Consumables Norms
Consumables Norms
Consumables Norms
03 18.07.15 Field feedback incorporated SRB N/NB/CLJ SNS
Field feedback incorporated, and
02 28.10.14 SRB TD SNS
issued for review
Field feedback incorporated,
01 01.02.13 SAPcodes added and issued for SRB TD SNS
00 05.07.12 Issued for implementation TD EMK/KSS SNS
Date Description By Chkd. Appd.
Hard copy of this procedure shall be treated as uncontrolled if not signed by approver Total pages - 24
Purpose of this document is to provide outline for having a unique approach for
certifying the consumption of welding consumable and other associated consumable
supplied to contractors as free issue items. The procedure covers the methodology of
consumption certification and norms of consumption derived based on practical
Present scope of consumption norms cover welding electrodes, filler wires and flux
used in GTAW(TIG), SMAW(MMAW), FCAW, SAW process for piping and structural
work. Consumption of argon gas, CO2, oxygen, dissolved acetylene, LPG, and grinding
wheels are also covered under the present scope under associated consumable part.
The scope of this procedure is applicable for Reliance, EPCM, wherever Welding &
Associated consumable are issued as free issue items.
-ASME B31.3 Process piping
-ASME B31.1-Power piping
- The norms for welding consumables have been developed & Issued by QMD with
inputs from Fabrication Division welding Team.
- All contractors shall submit consumption of all welding consumable &
associated consumable against the executed work quantities along with final
bill. Final reconciliation of the total scope of work shall be submitted and
certified by EIC during the closure of Work Order.
The consumption shall be calculated based on the billing quantities and
the norms as above with the following deviation.
(A) Deviations due to welding process (Carbon Steel).
- Full GTAW: - This qty is billed separately and hence no deviation.
- GTAW ROOT + SMAW FILLER: - This qty is billed separately and hence no deviation.
- Others: Billing qty and the unit rate is same, which will have all the following process
combinations, separate break-up may not be available with the contractor.
- E6010+E7018+SAW
Based on the consumption of FCAW, SAW wire, equivalent inch dia work shall be
calculated. This will be subtracted from total inch dia. The subtraction value will be
treated as welding work in SMAW. From norms, consumption in SMAW consumable
shall be calculated which will be compared with actual consumption of SMAW
electrode. Accordingly consumption shall be certified.
Based on the present procedure, the consumption will be treated as it in all the cases.
The reconciliation statements prepared by shop welding engineer/site engineer shall be
discussed with the contractors for any major deviations. After the initial two-month,
contractors shall be advised to prepare reconciliation statements totally on the same
basis and submit for checking and approved.
Note- A separate matrix has been enclosed as Annex-IV with the W.O. item
code for the ease of certification.
Certification of consumption for structural work shall be based on the actual scope.
For special groove designs under structural fabrication (single bevel T joint,
1 double bevel T joint, double V groove joint- welding consumable calculation
details are shown in Annex-II (A), Annex – II (B) and Annex-II(C). EIC to
certify scope and certify that the specific joint configuration is used at site to
facilitate reconciliation.
- For root pass welding (groove) in SMAW process (for structural fab),
consumption of electrode is considered as 317gm/RM of weld length.
Following are the norms for welding consumable:
7.1.1 For Piping
The basis of calculation considered are :
- Weld groove details as per ASME B31.3
- Actual area of cross section involved .
- Annex–I applicable for thickness up to 22 mm. Annex–II is applicable for
above 22mm.
- Table directly gives the SMAW electrode and GTAW filler wire consumption.
- Annex – III for Fillet Welding applicable for all thickness as applicable.
- Weight of electrode/filler wire/flux consumption is estimated based on the following:
Welding Wastage (to Weight of electrode/filler wire consumed
consumable take care of site (including wastage)
GTAW filler 10% Filler wire consumption= 1.32 times weight of
wire corresponding weld metal deposited. For the
consumption estimation of full GTAW process of
any thickness, the weld metal against the table
of annexure-1 shall be multiplied by the above
mentioned factor (1.32)
Tungsten electrode consumption shall be 1 EA
(number) (2.4x 150mm) against 1Kg of filler
wire consumed
SMAW 10% 1.76 times weight of corresponding weld metal
electrode deposited
FCAW 10% 1.47 times weight of corresponding weld metal
electrode deposited
SAW 10% 1.32 times weight of corresponding weld metal
electrode deposited
SAW flux 50% 1.5 times consumption of SAW electrode
- For groove welding root pass in GTAW process, consumption of filler wire is
considered as 19gm/inch dia for root pass only. Wherever root and hot pass
welding is carried out with GTAW process, consumption of filler wire shall be
1 taken as 38gm/inch dia.
- For fillet welding root pass in GTAW process, consumption of filler wire is
considered as 132gm/meter for root pass only.
This consumption is estimated for Carbon Steel, Low Alloy Steels and stainless steels. For
the estimation of Nickel and Nickel based alloys (Monel, Inconel etc), a factor of 1.12
shall be multiplied with the final weight of welding consumable to compensate the mass
density difference.
c) Pipe Supports
Saddle supports-Reconciliation of welding consumable shall be carried out based on the
weld length for saddle supports. For other supports, reconciliation shall be carried out
on the weight of the supports in the light weight structure category. STRUCTURAL
The basis for calculation considered are :
- Structural Fab. Shop’s actual consumption
- 50% excess to suit site conditions
Items Consumption / MT
Dissolved Acetylene (D.A.) 2.2 Cu-M
Oxygen (O2) 8.0 Cu-M STRUCTURAL
The basis for calculation considered are :
- Structural Fab. Shop’s actual consumption
- 50% excess to suit site conditions
Items Consumption / MT
Oxygen (O2) 13.2 Cu-M
(Note- i.e. Against per Kg LPG, 4.4Cu-M Oxygen shall be consumed)
The basis for calculation considered are 2
- Structural Fab. Shop’s actual consumption
Items Consumption / MT
Grinding Wheel AG 7 (7"*7MM) 2.0 Numbers
Grinding Wheel AG 5 (5"*5MM) 1.0 Numbers
Cutting Wheel AG 7 (7"*7MM) 0.5 Numbers
Cutting Wheel AG 5 (5"*5MM) 0.3 Numbers
(i)For 16-20mm thickness, 350 holes can be made with one HSS cutter.
(ii)For 16-20mm thickness, 525 holes can be made with one carbide tip cutter.
Notes: As the thickness increases, number of holes per cutter shall be proportionally
Records of reconciliation statement shall be handed over to accounts department/QSD.
• ANNEX –I Welding Consumable Estimation for Piping Work up to 22 mm
THICKE- AREA METAL E6010-consumption of E6010 will be 30 gm/inch dia)
(root (root (root
only) only) only)
4 22 14 18 25 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 34 22 29 39 19 13 30 7 19 11
6 44 28 37 50 19 25 30 17 19 21
7 63 40 53 70 19 45 30 34 19 38
8 77 49 65 86 19 61 30 47 19 51
9 92 59 78 104 19 78 30 61 19 65
10 109 70 92 123 19 97 30 77 19 81
45 degree
45 degree
45 degree
Fig. 2(B)
75 degree
FIG. 2 ( C)
75 degree
13 113 900 1188 1584 132 1408 176 1176 132 1176
14 128 1024 1352 1802 132 1626 176 1358 132 1358
15 145 1156 1526 2035 132 1859 176 1552 132 1552
16 162 1296 1711 2281 132 2105 176 1758 132 1758
17 181 1444 1906 2541 132 2365 176 1976 132 1976
18 200 1600 2112 2816 132 2640 176 2205 132 2205
19 221 1764 2328 3105 132 2929 176 2446 132 2446
20 242 1936 2556 3407 132 3231 176 2699 132 2699
22 288 2304 3041 4055 132 3879 176 3240 132 3240
23 313 2500 3300 4400 132 4224 176 3528 132 3528
24 338 2704 3569 4759 132 4583 176 3828 132 3828
25 365 2916 3849 5132 132 4956 176 4140 132 4140
26 392 3136 4140 5519 132 5343 176 4463 132 4463
27 421 3364 4440 5921 132 5745 176 4798 132 4798
28 450 3600 4752 6336 132 6160 176 5145 132 5145
29 481 3844 5074 6765 132 6589 176 5504 132 5504
30 512 4096 5407 7209 132 7033 176 5874 132 5874
31 545 4356 5750 7667 132 7491 176 6256 132 6256
32 578 4624 6104 8138 132 7962 176 6650 132 6650
33 613 4900 6468 8624 132 8448 176 7056 132 7056
34 648 5184 6843 9124 132 8948 176 7473 132 7473
35 685 5476 7228 9638 132 9462 176 7903 132 7903
36 722 5776 7624 10166 132 9990 176 8344 132 8344
37 761 6084 8031 10708 132 10532 176 8796 132 8796
38 800 6400 8448 11264 132 11088 176 9261 132 9261
39 841 6724 8876 11834 132 11658 176 9737 132 9737
40 882 7056 9314 12419 132 12243 176 10225 132 10225
42 968 7744 10222 13629 132 13453 176 11237 132 11237
43 1013 8100 10692 14256 132 14080 176 11760 132 11760
44 1058 8464 11172 14897 132 14721 176 12295 132 12295
45 1105 8836 11664 15551 132 15375 176 12842 132 12842
46 1152 9216 12165 16220 132 16044 176 13401 132 13401
47 1201 9604 12677 16903 132 16727 176 13971 132 13971
48 1250 10000 13200 17600 132 17424 176 14553 132 14553
49 1301 10404 13733 18311 132 18135 176 15147 132 15147
50 1352 10816 14277 19036 132 18860 176 15753 132 15753
51 1405 11236 14832 19775 132 19599 176 16370 132 16370
52 1458 11664 15396 20529 132 20353 176 16999 132 16999
53 1513 12100 15972 21296 132 21120 176 17640 132 17640
54 1568 12544 16558 22077 132 21901 176 18293 132 18293
55 1625 12996 17155 22873 132 22697 176 18957 132 18957
56 1682 13456 17762 23683 132 23507 176 19633 132 19633
57 1741 13924 18380 24506 132 24330 176 20321 132 20321
58 1800 14400 19008 25344 132 25168 176 21021 132 21021
59 1861 14884 19647 26196 132 26020 176 21732 132 21732
60 1922 15376 20296 27062 132 26886 176 22456 132 22456
62 2048 16384 21627 28836 132 28660 176 23937 132 23937
63 2113 16900 22308 29744 132 29568 176 24696 132 24696
64 2178 17424 23000 30666 132 30490 176 25466 132 25466
65 2245 17956 23702 31603 132 31427 176 26248 132 26248
66 2312 18496 24415 32553 132 32377 176 27042 132 27042
67 2381 19044 25138 33517 132 33341 176 27848 132 27848
68 2450 19600 25872 34496 132 34320 176 28665 132 28665
69 2521 20164 26616 35489 132 35313 176 29494 132 29494
70 2592 20736 27372 36495 132 36319 176 30335 132 30335
71 2665 21316 28137 37516 132 37340 176 31188 132 31188
72 2738 21904 28913 38551 132 38375 176 32052 132 32052
73 2813 22500 29700 39600 132 39424 176 32928 132 32928
74 2888 23104 30497 40663 132 40487 176 33816 132 33816
75 2965 23716 31305 41740 132 41564 176 34716 132 34716
76 3042 24336 32124 42831 132 42655 176 35627 132 35627
77 3121 24964 32952 43937 132 43761 176 36550 132 36550
78 3200 25600 33792 45056 132 44880 176 37485 132 37485
79 3281 26244 34642 46189 132 46013 176 38432 132 38432
80 3362 26896 35503 47337 132 47161 176 39390 132 39390