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Homework for Class III


Dear Parents,
Vacation is a welcome break!
But for students as well as for you, vacations have become synonymous with summers.
Is it not? So why not utilize this golden period for family reunion and reiterate your
family ties with your kids and relatives. Gear up and utilize your time in the best
possible manner.
Go ahead with some unique fun activities with your kids. Let’s cheer for the 3R’s-
Rejuvenation, Relaxation and Rebonding !
Dear Students,
Vacation is a time when you connect with your friends, family members and relatives.

Here are few tips for you to follow –
1. Free play time should alternate with structural game – this cultivates

2. Assign a permanent workplace and a work-time. This brings in discipline

in your life.

3. Reading from colourful illustrated story books will develop your language

4. Inculcate good manners – 4 magic words `Please, Thank you, Excuse me,
Sorry’ – Use them and see the difference.

5. Help your mother to keep the house clean. Do small household jobs like
dusting, watering the plants, laying dinner table and so on.

6. Plan some outdoor and indoor games.

7. Go out for morning walk, talk about things you see around.

8. Listen stories from family members and try to narrate them.

9. Plan a daily routine for yourself and your family members. Pen it down
and follow it. Spend quality time with your parents.

10. Last but not the least – `Always speak in English with your family
members and friends.’
 Kindly revise the syllabus for all subjects done till the month of
May 2020 and do practice of English Cursive Writing and Hindi Writing.

Dear Parents,

Different types of languages are spoken by people from different regions, but the

most important thing is that any language when spoken should be spoken correctly.

The two common languages that our children should be able to speak fluently are

Hindi and English. Since English is a universal language spoken and understood by

people all over the world, we want our children also to be proficient in speaking it and

for this we need full support and cooperation. We would appreciate if you adhere

to the following points:

1. Speak with your child in English. Encourage reading habits.

2. Read out story-books and after finishing the story discuss it with your child.

3. Encourage Word Building and Picture Talk.

The teachers are trying to encourage the children to use simple words, phrases and
sentences like:-

• May I go to play?
• May I borrow your pencil / eraser / sharpener?
• I have finished my work.
• Madam, may I go to the washroom?
• Madam, may I go to drink water?
• Madam, may I come in please?
• Madam, may I go to the bookshop / tailor shop?
• Madam, may I go to wash my hands?
• Madam, may I go to pay my school fees?
• Madam, may I sit in the front row as I can’t see from the back? Madam,
please repeat the concept as I’m unable to understand it.
• Madam, I have lost my shoes / blazer / tiffin box / water bottle etc.
• Madam, I came late as I missed my bus.
• Madam, I’m sorry. I have forgotten to bring my book, note book, pencil / eraser /
drawing book etc.
• Madam, I’m sorry I couldn’t complete my Home Work as I was unwell(with reason)
• Madam, may I borrow a pencil / eraser / ruler etc. from my partner as I’ve
forgotten to bring it today.
• I am sorry for the delay.
• Could you hand me the book.
• Could you please shut the door.

Use of magic words like excuse me, sorry, thanks, please.

• When asking for something, say “Please.”

• When receiving something, say “Thank you.”
• Do not interrupt grown-ups who are speaking with each other unless there is an
• If you need to get somebody's attention right away, the phrase “excuse me” is the
most polite way for you to enter the conversation.
• When you have any doubt about doing something, ask permission first. It can
save you from many hours of grief later.

• When you have spent time at your friend's house, remember to thank his or her
parents for having you over and for the good time you had.
• Knock on closed doors and wait to see if there's a response before entering.

Children can be encouraged to use simple words and sentences at home also. For
example –

• Mummy, can I help you in the kitchen?

• Mummy, can I lay the table today?
• Mummy, should I help you wash the dishes today?
• Papa, can I help you wash the car?
• Grandpa, should I come with you for a walk?
• Grandma, should I help you put the thread in the needle?
• Mummy, can I get you a glass of water?
• Mummy, may I take some more Ice-Cream from the fridge?
• Papa, I’m sorry I was rude to you.
• Papa, please teach me how to ride a bicycle.
• Mummy, can I join the summer workshop in the school?
• Mummy, can I help you wash and soak the rice?
• Mummy, should I cut the salad today?
• Mummy, I will make a cup of tea for you. Please tell me where are the tea leaves.
• Mummy, can you teach me to make cold coffee please?
• Didi, can you help me find my English note book?
• Papa, can we go cycling together today?

Wishing people properly – Hello Uncle / Aunty how are you?

Wishing parents and elders Good Morning, Good Afternoon, Good Evening and
Good Night.

Activity 1: (In HW notebook)- Write five headlines that you are likely to
encounter about environment in newspaper in the future.

Activity 2: (In HW notebook) Story Elements: The three basic elements

that all short stories must have are:
a. characters – the people, animals or creatures in the story
b. Setting – the place and time
c. Plot – the events that happen in the story.

i. Read any story and write about these three basic story elements
(character, setting and plot) of the story. (On a sheet)
ii. Character sketch - read a book and write the following on an A4 size
 Pick up two characters from the book.
 Based on your reading, write five sentences each that describe the
above selected two characters (what they look like, what do they wear,
what does the character do in the story, what is the character’s
gender, etc.).
 Compare and write down how these two characters are different from
each other. What are the qualities that set them apart?
Activity 3: Speaking Activity:
The English Treasure Chest
• First, find and decorate a box that will become the treasure chest.
• find and collect small objects such as pebbles, shells, small pieces of
wood, dried leaves and any other objects big enough to be written on but
small enough to fit into the treasure chest.
• use a special marker pen that can write on any surface, write the name of
the place where each object was found and then put them into the chest.
• When classes begin, the child will speak about the objects such as:
It/This is a … . (name of object)
It/This is from … . (where it was found)


CRAZY CAPTIONS: (on a sheet) - Put in your own creative wording for the
image. You can write some dialogues between the characters.

Activity 5: Creative writing (on A4 size sheet in the English notebook):

What would happen………

Practice Exercises
 Learn Chapter 2: The Incompetent genie
Chapter 4: Anansi and the Turtle and grammar topics

 Kindly write answers of the exercises given below in the holiday
homework notebook.

Q1. Underline the common nouns and circle the Proper Nouns.
1. The house is on King’s Street.
2. Diya played with her brother.
3. Farhad went to Reliance Store last Saturday.
4. He rides bicycle very carefully.
5. Mumbai is a busy city.
6. Dalia and his friends chased the robbers.
Q.2. Identify the kind of sentences as assertive or interrogative
1. The dove made its nest in the bushes.
Ans. _______________________________
2. What is the Capital of Maharashtra?
Ans. _______________________________
3. John and Abhishek love to watch action movies.
Ans. _______________________________

4. Where is Mary?
Ans. _______________________________
5. There are 366 days in a leap year.
Ans. _______________________________
Q 3. Underline the subject and circle the predicate in each of the
following sentences.
1. The dog loves the bone.
2. Jimmy won the race.
3. The hunter caught the hare.
4. My family went to the national park.
5. Jane and I are going to the school.

Q4. Fill in the blanks with appropriate collective nouns.

Q.5 Change singular nouns to plural nouns:



Q3) In the grid of numbers below, there are hidden addition bonds. Follow
the numbers down or across. Circle the addition bonds with their sum.
One has been done for you.


Q 5: Family Time - Collect information about the birth year of your parents,
grandparents, uncle , aunt and siblings. On A-4 size drawing sheet make engine
and coaches of a train using cut outs of old newspapers, waste decorative material
as shown below. Colour them with bright colours and write the birth year numbers
on them and answer the questions given below:

1) Arrange these years in ascending and descending order:

Ascending order : ______________________________________

Descending order : _____________________________________
2) Write the expanded form of the birth year number of the eldest member:

3) Write the number name of the birth year of the youngest member:

4) Write the birth year numbers which are even.


Q.6) Do practice of all book exercises of :

Ch-1 (Place Value), Ch-2 (Addition) and Ch-3 (Subtraction)

It wouldn’t be considered an overstatement if I say anything can be resolved with
a bar of chocolate. I am sure most of us will agree that there are fewer motivators and
pacemakers than a bar of chocolate.
So, let’s make some delicious lollypops using chocolate bars.

Note : Do the above activity strictly under your parents’ supervision.


 “ Maintaining cleanliness is the essential part of healthy living because it is the

cleanliness only, which helps to improve our personality externally and healthy
 It is everybody’s responsibility and one should keep themselves and their surroundings
clean and hygienic. It also brings good and positive thoughts in the mind which slows
down the occurrence of diseases.

 Make a poster depicting the importance of cleanliness.

 Spread the awareness about the importance of cleanliness in one’s life and the
diseases caused by unhygienic conditions amongst your family members.


Q:4) FUN TIME : Roll a dice, enjoy the game with your friends and family and care
for your environment.

Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and
objects. As a society, we have come up with amazing ways of recycling almost
everything. Those that we found hazardous for the planet, we have banned or minimize
the use of.
So, let’s recycle:

 Revise all exercises of EVS Ch 1, 2, 3 and 13

 Do Worksheets no. 1 to 4 of ASSESSMENT I of E.V.S in a separate notebook or A-4

size sheet.

1. सुलेख माला के १० पेज पू रे करें ।
2. क्या आपने मुसीबत में फँसे अपने परिवाि के सदस्य ,दोस्त, सहपाठी अथवा पशु -पक्षी की मदद
की है ? यदद हाँ , तो इस घटना का वर्ण न अपने शब्ोों में कीदिये। (50-60 शब्ोों में)
3. शिीि के अोंगोों पि आधारित कोई मुहाविा सोदिये औि उस मुहाविे के आधाि पि एक व्योंग-दित्र
पदिका (कॉदमक स्ट्रिप) बनाइये।

िै से :- हाथ-पैि फूलना - घबिा िाना

इस मुहाविे पि दित्र बनाकि उस पि आधारित व्योंग-दित्र पदिका (कॉदमक स्ट्रिप) बनाइये।



Class III A,III B & III C :- Make any one 3D Piggy bank using Waste Material
(eg:Plastic bottles,tin,containers etc)
Class III D & III E :- Make any one 3-D item using old CD and waste material
(Any kind of coloured waste paper,waste material fevicol, paints can be used to
decorate your 3-D craft item which is available at home)

Maths : 2nd July

Submission of Holidays E.V.S : 3rd July
English: 4th July
Homework Hindi : 6th July


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