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Cambridge International AS & A Level: CHEMISTRY 9701/51

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Cambridge International AS & A Level


Paper 5 Planning, Analysis and Evaluation May/June 2022

 1 hour 15 minutes

You must answer on the question paper.

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● Answer all questions.
● Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs.
● Write your name, centre number and candidate number in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
● Do not write on any bar codes.
● You may use a calculator.
● You should show all your working and use appropriate units.

● The total mark for this paper is 30.
● The number of marks for each question or part question is shown in brackets [ ].
● The Periodic Table is printed in the question paper.
● Important values, constants and standards are printed in the question paper.

This document has 16 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB22 06_9701_51/5RP
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1  student plans an investigation to find the molar ratio of the reaction between sodium chloride,
NaCl, and a lead compound.

The student is provided with solid NaCl and 0.200 mol dm–3 aqueous lead compound.

 he reaction between NaCl (aq) and the aqueous lead compound produces an insoluble compound
as a precipitate.

(a) The student prepares 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq).

Calculate the mass of NaCl (s) needed to make 250.0 cm3 of 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq).

 mass of NaCl = .............................. g [1]

(b) T
 he student weighs the mass of NaCl (s) calculated in (a) in a weighing boat. The solid mass
is then transferred into a small beaker.

 escribe how the student should accurately weigh by difference so the exact mass of NaCl
transferred into the small beaker is known.




.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(c) The student is given a small beaker containing the mass of NaCl calculated in (a).

Describe how the student should prepare 250.0 cm3 of 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq).

Include the names and capacities of each piece of apparatus used in the preparation of the





.............................................................................................................................................. [2]

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(d) T
 he student plans the following method using the 0.200 mol dm–3 aqueous lead compound and
the 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq) prepared in (c).

Step 1 M
 ix the NaCl (aq) and the aqueous lead compound in eight separate beakers in the
proportions by volume shown in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1

volume of 0.200 mol dm–3 volume of 0.200 mol dm–3

NaCl (aq) / cm3 aqueous lead compound / cm3
1 10.00 40.00
2 15.00 35.00
3 20.00 30.00
4 25.00 25.00
5 30.00 20.00
6 35.00 15.00
7 40.00 10.00
8 45.00 5.00

Step 2 Filter the contents of each beaker to collect the precipitate.

Step 3 Dry the precipitate for 3 minutes in an oven and allow to cool.

Step 4 Weigh and record the mass of precipitate produced in each beaker.

(i) State one extra step that would improve this method. Explain why this step is necessary.

extra step:

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ............................................................................................................................................


. ............................................................................................................................................

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ............................................................................................................................................

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(ii) The volumes of solutions are measured using a burette.

 alculate the percentage error when measuring 10.00 cm3 of solution.

Show your working.

 percentage error = .............................. [1]

(iii) Explain how you would ensure that the results of the investigation are reliable.

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(e) The results of the investigation are shown on the graph in Fig. 1.1.

(i) D
 raw two straight lines of best fit through the points. Extrapolate both lines so they
intersect. [1]

(ii) U
 sing Fig. 1.1 and Table 1.1, state the volumes of 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq) and
0.200 mol dm–3 aqueous lead compound which produce the maximum mass of precipitate.

Calculate the molar ratio in which the NaCl and the lead compound react.

 volume of 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq) = .............................. cm3

 volume of 0.200 mol dm–3 aqueous lead compound = .............................. cm3

 molar ratio of NaCl : lead compound = ................. : .................


(f) Use the molar ratio in (e)(ii) to deduce the formula of the precipitate.

 formula = .............................. [1]

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mass of
ppt. / g





10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
volume of 0.200 mol dm NaCl (aq) / cm
–3 3

Fig. 1.1

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(g) A student suggests that a simpler method can be used to find the molar ratio.

 ifferent volumes of 0.200 mol dm–3 NaCl (aq) and 0.200 mol dm–3 aqueous lead compound

are mixed in test-tubes. The resulting precipitates are allowed to settle. The height of each
precipitate is then measured.

 further two investigations are carried out. The volumes used and the results of the two
investigations are shown.

Investigation 1

Precipitate heights are measured after 1 minute.

Table 1.2

volume 0.200 mol dm–3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NaCl (aq) / cm3
volume 0.200 mol dm–3
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
aqueous lead compound / cm3




ppt. 20
/ mm 15


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
volume of 0.200 mol dm NaCl (aq) / cm
–3 3

Fig. 1.2

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Investigation 2

Precipitate heights are measured after 5 minutes.

Table 1.3

volume 0.200 mol dm–3
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
NaCl (aq) / cm3
volume 0.200 mol dm–3
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
aqueous lead compound / cm3




ppt. 25
/ mm 20



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
volume of 0.200 mol dm NaCl (aq) / cm–3 3

Fig. 1.3

Neither investigation produced the expected results. Both investigations, 1 and 2, contain
weaknesses in the experimental procedure.

 tate how you would modify the experimental procedure in each case so that the expected
results are obtained.

modification for investigation 1:



modification for investigation 2:



 [Total: 14]

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2 A student plans to study the rate of hydrolysis of 2-bromo-2-methylpropane.

H 3C H 3C
C + H2 O C + H+ + Br –

 s the concentration of 2‑bromo‑2‑methylpropane decreases during the reaction, the concentration

of hydrogen ions increases.

The student plans the following method.

Step 1 Place 100 cm3 of a mixture of propanone and water into a conical flask.

Step 2 Heat the mixture to 35 °C and maintain this temperature.

Step 3 Add 1.00 cm3 of 2‑bromo‑2‑methylpropane to the mixture and start timing.

Step 4  fter 1 minute, transfer a 10.00 cm3 sample of the reaction mixture into a conical flask
containing ice and 4 drops of methyl orange indicator.

Step 5 Immediately titrate the 10.00 cm3 of the reaction mixture with 0.0200 mol dm–3
sodium hydroxide.

Step 6 Repeat sampling and titrating at regular time intervals over a total time of 45 minutes.

Step 7 Heat the reaction mixture to 50 °C, remove the final sample, and titrate this.

(a) (i) State the apparatus you would use to maintain the temperature of the reaction mixture.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Suggest why the experiment is carried out away from naked flames.

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(b) State the pieces of equipment and their capacities that you would use to:

(i) measure 1.00 cm3 of 2‑bromo‑2‑methylpropane in step 3

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) transfer a 10.00 cm3 sample of the mixture in step 4.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

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Question 2 continues on the next page.

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(c) Explain why the reaction mixture is transferred into a conical flask containing ice.


.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(d) State the measured dependent variable for this experiment.

.............................................................................................................................................. [1]

(e) (i) The student recorded the results. Vfinal is the final titre volume, 47.25 cm3 in step 7.

Complete Table 2.1 by calculating the value of Vfinal – Vt.

Record the values to 2 decimal places.

Table 2.1

time / s titre, Vt / cm3 Vfinal – Vt / cm3

60 1.25

300 7.75

600 17.75

900 20.00

1200 24.25

1500 28.40

1800 31.15

2700 38.00

final 47.25


(ii) The titre, Vt, is proportional to the concentration of the hydrogen ions.

State what Vfinal – Vt is proportional to.

. ...................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) Plot a graph on the grid to show the relationship between Vfinal – Vt and time.

Use a cross (×) to plot each data point. Draw a curved line of best fit. [2]

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Vfinal – Vt
/ cm3




0 300 600 900 1200 1500 1800 2100 2400 2700
time / s

(iv) Circle the point on the graph you consider to be most anomalous.

Suggest one reason why this anomaly may have occurred during this experimental

. ............................................................................................................................................

. ...................................................................................................................................... [2]

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(v) Use the graph to find two half-lives, t , for this reaction.

State the coordinates of both points you used in your calculations.

first t : coordinates ................................................... and ....................................................


 half-life = .............................. s

second t : coordinates ............................................. and ....................................................


 half-life = .............................. s

(vi) U
 se your answer to (e)(v) to state the order of the reaction with respect to
2‑bromo‑2‑methylpropane. Explain your answer.

( If you were unable to obtain an answer to (e)(v) you may use the values 1050 s and
1045 s for the half-lives. These are not the correct values.)

 order = ..............................

explanation ..........................................................................................................................

 [Total: 16]

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Important values, constants and standards

molar gas constant R = 8.31 J K–1 mol–1

Faraday constant F = 9.65 × 104 C mol–1
Avogadro constant L = 6.022 × 1023 mol–1
electronic charge e = –1.60 × 10–19 C
molar volume of gas Vm = 22.4 dm3 mol–1 at s.t.p. (101 kPa and 273 K)
Vm = 24.0 dm3 mol–1 at room conditions
ionic product of water Kw = 1.00 × 10–14 mol2 dm–6 (at 298 K (25 °C))
specific heat capacity of water c = 4.18 kJ kg–1 K–1 (4.18 J g–1 K–1)

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© UCLES 2022
The Periodic Table of Elements
1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 2

H He
hydrogen helium
Key 1.0 4.0
3 4 atomic number 5 6 7 8 9 10

Li Be atomic symbol B C N O F Ne
lithium beryllium name boron carbon nitrogen oxygen fluorine neon
6.9 9.0 relative atomic mass 10.8 12.0 14.0 16.0 19.0 20.2
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar
sodium magnesium aluminium silicon phosphorus sulfur chlorine argon
23.0 24.3 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 27.0 28.1 31.0 32.1 35.5 39.9
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

at www.cambridgeinternational.org after the live examination series.

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr
potassium calcium scandium titanium vanadium chromium manganese iron cobalt nickel copper zinc gallium germanium arsenic selenium bromine krypton
39.1 40.1 45.0 47.9 50.9 52.0 54.9 55.8 58.9 58.7 63.5 65.4 69.7 72.6 74.9 79.0 79.9 83.8
37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe
rubidium strontium yttrium zirconium niobium molybdenum technetium ruthenium rhodium palladium silver cadmium indium tin antimony tellurium iodine xenon
85.5 87.6 88.9 91.2 92.9 95.9 – 101.1 102.9 106.4 107.9 112.4 114.8 118.7 121.8 127.6 126.9 131.3

55 56 57–71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86
Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn
caesium barium hafnium tantalum tungsten rhenium osmium iridium platinum gold mercury thallium lead bismuth polonium astatine radon
132.9 137.3 178.5 180.9 183.8 186.2 190.2 192.2 195.1 197.0 200.6 204.4 207.2 209.0 – – –
87 88 89–103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118
Fr Ra Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Nh Fl Mc Lv Ts Og
francium radium rutherfordium dubnium seaborgium bohrium hassium meitnerium darmstadtium roentgenium copernicium nihonium flerovium moscovium livermorium tennessine oganesson
– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
lanthanoids La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu
lanthanum cerium praseodymium neodymium promethium samarium europium gadolinium terbium dysprosium holmium erbium thulium ytterbium lutetium
138.9 140.1 140.9 144.4 – 150.4 152.0 157.3 158.9 162.5 164.9 167.3 168.9 173.1 175.0
89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103
actinoids Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr
actinium thorium protactinium uranium neptunium plutonium americium curium berkelium californium einsteinium fermium mendelevium nobelium lawrencium
– 232.0 231.0 238.0 – – – – – – – – – – –

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To avoid the issue of disclosure of answer-related information to candidates, all copyright acknowledgements are reproduced online in the Cambridge

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