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Chapter 4

Structures and Properties of Substances

Solutions for Practice Problems
Student Textbook pages 165166
1. Problem (a) (b) (c) (d)

Write electron congurations for the following: Li+ Ca2+ Br O2

Solution First determine the atomic number of the ion, and then add or subtract electrons to match the charge indicated on the ion. Use the aufbau process to write the complete electron conguration of the ion. (a) Li+ : Z = 3, subtract one electron for +1 charge; 1s 2 (b) Ca2+ : Z = 20, subtract two electrons for +2 charge; 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 6 (c) Br : Z = 35 , add one electron for charge of 1; 1s 22s 22p 63s 23p 64s 23d 104p 6 (d) O2 : Z = 8 , add two electrons for charge of 2; 1s 22s 22p 6 Check Your Solution A check of the sequence of orbitals shows that the aufbau process was followed correctly. The number of electrons in each electron conguration matches the difference of Z (net charge on ion). The answers are correct.
2. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for the chemical species in question 1. Solution In a Lewis structure, the nucleus and the inner core electrons are represented by the symbol for the element. The electrons in the valence shell are drawn around the symbol. 2 + 2+ (a) Li (b) Ca (c) Br (d) O

Check Your Solution Each positive ion shows no electrons. This is expected, since electrons were removed from the valence shell. Each negative ion has 8 valence electrons. This is expected for all ions except helium-like ions.
3. Problem

Draw orbital diagrams and Lewis structures to show how the following pairs of elements can combine. In each case, write the chemical formula for the product. Solution In each example, electrons are transferred from the metal to the non-metal so that each ion attains a noble gas electron conguration.
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



(a) Lewis structure:

















(b) Lewis structure:





























(c) Lewis structure:

K +















(d) Lewis structure:

Na Na +
























Check Your Solution In each case the ions have a noble gas electron conguration that takes into account the charge on the ion. The answers are correct.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR












1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 2p 2p 2p 2p


1s 2s 2p 3s 3p


1s 2s 2p 3s 3p


1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

1s 2s 2p 3s 3p

1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 1s






4. Problem (a) (b) (c) (d)

To which main group on the periodic table does X belong? MgX X2SO4 X2O3 XCO3

Solution Since these compounds are all ionic, the zero sum rule applies, and the sum of the charges on the ions must equal zero. Once you know the charge on the ion, it can be related to the characteristic charge on ions for the main group elements. (a) The charge on Mg is +2. Therefore, (+2) + x = 0, and x = 2. X2 will be in group 16. (b) The charge on SO4 is 2. Therefore, 2(x) + (2) = 0, and x = +1. X+ will be in group 1. (c) The charge on O is 2. Therefore, 2(x) + 3(2) = 0, and x = +3. X3+ will be in group 3. (d) The charge on CO3 is 2. Therefore, x + (2) = 0, and x = +2. X2+ will be in group 2. Check Your Solution In each case the zero sum rule holds. The charge on each X ion has been determined correctly.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook pages 169170
5. Problem

List the following compounds in order of decreasing bond energy: H H Cl. Use Appendix E to verify your answer.

Br, H


Solution Since all bonds are electrical in nature, a greater difference in charge between two atoms indicates a stronger attraction between the atoms, and therefore, a stronger bond. The difference in charge can be estimated using the property of electronegativity. A greater difference in electronegativity between the two atoms in the bond indicates a greater attraction between the atoms. (A greater electronegativity also indicates a greater ionic character of the bond.) For each bond, measure the difference in electronegativity, (EN ). The greater EN, the stronger the bond. H Cl: EN = 3.16 2.20 = 0.96 H Br: EN = 2.96 2.20 = 0.76 H I: EN = 2.66 2.20 = 0.46 Based upon these calculated values for EN, H Cl has greatest bond energy and H I has the least bond energy. From Appendix E, the bond energies conrm this conclusion. H Cl: bond energy = 432 kJ/mol H Br: bond energy = 366 kJ/mol H I: bond energy = 298 kJ/mol Check Your Solution Since the measured value of bond energy matches the prediction using EN, this is a valid method to estimate bond strength.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



6. Problem

Rank the following compounds in sequence from lowest melting point to highest melting point, and give reasons for your decisions: AsBr3, KBr, CaBr2 . Solution When compounds that are composed of a metal ion and a non-metal ion melt, the two types of ions are separated. The greater the attraction between the ions, the more heat energy will be required to melt the compound. The attraction between ions can be estimated by calculating the difference in electronegativity (EN ) between the atoms (ions) in each bond.
AsBr3 EN = 2.96 2.18 = 0.78 KBr EN = 2.96 0.82 = 2.14 CaBr2 EN = 2.96 1.0 = 1.96

Based upon this EN, the melting points will be expected to increase from AsBr3 < CaBr2 < KBr. Check Your Answer The actual melting points of these three compounds can be found in a reference text such as the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. A check of this reference conrms that the reasoning was correct.
7. Problem

From their position in the periodic table, predict which bond in the following groups is the most polar. Verify your predictions by calculating the EN. (a) C H, Si H, Ge H (b) Sn Br, Sn I, Sn F (c) C O, C H, C N Solution A greater distance between the positions of two elements in the periodic table indicates a greater expected difference in the atoms ability to attract electrons. Therefore, a greater distance between elements in the periodic table indicates that a more polar bond forms between the elements. Using these criteria, the most polar bond in each group is predicted to be: (a) C H (b) Sn F (c) C O Using the electronegativities given on the periodic table, the following EN are found: (a) C H (0.35), Si H (0.30), Ge H (0.19) (b) Sn Br (1.00), Sn I (0.70), Sn F (2.01) (c) C O (0.89), C H (0.35), C N (0.49) Our predictions were accurate. Check Your Solution Generally, the statement that the further apart two elements are found in the periodic table, the more polar the bond between them, is reliable. The use of EN, however, is a more accurate measure of polarity.
8. Problem

Classify the bonding in each of the following as covalent (non-polar), polar covalent, or ionic. Afterwards, rank the polar covalent compounds in order of increasing polarity. (a) S8 (b) RbCl (c) PF3 (d) SCl2 (e) F2 (f) SF2

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Solution Calculate the difference in electronegativity, EN, between the elements in each compound. Apply the criteria that for a mostly covalent bond, EN is < 0.5; for a polar covalent bond, EN is between 0.5 and 1.7; and for an ionic bond EN > 1.7.
EN (a) S8 (b) RbCl (c) PF3 (d) SCl 2 (e) F2 (f) SF2 00=0 3.16 0.82 = 2.34 3.98 2.19 = 1.79 3.16 2.58 = 0.58 00=0 3.98 2.58 = 1.40 Type of bonding covalent ionic polar covalent/ionic polar covalent covalent polar covalent

polar covalent compounds: SCl2 < SF2 < PF3 Check Your Solution The type of bond predicted correlates with the relative positions of the elements in the periodic table. These results are good indicators of the polarity of the bonds.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 177
9. Problem (a) NH3 (e) BrO

Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules or ions: (b) CH4 (c) CF4 (d) AsH3 (f) H2S (g) H2O2 (h) ClNO Solution

(a) The molecular formula, NH3, gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Nitrogen has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.

Determine the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom N 5 e/N) + (3 atoms H 1 e/H) = 8 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (1 atom N 8 e/atom) + (3 atoms N 2 e/atom) = 14 e To nd the number of shared electrons, subtract the rst total from the second. 14 e 8 e = 6 e Divide the number of shared electrons by two to obtain the number of bonds. 6 e 2 = 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons by subtracting the number of shared electrons from the total number of valence electrons: 8 valence e 6 bonding e = 2 e , or 1 lone pair
Step 2


Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



(b) The molecular formula, CH4, gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Carbon has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.

Find the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom C 4 e/C) + (4 atoms H 1 e/H) = 8 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (1 atom N 8 e/atom) + (4 atoms H 2 e/atom) = 16 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 16 e 8 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 8 valence e 8 bonding e = 0 non-bonding e
Step 2

(c) The molecular formula, CF4 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow steps Step 1

13 as given in the student textbook. Carbon has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom C 4 e/C) + (4 atoms F 7 e/F) = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 5 atoms 8 e /atom = 40 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Step 3 Calculate the number of non-bonding electrons. 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs
Step 2


(d) The molecular formula, AsH3 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow Step 1

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Arsenic has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.
H As H H

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom As 5 e/N) + (3 atoms H 1 e/H) = 8 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (1 atom As 8 e/atom) + (3 atoms H 2 e/atom) = 14 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 14 e 8 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 8 valence e 6 bonding e = 2 e , or 1 lone pair
Step 2

As H

(e) The molecular formula, BrO , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Br O Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom O 6 e/O) + (1 atom Br 7 e/Br) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 14 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 2 atoms 8 e/atom = 16 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 16 e 14 e = 2 e , or 1 covalent bond Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 14 valence e 2 bonding e = 12 e , or 6 lone pairs
Step 1 Step 2


(f) The molecular formula, H2S, gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow steps

13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Sulfur has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom S 6 e/S) + (2 atoms H 1 e/H) = 8 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (1 atom S 8 e/atom) + (2 atoms H 2 e/atom) = 12 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 12 e 8 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 8 valence e 4 bonding e = 4 e , or 2 lone pairs
Step 2

(g) The molecular formula, H2O2 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Since

there is no single central atom, steps 13 are modied. Step 1 In this example, the two hydrogen atoms are at either end of the molecule, and the oxygen atoms are bonded.

Step 2

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (2 O atoms 6 e/O) + (2 H atoms 1 e/H atom) = 14 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (2 O atoms 8 e/O) + (2 H atoms 2 e/H) = 20 e
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Determine the total number of electrons that are used in bonding. 20 e 14 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 14 valence e 6 bonding e = 8 non-bonding e , or 4 lone pairs Hydrogen has no lone pair, and each oxygen atom has 2 lone pairs.

(h) The molecular formula, ClNO, gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Nitrogen is the least electronegative element in the molecule and will be the central atom.
Cl N O

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom N 5 e/N) + (1 atom O 6 e/O) + (1 atom Cl 7 e/Cl) = 18 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 3 atoms 8 e/atom = 24 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 24 e 18 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 18 valence e 6 bonding e = 12 e , or 6 lone pairs Add an additional bonding pair between the nitrogen and oxygen atom to satisfy the normal bonding capacity of oxygen.
Step 2


Check Your Solution For each structure, each atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. These are acceptable Lewis structures.
10. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for each of the following ions. (Note: Consider resonance structures.) (a) CO32 (b) NO+ (c) ClO3 (d) SO32 Solution
(a) The molecular formula, CO32 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Carbon has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.

Step 2

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom C 4 e/C) + (3 atoms O 6 e/O) + (2 e for charge on ion) = 24 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 32 e 24 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 24 valence e 8 bonding e = 16 e , or 8 lone pairs More than one Lewis structure can be shown. Resonance structures must exist.




(b) Step 1

The molecular formula, NO+ , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow steps 13 as given in the student textbook.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom O 6 e/O) + (1 atom N 5 e/N) (1 e for charge on ion) = 10 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 2 atoms 8 e/atom = 16 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 16 e 10 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 10 valence e 6 bonding e = 4 e , or 2 lone pairs
Step 2

(c) The molecular formula, ClO3 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow Step 1

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Chlorine has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.
O O Cl O

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom Cl 7 e/Cl) + (3 atoms O 6 e/O) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 26 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 32 e 26 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 26 valence e 6 bonding e = 20 e , or 10 lone pairs
Step 2

O Cl

(d) The molecular formula, SO32 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Follow

steps 13 as given in the student textbook. Step 1 Sulfur has the lower electronegativity in the molecule and will be the central atom.
S O O Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR O

Step 2

Calculate the total number of valence electrons.



(1 atom S 6 e/S) + (3 atoms O 6 e/O) + (2 e for charge on ion) = 26 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 32 e 26 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 26 valence e 6 bonding e = 20 e , or 10 lone pairs


Check Your Solution For each structure, each atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. These are acceptable Lewis structures.
11. Problem

Dichlorouoroethane, CH3CFCl2 , has been proposed as a replacement for chlorouorocarbons (CFCs). The presence of hydrogen in CH3CFCl2 markedly reduces the ozone-depleting ability of the compound. Draw a Lewis structure for this molecule.
Step 1

Solution There is no central atom in this molecule. The three hydrogen atoms will be bonded to one carbon, and the uorine and the two chlorine atoms will be bonded to the other carbon. The two carbon atoms are bonded to each other.
H H C H F C Cl Cl

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (2 C atoms 4 e/C) + (3 H atoms 1 e/H atom) + (1 F atom 7 e/F) + (2 Cl atoms 7 e/Cl) = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons that are required for a noble gas conguration. (2 C atoms 8 e/C) + (3 H atoms 2 e/H) + (1 F 8 e/F) + (2 Cl 8 e/Cl) = 46 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 46 32 = 14 e, or 7 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 32 valence e 14 bonding e = 18 non-bonding e , or 9 lone pairs Hydrogen and carbon have no lone pairs, and uorine and the two chlorine atoms have 3 lone pairs.
Step 2


F C Cl


Check Your Solution Each atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. This is an acceptable Lewis structure.
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



12. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules: (Note: Neither of these molecules have a single central atom.) (a) N2H4 (b) N2F2 Solution
(a) Step 1

Two hydrogen atoms will be bonded to each nitrogen atom. The two nitrogen atoms are bonded to each other.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (2 N atoms 5 e/N) + (4 H atoms 1 e/H atom) = 14 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (2 C atoms 8 e/C) + (4 H atoms 2 e/H) = 24 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 24 14 = 10 e, or 5 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 14 valence e 10 bonding e = 4 non-bonding e , or 2 lone pairs Hydrogen has no lone pairs, and each nitrogen atom has one lone pair.
Step 2


(b) Step 1

There will be one uorine atom bonded to each nitrogen atom. The nitrogen atoms are bonded to each other.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (2 N atoms 5 e/N) + (2 F atoms 7 e/F atom) = 24 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. (2 N atoms 8 e/C) + (2 F atoms 8 e/F) = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 32 24 = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 24 valence e 8 bonding e = 16 non-bonding e , or 8 lone pairs Each nitrogen atom has one lone pair and each uorine atom has 3 lone pairs. There will be a double bond between the nitrogen atoms.
Step 2

Check Your Solution For each structure, each atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. These are acceptable Lewis structures.
13. Problem

Although Group 18 (VIIIA) elements are inactive, chemists are able to synthesize compounds of several noble gases, including Xe. Draw a Lewis structure for the XeO4 molecule. Indicate if coordinate covalent bonding is likely a part of the bonding in this molecule.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Solution The molecular formula, XeO4 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Xe will be the central atom.
O Xe O O

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom Xe 8 e/Xe) + (4 atoms O 6 e/O) = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Determine the total number of electrons used in bonding. 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs
Step 2
O O Xe O O

All four bonds are co-ordinate covalent. Check Your Solution Each atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. This is an acceptable Lewis structure.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 178
14. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules: (a) SF6 (b) BrF5 Solution (a) SF6 The molecular formula, SF6, gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Sulfur has the lower electronegativity and will be the central atom.

Step 2

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom S 6 e/S) + (6 atoms F 7 e/F) = 48 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 7 atoms 8 e/atom = 56 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 56 e 48 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Since twelve electrons are needed to bond the six uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the sulfur.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Step 3

Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 48 valence e 12 bonding e = 36 e , or 18 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom.


(b) BrF5

The molecular formula, BrF5 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Bromine has the lower electronegativity and will be the central atom.
F F Br F F F

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom Br 7 e/Br) + (5 atoms F 7 e/F) = 42 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 6 atoms 8 e/atom = 48 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 46 e 42 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Since 10 e are needed to bond the ve uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the bromine. Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 42 valence e 10 bonding e = 32 e , or 16 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any electrons remaining, assign them to the central atom.
Step 2

F Br

Check Your Solution Each uorine atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. Both the sulfur atom and the bromine atom have expanded octets. These are acceptable Lewis structures.
15. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for each of the following molecules.

(a) XeF4 (b) PF5

(a) The molecular formula, XeF4 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Xenon will be the central atom.
F Xe F F F

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom Xe 8 e/Xe) + (4 atoms F 7 e/F) = 36 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 40 e 36 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Since 8 e are needed to bond the four uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the xenon atom. Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 36 valence e 8 bonding e = 28 e , or 14 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any electrons remaining, assign them to the central atom.
Step 2



(b) The molecular formula, PF5 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Phosphorus has the lower electronegativity and will be the central atom.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom P 5 e/P) + (5 atoms F 7 e/F) = 40 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 6 atoms 8 e/atom = 48 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 48 e 40 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Since 10 e are needed to bond the ve uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the phosphorus. Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 40 valence e 10 bonding e = 30 e , or 15 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom.
Step 2


Check Your Solution Each uorine atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. The Xe and P atoms have expanded octets. These are acceptable Lewis structures.
16. Problem

How does the arrangement of electrons around the central atom differ in PI3 and ClI3 ? Draw the Lewis structures for these compounds to answer this question.
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Solution The molecular formula, PI3 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Phosphorus has the lower electronegativity and will be the central atom.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom P 5 e/P atom) + (3 atoms I 7 e/I) = 26 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 32 e 26 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 26 valence e 6 bonding e = 20 e , or 10 lone pairs
Step 2

For the second part, the molecular formula, ClI3 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Chlorine will be the central atom.
I I Cl I

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom Cl 7 e/Cl) + (3 atoms I 7 e/I) = 28 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 32 e 28 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Since 6 e are needed to bond the three iodine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the chlorine. Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 28 valence e 6 bonding e = 22 e or 11 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any electrons remaining, assign them to the central atom.
Step 2
I I Cl I

The difference in the arrangement of electrons around the central atom in these two molecules is that phosphorus has one lone pair, and chlorine has two lone pairs. Check Your Solution Each atom in PI3 has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. In ClI3 , the iodine atoms have eight valence electrons, and the chlorine atom has ten valence electrons, which is an expanded octet. These are acceptable Lewis structures.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



17. Problem

Draw a Lewis structure for the ion, IF4 . Solution The molecular formula, IF4 , gives the number of each kind of atom. Step 1 Iodine has the lower electronegativity and will be the central atom.

Calculate the total number of valence electrons. (1 atom I 7 e/I) + (4 atoms F 7 e/F) + (1 e for the charge on the ion) = 36 e Determine the total number of electrons required for a noble gas conguration. 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Determine the total number of electrons available in bonding. 40 e 36 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Since 8 e are needed to bond the four uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the iodine atom. Step 3 Determine the number of non-bonding electrons. 36 valence e 8 bonding e = 28 e , or 14 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom.
Step 2

Check Your Solution Each uorine atom has a noble gas electron conguration in its valence shell. The iodine atom has twelve valence electrons, which is an expanded octet. This is an acceptable Lewis structure.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook pages 185186
18. Problem (a) (b) (c) (d)

Use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular shape of each of the following: HCN SO2 SO3 SO42 Plan Your Strategy For each molecule or ion, follow the four-step procedure to predict molecular shape. Use Table 4.2 in the textbook to name the molecular shape based upon the electron-group arrangements.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Act on Your Strategy (a) Step 1 Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for HCN.

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 C atom 4 e/C) + (1 H atom 1 e/H) + (1 N atom 5 e/N) = 10 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = (1 C atom 8 e/C) + (1 N atom 8 e/N) + (1 H atom 2 e/H) = 18 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 18 e 10 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds There must be a triple bond between the carbon and nitrogen atoms. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 10 valence e 8 bonding e = 2 e , or 1 lone pair The Lewis structure for HCN is

The Lewis structure shows two electron groups around the central carbon atom (triple bond counts as one group), both BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the two electron groups is linear. Step 4 The molecular shape for two BPs is linear.
Step 2 (b) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for SO2 .


Total number of valence electrons: = (1 S atom 6 e/S) + (2 O atoms 6 e/O) = 18 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 3 atoms 8 e/atom = 24 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 24 e 18 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 18 valence e 6 bonding e = 12 e , or 6 lone pair The Lewis structure for SO2 will be a resonance hybrid.

The Lewis structure shows three electron groups around the central sulfur atom (double bond counts as one group), two BPs, and one LP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the three electron groups is trigonal planar. Step 4 The molecular shape for two BPs and one LP is angular (also called bent, or V-shaped).
Step 2

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



(c) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for SO3 .


Total number of valence electrons: = (1 S atom 6 e/S) + (3 O atoms 6 e/O) = 24 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 32 e 24 e = 8e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 24 valence e 8 bonding e = 16 e , or 8 lone pairs The Lewis structure for SO3 will be a resonance hybrid.




The Lewis structure shows three electron groups around the central sulfur atom (a double bond counts as one group). All are BPs. (Note: In further studies in chemistry, you will learn that sulfur can expand its valence shell. This structure will be presented in a variation of this resonance form.) Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the three electron groups is trigonal planar. Step 4 The molecular shape for three BPs is trigonal planar.
Step 2 (d) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for SO42 .


Total number of valence electrons: = (1 S atom 6 e/S) + (4 O atoms 6 e/O) + (2 e for charge on ion) = 32 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



The Lewis structure for SO42 will be

O O S O O 2

(Note: Other resonance structures have been suggested for this ion.) The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central sulfur atom. All four are BP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for four BPs is tetrahedral.
Step 2

Check Your Solution (a) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2 . (b) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2E. (c) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX3 . (d) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX4 .
19. Problem

Use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular shape for each of the following: (a) CH2F2 (b) AsCl5 (c) NH4+ (d) BF4 Plan Your Strategy For each molecule or ion, follow the four-step procedure to predict molecular shape. Use Table 4.2 in the textbook to name the molecular shape based upon the electron-group arrangements. (a) Step 1 Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for CH2F2 .

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 C atom 4 e/C) + (2 H atoms 1 e/H) + (2 F atoms 7 e/F) = 20 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = (1 C atoms 8 e/C) + (2 F atoms 8 e/F) + (2 H atoms 2e/H) = 28e Total electrons used in bonding: = 28 e 20 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 20 valence e 8 bonding e = 12 e , or 6 lone pairs The Lewis structure for CH2F2 will be

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central carbon atom. All four are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for four BPs is tetrahedral.
Step 2 (b) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for AsCl5

Cl Cl As Cl Cl Cl

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 As atom 5 e/As) + (5 Cl atoms 7 e/Cl) = 40 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 6 atoms 8 e/atom = 48 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 48 e 40 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Since 10 e are needed to bond the ve chlorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the arsenic. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 40 valence e 10 bonding e = 30 e , or 15 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. The Lewis structure for AsCl5 will be
Cl Cl As




The Lewis structure shows ve electron groups around the central arsenic atom. All ve are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the ve electron groups is trigonal bipyramidal. Step 4 The molecular shape for ve BPs is trigonal bipyramidal.
Step 2 (c) Step 1

Draw the Lewis structure for NH4+. Since this is a common molecule, with no lone pairs, a full series of steps is not given.
H H N H H +

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central nitrogen atom. All four are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for four BPs is tetrahedral.
Step 2 (d) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for BF4 .

F F B F Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR F



Total number of valence electrons: = (1 B atom 3 e/B) + (4 F atoms 7 e/F) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 32 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs The Lewis structure for BF4 will be

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central sulfur atom. All four are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for four BPs is tetrahedral.
Step 2 (a) (b) (c) (d)

Check Your Solution This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX4 . This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX5 . This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX4 . This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX4 . Use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular shapes of NO2+ and NO2. Plan Your Strategy For each ion, follow the four-step procedure to predict molecular shape. Use Table 4.2 in the textbook to name the molecular shape based upon the electrongroup arrangements. Act on Your Strategy Step 1 Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for NO2+.

20. Problem

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 N atom 5 e/N) + (2 O atoms 6 e/O) (1 e for charge on ion) = 16 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 3 atoms 8 e/atom = 24 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 24 e 16 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 16 valence e 8 bonding e = 8 e , or 4 lone pairs
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



The Lewis structure for NO2+ is


The Lewis structure shows two electron groups around the central nitrogen atom (a double bond counts as one group). Both are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the two electron groups is linear. Step 4 The molecular shape for two BPs is linear.
Step 2 Step 1

For the second part of the problem, Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for NO2.

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 N atom 5 e/N) + (2 O atoms 6 e/O) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 18 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 3 atoms 8 e/atom = 24 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 24 e 18 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 18 valence e 6 bonding e = 12 e , or 6 lone pairs The Lewis structure for NO2 is

The Lewis structure shows three electron groups around the central nitrogen atom (a double bond counts as one group). There are 2 BPs and 1 LP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the three electron groups is trigonal planar. Step 4 The molecular shape for 2 BPs and 1 LP is angular or bent.
Step 2

Check Your Solution These molecular shapes corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2 and AX2E respectively.
21. Problem

Draw Lewis structures for the following molecules and ions, and use VSEPR theory to predict the molecular shape. Indicate the examples in which the central atom has an expanded octet. (a) XeI2 (b) PF6 (c) AsF3 (d) AlF4 Plan Your Strategy For each molecule or ion, follow the four-step procedure to predict molecular shape. Use Table 4.2 in the textbook to name the molecular shape based upon the electron-group arrangements.
(a) Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for XeI2 .

I Xe I

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Total number of valence electrons: = (1 Xe atom 8 e/Xe) + (2 I atoms 7 e/I) = 22 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 3 atoms 8 e/atom = 24 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 24 e 22 e = 2 e , or 1 covalent bond Since 4 e are needed to bond the two iodine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the xenon atom. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 22 valence e 4 bonding e = 18 e , or 9 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any electrons remaining, assign them to the central atom. The Lewis structure for XeI2 will be
I Xe I

The Lewis structure shows ve electron groups around the central xenon atom. There are 2 BPs and 3 LPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the ve electron groups is trigonal bipyramidal. Step 4 The molecular shape for 2 BPs and 3 LPs is linear.
Step 2 (b) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for PF6 .


Total number of valence electrons: = (1 P atom 5 e/P) + (6 F atoms 7 e/F) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 48 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 7 atoms 8 e/atom = 56 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 56 e 48 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Since 12 e are needed to bond the six uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the phosphorus. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 48 valence e 12 bonding e = 36 e , or 18 lone pairs

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any lone pairs remaining, assign them to the central atom. The Lewis structure for PF6 will be


The Lewis structure shows six electron groups around the central phosphorus atom. All six are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the six electron groups is octahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 6 BPs is octahedral.
Step 2 (c) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for AsF3 .

F As F F

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 As atom 5 e/As) + (3 F atoms 7 e/F) = 26 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 32 e 26 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 26 valence e 6 bonding e = 20 e , or 10 lone pairs The Lewis structure for AsF3 will be
F As F F

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central arsenic atom. There are 3 BPs and 1 LP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 3 BPs and 1 LP is trigonal pyramidal.
Step 2 (d) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for AlF4 .

F F Al F F

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 Al atom 3 e/Al) + (4 F atoms 7 e/F) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 32 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs The Lewis structure for AlF4 will be
F F Al F F

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central aluminum atom. All four are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 4 BPs is tetrahedral.
Step 2 (a) (b) (c) (d)

Check Your Solution This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2E3 . This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX6 . This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX3E. This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX4 .

22. Problem

Given the general formula and the shape of the molecule or ion, suggest possible elements that could be the central atom, X, in each of the following: (a) XF3+ (trigonal pyramidal) (b) XF4+ (tetrahedral) (c) XF3 (T-shaped) Plan Your Strategy - Identify the VSEPR notation that will result in the indicated molecular shape. - Determine the number of BP and LP that are necessary for this molecular shape. Determine the number of electrons needed to give this number of BP and LP. - Calculate the number of electrons contributed by the valence shell of the central atom. This value is equal to the total number of valence electrons used for BPs and LPs, minus the number of electrons contributed to BPs by bonded atoms. Adjust this total to reect any charge on an ion. - Relate the number of valence electrons in the valence shell of the central atom to the group in which this element will be found in the periodic table.
(a) XF3+ (trigonal pyramidal)

Act on Your Strategy

- The VSEPR notation is AX3E. - There are 3 BPs, and 1 LP. This requires eight valence electrons. - Number of electrons contributed by central atom = (8 e 3 e(one e from each F atom)) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 6 e - The central atom will be a group 16 element, such as O, S, Se, etc.
(b) XF4+ (tetrahedral)

- The VSEPR notation is AX4 . - There are 4 BPs, which requires eight valence electrons.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



- Number of electrons contributed by central atom = (8 e 4 e(one e from each F atom)) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 5 e - The central atom will be a group 15 element, such as N, P, As, etc.
(c) XF3 (T-shaped)

- The VSEPR notation is AX3E2 . - There are 3 BPs, and 2 LPs. This requires ten valence electrons. - Number of electrons contributed by central atom = 10 e 3 e(one e from each F atom) = 7 e - The central atom will be a group 17 element, such as Cl, Br, I, etc. Check Your Solution The VSEPR notation matches the total number of electrons in each example. These answers seem reasonable and correct.

Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 188
23. Problem

Use VSEPR theory to predict the shape of the following molecules. From the molecular shape and the polarity of the bonds, determine whether or not the molecule is polar. (a) CH3F (b) CH2O (c) GaI3 Solution
(a) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for CH3F.


Total number of valence electrons: = (1 C atom 4 e/C) + (1 F atom 7 e/F) + (3 H atoms 1 e/H) = 14 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = (1 atom C 8 e/C) + (1 atom F 8 e/F) + (3 H atoms 2 e/H) = 22 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 22 e 14 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 14 valence e 8 bonding e = 6 e , or 3 lone pairs The Lewis structure for CH3F will be

Step 2

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central carbon atom. All four are BPs.
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Step 3 Step 4 Step 5

The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. The molecular shape for 4 BPs is tetrahedral. All of the bonds are polar. Their polarities do not cancel, however, since the C F bond has a different polarity from the other three C H bonds. The molecule will be polar. From the sample problem shown in the textbook, the Lewis structure for this molecule is

(b) Step 1

The Lewis structure has three electron groups (the double bond counts as one electron group). All are BPs. Step 3 The geometric shape will be trigonal planar. Step 4 The molecular shape is trigonal planar. Step 5 Since the polarities of the three bonds are not equal, this molecule will be polar.
Step 2 (c) Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for GaI3 .

I Ga I I

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 Ga atom 5 e/Ga) + (3 I atoms 7 e/I) = 26 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 4 atoms 8 e/atom = 32 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 32 e 26 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 26 valence e 6 bonding e = 20 e , or 10 lone pairs The Lewis structure for GaI3 will be
I Ga I I

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central gallium atom. There are 3 BPs and 1 LP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 3 BPs and 1 LP is trigonal pyramidal. Step 5 The polarities of the three Ga I bonds are the same. They will not cancel, however, because of the molecular shape. This molecule is polar.
Step 2

Check Your Solution

(a) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX3Y. It seems

reasonable and correct.

(b) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2Y. It seems

reasonable and correct.

(c) This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX3E. The answer

seems reasonable and correct.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



24. Problem

Freon-12, CCl2F2, was used as a coolant in refrigerators until it was suspected to be a cause of ozone depletion. Determine the molecular shape of CCl2F2 and discuss the possibility that the molecule will be a dipole. Solution Step 1 Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for CCl2F2.
F Cl C Cl F

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 C atom 4 e/C) + (2 F atoms 7 e/F) + (2 Cl atoms 7 e/Cl) = 32 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 32 e = 8 e , or 4 covalent bonds Number of non-bonding electrons: = 32 valence e 8 bonding e = 24 e , or 12 lone pairs The Lewis structure for CCl2F2 will be
F Cl C Cl F

The Lewis structure shows four electron groups around the central carbon atom. All four are BPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the four electron groups is tetrahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 4 BPs is tetrahedral. Step 5 All of the bonds are polar. Their polarities do not cancel, however, since the C F bond has a different polarity than the two C Cl bonds. The molecule will be polar.
Step 2

Check Your Solution This molecular shape corresponds to the VSEPR notation AX2Y2 . It seems reasonable and correct.
25. Problem

Which of the following is more polar? Justify your answer in each case.
(a) NF3 or NCl3 (b) ICl4 or TeCl4

(a) Determine the molecular shape of each molecule, and compare the polarities of

the bonds. Both NF3 and NCl3 have the same central atom, and both F and Cl are in the same group of the periodic table. Therefore, these two molecules will have the same shape. (Both will have a trigonal pyramidal shape.) Since the N F bonds are more polar than the N Cl bonds, you can conclude that NF3 is more polar. (b) For the rst molecule,
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Step 1

Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for ICl4 .

Cl Cl I Cl Cl

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 I atom 7 e/I) + (4 Cl atoms 7 e/Cl) + (1 e for charge on ion) = 36 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 36 e = 4 e , or 2 covalent bonds Since 8 e are needed to bond the four uorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the iodine. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 36 valence e 8 bonding e = 28 e , or 14 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any lone pairs remaining, assign them to the central atom. The Lewis structure for ICl4 will be
Cl Cl I Cl Cl

The Lewis structure shows six electron groups around the central iodine atom. There are 4 BPs and 2 LPs. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the six electron groups is octahedral. Step 4 The molecular shape for 4 BPs and 2 LPs is square planar. Step 5 A square planar molecular shape leads to a nonpolar molecule.
Step 2 Step 1

For the second molecule, Draw a preliminary Lewis structure for TeCl4.
Cl Cl Te Cl Cl

Total number of valence electrons: = (1 Te atom 6 e/Te) + (4 Cl atoms 7e/Cl) = 34 e Total electrons needed for noble gas conguration: = 5 atoms 8 e/atom = 40 e Total electrons used in bonding: = 40 e 34 e = 6 e , or 3 covalent bonds
Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR



Since 8 e are needed to bond the four chlorine atoms, there are not enough electrons. There must be an expanded octet around the tellurium atom. Number of non-bonding electrons: = 34 valence e 8 bonding e = 26 e , or 13 lone pairs When there is an insufcient number of bonding electrons to give each atom an octet of valence electrons, assign lone pairs of electrons to all of the atoms that surround the central atom. If there are any lone pairs remaining, assign them to the central atom. The Lewis structure for TeCl4 will be
Cl Cl Te Cl Cl

The Lewis structure shows ve electron groups around the central tellurium atom. There are 4 BPs and 1 LP. Step 3 The geometric arrangement of the ve electron groups is trigonal bipyramidal. Step 4 The molecular shape for 4 BPs and 1 LP is seesaw. Step 5 All of the Te Cl bonds are polar. Their polarities do not cancel out, however, because of the molecular shape. The molecule will be polar. Only TeCl4 is polar.
Step 2

Check Your Solution These results are consistent with the VSEPR shapes and are reasonable and correct.
26. Problem

A hypothetical molecule with formula XY3 is discovered, through experiment, to exist. It is polar. Which molecular shapes are possible for this molecule? Which shapes are impossible? Explain why in each case. Plan Your Strategy - Determine the VSEPR notations that can correspond to the molecular formula XY3. - For each notation, determine the number of BPs and LPs that can give this molecular formula. From this information, determine the allowed molecular shapes that are possible. Act on Your Strategy - XY3 can have the VSEPR notations AX3E and AX3E2 . - The VSEPR notation AX3E has 3 BPs and 1 LP. It is trigonal pyramidal. The VSEPR notation AX3E2 has 3 BPs and 2 LPs. It is T-shaped. Since the molecule is polar, the VSEPR notation AX3 is not possible, since this would give a trigonal planar molecular shape that cannot be polar. Therefore, the molecular shape must be AX3E, or trigonal pyramidal, or AX3E2 , or T-shaped. Check Your Solution These results are consistent with the VSEPR shapes and are reasonable and correct.

Chapter 4 Structures and Properties of Substances MHR


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