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Name: Aryan Maurya

Class: Class 9
School: Seth MR Jaipuria, Babatpur
Stream Discovery Report
Stream Discovery Report
Stream Discovery Report

Your Orientation Style

What is Orientation Style?
Orientation style identifies what an individual is driven by. Understanding the orientation style will help you with career
decision based on your dominant style of interaction with the surroundings.

Your Dominant Style Your Secondary Style

People Orientation Informative Orientation

The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you The scores obtained on this style inventory indicate that you
are people-oriented. This means that you like to interact are information-oriented and like to operate with
with people and have an understanding of their problems information, machines, instruments, books & gadgets. Your
and needs. You are drawn more to seek close relationships style indicates that you are assertive and believe in doing
with others. Your style indicates that you will be good in things rather than talking about them. You have an
tasks in which you have to lead, direct and persuade others. inquisitive, scientific and mechanical bent of mind. You may
You cooperate well with others and can express yourself like to read, gather knowledge, solve problems and perform
clearly. You make friends easily and are observed as research & experiments. You may be observed as
trustworthy, social and helpful at the workplace. intellectual, precise and scientific in the workplace.

Your Orientation Style

Stream Discovery Report

Your Interest
What is Interest?
Understanding your Interest will help you identify what work areas excite you and helps you identify career options which
are personally rewarding. Interest assessment explores your interest across multiple career options to find the right match
which shall keep you engaged.
Your Dominant Interest Areas

Economics Political Science Computer Science Home Science Physical Education

Your Interest
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality
What is Personality?
Understanding your Personality will help you identify your consistent behavior patterns. Every individual is different due to
their unique blend of attributes. Personality assessment identifies what career options suit your style and match your
personal attributes.
Your Dominant Personality Traits

Locus of Control Team Work Practical

Your Personality
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Resilience 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Resilience is the ability to Your responses indicate that though you have difficulty in stressful situations but sometimes you
pursue chosen path despite tend to handle it well. You may struggle in adapting to varied circumstances and sometimes may falter
stress, high- risk status, in sticking to your tasks or schedule. This makes you less productive in high stress situations and it
challenges and hardships becomes difficult for you to bounce back from setbacks or failures

Development Plan

You can improve your resilience by using the following strategies -:

Learn to be more flexible. It is always better to embrace change and adapt as per the requirements. It helps in handling stress in a
better manner and work more effectively.
Be optimistic & do not lose hope. It is always better to be optimistic during hardships. A sense of optimism helps in dealing with
difficult situations.
Learn to tackle your problems step by step. Think of taking small steps while resolving problematic circumstances.
Develop a strong social network. Being with people that are supportive and encouraging can be very helpful in facing hardships

Locus of Control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Locus of Control is the You emphasize on building your destiny through your persistence and perseverance. Belief in your
individual's perception of the abilities and skills enables you to shine in different situations and makes you an enterprising person.
power they have over events You like to take responsibility, work in a team, manage people, influence others and set a path for
that happen in their lives. attaining your goals. Your strong perception towards yourself is contagious and it places you on a
People with this trait believe higher pedestal in others viewpoint
that they have control over
their own destiny and are
convinced about their own

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Enthusiasm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with vitality, You are not very enthusiastic to gain more knowledge from your surroundings. You tend to avoid
spiritedness & vigor, new experiences and do not feel very energetic in general. Your energy levels are low most of the
enthusiasm is having times and you are reserved in your interaction with others. If at the start of a project or goal you meet
abundant or intense energy with setbacks, you may feel the urge to give up. This restricts you from questioning about your
and curiosity to gather surroundings and consequently seeking answers

Development Plan

You can increase your enthusiasm by using following strategies:

Develop a sense of humor: People with high enthusiasm, have a contagious sense of humor. Sulking about your life will further
lower your spirits. Start looking at your problems as opportunities for new learning and experiences. When engaged in heated
arguments, try to use humor to lighten the situation.
Start questioning: You need to question the various happenings around you. This will help you to make efforts to seek answers to
those questions. Do not hesitate to question and remember that nobody knows everything.
Healthy Lifestyle: If you are exhausted, with too much work, it is impossible to radiate enthusiasm. Take frequent rests between
your work schedule and have adequate sleep in the night. Take a balanced diet along with physical workout on regular basis

Extraversion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Extraversion is the ability to You mostly prefer to avoid social gatherings & feel uneasy in the presence of too many people around
talk easily to others, assert you. You hesitate in approaching strangers, even when your concern is genuine; especially when the
viewpoints and prefer person is from a different background than yours. Sometimes you are unable to assert yourself and
working in groups, rather hesitate to share your opinions and ideas when working in a group
than working alone

Development Plan

You can look to increase your extraversion level by using the following strategies -:
Developing interpersonal skills: Try to communicate with people around you. This might be difficult at first, but you can keep trying
and soon you will learn how to initiate a conversation and how to go about the whole process of communicating and sharing your
Find social activities you enjoy: Sign up for hobby classes or volunteering activities or associate with new groups of people. Its
easier to connect with people if you have a shared interest.
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Agreeableness 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Agreeableness is the ability to You are skeptical about intentions of others and have a hard time trusting them. You believe that
sympathize with others, trust people are untrustworthy and inconsiderate. You also have great difficulty in understanding others'
them and be warm, viewpoints. You prefer competing with others rather than cooperating. You are not afraid of conflict,
concerned and cooperative and you believe in dealing with difficult situations head on even when your actions may have negative
towards them impact on people around you

Development Plan

You can increase your agreeableness level by using following strategies:

Try to see things from perspective of others: This will help you better understand the behavior of other people and also the reasons
why they behave in certain ways. Also check on how you would have reacted in a similar situation.
Accept that all people are different: Rather than competing with others and suspecting their intentions, it is better you understand
that everyone is unique. This will help you to accept different viewpoints and also maintain social harmony.
Different people different voices: Everyone has a point of view which needs to be respected. Listening to these voices will help you
to sympathize with them

Team Work 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Team work implies including You have an excellent ability to work collaboratively within a group in order to achieve a common
not only your views but also goal. You strongly believe in partnerships and find it very easy to relate to others. Your outstanding
the views of others while communication skills allow you to effectively communicate with others as well as to develop and
working towards a common maintain good relations with them. While taking a decision, you consider not only your own views but
goal. It involves working also that of others. All such qualities help you to work in harmony with others
collaboratively with people
and maximizing the team

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Perfectionism 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Perfectionism is the desire to Your score stands for a minimal desire to strive for high standards of excellence. This means that you
strive for flawlessness and are often careless about your task and don't feel responsible for your own work. You are generally
set high standards of casual about the things happening around you. All such things interfere in your performing the task
excellence in an efficient manner. You are more interested in completing the task rather than the quality of work
and hence tend to use short-cuts while doing the task

Development Plan

You need to develop a sense of high standards of excellence. You can do this by-:
Detailing: Break down a task into smaller steps and pay attention to minute details in every step. You can reward yourself for
successfully completing every step with perfection.
Evaluate your performance: Be honest while evaluating your performance and work on the areas wherein improvement seems
Set high standards: You should make an attempt to set high standards of excellence for yourself. This will motivate you to work
hard and ultimately perform better

Perseverance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Perseverance is the You find it difficult to continue with a task when faced with obstacles. You do not really finish what
determination of an you start, and tend to get stuck in problems, hence losing the ability to resolve them. Your decisions
individual to complete a task, seem to be impulsive at times and you express dissatisfaction with your working style. You lose
irrespective of the obstacles patience and easily get disheartened by failures

Development Plan

You can improve your perseverance levels by using the following strategies:
Strengthen the belief that nothing is impossible. Everything is possible if you make constructive efforts to achieve it.
Running away from problems is not a solution. Facing them and dealing with them will help you find a solution.
Learn from Failures. Learning from failures rather than just getting emotionally driven will help build perseverance. A clear focus on
the goal and ability to continue the pursuit should lead to success.
Create alternatives. Try and use unconventional problem solving approach, whenever faced with dynamic situations and new
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Practical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with pragmatic, You tend to give more importance to actions and do not rely on theoretical information alone. You
real & hands-on; practical is understand that the key to efficient working is in bridging the gap between theory and practice. You
being more concerned with acknowledge that it is important to have a realistic approach and develop functional relationships.
practice than theory You believe in gaining hands on experience and then using it in your personal as well as professional

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Enterprising 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Enterprising is being You do take initiative to perform tasks but you lack the assertiveness needed to put across your ideas
assertive, confident, high on and thinking. You are not much of a risk taker and enjoy being in the zone of comfort and safety. You
risk- taking capacity, and like being a follower rather than a leader. This does not mean that you do not stand out in situations
having the ability to persuade or groups; it just means that you prefer doing things the conventional way and hence the creative and
others novel aspect in problem solving is less

Development Plan

You can improve your enterprising skills through the following strategies:
Be willing to admit and learn from failures and weaknesses: No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. The most successful
person is one who knows that the key to success is not in avoiding failures, but to learn from them. You should continue to
improve yourself in every possible way.
Being confident: Learning about any area/domain in detail helps you to become confident in that particular area. You can start by
learning more about your hobby.
Maintain a positive attitude: With a positive attitude, you are looking at the bright side of life. People are naturally attracted to you
when you have a positive attitude. By being positive, you will lead a happier life, as well as be surrounded by other positive people.
Being passionate: You need to be passionate about the work you do. Passion is contagious and it helps you in persuading others.
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Integrity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with honesty, Your score indicates that on one hand you perceive set norms as important and on the other hand
principled, sincerity, you sometimes don't give that much importance to it. You can compromise on your set standards and
scruples; integrity means integrity. Personal gains may prove to be more important for you and you may be ready to
being honest and living by compromise on your set rules and norms. You often face conflicts to decide between right and wrong
universal principles of right
and wrong

Development Plan

Think of working on following strategies to improve on your integrity levels:

Right vs. Wrong Dilemma: You should learn how to develop the difference between right and wrong and how you can deal with
conflicting situations.
Place a rule book in your life: Start afresh with new norms in your life. Begin with simple tasks and complete them on set timelines
and gradually move to the bigger tasks. Give importance to set rules and strictly follow those rules. Be aware of your decisions and
recognize your mistakes and try to not repeat them in future.
Accept ups & downs: You should have courage to accept your failures along with appreciations for the achievements regardless of
the person providing the feedback.

Decision Making Capacity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Decision making capacity is You are capable of taking decisions in most of the situations but may find it difficult in certain
the tendency to choose conflicting situations. Though, you are good at decision making ability, but sometimes may not take
effectively from alternatives decisions as effectively. Your decision making capacity makes you capable to learn from the past
through reasoning and difficulties and apply those learning in the future
critical thinking

Development Plan

You can work on decision-making skills by using the following strategies:

Learn from others. You can learn from people who are skilled or good at decision making. Learn techniques from these people, and
then apply them using your own thinking.
You can start with very small normal situations and go from bottom to upward. Take decisions first for ordinary situations and then
move towards conflicting situations.
Learn from your mistakes: Be attentive toward small mistakes and try not to repeat those mistakes in future. Also learn from the
mistakes of others and apply them in your life.
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Organizational Skills 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Organization skill is the You often find it difficult to meet your goals. You don't, fully utilize your time, energy, and resources
ability and style of an in the tasks that you undertake. You also have difficulty in being systematic and in planning your
individual to structure plan work. You tend to act in a manner that may not always be responsible due to which you are unable to
and meet their goals in a set very high standards and thus, unlikely to meet the goals that you have planned for yourself
systematic manner

Development Plan

You can improve your organization skills by using the following strategies -:
Set specific & realistic goals. This will help you in being more systematic and efficient, which will enable you to achieve set tasks.
Prioritize your work. Learn to understand the difference between tasks that are highly important and need to be done immediately
and the tasks that can be done later. This will help you do your work on time and not be stressed.
Set proper timelines. When you start a task, set a realistic timeline for the completion of your task. This will make you more
systematic and help you to be more structured in doing your task

Intense Pursuit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Synonymous with dedication, Most of the time you are passionate about accomplishing the goals that you choose for yourself. You
devotion & zeal; intense are usually focused and determined in reaching your goals and tend to pursue tasks until they are
pursuit is having a clear completed. This makes you work hard and put continued efforts even when the task or the goal is
intention, aim, interest, difficult to be accomplished. When faced with inevitable challenges, you are able to maintain your
commitment and strong composure most of the times. With some effort, you're able to find amicable and resourceful
desire to pursue on a chosen solutions to these challenges

Development Plan

You can develop intense pursuit by following strategies:

Writing it down: This is as simple as it sounds. Have well defined time bound goals. Also make a “To Do” list on daily basis, to make
sure that things are getting done.
Prioritizing your work : You have to make a clear distinction about what is important & what just seems to be important. Focus your
energy on what is critical and needs to be done.
Take responsibility for your goals: Rather than making excuses for incomplete tasks, take up responsibility and make efforts to
complete them. It will be difficult for you to pursue your goals, unless you take responsibility
Stream Discovery Report

Your Personality in Detail

Moral Conformity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Moral conformity implies Your acts are intended to fit in the group even if the they go against principles of morality. Peer
standing by your principles & perception and acceptability is more important to you than following the societal norms of right and
code of conduct rather than wrong. You have a strong need for affiliation to the group even if they are not in conformity with the
matching attitudes, beliefs, accepted norms of society
and behaviors to group
norms so as to fit into the

Development Plan

You can work on following strategies to work on improving moral conformity levels:
Be Assertive –Make an attempt to put forward your point of view with conviction
Think of Long Term Impact – Avoid short term gains or giving in to temptations
Right Associations - Form Associations with people who have clear understanding of right and wrong
Learn to say ‘No’- Saying ‘No’ will not spoil your relationships with others, rather it will make help you make meaningful & stronger
Stream Discovery Report

Your Aptitude
What is Aptitude?
Understanding your Aptitude will help you explore your innate strengths. Every individual has a unique area of expertise and
their own forte. Aptitude assessment predicts what is your innate ability and potential and helps you find career options that
are in sync with your aptitude.
Your Dominant Aptitude Strengths

Numerical Info Tech Abstract

Your Aptitude
Stream Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Abstract 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to work with new You scores reflect that you are moderately skilled at working with new concepts, abstract ideas and
concepts, abstract ideas & recognizing patterns and similarities between them. Your scores also indicate that you are able to
recognizing patterns and recognize the similarities and differences between ideas, or concepts which are not necessarily
similarities related at an average level. You are able to work out new concepts and deal with abstract ideas in
most cases

Development Plan

Abstract aptitude can be developed by adopting following strategies:

Abstract ideas and concepts: Give yourself a regular exposure to abstract ideas and concepts. Repeatedly examining information
presented in abstract forms in books and newspapers will help you to develop a capacity for handling abstract information and
looking for patterns. Try and solve puzzles, games and other forms of analytical material to enhance abstract way of thinking.
Patterns and relationships: Purposefully seek patterns and relationships in things around you for enhancing abstract aptitude and
outlook. You should also practice creating diagrams which represent relationships, connections and sequences

Verbal 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to comprehend words You have an average ability to understand the relationship between words and have a limited ability to
and sentences and deduce convey the required information. You possess an average level of verbal skills like spell words
meaningful relationship from correctly, use correct grammar, understand word meanings, and interpret word relationships. You
them are often, though not always, able to correctly analyze and understand textual information

Development Plan

You can use the following strategies to improve your verbal skills:
Reading: You can start reading and analyzing texts, articles and newspaper columns. Challenge yourself with more and more
complex material and continue even though you seem to be making little progress because over time, it will show results.
Drawing conclusions and inferences: Try to deduce relationships among various components of the reading material. Try to look for
relationships and patterns, drawing conclusions and making inferences.
Memorizing word-meanings: Consciously memorizing word-meanings regularly will also help in broadening your vocabulary base.
Stream Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Logical Reasoning 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to identify and isolate You have limited ability in identifying various components of an argument and isolating them to arrive
components of an argument at an inference. You find it difficult to identify relationships among unorganized or seemingly
to arrive at a complete unrelated stimuli. You perform well in tasks wherein the steps of the task are well specified without
inference and reach a much complexity

Development Plan

You can develop logical reasoning by practicing following strategies:

Play mind games: You should try playing mind games such as chess, Sudoku, word games and other mystery games and puzzles
that are easily available online. This will give you an understanding of the patterns and their individual elements and will help you in
developing logical reasoning.
Practice & Perform non-routine tasks: You should regularly practice open-mindedness and must make conscious attempt to figure
out relationships among related or unrelated stimuli. Read books on logical reasoning and improve your skills by practicing a wide
range of problem types.

Language Usage 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to understand and use Your scores indicate that you are not very skilled at understanding and using words and the
words along with the grammatical rules and structures to produce meaningful and complex sentences. This also means
grammatical rules and that you find it difficult to detect errors in grammar, punctuation, and capitalization
structures to produce
meaningful-novel sentences

Development Plan

Language usage can be enhanced by adopting following strategies:

Reading: Reading extensively enables you to develop an understanding for the components and structures of the language along
with developing an understanding of its rules. Read material even on those areas which do not interest you. Slowly progress from
easy to more challenging reading material.
Writing: Writing, on the other hand, opens you up to formulating newer combinations of words and putting words to creative uses.
Gradually start writing on a wide variety of topics and subjects.
Listening: Listening to the language also improves your language aptitude. Regularly listen to English news or even English songs to
enhance your language aptitude.
Use of Dictionary: Develop your vocabulary by regularly using dictionaries and thesaurus. Developing a sound vocabulary base is
essential for developing language aptitude
Stream Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Numerical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to quickly grasp You are skilled at making use of numbers and numerical operations rapidly and accurately. You have
mathematical functions and the capacity to quickly grasp mathematical functions and to use them to analyze and solve
to use them to analyze and mathematical problems with high accuracy
solve mathematical problems

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Info Tech 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to grasp and use You have a very good understanding of the principles and concepts of technology. Your responses
principles and concepts of indicate that you have high awareness about the basic computer programs and its applications. You
technology and computer are quite comfortable when it comes to dealing with computer software. Your awareness about latest
programs to solve problems technologies and software is also very high. You are extremely comfortable when it comes to learning
about the working of new gadgets or software

Development Plan

You have scored well in this trait

Stream Discovery Report

Your Aptitude in Detail

Mechanical 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Meaning Expert Analysis

Ability to grasp and use Your ability to understand and apply mechanical concepts and principles is average. You could easily
mechanical concepts and grasp and apply mechanical principles with which you are familiar. However, you are not very
principles to so solve confident of applying your mechanical knowledge to new challenges or problems. With adequate
problems training and effort, you can improve your mechanical aptitude

Development Plan

You can think of developing mechanical abilities by adopting following strategies:

Developing sense of physical world: You should be observant to perceive the physical world around and understand the principle
through practical demonstration. You may take coaching or practical science training in subjects like Physics.
AV media and 3-D programs: You can take help of the audio-visual media with 3-D programs to understand scientific principles in
depth and learn to apply them to real world problems.
Stream Discovery Report

Your Dominant Orientation Style

People Orientation Informative


Your Dominant Interest

Economics Political Science Computer Science Home Science Physical Education

Your Dominant Personality

Locus of Control Team Work Practical

Your Dominant Aptitude

Numerical Info Tech Abstract

Stream Discovery Report

Stream Match with Science with Mathematics

Your Match with Science with Mathematics

Science with Mathematics is the most popular stream choice for students who wish to open all possible career options.
Pursuing this you will study Physics, Chemistry, Maths, English, and an optional subject. Bachelor of Engineering (BE) /
Bachelor of technology (B.Tech) is the most direct & popular career choice of students who study this stream. Architecture,
Defense, Commercial Pilot, Merchant Navy, Computer Application & Animation, Product Design, Space Research are some of
the other options can can explore with this particular subject combination. One can also explore options in research and

Read More about Science with Mathematics

Stream Discovery Report

Stream Match with Commerce

Your Match with Commerce

Commerce offers a wide range of career opportunities, like those in Finance & Banking, Management, and Chartered
Accountancy to name a few. It's a popular choice among students who have a passion for numbers, business, and economy.
You would study Business Studies, Accounts, Economics, English, and an optional subject. Marketing & Advertising, Sales,
Actuarial Sciences, Banking & Finance, Law, Hotel Management, Stock Broking, Computer Application are some of the
leading career options post taking Commerce stream. Apart from degree programs, there are multiple certification programs
one can pursue such as Company Secretary, Cost Accountancy or Chartered Financial Analyst.

Read More about Commerce

Stream Discovery Report

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