. This paper identifies a number of milestones which have provided a stimulus to analysis methods, manufacturing, operational processes and new pressure equipment. The formation of a milestone itself along with its subsequent development is often critically dependent on the work of many individuals. It is postulated that such developments takes place in cycles, namely, an initial idea, followed sometimes by unexpected failures, which in turn stimulate analysis or investigation, and when confidence is established, followed finally by the emergence of codes ad standards. Starting from the industrial revolution, key milestones are traced through to the present day and beyond. Ugur Guven (2007) present regarding the failure pressures of thick and thin walled cylindrical pressure vessels considering the Voce hardening law and plastic orthotropy effect are obtained. The solution presented is used to compare the failure pressures of copper and brass cylindrical pressure vessels. Petrovic A. (2007) describe about the analysis of a cylindrical pressure vessel loaded by axial and transverse force on the free end of a nozzle. The nozzle is placed such that the axis of the nozzle does not cross the axis of the cylindrical shell. The method of finite element was applied to determine the state of stress in the cylindrical shell. The value obtained for stress in the nozzle region were used to determine the envelopes of maximum stress values, maximum values on this envelopes and distances between
values on envelopes and the outer edge of a nozzle. The different between stresses deduced from strain gauge readings on experimental and calculated stressed was maximum of 12%. Najmi M.and Jahrorni J. S.A. (2007) explain about the Cr-Mo steels which are widely used for pressure vessels in refineries and petrochemical plants, have a potential for hydrogen and temper embrittlement. During long-time service the embrittlement leads to decrease of the critical flaw size of brittle fracture and/or to the reduction of the remaining life of a pressure vessel. In this investigation the effect of high temperature and high pressure hydrogen on a vessel, made of 3Cr-1Mo low-alloy steel is studied. Inspections show that the only detected crack in the base metal is originally formed by welding defects and calculations show that it will not grow up. Therefore, it is predicted that the operation of the pressure vessel in normal condition and under regular supervision can be continued. Price J. W. H. and Kerezsi B. B. (2002) describe the use of the ASME and British Standard codes to estimate the growth of cracks driven manly by thermal shocks. Repeated application of the thermal shocks may lead to crack ignition and crack growth. The ability to use current codes and standards to describe this type of crack growth is desirable. Areas of large conservation in the methods currently used in industry are identified and possible alternatives, less conservative approach are suggested. If the methods are fully applied, the possibility of crack growth slowing can be captured and the replacement of equipment with thermal shock cracking might be avoided. Masuyama F. (2007) explain that creep-strength enhanced ferritic steels such as Gr.91, Gr.92 and Gr.122 have been introduced for power plant applications recently, and some have experienced creep failure in boiler tubes and thick wall components after several years of operation. In order to use these steels safely in power plants, establishment of creep life prediction and design factors for base metal and weldment is essential. In this Paper, creep rupture strengths and lives obtained by means of uniaxial creep testing and
internal pressure component testing for the above-mentioned high-strength ferritic steels are presented comparatively. Design life and weld reduction factors are discussed based on the data and on ASME criteria for establishing allowable stresses in the timedependent temperature region. Numerous boiler explosions took place through the late 1800s and early 1900s. This led to the enactment of the first code for construction of steam boilers by the commonwealth of Massachusetts in 1907. This subsequently results in the development and publication of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel code in 1914 to standardize the design, manufacturing, and inspection of boiler and pressure vessel. The ASME and the ASTM (American Society for Testing Material) material specification merged in 1924. The first publication of section VIII 'unfired pressure vessel' appeared in 1925. The year 1928 saw the advance of welded pressure vessel. For higher pressure the welded shell were made thicker than 70 mm. these required nondestructive examination (NDE) before service. In 1934, a joint API-ASME Committee published the first edition of an unfired pressure vessel code especially for the petroleum industry. In 1952 these two separate code merged into a single code which is the ASME Unfired Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII. The ASME Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII Division 2 "Alternative Rules for Pressure Vessel "was published in 1968 and the original code became section VIII Division 1:"Pressure Vessel".(Cepluch, R.J. pressure vessel technology, 114, 1992).
In this chapter, the selection of pressure vessel is described and the application of selected pressure vessel is been explain. To design of pressure vessel the selection of Code are important as a reference guide to achieve the safety pressure vessel. The selections of ASME VIII div 1 are described. The standard of material use are explains in this chapter. Beside of that, the design and analysis software to obtain the result are introduced. Instead of that, design process methodology is also described. The overall schedule and planning of this project are shown in figure 3.1 and figure 3.l.the sequential of the project also can be shown in figure 3.2. At the end of this chapter the step of the fabrication process are shown.
meter Design r a n pressure (external and int nperature ( internal and e 3. Material type Diameter and Length c rr,.4;.,m
Fabrication F
There have many applications in pressure vessel in the industry. Air receiver was selected as these projects are collaborating with Akra Engineering Sdn. Bhd. (AESB). The design requirement are required according client requirement as (AESB) are prepare the requirement. Air receiver is selected as pressure vessel because of the widest application in industry. Air receiver acts as a reservoir for the storage of compressed air and absorbs pulsations in the discharge line from the compressor. A steady flow of air is thus provided to the service line. Any moisture or oil present in the air as it carries over from after-coolers to the air receiver will be separated out in there. Air receiver should therefore be placed in a clean and wellventilated location, and be set off the ground, on concrete blocks or on a suitable foundation, as the dampness on the ground causes excessive rusting and corrosion around the bottom. The bottom seams should be kept clean and well painted at all times. Sufficient access to allow visual inspection must always be provided all around the body of the receiver. Both cylindrical shell and end plates are each, preferably, made from a single plate. If the cylindrical shell and end plates cannot possibly be made from a single plate, they shall be made with minimum number of joints and the longitudinal seams in adjacent sections shall be as far as practicable. Longitudinal seams should not pass through nozzles or openings. All welding should be carried out by welders who have been tested according to the ASME Code.
Code Selection
and fittings of an air receiver. The ASME is normally followed in
There are many engineering standards which give information on the design, Malaysia, but other national or international standards may also be used. For this design, ASME VIII (division 1) "Construction of Pressure vessel Codes" are selected according to above statement. It is, however, emphasized that any standard selected for manufacture of the air receiver must be followed and complied with in entirety and the design must not be based on provisions from different standards. In case of any doubt, reference can be made to the Boilers and Pressure Vessels Division.
Material Selection
Several of materials have been use in pressure vessel fabrication. The selection of material is base on the appropriateness of the design requirement. AU the materials used in the manufacture of the receivers shall comply with the requirements of the relevant design code, and be identifiable with mill sheets. The selection of materials of the shell shall take into account the suitability of the materials with the maximum working pressure and fabrication process. For this kind of pressure vessel, the selection of material use is base on Appendix B:
Table 3.1: Part Material
Head Shell Nozzle N3-Relieve Valve (RV) NZPressure Gauge (PG) N4-Drain N1-Inlet N5-Outlet Flanges (Slip on)
SA-234 WPB SA- 106 B SA- 106 B SA- 106 B SA- 106 B SA- 106 B SA- 106 B SA- 106 B
According to ASTM standard this specification for pressure vessel is suitable for higher temperature services. The chemical and tensile requirement of, Seamless Carbon steel pipe for high temperature service (SA-106 B) is as per table 3.2 and table 3.3
Composition %, (Grade B) Carbon, max Manganese Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Silicon, min Chrome, max Copper, max Molybdenum, max Nickel, max Vanadium. max
Table 3.3: Tensile Requirement of SA-106 B
0.3 0.29-1.06 0.035 0.035 0.10 0.40 0.40 0.15 0.40 0.08
Grade B Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) Yield strength, min, psi (MPa) 60 000 (415)
35 000 (240)
The chemical and tensile requirement of, Piping fitting of wrought Carbon steel and Alloy steel for moderate and high temperature service (SA-234 WPB) is as per table 3.4 and table 3.5
Table 3.4: Chemical Requirement of SA-234 WPB
Composition %, (Grade B) Carbon, max Manganese Phosphorus, max Sulfur, max Silicon, min Chrome, max Copper, max 0.35 0.29-1.06 0.05 0.058 0.10 0.40 0.40
Grade B Tensile strength, min, psi (MPa) Yield strength, min, psi (MPa)
60 000-85 000 (415-585)
35 000 (240)
Design Software
Code), API-579 and the Welding Research Council. PV Elite evaluates the entire vessel, analyzing the effects of vessel deadweight and bending due to wind and seismic loads. It combines these overall loads with pressure to design and check vessel wall thickness. Basing stress calculations on this total structural load ensures sufficient wall thickness for the vessel in its operating environment and ensures proper design of the vessel supports. Element types include cylindrical shells; elliptical, spherical, torispherical, conical and flat heads; conical sections (including knuckles); body flanges; and skirts with base ring details. The program provides base ring, saddle, leg and lug design and also includes modules for analyzing vessel components such as nozzles, flanges, base ring and other vessel components. To make the design process easy, the status bar constantly displays the position of the current element, its required thickness, its maximum allowable working pressure and its maximum allowable pressure in the new and cold condition. Graphic presentation keeps your data organized and confirms the integrity of the model. Building even complex vessel models in PV Elite is quick and easy. As each major element is added, the graphical display is updated to show the new element in relation to the others. This image confirms the content of the model. Clicking on the element in the plot brings up the tabular data for that element. As details (such as nozzles, insulation or trays) are added they too are illustrated, and clicking on them will bring up their data for review. With a simply click on an icon, the component is added to the vessel. This provides a logical and intuitive modeling of the vessel. Vessels diameters can specified based on either ID or OD.
ASME Code Section VIII, Division 1& 2 - Rules for the Construction of Pressure Vessels ASMEIANSI B 16.5 - Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings The program includes following databases: Material properties- Including the Allowable Stress and Yield Stress tables from ASME Sec. VIII, Divland Div 2, PD5500 and TEMA. ANSI flange dimension database. ANSI pipe schedule database.
Results are also displayed for the attachments like nozzle. Any failures are highlighted in red color. This insures that you are always aware of how changes to a design are affecting the vessel. Users can also view the analysis results from the input view by opening the "Quick Calculation Screen ".There are options that can speed-up the design process, such as automatic selection of wall thickness. Default values for material, diameter, wall thickness, corrosion allowances, temperatures and pressures can be set, these are used as a starting point for new models. The program allows entering data in English, SI or any user-defined units. Using the CreateIReview facility users can create their own units and then change units on fly. The unique List Processor provides a concise method to review specific data sets, for example all the nozzles in the model. The fields in the List Processor tables are active, allowing modification of the data. Other features include toolbars that can be positioned any way on the screen for optimum usability. The program documentation is available in a hard copy and within the program in a portable document format (PDF). h r o b a t Reader software is needed for viewing this included documentation.
design pressure higher than the operating pressure with 10 percent, whichever is the greater, will satisfy the requirement. The pressure of the fluid will also be considering. The maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP) for a vessel is the permissible pressure at the top of the vessel in its normal operating position at a specific temperature. This pressure is based on calculations for every element of the vessel using nominal thicknesses exclusive of corrosion allowance. It is the basis for establishing the set pressures of any pressure-relieving devices protecting the vessel. The design pressure may be substituted if the MAWP is not calculated. (UG22, ASME VIII.)
Table 3.6: Design Input
Code preference Internal Design Temperature Internal Design Pressure External Design Temperature External Design Pressure Diameter Vessel Design Length, Tangent to Tangent Material thickness Corrosion Allowance Joint Efficiency ,E
ASME VII div 1 50 C 1000.00 KPa 50 C 103.42 KPa 219.10 mm 589.60 mm 8.18 mm 0.00 0.711.0
Corrosion Allowance
Corrosion occurring over the life of a vessel is catered for by a corrosion allowance, the design value of which depends upon the vessel duty and the corrosiveness of its
content. A design criterion of corrosion allowance is 1 mm for air receiver in which rnndensation of air moisture is expected. (ASME KW).
r 1
Draw~ng actual size dimension style (s&l
i r
Dimension drawing
ayout arran
After design are prepared the shape of pressure vessel are sketch in paper. In this sketch the dimension are very important before drawing by AutoCAD. The procedure of engineering drawing is follow by drawing by AutoCAD.
. All
components and parts were placed according to actual size and location / orientation. It called Model Drawing. Drawings are in 2D orthographic type. Layers are set with different colors to differentiate the lines.
Dimension Style is for dimensioning several drawing with has different scales. This is because the actual scale is too large to put all the drawing in one drawing paper. Usually a drawing will have more than one scale but the dimensioning will be the same size due to dimensioning style. When drawing has finished, it will be dimensioned for fabrication purposes. The dimension Style will be selected according to the specific drawing scale. Layout Arrangement is a process to place drawing onto drawing paper layout with title block. The approval of engineering drawing is important before submit to the fabrication process. For the result in next chapter the full of engineering drawing by AutoCAD are been prepared.
In this chapter, the manufacturing of pressure vessel is described and the application of selected pressure vessel is been explain. The figures in the chapter show the fabrication process of pressure vessel.