Term 3 Week 9
Term 3 Week 9
Term 3 Week 9
Inquiry Topic: Stick It! Key Idea Identified needs dictate technological practice. Lines of Inquiry What are our identified needs and how will we plan to meet these? Different materials require different ways of fastening. Strength of materials and fastenings should be considered.
Dear Parents/caregivers, We will be having our last gym session on Thursday in Trinity Hall, we will be needing parents for this last session; it will be an obstacle course! This week room 5 and 8 have a trip to Nelson Intermediate gym; please ensure your child has suitable clothing for this session Thanks to all who ordered calendar art, we will be sending the orders off soon. Mask Parade is fast approaching, the theme is Playful Pacific and each syndicate will be representing an element, kahikatea is fire. We would like our children to wear red, orange or yellow clothing on the night.
Fridays spelling test. 2. This weeks spelling is on Spelling City. Rm 5 http://www.spellingcity.com/sallyr uss/ Rms 6, 7, 8 & 17 http://www.spellingcity.com/kahika tea/ Try some of the games and activities. Your teacher will let you know if you need to continue writing Task 3. Basic facts sentences in your homefun books. 1. Each nightTask 2. basic facts that you learn 2 Reading got incorrect or didnt do so that least Read a book of your choice for at your 10 score improves each week! -15 minutes EACH night!
Task 2 Reading Read a book of your choice for at least 10 -15 minutes EACH night!
Task 3 Basic facts Each night learn 2 basic facts that you got incorrect or didnt do so that your score improves each week!
Task 4
Mask Parade As you know we are the fire element in the Playful Pacific mask parade. The other syndicates are earth, water and air. Design a mask to represent the one of the other elements. You can make it if you wish; your teacher may be able to help you with materials.
DearTips for Quality Homework parents, * Make a colourful heading for each Please sign your childs section. homework! * Use pencil for writing and coloured It was great to see so pencils for headings and illustrations. many parents at * Rule off neatly with a ruler after each section. interviews last week. We hope you with spelling and * Try your hardestfound it useful. Thanks also, t o those neatness. parents who were able to accompany our classes to the Suter last week.