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Kiefner & Associates, Inc. Pipe Assessment Spreadsheet Documentation

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Kiefner & Associates, Inc. Pipe Assessment Spreadsheet Documentation

Introduction The attached spreadsheet provides two methods for calculating the failure pressure levels of longitudinally oriented part-through flaws of varying depths in pressurized pipe. One method is applicable to blunt defects such as corrosion-caused metal loss. It provides failure pressure levels based on user-supplied data including pipe diameter, wall thickness, pipe grade or actual measured yield strength and the appropriate axial length and through-thickness depth dimensions of the defect. The other method is applicable to crack-like defects. To use the latter, the user must supply an appropriate level of Charpy V-notch energy to account for the toughness of the material. The equations are semi-empirical fracture mechanics expressions. They were developed and validated thanks to various research efforts sponsored by individual pipeline operators and industry consortia. It is important to note that the equations are relatively straight forward. They can be solved in closed form by anyone having a reasonable knowledge of algebra and access to a pocket calculator. The equations have been in the public domain for over 25 years. They have their origin in concepts advanced by early fracture mechanics experts prior to any involvement of the pipeline industry. Kiefner and Associates, Inc. offers these equations for your use free of charge out of gratitude for the pipeline industrys generous support for pipeline integrity research over the years. We also believe the industry needs to have unrestricted access to reliable, consistent methods for assessing pipeline anomalies in order to protect public safety and the environment. For information on the background of these equations, please consult the references list at the end of this document.

Opening the Spreadsheet The spreadsheet is designed to work in conjunction with Microsoft Excel TM Version 97 or higher. The program makes use of macros in order to perform the pipeline integrity assessment calculations. Because of this, the macro functionality must be enabled as shown in Figure 1 in order for the program to function properly. The spreadsheet was scanned for viruses at the time of distribution.

November 7, 2000


Figure 1

Spreadsheet Organization The MS Excel spreadsheet is organized into three tabs to facilitate in the data entry of the defect(s) to be analyzed. These tabs are: Main, Grid, and Chart. Main. This sheet contains the physical pipe properties for the pipe to be evaluated, the options for data entry units, options for the assessment approach, and the results of the assessment. Portions of this spreadsheet are protected to prevent potential corruption of assessment algorithms. Grid. This sheet contains a place for the user to enter a description of the analysis or defect, the defect profile information, and an option for data entry as remaining thickness or pit depth. The program is set up by default to allow for 49 individual grid profiles with 1000 individual depths per profile. Portions of this spreadsheet are protected to prevent accidental corruption of the assessment algorithms. Chart. This sheet contains a graphic representation of the defect profile information entered. The chart is part of any of the assessment algorithms and consequently is not protected. The graph can be changed in any way allowed by MS Excel to suit the needs of the individual user. Several comments to aid the user are imbedded in the spreadsheet at various cells to give further details or suggestions about the input required. To access the comments the mouse pointer should be placed over the cell containing a red triangle in the upper right-hand portion of the cell.

Pipe Parameters Before entry of data, the user should select the unit system (US Customary or Metric) to be used. This is accomplished by selecting the appropriate option box. It is suggested that if one unit

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system is preferred, that system should be selected and the spreadsheet be resaved for future analysis. The physical pipe properties required are as follows: Diameter. This is the nominal pipe outside diameter of the pipe to be used. The diameter should not be confused with Nominal Pipe Size or the actual measured pipe diameter. Examples for entry include: 12-inch NPS should be entered at 12.750 inches, and 20-inch NPS should be entered at 20.0 inches. WT. This parameter is the pipe wall thickness. It should be entered in as the nominal thickness or if known, the actual measured thickness of the pipe. SMYS. The specified minimum yield strength of the pipe or the actual yield strength if known. MOP. The maximum operating pressure of the line at the point where the evaluation is to occur. CVN. This is the full size specimen (10 mm x 10 mm) Charpy V-notch upper shelf energy of the pipe material. This is only used in the crack-like assessment algorithm and is not required for the corrosion assessment. Design Factor. This is the net operating design factor accounting for transported commodity, pipeline location, pipe seam type, and temperature. Typical values are as follows: Description Liquid Hazardous Pipeline Gas Pipeline Operating in Class 1 Gas Pipeline Operating in Class 2 Gas Pipeline Operating in Class 3 Gas Pipeline Operating in Class 4 Design Factor 0.72 0.72 0.60 0.50 0.40

The spreadsheet displays the maximum allowable pressure for the pipe segment based on Barlows equation, P = 2 F SMYS t . If the MOP entered exceeds the calculated Maximum D Allowable Pressure, then the value entered for MOP changes color to red to warn the user that the pipe is overstressed. After the pipe properties are entered then the defect profile should be entered in the Grid spreadsheet as described below.

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Grid Entry KAPA allows for the entry of up to 49 individual defect profiles. Each profile represents a longitudinal cross section through the corroded area. Each profile is listed vertically in the Grid spreadsheet. From the profile information, a maximum depth profile envelope, or river bottom is developed from the profile information. This river bottom typically results in the lowest predicted failure pressure and consequently the most conservative approach for evaluating a pipeline segment. Before entry of defect profiles begins, the user should select the method in which the data will be entered, as either pit depth or remaining wall thickness. This is accomplished by clicking the appropriate option box. The profile spacing, located in the left most column can be entered as regular, irregular, or any combination of spacing. Standard spreadsheet type equations can be used to help the user enter data or spacing in a more efficient manner. The units are either inches or millimeters depending on the unit selection from the Main Sheet. At this time, data cannot be entered as mils. The defect profile data should be entered starting in the column to the right of Max. Envelope Defect Profile and each progressing profile should be entered in the next adjacent column without skipping any columns. If a column is left blank, the analysis will terminate at the blank column and any data entered to beyond that point will not be analyzed. Standard Excel commands can be used to help simplify data entry, although it is recommended that when cutting and pasting, the Paste Special function with Values Only be used instead of the standard paste function to avoid changing the formats of the cells. Profile data entries that exceed the pipe wall thickness will be automatically highlighted for easy identification by the user. Above each column of grid profiles is a space for a label to identify the profile. This label is also printed on the results section. In cases where the user prefers to enter only the river bottom profile, this profile should be entered as described above, for a single profile. If the user wishes to evaluate other scenarios by varying the profile and observing the change in predicted failure pressure, these can be entered as additional columns. If multiple scenarios are entered, the results from the defect envelope profile should be disregarded in the results section.

Analyzing the Data The final step is to select the evaluation method, either Corrosion Defects or Crack-like Defects. At this time the program macro will begin execution. When completed, the results will be displayed on the sheet labeled Main.

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For corrosion or other blunt defects, the results will show the predicted failure pressure and the factor of safety for the Effective Area Method, Modified B31G, and for ASME B31G methodologies. The factor of safety is the ratio of the predicted failure pressure and the MOP user entry. The program does not compute a safe operating pressure. The safe operating pressure should be determined by an Engineer who is familiar with pipeline integrity issues. Additional calculated parameters are also displayed to aid in the Engineers evaluation process. For Crack-like defects, the results will indicate the failure pressure and the factor of safety for the Effective Area Method only because the other methodologies are not valid for crack-like defects. The other calculated parameters are displayed to aid the Engineer in evaluating a safe operating pressure for the pipeline segment. If the defect depth exceeds 80 percent of the pipe wall thickness then an error message is displayed during the analysis. The color will be changed to red for the maximum depth and maximum depth / thickness to indicate which grids had defect depths exceeding 80 percent of the wall thickness. The results and data can be printed using the standard Excel Spreadsheet functions. It is advised that the page setup be reviewed prior to printing to ensure that the desired print ranges are set up.

Additional Help Additional help or program customization can be obtained by contacting Kiefner and Associates, Inc. at:

Kiefner and Associates, Inc.

PO Box 268 Worthington, Ohio 43085 Phone (614) 888-8220 Fax (614) 888-7323 Email: KAPA@Kiefner.com Website: www.kiefner.com

Kiefner and Associates, Inc. makes no representation or warranties with respect to any software or results and/or damages arising from use of said software. Kiefner and Associates, Inc. specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the use of the software.

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References 1. Kiefner, J.F., Maxey, W.A., Eiber, R.J., and Duffy, A.R., Failure Stress Levels of Flaws in Pressurized Cylinders, Progress in Flaw Growth and Toughness Testing, ASTM STP 536, American Society for Testing and Materials, pp 461-481 (1973) 2. Kiefner, J.F., and Duffy, A.R., Summary of Research to Determine the Strength of Corroded Areas in Line Pipe, Presented at a Public Hearing of the U.S. Department of Transportation (July 20,1971) 3. Kiefner, J.F., and Vieth, P.H., "Evaluating Pipe: PC Program Speeds New Criterion for Evaluating Corroded Pipe", Oil and Gas Journal, August 20, 1990. 4. Kiefner, J.F., and Vieth, P.H., "Evaluating Pipe: New Method Corrects Criterion for Evaluating Corroded Pipe", Oil and Gas Journal, August 6, 1990.

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Effective Area Calculation

Corroded Pipe Assessment Failure Criterion


A 1 A O = A 1 M AO



Failure Predicted Failure Stress

Folias Factor Flow Stress, f{SMYS} Effective Area of Missing Metal Original Area, {L x t} Folias Factor, f{L, D, t} Effective Length

L2 L2 - 0.003375 For L 50 D t , M = 1 + 0.6275 Dt Dt

For L > 50 D t , M = 0.032 L2 + 3.3 Dt

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Crack-Like Defects C 12 V E A V = LN SEC 2 4 L 2


A 1 A -1 O MP = 1 - A M -1 AO T


L2 L2 - 0.003375 L 50 D t , M T = 1 + 0.62756 Dt Dt
L > 50 D t , M T = 0.032 L2 + 3.3 Dt

Where: CV AV E L Upper shelf Charpy V-notch impact energy, ft-lb Area of Charpy V-notch specimen, inch2 Elastic Modulus, psi Axial length of area affected by corrosion and/or SCC, inch (L can also be an effective length defined by an iterative process such as that embodied in KAPA) Flow Stress, psi (SMYS + 10,000 psi) P Failure stress, psi SMYS Specified minimum yield strength, psi D Nominal outside diameter of the pipe, inch t Nominal wall thickness of the pipe, inch A The area of metal missing due to either corrosion-caused metal loss or SCC or both. The area of metal, L x t, which would be present if there were no flaw. Ao

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