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Learning Solutions

Tender Document for the implementation of the Writing in the Digital Age e-learning module
Author: Gabriel Mullarkey Client: NUI Galway

In Brief:
Duration: 14 Weeks Tutor / Student Ratio: 1 / 12 Hours per week: 1 Hour - Remote Lecture/Podcast Total Cost of Module: 21,000 Cost to Student: 900 Learning Management System (LMS): Blackboard

This document is a tender proposal for an online distance learning resource entitled Writing in the Digital Age. The course explores how the recent advances in information technology have influenced writing and theory. New avenues for expression are abundant in the digital age. By utilising collaborative tools, this online resource immerses the user in the digital media environment they are writing for. Harnessing the information resources that surrounds us in the digital age is key to engaging the user and creating a dynamic learning environment. There are many tools on the Internet that enable efficient collection of reference materials or collaboration with peers, most of which are free to use. This course aims to encourage and support the users application of such resources. The tutor has a wide range of communication tools at their disposal to engage with the users. The method used depends on the context of the communication with the individual user or group of users. External resources are encouraged by the tutor to enhance learning and teaching experience.


Learning Outcomes
At the successful completion of this module the student should be able to: Demonstrate an understanding of traditional print genres and emerging media formats. Identify and perform the essential task associated with conceiving and actualising creative ideas. Engage with a creative idea in a variety of modes; initiation, development, production and marketing. Work independently and collaboratively to develop an individual portfolio. Demonstrate proficiency with online, collaborative tools. Illustrate ability with online writing resources. Employ methods of organising online content.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Target Audience:
Individuals the ages 18 and above with a prior, relevant undergraduate degree. Those who would benefit from the course include: >> People who want to develop their conventional writing skills for application online. >> Writers who live in remote locations with want to collaborate socially over the Internet.


Outline of Writing in the Digital Age e-Learning Resource:

Hardware / Software Required > Tutor/University
The course will be provided through an Learning Management System (LMS). The LMS of choice would be Blackboard. The reasons for this choice of LMS are as follows: 1. It is also widely used elsewhere so both tutor and student bay be familiar with the interface and tools. 2. A wide range of collaborative tools and add-ons are available. 3. Blackboard is NUIGs LMS of choice and they employ experienced staff for implementation and maintenance of the system. 4. Because NUIG have a substantial account with Blackboard, costs would be kept down. 5. Scalable - only the necessary tools will be made available to simplify the interface. NUIGs server would run the LMS so no further investment is need in terms of infrastructure. The tutor requires a computer and an Internet connection to access and manage the course on Blackboard. A webcam is necessary for conference lectures.

Hardware / Software Required > Students

Students are not required to purchase any software for this course. All assessments are in text format and can be easily inputted into the LMS. Alternatively, students can download and use the free Open Office suite for word processing or use one of the many browser-based systems such as Google Docs. Most utilities are available though the Blackboard system however the course requires the use of online collaborative tools that require setting up a free account. A computer and an Internet connection are the only hardware requirements the student needs for the module.


Media >


As collaboration is a core competency in Writing in the Digital Age, the media used must accommodate interaction between students, the tutor and the course content. The user can access a host of tools that offer collaboration on different levels; from casual interaction to involved discussion. These assorted tools accommodate the various modes of interactions that occur in e-learning systems:

student student

student tutOR

student cOntent

The renowned distance education specialist Dr. Terry Anderson believes that at least one of these interactions needs to be at a high level for effective learning:

Deep and meaningful formal learning is supported as

long as one of the three forms of interaction (student teacher; student-student; student-content) is at a high level. The other two may be offered at minimal levels, or even eliminated, without degrading the educational experience. High levels of more than one of these three modes will likely provide a more satisfying educational experience

Dr. Terry Anderson,Athabasca University


Media >

Interface > Home Page

The Home page is populated with a class news feed and a calendar of important dates. The tutor updates these accordingly. Standard LMS links appear on the side panel of the home page. These facilitate the basic needs of the students and the tutor; providing content, assessment and important information on the course: 1. Assignments: Assignment briefs are uploaded to the assignments page. The students then upload their finished assignments. 2. Reading Material: The relevant course material is stored here in PDF format for print or download. 3. Course Information: All the latest news and upcoming deadlines are posted here as well as being emailed to the students. 4. Grades: Here the grades for the modules are accumulated

Media >

Interface > In-Site Tools

There is also a toolbox with the collaborative tools necessary for a rich user experience.

Library Integration Access to written works is clearly a vital element for this particular module. NUIGs James Hardiman Library would be fully integrated allowing access to all online material. The remote access capabilities would be built into the site so that saved titles can be easily accessible through the homepage. In conjunction with the NUIG library, the JSTOR database would also be accessible.
Key Benefits: Increased learning potential Contributory to concept research Mode of Interaction


Media >

Interface > In-Site Tools

Class Wiki This enables the users and tutor to contribute content on an individual document or over a number of documents. The editable format allows for accessible and casual development of concepts in a group environment. The simplicity of the wiki tool would encourage users, even those with humble computer literacy, to develop their ideas on an online medium. A back catalogue of previous versions of the wikis would display the thought process of the user.
Mode of Interaction Key Benefits: Enables casual collaboration Good starting point

The Blog: Here the users can publish more polished ideas and comment on each others work. The users original concept on the blog cannot be altered. Collaboration exists through the comments under the original post. If it is a public post then other users can critique the piece in a workshop scenario. Some blogs can remain private for the users own development or viewable only to the tutor, depending on the exercise. Blogging interfaces now have most of the utilities of a standard word processor making the blog a viable alternative.
Mode of Interaction Key Benefits: Developing core competencies in blogging techniques Accommodates the development of creative ideas Encourages analysis and promotes critique proficiency Enables assessment concept development


Media >

Interface > In-Site Tools

The Forum The users are encouraged to partake in the forum for further discussion. This is a step up again from the other collaborative tools in that they are designed to create discussion. Topics reviewed through coursework are then offered as topics for discussion in the forum by the tutor. The users add to the forum and create sub topics for relevant discussion. The Tutor retains administrative rights for the forum. Guides for off-site tools are located here.
Key Benefits: Accommodates the remote discussion of course work Encourages relevant extracurricular discussion Mode of Interaction

Podcasts Lectures are recorded for those who can not take the live conference lecture. The recorded lecture is uploaded on to You Tube and imbedded into the podcast page. There is a link to the specific lecture notes on the page as well as an overview of the lecture. Students and tutors can leave comments under the video.
Mode of Interaction Key Benefits: Enables the viewing of lectures Encourages dialogue about content


Media > Off-Site Tools

There are many tools online that offer rich learning experiences. These enable users to collaborate socially or work independently through intuitive interfaces. Encouraging the use of such online tools have have a number of benefits: 1. Most are free which takes some of the financial strain of developing a course. 2. They are very user friendly, accommodating those users with even the most modest online skills. 3. Many interact with each other to share and save content efficiently. These would be partially integrated with the site while others would be promoted through site with quick setup guides in the wiki section and help provided in the forum section.

Personal email

Key Benefits
Accommodates messaging between the course facilitators and course users Keeps the focus on the coursework and related topics. Effective gathering snd sharing of relevant information



Social bookmarking


Online conferencing calls

Audio-visual communication with the tutor. Instant messaging also accommodated for. Live lectures available through multi-user confrencing

Micro blogging

Sharing of content between the tutor and student. Instant messaging capabilities. Practice micro blogging.

Mind Miester
Mind mapping

Enables enables visualization of ideas. many people can work on the same file.

You Tube

Video sharing

Social sharing of video. Enables comments and discussion Videos hosted on You Tube can be imbedded into blogs, wikis and forums by students or tutors

Please see accompanying video piece for an example of off-site tool integration.


Timeline > Module Development and Costing

Design - 5,000 Weeks Design Revision/Testing Module Implementation
7th September >

Revision/Testing - 2,000 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Module Implementation (tutor fees)- 14,000 Weeks Design Revision/Testing Module Implementation
30th November >











Timeline > Module Lifecycle > 7th Sep - 23rd Nov

Week Topic Exercises Tools Used
1 Introduction Read: Writing Machines Email, Blog, Skype 2 Principles of Writing Read: Songs of Innocence Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Podcast 5 Exploration of New Media Free Write Email, Blog, Forum, Skype, Wiki, Podcast 6 Copyright Management Free Write Email, Blog, Mind Meister,Diigo, Skype, Library, Podcast Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Skype, Podcast 7 Workshop Experience II Portfolio Development Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Skype, Wiki, Podcast 11 Portfolio Presentations I N/A Email, Blog, Podcast Email, Blog, Forum, Skype, Wiki, Podcast 8 Portfolio Development Portfolio Development Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Library, Podcast 12 Portfolio Presentations II N/A Email, Blog,Podcast 3 Its All About Audience Free Write 4 Workshop Experience I Read: Writing Machines

Week Topic Exercises Tools Used

Week Topic Exercises Tools Used

9 Creating Total Experience Portfolio Development Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Library, Podcast

10 Innovation in Paper Portfolio Development Email, Blog, Mind Meister, Library, Podcast


Assessment Criteria
Weekly assessments will be necessary to ensure the quality of writing is continuously improving throughout the module. Blog posts would be monitored for concept development and original writing. Technical aptitude will not be assessed but students will be encouraged to use all of the tools at their disposal. The module ends with a presentation of a portfolio project. This is the result of the writing exercises, blog posts and analysis pieces done during the module.

Module Conclusion
The Writing in the Digital Age e-learning module is aimed at incorporating social systems of gathering information with formal LMS e-learning tools. The increasing inter-connectivity of such online tools allows users to harvest and distribute content from the web at unprecedented efficiency. In the current environment, costs are an issue for every state funded institution. The scalability of the NUIGs LMS, Blackboard, means the module can be created at little cost. The chosen online social media resources all have free options further reducing costs while simplifying the LMS and taking some of the strain of NUIGs servers. Students will be accommodated through rich media podcasts of lectures as well as the option of online conference lectures via Skype.


Storyboard 01:

Client: NUI Galway Project: e-Learning Module


Integrated LMS Tools for Writing in the Digital Age

Homepage The homepage displays all the necessary tools for tutor and student. The calender and library are in full view. Social media widgets are constantly updating.

In-site Tools > Podcasts On this tab the recorded lectures are found in both video and text format. The embedded videos are hosted on Youtube. Links to indepth lecture slides are located below the video lectures.

In-site Tools > Fourm Typical Forum layout with the ability to add topics and reply to the various threads.

In-site Tools > Blog Standard blog with privacy settings for posting anonymously, which is useful for writing workshops.

In-site Tools > Class Wiki Topics are set up by the Tutor and the students are encouraged to input

In-site Tools > Links Links are segregated into various headings. The links to off-site resources are located here


Storyboard 02:

Client: NUI Galway Project: e-Learning Module


Social Bookmarking Writing in the Digital Age

Description 1: Google Search The Internet is full of great content. So much so that we need new methods of sorting and sharing our information

Description 2: Diigo Toolbar The Diigo tool bar has several tools to help sort web pages including bookmarking, highlighting, notes and sharing options.

Description 3: Diigo Sharing The sharing option lets you share your web page over several different methods including social networks. Selecting the Twitter option will update your Twitter account.

Description 4: Blackboard Homepage A Twitter feed on the Blackboard homepage allows you to save the link but most importantly you get to share the link with your class mates.



Learning Solutions

Page 1 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 8 9 10 10 11 11 Topics Introduction Learning Outcomes Target Audience Module Outline Hardware/Software Requirements. Media - Interactivity Media - Homepage Media-In-Site Tools Media-Off-Site Tools Timeline Assessment Criteria Module Conclusion Storyboard Mockup I Storyboard Mockup II Disk Contents G_Mullarkey-tender_document (PDF) E-learning_mockup-animation (MPEG-4)

Author: Gabriel Mullarkey gabmullark21@gmail.com 0863318885 Client: NUI Galway nuigalway.ie

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