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Chapter 5

Energy and Change

Solutions for Practice Problems
Student Textbook page 226
1. Problem

Consider the following reaction. N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g) H rxn = +180.6 kJ (a) Rewrite the thermochemical equation, including the standard enthalpy of reaction as either a reactant or product. (b) Draw an enthalpy diagram for the reaction. (c) What is the enthalpy change for the formation of one mole of nitrogen monoxide? (d) What is the enthalpy change for the reaction of 1.000 102 g of nitrogen with sufcient oxygen?
(a) You need to incorporate the H rxn into the balanced chemical equation, to

What Is Required?

obtain a thermochemical equation.

(b) Translate the thermochemical equation into an enthalpy diagram. (c) Calculate the enthalpy change for one mol of NO. (d) Calculate the enthalpy change when 1.000 102 g N2 reacts with sufcient O2 .

What Is Given? The balanced chemical equation for the formation of NO and the corresponding H rxn.
(a) The given H rxn > 0, indicating an endothermic reaction. The enthalpy term

Plan Your Strategy

must appear on the reactant side. (b) Since the reaction is endothermic, the reactants will appear lower on an enthalpy diagram than the products. (c) The thermochemical equation gives the enthalpy change associated with the formation of 2 mol of NO. Divide the enthalpy change by 2, or multiply by 0.5. (d) 180.6 kJ corresponds to the reaction of 1.00 mol, or 28.02 g, of N2 with sufcient O2 . Stated another way, H = 180.6 kJ/mol N2 reacted. Convert the given mass of N2 to moles and multiply this by the H.
(a) 180.6 kJ + N2(g) + O2(g) 2NO(g)

Act on Your Strategy

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR





enthalpy, H

H rxn = +180.6 kJ

N2(g) + O2(g)


(c) (0.5 mol N2) (180.6 kJ/mol N2) = 90.3 kJ for the formation of 1.00 mol NO. (d) H =

1.000 102 g 28.02 g/mol

(180.6 kJ/mol) = 644.5 kJ

Check Your Solution By inspection, you can see that the answers are reasonable. The answers have the correct units and the appropriate number of signicant digits.
2. Problem

The reaction of iron with oxygen is very familiar. You can see the resulting rust on buildings, vehicles and bridges. You may be surprised, however, at the large amount of heat that is produced by this reaction. 4Fe(s) + 3O2(g) 2Fe2O3(s) + 1.65 103 kJ (a) What is the enthalpy change for this reaction? (b) Draw an enthalpy diagram that corresponds to the thermochemical equation. (c) What is the enthalpy change for the formation of 23.6 g of iron(III) oxide? What Is Required?
(a) Calculate the enthalpy change for this reaction. (b) Draw an enthalpy diagram corresponding to the thermochemical equation. (c) Calculate the enthalpy change for the formation of 23.6 g of iron(III) oxide.

What Is Given? You are given the balanced thermochemical equation. From this equation, you know the amount of energy liberated when two moles of iron(III) oxide are formed. Plan Your Strategy Hence, the reaction is exothermic and H < 0. (b) The reaction is exothermic, so the products will appear below the reactants on the enthalpy diagram. (c) The thermochemical equation indicates the energy liberated when 2.00 mol Fe2O3 are produced. Convert this to H per 1.00 mol Fe2O3 by multiplying by 0.5 mol. Now convert 23.6 g Fe2O3 into moles and multiply by the H in kJ/mol Fe2O3 . Act on Your Strategy (a) H = 1.65 103 kJ
(a) The enthalpy term appears on the product side of the thermochemical equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR




4Fe(s) + 3O2(g)

enthalpy, H

H = 1.65 103 kJ

(c) H = 1.65 103 kJ per 2 mol Fe2O3 , or 825 kJ per 1 mol Fe2O3 .

For the formation of 23.6 g Fe2O3 , 23.6 g H = (825 kJ/mol) = 122 kJ for 23.6 g Fe2O3 159.7 g/mol Check Your Solution By inspection, you can see that the answers are reasonable. The answers have the correct units and the appropriate number of signicant digits.
3. Problem

Consider the following thermochemical equation. 25.9 kJ + 1 H2(g) + 1 I2(g) HI(g) 2 2 (a) What is the enthalpy change for this reaction? (b) How much energy is needed for the reaction of 4.57 1024 molecules of iodine, I2 , with excess hydrogen, H2 ? (c) Draw and label an enthalpy diagram that corresponds to the given thermochemical equation.
(a) Find H for the reaction. (b) Calculate H for to the reaction of 4.57 1024 molecules of iodine with excess

What Is Required?

hydrogen. (c) Draw a labelled enthalpy diagram. What Is Given? You are given the balanced thermochemical equation. Plan Your Strategy with H > 0. (b) The given H corresponds to the reaction of 0.500 mol of I2 . Doubling this value will give the enthalpy change corresponding to the reaction of 1.00 mol I2 . Convert the number of molecules of I2 to moles, and multiply by the H in kJ/mol I2 . (c) Draw an appropriate diagram. Act on Your Strategy (a) H = +25.9 kJ/mol HI (b) H = +25.9 kJ/mol HI or +51.8 kJ/mol I2 For the reaction of 4.57 1024 molecules of I2 , 4.57 1024molecules I2 (+51.8 kJ/mol I2) = 393 kJ H = 6.02 1023molecules/mol I2
(a) The enthalpy term is on the reactant side, so the reaction is endothermic,

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR





enthalpy, H

H = 25.9 kJ

1 2

H2(g) +

1 I 2 2

Check Your Solution In part (b), 4.57 1024 molecules of I2 corresponds to about 7.5 moles of I2 . The answer of 393 kJ corresponds roughly to 7.5 51.8 kJ. The answer is reasonable, and has the appropriate units and number of signicant digits.
4. Problem

Tetraphosphorus decoxide, P4O10 , is an acidic oxide. It reacts with water to produce phosphoric acid, H3PO4 , in an exothermic reaction. P4O10(s) + 6H2O( ) 4 H3PO4(aq) H rxn = 257.2 kJ (a) Rewrite the thermochemical equation, including the enthalpy change as a heat term in the equation. (b) How much energy is released when 5.00 mol of P4O10 reacts with excess water? (c) How much energy is released when 235 g of H3PO4(aq) is formed? What Is Required? (a) Add the enthalpy change to the thermochemical equation. (b) Calculate H for the reaction of 5.00 mol of P4O10 with excess water. (c) Calculate H for the reaction in which 235 g of H3PO4(aq) is formed. What Is Given? You are given the balanced chemical equation and the corresponding H value. Plan Your Strategy (a) The given H is negative, corresponding to an exothermic reaction. When written into the thermochemical equation, the enthalpy term appears as a product. (b) The given H corresponds to the reaction of 1.00 mol P4O10 . Multiply this value by 5.00 to obtain the enthalpy change for the reaction of 5.00 mol P4O10 . (c) The given H corresponds to the formation of 4.00 mol H3PO4 . Divide H by 4 to obtain H in kJ/mol H3PO4 . Convert 235 g H3PO4 to moles and multiply this by H in kJ/mol H3PO4 .
(a) P4O10(s) + 6H2O( ) 4H3PO4(aq) + 257.2 kJ (b) H = (5.00 mol P4O10) (257.2 kJ/mol P4O10) = 1.29 103 kJ

Act on Your Strategy

per 5.00 mol P4O10 257.2 kJ = 64.3 kJ/mol H3PO4 (c) H = 4 mol and, 235 g (64.3 kJ/mol H3PO4) = 1.54 102 kJ H = 98.0 g/mol H3PO4 per 235 g H3PO4 Check Your Solution The order of magnitude of the answers is reasonable. The answers have the appropriate units and number of signicant digits.
Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 235
5. Problem

A sample of ethylene glycol, used in car radiators, has a mass of 34.8 g. The sample liberates 783 J of heat. The initial temperature of the sample is 22.1C. What is the nal temperature? What Is Required? Calculate the nal temperature of the ethylene glycol after it releases 783 J of heat. What Is Given? mass of ethylene glycol = 34.8 g Ti of ethylene glycol = 22.1C. c = 2.42 J/gC for ethylene glycol (see Table 5.2 in the Student Textbook) Q = 783 J (The negative sign indicates that the sample is giving off heat.) Plan Your Strategy Use the equation Q = m c T. Recall that T = Tf Ti . Substitute the given data and solve for Tf. Act on Your Strategy Q = m c (Tf Ti) Substituting data gives, 783 J = (34.8 g) (2.42 J/gC) (Tf 22.1C) The nal temperature of the ethylene glycol is Tf = 12.8C. Check Your Solution The nal temperature is lower than the initial temperature, which is consistent with the sample losing heat. The answer is to the appropriate number of signicant digits.
6. Problem

A sample of ethanol, C2H5OH, absorbs 23.4 kJ of energy. The temperature of the sample increases from 5.6C to 19.8C. What is the mass of the ethanol sample? The specic heat capacity of ethanol is 2.46 J/gC. What Is Required? Determine the mass of the ethanol sample. What Is Given? Q = +23.4 103 J (The positive value indicates that the ethanol absorbs heat. Note the conversion to J from kJ.) Ti = 5.6C Tf = 19.8C c = 2.46 J/gC Plan Your Strategy Use the equation Q = m c T. Recall that T = Tf Ti . Substitute the given data and solve for mass, m. Act on Your Strategy Q = m c (Tf Ti ) +23.4 103 J = m (2.46 J/gC) (19.8C 5.6C) The mass of the ethanol sample is m = 6.70 102 g. Check Your Solution The answer is to the correct number of signicant digits, with appropriate units.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



7. Problem

A childs swimming pool contains 1000 L of water. When the water is warmed by solar energy, its temperature increases from 15.3C to 21.8C. How much heat does the water absorb? What Is Required? Calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the water. What Is Given? volume of water = 1000 103 mL (after converting L to mL) m = (1.00 g/mL) (1000 103 mL) = 1000 103 g = 1.000 106 g Ti = 15.3C Tf = 21.8C c = 4.184 J/gC (from Table 5.2) Plan Your Strategy Use the equation Q = m c T. Recall that T = Tf Ti . Substitute the given data and solve for Q, the amount of heat absorbed. Act on Your Strategy Q = (1.000 106 g) (4.184 J/gC) (21.8C 15.3C) The energy absorbed by the water is Q = 2.7 107 J , or 2.7 104 kJ. Check Your Solution The positive value for Q indicates that the water absorbs heat. The answer has the appropriate units and number of signicant gures.
8. Problem

What temperature change results from the loss of 255 kJ from a 10.0 kg sample of water? What Is Required? Find the temperature change, T. What Is Given? Q = 255 103 J(Note: kJ is converted to J, and the negative sign indicates that the water lost heat.) m = 10.0 kg = 1.00 104 g c = 4.184 J/gC (see Table 5.2) Plan Your Strategy Use the equation Q = m c T. Substitute the given data and solve for T. Act on Your Strategy Q = m c T, or Q T = c m 255 103 J = (4.184 J/gC) (1.00 104 g) = 6.09C The temperature of the 10.0 kg sample of water drops by 6.09C when 255 kJ of heat is given off. Check Your Solution The answer has the appropriate units and number of signicant digits.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook pages 238239
9. Problem

A chemist wants to determine the enthalpy of neutralization for the following reaction. HCl(aq) + NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) + H2O( ) The chemist uses a coffee-cup calorimeter to neutralize completely 61.1 mL of 0.543 mol/L HCl(aq) with 42.6 mL of NaOH(aq) . The initial temperature of both solutions is 17.8C. After neutralization, the highest recorded temperature is 21.6C. Calculate the heat of neutralization, in units of kJ/mol of HCl. Assume that the density of both solutions is 1.00 g/mL. Also assume that the specic heat capacity of both solutions is the same as the specic heat capacity of water. What Is Required? Calculate the heat of neutralization, in kJ/mol of HCl. What Is Given? Volume of HCl solution = 61.1 mL Volume of NaOH solution = 42.6 mL Ti = 17.8C Tf = 21.6C Plan Your Strategy Determine the total volume by adding the volume of the two solutions. Determine the total mass of the reaction mixture, assuming a density of 1.00 g/mL (the density of water). Step 2 Use the equation Q = m c T to calculate the amount of heat that is absorbed by the solution (in J). Assume that the reaction mixture has the same specic heat capacity as water (c = 4.184 J/gC). Step 3 Use the equation Qreaction = Qsolution to determine the amount of heat released by the reaction. Step 4 Determine the number of moles of HCl that reacted. Since the HCl was completely neutralized, we can assume that it is the limiting reactant. Use the number of moles of HCl to obtain H of the reaction (in kJ/mol of HCl).
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Total volume of reaction mixture = 61.1 mL + 42.6 mL = 103.7 mL Total mass of reaction mixture = (103.7 mL) (1.00 g/mL) = 104 g Step 2 Qsoln = msoln csoln Tsoln = (104 g) (4.184 J/gC) (21.6C 17.8C) Qsoln = 1.7 103 J Step 3 Based on the value of Q in Step 2, the heat change for the reaction is 1.7 103 J. Step 4 Calculate the number of moles of HCl as follows. n=V c (61.1 103 L) (0.543 mol/L) = 0.0332 mol HCl 1.7 103 J H = = 5.1 104 J/mol HCl 0.0322 mol HCl The enthalpy change for the neutralization is 51 kJ/mol HCl.
Step 1

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Check Your Solution The answer has the correct number of signicant digits. The units are correct. You know that the reaction is exothermic because the temperature increased. This supports a negative value for H.
10. Problem

A chemist wants to determine empirically the enthalpy change for the following reaction. Mg(s) + 2HCl(aq) MgCl2(aq) + H2(g) The chemist uses a coffee-cup calorimeter to react 0.50 g of Mg ribbon with 100 mL of 1.00 mol/L HCl(aq) . The initial temperature of the HCl(aq) is 20.4C. After neutralization, the highest recorded temperature is 40.7C. (a) Calculate the enthalpy change, in kJ/mol of Mg, for the reaction. (b) State any assumptions that you made in order to determine the enthalpy change. What Is Required? (a) Calculate H in kJ/mol Mg for the reaction. (b) State any assumptions made in the calculations. What Is Given? Volume of HCl(aq) = 100 mL Ti = 20.4C Tf = 40.7C mass Mg = 0.50 g Plan Your Strategy Determine the total mass of the reaction mixture, assuming a density of 1.00 g/mL for the HCl(aq) . Step 2 Use the equation Q = m c T to calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the solution (in J). Assume that the reaction mixture has the same specic heat capacity as water. Step 3 Use the equation Qreaction = Qsolution to determine the amount of heat released by the reaction. Step 4 Determine the number of moles of Mg that reacted. Also, determine the number of moles of HCl(aq) to verify that Mg is the limiting reactant.
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy

(a) Step 1

Mass of HCl(aq) = (1.00 g/mL) (100 mL) = 100 g. Adding the mass of the Mg (0.50 g) gives a total of 100.5 g, or 100 g, accurate to the gram. Step 2 Qsoln = msoln csoln Tsoln = (100 g) (4.184 J/gC) (40.7C 20.4C) Qsoln = 8.49 103 J Step 3 Based on the value of Q in Step 2, the enthalpy change for the reaction is 8.49 103 J. 0.50 g = 2.1 102 mol Step 4 The number of mol of Mg = 24.3 g/mol The number of mol of HCl(aq) = c V = (1.00 mol/L) (0.100 L) = 0.100 mol By inspection, you can see that Mg is the limiting reactant. 8.49 103 J = 4.0 105 J/mol Mg = 4.0 102 kJ/mol Mg H = 2.1 102 mol

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



(b) You assumed that the density of all solutions is equal to 1.00 g/mL; that the

specic heat capacity is 4.184 J/gC; and that no heat was lost to the surroundings. Check Your Solution (a) The answer has the correct number of signicant digits. The units are correct. You know that the reaction is exothermic because temperature increased. This supports a negative value for H. (b) The assumptions made were reasonable.
11. Problem

Nitric acid is neutralized with potassium hydroxide in the following reaction. HNO3(aq) + KOH(aq) KNO3(aq) + H2O( ) H = 53.4 kJ/mol 55.0 mL of 1.30 mol/L solutions of both reactants, at 21.4C, are mixed in a calorimeter. What is the nal temperature of the mixture? Assume the density of both solutions is 1.00 g/mL. Also assume that the specic heat capacity of both solutions is the same as the specic heat capacity of water. No heat is lost to the calorimeter itself. What Is Required? Calculate the nal temperature of the reaction mixture. What Is Given? H = 53.4 kJ/mol volume and concentration of the reactants: 55.0 mL, 1.30 mol/L density of both solutions: 1.00 g/mL c = 4.184 J/gC Ti = 21.4C Plan Your Strategy Step 1 Determine the total volume by adding the volumes of the two solutions. Determine the mass of the reaction mixture using the given density. Step 2 Determine the number of moles of HNO3 (or KOH) reacted. Multiply by the given H to nd the enthalpy corresponding to the number of moles reacted. Since Qrxn = Qsoln , state Q as a positive value. Remember to convert kJ to J. Step 3 Rearrange the equation Q = m c T to calculate the T of the solution (in J). Use the T to nd Tf. Assume that the reaction mixture has the same specic heat capacity as water, given above. Remember that T = Tf Ti . Act on Your Strategy Step 1 Total volume of reaction mixture = 55.0 mL + 55.0 mL = 110.0 mL Total mass of reaction mixture = (1.00 g/mL) (110.0 mL) = 110 g Step 2 Number of moles HBr = Number of moles KOH = (0.0550 L) (1.30 mol/L) = 7.15 102 mol and H = (53.4 kJ/mol) (7.15 102 mol) = 3.82 kJ = 3.82 103 J Step 3 Q = m c T, or Q 3.82 103 J T = = m c 110 g 4.184 J/gC (Note: Remember that Qsoln is positive for an exothermic reaction.) T = 8.3C = Tf 21.4C. Tf = 29.7C The nal temperature of the reaction mixture is 29.7C.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Check Your Solution The nal temperature is reasonable and has the appropriate units and number of signicant digits.
12. Problem

A student uses a coffee-cup calorimeter to determine the enthalpy of reaction for hydrobromic acid and potassium hydroxide. The student mixes 100.0 mL of 0.50 mol/L HBr(aq) at 21.0C with 100.0 mL of 0.50 mol/L KOH, also at 21.0C. The highest temperature that is reached is 24.4C. Write a thermochemical equation for the reaction. What Is Required? You need to calculate the enthalpy change for the reaction and incorporate it into a thermochemical equation. What Is Given? Volume of each solution = 100.0 mL Concentration of each solution = 0.50 mol/L Ti = 21.0C Tf = 24.4C Plan Your Strategy Determine the total volume and the total mass of the reaction mixture, assuming a density of 1.00 g/mL for both solutions. Step 2 Use the equation Qsoln = m c T to calculate the amount of heat absorbed by the solution (in J). Assume that the reaction mixture has the same specic heat capacity as water. Since the temperature of the solution increases, the reaction is exothermic. Step 3 Use the equation Qreaction = Qsolution to determine the amount of heat released by the reaction. Step 4 Use the value for Qrxn to write a thermochemical reaction. Remember that the enthalpy change for an exothermic reaction appears on the product side.
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Total volume of reaction mixture = 100.0 mL + 100.0 mL = 200.0 mL Total mass of reaction mixture = (1.00 g/mL) (200.0 mL) = 200 g Step 2 Qsoln = (200 g) (4.184 J/gC) (24.4C 21.C) = 2.8 103 J The amount of heat absorbed by the solution is 2.8 103 J. Step 3 Since Qsoln = Qrxn , Qrxn = 2.8 103 J = 2.8 kJ per 0.050 mol of HBr or KOH Therefore, 2.8 kJ Qrxn = = 57 kJ/mol 0.050 mol Step 4 The thermochemical equation is: HBr(aq) + KOH(aq) KBr(aq) + H2O( ) + 57 kJ
Step 1

Check Your Solution The H value is reasonable and has the correct units and the appropriate number of signicant gures. The thermochemical equation is balanced.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 247
13. Problem

Ethene, C2H4(g), reacts with water to form ethanol, CH3CH2OH( ) . C2H4(g) + H2O( ) CH3CH2OH( ) Determine the enthalpy change of this reaction, given the following thermochemical equations. H = 1367 kJ (1) CH3CH2OH( ) + 3O2(g) 2CO2(g) + 3H2O( ) H = 1411 kJ (2) C2H4(g) + 3O2(g) 2H2O( ) + 2CO2(g) What Is Required? Calculate H for the hydration of ethene, the target equation, using the given thermochemical equations. What Is Given? You know the chemical equations for reactions (1) and (2), and their corresponding enthalpy changes. Plan Your Strategy Step 1 Examine equations (1) and (2) to see how they compare with the target equation. Decide how you need to manipulate equations (1) and (2) so that they add to give the target equation. (Reverse the equation, multiply the equation, do both, or do neither.) Remember to adjust H accordingly for each equation. Step 2 Write the manipulated equations so that their equation arrows line up. Add the reactants and products on each side, and cancel substances that appear on both sides. Step 3 Ensure that you have obtained the target equation. Add H for the combined equations. Act on Your Strategy Equation (1) has 1 mol CH3CH2OH( ) as a reactant. This is required as a product, so equation (1) needs to be ipped, or multiplied by 1. Equation (2) has 1 mol C2H4 as a reactant, as required, so it is left alone, or multiplied by 1. Step 2 Multiply each equation as required, then add them.
Step 1
1 (1) 1 (2) 2CO2(g) + C2H4(g) 2CO2(g) + 3H2O( ) CH3CH2OH( ) + 3O2(g) H = +1367 kJ H = 1411 kJ C2H4(g) + 3O2(g) 2H2O( ) + 2CO2(g) + 3H2O( ) + 3O2(g) CH3CH2OH( ) + 3O2(g) + 2H2O( ) + 2CO2(g)

or, C2H4(g) + H2O( ) CH3CH2OH( ) Step 3 The desired equation is achieved. Therefore, you can calculate the enthalpy change of the target reaction by adding the heats of reaction for the manipulated equations. H = +1367 kJ + (1411 kJ) = 44 kJ Check Your Solution Because the equations added correctly to give the target equation, you know that you manipulated the equations with known enthalpy changes correctly. Check to ensure that you adjusted H accordingly for each equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



14. Problem

A typical automobile engine uses a lead acid battery. During discharge, the following chemical reaction takes place. Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4( ) 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O( ) Determine the enthalpy change of this reaction, given the following equations. (1) Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2SO3(g) 2PbSO4(s) H = 775 kJ H = 133 kJ (2) 2H2SO4( ) 2H2O( ) + 2SO3(g) What Is Required? Calculate H for the target equation, using the given thermochemical equations. What Is Given? You know the chemical equations for reactions (1) and (2), and their corresponding enthalpy changes. Plan Your Strategy Examine equations (1) and (2) to see how they compare with the target equation. Decide how you need to manipulate equations (1) and (2) so that they add to give the target equation. (Reverse the equation, multiply the equation, do both, or do neither.) Remember to adjust H accordingly for each equation. Step 2 Write the manipulated equations so that their equation arrows line up. Add the reactants and products on each side, and cancel substances that appear on both sides. Step 3 Ensure that you have obtained the target equation. Add H for the combined equations.
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Equation 1 has Pb and PbO2 as reactants, and 2PbSO4 as a product, matching the target equation. Therefore, equation 1 needs only to be multiplied by 1. Equation 2 has 1 mol of H2SO4 as a product. The target equation requires 2 moles of H2SO4 as a reactant. Hence, you must multiply equation 2 by 2. Step 2 Multiply each equation as required, and add them.
Step 1
1 (1) 2 (2) Pb(s) Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2SO3(g) 2PbSO4(s) H = 775 kJ H = 2 (133 kJ) 2H2SO4( ) 2H2O( ) + 2SO3(g) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4( ) + 2SO3(g) 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O( ) + 2SO3(g)

or, Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4( ) 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O( ) Step 3 The desired equation is achieved. Therefore, you can calculate the enthalpy change of the target reaction by adding the heats of reaction for the manipulated equations. H = 775 kJ + (2 133 kJ) = 509 kJ Pb(s) + PbO2(s) + 2H2SO4( ) 2PbSO4(s) + 2H2O( ) H = 509 kJ

Check Your Solution Because the equations added correctly to give the target equation, you know that you manipulated the equations with known enthalpy changes correctly. Check to ensure that you adjusted H accordingly for each equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



15. Problem

Mixing household cleansers can result in the production of hydrogen chloride gas, HCl(g). Not only is this gas dangerous in its own right, it also reacts with oxygen to form chlorine gas and water vapour. 4HCl(g) + O2(g) 2Cl2(g) + 2H2O(g) Determine the enthalpy change of this reaction, given the following equations. H = 185 kJ (1) 4HCl(g) 2H2(g) + 2Cl2(g) H = 285.8 kJ (2) H2(g) + 1 O2(g) H2O( ) 2 H = 40.7 kJ (3) 2H2O( ) 2H2O(g) What Is Required? Calculate H for the target equation, using the given thermochemical equations. What Is Given? You know the chemical equations for reactions (1), (2), (3) and their corresponding enthalpy changes. Plan Your Strategy Examine equations (1), (2) and (3) to see how they compare with the target equation. Decide how you need to manipulate these equations so that they add to give the target equation. (Reverse the equation, multiply the equation, do both, or do neither.) Remember to adjust H accordingly for each equation. Step 2 Write the manipulated equations so that their equation arrows line up. Add the reactants and products on each side, and cancel substances that appear on both sides. Step 3 Ensure that you have obtained the target equation. Add H for the combined equations.
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Equation (1) has 2HCl as a product and Cl2 as a reactant. The target equation requires 4HCl on the reactant side and 2Cl2 on the product side. Hence, multiply equation (1) by 2. Equation (2) must be multiplied by 2 to obtain O2 on the reactant side. Multiply equation (3) by 2 to allow cancelling of 2H2O( ) . Remember to change the corresponding H values accordingly. Step 2 Multiply each equation as required, and add them.
Step 1
2 (1) 2 (2) 2 (3) 4HCl(g) + 2H2O(

4HCl(g) 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O( ) + 2H2(g) + O2(g)

2H2(g) + 2Cl2(g) H = 2 (185 kJ) H = 2 (285.8 kJ) 2H2O( ) H = 2 (40.7 kJ) 2H2O(g) 2H2(g) + 2H2O( ) + 2Cl2(g) + 2H2O(g)

or, 4HCl(g) + O2(g) 2Cl2(g) + 2H2O(g) Step 3 The desired equation is achieved. Therefore, calculate the enthalpy change for the target equation by adding the heats of reaction for the manipulated equations. H = (2) (185 kJ) + (2) (285.8 kJ) + (2) (40.7 kJ) H = 120 kJ Check Your Solution Because the equations added correctly to give the target equation, you know that you manipulated the equations with known enthalpy changes correctly. Check to ensure that you adjusted H accordingly for each equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



16. Problem

Calculate the enthalpy change of the following reaction between nitrogen gas and oxygen gas, given thermochemical equations (1), (2) and (3). 2N2(g) + 5O2(g) 2N2O5(g) H = 572 kJ (1) 2H2(g) + O2(g) 2H2O( ) H = 77 kJ (2) N2O5(g) + H2O( ) 2HNO3( ) (3) 1 N2(g) + 3 O2(g) + 1 H2(g) HNO3( ) H = 174 kJ 2 2 2 What Is Required? You need to nd H for the target equation. What Is Given? You know the chemical equations for reactions (1), (2), (3) and their corresponding enthalpy changes. Plan Your Strategy Examine equations (1), (2) and (3) to see how they compare with the target equation. Decide how you need to manipulate these equations so that they add to give the target equation. (Reverse the equation, multiply the equation, do both, or do neither.) Remember to adjust H accordingly for each equation. Step 2 Write the manipulated equations so that their equation arrows line up. Add the reactants and products on each side, and cancel substances that appear on both sides. Step 3 Ensure that you have obtained the target equation. Add H for the combined equations.
Step 1

Act on Your Strategy Equation (2) has N2O5 as a reactant. The target equation requires 2N2O5 on the product side. Hence, multiply equation (2) by 2. Equation (3) must be multiplied by 4 to give 2 mol N2 on the reactant side. Finally, to allow cancelling of H2O, H2 , and O2 , multiply equation (1) by 1. Step 2 Multiply each equation as required, and add them.
Step 1
1 (1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 2N2(g) + 6O2(g) 2H2O( ) 4HNO3( ) 2N2(g) + 6O2(g) + 2H2(g) + 2H2O( ) + 4HNO3( ) + 2H2(g) 2H2(g) + O2(g) H = 1 (572 kJ) H = 2 (77 kJ) 2N2O5(g) + 2H2O( ) H = 4 (174 kJ) 4HNO3( ) 2N2O5(g) + 2H2(g) + O2(g) + 2H2O( ) + 4HNO3( )

or, 2N2(g) + 5O2(g) 2N2O5(g) + O2(g) and H = (1) (572 kJ) + (2) (77 kJ) + (4) (174 kJ) = 30 kJ Check Your Solution Because the equations added correctly to the target equation, you know that you manipulated the equations with known enthalpy changes correctly. Check to ensure that you adjusted H accordingly for each equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 254
17. Problem

Write a thermochemical equation for the formation of each substance. Be sure to include the physical state of all the elements and compounds in the equation. You can nd the enthalpy of formation of each substance in Appendix E. (a) CH4 (b) NaCl (c) MgO (d) CaCO3
(a) C(s) + 2H2(g) CH4(g) + 74.6 kJ (b) Na(s) + 1 Cl2(g) NaCl(s) + 411.2 kJ 2 (c) Mg(s) + 1 O2(g) MgO(s) + 601.6 kJ 2 (d) Ca(s) + C(graphite) + 3 O2(g) CaCO3(s) + 1207.6 kJ 2 18. Problem


Liquid sulfuric acid has a very large negative enthalpy of formation (814.0 kJ/mol). Write an equation to show the formation of liquid sulfuric acid. The standard state of sulfur is rhombic sulfur (S(s) ). Solution H2(g) + S(s) + 2O2(g) H2SO4( ) + 814.0 kJ
19. Problem

Write a thermochemical equation for the formation of gaseous cesium. The enthalpy of formation of Cs(g) is 76.7 kJ/mol. Solution Cs(s) + 76.7 kJ Cs(g)
20. Problem

Solid phosphorus is found in two forms: white phosphorus (P4 ) and red phosphorus (P). White phosphorus is the standard state. (a) The enthalpy of formation of red phosphorus is 17.6 kJ/mol. Write a thermochemical equation for the formation of red phosphorus. (b) 32.6 g of white phosphorus reacts to form red phosphorus. What is the enthalpy change? Solution (a) 1 P4(s) P(s) + 17.6 kJ H = 17.6 kJ/mol P(s) 4 (or, P4(s) 4P(s) + 70.4 kJ/mol H = 70.4 kJ/mol P4(s) ) (b) Convert 32.6 g of P4 to moles. Then multiply by the molar enthalpy to obtain the enthalpy change. 32.6 g P4 = 0.263 mol P4 123.88 g/mol P4 (0.263 mol P4) (70.4 kJ/mol P4(s)) = 18.5 kJ The heat of formation is 18.5 kJ for the reaction of 32.6 g white phosphorus to form red phosphorus. Check Your Solution The enthalpy change is reasonable. It has the appropriate units and number of signicant digits.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Solutions for Practice Problems

Student Textbook page 254
21. Problem

Hydrogen can be added to ethene, C2H4 , to obtain ethane, C2H6 . C2H4(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g) Show that the equations for the formation of ethene and ethane from their elements can be algebraically combined to obtain the equation for the addition of hydrogen to ethane. What Is Required? Show that the formation equations for ethene and ethane can be algebraically combined to obtain the equation for the target equation. What Is Given? The target equation is C2H4(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g) . Plan Your Strategy Step 1 Write the formation equation for each of ethene and ethane. Step 2 Multiply one of the formation equations as needed, and algebraically combine the equations to obtain the target equation. Act on Your Strategy Step 1 Formation of ethene, C2H4 from its elements: (1) 2C(graphite) + 2H2(g) C2H4(g) Formation of ethane from its elements: (2) 2C(graphite) + 3H2(g) C2H6(g)
Step 2

1 (1) 1 (2)

or, C2H4(g) + H2(g) C2H6(g)


C2H4(g) 2C(graphite) + 2H2(g) 2C(graphite) + 3H2(g) C2H6(g) + C2H4(g) + 3H2(g) C2H6(g) + 2C(graphite) + 2H2(g)

Check Your Solution The given equations, when multiplied accordingly, combine to give the target equation.
22. Problem

Zinc sulde reacts with oxygen gas to produce zinc oxide and sulfur dioxide. 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g) Write the chemical equation for the formation of the indicated number of moles of each compound from its elements. Algebraically combine these equations to obtain the given equation. What Is Required? Combine the formation equations for the reactants and products to obtain the equation for the target equation. What Is Given? The target equation is 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g) .
Step 1 Step 2

Plan Your Strategy Write the formation equation for each reactant and product. Multiply any of the formation equations as needed, and algebraically combine the equations to obtain the target equation.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



Act on Your Strategy Step 1 The formation equations are: (1) 2Zn(s) + 2S(s) 2ZnS(s) (2) 2Zn(s) + O2(g) 2ZnO(s) (3) 2S(s) + 2O2(g) 2SO2(s)
Step 2

1 (1) 1 (2) 1 (3)

or, 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)

2ZnS(s) 2Zn(s) + O2(g) 2S(s) + 2O2(g) 2ZnS(s) + 2Zn(s) + 2S(s) + 3O2(g)

2Zn(s) + 2S(s) 2ZnO(s) 2SO2(s) 2Zn(s) + 2S(s) + 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g)

Check Your Solution The given equations, when multiplied accordingly, combine to give the target equation.
23. Problem

Small amounts of oxygen gas can be produced in a laboratory by heating potassium chlorate, KClO3 . 2KClO3(s) 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g) Calculate the enthalpy change of this reaction, using enthalpies of formation from Appendix E. What Is Required? You need to nd H for the given equation, using H f data. What Is Given? H f of KClO3(s) = 397.7 kJ/mol H f of KCl(s) = 436.5 kJ/mol H f of O2(g) = 0 kJ/mol (by denition) Plan Your Strategy Multiply each H f value by its molar coefcient from the balanced chemical equation. Substitute into the following equation, and then solve. H = (nH f products) (nH f reactants) Act on Your Strategy H = [2 mol(H f KCl(s)) + 3mol(H f O2(g))] [2 mol(H f KClO3(s))] = [2 mol(436.5 kJ/mol) + 3 mol(0 kJ/mol)] [2 mol (397.7 kJ/mol)] = 77.6 kJ for the equation 2 KClO3(s) 2KCl(s) + 3O2(g) Check Your Solution A balanced chemical equation was used in the calculation. The number of signicant digits and the units are correct.
24. Problem

Use the following equation to answer the questions below. CH3OH( ) + 1.5O2(g) CO2(g) + 2H2O(g) (a) Calculate the enthalpy change of the complete combustion of one mole of methanol, CH3OH, using enthalpies of formation. (b) How much energy is released when 125 g of methanol undergoes complete combustion?
(a) You need to nd H for the complete combustion of methanol (kJ/mol),

What Is Required?

using H f data. (b) You need to nd the H for the complete combustion of 125 g CH3OH.
Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR



What Is Given? (a) H f of CH3OH(s) = 239.2 kJ/mol H f of O2(g) = 0 kJ/mol (by denition) H f of CO2(g) = 393.5 kJ/mol H f of H2O(g) = 241.8 kJ/mol (b) 125 g of methanol is to be combusted.
(a) Multiply each H f value by its molar coefcient from the balanced chemical

Plan Your Strategy

equation. Substitute into the following equation, and then solve. H = (nH f products) (nH f reactants) (b) Convert the mass of methanol to moles. Multiply by the molar enthalpy of combustion determined above.
(a) H = 1 mol (H f CO2) + 2 mol (H f H2O) 1 mol(H f CH3OH)

Act on Your Strategy

+ 1.5mol (H f O2)] = 1 mol(393.5 kJ/mol) + 2 mol(241.8 kJ/mol) 1 mol(239.2 kJ/mol) + 1.5 mol(0) H = 637.9 kJ/mol of CH3OH combusted. (b) H for the complete combustion of 125 g CH3OH: 125 g (637.9 kJ/mol) = 2.49 103 kJ H = 32.05 g/mol Since H = 2.49 103 kJ, 2.49 103 kJ of energy are released. Check Your Solution The answers have the appropriate number of signicant digits. The units are correct. The answer for part (b) is reasonable.

Chapter 5 Energy and Change MHR


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