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Lesson Plan 1

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Lesson Plan 1 :

Class Level: Primary 4

Time: 60 minutes (double period)
Genre: Short Story(Tidy Your Room,Tanya!)
Literary Focus: • Characterization
• Setting
Integrated Language Skills: • Listening
• Speaking**
• Reading
• Writing
Higher Order Thinking Skills: Literal Comprehension :
• 1.11 Recognition of details
• 1.21 Recall of details
Inferential Comprehension
• 3.7 Predicting outcomes
Multiple Intelligences: • Verbal/ linguistic
• Intrapersonal
• Visual/spatial
Learning Objectives:
• 1.7.1 Listen to simple stories and recall the names of people and animals.
• 1.7.2 Listen to simple stories and recall the story-line by answering simple ;wh’
• 2.3.3 Talk about personal experiences.
• 2.5.1 Give details about people and animals of a story heard or read.
• 2.5.2 Talk about the actions of the people and animals in a story heard or read.
• 3.9.2 Read and give details about the people and animals in the story.
• 3.9.3 Read and talk about the actions of people and animals in a story heard or
• 4.2.2 Write words and phrases in clear and legible writing.

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

• Listen to a story read aloud
• Talk about a personal experience
• Read the story silently, give details and talk about the actions
• Predict storyline and setting
Prior Knowledge: Pupils have lost something of theirs before and they
can associate with the main character.

Teacher’s Task/ Students’ Tasks Teaching Rationale
Procedures Resources
Preparatory Activities
(15 min)
• Step 1 :
Teacher asks pupils to form Pupils talk about The book Teacher wants
groups of 3. own experience, “ Tidy your pupils to

Khalipah Mastura Khalid

Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Teacher asks pupils to naming thing lost, room, understand the
discuss their experience of how they felt and if Tanya” main character.
losing something and how they found it, how
they have overcome the they felt. To get pupils’
problem with the group Whiteboard attention and focus
members. on the book.
They also talk about Pupils share their
imagination, what they usually imaginary
imagine about and where they experiences.
imagine themselves to be.

Teacher asks a few pupils to

tell what they have talked
about in their groups. Teacher
writes brief notes on the
Main Activities (30 min)
• Step 2
Teacher introduces the book Pupils guess the Scanned To prepare pupils
by asking the pupils to guess title and storyline picture of to listen to teacher
the title from the scanned by looking at the the book read aloud.
picture of the book.. scanned picture of cover.
the book cover.
Teacher elicits brief ideas
about the story from pupils. Mind Map
Teacher encourages pupils to
think out of the box.
Teacher writes their answers
in a mind map.

• Step 3 :
Teacher reads the story aloud Pupils listen to the The book Pupils are able to
(page 1-12) pronunciation, listen to the words
intonation and being vocalized
stress. and understand
text better.
• Step 4 :
Pupils answer ‘wh’ Pupils focus on
Teacher asks pupils if there
questions asked by where the story
are any words they find
the teacher to state takes place and
difficult in after every page
setting and name the characters that
the characters. appear.
Teacher asks for volunteers to
give meaning of any word
mentioned, give contextual
clues or use the picture to
help pupils understand the
Pupils talk about To make sure
Teacher also draws pupils’
what happened to pupils have
Tanya. understood the

Khalipah Mastura Khalid

Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
• Step 5 : story heard so far.
Teacher explains what a
setting is and gives examples.
Teacher asks about setting
and characters in story heard
so far.

Teacher asks if there is any

change in the setting of the

• Step 6 :
Teacher asks about what
happened to Tanya.

Closing Activities (15 min)

• Step 6
Students discuss or draw their Pupils write A piece of Pupils try to predict
prediction about what discussion content white A4 what will happen in
happens next when Tanya or draw their sized paper. the 2nd half of the
crawls into the cave. They do prediction. story to be read
this in groups of 5. next lesson.

Khalipah Mastura Khalid

Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah

is angry


Tidy Your

Ask to

Khalipah Mastura Khalid

Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah
Khalipah Mastura Khalid
Ani Aishah Fatimah Leong Abdullah

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