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StrengthsFinder 2.

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Strengths Insight Guide


anna cruz
Your Top 5 Themes

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Harmony theme look for consensus. They dont enjoy
conflict; rather, they seek areas of agreement.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Instinctively, you work industriously to finish all your daily assignments. You derive a great deal of
satisfaction from reaching goals others have set for you. Meeting their expectations for the day
undoubtedly is one of your top priorities. Chances are good that you bring an objective voice to goalsetting meetings. You emphasize facts to clarify key points. You notice how information becomes
distorted when personal agendas or emotions cloud peoples judgment. You enter these sessions with
one intention to give equal consideration to the objectives each person proposes. Because of your
strengths, you set goals and work hard to reach them. You enjoy tackling assignments on your own.
Even so, the realist in you understands that the results you produce often affect the ability of others to
do their jobs well. You have an easy time figuring out how your work links to that of others, and vice
versa. You know that understanding our commonalities allows everyone to excel. Its very likely that
you recognize that many individuals appreciate your practical, straightforward, or realistic way of
thinking. You enjoy coming to the aid of people who value the fact that you treat everyone
evenhandedly that is, the same. By nature, you exhibit a capacity for being evenhanded in your
dealings with people. Although everyone is unique, you show no favoritism toward any person.
Typically your actions and words prove that you equalize the amount of attention, opportunities, or
resources that you give to each individual.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Relator theme enjoy close relationships with others. They
find deep satisfaction in working hard with friends to achieve a goal.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
By nature, you feel upbeat and cheerful when you keep busy. Without question, you derive much
satisfaction from producing tangible outcomes. Because of your strengths, you say you are a good
trainer and instructor. You are aware of how a person feels at the start of a session. This enables you
to adjust your coaching techniques to fit the current moods and interest levels of the individual. You
probably take into account how someone reacted during your last encounter. You often detect subtle
and not-so-subtle emotional and mental changes. Driven by your talents, you build partnerships and
friendships one by one. You want to know each individuals hopes and ambitions. You recognize that
everyone has a unique style of working, thinking, learning, or problem solving. From the start, you
strive to identify someones personal and professional objectives. When you are successful, the
quality of your interactions with this person is enhanced. Instinctively, you are honest with yourself
about yourself. You can admit your shortcomings. You speak frankly about the areas where you need
to do things better and more completely than you have done them in the past. Its very likely that you
offer guidance to friends who seek your assistance. While you enjoy being helpful, you probably avoid
imposing your ideas on someone unless the person makes a special point of asking you to do so.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Learner theme have a great desire to learn and want to
continuously improve. In particular, the process of learning, rather than the outcome, excites them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Instinctively, you are an individual performer. You typically welcome opportunities to acquire
knowledge and ponder ideas on your own. You often seek and find solitary places where you can
think without being distracted by people or noise. Chances are good that you probably identify the
traits or experiences that distinguish one person from the next. Once you familiarize yourself with
someone, you can often predict with accuracy how the person will react in different situations. Its very
likely that you examine documents, read books, listen to lectures, or research subjects to help people
find the information they need. This means you spend hours, days, weeks, or even months expanding
your knowledge base. In the process of assisting another person, you generally move closer to your
own goals. Driven by your talents, you have the extra energy to work hard whenever you are
acquiring information to broaden your base of knowledge. You desire to deepen your understanding
of various topics, opportunities, problems, solutions, situations, events, or people. Because of your
strengths, you not only buy books or check them out from the library; you also read them. Your
investigative mind is restless until you have collected lots of information about factors that produce
various outcomes. You are motivated to read more about topics of personal and professional interest.
These can range from history to science, from politics to mathematics, from entertainment to sports,
or from art to law.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Includer theme are accepting of others. They show
awareness of those who feel left out, and make an effort to include them.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
Its very likely that you are cheerful and easygoing. You typically emphasize what you have in
common with people. You diplomatically sidestep areas of disagreement. Your even-tempered nature
and friendly disposition cause you to see the good in practically everyone. You probably feel sad for
those who consistently look for the worst in individuals and are gleeful when they find it. Driven by
your talents, you genuinely care for every person you meet. You have a capacity for discovering a
persons unique interests and characteristics. You make a special effort to welcome newcomers and
strangers into your life. By nature, you invite all sorts of individuals into groups, activities, or
conversations. You are genuinely fond of most people. You probably refrain from judging them by
their appearance, speech, or actions. Frequently you serve as their goodwill ambassador to people
who fail to notice them. Helping others brings you much satisfaction and joy. You are quite pleased to
play this role. Instinctively, you characteristically gravitate to situations where you can team up with
people. Being a practical and objective person, you probably present ideas that have produced good
results in the past. You appreciate teammates who give the same consideration to your suggestions
as they give to everyone else's. Because of your strengths, you sense there is something good in
each person you meet. Your open approach to people makes you a very likeable individual.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Positivity theme have an enthusiasm that is contagious.
They are upbeat and can get others excited about what they are going to do.

Your Personalized Strengths Insights

What makes you stand out?
By nature, you capture others attention with your open and talkative style. You support and inspire
people. You boost their confidence and support their resolve to respond to change, overcome
obstacles, acquire new skills, gain knowledge, or reach lofty goals. Its very likely that you feel good
about life when you can concentrate your mental or physical capabilities on current events, people, or
issues. The present moment probably holds more fascination for you than the past. Because of your
strengths, you often declare life is very good. This feeling usually envelops you after you have given
an individual your support and approval. Your affirming words are likely to boost the persons
confidence. Your derive much satisfaction from seeing someone make a decision, practice a skill,
sharpen a talent, or begin a task. Instinctively, you freely give of yourself. You are eager to share what
you possess and know. This includes, but is not limited to, tangible objects, money, ideas, skills,
knowledge, food, shelter, and time. Driven by your talents, you are keenly aware of the needs and
desires of people. These insights allow you to freely share your knowledge, skills, experiences, and
expertise with many individuals. You instinctively understand how to make others feel good. You
probably are known as a giver, not a taker. Family members, friends, classmates, teammates, and
acquaintances usually look forward to spending time with you.

1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?

694342638 (anna cruz)

2000, 2006-2012 Gallup, Inc. All rights reserved.

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