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Mr. George Skrimizeas All Seas Marine S.A General Manager

Over the years of our operations we have remained focused on the targets we initially set : steady growth, financial stability, team spirit, excellent working environment are few of them. I have been saying all these years that the principles, the targets and the philosophy of a company must be adopted and implemented in a way that offers security to its employees. A secured future for our employees has been a commitment of the management, a promise. I strongly believe that the last few years have proven that we are delivering on our promises. Notwithstanding the turbulent times, the global financial crisis and the continuously deteriorating shipping market, our group, by adopting and implementing thoroughly a prudent strategy, not only has it managed to retain a financially healthy environment but, also, to expand further its activities. This year has been another success story for us. The diversification into the containership market, initiated in 2010, continued. In four months we acquired five more modern containerships, all of which have been chartered to first class liner companies. As a result of the new acquisitions the current fleet increased to twenty four vessels (eleven bulk carriers and seven containerships in the water, four bulk carriers and two containerships on order). The manning of these new vessels required more than one hundred seamen. The deliveries of the new-buildings in 2012 / 2013 will, also, create more than two hundred and fifty new job opportunities. In less than five years we tripled the number of crew in our company. Our seafarers pool will consist of more than one thousand Filipinos. After the rapid expansion of the last five years, we are now looking into the future and we are planning the next steps. Steps that will offer more opportunities and more security. And we are really glad to understand that everybody knows that for our company it is a matter of time to make its promises, facts.

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Josephine M. Roldan Crewcare, Inc. President


CREWCARE, INC., from its humble beginnings, through the years is now on its 11th year and has managed to attain steady growth and is now looking forward to a very positive future especially with the acquisition of new container vessels in just a few months time. The companys pledge is to maintain the highest level of professional ethics and manning integrity to ensure that our crew and their families are accorded full measure of courtesy and dignity. We have successfully passed the annual POEA audit and within just a month after a month, Crewcare revised its entire Quality Management Manual making it compliant with the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 standards. In addition, last May 4, 2011, we passed the latest ISO Audit by AJA (Anglo Japanese American Registrars) on the new version (ISO 9001:2008). We also passed the audit by the German Embassy satisfactorily. Most important among our efforts, however, is instilling a culture of transparency and integrity in our company. Policies have been put in place thus creating an environment that is stable and predictableand therefore, one that is conducive to profit. Crewcare, Inc. Is committed to the belief that continued learning is essential to the mind and therefore in-service training is essential for both sea and shore staff. The biggest change in our company's mindset is that we follow the correct procedures. We know that transparency and fair processes build our Principal's confidence. More vessels mean more jobs for the Filipino Seafarers being hired by our company, giving them more chances to build a solid future for their families. Parallel to this, the gains in having more vessels means that more benefits will be given to our crew. We respect our crew and staff as individuals and as members of the Team, and encourage their growth through continuous upgrading seminars/ trainings and workshops. We create for them a work environment where teamwork is experienced; handwork and productivity are fostered and recognized through incentives and rewards... We are encouraging all our Officers and Crew to ride on this wave of optimism. To work hard for our company means more income, less expenses and this will be helpful for all of us. We have significant competitive advantages as we have crew who are highly skillful and well trained because from day 1 that they are hired by the company, Training and Familiarization of Maritime safety, STCW and MLC start. We have recruited a well trained, qualified, certified and efficient Filipino Officers and crew for our Principal and implemented new communication management protocols to further the crew-company relationship (open-line communication). A big smile from our faces here at Crewcare can add color to foster a closer relationship with them. With ALLSEAS/Paragon and Box Ships behind us, together we can achieve mutual growth and provide benefits to our crew and their families. We are growing and we have to work hard to achieve our goals. We care, we serve, we are on call 24/7. All of these calls for celebration and all the blessings are being given back to GOD, who has been our daily guide.

The Link

A new challenge has been assigned to Mr. Michael Bodouroglou, President & CEO of Paragon Shipping and Box Ships Inc. Mr. Michael Bodouroglou was officially inaugurated into the function of Honorary Consul of the Slovak Republic in Piraeus. The Ambassador of the Slovak Republic Mr. Ian Voderadsky gave an official ceremony in order to mark this important event. As Mr. Bodouroglou said I will try to promote the business links between the two countries and create new investment opportunities in the maritime and industrial sectors.

Certification Audit (ISO 9001:2008)

Our companys commitment to provide quality services to our customers (Standard Customer Satisfaction) is recognized as one of the driving criteria for any company to continually improve our system. Our quality management system details that are described in the standards are based on Quality Management Principles that include the process approach and customer focus. The adoption of these principles should provide customers with a higher level of confidence that we will meet their needs and increase their satisfaction. The Audits taught us many aspects in the Quality System, that is improvements can be made by taking action to address any identified issues and concerns. Continual improvement is the process focused on continually increasing the effectiveness and / or efficiency of the organization to fulfill its policies and objectives. Continual improvement (where continual highlights that an improvement process requires progressive consolidation steps) responds to the growing needs and expectations of the customers and ensures a dynamic evolution of the quality management system.

The Harsh Life on Board Ships in the Ancient Days

A mariners life in the present era is one of excitement and exhilaration. The vessels are equipped with the best features and the oceanic avenues are unlimited in their offering of exploration. However a few centuries ago, life on board ship was not so comfortable and the seamen had to endure problematic situations, often leading to fatal consequences. Since the vessels of the yester-era were built of wood and completely without electronically operated gadgets, the sailors had to physically ensure the vessel operation in the high seas. During storms and gales, sailors were put on high alert to ensure that the ship did not spring a leak or the sails were being operated appropriately.

Some of the other noteworthy points about the harsh life on ship in the bygone days can be recounted as follows: Shipping and flogging so as to ward off unruliness that could develop amongst the crew. The disciplinary action would also used to be taken so as to set an example to the other crew members. Punishments in the form of execution by hanging were also meted out to crew members guilty of causing a mutiny.

The food available in the olden days of ship life were stale and far past their usability, mainly because of months and months of sailing without touching anymore. This was also because of lack of refrigeration infrastructure and cold storage. Meat used to be preserved with salt and the sailors had to consume them because of lack of other fresh food commodities. Beef, pork and fish were the meats available at the sailors disposal. Excessive salt consumption led to sailors developing health problems. Beverages apart from water included ale and other wine. The food and drinks were stored in wooden casks in the deep interior of the ship. The quality of food storage used to be poor and unhygienic which made life on board ship difficult. Maggots, rats and other creatures used to infect the food items causing a lot of health problems to the sailors life on ship. Another important unfavorable face of nautical history about ship life in the olden days was the occurrence of diseases which were very common. Lack of vitamin C caused scurvy, responsible for innumerable fatalities on board a vessel. Other life threatening diseases recounted about the bygone history of sailors included malaria and yellow fever. Lack of proper warmth was another area which accounted for a distasteful maritime history in the olden days. Fires were not allowed to be lit on the deck areas and only in the ships kitchen (galley) were there fires burning. Combined with the lack of ventilation, personal hygiene and dampness, a lot of sailors suffered. Moreover, on many ships the crew used to sleep on the main deck as there were no below deck compartments. The maritime profession demanded a huge price from its professionals. The sacrifice and the perseverance of the seamen to make the best out of the worst scenarios made them extremely noteworthy in the timeline of nautical history. 4


Containerization changed not only the face of shipping but it also revolutionized world trade as well. A container ship can be loaded and unloaded in a few hours compared to days in a traditional cargo vessel. This, besides cutting labour costs, has reduced shipping times between points to a great extent, for example it takes a few weeks instead of months for a consignment to be delivered from India to Europe and vice versa. It has also resulted in less breakage due to less handling and there is less danger of cargo shifting during a voyage. As containers are sealed and only open at the destination, pilferage and theft levels have been greatly reduced. Allseas Marine S.A/Paragon Shipping and Box Ships added more containerships in its fleet. The companies have 7 containers from August 12, 2010 to this date. Containerization has lowered shipping costs and decreased shipping time, and this has in turn helped the growth of international trade. Cargo that once arrived in cartons, crates, bales, barrels or bags now comes in factory sealed containers, with no indication to the human eye of their contents, except for a product code that machines can scan and computers trace. This system of tracking has been so exact that a two week voyage can


Name Flag OfficialNumber CallSign Portofregistry IMONumber RegisteredOwners Reg.address

:MSCEMMA :MARSHALLISLANDS :4424 :V7WY6 :MAJURO :9275646 :LAWRY SHIPPING LTD. : TrustCompanyComplex,Ajeltake Road, Ajeltake Island,Majuro,Marshall Islands MH96960,MarshallIslands Commenting on the recent events, Mr. Michael Bodouroglou, Chairman, President and CEO of the Company stated With the addition of the MSC Emma, we are delivering on our strategy to expand the fleet by purchasing a vessel that is accretive to both our earnings and dividend per share. In addition, we increased our contracted charter coverage to 93% of our revenue days in 2012, 71% in 2013, and 41% in 2014 by securing employment for the vessel for three years at an attractive rate, and further diversifying our portfolio of charterers, while maintaining a solid balance sheet with approximately 53% leverage after the planned acquisition. We remain alert to identify the proper expansion opportunities to take advantage of the attractive fundamentals in the containership sector and in a manner that increases our free cash flow and dividends to shareholders.


Inwhatturnedouttobethemostfittingeventtocelebrate10yearsofdedicatedservicetoFilipinoseafarers anditsforeignprincipals,Crewcare,Inc.markeditsfirstdecadeofcrewingexcellencethroughagrandgala celebrationattheRizalBallroomofShangriLaHotelMakationNovember30,2010. Allseas MarineSAGeneralManagerMr.GeorgeSkrimizeasand Allseas MarineSACrewManagerCapt.IoannisDoumenistogether withSenatorGordon,GreekAmbassadorPolyxeni Stefanidou and selectguestsfromthelocalmaritimeindustryjoinedtheentire CrewcarefamilyledbyitsPresident,Ms.JosephineRoldan,inthe milestoneoccasion. SomeofCrewcares offdutyFilipinoseafarersandtheirfamilies,as wellascadetsalsotooktimeofftojointhemomentous celebration. Inherwelcomeremarksduringtheprogram,Ms.Roldansharedthe successthatCrewcarehasachievedduringitsfirstdecadeof operationtothecompanyofficers,staff,cadets,Filipinoseafarers andtheirfamilies. Shewasquiteproudthatdespitethemanychallengesthatbesetthe maritimeindustry,bothlocalandinternational,inthepastcoupleof years,Crewcaremanagedtopullthroughandevenpostsignificant gainshighlightednolessbytheestablishmentofitsownoffice building inthe heartofManilaandabranchofficeinCebu. Ms.RoldanlikewiseextendedherandCrewcares appreciationtothe companysprincipals,Allseas MarineandParagonShipping,for anchoringtheirtrustandsupporttothecrewingcompany. Inhismessageduringtheprogram,Mr.Skrimizeasexpressedhis wholeheartedappreciationtoCrewcareofficers,staffandtheirFilipino seafarersfortheirdedicationandhardworkincompetentlyfillingup thecrewingrequirementsofAllseas MarineandParagonShipping.

Yourcollectiveeffortshaveimmenselycontributedinthe continuedgrowthofAllseas MarineSAdespitethe challengingtimesintheglobalshippingindustry.Atthe moment,Allseas iscontinuingwithitsexpansionprogram withtherecentacquisitionoftwocontainershipsandthe placementofsevennewbuilding orders, proudlystatedMr. Skrimizeas. TheconstantgrowthofAllseas augurswellforCrewcareaswell asformanyothercompetentandqualifiedFilipinoseafarers sincethiswouldmeanmoreemploymentopportunitiesonboard thevesselsofAllseas.TheAllseas Greekexecutivesaidthattheir decisiontoputupanofficeinManilahasproventobeagood one.ThisdecadehasbeenfullofexperiencesforCrewcareand forustoo.IamjustgladthattheFilipinoofficersthatwe recruitedatthetimewestartedarestillthesamepersonswho arestillonboardonmostofourvesselsnow, Mr.Skrimizeas said. 7

Weconsiderourcrewmembersandtheirfamiliesaspartofourfamily.We knowmostofthemandtheyknowustoo.Duringourfirstdecadeof operation,Crewcarehasproventobeacompanythatreallycares and supportseachandeverymemberofitsfamily.Ithasalsoshownitsconcern forsocietythroughsociocivicundertakingssuchasmedicalmissionsand feedingprogramsamongotherinitiatives, remarksMr.Skrimizeas.He likewisereiteratedAllseas commitmenttotheprofessionaldevelopmentof itsFilipinoseafarersaswellastheirwelfareandcontinuedwellbeing includingtheirfamiliesthroughvarioustrainingandfamilywelfareprograms. SenatorRichardJ.Gordonaccentuatedthesignificanceoftheoccasionnot onlyforCrewcarebutalsoforthemaritimeindustry,astheeventsguestof honorandspeaker. SenatorGordonlaudedbothCrewcareandAllseas forachievingimportantmilestonesinaverycompetitive maritimeindustry.HecitedtheofficersandstaffofCrewcareandtheirFilipinoseafarersfortheirdeterminationand formeticulouslylogginginhoursofhardworkthatnaturallyfueledthecompanysconstantgrowth.Helikewise commendedAllseas foritscontinuedtrustandpreferenceforFilipinoseafarerstoserveonboarditsmanaged vessels.ThefactthatmostofAllseas vesselsaremannedbyfullFilipinocrewcomplementsspeakshighlyofthe confidenceoftheGreekcompanyinthecapabilityofFilipinoseafarersasworldclassmariners,"SenatorGordon enthused. GordonalsourgedtheFilipinoseafarersofCrewcareandAllseas nottorestontheirlaurels andralliedthemtocontinueupgradingtheirlevelofprofessionalcompetencethatwill eventuallyredoundtotheirownbenefitandthatoftheirrespectivefamilies. GreekAmbassadorStefanidou alsodeliveredamessageduringtheprogramandshefocused onthesharedcommonvaluesofGreekand Filipinoswhenitcomestostrongfamilyties.Sheaddedthatbothnationalitiesalsohaverich maritimetraditions,thusfurtherstrengtheningtheconnectionbetweenthetwocultures. AmbassadorStefanidou isalsoproudthatGreecehasthebiggestmerchantmarinefleetin theworld,andmostoftheirvesselsarealsoemployingFilipino seafarers,whichisbuta testamenttotheeconomicpartnershipbetweenthetwocountries. Followingthespeeches, Mr.Skrimizeas,Ms.RoldanandCapt.Doumenis,handedoutaLoyaltyAwardtoMs.Helyn Tamisan,AccountsManagerofCrewcare,forhavingbeenwiththecompanyforallofits10 yearsinexistence. TheofficialslikewisehandedoutaBestPerformingVesselAward for2010toMV FriendlySeas,whichwasreceivedby2/ERizalado.CombiningChristmaswithFilipiniana motif,theeventsworldclassentertainmentnumberswereprovidedbytheFolklorico FilipinoDanceCompany,theIntramuros CulturalDancers,andtheDonBosco Chorale. Crewcares RobertDagaleaalsocroonedseveralballadswhilethecompanyscadets renderedaveryinspiringpantomimeplaythatdrewoohs andaahhs fromtheaudience, thuscompletingtheeventswidearrayofentertainment. Capt.Doumenisdrewcurtaincalltothemeaningfulprogrambydeliveringtheclosing remarks.Allseas wouldnothavepostedits constantgrowthifnotforthesignificantcontributionsofCrewcareandthecompetent andqualifiedFilipinoseafarersitregularlyprovidesourvesselsparticularlyintheaspect ofproductivity. Fromaprivatecompanybackin1993,Allseas MarineSAhas transformedintoaglobalinternationalshippinggroupfrom1996 untiltoday.The companystartedmanagingtankervesselsbackin2000.Fiveyears later,Allseas began managingbulkcarriers.In2010,Allseas forayedintothecontainershipmarketwiththe acquisitionoftwocontainerships. Thecompanyhasalreadyattainedaleadingpositionintheshippingindustryandiscommitted tothehighestquality,integrity,environmentalstandardsofshippingservicesaswellasbusiness ethicsoncoursetowardbusinessexcellence.Allseas Marineisnowknownallovertheworldas anexcellentfirstclasscargocarrier. 8


The Eastern Orthodox Church, is one of the three major branches of Christianity. It stands in historical continuity with the communities created by the apostles of Jesus Christ in the region of the eastern Mediterranean, and which spread by missionary activity throughout Eastern Europe. The word orthodox (from Greek, meaning 'true-believing') asserts its teachings are truly consistent with the truth of Jesus as taught by the apostles. The Easter Orthodox Church has established communities in many other parts of the world due to the immigration of Christian Orthodox believers and due to missionary work.

Provision of meals to poor and needy children

Rationing rice and miscellaneous food stuffs to indigent families. Subsidy for transportation of poor school children. Provision of clothing to needy individuals. Subsidy for tuition and other school fees of deserving poor students. Direct financial help to indigent patients. All beneficiaries are verified and screened

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There is much more that the Church would like to do to impart Gods mercy to the least of our Lords brethren. However , means are not enough and these activities could hardly be sustained. The Parish Priest of the Annunciation of the Theotokos Orthodox Church located in Sucat, Paranaque City, Philippines through Father Nikitas Mellios sought assistance or donations from various Greek Manning Companies and Nationals here in Manila to sustain the needs of the Church. There have been times when there were blackouts in the church, no food for the children, the water supply cut off and so on. Allseas Marine S.A and Crewcare, Inc.s vision for their Corporate Social Responsibility is to be of help to the needy and especially the poor. A generous amount was given to Father Mellios through Allseas Marine SAs General Manager, Mr. George Skrimizeas for their Church. Father Mellios thanked Mr. Skrimizeas and said that the donation given to them will go a long way in helping the Church continue its ongoing mission of love.

The story of the Philippine National Red Cross is the story of men and women from all walks of life who have dedicated themselves to the service of humanity. It is the tale of hundreds of thousands of ordinary people who devoted their time and resources to help the poorest of the poor. Professionally trained and truly compassionate, these men and women are ready to lend a helping hand to those in need whoever, whenever and wherever they may be. For our Crewcares CSR, our Principal decided to donate a certain amount to help the Philippine Red Cross save lives, and this donation was coursed through Former Senator Gordon of the PNRC. Mr. Skrimizeas, the General Manager of Allseas Marine/Paragon and Box Ships handed over the check to Sen. Gordon.

At present, the PNRC provides six major services: Blood Services, Disaster Management, Safety Services, Community Health and Nursing, Social Services and the Red Cross Youth. All of them embody the fundamental principles of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality. These values guide and inspire all Red Cross staff and volunteers, to whom being a Red Crosser is more than just a philosophy but a way of life.. The heroism of the Philippine National Red Cross members are really commendable, and this is our companys aim, to be of help to those in need . 10


There was a big clamor from the families of our officers and crew from Cebu to have a Christmas Party for them too as they cannot come to Manila to join us in our annual Christmas Party. The good hearted Mr. Skrimizeas agreed to have the first ever Christmas Party in Cebu and our very active, Crewcare Cebu Mermaids Club composed of the wives of our crew started to prepare for the big event with Ms. Jojit Cabusas heading the preparation. From Crewcare Manila, we gave them instructions on what the party should be and it should be focused on the children. The party was held in Rajah Park Hotel in the center of Cebu last December 18, 2010 at 6pm. We were in Cebu the day before the party and checked out the place and all the preparations. We also helped Jojit and Ryan in the final setting up of the place for the party. Lights, tower of gifts, candies, toys as this is a guaranteed success with the kids and a lot more were seen in the party place. The Guest Speaker was the good friend of Crewcare, the POEA Cebu -OIC, Atty. Lerida. She stayed all throughout the party and exchanged pleasantries with everyone. Her Christmas message was really inspiring for everybody especially for the Crewcare Family. Christmas is for children and of course they love to dress up for this occasion, thus, the kids were asked to be in red clothes for the party. We prepared a lot of gifts for them and there were a lot of surprises during the party, games, song and dances from the children of our Officers and crew, a dance contest performed by the wives, where I joined in one of the dance contest. We had games both for the husbands, wives, children and guests. And it was really fun. The room was full of laughter and screams of joy from the children. During the dinner the daughter of 3/E Darcera sang some Christmas songs. And after the sumptuous dinner, the exchange gifts, gift giving and more games was next. Actually, grown-ups also love gifts thus, we had the games for adults too. Kids or adults, everyone loves to play party games for a prize. . Christmas party games are a good way to make the kids have fun and also keep them engaged. The night ended with everybody bringing with them gifts, prizes and the memory of the first Crewcare Inc-Cebu Family Christmas Party. It will be in the minds of the children especially that they danced, had a lot of fun and hoping that it will be Christmas again. Our hearts grow tender with childhood memories and love of kindred, and we are better throughout the year for having, in spirit, become a child again at Christmas-time. One of the nice things about Christmas is that you can make people forget the past with a present, even a small present.

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CREWCARE Incorporated has opened it doors for On-the Job-Trainees, seeing the positive impact of this program, the company has included this as part of its extension programs. For two-years now, Crewcare Inc. has accommodated 10 trainees from Golden Success Technical and Educational Institute Inc, a technical school which offers 2-year computer hardware and software technology. On-the-job- training (OJT) is an opportunity provided to the student-trainees to get exposed to corporate culture, professional experience and putting the theoretical concept learnt in the classroom for developing their computer technical skills along with office procedures management skills. With the support of competent Crewcare personnel, these trainees receive the proper training to complement what they learn in classroom and equip them with the skills and attitudes to ensure their readiness for work upon graduation. The trainees from CrewCare could also work as technical support in the maritime industry Mrs. Josephine Roldan , Crewcares President , aside from OJT has also extended financial support and scholarship to these trainees because she believes that education has the power to change the quality of a persons life, and more importantly, his family, community and the nation. In its commitment providing the necessary training and support to these student-trainees to make them competitive in work environment, Crewcare plans to sustain the On-the-Job Training as part of its Corporate Social Responsibility. ============ The management of time should be the No. 1 priority for us, the value of time

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Healthy living is long living. But how to live a healthy lifestyle?
We all are always advised to follow healthy habits in order to live a healthy life. A healthy, or disease-free life, is definitely what everyone will always look forward to. If you follow healthy lifestyle habits, you will automatically prevent most of the diseases. A healthy and disease free life also boosts your self confidence and makes you like the way you look and feel. So, if you are wondering how to live a healthy lifestyle, then take a look at the following tips and techniques. Tips on Living a Healthy Lifestyle Most of us often wonder what exactly living a healthy lifestyle means? Is it to have a good diet? Or to stop bad habits and personal practices like smoking? Well, these are definitely some of the best answers to how to live a healthy lifestyle, but not the only ones. There are several other healthy living tips that you need to follow in order to have a healthy lifestyle. They are: As mentioned above, having a suitable and balanced diet plays a major role in maintaining proper health. Secondly, you need to undertake some physical activity every day so as to help in proper digestion, burning of calories and proper functioning of the body. A daily 30 minutes of exercise; or a jog or cycling can help in keeping fit and also in losing weight. One of the often neglected points is maintaining proper personal hygiene. If you are wondering what are some good personal habits to have, then note that having a bath every day, wearing clean clothes are some of them that go a long way in helping you have a healthy lifestyle. At the same time, cleanliness is also one of the major factors that lead to having a healthy life. Wearing clean clothes, living in clean surroundings, getting rid of the clutter and waste around definitely brings in good, positive vibes, leading you to healthy living. Avoid smoking and alcohol consumption as it contributes in nothing good, but simply leads to body abuse. Alcohol and smoking have been confirmed to be the most common disease causing factors. Therefore, one of the best healthy living tips is to let go of these bad habits. Have a regular meals and sleep timetable. Having food at regular intervals and on a fixed time everyday helps in prevention of stomach problems. At the same time, sleeping for a full 5-6 hours everyday helps in getting rid of stress. Leading a disciplined life is one of the important healthy lifestyle tips. If you are looking for some more tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle, then note that having a positive attitude or being optimistic plays an important role in maintaining health. Being positive helps in avoiding anxiety and depression to a great extent. It also helps in maintaining healthy relationships and coping effectively with pressures and problems. Lastly, when thinking of how to be healthy, remember that along with work, relaxation and enjoyment are essential. Spending good quality time with your loved ones, going for picnics, taking a break from routine help you have a healthy lifestyle. These were some of the important points you need to consider if you say that know how to live a healthy lifestyle. Now that you know what living a healthy lifestyle means, start acting on it. right now and you are sure to see the difference in just a few days. Good luck!


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