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SN 200 2003 (E)

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The document outlines manufacturing instructions for SMS Demag covering various processes like material, welding, machining and inspection. It specifies requirements and describes minimum standards that must be followed.

The main sections covered are: material, thermal cutting and forming, welding, machining, assembling, preserving, labeling and packaging, inspection.

Revisions made in September 2003 include additions around pipe classification, hazardous materials, preheating, filler metals, tolerances, safety and standards. Definitions for document types were also added.








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SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft Konstruktionsberatung/Normung Telefon: (0 27 33) 29-10 93 Fax: (0 27 33) 29-10 73 E-mail: hueb@sms-demag.de 1st edition (September 2003)

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions

SN 200
Part 1

These SN 200 manufacturing instructions specify the requirements made on the products and manufacturing methods. The instructions are classified by manufacturing methods irrespective of the product. They describe minimum requirements that have to be complied with unless otherwise indicated in orders, drawings or other manufacturing documents. The Manufacturing Instructions SN 200 apply to the manufacture of components of SMS Demag and its subsidiaries. The applicability of SN 200 is indicated in drawings and/or contracts or purchase orders. Every manufacturer has the obligation to comply with the overriding requirements specified in parts 7 to 10 in addition to the manufacturing methods for the products which are contained in his scope of supply and services. The correct and complete delivery/performance of the supplies and services are recorded by SMS Demag in a supplier evaluation system. This evaluation covers quality, price, faithfulness to deadlines as well as completeness of the documents, test records and certificates associated with the supplies and services ordered. We recommend all suppliers introducing a quality assurance system on the basis of ISO 9001.
This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

Referenced standards are indicated in the individual chapters. Rules and directives DIN standards EN standards ISO standards DIN EN standards DIN ISO standards DIN EN ISO standards are German and European sets of rules, codes and regulations are national standards of the Federal Republic of Germany are standards of the European Union are standards of the International Organization for Standardization are European standards incorporated in German language in the national set of standards are international standards incorporated in German language in the national set of standards are international standards that were made part of the European standards and incorporated in German language in the national set of standards. 286 ISO 286



DIN EN 10083 DIN EN ISO 9001

EN 10083 ISO 9001

There is, however, not a German-language version (DIN-ISO) for every international standard (ISO)!

Tolerancing principle
Contrary to the stipulations made in ISO or DIN, the tolerancing principle of "envelope requirements" applies to tolerances of shape and parallelism in all manufacturing methods. All dimensions are subject to the envelope requirements as specified in DIN 7167. This means that all tolerances of shape and parallelism must be within the specified general or ISO tolerances.

Continued on page 2

Page 2 SN 200 Part 1 : 2003-09

Hazardous materials / environmental protection

If safety data sheets drawn up on the basis of the hazardous materials rules exist for substances and preparations to be supplied by you or for substances which are used as constituents of products to be supplied by you, these sheets have to be joined to the consignment with indication of our purchase order number. If such sheets do not exist, you undertake to supply with the consignment, in due time and well visible, other product information relevant for environmental protection and safety so as to allow proper transport and handling, storage and disposal of the substances/preparations by SMS Demag or by our customer in accordance with the regulations.

Load-carrying attachments
SN 195 specifies, on the basis of the European directives and standards, the fundamental requirements made on load carrying attachments with regard to design, manufacture and the respective scope of testing. It aims at standardising the design, manufacture and testing of load carrying attachments and at enforcing the requirements made in the directives of the European Union.

Pipe classification
SMS Demag has drawn up a standardisation of all components of pipe conduits. This standardisation is given in our company standards in Group 18 and must be observed.

Material data
The material data given in drawings and bills of material are based on stipulations taken from materials and product standards. These properties are shown in SN 359 on "Materials" and must be observed.

All components and products must be free of any ionising radiation exceeding the natural characteristic radiation of the material. Ionising radiation exceeding the characteristic radiation of components and products is considered to exist when a radiation value above the ambient background radiation is found at the time of an examination. SMS Demag reserve the right of refusing the acceptance of any parts found to possess such ionising radiation.

Residual magnetism
The residual magnetism must not exceed 800 A/m at the time of delivery of the parts. Parts transported with lifting magnets and / or checked for surface defects with full-wave direct-current testers must be demagnetised if necessary. Checks for residual magnetism must always be performed with an appropriate field intensity meter. If requested by SMS Demag, the check has to be proven and/or certified.

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 2

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions laid down in this part of SN 200 apply to all parts produced by casting, forging and rolling and to semi-finished products of ferrous and non-ferrous metals unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documentation.

Table of contents


This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

1 Casting ....................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Surface qualities................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 General tolerances ............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.3 Degrees of accuracy.......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3.1 Tolerance limits................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 General tolerances for cast steel products ......................................................................................................... 2 1.4.1 Outer and inner curvatures ................................................................................................................................ 3 1.5 General tolerances for cast iron products ........................................................................................................... 3 1.6 Mould tapers .................................................................................................................................................... 3 1.7 Offset................................................................................................................................................................ 4 1.8 Wall thicknesses ............................................................................................................................................... 4 1.9 Machining allowances ....................................................................................................................................... 4 1.9.1 Machining allowances for cast steel and cast iron products ................................................................................ 5 1.10 Inspections........................................................................................................................................................ 5 1.10.1 Cast steel products............................................................................................................................................ 5 Internal condition .............................................................................................................................................. 5 External condition.............................................................................................................................................. 6 1.10.2 Spheroidal graphite cast iron ............................................................................................................................. 6 Internal condition............................................................................................................................................... 6 External condition.............................................................................................................................................. 6 Referenced standards ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 Further standards............................................................................................................................................................ 6 2 Forging....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.4 Forgings................................................................................................................................................................. 7 External condition ................................................................................................................................................... 7 Internal condition .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Surface condition.................................................................................................................................................... 7 Surface finish related to quality class....................................................................................................................... 7 Performance of the examination.............................................................................................................................. 7 Recording levels and acceptance criteria................................................................................................................. 8 Inspections........................................................................................................................................................... 10

Referenced standards ................................................................................................................................................... 10 3 Semi-finished products............................................................................................................................................ 11 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 General tolerances ............................................................................................................................................... 11 Technical delivery conditions................................................................................................................................. 11 Plate .................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Inspection............................................................................................................................................................. 11

Referenced standards ................................................................................................................................................... 12

Continued on pages 2 to 12

Page 2 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

1 Casting
Casting is a process for transforming, through filling of a mould, liquid steel, ferrous and non-ferrous metals into geometrically defined parts with defined properties to obtain a shape which is close to the finished dimensions.

1.1 Surface qualities

If no drawing indications are made, the following applies according to DIN EN 1370: for cast steel and non-ferrous metals for cast iron 4S1 4S2 for blasted surfaces for ground surfaces 3S1 for blasted surfaces 3S2 for ground surfaces

1.2 General tolerances

The authoritative standard for the definition of the general tolerances is DIN ISO 8062. These general tolerances are applicable to unmachined faces of metal casting blanks. Half the respective general casting tolerance is applicable to a dimension between a machined and an unmachined surface for which no individual tolerance is indicated. The values of the general tolerances are indicated in the tables 1 to 3 under the selected grade of tolerance CT.

1.3 Degrees of accuracy

The grades of tolerance CT shown against a shaded background in the tables 1 and 3 are SMS Demag standard for the respective nominal dimension range. The grade of tolerance to be selected depends upon the biggest nominal dimension of the workpiece. All blank dimensions of this casting blank have the same grade of tolerance, this means that only one grade of tolerance can be assigned to a workpiece. If smaller admissible casting tolerances are required, they are indicated in the drawing at the respective nominal dimension. 1.3.1 Tolerance limits

necessary machining allowance see table 6

necessary machining allowance see table 6

1 2 3 4

nom. dimension of the unfinished casting dimensions after finish-machining minimum limit of size maximum limit of size

Fig. 1

1.4 General tolerances for cast steel products

Table 1 Nom. dimension of unfinished casting mm above 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000 6300
1) 2) 3)

up to and including 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 2500 4000 6300 10000

Overall casting tolerance 1) mm Tolerance grade for casting CT Casting tolerance CT for linear dimensions 2), Associated casting tolerance CT for wall thicknesses 3) drawing indication 8 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,6 2,8 3,2 3,8 4,4 9 1,7 1,8 2 2,2 2,5 2,8 3,2 3,6 4 4,6 5,4 6,2 7 10 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,2 3,6 4 4,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 3,2 3,6 4 4,4 5 5,6 6,2 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 12 4,6 5 5,6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20 23 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 28 32 14 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 23 30 35 40 15 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 29 33 38 44 50 9 1,7 1,8 2 2,2 2,5 2,8 3,2 3,6 4 4,6 5,4 6,2 7 10 2,4 2,6 2,8 3,2 3,6 4 4,4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 11 3,2 3,6 4 4,4 5 5,6 6,2 7 8 9 10 12 14 16 12 4,6 5 5,6 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 15 17 20 23 13 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 21 24 28 32 14 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 23 30 35 40 15 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 29 33 38 44 50 16 12 14 16 18 20 22 25 28 32 37 42 49 56 64

The tolerance zone must be arranged symmetrically to the nominal dimension. Lengths, widths, heights, center distances, diameters and curvatures. For wall thicknesses the next higher grade is applicable

Page 3 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-08

1.4.1 Outer and inner curvatures In the case of outer and inner curvatures the tolerance zone according to Table 1 is arranged in such a way that the lower tolerance limit is always zero. Example: Nominal dimension of the curvature is 20 mm, cast grade of tolerance CT 13; the relevant tolerance given in Table 1 is 6 mm; thus the lower tolerance limit applicable to the curvatures is 0, the upper limit is 6 mm. To reduce the risk of cracking, the minimum values for inner curvatures given in Table 2 must be used as required for the respective wall thickness. Table 2 Inner curvatures Inner curvature Wall thickness min. up to 10 > 10 up to 30 > 30 6 10 0,33 x wall thickness

1.5 General tolerances for cast iron products (EN-GJL and EN-GJS)
Table 3 Nom. dimension of unfinished casting mm above 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 up to and including 25 40 63 100 160 250 400 630 1000 1600 Overall casting tolerance 1) mm Tolerance grade for casting CT Casting tolerance CT for linear dimensions 2), Associated casting tolerance CT for wall thicknesses 3) drawing indication 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1,7 2,4 3,2 4,6 6 8 10 1,7 2,4 3,2 4,6 6 8 10 12 1,8 2,6 3,6 3,6 5 5 7 9 11 1,8 2,6 7 9 11 14 2 2,8 4 4 5,6 5,6 8 10 12 2 2,8 8 10 12 16 2,2 3,2 4,4 6 9 11 14 2,2 3,2 4,4 6 9 11 14 18 2,5 3,6 5 7 10 12 16 2,5 3,6 5 7 10 12 16 20 2,8 4 5,6 8 11 14 18 2,8 4 5,6 8 11 14 18 22 3,2 4,4 6,2 9 12 16 20 3,2 4,4 6,2 9 12 16 20 25 10 7 5 10 3,6 7 5 3,6 14 18 22 14 18 22 28 11 8 6 11 4 8 6 4 16 20 25 16 20 25 32 13 9 7 13 4,6 9 7 4,6 29 37 18 18 23 23 29 5,4 6,2 7 8 9 10 11 10 12 14 16 15 17 20 23 21 24 28 32 30 35 40 33 38 44 50 42 49 56 64

8 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6 1,8 2 2,2 2,6 2,8 3,2

10 8 5,4 3,8 2500 1600 21 33 15 12 9 6,2 4,4 4000 30 2500 24 17 38 14 10 7 6300 35 4000 28 20 44 11 10000 40 6300 32 23 16 50 1) The tolerance zone must be arranged symmetrically to the nominal dimension. 2) Lengths, widths, heights, center distances, diameters and curvatures. 3) For wall thicknesses the next higher grade is applicable.

1.6 Mould tapers

Additional tapers on shaped elements which is required to enable the separation of a casting or a pattern from a mould. The deviations from the nominal shape and dimensions of the casting blank resulting from the mould tapers are not considered as exceeding of the tolerance. The mould taper must be averaged in relation to the nominal dimension, mould taper . Mould tapers on surfaces that have to be machined must be arranged on the casting blank in such a way that the finished dimensions are kept. Table 4 Mould tapers for inner and outer surfaces
Height up to 18 2 > > > 18 30 50 to to to 30 50 80 in degrees () 1,5 1 0,75 > 80 to 180 0,5 > 180 to 250 1,5 > 250 to 315 2,0 > 315 to 400 2,5 > 400 to 500 3,0 > 500 to 630 3,5 > 630 to 800 4,5 > > 800 1000 to to 1000 1250 in mm 5,5 7,0 > 1250 to 1600 9,0 > 1600 to 2000 11,0 > 2000 to 2500 13,5 > 2500 to 3150 17,0 > 3150 to 4000 21,0


Table 5 Mould tapers for core prints Height up to 70 > 70 Taper 5 3

Page 4 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09 1.7 Offset

Unless otherwise specified, the offset shown in Fig. 2 must be within the tolerances stated in tables 1 and 3. If further restriction of the offset is required, the maximum value is indicated in the drawing.

Fig. 2

1 maximum permissible offset 2 minimum limit of size 3 maximum limit of size

1.8 Wall thicknesses

For wall thicknesses in the grades CT, the next higher grade is applicable (see tables 1 and 3).

1.9 Machining allowances

Machining allowances on casting blanks is excess material which makes it possible to remove casting defects from the surface by machining and to attain the desired surface condition and the necessary dimensional accuracy. The amount of material to be removed by machining also depends upon the actual dimensions of the casting blank. These actual dimensions may show differences within the range of the specified and permissible general tolerances or the tolerance indicated with a dimension. Allowance is to be understood as allowance for every surface to be machined, this means on bodies of rotation or for machining on two sides the allowance is required two times. The specifications stated in table 4 are based on experience gathered by SMS Demag; the values deviate from the machining allowances given in DIN ISO 8062. Unless otherwise specified, the necessary machining allowance as in table 4 applies to the entire unfinished casting. The machining allowance depends on the biggest outside dimension of the casting blank and not on the casting tolerance grade CT. For the supply of parts in rough-machined condition, the responsibility for providing the necessary machining allowance for attaining the rough-machined and dross-free condition rests with the foundry, irrespectively of table 4.

Page 5 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

1.9.1 Machining allowances for cast steel and cast iron products Table 6
Nominal dimension range (biggest length, width, height or diameter of the casting) > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > 30 50 80 120 180 250 315 400 500 630 800 1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 6300 up to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to GS EN-GJL (GGL) for upper faces or faces in per vertical position in the mould surface (taper) additionally EN-GJS (GGG) for faces in vertical per position (taper) surface additionally for upper faces additionally (dross layer) for upper faces or faces in per vertical position in the mould surface (taper) additionally 30 4 50 5 80 6 120 2 180 250 7 315 400 8 500 630 10 800 3 1000 12 1250 1600 14 4 2000 16 2500 3150 18 5 4000 20 6300 25 10000 30 7 up to 100 mm

4 5 - 45

6 8 10 12 15 17 20 4 5 3

6 20 - 110 8 10 12 15 17 20 up to 80 mm 4 5 110 - 500 3 50 - 240

Hole not cored by foundry

1.10 Inspections
1.10.1 Cast steel products Internal condition The table below specifies SMS Demag specific requirements on the basis of DIN EN 12680-1. If required, the specifications are indicated in the drawing or in product-specific SN standards. Severity level 5 as in DIN EN 12680-1 is not applicable to products of SMS Demag. Table 7 Ultrasonic testability requirements Smallest flat-bottomed hole diameter Wall thickness detectable according to item 5.2 of DIN EN 12680-1 300 3 > 300 to 400 4 > 400 to 600 6 > 600 8 Table 8 Recording levels for discontinuities

Wall thickness mm
300 > 300 to 400 > 400 to 600 > 600 1) 2)

Tested area

Reflectors without measurable dimension Diameter of the equivalent flat-bottomed hole 2) min. mm
4 6 6 8 3

Reflectors with measurable dimension Diameter of the equivalent flat-bottomed hole 2) min. mm
3 4 6 8 3

Special rim zone

related to a 2 MHz ultrasonic probe formula for converting the flat-bottomed hole diameter into side-drilled hole diameter see item 5.2 of DIN EN 12680-1

Table 9 Recording levels and acceptance limits for back echo reduction
Wall thickness Tested area mm 300 > 300 to 400 > 400 to 600 > 600 1)

Recording level min. dB 12 -

Acceptance limit min. dB 12 -

Special rim zone

related to a 2 MHz ultrasonic probe

Page 6 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

Table 10 Acceptance limits for volumetric discontinuities
Feature Casting wall thickness at the examined area Unit mm Zone

1 50

2 > 50 100

>100 600

Severity level 3 > 50 > 100 50 100 600


4 > 50 100

5 > 100 600


Reflectors without measurable dimension Largest diameter of equivalent flat-bottomed hole Number of discontinuities to be recorded in a frame of 100 mm x 100 mm Largest diameter of equivalent flat-bottomed hole Maximum values of dimension in through-wall direction of discontinuities Maximum length without measurable width Largest individual area Largest total area for 4) a reference area Reference area
1) 4)


rim zone core zone rim z. core

3 3 5 6

8 6 not used as criterion not used as criterion


not used as criterion

Reflectors with measurable dimension mm mm mm mm mm rim z. core rim z. core rim z. core rim z. core rim z. core not permitt ed
75 75 600 10000 10000 10000 75 75 1000 10000 10000 15000 75 100 1000 15000 10000 15000

8 15% of zone thickness 15% of wall thickness

75 75 600 15000 10000 15000 75 75 2000 15000 10000 20000 75 120 2000 20000 10000 20000 75 100 2000 15000 10000 15000 75 100 2000 15000 15000 20000 75 150 2000 20000 15000 20000

150 000 (390 mm x 390 mm)

100 000 (320 mm x 320 mm)

rim zone = t/3, max. 100 mm, t = wall thickness in testing zone severity level 5 is not applicable to products of SMS Demag. 3) accumulated in core zone and rim zone. 4) indications less than 25 mm apart shall be considered as one discontinuity.

Indications which are not within the acceptance limits must be reported in writing to the SMS Demag Dept. of Quality Inspection.

External condition

The external condition is examined on the spots marked in the drawing with magnetic particle testing as in DIN EN 1369 or liquid penetrant inspection as in DIN EN 1371-1. The specifications are indicated in the drawing or in product-specific SN standards. Severity level 5 is not applicable to products of SMS Demag.


Spheroidal graphite cast iron Internal condition The procedure used for determining the internal condition must be in accordance with DIN EN 12680-3. The requirements made on the internal condition of castings made of spheroidal graphite cast iron are shown in the drawing as SMS Demag specific indications or are specified in the product-specific SN standards. Severity level 5 as in DIN EN 12680-3 is not applicable to products of SMS Demag. External condition

The external condition is examined on the spots marked in the drawing with magnetic particle testing as in DIN EN 1369 or dye penetrant inspection as in DIN EN 1371-1. The specifications are indicated in the drawing or in product-specific SN standards. Severity level 5 is not applicable to products of SMS Demag.

Referenced standards
DIN ISO 8062 DIN EN 1369 DIN EN 1370 DIN EN 1371-1 DIN EN 12680-1 DIN EN 12680-3 Castings; System of dimensional tolerances and machining allowances Founding; Magnetic particle inspection Founding; Surface roughness inspection by visualtactile comparators Founding; Liquid penetrant inspection Ultrasonic examination; Part 1: Steel castings for general purposes Ultrasonic examination; Part 3: Spheroidal graphite cast iron castings

Further standards
DIN EN 1559-1 DIN EN 1559-2 DIN EN 1559-3 Founding; Technical conditions of delivery; General Founding; Technical conditions of delivery; Additional requirements for steel castings Founding; Technical conditions of delivery; Additional requirements for iron castings

Page 7 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

2 Forging
Forging is a method of hot shaping in the form of die forging or open-die forging to obtain a shape which is close to the finished dimensions of the component. The shaping process creates a largely uniform structure over the entire cross-section.

2.1 Forgings, general

The following requirements must be fulfilled: - If no particular requirements are made, the technical conditions of delivery and quality specifications can be taken from the relevant DIN, EN, ISO or SEW material standards. When particular requirements are made on the forgings, the respective quality specifications are indicated in the drawings in the form of drawing stickers. - If heat treatment is required for reasons of manufacture, this treatment has to be arranged for by the forging shop and/or by the manufacturing company.

2.2 External condition

The external condition must be examined in the areas marked on the workpiece using magnetic particle inspection as in DIN EN 10228-1 or liquid penetrant inspection as in DIN EN 10228-2.Surfaces to be examined must be free of scale, oil, grease, machining marks, paint coats and any other foreign matter that could adversely affect detection sensitivity or the interpretation of indications. The quality classes specified in the DIN EN standards are not applied. Absence of cracks must be always be guaranteed throughout the entire workpiece.


Internal condition

The internal condition is examined by ultrasonic testing as in DIN EN 10228-3 and 4. 2.3.1 Surface condition General Surfaces to be examined must be free of paint, non-adhering scale, dry coupling medium and any other foreign matter and free of surface irregularities that could adversely affect coupling conditions, hinder free movement of the probe or cause errors in interpretation. 2.3.2 Surface finish related to quality class The surface finish shall be compatible with the required quality class, see table 1. Table 1 Quality class and roughness Ra Surface finish 1 25 m Machined Machined and heat-treated x x 2 12,5 m x x 3 12,5 m x x 4 6,3 m x -

"x marks the quality class that can be achieved for the specified surface roughness.

2.3.3 Performance of the examination Scanning shall be performed using the manual contact pulse-echo technique. The minimum scanning coverage required is dictated by the type of forging and whether grid scanning coverage or 100% scanning coverage has been specified in the order or the specification in the drawing. Table 2 specifies the requirements for scanning coverage of the forging types 1, 2 and 3 with perpendicular incidence. Table 3 specifies the requirements for scanning coverage with angular sound incidence for forging types 3a and 3b which have outside diameter to inside diameter ratio of less than 1,6. The effective depth of circumferentially oriented scans is limited by the angle of incidence and the diameter of the forging.

Page 8 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

Table 2 Scanning coverage with normal probes Type Grid scanning 1) Diameter D in mm 200 < 500 < D 200 D 500 D 1000 D > 1000 100% scanning 1) Scan 100% around at least 180 of cylindrical surface Scan 100% on two perpendicular surfaces


Scan lines 2) 2 at 90 3 at 60 4 at 45 6 at 30

1a 1 1b

Scan along the lines of a square-link grid on two perpendicular surfaces 3) 4)

Scan 100% around at Scan along the lines of a square-link grid around 360 on the cylindrical least 180 on the cylindrical surface surface and one lateral surface. and 100% of one lateral surface 3a Scan along the lines of a square-link grid around 360 on the outer cylindrical surface 4) Scan 100% around 360 on the outer cylindrical surface Scan 100% around 360 on the outer cylindrical surface and one lateral surface

3 3b & 3c 4
1) 2) 3) 4)

Scan along the lines of a square-link grid around 360 on the outer cylindrical surface and one lateral surface 4)

Scanning coverage shall be specified in the enquiry or order.

Additional scanning (for example in both axial directions for type 3a) may be carried out if specified in the enquiry or order. 100% means at least 10% probe overlap between consecutive probe traverses. For types 1a or 1b, if the presence of a bore prevents the opposite surface being reached, the number of scan lines shall be doubled symmetrically. The grid line separation shall be equal to the thickness of the part up to a maximum of 200 mm.

Table 3 Scanning coverage with shear wave probes Type Grid scanning 100% scanning 1) 2)

3a 3 3b Scan in both directions along 360 circumferential grid lines the separation of which is equal to the radial thickness up to a maximum of 200 mm Scan 100% of outer cylindrical surface in both circumferential directions

1) 2)

Scanning coverage shall be specified in the enquiry or order.

Additional scanning coverage may be carried out if specified in the enquiry or order. 100% means at least 10% probe overlap between consecutive probe traverses.


Recording levels and acceptance criteria

Tables 4, 5 and 6 detail recording levels and acceptance criteria which shall be applied to four quality classes. The sensitivity of the testing system (test unit, probe, cable) must be sufficient to ensure detection of the smallest discontinuities that are specified for the demanded recording and interpretation limits for the respective quality class.

Page 9 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

Table 4 Quality classes, recording levels and acceptance criteria for normal probes Quality class Recording levels Flat-bottomed holes FBB deg in mm of diameter R ratio for abrupt attenuation of the backwall echo
1) 2)

>8 0,1

>5 0,3

>3 0,5

>2 0,6

Acceptance limits Flat-bottomed holes in isolated point discontinuities deg in mm of diameter 12 8 8 5 5 3 3 2

Flat-bottomed holes in extended or grouped discontinuities deg in mm of diameter




with n = 1 for t 60 mm and n = 2 for t < 60 mm Fo , n Fn amplitude (screen height) of the nth reduced backwall echo Fo,n amplitude (screen height) of the nth backwall echo in the nearest discontinuity-free area at the same range as Fn If the reduction in backwall echo is so heavy that the recording level is not attained, this shall be further investigated. Ratio R applies only to heavy reduction of backwall echo caused by the presence of a discontinuity.


Table 5

Quality classes, recording levels and acceptance criteria for shear wave probes using DGS techniques with flat-bottomed holes Quality class 1 3) 2 3 4

Recording level Recording level with flat-bottomed holes FBB deg in mm Acceptance limits Flat-bottomed holes in isolated point discontinuities deg of diameter in mm 8 5 5 3 3 2 >5 >3 >2

Flat-bottomed holes in extended or grouped discontinuities deg in mm of diameter


shear wave scanning does not apply to quality class 1.

Table 6

Quality classes, recording levels and acceptance criteria for shear wave probes using the reference line method, reference line based on a side-drilled hole of 3 mm in diameter Acceptance limit Isolated discontinuities Extended or grouped 4) 4) discontinuities % % of reference line of reference line 100 200 100 200 60 100 50 100 50 100 30 50

Quality class

Nominal test frequency

Recording level % of reference line

1 3) 1 50 2 100 2 50 3 4 100 2 30 4 4 50 Quality class 1 does not apply to scanning with shear wave probes. The indication amplitude in dB, relative to the reference line, is given in table 7. 2

3) 4)

Page 10 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

Table 7 Indication amplitude in dB relative to the reference line in % Reference line % 30 50 60 100 200 Amplitude of indication relative to reference line dB - 10 - 6 - 4 0 + 6

2.4 Inspections
The data and results of the tests set out below shall be reported by the forging shop or the manufacturing shop in an inspection certificate as in DIN EN 10204 3.1B. Chemical analysis of each heat contained in the supply. Result of the hardness test and the mechanical properties determined per heat and heat-treatment unit. Result of the elevated-temperature tensile test at maximum working temperature of the material for heat-resistant steels per heat and heat-treatment unit. Results of other tests/inspections specified in the drawing

Referenced standards
DIN EN 10204 DIN EN 10228-1 DIN EN 10228-2 DIN EN 10228-3 DIN EN 10228-4 Types of inspection documents Non-destructive testing of steel forgings; Magnetic particle inspection Non-destructive testing of steel forgings; Penetrant testing Non-destructive testing of steel forgings; Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings Non-destructive testing of steel forgings; Ultrasonic testing of austenitic or austenitic-ferritic stainless steel forgings

Page 11 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

3 Semi-finished products
Semi-finished products is the collective term for products of definite shape, but with at least one indefinite dimension. Such products are sections, bars, rods, tubes, sheets and plates, boards, panels, strips and similar types of products made by rolling, drawing, pressing or any other method and having constant cross-section along the length. The designation "St" is permitted for steel components without particular strength requirements. The manufacture from different semi-finished products is then left to the discretion of the manufacturer. Suitability for welding must be ensured. The same applies analogously if tensile strength requirements are made, but the type of smelting and treatment is left to the discretion of the maker. In this case the indication is "St with Rm min. .

3.1 General tolerances

The relevant documents for the general tolerances of steel products are the respective DIN and DIN EN standards for semifinished products.

3.2 Technical delivery conditions

The technical delivery conditions are specified in DIN EN 10021 and in the corresponding standards for semi-finished products.

3.3 Plate
The applicable standard for deviations in thickness and flatness of plates is DIN EN 10029, table 1, class A, and table 4, class N. The permissible deviations given in DIN EN 10029 for the nominal thickness range of 150 to 250 mm are also applicable to plate thicknesses over 250 mm. The plates used must have class A surface condition as in DIN EN 10163.

3.4 Inspection
The results of all below inspections/tests made on the semi-finished product (primary material) must be certified in a document as specified in DIN EN 10204 3.1.B. Components need not be tested again individually and certified provided the above testing has been made on the semifinished products. It must be ensured, however, that the components are made from the tested semi-finished products. - Plate Plate of thickness 100 mm and yield point 1) 250 N/mm2 must be ultrasonically tested as specified in SEL 072, table 1, quality class 3 and tested for tensile strength and hardness. - Unalloyed steel Round bar of 150 mm Square steel of lateral length 150 mm Flat bar of width 150 mm and thickness 100 mm

made of unalloyed steels and yield point 1) 2 250 N/mm

... must be ultrasonically tested as in DIN EN 10228-3, type 1, quality class 2, and tested for tensile strength/hardness. - Alloy steel Round bar of 80 mm Square steel of lateral length 80 mm Flat bar of width 80 mm and thickness 80 mm

made of alloy steels and yield point 1) 350 N/mm2

... must be subjected to chemical analysis and tested for tensile strength/hardness. - Heat-resistant steel If specified in the order or the drawing, heat-resistant steel must, in addition to the chemical analysis, be subjected to an elevated-temperature tensile test at the maximum permissible working temperature of the steel for each heat and heattreatment unit. - Pipe For pipe having outside diameter 38 mm and wall thickness 5 mm, testing as required in the technical delivery conditions for pipes must be certified.


The yield point refers to the smallest standardised material thickness.

Page 12 SN 200 Part 2 : 2003-09

Referenced standards
DIN EN 1370 DIN EN 10021 DIN EN 10029 DIN EN 10140 DIN EN 10163-1 DIN EN 10163-2 DIN EN 10163-3 DIN EN 10204 DIN EN 10228-3 SEL 072 Founding; Surface roughness inspection by visualtactile comparators General technical delivery requirements for steel and iron products Hot rolled steel plate 3 mm thick or above; tolerances on dimension, shape and mass Cold rolled narrow steel strip; tolerances on dimensions and shape Technical delivery conditions for the surface condition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sections; general requirements Technical delivery conditions for the surface condition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sections; plate and wide flats Technical delivery conditions for the surface condition of hot rolled steel plate, wide flats and sections; sections Types of inspection documents Non-destrucive testing of steel forgings; Ultrasonic testing of ferritic or martensitic steel forgings Ultrasonically tested heavy plate; technical delivery specifications

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 3

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions specified in chapter 1 are extracts from DIN EN ISO 9013 and apply to materials which are suitable for oxyfuel flame cutting, plasma arc cutting and laser beam cutting. Chapter 2 applies to workpieces and pipe conduits produced by cold bending. All instructions given apply if no different instructions are shown in drawings or other manufacturing documents.

Table of contents


This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

1 Thermal cutting............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Oxyfuel flame cutting.................................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Plasma cutting............................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.3 Laser cutting................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Quality of the cut surface.............................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4.1 Perpendicularity or angularity tolerance ..................................................................................................................... 2 1.4.2 Mean height of the profile, RZ5 ................................................................................................................................... 2 1.4.3 Measuring points ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 Location of the measuring points ............................................................................................................................. 3 1.4.4 Perpendicularity or angularity tolerance, u .................................................................................................................. 3 1.4.5 Mean height of the profile, RZ5 ................................................................................................................................... 3 1.5 Form and location tolerances ........................................................................................................................................ 4 1.6 Dimensional tolerances................................................................................................................................................. 5 2 Forming by bending ..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Bending........................................................................................................................................................................ 5 2.1.1 Bending of flat products.............................................................................................................................................. 5 2.1.2 Bending of pipes ........................................................................................................................................................ 6 2.1.3 General tolerances..................................................................................................................................................... 6 3 Inspection ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Referenced standards ......................................................................................................................................................... 7

1 Thermal cutting
1.1 Oxyfuel flame cutting
Oxyfuel flame cutting is a process of thermal cutting which is performed with a fuel gas/oxygen flame and cutting oxygen. The heat released by the heating flame and the heat produced during combustion permit continuous combustion by the cutting oxygen. The oxides produced, mixed with some molten metal, are driven out by the kinetic energy of the cutting oxygen jet. By this action, the kerf is produced. The instructions apply to flame cuts of 3 mm to 300 mm.

1.2 Plasma cutting

Plasma cutting is a process of thermal cutting in which a constricted arc is used. Polyatomic gases dissociate in the arc and partially ionize; monoatomic gases partially ionize. The plasma beam thus generated has a high temperature and kinetic energy; it melts or partially vaporizes the material and blows it away. Thereby the kerf is produced. The instructions apply to plasma cuts of 1 mm to 150 mm.

1.3 Laser cutting

Laser cutting is a process of thermal cutting in which the focused laser beam supplies the energy required for cutting, this energy then being converted into heat in the material. Cutting is supported by a gas jet. With laser beam cutting a difference is made between laser oxyfuel flame cutting, laser fusion cutting and laser sublimation cutting. The instructions apply to laser cuts of 0,5 mm to 40 mm.

Continued on pages 2 to 7

Page 2 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09 1.4 Quality of the cut surface

1.4.1 Perpendicularity or angularity tolerance Distance between two parallel straight lines between which the cut surface profile is inscribed, and within the set angle (for example 90 in the case of vertical cuts). NOTE: The perpendicularity or angularity tolerance includes not only the straightness, but also the flatness deviations. Figures 1 and 2 show the maximum effective deviations within the tolerance class.

Fig. 1

a) Vertical cut

b) Bevel cut a = area for determining the pependicularity-angularity tolerance

1.4.2 Mean height of the profile, RZ5 Arithmetic mean of the single profile elements of five bordering single measured distances

Fig. 2

Key ln evaluation length Zt1 to Zt5 single profile elements lr single sampling length (1/5 of ln)

Page 3 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09

1.4.3 Measuring points Location of the measuring points The characteristic value of perpendicularity or angularity tolerance u is determined only in a limited area of the cut surface. The area shall be reduced by the dimension a according to Table 1 from the upper and the lower cut surface edges (see Figure 1). The reason for the reduced cut face profile is to allow for the melting of the top edge. Table 1 - Dimensions for a Cut thickness a mm 3 > 3 6 > 6 10 > 10 20 > 20 40 > 40 100 > 100 150 > 150 200 > 200 250 > 250 300 a mm 0,1a 0,3 0,6 1 1,5 2 3 5 8 10

1.4.4 Perpendicularity or angularity tolerance, u Table 2 - Perpendicularity or angularity tolerance, u >20 >40 >60 >80 >100 Cut up to to to to to to thickness 20 40 60 80 100 120 a u for ranges 1,3 1,6 1,9 2,2 2,5 2,8 3&4

>120 to 140 3,1

>140 to 160 3,4

>160 to 180 3,7

>180 to 200 4,0

>200 to 220 4,3

>220 to 240 4,6

>240 to 260 4,9

>260 to 280 5,2

>280 to 300 5,5

1.4.5 Mean height of the profile, RZ5 Table 3 Mean height of the profile, RZ5 Cut >20 >40 >60 >80 >100 >120 >140 >160 >180 >200 >220 >240 >260 >280 thickness up to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to a 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 300 RZ5 0,146 0,182 0,218 0,254 0,290 0,326 0,362 0,398 0,434 0,470 0,506 0,542 0,578 0,614 0,650 for range 4

Page 4 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09 1.5 Form and location tolerances

Figure 3 shows the maximum deviations within the tolerance zone. Fig. 3

a) Through thickness

b) Flat

Key tG1 tG2 tw tp U

straightness tolerance (see 14.1 of DIN ISO 1101: 1983) for cut length; straightness tolerance (see 14.1 of DIN ISO 1101: 1983) for cut width; perpendicularity tolerance (see 14.8 of DIN ISO 1101: 1983) for cut width referred to A; parallelism tolerance (see 14.7 of DIN ISO 1101: 1983) for cut width referred to A on sheet level; perpendicularity tolerance (see 14.8 of DIN ISO 1101: 1983) in cutting direction;

Page 5 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09

1.6 Dimensional tolerances

The dimension in the drawing shall be taken to be the nominal dimension. The actual dimensions will be determined on the clean surfaces of the cut. The limit deviation specified in Table 4 shall apply to dimensions without tolerance indications. Table 4 Limit deviations for nominal dimensions of tolerance class 1 Nominal dimensions 35 125 < 125 < 315 Limit deviations 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,6 0,7 1,3 2 2,7 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,7 0,8 1,4 2,1 2,7 -

Workpiece thickness

>0 <3 0,04 0,1 0,3 -

3 < 10 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,5 0,6 -

10 < 35 0,1 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,7 1,3 1,9 2,6 -

315 < 1000 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,7 1 1,7 2,3 3 3,7 4,4

1000 < 2000 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,7 1,6 2,2 2,9 3,6 4,2 4,9

2000 < 4000 0,3 0,4 0,6 0,8 2,5 3,1 3,8 4,5 5,2 5,9

> > > >

0 1

1 3,15 6,3 10 50

3,15 6,3

> 10 > 50 > 100 > 150 > 200 > 250

100 150 200 250 300


Forming by bending

2.1.1 Bending of flat products For the cold bending of flat steel products the permissible bending radii as in Table 5 must be observed. Further specifications are given in DIN 6935. Fig. 4

Table 5 Bending radii for bending angles of 90 (along the direction of rolling for steel grades of a min. tensile strength Rm of 390 N/mm) Plate thickness Bending radius Leg length min. min s r l 1 1,5 2,5 10 2 2,5 3 3 16 4 6 24 5 8 32 6 10 40 8 16 64 10 20 80 12 24 15 30 20 40 25 50 30 60 35 40

70 100

96 120 160 200 240 280 320

Page 6 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09

2.1.2 Bending of pipes Cold bending of pipes is preferable to welding-in of elbows. If drawings show welding elbows which can be replaced by a cold-bent pipe taking into account the bigger bending radius, the replacement can be carried out by the manufacturing workshop. When pipes are shown in isometric drawings, compliance with the drawing indications must be ensured. Bending radii for cold-bent pipes are specified in Table 6 and in SN 740-1 and -2.

Table 6 Bending radii of pipes Pipe outside diameter 10 > 12 > 48,3 to 12 to 48,3 to 114,3 Bending radius 2 x outside pipe diameter for wall thicknesses >1,0 2 x outside pipe diameter for all wall thicknesses 2,5 x outside pipe diameter for all wall thicknesses

2.1.3 General tolerances The general tolerances are specified in tables 7 and 8 according to DIN EN ISO 13920. These general tolerances correspond to the welding tolerances and shall be applied analogously for bent components.

The following applies: Tolerance category B for completely dimensioned pipe conduits (e.g. pipe detail, isometric drawing) and for workpieces produced by bending of flat products. Tolerance category C for not completely dimensioned and freely laid pipe conduits.

Table 7 Lengths (outside, inside and stepped dimensions, diameters and radii) Nominal dimension range > > > 1000 2000 4000 to to to 2000 4000 8000 4 6 8 8 11 14 > 8000 to 12000 10 18 > 12000 to 16000 12 21 > 16000 to 20000 14 24 > 20000

Tolerance category


2 to 30 1 1

> 30 to 120 2 3

> 120 to 400 2 4

> 400 to 1000 3 6

16 27

Page 7 SN 200 Part 3 : 2003-09

Table 8 Angular dimensions Tolerance category B C Nominal dimension range (length of shorter leg) Permissible deviations in degrees and minutes Permissible deviations as tangent values > 400 > 1000 > 400 > 1000 up to 400 to 1000 up to 400 to 1000 0,013 0,009 0,006 45' 30' 20' 0,018 0,013 0,009 1 45' 30'

The shorter leg of the angle is taken as reference for the limit dimensions of the angles. Its length can also be applied from a particular reference point shown in the drawing. (examples see Figs. 5 to 9) The figures were taken from DIN EN ISO 13920 for welded components.

Ref. point Ref. point

Ref. point Ref. point Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8

Ref point Fig. 9


Flame-cut and bent parts are inspected by the manufacturer with regard to the observance of the dimensions and angles indicated. The manufacturer shall also inspect the surface quality (height of the profile Rz5) of flame-cut faces. Documenting of the inspections is not required.

Referenced standards
DIN 6935 DIN EN ISO 1302 DIN EN ISO 9013 DIN EN ISO 13920 DIN ISO 1101 SN 740-1 SN 740-2 Cold bending of flat rolled steel products Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS); Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation Classification of thermal cuts General tolerances for welded constructions Technical drawings; Geometrical tolerancing Bending radii for piping and tubing; minimum dimensions with bent pipes Bending radii for piping and tubing; determination of pipe lengths considering various bending angles and radii

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 4

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions specified in this part of SN 200 are applicable to all welded components unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documents. The welding standards (e.g. DIN, DVS, SEW etc.) applicable to the respective materials must be observed. Welding is a special process whose result (quality) cannot be fully assessed by subsequent testing on the product. The quality requirements for welding as in DIN EN 729 must be fulfilled. We recommend establishing a quality assurance system on the basis of DIN EN ISO 9001.

Table of contents


1 Drawings and other manufacturing documents.......................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Indication in drawings ............................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.1 Fillet welds ............................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.2 Butt welds, partly and fully bevelled welds ................................................................................................................. 2 1.1.3 Welds for subsequent machining............................................................................................................................... 2 1.1.4 Welds on pipe lines................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Representation as in DIN EN 22553 (ISO 2553) ........................................................................................................ 2 1.2.1 Basic symbols for weld types .................................................................................................................................... 2 1.2.2 Combinations of basic symbols ................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2.3 Supplementary symbols............................................................................................................................................ 3 1.3 Positions of symbols in drawings............................................................................................................................... 3 1.3.1 Elements of the reference symbol and indications at the symbol................................................................................. 3 1.3.2 Relation between arrow line and joint ........................................................................................................................ 3 1.3.3 Direction of the arrow line.......................................................................................................................................... 4 1.3.4 Position of the symbol relative to the reference line.................................................................................................... 4 1.3.5 Examples of application ............................................................................................................................................ 5 2 General tolerances....................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1 Linear dimensions..................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2 Straightness, flatness and parallelism........................................................................................................................ 5 2.3 Angular dimensions .................................................................................................................................................. 5 3 Execution of welding work........................................................................................................................................... 6 3.1 Demands made on the manufacturer of welded components...................................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Equipment subject to construction-supervision regulations......................................................................................... 6 3.1.2 Equipment not subject to regulations of construction supervision................................................................................ 6 3.2 Weld preparation, general ........................................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 Filler metals.............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.4 Preheating................................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.5 Weld execution......................................................................................................................................................... 7 3.5.1 Weld execution, general............................................................................................................................................ 7 3.5.2 Weld execution for ferritic-austenitic weld joints ....................................................................................................... 11 3.6 Notches.................................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.7 Weld preparation on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: pipelines, vessels .................................................................. 12 3.8 Weld execution on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: pipelines, vessels ...................................................................... 13 3.8.1 Fluid-carrying steel components.............................................................................................................................. 13 3.8.2 Fluid-carrying components in stainless and acid-resistant steels............................................................................... 13 3.9 Quality of weld, quality level on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: pipelines, vessels .................................................. 13 4 Postweld heat treatment ............................................................................................................................................ 13 4.1 Postweld heat treatment, general ............................................................................................................................ 13 4.2 Postweld heat treatment of stainless steel ............................................................................................................... 14 4.2.1 Heat treatment of non-stabilised austenitic steels..................................................................................................... 14 4.2.2 Heat treatment of stabilised austenitic steels ........................................................................................................... 14 4.2.3 Wrmebehandlung an sogenannten Low-Carbon-Sthlen........................................................................................ 14 4.2.4 Heat treatment of ferritic-austenitic weld joints ......................................................................................................... 14 5 Filler metal.................................................................................................................................................................. 14 6 Inspection................................................................................................................................................................... 14 6.1 Inspection of load-bearing welds without full material penetration ............................................................................. 15 6.1.1 Inspection directions for the quality levels of welds, general ..................................................................................... 16 6.2 Testing directions for the quality levels of welds on fluid-carrying components .......................................................... 16 7 Guideline for the quality levels of imperfections ...................................................................................................... 17

This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

Referenced standards..................................................................................................................................... 21
Continued on pages 2 to 22

Page 2 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

1 Drawings and other manufacturing documents

1.1 Indication in drawings 1.1.1 Fillet welds Fillet welds are indicated by a blacked-in triangle or welding symbols according to ISO 2553 (see 1.3) at the weld joints of the parts to be welded, shown in sectional view or in the view of the parts to be welded. 1.1.2 Butt welds, partly and fully bevelled welds Butt welds, partly and fully bevelled welds are shown in drawings in sectional view or in the view with symbols according to ISO 2553 (see 1.3) with weld depth s. 1.1.3 Welds for subsequent machining Welds intended for subsequent machining are shown with dimensioning of the weld depth as shown in Fig 1. Fig. 1 1.1.4 Welds on pipe lines The operating pressure of the pipe line must be indicated. Welding symbols as in ISO 2553 (see 1.3) or information as in Table 13 are shown only in exceptional cases.

1.2 Representation as in DIN EN 22553 (ISO 2553)

1.2.1 Basic symbols for weld types The various types of welds are characterised by symbols which are in general similar to the appearance of the welds. The symbols characterises the shape, preparation and execution of the welds. The symbol does not determine the welding process to be applied. Table 1 Basic symbols for weld types

1.2.2 Combinations of basic symbols When necessary, combinations of basic symbols are used for indication. Typical examples are given in table 2. Table 2 Combinations of basic symbols

Page 3 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

1.2.3 Supplementary symbols Basic symbols may be supplemented by a symbol characterising the shape of the surface or the execution of the weld. The absence of a supplementary symbol means that the surface shape must comply with the weld quality indicated. Combination of more than two supplementary symbols is not permitted. Table 3 Supplementary symbols Shape of weld surface a) flat b) convex c) concave Symbol Execution of weld d) toes blended smoothly g) use of permanent backing strip h) use of removable backing strip Symbol Table 4 Complementary symbols Meaning circumferential weld site weld SMS Demag specification workshop assembly weld Symbol

Table 5 Examples of the application of supplementary symbols

1.3 Positions of symbols in drawings

1.3.1 Elements of the reference symbol and indications at the symbol - Elements of the reference symbol - Indications at the reference symbol 1 2 = Weld joint = Arrow line 1 = Main dimensions of weld thickness 2 = Weld symbol 3 = Weld length dimensions 4 = Indications for welding process quality level for welding position, filler metal Fig. 2

3a = Reference line (solid line) 3b = Reference line (dashed line) 4

= Forked line for supplementary indications (line shown only when required)

1.3.2 Relation between arrow line and joint The side of the joint to which the arrow line points is called the arrow side. The other side of the joint is called the opposite side. The arrow line points preferably to the upper workpiece face. The examples in figures 3 and 4 explain the terms - arrow side of the joint - opposite side of the joint opposite side arrow side arrow side opposite side Joint A Joint B arrow line a) weld on arrow side b) weld on opposite side arrow line opposite side arrow side opposite side arrow side of joint A of joint A of joint A of joint B Joint B arrow line Joint A arrow line

arrow line

arrow line

arrow side a) opposite side arrow side b)opposite side of joint B" of joint B" of joint A" of joint B" Fig. 4 Cruciform joint with two fillet welds

Fig. 3 T-joint with fillet weld

Page 4 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

1.3.3 Direction of the arrow line When the butt welds are asymmetrical, the arrow line always points to the non-vertical flank of the joint, i.e. to the workpiece which requires groove preparation. Example see Fig. 7b. 1.3.4 Position of the symbol relative to the reference line The symbol is placed either above or below the reference line. - When the symbol is shown on the side of the solid reference line, the weld is on the arrow side of the joint (Fig. 5a). - When the symbol is shown on the side of the dashed reference line, the weld is on the opposite side of the joint (Fig. 5b). - When the welds are symmetrical, the dashed line is not used (Fig. 5c).

Fig. 5

a) weld, made from arrow side

b) weld, made from opposite side

c) only for symmetrical welds

1.3.5 Examples of application Fillet welds

Fig. 6a

Fig. 6b

Butt welds


Symbolic representation

Fig. 7a

Fig. 7b

For further application examples see DIN EN 22553 (ISO 2553).

Page 5 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

2 General tolerances
SMS Demag standard general tolerance classes are specified in tables 6 to 8 on the basis of DIN EN ISO 13920. Drawing indication is not required.

2.1 Linear dimensions

The tolerances stated in the table apply to linear dimensions (external dimensions, inside dimensions, stepped dimensions, widths and central lengths). Table 6 Linear dimensions Range of nominal dimensions Tolerance class 2 to 30 1 > 30 to 120 2 > 120 to 400 2 > 400 to 1000 3 > 1000 to 2000 4 > 2000 to 4000 6 > 4000 to 8000 8 > 8000 to 12000 10 > 12000 to 16000 12 > 16000 to 20000 14 > 20000


2.2 Straightness, flatness and parallelism

The tolerances stated in the table apply to the overall dimensions of a welded part, a welded assembly and to partial lengths. Table 7 Straightness, flatness and parallelism tolerances Range of nominal dimensions (length of longer side of the surface) Tolerance class > 30 to 120 1 > 120 to 400 1,5 > 400 to 1000 3 > 1000 to 2000 4,5 > 2000 to 4000 6 > 4000 to 8000 8 > 8000 to 12000 10 > 12000 to 16000 12 > 16000 to 20000 14 > 20000


2.3 Angular dimensions

The shorter leg of the angle is taken as reference leg for the tolerances of the angles. Its length can also be applied from a particular point of reference, which then has to be stated in the drawing (examples see figures 8 to 12).

Reference point Reference point

Reference point

Reference point

Reference point

Fig. 8

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

Fig. 12

For conversion of angular dimensions into linear dimensions for measuring purposes, the limit deviations of the angles are additionally indicated as tangent values. Table 8 Angular dimensions Range of nominal dimensions (length of shorter leg) Tolerance class Permissible deviations in degrees and minutes up to 400 B 45' > 400 to 1000 30' > 1000 to 400 20' 0,013 Permissible deviations as tangent values > 400 to 1000 0,009 > 1000 0,006

The maximum permissible deviation in mm can be calculated from the tangent value x of the length of the shorter leg.

Page 6 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

3 Execution of welding work

3.1 Demands made on the manufacturer of welded components The demands made on the manufacturer are split up as follows, on the basis of the legal regulations and the demands made on the components: 3.1.1 Equipment subject to construction-supervision regulations Table 9 Components Buildings subject to construction supervision (eg bays, chimneys) Machinery and equipment intended for the permanent presence of persons (e.g. control stands, casting platforms, stair towers) Place of manufacture worldwide Germany Place of use Germany outside Germany outside Germany Germany outside Germany outside Germany Europe Europe outside Europe outside outside Germany Europe DIN 18800 Demands on the maker

outside Germany

national regulations of user country DIN 18800 DIN 15018 national regulations of user country Directive 97/23/EC on pressure equipment national regulations of user country national regulations of user country

worldwide Cranes, lifting equipment and load-carrying equipment (e.g. C-hooks, dismantling beams, see also SN 195) Germany outside Germany worldwide Germany Pressure vessels Germany

The assignment to the range of equipment or buildings subject to construction supervision or to the Directive 97/23/EC on Pressure Equipment and to the Water Resources Management Law is shown on the drawings. 3.1.2 Equipment not subject to regulations of construction supervision Table 10 Components Quality of weld DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Demands on the maker Requirements to be fulfilled by the welding shop on the basis of DIN EN 729: Basic requirements - suitable welding equipment - proof of welders qualification acc. to DIN EN 287, in case of doubt, proof of qualification by trial welds - proof of filler-metal storage and handling in accordance with suppliers recommendations

Machinery and related equipment not subject to construction supervision (strand guide segments, shears, millstands, millstand platforms, converters, pipe lines)


Extended requirements - fulfillment of above-mentioned basic requirements - supervisory personnel for welding supervision as in DIN EN 719 - appropriate storage of base materials to maintain the B and C marking - prior to manufacture, proof of application/mastering of welding procedures acknowledged in DIN EN 288 - keeping available of welding and working instructions - use of personnel qualified acc. to DIN EN 473 for quality inspections If a manufacturing shop does not fulfill the above requirements, other national or international regulations or permits (e.g. ASME) can be accepted. Their equivalence must be proved by the contracting workshop before the beginning of manufacture.

Page 7 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09 3.2 Weld preparation, general

The type of weld preparation must be selected by the contracting workshop as required for the welding procedure applied. Deviations from the drawing indications are allowed provided that the specified weld depth and the weld quality requirements are fulfilled. Selection of weld preparation in accordance with DIN EN 29692 (ISO 9692), Tables 11 and 12. Deviations from DIN EN 29692 (ISO 9692) specifications:

If full material penetration is required, the indication shown below is made in the drawing at the weld concerned:
full penetration

3.3 Filler metals

All filler metals must be stored and handled with care and in compliance with DIN EN 1011-1, Item 8.2 and DIN EN 1011-2, Item 7.

3.4 Preheating
The welding areas must be preheated as required for the respective material composition. The minimum preheating temperature TP is determined on the basis of carbon equivalent CET as specified in SEW 086 and SEW 088. In the case of multi-pass welds, the terms minimum preheating temperature and minimum interpass temperature have the same meaning. These specifications apply to steel with CET = 0,5.
Mn + Mo



Cr + Cu 20

Ni 40


TP = 750 x CET 150 (C) Fig. 13 Minimum values of preheating temperature TP as a function of carbon equivalent CET.

Measuring of the preheat, interpass and preheat maintenance temperatures must be made in accordance with DIN EN ISO 13916.

3.5 Weld execution

3.5.1 Weld execution, general The surfaces in the weld area must be freed from scale, slag, rust, paint, oil, grease and humidity prior to assembling. To avoid stray currents and their effects (destruction of electric protective conductors etc.), the welding current return line must be connected direct to the workpiece to be welded or to the workpiece support (e.g. welding table, welding grid, assembly plates). Steel structures, rails, pipe lines, bars and similar objects must not be used as current conductors, unless they are the workpiece to be welded. Tack-welded areas must be at least 40 mm long. All cracks, lack-of-fusion spots and clusters of pores must be removed before welding over. If accessible, the roots of two-sided welds having full material penetration must be gouged, checked for absence of cracks and counterwelded. Unless otherwise specified in the drawing, weld seams must be closed around all corners. Exceptions to this are only ribs and webs as in Figure 18. Shrinkage stresses due to one-side welding-on of parts must be compensated by counterheating. In case of postweld heat treatment, the welding shop must open all hermetically closed hollows prior to annealing by applying a 10 mm round hole in a suitable place on the neutral axis, even if such measure is not expressly indicated in the drawing. Upon heat treatment, these round holes must closed again. When plates are welded on, a short section is left without weld and closed after heat treatment.

Table 11

Groove forms for butt welds

Page 8 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

Weld Workpiece thickness t

Weld groove design Dimensions Recommended welding process 3) (as in ISO 4063) Remarks

Key No.


Symbol (as in ISO 2553)



Angle 1) ,

Gap b


Root height c

Groove face height

t4 1.2 Square butt weld 3<t8



3 111 141


131 135 141

With weld pool backup


3 t 10

Single-V butt weld

40 60



With backup strip if required


5 t 40

Single-V butt weld with broad root face




111 131 135 141


t > 12

Single-U-butt weld

8 12



111 131 135 141


10 t 25

Single-bevel butt weld

35 60




SMS Demag stipulation

Table 11 continued

Weld Workpiece thickness t

Weld groove design Dimensions Recommended welding process 3) (as in ISO 4063) Remarks

Key No.


Symbol (as in ISO 2553)



Angle 1) ,

Gap 2) b

Root height c

Groove face height h


3 < t 10

Single-bevel butt weld

35 60



111 131 135 141


t > 16

Steep-flanked single-bevel butt weld

6 b 12 15 30 b 12 -

111 With weld pool backup 131 135


t > 16

Single-J butt weld (J-groove weld)

10 20



111 131 135 141

2.2 t 8 weld -

t 2

111 141 131 135

t 2

Page 9 SN 200 Part 4: 2003-09

60 2.3.3 t > 10 Double-V butt weld 40 60 1b3 c2

111 141 131 135

Table 11 continued

Page 10 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09


Weld groove design Dimensions Recommended welding process (as in ISO 4063) Remarks

Key No.

Workpiece thickness t


Symbol (as in ISO 2553)



Angle 1) , 1 60 2 60

Gap 2) b

Root height c

Groove face height h


t > 10

Asymmetric double-V butt weld

111 141 1b3 c2 h=

t 3
131 135

40 1 60 40 1 60


t 30

Double-U butt weld

8 12



tc 2

111 131 135 141

h= 2.4.4 t > 10 Double-bevel butt weld (K weld) 35 60 1b4 c2 or h=

t 2 t 3
111 131 135 141

This groove can also be asymmetric, similar to the asymmetric doubleV butt weld


t > 30

Double-J butt weld

10 20



111 131 135 141

Page 11 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09 Slot welding up to t1 = 10 above t1 = 10

half fill

min. 2 or 3

Fig. 13

Fig. 14

The slot width b depends upon the plate thicknesses t1 and t2 and the necessary weld junction, for t1 15 mm, b min. is 0,5 x t1, but at least 4 mm for t1 > 15 mm, b min. is 15 mm Plug weld Plug weld is allowed only for plate thicknesses t1 40 mm. Hole diameter d = t1, but at least 20 mm, with preparation as in Fig. 14. Weld thicknesses on butt welds, partly and fully bevelled welds The weld thickness of these weld types must correspond to the stated weld depth. For butt and fillet welds the max. weld reinforcement () is determined by the weld quality. With partly and fully bevelled welds the weld reinforcement () for single-bevel and double-bevel welds is determined to be 0 to 0.3 x weld depth (s) and for single-J, double-J and square-edge butt welds to be 0 to 0.2 x weld depth (s). (Fig. 15) Fig. 15 Weld thickness on fillet welds It is assumed that the weld is made as shown in Fig. 16. If the execution of the weld depends on the leg thickness (z), this thickness is indicated in the drawing with the letter z as shown in Fig. 17. e.g. z = 5

Fig. 16

Fig. 17

Contrary to DIN EN 22553 (ISO 2553), the indication (a) for fillet weld thicknesses is not made in SMS Demag drawings. Fillet welds are executed as set out below: Fillet welds on both sides a = 0,3 x smallest plate thickness; fillet welds on one side a = 0,6 x smallest plate thickness, but max. 12 mm. Dimension (a) depends upon the thinner of the parts to be joined and must not exceed 12 mm, above 12 mm must be made as partly or fully bevelled welds. If the inner joint of a two-sided seam is not accessible and cannot be welded, the design department must be consulted. Quality of weld; quality level for welding, general The quality of weld is specified in Table 16 in quality levels according to DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817). Unless otherwise specified in the drawing, quality level D is SMS Demag standard. The restrictions shown in Table 14 must be observed. Demand joints on plates and sections must be full penetration welds with quality level B, the quality of weld must be proved by ultrasonic or radiographic testing. Deposit welding Quality level D is SMS Demag standard, with restriction to the imperfections Nos. 1 to 5 and 8, see Table 16. The specifications of SN 402 must be complied with. 3.5.2 Weld execution for ferritic-austenitic weld joints Ferritic-austenitic weld joints are mixed joints established between structural unalloyed or structural alloy steels and austenitic chromium-nickel steels by welding with CrNi (Mn, Mo) filler metals. Mixed joints between steels and nickel or nickel alloys also count among the ferritic-austenitic weld joints because of the use of filler metals on nickel basis. Ferritic-austenitic weld joints must be established by welding in accordance with the specific regulations and with filler metals whose use is permitted for this combination.

Page 12 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09 3.6 Notches

Notches must be made as shown in figures 18 to 21. Dimension I or R in Table 12 is selected such that welding through underneath the bracing rib is possible. Weld seams must be closed around all corners even without express mention in the drawing: Table 12 - as shown in Fig. 18 for ribs and webs of 12 mm max. thickness; - as shown in Fig. 19 for ribs and webs above 12 mm; Plate thickness l=R - as shown in Figs. 20 and 21 for ribs and webs without notches, if of rib b = 100/200 mm. up to 12 25 For reasons of strength and in case of seal welding, ribs and webs of this above 12 up to 30 40 type shall be avoided. above 30 50

Fig. 18

Fig. 19

Fig. 20

Fig. 21

The types of notches are shown in the drawings without dimensioning.

3.7 Weld preparation on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: Pipelines, vessels

The weld preparation for butt welds (DIN 2559 Part 1) and corner welds is made as indicated in table 13. For edge misalignment on connections between differing pipe wall thicknesses, the values of the required quality level apply as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817), imperfection No. 18, related to the smaller wall thickness. If edge misalignment exceeds the admissible values, a conical transition 10 is required (DIN 2559, Parts 2 to 4). Table 13 Key No. Wall thickness Designation Symbol

Weld groove designs Section

Degree -

Dimensions Root opening


b 0 to 3

Root height c

Groove face height h -

up to 3

Square butt weld


up to 16

Single-V butt weld

40 to 60

0 to 4

up to 2

up to 25 3)

Single-Ubutt weld

0 to 3

2 3)

above 25

U-butt weld on V-root


0 to 3

all 3)

Single-bevel butt weld

all 3) (admissible only up to max. PN 25)

1) 2) 3)

Fillet weld

Additional symbols see DIN 1912. Dimensions apply to tack-welded condition. SMS Demag stipulation

Page 13 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09 3.8 Weld execution on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: pipelines, vessels
The surfaces in the weld area must be free from scale, slag, rust, paint, oil, grease and humidity prior to assembling of parts to be welded. Cracks, lack-of-fusion spots and clusters of pores must be removed before welding over. Welding spatter is not allowed on the inner walls of pipelines; it is recommended producing the root pass by TIG welding. The reduction of the pipe cross-section due to root reinforcement of the weld must not exceed 20 % on pipes 25 mm outside diameter and not exceed 15 % on pipes > 25 mm outside diameter, related to the cross-section of flow of the pipe (observe Table 16, No. 16). Compliance with the above shall be checked by visual inspection and, if necessary, excessive reinforcement shall be removed, e.g. by grinding. All welds in the interiors of vessels and chambers must be continuous welds. The pipes of conduits in stainless and acid-resistant steels according to DIN 17456, DIN 17457, DIN 17458 must be flooded with forming gas (e.g. N = 90%, H = 10%) both during tack-welding and welding of the root pass (observe DVS-Merkblatt = DVS Reference Sheet 0937). The so-called forming gases remove the oxygen in the air from the heated weld areas and thus prevent oxidation. They also have a favourable effect on root geometry and surface quality and prevent the formation of pores. 3.8.1 Fluid-carrying steel components Unless otherwise specified in the drawing, butt welds shall be full penetration welds. All corner joints up to PN 25 bar must be made at least as fillet welds, over PN 25 bar, as single-bevel butt welds. In case of postweld heat treatment, the welding shop must open all hermetically closed hollows prior to annealing by applying a 10 mm round hole in a suitable place on the neutral axis, even if such measure is not expressly indicated in the drawing. Upon heat treatment, these round holes must closed again. Shrinkage stresses due to one-side welding-on of parts must be compensated by counterheating. 3.8.2 Fluid-carrying components in stainless and acid-resistant steels Unless otherwise specified in the drawing, all weld seam joints shall be full penetration welds. Corrosion probability of stainless and acid-resistant steels in the areas which are in contact with water can be kept low when structure and finish are free of gaps. A gap width over 0.5 mm and a gap depth of less than half the gap width can generally be regarded as uncritical (DIN 50930 Part 4).

3.9 Quality of weld, quality level on fluid-carrying components, e.g.: pipelines, vessels
The quality of weld is specified in quality levels as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817), see Table 16. Unless otherwise specified in the drawing, quality level D is SMS Demag standard. The restrictions shown in Table 15 must be observed.

4 Postweld heat treatment

4.1 Postweld heat treatment, general
Any postweld heat treatment (e.g. stress relieving anneal) required for functional reasons shall be indicated in the drawing by the designer. Heat treatments required due to the manufacturing sequence (e.g. remachining) shall be arranged for by the contracting workshop. Heat treatments required from a welding viewpoint shall be performed in the own responsibility of the manufacturing shop. The use of relieving methods other than stress relieving anneal (e.g. vibratory stress relief) shall be previously agreed with SMS Demag. Heat treatments on quenched and tempered steels must take place at temperatures 20 to 30 K below the tempering temperature. The contracting workshop shall obtain information on the tempering temperature used for the material. All heat treatments must be proved by annealing diagrams with certificates as in DIN EN 10204 2.3 or 3.1.B.

Page 14 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

General remarks on stress relieving anneal for material groups S 235 and S 355 The annealing temperature shall be between 550 C and 600 C, for S355 (St52) max. 580 C. The heating rate shall not exceed 50 C per hour. The holding time shall be at least 1 minute for each 1 mm of workpiece thickness (120 minutes for 120 mm thickness). The cooling rate shall not exceed 50 C per hour.

4.2 Postweld heat treatment of stainless steel

4.2.1 Non-stabilised austenitic steels such as 1.4301 X4CrNi 18 - 10 1.4401 X4CrNiMo 17 12 - 2 1.4436 X3CrNiMo 17 13 - 3

must never be heat treated after welding.

4.2.2 Stabilised austenitic steels such as 1.4541 X6CrNiTi 18 - 10 1.4550 X6CrNiNb 18 - 10 1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi 17 12 - 2 1.4580 X6CrNiMoNb 17 12 - 2

shall remain without postweld heat treatment whenever possible. If heat treatment cannot be avoided, it shall take place only after previous agreement with our specialist department (for example 750 C / holding time 1 hour / quick cooling down).

4.2.3 Postweld heat treatment of so-called low carbon steels such as 1.4306 X2CrNi 19 - 11 1.4404 X2CrNiMo 17 12 - 2 1.4435 X2CrNiMo 18 14 - 3

shall be avoided. If heat treatment cannot be avoided, it shall take place only after previous agreement with our specialist department (for example 750 C / holding time 1 hour / quick cooling down). 4.2.4 Postweld heat treatment of ferritic-austenitic weld joints must take place only in exceptional cases. If a component for which stress-relieving anneal is required has to be provided with non-detachable parts in stainless-steel, welding-on or in of these parts must take place only after annealing.

5 Filler metal
The contents in alloy elements of the filler metal must be generally the same as or higher than those of the base material and must be approved through suitability testing. Exact information on the properties of suitable filler metals can be found for example in: DIN EN 440 DIN EN 499 DIN EN 1600 DIN EN 12536 Wire electrodes and deposits for gas-shielded arc welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels Welding consumables; Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creep-resisting steels; Classification

Page 15 SN 200 Part 4: 2003-09

6 Inspection
Type and extent of inspection of welded parts are specified by this Part 4 of SN 200 or by drawing indications. The inspections must be carried out by the welding shop. If intermediate inspection is specified, this obliges the contracting welding shop to make a report to our Quality Inspection Department for the purpose of inspection. Dimensions having closer tolerances than the general tolerances stated in section 2 require documentation of the inspection stating desired and actual dimensions. Pressure or leak tests must be documented stating kind of test, test pressure, testing time and pressure medium. If there is no suitable method of non-destructive testing to prove quality of the weld and flow, our department of quality inspection (acceptance inspector) reserves the right to sever the pipelines at a suitable point for inspection of the welds which are no longer visible after installation. Visual inspections are made as specified in DIN EN 970. Ultrasonic testing is carried out as in DIN EN 1712, 1713 and 1714. Radiographic examinations are carried out as in DIN EN 12517 and 1435. Magnetic-particle inspections are carried out as in DIN EN 1290 and 1291. Dye-penetrant inspections are made as specified in DIN EN 1289. All inspections must be certified in a document as in DIN EN 10204, 2.3, or 3.1.B.

6.1 Inspection of load-bearing welds with partial or full material penetration

These specifications apply to load-bearing welds for which the drawing indicates welding without full material penetration. The inspection serves in particular the purpose of proving the admissible imperfections as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817). 5 % of all load-bearing welds without full material penetration must be inspected. If no objections are found, the extent of inspection may be reduced upon previous consultation with our department of quality inspection. The welds must be inspected at the front side at a depth corresponding to weld depth + 5 mm (s + 5 mm) using the magneticparticle method. Inspection is by partial grinding of the seam prior to closing at the front side, if necessary, closed welds must be opened for inspection at the front side. The specifications made can be applied analogously to welds with full material penetration in case non-destructive testing is impossible or possible only in part because of insufficient accessibility.

On lifting devices which are welded to the workpiece crack detection is carried out on the weld seam and in the heat-affected zone. extent of inspection = 100 % Evaluation according to quality level C.

Page 16 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

6.1.1 Inspection directions for the quality levels of welds, general Table 14 Quality level as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Cons. No. as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Drawing indication required Proof of quality required
without full material penetration

stringent B all yes yes yes 25 % 4)

intermediate C all yes yes yes - 10 % 4) only in exceptional cases 3

moderate D SMS Demag standard all no no (see 6.1) yes ---

Visual inspection Required inspections and testing 2) Ultrasonic testing Crack detection Pressure test Leak test

Cons. No. as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Drawing indication required

with full material 1) penetration

all yes yes yes 50 % 25 %


all, but 9 acc. to B yes yes yes 25 % 10 %


all, but 8 and 9 acc. to B yes yes yes 25 % --

Proof of quality required Visual inspection Required inspections and testing 2) Ultrasonic testing Crack detection Pressure test Leak test

only in exceptional cases 3)

6.2 Testing directions for the quality levels of welds on fluid-carrying components
Table 15 Quality level as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Cons. No. as in DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) Execution for PN of Drawing indication required Proof of quality required Visual inspection Nondestructive testing Required 5) e.g. radiographing inspections and 2) testing Pressure test Leak test stringent B all

intermediate C all > 25 bar yes yes yes 10 % only in exceptional cases

yes yes yes 25 %

moderate D SMS Demag standard all, but 9 acc. to B 25 bar no no yes --

If full material penetration is required, this is indicated in the drawing as a note at the respective weld seam. (see item 3.2) The evaluation criteria for visual inspection and crack detection are DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) and DVS 0703. Testing methods as in the respective DIN and AD reference sheets (DIN und AD-Merkblatt). In case of doubt, testability must be clarified with our department of quality inspection. The percentage indication of the extent of testing refers to the length of each individual weld seam. 3) Pressure or leak testing is compulsory when: - components consist of several separate chambers or hollow spaces. The test is made on each individual chamber or hollow space. - weld seams have undergone machining. Upon previous consultation with our department of quality inspection, crack detection can be carried out instead of leak testing. For all other weld seams on components pressure or leak tests are not required provided the welds have been properly executed in the demanded quality. 4) On lifting devices which are welded to the workpiece 100% crack detection is carried out on the weld seam and in the heataffected zone. 5) Radiographing can be replaced by equivalent methods of testing of the internal condition. These tests are required only if the contracting workshop has not secured and documented the qualification of its personnel by suitable statistical methods and procedures. Approval by SMS Demag is required before beginning of manufacture.


Page 17 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

7 Guideline for the quality levels of imperfections (excerpt from DIN EN 25817)
(ISO 5817)
Table 16 Limits for imperfections No. 1 2 3 Imperfection Designation Crack Crater crack Porosity and gas pores Reference No. as in Remarks DIN EN ISO 6520-1 100 All kinds of cracks, except microcracks (h x l < 1 mm2), crater cracks see No. 2 104 2011 The following conditions and limits for imperfections 2012 shall be fulfilled: 2014 a) Max. dimension of the summation of the 2017 projected or surface crack area of the imperfection b) Max. diimension of a single pore for - butt welds - fillet welds b) Max. diimension of a single pore 2013 The total pore area within the cluster should be summed and calculated as a percentage of the greater of the two areas: an envelope surrounding all the pores or a circle with a diameter corresponding to the weld width. The permitted porous area should be local. The possiblity of masking other imperfections should be taken into consideration. The following conditions and limits for imperfections shall be fulfilled: a) Max. dimension of the summation of the projected or surface crack area of the imperfection b) Max. dimension of a single pore for - butt welds - fillet welds c) Max. dimension for localized clustered porosity 2015 2016 Long imperfections for - butt welds - fillet welds Max. dimension for elongated cavities, wormholes Short imperfections for - butt welds - fillet welds Max. dimension for elongated cavities, wormholes Limits for the imperfections for quality levels moderate D intermediate C Not permitted Permitted Not permitted stringent B

4% d 0,5 s d 0,5 a 5 mm

2% d 0,4 s d 0,4 a 4 mm

1% d 0,3 s d 0,3 a 3 mm

Localized (clustered) porosity

16 % d 0,5 s d 0,5 a 4 mm h 0,5 s h 0,5 a 2 mm h 0,5 s h 0,5 a 4 mm or not greater than thickness h 0,5 s h 0,5 a 2 mm h 0,5 s h 0,5 a 4 mm or not greater than thickness Permitted, but only when interrupted and not reaching to surface

8% d 0,4 s d 0,4 a 3 mm

4% d 0,3 s d 0,3 a 2 mm Not permitted h 0,3 s h 0,3 a 2 mm or not greater than thickness

Elongated cavities, wormholes

Not permitted h 0,4 s h 0,4 a 3 mm or not greater than thickness

Solid inclusions (except copper)


Long imperfections for - butt welds - fillet welds Max. dimension for solid inclusions Short imperfections for - butt welds - fillet welds Max. dimension for solid inclusions

Not permitted h 0,4 s h 0,4 a 3 mm or not greater than thickness Not permitted

Not permitted h 0,3 s h 0,3 a 2 mm or not greater than thickness

7 8

Copper inclusions Lack of fusion

3042 401

Not permitted

continued overleaf

Page 18 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

Table 16 (continued) No. 9 Imperfection designation Lack of penetration Reference No. as in DIN EN ISO 6520-1 402 Limits for the imperfections for quality levels Remarks nominal penetration
actual penetration

moderate D

intermediate C

stringent B Not permitted

Long imperfections: Not permitted Short imperfections:

Fig. A

h 0,2 s, max. 2 mm

h 0,1 s, max. 1,5 mm

nom. penetration actual penetration Fig. B actual penetration nom. penetration Fig. C 10 Bad fit-up, fillet welds __ Excessive or insufficient gap between the parts to be joined. h 1 mm + 0,3 a, max. 4 mm h 0,5 mm + 0,2 a, max. 3 mm h 0,5 mm + 0,1 a, max. 2 mm

11 Weld undercut

5011 5012

Gaps exceeding the permitted limit may be compensated in certain cases by a weld of corresponding additional thickness. Smooth transition is required.

h 1,5 mm

h 1,0 mm

h 0,5 mm

12 Excess weld metal


Smooth transition is required.

h 1 mm + 0,25 b, max. 10 mm

h 1 mm + 0,15 b, max. 7 mm

h 1 mm + 0,1 b, max. 5 mm

13 Excess convexity


actual weld thickness nominal weld thickness

h 1 mm + 0,25 b, max. 5 mm

h 1 mm + 0,15 b, max. 4 mm

h 1 mm + 0,1 b, max. 3 mm

continued overleaf

Page 19 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

Table 16 (continued) No. 14 Imperfection designation Fillet weld having a throat thickness greater than the nominal value Reference No. as in DIN EN ISO 6520-1 __ Remarks For many applications a throat thickness greater than the nominal one may not be a reason for rejection. actual weld nominal weld Limits for the imperfections for quality levels moderate D h 1mm + 0,3a, max. 5 mm intermediate C h 1mm + 0,2a, max. 4 mm stringent B h 1mm + 0,15a, max. 3 mm


Fillet weld having a throat thickness smaller than the nominal value


A fillet weld with an apparent throat thickness smaller than that prescribed should not be regarded as being imperfect if the actual throat thickness with a compensating greater depth of penetration complies with the nominal value. nominal weld actual weld

Long imperfections: Not permitted Short imperfections: h 0,3 mm + 0,1 a max. 2 mm max. 1 mm

Not permitted


Excessive penetration


h 1mm + 1,2b, max. 5 mm

h 1mm + 0,6b, max. 4 mm

h 1mm + 0,3b, max. 3 mm


Local protrusion Linear misalignment



Occasional local excess permitted



The limits relate to deviations from the correct position. Unless otherwise specified, the position is correct when the centerlines of the parts coincide. t refers to the smaller thickness. Fig. A Plates and longitudinal welds h 0,25 t, max. 5 mm h 0,15 t, max. 4 mm h 0,1 t, max. 3 mm

Fig. A Fig. B - Circumferential welds h 0,5 t max. 4 mm max. 3 mm max. 2 mm

Fig. B continued overleaf

Page 20 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09

Table 16 (continued) No. 19 Imperfection designation Incompletely filled groove Sagging Reference No. as in DIN EN ISO 6520-1 511 509 h 0,2 t, max. 2 mm 20 Excessive asymmetry of fillet welds 512 It is assumed that an asymmetric fillet weld has not been expressly prescribed. h 2mm+0,2a Limits for the imperfections for quality levels Remarks Smooth transition is required. moderate D intermediate C Long imperfections: Not permitted Short imperfections: h 0,1 t, max. 1 mm h 2mm+0,15a h 0,05 t, max. 0,5 mm h1,5mm+0,15a stringent B


Root concavity Shrinkage groove

515 5013

Smooth transition is required.

h 1,5 mm

h 1,0 mm

h 0,5 mm




Short imperfections permitted Permitted

Not permitted Not permitted

23 24

Poor restart Stray flash or arc strike

517 601

Acceptance may be influenced by post treatment. Acceptance depends on type of parent material with particular reference to crack sensitivity. Acceptance depends upon applications. For thicknesses s or a 10 mm special consideration may be necessary. Maximum total height of short imperfections h 0,25s or 0,25a, max. 10 mm 0,2s or 0,2a, max. 10 mm 0,15s or ,15a, max. 10 mm

25 26

Welding spatter Multiple imperfections in any crosssection 1)

602 __

h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 = h

h1 + h2 + h3 + h4 + h5 + h6 = h

Page 21 SN 200 Part 4 : 2003-09 Explanations on Table 16:

Fillet weld thickness, a; desired weld thickness: Height of the biggest isosceles triangle which can be inscribed in the weld section (see DIN EN 22553/ISO 2553). NOTE 1: For countries in which the leg length z is used for dimensioning a fillet weld, the limits for the imperfections should be changed such that they refer to the leg length. Butt weld thickness, s: Shortest distance from the top side of the part to the bottom of the penetration, this distance cannot be greater than the thickness of the thinner part (see DIN EN 22553/ISO 2553). Short imperfections: One or more imperfections of a total length of max. 25 mm, related to each 100 mm of weld length, or of a max. length of 25% of the total length of a weld seam which is shorter than 100 mm. Long imperfections: One or more imperfections of a total length above 25 mm, related to 100 mm of weld length, or of a min. length of 25 % of the total length of a weld seam which is shorter than 100 mm. Short designations a desired fillet-weld thickness b width of weld reinforcement d pore diameter h dimension of the imperfection (height and width) l length of the imperfection s nominal butt-weld thickness or, in the case of partial penetration, the specified depth of penetration t pipe-wall or plate thickness z desired leg length of fillet welds (with isosceles-rectangular section) z = a 2

Referenced standards

AD Merkblatt HP 5.3 (AD Reference Sheet HP 5.3) joints DIN 2559 Parts 1-4 DIN 15018 DIN 17456 DIN 17457 DIN 17458 DIN 18800 Part 1 DIN 18800 Part 7 DIN 50930 Part 4 DIN EN 287-1 DIN EN 288 Parts 1 to 9 DIN EN 440 DIN EN 473 DIN EN 499 DIN EN 719 DIN EN 729 DIN EN 970 DIN EN 1011-1 DIN EN 1011-2 DIN EN 1289 DIN EN 1290 DIN EN 1291 DIN EN 1435

Manufacture and testing of joints Non-destructive testing of welded

Preparation of welds Cranes; principles relating to steel structures; verification and analyses General purpose seamless circular stainless steel tubes Welded circular austenitic stainless steel tubes subject to special requirements Seamless circular austenitic stainless steel tubes subject to special requirements Structural steelwork, design and construction Steel structures, fabrication, verification of qualification for welding Corrosion of metals; corrosion of metallic materials inside of tubes, tanks and apparatus under corrosion load by water Approval testing of welders, fusion welding Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials

Wire electrodes and deposits for gas-shielded metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine-grain steels Qualification and certification of NDT personnel; general principles Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of non-alloy and fine grain steels Welding coordination - tasks and responsibilities Quality requirements for welding, fusion welding of metallic materials Non-destructive examination of fusion welds Visual examination Welding; Recommendations for welding of metallic materials General guidance for arc welding Welding; Recommendations for welding of metallic materials Arc welding of ferritic steels Non-destructive examination of welds, penetrant testing of welds Non-destructive examination of welds, magnetic particle examination of welds Non-destructive examination of welds - Magnetic particle examination of welds Acceptance levels Non-destructive testing of welds - Radiographic testing of welded joints

Page 22 SN 200 Part 4: 2003-09

DIN EN 1600 DIN EN 1712 DIN EN 1713 DIN EN 1714 DIN EN 10204 DIN EN 12062 DIN EN 12517 DIN EN 12536 DIN EN 22553 (ISO 2553) DIN EN 25817 (ISO 5817) DIN EN ISO DIN EN ISO DIN EN ISO DIN EN ISO 4063 6520-1 9001 9692-1 Welding consumables, covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints Acceptance levels Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination Characterization of indications in welds Non-destructive examination of welds - Ultrasonic examination of welded joints Metallic products; types of inspection documents Non-destructive examination of welds General rules for metallic materials Non-destructive examination of welds - Radiographic examination of welded joints Acceptance levels Welding consumables; Rods for gas welding of non alloy and creep-resisting steels; Classification Welded, brazed and soldered joints; symbolic representation on drawings Arc-welded joints in steel; guideline for the quality levels of imperfections.

Welding and allied processes; Nomenclature of processes and reference numbers Welding and allied processes, classification of geometric imperfections in metallic materials Quality management systems; Requirements Metal-arc welding with covered electrode, gas-shielded metal-arc welding and gas welding; joint preparations for steel DIN EN ISO 9692-2 Welding and allied processes; Joint preparation; Submerged arc welding of steel DIN EN ISO 9692-3 Welding and allied processes; Recommendations for joint preparation; Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys DIN EN ISO 13920 Welding, general tolerances for welded constructions Dimensions for lengths and angles, shape and position00 SN 402 SEW 086 SEW 088 Deposit welding on non-alloy and alloy high-temperature ferritic steels, preheating for welding on weldable fine-grained structural steels, guidelines for processing, in particular for fusion welding

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 5

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions laid down in this standard apply to all workpieces produced by machining on the basis of SMS Demag drawings unless other instructions are given in drawings or other manufacturing documentation.

Table of contents


1 Surface condition.....................................................................................................................................................2 1.1 General .............................................................................................................................................................2 1.2 Selection of measured variables of surface roughness comparative table .........................................................2 1.3 Symbols for indication of surface roughness .......................................................................................................2 1.4 Positions of surface indications at the symbol .....................................................................................................3 1.5 SMS Demag stipulations ....................................................................................................................................3 1.6 Indication of surface lay......................................................................................................................................3 2 General tolerances as in DIN ISO 2768 Parts 1 and 2..............................................................................................4 2.1 Lengths, angles, radii of curvature and chamfer heights .....................................................................................4 2.1.1 Field of application.............................................................................................................................................4 2.1.2 Degree of accuracy............................................................................................................................................4 2.1.3 Linear dimensions..............................................................................................................................................4 2.1.4 Radii of curvature and chamfer heights (bevels)..................................................................................................4 2.1.5 Angle dimensions (inclination) ............................................................................................................................5 2.2 Form and location tolerances .............................................................................................................................5 2.2.1 Field of application .............................................................................................................................................5 2.2.2 Degree of accuracy............................................................................................................................................5 2.2.3 Tolerances on shape..........................................................................................................................................5 Flatness and straightness...................................................................................................................................5 Roundness, cylindricity, line and surface tolerances ............................................................................................5 2.2.4 Tolerances of location ........................................................................................................................................5 Parallelism.........................................................................................................................................................5 Perpendicularity .................................................................................................................................................5 Inclination (angularity) ........................................................................................................................................5 Symmetry ..........................................................................................................................................................5 Coaxiality...........................................................................................................................................................5 Run ...................................................................................................................................................................5 Tolerances for hole-center distances and hole-circle diameters ...........................................................................6 3 General manufacturing instructions........................................................................................................................7 3.1 Free choice of tool .............................................................................................................................................7 3.2 Surface finish.....................................................................................................................................................8 3.3 Workpiece edge.................................................................................................................................................8 3.4 Thread...............................................................................................................................................................8 3.4.1 Thread tolerance for metric ISO thread (selection series SN 152) ......................................................................8 3.4.2 Thread runout/thread undercut ...........................................................................................................................8 3.5 Roller burnishing and deep-rolling ......................................................................................................................8 4 Inspection.................................................................................................................................................................9 4.1 Inspection of surface condition, measuring conditions .........................................................................................9 4.2 Inspection of dimensions, requirements on measuring devices ............................................................................9 5 Tolerancing of form and location (abridged version) ..............................................................................................10 5.1 General ...........................................................................................................................................................10 5.2 Entries in drawings...........................................................................................................................................10 5.3 Symbols with detailed definitions ......................................................................................................................12 6 Tolerances and limit deviations for linear dimensions from 1 to 10,000 mm .......................................................14 6.1 Field of application and purpose .......................................................................................................................14 6.2 General ...........................................................................................................................................................14 6.3 Designation of tolerance series.........................................................................................................................14 6.4 Fundamental tolerances...................................................................................................................................14 6.5 Limit deviations for shafts (nominal dimension range up to 3150 mm).............................................................15 6.6 Limit deviations for holes (nominal dimension range up to 3150 mm).............................................................16 6.7 Limit deviations for shafts (nominal dimension range over 3150 mm to 10,000 mm)........................................17 6.8 Limit deviations for holes (nominal dimension range over 3150 mm to 10,000 mm)........................................17

This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

Referenced standards ................................................................................................................... 17

Continued on pages 2 to 17

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1 Surface condition
1.1 General
Indication of surface condition in drawings is made as specified in DIN EN ISO 1302 (see item 1.4), but with certain restrictions. The preferred measured variable indicated in the drawing is the arithmetical average peak-to-valley height Ra, but only the roughness value itself (see tables 1 and 2). All other measured roughness variables are indicated in the drawing.

1.2 Selection of measured variables of surface roughness comparative table

Table 1 Selection of measured variables of surface roughness comparative table DIN EN ISO 1302 Ra m 50 25 12,5 6,3 3,2 2,5 1,6 0,8 0,4 0,2 0,1 Ra inch 2000 1000 500 250 125 100 63 32 16 8 4 Rz m 160 100 63 40 25 16 12,5 6,3 2,5 1,6 1 Roughness class N 12 N 11 N 10 N 9 N 8 -N 7 N 6 N 5 N 4 N 3

The shaded boxes show SMS Demag standard values.

1.3 Symbols for indication of surface roughness

Table 2 Symbol Meaning

Basic symbol. Supplementary information required for definition Surface produced by any process within the average peak-to-valley height of Ra 3,2 m Surface must be produced by metal-cutting process (machining), no specification of average peak-to-valley height. Surface must be produced by metal-cutting process (machining) within the average peak-to-valley height of Ra 3,2 m No working, surface remains in the as-delivered condition.

1.4 Positions of surface indications at the symbol

Table 3 a = roughness value Ra in m b = manufacturing process, surface treatment c = reference length d = groove direction e = machining allowance f = other measured roughness variables, e.g. Rz, Rmax indications only if indispensable for functional reasons. SMS Demag standard indication, contrary to DIN EN ISO 1302

Page 3 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 1.5 Indication of surface lay

Table 4 Symbol Meaning Illustration

Grooves parallel to plane of projection of view in which symbol is used.

direction of lay

Grooves perpendicular to plane of projection of view in which symbol is used.

direction of lay

Grooves crossed in two oblique relative to plane of projection of view in which symbol is used.

direction of lay

Multidirectional grooves.

Grooves approximately circular relative to center of surface to which the symbol applies.

Grooves approximately radial to center of surface to which symbol applies.

1.6 SMS Demag stipulations

Table 5 Symbol Meaning Machining after welding-in or welding-on. (Machining allowance required.) Note: Use only for detailed torch-cut parts. Example of drawing indication

Machining before welding-in or welding-on. (Machining allowance required.)

a = roughness value Ra in m

Free choice of tool (see 3.1).


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2 General tolerances
The general tolerances specified in DIN ISO 2768, Parts 1 and 2, are based on international stipulations. This DIN ISO standard does not fully cover the national regulations in force so far, for this reason, all differing data have been taken from DIN 7168 and are shown against shaded background.

2.1 Lengths, angles, radii of curvature and chamfer heights

2.1.1 Field of application General tolerances as in DIN ISO 2768-1 and DIN 7168 for lengths, angles, radii of curvature and chamfer heights are applied to parts manufactured by machining. They apply to dimensions without tolerance indication between two machined surfaces of a part made of any metallic material, provided that no material-specifically required general tolerances are stipulated in other specifications or standards. For dimensions between an unmachined surface and a machined surface of a part, for which no individual tolerance is indicated, half the general tolerances specified in the corresponding standard for cast, torch-cut and forged parts are applicable. Dimension shown in brackets are not required for the geometrical determination (manufacture) of a part. General tolerances apply to the following: - linear dimensions such as outside, inside, stepped dimensions, diameters, distances (see table 6), - radii of curvature and chamfer heights (bevels; see table 7); - angles, whether indicated or not normally indicated like angles of equal-sided polygons (see table 8); - Length and angle dimensions resulting from machining of jointed parts. General tolerances do not apply to the following: - auxiliary dimensions shown in brackets as in DIN 406 Part 11; - theoretical dimensions enclosed in rectangles according to DIN ISO 1101; - hole-center distances, hole-circle diameters (see table 13); - non-indicated right angles between lines that form axes of coordinates; - length and angle dimensions resulting from jointing/assembling. 2.1.2 Degree of accuracy General tolerances are subject to degree of accuracy

DIN ISO 2768 - m

2.1.3 Linear dimensions Upper and lower deviations for linear dimensions. Indications relating to sawing are SMS Demag specific stipulations. Table 6 Degree of accuracy 0,5 to 6 m (medium) Sawing

>6 to 30 0,2 1

> 30 to 120 0,3

Limit deviations for nominal dimension ranges > 120 > 400 > 1000 > 2000 > 4000 > 8000 to to to to to to 400 1000 2000 4000 8000 12000 0,5 0,8 1,2 2 2 3 3 4

> 12000 > 16000 to to 16000 20000 5 6


2.1.4 Radii of curvature and chamfer heights (bevels) Upper and lower limits for radii of curvature and chamfer heights (bevels) Table 7 Limit deviations for nominal dimension ranges Degree of accuracy 0,5 1) to 3 0,2 > 3 to 6 0,5 > 6 to 30 1 > 30 to 120 2 > 120 to 400 4

m (medium)

Values in shaded boxes correspond to those of DIN 7168.


Permissible deviations for nominal dimensions smaller than 0,5 mm are shown at the nominal dimension.

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2.1.5 Angle dimensions (inclination) Table 8 Degree of accuracy up to 10 m (medium) Tangent values for lubrication holes c (coarse) Tangent values 1 0,0175 1 30' 0,0262 Limit deviations in angle units for nominal dimension ranges of the shorter leg > to 10 50 > to 50 120 > to 120 400 > 400 0 5' 0,0015 0 10' 0,0029

0 30' 0,0087 1 0,0175

0 20' 0,0058 0 30' 0,0087

0 10' 0,0029 0 15' 0,0044

The maximum permissible deviation in mm follows from tangent value multiplied by length of shorter leg. Any smaller angular tolerance required must be indicated in the drawing.

2.2 Form and location tolerances

2.2.1 Field of application General tolerances for form and location as in DIN ISO 2768-2 are applicable to parts manufactured by machining. They are also applied to individually toleranced dimensions or dimensions toleranced in accordance with ISO tolerance system, unless they are overruled by drawing indication as specified in DIN ISO 1101. 2.2.2 Degree of accuracy Tolerances of form and location are subject to degree of accuracy

DIN ISO 2768 - H

2.2.3 Tolerances on shape Flatness and straightness General tolerances of flatness and straightness are given in Table 9. Roundness, cylindricity, line and surface tolerances The tolerances of shape are limited by the dimensional tolerance areas defined by the dimensional tolerances including the general tolerances of the workpiece shape elements in question. 2.2.4 Tolerances of location Parallelism The permissible position tolerances with respect to parallelism are limited by the tolerance assigned to the distance between the parallel lines or surfaces. Perpendicularity General tolerances with respect to perpendicularity are stated in Table 10. Table 9 Tolerance class H General tolerances for straightness and flatness for nominal dimension ranges up to 10 0,02 > 10 to 30 0,05 > 30 to 100 0,1 > 100 to 300 0,2 > 300 > 1000 to to 1000 3000 0,3 0,4

Table 10 Tolerance class H Perpendicularity tolerance for nominal dimension ranges for the shorter angle leg up to 100 0,2 > 100 to 300 0,3 > 300 to 1000 0,4 > 1000 to 3000 0,5 Inclination (angularity) General tolerances for iclination (angularity are stated in Table 8. Symmetry The general tolerance for shape elements without rotational symmetry is given in Table 11. The general tolerance also applies if one of the symmetrical shape elements possesses rotational symmetry and the other does not (e.g. cardan-shaft heads and sockets).

Table 11 Tolerance class H Symmetry tolerances 0,5 Coaxiality General tolerances relating to coaxiality have not been specified. In the extreme case they are allowed to be as high as the radial and axial runout tolerances given in Table 12. Run General tolerances for radial runout and axial runout are limited by the permissible tolerance specified in Table 12. Table 12 Tolerance class H Runout tolerance 0,1

Page 6 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 Tolerances for hole-center distances and hole-circle diameters The tolerances shown in Table 13 are to be understood as position tolerances as in DIN ISO 1101 and are applicable to nontoleranced hole-center distances and hole-circle diameters. The indication of position tolerances preclude the summation of tolerances resulting from production. This means that the distances between individual holes represent theoretically precise coordinate dimensions without deviations, the intersections of which define tolerance cylinders corresponding to the tolerances shown in Table 13. Table 13 Thread size Through-hole for mechanical engineering Through-hole for sturctural steel engineering M4 M5 M6 M8 M10 M12 M16 M20 M24 M30 M36 M42 M48 M56 M64 M72 M80 M90 M100

4,5 5,5


11 13,5 17,5 22













12 14,5 18,5 24















Location tolerance

for tap hole

for through-hole

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3 General manufacturing instructions

3.1 Free choice of tool
Rounded or oblique surfaces, keyways, bore mouths and end faces for recesses are produced as required for the tool contour. The necessary drawing indication is made as shown in the following examples. Table 14 Situation Curvatures and chamfers on turned and milled parts Possible tool contours: Drawing indication required


Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3 Fig. 4 (with indication of functional dimensions)


or Fig. 5 Fig. 6 Fig. 7 Fig. 8 .

Drilling tool runout Examples of drilling tool runouts:

Fig. 9

Fig. 10

Fig. 11

End faces of countersinks Milling of one joint countersink area for several individual countersinks is allowed. Below are some examples of end faces:

Fig. 12 Choice of drilling tool for stepped holes Unless otherwise detailed in drawings, it is left to the manufacturer's discretion to produce stepped (or, as an alternative, smooth) holes depending upon the drilling tool available. G 3/4x16 / 11-22x1200

G 3/4x16/ 11-22x1200

Page 8 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 3.2 Surface finish

SMS Demag standard surface finish without drawing indication. Indications shown in Table 15 are also valid when the summarising symbol is shown. Table 15 Linear dimensions referring to surfaces without indication of roughness variables (e.g. surfaces produced by sawing) Holes up to dia 40, oblong holes, keeper plate slots Premachined parts, weld-in parts Screw contact faces - on rolled plate - on other surfaces of blanks - on countersinks for screws Undercuts, chamfers, threads, thread undercuts, keyseats, keyways and oil grooves, end faces of stationary sealing surfaces, grooves for retaining rings Radii or curvatures and chamfers on: inner curvatures of the finer adjoining surface, outer curvatures of the coarser adjoining surface. chamfers of the coarser adjoining surface.

3.3 Workpiece edge

All workpiece edges which are inevitably produced by metal-cutting working must be deburred in accordance with DIN ISO 13715. for outer edges: for inner edges:

free from burrs up to 0.3

transition up to 0.3

3.4 Threads
3.4.1 Thread tolerance for metric ISO thread (selection series SN 152) Thread tolerance class as in DIN ISO 965-1: medium (m) Tolerance zone as in DIN ISO 965-1: 6g for pin Tolerance zone as in DIN ISO 965-1: 6h for nut From thread size M64, drawing indication is required. 3.4.2 Thread runout/thread undercut The normal cases as in DIN 76 Parts 1 and 2 are applicable to all thread runouts and thread undercuts.

3.5 Roller burnishing and deep-rolling

The difference between the two processes consists mainly in their purposes. The purpose of roller burnishing is the producing of the prescribed surface roughness. Deep-rolling is a proven process for surface hardening by mechanical treatment. It makes use of the combination of three physical effects that take place at the same time. Residual compressive stress Increase of strength by shaping Smoothing by removal of roughness Premachining: - preferably by turning, boring, inside turning or reaming with angular reamer, - less suitable procedures are grinding, honing, reaming with multiple-edged reamers, and milling. Deep-rolling requires permanent control of the working parameters in the process. (rolling force, feed rate, speed and geometry). Table 16 Roller burnishing and deep-rolling Roller burnishing Deep rolling (surface smoothing) Hardening of surface (increase of local surface strength by approx. 30%) Drawing indication required roller burnish deep-rolled It is recommended peforming roller burnishing or deep-rolling at the end of metal-cutting shaping in one setup on the machine.

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4 Inspection
All features created during the manufacturing process (dimensions, surface roughness etc.) shall be inspected by the manufacturer. Surface flaw detection specified in drawings shall be carried out by the manufacturer of the surface after finishmachining. Manufacturer records the results of the inspections using the criteria set out below indicating the associated desired and actual values in an inspection certificate as in DIN EN 10204 - 3.1B. - Dimensional tolerances with IT tolerance class IT9 - Dimensional tolerances without IT tolerance class as set out below: Dimensions below 180 mm with tolerance ranges 0,1 mm Dimensions > 180 to 800 mm with tolerance ranges 0,2 mm Dimensions > 800 to 2.000 mm with tolerance ranges 0,4 mm Dimensions > 2.000 to 5.000 mm with tolerance ranges 0,8 mm Dimensions > 5.000 mm with tolerance ranges 1,0 mm - tolerances of shape and position of small tolerance class H according to DIN ISO 2768-2. - for angles, curves and radii, small degree of accuracy m according to DIN ISO 2768-1. - surface roughnesses Ra 0,8 m as in DIN EN ISO 1302. - pressure tests for operating pressures > 25 bar stating type of test, test pressure, test time and pressure media. - threads, with exception of metrical (normal) vee thread and pipe thread with indication of testing method/means - toothings, stating base tangent lengths, tooth form, tooth alignment, pitch - surface treatments and coatings with indication of hardness and of coating thickness. - external condition, e.g. surface crack detection using dye penetrant and magnetic particle testing, with indication of recording and acceptability limits and with sketches if necessary

4.1 Inspection of surface condition, measuring conditions

To avoid mesuring errors, dependence as shown in the table below exists according to DIN 4768 between the roughnesstrace length or sampling length and the cutoff wavelength. Table 17 Regularly repeating profiles (geometrically defined cutting edge) Groove spacing Sm mm > > > > > 0,01 0,04 0,13 0,4 1,3 to to to to to 0,04 0,13 0,4 1,3 4 > > > Non-repeating profiles (geometrically undefined cutting edge) Mean height of profile Rz m to 0,1 to 0,5 to 0 to 0,1 0,5 10 50 > > > Arithmetic average peak-to-valley height Ra m to 0,02 to 0,1 2 to to 0,02 0,1 2 10 Cutoff wavelength Sampling length le lm (R z) (R z u. R a) mm mm 0,08 0,25 0,8 2,5 8 0,4 1,25 4 12,5 40
Roughn. trace length

c mm 0,08 0,25 0,8 2,5 8

mm 0,56 1,75 5,6 17,5 56

> 50

> 10

Regularly repeating profile: turned, milled, planed;

non-repating profile: ground, honed, lapped.

Overall sampling length l m = 5 x individual sampling length le. Roughness trace length l t = run-up distance l v + overall sampling length l m + run-off distance l n Groove pitch S m = mean spacing of profile irregularities within the overall sampling length l m Cutoff wavelength: wave filters as in DIN EN ISO 11562 are named according to their cutoff wavelengths. They are profile filters which, depending upon their characteristics, have the effect that the long-wave portions of the actual profile are entered in the roughness profile/measuring result only in part or not at all.

4.2 Inspection of dimensions, requirements on measuring devices

Each manufacturer shall make available sufficient measuring devices for verification of the features produced. Measuring and inspection devices should be selected and used as appropriate for the respective measuring requirements; the measuring inaccuracies of the devices used must be known. When necessary, proof shall be furnished of fulfilment of the requirements concerning control of measuring and test equipment as in DIN EN ISO 9001, 7.6: "Control of monitoring and measuring devices" and in DIN ISO 10012-1. Shape and position tolerances should be examined on calibrated 3-coordinate measuring machines. If the manufacturer possesses neither a three-coordinate measuring machine nor any other measuring and testing equipment, SMS Demag reserve the right to demand inspection performed by scanning of the workpiece on a machine tool in unclamped condition. This inspection must be performed on a machine not involved in the production of the workpiece and with known accuracy. In case of need, this accuracy shall be proved. Whenever possible, machine errors shall be eliminated, if not, they shall be taken into account. Deviations from these requirements must be approved by the SMS Demag quality assurance department.

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5 Tolerancing of form and location (abridged version)

5.1 General
DIN ISO 1101 shall be applied when using tolerances other than the admissible tolerances of shape and position specified in Tables 9 to 12. Contrary to the stipulations made in DIN ISO 8015, the principle of independency is not applicable, instead, the principle of envelope requirements continues to apply at SMS Demag. All dimensions are subject to the envelope requirements as specified in DIN 7167. This means that all tolerances of shape and parallelism must always be within the specified general or ISO tolerances. Tolerances of form and position can be stated in addition to dimensional tolerances to ensure function and replaceability. Shape tolerances limit the extent to which an individual element may deviate from its geometrically ideal shape. Position tolerances limit the extent of deviation from the relative positions of two or more elements one of which is, for functional reasons or for the purpose of clear definition, usually used as a reference element for the tolerance indications. If necessary, more than one element can be specified as reference element. The reference element must be of sufficient accuracy (if necessary, a shape tolerance is specified).

5.2 Entries in drawings

indication arrow toleranced element

reference letter (if required) tolerance value (t) tolerance type symbol

reference letter reference triangle reference element

theoretically exact dimension (in a box) 1), valid only in conjunction with position tolerance.

Reference triangles with reference letter R shown in a circle are reference surfaces for starting dimensioning and shall be taken into account when defining the manufacturing sequence. SMS Demag stipulation

The tolerance refers to the overall dimension of the element concerned. If the tolerance applies only to part lengths in any position, a linear dimension must be indicated near the tolerance value, separated from it by a stroke; for example:

If the tolerance indication applies only to a defined area, this area shall be marked with a wide dash-dot line and its dimension shown; for example:


Theoretically accurate dimensions are the bases for the locations of the shape and position tolerance areas. The general tolerances do not apply to these dimensions.

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When the indication refers to the axis of the workpiece, the indication arrow or reference triangle is placed to meet the arrow of the dimension line. If the indication arrow is placed on the centerline, the tolerance zone applies to all axes represented by this centerline. An indication referring to the surface line is made by indication arrow or reference triangle placed at a distance of min. 4 mm to one side of the dimension line.

Reference to the axis

Reference to all axes represented by centerline

Reference to surface line

The tolerance zone is cylindrical when the symbol precedes the tolerance value. When this sign is not indicated, the tolerance zone is delimited by two lines or surfaces whose distance in the direction of the indication arrow is equal to the tolerance value.

When a common tolerance zone shall apply to several individual elements, this requirement is shown by addition of CZ (for common zone). These stipulations can be applied by analogy to other types of tolerances. In the example shown all three surfaces must be parallel to the reference surface. As a result, they are also symmetric to each other within the tolerance of 0,1 mm.

Page 12 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 5.3 Symbols with detailed definitions

Form and location tolerances Detailed definitions of tolerances Tolerance area Drawing indication as in DIN ISO 1101 Meaning Symbol and toleranced feature

Table 18

The axis of the cylinder to which the tolerance indication refers must lie within a cylindrical tolerance zone of dia. 0,08

The surface must lie between two parallel planes which are 0,08 apart
Individual elements

Level surface

The toleranced horizontal line must lie between two horizontal lines which are t = 0,2 mm apart. Without reference length indication, reference is always made to the respective overall length.

SMS Demag stipulation Roundness


The circumferential line of each cross-section must lie between two concentric circles which are in the same plane and 0,1 apart.
Cylindrical shape

The toleranced outside cylinder surface must lie between two coaxial cylinders which are 0,1 apart.

Individual or related elements

Line shape

In every section parallel to the drawing plane the toleranced profile must lie between two lines which envelope circles of 0,04 dia. whose centers lie on a line of geometrically ideal shape.
Surface shape

The toleranced surface must lie between two surfaces which envelope spheres of 0,02 dia. whose centers lie on a surface of geometrically ideal shape.



The toleranced axis must lie within a cylinder of 0,03 dia. which is parallel to reference axis A.

Tolerances (related elements)


On a partial length of 100 in any position and any direction on the toleranced surface, all points must lie between two planes which are parallel to the reference surface A and 0,01 apart.

The toleranced axis of the cylinder must lie between two parallel planes which are perpendicular to the reference surface and 0,1 apart.

Inclination (angularity)

The toleranced surface must lie between two parallel planes which are 0,08 apart and at an angle of 40 to reference surface A. continued on following page

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Table 18 (continued) Symbol and toleranced feature

Detailed definitions of tolerances Tolerance area Drawing indication as in DIN ISO 1101 Meaning

The axis of the hole must lie within a cylinder of 0,08 dia. whose axis is located in the theoretically exact place.


The central plane of the groove must lie between two parallel planes which are 0,08 apart and which are symmetrical to the central plane of reference element A.


The axis of the cylinder to which the tolerance indication refers must lie within a cylinder which is coaxial to reference axis AB and has a dia. of 0,08. 2)

Tolerances (related elements)


The center of the toleranced circle must lie within a circle which is 0,01 in dia. and concentric to the center of reference circle A.

Axial runout

In one rotation around reference axis D the axial runout in any measuring position shall not exceed 0,1.

Radial runout

In one rotation around reference axis AB the radial runout must not exceed 0,1 in any measuring plane.

Overall axial runout

In repeated rotation around reference axis D and radial shifting between workpiece and measuring unit, all surface points of the toleranced element must lie within the overall axial runout of t = 0,1. 3)

Overall axial runout

In repeated rotation around reference axis A-B and axial shifting between workpiece and measuring unit, all surface points of the toleranced element must lie within the overall radial runout of t = 0,1. 3)


2) 3)

Theoretically accurate dimensions are the bases for the locations of the shape and position tolerance areas. The general tolerances do not apply to these dimensions. As axes are difficult to determine from the measuring viewpoint, runout should be preferred to coaxiality. In shifting either measuring unit or workpiece shall be moved along a line which is of theoretically exact shape and in correct location relative to the reference axis.

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6 Tolerances and limit deviations for linear dimensions from 1 to 10,000 mm

6.1 Field of application and purpose
This standard is applicable to the determination of tolerances for all linear dimensions such as lengths, widths, heights, depths, diameters etc. It defines tolerances subdivided into 12 different tolerance classes (to be selected and agreed upon as required for the application) for linear dimensions over 1 up to 10,000 mm. Note 1: For nominal dimensions up to 3150 mm, the tolerances are identical to ISO standard tolerances of DIN ISO 286. Fundamental tolerances for nominal dimensions over 3150 mm are, however, not stated in DIN ISO 286. Note 2: For ISO fundamental tolerances for nominal dimensions over 3150 mm, see DIN 7172. Note 3: It is underlined that in case of dimensions over 500 mm special care is required during manufacture to ensure fulfilment of tolerances of tolerance classes finer than 8, in particular with respect to temperature fluctuations and temperature gradients in the workpiece.

6.2 General
The fundamental tolerances stated in Table 19 are assigned to the respective tolerance series and classes. For all values indicated the reference temperature of 20 C as in DIN EN ISO 1 is valid.

6.3 Designation of tolerance series

Tolerance series Tolerance series Designation Main DIN No. IT symbol and tolerance class (IT = international tolerance grade) DIN ISO 286DIN 7172IT ... IT ... (up to 3150 mm) (above 3150 mm)

6.4 Fundamental tolerances

Table 19 Fundamental tolerances Nominal dimension range 5 6 mm from 1 to 3 4 6 > 3 to 6 5 8 > 6 to 10 6 9 > 10 to 18 8 11 > 18 to 30 9 13 > 30 to 50 11 16 > 50 to 80 13 19 > 80 to 120 15 22 > 120 to 180 18 25 > 180 to 250 20 29 > 250 to 315 23 32 > 315 to 400 25 36 > 400 to 500 27 40 > 500 to 630 32 44 > 630 to 800 36 50 > 800 to 1000 40 56 > 1000 to 1250 47 66 > 1250 to 1600 55 78 > 1600 to 2000 65 92 > 2000 to 2500 78 110 > 2500 to 3150 96 135 > 3150 to 4000 105 165 > 4000 to 5000 130 200 > 5000 to 6300 160 250 > 6300 to 8000 195 310 > 8000 to 10000 240 380 IT 7 10 12 15 18 21 25 30 35 40 46 52 57 63 70 80 90 105 125 150 175 210 260 320 400 490 600 8 14 18 22 27 33 39 46 54 63 72 81 89 97 110 125 140 165 195 230 280 330 410 500 620 760 940 9 25 30 36 43 52 62 74 87 100 115 130 140 155 175 200 230 260 310 370 440 540 660 800 980 1200 1500 10 40 48 58 70 84 100 120 140 160 185 210 230 250 280 320 360 420 500 600 700 860 1050 1300 1600 1950 2400 11 60 75 90 110 130 160 190 220 250 290 320 360 400 440 500 560 660 780 920 1100 1350 1650 2000 2500 3100 3800 12 100 120 150 180 210 250 300 350 400 460 520 570 630 700 800 900 1050 1250 1500 1750 2100 2600 3200 4000 4900 6000 13 140 180 220 270 330 390 460 540 630 720 810 890 970 1100 1250 1400 1650 1950 2300 2800 3300 4100 5000 6200 7600 9400 14 250 300 360 430 520 620 740 870 1000 1150 1300 1400 1550 1750 2000 2300 2600 3100 3700 4400 5400 6600 8000 9800 12000 15000 15 400 480 580 700 840 1000 1200 1400 1600 1850 2100 2300 2500 2800 3200 3600 4200 5000 6000 7000 8600 10500 13000 16000 19500 24000 16 600 750 900 1100 1300 1600 1900 2200 2500 2900 3200 3600 4000 4400 5000 5600 6600 7800 9200 11000 13500 16500 20000 25000 31000 38000

Page 15 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 6.5 Limit deviations for shafts (nominal dimension range up to 3150 mm)
Table 20 Tolerance zones for outside dim. of shafts as in DIN ISO 286-2 (SMS Demag selection).
Nominal dimension range mm > > > > > > > > > 1 to 3 to 6 to 10 to 18 to 30 to 50 to 65 to 80 to e7 e8 14 28 20 38 25 47 32 59 40 73 50 89 e9 - 14 - 39 - 20 - 50 - 25 - 61 - 32 - 75 - 40 - 92 - 50 - 112 f7 6 16 10 22 13 28 16 34 20 41 25 50 g6 2 8 4 12 5 14 6 17 7 20 9 25 h6 0 6 0 8 0 9 0 11 0 13 0 16 h9 0 - 25 0 - 30 0 - 36 0 - 43 0 - 52 0 - 62 h11 0 60 0 75 0 90 0 110 0 130 0 160 j6 / js6 + 4 - 2 + 6 - 2 + 7 - 2 + 8 - 3 + 9 - 4 + 11 - 5 + 12 - 7 + 13 - 9

Deviations in terms of m
n6 + + + + + + + + + + + + 10 4 16 8 19 10 23 12 28 15 33 17 + + + + + + + + + + + + p6 12 6 20 12 24 15 29 18 35 22 42 26 r6 + 16 + 10 + 23 + 15 + 28 + 19 + 34 + 23 + 41 + 28 + 50 + 34 + 60 + 41 + 62 + 43 + 73 + 51 + 76 + 54 + 88 + 63 + 90 + 65 + 93 + 68 + 106 + 77 + 109 + 80 + 113 + 84 + 126 + 94 + 130 + 98 + 144 + 108 + 150 + 114 + 166 + 126 + 172 + 132 + 194 + 150 + 199 + 155 + 225 + 175 + 235 + 185 + 266 + 210 + 276 + 220 + 316 + 250 + 326 + 260 + 378 + 300 + 408 + 330 + 462 + 370 + 492 + 400 + 550 + 440 + 570 + 460 + 685 + 550 + 715 + 580 s6 + 20 + 14 + 27 + 19 + 32 + 23 + 39 + 28 + 48 + 35 + 59 + 43 + 72 + 53 + 78 + 59 + 93 + 71 + 101 + 79 + 117 + 92 + 125 + 100 + 133 + 108 + 151 + 122 + 159 + 130 + 169 + 140 + 190 + 158 + 202 + 170 + 226 + 190 + 244 + 208 + 272 + 232 + 292 + 252 + 324 + 280 + 354 + 310 + 390 + 340 + 430 + 380 + 486 + 430 + 526 + 470 + 586 + 520 + 646 + 580 + 718 + 640 + 798 + 720 + 912 + 820 +1012 + 920 +1110 +1000 +1210 +1100 +1385 +1250 +1535 +1400

k6 + + + + + + + + + + + 6 0 9 1 10 1 12 1 15 2 18 2

m6 + + + + + + + + + + + + 8 2 12 4 15 6 18 7 21 8 25 9

3 - 14 - 24 6 - 20 - 32 10 - 25 - 40 18 - 32 - 50 30 - 40 - 61 50 - 50 - 75 65 80 100 120 140

- 60 - 60 - 60 - 30 - 10 0 - 90 - 106 - 134 - 60 - 29 - 19 - 72 - 72 - 72 - 36 - 12 0 - 107 - 126 - 159 - 71 - 34 - 22

0 0 - 74 - 190 0 0 - 87 - 220

+ 21 + 2 + 25 + 3

+ 30 + 11 + 35 + 13

+ 39 + 20 + 45 + 23

+ 51 + 32 + 59 + 37

> 100 to > 120 to > 140 to > 160 to > 180 to > 200 to > 225 to > 250 to > 280 to > 315 to > 355 to > 400 to > 450 to > 500 to > 560 to > 630 to > 710 to > 800 to > 900 to > 1000 to > 1120 to > 1250 to > 1400 to > 1600 to > 1800 to > 2000 to > 2240 to > 2500 to > 2800 to

- 85 - 85 - 85 - 43 - 14 0 160 - 125 - 148 - 185 - 83 - 39 - 25 180 200 - 100 - 100 - 100 - 50 - 15 0 225 - 146 - 172 - 215 - 96 - 44 - 29 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 710 800 900 1000 1120 1250 1400 1600 1800 2000 2240 2500 2800 3150 - 110 - 110 - 110 - 56 - 17 0 - 162 - 191 - 240 - 108 - 49 - 32 - 125 - 125 - 125 - 62 - 18 0 - 182 - 214 - 265 - 119 - 54 - 36 - 135 - 135 - 135 - 68 - 20 0 - 198 - 232 - 290 - 131 - 60 - 40 - 145 - 145 - 145 - 76 - 22 0 - 215 - 255 - 320 - 146 - 66 - 44 - 160 - 160 - 160 - 80 - 24 0 - 240 - 285 - 360 - 160 - 74 - 50 - 170 - 170 - 170 - 86 - 26 0 - 260 - 310 - 400 - 176 - 82 - 56 - 195 - 195 - 195 - 98 - 28 0 - 300 - 360 - 455 - 203 - 94 - 66 - 220 - 220 - 220 - 110 - 30 0 - 345 - 415 - 530 - 235 - 108 - 78 - 240 - 240 - 240 - 120 - 32 0 - 390 - 470 - 610 - 270 - 124 - 92 - 260 - 260 - 260 - 130 - 34 0 - 435 - 540 - 700 - 305 - 144 - 110 - 290 - 290 - 290 - 145 - 38 0 - 500 - 620 - 830 - 355 - 173 - 135

0 0 - 100 - 250

+ 14 - 11

+ 28 + 3

+ 40 + 15

+ 52 + 27

+ 68 + 43

0 0 - 115 - 290

+ 16 - 13

+ 33 + 4

+ 46 + 17

+ 60 + 31

+ 79 + 50

0 0 - 130 - 320 0 0 - 140 - 360 0 0 - 155 - 400 0 0 - 175 - 440 0 0 - 200 - 500 0 0 - 230 - 560 0 0 - 260 - 660 0 0 - 310 - 780 0 0 - 370 - 920 0 0 - 440 -1100 0 0 - 540 -1350

+ 16 - 16 + 18 - 18 + 20 - 20 + 22 - 22 + 25 - 25 + 28 - 28 + 33 - 33 + 39 - 39 + 46 - 46 + 55 - 55 + 67 - 67

+ 36 + 4 + 40 + 4 + 45 + 5 + 44 0 + 50 0 + 56 0 + 66 0 + 78 0 + 92 0 + 110 0 + 135 0

+ 52 + 20 + 57 + 21 + 63 + 23 + 70 + 26 + 80 + 30 + 90 + 34 + 106 + 40 + 126 + 48 + 150 + 58 + 178 + 68 + 211 + 76

+ 66 + 34 + 73 + 37 + 80 + 40 + 88 + 44 + 100 + 50 + 112 + 56 + 132 + 66 + 156 + 78 + 184 + 92 + 220 + 110 + 270 + 135

+ 88 + 56 + 98 + 62 + 108 + 68 + 122 + 78 + 138 + 88 + 156 + 100 + 186 + 120 + 218 + 140 + 262 + 170 + 305 + 195 + 375 + 240

Tolerance zones for nominal dimension range above 3150 mm are subject to DIN 7172 (see page 17).


above nominal dimension range 500: js6 or JS7

Page 16 SN 200 Page 5 : 2003-09 6.6 Limit deviations for holes

Nominal dimension range mm > > > > > > > > > 1 to 3 to 6 to 10 to 18 to 30 to 50 to 65 to 80 to 3 6 10 18 30 50 65 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 225 250 280 315 355 400 450 500 560 630 710 800 900
+ 242 + 400 + 240 + 108 + 137 + 69 + 98 + 52 + 81 + 130 + 520 + 810 + 190 + 190 + 110 + 56 + 56 + 17 + 17 0 0 0 0 0 + 267 + 440 + 265 + 119 + 151 + 75 + 107 + 57 + 89 + 140 + 570 + 890 + 210 + 210 + 125 + 62 + 62 + 18 + 18 0 0 0 0 0 + 293 + 480 + 290 + 131 + 165 + 83 + 117 + 63 + 97 + 155 + 630 + 970 + 230 + 230 + 135 + 68 + 68 + 20 + 20 0 0 0 0 0 + 330 + 540 + 320 + 146 + 186 + 92 + 132 + 70 + 110 + 175 + 700 +1100 + 260 + 260 + 145 + 76 + 76 + 22 + 22 0 0 0 0 0 + 370 + 610 + 360 + 160 + 205 + 104 + 149 + 80 + 125 + 200 + 800 +1250 + 290 + 290 + 160 + 80 + 80 + 24 + 24 0 0 0 0 0 + 410 + 680 + 400 + 176 + 226 + 116 + 166 + 90 + 140 + 230 + 900 +1400 + 320 + 320 + 170 + 86 + 86 + 26 + 26 0 0 0 0 0 + 455 + 770 + 455 + 203 + 263 + 133 + 193 + 105 + 165 + 260 +1050 +1650 + 350 + 350 + 195 + 98 + 98 + 28 + 28 0 0 0 0 0 + 515 + 890 + 530 + 235 + 305 + 155 + 225 + 125 + 195 + 310 +1250 +1950 + 390 + 390 + 220 + 110 + 110 + 30 + 30 0 0 0 0 0 + 580 + 1030 + 610 + 270 + 350 + 182 + 262 + 150 + 230 + 370 +1500 +2300 + 430 + 430 + 240 + 120 + 120 + 32 + 32 0 0 0 0 0 + 655 + 1180 + 700 + 305 + 410 + 209 + 314 + 175 + 280 + 440 +1750 +2800 + 480 + 480 + 260 + 130 + 130 + 34 + 34 0 0 0 0 0 + 730 + 1380 + 830 + 355 + 475 + 248 + 368 + 210 + 330 + 540 +2100 +3300 + 520 + 520 + 290 + 145 + 145 + 38 + 38 0 0 0 0 0 + 36 - 16 + 39 - 18 + 43 - 20 + 35 - 35 + 40 - 40 + 45 - 45 + 52 - 52 + 62 - 62 + 75 - 75 + 87 - 87 + 105 - 105 + 16 - 36 + 17 - 40 + 18 - 45 0 - 70 0 - 80 0 - 90 0 - 105 0 - 125 0 - 150 0 - 175 0 - 210 0 - 52 0 - 57 0 - 63 - 26 - 96 - 30 - 110 - 34 - 124 - 40 - 145 - 48 - 173 - 58 - 208 - 68 - 243 - 76 - 286 - 56 - 186 - 62 - 202 - 68 - 223 - 78 - 253 - 88 - 288 - 100 - 330 - 120 - 380 - 140 - 450 - 170 - 540 - 195 - 635 - 240 - 780 + 216 + 355 + 215 + 96 + 122 + 61 + 87 + 46 + 72 + 115 + 460 + 720 + 170 + 170 + 100 + 50 + 50 + 15 + 15 0 0 0 0 0 + 30 - 16 + 13 - 33 0 - 46 - 50 - 165 + 185 + 305 + 185 + 83 + 106 + 54 + 77 + 40 + 63 + 100 + 400 + 630 + 145 + 145 + 85 + 43 + 43 + 14 + 14 0 0 0 0 0 + 26 - 14 + 12 - 28 0 - 40 - 43 - 143

(nominal dimension range up to 3150 mm) Deviations in terms of m K7

+ + + + + 0 10 3 9 5 10 6 12 6 15 7 18 -

Table 21 Tolerance zones for inside dim. of holes as in DIN ISO 286-2 (SMS Demag selection). D7
+ 30 + 20 + 42 + 30 + 55 + 40 + 68 + 50 + 86 + 65 + 105 + 80




20 6 28 10 35 13 43 16 53 20 64 25

+ + + + + + + + + + + + 12 2 16 4 20 5 24 6 28 7 34 9

+ + + + + + + + + + + + 16 2 22 4 27 5 33 6 40 7 48 9

+ 10 0 + 12 0 + 15 0 + 18 0 + 21 0 + 25 0

+ 14 0 + 18 0 + 22 0 + 27 0 + 33 0 + 39 0

+ 25 0 + 30 0 + 36 0 + 43 0 + 52 0 + 62 0

+ 100 0 + 120 0 + 150 0 + 180 0 + 210 0 + 250 0

H13 J7/JS71)
+ 140 0 + 180 0 + 220 0 + 270 0 + 330 0 + 390 0 + + + + + + 4 6 6 6 8 7 10 8 12 9 14 11

2 12 0 - 12 0 - 15 0 - 18 0 - 21 0 - 25 0 - 30 0 - 35

6 31 12 42 15 51 18 61 22 74 26 88

+ 60 + 39 + 16 + + 20 + 14 + 6 + + 78 + 50 + 22 + + 30 + 20 + 10 + + 98 + 61 + 28 + + 40 + 25 + 13 + + 120 + 75 + 34 + + 50 + 32 + 16 + + 149 + 92 + 41 + + 65 + 40 + 20 + + 180 + 112 + 50 + + 80 + 50 + 25 +

+ 130 + 220 + 134 + 60 + 76 + 40 + 56 + 30 + 46 + 74 + 300 + 460 + 100 + 100 + 60 + 30 + 30 + 10 + 10 0 0 0 0 0 + 155 + 260 + 159 + 71 + 90 + 47 + 66 + 35 + 54 + 87 + 350 + 540 + 120 + 120 + 72 + 36 + 36 + 12 + 12 0 0 0 0 0

+ 18 - 12 + 22 - 13

+ 9 - 21 + 10 - 25

- 32 - 106 - 37 - 124

> 100 to > 120 to > 140 to > 160 to > 180 to > 200 to > 225 to > 250 to > 280 to > 315 to > 355 to > 400 to > 450 to > 500 to > 560 to > 630 to > 710 to > 800 to

> 900 to 1000 >1000 to 1120 >1120 to 1250 >1250 to 1400 >1400 to 1600 >1600 to 1800 >1800 to 2000 >2000 to 2240 >2240 to 2500 >2500 to 2800 >2800 to 3150

Tolerance zones for nominal dimension range above 3150 mm are subject to DIN 7172 (see page 17).


above nominal dimension range 500: js6 or JS7

Page 17 SN 200 Part 5 : 2003-09 6.7 Limit deviations for shafts

(nominal dimension range from 3150 mm to 10,000 mm) Deviations in terms of m k6 + 165 0 + 200 0 + 250 0 + 310 0 + 380 0 m6 + 263 + 98 + 320 + 120 + 395 + 145 + 495 + 185 + 610 + 230 n6 + 330 + 165 + 400 + 200 + 500 + 250 + 610 + 300 + 760 + 380 p6 + 455 + 290 + 560 + 360 + 690 + 440 + 850 + 540 +1060 + 680

Table 22 Tolerance zones for outside dim. of shafts as in DIN 7172 (SMS Demag selection). Nominal dimension range e7 e8 e9 f7 g6 h6 h9 h11 js6 mm - 320 - 320 - 320 - 160 - 40 0 0 0 + 83 > 3150 to 4000 - 580 - 730 - 980 - 420 - 205 - 165 - 660 -1650 - 83 - 350 - 350 - 350 - 175 - 43 0 0 0 + 100 > 4000 to 5000 - 670 - 850 -1150 - 495 - 243 - 200 - 800 -2000 - 100 - 380 - 380 - 380 - 190 - 47 0 0 0 + 125 > 5000 to 6300 - 780 -1000 -1360 - 590 - 297 - 250 - 980 -2500 - 125 - 420 - 420 - 420 - 210 - 51 0 0 0 + 155 > 6300 to 8000 - 910 -1180 -1620 - 700 - 361 - 310 -1200 -3100 - 155 - 460 - 460 - 460 - 230 - 55 0 0 0 + 190 > 8000 to 10000 -1060 -1400 -1960 - 830 - 435 - 380 -1500 -3800 - 190

6.8 Limit deviations for holes

(nominal dimension range from 3150 mm to 10,000 mm) Deviations in terms of m H13 +4100 0 +5000 0 +6200 0 +7600 0 +9400 0 JS7 + 130 - 130 + 160 - 160 + 200 - 200 + 245 - 245 + 300 - 300 K7 0 - 260 0 - 320 0 - 400 0 - 490 0 - 600 M7 - 98 - 358 - 120 - 440 - 145 - 545 - 185 - 675 - 230 - 830

Table 23 Tolerance zones for inside dim. of holes as in DIN 7172 (SMS Demag selection). Nominal dimension range D7 D10 E9 F7 F8 G7 H7 H8 H9 H12 mm + 840 +1630 + 980 + 420 + 570 + 300 + 260 + 410 + 660 +2600 > 3150 to 4000 0 0 + 580 + 580 + 320 + 160 + 160 + 40 0 0 + 960 +1940 +1150 + 495 + 675 + 363 + 320 + 500 + 800 +3200 > 4000 to 5000 + 640 + 640 + 350 + 175 + 175 + 43 0 0 0 0 +1120 +2320 +1360 + 590 + 810 + 447 + 400 + 620 + 980 +4000 > 5000 to 6300 + 720 + 720 + 380 + 190 + 190 + 47 0 0 0 0 +1290 +2750 +1620 + 700 + 970 + 541 + 490 + 760 +1200 +4900 > 6300 to 8000 + 800 + 800 + 420 + 210 + 210 + 51 0 0 0 0 +1480 +3280 +1960 + 830 +1170 + 655 + 600 + 940 +1500 +6000 > 8000 to 10000 + 880 + 880 + 460 + 230 + 230 + 55 0 0 0 0

Referenced standards
DIN 76 DIN 7167 DIN 7168 DIN 7172 DIN EN 10204 DIN EN ISO 1302 DIN EN ISO 11562 DIN ISO 286-1 DIN ISO 286-2 DIN ISO 1101 DIN ISO 2768-1 DIN ISO 2768-2 DIN ISO 8015 DIN ISO 10012-1 DIN ISO 13715 DIN EN ISO 9001 Run out and undercut for metric ISO threads according to DIN 13 Relationship between dimensional tolerances and form and parallelism tolerances; Envelope principle without drawing indication General tolerances of linear and angular dimensions and general geometrical tolerances Tolerances and limit deviations for sizes above 3150 up to 10 000 mm; principles, standard tolerances, limit deviations Types of inspection documents Geometrical Product Specifications (GPS); Indication of surface texture in technical product documentation Surface texture: Profile method, metrological characteristics of phase correct filters ISO system of limits and fits; Bases of tolerances, deviations and fits ISO system of limits and fits; Tables of standard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts Technical drawings; Geometrical tolerancing; tolerances of form, orientation, location and runout General tolerances; Tolerances for linear and angular dimensions without individual tolerance indications General tolerances; Geometrical tolerances for features without individual tolerances indications Technical drawings; Fundamental tolerancing principle Quality assurance requirements for measuring equipment; Metrological confirmation system for measuring equipment Edges of undefined shape; Vocabulary and indications Quality management systems; Requirements

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 6

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions laid down in this standard apply to all components to be assembled and assembled units, unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documentation. Assembling is the permanent connecting or other joining of two or more workpieces of geometrically defined shape, it includes all handling and auxiliary procedures inclusive of measuring and inspection.

Table of contents


1 Safety instruction ................................................................................................................................................................... 1 2 Preparation ............................................................................................................................................................................... 1 3 Execution .................................................................................................................................................................................. 2

3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Assembling of machines ........................................................................................................................................................ 2 Tolerances of shape and position for assembled equipment components .......................................................................... 2 Permissible loads on screws of strength category 8.8 .......................................................................................................... 3 Assembling of pipe lines ........................................................................................................................................................ 3 Locations of pipelines and piping components ..................................................................................................................... 3 General tolerances for pipelines ............................................................................................................................................ 3 Assembling of pipe couplings and flanges ............................................................................................................................ 4 Sealing of pipe couplings and threaded fittings..................................................................................................................... 4 Arrangement of fastening elements....................................................................................................................................... 4 Cleanliness of pipelines and fluid-carrying components........................................................................................................ 4 Positions of screw holes ........................................................................................................................................................ 4 Connection bores................................................................................................................................................................... 5

This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

4 Inspection ................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Referenced standards ................................................................................................................................................................ 5

1 Safety instruction
- The data and safety sheets relating to all chemical substances used (glues, lubricants, sealing agents etc) must be available and the instructions given must be followed. The data and safety sheets shall be included in the supply to SMS Demag. - The use of asbestos and substances containing asbestos is always prohibited. - Pipe couplings and flanged elements for oxygen pipelines must be absolutely free of grease. - Couplings requiring introduction of heat (flame) for disconnecting must not be used on pipelines which carry inflammable fluids.

2 Preparation
- All parts shall be deburred (free from burrs acc. to DIN ISO 13715) and cleaned, all surfaces shall be properly dressed before assembling. - Holes used for the feeding of fluids should be illuminated and checked for correct passage (for example with compressed air).

- Assembling of parts shall take place on a base surface that corresponds to the later supporting surface and complies with the
accuracy necessary for the inspections to be performed. The static and dynamic loads shall be taken into account in the process. - Assembling of the components shall take place only upon inspection of the individual parts, complete inspection records of all individual parts shall have been submitted.

Continued on pages 2 to 5

Page 2 SN 200 Part 6 : 2003-09

3 Execution
3.1 Assembling of machines

- For assembling (e.g. of wear plates, couplings, bushings etc.) the bonding, lubricating and sealing instructions given by the
makers shall be observed.

- When shrink fitting or removing bearings, couplings and other parts, the installation instructions given by the makers and the
maximum permissible heating and undercooling temperatures must be observed (in particular for quenched and tempered and for hardened gear wheels). Areas that are no more accessible after assembling shall be provided with priming and top coats before assembling. (see Part 7) Grease bearing points and grease lines shall be delivered with initial fill. Required setting of fitting clearances and contact patterns shall be followed. For assembled parts and machined surfaces max. surface contact percentage shall be achieved.

- Prior to assembling, all exposed worked contact faces, with the exception of shrink connections, shall be provided with anticorrosion compound Tectyl 511-M or equivalent products. - All components which require lubrication shall be provided with sufficient quantities of one of the lubricants standardised in SN 180.

- Tightening torques indicated in drawings must also be observed when partial assembling takes place for the purpose of final
machining. - Standard securing of screwed connections is with Loctite 243 (SN 507). Drawing indication is not required. - Dismantling shall be only to the necessary extent, screws and shims shall be left on the equipment provided this does not cause shipping problems. - Prior to disassembling, parts likely to be mixed up (e.g. pipe supports, split covers, split housings) shall additionally be provided with permanent and well visible marking using steel stamping letters/figures. - If movements are effected by means of hydraulic power package, the required purity of the hydraulic fluid shall be ensured, but at least degree of purity 17/13 acc. to ISO 4406.

3.1.1 Tolerances of shape and position for assembled equipment components These tolerances are referred to the respective overall lengths of the parts.

Table 1 Tolerances of shape and position Feature very fine (sf) Straightness Flatness Parallelism Perpendicularity Inclination Level surface Vertical line Axial alignment 0,05 0,05 0,03 0,05 0,03 0,05 0,05 0,03 Tolerance class medium fine (f) (m) 0,1 0,2 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,1 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,2 coarse (g) 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5 0,5

SMS Demag standard use is tolerance class medium. Deviations are indicated in the associated drawings or testing schedules.

Page 3 SN 200 Part 6 : 2003-09

3.1.2 Permissible loads on screws of strength category 8.8

Table 2 Permissible screw loads Screw size d1 M 6 M 8 M 10 M 12 M 16 M 20 M 24 M 30 M 36 M 42 M 48 M 56 M 64 M 72x6 M 80x6 M 90x6 M 100 x 6 M 125 x 6 M 140 x 6 M 160 x 6 P 1 1,25 1,5 1,75 2 2,5 3 3,5 4 4,5 5 5,5 6 Stressed cross-section As 2 [mm] 20,1 36,6 58 84,3 157 245 353 561 817 1121 1473 2030 2676 3463 4344 5590 7000 11800 14200 18700 Pretensioning force FV [kN] 7 13 20 29 55 86 124 199 291 401 529 732 969 1265 1597 2069 2605 4205 5352 7073 Tightening method Turning Tightening torque [Nm] 7 18 35 61 149 290 500 1004 1749 2806 4236 6791 10147 14689 20368 29492 41122 80284 113326 171027 Stretching Pretensioning force FV [kN] 158 251 366 502 660 909 1199 1551 1946 2504 3136 5018 6362 8378

When other screw materials are used, the factors below are used for converting pretensioning forces and tightening torques: Screw material: 5.6 = 0,47; 10.9 = 1,41; 12.9 = 1,69; A 2-70 = 0,71; A 2-8 = 0,94.

3.2 Assembling of pipe lines

3.2.1 Locations of pipelines and piping components The locations of pipelines, piping components and pipe supports is shown in drawings. Deviations are allowed only in coordination with the design department. When pipework is not fully dimensioned and must be fitted on site, the manufacturing department must take into account the following: - functional laying of pipework acc. to general arrangement, pipework or P & l diagram; - functional installation of fittings taking their accessibility into account; - appropriate pipework routing for ease of assembling and disassembling.

3.2.2 General tolerances for pipelines For pipework which is not fully dimensioned and freely laid, ensuring of proper functioning has priority. All untoleranced dimensions are subject to accuracy classes C and F acc. to Tables 3 to 5 in DIN EN ISO 13920. For fully dimensioned pipework (e.g. pipe detail drawings, isometric drawings), accuracy classes B and F according to Tables 3 to 5 in DIN EN ISO 13920 apply to all untoleranced dimensions. Table 3 Linear dimensions (outside, inside and stepped dimensions) Nominal dimension range Tolerance class 2 to 30 1 1 > 30 to 120 2 3 > 120 to 400 2 4 > 400 to 1000 3 6 > 1000 to 2000 4 8 > 2000 to 4000 6 11 > 4000 to 8000 8 14 > 8000 to 12000 10 18 > 12000 to 16000 12 21 > 16000 to 20000 14 24 > 20000


16 27

Page 4 SN 200 Part 6 : 2003-09

Table 4 Angular dimensions Tolerance class B C Nominal dimension range (length of shorter leg) Permissible deviations in degrees and minutes Permissible deviations in terms of tangent values > 400 > 1000 > 400 > 1000 to 400 to 1000 to 400 to 1000 0,013 0,009 0,006 45' 30' 20' 1 45' 30' 0,018 0,013 0,009

Table 5 Straightness, flatness and parallelism tolerances Tolerance class F > 30 to 120 1 > 120 to 400 1,5 > 400 to 1000 3 Nominal dimension range (length of longer side of surface) > 12000 > 8000 > 4000 > 2000 > 1000 to to to to to 16000 12000 8000 4000 2000 4,5 6 8 10 12 > 16000 to 20000 14 > 20000


3.2.3 Assembling of pipe couplings and flanges When assembling pipe couplings, cleanliness and greasing of the thread shall be ensured and assembling instructions of the suppliers followed. In the case of pipe couplings in stainless steel the threads and contact surfaces of the union nuts on the welding cones shall be sufficiently lubricated with lubricant (for example "Gleitmo 805" of Messrs. Gleitmolybdn or other lubricants approved by SMS Demag) to avoid seizing of the couplings. When flanges made of two different materials are used, the parts remaining on the pipe (flanges and welding collar) must always be made of equivalent pipe material for reasons of pickling. All piping components (such as split flanges etc.) which can be removed before pickling can be made of surface-treated (galvanized, chromalised or nickel-plated) steel.

3.2.4 Sealing of pipe couplings and threaded fittings When use is made of male stud couplings with front-side elastic seal, no additional sealing agents shall be applied. In exceptional cases couplings and threaded fittings without front-side elastic seal shall be sealed in the low-pressure range <16 bar with Omnifit 50H (Messrs. Henkel), in the high-pressure range > 16 bar with AVX No. 586 (Messrs. Loctite) or equivalent sealing compounds. Couplings in grease pipelines shall not be provided with additional sealing compound. As couplings sealed with AVX can be disconnected only by introduction of heat (flame), this sealing compound shall not be used for pipelines carrying inflammable fluids.

3.2.5 Arrangement of fastening elements Unless otherwise specified in drawings, pipework shall be installed in such a way that the distance between two fastenings does not exceed the value stated in table 6. Fastenings shall also be installed immediately near detachable connections and elbows. Weld-on pipe fasteners are welded on with a fillet weld of a = 0.3 x smallest plate thickness. Grease pipelines of outside diameters up to and including 10 mm are fastened with appropriate pipe clamps on the machine without spacing.

Table 6 Pipe outside dia. 10 > 10 38 > 38 88,9 > 88,9

Max. distance in m 0,6 1,5 2,5 3,0

3.2.6 Cleanliness of pipelines and fluid-carrying components Prior to final assembling, pipework and fluid-carrying components shall be cleaned, i.e. all impurities (dirt, chips, welding spatters, paint, etc.) which stick to the inside surface must be removed. Then the pipeline shall be closed in such a way that ingress of new impurities is safely avoided.

3.2.7 Positions of screw holes Screw holes in pipelines and fittings shall be arranged in such a way that they are symmetrical to the two main axes and that no holes are located on the axes themselves (refer to DIN 2501-1).

Page 5 SN 200 Part 6 : 2003-09

3.2.8 Connection bores To avoid contamination of control elements, all connection bores (fittings, measuring instruments, cylinder ports, valve block connections etc.) must be kept appropriately sealed (with disks, caps, adhesive tape etc.) until final assembling. Connecting bores opened for reasons of assembling/installation shall be closed again immediately upon termination of this activity.

4 Inspection
The scope of inspection/testing of assembled units shall be agreed upon with the SMS Demag Department of Quality Inspection. (refer to Part 10, Section 2) The minimum requirements are, as far as applicable and feasible, inspections of - tolerances of shape and position for assembled units, - supporting and seating surfaces, connecting and takeover points, - clearances and contact patterns to be adjusted, - surface contact percentages (with 0,05 mm feeler gauge), - movements and travelling distances (with auxiliary drives if necessary), - cylinder strokes (with suitable hydraulic packages), - corrosion protection and coat of paint Manufacturer shall draw up reports of all tests/inspections that have been performed.

Referenced standards
DIN 2501-1 DIN EN ISO 13920 DIN ISO 13715 ISO 4406 SN 180 SN 403 SN 507 Flanges, mating dimensions General tolerances for welded constructions Technical drawings; edges of undefined shape; vocabulary and indications Hydraulic fluids, method for coding the level of contamination by solid particles Lubricant recommendations Permissible bolt loads Metal bonding

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 7

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions in this part of SN 200 define our standard for corrosion protection of machines, pipes and pipelines, vessels and structural steel components unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documents. It is recommended passing the coating instructions to the contracting workshop immediately upon starting the project.

Table of contents


1 Principles.................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Fundamental definitions............................................................................................................................................ 2 1.2 Indication in drawings and other manufacturing documents........................................................................................ 2 2 Surface condition......................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.1 Surface preparation .................................................................................................................................................. 2 2.2 Standard preparation grade of steel surfaces prepared by blasting............................................................................. 2 2.3 Standard preparation grade of steel surfaces prepared by manual derusting .............................................................. 2 2.4 Standard preparation grade of steel surfaces prepared by pickling ............................................................................. 2 2.5 Derusting by blasting ................................................................................................................................................ 2 3 Coating......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Prime coat ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 3.1.1 Basic specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1.2 Prime coats and their properties................................................................................................................................ 3 3.2 Delivery and intermediate coats ................................................................................................................................ 4 3.2.1 Basic specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.2.2 Delivery and intermediate coats and their properties .................................................................................................. 4 3.3 Cover coat................................................................................................................................................................ 4 3.3.1 Basic specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.3.2 Cover coats and their properties................................................................................................................................ 5 3.4 Standard colours for special cover coats.................................................................................................................... 5 3.5 Coating of follow-up and Morgoil spare parts ............................................................................................................. 5 3.6 Emulsion-resistant coating ........................................................................................................................................ 5 4 Preservation................................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.1 Basic specifications .................................................................................................................................................. 6 4.2 Preserving agents and their properties ...................................................................................................................... 6 5 Coating and preservation of pipelines, pipes and vessels ......................................................................................... 7 5.1 Pipe lines ................................................................................................................................................................. 7 5.1.1 Pipelines in steel....................................................................................................................................................... 7 5.1.2 Pipelines in stainless and acid-resistant steel............................................................................................................. 7 5.2 Pipes........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 5.2.1 Steel pipes ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 5.2.2 Pipes in stainless and acid-resistant steel .................................................................................................................. 8 5.3 Pipe fasteners .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3.1 Pipe fasteners in steel............................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3.2 Pipe fasteners in stainless and acid-resistant steel..................................................................................................... 8 5.4 Vessels .................................................................................................................................................................... 9 5.4.1 Vessels in steel ........................................................................................................................................................ 9 5.4.2 Vessels in stainless and acid-resistant steel .............................................................................................................. 9 6 Inspection..................................................................................................................................................................... 9

This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

Referenced standards ................................................................................................................................................... 9

Continued on pages 2 to 9

Page 2 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

1 Principles
1.1 Fundamental definitions

All surfaces in steel (except high-grade steel) of machine or structural steel elements shall be provided with a coat of paint. This does not apply to contact surfaces for other components. All other unpainted components in steel (except high-grade steel) shall be provided with preserving agent. All colours shall be the glossy type.

All parts which have to remain without coat shall be preserved with Tectyl 502-C or equivalent products after shot-blasting and/or pickling; drawing indication is required. Exceptions:

Anchor plates as in SN 227 for casting in concrete are blasted only to remove rolling skin and annealing scale from the
surface. These parts are neither coated nor preserved to achieve better adhesion to the foundation. Indoor storage of the parts is required to avoid new formation of rust. All parts in stainless and acid-resistant steels are neither coated nor preserved.

1.2 Indication in drawings and other manufacturing documents

Apart from the basic exceptions described under item 1.1, indications in drawings and other manufacturing documents are required when deviations from the standard specifications given in Tables 1 to 3, Sections 3.1, 3.2 or 3.3, are required for functional reasons. Only the top coating is indicated, for example - oil-resistant coating: - heat-resistant coating: - no coating, only preservation: SN 200 Part 7 - SN 200 Part 7 - 3.3.2. SN 200 Part 7 - 4

2 Surface condition
2.1 Surface preparation
All surfaces to be provided with coat or preserving agent shall be cleared of annealing colours, rust, slag, rolling skin, mill scale, dirt, dust, oil, grease, old paint, cooling lubricants etc.

2.2 Standard preparation grades of steel surfaces prepared by blasting

Preparation grade Sa 2 is required for parts which are subject to normal corrosion attack, in case of very heavy corrosion attack, when functioning of the machine, e.g. gear unit or vessel, can be hampered by corrosion, preparation grade Sa 3 is required. The following conditions are required according to DIN EN ISO 12944-4: Sa 2 = scale, rust and coats have been removed to such an extent that remainders on the steel surface are visible only as spots of slight shading due to discolouring of pores. Sa 3 = scale, rust and coats have been completely removed (viewed without magnification).

2.3 Standard preparation grade of steel surfaces prepared by manual derusting

Preparation grade St 3 is required for machine components which cannot be blasted due to their sizes or weights, for example mill housings. The following conditions are required according to DIN EN ISO 12944-4: St 3 = loose coats or scale have been removed; rust has been removed to such an extent that the steel surface after subsequent cleaning shows a clear lustre given by the metal itself.

2.4 Standard preparation grade of steel surfaces prepared by pickling

Instead of by blasting and when a pickling tank is available, the surfaces of small parts can be derusted and prepared by pickling, e.g. in hydrochloric acid bath with subsequent passivation. In this case, preparation grade Be is required. Requirement as in DIN EN ISO 12944-4: Be = coating residues, scale and rust shall have been completely removed. Preparation grade Be corresponds to preparation grade Sa 3.

2.5 Derusting by blasting

To achieve preparation grade Sa 2 or Sa 3, the following metallic chilled-cast blast-cleaning abrasive with sharp-edged grain is used: blast-cleaning abrasive ISO 11124 M/CI/G70

When using this type of blast-cleaning abrasive taking into account impact energy and angle, the actual average roughness must not be markedly higher than the specified average roughness of Ra = 12.5 m.

Page 3 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

3 Coating
3.1 Prime coat
Basic specifications Upon preparation of the steel substrate, the prime coat shall be applied within 6 hours to prevent new formation of rust. When surface preparation is made by pickling in a phosphoric acid bath, the prime coat shall be applied only after 48 hours to avoid chemical change of the prime coat. This prime coat prevents penetration of cooling lubricants during machining. Depending on the degree of damage to the primer by finish-machining or welding, the prime coat is either touched up or newly applied. The weld seam area shall be cleaned with particular care to remove the alkaline or acid filler metal constituents and to avoid their destructive effects. Areas which are not accessible after assembling shall be provided with prime and top coats prior to the final assembling. Prime coats and their properties The following prime coats shall be applied: Table 1 Standard preparation grade Sa 2 or Be. Sa 2 or Be. Sa 2 or Be. Sa 2 or Be. Sa 3 or Be. Layer thickness (m) Temp. max. (C) Durability max. 2) (in months) Outdoor Indoor storage storage 21 9 Drawing indication

Type of prime coat


Note All machinery and structural steel components, pipelines and vessels in steel. Follow-up and Morgoil spare parts Machines or parts thereof which are exposed to elevated temperatures

3.1.1 SMS Demag standard All-purpose primer on Pu-alkyd basis with zinc phosphate (lead- and chromatefree) grey appr. RAL 7005 3.1.2 Heat-resistant Silicate zinc dust primer, moisture-hardening grey appr. RAL 7037 3.1.3 Acid-resistant Two-component epoxy-resin primer with zinc phosphate reddish brown appr. RAL 3009 3.1.4 Oil-resistant External coat like 3.1.1 SMS Demag standard Internal coat two-component epoxy-resin primer, reddish brown appr. RAL 3011




70-75 40-50

400 150

24 21

12 9


Machines or parts thereof which are exposed to acid fumes and splashes It is recommended making vessels in stainless and acid-resistant steel 40-50 120 21 9 All machines e.g. gear housings and gear internals such as welded gear wheels







For footnotes see page 6

Page 4 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09 3.2 Delivery and intermediate coats

Basic specifications The delivery coat is required only if the cover coat shall be applied after site installation. Intermediate coating is required only for machines or machine components which are exposed to acid fumes or splashes. Drawing indication is necessary. The intermediate coat is applied upon completion of workshop assembly or functional or acceptance testing, immediately before application of the final coat. Delivery and intermediate coats and their properties The following delivery and intermediate coats shall be applied: Table 2 Types of delivery and intermediate coats 3.2.1 Delivery coat as under 3.1.1 SMS Demag standard, but olive grey appr. RAL 7002 3.2.3 Intermediate coat Two-component epoxy-resin with zinc phosphate and iron mica reddish brown appr. RAL 3009 Layer thickness (m) 40-50 Temp. max. (C) 120 Durability max. 2) (in months)
Indoor storage Outdoor storage

Note Cover coat after site erection. Specifi cation required through shop order or interoffice letter. Machines or parts thereof which are exposed to acid fumes and splashes

Drawing indication









3.3 Cover coat

Basic specifications As a rule, the cover coat is applied only upon proper application of the coats stated in Tables 1 and 2 and on completion of assembling or functional or acceptance testing of the machine. It shall be ensured that the surfaces to be coated are free of grease, oil, dirt and dust. Areas which are not accessible after assembling shall be provided with prime and top coats prior to the final assembling.

For footnotes see page 6

Page 5 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

Cover coats and their properties The following cover coats shall be applied: Table 3 Type of cover coat 3.3.1 SMS Demag standard All-purpose cover coat on alkyd resin basis (lead and chromate-free green approx. RAL 60113) 3.3.2 Heat-resistant Silicone bronze varnish white aluminium appr. RAL 9006 3.3.3 Acid-resistant Two-component epoxy resin coating compound green approx. RAL 6011 3.3.4 Oil-resistant External coat like 3.3.1 SMS Demag standard Internal coat Two-component epoxy resin coating compound ivory RAL 1014 Layer thickness (m) Temp. max. (C) Durability max. 2) (in months) Outboard Indoor bearing storage assembly 36 18 Note Drawing indication



All machines and structural steel components, pipelines and vessels in steel. Machines or parts thereof which are exposed to elevated temperatures. Machinery or parts thereof which are exposed to acid fumes and splashes. All machines e.g. gear housings and gear internals such as welded gear wheels.






















3.4 Standard colours for special cover coat

Table 4 Application Rotating parts in danger zone Cover plates (bulb or checker plate) Cover plates (smooth plates ) anti-slip coating, e.g. PUR 120, crystallite grain 0,2 to 1,2 mm, standard preparation grade Sa 2 SMS Demag logo - on bright machine cover coats Railings Bought-out items Hydraulic cabinets, servo boxes or other hydraulic units with coated interior Colour DIN 4844 yellow/black marking RAL 1004 / RAL 9005 medium black RAL 9005 matt black RAL approx. 9005 white RAL 9001 - black RAL 9005 yellow RAL 1004 Standard white RAL 9001 Drawing indication Yes No Yes

Yes No No

3.5 Coating of follow-up and Morgoil spare parts

Follow-up spare parts are spare parts which are not part of the original equipment delivery. As a rule, follow-up and Morgoil spare parts are provided only with standard base coating as specified under 3.1.1. Parts in baremetal condition and machined surfaces are provided with preservation as under 1.1. If customer requests deviate from the above, consultation with our specialist department AEW is required.

3.6 Emulsion-resistant coating

Data on prime and cover coats and their properties with regard to emulsion resistance depend on the respective emulsion. Generally valid specifications cannot be given in this respect, the situation has to be examined and specifications given from case to case. Drawing indication is required.

For footnotes see page 6

Page 6 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

4 Preservation
Basic specifications
Preserving of surfaces not provided with prime, delivery or top coats takes place after applying the final coat upon termination of assembling or functional/acceptance testing of the machine. It shall be ensured that the surfaces to be covered with preserving agent are free of grease, oil, dust and film rust. To avoid rust formation under the coat, preservative shall be applied only on absolutely dry surfaces.

Preserving agents and their properties

Preserving agents shall be used as specified in Table 5. Table 5 Standard 4) Layer preparation thickness grade (m) Sa 3 50 Durability max. 2) (in months) Indoor Outdoor storage storage 36 12 Drawing indication No

Type of preservation 4.1 Preservation of external surfaces Tectyl 846 Preservation of 4.2 internal surfaces 4.2.1 Tectyl 502 C 4.2.2 4.2.3 Tectyl 511 M Renolin MRX 46


Metallically bright surfaces, can be removed with solvent. Metallically bright surfaces, gear internals. Dissolves during test run. For intermediate storage and dispatch within short time Hydraulic power packages. Test stand oil for functional testing.

Sa 3 Sa 3 Sa 3

40 15 -

24 18 24

3 -



4.3 Preservation of Morgoil bearings Tectyl 502 - C 95 % Tectyl 511 - M 5 %

Sa 3

Immersing 70


Morgoil bearings



When other prime coats are used, they must be environmentally acceptable, i.e. no use of PVC coatings or primers containing zinc chromate. Indoor storage = closed building without temperature control Outdoor storage = storage under tarpaulin or roof see SN 200 Part 9 blue: RAL 5010 are at choice, but



Other colours, for example grey: RAL 7000, 7031, 7032, green: RAL 6010, 6021, shall be specified in drawings or other manufacturing documents.


Indication of Sa 3 for preservation purposes refers to the features of the preparation grades as in DIN EN ISO 12944-4 and not to the associated rust removal method Sa = blast cleaning.

Page 7 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

5 Coating and preservation of pipelines, pipes and vessels

Pipe lines Pipework means prefabricated lines laid on machinery and consisting of pipes and pipeline components. This includes pipelines delivered to the site in prefabricated condition. Pipework is used to convey fluid (cooling water, air, oil, etc.) from the point of provision (e.g. tank) to the point of consumption (e.g. cylinder). Pipes Pipes which have not undergone working and are delivered to site by the meter in the as-produced condition for further use to form connecting conduits. Vessels Vessel which holds fluid ready for use and in which, due to operation, operating pressure exists or can be generated which is 0,1 bar or minus 0,2 bar = pressureless vessel, or > 0,1 bar or < minus 0,2 bar = pressure vessel.

5.1 Pipe lines

5.1.1 Pipelines in steel - Pipework consisting of pipes according to DIN 2448 and 2458 are pickled, flushed and then passivated. Pickling resi dues are removed by blowing off with compressed air. The required preparation grade is Be. - Pipework consisting of pipes according to DIN 2391 with bite-ring or similar couplings, for example Walform, which do not undergo welding or heat treatment, is neither pickled nor passivated if supplied with corrosion protection. - Pipelines must be clean inside. - External coating is made as specified in 3.1.1, internal coating is not applied. - The durability period is max. 18 months in case of indoor storage. - Internal preservation, if required, is made using Tectyl 511-M or equivalent products. Drawing indication or communica tion through shop order is required. With internal preservation the durability period is max. 36 months in case of indoor storage. 5.1.2 Pipelines in stainless and acid-resistant steel

- Pipework consisting of pipes according to DIN EN ISO 1127 is pickled, blast-cleaned or brushed to remove scale
layers or annealing colours. Scale and slag shall be completely removed, annealing colours are acceptable up to colour scale brown. (Refer to DIN 25410, page 9, Annex A, annealing colours 1 and 2.) - Pipelines consisting of pipes according to DIN EN ISO 1127 with bite-ring or similar couplings (Walform) which do not undergo welding or heat treatment remain without post-treatment. - Pipelines shall be clean inside. - Coating or preservation is not required.

Page 8 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09

5.2 Pipes
5.2.1 Steel pipes Treatment and delivery condition of steel pipes as stated in Table 6. Table 6 Pipes Treatment/delivery condition For the media prime-coated pickled, flushed, inside outside passivated inside outside blast-cleaned

closed with caps

Water Steam Condensate Gases / compressed air Oil/emulsion Hydr. fluid Instrument air Oxygen Grease


yes 1)



yes 1)




yes 1)


yes 1)


no no

no no

yes yes 1)

no no

yes yes 1)

yes yes

5.2.2 Pipes in stainless and acid-resistant steel Pipes are supplied pickled or descaled (metallically bright) and delivered to place of use without further treatment. All pipes are closed with caps.

5.3 Pipe fasteners

5.3.1 Pipe fasteners in steel Depending upon their size and quality, prefabricated fasteners are pickled or sand-shot blasted to preparation grade Sa 2 and subsequently provided with 40 m base coat as in 3.1.1. The durability period is max. 21 months in case of indoor storage. 5.3.2 Pipe fasteners in stainless and acid-resistant steel Prefabricated fasteners which have undergone welding or heat-treatment are either pickled, blast-cleaned or brushed to remove the scale layers and annealing colours and to ensure formation of the passivation layer. Scale and slag shall be completely removed, annealing colours are acceptable up to colour scale brown (refer to DIN 25410, annex A, annealing colours 1 and 2). Coating or preservation is not required.


Not applicable to pipes as in DIN 2391, which remain in the treatment/delivery condition (bright annealed and oiled) in which they are supplied by the manufacturer.

Page 9 SN 200 Part 7 : 2003-09 5.4 Vessels

5.4.1 Vessels in steel - Vessels are steel-shot blasted, the required preparation grades are Sa 3 for hydraulic vessels and Sa 2 for centralised and Morgoil lubrication, water and compressed-air systems. - Vessels without manhole (small inspection opening) are pickled inside, flushed and passivated; the required preparation grade is Be. External coating is carried out as in 3.1.1 SMS Demag standard (universal coating on Pu alkyd basis with zinc phosphate, free of lead and chromate, grey approx. RAL 7005). - Internal coating shall be a hygroscopically hardening one or two-component coat or shall be applied with Tectyl 502-C or equivalent products. Table 7 Type of preservation Tarponal Copaphen Aluminium Intertol Poxitar Layer thickness (m) 40 50 approx. 250 g/m2 2 x 30 approx. 350 g/m2 3 x 80 aprox. 1000 g/m2 Note Use for hydraulic systems Use for centralised and Morgoil lubrication systems Use for water and compressed-air systems Drawing indication Yes Yes Yes

All parts to be installed in vessels shall not be coated, but preserved with Tectyl 502-C or equivalent products. Vessels without manhole are swing-rinsed with Inertol. Vessels must be clean inside. All openings shall be safely closed for transport after surface treatment. The durability period is max. 24 months in case of indoor storage.

5.4.2 Vessels in stainless and acid-resistant steel - Vessels are pickled, blast-cleaned (with quartz sand, glass beads) or brushed to remove scale layers and annealing colours resulting from welding and to ensure the formation of the passivation layer. - Scale and slag shall be completely removed, annealing colours are admissible up to colour scale brown; refer to DIN 25410 (page 9, annex A, annealing colours 1 and 2). - Vessels must be clean inside. - Upon surface treatment, all openings shall be safely closed for transport. - Coating or preservation is not required.

6 Inspection
- All contractors are bound to present the base coat on machines or components to SMS Demag before applying the top coat. - We reserve the right to check the compliance with the specified number of paint coats and layer thicknesses as well as their proper application. - The paints and related products, preservatives, adhesives and sealing materials used must be certified with safety data sheets and technical specification.

Referenced standards
DIN 2391-1 DIN 2391-2 DIN 2440 DIN 2448 DIN 2458 DIN 4844 Part 1 DIN 25410 Seamless precision steel tubes; dimensions Seamless precision steel tubes; technical delivery conditions Steel tubes; medium-weight suitable for screwing on seamless steel tubes; dimensions and conventional masses per unit length Plain end welded steel tubes; dimensions and conventional masses per unit length Safety marking; concepts, principles and safety signs Nuclear facilities, surface cleanliness of components

DIN EN ISO 1127 Stainless steel tubes; dimensions, tolerances and conventional masses per unit length DIN EN ISO 11124-2 Specifications for metallic blast-cleaning abrasives; chilled-iron grit DIN EN ISO 12944-4 Corrosion protection of steel structures by protective paint systems; Types of surface and surface preparation SN 200 Part 9 SN 227 Part 1 SN 227 Part 2 SN 903 Manufacturing Instructions; Packaging Anchor plates for tee-head bolts, single anchor plates Anchor plates for tee-head bolts, double anchor plates Delivery condition of pipes, fittings and pipe supporting material

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions

SN 200
Part 8

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions laid down in this part of SN 200 apply to all parts intended for shipment (whether intermediate or final), unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documentation. Labeling is with stick-on labels which shall be attached by supplier.

Table of contents


1 Definitions.................................................................................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project No. ................................................................................................................................................................ 1 1.2 Identification No. ....................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Designation .............................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Quantity ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.5 Shipping unit (VE) ..................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.6 Shipment labels......................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.7 Preliminary package (VP) .......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.8 VP label .................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.9 Final package............................................................................................................................................................ 2
This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

2 Reporting of shipping units and packages containing SMS Demag designed items............................................... 3 2.1 General..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Reporting of shipping units ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2.3 Reporting of package data......................................................................................................................................... 3 2.4 Labeling of shipping units ......................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Reporting of shipping units and packages containing items not designed by SMS Demag.................................... 3 4 Fixing of shipment labels........................................................................................................................................... 4 Examples on item 2.2 ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Examples on item 2.3................................................................................................................................................. 6

1 Definitions
1.1 Project No.
This number is used to subdivide a plant by functional aspects from equipment unit level (machine) to sub-item level. Project structure Example Equipment Equipment unit Assembly Sub-assembly Item Sub-item Project No. Equipment 54014 AE 100 AB 01 AU 01 AP 01 AUP 001

Continued on pages 2 to 6

Page 2 SN 200 Part 8 : 2003-09

1.2 Identification No.

Number which serves to identify parts (e.g. drawing No., material No.).

1.3 Designation
Name of the shipping unit.

1.4 Quantity
Numerical indication of the number of parts contained in the shipping unit. Piece(s) as unit of quantity is not indicated, other units of quantity (e.g. sets, meters, kg) are expressly stated.

1.5 Shipping unit (VE)

Serial number of a unit of the SMS Demag scope of supply, for example loose parts of an item or an assembled unit, cardbox with several identical parts.

1.6 Shipment labels

Stick-on label stating the specific data of the shipping unit. The shipment label gives the following information: Example:

SMS Demag Aktiengesellschaft


1.7 Preliminary package (VP)

Package prepared for transport to packaging company. The preliminary package contains one or more shipping units and shall be labelled with additional VP label.

1.8 VP label
This label is used to label a preliminary package (VP) for its shipment to the packaging company

Codeword: Order No.: VP No.: Package No.: Packing type: Storage symbol: Lysteel 72023858 BSME-SMS(2)-041 (88945) 88945 case bay

Explanations on how to complete the VP label are given in our shipping instructions.

1.9 Final package

Package ready for shipment direct to the customer.

Page 3 SN 200 Part 8 : 2003-09

2 Reporting of shipping units and packages containing SMS Demag designed items
2.1 General
Reporting of the shipping units and packages by the supplier shall take place only with the table made available by SMS Demag, as only this form can be processed by our EDP systems. The shipment labels which are made available shall be attached to the respective shipping unit.

2.2 Reporting of shipping units

The reporting of the shipping units documents which project item is assigned to which shipping unit. An example is shown on page 5.

2.3 Reporting of package data

The reporting of the package data documents which shipping units are assigned to which package. These data serve as basis for drawing up the SMS Demag delivery note. An example is shown on page 6.

2.4 Labeling of shipping units

The shipment labels made available by SMS Demag shall be attached to the respective shipping unit; they contain the following information: The first eight digits of the project No. are indicated when the assembled parts belong to the same equipment unit, but to different assemblies. The first ten digits of the project No. are indicated when the assembled parts belong to the same assembly, but to different subassemblies. The first twelve digits of the project No. are indicated when the assembled parts belong to the same assembly and the same subassembly. The first fourteen digits of the project No. are indicated when the parts belong to the same subassembly and the same item (component identification). The seventeen digits of the project No. are indicated when the parts belong to the same item and the same sub-item (component identification). Identification No. Indication of the ident. No. which belongs to the project No. Designation Indication of the designation which belongs to the respective project No. and which is taken from the shipment processing system (VAB). Quantity Refer to 1.4 Shipping unit (VE) Consecutive Nos. of the SMS Demag shipping units.

3 Reporting of shipping units and packages containing items not designed by SMS Demag
Reporting of the shipping units and packages containing assemblies and equipment units not designed by SMS Demag shall be made by supplier only with the Excel table made available by SMS Demag as this form can be processed by our EDP systems. Further proceeding is as described under item 2. Contrary to the information given, only blank forms are made available as drawing up the bill of materials is in the responsibility of the supplier. The supplier only reports the content of his packages; component parts to be supplied shall be designated in detail.

Page 4 SN 200 Part 8 : 2003-09

4 Fixing of shipment labels

The shipment label is sticked on a perforated plastic support. Fastening to the shipping units is with non-rotting pack threads, with zinc-coated or high-grade steel tying wire or with cable fasteners. The labels shall not be sticked direct on the shipping units.

Referenced standards

Annexes see pages 5 and 6.

Example on

2.2 Reporting of the shipping units

Reporting of the shipping units
7 7a 8 Weight in kg 9 English designation 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18


Purchase order No. 1928888.001 K

1 Project No. 2 3 4 5 6


Identification Unit of Quantity No. quantity

Unassembled shipping units

Assembled shipping units

46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 20405338 M9052547 M9722894 M9021028 M9021028 M9040109 M9030026 20405337 46015239710907 1 2 31 5 7 2 10 2 4 pieces meter meter meter meter m meter pieces pieces 208 Caged ladder 72 Tube DIN 2448 48,3x3,6 mm 38 Square DIN 1014 17 Flats DIN 1017 79 Flats DIN 1017 0 Plate EN 10029 27 Angle bar 3 Ladder foot 0 Upat-UKA3 anchor bolt M16 20 50x5 50x5 5 50x 50x 5 1 2 3


1 2 31 5 7 2

10 2 4

Column: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7a 8 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

These columns are already completed in our form

Page 5 SN 200 Part 8 : 2003-09

Here only the unassembled parts are indicated with their consecutive numbers, assembled units are entered in columns 13 to 19. This column shows the pieces which are shipped loose.

The numbering of the assembled VE (shipping units) is entered as headings of these columns; below each heading, the quantity of parts assembled in this VE is filled in.

Page 6 SN 200 Part 8 : 2003-09

Example on

2.3 Reporting of package data

Reporting of package data
6 7 8 9 9a 10 English designation Angle bar Ladder foot Upat-UKA3 anchor bolt M16 Caged ladder 13 Package No. 1 2 2 3 14 Type of

Purchase order No. 1928888.001 K

1 2 3 4 5

15 Size (l * w * h) in cm 5x220x600 20x20x2 913x71x68



SMS Supplier Unit of Demag Project No. AB AU AP AUP Ident. No. Quantity VE No. quantity VE No. 1 2 3 4 46015239 46015239 46015239 46015239 71 71 71 71 9 9 9 9 5 6 7 4 M9030026 20405337 M9030025 20405338 10 2 4 1 meter pieces pieces pieces

NET GROSS weight in weight in kg kg 27 4 208 27 6 208


Column: 1 Please indicate here the shipping unit number assigned by you to the item in the list of "Report of shipping units". 2 Column not relevant for suppliers. 3 4 5 6 7 These columns need not be filled in, data can be taken from report of shipping units. 8 9 9a 10 Please enter designation of shipping unit in this column. This is of particular importance for assembled units, as their designations may differ from those in our bill of materials. 13 Please enter consecutive package number here. 11 Please indicate packing type of package. (for example, B = bundle, CO = container, EP = Europallet, EW = disposable pallet, FA = barrel, GB = skeleton container KA = cardbox, KH = timber structure, KI = case, U = unpacked, VS = crate) 15 16 Please enter here the sizes (in cm) and weights (in kg) of your packages. 17

September 2003

Manufacturing instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 9

Field of application
The manufacturing instructions specified in this part of SN 200 apply to equipment and components shipped on behalf of SMS Demag unless otherwise specified in drawings or other manufacturing documents. The packing designs described in these instructions shall be regarded as minimum requirement with special regard to the particular merchandise structure of SMS Demag. In specific cases, it may be impossible to comply with these instructions on account of the particular nature of the packages. In such cases coordination with our Department of Quality Inspection is required and the packing measures to be taken must be of provable adequacy to the instructions given herein. The packing categories shall always be selected as required for the nature of the respective equipment, transport type and route and duration of storage. The examples given refer to packaging of goods for sea transport. The shipping units shall be made up in an appropriate way, i.e. space-saving, with due regard to a favourable ratio of size to weight. If necessary, the present instructions will be extended with special, SMS Demag project-specific packaging and labeling instructions.

Table of contents


1 Packing categories ................................................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Category 1.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2 Category 2.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.3 Category 3.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.4 Category 4.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.5 Category 5.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.6 Category 6.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.7 Category 7.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.8 Category 8.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.9 Category 9.............................................................................................................................................................................. 2 1.10 Category 10............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.11 Category 11............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.12 Category 12............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 1.13 Category 13............................................................................................................................................................................ 2 2 Quality and strength of materials............................................................................................................................................ 3 2.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Packings of categories 1 to 8 and 11 to 13 .......................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 Packings of category 9 ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Execution of packages............................................................................................................................................................. 3 3.1 General................................................................................................................................................................................... 3 3.2 Cases of packing categories 1 to 4 and 13........................................................................................................................... 4 3.3 Crates of packing category 5 ................................................................................................................................................. 4 3.4 Bundles of packing category 6 .............................................................................................................................................. 4 3.5 Sledges of packing category 7 .............................................................................................................................................. 4 3.6 Planking of packing category 8 ............................................................................................................................................. 4 3.7 Dangerous goods packing of packing category 9 ................................................................................................................ 5 3.8 Transport packing of packing category 11............................................................................................................................ 5 3.9 Container packing of packing category 12............................................................................................................................ 5 4 Fixation of goods ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.1 Assumed loads ...................................................................................................................................................................... 5 4.2 Fixation of goods.................................................................................................................................................................... 5 5 Packing ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 6 Marking ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 6.1 Elements of marking .............................................................................................................................................................. 6 6.1.1 Inscription ............................................................................................................................................................................... 6 6.1.2 Handling marking ................................................................................................................................................................... 6 6.2 Execution of marking ............................................................................................................................................................. 6 6.3 Application of marking ........................................................................................................................................................... 7 6.4 Arrangement of marking ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 6.5 Permitted storage classes...................................................................................................................................................... 7 6.6 Marking of dangerous goods................................................................................................................................................. 7 7 Inspection................................................................................................................................................................................... 8

This copy will not be updated in case of changes!

Referenced standards, guidelines and ordinances ...........................................................................................................8 Annexes .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9

Admissible stresses ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Construction of bottom ...................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Construction of side part, end part and top..................................................................................................................................... 10 Dimensioning of mushroom head bolts........................................................................................................................................... 10 Construction examples .................................................................................................................................................................... 11 Continued on pages 2 to 13

Page 2 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

1 Packing categories
1.1 Category 1
Packing in cases with protective jute paper, goods sealed in aluminium compound foil (BWB TL 8135-0003 or equivalent foil) with addition of appropriate desiccant; guaranteed durability of 24 months. corrosion-sensitive mechanical-engineering and electric materials, prefabricated pipe lines Like 1.1, but packing in double case with padding elements adapted to sensitivity of goods (g-values to be specified), packing case-in-case. Highly sensitive electrical and control components. like 1.1, but sealed in 0.2 mm PE-foil (BWB TL 8135-0019 or equivalent foil); guaranteed durability of 12 months. same as 1.1 Like 1.1, without sealing of goods in plastic foils, but with gilled plates in upper section of case. shock and corrosion resistant units (simple machine components, pins, components for pipe lines such as welding fittings, threaded fittings) Crate components insensitive to corrosion and to the usual mechanical transport effects; all types of vessels. Bundle pipes sold by the meter, structures/racks not requiring protection against usual mechanical effects and combined only for the purpose of forming a loading unit Sledge robust corrosion-resistant components whose dimensions exceed the usual loading gauges. Planking (including cable drums) Components whose unit weights exceed 30 tonnes and/or exceed the usual loading gauges. Components are insensitive to corrosion and mechanical influences from transport, only machined surfaces are protected by planking. Dangerous goods packing Dangerous goods as in Dangerous Goods Ordinance Sea Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail IATA-DGR Unpacked goods Components not requiring specific protection during shipment. Transport packing (without durability guarantee for storage) Parts destined for intermediate shipment (to subsuppliers, machining workshops, central packers). These parts shall be protected against climatic and mechanical influences during transport. Container package, packing on load-bearing transport bottoms, goods seald in aluminium compound foil (BWB TL 8135-0003 or equivalent foil) with addition of appropriate desiccant; guaranteed durability of 6 months. same as 1.1 Tugged packing Components which are loaded with the loading gear attached to the goods. transport by sea transport by road and rail transport by air



Category 2


Category 3


Category 4


Category 5


Category 6


Category 7


Category 8


Category 9

1.10 Category 10

1.11 Category 11

1.12 Category 12


1.13 Category 13

Page 3 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

2 Quality and strength of materials

2.1 General
Special requirements as to the type and nature of materials associated with a specific Buyer's Country are defined in the relevant Consular and Standard Regulations of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.

2.2 Instructions applicable to packings of categories 1 to 8 and 11 to 13:

- For load-bearing structural parts only the use of coniferous timber as in DIN 4074 -1 - S 10 TA/FI (pine/fir) dry is allowed. - The use of timber as in DIN 4074 1 - S 7 TA/FI (pine/fir) - dry is allowed for non-load-bearing structural elements inside the barrier sheathing of cases. Supplements to DIN 4074-1 shall be observed: Sorting class S 10 Max. rosing galls Min. specific gravity l = 5,0 cm b = 0,5 cm 0,45 to 0,50 kg/dm3

Sorting class S7 l = 10 cm b = 1 cm 0,45 to 0,50 kg/dm3

The following material can be used for surface planking: - wood as in DIN 4074-S7-TA/FI - half-dry - plywood as in DIN 68705-BFU 100, min. thickness 12 mm - plywood of the types APA RATED SHEATHING and APA RATED STURD-I FLOOR, bonding method EXTERIOR, min. thickness 9 mm (use only for case types 1 to 3, see Table 3) - boards as in DIN EN 300 OSB3, min. thickness 12 mm (use only for case types 1 to 3, see Table 3) here it must be noted that only vertical bordering joints are admissible.

2.3 Instructions applicable to packings of category 9:

- Only type-tested cases and containers as in RM 001 are allowed.

3 Execution of packages
3.1 General
For packages exceeding the following dimensions: Length = 1190 cm Width = 240 cm 240 cm Height =

Weight =20,000 kg Packer shall, upon request, draw up transport/package sketches prior to packaging and hand these over to SMS Demag. The maximum package dimensions admissible for air freight shall be agreed upon with SMS Demag from case to case. The following conditions shall also be taken into account: - Strength values and design features as in DIN 1052 (see Tables 1 and 2) - Assumed loads, such as drop heights and acceleration during transport, as in strength calculations for wooden packings used in the shipping of heavy-goods (RGV) - Diagonal bracing of cleat frames (Page 11 and 12): Connection: top - side - bottom bottom - side wall top - bottom - side wall (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2) (Fig. 3)

Nailing as in DIN 1052: Nailing of wooden liners (Fig. 5)

- Wood quality categories according to section 2.2 - Nailing of end-grained wood is applied only for fixing of components of a case. - Cleats are arranged inside the cases.

Page 4 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09 3.2 Cases of packing categories 1 to 4 and 13

Cases are assigned to type classes according to the weights to be packed (Table 3).

Details resulting from this classification are shown in Tables 4 to 10. The cases must be designed in such a way that: - it has at least two entries for the forklift, 2 - the cases and crates can be stacked in conventional loading up to a stacking impact pressure of 10 kN/m . cases of 3 t and more are provided with heavy-lift corners at the rope sling points and with edge guards at the lids (min. metal thickness: 3 mm). - the packages withstand the tying-up forces when reloading, - handling with hoisting gears and/or industrial trucks is possible. All end headers shall be bolted up with the longitudinal skids. Bolt details are shown in table 10. Double-bolting is required for cases of type 5. When vertical side cleats are used, proof of twofold safety against buckling is required for these cleats. The vertical elements shall be fixed in their positions. The side and end faces shall be provided with vertical wooden sheathing. Case tops shall be sealed against ingress of moisture with appropriate sealing elements at the bottom side of the top. The sealing element shall be placed between wooden sheathing and cleat frame. Holes/slots shall be provided in the case bottoms for draining condensation water and moisture. The holes/slots shall be protected against entry of vermin. Vertical openings of the package with diameters 500 mm shall be covered with 5 or 6 mm thick plywood panels. These panels shall be fixed in their positions.

3.3 Crates of packing category 5

Above instructions given for the cases (3.2) equally apply to crates. The bottom of the crate is the load-carrying element and shall always remain closed. Two thirds of the end, side and top faces shall be provided with wooden sheathing.

3.4 Bundles of packing category 6

A bundle shall be executed in such a way that: - it has at least two entries for the forklift, - it withstands the tying-up forces during reloading, - handling with hoisting gears and/or industrial trucks is possible, Bundling shall be carried out as follows: - With square-timber clamps and clamping screws (threaded rods), - With intermediate layers of wood, plywood or plastic material, dimensioned as required for the weight of the goods and secured against slipping with clamping screws, - with suitable screws/bolts whose projecting lengths shall be covered with strips provided with appropriate recesses. The cover strips shall be fastened with nails. - The screw connection shall be properly secured. Instead of in square-timber, the clamps can be in the form of channels.

3.5 Sledges of packing category 7

The sledge must be designed in such a way that: - it has at least two entries for the forklift, - the rope sling points are provided with heavy-lift corners when the weight exceeds 3 t, - it withstands the tying-up forces during reloading, - handling with hoisting gear and/or industrial trucks is possible. The sledge structure can be in timber or in steel. Fastening of the goods is on the sledge and appropriate bands shall be used if direct bolting is not possible. Length and width of the sledge structure shall not be smaller than the dimensions of the goods. The ends of longitudinal bottom ledges shall be bevelled at an angle of 45 leaving at least 30 % of the ledge thickness. If necessary, appropriate padding shall be provided between goods and supporting structure and between goods and fastening means.

3.6 Planking of packing category 8

The planking must be designed in such a way that: - it has at least two entries for the forklift, - the rope sling points are provided with heavy-lift corners when the weight exceeds 3 t, - it withstands the tying-up forces when reloading, - handling with hoisting gear and/or industrial trucks is possible. Protection by application of contact preservative and adhesive aluminium foil. Wood planking of machined faces shall cover the entire surface. Fittings, valves and projecting parts shall be fully wood-planked and padded if necessary.

Page 5 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09 3.7 Dangerous goods packing of packing category 9
When preparing packing units special attention must be paid to the regulations on the maximum quantities allowed for packing together of dangerous goods.

3.8 Transport packing of packing category 11

The transport packing must be designed in such a way that: - it has at least two entries for the forklift, - it withstands the tying-up forces when reloading, - handling with hoisting gear and/or industrial trucks is possible. - the parts are protected against climatic and mechanical influences during transport.

3.9 Container packing of packing category 12

When goods are packed in containers, the internal dimensions of the containers must be observed.

4 Fixation of goods
4.1 Assumed loads
G values for the forces of gravity The forces of gravity which are relevant for securing the goods result from the actually occurring acceleration and deceleration values. The following table states acceleration factors for the different types of transport. G values associated with the acceleration rates (max. rates occurring in regular operation)

Acceleration forces Type of transport Rail Road Sea Air Horizontal forces Forward/backward 4,0 g 0,8 g 0,25 g 1,5 g Transverse 0,5 g 0,5 g 0,25 g 1,5 g 0,3 g 1,0 g 1,0 g 3g Vertical forces

(according to HPE Guidelines 2003/06)

In combined traffic, the highest value of each kind of acceleration force out of the types of transport used shall be taken into account.

4.2 Fixation of goods

- The merchandise shall be bolted to the case bottom structure through load-distributing transverse wooden members. Calculation of

the number of bolts and their dimensioning is made according to Table 11. The minimum bolt spacing and the minimum bolt distance from the loaded edge in grain direction shall be 7 d, but at least 10 cm. - Securing in place of movable parts of the merchandise shall be in the same quality as the fixation of the merchandise on the case bottom structure. - If screw-fastening/bolting of the merchandise to the case bottom structure is impossible or possible only to a limited extent, use of appropriate intermediate layers, padding elements, supports or blocking elements shall be made to avoid slipping of the merchandise in the case. The following measures are appropriate: - jamming of goods using wooden thrust blocks and threaded rods (min. bolt diameter see table 10), - lashing of goods using prestretched wire and turnbuckle (proof of sufficient wire cross-section required) - bracing with wooden members (direct wood-to-metal contact not permissible)

Page 6 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

5 Packing
The preservative applied to the parts by the supplier shall be checked by packer for absence of damage on outer surfaces in the scope of incoming and outgoing goods inspections and, if necessary, properly repaired with an agent as in SN 200, Part 7. Depending upon transport and storage times involved, corrosion protection is by the desiccant method by sealing the goods in plastic film. Following materials are used for the barrier layer: - Polyethylene foil according to BWB TL 8135-0019 or equivalent foil, - Aluminium compound foil according to BWB TL 8135-0003 or equivalent foil. Preservation using the VCI method with appropriate carrier material (paper, film, foam pack, etc.) is an alternative possibility, but requires previous consultation with SMS Demag regarding compatibility. Barrier sheathings shall be designed to allow their proper opening and reclosing for two times. The desiccant quantity required is calculated as in DIN 55474 for a maximum permissible ultimate humidity of 40%. Water vapour permeability is established using the procedures specified in DIN 53122-2; the foils shall be checked both in as-delivered and in aged condition. The testing climates to be used depend upon the country of destination.If no climate data are available, use is made of testing climate B as in DIN 53122. If no particular proof of water vapour permeability has been furnished, the max. permissible water vapour permeability factor (mean value of as-delivered and aged condition) stated in the corresponding technical delivey condition shall be used. Proof of the test results shall be furnished in the form of an inspection certificate as in DIN EN 10204/3.1 B or 3.1 C. Desiccant bags (low-dust type) shall be attached properly secured against dropping in the upper section of the packing. Fastening of the desiccant bags shall be so as to permanently withstand loads due to transport, handling and weight increase by absorption of humidity. Direct contact between merchandise and desiccant is not allowed. Projecting parts and sharp edges shall be properly padded to prevent wearing through and piercing of the foil. Air inside the barrier layer shall be sucked off. Openings in the barrier sheathing such as spots pierced by fastening elements shall be sealed vapour-tight with seals and sealing agent applied on both sides of the film (see Fig. 4).

6 Marking
6.1 Elements of marking
Marking is made up of inscription and handling marking. 6.1.1 Inscription Inscription is project-related and part of our shipping instructions. These shipping instructions will be made available to the contractor in due time. 6.1.2 Handling marking In addition to the inscription, the packages shall be provided with the relevant internationally used handling marking as in DIN EN 780. All packages with weights exceeding 3 t require marking of the center of gravity and slinging point. Storage-class marking is with the symbols shown under item 6.5.

6.2 Execution of marking

Unless otherwise specified, all marking shall be in Arabic figures and Latin capital letters. The letter size depends on the sizes of the inscription surfaces. Letter sizes of less than 2 cm shall not be used. Handling marking shall be made according to DIN EN ISO 780 in the usual letter sizes specified in the standard.

Page 7 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09 6.3 Application of marking

Packages shall be marked either with labeling template using seawater-resistant, light-proof contrasting paint (preferably black RAL 9005) or using labeling plates approved by SMS Demag with regard to plate material, inscription, letter and plate sizes. When sledge structures are used or the parts are unpacked, marking on the merchandise itself is allowed. Handling marking is applied as specified in DIN EN ISO 780.

6.4 Arrangement of marking

Marking shall be applied on at least two faces of the package. Cylindrical packages shall be provided with marking on two opposite faces. Handling marking is applied as specified in DIN EN ISO 780.

6.5 Permitted storage classes

Pictorial marking as in DIN EN ISO 780

- Open-air storage under tarpaulins or roofing (outdoor storage)

- Closed building without temperature control (indoor storage) 50 C

5 C

- Building protected from frost Temperature range 5 C to 50 C 15 C - Air-conditioned building Temperature between 15 C and 25 C Relative humidity from 40 % to 60 %

25 C

-Special storage area for dangerous goods

Marking according to 6.6

Storage class shall be determined on the basis of the most sensitive component. If no specifications are given by SMS Demag, storage class shall be determined by manufacturer or supplier of the goods. The determined storage class shall also be documented in plain text in an appropriate part of the accompanying documentation of the merchandise (for example advice of delivery, delivery note, packing list).

6.6 Marking of dangerous goods

Dangerous goods within the meaning of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance for the respective type of transport (GGVSee = Dangerous Goods Ordinance for sea transport, GGVSE = DGO for road and rail transport, IATA-DGR = DGO for air transport) shall be provided at least with the following additional marking: - Inscription: UN number and technical designation of merchandise. - Marking with danger class symbol and danger class figure, additional danger class symbols shall be applied in case of more than one dangerous property of the merchandise. Size of marking at least 100 x 100 mm, on containers 250 x 250 mm. When packages are combined to form loading units, marking and symbols of the individual packages must be fully and freely visible, if not, the loading unit shall be provided with new marking.

Page 8 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

7 Inspection
SMS Demag shall be informed by contractor in due time (at least two days) prior to beginning of packaging and has the right of attendance during packaging. SMS Demag reserve the right to inspect the packing. The contracting packaging company shall complete an inspection report (SMS Demag form No. 1325) for every package. In addition, the calculation documents and a list of the materials used stating quantities, cross sections etc. shall be drawn up for each package. These documents shall be submitted to SMS Demag for countersigning (company-specific records giving identical information will be accepted by SMS Demag). If, on the basis of the records or during inspection of the packages, there is reasonable doubt concerning proper preservation, marking or packing, the authorized representative of SMS Demag will decide as to whether opening of the packages and possibly the barrier sheathings is required. If the opened packages are found to be unacceptable, the representative of SMS Demag will decide whether additional opening of twice the number of packages opened for previous inspection shall take place. Such additional inspection shall be repeated till all packages of an additional inspection are without complaint. Contractor shall be liable to SMS Demag for correct packaging in compliance with these minimum requirements and for perfect quality of the packing material. Any deviation from these conditions requires previous written approval by SMS Demag. Contractor shall be liable to SMS Demag for any damage resulting from improper or faulty packing. Package inspection does not relieve the packaging company from its warranty obligations and liability.

Referenced standards, guidelines and ordinances

DIN 603 DIN 1052, sh. 1 DIN 4074-1 DIN 53122-2 DIN 55402-2 DIN 55474 DIN EN 300 DIN EN ISO 780 Mushroom head square neck bolts Timber structures, design and construction Strength grading of wood, coniferous sawn timber Determination of water vapour transmission Marking for shipping of packages; directive for export packaging Desiccants in bag Oriented strand boards (OSB) Pictorial marking for handling of goods (ISO 780)

- HPE Packaging Guidelines (The Registered Federal Association for Wooden Packages, Pallets and Export Packaging)
- Instruction Sheets covering Export Packing for Shipment to Overseas Countries (RGV)

- Provisions of the countries of destination

- Dangerous Goods Ordinance Road and Rail - Dangerous Goods Ordinance Sea - Dangerous Goods Ordinance Air Transport - RM 001(Guidelines associated with the Dangerous Materials Handling Provisions/Refers to all Carriers of Goods)

- K and M, Consular and Standard Regulations of the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce - BWB TL 8135-0003, Federal Office for Military Engineering and Procurement - BWB TL 8135-0019, Federal Office for Military Engineering and Procurement

Page 9 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

Admissible stresses
Table 1 Strength data for wood used as packing material Admissible stresses admiss and admiss in N/cm2 for load case H Sorting category S7 Kind of loading Coniferous wood Hardwood Bending b admiss Bending of through beams without joints b admiss Tension in direction of grain z admiss Pressure in direction of grain d admiss Pressure perpendicular to direction of grain d admiss 900 950 0 750 950 1000 0 900 400 500 130 Sorting category S10 Coniferous wood Hardwood 1250 1250 1100 1100 250 300 120 1400 1500 1250 1250 400 500 130

250 300 120

Pressure perpendicular to direction of grain in components in which minor indentations are harmless. d admiss Shearing off in direction of grain and glued joint admiss

Table 2

Admissible compressive stress in N/cm for angular application of force on wood of sorting category S10 for load case H (main forces) dzul dzul Coniferous wood __ 1100 950 800 650 550 450 400 300 270 250 for components for which minor indentations are harmless 1100 1100 900 700 600 500 450 370 330 320 __ 1250 1100 950 820 700 600 500 430 400 390 - (dzul - dzul ) sin Oak and beech wood for components for which minor indentations are harmless 1250 1130 1000 900 770 680 600 550 530 500

Angle or between connecting load and direction of grain 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

For load case HZ (main and additional forces) shunting impact, crane transport, industrial-truck transport the admissible stresses are multiplied by the factor 1.5.

Construction of bottom
Table 3 Construction of bottom Type of case 1 2 3 4 5 Net weight in kg < 1 000 > 1 000 - 5 000 > 5 000 - 10 000 > 10 000 - 25 000 > 25 000 Board thickness in mm 24 24 24 24 24 Longitud. skid W x H in cm 8 x 10 10 x 12 12 x 14 14 x 16 > 16 x 18 Rubbing skid W x H in cm 10 x 10 10 x 10 10 x 10 12 x 12 > 12 x 12 End header W x H in cm 8x 8 8 x 10 10 x 12 12 x 14 > 16 x 18

Page 10 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

Table 4 Number of squared timbers (longitudinal skids) Bottom width (cm) Number of squared timbers 120 2 121 - 180 3 181 - 240 4 241 300 5 301 350 6

Construction of side part, end part and top

Table 5 Construction of side part, end part and top Type of case 1 2 3 4 5 Net weight in kg < 1 000 > 1 000 - 5 000 > 5 000 - 10 000 > 10 000 - 25 000 > 25 000 Boad thickness in mm 24 24 24 24 24 Cleat frame, diagonal, horizontal in cm 10 x 2,4 10 x 2,4 12 x 3 12 x 3 12 x 5

Table 6 Number of side-part panels Length of case (cm) Number of panels 300 1 301 - 500 2 501 - 700 3 701 - 900 4 > 900 5

Table 7 Number of end-part panels Length of case (cm) Number of panels 200 1 > 200 2

Table 8 Number of longitudinal cleats of the top Width of top (cm) Number of cleats 100 3 101 - 200 4 201 - 250 5 251 - 350 7

Table 9

Dimensioning and quantities of top joists (center distance from square timber to square timber max. 70 cm) 100 6x8 101 - 150 8 x 10 151 - 200 10 x 12 201 - 250 12 x 14 251 - 300 14 x 16 301 -350 14 x 18

Width of top (cm) Squared timber W x H (cm)

Dimensioning of mushroom head bolts

Table 10 Dimensioning of mushroom head bolts, fixation of goods Type of case 1 2 3 4 5 Net weight
in kg

Diameter of mushroom head bolt in mm 12 12 16 16 20

Max. hole dia. in mm 13 13 17 17 21

< 1 000 > 1 000 - 5 000 > 5 000 - 10 000 > 10 000 - 25 000 > 25 000

Use shall be made of mushroom head bolts as in DIN 603.

Page 11 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

Table 11 Admissible loads on mushroom head bolt joints for application of force in direction of grain in N

single-lap joint

Pine wood including larch 550 N/mm x a1 x d, but not more than 2400 N/mm x d

Oak and beech wood 700 N/mm x a1 x d, but not more than 2800 N/mm x d

d = bolt diameter in mm

Construction examples
Fig. 1: Connection top - side - bottom

end sheathing

top joists (3) vertical center cleat side sheathing diagonal end bracing

vertical corner cleat diagonal sidewall bracing end header main skid rubbing skid

bottom board

To guarantee withstanding of the compressing stress on stack of 10 kN/m it may be necessary to prop the top joists with vertical supports.

Page 12 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

Fig. 2: Connection Bottom side wall

side sheathing boards diagonal cleat

vertical support for cross-timber (top joist)

vertical cleat

longitudinal bottom cleat

bottom boards

end header longitud. skid stop cleat for rope (sliding cleat)

Fig. 3: Connection top bottom side wall

end wall

side wall vertical cleat

upper transverse cleat

longitudinal top cleat

lower transverse cleat

end header

longitudinal bottom cleat

bottom boards

rope stop cleats (sliding cleats) longitudinal skids

Page 13 SN 200 Part 9 : 2003-09

Fig. 4: Piercing of barrier films

nut washer machine base

rubber pad sealing compound barrier film sealing compound

transverse timber

rubber pad padding film as protection for barrier film bottom board

longitudinal skid washer bolt head Important: Hole-circle diameters in the rubber pads shall be smaller than the shank diameters of the fastening screws rubbing skid

Fig. 5: Nailing of wooden cleats

cleat frame

Shortest applicable nail distances: 10 d from loaded edge 5 d from unloaded edge d = nail diameter sheathing 80-200 Cleats shall be fixed with at least 2 nails in each board.

diagonal bracing 120

September 2003

Manufacturing Instructions
Dimensions in mm

SN 200
Part 10

Field of application
The inspection instructions which are valid for SMS Demag are compiled in the standard SN 200. They are applied to all components, assemblies and equipment units which are manufactured on the basis of SMS Demag drawings. This includes all work and services which are performed by third parties on behalf of SMS Demag. If the requirements stated in the drawings and associated technical documents differ from those specified in the inspection instructions, these requirements have priority over the instructions of SN 200.

Table of contents
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
This copy will not be updated in case of changes!


Warranty .................................................................................................................................................................... 1 General inspection instructions................................................................................................................................ 1 Inspection instructions for component parts ........................................................................................................... 1 Inspection instructions for assembled units ........................................................................................................... 2 Particular inspection instructions............................................................................................................................. 2 Inspections made by the end user ........................................................................................................................... 2 Inspection results...................................................................................................................................................... 2 Certificates ................................................................................................................................................................ 2 Types of inspection documents ............................................................................................................................... 3

Referenced standards...................................................................................................................................... 3

1 Warranty
The manufacturer has to warrant the proper execution of his supplies and services. He is responsible for material quality, execution of welding, dimensional accuracy, surface condition, methods of processing and treatment etc. as required for his scope of supply. Inspections made by SMS Demag quality inspectors do not relieve him of his warranties.

2 General inspection instructions

All features produced by the manufacturer must be inspected by the manufacturer himself. Recording of the inspection results has to take place in accordance with the instructions given in the drawings and purchase orders and with the criteria stated in the chapters of this SN. Inspection records and certificates have to be drawn up in German or English language. For the purpose of clear identification, all documents etc. must state our project number, drawing number and, if applicable, our purchase order number and the designation of the part. Every manufacturer must ensure that residues from processing/machining (such as welding slag, loose burrs, chips, drilling emulsion etc.) are removed from the product after completion. The cleanness must be ensured by visual inspection as in DIN EN 13018 and guaranteed. The members of the SMS Demag quality inspection department have the right, independently of maker's obligation to draw up records, to demand proof that all features have been fulfilled or to check themselves the fulfillment of all features. If inevitable, destructive testing is permitted within the scope of inspection and maker has to carry out destructive testing upon request by the SMS Demag quality inspector. All features tested/checked within the scope of intermediate or final inspection are recorded by the SMS Demag quality inspector or put down in writing on the report drawn up by the manufacturer.

3 Inspection instructions for component parts

Component parts are parts which cannot be further disassembled and are identified by an at least 14-digit project number. Inspection instructions for component parts are contained in the associated drawings, purchase orders and chapters of this standard; the extent of inspection depends on the respective scope of supplies and services of the manufacturer. The inspection instructions for high-quality components are stated in component-specific SN standards; the applicable specific standard is indicated in the drawing of the respective component. In exceptional cases additional inspection schedules for component parts will be drawn up by the SMS Demag quality inspection department and made available to the manufacturer together with the drawings and ordering documents. Continued on pages 2 and 3

Page 2 SN 200 Part 10 : 2003-09

4 Inspection instructions for assembled units (assemblies and equipment units)

Given the wide range of products manufactured by SMS Demag, it is not possible to define standard inspection instructions for assembled units within the scope of this SN 200. Manufacturers of assembled units are therefore bound to contact our dept. of quality inspection to agree on the relevant inspection procedures. For the most part, the scopes of assembly and inspection are listed in specific schedules, which will be made available to the manufacturer and are considered to be constituent parts of this SN. Within the scope of these inspections, functional and movement testing is the minimum inspection requirement on oscillating and rotating parts.

5 Particular inspection instructions

Equipment such as lifting gears, pressure vessels etc. must be put through the acceptance tests and inspections stipulated in the statutory regulations or other regulations having legal force (e.g. Accident Prevention Instructions, AD codes of practice).

6 Inspections made by the end user (acceptance by customer)

Inspections/testing which has been contractually agreed between SMS Demag and the customer will be notified to the manufacturer in the respective documents (internally: shop order, externally: ordering document).

7 Inspection results
All inspections which are carried out in accordance with the inspection instructions given in the various chapters must be documented showing the desired values and the actual values. Appropriate forms and certificates for the reporting/documenting of inspection results are available at SMS Demag and will be supplied upon request. Company-specific reports/certificates showing the same contents and drawn up by the supplier within the scope of his own quality assurance system will be accepted by SMS Demag provided they can be assigned to the SMS Demag project number and to the ordering and drawing numbers. If the drawing stipulates identification marking of every single component part (eg by stamped figures or engraving), the actual values of every such component part must be stated (one report for each component part). In the case of parts which are manufactured in quantities greater than 1 and for which no identification marking is required, it is sufficient to report the actual values of the respective maximum and minimum limits (i.e. one report per lot with values ranging from ... to ...). Inspections on assembled units must also be reported with indication of the desired and actual values. The original reports are required to be handed over complete, in size A4, to the SMS Demag quality inspection representative during his visit to the manufacturer's works. If no inspection by SMS Demag takes place at the manufacturer's works, the original reports must be sent to the SMS Demag department of quality assurance. All reports required to be drawn up in this SN 200 are constituent parts of the scopes of order/supply. If inspection reports are missing or not complete, payments will be withheld by SMS Demag.

8 Inspection documents
In general, inspection documents are required to be drawn up on the basis of DIN EN 10204 according to the requirements made in the drawings and/or ordering documents. Unless otherwise specified in drawings or ordering documents, the inspection documents stated in the various sections of this SN 200 are the minimum requirement of documents for component parts. The minimum requirement for assembled units for which no particular specifications are made in the drawings and ordering documents is a document drawn up on the basis of DIN EN 10204-2.1. For further requirements in accordance with section 3, a inspection document based on DIN EN 10204-3.1B has to be drawn up and the inspection documents of the component parts and the inspection document of the assembled unit have to be joined to the certificate as annexes. If the handover of the inspection documents is intended to induce payments by SMS Demag or their customers, an inspection report as provided for in DIN EN 10204-3.2 is required to be drawn up by the manufacturer in mutual agreement with the SMS Demag quality inspection representative in lieu of the inspection certificate as provided for in DIN EN 10204-3.1B.

Page 3 SN 200 Part 10 : 2003-09

9 Types of inspection documents (extract from DIN EN 10204)

Summary of inspection documents Type of Standard Document control designation 2.1 Certificate of compliance with the order Non-specific 2.2 Test report Contents of document Without mention of test results With mentionof test results carried out on the basis of non-specific inspection and testing In accordance with the requirements of the order, and if required, also in accordance with official regulations and the corresponding technical rules the manufacturer Delivery conditions Document validated by

2.3 3.1.A 3.1.B

Specific test report Inspection certificate 3.1.A Inspection certificate 3.1.B Inspection certificate 3.1.C Inspection report 3.2


3.1.C 3.2

With mention of test results carried out on the basis of specific inspection and testing

In accordance with official regulations and the corresponding technical rules In accordance with the requirements of the order, and if required, also in accordance with official regulations and the corresponding technical rules

the inspector designated in the official regulations the manufacturer's authorized representative independent of the manufacturing department the purchaser's authorized representative

In accordance with the specifications of the order

the manufacturer's authorized representative independent of the manufacturing department and the purchaser's authorized representative

Different language versions of inspectioin documents as defined in EN 10204

English Certificate of compliance with the order Test report Specific test report Inspection certificate Inspection report

French Attestation de conformit la commande Relev de contrle Relev de contrle spcifique Certificat de rception Procs-verbal de rception

German Werksbescheinigung Werkszeugnis Werksprfzeugnis Abnahmeprfzeugnis Abnahmeprfprotokoll

Referenced standards
DIN EN 10204 DIN EN 13018 Metallic products; types of inspection documents Visual testing; general principles

Page 1 Revisions of September 2003 Part 1 General

Addition of passages on pipe classification and of hazardous materials/environmental protection. Addition of passage on load-carrying attachments.

Part 2 Material
Section 1 - Casting General tolerances for casting revised by revision of standard. Addition of passage on inspection. Section 2 - Forging Quality classes revised by revision of standard.

Part 3 Thermal cutting and forming by bending

Revision of heading; addition of passages on plasma cutting and laser cutting. Incorporation of DIN EN ISO 9013.

Part 4 Welding
Editorial revision. Table 9 updated. Addition of item 3.3 on filler metals. Addition of item 3.4 on preheating. Complete revision of Table 11. Table 12: cancellation of shrink connection. Addition of item 3.5.1. Addition of item 3.5.2. Addition of item 3.5. Table 13 completely revised on basis of DIN 2559. Editorial revision of section 4. Updating of standards in section 5. Item 6.1: addition of passage on lifting devices. Revision of Table 14. Addition of new referenced standards.

Part 5 Machining
Editorial revision.

Table 5: new symbols. Editorial revision of item 2.1 Table 6, indication of sawing tolerance up to max. nominal dimension range of 20,000 mm. Table 14, revision of drilling tool runout Addition of item 3.4.1 Item 3.5, addition of roller burnishing and deep-rolling Section 5, addition of joint tolerance area cz Section 6: editorial revision Table 19: addition of new tolerance ranges (e7, e8, p6, D7, F8, G8, H12) Addition of Tables 21 and 22

Part 6 Assembling
Section 1: addition of safety instruction Section 2: DIN ISO 13715 substituted for DIN 6784 Editorial revision of section 2 Table 12: addition of permissible loads on screws

Page 2 Revisions of September 2003

Part 7 Preserving
Revision of field of application Revision of section 1 Item 2.6 incorporated in item 2.4 Addition of Table 5 Addition of Table 6

Part 8 Labeling
Editorial revision of sections 2 and 3 Addition of examples on page 5 (reporting of shipping units) and page 6 (reporting of package data)

Part 9 Packaging
Updating of item 1.9 Item 4.1: revision of table

Part 10 Inspection
Editorial revision Addition of section 1

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